Knowledge Fight - #40: May 10, 2017

Episode Date: May 11, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the May 10th episode of the Alex Jones Show, on the heels of FBI Director Comey's abrupt termination. Topics covered include: Robot rats! Does Alex ...Jones ever look up a fact before saying it? How cheap are t-shirts at the InfoWars Store? Does Alex have anything substantial to say about Comey's firing?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding Alex. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. A couple of dudes who like to sit around, drink red wine and discuss the ongoing saga that is the downfall of America through the lens, which lovingly lovingly coincides with a downfall of Alex Jones. And there are many parallels to draw there. There certainly are. You know, he believes that he's the archetype of a Texan. It's possible that he is a living embodiment of not only his childhood dog, knock, right, but also the union as I don't know anything about Alex Jones. We like to sit around and talk about Alex Jones. I know a lot. You know
Starting point is 00:00:47 nothing. Let's, uh, there we go. Uh, before intro, intro, uh, committed. Yeah. We're going to be able to just get it down to like a half a sentence. Kaboom. Eventually. But why would we do that? It's more fun to draw it out as long as humanly possible. Certainly. I know it certainly hasn't heard our numbers yet. Speaking of our numbers, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to give a shout out to our new Donator Chris M. What's up, buddy? I'm a policy wonk. Congratulations on becoming a policy. Hi, Chris. Welcome to the fold. Yes. We're going to need more of you very shortly. We probably will. Hey, look, I'm glad anybody is donating. Uh, fuck it. I don't give a shit. Right. This is great. It
Starting point is 00:01:28 is great. This is great. It is great. Although I do love what we do. I like that. This is our third episode in three days that we're going to be putting out one of which was three hours and 40 minutes long. I don't remember that one. We will still see into it. So thank you all. Luckily. Yes. Yes. So we got to talk about the world, Jordan. We're going to talk about what's going on in the world. You know what I just keep thinking what keeps going around and around in my brain is that white people would rather end democracy than allow people of color to participate. Probably. That's what's going on. Yeah, probably. That's really the root of all white people voted for people so blatantly corrupt. So absolutely
Starting point is 00:02:12 evil that they are getting none of the benefits that they were promised and all of the fucking that they weren't. Doesn't it kind of bring to mind the idea of like Manson's Helter Skelter idea of like really kind of does we're going to precipitate a race or class war and let everyone kill each other off and then we'll we'll hide out and remain. Right. Exactly. So welcome new policy walks. We will be making the argument that Manson was right all along. We certainly will not be doing that. But we will, however, be taking your donations and using them to build a compound that we put into the forest. All policy walks are welcome to join us as we wait out the class. We're going to put it into a head in Easter Island
Starting point is 00:02:58 and you policy walk that can get there is welcome. So Jordan, since we last recorded actually we referenced this on yesterday's episode, but FBI director Jim Comey got fired. Yes. Yes, he did. And it was within the specter of his growing Russia investigation. Yep. Just before he had gotten fired by clearly by Trump's orders. Yeah, that also has come out. But just before that he had requested resources to expand the investigation. Oh, bad idea. Is a strong indication that they were really coming to it. Couldn't think of any reason why. So he gets fired. And, you know, the paper trail and the documents that come out indicate that Jeff Sessions and his deputy technically recused from the investigation
Starting point is 00:03:52 deputy not so much, but they had advised Trump to fire Jim Comey. But then it comes out that Trump had asked them to advise him to fire him. Yeah, that makes sense. So it's all this circular nonsense. Technically, they still did advise him to fire Comey. Certainly. That is technically a true statement unlike multiple statements Jeff Sessions has made under oath. Absolutely. It's it's boggling. But yeah, but the the world is a fucked up place. It's not appropriate. I don't think to compare this to Nixon and the Saturday Night Massacre. Is that because it's way worse? I, well, I think even beyond it just being worse, the circumstances are super different. You know, like that was just a break in. That was just them breaking into
Starting point is 00:04:37 something. This is technically a break in, meaning the Russia broke into our political system and destroyed it. But Nixon wasn't helping a foreign power break into the Watergate Hotel. He was doing that for purely selfish reasons and for self advancement. Now, people involved in Trump's team obviously have self advancement that they are interested in. Right. But this is directly like I am firing someone who is investigating me and I want to be clear partisanship aside, I don't give a fuck. If Obama was under FBI investigation and he fired the FBI director, I would be just as like blown away. And of course Republicans would be shitting themselves on the front lawn of the White House. Yeah, it would be, it would be over. Yeah. It's insane. No, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:05:31 this is my reaction to the world. That sums it up. I got nothing. So I'm speechless. I understand that you're speechless, but thankfully we have a man who is never speechless at our disposal. Excellent. That man is Alexander Emmerich Jones, who went on air today. And I got to say looked rough. He looked tired. He looked, that was what I was getting at. Yeah, you might be hung over. Yeah. So he gets on the air and this is how he starts out his broadcast. He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side. You're listening to Alex Obviously I hate to tell folks even the general area where we get our information from concerning the White House is the media has a big field day where that then tries to shut off the sources.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That is a direct reference to Donald Trump's sons. Yes, to him outing Cernovich's sources. Yeah. Yeah. I hate to do it even though I did it like a week ago and look, Mike, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Cernovich. Anyway, even though the media blows it out of context, but I was on the phone very, very late last night talking to multiple sources and then I called Roger Stone about 11, Texas, Tom midnight, his time we talked for over an hour. That's not good. I think when he says he was on the phone with multiple sources, he's talking about the three wise men, Johnny, Jack and Jim. You know, I'm talking about he was on the phone with some whiskey. That's, that's my guess. I guarantee he had a very drunken phone call with Rogers. Roger, Roger.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Roger baby. Is it a, is it coming down finally? Are we, are we going down to court elder Skelter? Is it coming down fast? Roger, only the beach was let me try was learning from other sources. And of course, Roger's one of the only people now that Trump still routinely talks to outside the White House. No. I don't know how much Roger will get into today, but I from my other sources separately have exactly what happened with Comey. Comey was compromised and had been compromised for a long time and was being clearly manipulated by deep state sources to try to exert pressure onto the White House to have the White House carry out the deep state's political aims with this whole
Starting point is 00:08:00 fake Russia narrative that if they didn't basically do what John McCain and others wanted, they would continue on with hearings and try to impeach the president. If that is what your source told you, your source is very non-specific and happens to sound a lot like you, Alex Jones. It's funny how all of his sources believe exactly what he has already told us. I got it from a good source that Jim Comey has been compromised by globalists. Good source. Thank you. He's got it from a reliable source. Thank you, Alex. He doesn't even, he sounds like he doesn't even believe this bullshit. And this is what I want to get to. Yeah. And I think it'll become clear as this goes along,
Starting point is 00:08:42 but this is the, like I sincerely believe this is the darkest moment of our politics in my lifetime. Agreed. In the 33 years that I've been alive, I've not seen anything close to this. And I think it's one of the most dangerous times. And if we don't make the right moves, we could lose a lot of our democracy. It's gone. But that said, the way Alex Jones is responding to this means he knows they're fucked. Okay. He knows I believe that Comey getting fired is a nail in the coffin for most of the Russia people. Yeah. He knows that Roger Stone is going to prison. He knows that fucking Manafort is done. He knows Flynn is like days away from a grand jury. Right. He knows these things and he, he's not stupid enough to think that like,
Starting point is 00:09:33 oh yeah, getting rid of Comey is going to help that. And I think you would have to be really stupid. You would have to be some kind of colossal moron to think it's a good idea to get rid of Comey at this point. You would have to be some kind of absolute fucking idiot. You would have to be some kind of stupid person here to for unseen by this planet. If you think that that is a great idea, you probably are dumb enough to think that like there are globalists infiltrating everything. So if you fire Comey, you might be the president. You know what would be great? We should do a Foxworthy book. You might believe in the globalists. So, you know, he's, he's going to get to the point where I think it's pretty clear. If you're looking at it objectively, he is not saying what
Starting point is 00:10:27 he feels. He's reacting and he's a panicked man. Alex Jones is scared. He is shook. He is shook as fuck. But he's going to flex a little bit. There's going to be some bravado. So before we get to any of the real juiciness, he's got to, he's got to explain to you what Jim Comey's real crimes were. What are Jim Comey's real crimes? He's going to find out. Comey ignored crimes that were ultra massive and he followed orders of the attorney general who was so corrupt. She would sit there and you'll meet on airplanes with Bill Clinton on the tarmac while he was under criminal investigation by her agency, Loretta Lynch. That's one area. But it's also the fact that Comey is seen as weak and as very, very manipulative, but in a candy ass way.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy. I didn't know my goodness. I had two doors. I could go down. I had one door that was covered up and I had another door that was getting involved in the politics of Lordy, Lordy. So, you know, I hate it when people get involved in the politics of Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy. Look who's not 43. Alex Jones, you're lying about your age, but also the, the, his most important lie to date. Yeah, certainly. The one we are truly going to fight. Realistically, I think he's probably about 50. And if that's the case, then super male vitality works even better. Wow. Alex, you should come out and tell your real age. Yeah, absolutely. Because if you should have an age counter on the website that just chronicles how
Starting point is 00:12:04 old 43, he looks like shit and his supplements are not working. Anyway, that's, that's beside the point. He claims that Comey is real crime. Something that we would spend like 20 minutes on. How old do you think he is? I would go 47 myself. Probably early 40s. No fucking way. No fucking way. When I realized that like if he's 43, that's 10 years away from where I'm at. No, no way. And I've lived hard. Better start taking that super male vitality. Prostagard on sale now, liver cleanse. Anyway, so, you know, potassium cyanide for the discerning Alex Jones listener. So he gets into the, the Comey is real problem is that he let Loretta Lynch off and didn't, didn't prosecute her, which I'm not sure there is nothing to prosecute. No, not really. He said
Starting point is 00:13:00 she was under investigation. No, no. She met with Bill Clinton when he was under investigation. He wasn't. The foundation was never under investigation and he wasn't an under investigation by the department of justice. There were things that were being looked into by the FBI, right? With the Clinton foundation, but that wasn't the DOJ. Well, I mean, we all know there's a separation between those two. We know they're independent. Well, this was like six months ago. So there was back then. That's true. So then his real crimes. What's his real crimes? He's weird. He's very manipulative, but in like a candy ass way. I don't understand what he's a cuck. He's a globalist. Exactly. That's insane. Compromised. Deep state sources. But like legitimately,
Starting point is 00:13:53 I'm not cutting out like any real substance. This is the kind of thing he's pointing the finger at. He's like, everyone knows he was, he was, he was a pussy. He's a pussy. You can't have it. You're a pussy director who's, who's a, who's a pussy. No. And Alex Jones. I mean, he's, he's a guy who's not going to put up with pussiness. And this is this next clip is actually where he gives what I would describe as the first time he tries to incite violence on this episode. Are we going to keep a counter? Yeah. Oh boy. And so there's major power jockeying. I've told the president this myself in person. And I've said it here on the broadcast a hundred times at least. And I'm going to say it again
Starting point is 00:14:35 when we come back and Roger Stone joins us. We're not looking for trouble. We're not looking for revolution. We're not looking for bloodbaths. The globalists and their leftist hordes and their refugees are trying to push a narrative of violence and overthrow and kill the police war in the streets and all this garbage. And we are involved in dereliction of duty. If we don't do something about it. So it's not quite like out and out violence as it will be later. It's, it's the, it's Trump saying like, well, you second amendment people, you should probably do something about this. Sure. There is a, there is a thing that's going to hit different ears differently, but even beyond that, it is sort of a call to political violence. It's a call to,
Starting point is 00:15:20 and that seems to be one of his main themes is like, Trump, you better fucking lock it down now. Right. Which is kind of a good point. It is a good point. If you're just trying to like, you know, war games, how to start an authoritarian regime, you got to lock it down. Oh God, if he had any, any terrorist attack, it is all over. Oh, sure. I mean, frankly, I think at this point, there was, there was a kind of big one yesterday over in, I mean, it was, it wasn't in America or the West. Nobody's, nobody's paying attention to anything right now. No, imagine, imagine even, even better. A Black Lives Matter protest turns violent. Sure. National guard. All democracy is over. You end up, you end up with, I mean, you know, another Kent state. Yeah. Kent state with
Starting point is 00:16:05 terrorism mix. Absolutely. Yeah. Totally. No, we're, we're, we are on the razor's edge of who gets their martyr first. That's kind of, because it's, it's hard to imagine any situation that this doesn't eventually lead to either mass scale revolts, riots, or, I mean, I don't want to say civil war, but I want to say if, if you're Captain America, if you're Captain America, everybody else is fucking Iron Man. Well, listen, I think that what a better, maybe a more delicate way to put it would be like what we were talking about earlier with the idea that this is the most complicated and dangerous period of our lives. Absolutely. And in order for us to avoid revolt, to avoid a revolution, to avoid a civil war, it's like threading a needle. There is going to be really precise
Starting point is 00:17:03 things that need to be done, or we're going to botch this thing and people are going to end up killing each other. Yeah. And I'm really glad we have a government right now that is famous for its ability to thread needles gently. Sure. Yeah. To really navigate a way to success. Speaking of someone who would never make a good so stress, I don't know if that's the right word. Seamstress. I don't, but I don't know seamstresses. Do they sell a lot? Yeah, I guess they do. That's their whole thing. It's a so stress. Anyway, I don't really remember exactly what it's a so strugy. I don't remember exactly what this clip is about, but it has to do with Trump. Trump has to drop the hammer on his attorney general has to start the moves for the indictments
Starting point is 00:17:42 right now. So that's what needs to happen right now. And then Trump will be the superstar president we need to restore the republic. She's already doing economically and militarily. He's an American president. They've been at that while. Say what you want about it. And that's why the elites were pissed because we've actually got some money in there that really does care about the interest of this country. The special interest that have been raping us forever are now freaking out realizing there's a new sheriff in town. Yes, the new guy who's raping us. The new sheriff. Yeah, the new rape sheriff. The new fucking monster. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess trade the trade the monstrous kleptocrat. You'd know for the one you do you don't. But I mean, you got you got that there at
Starting point is 00:18:28 the beginning there. I mean, it is just a further like we've got a call to arms sessions has got to get people in front of grand juries. Drop the hammer. But you know, that is one of the biggest hallmarks of these Banana Republic authoritarian dictatorships is kangaroo courts. Yes, they end up punishing their political rivals with false charges. And so if you want, I mean, Alex is going to give a litany of fake charges against Hillary Clinton throughout the rest of this. And so like he is advocating for the beginning stages of a dictatorship. Well, yeah. And I don't understand why he's a strong man. He's a strong man. And in these times, we need a strong 70 year old mentally deficient fat, just poorly, poorly proportioned guy who an orange grimace. That's
Starting point is 00:19:24 who we need. We need a president who kind of looks like he has a butthole in his neck flap sometimes when it folds just right. Yeah, but I get I get that that is a decent argument. I think there's a little bit more going on. We'll explore it as we go along. But in this clip, Alex basically just shows that he does not understand subtleties of life at all. Well, President Trump 45 told Comey the incredibly political globalist operative that have been protecting the Clintons for many years. He told them you're fired. Yeah, especially when they're coming getting elected. And now the Democrats like it is the end of the world or they're saying it's an exonium. We've got to impeach President Trump when they're the ones just three months ago calling for him to be fired.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So that's the subtlety he does not get the idea that people wanted him fired when he wrote that letter right before the election. Right. Democrats wanting him fired that makes total sense in that context. Right. And a lot of people still harbor a lot of bad feelings about that. Right. And rightfully so. Yeah. But at the same time, that's a very different thing than firing someone who's actively investigating you. It's slightly different. It's a bit different. It's a little bit different. Like they're not at all the same. We're being glib. No, no, not even close. It's insane. And I can't think of any. I can't think of any other situation other than that Nixon firing the investigator looking into him. Cox. Which Cox? Archibald Cox. William Cox. No. He's a
Starting point is 00:21:00 great character. Archibald Cox was the name of the. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And Roger Stone later makes a great pun about that. But yeah, how he Nixon fired Cox. So he's a Cox sacker. It's funny because Roger Stone was involved with Nixon too. My favorite part of Roger Stone being on is eventually I guarantee he's going to be allowed to do interviews with Alex from prison. Yeah, probably. Oh man. He has a Nixon tattoo on his back. Like it's, what are you doing? I know that's true. And I forget it instantly because how can that be true? I don't know. We'll get to him later. But so in this next clip, in addition to Alex Jones not understanding the subtleties of wanting someone fired for one thing and not
Starting point is 00:21:51 wanting them fired for a different thing, right? He also does not understand the nature of false equivalencies. Well, the media and Congress is saying basically in the White House is saying it was that he didn't know the chain of command and did whatever he wanted to. And now they're saying Comey sought more money for Russian probe as before he was fired official say Washington Post. Well, Trump was tweeting last week. Why aren't you looking at the uranium deals and Hillary in the Podestas? Why aren't you looking at her meeting secretly Putin? Why aren't you involved with her in China or the OPM hack? Why is it all General Flynn went and got paid to go on RT television and he had gigs with the Germans and the British and the Turks, everybody else. You
Starting point is 00:22:30 know, when he was in a private citizen, that's the big bottom of the rabbit hole here. So that's not the let's let's let's why is it all those treasons call me everybody thinking about them treason call me David Brock because I'm about to correct the record on this ship. So he says like Trump expressed to Comey. Why aren't you investigating Hillary's crimes like the Iranian or the uranium deal, which isn't true. It's not real. I've written up a long extensive thing that documents exactly what was going on with that. She was not actively involved in that at all. It wasn't a uranium deal that sold things to Russia at all. It wasn't. That's just a complete lie. If the FBI was to investigate her for that, or anyone was to prosecute her for that, it would
Starting point is 00:23:21 be a bogus prosecution. That's why they wouldn't do it. It's just refer them to Yeah, check that out. Your investigation is over. And I'm not here to say that Hillary Clinton's a saint, but that's a bad way to target her because that's bullshit. That's a fake story. It sounds good. And it was in that full of lies documentary Clinton cash, but it's not true. It's not real if you get down to the bottom of it. Right. So he's like, Hey, why is everybody always investigating this? Why are you spending all this time on the fact that Mike Flynn got paid? Like what was it? $100,000 to go to Russia. I love even that. The fact, like he's just admitting why he's being investigated for obvious reasons. But that's only one piece of it too.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's not that. That's not it. If that was it, that would be dicey, but it wouldn't be what we're experiencing now. Right. You have multiple members of Trump's team who have lied under oath about contacts with Russian agents. Right. So that is on its face a problem. You have Jared Kushner lying and omitting information on his security clearance forms. Right. About meetings that he had. Right. You have Manafort and Flynn both retroactively registering as foreign agents after they have been fired from Trump's campaign. You have Carter Page acting like a complete weirdo on television. Oh, he's a wackadoo lunatic. He's given up the game on live TV. Oh, he doesn't even give a shit anymore. You have documented evidence that Mike Flynn was working
Starting point is 00:24:59 with Erdogan to try and extradite Gulen at the cleric who lives in the, uh, the northeast somewhere and took a lot of money for it that Erdogan wants taken back so he can kill him. And we, I have a foreign policy that says no, thank you. Yeah. We don't want to do that. Yeah. So Mike Flynn was working with a fucking Turkish dictator to try and subvert our foreign policy for money. Those things are documented. And then on top of that, Devon Nunez was involved in that. And he did a lot of really fucked up stuff with confidential information. Right. Which is clearly a cover up. Right. So like to say it's just Mike Flynn went on Russian television and sat next to Putin at a table. That's not really what we're talking about, but no, but Hillary did sell that
Starting point is 00:25:45 uranium. Oh, well, then we're done here, but she didn't. It's so fucked up. It's a false equivalence based on lies on both side. Like yeah, he's lying about how bad the fake thing about Clinton is and lying about how benign the actually really bad stuff about Flynn and the rest of them He is treating his viewers like babies. Like he's literally holding up keys over here. Yeah. And just saying, look at the jangly keys. Look at the jangly keys. Lordy, lordy, lordy. All these jangly keys over here. He constantly yells about like people having no memory and the globalist want you to have no memory. He's actively exploiting or hoping that his audience doesn't have a memory or doesn't look into things. And if they do, he fucking prays that they only read Breitbart.
