Knowledge Fight - #14: February 17, 2017

Episode Date: February 20, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the what was going on in the world of Alex Jones on Feb 17, 2017. Topics covered include: Are chicken bones "the cleanest bones?" Dan and Jordan conceive of the best... sitcom idea ever Does Alex Jones low-key try to drop a rap verse? Does Trump have a super power that involves phones?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Chanzos, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. And we need to work out a new introduction. Yeah. The point of the matter is that I watch too much Info Wars,
Starting point is 00:00:16 and I like to sit down and describe it to you. I'm Jordan. Wait, did I redo that? I don't know. I thought that was our new introduction. I just say I'm Jordan three times in a row. Ah, I got it. Like Battlejuice, like Beetlejuice, not Battlejuice.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Battlejuice? Battletoads plus Beetlejuice means Battlejuice. And then add in, we're fans of Alex Jones, so it's Battlejuice. Boone's Farm is my Battlejuice. We're brought to you today by Boone's Farm, Strawberry Hill, Delightful Stuff. Jordan, we had a lot to cover. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:00:45 We need to get into the right headspace of what's going on here. Okay. Everything is falling apart around our eyes. Amazingly so. Like a slow-motion tire fire. It's not that slow. No, it's a super fast. Imagine a tire fire, but quicker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:04 So in the last week we've had, since we last recorded, yes, Donald Trump has given an incredibly unhinged press conference. The only way to describe it. He went to Florida to have a campaign rally a month into his presidency. The most insane thing I can imagine. I don't know if you watched any of it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It was off the chain. I can't. I can't do it. He had Pam Bondi come out and give a little bit of a hype introduction. And then Candle in the Wind started playing. Is he going to die? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Is he going to kill Princess Di? Well, here's the thing. Can you, is that a new Alex Jones conspiracy there that Princess Diana is still alive and Trump knows where she is? Doty Alfian is going to take him out. Here's the thing. I was like, why the fuck is he playing Candle in the Wind?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah. But then I started to listen to the lyrics and they talk about how evil the press is. All the papers had to say was Maryland was found in the nude. There's a couple lines in the song that are about how the press forced Marilyn Monroe to change into Marilyn Monroe from Norma Jean. It's a stretch.
Starting point is 00:02:11 That is a stretch. Elton, Elton, if you're listening. Yeah. We got some stuff to talk about. About the lyrics of Candle in the Wind. Way to go Elton, John. I didn't know that you're the one at fault for Trump. So then he's the camera pans over and it's to the open end
Starting point is 00:02:31 of the hanger because there's a bunch of people in the hanger and I'm sitting there. I'm like, there's no fucking way he's going to taxi in on a plane. He taxied in on a plane, didn't he? Well, because what made me suspicious. There is no garish, just pathetic thing he won't do. He had it. There was like the, the stair car was there.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So I'm like, there's, he's got to come in on a plane. Yeah. And then fucking Air Force One pulls in. Jesus fucking Christ. It takes for fucking ever. And then he gets off the plane, comes down, gives a absurd speech, lets a fan come out of the crowd and speak to the audience. Just some guy that he had seen on Fox News being interviewed.
Starting point is 00:03:10 He's like, oh, I recognize you. Come on up here. What? Secret service isn't going to like this, but we know our people. We know our people. Yeah. Why do we even do this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Why are we even American anymore? Let's just leave. It's so crazy. Everyone, everyone leave. Go, go now. There are other places to be, this place needs to be abandoned. There won't be places for long. We need to fucking be a, we need to build biodomes in the rainforest.
Starting point is 00:03:37 There is no other solution to this. You're getting dangerously close to Alex's breakaway civilization. Put them on, put them under goddamn ground. So whenever Trump nuclear weapons, the whole fucking world. So now you're advocating dums. I am advocating dums. Deep underground military bases. That is right.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yes. So he, he lets this guy get up there and he, he just is like, we all know Trump's gonna have the greatest blah, blah, blah. And it's, it's wild. Yeah. And then of course it is. Trump hugs the guy. This, this is the funniest fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Why don't we get to enjoy it? I don't know. Why isn't this is the funniest fucking thing I've ever lived through and I hate every moment of it. If it wasn't real, it would be so hilarious. It's the funniest shit. I can't even imagine. There's nothing, there's no way any writer would be allowed to get away with writing this story because they'd be like, this is too far fetched.
Starting point is 00:04:30 This is outside of what anybody would believe. Hey buddy, take another lap on this one. Yeah, come on. Do we need a, we need a script doctor in here to punch up. We need a full re-edit. So he gives his speech and he gets like, I mean the applause, it all comes at very predictable times. Of course.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Thankfully, I don't think I heard any lock her ups or anything like that. So maybe we're moving on from that. A couple people with Hillary for prison signs still. Two things that I found really horrifying. And this is, I don't like that we're taking this much time to talk about non-Alex stuff. Right. There was a bunch of people with Blacks for Trump 2020 signs behind him. There were like seven people.
Starting point is 00:05:08 2020? Yeah. That's a, it's a campaign event. It's a campaign event. Yeah. The rally in Florida was a campaign event. It's 2017. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He's campaigning three years in advance for the next, for his reelection. This is the funniest thing that makes me want to kill myself. Yeah. So these people are all there. They're clearly plants. All identical signs, identical shirts. And they all, along with everyone else. Oh, was it a spontaneous Blacks for Trump?
Starting point is 00:05:34 No. And everyone else in the audience along with them, or at least the people who are behind Trump all stand in unison and clap at the same things. It's very strange. It's very, I don't know, a gerbil's-esque. It seemed planned. But then also. Understated.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Understatement. There was a lady with a veterans for Trump sign and one guy in military fatigues behind him. And at one point Trump says, who here are veterans? And when he says that, the lady with a veterans for Trump sign sits down and hides her sign and the guy in fatigues doesn't even clap. So it's like, hmm, that would be your fucking time. That would be your cue. It's almost like someone was in costume.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah. And forgot that he's supposed to be military guy. So anyway, we've had this stuff and we've had, and I got to be honest, a lot of this is wearing on me. Yeah. It's getting to the point where I'm starting, I'm not starting to go crazy or anything like that. But Alex Jones is starting to hurt me. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And I'm not saying this for pity. No, what you're saying it for is to take credit for becoming a martyr for the cause, right? No, I'm saying it mostly. You are our Jesus. No, I'm saying it mostly to get myself off the hook a little bit. Oh. Because I've been listening to a bunch of his shit and then during the rally, I shouldn't have watched it.
Starting point is 00:06:56 But no, when I was watching it, I started to drink and that is what you should have done. Yeah. But it got me, you know, the wine got good to me and I started drinking some more. And by the time it was over, I realized, oh, fuck, I've got to get clips for our next episode. So I isolated all of these clips drunk. Excellent. So I don't remember what some of them are. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah. This is our next grab bag episode right here. A little bit. But I do know that it's from February 27 or 17th, excuse me, we're not in the future. Right. February 17th, the Friday episode, he does respond to Trump's crazy press conference. So we get to get into that a little bit and then I have a little bit of a couple bonus clips from an episode that he put out only on the internet.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Oh, we know he's got, he goes unfiltered on the internet. He put out an hour clip that might be the most boring and stupid thing I've ever seen in my life. No. Maybe we should just start with that. That's the weirdest. Let's start with the bonus. That's not the Alex we know. It is.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It is actually. Oh, that's a good point. It is exactly the Alex we know. It's fairly close. So what ended up, here's the introduction to the show that he did for the internet. This is interesting. This is like dessert for dinner. We're having, we're doing the bonus ahead of the actual episode.
Starting point is 00:08:23 All right. So here's his introduction. All right. I'm going to attempt something here today live at 314 central standard time that I've never succeeded in. I have a big frustration. I last night this morning, today during breaks, probably scanned over 300 articles. There were a couple hundred others I couldn't even look at.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I watched all these video clips and researched them and then played a fraction of them. And I'm not complaining. It's just I've gotten kind of OCD about the way I do things. So this may be a train wreck. It may be good. It may be bad. But we are seeing the fall of world government, at least the world government, by a bunch of corporatists.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Their system of like being in the shadows and running everything is coming down. Does that mean we won't screw it up now? No, no, the fight has just begun, but we're having some major victories. So at this point, are you getting any sense of what he has tried in the past to do but failed? No. I make a woman come. I think that's implied. So I've got 500 articles here.
Starting point is 00:09:31 No, you don't. I've learned to judge these before I even said, I bet there's stacks, 40 articles, and then it's like 43 articles. I've learned. Not even close to 500. This is 500 articles. It's not. This is a good 500.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Where? He has it all. Where are they stacked? He has them all on the desk. Does he have 500 tabs open on his chrome? He has them all in front of him on his desk and they are printed out articles. I don't know if there's 500 of them, but I will tell you this. 500 articles is way too much to ever cover.
Starting point is 00:10:02 You can't. No. You can't get into any of the substance of it. Okay. Do you know how much a ream of paper weighs? I do actually because I used to work at Office Depot. Right. And that's 200 sheets, right?
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Now put two of those on top of each other. And then cut Alex Jones in half. Alex as I am. Exactly. There we go.
Starting point is 00:10:26 That's how many Alex Jones has read, one half of his entire body. So spoiler alert, he doesn't get through these articles. Of course not. But it's the most boring, stupid fucking show I've ever sat through. Because here's what he does. Okay. He has all these articles and- Does he ever reveal what he's not done successfully in the past?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Just getting into the weeds, getting through all the articles, I think is what he was saying. Oh. Because he always interrupts himself or goes on tangents. So he tries to just read off the headlines of all of these articles. Okay. To try and prove his point. Does he get to 500? I didn't count, but-
Starting point is 00:10:59 Okay. Well, let's listen to all of it. Here is what he is not telling you. All of them are articles. Not all of them, but I would say 85 to 90% are Infowars or Prison Planet. That is just fucking synergy is what that is. It is. That is-
Starting point is 00:11:20 A little drudge. Multi-level marketing right there. And then he has one article that's called The History of Mercantilism. Oh, well that sounds fascinating. Well, but he's like, this is a real dense article about economics. And you know, I'm not going to get into that. Yeah, of course not. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Dense. Dense is not his style. Hey, my man, you didn't read it. So anyway- He can't define the word mercantilism. I always thought it had something to do with clothing. I mean, it does. You have to wear clothes.
Starting point is 00:11:51 But in a tertiary way. Well, selling clothing via ships. Well, yeah, but I mean, there's other stuff. Yeah. There's like, you know, it's the big one is tea. You know, the East India- Yeah, I apologize. There was a weird lapse there because I was biting my nail.
Starting point is 00:12:07 All right, this is going to be a bad episode if you're biting nails already. Don't worry about it. Let's get some of these headlines. And I'm supposed to pick the kids up about an hour and a half. So I said to be a two hour broadcast. I better just shut up and actually just read these headlines and then not comment on them because I always comment and never get to the next story. But just imagine at night in the morning and getting here and then they're just
Starting point is 00:12:31 bringing me in more stuff and more clips and it's very frustrating. What does reading the headlines of articles accomplish? It gives you what news he wants you to hear without knowing what the actual story is. Does he think it's an accomplishment to read the headlines of 500 articles? Apparently, yeah. Because that's not how articles work. No, and especially not on where they sensationalize everything and lie and headlines.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Isn't it supposed to be the, like, that's like reading, that's literally like reading a library, but only reading the names of all the books. It's judging a book by its cover. It's literally judging a book by its cover. Or like back in the day when BuzzFeed just had lists. Yeah. It's like, oh, I read that list. Well, they've improved.
Starting point is 00:13:16 We all have lists. That's all we do now. Yeah. We're lists. Because it's like no wonder you're under such tyranny. How do you keep track of all this? But just imagine the palette politically this creates when you're actually not just the headline, but reading five or six paragraphs on these and then knowing the back story,
Starting point is 00:13:36 comparing that to other people. I mean, well, let's just say it. I don't think anybody reads more news than I do. I mean, I'm sure there's people out there that do, but people on here, they just pick a few points to sound smart about here, the teleprompter and it's loaded and they sit there and try to suck stuff. I'm not saying I'm that great. I'm just simply saying, the only person I know reads as much news as maybe Ron Paul
Starting point is 00:13:55 or John Trump and then see how successful they are. So it's not just that we're buying into their propaganda. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm barking. I'm very angry. My window is open.
Starting point is 00:14:09 The neighbors are going to be so scared. Yeah. So no one reads more news than Alex. Nobody reads more news than Alex Joe. The first article he puts up. No one on this planet, aside from maybe Ron Paul or Donald Trump or, oh, and you see how successful Donald Trump can't read. He can't read.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Everybody shut up. He cannot read. That's why you just watch his cable news and he is, he is, and here's what I was actually thinking on the way here. I don't think, so I don't use this word. I think it's often offensive. Guys, this is a really big lead up here. If used incorrectly, this is an offensive word,
Starting point is 00:14:52 but I do believe that Donald Trump is retarded. Like in the delayed sense. I think, I think he was, he was trapped in the soul or in the brain space of a 12 year old child and he just happened to have millions and millions of dollars. And so that's all he's done. He is retarded. He does not know anything more than what a seventh grader would know. It appears that he's at least not very capable of abstract thought.
Starting point is 00:15:19 He's a fucking idiot. Yeah. And it sucks. It sucks to say that. And it, I don't say that as an attack. I say that as like an analysis. No, it's, it's not an attack. It's a tragedy.
Starting point is 00:15:30 He's an idiot in the way that we were all bummed out whenever the twin towers fell. But he wasn't. That's how stupid he is. He was the twin towers falling of an intellect. Do you remember what his response was? Yeah. He said now fucking driving up his goddamn rent. And he's, no, he was on TV and he said now my building is the tallest in New York.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Oh, that's right. That's the, that's the shit. God, I, I, what an asshole. Why are we? Anyway, can't we just, can't we just get rid of his advisors or, or even better. Let's build a fake White House. He already has. It's called the Winter White House.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Right. But here's what we do. Or Southern White House now. Okay. We build a fake White House. We build a fake press corps. We put all of his people in there and we just have him Truman show. Let's turn it into a reality show, but actually give the government to people who aren't.
Starting point is 00:16:20 A bunch of nerds. Yeah. Bunch of nerds. Let's go with nerds. Yeah. Give it to nerds and then we'll just watch him because he's hilarious. If he didn't have an impact on our lives, God, he's the funniest man alive. So Alex also is pretty funny, but we also know that he's a policy wonk and he gets into
Starting point is 00:16:38 and a voracious reader. Yes. No one reads more news. No one reads. So he gets to his first article is about how Ivanka Trump's line is doing well, despite the backlash, despite the protests. Great. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Great. Wonderful. But his argument. Fucking wonderful. His argument is that everyone hates the globalists so much that they try and boycott her products and it only helps her. So that's his first, uh, bit of news. And then he gets to this a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Let's continue. Ted Nugent discusses possible us Senate vote in 2018 in Michigan. We've got him set up for the show on Monday. Great. We're going to definitely be back in that for the motor city madman between his time in Texas and Michigan to return to that great state. He reads the headline wrong. Uh, he says a Senate vote.
Starting point is 00:17:23 He meant Senate run, uh, but wait, he's pot. He, uh, uh, Nugent wants to run. Nugent wants to run. Yeah. The guy who is notorious for saying the n word all the time. Yeah. The guy who, uh, often goes on stage with guns and is like Nancy Pelosi, suck my gun. You know what?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Fuck it. Give him the seat. I don't even care anymore. Look, it's already, we're already burning it down. Throw Nugent on there. I don't give a shit. Let's put all of Chicago in the gut. And I mean the band.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Let's put all of Chicago, the Eagles, our house of representatives should just be faded 80s or kid rock wants to run too. In those guys are both Detroit guys. Fred Durst in who else you got? Fred Durst would have to run in Florida. I think Scott step in. Yeah. We welcome you into the Senate with arms wide open.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Oh, so I mean that's problematic as hell. But, uh, one of this is, I'm not going to play tons of clips of him just reading headlines because that's boring. Because why? Yeah. It's super boring. Why did he play him reading headlines? Because he wanted to show, I think he wanted to show you and I that he's in the weed.
