Knowledge Fight - #525: January 27, 2021

Episode Date: January 29, 2021

Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones's vacation in Utah is going. In this installment, Alex attempts to pull off a gotcha interview with a Boogaloo proponent, hoping to make him the pa...tsy for the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. It does not go well.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge fight than in your knowledge fight I need money oh where do i get Andie and Kansas Andie and Kansas
Starting point is 00:00:40 Andie and Kansas Stop it Andie and Kansas Andie and Kansas Andie and Andie Just time to pray Andie and Kansas You're on the air
Starting point is 00:00:49 Thanks for holding Hello Alex I'm a First Fan And I'm a Huge Fan I love your world Knowledge fight nuh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-ah-uh-ah-uh-ah-uh-uh-ah-uh-ah-uh-uh-ah-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-ah Knowledge fight dot com
Starting point is 00:00:57 eh I love you Hey everybody Welcome back to Knowledge Fight I'm Dan I'm Jordan We're a couple dudes Like to sit around
Starting point is 00:01:05 Drink novelty beverages And talk a little bit about Alex Jones Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Jordan Quick question for you What's up What's your bright spot today
Starting point is 00:01:13 My bright spot today Jordan was getting to join you On your daily stream Of your video game channel Over on Twitch Andie You started playing Final Fantasy 7
Starting point is 00:01:21 It was a lot of fun To sit in And have very little To say You are very offended When you do not have a Sincere and large body of research From which to call
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's a challenge for me to Care Ah yes There we go I like you judging other people I'm not judging you I'm happy for you And I fully support you
Starting point is 00:01:46 In this and all your endeavors I know I just can't care about Watching this stupid video game I understand completely I also don't like it being exposed That I probably didn't beat the game Though I thought I did
Starting point is 00:02:02 You came close enough Oh god But yeah it's really fun I'm happy for you And congratulate you On the launching of your Your side project here It was very enjoyable
Starting point is 00:02:13 And everybody Really had a good time And you were absolutely great How dare you Act like you were Oh I was so terrible We had a grand old time I wasn't saying I was so terrible
Starting point is 00:02:24 I said I was so bored I will keep my mouth shut Retracted Retracted sir How about you My bright spot Dan Is today my partner is getting Her vaccine
Starting point is 00:02:38 That's great Yeah she's a teacher She didn't even have to try And cheat her way in Or lie to anybody She's getting her vaccine At the right time And I'm really happy for her
Starting point is 00:02:47 That's fantastic Congratulations Ah I'm very stoked I hope that the rollout Continues and intensifies In at least May or June I'll be able to get it 2022
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah absolutely Once they get around to Podcasters She can Probably low on the list Yeah she'll gladly You know watch me Slowly fade away
Starting point is 00:03:06 I think that'll be Your partner is a teacher Like you said So obviously this is There's much need for Huge huge Folks in that In that line
Starting point is 00:03:16 Much less so podcasters Very So yeah Jordan Yes sir I'm glad for that And I wish you the best On your new Exploration of Midgar
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yes I'm gonna remember the name now That's true You will remember Midgar So Jordan today We got an interesting thing To talk about Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:03:35 Interesting episode What's that We're gonna be talking about January 27th 2021 Blackjack Ah shit you're so good Yep You're so fast
Starting point is 00:03:43 We're on the 27th This is Wednesday Of this week And the reason that We are sort of jumping ahead In time Our last episode Of the
Starting point is 00:03:55 Blackjack And the reason is Hey I'm Alex Jones I'm sitting around I'm thinking The devil just got Into the White House Sure
Starting point is 00:04:04 The Texas Supreme Court Has just ruled that I can be sued By the Sandy Hook Family Problem I'm gonna go on vacation man Smart move
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah So Alex just leaves For Utah Which is a strange place To go But whatever I like that The only time
Starting point is 00:04:20 Every time he threatens A vacation He never takes it The only time he does Take a vacation Is when his lawyers Have clearly said If you are on the air
Starting point is 00:04:28 You will say something That hurts our case You need to chill Yeah You gotta go away You gotta go to Fucking Utah You gotta be in Utah
Starting point is 00:04:36 Right now Go see the jazz Rooney Go Bears Having a great season Yeah I don't know What he's doing in Utah Doesn't seem like I mean nothing against
Starting point is 00:04:44 Utah I've been there It's a nice state I like the southwest Quite a bit So I retract that It is a good place To go on vacation Whatever
Starting point is 00:04:53 It just seems strange Well I mean Too many places are dry I suppose is the The only argument Dry Salt Lake Oh you mean Too many places in Utah
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yeah Yes Alcohol free Oh that too Yes A lot of dry counties Yeah a lot of dry counties I thought you meant
Starting point is 00:05:09 It's arid though No I did not mean that So yeah Alex was out of studio And Owen Schreuer was hosting For a number of days Just don't care And so I was considering Maybe like
Starting point is 00:05:21 Let's check in And just do Harrison Smith Episode Sure But then Wednesday Alex hosted a good bit Of his own show With Owen Schreuer
Starting point is 00:05:29 Riding shotgun Oh no In the studio And something happened That requires our attention So we will be talking about That today And honestly
Starting point is 00:05:39 I think that there might be A sequel to this On Monday's episode of our show Because this appears to be Something that might I am going to fight a bear On Friday this week Take away the bear
Starting point is 00:05:53 We've got a charity boxing challenge Yep we do We've got a charity boxing challenge There will be a bear-knuckle boxing match Okay there we go Challenged How do I just guess these things Dan? There will be a bear-knuckle boxing match
Starting point is 00:06:09 Challenged and then retracted At the end of this episode Okay Alright Spoiler alert That's too soon That's too soon But there is like a feeling that I have
Starting point is 00:06:19 I mean we're recording this on Thursday And I have some awareness Of what happened on his show today But I think that this is a narrative That's continuing There's something that's going to continue Into Monday's show Gotcha
Starting point is 00:06:31 Without giving too much away Everybody who's listening already Fucking knows what I'm talking about Of course Anyway Let's take a little moment Before we get down to business Jordan to say thank you
Starting point is 00:06:39 Some folks who signed up In our sporting show Oh that's a great idea So first Dr. Bingo Thank you so much You are now a Policy Wonk I'm a Policy Wonk
Starting point is 00:06:47 Thank you Dr. Bingo Thank you very much Dr. Bingo Like a Vang0 Next Brunisen' Day Thank you so much
Starting point is 00:06:55 You are now a Policy Wonk I'm a Policy Wonk Thank you Hey, thank you very much Next I love you Thank you so much Oh, I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:07:03 I love you Thank you so much You are now a Policy Wonk I'm a Policy Wonk Next Chad Rice Thank you Chad Rice
Starting point is 00:07:11 Thank you Next I'm a Policy Wonk Oh, thank you very much My favorite of the Stamper Clan Ooh Yeah Next
Starting point is 00:07:20 Davron from Sweden Who loves your podcast Thank you so much You are now a Policy Wonk I'm a Policy Wonk Thank you very much Davron from Sweden And then finally
Starting point is 00:07:29 Thank you so much Trump the Tiny Hands of Fate You are now a Policy Wonk I'm a Policy Wonk That's a little mystery science Yeah, yes, absolutely To go along with your Trump the Hands of Fate
Starting point is 00:07:41 The Tiny Hands of Fate That's to go along as another plug for your Twitch channel Great Where you have a mystery science theater cut out I'm already embarrassed That's the goal
Starting point is 00:07:52 Doing something is a terrible idea, Dan That's the lesson That's the goal I'm trying to smother you with embarrassment So, Jordan, we started off today on the 27th Like I said, this is all going to be
Starting point is 00:08:02 on the 27th Yes And Alex opens up the show and he teases what will end up being the reason we need to do this episode Gotcha Ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:08:13 Thank you for joining us on this January 27th 2021 Wednesday broadcast Blackjack I am your host Alex Schoens And we are going to have the founder of the Boogaloo Boys Joining us
Starting point is 00:08:28 Coming up on the broadcast today That is in the second hour I appreciate Mr. Dunn Coming on after I've said some critical things of his group He says to set the record straight I look forward to that because who's going to know more
Starting point is 00:08:43 about the Boogaloo's than the founder of the Boogaloo's? He is not the founder or the leader of it The first thing that Mike Dunn does when he gets on the show is correct Alex about this Alex has tried anything
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yeah, he's trying to present him as like the head of the Boogaloo Boys And I wrote down founder of the Boogaloo Boys and then put giant scare quotes around founder Yeah This is something that's a little bit murky
Starting point is 00:09:12 I don't think this is a good idea for Alex You'll see why Because he agrees with them on everything exactly like he did with David Duke And this guy is a 20 year old who is really
Starting point is 00:09:26 I would say he is more consistent than Alex Oh, that's not good And that makes it really tough to argue when you're Alex And that ends up becoming very embarrassing I would say that we have not talked as much
Starting point is 00:09:41 about the Boogaloo Boys on this podcast because it doesn't intersect with Alex as much as one might think Alex leaves them alone for the most part except a couple of times he's tried to use them to scapegoat things that right wing militias have done
Starting point is 00:09:59 And the situation with the Capitol on the 6th, January 6th is so large and so important that it's led to a critical mass of throwing them under the bus and blaming them So his beloved oath keepers and such don't come under attention
Starting point is 00:10:16 Right, he wouldn't do too much to I guess point out the people who are basically he's running Stochastic Terrorism 4 You know, he's the one who's both giving them that cover of these guys aren't part of what we believe in
Starting point is 00:10:35 while at the same time stoking their rage So you don't want to be also like Boogaloo Boys, let's pay attention to them Sure, it would be unwise and it's complicated for him too because there's a lack of uniformity with a lot of the Boogaloo communities There's an embracing of Antifa sometimes even
Starting point is 00:10:56 and Black Lives Matter or at least a loose accelerationism being the goal regardless of ideology behind it Yes, perhaps some would say potentially performative collaboration and acceptance of those left wing sort of groups and that would be really difficult for Alex to explain to his audience
Starting point is 00:11:18 He's made such a sort of market off of globalist, devil, bad Alex, patriot, God, good and I don't think that he'd be able to have his audience understand the idea Yeah, they're going there because they want to antagonize Yeah, but also that they're trying to bring some people in there
Starting point is 00:11:41 I know I've called them all demons but they're trying to bring in the accelerationists who I guess are good now, I don't know I've gotten some messages in the past from folks who are into Boogaloo stuff and they implore me to understand that it's about guns and gun rights
Starting point is 00:12:04 and the feeling that I have that I come around on it is I'm not going to judge any individual based on their liking to wear Hawaiian shirts and protest for the Second Amendment but I'm also not going to trust them if they associate themselves with a group like this and part of the reason for that is
Starting point is 00:12:26 there have been enough instances in the past of people who associate with Boogaloo iconography, ideas, the movement doing things that are meant to accelerationist protests Who was that guy? That sergeant who shot a cop and then wrote Boog in blood on his car
Starting point is 00:12:51 He was talking prior to this about using left-wing protests using the energy of it in their anger for their purposes There's been enough instances of that there's been all that discussion and then let's just fucking deal with the fact that Boogaloo is a reference to
