Knowledge Fight - #19: March 3, 2017

Episode Date: March 6, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the March 3, 2017 episode of the Alex Jones Show. Topics include: Is it actually legal to be selling gun parts through a radio show? Is Obama "Robin... Hooding" billions to "cop-killing groups?" Is 90% or more of crime just made up by people who want attention? Why are the Chicken-Necks so damned arrogant?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding Alex. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. You heard up top the sound of a cork popping. Ladies and gentlemen, today we are drinking some champagne. Absolutely. Cheers to the globalists. It's a show celebration today. We're drinking. It's a it's a mild celebration because the thing that the trends that we're seeing are going exactly the direction we expected. Yes. On our last episode, our little mini episode we recorded, I speculated that Friday would be a complete breakdown for Alex and my prediction came true. Wonderful. So I want to give a little bit of a way. We
Starting point is 00:00:48 should explain the show. Okay. I mean, if we have to, you don't know anything about info wars. I don't know goddamn anything, but I know a lot about info wars. You listen to too much info wars. One day we're going to figure out how to do this smoothly. Anyway, the show is me explaining what's happened in info wars in one day in the life of Alex Jones. I think what happened is we're just really excited to get pumped. Yeah. Very pumped. So we're covering today, Friday, March 3rd in the life of Alex Jones. Gotcha. And what's happening in the greater world outside of him is that everything that he's said is coming out to be not accurate. Right. And all of these allies that he had built up around himself
Starting point is 00:01:34 are about to go to jail. So like he can't address these things head on. He can't talk about the session stuff, right, except to say he was doing his job. He can't address the fact that sessions met with this Russian ambassador at the, uh, the, in, in Cleveland at the, at the RNC. Yes. And he traveled there. Was he not there? He, you know, he sessions had traveled there using funds. That's right. I saw that, which is legally a great idea. He's legally there in the capacity as a Trump surrogate. Right. So him having the argument that he was a senator in the armed service that he can't address that because there's no wiggle room. Nope. He all gone. He can't address the Kushner situation with why the
Starting point is 00:02:23 fuck was your son in law in a meeting with Flynn and the Russian ambassador. And that's, that's, you can't even address. That's, that's such a large question to me because the whole like, why the fuck is your son in law anywhere near this anyway? Totally. Yeah. Get him the fuck out of here. He's going to solve the Israel, Palestine conflict. Yeah. Sure. Sure. He can't address the Kushner situation. He can't address, uh, Carter page. He can't address Carter page is fucking batshit. Have you watched this tour? Oh, he may be actually, he may actually be a deer in headlights, like a literal deer. He was on, uh, one of those, uh, news shows, I think it was on MSNBC and he was talking about it. He's like, I will not deny
Starting point is 00:03:00 that I met the ambassador. Meanwhile, he's shitting or it's not shitting. He's smiling like a, like the cat that ate the canary. Right. He is a man with a secret, but it's not a great secret because most people know what it is. He's, he's being set up to be the fall guy. I think I don't know about that. I think he might be in a better situation than a lot of these other things. Okay. Good. I think that he might be able to pull it off and get away with a lot of money and run away somewhere. I think a lot of these other folks are not going to be able to evade. So, so we're saying that Carter page is our Kaiser so say that's what's you. That's what you're saying right there. Okay. He looks kind of
Starting point is 00:03:34 like Kevin Spacey a little bit. Alex Jones also cannot address the issues with Manafort and Ukraine. He can't address the suspicious timing about the GOP softening its position on Ukraine. It wasn't suspicious. He literally said, they said that the Trump, that Trump himself said we need to soften the can, soften our stance on the Ukraine. No, but the timing in terms of how it matches up with these meetings with Russians. Oh yeah. No, he can't talk about that. Can't address any of that shit. So instead, he goes buck wild in turbo lie mode. He starts throwing buck shot everywhere. And to that extent, this episode, I had such a hard time getting an order for the clips to go in. So we might end up hitting A then
Starting point is 00:04:20 B then back to A and then C. It's going to be a little bit scattershot in terms of. I think that should be representative of what it is that you listen to. I think that's exactly how this should go. The listeners should get a taste of what it's like to see Alex Jones have a complete and utter meltdown. I unfortunately don't have these in chronological order of the show. And it's something that I'm starting to learn is that fucking the first hour of Alex Jones is usually boring as shit. Okay. He gets good in the second hour. That's what I learned, especially like this episode is very indicative of that. So a lot of the stuff we're going to end up hearing is from the second hour. First hour is super boring, but let's
Starting point is 00:04:58 start with, you've got to warm up. Yeah. And speaking of warming up, let's warm ourselves up with a little out of context drop. The globalist are openly manipulating our DNA. They're giving us cancer. They're poisoning us. They write books about it. They write documents about it. They're super uncool. I love it. I just love that. They're so uncool. That's a new, that's a new segment on this, isn't it? You're just going to find one drop every episode. Just one. I have a second one. Oh, you got a second one. Let's just go ahead and drop this one. Okay. I hate stupid liberals. They're so ignorant. They don't know anything. Fuck those stupid liberals. So I think you should cut it at I hate stupid liberals. I
Starting point is 00:05:41 like sounds like a five year old. He does. He does. So one of the big lies that he throws out is breaking news. Yes. About Obama. And you use the Department of Justice to steal billions of dollars to give to activist groups. Breaking news. Wait, what? We'll get into it after the clip. But here's, here's, uh, who's, uh, yeah, here's his narrative. Okay. What I'm about to get to. It's worse than we thought. We knew the Justice Department got caught in Florida with Justice Department high level operatives in emails on the ground, trying to cause riots and trying to stir up the Trayvon Martin tragedy to create the whole racial division that we now saw peak in the last year. But ladies and gentlemen, Fox news is reporting
Starting point is 00:06:33 and they've got the documents. White paper. This is so illegal. So illegal. They don't have the documents, but they are reporting it. They, well, I mean, that's a very solid Fox news move. I tried to hunt down, uh, like I tried to dig as deep as I could following the links that they provide in the stories. Right. And it never really ended up getting anywhere substantial, but I'll get, I'll get here. Let's finish this clip. And then I'll get to why you're, you're so giddy. I am. Cause I'm so excited. You know why I'm a policy. You are a policy walk. Obama transferred billions of dollars through Eric Holder and the Department of Justice. We're getting the video report right now. Post this video report to info right now, guys.
Starting point is 00:07:15 info Post it to our site. Tweet it out right now. Obama DOJ funded billions to liberal activist groups. I'm going to play this clip in a moment. Billions of dollars. That is so illegal to have the Justice Department give money to groups, secretly period political groups to have the government funding its own party, the party in power, funding its own party. And then to give it to activist groups that are running around saying kill cops and overthrow government. This is the government forming sedition against local and state governments to cause a civil war. Is any of that true? And it ties in with everything I covered yesterday. Holder foretells the return
Starting point is 00:08:02 of Obama. Like not even a little, not even a little kernel there. There's maybe a kernel. He's got, he goes into some more fear mongering about Obama's coming back. No, I'm excited to hear about that. But just to break this down, what, what he's talking about is he's acting like this is breaking news and it's not. It can't possibly be. There's an article. You don't, you don't just lose billions of dollars until a year after your presidency. There's an article that I found on Breitbart about this from 2015. Solid news source. So, but it's also two years old. Yeah. Like it's, he's coming out with this now and making it sound like the biggest deal in the world because it's breaking news because he's fucked. Well, it's worse than we thought even then.
Starting point is 00:08:41 No, it's exactly the same story. It's exactly what we thought. It's exactly the same story. I mean, it's worse. Nope. It's exactly what we thought. He even references the bank of America and what's the other one? Citibank. Yes. They had to pay out a bunch of money. Yeah. He even references those and those are the situation in the article from Breitbart. But so what, what he's talking about, and I actually do think it's a little bit weird, but it's definitely not illegal. One of the things is when the government sues an organization for malfeasance or some sort of shady business practices, when they get payouts, it doesn't go to the government. Usually the payouts are, or fines that are enforced end up having to be donated to charitable
Starting point is 00:09:22 causes or things like that. Oh, I did not know that. It's not universal across the board. It's not how all of the payout goes when you lose against the government. Right. But in instances, and it's not that this money is going to radical liberal activist groups. The ones shouting kill cops. No. Which ones are those again? Can we get a name on? He thinks it's Black Lives Matter. Right. But did they ever say kill cops? Maybe some of the harshest fringe parts of it, but that's not what the group is about. And to, you know, to say that is wildly irresponsible. It's horrifying. And it's very, very racist. In this article, what I've been able to dig up, essentially, the types of groups that are getting money are like the HUD housing council.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah. Which is great. They should get money. Especially when housing is part of the issue that these banks are fucking with. It's a huge part of it. People foreclose it on their homes and shit like that. Against the law. Yeah. And so, which is why they got sued successfully. And why some of that money ends up going to, in this case, it was $30 million that year of the money that was from Citibank and Bank of America go to the HUD, the housing and urban development housing council. It seems like shouldn't the money just go directly to the people that they stole it from? Yeah. But it's, it can't, as I understand it, now I'm no legal walk, but as I understand it, it can't go directly to the people because the people have no standing in
Starting point is 00:10:47 court. They aren't the ones who are suing these organizations. Yeah. I don't like that. I don't either. And that's why I said it's a little bit murky. Right. There should be, like these people should have victim status and have standing in court. Oh, for sure. But they don't in this case. And so the money ends up going to groups like the housing council or the other one was the legal services corporation, which helps provide legal services to underprivileged people. I would also prefer a more ironic punishment as opposed to just a monetary settlement. Buy everyone homes. Yeah. Or, or, you know, like, hey, Bank of America, they get your houses now. Like that half of your banks, they live there now.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Now 60 poor people get to live in your mansion. Exactly. Exactly. That's how I want it to work. You want like game show. I want game show justice. So, but anyway, that's the second part of this show that we're going to do eventually. You get what I'm saying though, is like his big story is a non-story. He's lying about what it's about. Right. And it's a story that broke on conservative paranoia blogs a year ago. Yeah. Cause I think it was late 2015. So, but it's like a year and a half old. It's not news. It's not real and it's not true. But it's a great distraction. Yes. Because nobody's paid attention to that. Nobody paid attention to it when it did happen because it was a non-story then. Right. So you bring it up now
Starting point is 00:12:08 and it's like, whoa, we've got this bombshell that nobody cared about, nobody cares about, and nobody will ever care about. And hopefully by the time that this episode comes out, I will have put up a website for us. I'm in the middle of working on it. And when I do, what I'm going to do is for every episode, I'm going to provide links to all of the documentation of the things that debunk what he's saying. Right. Because I think that people could hear us and be like, why should I believe you? Right. That's totally fair. Yeah. If you don't want to believe me, that's totally fair. We could be making up most of this. I'm not. You are somebody who watches a lot of Alex Jones and you are what you pretend to be. I believe that's how that works.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's true. He's my mentor. All right. Let's finish this clip. He talks to some fear tactics about Obama here. It smacks a tiny bit racist, but not super. So I'm going to give him a pass on it. He's coming and he's ready to roll. Fuck yeah. This is announced in Politico, the New York Times, you name it, like he's God. Obama's goal to oust Trump from presidency via impeachment or resignation, mounting insurgency. Paul Joseph Watson quotes the Daily Mail reports and the New York Times with them admitting they leaked the intelligence documents. That is perfect. Did you see what he did there? I hope you're pointing out what I was going to
Starting point is 00:13:26 point out. He made it sound, he pointed out the thing that they were saying. So the New York Times and all that are reporting, he's back and he's ready to roll. Yeah. And then immediately follows that up with something that they did not say, which was what Paul Joseph Watson wrote. Exactly. And then that makes it seem like they were also saying that. That is genius. They take out of context quotes from Politico and New York Times articles and then twist it to be like Obama's got a bunker and he's going to be the shadow dark government. They really don't want to say black government. They really can't use that terminology. Probably not a good one. But yeah, that's exactly what they do. This is just insanely obvious propaganda tactics.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I mean, but the reason that it's so brilliant, not brilliant, insidious, it's insidious, I believe is the better term there is that if you were writing that down, you would have to put quotes around what the New York Times said, attribute it to the New York Times, then quotes around what Paul Joseph Watson said, attribute it to Paul Joseph Watson and then go from there. Because Alex Jones is talking, you can't see him hold up his fingers and I'm sure he's definitely not doing air quotes there. No, he's just scatting. He's just freeform lying. It's amazing on one level, but it's also not all that amazing on another. It's like he's playing mad libs with the truth. Yeah. I'm so excited to see what's going to happen in terms of this all falling apart.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Because I really don't know what Alex Jones does when his team loses. I don't know if he's going to call for a revolution like armed people on the streets. I could see that that is a possible outcome. Definitely. There's although then he would be then he would be open to a lot of prosecution and shit right there. Oh, yes. There's I think I think it might be illegal for him to do that. So he might not. I'm pretty sure it's illegal for you to go on your syndicated radio show and call for revolution. We have a dicey legal situation. It's about to come up too. So I'm excited to get to that. But I don't know. I don't know if there's enough time for him to get off the Trump bandwagon. Like he in no time. If he does, he has to have some catalyst. There has to be something that
Starting point is 00:15:41 Trump does that's like, well, I thought he was for liberty. I thought he was for prosperity. He is not like, I don't know what that would be, but it would have to be major. I mean, it could just be something he makes up. That's true. It's entirely possible. So here's here's my war games on what Alex Jones does here. It's time for war games. Can we get a drop of him saying war games? So Alex Jones sees the writing on the wall, sees what's happening. His narrative then is so I had another phone call with Trump. Okay. And I saw it. I saw it this time. I realized he was lying to me the whole time. I sussed it out. You know what? You can only lie to Alex Jones for so long before Alex Jones figures it out. I disagree. That's attractive. But what I think it would be
Starting point is 00:16:33 is I have had phone calls with unnamed high up sources in the government or whatever. Okay. It wouldn't be Trump himself. Why not? Why wouldn't it be Trump himself? Because I think that's the angle. I got advised by General Flynn that, you know, it'd be something like that. I got advised by yet another disgraced Russian. Flynn isn't disgraced. Oh, that's true. In his narrative. I think he brings this up in a clip that we're going to play later. He believes that everyone was painting Flynn unfairly as a Russian spy. Right. And so Flynn was just like, fuck this. I don't need this. I'm out of here. And he was just so offended that people thought he was a spy that he's like, Hey, I was trying to save America. It's not even worth it. I think I think the word spy is where
Starting point is 00:17:15 I'm getting into trouble with a lot of the coverage right now. Right. Right. Right. Nobody, like the Russian ambassador, they're giving him a lot of like, Oh, and he's the stuff. He's the top spy recruiter with zero citations or anything like that. That's, that's bad. He's been, he's been turning and Trump is a Russian agent and all this stuff. No, that's, that's not the issue. The issue is that they had these conversations along the time as these policy changes when they were not in office and then they lied about it. And if they were in office, it would have been fine. It wouldn't be fine. It wouldn't be fine. It wouldn't, but it wouldn't be, it wouldn't be illegal. Right. And that's where they, I mean, we're going to talk about this in detail here in a bit. Yeah. And that's
Starting point is 00:17:59 why the issue, like trying to conflate the idea of like Chuck Schumer met with them and stuff like that is, is, is completely not the, it's silly. It's not the same conversation. And it's, it's not, I, I'm worried, I'm worried a lot that people think that just the Russian part of it is the problem. Right. Right. It's anybody, if he had met with the, the French ambassador and then lied about it. What about the great noble bass people from the hills of Spain? I was going to go with the Catalan's cause they're trying to get out of Spain as well, but you know what, we're getting into, we're getting into some policy want shit right now. All right. I'm going to skip the rest of this clip because it's mostly just more fear about Obama, but here I am kind of, I kind of
Starting point is 00:18:40 want to see what Obama does now. I want to see Obama's fuck you tour so bad. Well, Trump this morning, we're recording this on Saturday. Trump this morning tweeted a bunch of stuff about Obama tapping his phone that he got the information from a Breitbart link. Yep. And has no sourcing to it. Nope. Uh, and Obama through a spokesman responded, listen, man, that's basically like we did not do this. Even, even I like how Obama just had a guy is like, come on, man. That might as well have been the, yeah. And everybody who knows anything knows that if there, if there was bugging, then that means that there was probable cause to bug the Trump tower office. Like there was now that, that under, under the law that we know of. Yes. Yes. Whether or not
Starting point is 00:19:33 that's a reality because the FISA court is basically a rubber stamp court. So they can in this instance, in this instance, you're probably, they were rejected multiple days, but they were also greenlit for the one that had to do with those Russian banks. Yeah. And so I think it might have something to do with that. So if, if there was a bug, just see his fucking tax returns. If there was a bug, there was probable cause, right? Judge signed off on it. Right. If there wasn't a bug, he's a fucking lunatic who believes everything he reads on Breitbart and that's another problem. Now here's the other problem there though, is that either way, if it's real or not, yeah, he's a fucking lunatic who believes everything he reads on Breitbart. Yeah. Either way,
Starting point is 00:20:16 we have to do something, but we are talking too much and not getting to the clips. So let's get back into this one. This is the first instance on this show of multiple instances of classic Alex Jones freak out. Excellent. He has a guest co-hosts with him throughout most of the show because he needs a babysitter. Okay. He's losing it. Okay. And so like David Knight is in for a little bit and we're going to listen to a bit of it. And it's interesting because I also, I start to feel a little pity for David Knight. For the David Knight? Yeah. I think of it, it's similar to sympathy for the devil. I have sympathy for David Knight. Okay. He also has, because he has to see a next to him. Yeah. He also has Darren McBreen in a little bit,
Starting point is 00:20:58 who's a guy who we haven't brought up in the past. Never heard that dude's name before. He is just kind of a boring, I don't know, I don't really know how to describe him. These are sort of bland. He's a minor league David Knight. No, he, I think he's better. He's a little more engaging than David Knight, but he, he just is like a newscaster who happens to work at info wars. Every day he wakes up surprised. He's like, wait, am I still here? What am I doing? I'm, aren't I legitimate? I'm not saying that. Oh, okay. Okay. I'm saying the tone and tenor of him. Oh, I got you. Similar to like a novel. I got you. And then for a bit, I don't think I cut any of it because I fucking hate him, but Owen Troyer is in for a little bit. That guy sucks.