Starting point is 00:26:34 They only do research on the fucking conspiracy boards on Reddit and shit like that. Well, they do. They do. That's all they do. And it's crazy. That's all they do. They only, they only do that. Like if you still support, if you still support this, your dumb or your evil. I used to add in denial. Now you're just dumb. You can't be in denial anymore. You're dumb or you're evil. That's it. If you still support Trump, I am done. I am done protecting feelings. I'm done trying to understand anything. Your, your real problem is you are fucking stupid. Can I put a fine line of like, because there's a Venn diagram between evil and stupid that is racist, right? It's sort of both, but it's not fully either. You know what I mean? It is both.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It is both, but racism isn't only stupidity and it's not only evilness. It's sort of a nice, as Alex would say. It's a yin and yang of both. It's a gestalt, as Alex might say. So at this point of the show, Alex Jones has a big get for an interview. The guy who's on his show almost every day, Roger Stone. Who, who could he have gotten? Roger Stone. A big get, Donald Trump's children. To talk about the fact that Comey got fired. He brings in Roger Stone, someone who was a target of the investigation. I don't think he has any personal involvement. I think he can maintain his objectivity in this interview because you, yeah, he was, he was a member of multiple administrations. Sure. Everybody knows that he's a trustworthy
Starting point is 00:28:12 and reliable source. There's no doubt about that. He is famed, famed by, by, from sea to burning down to the ground sea. That's a glamour puss. An absolutely gorgeous man. He is a fashion puss. If there ever has been one in our politics and this is Alex Jones's introduction. So joining us from the airport, flying to New York to be on the Today Show tomorrow in two days, his big Netflix show. He is getting me Roger Stone that yours truly is also in. It's set to premiere. It's got amazing ratings from the critics that have already seen it. That can't be. So I look forward to seeing that, obviously. Netflix, get me Roger Stone. The notorious UP operative plays both narrator and villain. So get me Roger Stone. That is coming
Starting point is 00:29:00 up in T minus 48 hours on Netflix. But going to Roger Stone, he's got a Fox news crew and a bunch of other crews following around at the airport, giving us the first exclusive today on exactly what is breaking down and happening with Comey. Roger, let's, let's go over from your sources. So I mean, I can't reiterate this enough. It's a bad look to have, like in the same way that Trump had Comey fired. And then the next day, he was meeting with the foreign minister of Russia privately and would not allow United States press and Sergey Kilsiak, yeah, Kilsiak, the guy, the one guy who is at the center of all this at the center. Yeah, he is the guy and he was not announced that he was going to be a part of those meetings.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So actually Trump secretly met with the same guy that all those other people met secretly with. Yeah. And yeah, they did not allow a press into the Oval Office and they did not allow United States press into the Oval Office. They allowed Russian press inside the Oval Office. I legitimately, I know that this is a little bit speculative, but I don't see any reason to think that the Oval Office isn't bugged now. Like I have no idea, like why wouldn't they? I mean, fake, fake deference. Yeah. I mean, if he finds a bug, which god damn it, if he ever could. Yeah, no, he could be, he could be fucking peeing into a microphone and he'd still be like, this is a funny plant. Like it's, they're, you would have to, you would have to think
Starting point is 00:30:36 that all of this stuff is being recorded so that future historians will be able to write on their stone tablets. Sure. That our democracy ended because stupid people hate black people. Yeah, probably. But at the point I was trying to make is that in the same way that that is a bad look, you fire the guy who's investigating your ties to Russia and then secretly meet with the guy they're investigating shit about. And the foreign minister in the same way that's a bad look, Alex Jones having an interview with the guy who was under investigation about the firing of the guy doing the investigating in the real world. That's a bad look on inforars. It doesn't matter. It's not a good one in the real world. That's fucked up. There's no way. There's no way
Starting point is 00:31:22 that's okay. So every, everything is just fucked up. Yeah. So Roger Stone, you know, he's got his, he's got his priorities straight. I'll tell you that much. Here's how he decides to open his interview. Roger, let's, let's go over from your sources. Well, some interesting contra-tems today, Alex. Politico published a story which claimed that I had persuaded the president to fire James Comey. CNN picked that story up from Politico. I am not the source of that story, nor have I claimed anything of the kind. Because as I have said on this show many times, no one talks Donald Trump into anything. He's not some mannequin that you hand talking points to. And I have always declined to discuss the content or frequency of
Starting point is 00:32:18 my conversations with the president. Sure, I know, but you have, I mean, when we talk about this for an hour or less, I get where you can go or you can't. The point is, is I have my sources, I called you, I checked out what they told me. You said that was pretty much dead on, but you didn't want to get into any conversations you've had. But it is in the newspapers today that you are the source of the person that finally got the president to drop the hammer last week. Now, obviously, you're not taking credit for that. He is his own person, but I guess you can't speak to those reports. Well, I'm not, specifically, I'm not the source of those reports, nor did I confirm them. But Alex, I have spoken about this. I have talked about it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I've been calling for Mr. Comey's firing now for months. And beyond that, the idea that I somehow persuaded the president, which is just not true. So he's been calling for Comey's firing for months about as long as not. Yes. Has he? Yeah. But about as long as the investigation has been public. That argument does not work out well. He has stepped it up quite intensely in tweets and stuff recently. Yeah. Calling for Comey to be fired. He's besieged the president through Twitter to fire. Right. Comey. Sure. Maybe he didn't personally sit down with Trump be like, dude, you got to do this. Did they talk on the phone? Here's what's fun about that. So he brought up that that Trump says he Trump tweeted that that story was fake news. Right. Roger Stone brought
Starting point is 00:33:49 that part of the tweet up. He didn't bring up the last part of the tweet where Trump says, I haven't talked to Roger Stone in a long time. Okay. Because earlier in his comments, he said he talks to him a lot. And so did Alex Jones. So one of these parties is lying. Yeah. It's probably Trump. Do you think so? Yeah. I could I could also see Stone lying about that. Totally. They're both liars. They're both inveterate liars who are but here's the thing. Roger Stone is fucking petty. He is super petty. He's blown up at so many people on Twitter. He has a tattoo of Nixon on his back. Of course he's petty. He's full of rage. And I think if Donald Trump really was shutting him out, he'd act against him. I don't think that he would still
Starting point is 00:34:36 carry water for him if he wasn't still at least being strong along as being on the inside. Right. That's my feeling on it. I can see that. So I think that Trump is lying in an attempt to sort of damage control shit. Right. Because I mean, even if you're an idiot president, you have to know that like talking to Roger Stone at this point is insane. Well, especially when he is calling for Comey to be fired and you fire Comey, you have to pretend. Oh, that wasn't why I did it. Yeah. And it might not have been all of it. It probably wasn't. My best theory is that it was Sessions. Sessions was actively involved in that because Sessions himself wanted to shut down the investigation. Yes. Because I believe from a lot of things that I've read most of it speculation,
Starting point is 00:35:18 but some of the indications within James Clapper's testimony lead people to believe that one of the names specifically that was on mask was Jeff Sessions. It has to be. Well, the reason. Otherwise, why would he lie? The reason that most people have given in terms of their analysis of Clapper's testimony is that he was asked a camera who asked him, but they asked the names that you've seen unmasked. Were they Trump associates or Trump campaign members or members of the Congress? And he said, well, both. Yeah. And that's a fun little twist because it could be two different people and it's both or the only person who was both Jeff Sessions. Really? Yeah. Oh, that's a good. So it could be. Well, I mean, frankly, at this fucking point, everybody might as well be under
Starting point is 00:36:06 suspicion. Everybody in the GOP might as well be like holding a fucking target on their back that says probably spoke to the Russians illegally. But if you look at the people who are the main players, at least publicly in it, you have people like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Mike Flynn, none of them are in the Congress. No, Jeff Sessions is the only player who has actually been a Congress person. Right. So the, that theory is largely hinged on the idea that Clapper was playing semantic games, which I kind of hope he was because that's fun. That is fun. But that's, that is him kind of a, if that's, if that's true, that's him kind of giving one of those like, Hey, I can't say it, but you know, you know how it is. Well, it's the same thing with
Starting point is 00:36:49 Sally Yates saying like, I think it goes without saying you don't want your national security advisor to be compromised by Russia. Like that's a way of saying that without saying we have to, we have to live in a world now where somebody out loud says that, but I think that that's a way it doesn't go without saying you had to say it Sally Yates, but I think she had to phrase it that way and frame it that way in order to not give up the game as it were, or give away confidential information. So you say it that way and you can say what I know and what I believe is that he was compromised, but I haven't, right. I haven't breached any rules. Right. So Roger stone goes on in this next clip. He, he wants to talk a little bit about how he's totally
Starting point is 00:37:39 cool with the firing and then he says some other stuff. The president's made a bold and I think the correct decision. Comey had no interest in the mega crimes by the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity at the slush funds for grifters. And as we both know, it was the vehicle for the facilitation of multi-million dollar bribes. It matters not just uranium, but across the board. Your credibility is shot. You brought up the uranium. Yes. You, whatever other things you're going to say, it's almost not even worth investigating what those things are. Nope. Cause if that's your first example, you haven't done your own research. So I just, I don't, I don't care anymore. I mean, he has done his own research. He just
Starting point is 00:38:25 doesn't care if it's true or not. Right. Cause it serves his decades long anti Clinton boner. Absolutely. I mean, he was involved in like the Vince Foster shit. Yeah. Quite frankly, well, and not just that goes back like 30 years. Yeah. Well, and not just that, it is still that distract from me being under investigation. What about ism? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you, I didn't do anything that the Clintons didn't do. Why are you picking on me? It's because of my association with Trump. And if he can pull that little narrative together, then the army of alt right monstrous morons will fucking go along with it. And they'll say he's unfairly being targeted. And that means that it is an illegitimate investigation. At least it is to them. As we'll
Starting point is 00:39:11 see as this goes on, I think that we're seeing indications that this is the last ditch effort. Because I think the facade is crumbling a little bit and they're doing these things because they need to trick those people. Right. But he goes on to talk about the investigation a little bit and how everybody, no one, no one, no one's involved with Russia, please. Yeah. Mr. Comey seemed to have no interest in those crimes. Wasting his time investigating the non-existent Russian collusion. Again, there is no evidence whatsoever that would hold up in a court of law of any between the Russian and officials in the Trump campaign. Well, I mean, that's fair in as much as there's not public information that would hold up in a court of law. I mean, even, even at this
Starting point is 00:39:57 point, it's, it's almost like a murder trial. What's the, what's the, what is it? What's the name of the circumstantial? What's the circumstantial evidence is so overwhelming. It's hard to really care about physical evidence. Yeah. I mean, you can, uh, you can get convicted for things without a body. Yeah. It's possible. And there are plenty. Look at all the Russian ambassadors who have been murdered. No, those are bodies without punishment. Those are, those are, that's the reverse. Uh, but I mean, you know, if you just keep repeating that this is nothing, it's all lies. It's all fake. Non-existent story. There's no there. It's time for us to move on. Sure. Trump fired Comey just as he asked for more funding, but that's only because that money was going to be wasted on
Starting point is 00:40:44 something we all know is nothing. We don't need no, we don't need to investigate it. If, if this narrative had any legs, right? If the narrative that Alex and Roger are spinning had any legs, instead of pretending that firing Comey had something to do with how he handled the Clinton and Huma Abedin email situation, they would have come out and said, this is bullshit. We're firing him because he wants more money for a fake investigation. It would have been so easy to say that they could have. It would have been so easy. They could have. It would have been awesome. He's not only that, that would have been a great talking point for your Congress lackeys, because then they could have been like, yeah, of course we support it. We're Republicans. We're
Starting point is 00:41:25 trying to cut down on fat on the budget. We're trying to do all this stuff. It's over. He's wasting money. It's bullshit. That was such an easy narrative and they're too dumb to even get that far. Well, because that would be dumb too, because then you're admitting that an investigation into yourself is the primary reason you're shutting it down. You have to lie in some ways, because you don't give a fuck about what Comey did with those emails and didn't care at all, except that they didn't prosecute unfairly. Well, even in his fucking firing letter, he was like, I appreciate that three times you said the investigation into me wasn't important. That's like fucking Peter stuff. Like, you deny me three times before the cock crows,
Starting point is 00:42:06 kind of shit. But it's the reverse. You've denied an investigation into me three times, and now you must hang yourself upside down on the cross. So I like that we know more scripture than Alex Jones, the devout Christian. So this next clip, he knows 12 dimensional scripture. This next clip, we get back to like Comey's real crimes again, which are that he's weird. They're gonna talk a little bit more about how he just was too fucking weird, man. And then I called you last night, you said, Well, you've talked to some of your sources that seem to be right on target. It was that Comey was violating the chain of command was seen as reckless, weird, constantly changing positions. And then he was just seen as overall
Starting point is 00:42:55 kind of soft. And that that's why the attorney general recommended he be removed. My sources said the exact same thing that your sources said that's 100%. I'm flabbergasted. He seemed to be empire building. He didn't seem to be responsive either the Congress or the executive branch. He seemed to believe he was a power unto himself with his own independent power. Only days ago saying, well, well, not so bad. By the way, you noticed that he said he thought it was a joke when he first heard the news yesterday, totally disconnected from reality. Two things. The reason he thought it was a prank is because he found out from the television. And that's a fucked up way to get
Starting point is 00:43:44 fired when you're the FBI director. Second thing. Yeah, it's fine. If you're an NFL coach, fuck you. It gives a shit. The second thing is exactly what you were saying is that there's a reason that they appoint FBI directors for 10 year terms is because it's supposed to be a completely non political position. He is four years into his term, him saying, I'm going to be around for another six years. That is how it should have been. Right. That's really fucked up. It's really fucked up. I'm not, I'm never going to go to bat for the FBI because they murdered Fred Hampton. Sure. Let's never forget that the FBI is an evil organization that has fucked up normal people. Totally. Has done everything it can to run and they are an arm of the regressive
Starting point is 00:44:30 GOP politics. That is largely, that has been true for most of American history. And that's painting with too broad a brush. That's not all of it. No, it's not all of it. But I mean, at the very least Hoover was an out and out GOP hard on fuck face. And you're nailing why a lot of people who don't believe any of this Russia stuff, some of them are pretty reasonable people in their distrust comes from why would I ever believe anything intelligence agencies say they all lie. Right. And that's a position I can kind of understand if you're, if you're going back to the FBI and the CIA has passed, they're fraught with trouble. You know, overthrowing regimes and creating banana republics. Sure. They have done such a great job of that. They did it to us.