Starting point is 00:13:08 Electric Boogaloo, break in two which was a meme back in 2012 about a Second Civil War The whole organizing central thing is a joke quote unquote joke about we're going to have to have a Second Civil War Boogaloo is from Electric Boogaloo Civil War II, Electric Boogaloo
Starting point is 00:13:30 If you are someone who just cares about people's liberty and rights and Second Amendment and you also like to be goofy and wear a Hawaiian shirt I would implore you to not be associated with the group that's name is derived from a joke about how we need a Second Civil War That would be wise
Starting point is 00:13:48 and has spawned a bunch of incredibly malevolent actors There's nothing about this Hawaiian shirt that's intrinsic to the thing that they seem to want to push for There's nothing about it just I don't know It seems like a bridge too far I just can't imagine being in 2021
Starting point is 00:14:07 and taking anybody at face value who says anything similar to that It's 2021 guys We don't take them at face value anymore Maybe you're a good person I know plenty of good people who are Second Amendment people Tons of them But if I took any of them at face value
Starting point is 00:14:24 I would be an insane person That's simply not a thing that we get to do anymore with Second Amendment people I would bet that there are many individuals who consider themselves part of the Oathkeepers that are decent family caring
Starting point is 00:14:43 considerate people that aren't the type that would have a napalm bomb Right But Napalm bombs still rare True That said, even if that individual I could see as possibly a decent person
Starting point is 00:14:57 and I could probably get along with Sure I would not align myself with them politically So were I to know that they were associated with the Oathkeepers Because that's a deal breaker And I feel the same way largely
Starting point is 00:15:11 about the Boogaloo stuff Yeah, no, I just background check everybody I meet anymore now Just go back through their Twitter feed Just going back through that No, no, no, you're not at face value Second Amendment guy I caught ya I don't believe anything
Starting point is 00:15:27 So Alex does not want a violent revolution Sure But he is against the Boogaloo folks Which makes sense They kind of are gearing towards the inevitability of a second
Starting point is 00:15:41 But it's kind of what Alex said He makes no sense Those of you out there You just have a violent revolution You're always the ones that are asking somebody else to do it You're always the ones asking somebody else to do it
Starting point is 00:15:57 You know, take the Boogaloo's They've said, and I'm going to ask Mr. Tom about this That they were to have an arm march the weekend after the 6th But if you have an arm march in D.C. they'll arrest you for that You can say, well, it's my second amendment They'll still arrest you
Starting point is 00:16:11 And so then we didn't see the Boogaloo's show up armed They're hoping that other people would I don't know I just don't like this thing of let's have a violent revolution And then people say Okay, well, you go first I'm not going first, Ann
Starting point is 00:16:26 There's so much in that clip there that just contradicts Alex's entire branding He's saying that he isn't going to go first but he also spent so much of his time on his show yelling about how he's the tip of the spear And Info Wars is the thing that it's at the front It hits the barbed wire to make sure it's safe for everyone else to charge
Starting point is 00:16:42 If you listened to Alex's show and heard of what he said, you might be surprised to hear him say he doesn't want to be at the front Also, Alex's opposition to the Boogaloo idea of having arm marches makes no sense Alex is a gun rights absolutist and in the past he's been pretty clear that every American has the right to carry arms
Starting point is 00:16:59 peacefully and responsibly at protests The idea that a certain group is being told that they'll be arrested if they march arm should be a huge violation of his concept of the Second Amendment And yet here he is saying that the Boogaloo type shouldn't march an arm because the state told them not to This is where it's important to recognize that Alex
Starting point is 00:17:15 has no real concrete principles that he's working off of or else his position here would have to be different He doesn't have a principled belief in the right to gun ownership He just likes shooting guns a lot and he found that it was a really marketable niche to be a guy who yells vague threats towards anyone who indicates support for gun regulation True
Starting point is 00:17:32 At the moment, business requires that he actually be in favor of people he would normally call gun grabbers and somehow this doesn't seem weird to a large portion of his audience Yeah, I mean when your ideology is Errrrr money and your strategy is scramble Every time something weird happens then yeah, you're going to get into some real
Starting point is 00:17:51 uncomfortable situations It does appear that way Someone else who's in an uncomfortable situation is Oh, Donald J. Trump He's got his impeachment trial coming up Sure And Alex has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do Okay
Starting point is 00:18:06 He's lost over 60 other platforms so he can be silenced Listen to this Silenced ahead of and during his trial And it guarantees they're saying Oh, let the president's lawyers put on the defense No Put Trump in there Put Trump in there on the witness seat
Starting point is 00:18:25 and let them attack him and lie about him And all he's got to do is have a hit list of exhibits after they attack him that he puts on and it will destroy them Right out of a Perry Mason movie That's right, get Trump up there Just putting the whole system on trial Yes, please
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yes, please I would like that Please take that advice That is something that I would That would be the first time that I have ever watched an entire impeachment trial Yeah, yeah, I would be riveted Yes, keep on going, man
Starting point is 00:18:55 I think it's sound advice to be like let your lawyers represent you The man who takes himself as a client has a fool for a lawyer Yeah And putting into this idea that Trump needs to get up there and lambast the entire Congress Yeah, I think that would work
Starting point is 00:19:11 And then he pulls out a really weird quote Right out of the real footage of the famous House Committee on Un-American Activities And then the Senate Committee on Un-American Activities And the lawyer says, have you no decency You know, just that point
Starting point is 00:19:28 And I mean, I could go into that Senate There was more Trial and annihilate them This is their waterloo But of course, they're always the aggressive globalist We always cower to them We always act like we're the bad guys And we're on the defense
Starting point is 00:19:43 So that would be great The idea of Trump Like having Alex as his sort of representative in court I thought it was going to be the best it could be With Trump representing himself But now the idea of Trump represented by Alex Jones Has won up to it again God damn
Starting point is 00:19:58 It would be a zoo I don't even I couldn't even imagine it I would love it It would be perfect Now that famous quote That have you no sense of decency That's an interesting thing for Alex to pull out
Starting point is 00:20:10 That line was spoken by Joseph Welch A lawyer who was representing the army In a case against Joseph McCarthy McCarthy had accused one of the young attorneys Working with Welch of being connected to the communists And that is what prompted Welch To question McCarthy's decency The beginning of the quote is actually
Starting point is 00:20:26 Quote, until this moment, Senator I think I never really gauged your cruelty Or your recklessness This hearing was being broadcast on television And the most essentially It destroyed Joseph McCarthy's career At least in part because it clearly exposed How much of a witch hunt McCarthy was engaging in
Starting point is 00:20:43 Alex loves Joseph McCarthy And thinks that the House on American Activities Committee Was absolutely legitimate And they were doing the essential work of rooting out commies Alex shouldn't celebrate the line Have you no decency I was really confused by that Because it was directed towards the guy
Starting point is 00:20:59 That's what threw me for a loop So he's saying he really could have taken it To Joseph McCarthy if he had He's saying that he could be that lawyer Saying it to Nancy Pelosi Or I guess Chuck Schumer because of the Senate He doesn't understand how things work He's evoking something that should be
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like a deep wound in his anti-communist psyche Yeah, you destroyed the guy who I think Or I think could have solved all of our Non-white problems So in this next clip we get one of the more Unsettling ideas that Alex has About the Boogaloo types And this is something that we've heard him express before
Starting point is 00:21:42 And it's kind of It's a revelation that he kind of can tell Whether or not a group is real or not By who they target They want to accelerate us into a physical conflict Because they believe they can kill our free society And submit their takeover that way That's why they're going to lead paramilitary groups
Starting point is 00:22:01 That are either knowingly controlled Or unknowingly controlled because of their low IQs Into hitting targets that are not good targets I mean, let me tell you I'm not saying kill anybody, okay But, you know The globalists coming at us with these deadly vaccines That they know are meant to depopulate us
Starting point is 00:22:18 The super unpopular top globalist, Klaus Schwab Bill Gates, notice you never see anybody Actually going after the people above Biden Above Trump If there's all the secret service from the president To make you think they actually run things Seem disappointed that people aren't making runs At Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab
Starting point is 00:22:37 I wrote this down as a quote I'm not saying kill anybody But, you know That's words that mean kill people You know That's kill people Yeah, I think that the message is astoundingly clear Absolutely clear
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm not saying kill anybody But, that's what you know If I'm not saying kill anybody I'm going to say I'm not saying kill anybody Period, period in that sentence Not comma Because nothing that comes after that comma Is going to be anything other than
Starting point is 00:23:13 But we should kill people No, the next clause is generally going to be like It negates the first clause Or at least delineates like circumstances Where the first clause doesn't apply By the rules of grammar Alex has called for violent revolution Does feel that way
Starting point is 00:23:30 So, but the thing that he's calling for even more Is that Trump needs to turn this damn impeachment trial Into a circus I love it And we need to get that message to Trump And we are getting that message to him That he needs to go on the offense He needs to demand to face his accusers
Starting point is 00:23:43 He needs to demand to be in that senate trial He needs to make it three weeks long One month long Suck all the oxygen out of Biden And I hate to even say all this on air But this is the advice I've actually gotten to the president I'll leave it at that He needs to just demand
Starting point is 00:23:56 Because I mean in a real trial He needs to have two months' trial And Trump just needs to dominate Suck all the air out of Biden And he can literally turn this whole thing around against him If he doesn't abide that he's been defeated And I can tell you he doesn't feel defeated He just feels totally sick of it
Starting point is 00:24:13 And pissed off that this was allowed to happen And I'm telling you He needs to go on the offense They're telling him behind the scenes To some record That if he shuts up and goes along And rolls over They're gonna leave him alone
Starting point is 00:24:22 No they're not The only way they leave him alone Is when they're defeated This is like the same shit he was saying Four years ago Yeah Like They're saying like
Starting point is 00:24:31 Oh just leave this alone And we'll leave you alone Like no These globalists They're making these deals It's just this is so Boring Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:40 He's talking about his own feelings I know I'm disappointed to be in reruns Of reality right now This is really a bummer You can almost feel it The way he's The manner of speech
Starting point is 00:24:50 He's just coming up with things That he Alex personally feels And applying them to Trump Yep It's ridiculous I would like to yell at Nancy Pelosi So strangely enough
Starting point is 00:25:00 My advice to Trump Is to yell it He should do What I wish I could do Is all he's saying Yeah So there's big Proud Boy news Sure