Starting point is 00:21:37 All of the people that we deal with, Owen Troyer, you've singled out for hatred. Well, he looks fairly similar to our friend, Maddie Ryan. Oh, well that is, that's it. I like Maddie. There it is. Bums me out. And then also he's just like in the same way that Paul Joseph Watson is so manipulative about social justice warriors and hating progressive causes and bullying protesters and things like that. He is, he is in that same camp. Okay. So, and they're both young and attractive dudes. And so it's, I just fucking, you're, you're a little bit on the, you're using your powers for evil kind of a little bit. Yeah. It's the same way. It's the same way I feel about Leigh Ann McAdoo. Right. Right. Or now Millie Weaver, although I don't find
Starting point is 00:22:20 her all that attractive. Whatever happened to rainbow snatch? We've seen her yet? Yeah. Oh, we did. Is she back? She did come back for a minute. Oh, fuck. Yes. They sent her out to a protest. Yes. And then they had a bunch of clips of people like telling her to turn off the camera. I'm like, don't use this footage. It's stuff like that. Like, don't put me on here. I don't want to talk to you. And then they were like, you go out to these protests and you just have bull dykes harass you and attack you. She's a clown. I don't want to see a clown. She literally is dressed up like a clown. She dressed up like a clown. Anyway, we got to get to the clip. Okay. This is about more stuff about that DOJ slush fund. Okay. And Alex legit freaking out and it's
Starting point is 00:23:04 great. And then we catch him. Three billion, Darren. You want to comment on this, Matt? You were the one that brought me the article. Three billion to the social justice warriors of fines that banks paid for corrupt stuff they were involved in. So again, it was not social justice warrior causes. A lot of it was housing councils and legal defense funds and stuff like that. Right. I found literally no documentation that any of that money went to anything that they accused George Soros of doing. Right. Any of the black lives matters, any of the black block and Tifa stuff. Nothing. None of that is, I mean, I'm not saying any of that money didn't go to them. I can't prove it either way. But there's absolutely no proof it did. Right. So him claiming it is a
Starting point is 00:23:47 lie, prima facie. Anybody he doesn't like is a social justice warrior. That's a fair point. If you want to try and get poor people housing, if you want to try and house the homeless, you're a social justice warrior. I like how, I like how you can get angry at social justice. It seems like it's a very easy thing to be behind. Well, it's not because it's a trick trying to get you into communism, which gets you into socialism, which isn't real. It's just globalist slavery. Oh, okay. Here we go. The banks steal hundreds of billions of dollars in some cases was 386 billion that two banks got caught. Well, Covey and Wells Fargo laundering drug money. So they got a $111 million fine. So first they get a slap on the wrist for billions stolen. Then they take
Starting point is 00:24:27 that money and they give it to social justice warriors to overthrow the country, take our guns and teach our kids that to be sexually active at five. So just think about it. Crime upon crime, upon crime upon crime, they shut off almost a thousand of our power plants. Our power prices almost triple in the last nine years because Bush started it. All this hell goes on. Don't forget Obamacare. Yeah, yeah, don't forget it. That's Darren McBreen. And he's just sitting there the entire time like, he's doing little takes to the camera and stuff. He's like, I'm here too. It's great. It's great. Obamacare, thank God, the public's dumb, doubling, tripling prices. You can keep your doctor. I mean, this is all a mass raping of America. And Trump says it stops now and then
Starting point is 00:25:14 I'm a policy wonk. I stay to stop 10 hours a day probably used to do it more. And I know everything he's doing is so smart. Is he listening? What? I think he's listening. He has to be. He has to be listening. Everybody, whenever you hear Alex Jones say he's a policy wonk, you got to finish your drink. That's the drinking game. And so good. And then it pisses me off because it ain't about Trump. It's about me and my family and your family. And these crooks not getting away with it. So what's 20th Century Fox do? They go start hundreds of fake websites with fake news about Trump. And then dumbasses read it and come tell me I'm fake news. I'm about as fake as you don't get. I'm the opposite. I'm the anti-fake. I mean, I pissed off. I can be right now.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It's quite outrageous that they commit all these crimes during every front and nothing's being done. I agree with Governor Huckabee that they need to be put in prison or there should be investigations. What do you think about them only shutting down European and U.S. coal? What do you think the plan is if China and other countries have dirty coal and then we shut off our clean coal? Doesn't that add to actual emissions of dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere? My good man, tell me. That was a great little... He comes from the Rainbow Snatch School of Improv. He is not good. But that's what Alex thinks that normal news is. What could you possibly think standing next to Alex Jones as he goes into this random character? You gotta think
Starting point is 00:26:47 I have ruined my possible career trajectory. Yeah, exactly. I can't go anywhere else. My face has been on Infowars as a reporter. I'm John. The only opportunity, the only option I have is to go down with the ship. That's one. The only jettisoning he could possibly do is start his own like YouTube channel and kind of go at Alex, much like Mark Dice did for a little while. That's the only play because there's no credibility anywhere to be found. If he does try to get a job at like New York Times or MSNBC, they're just gonna, in the interview, they're gonna take it and just play that clip and laugh at him until he leaves. Also, he brought up this fake news thing, this weird narrative. I saw that you were confused. The 20th Century Fox thing got me. I promise you
Starting point is 00:27:40 we'll get right back to it. Okay. We're so lucky that there's the internet though because I'm thinking a lot of what we're seeing right now is backlash for Trump being elected. That's why they're going after Infowars because we were definitely instrumental in getting Trump elected. That's not what you want on record now. The internet that we'd probably be looking at a Jeb Bush presidency or God forbid. No, no, but they're gonna, I agree with you, but let's not, let's not start, you know what, yeah, like the Wolfsons in Pulp Fiction, you know, in the car, he says, we can't celebrate yet. Let's not start. Oh, no, no, hey, revolution has just begun. I mean, you know, inauguration day. Well, what I'm telling you is we're in the war now. Absolutely. Like Michael Savage said.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Now, a lot of people, they, you know, they celebrated. Of course, we all celebrated as soon as Trump was elected. But no, the battle has just begun. That was getting the troops on the beach at Normandy. Yeah. He goes a little bit further about their role in Trump's election later, which again, they should really not be advertising at this point. And it's like, it's like, if you want to make the argument that you're not a propagandist, this is a bad way to do it. This is really bad. Remember why Adrol got rid of him? Which is really what this, like the idea behind the fake news meme or the term is propaganda and that sort of thing. It's not about like all these, like these weird websites that say, like,
Starting point is 00:29:00 if you eat this weird berry, like, yeah, it's not about, yeah, why isn't it just called propaganda? I fake news to me is more like 700 tall, a 700 foot tall monkey terrorizes info wars. That's fake news. Yeah. But that, yeah, that were the onion or something like that. Yeah, exactly. Or anybody trying to get me into acai berry or something like that. That's fake news. All right. What Alex does is propaganda and he doesn't understand that that's what people are saying. And so he dutifully serves as a propagandist. Yeah. And well, if nobody calls him a propagandist and fake news, then everybody else is the fake stream media. There's just, there's just no escape. Call him a propagandist, right? Yeah. Just call him what he is. I got to find this clip here because
Starting point is 00:29:49 like I said, everything is out of order. And then call Trump a liar. Don't call him. Don't say he's making up alternative facts. Just, oh, it's that whole like, it's hard not to reference 1984 every single day. Yeah. Where you're just making up words, new speak bullshit. It's not propaganda. It's, it's make news. Yeah. Americana. So this story about 20th Century Fox, I pulled up the article from the New York Times. And the headline of it is 20th Century Fox used fake news to publicize a new movie called a cure for wellness. And basically what they did is they put up fake sites that were filled with advertisements for their movies with scandalous headlines, knowing that people would repost these articles and there'd be tons of ads for their movies that just get
Starting point is 00:30:43 disseminated. That's irresponsible. Very. That's bad. Right. I don't like that. No, I don't either. I think that's a bad idea. Right. But their point or what they were doing was a marketing tactic. Yeah. Not trying to slander info wars or anything like that. Here's their rationalization from this article. Quote, a cure for wellness is a movie about a fake cure that makes people sicker, their statement said. As a part of this campaign, a fake wellness site, was created and we partnered with a fake news creator to publish fake news. A Fox News spoke or who cares? The rest of this is nonsense. Yeah. Who gives a shit? That's still bad. I don't like it. No, I don't either, but it's not what Alex is saying. A cure for wellness was directed by
Starting point is 00:31:29 Gore Verbinski and stars Dane Dahan and Jason Isaacs, who in the past have both made jokes online about the phenomenon of fake news. The film opens on Friday and has received mostly negative reviews. One critic, Joe, and then I'm not going to be able to say his last name, of the Daily News, described its plot as quote, preposterous, gothic nonsense. That's a, that actually makes it sound more interesting to me. Yeah, but I like I would like to see preposterous, gothic nonsense. I like that quote though. Yeah, that's great. To me, that's that's like a if Clue was set in Transylvania. That's preposterous, that's preposterous, gothic nonsense. But you get what you get with like we're making
Starting point is 00:32:10 a mountain out of a molehill here. Yeah. Yeah. Because I think that if I recall, this article also has a list of a bunch of the headlines that from these, are they, are they wildly obvious in their fakeitude somewhat leaked Lady Gaga, halftime performance to feature Muslim tribute. So that's kind of believable. That is kind of believable. California. I actually hope I wish she had done that. That would have been pretty great. California legislature to consider tax rebates for women who get abortions. So basically they just have these hot topic, but issues and they know that people are going to be like, do you read this shit? Cause we've seen it over and over again.
Starting point is 00:32:46 No one actually reads the shit they repost. It's, you know what it is? Like I agree with you 100% that it's bad and they, it's a, it, it's dangerous. Yeah. It's definitely not helping in the whole, there's so much fake news out there. How do we weed it out? And they're like, if I know we add a shit ton more, but as a sort of parody and performance art thing, I think it's okay. But since it's crass marketing, I'm not so okay with it. But if you take ethics out of it, it's really smart. It's a really smart move. It is a smart move. But Alex is treating it as like, this is proof that all of everybody, every, everything that's fake is turned. It's made by 20th century Fox. It's made by the globalists, the establishment in order to discredit
Starting point is 00:33:31 info wars, which is on the cutting edge. And that's not the situation at all. That's nonsense. He's a liar. He doesn't even understand the story he's telling. Neither does Darren McBreen, who is on the show to break this news. It's just, it's utter insanity. I love how he's on the show to break this news and has spoken all of 10 words. Yeah. So they talk a little bit more about this and then it gets to the end where Alex pivots the conversation weirdly to say some really bad stuff about CIA people. Okay. Well, you're exactly right. The mainstream media has been caught red handed creating fake news websites. That's not that and they're complete with made up stories that were spread online. And these stories were shared by millions of people on Facebook and Twitter
Starting point is 00:34:17 because Alex, they look and feel like the real thing. They look like traditional mainstream media websites. That's a fair point, but I never saw any of this. No, me neither. I would not be aware of this. Yeah. Was it shared millions of times? Maybe, but not within our circles possibly. Somebody's going to share some dumb shit. Yeah. The champagne's starting to feel real good. Check out the names of some of these websites. Salt Lake City Guardian, The Houston Leader, Sacramento Dispatch, New York Morning Post, and the Indianapolis Gazette. Like I said, looks and feels like a legitimate website. Here's some headlines. Bombshell, Trump, and Putin spotted at Swiss resort prior to the election.