Starting point is 00:45:19 That's how good we are at making banana republic is possibly by accident. Maybe not. Who knows? Maybe the globalists are actually the intelligence agents. I mean, it's hard to imagine that the deep state doesn't exist. Right. Not in the way that I think paranoid people believe. No, I there, but there it did. There's, there's a underground deep state. I don't, I think it's hard to imagine that there isn't something there. This podcast going to turn into you and me turning into the lone gunman. What's going on? I don't know, but there is. I don't think so. I wouldn't have thought so six fucking months ago.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Now I don't know anything. It's true. Every, every single thing I thought about, I thought I knew about American politics, civics, the way our constitution works, the way our rule of law works, the separation of powers, all of this stuff is gone. It's all consolidated. The reason that I'm against this idea that you're saying about this underground deep state and what have you is that to me, that's as easy an excuse as global as the globalist. It is just like, oh yeah, throw everything in that box. Oh no, no, no. I'm not saying that they're responsible for all of this stuff. But they would be if they were a secret underground cabal.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But again, I'll never believe that people are that competent. Sure. Especially people that just all the people we have in government now are some of the most incompetent people and it's all across the board. How, how is it that the democratic party could not get themselves elected? Pure incompetence. It has to be. If you, if you read the, the Hillary book, the new one out, I can't remember the name of it, but it is, it is basically just one long treaties of interviews from the Hillary Clinton campaign going over how incompetent it was at every step of the way.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Sure. But I think that, well, look, shattered, shattered, I believe is the name of the book. Obviously, they were dumb to think we've got this, but if I were her, I would too. Yeah. Well, you'd have to. Yeah. You'd have to be like, oh, come on now. This is ridiculous. So she didn't go as hard in the paint as she needed to, but then there were things that went against her. Sure. But there, there were things that went against her too that were outside of her control, such as Comey's letter, such as the Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Right. You know, yeah, but if you can't, can beat the fascist by 20 points, you would hope he probably couldn't have, if it went for Trump and Brexit. Yeah. That's probably true. The only, I think France was saved by our fall to some extent, but anyway, we're spinning our gears here. It's ironic. Still in the middle of considering they will be destroyed by our fall as well. Yeah. Everyone will be exactly. There's going to be a big title wave, but this, this next clip, I've just given a
Starting point is 00:48:21 poetic title to this one. This one is called the stone, Doth protest too much. This has nothing to do with heading off a Russian investigation. Senators Warner, Weinstein, Franken, Congressman Schiff, Spire, Himes. They have nothing, Alex. Nothing. They're holding it in their hands. They got nothing. It's bogus and they're about to be humiliated if they continue down this path. We'll see. You know, It's, there's nothing. It's bogus. They've got it in their hands. There's nothing. They can't fill their hands with any evidence. They can't fill their hands with guns.
Starting point is 00:49:02 There's nothing there. There's nothing there. They're going to be humiliated if they see, if they just keep this going. What they should do is just stop. That's basically, that's basically what he's getting at. Otherwise you'll be in trouble. You don't want to get in trouble. It's a veiled threat in some ways. You know, like you've got nothing. Just fucking give it up. It's like, you know what it is? It's a poker bluff. Exactly. That's exactly what it is. Yeah. And that is the kind of action that you take when your hand is shit.
Starting point is 00:49:28 When you know, oh fuck, I have been communicating with Russian intelligence. Oh no. They have been watching me. Oh no. Just give it up. Cause in the same way that Alex Jones, whenever one of his ex-employees comes out and says some shit about him anonymously, he knows that they can't publicly say anything about it because of confidentiality agreements or in the same way that Roger Stone can lie about being poisoned by polonium and his doctors can't correct it. How? The doctors can't correct it.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I forgot about how he lied about being poisoned by polonium. You can make those lies in the same way that he can say they don't have any evidence because they legally can't present that evidence to the public. So you can trick people and tell that evidence is declassified. Well, and that's, that is one, that's another reason why I can see Stone lying about, lying about Trump talking to him because it wouldn't matter either way. Trump has to deny it. So you can say he's talking to you, however much you want, or even if he is or he isn't, he still has to say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Why? Because if you are talking to Trump and you're Roger Stone and Trump says, yeah, I talk to my buddy Roger Stone all the time, that is basically saying I'm complicit in whatever it is Roger Stone is doing. Is it? So you have to say no. Is it though? How could you talk to Roger Stone?
Starting point is 00:50:55 After he fired Flynn, he was talking about how he's a good man. He's a great man. Didn't do anything wrong. Sad to see him go, but he accidentally lied to the VP. Go to let him go. He's a good man. Yeah. He said that after.
Starting point is 00:51:07 He lied to the VP. Right. About all the stuff that they're investigating him for. He might not have. Wait, he might not have lied to the VP? Pence might have lied. Oh, Pence, Pence is absolutely lying. Or it could be a combo platter.
Starting point is 00:51:22 It could be everyone's lying. Yeah, I mean, it's, yeah. Be that as it may. This is a, this is murder on the Orient Express. We're fucking everybody is doing. We're getting down to some minutia here. Maybe we should take a step back because I think that Alex. Are we getting too deep into the weeds?
Starting point is 00:51:38 We might be. And Alex would like us to look at the big picture. And I think he is the perfect guide to take us there. All right, Roger, in the five minutes we've got left here, I want to look at the big picture. I mean, clearly the Russia thing is completely made up. The Democrats and a lot of the other Republican establishment have been deeply involved with lots of multinational companies
Starting point is 00:51:58 and foreign governments. With Trump, it's surprising how little Russian connections there are knowing he's an international business magnate and you know, real estate mogul. Nope. Un, untrue to a staggering degree. The fact that he's just being so blasé about what is true, the Democrats and the Republicans have been involved
Starting point is 00:52:21 with so many outside business ventures. That seems, that's, that's bad on its own. If everything else was normal, that would be something that we should fucking deal with. I am slightly blasé on that, quite frankly. Okay. Some of that is politics, but being involved with Russian mobsters and getting tons of money from weird shady real estate deals
Starting point is 00:52:46 with people with checkered Russian pests. Like that's not nothing. You know what I mean? The idea that most of his money is lent to him by a Russia connected bank. You know, like, like how Donald Trump's sons told us. Yeah. So in another way, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:05 They can't get loans from American banks and Eric Trump has said on the record, he's quoted by somebody else, but spiritually it matches up with a lot of the investigations that have been done into Trump's finances without the help of his tax returns, that a lot of their lending comes from Russian sources. So the idea that he doesn't have Russian connections, even if it isn't Putin, even if it isn't political, it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah. It's absolute bullshit. Also, the main reason I stopped this clip, so I wanted to warn you that it's going to get really fucked up. I wanted to give you a heads up that it's time to... Mic up, mic down. And the middle. I, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Have a sip of wine and I... Oh, if I spit take, I'm going to break you. I don't think you will. This is going to get really fucked up. And then towards the end, Alex cannot let Roger talk and it's delightful. That said, the Democrats are never going to get off the offense. They're the ones through their surrogates saying,
Starting point is 00:53:59 kill the president, kill us, overthrow everyone. They're at war with us. They're funding the cop killing groups. They're funding all the social distortion garbage. They're a clear and present danger running around inside our country. And so I'm not calling for authoritarianism. They're an authoritarian threat. And so we need the attorney general to go after the Clintons,
Starting point is 00:54:19 to go after Obama, to go after them all. They won a war. They need to get one. I know in my gut, but also historically, if he doesn't go out constitutionally with the right thing to do, and get really aggressive politically, and really start... Is anything even real anymore? Is anything even real?
Starting point is 00:54:36 I told you to have a sip of wine. I don't even know my fucking name. I told you to have a sip. What's happening right now? Greg? Greg? I told you to have a sip of wine. Yeah, like that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Isn't that... This clip isn't done. This isn't nearly done. Nothing means anything. Words don't mean anything anymore. You can just fucking say whatever you want. They're doing what we're doing. We have to do what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:54:57 We need to go on the offense. It's not authoritarianism, but we need to use authoritarianism against them. Exactly! What the fuck? It's insane the disconnect and the inability to see what he's saying. Like the lack of self-reflection in his words are shocking. It's staggering.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Well, again, I think it's because he's super hungover. And Stone is right there, right? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just going along with all of his shit. Well, he's about to sign off on it. Oh, great. Here it comes.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Fucking great. Getting them back on their heels. They're not going to stop. They're going to make stuff up. They're going to dig stuff up. They're going to twist it. And they're going to try to remove the president. Now, am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:55:34 Can he just let them sit there and do this forever? Or should he...? Alex, I think you're absolutely right. I think you're 100% right. Look, we saw how the Democrats politicized Watergate and they used it to undo one of the greatest political landslides in American history. They couldn't...
Starting point is 00:55:50 What the shit? What? He's back defending Watergate now? He's retconning Watergate. Yeah, no. It was the Dems. It was the Dems. It was the Republicans.
Starting point is 00:56:03 It was the... No, it was the Dems. The Republicans turned on Nixon. No. Because they knew that they were going to get voted out. They cannot concede. So this is what... The Democrats were always against Nixon,
Starting point is 00:56:14 but the Republicans were obstructionist about impeachment until midterm started to come up, and that's when they turned on him. Right. Which might end up happening to Trump in less gerrymandering and... Yeah, I don't think they care at this point. No, probably not.
Starting point is 00:56:28 They wouldn't be behaving the way they are. They can't possibly believe that they're not... So now, here's the other... Here's the other hope there, though, is just like these fucks talking right now, pretending all of this shit was true, and just rewriting history, rewriting the present in order to fit their narrative,
Starting point is 00:56:49 it's entirely possible that these true believers in Congress think their constituents all agree with them. And so they are immune to being voted out there. They can't possibly accept that the people who have... That there are people who have voted Republican in the past who will turn against them now. There's a lot of... Now, whether or not they're wrong is a whole different world.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Well, there's a lot of places that vote so solidly Republican that it would be incredibly difficult to get somebody out, but even if they did, then you'd have to primary them because it would be another Republican trying to take their seat as an incumbent, and that's such a hassle that most people wouldn't do it. Right. But like, yeah, it baffles me.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I don't know. I don't know. The fact that they're sitting here and... Like, here, let me be clear. The fact that I forgot that part of this clip was that Roger Stone tries to rewrite watergate crazy. That's fucking bananas. The rest of this is even crazier.
Starting point is 00:57:51 The clip's not done. It's crazier than... Okay. There's two minutes of this clip left. Jesus Christ. Win at the ballot box. So they removed Nixon through this extrajudicial process. It's the same thing here, which is why I say...
Starting point is 00:58:06 It's just regular to this. The majority of the Senate Intelligence Committee need to hold a subpoena. Mr. Podesta, his brother, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, they should be compelled to testify about their gas deal, their backing deal, their uranium deal. Uranium again. You know, they are the people who have been in bed with...
Starting point is 00:58:26 It is not conjecture. It's not a conspiracy theory. These are cold-heart facts. Cut and drive. Or lies. And it's time for the Senate and House Republicans to show a little backbone. Yeah, it's time to...
Starting point is 00:58:39 Well, exactly. They're the ones that have done all this stuff. Get her out of the White House. Get her out of the White House. ...the populism. We get a real president trying to revert power back to the country. That didn't mean you grew every policy,
Starting point is 00:58:46 but he really is being the president right now. All these special interests are pissed. They've involved themselves in corporate international espionage, transferring power to this crony capitalist offshore combine, and they want to go on the offense and call for our deaths, and all this other crap. It's time to go on the offense against these people. Oh, you put your finger on this.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It's about time. It's time for Attorney General Sessions to put a grand jury and send for Hillary. I'm sure he has many, many, many questions for her. That's right, because they're not stopping. They're... They're... Email.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Oh, sorry, go ahead. They're coming after America with everything they've got trying to destroy us, and they're the criminals, then let's let them have it. Sorry, go ahead. We have nothing to lose but running over these people. I could not agree more. It's time for the Republican Party
Starting point is 00:59:30 to take the establishment Republican Party show some backbone. I swear to God, I didn't edit that at all. Twice, within a minute, he interrupts him, says, sorry, go ahead, and then immediately starts ranting. That's... That is a man who is, like, insane. He's a lunatic.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah. He's rude to his friends. Yeah, I don't know. Well, I mean, within the context of his show. So if you can say he and Roger Stone had an hour conversation the night before, I can't believe that he really talks to Roger the same way off air. Probably not.
Starting point is 01:00:11 So if you can... There's a performative aspect, probably. Right, right. You can justify sitting through this. We talk to each other about the same off air as on air. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, just no mics. Maybe more yelling.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yeah, usually you join in the fun. Yeah. No, then I imagine that on air, it's part of the dynamic of the show. When Alex... Yeah, that's possible. When Alex is, like, turning, is ratcheting it up, because, you know, it doesn't matter. It is still a performance.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Even so, I, having listened for the last five months, straight, and I'm dipping back into the archives, I have a thorough investigation I'm engaged in right now that I can't look. I can't... You can't reveal it yet? I can't reveal it yet. But I'm onto something really big. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But... Do not. Do not ask Trump for more resources. Don't do it. I swear to God, he's going to fire you. Next day, I'm fired from this podcast. My cat takes over. Who did I get to replace you?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Rudy Giuliani. So, like, even having listened to hours and hours and hours, like, you guys listening have no fucking idea how much I've listened to this dumbass man talk. I've never heard him interrupt like that. Like, he's been rude-er, but the comedy of... Sorry, go ahead. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Sorry, go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. We have nothing to lose but running over them. I don't understand what that means, Alex. First of all, why are you interrupting somebody to get that out? I don't know. He just came... Just remembered the phrase, I guess.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So, I cut out a ton of the rest of Roger Stone's interview, because, I mean, it's all more or less the same. There's not a ton more... I can't remember if he's still on this next clip or if he's already left, but what happens after Roger Stone leaves is, remember that notorious March 30th episode we did, where Roger Stone was around for a little while, then Alex drunkenly deteriorated into a man talking about selling his car
Starting point is 01:02:20 and the ways you learn. Yes, the most beautiful episode. There is a little... Go back and listen to March 30th one more time to... Just near the end where Alex gets super introspective... And refuses to look at Rob do. Yeah, so weird. There's a little bit of that energy here.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Roger Stone ends up leaving and things go a little weird. They go a little bit weird. We'll get to it. But this next clip, he just expresses how glad he is that Comey's gone and talks more about Hillary's crimes. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. I think I should just open the phones up and play some clips of what's been unfolding. But this really makes me feel good about President Trump,
Starting point is 01:03:01 in that he has fired Comey that stood there while he was under criminal investigation. And Lynch, who sat there with all the WikiLeaks info coming out, how they were coordinating with the White House on the cover up crimes. Nope. The uranium deals to Russia, the sellout of our technology to China. Still not... And the Clintons have been protected by the FBI for decades, from the highest levels committing their crimes.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And then all the WikiLeaks pedophile information. Police department wanted to release what the FBI basically shut down. So you can see there that like his one example is that Loretta Lynch was on a plane with Bill Clinton. Yeah. That's sort of what he keeps going back to, which means he doesn't really know all that much. All you need. The uranium deal brought up again.
