Knowledge Fight - #368: November 11-12, 2019

Episode Date: November 13, 2019

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the present day of the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, the gents find a bunch of appeals toward violence, a couple possible new legal problems for the InfoWars, and a surprise return from a side-character who everyone thought was gone for good.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge fight. I'm Dan. We're a couple dudes like sit around drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Indeed we are Dan Jordan Jordan. I have a quick question for you. Better be quick. All right. We've done. I don't know if you've ever done a show, but I've got a couple of drag shows. Have you ever done a drag show? Huh? I don't know if I actually like as a comedian. I would whichever. Well, I guess okay in in junior high. Maybe no, I was like in high school. It was in a like a lip sync competition. Okay. And the class was all female except for me and one other guy my drama class. Yeah. And so we
Starting point is 00:01:39 had to enter this lip sync competition. It was like the entire school district and the teacher had chosen the scene from the the West Side story. I like to be in America free in America. It's like the girls and the boy is going back and forth, but there was only girls and me and this other dude in the class and the other dude is like I'm not going to be in the lip sync. Yeah. And so I you know I was friends with the people in the class. We were all like hey we all got along at. So I was in for the team as like what is it going to be me and all the rest of the which girls in the class. I think would be a powerhouse choice if your teacher had made that but instead I wore a dress and makeup and what have you in the lip sync and we were like all
Starting point is 00:02:21 you are all women. Oh that's fun. We ended up winning the lip sync competition much to the chagrin of someone who lost who would later become a friend of mine and we were sitting around smoking a joint. Yeah a bit later in life discussing this very same speech tournament not knowing that we were both in it. No shit. He was complaining about a guy wearing a dress ending up winning the competition. That is not real me. That is not real. Fuck you totally that cannot be real. I don't. I guess that is the biggest. It's a small world moment that I can think of. It was. I don't know. I don't want to offend be offensive at all. Like I don't know what the parameters of drag specifically are. I don't know if that counts. I have no idea. I mean
Starting point is 00:03:05 it was a performance of some sort but I think respecting whomever. Sure. I don't I don't know but there was a time when I won a lip sync competition singing. I like to be in America. Hell yeah. So anyway this is a podcaster. I did that and also I know a lot about Alex Jones and I didn't and I don't. So Jordan today on the show we're going over the present day a little bit for a reason that will become very clear pretty quickly. Maybe not quickly but halfway through the show you'll understand why. Gotcha. But so we're going over November 11th 2019 and then a little bit of the 12th but the 12th is mostly ignorable and again once it becomes clear why I'm doing this you'll understand why there's the 12th. Right. And also it'll be clear why
Starting point is 00:03:50 there's not that much of it because it's kind of disappointing. Gotcha. But what's not disappointing. There we go. It's taken a little moment Jordan before we get going. Great. Thank you to some folks who have signed up and are supporting the show. So first of all ice wallow come. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Okay. Jackie thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thanks so much Jackie next Ryan. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thanks Ryan. Next Kara or Kara k a r a. Okay. Sure could be one. Either way. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. We're we're going. We got you coming and going. Next HDX. Thank you so much. You are now a policy
Starting point is 00:04:32 wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thanks Jonathan next William. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you William. Next Motor sheep. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you Motor sheep. And then finally by tour night of darkness Centurion of evil devil's print gangster of boats. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much by tour night of darkness Centurion of evil devils print devils prints gangster of boats gangster of boats. Thank you so much. Thank you. If you're out there listening you're thinking hey I enjoy the show like what these folks
Starting point is 00:05:13 do I'd like to sport it. You can do that by going to our website knowledge fight calm clicking the button that says sport the show we would appreciate it. I think it's a testament to how great our fans really are that it took this long for us to get so many joke names in a row. Yeah. Yeah. And that they don't often drift into the ribald or or adult. Yeah. This is a family show. Yeah. There's one thing you know about this. It's a family show. So before we actually get like fully down to business I also have to say a very special shout out and thank you a little bit of show business here to our dear friend been around for such a long time hanging out loving the show being cool Sonya from Sweden. She got
Starting point is 00:05:59 in touch with me and sent over some treats Jordan. What. Yeah. She reached out sent over a package of some candies from Sweden. And so I feel like the first of all thank you so much. Yeah. Absolutely Sonya. That's one way we can thank you. But another way is to do a little bit of a taste test here on air of here. You want to open this. Sure. Sure. And I want to read you what what she wrote in in her little. She sent a little note along. But I want to I want to give you the description of these treats that we're going to be trying here. These are the jungle fry. Now apparently I think that might be jungle roar in Swedish. So anyway she explained that by law in Sweden you have to if you're sending
Starting point is 00:06:44 people candy you have to send licorice stuff over. Okay. By law like this is an actual yeah. There's some of the king has decreed apparently. All right. And so she sent over some that are what she describes as the soy boy cook level of licorice. Uh huh. And those are the salty cat ones which are not these. Yeah. These are the jungle monkey laughing monkey situation. All right. These are the complete stud level of licorice. Okay. These are tasty to Sonya but not everyone likes it right. So now we're going to find out Jordan if you and I like I will. I will tell you right now. I don't even like the soy boy version of the licorice. I'm going to give this we're going to find out this. This is. Oh this is
Starting point is 00:07:32 real. This is real. This is a man dying. This is a man dying in my face. Holy Christ. Oh my God. Oh is it that's so salty. Oh is it. Oh boy. All right. Here we go. It looks a little bit like a pellet. Like this is what a koala shoves up. It's very startling. Whoa. I'm sweating. It gets better. Just ten minutes of dead air and chewing. That's what our show is. Thanks Sonya. I will say that that is offensive. The worst thing I've ever put in my mouth and I swallow calm. Damn it. That that's that is offensive at the first bite for sure that whatever that saltiness up front is is unappreciated. Wow. If this is what Sweden's bring into the table I say interesting but no thank you. I understand why you guys
Starting point is 00:08:28 eat all that weird fish now. It all makes sense. All the weird fish stuff makes sense now. Anyway we appreciate it. I'm sure some of the other stuff that was in the other candies that were in the package are much better than this complete stud level of licorice but I felt like that might be the most interesting thing to try. Yeah. Yeah. I will say I've had a lot of licorice in my time. Nothing has even been close to that kick. I still don't up front that salty whatever the fuck I was intense. Holy shit. Genuinely have no idea how to handle that. I can't finish it. It's just in my mouth. I can't stop. I can't chew anymore. I can't spit it out. I saw some of the packaging of these candies and was like
Starting point is 00:09:07 I'm going to plan a trip to Sweden now. Trips cancel. Yeah. After that after that piece of candy I have out. Oh boy. Anyway, oh well. Let's get down to business Jordan. Sure. So Alex starts off the show here on November 11th standing in front of his desk as if he is some sort of a real professional newsman. Sure. And he knows that this is weird. So he decides to explain why he's standing in front of his desk. I've been asking why lately I've been out front when we start the show many times instead of behind the desk over the years many times I've gotten up to go to the map wall or go to a video feed and point some things out like a weatherman would do. But this would be a political weatherman. Nice. But with
Starting point is 00:09:58 only 357 days left to this historic election I'm doing it because I want to note visually to everyone that we're not in Kansas anymore that the world is really on the brink of total breakdown and disaster if good people don't exert our full political cultural economic and spiritual will because if we fail at that we're going to have to exert our physical will because we'll have no other choice because what's coming at us is so damn evil there will be worldwide massive civil war and violence until you got to the end there I was sitting here like why didn't I cut this clip this is so uninspired and boring and then I realized oh yeah if we lose the election we're going to have to murder all of our political enemies that is a good clip to cut there I think
Starting point is 00:10:50 that yeah this is why I'm the political weatherman yeah I know of other political weatherman that Alex hates yeah like Bill Ayers but yeah so that's a bad note to start to show off on that's an intense opening yeah so his main storyline throughout at least the beginning of this episode is about the revelations that Nikki Haley brought forth right particularly about how Rex Tillerson and who was it McMaster yeah we're trying to get her to help Kelly maybe yeah I think Kelly yeah who gives a shit they were trying to you know stop Trump from causing trouble yeah and Alex describes this as treason I'm gonna lay out information here on the show today that is of the complete paramount importance
Starting point is 00:11:43 Nikki Haley the former governor who became the head UN ambassador from the US had her issues and I've had problems with her sure but she at least understands that it's treason when you undermine the president and try to set him up and when he signs an executive order you take it and throw it in trash can or when he says bring me info wars dot com articles daily and you refuse to do it that is treason quite frankly not allowing him to have info wars articles is not treason I think disobedience turned into treason real quick right yeah yeah yeah it's it seems like there is an inability to disentangle those two things from Alex yeah not kowtowing to and doing exactly what trump tells you to do is treason a man who's made his brand on defying
Starting point is 00:12:37 authority and disobeying every possibility is of course the one who is going to tell you that if you conformity yeah getting like what just replace infor's articles with whatever yeah coffee not getting him coffee treason treason ridiculous so they were trying to keep infor's articles away from trump yeah because they were on to the main stash early okay we even had sources who would be out at dinner high powered donors billionaires with McMaster and he would be drunk saying trumps an idiot trumps a fool we hear him the establishment on how to run things he'll be out in just a few months they called the president up and couldn't even get him on the phone so they called roger stone and uh they had roger's phones tapped and he got a bunch of death threats the
Starting point is 00:13:28 next day and so did I we got told if you don't keep your mouth shut you're dead and I had people I know call up that have worked high level CIA you name it and threaten me basically I told them piss up a rope and you better better make sure I don't see you coming because I'm an american I'll piss on you how's that sound it's family show I'll piss down that rope yeah you piss up a rope and don't like I thought he was going to say if you see me coming I'm going to kick your ass not I'm going to pee on you yeah that's weird that's weird that's very strange um he's gross this is a weird opening yeah this is a weird opening how is it that we're on we're going to kill everybody and start a new civil war and then backstage bullshit and now we're peeing on people I don't understand
Starting point is 00:14:14 but I don't believe most of that stuff happened absolutely for particular reasons that I think I'll be able to lay out as we go along also how is this supposed to work with that whole notion of like Trump sits up till three in the morning just sitting by the phone for some people normal people can call him couldn't get all of them nope too busy talking to uh some guy from Idaho yeah yeah I was on the phone having a nice little chat you know having good times I don't know I think that this show is starting out weird because what Nikki Haley is bringing out does match up pretty closely with what Alex has yelled about for a long time yeah and so he it's a it's a sort of miniature version of he doesn't know how to win he doesn't know how to take this and just run
Starting point is 00:14:56 let it be yeah there's got to be more to it so Alex starts talking about plans to demoralize the country sure you know you just see them everywhere you see you see them they're they're they are manifest all around us let's see what they are because when you are conquering a nation and selling it off and butchering it and dumbing it down and psychologically demoralizing it and poisoning it that's all in the wiki leaks you can turn the damn TV on see it though you don't need to know it's in a secret document because you can see it breaking up the family everything we're being poisoned that's how you do it from within the rot from within there are the 49 secret plans of the communists to bring down the US and all the famous senatorial reports but it wasn't the Russian