Starting point is 00:18:33 That's like, that's like him being like, Hey guys, I'm going to show you this video of me brushing my teeth, but it's going to be left handed. I've never been able to do it before. But it's better for you somehow. So he has this clip where he actually literally toothpaste. This has to do with the Russian ships off the course of the coast. Which is, yeah. And what's fun about this clip is within the span of about a minute,
Starting point is 00:19:00 he literally contradicts himself and he doesn't even realize he's doing it. Of course. Which is gorgeous. So listen for this. Like Trump said, you think I'm going to be tough on Russia? It's Hillary got the uranium money. I have no connection. What the hell is this?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Also, just to stop that really quick, that is such a misrepresentation of what happened with that uranium deal. Yeah. It's insane the idea that like, oh yeah, Hillary sold the uranium. That's not what happened at all. It was also a Canadian company. In that press conference, we found out that Trump just learned what mutually assured destruction means.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's bad stuff. He just learned that. It's a phase like none other. Did you guys hear about nuclear weapons? Do you know what they can do? Uranium is used for bad stuff. It's used for bad stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Locker up. It's like, are you going to do something about a ship that's 15 miles off the coast? Trump's like, okay, they got like 50 submarines off our coast. You know about that? We got like 100 off theirs, 100 ships. I mean, what does that mean? Yeah, and they got nuclear cruise missiles in them too, dumbass. Sir, they're off our coast with nuclear weapons.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, that's how this works. We should de-escalate it. Yeah, they're off the coast with a signal ship to pick up incoming. So submarines can pop up and fire hundreds of cruise missiles at us and turn the East Coast into a molten slag heap. Stop trying to start a fight. McCain, who doesn't know what day it is, and his prank callers call him up and he thinks this is the prime minister of Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Let me tell you, learn what's going on before you try to run the world. So from this first part of the clip, he's talking about how Russia has signal ships that can relay messages. And then they can nuclear weaponize. They can turn the East Coast into a heap. Yes, and we know that's bad. I didn't edit this at all. This is the next headline he reads.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Okay. Russian spy ship on the direct threat Pentagon says, yeah, no kidding. Russia has one ship on our East Coast and we've got like hundreds on theirs. This is horrible. You break. That's a literal contradiction of the words that just came out of his mouth. He's talking about how these ships are there and they can signal all also existing submarines that will destroy the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yes. The next story is there's only one ship and it's not a threat. Of course it's not a threat. How, ah, he's like, ah, he's legitimately cognitive dissonance is actually Alex Jones's middle name. He's legitimately like a dog. He's just, he just sees what's up here is like, oh, I got to respond to that. There's no short-term or long-term memory.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Now, if I, if I think of him as a cute little puppy, I feel so much better. But that's a loud fucking puppy. Yeah. I mean, it's an annoying puppy, but he's so cute. He's, he looks like a Sharpay. He's got folds of fat all over the place. Oh, also shout out to our main man far out. Made us a nice logo.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We may use it. Possibly could use it. Absolutely. But a big thank you. We always love some nice fan art. And it's really cool. Yeah. It's really awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And thank you to everybody who's joined up and has subscribed. I'm seeing these numbers grow. And it really is, it's heartening, much like Obama seeing protests. Tell your friends. And much like a 60 degree day in February in Chicago. Sure. You know, a totally normal thing that happens. So re heartening.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Oh, it makes me feel like there was a blizzard in May last year. This is cool. I love, I love unpredictable weather. Yeah. I like how I took down the plastic from my window. I'm going to get horse fucked in like two weeks. Yeah, I know. So anyway, now it's time to get to the actual Friday show.
Starting point is 00:22:42 That was the after a show that he put out on Friday. If you want to go watch it, I highly don't recommend it, but it's just tons of him trying to read headlines and just fucking it up. Just completely fucking it up. I'm going to guess he did not actually have 500 there. He's learned to judge the stacks, as he mentioned earlier. Right. I mean, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I don't know. Anyway, stacks on stacks on stacks. Alex starts off Friday's show. Yeah. By having a new directive about what we need to do about the media. The prime directive. Yes, it is. Not interference.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Now we're set to win. God damn it. We have to decide that we are not going to live under the deception of a term that I thought of this morning. And I'm sure because it's such an obvious term that other people thought of it as well, but it just hit me and I tweeted it out. Maybe we can pull that tweet up that the official name of MSM shouldn't just be fake news because they can throw that back and forth on new independent media journalists,
Starting point is 00:23:47 investigative journalists, just somebody that videotaped something that the government doesn't want seen. They can just throw fake news back on that. Wait, what's up? What's the question? It's something that the government doesn't want seen is fake news. Well, they can throw that at them. You know, you could accuse that of being fake news.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Like video of cops killing people or something fake news. There's no, there's no, there's no, there's no reality anymore. We are all living in this fantastical dream world. We're so far through the looking glass. This is such a pure, pure bald faced insanity. It's one of those things where like I've been starting to wrestle with this. I don't really know if there's any way home. No, there's none.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I don't think we can click our glass slippers together and wish ourselves back. There's no going back. Even, even if, you know, he ends up getting impeached and we try and write the ship. I think the damage is done. Oh no, there's no going back. It's too late. It's too late. All of, all of the rules he broke are forever broken.
Starting point is 00:24:46 There's a template. There's a template now for breaking the rules. America, it turns out is nothing. It took zero to destroy us. He's absolutely illustrated that you can just break rules with impunity and no one's going to stop you. No one has his goddamn tax returns. Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You're right. Yep. Sorry. Your yelling is scaring me. I know. I'm sorry. It's all right. It's, we're still, we're still, we're still.
Starting point is 00:25:13 We're still. We're still waiting for the tax returns. They aren't coming. The ones that are almost, he's already president. Yeah. He's already president. He is. He can release them.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Sure. He's already, he has us, he has an advisor who committed treason. Light. Who committed light treason. Yeah. Who lied to the FBI. Uh-huh. He can just, he can just do it.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Nobody's going to stop him. I just, now I just want to know how fucked we are. You want to know how deep it goes. Yeah. Well, I think that's the reason he can't is that it's probably like a little swimming pool. Yeah. It's so deep. It's high dive deep.
Starting point is 00:25:50 He actually has a Putin shaped dildo up his ass all day every day. And that's in the tax returns. That's in the tax return. Well, you had to write off the dildo. I mean, that's a business expense. So anyway, here's the term that he came up with and he's really fucking proud that he came up with it. You can throw it on them. You got to have something that ties them, the globalist, the big corporate collaborator media
Starting point is 00:26:14 to the fact that they're the mainstream media and that known term. And so it's the fake stream media. That's it. That's the name. I've been searching and searching and searching and searching. I agree with him. Puns are hard. You know, like sometimes I'll sit around and I'll be like, huh, how, how do I play with words?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. Fuck, it's hard. Oh man. I like fake news and I know there's a mainstream media out there. Let's go with, let's go with fake media news stream. So close. No, let's go with, let's go with false media, media stream. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah. Too much. Let's go with lies on, lies on balls on my face. No. All right. Fake stream media it is. Yeah. That's so pathetic.
Starting point is 00:27:11 That like the idea that he's been looking and looking. So proud of himself. Yeah. Guys, he puts on his like screen that's behind him, the tweet. Yeah. He's like, look at this thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. He like he, like yeah, or no, like he built a statue. Like he's a Greek. He's the new Michelangelo painting the walls of this, the Sistine Chapel. This term will live on when I'm dead. This will be my great work. I swear to God it probably will. So he has some thoughts about Twitter and how they're censoring Trump and what he sees on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It's all colossal bullshit. They're censoring what Trump sees. Yeah. I don't know if he explains it fully in here, but what he believes. Because you can't. Yeah. What he believes is that Twitter is juicing their algorithm. So whenever you look at a tweet, like if you expand one of his tweets,
Starting point is 00:28:04 all of the responses that you see are negative. And Alex's theory is that Twitter is doing this intentionally. So the president feels alone. Oh, yeah. Exactly. Oh, poor Donald. It's impossible. Also, does he not get that most of the world is pretty much on the side of hope Trump dies?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Well, not hope he dies, but hope this. I am totally, we're past that. We're past that. I'm on, I'm on the hope he dies. You and I are on slightly different sides of this because I think that would cause more trouble than it helps. You know what? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I don't even know anymore. I don't even know anymore. You're on burn it down and run away. I'm on burn it down. That's why I don't even know anymore. So there's one possibility and that is that Twitter is juicing their algorithm like this or the other possibility, which is equally likely in my eyes, maybe more likely is that there is an upswing in people negatively responding to the bullshit
Starting point is 00:29:03 that flies out of his mouth. It seems odd. Possibly. It seems odd. So anyway, It turns out that when you make up terrorist attacks in Sweden, people are like, nah. Well, to be fair, when he was talking about that in Sweden, he was talking about a Tucker
Starting point is 00:29:16 Carlson piece already ran on Fox News. All right. So he wasn't talking about an actual terrorist attack. He was talking about a news report that he saw on Fox News the day before about how crimes made by immigrants are on the rise in Sweden. Yep. Much better. So our president watches TV.
Starting point is 00:29:38 A lot. All right. Some people have said up to six hours a day. Kill us. Anyway, here's the clip. Now I'm on let Trump live and just get me out of here. Just end this. Just kill me.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Just let it go. Again, if you go back just a month ago on my Twitter, all the comments like 97% were positive. You go to YouTube, it'll give like a 96, 97% on average. Some of those 99% upvote. Definitely not. I've also looked at, you know, they have that Twitter audit that people do. And I think it's about a third of Alex's followers are fake.
Starting point is 00:30:15 About a third of prison planet. That's Paul Joseph Watson's Twitter. Right. Those are also fake. Of course. But I mean, I don't, those numbers are a few years old. I don't know if it's changed since then, but I would assume that the trend is about that.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah. You'd think. And so I mean, I think there are a lot of people. There's a lot of bots involved in their online presence. Yeah. Very clearly. Anyway. And they're having trouble gaming that because that's just a solid vote.
Starting point is 00:30:45 But when it comes to Twitter, just like you see what Trump, Paul wrote about at your stay, the first few hundred are negative. They just stack it with an algorithm to say, you're an idiot to shout you down like you're under peer pressure. Like, oh my gosh, I'm not getting good feedback now because Zuckerberg's been talking about this and one of his manifestos is out. He thinks we're so stupid. We won't read it.
Starting point is 00:31:06 He admits, I'm going to track your private communications. I'm going to rip you off. He did read the headline. I'm going to hurt you. He thinks that Zuckerberg legit wants to hurt you. Through algorithms. Through algorithms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But I mean, does he know what an algorithm is? What's interesting is that there have been stories that have come out about them. They have done that. Selectively like experimenting with what you see on your Facebook. Right. Like what types of stories you see from your friends, which friends you see, and it is kind of fucked up. So social media is kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. They do do fucked up stuff, but I don't think this is one of them. No. Also, I don't like him. How would you even begin to write an algorithm that targets negative responses, but only for Trump? Right. Wouldn't it have to then apply to so many other people?
Starting point is 00:31:57 I don't know if that is necessarily where the issue is. Of course it's not. I think that you'd have a difficult time having a robot figure out what is a positive and a negative response. I think that's a really good point. Because tone and irony isn't going to be able to be picked up. Unless the globalists have invented a robot that can pass the touring test and also trolls Trump.
Starting point is 00:32:28 There are two things I want the globalists to get to work on right now. An algorithm that can pass the touring test and also troll Trump. I am a human algorithm. So fucking stupid. I want it to then start tweeting negatively at Trump. You are bad president. Oh my God. It's off the reservation.
Starting point is 00:32:49 The human algorithm is gone rogue. All right. Trump bought 2.0. He says a little bit more about this. And then he gets into one of our favorite things here on the podcast, which is a stupid impression. Excellent. So these people are predators.
Starting point is 00:33:03 They're super predators. So they can't. Call out to. Every time just they're just going. You go watch a movie, a comic book movie, and it shows the villain going, I will destroy the now. Yes. That's actually what it's like when you're dealing with megalomaniacs.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I mean, you're making that voice. You grow up as a kid. And all that's just cartoons. But real villains actually go, oh, I'm going to screw everyone over. I will destroy everyone. Everyone will be poor. With me, I'll run everything. I mean, that's who these people are.
Starting point is 00:33:30 And we'll have suicide nets around the Apple factories and drug everyone and then just shoot them in the back of their head and throw them in a gutter when we're done. And sell everybody's organs and everything. Oh, I'm fucking tired. He just jerked off, didn't he? That's how he comes. I got stacks of it here today.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Stacks on stacks on stacks. They're just throwing it in your face. It's amazing. But when we come back, I'm going to hit it all. It's amazing. Press conference to end all press conferences, but watch the next one be even better. They just smoothly walk down and absolutely butchered them
Starting point is 00:34:07 and just made a big joke out of the MSM or the fake stream media. But just look at that. How now everywhere it's to make us feel bad because they don't want us to be verified and realize that we're the majority of the world's waking up and nationalism is taking place. So they admit that they're quote rolling out massive censorship against nationalists against populist and against patriots.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I mean, this is a true information war. Yeah, he doesn't get to these articles. No, of course not. Even on that special that we talked about at the beginning, it doesn't really he does not get to articles that lay it all out. How many times do you think he says fake stream media in this episode? I would say below 100 or above. I would say it's in the like 50 maybe in the 50 range.
Starting point is 00:34:54 He really hammers it. Yeah. What you're saying is fake stream media is in play. It is in play on his end. It's like fetch for mean girls. So wait, so he's saying that Trump doesn't want them verified. Does he mean no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no friend. He's talking about the globalists.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Okay, sorry, sorry. The globalists don't want nationalists to feel verified in their own opinions. I think what he meant is validated. Okay, yeah, I was going to say, I thought he meant the blue check mark. On Twitter is a very specific connotation. He wants every Pepe the Frogs have a blue check mark right next to it. Why not?
Starting point is 00:35:30 At this point, like five of my friends have check marks. It's so hard not to be nihilist right now. Yeah, it's like who gives a shit it's Twitter. I don't know. Exactly. It's a yeah, and they're losing stock. So maybe we'll be free of them once and for all. Maybe we can get a check mark.
Starting point is 00:35:45 We've got like 40 followers. Follow us at at knowledge underscore The number of listeners we have compared to how many Twitter followers we have is crazy. I am 100% fine with it. I'm all right with it too, but we are like, it's really easy for someone who doesn't like us to attack us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Like, oh, you dumbasses with 40 followers. You should see our downloads. They're pretty decent. Dude, dude, that's not your defense. Your defense, your defense should be. Yeah, and then done. That's fair. It's that easy.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah. You're 100% correct. Goodbye. You know what? I think I'm projecting that other people are bullying me maybe a little bit, and that's not healthy. That's your victim hood. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Who feels it more in his life? What do you want to safe space? I got a man lurking on a college campus waiting for you. Oh man, I hope he has pills. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. None of the good ones. But you know who feels more bullied than me?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Who? Fuckin' Alex Jones. How? He has a lot of thoughts about how the globalists are a bully cult. Okay. You know what? It's a bullying cult. I agreed to let the New York Times come here for a piece because
Starting point is 00:36:51 some of my sources say that this business rider is somewhat fair. So I said, okay, I'll do an occasional piece. We get requests every day, obviously, from the New York Times. You name it. He doesn't. He doesn't. But also get ready for, you know how we have like this thread that goes throughout where he tells stories that didn't happen?
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. This is an excellent version of that. This story didn't happen. Okay. And when it, when he's done telling it, I would really like to explain what I imagine happened. Can we verify that this even happened? The business?
Starting point is 00:37:23 No, we can't repair. I can't. So the New York Times, we've emailed the New York Times for comment and they have said no comment. We are not journalists or not our job. Perhaps better yet, no response. I don't believe they would email us back. Hey guys, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. Yeah. New York Times is like, we don't care. How many followers do you guys have? 40? The answer is no response. So here's some fun fan fiction about this New York Times. Almost every day from the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Nope. Hundreds of writers. Definitely not. And the lady comes, she's a local Austin photographer. That's not a writer. And she does it for the New York Times and she's real nice here about 45 minutes. Mitch, she's good looking. And then she's leaving and I said, hey, give me your card or your info.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And you know, sometimes maybe take photos for us. She said, oh, for money, right? She's been real nice until that point. And I said, well, of course, yeah, we pay people. And I was like, oh, are you? Oh, because we're Trump supporters. She probably goes, yeah, I can't be politically involved in something like that. And I said, even if I don't put your name on it.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And I said, I'm not begging you to come take photos for us. But you know, is that you're being bullied? You might lose your liberal contracts. And she was just basically without saying yes, kind of nodded her head. I just looked at her and it just was a bad feeling that we're in a cult. I mean, I think it's possible that the New York Times came. It's possible that there was a reporter there. That's a photographer.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's possible that all that is true. But I think a more realistic version of what happened was this photographer probably was like, oh, fuck, I got to go take pictures of Alex Jones. And then she shows up and she's like, I don't want to engage. He's like, hey, you should come take some pictures for us. And not because the liberal establishment will bully her. She was like, I don't want to get involved here. Yeah, you guys are nuts.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You guys are this and well knowing what we know about him, it was not a, hey, you could take pictures for us. It was more like a, hey, you know, you could come take your pictures for us. Yeah, I'd like to give you some super female vitality on the house. Yeah, we can turn your pussy into a log flume. It would be so wet, so wet. Don't, don't. It'll be like a magic mountain.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh my God. The visual that you just gave me. Well, I'm just trying to imagine how Alex Jones might sexually harass somebody. And it has to involve super female vitality, which you can get now at This toothpaste also functions as lubricant. You guys, my dad makes it and you fucked my mom. I shouldn't be telling you this.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Uh, listen, it's in the papers. I got a report on it. It's in the white papers. I should say that actually that toothpaste super blue would not work as lube. Uh, he does make a, he makes to be 100% fair to super blue. It could not be used this lubricant. He makes a big deal about how it's thick and substantial. It's like, remember back when toothpaste was thick?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Cool. All right. That's gross. So this report, how do you make toothpaste gross like that? I don't know. So that's a skill. This photographer thing didn't happen the way he, he thinks it did. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And it's so fascinating. These, the paranoia is everywhere. I asked her if she was being bullied and she didn't say yes, but kind of nodded. She gave me the, she gave me the liberal media. The fake stream media is bullying me. Wink slightly nod if the answer is yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Blink your left eye. Once if yes, bling your right eye. Twice if no. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's absurd. It's absurd fan fiction about his own. I would, I, so based, based on that, I would assume that an actual photographer came. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Probably. That seems like a, that seems the weirder thing to make up. If it was a photographer, because he spent all this time talking about writers, how he gets a hundred requests a day and New York times and hundreds of, you know, that whole thing. Yeah. The fact that it was one photographer lady that showed up and when she got the assignment, that day must have been such a bummer for her.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yeah. But I also think that if he is lying and making it up out of whole cloth, the narrative that I had a writer come and I tried to get him to write stuff for us, that's a harder sell than a photographer. Like I just want to freelance with us. Like a writer would actually have to care and like be on the same page. Right, right. A photographer could just be doing like.