Starting point is 01:03:51 And then he says that people were complicit in selling our technology to China. And it's actually kind of interesting because when I was researching the uranium deal, basically what it boils down to is that Hillary Clinton, because she was Secretary of State, all the heads of departments, like all the secretaries essentially in the cabinet, are part of a nine member organization called the Council on Foreign Investment in the United States. And anytime a foreign company tries to buy something that may or may not be relevant to our national security, the deal gets reviewed by the Cepheus.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I believe that's how you say that. I don't know how to pronounce a C and an F right at the beginning of a word. Cepheus, who knows? Who cares? But anyway, this organization... That's actually a really good idea. This organization, so when this uranium company was being bought out by a Russian company, it was something that got reviewed by the Cepheus.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Because it is in our... And Hillary Clinton, as one of the members of this nine member committee, could not have any personal involvement in the outcome of the decision. She couldn't have swayed that decision. And the outcome of the Cepheus is that they make a recommendation and then the president can let the deal go through, or he can put the kibosh on the deal. Gotcha. They don't choose what happens.
Starting point is 01:05:09 So even if she had said, don't let this go through, it's not her choice to make. So the idea that she sold this uranium is number one factually inaccurate, and then logistically inaccurate. But while I was doing the research into that uranium deal, one of the interesting things that I found out was that in 2016, Barack Obama did stop a company from being bought because he felt it was relevant to our national interests. Really? And it had to do with a recommendation that the Cepheus had made.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And it was involving a Chinese company from buying a Dutch company that produced microchips out of concern that they were doing so for nefarious reasons and would have too much of the microchip market. So Alex Jones saying that the liberals and the Democrats are way too interested in letting China have all our technology. There's a concrete example from a year ago of Barack Obama stepping in and being like, well, we've got to be careful about the Chinese consolidation of technology. So literally, not literally meaning figuratively,
Starting point is 01:06:11 literally the liberals, he is decrying for doing a thing. Did the exact opposite thing, which he ostensibly wants. There's a article in the New York, New York Times from February 4th, 2016 that I've linked up in that article about the uranium deal. You can find all the resources there. It's fully documented. It's an absolutely concrete example against what Alex is talking about now. It's in the white paper.
Starting point is 01:06:40 It's in their own white papers. Secondarily, all of that stuff that he's saying about the WikiLeaks means he's never read it because those things aren't in there. Why does he keep, if he brings up the pedophilia thing again, he is referencing PizzaGate, right? He has to be. If he's talking about the WikiLeaks aspect. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:57 There's no other explanation. Well, you could be talking about like, all right, we weren't talking about Comet Ping Pong, but what we were talking about, like Alex brings this up all the time. Right. The idea that Barack Obama got succulent hot dogs. Now, that's, you're adding adjectives in and you're misrepresenting what the actual WikiLeaks say. Right. So you haven't read them.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Someone has told you it's all secondhand. Right. That entire description, again, I don't think Hillary is the best person in the world. She's still a politician. She's complicit in some shit, but at the same time, all of the examples he gives are unnuanced and either lies or just things he doesn't actually understand. It's embarrassing. It's absolutely embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:07:39 It would be if anybody but us was capable of giving a shit. Yeah, I guess so. Everyone who cares has already written off Alex and assumes he's lying. Right. Right. Whereas we engage and actually prove he's lying and it doesn't matter, but thank you to everyone who actually enjoys the show. I think it does.
Starting point is 01:07:59 I think it does matter. Once we get enough listeners, say 45 million listeners a week. That's common. That's right around the corner. Yeah. With all the new policy wonks we keep getting, I imagine 45 million people are about to be on board. Even though Google's trying to delist us.
Starting point is 01:08:17 They are. Yeah. You search knowledge fight and I swear we're like first, I think. Yeah. For now. Yeah. Until we get until we get Chobani money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Homby, hit us up. We like you. We'll pimp yogurt. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Who cares? We'll do an ad. So this next clip.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Chobani yogurt. It's thicker than regular yogurt. It's thicker than the lies coming out of Alex Jones' mouth. So this next clip. The yogurt of policy wonks. This next clip I've done some research into and it's going to be interesting when we come out the other side of it. Donald Trump is restoring our military, restoring our sovereignty,
Starting point is 01:08:58 restoring our economy, restoring our pride. If Russia was our enemy and if Russia was controlling President Trump, they would not be doing any of this. The first thing a Russian compromised operative would do would keep coal banned. They have enough coal for over a thousand years with clean burning systems in the United States, conservatively. There's more coal than natural gas, oil, you name it, can buy. That can't be true.
Starting point is 01:09:32 And when Trump said all that coal is back on the table, it made gas prices in Russia plunge and that's Russia's main export. That's actually not a bad argument. But see, that's if you're actually geopolitically informed. It wasn't to hurt Russia. It's to help the United States. Sorry. So here's why it is a terrible argument.
Starting point is 01:09:52 God damn it. So I don't know. I mean, I just mean logically. From the logical sense, why would you support a thing that goes against Russia's thing? If the premises were true, the argument would be good. So are either premises true? Well, before we get to them, I want to say that I don't really know exactly how much coal there is or natural gas.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Most of the numbers that you can find are speculative. There are a bunch of reserves and there's stuff we know about, but there's unknown unknowns as a word. Things or as we might find later and stuff like that. So we don't know. There could be deep earth coal crystals. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:31 So what we do know is that clean coal is bullshit. Absolute utter nonsense. And we've said that a bunch on the show and I realize I'm getting a little self-conscious. So it's time to fully lay that out. Clean coal as Alex sort of presents it with your obsession with documenting facts. So Alex presents it as like another kind of coal, which is absurd. It's the same. Cole.
Starting point is 01:10:55 The only way that you can. Cole's Cole. Right. But they rationalize that clean coal is coal that's presented differently and you do different things with it and that makes it clean. The biggest version of this and the only one that's really relevant to any national conversation is the idea of carbon capture technology. You're aware of this, but for those of you who aren't, it's a technology that's designed
Starting point is 01:11:18 to collect and dispose of coal plants, carbon dioxide emissions before they escape into the atmosphere because once they get into the atmosphere, they trap heat and cause warming. And they focus up. Yeah. So that according to this article in Bloomberg, that technology may be on the drawing board and in a few small scale demonstration projects, but it's not close to being ready for widespread use at an affordable price. No.
Starting point is 01:11:41 The one U.S. plant that's being designed to use carbon capture now under construction in Kemper County, Mississippi is two years behind schedule and $4 billion over budget. Wow. A similar heavily subsidized project in Saskatchewan has demonstrated that outfitting the world's power stations with the technology could cost upwards of $17 trillion. So basically some of the technology does exist and it has worked somewhat. It doesn't work all that well yet, but it may in the future.
Starting point is 01:12:16 It may eventually. But when it's too late. Right. But at the same time, that $17 trillion number of outfitting all of our coal burning plants with that is substantially higher than all sorts of renewable resources that we can use. Right. And that's why it's a stupid reason to go down the coal path. Well, we got to save like 50 coal miners jobs.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Well, that's the other thing. They're not coming back. No, they're coming back. Mechanization. Coal. Clean coal. Bringing it back. If you look at it, the number of jobs that were lost because of the coal industry going down
Starting point is 01:12:48 is it's not nearly as many jobs as just because of automation. Right. And that's just a reality that's going to be on the table whether we use coal or not. God, how is it? Can you imagine? And if you look at the number of like tourism and retail related jobs that have been lost since Trump got in office compared to the hypothetical gains in the coal industry, it's the coal is nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:10 We're bleeding retail and tourism jobs because people just... Because people don't want to fucking come here. Nope. Hell, if I do. No, absolutely. Hey, so you remember all those, you remember when people used to say, well, I mean, it's not working in a coal mine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Right? Yeah. Because working in a coal mine was bad. Yeah. Because you could die if that canary, if you didn't see the canary die. Right. A lot of people die working in coal mines, right? So imagine if they just stopped subsidizing those coal mining jobs and started subsidizing
Starting point is 01:13:43 renewable energy jobs, those jobs, those people who were working in coal mines. Yeah. Could probably work in a... Solar farms. Yeah, where you wouldn't be murdered by a fucking mine. Now, there's a lot of issues in terms of like wind turbines and stuff like that. They do end up killing a lot of birds. They're not ideal in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah, the canary in the wind farm probably isn't going to go as well. But like solar stuff is... The coal we're getting fired is the canary in the wind farm. That's not bad. That's not bad. Thank you. Sorry. So let's get back to the argument that he's making.
Starting point is 01:14:24 He was making the argument that as soon as Trump said coal is back on the table, Russian gas prices tanked. Did that happen? Well, I am looking at a official graph of the price in rubles of gasoline per liter in Russia. And on January 30th, it was at 38.4 rubles per liter, 38.4. That's right around when Trump was inaugurated. Right. Would you like to know what it was on the 8th of May, 2017?
Starting point is 01:14:54 I sure would. 39.29. It dropped like a milestone. Nope. It went up. It went up? I don't know how rubles work. I feel like it's like golf where the more rubles you have, the less money you have.
Starting point is 01:15:07 It has never gone down since Trump took office. The price of gas has just consistently gone up. Is nothing true? No, nothing is true. And you know what, the thing that's kind of interesting is that the price of gas is trending or has trended downward since, you know, give or take 2014 or so. Well, that's because OPEC is limiting or, or I suppose it's going down and then OPEC is limiting their production or in order to artificially keep it up.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Possibly. Creating scarcity for us. Yes. 01:15:42,920 --> 01:15:43,080 Yeah. And I mean, just globally it's gone down since like mid 2014 or so. Right. But because we're all going to die.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Price of Russian gas has gone up. Nonsense. Nonsense. Just partly nonsense. So he just, he just made that up whole cloth because it sounded reasonable. It sounds great. It sounds super reasonable. In the same way that you said it's a good argument.
Starting point is 01:16:06 I mean, it is a good argument if true. If you don't look for numbers, it is great. It's fantastic. That's a solid argument. Yeah. I mean, the fact that, you know, all the other good stuff that he's done for Russia is still there. Yeah. Kind of means that maybe they, even if it was true, maybe they'd be willing to take that trade-off
Starting point is 01:16:26 of, yeah, we'll give you some coal jobs in order for us to have rampant control of your government. Who knows? It's possible. I would take that trade-off if I was Putin. Sure. So I told you that like without Roger Stone in tow, things kind of spiraled a little bit. Yeah. I mean, we saw just there in the last two clips, he's made arguments that aren't based on any
Starting point is 01:16:47 reality. Right. They feel good to him. He's got to feel good. Yeah. Because this should be the day of celebration for him. This guy has gone down, who was the bane of his existence. He was the FBI director, who was a compromised globalist.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Right. Like this should be big, but he can't. He's still got to hit his greatest hits of complete lie narratives. And it gets so weird. Listen to this. Listen to this. Okay. This is fucked up.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I'm going to. At this point, I really don't have much of a choice. I have seen people go from being totally enthusiastic about Trump to by about 100 days in, we're now a hundred and 11 days in really being disillusioned with president Trump. Yeah. One better example of that is that we were selling probably 500 Trump pints, 20, 20 shirts a day until about day 70. When Trump started to go sideways with that bad healthcare bill.
Starting point is 01:17:43 So, uh, his bellwether is shirt sales. Um, and it's not a terrible bellwether to be honest. No, it's a, it's a, it's actually a really good bellwether for whether or not his listeners are sticking on board with the Trump train. All right. And something that's interesting is if you go to info wars, uh, Trump pints, 2020 shirts retail for $20. $19.95 are on sale for $4.95.
Starting point is 01:18:10 That $4.95 and have been pretty consistently. That cannot be covering costs. So now that's them trying to get rid of a shit ton of shirts. Maybe because the bellwether has come. That's the comedian who still carries around 200 shirts that say the dumbest thing you can think of. Some, uh, punchline from his act from 10 years ago. Yeah, exactly. So like the, the idea that he sells,
Starting point is 01:18:32 I'm going to be doing this joke until I sell all these God damn shirts. The idea that he sells 500 shirts a day or whatever is pretty crazy. Like in terms of quantity and if he was selling them for retail, that'd be a lot of money. What 500 shirts a day, that's 10 grand. Yeah. But if you're selling them, if you're selling them for five, that's two and a half grand. A lot less than 10 grand. A lot less for, for the very least it cuts into your profit margin.
Starting point is 01:19:01 For the amount of work you probably have to do to pimp that product. Yeah. I mean, $2,500 a day. If we were getting it, great. Yeah. But if we had to have a shipping department and make up these shirts, we'd be taking a bath. Yeah. That's less great.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Exactly. I mean, for 2,500 a day, I feel like I would have no problem if it was you and me recording this show for three hours every day and then the rest of the day just fucking folding shirts and putting it into boxes. Listen, I'm not against it. If that's our life, so be it. We're also selling. What we should do.
Starting point is 01:19:37 We're selling Trump pants shirts for 493. Undercut him by two cents. No, we should buy them all up and sell them for 10 bucks. Just sign knowledge fight at the bottom. Scalping this shit. Yeah. Listen, if we ever do get to a point where we can make this a job, I will buy some of his supplements and do a supersize me thing with them.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Oh, really? I will do like a, I'll go to a doctor and use myself as a guinea pig taking super male vitality. Jesus. All that shit. I'll do that. I don't know if I can handle you with much more hair. Jesus Christ. If that is a function of the product, I'm fucked.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Oh, it has to be Robin Williams. It has to be. I'm going to turn into cousin it. So the shirts my man are a symbol of disillusionment. 495 for a shirt. So now he's down to like when things are bad, you know, he's selling much less than that. Oh, that's that's too bad. That's an interesting thought that I think he's right though.
Starting point is 01:20:35 That is a really good bellwether. Well, because if people are because if people are still buying super male vitality, that means they still buy into him. If they aren't buying those shirts, maybe they're still on the, the Trump bandwagon, but they do not want to be advertising that. That's a fair point. That's it. That is a fair point.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Even though the Trump Pence 20. Yeah, you know what? Totally, totally. Cause I was going to make the argument that Trump Pence 2020 shirts have their own life. They don't really know Hillary for Clinton or Hillary for prison shirts do have their own life or ever. They have their own thing because they just can't fucking let that go new. So he, he, he gets into this and then he's, you know, at the end there, he's like,
Starting point is 01:21:14 you know, that healthcare bill that went sideways. Then he starts talking about Julian Assange and how he shouldn't be prosecuted and blah, blah, blah. It just goes on for a bit of like his greatest hits of the things he doesn't like about Trump. He has like those three examples. But then he gets to something that I think you and I are going to be really offended by. And we don't want to end up like that, folks. He's talking about Mexico and how Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Everyone gets shot there, man. It's terrible. Well, war as is a tough place, man. I've been there. It's not great, but he's talking about how like so much violence, drug wars and stuff like that. You do. We don't want to be like Mexico. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:21:55 You saw me like, I saw, you saw the twitch in my eye. I'm like, that's because we have such a demand for drugs. God damn it. That's the drug war for you. We should stop it. Look at Chicago. The only place in this hemisphere more dangerous than Mexico city. Not true.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Chicago. People are fleeing Chicago and mass. The story about that yesterday that was linked up on As two people who live in Chicago, more people are coming to Chicago than are leaving it. We have a net population growth. Also, I don't know if there's a hemisphere shift within the United States. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Is there. So we got, we got hemispheres, right? So you got Mexico in one hemisphere, right? Then you go straight up to Chicago. That's your central hemisphere. But then you've got Canada. That's your northern hemisphere. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Then you got South America. That's your Southern hemisphere. My man. Then you got your China hemisphere and that's China. Then you got Australia, which coincidentally is also part of the South American hemisphere. You don't understand linguistics. Hemmy means half.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Anyway, listen, the United States is all in the same hemisphere. It goes without saying that you don't want your national security advisor compromised by the Russians. In terms of murder rates. Yes. Chicago is eighth in the United States. Yeah. Eighth in the United States after St. Louis coming in at number one
Starting point is 01:23:26 with almost a double murder rate. This is a per, this is like per 100,000 people or whatever. It's not. No, but yeah. It's not total number of murders. But that's how you would evaluate things. Exactly. That's how you compare things.
Starting point is 01:23:40 The number seems incredibly high and it is very, it's way too high. Right. Because there's two and a half million people living here. Right. St. Louis is at number one with 59.3. Number two, Baltimore. Number three, Detroit. Number four, New Orleans.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Number five, Cleveland. Number six, Newark. Number seven, Memphis. Then Chicago. So yet another reason not to live in fucking Cleveland. Or New Jersey. Or New Jersey. So hey, Alex, Chicago's our city.
Starting point is 01:24:05 How about you go fuck yourself? Yeah. Don't, don't shit on my city. Yeah. Especially come, come right with facts. Like if you want to say that the murder rate is too high, we agree. Yeah. We agree.
Starting point is 01:24:16 We could have that conversation. But if you want to say that we're the most dangerous city outside of Mexico City, I also don't think Mexico City is the most dangerous city in Mexico. It is by far the, it's nowhere near. Those border towns are fucked. Yeah. No kidding. Those places are so scary.