Starting point is 00:15:42 communist it was the globalist 30 taking over Russia and we're using the same poison on us we ought to read those lists here on air today in fact we will I don't know what wiki leaks stuff he's talking about because he's always so vague with that stuff oh yeah I know that he's talked about the demoralize and divide and all that stuff in relation to like the podesta and clinton emails and so I decided like I have no idea what he's ever talking about he never is specific I'm going to look through those emails so you read the wiki leaks I didn't read all of them because there's way too fucking there's a few so I searched around for articles about like the most damning things that were in those email dumps because you know I'm not going to look through everything for
Starting point is 00:16:26 the podcast there's just there's just no way I have that time yeah so it's a little bit voyeuristic of an exercise for me to like to read these emails because I know that they're hacked and they weren't meant to be public which makes the whole process feel like it's less like research and more like snooping none of that's to say that there isn't stuff that's worth being covered in those email dumps I just think that they've been covered pretty extensively at this point and I can't really find any material about demoralizing society being the cornerstone of some democrat globalist plot can't find any articles citing that well did you search for corn cornerstone globalist plot I search for a lot of words okay the term demoralize only shows up in
Starting point is 00:17:07 completely unrelated contexts in the hillary emails and only in one email in the pedesta files that email from may 24th 2015 was a campaign cable that served as a rundown of stories in the media about hillary the word demoralize shows up in a copy and pasted chunk from an article on real clear politics with the headline quote why less competition is hurtful to hillary the article is basically positing that without a strong rival from within the democratic party she won't have an opportunity to defend her record in the primary so questions about her controversies will still be on the table when she enters the general election this dynamic also means that all the media attention would be on hillary prior prior to the general the article
Starting point is 00:17:50 says quote while media attention is a positive for the candidate being its almost sole focus on the democratic side has not been easy and this could well serve to demoralize democratic voters there are already signs of that in the national polls I'd like to say that this is what alex has taken and misrepresented but honestly I have no idea yeah because it does say don't you know demoralize democratic voters it's the only time it appears in the podesta emails yeah I don't know I have no idea he always just says it's in the wiki leaks and never explains it any further so I don't you know if he doesn't care to be more specific I'm just gonna assume he's making shit up until I can find evidence to the contrary yeah I've always assumed the way he says
Starting point is 00:18:30 that is just he might as well just say look it up it was on the is in the sky the plane flew and it wrote it in the sky duh if you didn't see it it was wants to be more specific I'd be willing to look into it further but as it stands now like I don't know what is he talking about maybe some sort of a like other email dump some other document dump from wiki leaks yeah yeah yeah one of the one of the lesser known ones you know it was like it was a b side wiki leak sure he's he's a real into the original wiki leaks you know so now about those 49 plans of communism the first thing I should tell you is that there's only 45 and I should tell you that it's bullshit okay on January 10th 1963 representative herlong of florida took to the floor of the house he said that a constituent
Starting point is 00:19:15 of his was an ardent enemy of communism and had requested that he read the 45 current goals of communism into the official congressional record because the representative read these goals and it was recorded now all these people think that it's something real but it's not these 45 goals of communism were read directly out of the naked communist by w cleon scousen the naked capitalist no that's his other book he has yeah oh god he's got a whole series that's just these two okay the naked communist was about justifying McCarthyism it's a it's a misrepresentation of a lot of that communist right red scare shit right and then the naked capitalist is about carol quickly and misrepresenting the anglo-american establishment and tragedy and hope and he he didn't even finish
Starting point is 00:20:02 the trilogy I mean I guess you could say the 5000 year leap was maybe that but you got to get the naked franchise going naked leap yeah absolutely that so anyone who's listened to our show long enough knows that w cleon scousen is a complete lunatic he was an anti-communist propagandist who is probably too extreme for the john birch society in the late 50s and his books the naked capitalist and naked communist are bed rocks of alex jones' stupid worldview these 45 goals of communism are part of a rich tradition of forgeries pretending to be revelations of the secret machinations of the communists that's dispensate yeah they were uh yeah I mean yeah to some extent a lot of the stuff that is part of this literary tradition if you will yeah yeah there was a list
Starting point is 00:20:47 of communist rules for revolution that popped up in the mid 50s which was said to have been discovered by allied soldiers back in 1919 of course it was a complete hoax but it served to give focus to the fears and paranoias that were popping up in the cold war era the communist enemy was so mysterious to people that it became insanely easy to demonize your enemies by releasing fake documents that purport to show that what they stand for is secretly in line with the secret plans of the commies so they're basically commies and therefore the enemy that's all scousen's list is it's a completely fake pile of shit he wrote to push his politics by calling the things he disagreed with communist yeah number 13 being party hard was a little bit obvious you hate it
Starting point is 00:21:28 andrew w k we should have seen that one so this is a huge problem because alex clearly thinks this is real it's categorically not real also it's kind of funny when you actually read the rules because alex jones himself is furthering some of these fake communist goals of course of course number 24 is quote eliminate all laws governing obscenity and calling them by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and the free press it doesn't sound familiar if i'm not much mistaken alex fancies himself a bit of a free speech absolutist these days and absolutely would support getting rid of all obscenity laws that limit free expression so i guess he's a comic there you go number 35 is quote discredit and eventually dismantle the fbi if i'm not much
Starting point is 00:22:08 mistaken let's do a alex has spent the last three years of his on-air career screaming about how the fbi is completely infiltrated by globalists and trump needs to clean house and jail all of them it does sound familiar seems like what a commie would do he's a commie most damningly number 42 is quote create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of american tradition if i'm not much mistaken in this very episode alex has discussed the necessity of insurrection if his team doesn't win the next election his god damn catchphrase is the answer to 1984 is 1776 yeah alex jones is someone who is very very into making violence and insurrection a legitimate aspect of american tradition just like a commie would i well i think
Starting point is 00:22:52 you you we all heard it here first alex jones is a communist to be fair the uh that rule about insurrection is in the context of the rules the fake rules that scousen wrote is specifically about disenfranchised communities yeah well well well well of course it's specifically about minority and special interest groups yeah not getting the idea that insurrection is part of your having it for alex it's like ah it's a big deal i'm what yeah anyway this list is stupid anti-communist chain email bullshit bait but alex is too fucking stupid to know how many he doesn't even know how many goals there are he says 49 well you're you're forgetting the four secret goals okay uh race memory uh so alex you know he's saying here that you got
Starting point is 00:23:39 this globalist plan that's being furthered by people like kelly and mcmaster of course tillerson and nicky hailey at least she stood up against it you know it's all to demoralize society as proven by the wiki leaks on this fake 45 list of globalist got it communist plots um and how it's gonna manifest and how it has manifested is a list of curses upon our country what that alex reads uh it doesn't read off he just starts discussing here i'm gonna take these one by one after this clip and explain this means which curses means nothing okay we already knew what nicky hailey has come out and said was true that they would come to her and say trump is an idiot he's gonna destroy the country you've got to help us undermine him and not support him and block his agenda
Starting point is 00:24:28 when the globalists have sat here and presided over the deindustrialization of america the dumbing down of america our life expectancy plumbing plummeting infant mortality exploding and all the other curses that are upon the nation and then trump comes in gets elected tries to be the president he's trying to undo all that yeah so deindustrialization is the first thing he brings up right that it's far more complicated of an issue than alex seems to think and honestly i have no idea what statistics to even look into to discuss his points i don't know what he defines deindustrialization is i don't know what data point is going to be like well and if you do if you do whenever he gets it he'll change his definition right it's it's undo so i don't care
Starting point is 00:25:15 impossible too vague to be discussed i move along yeah i'm not saying you i'm not i'm not conceding the point no i'm saying irrelevant to the conversation move along it is not like a point concession it is pointless yeah so the next is the dumbing down of america what does he mean by that is that based on iq scores because those aren't a perfect test of intelligence by any means and even if they were a january 2018 paper in the journal intelligence notes that while there were drops in nordic nations iq scores that had been observed the u.s was on an upward trajectory rising point three points per year plus again iq scores don't really mean anything to demonstrate how dumb this whole conversation is allow me to read to you two
Starting point is 00:25:55 headlines from the i n c ink the website the first is quote we're all getting dumber new science proves and no one is sure why that was from june 14th 2018 flash forward to june 27th 2019 and you get this headline quote humanity might not be getting dumber after all new study suggests a year apart the same publication and both articles were written by the same person what are we there's too much content we people just have too much it was written by the same person you got a byline you got a fill space you just got it sometimes you can just let it go man in 2018 everyone saw this study about a drop in iq that was observed in a study of people living in norway and reported it super irresponsibly then when more data was in it was all whoops i guess
Starting point is 00:26:45 we're not getting dumber after all every single article i can find that discusses the we're getting dumber idea as being proven links to that norwegian study and it's all shit or at very least woefully oversimplified yeah if alex wants to suggest that the population is getting dumber he needs to explain what he means by that i'm almost certain that he just read headlines that came out in 2018 about this norway study and he hasn't cared to read any of the newer information that completely contradicts it and actually shows the opposite and again iq scores don't mean anything standardized test scores i don't necessarily believe is even a good indicator of intelligence on this on the scale to even have a full conversation about the idea that america's getting dumber
Starting point is 00:27:27 you really need to dig in to figure out what what are your indicators what how do you define intelligence what's the and i don't think he's equipped to have that i think he just is right a few headlines he wants to yell at the kids he doesn't want to have a conversation he wants to be like oh kids with tick tock i don't even know what it is yeah so life expectancy is plummeting according to alex he's talking shit yeah in 1970 the life expectancy in the united states was 70.81 years in 2016 it was 78.69 years that is not a plummet generally speaking life expectancy in the united states is on the upward path and it has been for decades there was a 0.15 year drop from 2014 to 2015 and you can find plenty of articles taking this very seriously and i'm not suggesting
Starting point is 00:28:11 they shouldn't but i think it would be a little bit much to call that a plummet i have a strong suspicion that alex isn't talking about us life expectancy i think he's talking about white people a very specific group of people i believe so perhaps men who are white a reason paper in the journal population in development review observed life expectancy rates among non-hispanic white americans increasing at a lower rate than the general population they weren't able to pinpoint the exact reason for this but some of the prevailing theories had to do with the opiate crisis killing more young rural white people and with obesity levels yeah i'm going to go with those two whatever the exact reason for the phenomenon is you can find articles with headlines that are you know you