Starting point is 00:35:02 But we agree with them in as much as like... That last one especially is really irresponsible. It's a dirty manipulative tactic, but it's not to discredit info wars or anything like that. It's strictly to market a movie. I don't think anybody needs help discrediting info wars. No, we don't. No. We only need help from them. Exactly. They're doing all they need to do. And it's not the mainstream media. It's a corporation. It's a movie making corporation that realizes... The mainstream media is also corporations and so on. Right. But they're disconnected. It's a movie studio who realizes, oh, we, Gore Verbinski made a hot pile of garbage here and we got to fucking sell it somehow.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Some guy just probably came up with, you know what, everyone shares bullshit online. What if we could use that to subtly get it in the headspace with all these ads on these sites? That's a good marketing tactic that that guy will not be able to tell anybody what's his idea. He does not want to be the one who's on that. It's like wag the dog shit. Yeah, exactly. But also like, I didn't see any of these websites because they've all been taken down now. Of course, good. But I would have to assume that any right thinking person, I know there's not money of us left. No. But if you went to the website, you'd be like, why are there so many goddamn ads for this cure for wellness? Seems a little strange.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I don't know if I trust what's going on here. But I definitely want to see that movie. Yeah. Is everybody talking about a cure for wellness? I can't tell from these ads here, but this looks like preposterous Gothic nonsense. Let's get back to the clip. It's so great when he turns on the CIA. Oh my God. This was from the Sacramento dispatch, a news organization that does not exist. There's no such thing. Here's another one. Trump refuses to provide California federal support in midst of a natural dot, dot, dot. That's their clickbait. And so what happens is you go to these websites and I saw these personally, I saw these on Facebook and Twitter. These were popping up. A lot of people were sharing them totally oblivious to the fact that they were
Starting point is 00:37:09 sharing and spreading fake news. Here's the headline. Darren McBreen has dumb friends. That's the story. He saw this popping up over and over again in his feed because he doesn't curate his friends list well. No. Or he doesn't curate his friends very well either. Legitimately, I have gotten back on Facebook just for messaging purposes, but I have signed on a couple times and I'm so glad that I unfollowed almost everybody before I left Facebook because now if I sign in, it's just Bobby Buds. It's just Chicago comedian Bobby Buds. Just dumb pun after dumb pun. He's never going to post any of this fake news. It's great. Anyway. And it turns out that these websites were created by 20th Century Fox. Wow. Now let's be clear. Wow. You've got the report. We're going
Starting point is 00:38:02 to go over it. Let's get this break. This is so big. And there's a bunch of others because I keep seeing these stories about, instead of it looks like major papers, the Russians have invaded Alaska. The Russians run Drudge Report. The Russians run Alex Shones. The Russians run Jeff Sessions. The Russians run Nigel Farage. And then they're in German too, but they get translated in our news. And remember, that's what they were saying. The CIA in foreign countries puts out fake news. That was illegal until... The CIA even back then had 3,000 plus CIA agents embedded in mainstream media. Listen, listen. Growing up in Texas in Dallas, you couldn't swing a stick without hitting people that were auxiliary in the CIA. That's right. And that was supposed to,
Starting point is 00:38:42 as you met, was how you beat the Russians. Supposedly they've got all these spies, it wasn't electronic back then. You had to have actual people to be watching everything to see, you know, if this was going on. And that's how they got the best and brightest. If you were in the top of your class, the CIA came and tried to recruit you. And my dad had family and stuff that had been in it. And they were all like, oh, we kill people. We bring drugs in. You don't want to be a part of this. They should not have told him that. I mean, I grew up knowing what was going on. That's a bad thing to tell him. And that was a s**t. That's snitching. Alex Jones comes from a family of snitches. Wait, what kind of Thanksgiving is that where it's
Starting point is 00:39:14 like, ah, we can't tell you this classified information. Motherf**ker, we kill a lot of folks, dude. You don't want none of this. You don't want to deal with that. You're also, Alex, you are not being recruited by the CIA. But dude, have you seen pictures of him when he was younger? F**king swole his s**t. Oh, really? Alex Jones used to be yoked. Oh, boy. He used to be like, just like a physique like you wouldn't imagine based on seeing him now. But like, he used to be f**king cut. Oh, okay. I hate that I'm saying these very positive things about his body. You sound like you want to go back in time and f**k the anger out of Alex Jones. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:39:55 IA, that was more pro America than you can say now. I mean, they're into, Brzezinski has written books where he admits the shadow state is behind child trafficking, everything. His argument is they're in control of it to manage it and not let it get out of hand. We manage criminals by running all the criminal operations. And now the CIA is just one of the bigger agencies, 1947 National Security Act. They're just running rampant, domestically, filled with all the liberals and social justice warriors that have been packed in there under Obama and under Bill Clinton and under even George W. And they literally are waging war against us with this info. So tell folks where you learned about this. 20th century Fox putting up fake
Starting point is 00:40:36 newspapers to run lies against Trump doing what they claim Russia did. Not entirely against Trump as even in their own examples, most of them were not against Trump. One was about Trump and Putin meeting. Yeah, there was one. Yeah, that was out of like five examples. Right. The rest of them are just trolley issues, but also keep one of them is California gives tax cuts to abortions or whatever it is. That's definitely not against Trump. No, that's liberal baiting. Yeah. That's like, look at these dumb liberals. Yeah, exactly. But keep in mind that the question as posed was, where did you find out about this? I was, I want to know where he found out about it. Also keep in mind that they're trying to present this as if this is a big story breaking
Starting point is 00:41:19 news. Nobody else is covering this. Yeah, for obvious reasons. They're promoting a new movie that's coming out called cure for wellness. But like I said, this is, I think it's more than that because it's slander. It's not slander. Also, it's definitely not slander. Also, it's not more than that. No, it is promoting a movie. Also, are they promoting the movie now? Oh my God. Is he making up for some ad roll shits by now taking contracts from 20th century Fox to fake news combat their fake news? But yes. Okay, we did it. We figured it out. My mind is so blown. We figured it out. Defamation, holding out a fake article, not telling you it satire at the bottom. I can't confirm or deny whether it didn't say that it was satire, but in those instances,
Starting point is 00:42:13 you really should point that out. And if they did, that's inappropriate. That is inappropriate. Well, but you don't have to. Like the onion doesn't have to say at the bottom of every article. And by the way, this is not true information. Yeah, also info wars doesn't have to point out. We didn't read this article in every article. They don't have to say like, we don't know what we're talking about. Exactly. It's a lie. Absolutely. Now again, who reported that in the mainstream? Well, New York Times covered it. Washington Post covered it. Yeah. No, no, no. That's why I mentioned that because Washington Post is right there on screen to promote film 20th century Fox created fake news site with fake anti Trump story. See,
Starting point is 00:42:49 so they then admitted, but it's okay when they put out fake news. Well, the Washington Post a month ago put out the fake list of hundreds of names that they said were fake news. Some were fake like the onion info wars was not fake. People threaten lawsuits because it is defamation. They pulled it and said, we don't know where we got it. You got it from the CIA. We know where you got it. Okay. That later came out. In fact, Trump's ordered the CIA and people to stop it. They're not following his orders. One group is all the soldiers, all the operatives, all the human, all the men that actually do stuff. The muscle are all Trump, but they're in there with all the analysts and chicken necks and they're total scum. I mean, I've told people that we're
Starting point is 00:43:31 there in the meeting when Trump comes in and they're so sure. Here's all the targets. Obama won't let us hit. These are all the ones where the Al Qaeda and Al Nussar bases are such Trump looks it over. He goes, hit them all. No. No, no, no. That didn't happen. But also, of course that didn't happen. Hold on and cool your jet. I'm sorry. There's so much batshit in that. The story he's about to tell is hilarious. It didn't happen. Okay. But it's great. And Alex even like, all right, it's so great. Just enjoy this bullshit. Okay. And then literally analysts were like, we're gonna get him. And he gave them all a presence. Nobody knows this. He gave them all presence of wood carved American flags and literally right after he walked out, they were hopping around going,
Starting point is 00:44:16 we're gonna get him. That was carpet money a bribe. And a Trump guy stayed behind. He goes, he knew you'd say that pulled out the letter with Trump that paid for it and the receipt and handed it right to the rat. Yeah, no, the folks are here. I shouldn't even tell these stories. That happened inside the day he went and spoke with the stars behind him. That's what they said. They wanted him to speak. No, they didn't. And one group knew it was a setup that then claimed why do you stand in front of the stars? Other groups said it's all right. But the point is, it's literally all the foundation people, all the little Astor kids and Rockefeller type kids, you know, they're better than everybody. They're better. They all hate the men. They all hate the
Starting point is 00:44:50 tough guys. They hate America and they hate Christians. They just, they're scum and they hate beautiful art. I mean, these are trash. Everybody knows it and the people in the CIA that are good, they just want to get rid of them, but they're the ones in there. By the way, I didn't get that from Trump. The media is going to check into that and gonna crap themselves because nobody knows about that. Who knows about that? Does anybody know about that? What kind of lame like that's like a fantasy novel trick that the king plays to get all of his nights to go away. What the shit was that? It's, it's utter insanity. Woodcarved American flags. Yes. And then, and then they were like, wait, so Obama got them the woodcarved American
Starting point is 00:45:35 flags. No, Trump did. Trump got that. Yeah. What was the reveal at the end though that there was a receipt for it? The reveal was that these foundation chicken necks in the CIA, the analyst types, smart people who aren't men, who are definitely not men. Trump got them these gifts and then they're like, Oh, he used government money. It's a bribe. And one of Trump's people stayed behind and showed them a receipt that proved that Trump had paid for it with his own money. And so they couldn't get him with misusing government money. What kind of what's this didn't What made up bullshit is that I should be talking about this. Wait, wait, but okay. Okay. So I if he didn't hear who could possibly what kind who told him that story if he didn't hear it from
Starting point is 00:46:21 Trump. I don't know where that could come from. That came from one chicken next. That was Flynn fucking with him. I bet it was definitely Flynn fucking with him. We've already already know that he clearly talks to sessions. Yeah, what kind of dumb ass shit. Also, the analysts are there and they're excited thrilled because they can get Trump because he bought them a total of like $100 worth of wooden American flags. Americana. That's what they were going to. That's what they were licking their lips. We finally got them. We broke this huge scandal. Trump is using government funds to buy knickknacks and we got them. It's Chachke gate. Washington Post is going to be all over this shit. Yeah, it's so stupid. Oh, we got some bric-a-brac over there. But the men the men know
Starting point is 00:47:12 that why also if I know men do you they were pro no if they were probably very disappointed not to have received their own bric-a-brac. It might be implied that they they got bric-a-brac as well. I'm not sure it's it's unclear from the clip and nobody knows about this. So I shouldn't be talking about it. I like how the idea that somebody would be mad that he told that story. Right. The stakes could not possibly be lower. Let's be honest, too. If someone were to come out with that story, it only kind of makes Trump look good. Yeah, it's it's it's actually kind of funny. It's it's a funny story. Yeah, it's it would make him seem like a good dude who gives people gifts, which is a plus. And then also if if there was documentation of these chicken neck analysts
Starting point is 00:47:59 freaking out, yeah, it would kind of indicate that there is some truth that there is a sism in the intelligence community. Yeah, some people want to take him down and some don't. But also that all that's not real. What? It's what? Anyway, we got to get to these clips. We were fucking drifting so far off course. So that's the silliest fucking thing I've ever heard. It's time to pay the bills. We got to go to an ad here. Okay. In this ad, I think Alex is it for the cure for wellness? It's not. It's for his gun parts. And I think there's some indications that Alex is not clear whether what he's doing is legal or not. We did sell out of all the Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump lithographs. Those are gone. We're about to sell out of the Tennessee
Starting point is 00:48:48 firearms, lowers for M4s, the very best out there, laser etched with Republic reborn, 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. There are only a couple hundred left of those of the one out of 1000. It is a collector's item. Again, you drill this out. This is your heirloom. This is for you. That's how you legally have it. We have the ATF letter there. Still check your local laws. It's all there info or We got the ATF letter so everybody knows it's fine. Check your local laws though, because it's probably not fine. I don't even know if that letter is real. A policy wonk would probably know the local laws. Well, actually all of the analysts inside InfoWars were really excited because they were like, haha, we finally got you on this one,
Starting point is 00:49:37 Alex Jones. Yeah, that'd be so awesome if there was a group within InfoWars. But Alex Jones has a receipt. So yeah, I don't know if it's legal or not. I don't really care. I know that it's only a matter of time before they sell guns, if it is legal. The idea of a human being with a Republic reborn Donald Trump stamped gun is the single scariest thing I can possibly think of. And there's only a couple hundred left. That means he probably sold like 700 of them. He had to have sold plenty of those. Those guns will be used to murder you and I. You know that's how we go. That is an ironic ending for us though. Yeah. That's pretty much how we should go. Speaking about if DT makes it through this whole thing, oh, it's going to be public too. Yeah. DT Donald
Starting point is 00:50:26 Trump is my second favorite DT after Delirium Trements. Either the Condition or the Belgian beer. They're both great. Anyway, this next clip we're talking about irony a little bit there. This is ironic because Alex Jones I think is talking about himself a little bit in this clip. Also, that wasn't an ironic end. That was a fitting end. Ironic does not mean that. Yeah. I think Alex is talking about himself here though when he talks about how to engage with the globalists. Okay. The only winning move is to not play, to not engage the globalist in a discussion of their false paradigm. They set the rules. They set up a cultural construct that breaks the social contract and he is anti-human eugenics based, slavery based, technocracy based
Starting point is 00:51:17 throughout its entire system. I don't think the specifics he laid out at the end there necessarily are him talking about himself, but that don't engage. They have a fake worldview. That's about him. That's advice for us. Don't engage with him. But quite literally all he's ever done is engage with the globalists, right? Well, maybe not one on one. Maybe not actually debating them, but he's engaged in terms of like putting himself as the opponent of the globalists. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, his whole career is based on trying to be with the ideology of the global. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So basically his point is don't do what I've done. He just negated the entirety of his career. These last 20 years have been shit. Tell you what, it gets