Starting point is 01:24:30 The towns with constant conflict between our law enforcement, the multiple cartels sitting around there trying to get around it. Tijuana, Juarez. Also fighting each other. Yeah. Absolutely. They're a disaster. No.
Starting point is 01:24:42 There are, I mean, in Juarez, you can see the, the fucking bodies hung from, uh, interst, like, uh, highways. Thankfully I missed that when I was there. Yeah. No kidding. It was years ago. Jesus. So anyway, he, he, he disparages our city and he can go fuck himself.
Starting point is 01:24:59 But then he gets back to a topic he was touching on a little bit earlier. And he has some more thoughts about it. So again, you're selling 500 shirts a day. It isn't about selling the shirts. It is. It's a bellwether. And then you start selling 30, 40, 50 a day after he starts going sideways. Listen, we need.
Starting point is 01:25:18 They're also selling a Merlot. Winter Patriots. Because in the movie sideway, they loved Merlot. If you don't see Trump isn't moving the ball down the field by light years. If you don't see the enemy is absolutely crapping their drawers. They also sell a bellwether. If you don't see the fact that global corporate crony capitalism is a nightmare system and the Trump's opposing it
Starting point is 01:25:40 and using that system to our advantage now, then you're not paying attention. They also sell a sundial soap bar. But like, do you hear that? Like if you don't see that Trump is secretly doing great things, then you're not paying attention. Absolutely. My man, I'm paying attention and I'm, I'm, I'm ready to see the truth. And it just, your facts aren't there.
Starting point is 01:26:00 You're Alex. That's so it's obviously his facts aren't there. That's not what we're here to. I mean, in all honesty, if you are, if you've listened to this podcast once, you know, Alex Jones is constantly always lying. He's always putting together a false narrative. Yeah. I think our, I think today what I'm seeing is he is not lying.
Starting point is 01:26:25 He is creating a completely alternate universe. This none of- But, but, but, but, but, but it's an alternate universe that all of his lies already existed in. No, well, well- Because it's all that globalist narrative universe. Yeah. But I mean, we're talking parallel universe, like a, a Futurama style,
Starting point is 01:26:45 a flip of the coin kind of situation. Because it's, it's direct, it's direct one to one. This is true. So I'm going to say the opposite. And it's across every single thing. Trump is being investigated. So I'm going to say that Hillary was, it should be investigated. Or they're blocking her investigation.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Yeah, exactly. Even though they're blocking Trump. Yeah. Yeah. Or, you know, Trump is becoming an authoritarian dictator. So I'm going to say that the Democrats are trying to become authoritarian dictators. And he has to usurp some of those moves in order to squelch their authoritarianism. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:27:22 That it is, it is this whole constant thing where you are doing your best to divorce every single listener. You're wrong. From reality. You're wrong though. I'm wrong. I think so. Because I don't mean to be rude.
Starting point is 01:27:35 I apologize. But no, no, no, no, no, no, I get it. I'm the Roger Stone today. I might as well get a tattoo of Hillary's face on my back. Hold on, hold on, I'll let you finish. But like the reason that I think you're wrong is because the parallel universe theory of what he's saying is it's fanciful in some ways. It's he's still trying to skew people who live within this universe.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I don't know if I'm making too fine a distinction or at least in what I think. Because like just because he's lying about what's going on doesn't mean you might be right. There's a point. Take that. There's a point I want to make, but I'm not sure it. It tracks? It's not that it doesn't track. It's I'm not sure how to articulate it and I'm not sure it's that much different than what
Starting point is 01:28:27 you're saying. I don't I don't think you're you're wrong when you say he's trying to convince people who still live in this universe. But it is it is driving people towards it's it's it's priming people for the argument. But don't you understand that that's what propaganda is? No, I do. I do. But this is this is complete. Yeah. This is this is not we're picking on one thing and we're using it.
Starting point is 01:28:49 But honestly, that's no different than a lot of the episodes we've done. He does that. Yeah, that's true. But it's he's a propagandist. I know, but it just seems it just seems total this time. It just seems like he is completely divorced, but that's completely divorced from the reality we live in. But that's because he's not bothering to put any semblance of because you know what
Starting point is 01:29:09 probably happened in that hour long conversation with Roger Stone. This is that's going down. We're fucked. Might as well ramp it up to 11. My sources tell me that we're fucked. Something like I mean, there has to be some awareness that like you can't fire the director of the FBI mid investigation and think nothing is going to happen. I think there is.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Well, the reports from the White House say they were surprised by the backlash. But they're they thought. Yeah. But so is Alex. Sure. So little smart. He's a little smart. So is everybody in the GOP at this point.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Every single human being who says I am a Republican and I support Republican candidates is stupid. I agree. Now, does that mean everybody who says they support Democrats is smart? Fuck no. No, no. Fuck no. But it's not 100 percent.
Starting point is 01:30:03 We are not beholden to any party. No, what my my point being with the complete and utterly different universe, I think he's priming people for the argument to have with somebody who's not there. Oh, yeah. So it is always like, OK, and and this is what he's doing basically by creating this parallel universe. They say this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 So you say instead of engaging with that argument, you say, well, that's not a thing. This is a thing. Me and Phil and Jordan Tyler Snodgrass had a little conversation about exactly that. Like his first time listening to Alex Jones on the show was his his sense of it was this is teaching you to argue with people. This is giving you lines to say, what about this? What about right in order to divert from the main points? I would have known that.
Starting point is 01:30:53 But I fast forward every time replacement Jordan's talk. I would just only listen to you. Boy, I tell you what, our numbers back that up. Any time you're not on the show, plumb it. I've learned my lesson. Anyway, that's not 100 percent true. But I just want to stroke your ego a little bit. That's an Alex Jones fact for you right there.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Listen, every time you're not on Russian gas prices tank. So fine, I quit the show from from this point forward through the rest of the clips we have. There's two polls that Alex Jones is fluctuating between. One of them is rambling insanity. And the other is threats of violence. And it's they don't they don't dump tail together. Not really. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:41 There is some there's a tiny bit of overlap. I'll tell you this. It's mostly rambling insanity. Okay. This next clip that I'm going to play is about the globalists. And it's about like the power structure, I think. But I have specifically titled like the the the wave file that I have here. The mp3 is titled doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:32:07 I listened back to that. That could mean that you did that on purpose or it could mean you forgot what was in the clip. You're just like, that's fine. That applies. I fully remember what's in it. It doesn't make sense. I am going to say this is this is a mic down situation. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Because I think we need to parse this. Oh boy. I want to let this clip play. And then when we get back, I really want to see if you have any idea what he said. All right. I'm going to take some serious notes here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Yeah. Like pretend you're studying for a goddamn midterm. Trump's getting a lot done. That's good. That's why they hate him. That's why I'm supporting him. And this Comey thing is so good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:32:51 And we have to understand that the old Republican leadership most of them are just a bunch of country club people. They were put into power because they're yes men. They're a bunch of lawyers who played ball for 20, 30 years before they even get into Congress. And you look at all those cowards for Republican and Democrat in the Senate and the House. Now the old blue bloods that are in there, they are so scared to death of mainstream media. They think Bill Maher is cool. They think Stephen Colbert is really cool.
Starting point is 01:33:18 They think TV is impressive. They, they think it's a big deal to be on the news and they're all proud to be on CNN and Fox. It's an embarrassment to be on those shows playing along with all that. That's the old world, the old facade rotting decayed. Another big wind blows by. It's going to completely collapse. Much of it has already fallen down.
Starting point is 01:33:40 And so they really are scared when they get home that their wife or their husband will say, I saw you getting bashed on TV or you don't want to get called a Russian agent. When that's the old dying facade, Trump knows it's an old dying facade. It's the corrupt takeover of the last 50 years in this country. It's illegitimate. It's authoritarian. It's anti free market and anti American fundamentally because it wants to mount our head on the wall. It had to struggle for decades to get control.
Starting point is 01:34:13 And it doesn't like real competition. It doesn't like strength. It doesn't like honorable systems. It's a ruling elite that won high tech feudalism. So that's the clip. I saw you scribbling. I love. So I mean, look, I know that it's about a big picture that's about the globalists.
Starting point is 01:34:36 But the way those thoughts connected does not make sense. Okay. Comey good. Comey firing good. Right. Yes. Ghost. And there's no reason why.
Starting point is 01:34:51 No, not given. No, has he has he like the only reason he's given so far is because he wasn't investigating Hillary. And he's weird. And he's weird. He's weird. Right. 01:35:02,840 --> 01:35:05,720 So well, then never mind my question retracted.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Yes. It has been asked and answered. Well, because he's not on the team, basically. I think I think if I'm I'm using some subtext to answer that question. But yeah, we definitely want our we definitely want our law enforcement branch to be completely an utterly subservient to the government like most good democracies. Absolutely. We definitely want them to treat our government as above the rule of law.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Yeah. So that's the best way to go. That's sort of the implied answer to your question. Right. So then we go to old politicians, our country club. But but he starts by saying Republicans and then he brands them yes men and country club people. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:47 But then along with the Democrats, the old the old guard in the same breath includes after the fact the Democrats. He was just shading on the Republicans then brings the Democrats in. Right. Maybe the Democrats aren't country club people, but they're the same ilk. Right. Blue Bloods. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Blue Bloods. Sure. They are they think being on CNN and Fox is good. Yeah. They think Bill Maher is cool. Nobody thinks Bill Maher is cool. I think Bill Maher does. I think that's probably true about it.
Starting point is 01:36:17 That's probably true. Maybe whoever does the programming at HBO is still living in the past. Yeah. When that's actually an embarrassment and old media, if there's a big gust of wind will collapse because old media is anti free market. See now there is where pronoun reference gets weird because he was talking about the like the media and CNN and Bill Maher and all this. And then he says a gust of wind will blow it over.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Right. Then he says it again, which if you don't reframe what you're talking about the it refers to what it most previously referred to. Right. Which would be the media. It is a system that is anti American anti freedom. Right. He's talking about globalism at that point, I think, but he hasn't delineated.
Starting point is 01:37:07 He hasn't made clear what he's talking about. So the rest of it, you could think he was just talking about Colbert. Yeah. But he's not Colbert is anti free market. Colbert wants technological feudalism. That's obvious. That's obvious. How else will the late show remain relevant?
Starting point is 01:37:25 Well, technologically, we need to be advanced because we need cable. Right. We do need that. But sorry, back to your point, but that is an important part of the framework is that he's not being clear. He could be talking just about those old blue bloods instead who are participating in a system that is anti free market and anti American. Sure.
Starting point is 01:37:45 And they are afraid of being called Russian agents because their wives will make fun of them. Sure. They don't want to go home to their wives. No, absolutely. What are you doing? They're going to be like, I heard you were called a Russian agent. And they're going to be like, oh. You cheated on me with Natasha.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Where is Squirtle? Where is Moose and Squirtle? And then and then and then that's that's basically it. That's what he said. That's what he said. Like, what can we glean from that though? What is the point? I don't I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yeah, I think it means I think what he's trying. I think the the overall idea he's trying to get across. We have to use exegesis here. Right. Is that nobody's coming on my show? I think that's really what he's saying right there. They're all still going on CNN and Fox News and none of them are coming on my show. Listen, and they need to know that the old media is dead.
Starting point is 01:38:41 It's time to come on info wars, baby. Listen, I got Eddie Bravo coming in. Yeah, exactly. He'll still come in. I got, I got Jesse James, the alleged Nazi coming in. I got Ted Newton along with Sandra Bullock, alleged Nazi. She doesn't come on the show though. I got Ted Nugent.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Right. Mike Rogestone, Mike Sernovich, Ron Paul, Psobeck. So yeah, that clip was a real mystery to me. And again, I didn't take that out of context. I didn't take anything out from before or after that makes it make sense. I have no idea what he's saying. No, I think all of all of what he's saying is that these guys are going on those shows I'm afraid to be challenged, whereas if they went on his show, they would absolutely not
Starting point is 01:39:27 be challenged. Nobody would be calling them a Russian agent. They would have nothing to fear. And so all that's why they're cowards. That's why they're cowards. It's interesting because there's a high preponderance of people on his show that do have ties to Russia. But they would never be called Russian agents, not on his show.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Alexander Dugan has been a guest. He is absolutely a contemporary of Putin. He is a philosopher. Was he called a Russian agent on Infowars? That's a good point. If none of these people would be called Russian agents if they went on Infowars. Jack Posobiak, as we discussed on the last episode, has some weird ties to Russia. Not called the Russian agent on the show.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Nope, Roger Stone. Nope. Roger Stone, hopefully soon to be jailed, Roger Stone. Also Donald Trump. Yeah, hopefully soon to be hung from the neck in the streets. For treason, not because we started a revolution and then deposed him violently, but because finally we recognize that treason is something that our president shouldn't be allowed to commit.
Starting point is 01:40:32 And so the only way to keep any president from committing treason ever again is to hang Trump in the fucking street on national TV. I want six year olds to watch an old man die. Because that fucker is trying to destroy the world. I don't want him to be hung though because then that butthole that happens in his neck might look like a prolapsed anus if he gets hung. I want it. I want it.
Starting point is 01:41:01 I don't want to see that. Give me Trump's prolapsed anus neck. But let's be clear. What you're talking about is the fruits of treason literally in the Constitution and in our legal codes. Literally within our legal system because that is allowed. But because we're doing an Alex Jones podcast and Alex Jones will not stop talking about how everyone's calling for the death of Trump.
Starting point is 01:41:28 That's not what we're doing. I want to be crystal clear about that. Lest we fall into a trap of Alex Jones's rhetorical bullshit. We are calling for the rule of law to be, I don't know, at all applied, period. He should at least get punched in the balls for the China trade. Oh, so many things. Anyway, I think that you're right mostly about the media being what he's talking about a ton in that last clip.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Yeah. But I know that it's about the globalists, too. Because we get to this next clip and I've titled this clip The Last Temptation of Jones. And that's how the elites are. You have a poetic method. It's charming, real nice. Come on, Alex. We used to be like you.
Starting point is 01:42:14 We used to be Romanics. You're not going to succeed in this crusade. You either be a star or fail. The public wants to tear you apart. They're never going to care about you. They're never going to like you. You can't help them. You just need to join us and hope you can influence things for the better, being part
Starting point is 01:42:34 of the actual elite. And that's the speech you get over and over again. Over and over again. That's the speech you get. Do the right thing to your family, Alex. Just join us. You can trust us. We want to work with you.
Starting point is 01:42:54 So there's two more minutes of this clip left, but I want to be clear already. I don't believe him. No. He's already talking shit. There's a nonsense. I don't understand quite what it is he thinks he means here. I know exactly what he thinks he means. I can answer that one for you.
Starting point is 01:43:14 He thinks or no, he doesn't think what he's saying is that the elites, the globalists have come to him repeatedly in the past and been like, this dumb info wars idea. You're trying to wake people up. That's never going to work. These people are dumb cattle. They're never going to go along. They're never going to figure out our game.
Starting point is 01:43:32 We publicly put in white papers what we are going to do. And you don't even know they don't care. They're stupid. Don't try and save them. Alex, don't do it. So they always come to him and they give him that speech and they're like, we'll give you everything. Just come on.
Starting point is 01:43:46 It's good for your family. Come be a part of this. And Alex is like, no, baby, I'm not into it. I'm too real. Right. So he goes on. He goes on even further, but that is what he's saying. 100%.
Starting point is 01:43:58 And I can say with a 99% certainty that if that conversation ever happened, it was someone fucking with him. It would have to be. I'm almost certain that someone trolled him in the past. Like remember that BuzzFeed article that I put out? Yeah. That Charlie Warsell wrote and I tweeted out? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:19 It starts with a discussion of how he used to have a public access TV show. And there was a guy, I can't remember the guy's name now, but the guy, I think it might have been like Space Hitler or something like that. This guy would just constantly call him and prank call him. He would just fuck with his TV show. Space Hitler. Yeah. And so like, I have to believe that early on we got to find him.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Oh, we got to find space. He's still with us. He might be in space. Argentina. Well, he actually, he, you know, he killed himself in an underground space bunker. Space Argentina. Now that was fake. It's all bullshit.
Starting point is 01:44:53 That was fake. Okay. Yeah. I read it in the white space white papers. So I remember the boys from space Brazil. So like there's, I believe that it's entirely possible that in his early days, when there was sort of like his principles and his beliefs and his back stories of his own making were coming together.
Starting point is 01:45:12 They're being, being formed. I bet someone fucked with him and pretended that they had like deep information or something like that. And they pretended they were deep throat for him. And we're like, we'll give you everything. Just come be a part of it. Right. And then he,
Starting point is 01:45:27 See, I would say what, what I would see in that, what's more likely there. Hold on. Okay. I want to give if that scenario is true. Okay. He probably agreed to it. And then the guy was like, I'm fucking with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:40 But he realized it was such a good narrative device. Right. Decided to repurpose it. I can see that. Yeah. I can see that. That's possible. That I, that I believe.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Here's my, The idea that rich elites have constantly tried to court them, I absolutely refuse to believe. No, no, no, no. I agree with you there. Okay. Here's, here's what I would say. I would say it is more likely that he had some talks with Fox news or one of those radio shows.