Starting point is 00:25:10 Also it should be pointed out That Alex was Jumped into the Proud Boys By Gavin McGinnis On air On info wars That's true So he is technically a Proud Boy
Starting point is 00:25:19 That is true He named serials That is true While Gavin was giving him Little silly punches Yeah I think that should be Actionable Rufio Panman
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yes Based stickman Right Gavin McGinnis Alex Jones Rambo Joe Biggs Oh What a murderous row of shitbags
Starting point is 00:25:37 Uh huh But there's news about one Of the other members Okay Alright we've got some really big Proud Boy news That's going to be breaking Next segment
Starting point is 00:25:45 I wish I never had to hear That sentence I want to cover this Very important topic Right now The left is not created Okay Big Proud Boy news
Starting point is 00:25:56 The left doesn't know How to make memes As well as I do Yeah I'm the meme machine Yeah That's what they call me Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:04 Alright Great So yeah There was news that came out That in the past Enrique Tario Yeah He was an informant
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yes I've read these stories And I'm not sure that I see Concrete indications That he still is Right And I can see that going Either way
Starting point is 00:26:24 Right And so I am going to withhold Any kind of judgment Or any declaration on what His current behavior is Right Right Because I'm not involved
Starting point is 00:26:34 And I've never met the guy And I don't give a shit Now I would say If I were Alex I might be worried Yeah A bunch of times
Starting point is 00:26:42 He was really good friends With Joe Biggs Who just got arrested Wow There's that I would say That Alex might have Or Joe Biggs might have
Starting point is 00:26:53 Said some things That you wouldn't want To say to an informant Well I bet they probably Didn't text it to each other Though Dan I don't know
Starting point is 00:27:02 If that's the case And like I said I still need to see Further indications To feel At least You know like That he was
Starting point is 00:27:11 Like snitching On the Proud Boys Or whatever But this is a problem For me It is kind of funny This is a problem for me This is
Starting point is 00:27:19 What I'm talking about With higher class of criminal Alright The Proud Boys are also Really bad at being a gang Like in Chicago If you get taken up by the cops And you're in a gang
Starting point is 00:27:29 Man They just assume you talk It doesn't matter It doesn't matter If you talked or not You can't take that risk Sure So they can't
Starting point is 00:27:38 Of course you say Enrique Tario is an informant Whether he is or not You gotta get him out of it I think If you're doing like Security for the Proud Boys Yes
Starting point is 00:27:48 I understand making That like sort of Safety decision Right I understand that This is a gang That punches you And makes you name
Starting point is 00:27:57 Serials to get in I understand that I understand that Maybe They should get into math Is what I'm trying to say Isn't that what I'm saying Maybe our expectations
Starting point is 00:28:05 For how tight a ship They run Could be adjusted They're also They do not have a stringer bell No That is for sure No
Starting point is 00:28:15 They laugh at Gavin McGinnis His jokes It's not a good group No that's not good So Alex has some vaccine news Also you have some vaccine news Like you mentioned up top I have good news
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yep Alex has some other news Oh Hey did you hear Merck Has pulled its two vaccines Because of Major health problems
Starting point is 00:28:33 And bad reactions Both are M-N-R And A vaccine And their regular vaccine That had a bizarre Measles delivery system Those have been pulled And they say
Starting point is 00:28:42 It doesn't work And it's dangerous And you shouldn't take a vaccine Because they know The house of cards Is coming down Alex isn't wrong About the underlying story
Starting point is 00:28:50 Here And that is that Merck did in fact Abandon its attempts To create two experimental Coronavirus vaccines This week However
Starting point is 00:28:58 The message of this story Is completely misrepresented By Alex Into being anti-vax In reality A story like this Should give people Some vaccines
Starting point is 00:29:06 That are widely available Because this clearly demonstrates That there are some vaccines That don't make the cut These two That were developed by Merck Are not the same ones That were made by
Starting point is 00:29:15 Pfizer or Moderna So pointing at This story Is a way to make Those vaccines look bad Makes no sense But that's exactly What Alex is doing
Starting point is 00:29:23 Alex is also just lying When he says That Merck decided To stop pursuing These vaccines Because of bad reactions From NPR Quote
Starting point is 00:29:31 Merck is halted In development Of its two They didn't generate Enough of an immune response To effectively protect People against the Coronavirus
Starting point is 00:29:39 So they just didn't work Yeah Merck spent a ton of money On developing these potential Vaccines And ultimately It didn't work The fact that this happens
Starting point is 00:29:47 Pretty regularly Is actually an indictment Of Alex's fictional World view Totally And it's really interesting To see him reporting On a story
Starting point is 00:29:55 That's a huge problem For his narratives As if it somehow Validates them Yeah It's very weird Yeah, but the narrative For them is
Starting point is 00:30:03 If it is working Then the system isn't working Because if it's working It's trying to kill you Maybe And that idea of like I think in this case It's more just like
Starting point is 00:30:12 A sleight of hand thing Or it's like These vaccines got recalled Now how can you trust This completely separate vaccine And then also just Making shit up Yeah, I mean the
Starting point is 00:30:22 Obvious thing for him The obvious problem there Is that this in many ways Is essentially the free market Working the way it's supposed to They don't have a product They can sell So they can't sell it
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah It's very simple But Alex would believe That even if they did Have a product that was Ineffective because Everything is about money Just 100%
Starting point is 00:30:41 Right They would still sell it Even though it wasn't Effective because They'd sunk so much money Into it Of course He's an incoherent
Starting point is 00:30:49 World view Doesn't care Anyway Alex is going to get To interviewing this Boogaloo gentleman And It's interesting
Starting point is 00:30:58 Because He can't quite figure out Where to place himself Because he's like You do have a responsibility To overthrow a government Well, he already said earlier I'm not saying kill anybody
Starting point is 00:31:08 But you know And that theme may develop later I believe that This just is really This makes no sense to me I believe in declaration Of independence I believe that when we have
Starting point is 00:31:18 A destructive government That has come after our freedoms And our rights And that has proven itself To be an authoritarian force That isn't going away It's not just our right It's our duty
Starting point is 00:31:27 To throw off such a force But I don't want to stupidly do it I don't want to be led By the ADL The Southern Prairie Law Center I don't want to be led By idiots I don't want to
Starting point is 00:31:37 Go at the wrong targets And I want to exhaust Every form of Unofficial warfare Because war is just Politics by other means As von Bismarck said The pen is mire and sword
Starting point is 00:31:50 And so I'm not very good at war If I can't win with the pen And so I'm really trying to do that You're not going to win With the pen or a sword But I just I don't understand what he's saying Other than kill my enemies
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yes Because he's saying that these Like I don't want to be led By the Southern Prairie Law Center The ADL That's meaningless That's just nonsense But the problem that he seems to have
Starting point is 00:32:16 Is that these groups aren't Doing what he wants Yes That's a real issue Because he says That you have a responsibility To throw off this government Once it reaches X, Y, and Z
Starting point is 00:32:27 Point His show is essentially all about How we've reached X, Y, and Z Point 99% of it, yes Also the left is uncreated Those are basically the two themes Yeah, so he makes a career
Starting point is 00:32:41 Out of arguing that we have reached The point where it's essential To throw off the government Right And then you have these people Who are like, well Eh? Well, he made a career out of it
Starting point is 00:32:51 If he hadn't made a career out of it He would be more interested In people actually doing it Ah Yeah, probably Yeah Because there's not a money in that Exactly
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah So now we get to the point Where Mike Dunn, Boogaloo Boy Extraordinaire comes on for The interview And this note that I have right here On this clip is just This is a bad idea
Starting point is 00:33:11 Oh Now, Mike Dunn I appreciate him coming on Usually people we disagree with Are cowards Don't come on So we get time marks coming on And Mike Dunn is a well-known
Starting point is 00:33:20 Boogaloo Boy Or they call him The leader of the founder Of the institutional adherent 20-year-old former Trump supporter Turn libertarian I guess he was in the Marines too As well
Starting point is 00:33:30 And so I'm going to try to give him The floor of the rest of the segment We've got about seven minutes left And then I've got my questions And my comments So he wants to set us straight We're all about folks That want to set us straight
Starting point is 00:33:39 And if I'm wrong I will apologize So Mike, thanks for coming on None of that is accurate Mmm Yeah Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's funny too Whenever Owen Schreuer Who's also there chiming in periodically He was complaining about these other people Who were too cowardly to come on It's like Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow They're not going to come on
Starting point is 00:34:02 No No, they're not going to come on Also, maybe the reason that he's coming on Is because he's not your... He doesn't disagree with you? Yeah He's not saying that you guys are wrong Maybe he recognizes that you are very usable
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah Yeah You are a platform that is exploitable For his purposes Which he could have learned Is a lot easier than he might think If he had listened to our show Sure
Starting point is 00:34:28 I mean, Steve Puchenek laid it out Exactly That's all you got to do Alex, you are fucking so easy So easy Yeah So Mike starts off, like I said The first thing he does is correct
Starting point is 00:34:38 Alex about the leadership Right First things first I'm not the leader of the boot glue I'm not the founder It's an autonomous movement I'm just someone who's in the movement Who helped make it big
Starting point is 00:34:47 And the media line might have a public face And I happen to control a large portion of the movement So I just wanted to get that straight The movement was not founded by me And I'm not the leader of it Simply a prominent figure in it I control a large portion of it Is an interesting
Starting point is 00:35:04 That's a strange... Yeah I control a large... How large a portion? I don't know But he is a guy who... There was a vice article and video About him done
Starting point is 00:35:15 I believe last year And it sort of traces some of his roots From being a Virginia gun rights militia type Right Which if you recall a year ago Alex was super into Loved Loved him
Starting point is 00:35:31 Loved it And then through that he fell in With Boogaloo communities and what have you I assume the article started with Mike Dunn Dot dot dot Or Mike Funn Question mark And then just a Hawaiian shirt emoji
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah Yeah So he was involved prior to Getting into the Boogaloo stuff In just a lot of stuff that Alex is super Super into and capitalized on The gun rights rally in Virginia That Alex talks about all the time
Starting point is 00:36:00 Some of the militia stuff that Mike was involved in Was involved in that No, it's almost like a lot of these Far-right guys are almost giving these Like exit interviews with these people Like, hey, you did a great job But we gotta cut you loose
Starting point is 00:36:15 And by cut you loose, I mean blame you For everything that we've done And the other, the flip side of it is Like kind of a don't meet your heroes Yeah Kind of For all these people who are coming on To Alex's show
Starting point is 00:36:28 Wait a second, I thought you liked us I think, I thought you were great Alex But unfortunately, oh boy Mike, Mike is, I think that he can tell That Alex is trying to set him up Because Alex is trying to be a dick to him And I think that Mike knows that And he's a millennial Gen Z kind of guy