Starting point is 00:52:05 you nowhere. My basic policy is, oh God, I've wasted my life. Do you think there are those quiet moments? There have to be. Those moments where he's just like, just laying in bed with a soft dick waiting for the fucking super male to kick in. And he's like, I don't know, man. I don't know. Was it worth it? Did I, am I, did I make all this up? Cause I think I might see that, that I would be fine with the idea that he never has that moment of doubt terrifies me more than anything else. Yeah. It would be, it would be strange to be in his position and not. Yeah. Anyway, even, even while we're doing this now, I have a moment of doubt where I'm like, dude, is this even, are we going to do anything? Is this valuable in terrible
Starting point is 00:52:49 moments of insecurity? I sometimes think like, is he onto something? They go away very fast. But the amount that I distrust myself is just, there's the natural byproduct of it is like, wait, like on our last episodes, like, wait, he's cool with weed legalization. He's against civil asset forfeiture. Hold on. Have I got him wrong? I think billionaires are a group of global people traveling around the, maybe we're wrong. We're not, no, we're not kernels of his stuff. That's, that's real. And then the big, when it pops, the point being, the point being that we are aggressively self-aware to the point that even when we are absolutely 100% right, we will angrily yell at ourselves like, maybe you're wrong. Maybe you're wrong. And whatever critical
Starting point is 00:53:42 skills and like digging we're doing into him, we do 10 times more to ourselves. So anyway, this next clip is the next freak out that he has. This one's good. Also, this has to do with sessions and the, the Russian situation and then ends up getting, oh no, this also, my note that I have here is this, David Knight is in studio for this clip. And so we get to watch David Knight watch Alex Jones freak the fuck out, start to feel a little bit bad for him because he just can't get a word in. This is unbelievable. And what's unbelievable is we just keep learning more and more and more and more. Meanwhile, the big scandal, we'll go into this now. I want to finish the club or part of it. We're going to get to this is sessions as a senator
Starting point is 00:54:31 as the ranking member of the arms services committee publicly met. It was on his record on the Senate site that he had a meeting twice with the Russian ambassador. I went and looked it up. Schumer had many more last year than that. It's on there. It turns out this guy likes the Democrats sat with them in the inauguration. It turns out he's buddies with Pelosi. It turns out he's buddies with everybody. It turns out Obama had 20 plus meetings with him last year as well. But sessions has two and he's a Russian agent and lied when he was asked specifically, Frank and Reddit, Frank is not that smart knowing sessions as a lawyer. We're told that in the press that surrogates on the campaign met with Russians about the
Starting point is 00:55:11 campaign. He said, no, I'm a surrogate. I'm one of the top surrogates. Nobody met about the campaign with Russians. That is also not accurately saying what sessions. And he also just revealed why it is that one is okay and one is not. What do you mean? He just said Pelosi had all of these meetings. Schumer had all of these meetings. Obama had all of these meetings. Sessions only has two, and then he lied about it. Well, sure. No, you get that part. It's the last part. That's why it's bad. Well, but then he's the Russian ambassador. You should have meetings with him. You're right. But then he goes into why he wasn't lying about it because he answered it based on what a legal definition of these things are. And it's not true. No. What Frank had asked him was how he would
Starting point is 00:55:54 respond as the attorney general about if these things came out, which is even crazier because then he does not answer that question and instead denies having met. Yeah, which is very suspicious. He doesn't answer the question as phrase. He answers a different question to try and be like, Hey, look, look, bro. Somebody's called me a surrogate before, but I'm not. I'm not a surrogate. I've never even had a baby. Despite the fact that he has used campaign funds for travel and for nobody else on the committee and it wasn't on his record. No, they were private meetings. Yeah. All of these things are about the context of things. The context matters. Right. Now, and the lying part is a big part of it. Pelosi and Chucky Schumer have both come out and addressed
Starting point is 00:56:43 these sort of arguments because what he's yelling about, what Alex is yelling about is about a post on Drudge that Trump also saw and tweeted about. Yep. And he talked about how we need to investigate all these. Yeah. And it's like, okay, you don't understand how logic works. You think you're doing a syllogism here and you're not. That's actually the subtitle of our podcast. Knowledge fight colon. You don't understand how logic works. No. And I'm not saying that I'm the most logical person in the world, but I spent, you are, you have a, you have years of college. I basically have a degree. Yeah, exactly. So I know you're not the most logical person in the world. And I behave. You're up there. I behave illogically, but the extent that I understand how logic works
Starting point is 00:57:30 is, and I'm not, I don't want to sit here and brag, but I'm a little bit. Nobody is impressed by you knowing about logic. I just, you can't brag about learning about logic. Nobody's like, oh, whoa, you're a logic guy, a logician. I just need, I don't even like you saying that word. I just needed to be clear that I, I have studied the system of logic and how it works. Right. And when people misuse it, it drives me crazy, which is a big reason why we're doing the show. Yeah. That's one of the things I hate the most about it. Because that's what Alex Jones does. Yeah. Anyway, back to you. And I get, I, so I've been reading up on the Russian ambassador who looks like, I think one of the big problems with him is that he looks like a Cold War era spy.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Boy. Like he looks like he's straight out of central casting. He looks like the word frumpy. Yeah. Justice. And I'm not, I'm not here to body shame. If the word frumpy came to life, it would be the ambassador to Russia. No, it's fine. It's fine. You should meet with the Russian ambassador and I'm sure he's a cool dude. That's the whole point of being an ambassador. Yeah. You're the guy who comes over here and you schmooze. And he's got great vodka. He's a really good schmoozer. But yeah, I imagine. I bet he would be super cool to hang out with. But that's what we're talking about. It comes down to context is what's so important.
Starting point is 00:58:47 What was discussed? Why did they have these meetings? And why did you lie about it? That's also super big. So I mean, like Alex can obfuscate all he wants about other people meeting with someone who they should have met with. And like I said, what I was getting to with the Schumer and Pelosi have both come out and tried to do their best to explain that there's a difference between public meetings and private meetings. And there's a difference about which should not be hard to explain. There's a difference. There's a reason there are two different words there. There's a difference between being a sitting senator in your official capacity that the media
Starting point is 00:59:21 is informed about meeting with diplomats and being legally speaking due to your use of campaign funds. A Trump surrogate for the campaign. At the time, if I recall correctly, he was in charge of the foreign affairs team. And it would be reasonable if he reported it. No, it wouldn't. No, not the whole campaign funds and all of that stuff. But as a senator, yes, foreign services committee or whatever it is. Armed services. Yeah. Armed services. If he was like, hey, or even in the Franken question, if he had just said, oh yeah, I met with him a couple of times, we talked about some stuff. But that's not what Franken asked. No, he just answered the right question. If he had just said, I would take
Starting point is 01:00:07 that very seriously and whatever information comes out, I will deal with impartially and fairly. If you've done, if you just said that, that's problem. No, there's no conversation at all. Nope. And even if the news comes out that he did meet with Russians, he has not perjured himself. No, he has committed zero felonies. If he answered, everybody's so stupid now. He put himself behind an eight ball. Everybody's dumb. And everybody, like Alex Jones goes out and he's like, hey, you know, the globalists want to try and take down sessions. He did this to himself. He spoke poorly. Again, he's a half elf, half hafling magician. And yeah, he didn't have a chance. The evidence is stacking that he is not our tank. He does not have the hit points to
Starting point is 01:00:56 withstand this. So I mean, I don't know who's next in line, but you know, like in terms of once he falls, I don't know who's next. Oh man, it's all going to come down. This man affords already out of the administration. Carter Page is only loosely connected to sessions and the administration as a whole. I mean, Kushner could be next. I hope so. He seems like a dick. Let's get rid of him. Man, does he seem like a dick. He seems like such a dick. Yeah. Anyway, let's keep going with this clip. We have yet to get to the point where Alex really freaks out, which is just my favorite thing in the world. Okay. They go, Oh, you lied. You met with a Russian, not in the campaign capacity. You asked a lawyer. You asked the head of the DOJ, which is him at that time being confirmed.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And he gives you the perfect lawyer answer that a judge or a detective wants. He gave you the absolute boom spot truth. Again, he didn't answer the question that was asked. So this argument is stupid. This just doesn't make any sense. And a lawyer, there are so many lawyers who've come out and said, no, wrong. Yeah. This is bad. So Alex is just way off base with this assessment. Yep. In the campaign, in that function, no meeting with the Russians. Again, he used campaign fun to go to the RNC, which takes him outside of his role as a senator and puts him into the context of being a part of the campaign. I think we've, I think we've hammered this point home. Alex is lying. That they turned that total truth into a lie while Hillary and her people are all the Russian and
Starting point is 01:02:26 communist Chinese payroll. And I had former Congressman ranking member on the house or vice head of the armed services and Homeland Security Committee telling you he saw the secret documents and Hillary's basically a Russian agent and a Chinese agent. And he's getting ready to bring it out. Now he hadn't come back on yet. He kind of blew up on air. He stomped out during the break. He didn't. He was talking about that. My favorite moments are, are always whenever he says something and you just come back quick with. Nope. Nope. I watched that episode. It was the one where it's, it was, this is a clip from the, what a difference a day makes episode. Right. Right. This was the Kurt Weldon interview that he did with Jerome Corsi was over Skype and Kurt Weldon did say
Starting point is 01:03:12 some of this stuff that like he believes that Hillary is a Chinese surrogate or whatever. Sure. She's working for the Chinese government and he did imply that he had information that he was going to come out with. Did he come out with it? No. Oh, it seems really important for that second part. Also didn't storm out. He had a meeting to get to, that they discussed at the beginning of the interview. He was like, thanks for taking some time with me. I know you have a meeting to get to. And so he doesn't storm out. That's when he stormed out. He's not mad after, after he got the exit line, he was like, and now it's time to go. He says that Hillary works for the Chinese and that his family had been threatened in the past, but he provides no evidence of
Starting point is 01:03:54 either of those things. He has a meeting. So he just leaves. I mean, he did have polonium poisoning for a while, right? No, that's another guy. So anyway, that's not, like Alex's characterization of that interview with Kurt Weldon is just not true. Not true. It's absolutely not true. He wasn't freaking out on air. He wasn't yelling about this stuff. Him saying that his family had been threatened was the vaguest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. And Kurt Weldon didn't seem all that worked up about even his family being threatened in the past. So like, uh, yeah, they threatened my family, but you know what? Fuck it. Who has it? It's all in a day's work. Hell, I've threatened my family. It's no big deal. Yeah, it feels like that. But Alex is making a
Starting point is 01:04:37 fucking mountain out of a molehill here. And he's like, oh, anyway, he says some more stuff, but I wanted to pause it just to explicitly say what he's talking about and how he's full of shit. Gotcha. Like you just angry and said, I'm going public Alex. Well, okay, Kurt Weldon, we need you. Because they're gonna, they're threatening him going, don't you really set classified hearings? They had classified hearings and they decided it was too bad for the country to come out that Hilary was a Chinese communist agent. She was paid off by the Russians, but they weren't running her. What? So, oh, okay. Now, now we're in some whole other. Okay. So I assume Hilary is a Chinese communist agent. She's an agent, but she was also paid off by the Russians. Yes. So well, the Russians thing
Starting point is 01:05:23 is he's talking about that Pluto or the, the, the uranium deal. Right. He's talking about that, that he's completely misrepresenting. Of course. There was a Canadian company that ended up, they had access to like 20% of our uranium. Yeah. Yeah. And they had a deal with Russians. Wasn't that whenever Trump gave that press conference and he was like, Hey, you guys know what a uranium does? Yeah. It's some bad stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can make nuclear weapons out of it guys. A nuclear war is a bad thing like no other. Like no other. Yeah. It's, I mean, at the very least it's up there. Yeah. But it, it was a deal. It's almost as bad as climate change. It was a deal between a Canadian company that owned these resources that happened to be in our country
Starting point is 01:06:07 and Russia. Right. Or a Russian company. And it had to be approved by our government. Right. It was basically a formality and Hillary Clinton, even as the secretary of state, had no authority to stop it. As I understand it from everything I've read up on the deal. She's like eight steps removed from it. The only person who could have actually been like, no, absolutely not, would have been Obama. Right. She really doesn't have any authority whatsoever. I assume that's what he's saying about the, she's bought off by Russia, but she's actually a Chinese agent. How hilarious would it be if, if what had happened instead is if Hillary got elected instead of this chaos with Russia, the exact same shit plays out just
Starting point is 01:06:55 with China running the government instead. That'd be wild. We were screwed no matter what happened. I would love it if Hillary became president. She's like, first thing on my agenda, let's turn the rest of those frogs gay. Something like that. Anyway, yeah, why, why aren't more presidents deadpan in their first address? Had former high level and current CI people say, yes, Alex, you're right. Hillary is a Chinese agent and it's come out though. It was in the news. They're Chinese communist agents. Forget the Russians. Okay. The Russians have a lot of great science. They're great people. They have a lot of corruption though. They have the GDP of Italy, folks. The Russians aren't the threat. The Chinese communists are out of control and they've bought
Starting point is 01:07:41 off our government. And this whole thing about Trump is to restore America. Do you understand that the intelligence agencies or branches of them that are patriots are the ones that rebelled against this alliance with China and the communists and the Wahhabist Islamists and said, that's too far. We're getting behind the people and Trump was put in by the voters and the patriots in our government. Not the Russians. Trump was put in by Alex Jones and the listeners of this broadcast and Matt Drudge. He was not put in by the Russians. Go ahead, David. I'm sorry. Alex, when they did this to Flynn, I said, what they have just done is a self-inflicted wound while they're swimming and water with sharks and they're going to come after them again.