Starting point is 00:28:54 can just imagine how easily they would trigger alex yeah from science daily quote for non-hispanic whites in the united states life expectancy outlook worsens she's from ajmc quote study reveals declining life expectancy among white americans there's some real issues behind this stuff for sure like dealing with what reach researchers call deaths of despair like overdoses and suicides but from listening to as much alex as i have i'd be very inclined to think that he just read some of these headlines about white life expectancy and then he got really mad yeah that decided life expectancy is plummeting in the united states yep good life expectancy is he would you know that's that's my suspicion yeah so uh infant mortality alex is saying it's exploding
Starting point is 00:29:36 it's not according to data from the cdc the us infant mortality rate decreased 14 percent between 2007 and 2017 i have no idea what alex is talking about there are no other curses that are upon the nation alex jones everything he just said in that clip means nothing and for the most part it isn't based on any reality at very best he's skimmed some headlines and he's using whatever they made him feel uh to as fuel they just all just the anger that he gets from these headlines i know a curse left on america its name is alex lack of critical thinking alex ease of lying yeah yeah that is a curse that the percentage of that has gone way up in the past couple of years yeah so you know we got all these curses that are upon america which don't really seem to be real
Starting point is 00:30:27 but even even if they are real america is finally awake we're finally waking up we're weak because of all the curses but we're awake okay and we're out of the coma we're sick we're stumbling around we got diarrhea running down our legs but our eyes are getting clear and we see what's going on and even though we're in a debilitated state we're bigger and stronger than these gremlins that had us tied down on the operating table and that we're about to finally finish us off and sell our organs off to the highest bidder sure that's the metaphor and i personally doing everything i can i got my hands on a couple of the gremlins and i'm squeezing them and they're dying ah well they're stabbing me in the guts i'm just ah i don't want
Starting point is 00:31:11 to throw these down and grab some more the only way i can do that is when you spread the word and when you buy the products and when you pray for it you do that damn i can just start smashing goblins smashing them smashing them smashing them and just fling them up against the wall and break every bone in their body and then i'm just gonna aim like a big rhinoceros and just run through them i can kill the goblins but i need your money to kill goblins i i like his new candy crush marketing strategy of like send me money and you'll get better at allowing me to kill goblins for you i like that he should uh have some microtransactions yeah does he have in-app purchases on goblin dead click the button goblin dead goblin dead ten cents yeah so uh that
Starting point is 00:31:54 was pretty gross i thought i found that to be pretty gross yeah um this is uh how alex goes out to break uh and i i thought like i i noticed a weird phrasing that he keeps using and i i wonder if you'll i think you'll get i think you'll know exactly where this comes from my guts never wrong and i'm telling you that this whole country and president trump of the world is in grave danger so guard yourself for true info wars dot com it's where the defense of human liberty and a pro human future lives so he's he said guard yourself for true a number of times i'm like i know that's from something i recognize that guard yourself for true it's from dune yeah it's just referencing that's what i thought i was like it has to be that has to be from somewhere else
Starting point is 00:32:42 it's just more sci-fi i was like i thought he was i thought it was like gorge yourself he was he was miss miss speaking but no he's yeah the phrase and guard yourself for true is so specific yeah yeah it's it's insane it's insane how many things are just like little the little things he's ripped from various sci-fi things it's uh yeah charge yourself for true and that was uh that was frank herbert uh doing some shakespearian ripoff kind of noise right there sure yeah so alex did that shitty um i can kill goblins if you give me money money allows me to kill goblins thing and then he comes back and he does a long rant about the everything must go sale that is still going on sure um that it's gotta end it's everything is not gone it but so much is selling out that he
Starting point is 00:33:28 has to end this sale but he keeps not ending the sale it just keeps going on um and and you know you gotta buy his product so he can kill goblins right but that's not enough and our local affiliates and i'll say this it's just as important to support info wars as it is to support the local affiliates who are these shows put us on we're standing up for babies most your churches aren't i would give your money to the local radio stations that you hear us on literally i'd make a tithe weekly or monthly instead of those local churches that won't do a damn thing but make you feel good about eternity while selling out civilization if somebody just tithes to a radio station does alex in that agreement that they have to sign for alex to broadcast on their channel is it was one part
Starting point is 00:34:14 of that if somebody tithes he gets a cut no no what i would guess is that alex is aware that almost nobody would send money to a radio station like that airs a certain show and so if you are like working at this radio station and some people even if it's a miniscule amount send money as like a here thank you for airing alex's show this must be a hugely popular show it would make you much less inclined to take it off the air because it would like in the same way they talk about how like one phone call is equivalent to a hundred people yeah in in congress like congress members view that as uh as being representative of a much larger um uh thing because you know most people will think this thing but not follow through with it yeah you got to assume if you're getting a
Starting point is 00:35:01 fucking check from somebody because they listen to alex's show and you you're a radio station that airs it um and you're still making all the ad money and all that shit you gotta be like that's got to be a hundred thousand uh fucking people represented by this one check and that's probably not true but if alex can trick like i don't know five people around the country to do that he's got five stations he's far more secure in than he would be otherwise it's just it's just good strategy i mean it's sacrilegious for sure yeah yeah yeah no it's it's wrong it's wrong on a number of levels yeah so um we get back to this stuff about um niggie hailey and uh he so alex is mostly concerned about how people like general kelly and uh taylor san uh they were trying to keep info wars away
Starting point is 00:35:52 from trump right that seems to be the the spoke in this wheel that he's most concerned it does seem to come up yeah and it's because alex broke really important stories long before anybody else this isn't like we're some leftist or mainline conservative show claiming we're the zeitgeist we're the zeitgeist you are the zeitgeist literally with kelly was in the new york times the washington post everywhere but i confirmed inside the white house it was do not let him have info wars dot com do not let the president talk to people like dinesh desuza well right they tried to keep trump junior out who brings him the truth trump doesn't know all of this stuff until people show him and he knows we exposed peonahill first here we exposed cierra mella here simultaneously
Starting point is 00:36:53 with mike cernovich and the deep state thought that cernovich and i had the same sources we learned later they were different sources and i never out sources he had quite a few and still does but it was public that don jr was releasing information so when i released that i was not releasing that one of his sources was don jr he still got pissed off about it and i'm fine fine let's call that in sources whatever alex you can you can play whatever play whatever games you want i'm not gonna give a shit so here we have alex insisting that general kelly wanted to keep alex's information away from trump because alex was just so accurate based on the fact that he'd been yelling about peonahill in the past and apparently you'd mentioned eric ceo morella ceo amala which is
Starting point is 00:37:47 the name that's being thrown around as being the whistleblower who brought up concerns about trump's phone call with the ukrainian president sure i'm not sure if that is accurate it very well could be i didn't care to look into it too much but beyond that all this is bullshit yeah the bigger picture is bullshit and i want to parse through this pretty carefully in terms of eric ceo amala i can only find references to his name being on the info wars dating back to november 1st 2019 and it's based on a tweet from benny johnson who's a guy who has found a job working with turning point usa after getting unceremoniously fired from multiple publications for plagiarism he's someone who has zero credibility and whether or not he has the name right about this alleged whistleblower
Starting point is 00:38:28 it's unwise to base your reporting on his say so this is the source that alex is pretending is some high level guy it's just some dude at turning point great benny johnson tweeted out this guy's name a full two days prior to info wars even having an article about this dude it would seem like if the globalists in the white house like rex tillerson were concerned about rogue reporting like this they would seek to keep people like benny johnson and turning point out not people like alex who were just reposting the shit two days later that the you've already put out and interestingly they don't turning point usa has a very close relationship with the trumps and in fact just the other day they hosted a big event for don jr's new book triggered which was disrupted by trolls
Starting point is 00:39:10 associated with straight-up white nationalist nick fuentes gotta be very careful about that man how is he coming back it's um there i hate to to use this sort of uh language necessarily but that's an important thing to pay attention to that's going on right now nick fuentes and his dudes his who are trying to i the way i would describe it is try to usurp the turning point usa by disrupting their events and heralding their true conservative values yeah which are really just christian white supremacist views christian identity more or less so the like you need to we need to be very aware of that because it looks like a situation where you're like i'll let them fight yeah but but in reality what you have is a vapid grift in the form of charlie kirk and
Starting point is 00:40:02 turning point usa that what they're doing is dumb also full of some racists yeah yeah for sure but the the version that nick fuentes is involved in is far more extreme that version of conservatism is way more fucked up yeah and what he's doing is trying to use uh turning points platform in order to increase his own right um and i think that he'll probably be successful because well i mean that's why uh they were trying to keep info wars and dinesh to susan shit away from trump is because you're not supposed to get high on your own supply you can't forget that you're running the game on the rubes because if you start to believe info wars shit then you're it's it's over you've got that virulent nazi conservatism right and and to an extent i think this is one of the problems that
Starting point is 00:40:54 you see of these things like info wars or turning point entirely is that they aren't really based in anything no so when info wars exists as this conspiracy theory um bullshit entity for a really long time it leaves the audience and alex himself pray for someone like trump to come along right you know you have roger stone come in he completely validates it's not a hostile takeover necessarily but you have this thing that's much more powerful than him come in and now alex has become that turning point is pointless the the sort of what would you call it even pseudo libertarian values that they express are not appealing to college kids no they're not appealing to the younger generations and so you have this thing this entity that exists that is just ripe for the picking
Starting point is 00:41:51 for someone like a nick fuentes to come along and use his trolls to to to do whatever he needs to to do with and it's i think it's actually i think it's a pretty dangerous thing i think it's i think i i don't i don't know if it'll amount to anything yeah but i do think it's something that's important for people uh to recognize because when we talked about nick uh he was on info wars because he disrupted a char or his guys disrupted a charlie kirk event yeah and one off it's like eh you might just be fucking with this guy there's a clear targeting that's going on by associates of nick fuentes yeah that are they're trying to attack turning point and it's not because of some they're trying to annex turning point yes and then they're going to use that leverage they're
Starting point is 00:42:38 trying to demonstrate the vapidity of it but not for some better reason it's to radicalize the people who are there to be radicalized right and that's dangerous because i mean turning point and it's a worse version of the election of trump entirely is just this this massive system that has been preying upon people and trying to keep them inert and just trying to fucking convince them of all kinds of things that aren't real will be inevitably taken over by somebody who is simply simply simply jesus who is uh making the message simple clear and pretending to stand up for something and and worse exactly yeah you make the message worse and point out how like um what was it i read some great take on it that was like you'll always end up the way that