Starting point is 00:36:50 Gen Z, I guess, but or Zoom What's what's it called? Don't even worry about it I don't know the name of generations Don't worry about it But he's a youth and he's equipped To handle Alex's bullshit Trouble
Starting point is 00:37:02 To start with Alex, you started with a quote I want to address that as well From yourself, here's some other quotes from you 1776 is the answer to 1984 You also said if just five percent of people Got motivated in some direction And it doesn't have to be what I believe in But if they got motivated and stopped
Starting point is 00:37:20 Getting their political ideologies from the media They would go and figure They would figure out what they want And we're literally doing that We have been motivated We figured out what we wanted Which is freedom from tyranny And we're willing to send against that
Starting point is 00:37:34 When you say 1776 is the answer to 1984 And your involvement in the Capitol Incidents, I know you can put up an article From the Gateway Pond That accused me of inciting the violence And blah, blah, blah Feeding into the media narrative Like you don't want others to do
Starting point is 00:37:48 Wait a second, I don't mean to interrupt you I don't see what they're putting up Let's not put the articles up right now I'll get to my questions coming up I want him to have the floor uninterrupted Please continue Alex is giving him a lot of space Whoa, you weren't supposed to listen to me
Starting point is 00:38:04 When I talked You're definitely not supposed to come back At me with things that I've said before You're definitely not supposed to use my words And ideas to justify your beliefs And your actions that I'm supposed to be condemning Yeah, because they are my words And boy, they sound exactly like what you're doing
Starting point is 00:38:19 Oh boy I'm in trouble now Whoops I imagine that's his thought process Is just like, oh no, he used words Yeah Oh shit Again, I wouldn't have done this interview
Starting point is 00:38:29 If I were Alex I think this is a bad idea I think that he thinks that he can do These gotcha moments like the Bill Ayers interview Or David Rothschild Totally And it just, he's so bad at this Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:42 He's really good at steamrolling con men He's not good at talking to people Who have actual beliefs Yeah, it's trouble And I don't agree with Mike And I don't trust him I don't think he's being Necessarily above board
Starting point is 00:38:57 And fully honest Even in this interview Totally But I do believe that he has beliefs Yeah More than Alex Yeah Absolutely
Starting point is 00:39:05 And that's a problem Alex can't handle it And beliefs that are almost certainly inspired by Alex Yes And He is aware enough to recognize that Alex doesn't Actually have those beliefs You betcha
Starting point is 00:39:17 And that's not good Uh oh But 1776 is the answer to 1984 I want to take you a picture from 1776 Um January 18th major Havishy Blackjack
Starting point is 00:39:29 Royal Governor James Wright March 2nd Americans begin shelling Boston March 4th We captured Dorchester Heights after a bloody battle April 7th We had a bloody major sea battle August 27th We had the battle of Long Island
Starting point is 00:39:40 September 15th We had another bloody battle September 21st New York City A quarter of it was burned October 11th We had another bloody battle That's just one of the many instances of 1776
Starting point is 00:39:50 So when you call for 1776 Um I almost feel like you're doing it just for the merch And not for the actual fact Um We understand that Our Laws
Starting point is 00:40:02 Our Avenues that we should go through Have been clogged up by old mid and politics Politicians who were there for the money They've been clogged up They blocked us from actually having access to our rights They've infringed upon constitutional rights Whether it be the First Amendment, the Second Amendment
Starting point is 00:40:16 The Fourth Amendment It doesn't matter They've infringed on those On those rights And we've realized that those avenues are no longer open to us And so the only answer to that Is to try to win the hearts and the minds of the people And ultimately there is going to be a revolution
Starting point is 00:40:29 Even you know this And I know this Even you This is fucked for Alex Wow This is not good No This is a terrible situation for him to be in
Starting point is 00:40:39 Because he's being rightly confronted about his Using Americana for merch and shit That is a valid criticism For it to be levied against Alex But he's also being scolded by Somebody who stands to Deeper radicalized Perhaps his audience
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, I'm interested in that push and pull Because it does seem like there are twisted motivations here For Alex Like one, of course he has to be top dog But two, he does want to give these exact ideas a platform True So that to me is part of why he's not interrupting so much Yeah, it's hard for me to tell
Starting point is 00:41:17 If it's like a way of painting this person as the fall guy But also at the same time Spreading his message There is a part of me that feels like Maybe that's what's going on But I also I've seen enough interviews on Alex's show That are just like he does not prepare at all
Starting point is 00:41:34 That he probably thought this was going to be a 20 year old idiot Who didn't know anything Who didn't have an awareness of Alex's career Didn't have an ability to stand up for himself Like I would bet that he's just like I'm going to talk to a tween Alright, I'm a man
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah, it is fascinating I've been on there 27 years, man It's really funny how completely clueless old people are Considering the fact that I believe that 90% of 16 year olds are savvier And probably have a better education than I do If you're under 23, I'm terrified Yeah, you have powers You guys don't even know what kind of fucking powers you have yet
Starting point is 00:42:19 And you're not going to lose an argument to Alex fucking Jones That's pretty clear I think there are probably some 20 year olds who would But this guy is not what Alex expected I don't believe Now, the thing that I take issue with Or the thing that I'm worried about is that This is a guy who stands to be a negative influence on Alex's audience
Starting point is 00:42:43 In so much as there are people who are like Gavin McGuinness or Nick Fuentes Or E. Michael Jones who come on Alex's show And stand to take audiences on a different path Take them from this, I mean it's bad But there's kind of an exploitative vampiric nature To Alex is just like keeping people scared And then selling them dumb pills they don't need
Starting point is 00:43:09 Like I hate it, it's an awful thing But it's kind of, Alex has a vested interest in them Not going too far He's doing it for the merch And falling into overtly anti-Semitic communities Starting to watch the American Journal These kinds of things are dangerous And I don't think that he's the right person, this Mike
Starting point is 00:43:31 To be making these critiques of Alex that are justified and fair And one of the reasons is like, I mean Mike believes a lot of the same stuff that Alex does Like that the election was a fraudulent one We all saw widespread voter fraud We all understand what happened in the election We're not Trump fans, we're not Biden fans We understand that, but a lot of you hold on to the hope of
Starting point is 00:43:53 Voting your way out of voter fraud, which is an impossibility We see it as there has to be a revolution There has to be a result and it's going to come through that We preach unity, bottom-scale unity against the elitists, the globalists The people who control our country, the people who control our presidents Which you talked about previously We see that as a way to say, hey, we're dormant tyranny And we're going to stand against it
Starting point is 00:44:14 We're part of those 3% that have stood up Or in your case, from your quote, you know, it's just 5% of people We're part of that, we're the ones who have stood up And that's pretty much all I had to say concerning, you know The boot glue and what we're about We're about freedom and liberty for all people, non-discrimination And the Constitution being applicable to those who disagree with you So this is a chance to launder and sell this group as
Starting point is 00:44:40 But I honestly don't even understand why he would say that As if it's a good thing on info wars Like we don't discriminate This whole thing is about discriminating, man Yeah, all I hear is we're looking for the right boot to lick We ran out of boots Now we are hoping somebody will come up who will help us Oppress the people we want to oppress
Starting point is 00:45:03 I don't know if I would agree that that's the vibe I get off Mike Alex, perhaps No, I don't get that Well, I mean, I guess it's that kind of always getting to that conversation Of like, you guys just don't realize because you think you're going to be the mine owner You don't think that you're going to be under a different boot You think it's going to be some sort of utopia where you get to do whatever you want to do And all you're doing is establishing someone else to fuck you over
Starting point is 00:45:36 Probably worse Yeah, and it's also There were logistical reasons in a disconnected world why the Civil War in the United States in the 1860s Didn't really lead to the complete destruction of America Yeah, yeah, yeah We're another Civil War to break out today It's not like what this fantasy is where it's like one side will fight the other And then someone will win and then America
Starting point is 00:46:04 There are no battlefields anymore in the States No, but were there to be an actual Civil War do you think that that would work for the other global powers that are like tied up in our economy? Well, it wouldn't work I imagine that China and Europe now naturally they do have a massive investment in the United States continuing to function the same way I imagine they would stand on the sidelines if all of the sudden the global economy were to crash Let's see who wins Because two groups of morons were dressed in red and blue on fucking a plane running at each other with knives Oh no, we need the economy and the entire world to get back online
Starting point is 00:46:47 We better pull for the boogaloo There's far range and consequences from this sort of fantastical idea that they have It was one of the reasons why I have a real lack of interest in accelerationist ideas is like Anyway, I really don't care I don't care for this guy's kind of ideology and I also don't take him at face value about the non-discrimination Maybe him personally, I don't know I don't know anything about him as an individual except for what he's put out on like vice and shit But like, I don't know
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, I find it hard to believe how many people still believe that like a war in the Civil War in the United States would have two armies Opposed to each other with two generals all choosing which troops to put where as opposed to either being like There's no middle ground in a war in the United States It's either like street battles in every United States city or explosions everywhere Like there's no like just we're gonna go fight Yeah, yeah You know and you know the quickest way to get the UN here too is probably that Yes
Starting point is 00:48:05 Get the UN involved Oh man I'm sure Alex would love that Yeah, it'd be great So Mike and Alex get to talking about how Alex's ideas are kind of behind what Mike is doing Yeah And Alex has a really tough time with this I'm just trying to figure out are these because you mentioned this and you respond to 1776 thing
Starting point is 00:48:30 Because I'm somebody that's very clear that I believe in civil disobedience I believe in defensive defense and violence I really want to fix this peacefully Let's just go there first You're saying let's sing to my work my energy You're taking from that the idea of revolution or armed conflict Yeah, no shit I definitely wouldn't say that I took it directly from you
Starting point is 00:48:54 I'm just saying that the idea that you portray and the message that you carry Sometimes tend to look like you're just there to create merch and not actually stand for an actual revolution You talk about peaceful protesting and I always thought You know the Alex Jones I listened to growing up with someone who wanted the government to fear the people And so I'm not saying that you incited it or you directed it But I am saying that if you continue to preach a 1776 revolution or the type of message that you preach You have to figure out whether you're just going to bend the knee and continue to make your talk show Or if you're actually going to stand against the tyranny that is present in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Well, Mike, let's be 100% clear You better believe I sell t-shirts and I sell product That gets the word out, that's identification Hold on, hold on, hold on They want to shut us down They want to kill our speech They don't want us to exercise our speech online You guys wear your shirts that are Hawaiian shirts to see you can be known