Starting point is 01:08:21 And that's precisely what they're doing, trying to twist this into something that it wasn't. As you point out, he said, yeah, I'm in Washington. There's a Russian ambassador in Washington. I meet with him a couple of times who didn't talk about the campaign. And I think the same thing is true of Flynn when this was, he's talking to him. It's all admitted. Once he stood down, they go, of course, it was no big deal. Yeah. That's the best David Knight's ever been because he's clearly feeding off of Alex Jones's energy. He's like being, he's trying so hard. He's like, I got to get as many words as possible because I'm about to get run over. You can see in all of their faces, Owen Troyer was in another studio. So it was like picture in a picture. So he wasn't quite as
Starting point is 01:08:58 browbeat, but Darren McBreen and David Knight, we're both looking at him terrified. They both were like, do you think he has gone up back and gotten a switch from a tree and beaten David Knight before? No, I think he's made David get the switch. You're right. That's Texas. That's how they do it out there. I forgot about that. Go get a switch. Go get a switch, boy. And don't make it too small. So the, I mean, this one ended with a nice lie at the end, how like once Flynn stood down, everyone's like, Hey, no big deal. No, it's not no big deal. It's just now he's not in an official capacity. We can take a little bit of a step back in terms of investigating him. And as the investigation proceeds, all of his ties are part of that. Right. No one is like being like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:52 no big deal. It is a very big deal. They're still investigating him. Yes. So it's not that he stood down. He's just not in the news about it. He's not in the government anymore. He's not the national security head. So like that's why people are like, okay, we can breathe a little sigh of relief. This guy who's clearly in some fucked up shit. He's not in the government. We can deal with him at our own pace. Right. So that's why it feels like people don't care. It's because we have other people we need to get out of that government. Yeah. Oh, so many, so many, so many, we need to get almost all of the government out. Yeah. Is there any, so I've been reading the constitution. Can we add humble bread? It took a while. There's the humble breath. There's almost like a thousand
Starting point is 01:10:39 words in it. Yeah. Can we all agree to add an amendment that just says like, Hey, sometimes if we get enough votes, we're going to do a do over election. Like, can we get a do over clause in the constitution? I mean, we've talked about this, the idea of being able to vote no confidence like the public being able to go confidence. I think it would be a really good. I think it's well, the only problem is we're still relying on the public to know what's going on. And they're the ones who fucking put Trump in there in the first place. Well, not based on strict numbers. That's true. Who cares? Here's more shit about sessions. And he lies about what happened to Flynn. If he had said, as a US ranking senator on the armed services committee, as the ranking
Starting point is 01:11:22 Republican, have you met with the Russians? Well, absolutely. I've met with one of their top generals. I've met with their ambassador several times just this year. I've met with some of our generals, some of their military people at a base inspection. I attended a few months ago. Yes, there's a whole list of that in my file. You can see my itinerary for the last a few years posted at, you know, Senate sessions. Boom, it's all right there. These are public meetings. These are completely above board. Are they? I looked it up. Chuck Schumer's met with the very same person. Public and we're trying to find photos of them together right now. All of them have. Well, I know we've met with them. He lied about meeting with them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And the Republican Party told Trump and Pence told Trump, they said, just let us have Flynn and then this will get him off your back. And before Trump, Flynn just resigned. And now they're going after sessions that matter if Sir Jay Kisslock sat with the Democrats during the speech and is a known handler of Democrats for decades. Doesn't matter. They'll try to blame a guy from Alabama who's as patriotic and Americana as basically John Wayne. I believe that's code for white nationalist, right? Yeah. Pretty sure that's code for white supremacists. When he talks about the Russians being the handlers of the Democrats for like decades, he's talking about like the 40s. Yeah. He's talking about stuff that happened like when my parents weren't even alive.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Yeah. So it's like, okay, right. Great. I mean, sure. Sure. Great point. Not really. But also the Democrats were against civil rights at one point. Yeah. So, you know, I don't change the whole parties. The history of the parties, they've, you know, as a party, both of them have gone so far back and forth as times have changed. Absolutely. And people have switched from one to the other that it's kind of like that old adage about the boat, you know, if you replace boats parts, you know, you replace the sail, you replace that. At the end of all that is it still the same boat? Even your body. Yeah. Exactly. Every seven years, you're a completely different human being, right? Yeah. So to say like, oh, the Democrats from the 40s are the same as the Democrats of
Starting point is 01:13:56 today is stupid. That's precisely the Republicans are Lincoln's party and you're like, no, they're all racist now. Yeah. That's it. The end. Yeah. Yeah. Problem solved. To make an argument and appeal to 70 years ago, 60 years ago, you're just, I mean, you're not even trying. Yeah. You're not engaging with reality. You know what? That's all, that's a lot like if you were to make an argument about how, uh, you know, let's say slavery still has effects and you're like, well, you know, I wasn't a slave owner at the time. Well, it's like, well, yeah, I wasn't a Democrat in the 40s. So fuck off. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's like, even if you make your point successfully, Alex, it doesn't matter. No, it does. Who cares? Also, he pitches one of his nice fantasy role playing scenarios
Starting point is 01:14:46 in there where he is like pants and the Republicans came up to Trump and they were like, just give us Flynn as if it's as if it's the fucking the people in Judea being like, give us Barabbas. You know, it's like, what are you talking about? I like to imagine them actually being shadows on the floor and then rising up out of the shadows right behind Trump, just going, and we will take Flynn as your first sacrifice. Everything will be fine if you give him Flynn. Like that. No, maybe, maybe it's a sacrifice to the, to the gods to get fair wins, right? Maybe if Trump's advisors are fucking stupid, one of them, which maybe, which why are you saying maybe? Well, I'm saying it's a possibility, but if you have, I'm saying it's a certainty. If you had a bad
Starting point is 01:15:32 advisor who didn't know what he was doing, it's possible that he was like, all right, look, just fucking give him, you know, like, let Flynn go and this will all boil over. It'll all blow over. Which as we talked about the moment it happened, or right before that happened, that was a terrible strategic move. Right. But that's not like an indictment of anything other than bad advice. That's not like some sort of a setup or something like that. That's just someone who had his ear possibly. And I don't even buy that. No fucking buy any of those. Anyway, let's get to our next clip. It's a lie. This is about, I'm starting to see a running theme on the Alex Jones freakout show. Maybe he lies a lot. He can't engage with anything real because if he does, he has to talk,
Starting point is 01:16:17 like if he's actually doing news, he has to talk about all that stuff we talked about at the top. Right. The Kushner situation, right page situation, the world shrinking in on himself. Right. So he has to get distracted by anything that comes up to fit the bullshit narratives. And yet he's coming to this with all the anger of the world shrinking in on him. It's really, it's really kind of fun. Much like Trump's tweets on Saturday morning, you just see paranoia and anger on him. Oh man. You can feel it in him. You can feel it in Alex for this entire episode. How, if Trump had any good advice, any good advisors, he wouldn't have a fucking phone anywhere near him ever. Instead, he has one in front of him till two in the morning.
Starting point is 01:17:03 All the time. Where he answers calls from weirdos. Yeah. According to along with the 60 switchboard. Yeah. With the, yeah. So this clip is Alex responding to a video that someone had posted online of a guy in Muslim garb in the UK getting into a little bit of an altercation with a guy. I've watched this video about 20 times now. Of course. It is not at all what Alex describes it to be. But I'll let him say his piece before I describe what is actually going on in the video. Does kind of shift gears once he's called the racist. He's talking about the guy, they have a little bit of an argument and this very huge white British guy calls the Muslim guy racist because he's like the Muslim guy says,
Starting point is 01:17:50 and I have no evidence he's Muslim except for his outfit. So I feel bad even making assumptions. Could be wearing a costume. Well, you know what I'm saying. Yeah. We don't have all the information, but this guy is like, he does say you look like pork to the guy. So he's like, he's like, that's, that's racist. And that's what Alex is. I mean, does he look like pork? Sure. He's the other white meat. Anyway, we'll get, we'll get again into why I think that is okay in this context. All right. But I needed to give a little bit of a setup because we go in media res a little bit here. Because he understands this is the power that's made the lion lay down to the mouse. He understands that. It's like the mayor of London. Oh, no. So he then runs over to attack
Starting point is 01:18:43 the woman to try to spit on her and to try to hit her and does hit her. That's a short clip, but it just illustrates everything of this guy anywhere in the United States. Unless he was in Berkeley or other areas where they only have chicken necks for some reason, this guy would have been laid out his jaw broken. Just like that. His, his, his nose would have been smashed in really fast when he hit a woman. But see, men have been trained, whether it's in Germany, you name it, to allow women to be attacked, to be, you name it, because the new culture of being a Western male, I don't care if you're white, Hispanic, what you are is to be a cuck is to be a coward that lays down. Everybody take a drink. Exactly. That's another drinking game.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Whenever Alex says cuck, you take a drink unless you're a mass of other liberals, then you attack women. So you will know them because they attack women, whether they're Islamist, whether they are trendies, whether they're black block, whether black lives matter, anarchism matter. They revel in attacking the blue cat cafe cat sanctuary. Interesting. What's the blue cat cafe cat sanctuary? I was so thrown off by that that I had to look it up. Yeah, that sounds crazy. So the blue cat cats cafe is a business in Austin, Texas. Okay. People can go and drink coffee and hang out with cats. And I believe that sounds like a fun business as I understand you're able
Starting point is 01:20:14 to adopt some of the cats too. It's sort of like a humane society, but it's also like a hangout kind of. Oh, that's kind of cool. Yep. It's like a, it's like a dating spot for cats. I found this article from October 2015, which is obviously what he's talking about, but very delayed because there's no other it's breaking news. There's no other news. He's breaking the news. The blue cat cafe is opening on Sunday or a Saturday, excuse me, was greeted by a group of protesters who are rallying against landlords, FNF real estate ventures. The cafe's building is adjacent to the site of the controversial demolition of pinata store, Jumple in, which was also it's fucking east Austin. This is the most Austin thing you could read. They have a pinata store.
Starting point is 01:20:58 And it's controversial that it's being demolished. God bless you, Austin. I love you so much. Keep it weird. I love you so much, Austin. So this pinata store Jumple in was also owned by FNF real estate ventures. That lot is now being used for the cafe's parking FNF run by Jordan French and Darius Fisher attempted to host a South by Southwest party in March and create a food trailer in February at the address, but failed on both accounts. As I understand, they couldn't get permits or something like that. Okay. So anyway, east Austin, just like basic government, Austin is an incredibly weird city and I have a little bit of insight into it because my parents live there. Right. And my dad is kind of, he's pretty involved in a lot of, like he always used to be very into anti-Iraq war
Starting point is 01:21:42 protests and stuff like that. He's, he's engaged with the community. Right. And there is a massive problem of gentrification around Austin. Of course. There's a lot of buildings that are being put in, in areas they shouldn't be. There's a lot of destruction of classically diverse businesses. Right. The premise of a pinata store, first of all, is crazy. I can't imagine. Yeah. I can't imagine the need for pinata is that high. How could you, what, what market research could you possibly have done for a pinata store? I don't know, but it's great. That is great. I want to live in a world where pinata stores are on every block. I would love it if I walked down the street and saw a pinata store. Starbucks. Give me a pinata and a latte and I'm good to go. If I saw a pinata store, I would
Starting point is 01:22:28 buy a pinata. I have no use for it, but I would have to. You would have to. So this thing about them attacking the cat sanctuary is really about the problems of gentrification in Austin. Right. And a bunch of independent businesses and low income housing are being destroyed in order to put up condos and parking lots for South by Southwest. Like, like how the fucking world is happening right now. Absolutely. And there's a lot of people who are very mad about that. My dad is justifiably so. My dad is involved in some community boards. I don't know. Right. I can't, I can't speak specifically about what he does because I don't know. Of course. It's not a secret. I just don't know. It's in the white papers. Read up on it. But I know that he's gone
Starting point is 01:23:14 to a lot of protests in terms of maintaining businesses and neighborhood controls of stuff. And so that's what this is about. Did they hit a woman? No. No. Oh, we'll get back to that. The Muslim clip. We'll get back to that. No, no. I mean, because isn't that what he's, he's referencing there that trendies and liberals in terms of the women. They hate women. Yes. So why did he bring up the fucking cat cafe then? We'll get back to it. I just wanted to give an explanation of what he was talking about. All right. These people who were protesting the demolition of the business next door. Right. And unfortunately, the pinata store and unfortunately made it very slightly unpleasant for people who wanted to go to the cat cafe. But it's like,
Starting point is 01:23:55 so they were chanting outside, pet your cat, sip your tea on the ruins of Jumple in and then all right. Fuck you, Austin. Save East Austin. Also were a lot of the signs and stuff like that. That's the worst chant I've ever heard. Yeah. And the argument of the protesters were, the cat, the cafe's animal welfare work doesn't mean it's excused from accountability to a community that obviously is going through struggles, which is a great, it is a fair point. Now the, the cat sanctuary, their argument was, we wish for the best for the business owners next door. Or that isn't like, it's not our, it's not our job to save every business. It's a capitalist system. Both sides are right. For better or worse, that's the world we live in.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Both sides are right. Right. Basically. Yeah. And Alex takes it as like these Antifa black block protesters are attacking this cat sanctuary because they hate nice things. They hate these cats. So anyway, he says more about it here, but I just wanted you to have it because otherwise you'd be like, what the fuck is he talking about and protesting every week and knocking the windows out and putting superglue in the keyholes and stuff so that people can't get in and the cat starved to death. They revel. He's totally put superglue in keyholes before. He's also making that he's just revealing that he is in the past put superglue in keyholes. We were all young once in bullying whatever is
Starting point is 01:25:24 the weakest because they, that's their spirit. And so this is what the government of England thinks it needs more of here it is. You're not allowed. Yeah. You're not allowed. I fucking move. You're fucking fine on my face before. Hey, wait a minute guys. You said you had that bled. Oh, the problem is we have to delay that all of it's costing so we can't play it. Can we get the part where he talks about you look like pork? That's what Alex is most interested in is a nice catchphrase, but I, like I said,
Starting point is 01:26:08 I watch this video many times trying to suss out what exactly what was going on. Yeah. I, cause I did not understand exactly what was going on at all. Okay. So basically it, there's two cars and the Muslim guy's car is in the front and it's clear that the guy has just hit his car. Right. So there is probably a minor fender bender going on. Right. And the guy, the video starts with the Muslim gentleman taking a picture of the guy's license plate and getting harassed by the white guy. Okay. So we're off to a good start in supporting Alex Jones's ideology, right? The video doesn't include exactly what the white guy says, but I can assume it's great. I, I'm sure it's offensive.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I'm sure it's just, Hey, excuse me, sir. I would love to pay for the damage to your car. Also the white guy, I mean, he seems unrepentant about or unapologetic at all about the fact that they have gotten in a little accident. Sounds like it, but it starts with the Muslim guy saying, I'm allowed in this country. So we can assume that the first thing the white dude says is something along the lines of, get the fuck out of my country or something like that. It's probably selective editing. I bet the original clip that was never, like I bet there's a longer version on someone's phone that isn't online, that has him saying something fucking atrocious to this guy. So the Muslim guy is mad, but he's
Starting point is 01:27:31 not mad because he's an evil Muslim who wants to invade your culture. He's mad because he just got his car hit and this guy is being a total asshole to him. And the level of existential fear that that guy has to have now every single day is like, I would, if I ever lived with that kind of level of people are all day, every day on TV, shouting about how I'm evil in a very personal way, I would not be shocked to see me lose my shit. Even if his face is in that video too, even if that guy was fine, I would still be terrified. Like you're reacting like a, like, yeah. So I understand why we're angry. His face is in this video and the video I legitimately could only find it posted on accounts that were like, see how evil Muslims are? Nobody had it
Starting point is 01:28:23 posted in like a positive light. But if you actually watch the clip, the only acts of violence he does, he does say you look like pork, but that's actually been insulted and that's kind of fun. It is kind of fun. It's whatever. That's not, and it's, how is that racist? I think I feel like that's more about fat, right? Yeah, he is a kind of fat, tall dude. It seems like it's more like, Hey, you're a, you're a fat dude. Even if you want to make the argument that it's racist, fine, but it's also that's, that's like signaling, you know, like, Hey, I hate you, but I would never eat you. I'm not offended by it either because I know that if I were in the situation,
Starting point is 01:29:05 I would approach this guy like, I'm so sorry. I hate your car. I'm so sorry. That's the first thing you would say. Would you like to trade information? And then he would never say you smell like pork or anything like that. That insult wouldn't come out unless I'm being, he was being attacked, which he clearly is in the video. Yeah, it's insane. So he ends up knocking the girl's phone camera, which is what Alex is saying. He hit her. He doesn't. He knocks her camera and because of how videotaping works on a phone, whenever you hit a phone, it looks like someone has destroyed. Yeah. Oh, you killed her. Yeah. It's just like, yeah. And she was doing it portrait style too. Not landscape. Well, then she's, I'm immediately not on her side. And so,
Starting point is 01:29:43 so this guy in, and the Muslim guy getting a little bit of a stare down there. He, he's like, what are you going to do? That sort of thing. Like they're, they're just standing face to face. The bro fight bullshit. Right. And that deteriorates. And the lady starts saying, you're not allowed, which obviously, which obviously is in response to him being like, I'm allowed in this country. Of course. And she's saying, you're not allowed. Right. And he, you're not white. He is offended by that goes up to her. I can't tell exactly if he was going to spit on her or if he's just so worked up. He ends up like lugging a little on himself. Right. He doesn't spit on her. No. He just has some saliva come out of his mouth. And then he is like, get that phone out of my face.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Okay. I don't think he does anything wrong. Yeah. I mean, he's, he like the worst thing I can, like in my estimation, the worst part of that is the whole bro stare down bullshit. Like at any point in time, he did have the option of being like, fuck you guys. I've got your license plate. I'm just going to get the fuck out. Sure. But then it goes back to, that's the only, that's the only thing I can think of. And that's, but that's just dude shit. That's not Muslim anything. We should be angry at dudes. Yeah, it's just dudes. Every Muslim thing that they say is bullshit. It should just be like, Hey, no more dudes. Well, that's why it always comes back for Alex about cucking and stuff like that. It's because it is a attack on his masculinity. It is sexual for him
Starting point is 01:31:14 in some ways, which is really fucked up. I don't understand. Like I agree with you that there is a better way to have dealt with that. Yeah. But I don't think he's wrong to be mad at all. And in no way am I saying I would have dealt with it that way. And even I'm just saying like now in the perfect quiet of this situation, I can say here is the best probable way to do this. Yeah. I'm not saying that if I had just had my car hit and somebody had just come up to me and exploited the very fear that they have been told every single day on TV is coming for them, that I would react in a reasonable and logical manner. Right. I would almost certainly lose my shit. That drives me fucking crazy. I hate. And they're blaming they're blaming a religion for
Starting point is 01:31:57 that. Yeah, I hate. Oh, fuck you. Let's go to a couple of quick lies here. Get them out of the way. This one is about the radio stations. The quick lies section. Trump said the fake media that is the MSM is the enemy of the American people. They are the enemy of humanity folks. And it's just a prima facia truth. Well, they're losing control of the media because of independent media and because of the internet. So I mean, these, you know, the six big corporations that control 90% of everything you read and watch these are death rows and they need, they need to capture the internet. They need to gain control of the internet. So that's what they're trying to do with this as well. That's right. Let me tell you what they've done to us. Again, we don't even list
Starting point is 01:32:39 all of our affiliates anymore. I've asked GCN not to because the old tried and true tough ones because we have we put them up because they don't mind. They know it's my threatened them or whatever. It's just a bunch of bull 100, you know, 100 times out of whatever. Also, we don't list those because there are not as many of them anymore. Also, in episodes as recent as a week or two ago, Alex has claimed he doesn't still work with GCN Genesis communications network. Of course. So he's just clearly lying. Yeah. He's absolutely lying because he wants to take some heat off that the Genesis communications network is a gold sale scam. Yeah. That has morphed into a hill sale scale. Exactly. He wants to take a little bit of distance between the two.