Starting point is 01:46:05 I believe that. And they basic, they gave him the, the line. Like if we put you on a national platform, you have to tone some of this shit. Oh, sure. Like just that simple suit. Yeah. Exactly. Just like, Hey, if you start saying shit about Chabani and we get sued for it, we're
Starting point is 01:46:25 going to leave you out there on your own and we're, we're not going to allow this to happen. So that to me is what he would interpret as that exact scenario. That's interesting. Cause that, that is completely reasonable. Yeah. That's possible. Because he, he did, he is popular. And anytime there's something with that kind of support structure in it,
Starting point is 01:46:48 some network will be like, well, let's give this a shot. Let's talk to this guy. Let's set up a meeting. Let's see what's going on. Fox news, especially in the early going with Fox news, whenever they were turning themselves into the right wing propaganda network that they are, they must have been looking at him salivating. I mean, they gave Michael Savage a show.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Yeah, exactly. It was a disaster. Yeah. So like, I, I, I agree. I think that's possible. And I think that's the reason why he's been with Genesis communications for so long. Right. Is that they are basically just a supplement and gold hawking network and they don't give a
Starting point is 01:47:20 shit. Yeah. So long, so long as you sell these supplements. Fuck yeah. And I'm sure there's a piece of it. Say whatever you want. I'm sure there's a piece of his contract too that is we're not responsible for whatever you say.
Starting point is 01:47:29 Oh, of course. You take full responsibility for this. And if there wasn't at the beginning, oh, there sure was the last time they were. GCN sure as shit isn't going down for the Chobani stuff. No. Alex and info wars are on the hook for that. Anyway, he says a lot more about his temptations as it were. And it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Punk girls, the cheerleaders, the whole thing. Even a lot of our talented people don't get the whole thing. We could really use somebody like you. And you're supposed to go, oh, really? I can fly around on the private helicopters and jets. I can, he'll be part of this whole system. And then I could be a vampire culturally and play along with the deception and wage war against my own species.
Starting point is 01:48:17 You know what? No, thank you. Very polite. And now here we are. More than 18 years after I refused the first buy off. Thanks. No, thanks. And you could see we changed the world together and we're making it a better place.
Starting point is 01:48:37 And we're turning the corner because we believe in humanity. We believe in justice. We believe in prosperity. We believe in God. We don't believe in evil. We don't use evil systems just because it can advance us. Yes, you do. Physically, monetarily, temporarily.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Yes. Temporarily means time. We don't use time travel. What is he talking about? No, no, no. So we don't buy into those evil systems that make us stronger physically. Like some sort of super male vitality. We don't participate in systems that make us richer monetarily.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Like supplements we sell, like super male vitality. For absurd markups. We don't participate in things that advance us temporarily. Like supplements that make you feel like time is going super fast. Maybe he's talking about tempura. Temporally? Like the batter. That's some good stuff.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Anyway, sorry. Give me some deep fried carrots and shrimp and I'm good to go. I cut it slightly the wrong part. Here we go. Use that power, the ring. The one ring. The rings of power is an archetype. You use evil technology.
Starting point is 01:49:51 You use systems of deception. The knowledge of evil. Nine rings made for men doomed to die. It poisons the world and poisons you. And then you don't even recognize why you get more and more evil once you give into it. And it's because it's a virus in your soul. And it's slowly taking you over until one day you never wake up. And something else is running you.
Starting point is 01:50:13 And now you've given over your psyche, your soul. It's like a brain transplant has been put into your body and you're dead. He's literally just golluming. Yeah. So insane. Look, all right, man. You can't. He can't really go on that long of a tangent without somehow finding one of his touchstones
Starting point is 01:50:35 that is a pop culture thing. Right. Like he can't not reference a movie or a book or something like that. The metaphor is thin in his language. You know, the metaphor is non-existent. Yeah. But you know what? I mean, we don't know these people.
Starting point is 01:50:51 These globalists who have had their lives ruined by the metaphorical rings of the world. And you know what? Alex may be know a bunch more than us because he has met these people and he has some thoughts about them. Does he have sources? Listen, he's not going to tell you who they are. They're Donald Trump's son, but he's not going to tell you who they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:09 He's met some of these dudes and he wants to tell you about them. And it also is eventually going to get into Satan. Oh, good. I had been around billionaires globalist sellouts the system. And they're like scared robots. They're just like crazed, weird, fumbling morons. Crazed, weird, fumbling. And then there are people
Starting point is 01:51:35 who are in the system but still have a soul and they're totally freaked out and scared. And the systems there to intimidate them, try to take their money away, try to destroy them, go after their families. If they dare stick their head up. And Hollywood's the worst model of control and all the beautiful people that go there to be somebody. And Hollywood didn't make them somebody. Hollywood stole their greatness and then created a fiction around it.
Starting point is 01:52:00 No one bought your script, Alex Jones. See, it's 5050. No one put you in movies, Alex Jones. It's 5050 that and he just listened to Candle and the Wind. It's one of the two. Goodbye, Norma Jean. It's like, it's one kind of, why would you, okay. All the purpose had to say was that Alex Jones was found in the nude.
Starting point is 01:52:25 So, so the obvious thing. He's praying Bernie Toppin makes a third version about him when he dies. Right. Well, the obvious reason you would go after, you know, Hollywood is because that's the touchstone that your listener base is like, they don't represent our values and I don't like being told by Hollywood's liberal Hollywood. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:49 You know, the, I hate being told by those liberal elite out of work actors, what to feel and think, but then there's the added bonus. It did also sound very personal though. He's petty, but like there is also the added bonus of the, the perceptions of MK ultra type stuff. Right. And the like all these people in Hollywood are just brain controlled and sex slaves and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Yeah. We should, we should put together a list and put all of the people who might be globalist onto that list. Oh, I like this. And we should, we should, I think we'll call it a purple list. Oh, all right. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 01:53:23 We don't want to, we don't want to invite associations with the old list. Purple list was the, you know, purple is the, uh, king, uh, color of royalty in many cultures. It was the most, uh, expensive dye back in the day because they're very, very complicated color. Yeah. That's why we had slaves. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:53:39 All right. This isn't done when they could have gone out in the world and built whole new systems like Hollywood, but they had stolen from them. But the devil convinces you, you can sell your soul. You can't sell your soul. You can convince yourself, you sold your soul like the Faustian deal, but never know you could get out of it at any time. The devil doesn't give you any of this.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Wait, wait, I don't, I don't, I don't get what's first of all so funny. That made total sense. You can't, you can't sell your soul. No. You can make yourself think you've sold your soul. Sure. But the devil can't give you any of this. So I mean, like, what, then why sell your soul?
Starting point is 01:54:33 It's almost like the devil isn't real. It is very similar. It's very much like that. Alex Jones is like, he's legitimately maybe four steps away from atheism. That's fucking off the rails. He's two steps away from believing in crystals. I don't think he'll ever get to atheism. I think he will eventually be like, you know, these deep earth crystals,
Starting point is 01:54:57 it turns out if you hold one in your hand, your wishes come true. He's not two steps away from that. He's one sponsor away from that. And if any crystal shop was like, hey, Alex, I'll give you a hundred bucks. Just fucking tell them that you like bees oars. He's like, I'm in. I don't even know if that's a crystal. Uh, no, a bees ore is actually something that comes from the stomach.
Starting point is 01:55:19 It's like hair and all that shit. It grows in there. And then if it comes out whole, it heals diseases. It's like a panacea. It heals everything. I meant agatite. That is a much, you could have just stopped it agate. But so he was like, uh, you know, he's talking about Satan and, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:39 oh, this is satanic. And then you make a deal with Satan, but you can't sell your soul. You just pretend you sell your soul. But hasn't he already said that all of these people have sold their souls and they are satanic and they worship Satan. And because of that worship, they get their power. Right. Bingo.
Starting point is 01:55:55 So we're so nothing, nothing, nothing is real. Nothing is real. But here's, here's where that sort of dovetails into Alex Jones. Like one of the things you can trick yourself into believing you made this Faustian bargain, but you didn't because you can never know if you did. Right. And you can never know if you can get back out of it. That's all, it's not real.
Starting point is 01:56:19 But the other thing is that like legitimately this highlights for me the idea that Alex Jones has no coherent philosophy. He has no intrinsic set of principles in the same way that two episodes back, we were talking about him like in his marathon. He legitimately said Trump was the butt boy of a bunch of different people. Yeah. He was talking about how Trump had lost it. And Trump was the butt boy of the military industrial complex.
Starting point is 01:56:49 Right. He wasn't saying that as a thought experiment. He was saying, well, Trump's gone. That sort of thing. Right. Now he's back on his bullshit. Yeah. It's super odd that his Trump Pence 2020 shirts have not been selling as well after
Starting point is 01:57:03 he called him a butt boy. Yeah. Three days later, his trust in Trump has risen from the dead. Can we get more references to Trump as a butt boy? No, that's not our purview. Listen Donald butt boy, Trump. It's implied. We don't need to go through it.
Starting point is 01:57:17 But like you understand what I'm not taking him out of context. He said it. It's true. But you understand what I'm saying. Like yes, you waivers this crazy line with Trump. He's wavering this cut. Like I don't even know exactly what he believes about Satan or demons or any of that stuff. He just brings it up a lot.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Yeah. There's no consistent through line between like what is your cosmology about demons? What are they? Right. Because if he ever was nailed down on it. Well, but he believes in literal vampires. Well, maybe not literal vampires, spiritual vampires who have all of the same. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:56 And he does say they drink the blood. Because the adrenochrome. Jesus Christ. Yeah, adrenochrome. Yeah, which isn't a real thing. It's Hunter S. Thompson. Oh boy. So yeah, he does.
Starting point is 01:58:06 He does believe all that. I don't know. I don't know. So I don't think here is what I would say if I was going to kind of like try and boil down into a kind of like quintessence of what his belief system is. Good fucking luck. It is whatever the fuck he feels like at any given point in time. Oh, totally.
Starting point is 01:58:31 Totally. But then also it's guns. You know what? That's a conversation that we did have off air where it's like. No, it was on air. Oh, was it on air? The only thing that he can't go back on is the guns. The only thing he can't go back on is guns.
Starting point is 01:58:43 And I think that's true. But that's why he's never nailed down on exactly what he believes about these various topics. Like he never is specific about who globalists are. He never actually cites documents in the way that I have told you on this episode, the specific place where I have found a bunch of information about clean coal not being real. You can go find that. I have specifically told you where the document is that backs up my claim that President Obama vetoed a sale of a company that was trying to sell microchips to China.
Starting point is 01:59:22 All of that stuff is concrete. All Alex Jones ever says is blah, blah, blah. The white papers. I've read their books. The globalist books. Right. Like all that stuff. I mean, if you get nailed down to a fact, you're no longer slippery.
Starting point is 01:59:35 And I think that he could not exist in that environment. So so here's here's a bottle to that relates to demons. And that relates also to his position on Trump. Right. It's even fucked up that that is negotiable to him to some extent. Anyway, sorry. Go ahead. Um, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:59:53 I can't even improvise. I just have to say blah, blah, blah, blah. Sorry. Go ahead. No, God damn it. This time for real. Fooled again. And I won't get fooled again.
Starting point is 02:00:07 So so my rebuttal on that is he does have through lines though. Sure. So he does have touchstones. Now, if I was going to most of its bigotry, though, well, that's that's actually just what I was thinking. Like, you know how most of the through lines, if you take the individual details away from it or antisemitism, distrust of minorities, anti Muslim, cultural fears, transphobia.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Absolutely. But then it all relates back to globalists, like which again goes back to antisemitism, but it's, but it's an and with the globalists, there's such a nebulous, non-existent, uh, negative force that you can describe any problem to them. Sure. Like, uh, your gas went up globalist. Totally. Gas went down.
Starting point is 02:01:00 It's because Trump is fighting the globalist. Yep. Like any number of different things that are negative. It's kind of your cold, your cold job. Yeah. It's a genius thing on some level. Yeah. In, in our respect, we're, we're kind of ham, uh, we're, we're kind of locked in to
Starting point is 02:01:15 the fact that we have to fight against a real person. I like it better. Which is why you have to do work. I like it better that way though, because when he says these things about, let's say, for example, Hillary selling the uranium to the Russians, I can look at him and I can say, no, you know, like, I know that. I know that. I, I can document that.
Starting point is 02:01:36 I know the, the facts of the case. You know, it's interesting. If, if we switched positions, I think it would be much more similar to the Alex Jones show where I have just read like a whole bunch of shit and I don't quite have it all locked into my brain, like linear. Yeah. So I just start telling you things as like, I would play an Alex Jones clip and I wouldn't research it on, but like, yeah, I heard in the Washington post that they, that this was wrong.
Starting point is 02:02:03 And also fuck this. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's possible. But then I would be the worst. I would be the worst informed guest because I'm like, what are you talking about? That would be an interesting one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:14 Maybe donate to the show and we'll do that. We won't. Please don't. But anyway, hey, I'll tell you what, um, Alex wants to talk more about the devil. The devil was put in there in front of that like a gatekeeper that you've got to make it through instead of interfacing with the devil, this whole system and having your destiny stolen from you. I'm going to go to break.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Come back. I'm going to start taking your phone calls and a bunch of clips to get to as well. If listeners will just commit to spreading the articles, the videos, every day to friends and family and neighbors and community and strangers or just tell people about the local stations you're listening to or send in a hundred dollars to the other stations you're listening to or support your sponsors. My co-sponsor will be in the face of the enemy's attacks. If you'll just commit to sign up for auto ship and info wars for high quality
Starting point is 02:03:01 fluoride free I nine slash loyal silver toothpaste, super blue back in stock. That goes on for like another three minutes, but like, uh, I snuck an ad in on you. He was talking about the devil fairly passionately. You don't want to get your destiny stolen from you. So what you got to do, give a hundred bucks to your local station, uh, make sure they keep carrying us. Give us, uh, you know, buy some super blue. Otherwise the devil's going to get you.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Also, I looked into it. He does have an affiliate in Chicago, but it's suburbs. He has a suburb affiliate. So not technically in Chicago, the actual broadcast strength of it barely reaches to the city. So, I mean, maybe you could get a bad version of Alex Jones on the actual radio in Chicago, but the idea that he says that he has, I'm actually, I'm engaged in some research. It's very difficult to do because he is not lying.
Starting point is 02:03:52 He doesn't have a list of his current affiliates. No, of course not. I looked into the code on the website. That's right. That's right. I did. Holy shit. So you gotta find you a girlfriend.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Genesis communications network has a list of affiliates that broadcast the Alex Jones show and that's something we discussed on our fourth episode. Yes. Uh, I looked into the code on that website because I was like, when's the last time this has been updated? Okay. And I found in the code last time it was updated was 2015. Really?
Starting point is 02:04:22 Yeah. So that's not good. No. So the number is actually off. So I think I've started to engage in a little bit of research going through the top radio markets and trying to find out where the actual radio stations are because you can find it. Every radio station has a website and they have their schedules on it. Right.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Of course. It just is kind of a complicated process of figuring out the stations in each city. Yeah. And it takes forever. And so I started with Chicago and I found that the station that supposedly caters to Chicago, the third largest radio market in the United States is based out of the suburbs and barely gets to the city. Right.
Starting point is 02:04:57 So that is even a lie. Like even that is a lie, but I'm excited. His listeners have to all be rural basically. Rural or bourbon. Rural. Rural or bourbon. Like the rural juror. Those, uh, those suburban.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Yes. Uh, but, uh, yeah, I, I, I, I'm excited to give you the results of that investigation as it comes. Oh, also I started an email address, uh, that I, the only thing I've done with this email address is I've signed up for the info wars newsletter because I want to see if they sell my information and I start getting spam. Right. And something that's kind of interesting. It's been about like three weeks since I signed up for it.
Starting point is 02:05:37 Nothing. I've gotten nothing except from Alex Jones. Really? Yeah. But the first. So this is really just a true believer kind of mail list. But the first thing that I got from Alex Jones is an automated message.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Your info wars newsletter subscription and free ebook has arrived. Free ebook. Now this is something that he doesn't sell. This is something you can only get if you're automatically get. You don't know you're getting it, but if you sign up for the email list, you get it. You know what it's called? The keys to survival. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:20 All right. I'll read you the description of it. Okay. You download this free PDF. One need only take a mere glance at the day's financial and political headlines to see historic events unfolding all around us. True. Regardless of political affiliation, more and more people across the globe are beginning
Starting point is 02:06:36 to question not only their own futures, but the futures of their friends and family as well. True. In light of these uncertain times, info wars has reached out to numerous experts in the fields of finance, health and more to bring you the info warriors, exclusive information for preparing for potential disaster. He immediately sends you a doomsday prep ebook. Yeah. And I have you read it.