Starting point is 00:49:54 I'm a capitalist, I didn't get $10.6 billion from Democrat donors like Black Lives Matter So I don't get any funding like Antifa or BLM I don't have people volunteering to do my security, I pay my security I don't have the Boogaloo Boys volunteering for my security, I pay for my security So I'm a capitalist, I'm not ashamed of selling products But to be clear, if we get to a point where I think I've got to be violent Then I'll do what I have to do That's why I'm fighting so hard
Starting point is 00:50:28 That's why I'm fighting so hard Because I'm not going to stand around capitals with guns if I get violent If Alex gets violent, he's going to have suction cups on his hands What are we doing at the side of a building? Alex Jones is going to be a cabando Breaking into Soros' house with piano wire No, we all know Alex is a paratrooper He's going to get in that parachute
Starting point is 00:50:49 And he's going to land directly on top of the catapulted building Repel his way down I know one thing about Alex Jones And that is, he is a man who is not unfamiliar with stealth Yeah Hey, hey, hey Where's the manamace? I'm a little drunk
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, that's a little silly I do think that Mike has a decent point though That Alex, the way he engages with his rhetoric And the way he behaves on air, does lead to a point where he has to be honest with himself Am I just being a talk show host? Or am I actually trying to rile people up to 1776? And we've heard Alex when shit gets too hot He's like, I'm just a talk show host, man
Starting point is 00:51:31 You know, Shadowgate comes out and he's like, I don't do any of this shit Yeah, when the country's stable, or at least more stable than it is now You can get away with the answer to 1984 is 1776 Everybody gets that it's a metaphor Yeah You know, now, it's not a metaphor It's not, you can't say it without meaning it because it's happening Yeah, and your use of it as a metaphor is part of what normalizes the state that we're in now
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah In the same way that Mimi jokes about Boogaloo Civil War II Electric Boogaloo leads to People actually wanting to engage in ways that could set off a Second Civil War Yeah Like jokes can lead to action And hey, maybe jokes were fine Yeah Yeah, yeah, we can't
Starting point is 00:52:19 We can't do this like, no, I don't know what I really meant was No, be specific, be careful in your language And make sure that everybody is fucking trying at least It would be helpful Yeah, and instead it's just like, oh no, I didn't mean that Yeah Well, guess what? Hundreds of thousands of people are ready for 1776
Starting point is 00:52:40 Mm-hmm Maybe millions And they're surprised that you're not Exactly Yeah So now this is the point in the interview where I think Alex realizes, uh-oh I better be mean to this guy Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:52 I've got to condescend to him How do you see this thing unfolding? Tell me General George Washington 2.0, how are we going to do this revolution? I don't know, I thought you were the General George Washington 2.0 No, no, no, I'm not the guy out there saying we're going to have a revolution So tell me, we don't need a Declaration of Independence by the states We need a coalition of leaders ready with a bill of particulars of what we want And then we go to war
Starting point is 00:53:15 Not a bunch of people taking selfies in the Capitol, that's the opposite of what we need We need George Washington, he hasn't shown up yet So I'm telling you, tell me what we do General, General Dunn, what do we do right now? Uh, go for it, get those papers in order, get the plan of government for after in order to actually get it done and start building the forces like you're supposed to Like all of us have done I think that Alex thought he'd be cowed by that yelling I think that he thought he'd be intimidated by Alex doing a little outburst
Starting point is 00:53:44 See, look at how stupid this is, you don't have a plan in place Okay, well let's get a plan in place and take over the government The part Oh no, I thought you were just going to be stupid Mike is saying essentially, my part in this is rising up people And that is what I have been doing We need those bills of particulars? Why the fuck isn't anyone doing it? Why are you doing it? Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 00:54:09 No, he's like, I guess Alex is in a bad place I guess Alex was expecting him to reveal himself as stupid And reveal that, look at all your stupid ideas that don't make any sense And then when he didn't reveal himself as stupid, he has to try and portray him as stupid And now he realizes that it's impenetrable You know, like, this is a generation that's been raised on my generation's irony They're indestructible
Starting point is 00:54:37 Well, it's impenetrable for Alex also because the only way to penetrate it is to sort of also puncture your own mythology and your own worldview Were you to say like, well, all this stuff that we complain about is bullshit Right The reason that you want the bill of particulars and a new government and all this is nonsense It's all lies that we've been spouting for years on the radio Now, you could do that and then it would devolve into a completely different conversation But Alex can't do that Mike is essentially bulletproof on a lot of points because he's talking to Alex who he clearly knows profits from putting on a certain presentation
Starting point is 00:55:22 And he would stand to lose those profits if he were to do the thing that would deflate this conversation Yeah, I don't know why people who are going to absolutely beat the shit out of Alex in an interview do not bring a hype man So many different lines in there, he said, where somebody should be on the call to just be like, what? I can't believe you just said that And this would be a good place for it actually because in this next clip, Mike kind of chews it Alex out a little bit We go to our capitals on where they say, you know, in Richmond, Virginia, Owen Shroy drove there, he saw some of my guys there on They said, hey, you can't open carry here anymore. It's illegal now. We went, we dissipated If they had tried to arrest us, we would have used the second amendment the way that it was attended, which is to limit Hold on, say that again. Where did you do this? Because this is you put your money where your mouth is. Where did you do this?
Starting point is 00:56:10 Caravan This is in Richmond, Virginia. It's illegal to open carry any protest or event on So we go there for, for Owen Shroy's thing when he came through with the stop the steal We've been at every protest, whether it be MAGA, Black Lives Matter, anything to make sure that things are peaceful and respectful And we go there on, we disobey the law, we stand against the tyranny And what we see, people like you, Alex, who used, you know, used to be my hero as a young man We see y'all bending the knee to it repeatedly You, you have your talk shows, you give your speeches, but y'all don't actually standing against tyranny
Starting point is 00:56:41 And that's disheartening as a young man, a young American and someone involved in the Liberty movement And constitutionalism, personally, I'm not speaking But how is it not, how am I not standing against tyranny, fighting evil legislation, marching, going out having events, sorry? Because, because you talk, we go out there, we actually disobey, we stand their arm, we're not willing to, we don't boot lick What? We actually stand up against the tyranny that is prevalent That's what I want to see y'all do, when you ask, well, what's the revolution look like? Well, there you go, it's us engaging in civil disobedience, and if they decide to do something, then we'll stand against that
Starting point is 00:57:17 You're not going out there where they say, hey, you can't open Kerry here, you can't exercise a constitutional right You're not going out there and disobey it, y'all want to do everything by the law because you're the party of law and order Well, no, I have, I have supported open Kerry, and I've supported the law, so it's all the rest of us You lost, you lost, listen to the sound of his voice, listen to the defeat That was so weak, Alex cannot rebut I went outside one time You can honestly imagine somebody who likes Alex hearing this and it's shattering some of the illusion that you have about Alex As him being a competent, confident, strong force, like this guy is mirroring back a lot of Alex's rhetoric
Starting point is 00:57:59 He's pointing out the places where it's clear that Alex is in contradiction with himself And it's And he's hammering the fact that he's in it for the merch You talk, you talk, you talk for money, that's what you do Yeah, you talk, we act And that's why, you know, if there is tyranny then I'm halfway waiting for this to end like a Malinu declaring himself a white nationalist where Alex is just like, well, I guess I'm a Boogaloo boy too I didn't know it, but here we are
Starting point is 00:58:31 We'll see how it ends Oh, God So, Alex, like you said, I mean, you could tell there was a little bit of submission there Totally Alex showed ass I've supported open Kerry Mm-hmm And so Alex has to retreat to trying to have gotcha moments, so he brings up the Capitol
Starting point is 00:58:49 The strategic blunder of rushing into the Capitol The strategic blunder of the selfies and the Q-tards stuff and all the rest of it Goddamn man Is not what Trump wanted, it's not what I wanted That was our rally to try to put pressure on them to have a 10-day investigation of election fraud So, wait, do you think what happened to the Capitol was a victory or a fiasco? I definitely think it was the right thing for the wrong reasons I think it was a good way to make government for the people again
Starting point is 00:59:15 It was nice to see members of Congress on their knees fearing the people I think it was the right thing for the wrong reasons So you now wish that people wouldn't have knocked down the doors and gone in there I wish 100% that people would do it more all over this country and make government fear the people So that's a little bit fucked up Yeah, yeah, yeah, there is nothing quite so terrifying as a zealot Uh-huh, especially a 20-year-old Yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:59:44 I can think of a lot of historical problems that come from 20-year-old zealots He is also limiting his own personal involvement with the Capitol and the storming of it There's an article in Reuters from January 8th that says that Mike Dunn, quote Who lives in Virginia said three or four groups of loyalists under his command helped storm the Capitol this week amid a motley mix of rioters who supported President Donald Trump's attempt to overturn the results of the November presidential election While most Boogaloo's are libertarians who largely opposed Trump, Dunn said the group embraced the moment to strike against the government So I don't know, like if this Reuters article is wrong
Starting point is 01:00:25 Right But he downplays his own involvement And it seems like there might be some disingenuousness on his part in terms of his exact actions I just don't think that you can get away with commanding people to overthrow the Capitol It seems like this Reuters article, if true, is a problem Yeah, yeah That said, I don't know Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:51 I do know that that is a point that Alex really hoped would show some sort of weakness on Mike's point On Mike's point part, but no, he stands firm to what he, he has a consistency And I'm not saying that is a positive thing No, no Although I believe I just pointed out, zealotry, terrifying Yeah, yeah So Owen Troyer is there, like I said, and he pops his little head in to say, hey, he has good
Starting point is 01:01:19 And then he indicates that, hey, I'm into this stuff, I like it, I like it, but we gotta do it later Okay, all right, great And then Alex, Alex, you can tell he's getting a little heated Uh-oh There's no doubt that we have encroaching global government, there's no doubt that the government's out of control There's no doubt that the biggest crooks in America are in Washington DC I think 90% of Americans would agree to that Here's the problem though, and Mike, I'd like to get your response to this
Starting point is 01:01:46 We're not in a 1776 colonists versus the British government time where we're hiding in the woods And we've got the local communities and they don't have a world technocracy set up against us Or a federal government set up against us I mean, I've been to jail multiple times for my free speech, you know that So, I mean, to sit here and say Oh, you've done nothing because you didn't stand around in a Hawaiian shirt with a gun Whoa All right, Alex