Starting point is 01:33:19 But if you're paying attention, he just said that we are put through the GCN network. Yeah. And his bumpers that come back from commercial, he said they're like on the GCN network. So he's trying to go both ways there. All right. I like his style. I like his bald faced bullshittery. But anyway, he is more bullshit about the studio of these radio stations being threatened, which is fucking hilarious. Gotcha. Yeah, they don't very, very, really serious, but new ones we learned so they don't get boycotted or threatened. We just don't list our affiliates. They're in their local area. Everybody's hearing them. The words being spread by our listeners. And then the globalists can't even find out who to go after because they don't have the intel.
Starting point is 01:33:58 And that's how we've gone over 250 affiliates now from like 170, 180. And our top was not listing the affiliates. I had that feeling a few years ago. We started doing that. It's really worked great. We talked to the affiliate managers at the stations. They get it. They understand it. They understand what's going to be nationally saying who you are. It does nothing for you. I just say local support the stations, spread the word there. The enemy never knows and they can't go after them. Again, this is a war, folks. This is hardcore. So that's a lie. Here's another lie. Knowledge Fight is now syndicated on 4,000 radio stations. Oh, shit. Are we? We don't list them. Why would we? Yeah, it's absolutely. Well, look,
Starting point is 01:34:33 because then Alex Jones will be able to fucking find us. Yeah, absolutely. We're on so many. We're on literally every fucking radio station in the country. We're on the internet and that's like the biggest radio station. Right. Anyway, the idea that although David Knight does make a good point about the fact that six, that's Darren McBreen. Oh, that's Darren McBreen. Yeah. All right. Fuck them. They're the same. They're the same shitty tone of voice. Side Alex side piece, Alex. No, there are six corporations that own everything. That's bad. No, I don't like it. It is. I agree with them there. That's an issue that needs to be addressed. Exactly. And you know what? They are trying to own the internet. They are getting rid of net
Starting point is 01:35:09 neutrality. They are letting Trump is for it. Yeah. But but the the idea that like the global it would be it would be really ironic if all of the things Trump like all of this blows over. Trump gets his whole agenda and because of that, Alex Jones gets kicked off the the internet. That would be that would be the most ironic thing I can think of. I would write like ancient Greek style tragedy about that. Like I would write you laughing. Icarus Icarus flew too close to the Trump. You laughing would be the chorus of the entire play. But like this idea that like if we don't list the affiliates, then no, they don't know and they won't kick us out. But here's the deal. When I was younger, how easy is it to find those affiliates though? With your local,
Starting point is 01:35:58 you fucking know they're there. Yeah. When I would just ask, you could just ask around. When I was about 20 or so, maybe a little bit older than that, it's timelines a little vague in my life. But I was in college, I believe. Anyway, Michael Savage had started saying a bunch of really violently Muslim anti Muslim stuff. Right, right. And my dad is a religious studies professor and is very plugged in with all the communities. And along with the Muslim community in town, he was involved in a campaign to get Michael Savage taken off of the local radio station. Okay. It was a grassroots local thing that happened. Right. It was not the globalists. Wasn't that wasn't censorship? It was just, Hey, we don't want this here. Yeah. Do you
Starting point is 01:36:46 make money off of him? We will not. We don't want to be a part of this. Yeah. He is awful. And it was successful. They got the show taken off the air. Great. And capitalism. Right. But so his argument that it's the globalists coming in and like targeting little local radio stations and something is bullshit. Well, even more bullshit is the idea that the globalists, because he doesn't list them, the globalists with their nigh on infinite resources, still can't find them. Right. That's stupid. How could you? That's the only way you could find them is if Alex Jones listed them. And I don't believe for a second that like radio stations have been threatened and stuff like that. No, of course. But if you're like, he would say that very protest that you just described
Starting point is 01:37:30 is threatening the radio station. Yeah. Or that's what he's saying. Or it's, yeah, he would probably paint it as globalist forces evading free speech. Right. And what it wasn't, he stopped listening to be, he stopped listening to them because there are a lot fewer of them. Yes. Absolutely. But it's not censorship. It's a community that feels threatened and offended for no reason. Yeah. And they just will not put up with it. And they have every right to not. Yeah, which is great. Yeah. It's a fight for dignity, you dumb fuck. It's a knowledge war for fights. Here's a lie about Ted Turner. What? You've got mega death. Why? You've got giga death. So they kill seven million of us. Ted Turner says he only wants to kill 80%. So that means there'd be hundreds of
Starting point is 01:38:15 millions left, which I think is quite gracious of him. And of course, as the calling takes place, the next few decades, you'll be able to grovel to them properly and show them that you've been subservient. Perhaps you'll be allowed to live or be given some of the, some of the cures for the diseases they've been dumping out and pouring out upon us. He sounds like it's catching him. He sounds like right now he sounds depressed. Like this whole nightmare scenario is him being like, oh, they're about to get me. There's only going to be hundreds of millions left because they're about to get me. They're going to take out 85% of my money. Once they get me, then everybody goes down. He's, he's seeing the writing on the wall in this,
Starting point is 01:38:58 in this, in the tone of voice that he's got right here. Well, possibly. I mean, he talks a little bit more, but we can cut the rest of this. Cause if it doesn't matter, what's really important is this idea that Ted Turner wants to kill 80% of the public. Wait. So that was the first thing you said was Ted Turner. I didn't hear that part. I just already wanted to kill 85. That's true. That's a good point. So he says that Ted Turner wants to kill 80% of the population. What does he explain? Oh, does he give a reason in 1996? Yes. Ted Turner did it at the height of the Atlanta Braves. Ted Turner roamed the earth like a God. He did an interview on the WCW. Yeah. He did an interview
Starting point is 01:39:39 with Audubon magazine where he, where he said that. So the white paper, he said that an ideal population for the world would be about a 95% reduction in population, which is even more extreme than what Alex says. But if you just take that snippet, it sounds bad. But what he proposes is actually that how we should achieve that is over the next 100 years, encourage everyone to have one or two children in order to massively decrease the rise in population that we're having. Which is a terrible idea as we already saw in China. Agreed. Is the worst idea. Agreed. Yeah. But it's not about killing tons of people. No. It's just about being more judicious in terms of our future. Yeah. And he wanted to pull a who wants to kill 85% of
Starting point is 01:40:31 the population. He could have gone with literally any of Bill Burr's specials. Now, another thing that Ted Turner says very clearly is all of it has to be voluntary. He says that repeatedly. He says all of these ideas would have to be implemented voluntarily. I don't want to force people to do these things. So that takes away a whole lot of his, Alex's head of steam. Now, beyond that, that's still a weird interview to give though, right? That's a weird conversation to have. And that's what I want to get to. Beyond that, Ted Turner is crazy. That's right. I forgot about that. Ted Turner's batshit insane. It's not a nefarious I want to kill the world argument as much as it is a crazy person with a fairly reasonable idea that could
Starting point is 01:41:22 never be implemented. Not a great idea, but it's not terrible. One of my favorite Ted Turner quotes was he was talking about his life and he was saying like, I believe the question was about his like frequent marriages. And he was like, you know, at the end of the day, you live and look, I never did anything with any kids. I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's a great quote. That's like, all right. I mean, you know what? Not all of us could say we're so lucky. He's right. Like the spirit of what he's saying is right. It's like, you want to insult him by getting married multiple times. Like, yeah, we, you know, we fucked up our marriages and stuff. You know, yeah, you know, there's nothing morally wrong with that. You know how many
Starting point is 01:42:09 genocides I've committed? Very few. Goose egg. Well, I mean, he's Ted Turner. Who knows? We are coming up against it because I know that you have to get out before too long. I got a little, I got plenty of time. Okay. I'm going to cut a couple of clips that aren't important. But let's get to this next one where I think Alex is again, talking about himself. This is another massive distraction tactic from the real issues. This is stupid. Very, very, very stupid. So stupid. Man, this is such a deceptive, manipulative thing. We've got to, we've got to stop this. We've got to do something about this. These people have got to be stood up against. I mean, they've been caught lying over the years. So they're just quadrupling down.
Starting point is 01:42:53 Now, speaking of dehumanization, I've got several articles I want to get to here coming up the start of the next segment that really ties into what Owen's about to hit on. And we, and we've got the article that we're going to be showing on screens because scroll through that for TV viewers. But they're not just degenerating the family. They're not just saying there's 100 new genders. And if you're male or female, that's bad because that hurts people that are the other genders. So the original gender is hurtful. So that can exist. They're now having body augmentation or changes that's going past people getting all these face surgeries and things until they look like the cat lady. It's now saying, oh, I'm an alien. I'm not even human. I'm, I'm, I'm a celebrity.
Starting point is 01:43:35 It's turning yourself into a carnival show, Barker, a carnival show, freak show, so that that's how you quote, make a living is not being part of the human system. So humans look at you and think there's something wrong with you. And what the system's doing is taking mental illness in many cases and also making it fashionable and cool. This is another psychic, psychological virus they admit that they've injected into society to confuse everyone. Then they have the corporate media hold it up as if it's something beautiful and powerful to further accelerate the downfall of civilization. But humans can organize together, recognize the disease and the filth, the poison grapes, the poison berries and teach others not to eat of them
Starting point is 01:44:14 and, and go away from the poison fruit. We're right back in the Garden of Eden. We had the knowledge of good. We weren't dumb. It's the knowledge of evil is the virus of mental illness. So that's stupid. That's okay. So let me try and, let me try and get through the, are you trying to parse this? I'm trying to bounce from point to point the way that he did. All right. So a hundred, a hundred genders. That's bad. Right. People are getting body modifications to look like aliens. There was a story that came out about a guy who went under, got surgery to become a genderless alien. Yeah. I'm cool with that. I'm fine with it. But it's also, I feel like he just, he just read Transmetropolitan.