Starting point is 00:41:43 But in our history of Alex Jones making up things whole cloth, he does not go halfway. No. That is too believable for him. Yeah, that's true. If it were, if it were him making it up whole cloth, it would literally be Woodward and Bernstein. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Knocking down his door going, we can't wait to write for infowars, but we're a little bit afraid because of the globalist. He keeps talking about how much Seymour Hirsch loves him. So, I mean, to this next clip, he tells a story. So does Emile Hirsch, Jud Hirsch, all the, all the Hirsch's, all the Hirsch clan. And why not all the bald ones? Even, even the one who's not related.
Starting point is 00:42:22 The one who's in DC. Adam Baldwin. Yeah, the one from Firefly. Yeah. So this next clip, he tells, he tries to make a point using a law that never existed and then he, then he conflates reality with a movie and does another fucking wild impression. I love his impressions.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And Trump goes out in his press conference, the second one, and just goes, look, got the coal miners here. And we're going to do this in the media. All spends it. Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule. And then the media spends it to allow them to dunk toxic waste in rivers. That's completely illegal. They have big contained slurry pools that they put it into.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Oh, that makes me feel good. And then every once in a while, one of them breaks. That's what happens with industry and life on this planet. But they're trying to say any water runoff period is illegal, making it impossible. Remember like six years ago, Obama wanted to ban dust and farming? Any dust was like, what, $3,000 fines. And the next one was 20,000. It just went up.
Starting point is 00:43:23 So I looked into that. The idea. Any dust? The idea that Obama wanted to ban dust. And here's, You would have to very, you would have to define dust really well if you wanted to successfully ban it. This is an article from 2011.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Earlier this year, Republicans found what they saw as an ideal talking point to illustrate a federal bureaucracy gone batty. The environmental protection agency they warned was trying to regulate something only God could control, the dust in the wind. Now here comes my favorite part of the crazy regulatory acts. The EPA is now proposing rules to regulate dust. Representative John Carter of Texas said on the house floor, he said Texas is full of dusty roads.
Starting point is 00:44:04 The EPA is now saying you can be fined for driving home every night in your gravel road. If you are a representative from Texas, you're automatically an idiot. Well, I have yet, I have yet to hear a single. Wasn't Kinky Friedman in the house for a little while? I just, he kept running for mayor, I think. Anyway, here, there was just one flaw in this argument. It was not true. That is a big flaw though.
Starting point is 00:44:28 The EPA's new dust rule did not exist and it never did. Oh my God. Yep. Why are, up, do you, do you remember, do you remember when this thing that didn't happen happened? I hated it, I hated it. Since, still, the specter of this rule has spurred three bills to prevent it, one of which was approved Thursday by a House subcommittee.
Starting point is 00:44:50 It sparked a late night battle on the Senate floor. GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain cited it in a debate as a reason to eliminate the EPA. The hubbub over this phantom rule, surely one of the most controversial regulations that never was, involved a slow-moving federal agency and a Republican party with the EPA and its crosshairs. It never existed. That, if that, if that weren't so completely and utterly evil, the fact that they still get away with shit like that is truly amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Like, I mean, you read like the old, like the first thing that came up to mind was like reading the art of war and at no point in the art of war was he just like, hey man, make shit up, I don't know, fuck him, you'll probably win. There's probably an army who fucking gives a shit. Like, there's no way Sun Tzu could have figured out that you could just pretend and win. Yeah. And especially if you repeat the pretend thing over and over again, people just start to,
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah, they just start to believe it. Much like how Alex constantly says that the Chinese are trying to buy Hollywood. Yeah. That's based on a lie, but he keeps repeating it to the point where people get used to hearing it and they're like, oh, I remember him talking about that, but he never approved it. What's my source? My source was that I heard it a bunch. But that's even what he sources on his own, his himself saying it.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Repeatedly. Yeah. So actually, one of the things I think I'm going to do is take his talking points and on our Tumblr, every now and again, I'm just going to thoroughly break down why it's bullshit. So then in the future, when it comes up on episodes, I can be like, you can go to our Tumblr and read an exhaustive breakdown about why the Chinese aren't trying to buy Hollywood. So what you're saying is we are going to reference ourselves for the truth.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yep. Fire with fire. We're going to cite our own sources and our sources are us telling him he's full of shit. But the issue is and the difference will be that I will link to an incredible amount of primary resources. Well, here's my advice to you. Link to headlines. That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Just like you have those Twitter where they take a screenshot of their notes. Just put a bunch of links to us just transcripting saying like, not true. Yeah. Jordan Holmes was quoted as saying, this is not true. Jordan Holmes was quoted as saying, and that's our response. So back to the EPA thing, just to make this even worse. To actually change the rules for dust on farms, the EPA would have to formally propose a new rule. And as of March, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said, she was not likely to do that.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Quote, we have no plans to do so, Jackson said. That's just what the globalist wants you to think. Yeah, yeah. Think for two seconds. Think for two seconds. Yeah. Just two seconds. What is dust?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Dirt. It's all kinds of shit. How dead skin. How could you possibly outlaw dust without turning it into like everything is just a purely clean zone. Everybody's covered in latex with fucking chemical baths all the time. We don't have to live in bubbles. You can't.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Outlaw dust, even if you wanted to, even if your dream was this OCD, and that's not to be actually, no, fuck it. It's this OCD meth-addled dream of it's finally time to outlaw dust. Finally. No one would ever consider doing that. Or trying to regulate it super harshly. I mean, even take away the outlaw part. Everyone understands that dirt and dust exist.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And maybe they're not the best. Maybe it is an indication of lack of cleanliness, but there's not really anything you can do about it. It's in the outside. It is. In the desert. You're going to get dust. So Alex, in order to make his point about regulatory stuff gone wild, and in order to
Starting point is 00:48:51 reinforce his point that what they're doing with coal mining shit isn't polluting rivers and stuff like that, which it is. Which they are. 100% all the time. And that was the rule that they just got rid of. The what? The only rule that you, there can be no way you're against it. There can be no human being who is like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:49:12 I hate that rule that keeps coal miners from throwing shit into our drinking water. But the reason- How can these people be so terrified of fluoride in their drinking water? And yet love fucking coal. Coal makes me warm. Coal makes me drink good. What? Well, there's a couple things.
Starting point is 00:49:33 One, if you believe this bullshit about regulatory shit gone wild, then you might assume that this dumping shit into a river regulation is the same thing. It's just like outlawing dust. Those were my favorite commercials that around one of them morning- Regulatory shit gone wild. Regulatory girls gone wild. Just pantsuits, titties. That would have gotten Hillary elected.
Starting point is 00:49:58 That's low good. Pantsuits and titties, I would have voted for her twice. Maybe not. Who gives a shit? I'm in. Why not? We're voting for clowns now, fucking pantsuits and titties. I'm in.
Starting point is 00:50:09 So the other thing is that if you believe, like Alex does, that clean coal exists, then you would think, ah, it's all much to do about nothing. See, it legitimately believes that there's clean enough coal that it's all it does when you use it is it puts out water vapor. And that's not true. That's not possible. It's not possible and it's not true. Like carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Starting point is 00:50:31 From a chemical standpoint, yeah, that's not a thing you can do. No, clean coal. I'd love to get into it at some point, but it's not real in the way that people presenting it. It is. It is such a brilliant strategy or coal. It is a brilliant strategy to make a thing up that we have to respond to. Because then you can get away with fucking anything.
Starting point is 00:50:52 If you're just making up like, hey, they're trying to outlaw dust. Now I have to be like, no, and that legitimizes that as just me saying, come on, stop it. Do you remember the book, The Phantom Toll Booth? I do. When Milo was trying to, oh, Milo. When he was trying to get to rhyme and reason and free them from captivity. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:13 One of the monsters that he ran into, ran into on the way was the terrible Tribium. Tribium. Yeah. And what he would do is like, he's like, all right, take that big pile of sand and put it over there one kernel at a time, one little piece of sand. His basic thing was just like creating tasks for Milo to do that wasted his time, that seemed like there was a point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 That's kind of what Alex Jones does. It's pretty good. Yeah. It's a brilliant strategy. So here we are chasing grains of sand. Bogus down with lice. Yeah. So anyway, let's get further into this clip because we got a ways to go and we're almost at an hour.
Starting point is 00:51:45 So, of course. And then they, they said, we're banning child labor. You can't take the trash out if you work on a farm or you can't, you know, have somebody under the age of 16 go take eggs from the chickens. Come on. So not true. Trying to further kill them. And so the media's like, oh, Trump signed a thing where they can dump toxic waste in the water.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Oh, like the EPA did and didn't get in trouble. Cyanide from a big gold mine. They basically ordered, you know, changes to, and then it broke the dam. Just like the deep water horizon. BP just said, stop putting concrete in. The executives believe waters needed. They go, sir, in 150 years of oil exploration, nobody's ever done that. And the equation show it will blow up.
Starting point is 00:52:25 They said, shut up, you Texans and Louisiana's. You don't know nothing. You go see that movie. It's absolutely word for word. What was in the federal transcripts in the federal trough? Now he doesn't cite the actual transcripts, but what he does now is performs a scene from the movie. Does he play Mark Wahlberg? No, he plays Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 00:52:45 But to show it, he'd be a way better Mark Wahlberg to show that he's a policy wonk. Instead of getting into the weeds about the actual details. Yeah. He does a scene from the movie. Enjoy this. It's great. Hey guys, amazingly accurate. Great movie, Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And they're like, sir, it will blow up. This is 379 billion dollar company. Wow. British owners told us to do it. It's going to be fine. We're going to get billions more. What? It's going to blow up.
Starting point is 00:53:16 No, it's not. Hey, McCain, you keep trying to have a war with Russia. You can end the planet. Don't matter. I'm going to do whatever I want. Whose voice is that now? That's McCain spirit of just raising. And that's what we're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:53:32 So it's just, how do I cover today? I've got like, let's not exaggerate 300 articles or more. Still doesn't. And another stack on my desk of a couple hundred. I mean, it's just, I could just talk for hours about this. What is this? All of the articles. No, but he could talk for hours about this.
Starting point is 00:53:52 And he's referring to an impression of Kurt Russell. It was a great impression of Kurt Russell. I assume that's the one from Escape from LA. Must be. That was Kurt Russell as Snake Plisken. But like, I could talk for hours about this. And in the two minutes that we listened to of it, what he talked about was a federal regulation that never existed about regulating dust.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yes. A regulation about child labor that he's completely misinterpreting. Right. Saying you can't have your family members work on a farm. That's exactly what they were trying to outlaw. Yeah, totally. It's definitely not a straw man argument. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It is a 100% real thing. So could you imagine him talking for hours if in the time he allotted, he just lied twice in order to justify the idea that regulations are crazy. Yes. And that it's cool to pollute rivers? Yeah. Because he can lie so many more times. Me too.
Starting point is 00:54:48 He can lie all the time. If you just make up regulations, you can just do that forever. In that Kurt Russell voice? This is a billion dollar company. I'm in a billion dollar company. That was a Brooklyn Queen from the 70s, wasn't it? It was very fake. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:55:09 What are we doing? I don't know. How can you be against a company? They're putting shit in your drinking water. You can't be for that. No, you can't. Even he's against it when he was like, hey, I think it's bad that they put arsenic in the water.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And it's like, hey, it's probably bad that they put fucking poisons in our water. From the toxic waste. It's toxic waste. It's toxic waste. It's all bad. It's toxic waste. Yeah. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Most of the time when you complain about things that business wants to do, or the nationalists want to do, or what the conservatives want to do. When you complain about that stuff, all you're doing is virtue signaling. I don't know what that means. It's this idea, Paul Joseph Watson talks about it all the time. It's this idea that when you post something about Black Lives Matter, or post something about reproductive rights and stuff like that on Facebook, or on Twitter, or even when you go in protest,
Starting point is 00:56:07 you don't really care about the issue you're talking about. All it is is you are trying to perform for your liberal friends and show that you're one of them. So you're signaling your virtues through posts you're making and behaviors. You know, I don't entirely disagree with that. Well, on one level, you are expressing your virtues. Yeah. You're standing up for things that fall within your principles.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I mean, yeah, but are you just posting something on Twitter is not really standing up for your... Well, there's a lot of people who are maybe do it a little bit shitty, certainly. But there's a lot of people who just clunkily express their opinions, period. It doesn't matter what it's about. That's a good point. Anyway, Alex has some thoughts about virtue signaling, and he wants you to know that you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I mean, you think about how wicked the left is because they've got all the deals with China. That's exactly... It's okay because, again, they'll have a beard or different colored socks or, you know, virtue signal and talk about how they fund Black Lives Matter to go around cop killing or whatever. And then they're like the most horrible, greedy people trying to steal land from Hawaiian tribes just because they want it
Starting point is 00:57:11 or, you know, running suicide factories. I mean, you cannot make it up how sickeningly horrible they are. The thing about stealing... You can't. Actually, wait, you can. You just did. You just did. The thing about stealing...
Starting point is 00:57:25 It's super easy to make it up. The thing about stealing land from Hawaiians... Yeah. Where did that come from? That's about Mark Zuckerberg trying to build a house in Hawaii. But I... I mean, yeah, I'm probably against that. As someone...
Starting point is 00:57:38 But again, I'm against any billionaire allowed to go out and do anything. Sure. But as someone who grew up in Hawaii... They should be locked in small little boxes under the ground. I hate to keep trying to get back to this point, but I grew up for a bit in Hawaii. Yes. And as someone who celebrated King Kamehameha Day with the Native population... Right.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Also known as Dragon Ball Z Day. If you want to make the argument about stealing land from Hawaiians, there's a lot more you're going to have to do. I can't imagine any American history that would involve that. There's a whole lot you got to unpack. Pretty sure that it's always been American. Yeah. Pretty sure that Native Americans, but not the Native ones, the American Americans,
Starting point is 00:58:26 grew up there. Sure. Landed on Plymouth Rock and then Oahu. I didn't land on Oahu. Oahu landed on meat. Did Oahu land on you? Yeah, I guess. It's really heavy.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Yeah. There's a lot of volcanic activity. You don't want to fuck around with Oahu. It's a gorgeous place, but the Native populations there have consistently been making claims about how it's bullshit that we stole all their land. They're right. Totally.
Starting point is 15:21:00 00:58:54,400 --> 00:58:58,320 So if you want to talk about Mark Zuckerberg coming in and making a house, great. Bad. I'll listen to that. Bad. But if you don't care about the other parts of it, then you're just capitalizing on someone you don't like and you're a total hypocrite. I can't imagine anybody that we talk about being a complete and utter giant hypocrite. No, certainly not everyone we talk about.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I can't think of any perhaps a house justice committee leader named Chaffetz being a complete and utter fucking hypocrite or a the dentured Batman. Anyway, lurking in the shadows. Let's get through this. You read their own white papers. I've got articles today about Zuckerberg. Again, the guy that says his users are dumb efforts. How he's going to censor everybody and get your private data and use it and just it's just.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Legion of doom, arrogant, crazy, power, mad maniacs. But Trump just absolutely devastated. Devastated yesterday. And they just don't know what to do. The confidence and then he's up there and he says, nobody's getting hurt. America is just going to he makes it about coal miners jobs and a way of life. Sure, it's about making the people that work hard. Being the superheroes, not just somebody that dribbles a basketball or, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:18 sings music. Definitely not racist. It's about people and an economy based on people and a world based for people, not the post industrial technocracy, where I have a inch thick stack, probably 30 articles today or more, where they're all saying the end of humans is here. You will submit. You will merge with machines. It's all over.
Starting point is 01:00:36 We already spine everything you do here. We totally control it's all over. We censor you before just a few years ago. I was crazy saying all this is going to happen. And now everything's happening exactly like I said, because drum roll. I was reading their white papers. Which white papers was he reading? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:56 He has a huge stack though, like 30 articles. He's obsessed with numbers of articles. No idea how many there's really good. He's really good at judging stacks. Bro, bro, bro. There's 500 total and then there's 30 that are about transhumanism. I guess. I'm guessing that's what he's trying to say.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Whatever the case is, both numbers are off. Who cares? So that also is about the extent to which he covers the press conference at this point. He does end up getting to a little bit of it later. But at this point, he's like, we had that press conference and it was on Thursday. And I was really, really waiting for him to go off on it. Like really waiting for him to be like, yeah. You know, you specific.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Devastated, yeah. He told them. Yeah, he got him. He stuck it to the congressional black caucus. You know, like all this stuff. Like I was expecting that to happen. And it really wasn't. He didn't respond to much.
Starting point is 01:01:55 He was really boring on the subject. It really disappointed me that he didn't get into a ton of that. How? Okay, let's let's get into. Okay, do you think it's because there is even for him nothing really defensible about that? Well, I think he realized that talking about so many of the things that came up in that press conference and so many of Trump's behaviors,
Starting point is 01:02:17 it would kind of put him behind the eight ball. I think that he realized that like a lot of this is going to be too difficult for me to defend. Right. So at the end, our last clip that we're going to play today is when he finally gets to actually talking about the press conference. And you'll see how like how little he engages with the source material. But what is there? You'll see.