Starting point is 01:02:11 All right, I'm not gonna just let these two young dickwads talk around me without me asserting some dominance And Alex is being a real dick Yeah, yeah, yeah Absolutely I'm not gonna sit here and like feel bad, too bad for Mike, but like, you know, I can tell he's being rude Alex is being rude I am not winning the war of ideas somehow Alex invited this guy to be on his show
Starting point is 01:02:34 And now he's just being a dick to it because he's failed to take the upper ground in this argument As usual, he's pouting and he's throwing a fit And in this next clip, again, we return to this theme, it's like if you were real, you would kill my enemies But I'm telling you that the target if Boogaloo's are real Well, I'm not saying do this, but if you really want a violent revolution, you should be calling for the council on farm relations Every member should be in a deck of cards, the whole leadership, Richard and Haas, all the rest of them The last thing I want is anything to happen to Bill Gates or Richard and Haas or any of them I'm just saying if you really want to do this, Klaus Schwab should be the ace of spades
Starting point is 01:03:11 And then Bill Gates is, you know, right after that, okay? I'm just telling you, man, you're hitting the wrong target Oh boy So, you are not endorsing him, but you are saying if you take out my targets, I'll like you I will consider you real You'll be real Yeah, you wouldn't be suspected of being SPLC, ADL run, false flaggers If only you did kill Richard and Haas
Starting point is 01:03:48 Listen, I'm not telling you that I want anything bad to happen to Bill Gates, but, you know But I am going to use the same sort of visual metaphor that was used in the war on terror Yeah, yeah Sadam Hussein Hey, hey, you know, you said, I asked you what the plan was and you came back with it should be my idea And my idea is that you should take out these targets. Oh shit, I'm in it, aren't I? Oh no Fuck
Starting point is 01:04:17 So Alex comes back from break, they're talking, and now the Proud Boys, under the bus Does not look like they're going to be heroes Oh god Although Alex is walking a little bit of a fine line with this, because he's not, he's saying that he still supports the Proud Boys and what have you put He is a Proud Boy He's now lumping them in with forces that might have acted no good Sure I'm not an informant like Enrique Tario, but at the same time I want to expose the federal forces that are involved in this
Starting point is 01:04:49 We identified Boogaloo's and we identified Proud Boys leading the attack on the Capitol with Antifa And I'm now bringing all this out today, I was already intending to before this broke about Tario Sure So, and we have the footage So no Boogaloo's win the Capitol Put it up on the Boogaloo Boy, walking into the Capitol And I will Oh and they have their faces covered, but I mean, well we got you saying you have fireteams inside the Capitol, but I'm going to ask you right now
Starting point is 01:05:16 Building You said we're inside the Capitol, you said that doesn't mean what you said DC is the Capitol, not the Capitol building Oh DC is the Capitol Oh okay Oops Alex's big gotcha is a tweet, or maybe it was a post on parlor, I'm not sure, but it's Mike saying that they have four fireteams Right
Starting point is 01:05:36 At the Capitol Right With an A Well, I don't know, I didn't actually see the tweet, but it makes sense that his explanation is we met the country's Capitol, not the building There are, sir, sir, there are two where I know they are homophones Yeah They sound the same Yeah, so Alex thinks that's a big gotcha, because you have four teams inside the building
Starting point is 01:05:57 We were talking about Bane Capital, we went to the wrong building, I am really sorry about that You see how quickly that gets resolved, he's like, I was talking about the city Yeah Yeah, and he was curt about it too, he didn't try and disassemble, he was just like, there's a difference Yeah So this isn't going well, but Alex has blamed the Boogaloo's as being the people who were the ones who had like the zip ties Right And were the ones who were the actual really scary folks in the storming of the Capitol
Starting point is 01:06:25 They weren't the patriots And Alex has said that he's proved these things Yes he has I think it's them We got pictures of you Now, because this interview isn't going well, Alex kind of reveals that like, I'm just looking for someone to blame And I decided it was you Here's the deal, we're going to find out who these guys were in Camo that had masks on
Starting point is 01:06:45 And we think they worked for the FBI, okay? Because our president that really got elected is on trial in a week and a half, and we're pissed off about it, okay? And we wanted to put peaceful pressure on them to show our numbers, and we got screwed over by some people We're going to find out who they are And if you hear the headlines Oh boy Oh, great Yeah, that is not what someone would say if they've proved something
Starting point is 01:07:09 Nope, nope Nope I have proven it's the Boogaloo boys And we are going to find out who did it And I think they work for the FBI I'm pretty sure it was the FBI We don't know who these people are, but we think they're FBI We're going to find out, we're going to get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 01:07:23 Hey, Mike, have I ever told you about how I'm a psychic based on people's posture? It's like a body language expert, but I can tell from still photographs Also, by the way, God gave me a vision 30 years ago that laid all of this out for me Yeah Mike, you're not really fitting into this vision, I'm confused Mike I think you might be working for the devil, Mike I think you're the devil, Mike
Starting point is 01:07:47 I see now that, I don't understand why he doesn't end every interview that doesn't go well with like Well, obviously you're working for the devil, sir And I must have you off my show Obviously, this is a challenge that the devil has thrown my way and I decide to rise above it Click Pass, pass The devil took Jesus into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and on night one, Jesus said, now I'm out Did you know that the devil is actually a Boogaboy?
Starting point is 01:08:14 I did not know that That's fair So, like I said, Alex has claimed that he's proved all these things When he's talking about it on his show, it's not like spitball and ideas It's talking about we have definitive proof, sources have confirmed We have the documents Everything that it was, Antifa and Boogaloo Boys It's all there
Starting point is 01:08:36 And some Q folks got tricked into going and taking selfies And the Patriots were doing the right thing They were fighting off Antifa They were trying to fight off Antifa They were fighting off But they got overwhelmed Oh, yeah So, when you hear a clip like this, it's just like this is incongruous
Starting point is 01:08:56 We're trying to find out who the provocateur groups are And I'll just say it, and I've said this, I'm not against the Proud Boys They've been lied about, I don't think they're racist, all other stuff We know the Proud Boys not wearing their outfits, not wearing their uniforms That we're part of the Capitol breach We have tweets by you and by other people saying they supported the Capitol attack And then it was a great thing Now you're kind of halfway back and off of that
Starting point is 01:09:19 I'm not here trying to get you arrested My big question is, I see this Dr. Gold lady just going in being arrested I see Brandon Straca, or Strach being arrested when he was just there doing nothing And then it freaks me out Like, who are the men in uniforms with masks handing out clubs saying attack, attack, attack That's my big question So, Alex, if he knew what was going on and he had the information that he claims to He would not be trying to figure out who the provocateur groups are
Starting point is 01:09:51 He would not be having the alleged leader of the Boogalooz on And being like, well, we're just trying to spitball and figure out who did what Also, there's video of Brandon Straca inciting a crowd to steal a cop's shield All he was doing was nothing, he was just not, he wasn't doing anything He posted a video of himself yelling, take his shield That's barely anything What if, look, if he was in my hometown, Princeton, Illinois Nobody would be bothered by it
Starting point is 01:10:21 Right, but then they did take the guy's shield Okay, well, now there is that There is that, that's hard to, I understand cause and effect Brandon Straca's going to prison I'm telling you, you know, cause and effect is really just the way we perceive entropy in the universe So, this has already happened Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:38 And I think that at this point in the interview, you can really tell that Alex has done He's been defeated, he doesn't have the energy, it's just no good Too young You can see, Mike Dunn, where I'm a little concerned and I see this going on I'm worried about the idea of your movement that anybody can say they're a Boogaloo It's like, are you for anonymous? Well, anybody can be anonymous Are you for Q? Anybody can be for Q I mean, I mean, don't you, don't you worry
Starting point is 01:11:03 It's for Info Wars Are you for Antifa? I'm just not writing here, but explain to me Boogaloo where it came from Are you worried about being taken over? I mean, what do you think is really happening here? Since Boogaloo is an ideology, it's not necessarily a worry of being taken over Because if somebody doesn't embody the ideology, then they're not Boogaloo Boogaloo started as a meme, a joke back in like 2012, it was just an online joke
Starting point is 01:11:25 And then in 2019, several people started making it a little more public And actually turning it to an ideology or belief that liberty is for all And we're done being tread on Yeah, and it's a joke meme that turned it to an ideology about the need for a second civil war So I don't think we can sort of eliminate that and pretend that that's not a piece of this I think that's fairly important But Alex's signaling defeat there and just being like, well, you know, look I'm just trying to tell you that your group can be co-opted
Starting point is 01:11:57 That is an attempt at a trick That is a false move backwards into a pose of submission It's a sidestep more like Yes, because then Alex tries to get him to sort of, what's it called? What's the, what's it, pleading a fifth? Incriminate Yes, self-incriminate Alex is trying to get him to self-incriminate
Starting point is 01:12:21 Great Look, look, here's my issue Are you guys putting on a manifesto of targets? Because, you know, random police, capitals, that's, I mean, that's just a seat of what the people should be in control of I mean, I'm not calling for targets, God forbid, I don't want any violence What about Bill Gates? What about Ted Turner? What people trying to put poison vaccines in us? What about the UN? So tell me, tell me in a deck of cards, like Saddam Hussein was the top target, 2003
Starting point is 01:12:51 Like, who's the ace of spades for you guys? It would be ignorant to sit here and release a manifesto or say this is a target Yeah, so let's not mention any real evil kingpins, right? I'd allow you to be in the same, something like that Say that again? I'm not going to allow you to go to be in the same, something like that That would be ridiculous Oh, like the Southern Poverty Law Center does, posing as militias?
Starting point is 01:13:13 Goading people into stuff? Oh, maybe, oh, oh, maybe I am Maybe you're trying to position Listen, what I'm telling you is, I'm going to save this country Okay This is the Spider-Man meme This is This is the Spider-Man meme
Starting point is 01:13:28 It's just what this is Oh, I'm the bad guy No, you're the bad guy All right, this isn't going well for me, so tell me who you want to kill on there Yeah, exactly Alex, that's a stupid idea, I'm not going to do that Oh, lookie, lookie Oh, you're SPL, that's what you are
Starting point is 01:13:44 Oh, my God That is so funny Yeah Man But I mean, like, God bless, I mean, God bless No I don't know how I would phrase it It shows some wherewithal for Mike to recognize
Starting point is 01:13:58 Like, I'm not going to talk like this on air Yeah, no, I think it's a good, I would say nice move Sure If this was Bobby Fisher versus Kasparov I would be like, nice move, sir It would be an unnecessary error to make Yeah, it would be a blunder in terms Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:16 To continue the chess metaphor So Alex, I think he also makes it a little too obvious in this conversation That this is personal, like this really feels personal And in this clip, Alex is going to express that by way of being like Hey, I'm the real person fighting for liberty Sure And you can prove that because a bunch of people are suing me Is anyone suing you, Mike?
Starting point is 01:14:43 That's fair I want to save this country And running around storming capitals is not the way to do it Either the courts or not, Alex, the country is not safe Let me ask you a question Do you have 50 democratic lawsuits against you? What second? Do you have the Democratic Party financing your destruction like I do?