Starting point is 01:44:58 That's exactly what he's describing right there. But also the media doesn't hold up that case and be like, look how awesome this is. No, the media is, I mean, I would, I think that's kind of awesome. I think most of the reports about this are much like that girl who got plastic surgery to turn into a Barbie doll or a Octo mom, even though that wasn't surgery. There, there have been guys who, uh, for a willingly castrate themselves because they want to do, they just don't want to deal with that. That doesn't sell as well. No, but like there are these instances of, I'm definitely sure that Alex Jones would never even acknowledge the existence of men who would willingly do that. That's so anti-male. Then he's going with the, the don't eat the poison
Starting point is 01:45:37 fruit, right? Uh, which again, he does not understand the whole point of that whole story whatsoever. It's hard. It's not that it's the whole point is you can't have the knowledge of good without the knowledge of evil and the knowledge of evil without the knowledge of good. Yeah. You don't, you don't get one or the other. You have to have both. So once again, he does not understand his own theology at all. No, he doesn't. But he also, in a little bit here, he's going to really make it clear. He doesn't understand any theology. But yeah, it's, it's, it's just a, it's, it's stupid distractions. There was someone who got surgery, uh, to publicize themselves. Right. And he just was like, Oh man, I got to turn this into something about the globalists.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Right. It's just someone who had a fucking weird idea, did it, who cares, let them live their life. Yeah. Out of, out of seven billion people, we got one guy who's like, I want to be an alien. That's a really good ratio. And it's not like the government has to pay for it. It's, you know, it's the guy paying for surgery to make himself look weird. Who cares? Also, I've been, uh, I had to start looking up Ted Turner quotes. Oh man. I couldn't stop myself. But I found a, look, I'm a very good thinker, but I sometimes grab the wrong word. I say something I didn't think through adequately. I mean, I don't type my speeches, then sit up there and read them off the teleprompter. You know, I wing it. Sounds like a guy that Alex Jones would absolutely love.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Sure. It sounds like they're philosophical brothers. It sounds like they're really, really good, good, good friends. And I'm not against that. I'm not against him. Like, yeah, sometimes I say the wrong thing. But here's, here's my favorite. If people get all the sex they can handle, they're so happy and content. They just sit around and smile. I mean, you never feel aggressive after you've just gotten laid, right? Lots of sex for everybody. That's the solution to all the world's problems. I am into Ted Turner. I like Ted Turner now. I like a good Ted and then somehow inexplicably, and this is, this is in 78. Okay. This is prior to all of these other quotes. Uh, Ted Turner, where's the upside in opening your mouth? He, he is actually a
Starting point is 01:47:48 cautionary tale about 40 years later, Ted Turner in the Guardian. I've got a virtually limitless supply of bullshit. That might be because he owns a bunch of bison. It could be. He has Buffalo. Anyway, uh, this next clip is, uh, fun and wrong. Uh, this, in this clip, Alex speculates that basically most crime isn't real in defense of human liberty. Alex also, I got to stop it because we have another fucking song that's awesome that he used. Okay. Which is George Straits, Amarillo by morning. All right. All right. I'm, I'm fully on board there. I had to tweet about the other night. You say, you say George straight. I say I'm in Amarillo by morning. That song is so good. Why does he use these awesome songs? He's from Austin. Why does he love cat cafes? He's a
Starting point is 01:48:37 man of many contradictions. He doesn't like the cat cafe. He just uses it as a bullshit example. I bet he loves the cat cafe. How could you not? I, who, how could you not? You know, and Trump told the attorney general of the state, when you guys pull in this article, thanks Amarillo on the speech, she said, I'm going to decry these Jewish centers being attacked and these tombstones getting knocked over. But we need to investigate this being a false flag because the media was blaming it on Trump info has this story. I haven't seen anybody else report on it. Paul Watson, they didn't say, they didn't say that Trump himself went to Jewish community centers or even Trump defiled graves. They weren't saying, they said, no, they were just
Starting point is 01:49:20 saying people, we've seen an uptick. Yeah. Maybe that has something to do. It could be coincidence. Correlation is not causation. We all know this. However, it does seem highly likely that an uptick and anti-Semitic rhetoric and an anti-Semite in the White House does kind of say that it emboldens anti-Semites all over the place. Literally the first president since World War II to not mention the Jews when talking about the Holocaust. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's not an accident. No. And when you have people who are already anti-Semitic, they feel like, fuck, it's game on. Now we got one of our own in there. Well, now we can play the game. Also in the same way that Alex Jones feels like now is the time to strike against the globalists. Exactly. These anti-Semites
Starting point is 01:50:06 feel like there's never going to be another opportunity. We have to go now. And the idea of a false flag Jewish person defiling cemeteries is so silly. Well, unfortunately, there was. Was there? They're not the cemeteries. Not the cemetery. But a couple of the bomb threats were a guy trying to fuck with his ex-girlfriend. Yeah. He wasn't Jewish though. No, but that came out and that is unfortunate because it gives some credence to the idea that all the other ones are also fake. That guy was a former intercept reporter and he was fired. Glenn Greenwald. He was fired. He was fired because he made up quotes. Yeah. So we already know this dude is fucking making shit up whenever he wants. Right. And we could have seen that one come in just a
Starting point is 01:50:50 little bit. The reality that we have to deal with and I think is fair for us to deal with is dickholes on the left and the right are both assholes. Dickholes is dickholes. Yeah. So this guy is once again not left or right dudes. It's dudes. This guy is dudes are the issue. This guy is jilted by his ex and calls in bomb threats to Jewish centers to fuck with her. Which is again not a left or right issue. That is dudes. But it's very similar to the beginning of Gamergate. Yeah. No shit. So this is the fucking dudes. This is the fucking awful cycle that we're trapped in now basically is these really angry dudes. Toxic men. Right. And then you have Alex Jones who's fucking way on that tip way on it trying to cupcake cupcake trying to misrepresent the news
Starting point is 01:51:39 that's happening in order to fit that narrative. Right. And it's once he starts doing all this like all these racial crimes are fake. I've never seen white racism. Also but Nazis are totally not racist except they're happy with me. And then pitching white genocide type narratives. I believe when Tyler Snodgrass was filling in for you he asked me if Alex was a supremacist. And at the time my answer was I don't have enough information. I'm not sure. And at this time as time as a press time on this episode you betcha. I don't think it's a definite yes. But man I'm much closer. I mean his behaviors are. Yeah. Yeah. Is he going to say he's a white supremacist. He's going to say things that suggest he's not a white supremacist.
Starting point is 01:52:34 And yet every action we see every argument he makes as opposed to every you know like and I'm not I'm just saying you know we treat people the same but I've been black people are way more racist than me like all of all of his arguments are always white supremacist. All of the things he does are always white supremacist. So whether or not you say you know it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you say like and hey I don't care what kind of color the color skin you are or even if you're cool with your black friend. Yeah. That you don't fucking have the proof of the pudding is in the eating. It is. And we let's finish this clip and then I think we have time for two more after. Oh we got time for a few. Okay. Good. Good. Good. I'm just you know listen
Starting point is 01:53:19 let's pull back the curtain you have a show tonight. Yeah. I don't I don't want to ruin that for you but listen Alex Jones be at the door. Okay. He's a knocking. Yeah. I saw it this morning. I didn't see it in my stack. Somebody print me that. Thank you. Oh also he's trying to make the argument that this news about the guy who called in the bomb threats as a way to fuck with his girlfriend. You're saying that no one's reporting it and everyone is reporting it. Everybody is reporting it. Yeah. So anyway here we go. Turns out it is a pro-Obama anti-Trump operative. Manor resident for Jewish center bomb threat is an anti-Trump Muslim convert. Oh my god. Yeah. It's not hard for Trump to be proven right again. I'm not going to exaggerate.
Starting point is 01:54:13 95 percent. Real laugh. I was going to say 99. There's been a few of the race attacks that we see out there are false flags. In fact a lot of times it'll be a white woman saying four black guys raped her and you know she'll cut her face. I saw that you know that it's not true shit herself and then a black woman says five white guys did it and it's fake again you know. I mean it's just it's people do it for attention man. It's bad. It's an epidemic. They teach this in the feminist classes that all sex is rape. So you know if your version breaks up with you you can decide to retroactively say you were raped. There was a court case where they just know build it with the with the DA here in Austin where that went on and the girl got mad
Starting point is 01:54:55 and you know said I'm gonna say you raped me reportedly and so they've dropped the case. I mean this is scary folks. This is this is social justice warriors for your own shroyer. This makes me so sad. That clip made me so fucking sad. What in God's name is he talking. 95 percent of race attacks are false flags. 95 percent. Everyone just wants attention. 95 percent. Rape is fake. It's just all sex is rape. All sex isn't rape. No. There's no way. There's a lot of rape. There is. But that's not all sex. A lot of it's a false flag. Is a lot of it. 95 percent of it is a false one. Alex doesn't believe in like rape culture. He doesn't believe in like the idea that there are no he just participates in it.
Starting point is 01:55:40 He doesn't believe that there's unreported sexual assaults on campuses. There's so many unreported sexual assaults. It's it's it's absolute insanity. It's a god. The Baylor shit is a fight. It's a man. This is the entire the entire theme of this episode is Alex Jones is blaming everyone but who's really at fault which is dudes. That's not this episode that might be that might be his entire show. You're right. But yeah. I mean he gloms on to a couple examples like he was talking about. Yeah. You know what. Maybe this entire show is like all of this is a distraction from toxic masculinity. I'm becoming more and more convinced that's like every single Islam is against women. No dudes. Dudes. Yeah. You know the whole thing the whole
Starting point is 01:56:27 thing is any possible distraction from the fact that a lot of dudes are pieces of shit. Yep. And bad shit. Anyway I mean he brings up like the Duke lacrosse thing in there. That's what he was referencing. Yeah. The Rolling Stone cover story where dudes. Yeah. That's what he was referencing. And yeah. Sure. That was that was bad. That was bad. That was bad. Yep. Cool. So are all the rapes. Yeah. Just because so there are. OK. So we got four on the board of falsely accused of rape and then we've got I don't know 10 20 million on the board of accused of rape and not facing any consequences for it at all. The best actor and our president. Yeah. Yeah. So like it's just. Oh it's funny because we're all fucking monsters. Yeah. It's it's almost
Starting point is 01:57:20 impossible for us to unpack. But I just I can't I can't say enough how much I really hate his interpretation of the world. It's it's awful. It's tragically bad. Anyway I have to I have to choose my spots here. Yeah. Because we we you know we got it. We got to get in what needs to be got in. Right. And this next clip that I'm going to play is so fun. This one's fun. It's a it's another lie. This one is a lie about him meeting a military psychologist. How would you lie about that. You're going to find out. All right. And then in the middle it gets super weird about again kind of masculine issues dudes. Yeah. We're on over 200 radio stations so we don't let cuss words go out. We're still under FCC regulations. Obama wants the FCC to
Starting point is 01:58:12 run the internet. But guess what. He's not president anymore. And so we enter into the next problem. Yeah. We know. I apologize. I pulled up the wrong clip. So so many. They're blaming so many things on Obama and Hillary and it's like they've got nothing to do with nothing anymore. Nope. Why are you still blaming them. Find a new boogeyman or something. And that shit's still going. Yeah. Anyway here's the right clip. I was talking to a former army psychologist just yesterday here at the office. He was telling me he goes the same thing that that had one of the big four banks. This guy was the head of the fourth largest bank. The famous conversation I have for three hours on a plane from Austin to New York on American Airlines is going to be on the
Starting point is 01:58:58 view. There's a famous conversation he had. Famous conversation. Fuck you Alex. Well reported. He's trying to steal my catchphrase. Hey you know what Alex. Dream on. He's trying to steal my catchphrase because I often say that I famously did things. He's fucking he's jacking my shit. You didn't you didn't come up with that. I'm not saying I famously came up with that. And he said Alex you think people will adapt and overcome to fight the new world order in our system. They're going to adapt and overcome to submit. They're going to give into whatever we do as long as it's incremental. And the guy that did listen to the show he was here visiting his dad that was a retired general. And he said this is off the record talk. So we talk about an hour
Starting point is 01:59:44 and a half and he couldn't convince me and then he did one talk to me when I was there again at the end but that's the whole way of these guys. And I to get it he got up in the suit was perfectly still crisp. Got his black trench coat look totally perfect. I don't know how he did it. I mean you know it's how these guys do this stuff. You know just he had it all down. Arrogance by that. But you know what he's getting his ass kicked now. But I was on this army guy and he wasn't arrogant about it. He said you know our military loves to fight and loves to kill. But he said they don't do that because they're bad. They didn't do that because they started out that way. They have to. You have to adapt to it and get to where you like it or it destroys
Starting point is 02:00:19 you. And the men that weren't destroyed were the ones that got to where they liked it and the ones that are destroyed are the ones that never adapted to it. And he said and that's what they do with the public is they basically do bad things to us and then get us to adapt and accept it. So it's like with really smart people that's the highest knowledge is that those of us that see all the stuff we are not submitted. We're trying to adapt to actually overcome it for people and build a better system. But a lot of people think they're cool. They just roll over or go along like I don't care if they shut down half the coal power plants. I don't own coal stock. Well neither do I. Well neither do I. Do you understand. Do you understand any of that.
Starting point is 02:00:58 I'm trying to. I do. I kind of think he has a good point. But it's only applicable to how the GOP has managed to convince people to vote against their own interests by hating trans people. Well if you extrapolate. Yeah. But the what I glommed on to in that clip way more is first of all these conversations didn't happen. No. Of course not. Why would you be impressed by a guy who gets up and is wearing his clothes fast. Looks great. Is it like a is it like a quick change artist. Is that what he's saying. Is he got up and everything looked crisp. Yeah. Though he'd been sitting down for an hour on a plane talking to him talking to Alex. He just gets up. Everything looks crisp. He's got a great suit. He's got a great suit.
Starting point is 02:01:40 What I am more interested in how Jones is a star fucker. There's two things that I'm fucking interested in this clip. One is the idea that he's glorifying the idea of being cool with killing like the idea that the military likes to kill people. And in order to be successful you have to start to like to kill people even for a military. That is not something I'm comfortable with. I like the idea of killing having to be done sometimes judiciously by the military. I do not like the idea that they're like we love killing people. That's fucked up. I don't like anybody who says that. Period. Because it's wild. The second thing is he talks about this military psychologist.