Starting point is 01:02:41 You'll see. You know what's fascinating about that is that I was really looking forward to this because I wanted to see, because there's so many people who would definitely defend whatever nonsense that he said at that press conference. They're already all in. So they're going to believe whatever it is they want to believe. If you have any sense of critical thought about you, you watch that even if you voted for Trump and went, what the fuck is happening right now?
Starting point is 01:03:07 I can't imagine. That dude's crazy. I can't imagine any of my people in the red state of Missouri, all my old peoples who might have voted for Trump. Any of them watching that and not saying, boy, howdy. That boy is off his rocker. Yeah, right. That was crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah. That was legit crazy. So I want to know how it, how you could possibly defend it. And that's the thing. Alex can't. And I read and that's the, and you're, you're exactly right there. And that's why I was really hoping that he would have something. That's what I was looking for too.
Starting point is 01:03:35 My, my, the conservative websites and shit that my dad reads where I kept going through them and they were all like, Trump really sticks it to him. And they quote zero. Right. Right. Yeah. Zero from what he said. All he's, all they just give you a rundown of like, he said the press was bad.
Starting point is 01:03:53 They didn't go through anything that he actually said. Here is a possible argument that Alex might want to make. Please. And that is the, let's speculate wildly. Look, Trump may appear to be crazy, but it only appears crazy because he may or may not have superpowers. Oh. And that brings us, that brings us to our next clip.
Starting point is 01:04:14 God damn it. Your transition skills are incredible. The president of the United States is being filtered and blocked on Twitter with the comments and the feedback. They don't want the American people being able to send a tweet and it pops up where he's in live time. Donald Trump sits there. Let me get by the big secret.
Starting point is 01:04:30 You know what? I'm not going to give a secret and I'm not because well, the media already knows this. So I might as well tell people just to tell you how wild this guy is and how real he is. Okay. He likes to talk to average people so much. He sits at the switchboard until two in the morning while he's reading things and randomly sits there and picks up the phone and talks to people. What?
Starting point is 01:04:58 He's like an idiot savant workhorse magic toad. Is that a compliment? The toad part at the end. Is there any, is there any part of that was a compliment? What's great about that is first of all. So he's an idiot savant which he he has autism. He's on the spectrum. All right.
Starting point is 01:05:20 So that's, I mean, I guess, nope. I can't think of any, because I'm sure, okay. All right. We got that. All right. Magic. Yeah. That's not great.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Toad. It's nice that he's magic. What about Toad? Toad, the wet sprocket. I think that's what he's referencing. Or the very heroic character in Mario. Yes, absolutely. Toad and the very gay series where the Toad and the rabbit or whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:50 That's not important. It's definitely the incorrect reference. So also Mr. Toad and. Oh, wind in the willows. Wind in the willows. There we are. Mr. Toad gets drunk and goes to hell. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Crashes his car drunk and goes to hell. That is Trump. That is Trump. You're totally wrong. If you think that book didn't traumatize me as a child. Why is Mr. Toad in hell? What is going on here? This isn't for kids.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Anyway, we haven't even gotten to the superpower part yet. How can it be? He just went through all of the. Trump sits there while he's reading drugs. Which is not good. No, he should go to bed. He's 70. He should not be.
Starting point is 01:06:31 He just. Okay. So he's sitting by the switchboard. Which why is there a switchboard? Are we talking about a 1960 switchboard where there's like 16 women with all these little headphone jacks in there? Like it's an operator. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:44 All right. So he's at the switchboard. Just talking to regular people. So are people calling the White House and he's like. Two in the morning. This one sounds good. You up. Hey, Donald.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Like also it's clear that if a 70 year old man is up till two in the morning, then wakes up and does his job. He's got to be on some sort of amphetamines. Like that can't you just like your body does not allow for that. His body does. He's a magic toad. Also, he's up till two reading info wars and drugs and taking phone calls from weirdos. If there's anything I know about Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:07:23 All right. It's that when you are a magic or when you are scientifically engineered with an animal. Gives you superpowers. Sure. Right. And as we all know, one of the powers of a toad is the ability to stay up until two and wake up early in the morning. I think it's more likely that his superpower is that he secretes hallucinogens.
Starting point is 01:07:48 And that's why everyone keeps trying to lick him. That explains his appearance on Jimmy Fallon. That's for God's sake. Also, do you think that it's possible that Spider-Man was that photographer who showed up at info wars? Oh my God. So we got Batman. I know Spider-Man. I know Peter Parker.
Starting point is 01:08:05 What is not involved here? Peter Parker is based out of New York, but there's no evidence he doesn't freelance. Well, yeah, but if the new, no, he's, he's absolutely a freelancer for J. Jonah Jamison. And he's freelancing for the New York Times and the New York Times sent him on this. Oh my God. This freelance mission. But, but in the meantime, he was turned into Spider Gwen, which is a new thing. There is a spider girl.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Exactly. Yeah. And that's, and, and that's as logical as the story he fucking told us. So now we have DC and Marvel in the mix. And crossover event. Fuck you. Fuck you. Mr. Mixle Picks or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Mixle Pixie stick. Whatever. We have a new hero to enter the Pantheon. Here is Donald Trump's superpower. All right. Let's get this break. Yeah. Skip it.
Starting point is 01:08:58 And I'm going to just stop right there. No. And he also sits there and knows phone numbers and basically can like memorize a bunch of numbers. He just sits there and sees numbers. He knows on the switchboard and then picks it up. I don't like that. I mean, just that is so cool. And the New York Times people are like, oh, you know about that?
Starting point is 01:09:20 Well, don't tell people. We won't be able to call. What the hell was you? This is incredible. What a lame super power. Okay. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:37 First of all, I hate to say this because it sounds like I'm judging, but let's not talk over the clips as much because I'm getting this weird feedback. Got you. I apologize. I'm trying. I'm trying. It's hard not to respond. I'm trying.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I know. I know. I'm trying. I'm sorry. He's saying some great aid nonsense. Yeah. So he sits in front of the board. He sees the numbers come up.
Starting point is 01:09:54 He memorizes numbers. Right. He has an amazing superpower for memorizing numbers. Yes. He has an erratic memory or whatever. He knows phone numbers, which is amazing to people. It's really cool. Is it amazing to who is impressed by somebody knowing phone numbers?
Starting point is 01:10:11 Alex. Okay. He just said it. It's so cool. That's fair. That is fair. But also as I was listening to this, I texted you. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I recall this. I texted you like, I don't think Alex Jones knows what caller ID is. Like I really don't think he understands that modern phones have a name that comes up with a phone number. I didn't even connect that because again, I'm living in the 60s. He's in front of a switchboard. Okay. That's right. With the actual plugs.
Starting point is 01:10:39 He's in the switchboard pool. Yeah. All right. People are like using the first two numbers as letters. And he's got audio jacks. Yeah. Yeah. He's, he, it's easy to remember phone numbers when people are calling the number 142.
Starting point is 01:10:54 This is way back whenever there were only eight numbers. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then, but, but why the New York times is mad. Yeah. Yeah. Why are they mad again?
Starting point is 01:11:04 Because they know that they can call him late at night and he'll answer. And if the, everyone else knows it's going to clog up the line. They, if the, the media is going to be pissed because then they can't call Trump late at night, which is not happening. I, I don't know. That is such insanity. It is. But that's on all sides, on all sides.
Starting point is 01:11:29 There's no, there's no way to get in there without going through a Kafka-esque nightmare of crazy. Jordan, here's how I would describe it. If it's true, it's crazy. If it's not true, it's still crazy. If even a part of it is true, it's crazy. If Trump is sitting in front of a phone at two in the morning, that's crazy. Any aspect of any of that.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah. Being even the slightest bit true is terrifying. I think the reality piece of this is possibly that he calls Trump late at night. I think that might be the only part of it that's real. It's like, I call Trump late at night. You know, he always knows it's me calling. How does he know? In that press conference that Trump did, he also was complaining that the media never calls him.
Starting point is 01:12:18 So it's in direct refutation of what Alex is saying. He's a 14 year old child. It's the most insane fucking thing. So, so Alex Jones has an iPhone. We've established that he's had his phone on set before. Is it an iPhone or it's a smartphone? It's a smartphone. It's a smartphone, right?
Starting point is 01:12:34 Now, based on what he just told us, does he know how to add contact? Well, I mean, based on when he got that call, it was from a number he didn't recognize. Exactly. So, maybe not. So, he is amazed by this, by Trump being able to recognize names just before he answers. Because he doesn't know how to put a name in the context list. It's possible. I think that Trump doesn't.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Like, I don't think that Trump would give Alex his cell phone number. Oh, God, I bet. That would be, that would be a wacky neighbor sitcom I would watch all the time. If, if you're, if, if fucking Kramer was actually Alex Jones, just calling Trump all the time. He's like, I'm trying to president here. Nobody write this. Nobody write this. This is a knowledge fight intellectual property situation.
Starting point is 01:13:31 We got to write this. No, you know what would be even better? Make it like home improvement where Alex Jones is Wilson screaming from the other side of the fence. That would be perfect. That would be perfect. If it was just instead of running a TV show about home improvement stuff, he's the president. And instead of Wilson giving out good advice, he yells about the globalists.
Starting point is 01:13:56 There's a fence outside the White House. Oh, Wilson. I just had a, I just had a real rough fight with my, with my wife. It's cause of George Soros. They're killing you with George Soros. Your wife was funded by George Soros. But that was just the advice I needed to move on and grow as a person. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:17 I got to get on air. Don't, don't steal that either. Yeah, that's the SNL skit. We're never going to write if only mad TV was still around. Oh God, that would be, yeah, yeah, yeah. We would already have a five year deal with mad TV. This next clip, he gets back to the New York times photographer narrative and says some more bullshit.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And then I don't remember exactly what this is about, but I've labeled it as a really bad example of a slippery slope. Okay. That's why Trump now doesn't even care. It's beyond confidence. He doesn't care what they do, what they say. He realizes they're a bunch of bullied slaves and he's just out there to show them they're bullied slaves and to show everybody else it's okay to stand up.
Starting point is 01:15:00 It's okay to speak out. It's okay to be informed. It's okay to be who you are. I said this photographer, she said, well, I'd like jobs and I just, I can't decide. You'd lose all your big liberal contracts if you worked with Alex Jones in a free country. You're not allowed to ever work with anybody who's not the big corporate liberal approved Soviet BS or you're out of a job. Well, with that attitude next year sent to a gulag or you're at a Foxcom slave factory in China.
Starting point is 01:15:32 There was the bad slippery slope. No, that makes perfect sense. No, it doesn't. Yeah. No, one to one. No, absolutely. Yeah, immediate one to one. But also that, I mean, he's just saying another conversation that didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Yeah. But anyway, this clip's not done. Also, he's showing us it's okay to be who you are. Yeah. So long as you are not Muslim, trans. Sure. Latin, but it's okay to be who you are. If you are white, you can stay here and be who you are.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Right. If you are anything else, be who you are somewhere else. Well, that is exactly, that should be Trump's slogan from now on. Be who you are somewhere else. Be who you are somewhere else. Well, I mean, it comes down to that, that sort of mentality that people who believe it don't think is racist, but is super racist. That is like Europe for the Europeans, Africa for the Africans, like that sort of thing.
Starting point is 01:16:29 It is super racist, but it, everyone who believes it thinks, why should there not be more of me at my homeland? Why should mixing? Why? Because so many reasons, so many reasons. So anyway, so many reasons. So this photographer didn't say the things, I can, I can pretty confidently say this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:51 She didn't say the things that he thinks she said. He interpreted their interaction very wrongly. And she definitely would not want to work for Infowars. But if she did, in Alex Jones's nightmare scenario, where she's being bullied into not accepting this freelance work that she desperately needs, which she doesn't, that still doesn't lead to gulags in a year. It doesn't lead to gulags ever. All right, whatever.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I've seen a lot of freelance journalists wind up in gulags. Speaking of gulags, Vladimir Putin is a Solzhenitsyn fan. See how that works? There's only a few more steps down now. And they're saying, we want to start arresting the alt-right. We want to kill Donald Trump. We want to blow up the White House. We want to do all this.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And they have CIA guys. I told you, as soon as you hear that on the TV going, he's a domestic enemy. He was talking about Evan McMullen when on MSNBC. Isn't he a senator from Utah? Yeah, but he also was ex-CIA or whatever. He used to work in intelligence stuff. OK, well, that's definitely not good.
Starting point is 01:17:53 All of the things that he is do not make me happy. Not great, but he was on TV and he implied that we're a president to be compromised or working with enemy countries. Like the one we have. They would be then an enemy, a domestic enemy of our country. Like he is. The way that Evan McMullen said it wasn't great, but it's way more nuanced than what Alex is talking about.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Do you mean the way he said it, the way he said truth wasn't great? Yeah. Then he said all the things that are true. But then he's talking about people wanting to blow up the White House. He's talking specifically about Madonna. No, the White House is really nice. But he also is talking about... You don't need to blow it up.
Starting point is 01:18:31 He's talking about Madonna's speech where she said, I sometimes think about blowing up the White House, but I don't want to do that. Yeah, but even before... Conveniently cuts off the last part of that clip. Even before Trump was elected. I mean, sometimes I would think about blowing up the White House just because that sounds like a badass move, right?
Starting point is 01:18:48 I think of weird stuff. You know who else thinks about blowing up the White House? Roland Emmerich. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think also, I'm not entirely sure... Did you find out whether or not Olympus has fallen? I'm not entirely sure about this,
Starting point is 01:19:00 but I think the White House might get blown up in that American movie that Alex Jones is in. Do you know where else it got blown up? Thousand movies. Independence Day. That's Roland Emmerich. That's what I'm talking about. How often does he blow up the White House?
Starting point is 01:19:14 So often. So often? He's an enemy of the state. He's an enemy of the Republic, as Alex Jones likes to say. Anyway, let's finish this up. An enemy of the Republic. So he's basically just like Evan McMullen being on CNN is the intelligence community talking about how Trump is an enemy.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Blowing up the White House is about Madonna. The idea that people want to kill Trump, I'm guessing is based on tweets he's seen or something like that. And also maybe some shit that I've said. Yeah, you. Which I think that you're speaking a little... I am not advocating nor insinuating that I will do anything. No.
Starting point is 01:19:50 And you're speaking a little bit glibly. Very much so. I'm trying to defend you here. This is fully protected under parody laws. This is the Boone's farm talking. Yeah. Well, they've outlawed dust onto the spot. Kind of respected.
Starting point is 01:20:03 If any of these guys had any fire in their eyes or even looked like a man, but they can't get men to act like that. They cannot get... And that's why they hate real men. They cannot get the real men to act like backstabbing pieces of crap jerks. And that's their ancient problem, is they can't get the warrior class to be absolute filth.
Starting point is 01:20:24 He goes on to explain that that's why they're creating robots. And yeah. This is the first instance that we're playing so far of what I would call direct toxic masculinity. Yeah. It always goes back to men. Men. Big dicks.
Starting point is 01:20:40 We all have big dicks. Real men don't do that. Beta cocks. Real men. Warriors. It gets so much worse as this goes along. Like there's a couple of things that he said that actually left my jaw open.
Starting point is 01:20:52 And I've been listening to him every day for two months. I know. There was a couple of things that he ends up saying later. So I mean, if you want to get excited for later part of this episode, he says some stuff that we're really going to have to unpack real hard. Oh, God. About the dangers of male identity. There are dangers of male identity?
Starting point is 01:21:12 I can't think of any. Except that last clip and a bunch of... And all the others. Yeah. Anytime he talks about what a real man is, it is so glaringly obvious he is not talking about himself. A real man is that which fits the mold that he has created. And anybody who disagrees with him or Trump is a chicken-necked weirdo,
Starting point is 01:21:34 or he calls them effeminate. Sometimes he's like, they're effeminate. But you know, I wouldn't say that. That's an insult to women. It's insane that he doesn't understand the things he's implying with his own words. I don't think he understands any of the words he says. No. But I mean, he's got a bebop in scat through four hours.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Three hours. He never hosts four hours. I just hate... I just hate whenever there's that male... Like, male-ness. Oh. Yeah. We're men and that means that we can take shit.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Like, fuck you. Yeah. The man show. Yeah. Type of attitude. Yeah. So this next clip actually might explain some of the ideas that he has about his masculinity. It's about how maybe he was bullied.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Oh, no. And he has been the victim of bullying. Uh-oh. But unfortunately, that transitions into him not understanding that he is wildly anti-Semitic. Oh. Oh. Oh. But the left wing is the king operating system of really reducing language communication.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Family. You name it. And they are really, as everybody sees, stepping up the bullying, beating up women everywhere, targeting them on purpose, just saying, you don't have free speech. You can't go to events. You can't hear somebody speak. I mean, there's just monsters. And we have to call them out on that.
Starting point is 01:22:54 And I just remember always online getting bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied. Bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied, bullied. To attack Israel and hate Israel with people then saying I worked for Israel or I was, you know, covering up for Israel. And I realized that was a lot of Arabist, Saudi Arabian, globalist, but also leftist, dialectic. And that the whole thing was fake. And that while Hollywood was pushing an Israel first agenda, it was also pushing the whole Islamic agenda. So what do you... I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Let me try and help you parse this. That was... Yeah. So he, he conflated. Oh, didn't call from Nate Burroughs. He conflated every possible enemy. Arabists, globalists, leftists. Who told him he was working for...