Starting point is 01:15:04 I don't know nor do I care No, I'm asking, see, see, why am I under so much attack? Because I know nothing I'm this coward I thought it was because you were a piece of shit I've never done anything And you're this because you walk around with a gun It's like, oh my god, just I'm supposed to fall down on my knees
Starting point is 01:15:18 And like, holy hell, this is my leader I mean, seriously, dude, you keep telling me that I stood down You said my generation stood down, bull My generation didn't stand down It's the fact that you're doing the same thing that's been done for years And it's not accomplishing anything The only thing that's going to accomplish it is forcing a resolution I am not doing the same thing
Starting point is 01:15:37 I'm not Democrat Republican I'm exposing the globalist program Do you understand that information is powerful? They're scared of it? You're talking that So now you are admitting you told people to storm the Capitol Because you're not like me a coward You're a big man
Starting point is 01:15:56 I have not told anybody to storm the Capitol I preach revolution and I always will So Alex is trying to again incriminate him He's trying to get him in this thing where it's like Oh, you told people to storm the Capitol Because then afterwards Alex can still use that for his narratives If he gets him into that box And not least of which, he wants this guy emotional
Starting point is 01:16:15 He wants this guy to be like No, I did tell people to storm the Capitol Yeah, whereas there's a poise to it just being like No, you guys, you're engaging in the same sort of shit That doesn't achieve any of the goals you profess to have And we're going to force a revolution Now that idea there is the accelerationist idea The force of revolution is not something that is
Starting point is 01:16:41 It's not what goes well with the public facing idea Of the Boogaloo types That want you to think like Oh, we're just here standing around Making sure nothing gets out of control It's like, no, you're there because you want a force of revolution Yeah, yeah, yeah You want something to go bad
Starting point is 01:17:01 And people start shooting each other Right, and I think one of the most difficult things for Alex Is he doesn't understand that their agenda begins with revolution There's no, like, I don't think they care what strikes it Either, if it was a left-wing cause, they would be like Yeah, let's go and, the revolution is what their goal is So you can't really be like Oh, see, you're so stupid
Starting point is 01:17:27 And it's like, no, we just didn't succeed yet The goal is still a revolution We're not changing our goal because we lose Yeah, and I would say that based on this reporting in Reuters If accurate is counter to what Mike is presenting here on the show And I have some question about that I don't know what the reality is, I wasn't there But it does seem to be at least a reason to be like
Starting point is 01:17:56 I don't think that you're above board I don't think that you're being honest here Now, here's where things turn a little bit more hostile Alex brings up that the Boogaloo types Were trying to get a second march going after January 6th An armed march in DC Alex conflates Boogaloo types and Mike personally And is accusing Mike of trying to get people to do an armed march
Starting point is 01:18:25 While they sit back and watch the chaos happen And Mike Mike, you're pulling at me, right? And Mike calls Alex a liar The Boogaloo Supreme leadership, whoever they are Said go to DC the weekend after the 6th and have armed marches But you guys didn't show up So you were trying to get other people to come into DC
Starting point is 01:18:46 And she could sit back and eat popcorn and watch that Or was that not the Boogaloo's that said that? It's the word you like, Alex, it's called a Psyop Oh, a Psyop So you're not going to respond to the stack of tweets I've got And messages from you saying we're going to have an armed march Are you printing them out individually? Three days after the 6th
Starting point is 01:19:05 Yeah, Alex, you're a liar Show the tweet where I said we're going to have an armed march Oh, shit! Show the tweet where I said we're going to have an armed march So the Boogaloo's did not call They didn't say armed march is still on for DC We're going to have it Show the tweet where I said there's going to be an armed march
Starting point is 01:19:21 I'm at the Boogaloo Lordship Well, you said you're not the Lordship I said I'm not the leader Oh, so you don't have any problems or anything Have you ever been to the ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center headquarters? I don't care I don't care to go to any of those places because I care less about them So Alex is now just like this is falling apart
Starting point is 01:19:43 Yeah Like Alex was conflating other Boogaloo people And this guy personally And this guy calls it out that you're saying that I did this I didn't do that Yeah And Alex realizes like ah, shit I did just get called out on that slide of hand
Starting point is 01:19:59 Hey, have you ever been to the SPLC Center? I'm going to tangentially imply that you're an agent provocateur Yeah I'm not even going to say it I'm going to be like Hey, have you ever been to these places? Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:20:13 This is giving Soft Weak tea Weak tea So Alex now goes out to break and he thinks he's won a little bit I think he thinks he's got some win back He's saved face Because he's made some suggestion
Starting point is 01:20:24 And then he also got Mike to say that an armed march on DC A week after the storming of the capital would be an unwise strategic move And somehow this is hypocritical Although I think Alex agrees I don't know what's going on anymore I have said that no armed march in DC An armed march in DC would be unwise I said that repeatedly
Starting point is 01:20:45 Well good, good for you I remember the boogaloo said that So wait, I thought you're a man of action though You just said that I'm the coward You're the man of action Wise action Wise action Wise action
Starting point is 01:20:55 I go to capitals where we can punk the police department Punk city cap But you told me earlier that we should not follow the law You said I'm a coward, I follow the law You don't follow the law because you're for revolution Correct I am for revolution But I'm for wise revolution
Starting point is 01:21:10 Which is where we go to these capitals We punk the PDs We punk the city councils that want to make We unlaw the PDs Unlaw Yeah, because the local cops are our issue Alright, alright Hey, you are the boogaloo lordship
Starting point is 01:21:21 We're gonna come right back and you still are here with us You hear that laughing Cause Alex thinks like he's got a dump Got him, got him I finally got him Don't think so No Don't think you got anything there
Starting point is 01:21:34 No, I'm very, I'm very bored with this conversation Yeah I'm annoyed by it It sounds way too much like a fucking Philosophy 101 course where they're like Well, I'm for play to platonic ideals And I'm for existentialism And it's like you're both stupid
Starting point is 01:21:52 I don't appreciate this And this is even worse Because you guys are not arguing about philosophy You're like, how do we kill all these people? I think that I can relate to what you're talking about In that I think it's very stupid And it's a frustrating conversation to listen to But I do still think that there's an importance to it
Starting point is 01:22:10 Oh no, that's what I'm saying That okay, well we're talking about how to kill everyone Right And you're also seeing just yet another example Of how the ecosystems that have been spawned By people like Alex have now outgrown them To a point where they are able to embarrass him Yeah
Starting point is 01:22:33 The young eat the old Dan It's how it's always going to go It does feel a bit like that There's a theme of that So they come back as Mike did not leave After Alex routinely insulted him And suggested that he went to the SPLC Sure
Starting point is 01:22:50 And Mike repays the favor by blowing up one of Alex's narratives And makes it clear that Antifa was not at the capital Uh-oh What I said was I would not encourage Open or march on DC Which is what I've said repeatedly Because I find it a poor tactical plan A poor strategy
Starting point is 01:23:09 So I know you like going things out of proportion And trying to pay me as the bad guy Or pay me as illogical But I've been consistent with what I'm saying You just keep trying to twist out, man No Mike, I'm trying to find out Who the guys in camo are That lead the attack with Antifa
Starting point is 01:23:24 And then get a few, maybe 180 It's to go in with them So that they can destroy A peaceful movement Looks, I've been around quite a few Antifa You know, there are some Antifa that are good The majority we've not had good interactions with We do not support
Starting point is 01:23:38 But there are some that are good But I've interacted with a lot of Antifa And I can assure you that they were not Antifa That were on that front line in that capital That capital right So trying to find somebody to point fingers at You're failing when you're pointing at Antifa They were not there
Starting point is 01:23:52 Oh, I'm failing Even though they arrested an Antifa leader That said he brought 100 there I saw a bunch of skinny gene guys Helping do it Oh, so this was all Trump people Yeah, it's called an op, Alex The same thing that you preach about
Starting point is 01:24:06 What's an op? It's not, it's simply not true Oh, so, okay So should Trump be arrested for inciting this? Probably I think there are a lot of other crops That Trump should be arrested for I don't believe he incited the insurrection
Starting point is 01:24:23 At the capital, no There's a lot of other crops he should be arrested for So have you ever met Have you ever talked to Southern Private Law Center? I don't believe so Maybe I talked to a lot of people A lot of people call me Ask questions, reporters, agencies
Starting point is 01:24:39 I have no clue Oh, and you want to put any bookends on this? I mean, this is just a mess That's just a dude giving up He asks him a second time Yeah Have you been to the SPL? Brutal
Starting point is 01:24:57 Talk to them And now he's just like, Owen, you got anything? See, now that's the problem with getting that Brief moment of victory It makes the gut punch loss all the worse Yeah Yeah And Owen doesn't do much better
Starting point is 01:25:11 He starts talking about, you know Now that Trump is out Maybe there's some stuff we can do Now we can organize against war Sure, sure Yeah, thanks, Owen And this actually makes Brings up Mike having a decent point
Starting point is 01:25:24 And that is like, you could have done that before We have to make sure we become unified So we can organize against the wars Against the surveillance Against the mask Against the force inoculation I think that's a positive thing Let me ask Lord Boogaloo
Starting point is 01:25:37 Do you agree with that, Lord Boogaloo? So I'm 100% clear You're cool with the tyranny If it's the tyranny that you like Which would be Donald Trump I just want to make sure I'm tracking on that So you're not actually against tyranny You're not actually for revolution
Starting point is 01:25:51 You're only for when somebody is in office That you don't agree with I'm tracking on that Wait a minute, wait a minute I just talked about all of us Unifying against force inoculations Joe Biden, Trump's gone You wouldn't do it
Starting point is 01:26:01 You wouldn't do it on Trump's office Because you didn't stand against Trump You stood for the very time I didn't stand around I didn't stand around with a gun in front of stuff And say, hold on now That's another cheap shot, Mr. Fire Team We have fire teams in the capital
Starting point is 01:26:17 We have taken the capital We are commando based Delta Come on, don't get mad Mr. Dumb, we're back in 60 seconds Alex is complaining about cheap shots And he keeps calling him Lord Boogaloo And like the high master of the... Mr. Dumb?