Starting point is 02:02:25 He had to talk off the record which I think means he's breaking that means he bothered that guy. And then he's like and now I'm going to tell you about this conversation I had that I told him he wouldn't be. No it just means that he's not putting his name out. He doesn't understand what being a journalist is though. Like you shouldn't be saying the specifics of the conversation if it was off the record. But that's not the important part. That's a good point. The important part is that he's talking to this guy. He's fucking arrogant. He's a chicken neck. He's so arrogant. Only chicken necks are arrogant. And he talks to this military guy. He's a man. He's not arrogant. He's a dude. He Alex has such a fucking problem with people being arrogant and quote thinking
Starting point is 02:03:05 they're better than me. He's so caught up in that idea of he's projecting so much. Yeah. About like all these people think they're smart. They're better than me. Like that's in your head. I swear to God I still believe I'm starting to be more and more convinced by this. If the people like if the New York Times would just be like Alex Jones we think you're so smart. So long as you're talking about that like if we just push him in the right direction like with Trump there is a part of me that believes if we give Trump positive feedback and candy in certain like what like with the speech when he sounded presidential or whatever. Yeah. They decided not to put out that executive order. Right. Right. Exactly. It's like if you give him positive feedback maybe he'll start to do
Starting point is 02:03:51 like we could push him in the like because he just wants to he just wants people to like him. I don't want to want to be Alex Jones. I don't want to be able to like him. I don't want to baby president. I don't want to baby propaganda. I don't want either of those things but that's what we've got. It's not we got it. We got to do. We got to do something. They're children. They're small babies. I legitimately think that it's possible that by the time this episode is aired we will have a new president. No but the situation on the ground will be different than it is just on Saturday. We have it comes out on Monday. We have it. I think that tomorrow could be a wild day during the recording of this episode. Neither of us have checked Twitter. It might be an entirely
Starting point is 02:04:30 new situation by the end of the recording. It's very possible. Okay. So I've got I've got I have one more clip I'm going to play and this one is about 10 minutes long or so. Okay. We can break it up but the reason that it's important is that Alex loses his shit about money while talking about not caring about money. Right. While accidentally being literally sacrilegious. He talks early. He said it earlier in the show. This is a Christian program. We don't cuss on it. Right. Right. What he says in this next clip literally I think everybody who goes to church should be shocked and horrified by what he says. Okay. We'll talk more. You're really giving people who go to church a lot of credit on this. So I've gone to church a lot in my life
Starting point is 02:05:21 and I really do. I feel like the people that I knew wouldn't like to hear this sort of thing. I believe in my heart of hearts there are no depths of depravity that people who go to church won't be fine with so long as they don't. And you just use the term heart of hearts. That's church credibility. Exactly. Anyway here we go. I know the language. Here's a nice sales pitch that goes bad. We're pulling out. They're like we'll march in the UU Army. We'll go ahead then. And they always have. You know we'll march in Black Lives Matter to shoot you. Well they'll just get it going then. Bring in George Soros. Let's go you bastards. Hey you got George Soros and all the paid protesters and then you have the media that covers this like it's a good thing and
Starting point is 02:06:02 so I mean we do have a fight on our hands folks. Oh I'm saying I'm not giving up and you see where fall how far we've come. Let me tell you something. You decide you're going to have this victory folks. We can't be beaten. I'm skipping this network break because there may be a show soon and we don't get this together. I'm going to say something to viewers right now. So he's skipping a break. The phrase word in edge wise is very very applicable. He's skipping a break which would be a commercial break and now watch how he just gets impassioned and it's a nine minute commercial. No. Yeah. He can't possibly pull that off. I know for a fact that we have over 40 million people that listen to the streams, listen to us on radio and that watch us on YouTube and Facebook and
Starting point is 02:06:44 other platforms. 43, 44 million people a week. Not true. Big weeks it's higher. And then I sit there and I think I'm doing good jobs if I'm selling a thousand t-shirts a day. I don't give a rat that butt. Excuse my French. About five dollars or four dollars we're making on each shirt. I care about those shirts in the streets but I've got to fund myself so I try to make five dollars on them. We have the new Trump pants 2020 shirt. Will it save the world? No but this movement will with God's help. You get enough people instead of a hundred thousand people like the last t-shirt like ninety something thousand on the street. You get a million people on the street with Trump as my president. We're about to sell out of those or Trump pants 2020 keeping
Starting point is 02:07:28 America great on the back. It says America first in 70 76 info It will send shock waves across the country. So listen, I do not want to sit there and have the crew go well we're selling a thousand plus shirts a day. You know in a hundred days or something we'll break the last record. Thank you those that did order. They're the people that get it. I'm not bitching at the listeners. I'm saying if you want to win call that local station and become a sponsor or send them 20 dollars a month. Stop tithing to the big fake churches that won't fight. Where you go worship the stupid demon preacher. We need to be tithed to in the info war. God wants freedom. God. That's literal sacrilege. Five dollars shirt in the streets.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Twenty dollars shirt in the sheets. You know what I'm saying. For you here. That he asked me. I did. I did. And I will tell you this. I'll tell you this right now. There is a full on Christian justification for it. Really. Yeah. Go for it. The mega churches. The whole thing the everything that he's talking about if you're saying the prosperity gospel the prosperity gospel the giant churches. That is sacrilege. Sure. Because it's done in the name of of the of the Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. You give us money and you'll have more money. Exactly. Yeah. Which is the most brilliant lie I've ever been. Sure. I've ever been part of. Yeah. That's amazing. Pastor Creflo a dollar. Now he's hiding behind it. His name is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:58 Anyway. Now your point though is that the word tithe to him is the big one. That's big. That's a big one. That's fucked up. That is fucked up. Because tithing is giving 10 percent of your money to the church. The church. Yeah. And it's specifically to create good works to to. But but again again. See there you get into the there you get into the biblical the the church is not the building the church is the people the community if Info Wars is doing the good works well then Info Wars is your church my friend Info Wars is the community and all these churches are just demon preachers. They're demon preachers like the dollar guy. Yeah. But he's who might as well be dressed in that like late 90s commercial where the guy's getting you tax grants and all
Starting point is 02:09:45 that shit. Yeah. The guy who looks like the money money money money money. Yeah. So but but I think that that is first of all we have Alex morphing into basically a propaganda arm for a political candidate at the same time morphing into morphing into is he going to try and get tax exempt status like he's he's turning this into a church in front of our eyes. Oh that's how he makes it through this whole ad role thing. Maybe that's how he does it. I don't think so. I think if Elron Hubbard can do it. Well Alex Jones can't do it. No. I can't do it. It's too late for that. He's also not creative enough. But as we discussed I do. I'm back on the page of thinking that there is an angel investor. But anyway this his sales pitch is so transparent and lame and he's trying so
Starting point is 02:10:34 hard to make it not. And it goes. I don't even care if we sell a thousand t shirts. I want a million t shirts in the streets. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care. I don't care about all this money that you're giving me. I want you to wear these and make a movement. Now admittedly that means you're going to give me a lot more money. Yeah. But that's not the point. He's waffling between those two ideas for this entire clip. Yeah. But there's one point where Darren McBreen who's in there tries to talk about a point he wants to make and just gets shut down so hard. So it's just let's play this out. Let's let this fly. He wants to promote justice. And so I'm telling you if you're somebody that's poor just spread the link spread the articles reach out to people.
Starting point is 02:11:21 But if you're middle class I wouldn't buy just one shirt buy a hundred in different sizes give them to people or sell them be an entrepreneur. Sell them for fifteen twenty dollars. Trump's shirts are popular. That's basically multi-level marketing. He's doing a pyramid scheme. Yeah basically god damn it. I love you Alex Jones buy a bunch of shirts and sell people fucking lunatic. Look these shirts move. Just fucking get them and you'll be fucking rich. That is that is the prosperity gospel prosperity gospel buy a hundred shirts. Go sell them at your local resell them. I don't care. Just get the shirts out to people. I honestly think that that it might be an indication that he has too many shirts. I was going to say it might be like a we got a move. He yeah he might
Starting point is 02:12:05 be on the like everything forty five percent off. That's fair. I don't know. We're going out of business. He's also started a new thing where if you sign up for their newsletter they send you half off coupons for a new thing every day. Oh they are really. So but that means now you're doing data. Now we're going back on the angel investor thing. It everything he's doing does kind of make it sound like he's broke. No. I'm still waffling myself in the middle of like trying to parse exactly what is going on. Right. I think there is some brokenness. Right. I think he took a hit. Right. But I don't think I don't think there's a fucking chance that he's going to like be screwed right. I got you. Even here. Yeah. But here we go. Would cut my right arm right off
Starting point is 02:12:51 with a meat flavor than defeat the New World War right now. I mean I'm not suicidal. I love life so much but I jump into a inferno into a volcano. If I knew defeat the New World War right now. No thought. No way. Into the volcano. Alex when we went to the pro pro Trump rallies all across the country full of info or sure. It's like every fifth person and then we recruit the other Trump people that are awake and the Republicans that are starting to wake up. Here's why it's good. It's a recruitment arm for liberty. It shows the MSM the real power. It shows the Trump people the real power to keep them honest and it also exercises free speech in the face of the bullies but also people that are scared see all the signs and they see all the shirts and
Starting point is 02:13:32 they see the bumper stickers and they see what you're saying. They see you wearing your colors. They don't feel like they're alone. We're a military. We're a movement. This is the uniform. This is the uniform. Trump pants. No. I told you I had a conversation with my older brother who's a traditional Republican establishment Republican kind of in a minute. So I gotta say this. Soros I'm a former Republican. Soros is trying with hundreds of millions and millions of taxpayer money to defeat Trump now with the fights on now. It don't end every three, four and five years, two years, new elections. It's on. The war is now. Yeah. Tell folks about your brother that thinks he's part of the establishment. I love that so much in a minute. So dismissive. So dismissive.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Oh my God. You can kind of tell a lot about somebody by how they treat people they work with and how they like they sort of interact in these comfortable moments. Yeah. And what we can take from that is Alex does not give a fuck about something when he wants to go. No. When he wants to get on the roll, it's gotta go. Now, admittedly, it's his show. Yeah. But no, that's a dick move. Very much. And he's treating him like a child, like a little boy. Like he's at the kids table at Thanksgiving. Yeah. Being like, Hey, I also would like to talk about it. Shut up, boy. And then gets right back into it. But he tells him to stop talking about his brother than dismissively has the like, let's talk about your brother who thinks he's a part of the establishment. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:01 Where do we go from here? But meanwhile, what Darren McBreen was trying to bring up is maybe a better sales pitch for the shirts because he's like everyone was wearing them all the, the, the events and stuff like that. Anyway, we'll get back to it. Where Darren tries to pick back up. Yeah. The pieces. Well, I told him that I was very proud when we went to these pro Trump rallies that every fifth person had an info wars shirt on. And then it seemed like every, you know, 10th group who was, it was a group of 10 or 15 people. And we were like rock stars, man. They would recognize everybody from info wars. And as the Chicago Tribune said, half the people at the convention were listeners and, and, and, and more than half at the
Starting point is 02:15:40 um, inauguration, you could just take pictures of the crowd. You see, and we're not bragging about it. The point is people are away. You've had an effect. You're awesome. Well, I told my brother about that. And this was before the election, by the way. And he says, well, little brother, I don't really see how that's helping him too much. Oh, he's part of the system. Meaning, uh, you know, well, you guys are crazy, crazy conspiracy theorists. And, uh, I don't think it's helping Trump too much that, that, that you guys are representing. Well, we see how that worked out. And I don't want to knock your brother. He thinks the establishment is a great guy. He's a great guy, but he's part of it. Here's what I'm saying. I'm not complaining.
Starting point is 02:16:14 I'm telling you folks, I had no idea how the shoulder for prison shirts would take off. I had a feeling it'd be popular and everybody copied them. So millions ended up being out there. And so yeah, copy our shirt, uh, Trump pants 2020. If you're a t-shirt maker, I'm, I don't care if it's our own design, but if you're a t-shirt maker, send us your email. We'll send you our template in HD, our design or make your own. Everybody will sue you. I don't care. It's not about selling these. That's a honey trap. Yeah. People that think they're going to stop us. I mean, I, I don't have a competitiveness about other successful people. I have a competitiveness about dirtbags that think they're going to dominate me and my family or you and
Starting point is 02:16:49 your family. And I'm, I'm ready to go. But you're talking about George Soros. He's not going to stop. He's, he's putting all kinds of money into this. Here's why I'm fighting so much harder now. I know we're going to win now if we just really push through it. I mean, before I was doing it, it was the right thing to do. I hope we can win. I know we're going to win if we just take action and never give up. Who is he trying to convince? I want, I know right now there's over a million people that we have over a million right now on our platforms tuned in right now. If every one of you went and bought a 9.95 shirt, we'll hire a third party company. We will sell a million of these. And if you don't procrastinate, if you do it
Starting point is 02:17:33 and if you will just get the t-shirt 9.95, you'll get four or five bucks to help fund operation depending on the size of the shirt. That's what we make off of it. We need the money. We're under attack. You couldn't believe it if you knew it's actually exciting. I love it. This is exciting. I love it. I love it. I love it. I'm here to fight. Holy shit. They make jokes out of that. They want to make me excited. Look weak because it's what they're actually threatened by. He is Jesse from save by the bell. He's losing it. He is fucking, he's so excited. He's so excited. He's so scared. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Blood flowing, getting focused, knowing what's happening and opening a hand, opening a can of political kick ass. So listen,
Starting point is 02:18:12 everybody go get the Trump pants 2020 shirt or get my president. It just goes. It just goes over and over again. But because we're running out of time, I want to get to the end of the clip because he just fucking loses it so hard. Okay. It's like, it's one of the great Alex Jones, Jones yells of at least the last three months. So this is a new bump for us, for sure. This is, we're entering new territory. Okay. Percent folks be like the 5% that won the revolutionary war of the 3% that started it when the Brits kicked it off. Take action or triple a two, five, three, three, one, three, nine and get that shirt and flood us and if the shopping cart shuts down, just stay on there or I don't want to hear excuses. You don't want to buy
Starting point is 02:18:55 for 995. They all sorts of third party sites out there where you can go design your own t-shirt and you know, pay them 14 bucks or whatever and they'll ship it to you. Just do that. Whatever you are. Come up with your own t-shirt. I see some shirt. I think it's better than ours. I'll support it. I'm here to take these people on. I'm committed. I'm here to defeat them. Get that shirt. Don't wait. It's unbelievable. I mean, we are only hitting on one 10th of one cylinder. We got a couple cylinders hitting. Everybody's going to see the effect and then we're going to get all the cylinders going and black smoke's going to come out of those big old chimneys and then fire is going to shoot out of those babies and the big old
Starting point is 02:19:32 front of that 18 wheeler from hell is going to open up its mouth and we're going to run these globalist gremlins right down and they're already scared right now because liberty's competent and nothing on earth is going to stop it. Hour number four straight ahead. Yes, 17, 76 or die. Yes. Yeah. What's good? Hour number four. What's gorgeous about that? It's like, it's so angry. It's so loud for no reason. What is he? Thrilled about hour number four. Hour number four is the dude is right next to him still though, isn't he? Darren McBreen. Yeah. Oh, what was his face like? He was not as excited. No, I don't know if there's a human being alive who could have been that
Starting point is 02:20:17 excited. Also, hour number four is when Alex stops hosting the show. So yeah, exactly. I'm thinking maybe he just had to pee or something like that. Like I don't know. But anyway, hour number four. Jordan, this brings us to the end of our lie packed, nonsense packed freak out episode about March 3rd. I can't wait for Monday. I legitimately think he is going to continue this because more news is just going to keep coming out. This is not done yet. He can't keep citing stories from 2015. Yeah. Hopefully we're drinking. We're drinking terrible champagne today. Yeah. Hopefully as the news gets worse, the champagne will get better. Oh, top shelf. If we get to watch Trump get hanged for treason. Oh, the best champagne in the world. I will. I will say this
Starting point is 02:21:07 if you just did half of the Nazi salute, right? I had a finger up there. I was making a point. If Trump does get impeached, the next episode of Alex Jones show that we cover, I will buy a hundred dollar bottle of champagne. I will do the exact same thing and listen to our listeners. We are selling $50 bottles of champagne. I don't want to hear any excuses. I don't want to hear you people telling me that the shopping cart shut down. We've only sold one. I swear to God, we're broke. We're broke. Hour number four. Also, there's other people who sell champagne. Go buy some of their champagne. All he cares is the champagne on the streets. Anyway, people can follow us at knowledge underscore fight on Twitter. You can subscribe to us on iTunes,
Starting point is 02:21:52 leave a review, please give us a rating. We have shirts. We don't seem now. Now we can't say that exactly after that. No longer do we have shirts. We have two shirts that are full. Exactly full respect to Derek Smith. We can no longer sell shirts now. You can also email us at knowledge fight at If you have any reviews or any, any feedback, if you're mad at us, if you think we're globalists, hit us up. What else? Anything else? No, I think we are just a couple of policy ones. We'll see you soon. But until then, we are in the weeds on this policy shit. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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