Starting point is 01:23:56 Would you like me to explain what he's talking about? I want to know how that happened. So Alex Jones is, I think we can say he's largely responsible for the interest in conspiracy in the world. Or not in the world, but at least in America and the people online. Amongst a certain subset. Because he's been going for so long and in such a public way, a lot of people get their introduction to conspiracy through Alex Jones. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And he has done wonders for like creating and building the world of people who distrust the government and think everything is a false flag. Okay. Now, unfortunately the byproduct of that, it's that whole narrative. It's a whole story that you create something you can no longer control. Right. The entire conspiracy world, not all of it, but a lot of it has turned against Alex because they think he doesn't criticize Israel enough.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So a lot of people think that he is a shill for Israel. There's a lot of conspiracy theorists who think it's a conspiracy that he's a conspiracy theorist. Because we are down. We're into a mirror dimension now. So what he's responding to here when he's saying he's being bullied, he's not being bullied by globalists or by Arabists or anything like that. He's being bullied by people that he's had a hand in creating that have gone too far down the conspiracy aisle.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Too far. And they're like, how can you go that far? They're like, Alex Jones. Yeah. I mean, he's a pussy. You know, he doesn't, he doesn't believe, you know, he's not real. He's not crazy enough, that sort of thing. So that is, that is such a fascinating like fork in the road.
Starting point is 01:25:32 If you're an Alex Jones fan where it's like, okay, either I disagree with Alex Jones because he's too insane or he's not insane enough. Like everybody, every conspiracy theorist has to reach that fork in the road and choose. Like that's your ultimate, like that's your introduction to manhood right there. And I actually think that the road less traveled is the one that sticks with him. Yeah. I think that most people who go that far down the road get to the fork and they're like, well, you know what, this, this weed isn't doing it for me anymore.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I got to switch to Coke or whatever. Yeah. They got to go for something harder. Yeah. And that harder thing is flipping on what you believed previously that Alex Jones told the truth. He's like, no, he's a liar because he won't call out Israel. Okay. But how do you, how do they want him to call out Israel?
Starting point is 01:26:22 I don't know. Do they want him to? I don't know specifics. Because Israel is like, I'm like they're, they're destroying the two estate solution and they're not creating a democracy. They're basically creating an apartheid situation. So you should call out Israel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I get the feeling though, just instinct. Yeah. That says they're not on the side of peaceful relations. They fucking think Massad did 9-11. They think that the Jews are basically responsible for everything that's ever happened bad. And that's the other thing that we like, the fact that he's complaining about being bullied by these people who think that he doesn't call out Israel is really unfortunate because everything that he believes in in terms of the globalists is poorly packaged anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Yeah. It really all goes back to the fake document, the protocols of the elders of Zion. We really need to do an entire episode on that because I've just done a ton of research. I have like in the past also, but I just did a nice refresher course on exactly how it was a forged document and it's fucking insane how clear it is. He's about to reference the five Jew bankers from C-Lab 2021. Exactly. It's that kind of a thing. Like the idea that there's this tribunal of people who are trying to hurt the world from
Starting point is 01:27:40 behind the scenes is all taken directly from the protocols of the elders of Zion. But because you know that if you bring that book up and act like it's real because it has been so fucking discredited. Not that that matters. The only thing that people right thinking people will respond to that is, oh, who hates Jews? Oh, okay. Well, let's not listen to you anymore. He hates Jews. Yes, but he's repackaged it in a way that it's acceptable to talk about by calling them globalists.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Right. In the same way that David Ike does it with lizards. Or in the same way that George Soros is a Nazi sympathizer. Right. But that's just a straight up lie. Right. That's not even. Well, I mean, so is the elders of Zion. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:20 I mean, it's all straight up lie. But he dares say that George Soros is a Nazi collaborator because he has enough thin ice to stand on there that he thinks he's not going to fall through. But if he really was to be like, now I need to tell you about this book that really informs pretty much all of my beliefs about the natures of communism and all this stuff, then he would be like in the middle of a lake with no paddle. Right. No one would get on board with him.
Starting point is 01:28:47 And I wouldn't say no. Well, Stormfront. I would say the people that think he's anti-Israel would definitely be on board with him. Oh, finally. So is he anti-Israel or pro-Israel? I don't know if I have enough information to say. He doesn't talk about it a ton. He likes the APAC, right?
Starting point is 01:29:04 Yeah. But the most that he generally talks about is to say that he's fair. He doesn't really deal with too much, but he always talks. That's a smart move on his way. He always talks about how like, if Israel does something bad, I'll call him out. Palestinians do something bad, I'll call him out. But then there's no substance to it. There's, there isn't actual evidence in my experience that he does either of those things.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Of course. But he does call out the Arabists. What, what, the Arabists? That's probably an offensive word. Isn't that a, isn't that a thing in ballet, the Arabists? That was a beautiful Arabist she just pulled off right there. I remember back when I was a kid, I used to watch a lot of BET, like 106 and park and shit. And one of the things I'd always see is commercials for Arabesque movie night.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Oh. And I always thought that was a really cool word. That is Arabesque. Arabesque. It's a good word. Anyway. You should try it out. Anyway, we'll get back to this clip.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Okay. And it was all just a clash of civilizations program. And that, you know, if Israel did anything, it was the worst thing on earth. But then if the Muslims said they want to blow up America and kill everybody, a large contingent of them, that's all cute and funny and nice. You know, when they dump acid on women's faces or cut their genitals off by the hundreds of thousands a year or, you know, kill hundreds of thousands of Christians. Oh, they just don't count.
Starting point is 01:30:24 But I kind of halfway got bullied in political correctness that, well, I'm sure the truth's in between. You know, Israel does some bad stuff, but the Muslims do some bad stuff. And I never really tried to prove myself on one side or the other. It's not what I do with virtue signaling, but it was just always, you know, you know, you get a bunch of emails that's like, you're going to expose the Vatican or I'm going to expose you as one of their agents. And I'm just like, I'm not even Catholic, but I don't want to end fight with people.
Starting point is 01:30:50 And then, you know, you work for the Catholics, you work for this or that. But all I want is to have justice and freedom. And I'm totally open. I mean, now I could talk to pretty much anybody I want to. And I do talk to you name it. I mean, they wanted to send foreign intelligence agencies, not the Russians here to talk to me. But he talked to the Russians. Alexander Dugan was on his show.
Starting point is 01:31:12 He talked to the Russians. But also I love that like snap clarification. Yeah. Not the Russians. Talk to anybody I want, not the Russians. Great. I'm not sure if it's in this clip, but he's like, I talked to my five.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Am I six? Like, I'm not sure if those are. No, I don't think I don't think he. My six is a real thing. I think my five is for movies. I think he started with my three. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:35 He worked his way up to my six was my six. M.I.B. I talked to all of them. That's where the aliens came from the 12th dimension. Didn't you see that movie? Will Smith was great. So he talks more about does a Will Smith's impression, which is just, and then he went and brought an alien in. We have seven billion people on the planet.
Starting point is 01:31:56 So how, okay. Okay. I know you're checking notes there. Let's go with Muslims, a large contingent. How many Muslims are there on this planet? A whole bunch. Billions. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Okay. How many do you need to have a large contingent of Muslims? Quite a few. You would have to, like statistically speaking, we would need what? 25% would you call a large contingent? Well, that's a majority, according to John Ratford. All right. That would be a large contingent.
Starting point is 01:32:23 So let's, let's relatively speaking, call it a small contingent. But if you have a very small reference, it's a large contingent. Fine. Hundreds of thousands of Christians though. All right. If you're killing hundreds of thousands of Christians, how long before you're out of Christians? I mean,
Starting point is 01:32:44 it seems like you would run out fairly quickly. I mean, there are a lot of Christians. At least, well, there's slightly more Christians there and there are Muslims, which is even more terrifying. Well, not if you're killing off 100,000 a year or whatever. Right. Exactly. Or is it 100,000 ever?
Starting point is 01:32:59 The statistics are very murky in terms of what he's talking about. I do not know what he's talking about at all. You know what? I've learned to tune out stuff like that. I just, I'm getting this new skill. You just let that shit go? I'm getting this new skill, which I'm not actually happy about with Alex. That is like, whenever he says stuff like that, it's like water rolling off a duck's back.
Starting point is 01:33:18 I'm just like, I can't engage. Hundreds of thousands of Christians means like 10 guys. Maybe. And I, I mean, he did say you shouldn't, you shouldn't kill people. Let's be clear about that. And you shouldn't, uh, you shouldn't circumcise women. I agree. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:33:32 That's bad. Or dump acid on them. No, it's a bad idea to dump acid on women. Yep. We're liberals and we agree with that. We are the one podcast who will take the stance. Sure. Real hard stuff.
Starting point is 01:33:41 That it's bad to dump acid on women. You hear that world? Yeah. It's time for us to draw a line in the sand. Yeah. But not with acid. You know what's great is like, I think every podcast would agree with that. They just never cover it.
Starting point is 01:33:55 They just, you know what, they just don't have the courage. You know why? Cause they're not real men. Anyway, this clip isn't done, but he ends up talking about more secret service agencies that he talks to, uh, and then makes a horrible false equivalency about the Holocaust. Oh, sniff around, decide if they wanted to try something. And I just said, come talk to me. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:15 And most people out there go watch movies about all this stuff. That's not really how most of it works. It is. It's just that they've known for a long time we're having a big effect. Now we're in the center of the zeitgeist. And what I'm getting at is everybody should just be able to talk to everybody. It's like that New York Times photographer. She doesn't work for them a freelance, scared to death when I said, hey, let me see your portfolio
Starting point is 01:34:36 and do some work for us. I can't do that. I'll get, you know, yeah, you get blackballed, huh? That's not freedom. I only brought it up so I could talk to her about it. Cause she's a human being. So I spent a few minutes trying to reach through to her and show her how that's a cult. That's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:34:53 If I had to cry a suicide bombing in Israel, it's like you Zionist scum. Like, like that's the highest thing to say on the internet to somebody. Cause you're a big man. You're a good person. You know, you're moral. I'm not. And so you just say on, you know, a bad person or whatever. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:35:09 I said that there's going to be a false equivalence about the Holocaust. I must not have had that in the clip. At some point in the show, he talks about how like the Holocaust was against the Jews. Now it's against the whites. Great. So it's, it's again, it goes back to this. Oh, oh man. If only.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Yeah. It's this. If only God, what a wonderful word. But see now you're playing into his hands. I am into his narrative. Cause you, you're a self-hating cook, white man who. I mean, yeah, I'm not, you're not wrong. But it's, it, you know, you, you are your definitive evidence that there is a programming
Starting point is 01:35:43 that's going on, trying to turn white people against themselves. It's called history. Yeah. But it's called all of the history. But let's parse that down. Yes. When you talk about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:56 It's very complex and abstract, which is why Alex doesn't understand it. You and I are both, you and I are both white men. Yes. We didn't do. Unfortunately. We didn't do the horrible things from history. Right. But yet.
Starting point is 01:36:10 But every day we benefit from them. Yes. Yeah. And that is the piece of it that makes talking about white sin or white, uh, uh, injustice in the past, things that white people have done important. Well. Now we don't hate each other because you are white and I am white.
Starting point is 00:57:00 01:36:28,640 --> 01:36:30,320 It's not an individual thing. No. It is about a shared history. Right. Of benefiting from oppression. When I was in London, I did see the crown jewels and while I was there. Talking about the princess balls. I did.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Oh, they were good. They were good stuff. Little, the, but the red haired one. Yeah. Uh, those little ginger balls. Oh. Uh, no, it was, it was really fascinating because they did have them in a way that, you know, you would go through, you couldn't take pictures.
Starting point is 01:36:56 There were these weird little things and I just kept looking at them going like, shouldn't you guys call this the shit you stole? Yeah. Cause that's not, you didn't mine those in Britain. Let's also just take a step back all the land. Yeah. Fuck the jewels. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Which is my new rap act. Fuck the jewels. Oh, run the jewels is going to be so pissed. They're going to be a killer. Mike is going to be performing in my neighborhood soon. They were there yesterday. Ah, shit. I just saw the sign.
Starting point is 01:37:25 I don't know. Or no, it was the 17th. Oh, okay. Yeah. Which is the day that this episode. That's true. Run them jewels fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:32 I did not go to the concert because I don't like big crowds. Anyway, we, uh, I, Cause you're a beta white male cook. I apologize that that clip didn't include the thing that I said it did. I will try and track that down as evidence because I don't like saying that he said things without evidence, without proof. Yes. We hold ourselves to a slightly higher standard.
Starting point is 01:37:51 But at the same time, it's very not unrealistic for you to believe that Alex Jones has ideas about white genocide. Zionist scum. Yeah. Is that he's saying that that's what people call him online because he, uh, Because he works for Israel. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Okay. All right. What? Okay. Okay. All right. I don't know exactly what this next clip is. So let's get surprised together.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Coming to you from the former United States of America. What? In the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones. I just, I just want it to be this song. I just want it to be this song. Like if that, if the entire clip was just coming to you from the former United States of America. He's already saying it's not the United States.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Yeah. That's crazy. That seems like, That's some Zionist scum shit right there. That seems like sedition. But then isn't that, uh, you're walking on the fighting side of me? Isn't that Merle Haggard or whatever?
Starting point is 00:00:37 01:38:47,520 --> 01:38:48,080 Yeah, it is. He just, he talks, oh man. He, that's one of his new catchphrases. You know when you want to go against the Constitution? Now you're on the fighting side of me. Now you're walking on the fighting side. But all of the stuff he says is against the Constitution. Does anybody read that shit?
Starting point is 01:39:03 I believe that everybody should be able to do exactly what they want. But once you disagree with me, now you're walking on the fighting side. It bums me out on any, like anytime. So, so the biggest bummer that I have with our system is that it's a team sport. Yeah. Yeah. Like that really bums me out because anytime it's like, oh, the Constitution says this. I mean, it says a lot of crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Sure. It's not, it's not a good or bad document. It's fucking weird half the time. That's why a lot of amendments have had to be made. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But you can't change it.
Starting point is 01:39:34 No. You can't change the fucking concept. God, I hate it. You're gonna amend it. The, oh, ah, ah. Anyway, that's irrelevant. Let's get to, I still don't know exactly what this clip is, but I did, I did love that bump.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Oh, that didn't, that didn't make it clear for you. Bang, oh, bang, oh, bang, oh. It didn't. No, okay. All right. I do know that we are no longer the United States. All right. That's good.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Getting a little bit of Merle Haggard therapy here. Let me tell you what's coming up. We got some very important guests coming up, and then I'm going to get into Prevus on the hook for anti-Trump sabotage in, the prolific Washington bureau chiefs. We formed that. I'm about to get office space.
Starting point is 01:40:10 I'm about to sign contracts on that. I mean, we're not playing around here. That's going on. Polar bear numbers are still explode. Most ever recorded just running around everywhere. Media says they're all dead. Pay carbon taxes. What is this dismissive bullshit?
Starting point is 01:40:22 We've got the big one. Muslim sympathizers at CIA behind. Trump leaks. We're going to talk about that in a moment with our guest. Talk about John O. Brennan. We're going to get into after our guest leaves. This is a globalist in panic after Trump's amazing. We had two press conferences yesterday,
Starting point is 01:40:37 but the big one that was an hour and 18 minutes long. We're going to get into that. No, we're not. I don't know why I had that clip in there. He doesn't get to any of that stuff, but he does have David Horowitz on as a guest. If you're a human being, at this point, you are a Muslim sympathizer.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Because I don't know if you know this or not. Muslims are also human beings. Yeah. There's a lot of them. Yeah. And there's a lot to sympathize with right now. Yeah. There's a lot of really bad stuff being done
Starting point is 01:41:04 in inwardly, outwardly, all of it. There's problems in the community. There's, you know what I just realized? What? This next clip is where he talks about the Holocaust. I apologize that I. Ladies and gentlemen, for the second time, we bring you the Holocaust clip.
Starting point is 01:41:23 But before we get to that within this clip, Alex wants to tell you a little bit about what he was like as a kid, which I know is something you've been fascinated to know about. I swear to God, none of this can be true. Probably not. It's been said billions of times. Billions.
Starting point is 01:41:41 No doubt. And now we got the heart. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it. And so I didn't know that when I got a taste, a hankering for history books when I was about six years old, and I read 200, 300 on World War Two alone. When he was six. Thousands of books.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Thousands. That I was like doing university level studies at the time I was 14, not bragging about it. Yes, you are. It's just that now I have this big store of knowledge reading scholar level, you know, 800 page books. Fuck you. That got into my new show that, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:30 even academics were just acting like they were reading. Wow. And that's why now I understand the roots of the different control systems when I see them. And I know what's being built. And I could say what's being built before they even come out later and admit they're building. So he didn't read thousands of scholarly books
Starting point is 01:42:50 when he was six. But I think that there's an interesting thing that we can, you know, we can use exegesis. And you can take his words and see what's actually being said there. It's possible that he started to understand history when he was six to eight to 10 years old. You're giving him a lot of credit.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Well, no, I'm saying he had a six year old's understanding of history. Okay. All right. Now I'm back on board. Now I'm back on board. That's what I'm saying. Now we're back into it. It's possible.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Now we're fighting on the same team. We're not, we're not on the fighting side of me. Nope. So he, he had this understanding of a youth of a baby that was able to read, I suppose, and he reads these books and doesn't understand what he's reading, but comes up with a fantasy narrative that a child might.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Okay. And because he's so stubborn and I don't know, had a paranoid, weirdo dad. Okay. It never got corrected. You are, you are creating a general, a general unified world theory of Alex Jones right now. Well, I mean, that's,
Starting point is 01:43:57 You're figuring it all out. You are fucking full on, uh, zodiac killering this right now. Kind of what I have to do. You are trying so hard to get into his headspace and work backwards. It's the only way for this not to first of all be horrifying and not be boring.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Right. So I think that's just, he just fabricated that whole cloth. He is not read. He did not read. Also, also the, the fucking balls on him to say that academics, the, the academics don't even understand this and all he did is read 500 fucking
Starting point is 01:44:34 headlines. The books that they pretend to read. He read when he was six. He read when he's having just, you know, like university level conversations on this. But when I, when I was 10, I read the Bible cover to cover. And since then I've read other, you know,
Starting point is 01:44:51 the Bible, you've read like two books, but, but I have, I recognize that when I was 10 and I read the Bible, I didn't really understand it in a way that I did when I was taking biblical classes in college. Right. When I was an older person, I had a more robust worldview.