Starting point is 00:43:35 the conservative shit works you'll always end up falling victim to someone who claims that you're not the real conservative yeah yeah and they are you're not standing up for true conservative values because that's what you said when you took over right it's how it works so all that aside you know turning point usa is a very deep entwined relationship with trump and get this one of the places that benny johnson was fired from was the independent journal review before he got fired the ijr was the only media outlet invited to come along with rex tillerson on his tour of asia seems like alex's narrative doesn't make a whole lot of sense here because the guy who outed this alleged whistleblower's name is a guy who works for turning point and tillerson was involved with
Starting point is 00:44:21 the organization that he used to be at and now the trump white house is totally fine with turning point they're not trying to keep that information away from him then just in fours i wonder why maybe there's another reason yeah so now as for fiona hill that one's a little more complicated as you may recall hill is the former national security council official who is testified uh that uh after becoming aware that there was a bit of a quid pro quo situation going on between trump's people and the ukrainian government john bolton told her to lawyer up and she's testified about some stuff and that testimony is going to be pretty important in terms of this impeachment investigation because it's very explicit uh she was in meetings where
Starting point is 00:45:01 people like ambassador sondland were discussing the shit pretty openly so whatever actually ends up happening on that front it's very important for alex to discredit her as a source of any information and luckily for him he's already done that on may 31st 2017 roger stone appeared on alex's show and announced that he learned that george soros had infiltrated the trump administration by installing fiona hill into the national security committee weirdly she was appointed by trump himself so i'm not exactly sure soros you wear so many masks i'm not sure how this conspiracy is supposed to have played out in the real world but and unfortunately roger isn't big on the details i wonder why there's a couple important points here and then the first is that
Starting point is 00:45:42 alex and roger spent the better part of three years calling literally everyone they disagreed with soros infiltrators rynce prebis steve bannon shot spicer oh and let's not forget three for three jared kushner and uvanka have all been in the crosshairs as soros plants and globalist medallers at various points in time alex doesn't get to pretend that he was prophetic about fiona hill eventually testifying about trump because he said on air that she was a soros plant because he calls everyone a soros plant doesn't mean anything that'd be he should have one episode at least where he just takes like an hour and just reads off every single name in the in the executive branch entirely and just be like let's see where we at we're at assistant deputy director of the
Starting point is 00:46:27 that's a soros plant well that way six months from now he can be like see i told you it was this one cut the clip yeah so probably the more important element to this is that in hill's recent testimony she talked about the real life impact of alex and roger's actions quote my entire first year of my tenure at the national security council was filled with hateful calls conspiracy theories which has started again frankly as it's been announced that i've been giving this deposition accusing me of being a soros mole in the white house she went on to say quote i received i just have to tell you death threats calls at my home my neighbors reportedly reported someone coming and hammering on my door fiona hill's life very well could have been put in danger or and at very
Starting point is 00:47:13 least an insane level of harassment was directed at her directly because of alex and roger's on-air behavior according to her own resume which you can find it's very public she was a member of the central eurasia project advisory board of the open society institute from 2000 to 2006 a good decade before she was appointed to the nsc by trump himself that's the connection the smoking gun that's enough for people like alex and roger to point to that's all they need to risk your life because they're so desperate to come up with any kind of rationalization for why they're supposed god king isn't getting anything done these people are vile irredeemable monsters yep no one should feel pity for alex when he has to pay the sandy hook families for what he did to them we should
Starting point is 00:47:58 instead feel for the countless other people who will never get any restitution for the abuse they've been subjected to by alex like i don't i don't give a fuck about this like this idea that oh we pointed out that fiona hill was a soros plant yeah oh yeah she works for the uh the open societies who cares who cares choose anybody on the nsc i bet you can find something to point to if you want to call them out yeah the fucking bullshit their careers this is their this is how that world works you just jump from weird position to weird position even if they you know yeah and if you have a certain expertise you'll find your play your way somewhere like i i just think it's so insane to to look at this sort of thing and recognize like the the real life impact that you never
Starting point is 00:48:48 hear about like you generally wouldn't hear about what fiona hills experience was after being targeted by alex yeah and you almost think it's like a second in thoughts you're like or whatever you don't even you don't even think about it because he does this to so many people yeah but there are real life consequences and she had to deal with clearly doxing because if people were calling her home and someone showed up at her house yep like uh and and sure a lot of other conservative outlets were pushing that she was a the soros mole but it traces back to roger so that fucking guy man he better do time yeah there's another funny wrinkle to this but we're gonna have to wait till a little later let's get to that okay because alex goes to break
Starting point is 00:49:32 after yelling about how we broke this c r morello which you didn't you just fucking posted a tweet from a guy returning point and if you own a hill stuff and it's not true and uh pointless so he goes to break and he comes back and i think that i this is one of the grosser things i've heard alex say oh the mi six founder and main funder of the white helmets so isis al nuzer al qaeda could jump back and forth between the ambulances and to their mortars and heavy machine guns just got found dead in his home in turkey yes he didn't complete the mission like he was supposed to so now the cleanup crews are out another so-called james bond found out that james bond's just a fantasy this is the reality pushing daisies now
Starting point is 00:50:30 hmm wonder wonder what happened to him he looks so young and healthy how what are how john mccain's doing he helps set all that up too he's not doing too well now so oh i'm gonna go to your phone calls starting next segment gross fuck first things first the founder of mi six died in uh 1928 the person new alex is talking about is a guy named james le mesurier who as far as i can tell was a former officer of the british army and a co-founder of the white helmets that's an organization that literally everyone in the world other than alex and his weirdo friends view as a humanitarian group at this point it's pretty unclear what the situation
Starting point is 00:51:16 about this death is sky news was reporting that james's wife told police that she and her husband had taken sleeping pills and gone to bed then later she was awoken by people knocking on her door she went outside to find him in the streets surrounded by police having fallen off the balcony as someone who's taken sleeping pills before i can say that it seems entirely possible that he might have had a weird reaction and sleep walked off the balcony that's possible i don't know if that's the case for sure but pharmacologically that is a possibility yeah his wife has also apparently told friends that james had just begun taking antidepressants so the possibility of him dying by suicide is also not totally outside the realm of possibility
Starting point is 00:51:56 right there is a lot of possibilities of what could have happened here but alex isn't acting like those things are possible he's treating this like it was a murder and he's fucking gloating about it that's grotesque behavior no matter what the reality is here alex is acting like this is a murder because uh he believes that russia killed this dude this is based on the fact that three days prior to his death the russian foreign ministry tweeted out quote the white helmets co-founder james lemisserie is a former agent of britain's mi6 who has been spotted all around the world including in the balkans and the middle east the proof alex has for his claim that this dude was mi6 is just the russian foreign ministry's twitter account and because of this tweet alex has
Starting point is 00:52:39 decided that russia killed him and alex is happy about this turn of events i know that i sound like a broken record on these modern day episodes but alex jones is severely mentally ill he's imagining a foreign government killed a man and he's relishing it this doesn't it doesn't get better from here guys like get this guy to a hospital yeah that's fucked up yeah and then just bring in make then just bring in mccain up like okay all right so we're just gonna gloat about people dying that's what we're doing now yeah that's uh that's what he's doing this is a new show but that's not uh so outside of his uh when david rockefeller died he was so celebrating you know like yeah he does this shit a lot it's it's grotesque childish behavior that
Starting point is 00:53:25 he needs to he needs to figure out yeah he has a lot of work to do on himself that's wild i don't think he has the uh emotional capital no everything i read about mesiri i seemed like he was a cool dude yeah yeah cool cool dude i'm not a tragedy i'm not one to pretend that i know a lot or like that i'm an expert in the syrian civil war uh but everything that i can find that isn't alex jones related yeah yeah deals with this as a humanitarian organization that rescued civilians who are caught up yeah in um battle zones so i don't i i i mean even imagining that he is a bad person yeah this behavior is still no good yeah um i just i think he's a fucking asshole but he's also needing money i'm begging you for yourself and your family's future
Starting point is 00:54:21 and for the commitment of this broadcast that i want to defeat these people to please please remember that it is only your word of mouth that gets us around the sensors and it is only your financial support that funds the operation and only your prayer that i know if two of us agree upon it on earth it's done in heaven that it is your intercession that is literally giving us discernment and it's not luck it's a man's heart chooses his path but god guides our steps to quote a verse i forget the verse but that's it and i need that i need that i absolutely need that alex is playing real fast and loose with the bible here yeah so that first verse he's paraphrasing is matthew 1819
Starting point is 00:55:12 which says quote truly i tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for it will be done for them by my father in heaven you could read that verse and think that you can get a buddy to join you in agreement about whatever you want then god's going to make it so in heaven well it's a painfully dumb reading of the text if you take the verses that come before this and around it and context from the book of acts it's very clear uh that this is about the functions of the early church this is what this is this verse is about it has nothing to do with you know hey you know you guys get together we can make my operation functional yeah well like what do you want in heaven a pool a pool yeah all right i can agree i can go with a pool i just
Starting point is 00:55:54 got a pool we just got a pool in heaven sweet the department of treasury up in heaven is going to have some serious issues what if we want heaven not to exist oh if we agree now now we're having i don't know if i can agree with you on that we might fucking ruin the entire universe see this is how this gets ludicrous really fast oh you really have so the other one that he's citing is close enough that one is proverbs 16 nine one of that man chooses his path but god guides his steps yeah yeah well alex is looking that one up those we can make sure he actually knows what verse he's talking about uh you know for future times he wants to cite this he should read the rest of proverbs 16 here's verses 27 and 28 quote a worthless man digs up evil and his speech is
Starting point is 00:56:38 like a scorching fire a perverse man spreads dissension and god and a gossip divides close friends i don't understand maybe he'd prefer proverbs 16 32 quote he who is slow to anger is better than a warrior and he who controls his temper is greater than one who captures a city and now i remember exactly why i hated reading proverbs when i was growing up is because it's real judgy it's real judgy who the fuck are you salomon how about shut up seems like there's a whole lot in this one chapter of proverbs that alex didn't seem to absorb but if i had to bet i bet he saw that fucking verse on a mug oh yeah 100 percent 100 percent i i cannot stress strongly enough i do not believe that alex has ever read the bible no not even close no