Starting point is 02:06:58 I haven't yet, but I'm certain most of it has to do with selling his food. Like his survival food. You think so? Oh yeah. I'm positive that's an ad. Okay. But anyway, I digress. God, I, how cool, well, not cool.
Starting point is 02:07:12 How, uh, how ironic would it be if that was the blueprint for surviving in the coming apocalypse? Like if you read it and you're like, this is good advice, this is good advice. And then you start taking all of it and then you survive because of that. And I'm sitting over here like, Alex Jones is silly. There's no reason there, but it does feel like the world is coming to an end. Sure. That part, the premise isn't that flawed, but the argument is again, we're back to that like premise argument description. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Well, I mean, if you really want like stock up on survival food, that's all I'm saying. Dude, if you want to talk about how like maybe Alex is right, I posit this next clip as evidence that you should shut your goddamn mouth because this is like, I know that we've talked about chimeras and what have you with their sad human eyes, the fish people. Yes. This is kind of weirder. We're not in Kansas anymore. We're in the year 2017.
Starting point is 02:08:20 The globalist technology 2050. They already believe they have sentient AI computers. Let's just say they're good enough to fool top engineers. But doesn't matter if they don't have a soul or aren't conscious because they're wired into billions of people's actions every day, and they could build algorithms to track everything you do and predict what you're going to do before you even know it. That is true. The end of free will, total digital enslavement.
Starting point is 02:08:58 The de-evolution of man. And they're getting us ready for it saying no mothers and no fathers. No family unit. Is that how they're doing it? No, just take drugs and watch TV and just bliss out. So, so first of all, no one's saying no fathers and no mothers. The idea, because that goes back to a lot of his like trans arguments and stuff like that. Right.
Starting point is 02:09:21 No one is saying that. No, no one's saying that just because some people have differing identities, it doesn't mean that mothers and fathers are bad. There's nothing to do with that. The only time that I've ever heard any concrete examples of that is times when there are like people talking about divorced parents, like single parents, the idea that implying that someone has a dad when they might not have a dad. You have a single mom like, oh, you know, where's your dad?
Starting point is 02:09:47 That could be hurtful to somebody in as much as they have an absentee father. Right. Now, if you want to, if that is his argument, there's a kernel of something we can go from there. I guess. But the idea of like, you know, trans identities and differing gender, non-binary stuff as being like no mothers, no fathers, no families. Right.
Starting point is 02:10:10 Incredibly stupid. No. Incredibly stupid. Well, the thing about him is he's not wrong about the AI trying to predict what you do. Shut up. Now, I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why. It's not important.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Because of the Mercer family. That is, that is Cambridge Analytica. That is what they're trying to do. That is Jared Kushner. That is Steve Bannon. That is exactly what they're trying to do. There's more Steve Bannon than Kushner. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:10:35 It's the Mercer. Yeah, but yeah, he, he, Bannon is deeply involved with the Mercer. Oh, absolutely. So, but, but yeah. Frankly fucking everybody is deeply involved. We shouldn't be talking about Cambridge Analytica. We don't want any of that nonsense. They are fucked up.
Starting point is 02:10:51 They are insane. So, this, this clip isn't nearly done and it gets way worse. Okay. And your journey towards species extinction will be complete. Very selfish move. And the people running the planet are creating new species as fast as they can every few hours. Guys, killing the human race. Dick move.
Starting point is 02:11:19 A new species, a new species of virus, a new species of bacteria, a new species of animal slash plant slash insectoid slash silicon. It's already here. Synthetic nanotech humanoids. Yeah, the robot cats were back in the 60s. The robot rats were in the 80s. The robot roaches in the 70s. Yon robots now boys and girls.
Starting point is 02:11:49 Why do they start with cats? I don't know. Why would you start with cats and then go to roaches? Literally. Everybody knows the progression goes. Starts with roaches and then moves to cats. Literally what he's talking about is that's Russian spying stuff. Like they were trying to spy on the Russians by putting a microphone in a cat.
Starting point is 02:12:07 Right. That's not a robot cat. Like Ant-Man. That's not a robot cat. That's robot cats have been here since the 60s. Everybody knows this. It's not a robot. Everybody knows it.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Wait, so they're trying to develop a new species. No, no, no. They are. They've already. No, no. They're developing new species every hour. New species of viruses, bacteria, animal slash plant slash insectoids. With silicon.
Starting point is 02:12:36 With silicon. Slash silicon. Do you know how you're going to protect yourself against silicon? I don't know. Deep earth crystals. Got to be. It's got to be. It's got to be that deep earth iodine.
Starting point is 02:12:47 So I don't know if you remember this, Jordan. Do I remember it? But about an hour ago or so in the broadcast, Alex Jones said he was going to open up the phones. Yes, I do remember that. He hasn't. But now he's about to. Okay. Are we going to get some calls?
Starting point is 02:13:03 No, they all stink. All the calls stink. But he's going to open up the phones and then he sort of goes on a mini tangent. I want to go to Robert, Beth, Ben, Adam, Harry, with all of you. I thought that was one guy. He doesn't. I want to go to Robert. Why is this broadcast so hated?
Starting point is 02:13:22 It's the same reason Trump's hated. Because it lies. Because we believe in human empowerment. We believe in free market. We believe in open societies. He's really hitting the desk card there. But you nailed it under your breath there. It's because both of you lie all the time.
Starting point is 02:13:39 All the fucking time. And in ways that are easily documentable. Yeah. And I don't know, I think it's incredibly frustrating because it gets to a certain point where you hear someone lie enough without consequences and you start to realize that the things that they're saying aren't really supposed to be believed. It doesn't matter if you believe it. It's just the act of saying it that's important.
Starting point is 02:14:03 And that's really fucked up. I think the main. I'm talking about Alex and Trump right now. No, no, no. Here's what I would say. Because this is a conversation that I had with a family member. When we were talking about, I think it was climate change where they're like, how do you know that's true?
Starting point is 02:14:24 And I was like, well, because there's all this research peer reviewed 97% of scientists agree. Tons of experiments that are repeatable. How do you know they're not lying to you? Well, because that's how we establish objective fact. No, no, no, no, no. Because the experiments are repeatable. Well, not just that. Like, how do I know?
Starting point is 02:14:46 Because, hey, what if there's a giant conspiracy? What if there's a giant conspiracy trying to do that, right? To be fair, you play that game with me sometimes. No, I do. But here's how I know. Because my fucking phone works. That's it. How do you know they're not lying to you?
Starting point is 02:15:04 Because every time you make a fucking phone call, the call is routed to a satellite. The satellite has to account for the fact that it's traveling at a different speed than you are. So that means that because of that time dilation, we know for a fact that he does equal MC squared. We know the theory of relativity is true because it has to account for that. Otherwise it won't work. You're, you're the clock on your phone because it is right means that Einstein was right.
Starting point is 02:15:35 So whether or not you want to pull this research bullshit, here's how you know things are true. Jordan. Because they work. Because they work. They function. There's a demon in your phone and it's tricking you. If you, if you don't believe in climate change,
Starting point is 02:15:50 then get rid of your phone because then, because it doesn't work for you. I have really bad news. The same math. The same math. You know how, Dan, you know how you've never been walking around and been like, oh shit, who turned the math off? I was trying to tip 20% and all I just kept writing was 404 not found.
Starting point is 02:16:10 To be fair, that has happened when I've been drunk. When I'm in the bar, fair enough, fair enough. All right. Someone did turn the math off the other night when we were out at the whip. That's true. I might have over tipped. We crazy. That's entirely possible.
Starting point is 02:16:21 But be that as it may. Oh, this is the bad news. I cut this out entirely, but about 35 minutes of the show, Alex interviews a climate denier. God fucking damn it, Dan. Yeah. Apparently, uh, Al Gore, what? Andy Baxter's climate deniers.
Starting point is 02:16:41 What else do you want me to be angry about, Dan? That's why I cut it out. What do you hate me for? That's why I cut it out. I don't want you just blowing a gasket. But they apparently, uh, Al Gore has a new documentary out, a sequel to, uh, inconvenient truth. Right.
Starting point is 02:16:56 And Alex is furious about it and he interviews a climate denier. Of course. Alex is furious about it. And it's really not worth breaking down, but cause it's especially cause it's outside of this narrative. It's outside of the Comey stuff. Right. It's outside of this rambling globalist.
Starting point is 02:17:12 Why would you pick now to, other than again, other than those bright shiny keys over here? Look at these keys. Look at these keys over here. I'm jangling these keys. Don't pay attention to our corrupt, uh, felony committing president. It's exactly the same reason that on the day of the shooting in Charleston, we may never cover this episode.
Starting point is 02:17:32 I'm not entirely sure, but I just listened to it. The day of that shooting. Alex Jones spent, I would say an hour of the show, interviewing a lady who kept goats in her house. And the city council said, ma'am, you cannot keep goats in your house. He interviewed her for an hour. This is a state's rights issue. Well, no.
Starting point is 02:17:58 I can keep guns and goats in my house and I don't need a background check. Her argument was that because of a genetic issue, she had to have a mastectomy when she was very young and she couldn't make breast milk and she didn't trust a formula. So she needed goats in order to make the milk because buying goat milk, uh, I don't trust the sources that they come from. All right. It's all nonsense.
Starting point is 02:18:22 I'm on, I'm on climate change aside. So she, I have, I have no, I'm on climate change aside. I want the earth to wipe us out. Keep in mind that this is the day, uh, uh, that, uh, that guy went into a black church and shot a bunch of people. I don't know why you would need to cover that. Also keep in mind it's the day after I forgot about this confluence of events. That's the day after Trump announced his candidacy.
Starting point is 02:18:49 Jesus fucking Christ. So those two things happened within that 24 hours and Alex spends his entire show talking to goat lady who has a website. I'm pro so you, you ask, Jordan, Jordan, you ask, why is he spending this time on his show? The day, the day that Comey is fired the day after that. Why is he spending an hour of it rambling about globalists
Starting point is 02:19:22 and saying, I've been tempted. They make offers that has nothing to do with Comey being fired or the Russia investigation. You don't have any facts. Right. And then he gets into the, and I'll be honest, the interview with the climate denier, if you take the climate denial out of it,
Starting point is 02:19:37 was a spirited interview. The guy was kind of fun. I, he's wrong about everything, right? But he has a decent personality. Well, that's, that's more than can be said for so many other people that everyone except Rappaport. Yeah. Hashtag Rappaport still lives.
Starting point is 02:19:54 If you're still listening, shout out to everybody who has tweeted that at us way more than I expected. So we, we got one more clip from the Rappaport to the Rappafloor. By the way, our sign off is no longer where policy wonks. What is it? No, it's Rappaport still lives. There's no doubt about it. Done.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Fuck that noise. All right. Done with this. We're, we're done with policy wonks. Yeah. Now, since all of our listeners now who donate our policy wonks, that can't be how we signed off. We have to sign off with Rappaport still lives.
Starting point is 02:20:26 We have to raise our glasses. It's ceremonious fashion. Rappaport still lives. And then we, uh, waterfall our wine. That's a really bad idea. Our episode whenever, uh, Rappaport dies is going to be about climate change. We're not going to cover it all. Let me be honest.
Starting point is 02:20:42 If, and I'm saying it if, not when. If. If Rappaport does die. If? Yeah. If. Oh, that's right. We have perhaps established that he is Gandalf and will.
Starting point is 02:20:52 Or might be a vampire. Or might be a vampire. I've never seen him in a mirror. Nope. Anyway, if he dies. Or he might be a Dorian gray type thing. And that's what the picture is. If he is, he is the picture.
Starting point is 02:21:03 That's true. That's true. Imagine what the picture. I can't tell if the picture is a young version of him. I don't know. Uh, but it's the young version he trapped with a magic spell. Which is counterintuitive. No, it's a bad idea.
Starting point is 02:21:18 If he dies. Yes. I will be fucking furious if I'm not asked to give a speech. If I'm not invited to the memorial. There is nobody in the United goddamn States of America outside of Alex Jones that cares about him in the same way that I do. Now I hate him. Right.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Right. I think he's wrong about everything. Right. Right. But I want to hug him. If he dies. I think it's just because we both have cross eyes. That picture is not kept there as a perfect shrine
Starting point is 02:21:53 to what Rappaport means to all of us. That's the greatest conflict of my life is like, is it tribute to him hanging up that picture finally once he's gone? Or spear tackling anybody who tries to put it up like, like on constant vigil. The rest of my life is standing at a three point stance. Just like, I dare you. Like the two of the unknown soldiers.
Starting point is 02:22:17 There should always be an eternal flame right now. The flame of the Vestal Virgins. Yeah. So fuck all this noise. Rappaport will die and I won't speak at his funeral. Never. But we have one more clip and this one is where like, I know we, we didn't make this clear,
Starting point is 02:22:34 but we drank a bottle of wine called irony. Yes. It's, it's a irony vineyards. Right. And it's only appropriate because this is kind of an ironic episode. Pretty much. Alex Jones in his attempts to tar and feather Comey and make light of the Russia investigation is really showing
Starting point is 02:22:55 his cards that he has no facts on his side. He only has insinuations, lies, fake stories on his side. He has nothing to back him up. And not only that. He's ironically, he's failing in his defense. Right. Well, and by, by his denials, he is actually directly pointing to why they're being investigated.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Exactly. You know, they should be. That's the irony. They should be investigate investigating Hillary for this. Instead, they're investigating Trump for the same thing. Or way worse. Or way worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:29 So it's always like, here is what they should be doing. And it's the same thing they should be doing here. It's never, it's always a complete parallel. It's never like, also I love the fact, I love the fact that there are no new boogeymen for them. There's only Soros. There's only, there's only Hillary. Like that's their, that's their constant fight.
Starting point is 02:23:51 Well, yeah. But that's, that's what Hillary is a tool of Soros. So their, their fight, their constant fight is distracting from the fact that they can actually get anything accomplished really, you know, other than turning this into an authoritarian government that has no respect for the rule of law. And that is constantly trying to flout it at every possible example is directly compromised by a Russian agents is absolutely cowardly and incapable of protecting our fucking goddamn country from the fact that all of this shit is destroying democracy in America,
Starting point is 02:24:26 all because they just want to get fucking tax cuts. This is all for tax cuts. But not the entire GOP, but not willing to destroy democracy so we can get a 20% lower marginal tax cut. You're talking about the real world. That's not Alex. Oh, right. Alex doesn't care about that that much.
Starting point is 02:24:48 That's true. His motivations are his insanity. Right. That's what's crazy about it. Like I understand. I need to, I need to leave the real world at the door. I understand the like the tax cut motivation way more than I understand Alex's globalist narrative.
Starting point is 02:25:07 That's true. I've been studying and trying to pay attention to Alex's globalist narrative and as best I can tell it's baloney, but let's get back to the center. The irony is what we've, that's right. That's what we were talking about. Irony is what we've already laid out, but I want to introduce a further irony. Okay. And this clip, Alex Jones loses it a little bit and expresses overt racism, overt hatred,
Starting point is 02:25:37 and really shows that they've got nothing. His side has nothing. This is what they have right here. This is it. This is it. This clip is it. I've had my cruise in Ferguson and in Austin and in Dallas and in New York and LA and in Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:57 If Ferguson is your first city, we're fucked. Well, but there's a reason. Hold on. Bakersfield is just everywhere and they're just there going Oink, oink, bang, bang, you know, how many cops five is good? No, six is better. Seven is better. And bang, bang, kill the cops and buses of offloaded college students, a bunch of white
Starting point is 02:26:19 ones getting off sand, debt the halls of dead cops. So the, the, all the stories that have come out about bussing in protesters and stuff like that have all been debunked. All of the, all of the instances of that, uh, in terms of paid protesters and dumb white people getting off buses and stuff like that are all, are all spurious. But then he refuses to engage with the idea that the reason that these black life matters, black lives matter groups, uh, and even the further black nationalist groups that are a little bit further, uh, on that side, even black lives matter.
Starting point is 02:26:52 Sure. 5% nation. Those people, uh, who are really mad and I include white people such as myself and you, uh, I would definitely assume in this, the reason that they're mad, I'd never get angry. The reason that they're mad at cops about these sorts of things is that cops keep killing black people specifically with no repercussions. They kill white people as well. That it absolutely is true, but it seems, uh, definitely if you look at the statistics,
Starting point is 02:27:20 they kill disproportionate, uh, and never get punished for it. So when black groups such as black lives matter and nationalistic black groups, uh, talk about killing cops, it's not so much. They just want to kill cops. It's a expression of frustration that they see members of their community get choked out on the street for selling loose cigarettes and no one cares. Totally an utterly justifiable oppression. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:50 And it's a total, uh, Or frustration with. No, it's a justified response to it. Yeah. It's a justified response to it. And they aren't killing cops. They are saying, fuck these cops. We want like, here's, here's no one wants to kill cops.