Starting point is 01:45:07 I was able to read more into abstract language. I was more able to understand metaphor. I was more understanding of context and things like that. Yeah. No matter who you are, if you're six, you're not like, what is that even? Second grade? Uh, first grade.
Starting point is 01:45:25 First, second grade. Yeah. Yeah. You're not reading scholarly books well in second grade. You might hold them. Do you know what I was reading? Do you know what I was reading? Hop on top?
Starting point is 01:45:35 No, red wall. Okay. Red wall. Great. They were mice. They fought wars. It was good shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:41 You and most of my friends. Martin the warrior. Martin the warrior. Great. Yeah. Did good stuff. I would also bet everything I own. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Which isn't much. I have that exercise bike over there. We have very little at stake in this bet right here. I have a little bit of Boone's farm. Not anymore. I would bet anything that you have read more books than Alex Jones. I would bet anything that I've read more books than Alex Jones has in the past week in his entire life.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Probably. That is he thousands of books. Yeah. Thousands of books. By the way, I do like the idea that you start to take his words and his own sort of telling of his own history and you start to get a better picture of exactly why he is the kind of wrong that he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:29 It's one of those things where you can learn a lot more about the Grecian people oftentimes by the myths as opposed to the written histories. What a civilization or a culture holds dear speaks volumes about. Yeah. Exactly. The stories they tell. You get, OK, there were these Peloponnesian wars. But then you look at it within the context of their gods and all of that stuff
Starting point is 01:46:54 and you start to see the motivations behind why they would believe what they are doing is correct. Why they would believe it's right. That whole concept. So him mythologizing his own youth as being a preternaturally gifted six year old. Much like Trump can remember phone numbers. Exactly. He was a kid genius.
Starting point is 01:47:17 At six policy wonk. Policy wonk. At six. Absolutely. He was reading white papers at six. White papers. It was they were putting it out there. But I want to be clear when I say these things and I try and create this picture
Starting point is 01:47:29 of him, I'm not doing it to get like to justify him. No. I'm not saying that like, oh, now we should feel bad for him. I'm saying it's interesting and important to look at why a propagandist behaves the way you are. You're like you're like an anthropologist. So like we're we're studying we're Egyptologists right now. We're like, why are the pharaohs so fucking weird?
Starting point is 01:47:51 Well, here's the thing. Don't get buried with your cat. Cats aren't doing that shit. What's going on here? Don't talk shit on Celine. What's what I'm doing here. Talk shit get hit. What I'm doing here.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Is I'm gearing up. What are you doing for when the collapse happens? There's a terrible civil war. And then on the other end of it, we try and figure out what happened. So we're giving it we're giving us like three or four weeks until this. I will be on future MSNBC as a Alex Jones specialist. I will be I've just tried to become an Alex Jones expert witness. Yeah, you you would be the first witness I would call in the trial of Alex Jones.
Starting point is 01:48:35 In his Nuremberg trial, you're definitely on the on the list. Speaking of Nuremberg trials, we're about to get to that part about the Holocaust. That's right. And I'm not bragging. It's just that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it. I only wish that I had time. It's been years since I read a history book. It's been years since I read a science fiction book,
Starting point is 01:48:56 which is just the dreams of humans. It's been years since I even sat down and read magazines about entertainers or watched a football game. And it's because I have to constantly watch what the enemy is doing. He has to constantly watch what the enemy is doing. But also why does that conflate each other? But in he has no time. But in recent in recent episodes, he's talked very vividly and at length
Starting point is 01:49:20 about how football is just a recreation of war. No, I know to sap a men's testosterone. Yeah, I know. I know that. I know that's his. He watches a lot of football. Probably. He totally watches a lot of football.
Starting point is 01:49:33 I mean, he live streamed the Super Bowl on his show. How else does he? Yeah. He watches football. He said he's from fucking Texas. He claimed he was going to boycott the Super Bowl and then live streamed it. Yeah. On the his Sunday show.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Excellent. Well, he talked shit about George HW Bush for throwing a coin poorly. I'm all for that. Fine. I'm in anyway. I'm on board anyway. Let's go to the least. That's the least negative thing.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Alex Jones has ever done. I don't disagree. There's so many interesting things I want to tell you about. So many fun things, but I just can't do it because we have to protect all those good things by exposing these people. We're not a negative broadcast. We're a winning positive broadcast. No.
Starting point is 01:50:16 But we have to admit how bad the globalist are if we're going to save this civilization, the society. Okay. I mean, take the culture in the left of Israel hating. Israel does bad things. Israel has corruption. It's people just like us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:29 But the religion of saying one group of people is fundamentally evil. Jews is now on to white people are fundamentally evil. Well, I thought the Nazis were saying people that weren't Arian or Nordic or Germanic. Everybody was evil. It's just more tribalist crap. And they sell the idea that tribalism has only been done by Europeans, which is just utterly ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:50:52 How can he be so right and wrong as hard as you can be right there? Yeah. How can you be that one that perfectly correct? Well, we'll break it down. Absolutely. Break it down. What you mean? Absolutely correct.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Tribalism. One religion is bad. All of this stuff. All of it. He's correct. Except. Except he hates Muslims. And he has this narrative that the culture is saying that all white people are inherently evil
Starting point is 01:51:24 and no one is saying that. No one is saying that. No one is saying that. There's just too many of us. But it's also. I mean, somebody should be saying it, but there's too many of us to say it to our faces. But like we've talked about so many times.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Like maybe we are. Has anybody ever considered that? Yeah. The 5% nation. They believe that white people were created by an evil scientist named Yakub in a lab. At this point, that's as reasonable as everybody voting Trump for president. All of it is reasonable. But like.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Nothing is discounted in my world right now. The idea too that like everyone thinks that white people are inherently evil is his inability to understand what these conversations about privilege actually mean. Right. He has no grasp on it. He takes it so personally that it's like, I didn't enslave anybody. He didn't. He talked about how his family fought on the side of the south during the Civil War.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Well, I mean, but yeah. So who wouldn't? I don't think that makes him inherently bad because of that either. But like his inability to understand and his incessant need to take that shit personally makes him think that everybody is saying that white people are inherently evil. And therefore are the victims of an impending genocide that's being made right now. It is. It is so hard.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It is so hard to listen to any of this in the context of them spending so much time saying that everybody else is playing the victim. Yeah. While while in the same sentence, he says a white genocide is coming because everybody hates white people. Yep. And I hate how Muslims play the victim. Yep.
Starting point is 01:53:00 How how is black lives matter or cop killers? Yeah, like that's the how do we how do we fight against that? What rhetorical trick is there available to fight against somebody who just denies reality that hard? There's none. It's impossible. Right. All we can do is kind of try and laugh.
Starting point is 01:53:20 You know what we have to do? Commit white genocide. Starting in Occupy Tech. Starting in Occupy Tech. So in order for him to not deal with the press conference. Yes. Which he has been doing so well. He actually ends up talking about another press conference that Trump also did that
Starting point is 01:53:39 day. Excellent. I want to get to a bunch of clips. Trump is at the Boeing factory right now. He probably put this up on screen. I bet he gets all that stuff. Him will play except a little bit the next hour. He's talking about the economy and building things and getting Boeing to move its jobs
Starting point is 01:53:55 back from China and it's happening. He looks so presidential there. I don't think I've ever seen him look more presidential. I mean he just gets. He's just stepping into it. That's not a high point. It's spiritual evolution. This is a big deal.
Starting point is 01:54:09 See this country was taken to the very edge of death and demoralization. A lot of people are dead before they're physically dead. They just shuffle around, programmed, unhappy, not having any vision. Not having any connection to the spiritual of the universe. And that is now coming back into the world. Self-respect. Belief. He's there promoting American plane rolling out and saying,
Starting point is 01:54:39 Boeing, you come back here. So their stock will go up. Instead of it going down when they were going to move to China. Nothing against China, but it's time for America to have something. In China, when you do better trade deals and when you actually decide to pay your people something, instead of being greedy, then you'll build a civilization that will actually buy our products and then we can go to the stars together. But we're not going to be run over by a bunch of Zuckerbergs and Schmitz
Starting point is 01:55:09 in an alliance with China in some pipe dream. That whole system is getting rolled up right now. We're teaching you how the cow ate the cabbage. I want to listen to that clip 30 more times in a row. What is he fucking saying? The pauses are so long. Does he think, wait, but okay. Does he think China isn't buying our stuff?
Starting point is 01:55:36 What is he, what is not being, how does, does China not have a civilization right now? No. Do they not have one? No, they certainly haven't for thousands of years. Aren't they doing all right? I feel like they're doing all right. Maybe not the common man on the streets, maybe not doing that great. But compared to what they were 30 years ago, I mean, they're doing amazing.
Starting point is 01:55:56 I mean, there's been a new industry, like it's not good. It's not, but it's a lot like, it's a lot like when America and Britain got hit with the industrial revolution. Like yeah, a lot of lives improved, but also there were fucking child workers in a goddamn factory. Sure. It's growing pains. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's not great, but also that sitcom was terrible. Agreed. But also I love the line, nothing against China.
Starting point is 01:56:21 When all he does is talk shit on China. All he does is talk shit on China. But also I don't fucking know what that's how the cow ate the cabbage. I don't, I've never heard that turn of phrase. No, didn't, haven't you heard that's how the cow ate the cabbage? Have not. Well, do you know what it, okay, so you've got a cow. All right.
Starting point is 01:56:38 And he's going to go into a cabbage field. Okay. And you're like, how is he going to do it? And then he just fucking knocks down China and moves Boeing's jobs back to America. And that's how the cow ate the cabbage. Yeah. Also, I read a nice report the other day about how it's, it's really absurd to imagine. Absurd doesn't even have meaning anymore.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Well, all life is absurd now. It's absurd to think that all of the parts of a plane would be built in the same place. How it works is there's different component parts that are made in factories. All over the place. And it makes sense. And a lot of the parts actually are made already in America. Yeah. So it's like, well, there's a lot of stuff that it's hard to transport.
Starting point is 01:57:20 And if you need certain resources, it's a good idea to be close to those resources. That cuts down on your overhead costs. Yeah, it's all a good idea. And let's not fucking split hairs. The idea of factory jobs saving us is, is so stupid. No, that's gone. It's gone. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:57:34 It's over. It's insane to not recognize how automation is absolutely going to take all of the jobs way before globalization. But, you know, I was actually reading a really, really good and cogent thought about how this campaign, both candidates were harkening back to this vision of America from the 1950s. It's folksy. Yeah, like they're the person, you know, my, my grandfather was a small business owner. And you're like, so that doesn't affect it.
Starting point is 01:58:10 So yeah, like that's not a story that resonates like our generation is fucked. And we're watching climate change happen to us. It's 65 degrees in fucking February in Chicago. And sinkholes are opening in LA where fire trucks are falling through the street. There are fucking floods coming where we're in and climate change isn't supposed to happen real bad until five years from now. Like why didn't any, why isn't anybody going full for like, okay, Trump is a fucking monster.
Starting point is 01:58:42 But tomorrow, if he comes out and says, we're going to be the most radical country on fighting climate change as we possibly can, he's going to be better for us than any other. But he couldn't do that because so much of that would involve regulation. Oh, of course. And, uh, you know, he wouldn't do this. Let's get to this next clip. And I, I'm going to make a hard request. Let's just listen to this all the way through because it also gives us some weird insight
Starting point is 01:59:09 into Alex's past, uh, and he, he begins by talking about communism. But what he ends up talking about is one of those horrible examples of toxic masculinity. And I really think the story is super fucked up. The globalists want to control revolution to the universities. They own and control the big corporate donors and the corporate grants. They want all human rebellion to be socialist or communist so that you build a centralized system they control and you get demoralized and you're so dumbed down, you don't even know that communism is designed to centralize power and doesn't work except for the elites.
Starting point is 01:59:45 You're being given a worthless college degree you pay for. So we would have you so psychologically wrecked when you figure it out that you never figure it out. And you're just a bitter screwed up loser. They don't ever want you to win and learn competency. I don't want to give the stories about my childhood and things, but the things that were horrible at the time and that were just absolutely really scary was kind of the end of America. A lot of people go see movies with like gangs and people meeting in a parking lot with chains and knives and people getting killed.
Starting point is 02:00:18 And you think, oh, that's just in movies. No, that's what America, if you're really a young person used to be like, and it was like you were men and people said, you know, come meet all three of us after school. And the woods, oh, by the railroad track, you went there because you were a man. I mean, I would go meet people knowing there'd be multiple people there. They were all intended to hurt me. And I would still go, even though sometimes I got my leg broken, concussions, hospital, you name it, I still went.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Where is that today? That's a fighting spirit and didn't mean I won every time either. By the time I got a little bigger, I always did pretty much sometimes the switch had to get flipped. And then people got hurt really bad every time. I just want to butt in there because you're yelling over, he was saying, I got, you know, then a switch got flipped. Yeah. And then I became a rip.
Starting point is 02:01:13 Fuck you. He made, he made a gesture and I'm not entirely sure that this is what he meant. But when he said a switch got flipped, he made a gesture that looked like he was talking about a switch blade knife, which would imply that he stabbed him. Then he does like a switch got flipped and then people got hurt real bad. Why, what, what, why would you, this is such a like, it's, it's masculinity. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Yeah. And it's not done. No. And there we go. Yeah. Oh God. Fuck you. Not you.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Sometimes you run to other men that can flip that switch and then learn not to flip that switch. And that's what the global see to understand. You don't even have that switch or you wouldn't want to go where you're trying to take us because you haven't been there as adults. You didn't go through a ride some passage. You're still trying to be men. Zuckerberg, you could be a man and help humanity and not be part of this control freak cult. So could Schmidt and all of you, but you just come from trash.
Starting point is 02:02:14 And so I guess trash begets trash. So there's a, there's a where, where were we? There's a whole, there's a whole lot there. That is such a fucking insane. Have you ever read futuristic violence in fancy suits? No. I would recommend reading it. It's by a David.
Starting point is 02:02:32 It's by David Wong. Okay. It's like this, it's this near future science fiction kind of thing. And it is basically like Reddit culture, Gamergate culture, 4chan, like gone wild in that there's this one dude who is just basically what we're dealing with now. Well, yeah, he's called Moloch. So Milo. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:02:58 And his whole thing is like, we're reclaiming testosterone and that exactly. It's, it's right on with what he's saying. It's freakish. This idea of, this idea of like fantasizing about a past where men would go beat each other up in the woods and stuff is so fucking awful. It's gross. It's a bad idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Plan ahead. Whenever I don't, don't fight wind. I got bullied a lot in school because I have a cross-eye and I was a nerd and I was chubby as a kid. Right. And a lot of people took me as a good target and maybe I was. And there was a lot of like, gonna kick your ass after school and I just laugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:41 Like come meet us over here. Like, no, I will not. No, you're gonna hurt me. Why would I go there? That's a bad idea on my part. Yeah. And I never felt like I wasn't being a manly because I didn't go. That's called not being a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Yeah. Yeah. And then. But whenever I grew up, I never lost a fight. I turned that switch. Globalists wish they could turn that stretch. I met men who can turn that switch and I taught him not to turn that switch. But globalists, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:04:08 You know who can turn that switch? John Rappaport. He takes those fake teeth out and it's game on. Like it's, I don't understand this fetishization of, yeah, I don't understand what it is where you just, you know, masculinity is all that matters. I don't want to, I don't want to live in that world. That's bad. It's a bad world.
Starting point is 02:04:32 I also don't want to necessarily live in Alex Jones' fake fantasy world that he thinks is being created by the globalists where men and women don't exist or anything like that. Like I don't, but like the idea of trans identity and gender fluidity and those sorts of things don't at all threaten masculinity or femininity. No. They don't at all. If anything, it gains from everything gains. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:01 By, by, by accepting a broader spectrum of reality. Yeah. And so you, you learn, you learn, you learn more about people. And what it comes down to is this, I mean, we've hit on it a couple of times already this episode. It's that I don't understand privilege. I don't understand what these marginalized groups are actually saying. I take it personally and I get mad about it.
Starting point is 02:05:27 And frankly, you don't understand the lessons to be learned from West Side Story, which is that you don't go dance fight. You love each other. He learned one lesson and that is that he likes to be in America. He's, he's, he's referencing the Warriors the whole time, right? Yeah, absolutely. Warriors come out to Alex Jones. Do you remember the part in the Warriors where they, one guy tries to rape a police officer?
Starting point is 02:05:52 I am waiting for that to be something Alex Jones says. In the middle of a broadcast, just be like, Hey, you guys remember that part in the Warriors? The Warriors, it's actually literally about the transcripts that came out from the C.F.R. Designers don't want you to hear about the Warriors. There's a part in the Warriors program where they're going to rape a female police officer on a park bench like you do. And one of them doesn't want to. And he asks, what have you gone fag?