Starting point is 00:57:26 in the same way that all of his thomas jefferson quotes come from like memes and yeah and right wing extremist stuff i bet i bet a lot of his bible stuff does too like and uh the weird sermons of extremist regular yeah creatures christian identity preachers yelling about stuff so um we got this uh this whole vibe that's been going on that's like hey man we're you know why is everybody so worried about info wars you know like it and obviously answers the alex's rhetorical answer is because we revealed theona hill sure and this whistleblower we we have all this accurate information did it all now the real answer is because your behavior leads to people's lives being at risk well yeah i mean that too wow that's the real reason that
Starting point is 00:58:10 people take this seriously and are like this probably we should be aware of this um so alex sort of mocks the idea of people being concerned about what he's doing and then he lists off some good people in congress oh no why are they so worried about info wars why are they so worried about trump you see the truth is they've sold out to the chai coms and others pretty easy to run the country and run in the ground and sell it off we're fighting back against you we're not a bunch of yes man and either it's congressman scolese or congressman jordan or congressman newness or some of the best senators that are up there like the senator from missouri hurley turley all those guys are fighting hard helix is trying to
Starting point is 00:58:56 remember senator hurley turley he's trying to remember anyone he's supposed to like in the senate and he can't even come up with josh holly's name senator hurley turley gotta feel bad for josh holly i you were you're from missouri uh are you you spent a lot of time there he wasn't in office when i voted for senator hurley turley i did not okay hurley burley hurley burley i voted for donovan the hurdy-gurdy man some people call him mellow yellow so now is for the other people that alex thinks are good in the house steve scolese once described himself as david duke without the baggage hey come on now that one's not great but jim jordan's even worse for alex to support just this week he came out that a man who was one of the victims of the ohio state athletic
Starting point is 00:59:39 doctors sexual assaults in the mid 90s directly reported the act to jim jordan who was then the school's wrestling coach and jordan did nothing 43 men have filed a lawsuit claiming that they were victims of this doctor and an independent investigation that osu did found that he abused at least 177 students in the 20 years that he worked at the school consistently in the past jordan has tried to claim that he never knew anything about the doctor's abuse of students but this definitely seems to make that sound like bullshit especially considering this is the second victim to say that they directly told jordan about it yeah and to be clear this is a much bigger issue than just focusing on jim jordan there's a whole system of complicity that needs to be
Starting point is 01:00:19 held to account and the plaintiffs in that case do not deserve for their day in court to be reduced to a political sideshow so please do not let that be the image of my point yeah all that being said when alex has to come up with any politicians he's into all he can come up with is a dime store david duke a thrift shop joe paterno devon newness and a guy from missouri whose name he doesn't know but remembers has said some fucked up things that he liked in the past yeah i guess ran paul doesn't make the cut anymore i he's just not in there anymore he's not making headlines that's nuts he's not he's somehow a more moderate version of these fucking looney tunes cats it's so nuts that alex is like he's going with a guy from missouri hurdy-gurdy hurdy-gurdy can't remember
Starting point is 01:01:03 send for senator ran paul come up with ron paul's kid oh so i told you that there was going to be another wrinkle to the uh the situation with alex's coverage of fiona hill sure and it comes up in this next clip this alex accidentally plays the wrong clip but it's from the same day that roger did the fiona hill stuff and it reminded me of something that a lot of people might not it wouldn't jump out in other people's minds but because i'm borderline obsessed with all this stuff it made me laugh so fucking hard here's roger stone in 2017 and we got another clip of him just a year and a half ago breaking down john kelly and they were working with steve band and to bring in the deep state and all these sorrows people like fiona hill and eric sierra mella what does bandon do
Starting point is 01:01:58 he leaves in august and by october he has a financial deal with clock to finance a band to finance breitbart as the mercers who i do think are patriots appear to be ready to throw in so let's be clear he's calling trump a trader at the same time talking to a snake reporter that he brought into the henhouse and at the same time using national security intel to then go basically get money off of somebody so that he could be the person's political protector by every stretch the imagination by every historical yardstick this sounds like treason to me and then that's a particular clip dealing with bandon the clips we have you can just type into google if you so on one level that clip is funny to me because once again alex's staff can't manage to play any
Starting point is 01:02:50 of the clips that he wants them to he sets up what's supposed to be a slam dunk of roger talking about fiona hill and this whistleblower and it's just roger from that same episode talking about steve bannon but here's where this gets really funny you might have heard roger say something about a guy named quack in that clip and this is a reference to a man named miles quack having nefarious intentions behind some alleged financing of breitbart you should know that miles quack sued roger stone for defamation for this claim along with a few others like roger saying that quack had was a convicted criminal and so he sued him for a hundred million dollars did he get it on december 17th 2018 roger settled that case made a public apology and admitted that he'd
Starting point is 01:03:32 repeated lies on info wars right right there it is part of this settlement was that he had to pay for three advertisements retracting his statements in national newspapers part of the story that alex is currently using to attack fiona hill is based on stuff that got roger sued and led to him having to buy ads in the new york times wall street journal and washington post to retract oh also i hope that re airing this story doesn't end up getting roger's settlement agreement voided oh because i think it might that is hilarious i that is so funny that is so goddamn anyone knows miles quack feel free to uh oh god that would that would bring such a smile to my face if all the sudden alex got for oh man a part of this narrative that alex is now trying to repurpose
Starting point is 01:04:21 because fiona hill is testifying against uh trump in this in this impeachment investigation part of the original context of it is stuff that got roger sued and he had to retract man they got to figure out a way to like quarantine certain things you know sure you should yeah you can't in this case yeah well they're tied together exactly no that's what i'm saying now alex re bringing it up i think actually could put roger in legal jeopardy if anyone cares i think you i think you're right i i just mean like and even if it doesn't even if it doesn't yeah um whatever alex is repeating of roger stuff here is all under the umbrella of stuff he said to retract yeah yeah yeah no that's what i'm saying if you get sued enjoy for something just take all of the
Starting point is 01:05:07 day's footage just be like put a big red x on it with the circle around it guys we've created stop signs for this very reason guys just can't do it we can't put this one guys one i don't trust you your shit i you know it i know it we've been doing this show for a few months now yeah you guys suck so don't touch that no look at my eyes don't touch the red tapes hey hey if you play this again roger might have to pay miles quack a hundred million dollars so don't touch the red tape touch the red tapes no god damn it we'll start from the beginning so i told you at the beginning of this episode that about halfway through or so we would get to like a very clear reason why i need you know we have to do this episode yeah and here's what it is alex believes that that book that the new
Starting point is 01:05:56 york times is putting out or is i don't know if the new york times is putting out anyway that anonymous one yeah that uh that is about a warning about sure sure sure again whatever who cares fuck off um alex is convinced that uh john bolton wrote the anonymous book okay and i almost gasped when he told uh the audience why he believes this we have the new york times coming out new york times saying they're getting ready to publish this anonymous book the word is it's john bolton who we know wants to testify uh against the president even though there's a separation of powers the president by law is supposed to be able to keep him from doing it he wants to go bear the false witness because he's a neocon was always a neocon but lied to trump's face that he would try to
Starting point is 01:06:47 carry out the president's agenda the person that we elected book review is a warning anonymous author makes case against re-election and steve pochennick who's worked with a lot of these people uh says that john bolton is today's benedict arnold here he is from his youtube channel hi this is dr pochennick and today i want to talk about uh john bolton the benedict arnold of america holy shit does alex expect his audience to legitimately have no memory of the side characters in his little play how can he play a clip from steve's youtube page after their unceremonious falling out where alex decided he was still working for the cia doing psyops against info wars by trying to convince alex at the los vegas shooting didn't even happen
Starting point is 01:07:35 legitimately what the fuck is this show some guest is determined to be a deep state spy running operations against you so you just put them in time out for a little while yeah and i'm like i fucking who cares bring everybody america is about second chances dan fucking insane so is going to korea whether or not you actually did this is nuts has he has steve been back on the show and we'll get we'll get to why oh okay it's not what you think okay that is what happened right back when they're falling out happened but alex gives a little bit more detail about that in a little bit before we get there i want to say this about steve pochennick he's a lunatic but he's consistent steve pochennick hates neocons and has consistently insistently tried to get
Starting point is 01:08:22 alex to be on the same page as him with no real success steve was always there telling alex not to trust neocons like neil gorsuch or john bolton but alex didn't listen he let roger stone talk him into being okay with those dudes steve pochennick is a big old fraud in a con man but i will tip my head to him for being pretty consistent he's crazy and a liar but he has some form of principles which is more than i can say for alex like legitimately how fucking humiliating is it for alex to say on his show that steve is probably still working for the cia which he didn't actually work for to begin with and running scyops on his own audience then allow him back on the show do you think it's possible that alex just doesn't even remember that he and steve parted on those
Starting point is 01:09:04 bad terms i mean because it's not real he knows that cia watches right once a day that's the that's the rule right so you can still use no i have no idea but like alex like he knows that none of this stuff that he talks about is real so obviously the fight between him and steve about like oh he's probably still running scyops on our audience yeah he knows that he's just making that up because he's sick of steve yeah well i mean that was a i imagined the way that i i saw the whole breakup playing out was uh something behind the scenes where steve is like i want to say things are false flags and alex is like we can't do it the heat is on me right now don't do that and steve said it was a false flag and he was like i told you not to say that on my fucking show that
Starting point is 01:09:47 might actually be correct and then they stopped talking for a while and then you know he creates the whole i'm making up a deep state narrative and then it's you know now we're fine yeah that that's possibly true but alex wants steve back on the show now of course he does a lot of calls about steve pacinic we ought to get him back on the show why dad and utah wants to talk about pacinic so does casey he's saying that the mole with the anonymous person of the new york times is bolton well i said that back when he got in no steve and he is the one and now he's going to testify it's the president so uh the callers really want steve back on he goes to a call this caller wants more steve okay and then alex explains what's happened uh it's it's amazing
Starting point is 01:10:29 to hear uh steve pacinic on your on your program again it's been a while alex yeah if you want him to come on he uh he's refused to come on the show he's refused to come on the show well i think everybody you know everybody should know you took a lot of a lot of flak alex you know because dr steve was the one who originally you know brought up the idea that there could be uh some kind of ulterior motive with sandy hook and uh you know what all those pressed people that you know uh that that say that they protect their uh their sources i mean you're actually that guy alex you're the one that that didn't say put anything on dr steve you know you you protected dr steve and uh i admire that about you man because well look i'm not trying to put him down