Starting point is 02:28:07 Here's the thing that drives me insane. Do you know what they want? Not to be killed by cops. Justice. Sure. That's it. Sure. If you, because here's the, here's the real deal.
Starting point is 02:28:18 If you just prosecuted these cops and made sure, because isn't that the whole point of all of these punishments? The whole point is to act as a deterrent. Yeah. So if you see justice being applied equally, then you can say this is a deterrent to future cops killing black people. Much like you're hanging a president. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:28:39 Is a deterrent to future presidents. It is not, it is, it is a punishment, but it is really just don't do this because there is going to be a punishment. Well, and I would say further, it's a reason to, it reinforces the reason you have rules. Right. Because if there are rules and certain classes of people aren't beholden to those rules, those aren't rules. It's an injustice society, which is, yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:59 And there's nothing really, like I understand. Look, I'll be, I'll be totally fair to cops. Sometimes a cop makes a bad kill that is justifiable. This does happen. You know, you're on a bust or something like that. Someone jumps out in front of you. You kill somebody. It happens.
Starting point is 02:29:21 And the reason that people are mad at the police about these things are not those instances. No. They are youths, unarmed youths that are killed. Children. Sure. 02:29:33,640 --> 02:29:35,160 I was trying to soften it. No.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Yeah. Cleveland. Yeah. There are children. There are unarmed. Children. Men. There are unarmed women.
Starting point is 02:29:42 There was that instance. Michael, Michael Brown. I can't, I can't even remember the guy's name because there's too many of them that was killed in his car with his girlfriend while she was videotaping it. So many. It's, it's, it's come to a boiling point where it's. Think about this. If think about this.
Starting point is 02:29:59 If people weren't pissed off and saying, fuck the police, right, it would be insane. Think about how angry we are right now at Trump flouting the rule of law. Now imagine every single member of your family for the entire existence of your family as far back as you can remember them being in America being subject to that same level of injustice and worse. Yeah. And look at how angry we are now. And this is really the first time in my life where I've had to look at the government and say
Starting point is 02:30:36 these people are affecting me personally and destroying me as opposed to my entire life. Well, that's the. Having a target printed on my back. Let's be fucking honest. Even for you now, it's still hypothetical. Oh, they're taking my, I mean, they're, they're trying to take my health insurance away. They're trying to destroy everything to come. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:30:56 It's still not really affecting you. No, and I'm not, I'm not being detained at the border. I am not being detained at the airport. I am not being grabbed from your kids. Yeah. Yeah. None of these things are happening. Nobody's raiding my house and I am furious.
Starting point is 02:31:13 Yeah. And all of this is happening to other people. Alex Jones's inability to deal with the abstract and to deal with the reality of the world is really embarrassing. Like the idea that he is just, uh, yeah, is just cut and dry, making it like these people walking around, they want to kill cops, liberals, blah, blah, blah. It's, it's, it's, I don't know how to put it exactly, but I would say it's an embarrassing lack of nuance.
Starting point is 02:31:42 It's, it, if it's racist, it is. It absolutely is racist. It's a complete lack of empathy for other human beings. Oh, totally. Let's get back to this clip. Okay. This clip. Oh, we're in the middle of the clip.
Starting point is 02:31:55 I forgot. This clip is, it gets way worse. And again, I don't like worship cops, but there was just any group. Let's kill firefighters. Let's kill teachers. It's like, what? I mean, I have to tell you, when I see people organizing, saying randomly kill people. Fucking kill students.
Starting point is 02:32:11 Let's let people. I start thinking about that's an armed force against me. I start fucking thing. You know, as a man, I start, we'll start turning like that's an enemy. And then they sit there running their mouths. How they want to kill patriots all day long. These people don't think we're not. We actually build businesses.
Starting point is 02:32:28 We actually hire people. We actually worked 17, 18 hours a day. We actually built this country. And all you slept on wins and communes and dumbasses, think you're going to keep running your mouth forever. You piece of fucking shit. That's so dog whistly. You piece of goddamn fucking garbage.
Starting point is 02:32:45 You don't, I mean, it's, it's impossible to hear that and not hear like white supremacy. Yeah. Essentially. No, well, and the he couches it behind patriots. No, the earlier thing where he says this country where he says no, no, no. In the earlier clip that we, we got off on a tangent about where he says, they're busing in white people. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:05 He specifically points that out, which is they're busing in traders to the race. Absolutely. That's exactly what he means. That's exactly what he means by saying they're busing in white people. I meant to get back to that. I'm so glad you picked up on that. Absolutely. And I am, this is the eternal battle with Alex Jones is like, I know he feels that,
Starting point is 02:33:26 but I don't know how aware he is that he feels that because you wouldn't say those things if you didn't feel them. Right. You know, it's, it's in him. That is what he's expressing, but it's not clear to me that he is like consciously being like, they're trader to the race. I'm going to scapegoat them. Right.
Starting point is 02:33:46 I don't know if that's the case. Well, that's the, see the problem there is that that's, it doesn't matter. That's a basic Fox news dog whistle though. Oh, sure. That idea of their busing in white people is something that they're putting out visually, if not explicitly. But I think, I think they're smarter about it.
Starting point is 02:34:03 They don't call out the white part of it because I think, I think maybe their segment producers would be like, uh, guys, guys. 02:34:09,720 --> 02:34:11,480 Well, at least they try not to. Well, Alex is, Alex is not behold to sponsors. But if you, if you go to Fox news, you can definitely find plenty of racist dog whistling. No doubt. No doubt.
Starting point is 02:34:20 No, no end to it. But not to the similar extent. No. But yeah, that is, that is, that is totally true. Well, and, and, and it, it wouldn't track without the rest of that the, the idea that like we patriots built this country. Right. And you said it over it.
Starting point is 02:34:38 You're totally right. Slay has built this country. Slaves fucking built this country. Built basically everything. Look, I'm pro reparations. Sure. 100%. I don't know what it looks like, but yeah, agreed.
Starting point is 02:34:50 Give, give black people all the money. I'm sure. And then let's go from there. All right. That's my advice. I think we need some more new ones to that. With interest. I'm going to tentatively sign off on that.
Starting point is 02:35:01 What's, what's our, what's our national budget? Like two, some trillion dollars. I don't know. Give it all to them. Fine. Listen. No. So, so here's, here's my.
Starting point is 02:35:10 I don't like that my like sort of way to transition is just saying, listen, because sometimes I don't have something to say after that. Here's, here's what I will. Uh, shit. No, here's what I'll say as a, as a road comic. And this is something that I find after shows all the time is that old white dudes will come out to me after the show and
Starting point is 02:35:31 be like, Hey, you were really funny. Let me tell you a joke. And then they'll tell me this racist joke. A street joke. Because they think it's a team. Yeah. They think the white race is a team. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:44 They don't think out, they don't think explicitly that they're being racist. Yeah, yeah. They just assume. They just like, just without even without consciously thinking about it. They're just like, Oh, you're white. You're on my team.
Starting point is 02:35:59 I wouldn't say this to my black friend, but it's okay to say it to you because we're on the same side. Yep. And that's, that's to me what that kind of dog whistly racism is. He doesn't even think about it. It's just, it's just there. It's just there.
Starting point is 02:36:17 It's just assumed. Laughing for the wrong reasons is what kills so many of my jokes. Yeah. If you, if you can, and you can hear it too. Like when you tell a joke that you, you know, is meant to lampoon and is it meant to make people feel bad for actually believing this? And you get those, that type of laugh in the wrong way.
Starting point is 02:36:39 You're like, Oh, nope. I'm part of the problem now. Jordan, we got to get to business. Let's get to this business. We're way too far into this. Okay. So the rest of this clip is, I mean, I have to say it's even worse.
Starting point is 02:36:54 You keep running your mouth. You're going to run it right into 16 under and that didn't talk. You see what we've done politically. You sit here and push it much longer. Oh, the physical action is not going to come from me. It's going to come from your actions and you're going to get knocked upside your head.
Starting point is 02:37:12 The betas always need that, don't they? They always take alphas being restrained as weakness until you find out and then you wish you hadn't got kicked upside the head by a horse. The sad part about this is there's no pleasure in killing you. There's no pleasure in running you over. There's no pleasure in defeating you because you're
Starting point is 02:37:32 stung. What the fuck? Just get out of the way. God's fucking name is happening right now. Keep enjoying the civilization that the Patriots built and stop bitching. But I know you want that right of passage. You want to piss on your betas.
Starting point is 02:37:50 You have criminal energy. I know. And so just keep pushing. Keep pushing because once you pass the demarcation line, once you've gone past the point of return, once you've hit the event horizon, just remember you asked for it. Because you start a war, it's one that we will finish.
Starting point is 02:38:17 Make no mistake, dumbasses. All right, let's go ahead and talk to Adam in New York. You're on the air. Yay, Adam in New York. I hope you had a great phone call. That is terrifying. It's impotent, but it's terrifying. I took my headphones off.
Starting point is 02:38:34 You did. You had a moment there. I can't breathe. Yeah, I mean, I really can't. But can I take a step back and allow you to breathe? Please. That's a desperate man. Like, yeah, that's nothing.
Starting point is 02:38:51 He's so... That's an empty, worthless threat. No, I know. And him acting like that, I mean, first of all, it embodies tons and tons of racism. But at the same time... And toxic masculinity. Totally.
Starting point is 02:39:07 But at the same time, it goes back to the beginning. He's shook. Yeah. He would not be saying these sorts of things if it wasn't coming from a place of intense fear. Yeah. He knows... He's a cornered rat.
Starting point is 02:39:19 Yeah. That's what he is. The lawsuit stuff is catching up to him and he's realizing this firing of Comey is going to backfire real hard. Stone is going down. His allies are going down. Flynn is going down.
Starting point is 02:39:30 Steve Pachanic might be fine, but, you know, like, his whole thing is done. Absolutely. To the point where I started this morning, Tuesday... Wednesday? It's Wednesday. I started Wednesday really in a terrible mood about the firing of Comey and what it could portent.
Starting point is 02:39:53 At 10 a.m. when every GOP congressman finally was like, I support this decision. It was the most depressing. It was like waking up and somebody saying, oh, by the way, democracy is over. I'm still worried about that a great deal. Don't get me wrong. But hearing this episode made me feel a lot better
Starting point is 02:40:17 because I don't think that this exudes confidence. I don't think... No, this is pure fear. You're right. You're right. And to me, when your enemy is pathetically spouting nonsense, lies, hatred, and fear, and not at all gloating about the idea that one of his enemies has gone down, really,
Starting point is 02:40:45 that was not most of the show. I don't think he did any gloating other than saying... Other than saying that he's weird. Yeah, other than saying Comey is weird and it's good that he got fired. And he was compromised by globalists and what have you. Yeah, not a ton. But even that wasn't globling. That was rationalizing.
Starting point is 02:41:01 You just said globling. Wow, did I say that? You did. Jesus Christ. He's rubbing off. Now I'm... But to me, when I listened to this, I... It was important to have gloating and globalizing.
Starting point is 02:41:17 I felt a lot better, though, because I was just like, All right, it's going to be shitty, but he knows something that we don't know. And I think that thing that he knows is that a lot of his allies are in big trouble. So we'll see. We'll see. And if that is the case, it's kind of unfortunate because this show might be in trouble. Well, here's the thing, though. We have backlogs.
Starting point is 02:41:39 Alex goes down. We start to explore the periods of his life. Well, not just that, but the rats leave the ship. Like, you're absolutely right. They're going to rebel media. They're going to all of these different places. But we don't have to immediately start covering them. We can just go back to, like, okay.
Starting point is 02:41:57 To the good old days. So when we put this out, it's going to be May 11th. We could go back to May 11th, 2013, and do this show every day, pretending we're four years in the past. We could just do that. Let's retreat inside our own false reality. Sure. I'm forward.
Starting point is 02:42:17 I'm for that. I'm not against it. So listen, if I could, again, I just did that. Listen, listen, listen, people. If I had to submit, I would say Alex Jones is incredibly afraid right now. And it's very sad. He's lashing out a good deal. Some of it's pretty funny.
Starting point is 02:42:37 I'm sad that he feels like he needs to support Trump to get his t-shirt sales up. I would say raise the margin on those shirts a tiny bit. If you're charging 60 bucks for a bottle of some of your pills, why not charge eight bucks for the shirt? If you're charging 4.95, at least charge seven, right? You're going to get more out of your profit margin. Like you're just selling them at cost. You can't do that.
Starting point is 02:43:00 In for a penny, in for a pound with your dumb ass listeners. Exactly. If they're paying five, they're paying 10. Exactly. What are you doing? Yeah. Just as a businessman, what are you fucking doing? Which he's supposedly a fairly good businessman or at least no, not just that.
Starting point is 02:43:16 He is a good businessman since he's turned his lies and bullshit variety hour into a media borderline empire. I think the odds are that someone behind the scenes. You think so? Yeah. But anyway, because he did it for 24 years before that. That's true. Without doing that. That's true.
Starting point is 02:43:35 But anyway, guys, this has been super fun. I know everything's scary right now, but please take some soulless and knowing that Alex is more afraid than you are. Just like the Trump Pence 2020 shirts are a bellwether to whether or not his listeners are willing to publicly support Trump. The fact that Alex Jones is this afraid is a bellwether for this kind of alt-rights backlash that is going to happen. It's coming. Like we are going to see a significant, it's Newtonian for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. And I want to say this, because we don't know classified information, we can't be fully certain of a lot of the realities. Roger Stone does not have to have access to confidential information to know what he has done, right?
Starting point is 02:44:32 You would hope. So he doesn't have to have sources to know the fucking transgressions he's made. Right. He could be expressing some of that to Alex and that might be an explanation for some of his fear. Yeah. Anyway. If you would like to follow us on Twitter, it is at knowledge. That's aggressive.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Underscore fight. Yes. And if you're Jack Pasobiec, please send me a DM. Okay. Why not? Why? Okay, fair enough. I want a DM.
Starting point is 02:45:01 You're Cernovich. Send me a DM too. Or Jerome Corsi. I'll take one from you. I'll tell you what. Now listen. Rob do. No.
Starting point is 02:45:07 But. No. I will say this. Rob do, do not fly to my DM. To the other guys? Jakari Jackson. Send me a DM. Oh, Jakari Jackson send us an email.
Starting point is 02:45:16 02:45:16,120 --> 02:45:17,640 Yeah, sure. We want to get into it. Or you can check out our website, What I will say though is, fuck everybody else. I want Rob do to go on iTunes, look up Knowledge Fight, and subscribe to our podcast.
Starting point is 02:45:30 And give us a one-star review. Oh, please do. Finally get a non-five-star review. Suck it, world. Yeah. And if you want to donate to the show, you can. We got a link up there. If you want us to time travel to the past
Starting point is 02:45:43 and discuss the specific date. And Alex Jones has passed $10 a month. We will do it. We got a bad one coming up. Oh, no. Real bad one coming up. So our wonderful, supportive policy wonk listeners. This one was suggested by my best friend.
Starting point is 02:45:59 Are doing exactly what I predicted they would do. And they're trying to torture you. Well, here's the deal. I'll tell you off here. Anyway, guys, this has been a lot of fun. Listen. This has been a lot of fun. Guys, we can't thank you enough for listening.
Starting point is 02:46:14 It means the world to us. We're going to do it. We're going to do it. We're going to do it. We're going to do it. It means the world to us. Yeah. Share, put us in message boards.
Starting point is 02:46:27 If you listen to other podcasts, recommend people who listen to those podcasts too. Spout it. Spout the bullshit. Tell your friends, let's fucking do this. We're in a knowledge fight, people. Oh, that sounds very close. Actually, Alex Jones is like, we're in an information war.
Starting point is 02:46:46 I can't use the exact same words, but he's right. We are in an information war. That is true. We have given some information here that counters his information. This is a knowledge fight. So please send it. Send it out there.
Starting point is 02:46:58 Absolutely. Spread this. I'm sick of seeing all of these Fox News lies just spread with no, no backlash. I'm more sick of seeing people tweeting shit about Alex Jones that is not fully covering him. That makes me more mad. That's true.
Starting point is 02:47:17 When I see someone tweet and Alex Jones link and has like 600 retweets, I'm like, we covered this. It's already done. If people just got on board, we know what he's up to. Right. Now granted, how fucking annoying is it to get through fucking three hours of us talking? Hey, we're entertaining.
Starting point is 02:47:37 Give us some credit. But it's still three hours. It is still three hours. Anyway, guys, the big point of this is, Rappaport still lives. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex.
Starting point is 02:47:55 I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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