Starting point is 02:06:19 Holy shit. This was okay. That was fine. That was a world we lived in. That's insane. That was fine. I think the broad strokes of the Warriors is a really interesting story that's being told. But that stuff is in that movie.
Starting point is 02:06:33 It's like, oh fuck. You can't, you can't go back and watch so many movies without being like, Holy shit. Well, yeah, the, the, the like really clunky understanding of, of people in the 70s. I mean, you can't even go back and watch an Eddie Murphy special without being like, Oh, oh no. Oh boy. Oh no. Nice coat though.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Nice coat. You know how to dress, man. So this next clip, we only have a couple left. This next clip is called, I don't remember what it is, but I know that it's him saying something really sincere and serious and then pivoting hard into an ad. Which I always fucking love. That's the best. How do you, how do you pivot from fucking white genocide is happening to a, you know,
Starting point is 02:07:16 my, my dad makes this toothpaste. It's called super blue. Do not understand that the globalists and the chai cops want to kill you. All right. We got weird pills. Yeah. It's, it's, it's that fun transition. George Soros is a monster and unless you eat ground up bones, you will never be able
Starting point is 02:07:35 to fight against him. I think this might be a caveman. Oh fuck yes. But also it is that you can see the transition from like, demagogue Alex into salesman Alex. And I always fucking love that. These people are garbage and it's time to call them out for who they are and stop being afraid of.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Yeah. And I'm calling all of them out. And so is Trump. Going to see a high noon. If they fight us, we win. If they kill us, we win. If we defeat them, we win. We win.
Starting point is 02:08:02 We win. We win. It's true. You're going to get so tired of winning. That's what humanity is supposed to do. Not be a bunch of losers. We've gotten to the point where anything's possible now. Anything.
Starting point is 02:08:12 We get past these people. We're going to look into the future and they're going to look back. And just say, unbelievable. Also, I'd like to, I'd like to just take a second to be like, Hey, everything is possible. We can be accepting people with different ideas. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:26 Also, I like the idea of like, you're going to get so tired of winning, but also winning includes you getting murdered sometimes. So yeah, you will totally get tired of winning. It's a real bummer half the time. You can't. You might even think you're losing if you're the one getting murdered, but you're not. You're winning.
Starting point is 02:08:42 While winning, it'll feel like losing. It'll feel a lot like getting murdered. Yeah. This is going to be the big game time. This is going to be celebrated. This is going to be studied. There's going to be statues. There's going to be spaceships named after what's happening.
Starting point is 02:08:55 There's going to be colonies for it. It's going to be unbelievable if we learn to celebrate our humanity and God and learn to celebrate the rights of passage and who we are. I got to get to the clips just briefly. We've come out with, I mean, we always shout out to have the very best products. And I just said, look, everybody, you know, everybody talks about how bone broth is so good. Chicken bones, beef bones, you name it. You know, boiling and all that would be sick or be healthy or for NFL people or weight lifters
Starting point is 02:09:25 or everything else. And for just super nutrients and feeling good. I want to go out research the very best stuff out there and come out with our own. And we've done it. It's caveman. True paleo formula in And your purchase helps fund the operation. Made with cartilage, bone, broth, paleo ingredients.
Starting point is 02:09:42 The next generation of advanced paleo nutrition. And it's the bones that actually have with the marrow and all the rest of it, the real sustenance. And that's what this has got and a lot more. It's also a chonga mushroom, alfalfa, herb powder, bee pollen, turmeric root is key, and so many other ingredients. Chicken broth, powder, protein, everybody knows like chicken noodle soup. That's just a tiny bit of the essence of the chicken bones.
Starting point is 02:10:10 There's not chicken bones folks in your chicken noodle soup you're cooking. You're not getting what grandma knew you needed when you were sick. This is like literally hundreds of times that you get in an original chicken noodle soup each serving. I mean, this is like the concentrate of the chicken is the cleanest bone marrow and bone. He's, this is his new. What is fucking happening? This is his new product.
Starting point is 02:10:30 He sounds so bored by it already. It is. Well, okay. And we're not. All right. We are more fast. This is endlessly fascinating. We are more fascinating than he is.
Starting point is 02:10:39 The number of ingredients they have jammed into a pill. Chonga mushroom. Ridiculous. How could you even fit that many ingredients to do? Also, okay. Bone. Okay. Cartilage.
Starting point is 02:10:53 How long? How long before there's a Vox essay where it's just basically Charlton Heston going caveman is made of people. It's people. You maniacs. I don't know. Caveman is totally made of people, isn't it? It's made of bones.
Starting point is 02:11:13 It's made of human bones. Chicken bones. They're the cleanest bones. How, what, what does that even fucking mean? I don't know. What does any of what he just said mean? I don't know. And he doesn't know either.
Starting point is 02:11:23 What does that mean? Is there a chicken bones? Clean bones. Are the cleanest bones? Cleanest bones. They're the cleanest bones? Cleanest. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Nope. Is that a benefit? I don't know. So our, our, our, Don't know why you're asking me. Do we eat dirty bones? Are dirty bones bad for me? I'll tell you what, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:11:42 How are dirty bones bad for me? Dude, I don't eat bones. Shouldn't you clean any bones? Who's just eating dirty bones? And your grandma knew that chicken broth was important. So we're going to put a hundred times. You know, you know how when you were like, man, my grandma wants me to eat this apple.
Starting point is 02:12:04 So instead I'm going to eat a hundred apples. Yeah. It's the same thing with like supplements, having like 5,000% of your daily intake of vitamin C. It's bullshit because you, your body can't even absorb that much. You just eat it out. Yeah. Why would you even want 5,000? There's a reason 100% exists as a number.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Listen, why would a 5,000% is scary? You sound stupid right now. You're, you know what? I'm not going to lie to you. You know why? I agree. Because none of us take in enough bones. So a hundred times what we're taking in now
Starting point is 02:12:37 is just enough. See, see for somebody who raves so often about cannibals, it sure seems like he's leaning towards becoming a cannibal. You're so implying that it's human bones. It's human bones. That's what it is. Don't lie. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:52 Let's all, let's all just quietly sit and agree. Oh man. It's made of people. It's so insane. Why else would it be called caveman? It's all about- They break into museums. They crush up Lucy.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Yeah. And they fucking get this shit done. The pillow down, man. Put him in a pill. Yep. Yep. All right. So what, like what's great is like,
Starting point is 02:13:15 we will have spaceships and colonies named after us. Yeah. I'm going to get to the clips, but also I got bone pills. I got bone pills. What are we going to name one of these colonies? We're going to name them colonies of bone pills. You're going to name this colony, super male vitality. How do you think we're going to make multiple light year trips?
Starting point is 02:13:38 Bone pills. Bone pills. Bone pills. Maybe if you run out of bone pills, you also have a formula to make more bone pills. I have a leg. I don't know if that's a formula. This is, we're now, we're now in a,
Starting point is 02:13:53 in a what's a snow piercer. We're in snow piercer world. Hey everybody, if you run out of bone pills, I would like to recommend that you get on auto ship. You just get things sent to you directly. But if we run out, you always have a femur. Go ahead. Take out that femur, grind it up real good.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Just give it a good old grind. sells a mortar and pestle. Just crunch up that bone. That first colony, we're going to name it femur. We're going to name it. No, we're not too close to FEMA. And we know that they're making slave camps. We're going to go with, I can't think of another bone.
Starting point is 02:14:33 Do you know what the moon of Jupiter is called now? Tibia. Tibia. Oh yeah. Saturn, the rings, fibia rings. That's what they're called. Tarsals, metatarsals. Doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Grind them up. Grind them up. Fucking shove them in your face. But do not eat the coccyx. Cause that's what the liberal- No, no real man would eat a coccyx. All right. So here we go.
Starting point is 02:14:58 We got our last clip here. This one is finally like two and a half hours into the show. Right. He's had an interview with David Horowitz that was meandering and pointless. Right. He later ends up doing an interview at the end of the show. Has anybody made the joke, maybe it's David Horowitz?
Starting point is 02:15:15 I'm sure someone has. I don't think anybody has. I think I'm the original thing. I'm the voice of my generation. Much like our White House Home Improvement, no one steal that joke. No one steal that joke. So this-
Starting point is 02:15:27 No, you can definitely have that one. This is when he finally gets around to the press conference. Uh-huh. And so I've actually just isolated this clip. It's a little bit longer, but we can interrupt at any point. This is his entire coverage of the hour and 10 minute or whatever press conference where he again, asked a black reporter if she knew the Black Caucus.
Starting point is 02:15:50 The Black Caucus personally. He told multiple reporters to shut up. Yep. He lied repeatedly. One of them we played earlier about Hillary selling uranium to the Russians. He explained how nuclear weapons work to an entire people that did not need that information.
Starting point is 02:16:09 We already know it. It's bad. It was a combative prick and sounded like an asshole. He sounded like a petulant eight-year-old. And now none of that is in this analysis. Could not imagine that. All of that stuff that is way more important is not in that analysis.
Starting point is 02:16:24 Let's enjoy- What do we got? Let's enjoy fucking Alex Jones the truth teller. Covering the big news. All right. All right. All right. Let's go ahead and get to some of the Trump press conference here.
Starting point is 02:16:36 Let's go with I inherited a mess. Trump holds press conference. Blast media dishonesty. He is reading a Info Wars headline. Exactly. I don't even need you to tell me that. I can hear the Info Wars headline in his fucking voice. And I hope all of you out there are starting to get trained
Starting point is 02:16:55 to decipher these things yourself. And if you're not, bone pills. That's the way you do it. We've been eating bone pills here for a long while at Knowledge Fight. At Knowledge underscore fight. Tell us which bones you wanted pill for. On Twitter. Hit us up.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Our DMs are open. Slide on in. What do you what we inherited was a massacre of our economy and globalists just selling off every facet, our roads, our streams, our rivers, our mines, the last lead smelting plant shutting down three years ago, shutting down the farms, you're preparing for total control, selling the jobs, boosting the power prices, make you pay more for 200 square foot apartment than a thousand foot laughing at you, making it trendy.
Starting point is 02:17:38 Just as they live in like, you know, 50,000 square foot homes. Just just total criminal activity. I agree with like 40% of the things that he listed there. Like what? Um, I mean, they have support them or no, no, no, they have sold off. Like he didn't. It wasn't a massive massacre of our economy as we all saw from the jobs and stock market. Sure.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Sure. Sure. All the stuff steadily growing. But yeah, no, they've sold off. Like I just just Chicago's parking. They sold all of that off. They just sold it and our airports. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:13 They just sold them privatized all that. Yeah. You should not do that. Nope. That's bad. Nope. And you know what? If the globalists are doing that, I will say right now, I am against the globalists.
Starting point is 02:18:24 You're against this group that doesn't exist. I am against an imaginary group that does exactly what the Chicago mayor is doing right now. And what Trump is going to do on a massive scale. And he's so trying so hard to do. He's going to do that to our national parks. That's what he wants to get rid of. Yeah. He is against natural beauty.
Starting point is 02:18:42 Yeah. Well, it makes sense. Yeah. Well, that's a good point. He only likes Ivanka's beauty. You know what I'm saying? Meanwhile, discredited Brian Williams trying to discredit media. So for that, I've got a bunch of breaking news on them for
Starting point is 02:18:56 I also want to say, I think you'll agree with me here. Fuck Brian Williams. Fuck Brian Williams. None of us give a shit about him. Somebody tried to insist to me that he was a journalist and I want to punch him in the face. No, but like. He's a smiling face on TV. Good on him, but.
Starting point is 02:19:08 He's good in some comedy stuff. Yeah, he's great on 30 Rock. He does like a Leslie Nielsen thing where it's like he's playing really straight. Yeah. It's hilarious. Yeah. He's great on 30 Rock. And he was good at telling the news for a bit, but it also turns out he's a fucking liar.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Who would have guessed who cares? Yeah. I hope it who cares? His idea that like, Oh, I'm going to take a shot at Brian Williams. And that proves that you guys are dumb. Like, no, you're pretending. If you're on Brian Williams side, you're probably wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:35 But also just because Brian Williams. Or at the very least, who cares? Right. But Brian Williams saying that Trump is an asshole or whatever. That doesn't have any bearing on what I believe. No, I don't care. If he happens to agree with me, whatever. If Dave and IT tells me that Trump is garbage.
Starting point is 02:19:53 I'm like, good on you, Dave from IT, but I don't care. I need zero reinforcement from you, Dave from IT. If you get into an argument with somebody, you're not going to be like, well, listen, my very reputable source, Dave and IT tells me that Trump is an asshole. And then he's like, well, did you know that Dave never even worked in IT? And you're like, what? I guess Trump is great now. That is not how that works.
Starting point is 02:20:18 And that would be like, there's a right wing show. All of a sudden, to defend their point is attacking Dave and IT. Who cares? Look, I do. Fuck Dave and IT. I agree. But it's like the idea is comical because it's so petty. Yeah, it's so petty.
Starting point is 02:20:37 It's so much nothing. Again, it would be so fucking funny if it weren't the reality destroying us. From the inside. Absolutely. Absolutely. This is a big one. Muslim sympathizers and CIA behind Trump leagues. I know we already know that, but he's got the documents and the actual files.
Starting point is 02:20:53 He doesn't. He's talking about John Brennan who he believes is a Wahhabist just because he has Islamic sympathies and may or may not have converted to Islam. If he did, who gives a shit? Again. Yeah. Nonsense. And no reputable source I can find at all.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Has any indication that he is any kind of radical? But let me ask you a question. Did you read Infowars? Yeah. I'll tell you what they think. We know what they think. I think he'll tell us what they think. We fucking already know.
Starting point is 02:21:26 This is a big deal. I think I want to get Corsi on Sunday if he can come on guys to the crew. But I'm going to stop there. I apologize. Let's go to the president. Yeah, you said it's president. Trump could never happen, would never happen. And now you say all over the news you're just kind of killing.
Starting point is 02:21:42 And they have a little wimpy CIA guy. He's going, he's a domestic enemy and needs to be dealt with. He needs to prevail. Super male vitality. Again, that's about Evan McMullen. And the other stuff is not really about anything. It's not all over the news. Let's kill Trump.
Starting point is 02:21:58 It's not. It's 100% not. It's really not. Because if it was, people would be getting fucking arrested. Yeah. Yeah. You can't say kill the president. And Trump would love nothing more than for people to advocate his death.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Well, you saw. Because then he would have an excuse to go crazy town on journalists. Well, on a very much smaller level, you saw that Trump Associated Political Action Committee was making robo calls to people trying to get Trump impeached. Yeah. Yeah. Which is exactly what someone crazy would do.
Starting point is 02:22:34 Yeah. It's a false flag. It is. It's a literal false flag. Yeah. His people or people who supported him, I don't know if he was necessarily involved in that, but people who were on his side were pretending to be against him
Starting point is 02:22:49 to anger the people who were on his side. Yeah. Fucking insanity. It's insanity like a, it's fucking crazy. That's how the cow ate the cabbage. It's. Because you think because you went on CNN and the big corporate guys are patting on the head and you're in a group that you guys don't feel powerful and we're
Starting point is 02:23:12 going to have a civil war and start arresting our enemies. Can you hear that's what we're going to do? And you think you're picking on some Iraqis dumb ass? What? Really think so, huh? Fake laugh. We want to help poor people in this economy going. I mean, no.
Starting point is 02:23:31 If you guys walk down that road, it's like Grendel going to visit Beowulf, but you're not even like Grendel. You're more like a one foot tall Gremlin with a. He does not understand that. We so really can't even see it. I mean, spiritually, it's just a complete joke. He might have read Beowulf when he was six.
Starting point is 02:23:56 Grendel gets killed walking down the road, going up like, Hey, so Grendel's on one side of the fence and Beowulf is Tim, the tool man, Taylor, that's what we're trying to go. How many more Tim, how many more home improvement riffs can we? Where's Grendel's mom in all this? Is she the wife boy? I don't know. I think we've lost.
Starting point is 02:24:20 I think we've lost track of the Grendel reference here. Yeah. I think he did too. Much quicker. Do you mean at the very making of the. So I mean, just what the hell is your problem, man? Just get over the fact you hate yourself. You're projecting it on us and just get out of the way.
Starting point is 02:24:36 Move, bitch. Get out the way. Get out the way. You see them headlights. I'm going a hundred down the highway. You're in the fast lane. You see me knocked them curtains down. You see what happens with the crowd.
Starting point is 02:24:48 You see what's going on. You understand that I talk to people how they feel because I feel that way. I'm genuine. Something you'll never have. Move. Get out the way. Pause that. Did he just drop a real verse right there?
Starting point is 02:25:01 I think he did. I think you just dropped a verse. I think you just dropped 10 bars. I got a rewind. Yeah. Bring this back. I want to start with move, bitch. Get out the way because I think he added his own verse to that.
Starting point is 02:25:12 Really lightly. Let's put a beatbox on me. Play joke. So I mean, just what the hell is your problem, man? Just get over the fact. Just get over the fact you hate yourself. You're projecting on us to just get out of the way. Move, bitch.
Starting point is 02:25:30 Get out the way. Get out the way. You see them headlights. I'm going a hundred down the highway. You're in the fast lane. You see me knocked them curtains down. You see what happens with the crowd. You see what's going on.
Starting point is 02:25:41 You understand that I talk to people how they feel because I feel that way. I'm genuine. Something you'll never have. Move. Get out the way. He dropped a verse. Fuck yeah. No.