Starting point is 01:11:12 you were just kind of like hey where's pacinic and and i get a lot of that so i'm like well he refuses to come on the show we've invited him on the show many times uh and i'm not going to say he's a coward i know he got put under a lot of heat coming on he's been called into federal court he's been called into federal court on other things that were set on the show so there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes and he's still speaking out and saying more bold things than ever that i agree with uh the things i've seen are dead on uh and so uh yeah he's been a source on many things we have a lot of other sources and he's invited on the show tomorrow i might have just pissed him off to one day i was up here had a guest on before i made him hold like 15 minutes and then he got
Starting point is 01:11:50 real pissed off and said you know i'm not coming on anymore he's made me hold or whatever yeah and i'm like i'm like well come on i won't make you hold he goes no i'm too old man hung up on me so that's the last conversation i had with him uh so i get he's an old cranky man but he's a good guy he should come back on the show that was wild that was a roller coaster ride right there that was a fucking roller coaster of a so i want this this man is my friend i mean he's a coward i he's a fucking coward because we've invited him on the show he's a fucking coward i think he's got a lot of great really good things to say i mean he's a bitter angry old man sitting alone in his fucking house who won't come on my goddamn show i love him he's been a great friend
Starting point is 01:12:30 of mine for a long time jesus i know from listening to the show that they they're fighting existed before the break up let's say like when alex called him in the middle of a hurricane i'm going to go with it was the hurricane that started but that wasn't the end of it steve appeared after that right it was the last appearance was surrounding the los vegas shooting yeah and alex having callers call in and say i think steve's probably still working in psyops and alex is like yep that's fair to say probably and then they didn't have him back on anymore so when i hear that i mean obviously none of the stuff that alex talks about is real nor is any of the stuff steve pochetic talks about absolutely not so what you kind of are left with
Starting point is 01:13:14 is they probably did have a fight behind the scenes about whatever petty nonsense alex making him hold or yeah or maybe it is not letting him say everything is fake yeah and then alex on air the way he talks about it is he's probably still working for the cia of course so you have that lie to cover up just a petty disagreement between two liars yeah yeah and it's clearly now that you put it that way now that you put it that way then yeah it is one hundred percent a petty bullshit clearly it has something to do with one of them talking on the phone and them having an argument and being like you know what i don't need you and alex being like i don't need you and that's it you know you want to kind of believe that alex believes that steve is working in
Starting point is 01:14:00 syops and that's like yeah you it's more interesting but the reality is all of that is window dressing that's all just that's a narrative in and of itself whereas the reality is just gone to a fight with this old man yeah that is not as much fun to to say on info wars that's not the place where you but when push comes to shove and you have a bunch of people calling in and being like where's steve we want more steve you can't be like no yeah yeah yeah i got into a petty agreement with this coward bitter asshole who lives in fucking florida and i want to have him back on i've tried to have him back on he's got a standing invitation so anyway the reason that we have a little bit of the twelfth is because alex said open invitation for steve to come on tomorrow
Starting point is 01:14:43 and i was hoping he would come back on tomorrow and he doesn't so we just have a couple you know what if i were better at teases i would say maybe he does yeah spoiler alert he doesn't but we have a few clips from the twelfth i thought we're still like well if i'm listening to this episode anyway you're there yeah yeah yeah so alex gets another caller who wants to talk about chemtrails sure and um there's not much in like i don't know how to set up this clip i just thought it was really uh insane said uh i remember you saying was that i can't think of how long ago was it it's over a year you were talking about them terraforming the planet and uh really the way that strikes me now is just being terraformed for ai even the chemtrails the stratospheric aerosol
Starting point is 01:15:25 injection with some metallic oxide makes everything more receptive to frequency and this control grid the cybernetic control grid you know is is more or less run on frequencies i mean emf the rf uof and everything so that's right and what did they tell you in transcendence with johnny depp becomes a dust that is in the sky that is a smart dust where they can have a whole computer system you know way more advanced even a smartphone in a single molecule and then it will be everything and absorb us and that's the in-game plan where you can't escape it and they're now already putting the binary weapon system into you the aluminum dioxide and the other systems so that then the when the nanotech hits they believe it will then be able to find a place in your body
Starting point is 01:16:11 and bind to that and then through the six seven eight g they're already rolling out and test it will then be able to oscillate and program that uh to basically kill you fry you as we learned in uh transcendent depp starring johnny depp yes why would you be working on eight g if you haven't gotten 60 finished yet or five really really yeah and who who give the shit all just like listen to that and think for one fucking second that's that's on the level of they want globalist want to bring like gladiator games to decrease the population fuck out of here i like that get the fuck out of here with your johnny depp movie it's in the white papers as we learned from transcendence starring johnny depp right i found that johnny depp dvd in the wiki leaks yeah the fuck out of
Starting point is 01:16:59 here so anyway alex has a guest that's not steve pechenek yeah and it's also not glenn danzig but he was a lead singer of the misfits oh okay well a guy named michael graves who was the later singer right misfits when they got they came back and i regret to inform you that this guy is very dumb he's not as smart as danzig i don't know i've never heard danzig on info wars that's true but so i can't really judge from what i know about danzig he's actually a pretty cool fucking dude so i don't know enough to say i like the name danzig it's great for sure yeah um but this guy's whoo listening to him was tough right so so to prepare for for today and and i i went to info wars dot com and there's the report up about roger stone uh talking about steve bannon and and
Starting point is 01:17:54 yourself and he references and talks about miles quack who is this chinese national uh who is who china is looking to uh expedite back to china for for his for his crimes right and that ties together steve bannon and how steve bannon was was basically infiltrating the the the the trump campaign for his for his own gain and then i started to think about um the chess board this is legitimately what get roger stone suit like the he's he's literally just talking about these conspiracy theories about miles quack that get roger stone suit wow hopefully michael graves doesn't now get man i mean he's he was also talking about them in a in a manner of taking his sweet fucking time about it as well he was that is a long and i i obviously i have no issue
Starting point is 01:18:52 with stuttering at all but man that was stupid shit it's very dumb the thoughts are very stupid like i was preparing for this episode and so i watched something that got roger sued and he had to retract so the only reason to watch that is with that context of the the the interesting element of it is he got sued yeah like look for signs of awareness that he's lying because he is that is so funny that is so funny that you're you're coming on the show and you're you're coming in pretty it seems like he's coming in fairly blank like he's not a regular info wars listener so he just he is oh okay yeah he actually last year got kicked off a festival because he really had made some social media posts supporting alex jones like really aggressively about
Starting point is 01:19:42 like a white genocide sure sure sure yeah so he no he's a wow info wars so the misfits turned into nazi punks he's not in the misfits anymore okay good because he is a nazi i don't know exactly why i didn't i 100 didn't care to look into his trajectory or anything but i did find a story about him getting kicked off this festival that's hilarious i see now i imagine it in my head is he's coming on the show and they're like hey it's this guy from the misfits and he just happens to listen to one episode to prepare to go on the show and he just happens to remember the one part that is the only part of that episode that is literally a crime nope he's a fan and he still made that mistake and he still went to the crime okay all right one of the problems with alex's
Starting point is 01:20:26 rhetoric is that like in info wars world roger stone didn't get sued for this that's true that is true so why would the audience they don't know yeah they don't know yeah oh what what did they read it in the fucking wall street journal no they did not info wars post an article about roger stone having to admit that he peddled lies uh-uh nope so anyway this guy again this misfit singer very stupid um and so they start talking about the lawyer for the alleged whistle blower c.r.o. malla and this is kind of a thing that alex has been going on this entire show but sort of i think this is an okay articulation of it if you everything that is on the chess board and i went down the rabbit hole starting with mark zeid who's who's the the whistleblower's
Starting point is 01:21:17 lawyer this guy that has pictures of of himself at disney world and it's clearly linked to some sort of child there's a total prepasoid look did you see the latest thing 100 where he says uh i represent pedophiles gonna make security clearances and it's and it's still up on twitter for for everybody to see he's watching it so this guy mark zeid is the lawyer for the whistleblower who made the complaints against trump uh for most of the show alex has been peppering in references to him being a pedophile based on a tweet where he says that he's has gotten security clearances for people who have child porn issues alex and now the former lead singer of the misfit seem to think that he's just bragging but they don't take into account that that's not just something he tweeted
Starting point is 01:22:01 it's a reply to another tweet the original tweet is from slate uh with it's a link to an article about how rob porter former trump white house staff secretary was able to get security clearance even though he'd been accused of domestic violence by both of his ex wives in context it's clear that zade's comment is about how a lot of things don't actually preclude people from receiving security clearances yeah it seems more like a you think that's bad kind of comment more than anything else so they're twisting that so another thing that alex points to is a tweet that zade made from august 29th 2019 and alex is claiming that it's him bragging about knowing jeffrey eppstein the tweet is a link to an article with the headline quote jeffrey eppstein's little
Starting point is 01:22:45 known lawyer lands in the spotlight zade commented quote not sure if being a little known a little known lawyer is a good thing or bad though associated with eppstein probably a good thing this is being taken to mean that zade is saying that associating with eppstein is a good thing that's what alex is saying which is a terrible reading of the tweet no he's saying that for this lawyer if he's associated with eppstein being little known is a good thing yeah that article in the wall street journal is not about zade it's about another lawyer yeah i mean that there are better there's a better sentence structure there but alex is willful hey you know what maybe he's not willfully misreading it maybe he just is that incapable of reading it's not a poorly
Starting point is 01:23:27 constructed uh if you it's very easy to follow if you're not a fucking idiot i know that's what i'm saying as for this guy taking pictures at disney who knows maybe he's got a family i have no fucking idea i'm not going to sit here and tell you that this guy definitely isn't a major cog in the globalist blood drinking child ring but i am going to say that the evidence being presented here is not what i would call convincing i really expect more from the non-dan zig lead singer of the distance yeah also the bigger picture problem for exists here with alex's narrative surrounding pedophiles in general i generally try not to cover this side of alex's rhetoric too much because i feel even deconstruction of it is toxic and i really really hate what he
Starting point is 01:24:09 does uh about this sort of topic however i need to point out one gigantic problem with his beliefs we know that alex believes that there's a gigantic globalist black male ring where the evil blood drinking globalists keep their politicians and media figures in line with threats of revealing that they're pedophiles we also know that alex believes that the globalists are trying to normalize pedophilia which he screams about all the time from lies about nambla being a un organization to screaming about articles in salon to lies about the lgbtq community adding a p to his disgusting rhetoric surrounding drag queen story time it's very very con constant as a threat of his rhetoric that they're trying to normalize pedophilia yeah now the problem with these things