Starting point is 02:25:53 End of the show. End of the show. He just dropped a goddamn verse. That is a motherfucking 10 bars right there. That ain't shit. Black thought. That is right fucking there. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:26:07 Oh my god. That's the greatest thing ever. I didn't even fucking catch that. I thought it was- How could you not? Because I thought it was- That is a man dropping hot fucking fire right there. I thought that was just dumb spasmatic talking.
Starting point is 02:26:21 Nope. Holy shit. Oh yeah. Could you see these headlights? I'm on the highway. Oh my god. That is all a wrap. It is a full-
Starting point is 02:26:31 You know what? Holy shit. And it wasn't terrible. It wasn't terrible. He can't rhyme. Motherfucking can't rhyme for shit. No but that's art wrap. That is.
Starting point is 02:26:40 That is. That is riff wrap. Is that it? Holy shit. I mean let's be honest. As a fan of the hip hop- Guys I want you to be able to see Friesen's face right now. I'm freaking out.
Starting point is 02:26:50 Because he has been destroyed by this new information. It is a delight. Let me walk you through why I'm so fucking flummoxed. He does say that move bitch get out the way thing a lot. Like when he was talking about Hillary in the election- Right. He'd use Ludacris's- Because-
Starting point is 02:27:11 And I'm sure Ludacris was 100% on board with that. He's on board just as much as Moby is. But like- I- I'm at a loss for words. You are grappling with a lot of emotions that you never thought you were going to have to deal with. Handle this. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:31 Can we listen to that one more time? Yeah we can but- Can we isolate you doing the hip- you doing the boom- the beatboxing? Uh like- Alright, well maybe not that. Let's do that one more time.
Starting point is 02:27:44 You guys walk down that road. It's like Grendel going to visit Beowulf. I went too far back. Yeah. But also when this does play, I need this to be clear. His rap needs work. It does. It's not good.
Starting point is 02:28:01 We're not- We're not arguing on the quality of his rap. I don't want anyone out there to think that I- We- Like a bad rap. We're- We're- Yeah, we're-
Starting point is 02:28:09 We're well documented hip-hop fans. Okay. But you're not even like Grendel. You're more like a one foot tall Gremlin with a- Weenie so little you can't even see it. I mean it's- I miss that part. It's just a complete joke.
Starting point is 02:28:20 It's masculinity. I miss the small Weenie part. Too distracted by Grendel bullshit. I mean just what the hell is your problem, man? Just get over the fact you hate yourself. You're projecting it on us and just get out of the way. Move, bitch. Get out the way.
Starting point is 02:28:33 Get out the way. You see them headlights? I'm going a hundred down the highway. You're in the fast lane. You see- Knocked them curtains down. You see what happens with the crowd? You see what's going on?
Starting point is 02:28:43 Hold on. You understand that I talk to people? How they feel? Because I feel that way? I'm- He legitimately said you see what's happening with the crowd? He's like pretending he's alive. He's in a show.
Starting point is 02:28:55 In his head. He's at that run the jewels show. And he's- This is fucking fantastic. Holy fuck. We just destroyed your paradigm. Well like look we earlier in the show we were talking about me really psychoanalyzing him as a child and all this
Starting point is 02:29:10 and being the expert on Alex Jones. Yeah. You did not know. You did not know. But that's why he's a fucking- Like I've described him as a propaganda onion. We have- There's layers.
Starting point is 02:29:21 We have gone through so many times. So many times I've thought there's just no more. There's no deeper to go in Alex Jones. Or I can never be surprised. I can never be surprised by Alex Jones. I am always inconsistently surprised by Alex Jones. I pulled this clip and I'm surprised. You had no idea.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Yeah. To be fair like I said I pulled these clips drunk last night. So anyway let's let's get through this and see what happens after the rapping. Genuine. Something you'll never have. Genuine actually. Move.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Get out the way. These people have searched for power and all they found is their own destruction. They were only the stimuli to strengthen us and prod us to the next level. I just had a horrifying thought. What? What if all of his entire show is avant-garde jazz
Starting point is 02:30:18 scat talk. So we're going. What if all of it is performance art jazz scat. What if it is. We have to completely readjust our whole approach. Okay. Everybody who's listened to our podcast we're going to delete all of the old ones.
Starting point is 02:30:33 We're starting fresh from the new from the new premise that this is Scatman Carothers come back to life. Holy shit. Oh god. Wow. It's oh my god. I love this. They were only the flies the gnats and the swamp
Starting point is 02:30:53 biting us so we'd get out of the swamp. Get out the swamp. Confidently to their swamp and you know nest upon piles of crap. Skip this break I just have to. I'll skip them all I don't care anymore. Let's go ahead and go to the president. Unfortunately much of the media in Washington D.C. along with New York Los Angeles in particular speaks
Starting point is 02:31:16 not for the people but for the special interests and for those profiting off a very very obviously broken system like him. The press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about it we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people tremendous disservice we have to talk about it to find out what's going on because the press honestly is out of control the level of dishonesty is out of control. I ran for president to represent the citizens of our country and he's done a great job. I am here to change the broken system so it serves their families and their communities well.
Starting point is 02:31:56 So long as they work I'm talking and and really talking about this very entrenched power structure and what we're doing is we're talking about the power structure we're talking about its entrenchment as I can't listen to this now without questioning whether Trump is laying a lazy verse down. I've been infected now I'm just I'm looking for meter anywhere and I'm just like what is this I've been destroyed. I oh man I really wish you had God I wish his voice were nowhere near us. Yeah but like it won't be too much longer.
Starting point is 02:32:38 He's a fucking crazy person. Yeah but you understand like Alex is playing just this clip because it's where he's not interacting and having to answer questions or anything like that. He has his prepared statements and they're wrong. They're one well they're cancerous but how do you but at the same time he doesn't sound that crazy because he's not being called on shit. Yeah so Alex only like really. Yeah somehow what he just said comparatively speaking doesn't sound crazy.
Starting point is 02:33:06 Yeah that's how we're oh god. Through the looking glass baby. As a result the media is going through what they have to go through too often times to store it not all the time and some of the media is fantastic I have to say they're honest and fantastic but much of it is not the the distortion even thoughts about it. You'll be able to ask me questions about it. We're not going to let it happen because I'm here again 35 to take my message well I mean to the people as you know our administration.
Starting point is 02:33:37 He's fucking ships. Many problems went on TV and it was like this is dangerous and across the economy. To be honest yeah I inherited a mess it's a mess. I don't fully disagree with him. Again. The government is always a mess. It is always a mess. There's always entrenched interests there's always there's always
Starting point is 02:33:59 knots you have to untangle but the level of mess that he inherited compared to what Obama inherited eight years prior it's it's unthinkable to think that he did you know what I've never thought balls to come out there and be like well this is a mess. I've never looked at a pile of laundry on my floor and been like god damn it I hate this mess you know what I'm going to do burn my couch down. I'm going to blame the gap. Yeah. The store.
Starting point is 02:34:28 I'm going to blame whoever sold me these clothes or wherever they came from. Oh I inherited this fucking mess so what I'm going to do is I am going to what analogy is insane enough for this. Here we go. I haven't done laundry so I am going to tell everyone who says I stink that they're a liar. Okay how about start from the beginning. All right and I'm going to drop a beat for you. I'm on the highway on the flyway.
Starting point is 02:35:00 No this is done. Like so now we're done we're done. I'm actually trying to rhyme. You're yeah I know you're failing. At home and abroad a mess. A mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country. They're not.
Starting point is 02:35:13 See what's going on with all of the companies leaving our country going to Mexico and other places. Definitely not. Low pay low wages. Agreed. Mass instability overseas no matter where you look. Because the Middle East a disaster. North Korea we'll take care of it folks. We're going to take care of it all.
Starting point is 02:35:31 How. I just want to let you know I inherited a mess. That's preemptive like all right when this goes poorly just know that. It's not my fault. Right it's kind of what I do at work a little bit. It's kind of but I know and my bosses know I'm kind of lying. Right. There's a thing that's like look there's a whole lot of bills that are overdue.
Starting point is 02:35:51 I didn't. I'm just starting. So like if I can't get all of this paid. First rule first rule of government. Blame the guys before you. Yeah absolutely. And you know what. For it.
Starting point is 02:36:05 Sure. Go for it. Yeah. At the very least you're doing you're doing what everybody else did. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But I mean he inherited a mess. We're killing people with flying robots. That's messy.
Starting point is 02:36:23 That's a bad inheritance. The Middle East it's been a mess for a long time. I think it's in the Bible. I think it is in the Bible. Yeah. North Korea agreed. Sure. That's a mess.
Starting point is 02:36:36 Yeah. His saying we're going to take care of it is the scariest part of North Korea. Yeah yeah. I am not afraid of North Korea. I am afraid of Trump saying we're going to take care of it. I'm afraid of him antagonizing. I'm afraid of him saying we're going to take care of anything because anytime he says we're going to take care of it in my mind I hear.
Starting point is 02:36:58 Exactly. They killed Kim Jong-un's brother and the lady who killed him. Thought it was a thought it was a prank show. What the fuck. How are we going to take care of this. Do you know what's even crazier. Now I'm reading shit that is implying that Kim Jong-un. Thought it was a prank show.
Starting point is 02:37:17 It's the one who killed his brother. Probably. As a false flag. No probably. It's the only thing that it's the only thing makes sense. That's why I always assumed. No absolutely. I mean because he was a defector and he left North Korea.
Starting point is 02:37:32 Like his dad didn't like him. That's why Kim Jong-un is in power. You know I didn't know anything about that. Yeah. I did not know that he was a defector. Yeah yeah he tried to he tried to flee and he's been living outside of the country for a long time. Oh well then yeah he's got to die.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Yeah. Anyway. That makes sense. Trump's going to take. I think we're going to take care of it. Trump's going to take care of it. Getting on day one our administration went to work to tackle these challenges.
Starting point is 02:37:57 On foreign affairs we've already begun enormously productive talks with many foreign leaders. Much of it you've covered. Don't fall in towards stability security and peace in the most troubled regions of the world. Which there are many. Yep. We've had great conversations with the United Kingdom
Starting point is 02:38:16 and meetings. Israel, Mexico, Japan, China and Canada. Really really productive conversations. I would say far more. Oh that's right. We're listening to Alex Jones. His own notes. Like he wrote those notes.
Starting point is 02:38:31 They're his words. Here let's keep going. Can he write? Or productive than you would understand. Just to say that. We've even developed a new council with Canada to promote women's business leaders and entrepreneurs. Very important to me.
Starting point is 02:38:45 Very important to my daughter Ivanka. I have directed our defense community headed by our great general now secretary Mattis. He's over there now working very hard. That's like a weird shout out. For the defeat at a wedding. A group that celebrates the murder and torture of innocent people in large sections of the world.
Starting point is 02:39:10 Used to be a small group. Now it's in large sections of the world. They've spread like cancer. Can we not listen to him speak ever again? Like cancer. And the globalist. For the mess I am handling. Thank you Alex.
Starting point is 02:39:25 That's right. Now let's go back to you. Thank you for that. Thank you for saving us. Keep saying I'm with Russia with no problem. The globalist. But it involves you. I'm beginning.
Starting point is 02:39:32 Hillary has ended up to her eyeballs and way worse than the uranium. What's even the New York Times has to admit she made the deals. Took the money. Did it? No they don't. One of her aides got 30 plus million dollars. Didn't. And then they made millions to her foundation.
Starting point is 02:39:44 I mean this was a giant criminal op with foreign governments with her meeting secretly with Putin. For Russia's interests. That's what governments are supposed to do. And into a country's wide open can be bought off. That's what they do. It's Machiavelli. That should stop.
Starting point is 02:40:00 OK. So our main boogeymen now. I'm your boogeyman. Are the press. Yes big time. Big time the press. They're the number one. They're the number one boogeyman.
Starting point is 02:40:13 They're the enemy of the public. Now are we so low on boogeymen that we're still going after Hillary. Yeah yeah yeah. And then Hillary is actually directing the press to do what it's doing through Soros funding and what have you. There's a unified field theory of boogeyman. You won. Me.
Starting point is 02:40:35 The world is over. Stop shitting on Hillary. Let her go. Again it's petty. Let her go. It's very petty. Let her go. Well that he can't because.
Starting point is 02:40:46 Because there are so few. If there if there is if there is a terrorist attack it's over right. Well it's Hillary's fault. What. No no no. I mean if if Trump gets if the government we have now gets a terrorist attack to sink their teeth into. Yes.
Starting point is 02:41:00 On on America. If there's like a 9-11. Yeah yeah. It's then they get to end the world. Basically. That's what they're going to do. Trump has indicated he's very willing to use nuclear weapons. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:11 If there's any kind of justification. He just wants to blow up everything. Yeah because he thinks that'll help. But that's also because he read books on nuclear weapons when he was six. Or I'd say that's Alex. No that's Alex. Yeah. Trump Trump has been planning this since he was 12.
Starting point is 02:41:27 Yes he's been aware. According to Alex Trump has known the game plan. Who knows the I'm. Listen. I want to go. We we both we both ran out of gas immediately once the rap first hit. Listen also the rest of this is just him responding. Yeah no there's no way this is going to.
Starting point is 02:41:47 No he just listens to the parts of Trump's press conference that are not unhinged. Even those are unhinged though. But they're not yelling at members of the press. Being a complete dick to people for no reason. He's just saying lies. Right. He's just saying a series of lies. But when I think about unhinged I think about how out of control he was how abusive he was
Starting point is 02:42:09 to people like that sort of thing. Like that is really. What a simpler time when unhinged was just a man shouting lies. Yeah when that one reporter asked him about the bomb threats that have been going around to mosques and Jewish centers. And he was like I hate Jews. No his paraphrasing of course. His answer was people make this claim.
Starting point is 02:42:34 I hate this claim. I am the least racist person you've ever hear. I'm the least anti-Semitic person. Alex doesn't play that clip because if he did he would have to be like OK now here Trump has no listening comprehension. He doesn't understand what this person is actually asking him. Now on Trump's SAT argument he did not get a good score. Every single question that was asked at that press conference was not answered according
Starting point is 02:43:02 to the question that was asked. So Alex doesn't talk about any of that. All he does is for about five minutes of his three hour broadcast because it gives up the fourth hour. Yeah. He takes five minutes to play the parts where Trump is just talking and not answering questions. He's lying but he's not yelling and he's not combative. And he's like now the media is going to spin it that he's crazy.
Starting point is 02:43:28 And it's like well if that's the only part that you're actually listening to like if you're getting all of your news from Alex you might think that that other stuff didn't happen. Even if that's the only part you're listening to that's crazy. It's not if you actually believe there are globalist bogeymen. That is crazy. The media should spend if that was all that I read on a transcript on the Wapo. I don't know why I'm referencing them. It's fun to say.
Starting point is 02:43:56 Yeah. But buzz marketing Wapo. El Wapo is there known in Hispania. Oh yeah. Yikes. Finish your fucking thought. No. If that was the only transcript I read.
Starting point is 02:44:10 Yeah. That would be enough for me to go this is fucking insane. I'd be like that's everybody's losing their minds. I'd be like he can't possibly mean what he's saying. That's a bad set. That's that's just it. None of it makes words sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:21 You know how words. They're supposed to make sense. When you put them together. Yeah. They're supposed to lead then towards this is fucking insane. What's awesome is the words make sentences. Okay. And I like where you're going.
Starting point is 02:44:32 The sentences are supposed to convey thoughts. All right. Tell me about these thoughts. And generally when you want to. I would prefer if you put it to a beat. I should. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:38 02:44:45,520 --> 02:44:46,080 Okay. All right. We ruined this podcast with that. We fucking are done. How do we go? How do we end this? I don't know. But you can follow us on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:44:58 Uh listen. Subscribe on iTunes. We're Knowledge Fight. We're almost at three hours already. We don't need anymore. Uh yeah. We are at knowledge underscore fight on Twitter. We're on iTunes as knowledge fight.
Starting point is 02:45:10 Subscribe. Give us a review. Five stars or four. And again, I'm going to make this claim if you or this promise. If you rate us five stars and send us an email at I will send a really mean tweet to Alex Jones. No one's taken me up on it yet, but I'm ready. Give us a go.
Starting point is 02:45:29 Also, I want to make this offer. We need to start monetizing this podcast a little bit. If you guys want to support the show, I have a Patreon up at slash freezing point. And it's just a catch all for all of the podcasts that I do. Doesn't involve me for tax purposes. No, but you'll get some money if money flows in. If you donate $10 a month or over,
Starting point is 02:45:55 you will receive in the mail one of the wine bottles autographed. You'll get an autographed wine bottle empty because we've drank it all. Autographed wine bottle for your mantle. So if you want to donate that is the worst blind auction item you could possibly imagine. Also, if you donate, let's say, I don't know $100 a month. We will give you bone pills. We will give you bone pills made out of freezing bones. I won't do that, but maybe a tooth.
Starting point is 02:46:32 I'll do it. We'll give you $100 a month. If anybody donates $100 a month, which is never going to happen. We will make a locker up frilly handcuffs. We're not going to do that. No, please. Please. Also, please don't.
Starting point is 02:46:48 But please don't. It would be nice if this takes a lot of work. All shilling aside, this is super fun to do and we love you guys. Thank you so much for making cool stuff and giving it to us. Yep. Jordan, this has been fun. Thank you so much for joining me as well. Always. Guys, we'll catch you next time.
Starting point is 02:47:05 But until then, you know, two of us. We're policy walks. Just a couple of fucking policy walks. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan.
Starting point is 02:47:16 I love your work. I love you.

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