Starting point is 01:24:54 are that they both cannot be true at the same time if the globalists use pedophile black male to maintain their power the last thing that they would ever do is try to normalize pedophilia the second they achieve normalization they instantly lose literally all control they ever have had over politics yeah the media or the economy to put it bluntly these two things are in direct opposition and no evil organization would ever pursue both but you know what kind would you know what kind of organization would a fictitious one yeah one that alex is just making up as it goes along yeah that one would do that i can guarantee you that that's so offensive yeah that's so stupid yeah fuck this guy and fuck the misfits just by extension yeah dan's like
Starting point is 01:25:37 still pretty cool though i'm not i'm not gonna say either way okay this is when i find out that somebody's gonna now i'm gonna get a tweet and it's gonna be like dan's like murder and i'm like god damn it so the misfits lead singer uh guy has some other stupid thoughts who and he's also connected to the james madison project he's talking about the low whistleblowers lawyer yeah yeah which also on the board of the james madison project that's connected to john pedesta which is connected to the center for american progress which is connected to the southern poverty law center which is connected to the aclu funded by george soros we got him that's what the george and that's what the aclu will not defend free speech they got bought that's not true but
Starting point is 01:26:19 this is a fun game we got him this is a fun game so i want to play it so this lawyer right he's involved with the james madison project a guy named david kahn is also one of the board members of the james madison project kahn started a journal called cryptologia which is put out by rutledge publishing which was founded by george rutledge who distributed many of the writings of benjamin disraeli who is seen as the founder of british conservatism which has led us to boris johnson so he must clearly be in on the conspiracy i wish i could refute you but that checks out i feel like that one got away from me a little bit so i want to try again you got a you got real excited i feel like i also maybe lost the thread so i'm going to try i don't know why benjamin disraeli
Starting point is 01:27:00 never mind you need a better connection between disraeli and johnson all right that's all i'm saying so another board member is thomas susman who is a partner at the law firm ropes and gray you know who else was a partner at ropes and gray jane willis who was also a member of the famous mit blackjack team whose story was turned into that movie 21 which starred jim sturgis who was also in the movie cloud atlas which soros probably had something to do with seems like a globalist movie oh man you lot come on you got to end these better you got to end these better than george soros probably had something to do with cloud it seems like a globalist movie you just wanted to talk about cloud atlas you may love that movie this is stupid shit and again i expect
Starting point is 01:27:42 more from my rock band lead singers i regret i also regret to inform you this interview does not get better i i didn't imagine this is the level of shit that's being brought to the highest the six degrees of soros game but he's deciding to play yeah see i don't expect more from my lead singers but i do expect more from people who sound like eddie bravo and man gotta stop it man so this is pretty funny because alex is like hey i got the lead singer here guy from the misfits in i'm gonna come back from break with a uh with a misfits track yeah it's definitely hollywood babelon and now hollywood is collapsing we're just getting into a horrible the pacific more twist is how bad la is that's a danzig era misfit song i feel like that's a little insulting he plays it he
Starting point is 01:28:30 sings it yeah but it's it's a reminder that he's not dancing yeah that's true he is definitely not dancing yeah did he write in he did not help write songs there's no way yeah maybe for some of their like uh in that era of albums yeah probably so anyway um uh you know this guy of course uh hates hillary clinton and uh here you go they need to discredit the liberty movement remember what what hillary clinton said remember what she called us irredeemable deplorables when you look up irredeemable the definition of irredeemable is is is not a good thing she said that too you're right and i and i actually and i i looked it up it means worthless crap no value can't fix it get rid of it deserving strong condemnation shockingly bad and quality we were talking about Auschwitz
Starting point is 01:29:18 we were talking about camps before that was that was signaling to us what's gonna happen when somebody like hillary clinton and her minions get control when they when they when they when they seed control back and push what what they are trying to do it really is camps and i really is coming to get us because of the word irredeemable i guess okay so we're back to fema camps we're back to uh we're back to that so congratulations we've made a lap yeah and this guy's still back on that so i'm thrilled for him yeah he didn't get the earlier shows where alex was on board with fema camps well for like people who are coming right central in south america right for non-white people yes oh okay yeah gotcha gotcha right 84 is actually good it is good yes but only not if fema is doing it to
Starting point is 01:30:12 white conservative gun owners it's good for people who were born a couple miles away from the border well you know that you know how many miles it takes to be okay with a fema camp human rights are arbitrary they are based on borders that are imaginary so this guy this misfits lead singer he's read a lot about world war two oh no he's not allowed to which is a good start to a sentence but where it goes no is not good this guy should not be allowed to read about world war two i i read a lot about about world war two i i've read a lot about the death camps and and one of the things that i i find when you when you when you read about that history when you read about the people that were involved in that it's always the same thing the people in these communities and the
Starting point is 01:30:59 jewish communities that were that were sort of far removed from it were always said ah well you know we heard about it and we didn't really think it was a big deal and then it got a little bit worse and then we got concerned the next thing you know they were on a train uh headed to a death camp because george soros was 14 but looked even younger he was called a bloodhound he was able to find people hiding but he'd rat them out and he says it was the house the happiest time in his life right the happiest time i mean what i was doing and then the adl calls him a holocaust survivor i have like it it's perhaps the most open and shut case for defamation against uh for alex uh related to his soros shit yep the fact that he is now escalated this from it like his original
Starting point is 01:31:45 rhetoric which was just this vague ideas about he is a nazi collaborator now he's turned it into very consistently saying that he would actually he was a bloodhound and he would go around and hunt out jews and report them the fact that he says this on his own show and would go on joe rogan's show and say when he gets pushed back when rogan says that's not true that's not what this uh interview that he did says when alex says on rogan's show it's an open question that is proof of malice yep that is proof of actual 100 percent so if george soros wanted to destroy alex he has him anytime he wants please please do it i i think that this is one of the examples of the benevolence of alex's enemies yeah that they don't well i mean it's not benevolence
Starting point is 01:32:33 to the rest of the world but no towards alex he is living on borrowed time yeah that time is somehow been 25 fucking years you know now i mean before he went on rogan's show i think it would be very difficult to demonstrate that he doesn't or that he knows that what he's saying is shit right like the fact that you kind of have to prove that someone knows what they're saying isn't true right i know it's but with public figures with george soros definitely would be yes you'd have you'd have to reach that standard and i think that that standard is completely met so anyway hope george soros doesn't decide to do that alex so that's uh who you are you are fucked i i think uh i think barns uh listens to this uh and tomorrow he's just gonna be like
Starting point is 01:33:22 chaching chaching i'm gonna own him for wars yeah so that's the end of the 11th stuff because it's mostly him just talking to this misfit sky more and he is very dumb and it's very boring yeah so we have a little bit here from the 12th because i was listening because i wanted to see if steve was going to come on because that is very relevant to my interests yeah there's no way we could have listened to this episode today and then been like well we'll try and see if he comes back on well i mean we're recording this on the 12th so it was very difficult for me to listen to all of it right and then turn around and have an episode but i would have done it if steve was on and apparently i have to even if steve's not but um most of it i probably would have just ignored because it's
Starting point is 01:34:01 all just gun fears it's just gun paranoia um but alex said some things i was like yeah i gotta cut a clip of that because alex i think that he's saying that there's space wars going on okay most people just can't handle it i have seen past the veil the globalists know that too i've seen really far and i've seen things that are uh let's just say interesting and i can tell you that this level of conflict is only the surface and the conflict is a lot bigger than we even know and a lot more serious let's just say the universe is a very interesting place and there are some big wars going on ladies and gentlemen so uh we need to get off this rock and go to the next level because god needs us and you'd understand that that doesn't seem that different from project
Starting point is 01:34:51 camelot shit to me that sounds like he's saying that there's space wars going on i i think god needs us in the space wars i think he is literally saying that there are wars going on in space they are there are space wars and he's not doing and he's he said god needs us but this isn't this isn't him talking about like heaven and hell wars this is him being like we need to get off this rock the planet in order to join wars in space the universe so i'm going to go with he believes that his fictitious enemies know that he is pierced the veil of human consciousness and is capable of let's say viewing remotely wars happening around the universe and that they are on the side that is bad in the space wars right much like the reptilians right exactly yes as
Starting point is 01:35:51 alex knows that we have raptor allies in space of course we need to help out we need to get off this planet so we can help the raptors and god is involved it's not that different nope and one of his callers i am sure has a telescope i guarantee it i believe that too so just after that after he's talking a little bit about space wars he talks to a caller and this guy this guy's fucked up what else do you think we should do i mean because yes the war is now and these people are relentless because it's a spiritual fight it is a spiritual battle and and and the reason why is because good christian people have have have permitted a lot of things to happen by controlling the language they can control what you think by controlling your thoughts they can control your actions
Starting point is 01:36:38 thought proceeds action and it keeps you in a very controllable state and then whatever you allow to happen there was a time in history when christians control this this arena so powerfully that cockroaches like these people had to live in the shadows and do their business in the shadows and under the cover of darkness now it is in plain sight it is in daylight and there is not enough good christians that are calling them exactly what they are which are demons and they need to be hunted found and politically assassinated is what they need to be absolutely brother we're going to do this new caller show soon get his name and number that's another all these colors should be on the show but we're going to start more live shows they're caller driven and i'm trying to get
Starting point is 01:37:20 the more calls here on air as you've been hearing and you guys are awesome thank you so this caller is expressing political assassinations are needed for our rivals who are demons and they've been allowed to run around because christians aren't in control right strongly enough anymore and alice's response to that is the guy right on get this dude a show i want him on 24 7 i i mean i also think that there's probably i mean there's really no difference but there is a linguistic difference between these people need to be assassinated politically and politically assassinated yeah yeah there's a there's a contextual difference between those two things that i think makes it with this guy saying i think he's trying to play alex's little verbal game but what are you
Starting point is 01:38:06 saying is incredibly scary yeah these people are so fucked up i i cannot engage with anybody who starts a sentence but there was a time oh just like fuck you give me give me specifics or go fuck yourself so alex does have a guest on the 12th and it was disappointing because it wasn't steve pochanic but it was the misfits lead singer again what yeah no he's in austin for a little bit so we don't have any clips of it because he's so okay yeah that's awful but alex has another guest and it's steward roads of the oath keepers oh who is going to be the next lead singer of the midst fits right could be so in his appearance steward is really expressing some ideas that are going to lead towards violence quite honestly sure he expresses here that trump was the last
Starting point is 01:38:55 peaceful option no he was a firewall that we threw up as a last was last you know last effort to try to do this peacefully we threw it up as a firewall um and buddha for trump put him in put him in office but they can't let that play out they got to remove him through whatever means necessary and they're about to use 25th amendment he saw that were psychiatrists are now asking to testify yes in front of the in front of the house by the way you're supposed to lose your license right away if you uh under the goldwater world if you diagnose someone from afar right they've even examined him and interviewed him or anything it's just political warfare um but you know let's us know that we've done all we can we're abdicated in some ways from having any restraint once they
Starting point is 01:39:33 do this well they're going to stage terror attacks though to make any physical response look improper let's war game this when we come back so what steward said there at the end was that well i mean you know we've done everything we can so we can not feel bad about having no restraint with our violence yep that but that's been their point all along yeah like it's this isn't no this is what they were saying in 2013 too like they've always been right on the cusp of doing some violence and i don't i don't know if that makes me think that it's less likely that these people will do anything um or more likely because eventually the dam's got a break right i mean you know well i mean it's not like people who are listening to this didn't end up going out and
Starting point is 01:40:18 doing things right right quote on quote lone wolf actors yeah um i i i i don't know what i think but i know that this this sort of thing is not healthy i i mean the the thing that i'm getting so much because it ties back into so many of these guys have that like well if we're gonna do it we better do it while trump's in office he said that before exact that's what i'm saying like that idea is that they're there's not going to be a civil war if there's going to be a civil anything it's going to be a civil fucking slaughter and the difference is going to be if trump is in the white house and we start that slaughter then maybe trump will let us get away with it and give us our fucking cover for it or if trump's not in office then we're going to be an insurgency and we're the ones who are
Starting point is 01:41:07 going to get fucked up yeah so that's why there'll be good people on both sides yeah in office yeah yeah yeah so um at the end of that last clip uh stewart was saying fucked up things about like hey we you know we're free to commit violence we've done everything we can and alex brings up they're gonna pull false flags to make our violence look bad yeah or something meaning we're going to do that right yeah and when he gets back from break alex says something that i find like deeply disturbing well obviously a conservative would never go on a walmart and shoot innocent white black hispanic people nobody would go in a nightclub and do it that's all anti-foot devil worshipers that's like adam lands that are always prozac head devil worshipers you know uh types patriots
Starting point is 01:41:50 and i'm not saying do this would would would go after globalist and people but so just notice when the terror attacks come they already have that they're going to be innocent people and it's not us this is being staged yes what alex is doing here is trying to pull off some kind of bizarre no true scotsman fallacy to argue that any instance of violence not perpetrated against globalists can't possibly be patriots and conservatives and therefore must be anti fascists false flagging to patriots the way this basic fallacy works is to serve as a protection of a group's purity alex would find a story about let's say a right wing individual killing a bunch of innocent civilians and his response would be no true conservative would do something like that so he would conclude
Starting point is 01:42:35 that this person wasn't really a conservative that's the basic version where the function is to maintain the image of what a conservative is in his mind despite evidence that the group includes people who fall short of the definition people do this sort of thing all the time and on some level it's part of human instinct to protect our own identities as being part of a group it's hard to reconcile that you might be a member of a group that also includes people who you find morally repulsive but that's sometimes the case this line this line of fallacious thinking is how a lot of people ignore that internal conflict but what alex is doing is taking the bad thinking that he's engaging in one step further than that he's determined that because no true
Starting point is 01:43:14 conservative or patriot would kill civilians then this someone who does isn't a conservative that's already a complete disaster from a logic perspective but then he insists that because this person is not a conservative they must be an anti-fascist pretending to be a conservative to demonize the patriots it's really hard for me to put this any other way than to say that this is not adult mental processing this is bad this is really really bad thinking do you know what the other part of that is um okay so prove so i've proven to you that it was a conservative you have to agree with it well do you know who he killed a globalist so it doesn't matter well now here's the issue so the much simpler reality is that there are absolutely conservatives and
Starting point is 01:43:59 right-wingers who plan and carry out attacks on civilians these are real events with real victims and real loved ones whose pain alex doesn't give a fuck about because it threatens the purity of his own self-image in his desperation to glorify his political side he behaves in callous ways that belie the fact that his side is nowhere near as pure as he likes to pretend but since he's saying that any real conservative would target globalists then i guess he's taking ownership of caesar uh seak the magabomber who sent bombs to the clintons and george soros among other globalist targets if he's saying that attacks against civilians are just anti-fascists false flagging the patriots and any real conservative patriot would target the globalists then surely
Starting point is 01:44:39 that one was real whoops nope turns out alex said that was a false flag too gotcha alex's worldview and narratives are childish constructions he's propped up in order to make sure that he never has to feel the impact of the rhetoric that he puts into the world and he's too much of a coward to even stay internally consistent and played by the rules that he's made up for himself if it's somebody who doesn't fit his definition of what a patriot would do it's a anti-fascist false flagging the patriots and if it's somebody who does then hey it's the globalist false flagging themselves in order to get pity exactly fuck you man your heroes are terrorists alex yeah just admit it yeah so in order to reinforce his idea that these shootings are
Starting point is 01:45:18 just uh anti-fascists who are coming out there and false flagging sure he brings up the Dayton shooting and uh i find uh his his take on it's really boring and we've heard it like they tried to cover up online uh yeah but steward his reaction to this i think is telling it's incredible how they covered up the uh texas attack that he was anti for leftist and that was confirmed and they pulled up on his sides that should be a criminal investigation who took that down who put that up who protected him your question i don't know that uh i'm sorry i said datan i meant the alpase so true but um the uh that response i find to be really interesting even steward doesn't want this shit don't know he doesn't want to be involved in this he's he's just there to talk about gun
Starting point is 01:46:02 paranoia he does well that and saying that it's okay for them to wantonly murder their political enemies right but he does both i think he has a line though and as we saw in 2013 when alex was trying to say that those people in the pictures that he found on fourchan at the boston marathon were secretly seals steward said i don't i can't say that based on uh the just whatever they're wearing i'm not going i'm not going to go along with this yeah i feel a very similar thing here he has a line of like no yeah and whatever you're doing i just can't alex wants him to get involved but he's not doing it right right so that's about the end of anything with real substance on this episode but i have a couple last clips um and one of them is alex gets a caller who asks
Starting point is 01:46:45 him about something very specific and i think that this clip is only important as a demonstration of how full of shit alex is have you ever heard of carl miller he was a uh vietnam vet he teaches about the constitution yes he has some videos in any way one of them is about the writ of cool warrianto anybody that want any judge that tries to violate any rights that you have the second amendment any of them anybody can rip or file a writ of cool warrianto against that judge and anybody connected with them is trying to do that have you heard of this thing no so look well there we go guys this is sovereign citizen bullshit i look this up yeah who cares but what's interesting is this guy asks have you heard of this carl miller guy you know talks about the constitution yes
Starting point is 01:47:35 absolutely then he says a couple more details i have no idea what you're talking about that's alex's knee jerk reaction anytime anybody asks him do you know about this thing you bet i do yeah i'm an expert on everything i know everything yeah that's a really good demonstration of him just lying directly yeah and then realizing like oh no this is crazy shit i have no idea what it right and then this last one alex uh he ends up playing a special report about how everybody's they're all doubt everybody's devil worshipers all of his enemies are all demons we're in fighting wars in space too and i just love the way it starts and so just to end this on a softer lighter note than maybe stewart roads justifying political violence or one of alex's callers calling for
Starting point is 01:48:16 political assassinations right or alex deciding steve pechenek is totally cool yeah that's uh the worst of the three here's just something straight up dumb there is a saying no one knows who first claimed it spent around for thousands of years but it goes like this the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist uh okay okay all right are you fucking with me nope is he fucking with me maybe is he he's fucking with me this might be trolling he has to be fucking with me i'm going to guarantee that alex didn't look into this in any way and he's just being a blowhard i also guarantee that he's just quoting the usual suspects and has no idea what that movie is referencing generally people
Starting point is 01:49:06 attribute this precise formulation of the expression to charles botolair the line traces back to a short story he published in 1864 but the vague idea expressed in the quote goes back a little farther than that in 1836 a quaker preacher named john wilkinson wrote quote one of the artifices of satan is to induce men to believe he doesn't exist alex is definitely referencing the usual suspects which was referencing botolair but from there the line is kind of broken botolair was probably not referencing relatively obscure quaker authors and was probably just writing with a creative poetic flourish of his own whatever the case is here that expression does not go back thousands of years that's completely fucking absurd so congrats alex is just
Starting point is 01:49:52 unreal there's a saying no one knows who coined it it goes back he has to be fucking with me yeah that is but that that's the best and only joke he has ever successfully told i think that there's that has to be a joke there's a thin line between fucking with you and being a blowhard though yeah and that line is something i'm not sure we're ever be able to really not with him clearly define god if that that is the most perfectly executed joke whoever wrote that he maybe he didn't write it maybe somebody is fucking with him it could be oh man because that's so good so we get to the end of this and you know i i think i had to do this episode because there was some steve pechenek nonsense in it there's the possibility and there's also some scary shit
Starting point is 01:50:38 some really dumb stuff and and hopefully if i can do anything to bring to light the fact that alex is repurposing stuff that got roger stone sued i'm very happy to do that because i hope there's some consequences yeah or at least to demonstrate that a lot of this whole new narrative about fiona hill and this whistleblower it relies as well as committing a defamation against george soros in a very clear manner that also goes in there yeah yeah but yeah this whole new narrative it relies on this same information that did get roger sued i think that's a really interesting piece of this puzzle that i don't know if anybody but us realizes so fun to be able to talk about that i know alex doesn't realize i missed doing a wacky wednesday thing though i had some
Starting point is 01:51:23 ideas well maybe we'll get it next week we we got uh we got johnny depth for transcendent this is basically a wacky way alex just a space war yeah i guess it is he might as well have just talked about the mandalorian for six hours alex has graduated to wacky wednesday status he really has hasn't yeah you might as well have talked about the mandalorian but strangely has not talked about steve miller's email well hey now hey now so we'll be back on friday with a new episode but until then we have a website we do have a website it's knowledge fight dot com yes we have twitters we have twitters at knowledge underscore fight at go to bed jordan we're also on facebook we are on facebook and we are also uh you can download the podcast at itunes and
Starting point is 01:52:11 other stuff leave a review etc other podcast apps or just listen to other podcasts and then tell them to listen to ours i don't know yeah we'll be back for another episode next time but until then i'm neo i'm leo i'm dzx clark i am outrageous licorice andy and chansas you're on the air thanks for holding so alex i'm a first-name caller i'm a huge fan i love your work i love you

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