Starting point is 01:26:34 Mr. Dumb? Mr. Dumb Oh, Mr. Dumb I thought he said Mr. Dumb No, that would have been too far I was like, wow You ended with Mr. Dumb, huh? Okay
Starting point is 01:26:44 So they're talking about unity And unifying And it's like we can now get together With folks and fight against the war And all this And Mike's point is pretty fair That it's like, well you had no interest In reaching out to any other groups
Starting point is 01:27:01 When Trump was in office You weren't concerned with what inroads You could make with cooperation Because that's the tyranny that you enjoy Yep But again, is it a good point? I don't want it coming from him No, no, no
Starting point is 01:27:16 He's, you know He's essentially saying Your belief system is incoherent And Alex is proving it And Alex is trying to say His belief system is incoherent And he's proving that it's not They're awful
Starting point is 01:27:30 Yeah All of them are awful But when you have a coherent belief system And you are in an interview With someone who doesn't They're going to be like a wave on the mountain You got nothing And Alex totally misses the point
Starting point is 01:27:43 That Mike was trying to make about how Like, oh yeah All this stuff These real problems That you could have found Common cause with some other group That maybe you politically disagree with He had no interest in any kind of unity before
Starting point is 01:27:56 But now you do Yeah Because Trump is not in office anymore He completely misses that point So the problem is Oh, and it's the same thing I've seen with Republicans across the board Or people who identify as conservative or white
Starting point is 01:28:08 I mean Is that you're all for unity When it fits your idea You're all for This ally with black lives matter Or let's be friends with black lives matter Because we kind of stand against the government Because Joe Biden's in office
Starting point is 01:28:18 And his administration controls Where was that unity when Trump In France upon the second appointment But she was That's not fair though That's not fair That's not fair You didn't work with black lives matter
Starting point is 01:28:28 You did boogie loo That's exactly the point that Mike is making Yes, exactly Yeah How can you both call for unity now And then proudly say I would never work with black lives matter And I didn't before
Starting point is 01:28:41 Exactly Because I have Wait, what was I saying? Shit And then he calls him boogie loo Yeah More pejorative So we've already seen
Starting point is 01:28:52 A couple instances of Alex trying to paint Mike as a southern poverty law center collaborator And now Alex pulls out He overtook the FBI Okay Let's ask this question Of the grand boogaloo What comes next in the boogaloo universe
Starting point is 01:29:08 Or is there no It's an ideology Who creates Who's the high priest Who creates the ideology Or does it just flow forth from where It's autonomous And the next thing is unity
Starting point is 01:29:20 Unifying the lower bodies The people that are subject to this globalism That you speak of And this elitist mentality That is running the U.S. Through our governmental officials It's unifying those people And getting ready to stand physically
Starting point is 01:29:34 To defend our rights Our life, liberty And the pursuit of happiness Well, I mean, I think people have a right to stand up And I think they should Let me ask you this Have you been contacted by the FBI? Yes, I have
Starting point is 01:29:47 You're not There's a joke in the boogaloo That you're not the boogaloo is You know, you haven't been questioned So the FBI has been all over us So what do the FBI say? What do they come to you about? They like asking questions at all
Starting point is 01:30:02 That's all And I don't like giving them answers So if that paints a good picture for you I hope it does Well, I just think what happened at the capitol Was called screw in the pooch And it ruined the great thing we had set up And it gave the left a major victory
Starting point is 01:30:17 I was really hoping to blame you for it I was really hoping this interview would end up With me being able to blame you for it But you have been going circles around me I guess you're an FBI informant Or maybe you're working for the FBI I don't know I think that Alex just go away
Starting point is 01:30:33 I think Alex expected some cageyness Or some non-answer When he asked if you've talked to the FBI Of course I have The FBI is coming for me I'm voluntarily and loudly calling for a revolution Of course the FBI is coming for me I've talked to them and I stonewalled them
Starting point is 01:30:48 The only reason I've been murdered is because I'm white So Mike at this point has to clarify to Alex Because Alex is trying to pretend that They aren't anti-globalist Because they don't target the same people that Alex does And they haven't killed Bill Gates yet And so Mike has to clarify That they're opposed to the New World Order
Starting point is 01:31:09 And then this goes way off the rails The capitol is a symbol of us voting Just because it's been captured doesn't mean we attack that The New World Order I'm not trying to get you to go attack people I'm just saying if I saw a movement saying We're going after Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab And the Rothschild's the New World Order
Starting point is 01:31:26 And the CFR building in New York I'd say those guys are real and they're about to get a fight Because about 10 minutes after you said that They would be having the HRT SWAT teams Will be coming after your ass Within a day you're going to get SWAT teams Alex what have I said repeatedly I have said repeatedly that we stand against the globalists
Starting point is 01:31:42 And the elites that continue to control this country So when you're saying oh if I saw people that We literally stand against it We stand against the pedophilia that's prevalent Hollywood, we stand against media control And people we stand against the elites that run our government We stand against the money that run our government It's just that we're going in slightly different way
Starting point is 01:31:59 Than what you agree with All I wanted to come on here and say Alex If you allow me to finish real quick All I wanted to come on here and say man is These people out there putting in the work You know you call them CIA ops, you said release the boogaloo You know you like to make your jokes But these people are legitimate people who are putting in the work
Starting point is 01:32:14 And believing in what they stand for That there are people in the boogaloo movement who don't agree with me There are people in the boogaloo movement who are different than me But these people put in works, they're not CIA ops They don't work for the CIA, they're not unwiddling CIA sources And they're not controlled opposition Like sometimes you appear to be
Starting point is 01:32:30 We are legitimate people who believe in what we stand for Oh I'm controlled opposition I'm controlled, who gives me my orders Please tell me I do believe you're 100% controlled opposition Alex That's why you'll never preach anything besides Peaceful and legal, lawful Wonderful hunky-dory ways of protest
Starting point is 01:32:50 Okay so I'm not the one saying We got fireteams in the capital And then you guys haven't been indicted They're trying to indict me And then you're sitting there literally saying I'm getting orders from a higher level group Which is not the case Look at my eyes, I take orders from God
Starting point is 01:33:06 That's it, you understand that? You fired the one good man you had And that was David Knight Oh no Oh no Once again I had HR decisions come back to haunt Alex I never thought I'd hear that said
Starting point is 01:33:30 In seriousness 20 year old boogaloo boy You're controlled opposition because you fired David Knight Oh boy Oh man If only, this is the one time Where if he had just listened to that Stevie P's broadcast
Starting point is 01:33:50 He could have just been like Literally said he's been manipulating you This entire time You're so easy Of course you're controlled opposition Well, I mean I don't know, I think that the term is loaded Oh yeah, yeah, totally
Starting point is 01:34:06 I wouldn't say that, I'm saying from his point Yeah, yeah, I think the term Controlled opposition is so loaded Because it implies Like state control And I don't know I don't see compelling evidence that Alex Is working for the feds or something like that
Starting point is 01:34:22 But he is Unreliable opposition Yeah Maybe not controlled opposition But he is a persuadable opposition He's Influensible by people Who play games
Starting point is 01:34:38 With his ego in particular His sense of self-importance Those are things that Are real soft spots For him That's a good example of that I would be interested to know if we discover A new thing that he's so weak to
Starting point is 01:34:54 Which is Being belittled Being forced to like Do you think this is going to make him Have to be like, well fine I will act more aggressively in order to Look cool to these idiots I don't know, I mean like
Starting point is 01:35:10 You would think that our show would be a part of his Psychosis If that were the case He made a career out of it He's not trying to Impress us That's something I was thinking about One of the things that's particularly dangerous
Starting point is 01:35:26 About this or something that makes it more difficult For Alex is that like If he had somebody who was like An antifa person on He could berate them and humiliate them Hit the pause button He can't really do that To somebody who has
Starting point is 01:35:42 Credibility in the right wing world In quotes Like somebody who might have Access to an audience of Right wing people That could like Alex It's a weird Thing to pop up into my brain
Starting point is 01:35:58 But I was just thinking about how In World War II one of the big issues with The Japanese command Was that the higher ups Didn't want to lose face in front of their Subordinates So the subordinates were driving A political policy
Starting point is 01:36:14 By having this hardcore stance That was imparted upon them by the Leadership And then the leadership realizing that They were fucked Couldn't then say like okay we're fucked Because the subordinates would be like You guys are a bunch of cowards
Starting point is 01:36:30 So it created this kind of feedback loop Where the more extreme Elements were Even though ostensibly they were under the command Of someone else That sounds like the right Wing So Alex has been called Controlled Opposition
Starting point is 01:36:46 And he did not take kindly to that And this is Owen's cue to Step in and cool things down And so he tries To hey guys Hey we're all friends here We all want a violent revolution We all want to kill all of our enemies
Starting point is 01:37:02 Look we want this but We gotta do it later I've been arrested for my peaceful Protest I'm calling for We have to awaken 50 million, 100 million, 200 million Americans Before you could ever even think About doing a finger lick of violence
Starting point is 01:37:18 In this country and have a chance at victory That's all I'm saying Well it doesn't matter we've done some good radio here And had some thought provoking things And done I'm not gonna do cheap shows You're a well spoken person I think you believe what you're saying And so we'll continue to watch the situation
Starting point is 01:37:34 As it unfolds and I appreciate you coming up here Your ideas that's all I can say but Yeah it's pretty hilarious I built this whole thing myself I did it with our listeners And I'm so proud of the fact that I'm independent And I don't trust people that aren't Independent and that's what we're all about You're mad
Starting point is 01:37:50 Also I like the idea that he's saying I'm not gonna take cheap shots after An hour of cheap shots I'm personally offended By him saying that they did great radio Oh great radio Solid radio You think either of them have said this entire time
Starting point is 01:38:06 Well I will say that As somebody who listens to a ton of info wars I think it was At least more interesting than usual Okay I don't think it's good and I think it's actually Really dangerous and I think it's A negative thing but in terms of
Starting point is 01:38:22 Actual content Looking at it as somebody who's external And recognizes nefarious motives On both sides It is interesting to see the Clash of agendas Listen Mr. Dunn We've done D minus radio today
Starting point is 01:38:38 Which is way above what we're used to So I think we're gonna call this one an interview I think that there's a decent chance you've Humiliated me like crazy in front of My audience and I hope to I don't feel confident at the end of this And I probably extended it too long Because I thought I could win in the end
Starting point is 01:38:54 And boy do I hope it drives traffic Because then maybe It'll be worth it Now Mike leaves and Alex I guess now is aware Of other things that he should have Brought up that you talked for an hour And he didn't deny that's his
Starting point is 01:39:10 So He lied in front of everyone He's a disgusting little rat What? And I challenged him to come back on the show tomorrow Oh my god Because I meant to get to this and I forgot about it While it was on
Starting point is 01:39:26 Alex now has other posts I should have brought this up You had a fucking hour I forgot to get to it You asked him twice If he's talked to the SPLC I had printed out a stack of 30 tweets Single tweet per page
Starting point is 01:39:42 And I just forgot to get to all of them I frequently brought up How he should be killing Bill Gates if he's real But I forgot To have my evidence that He's a dirty little rat And now I don't Know exactly what Alex is even bringing up
Starting point is 01:39:58 In that context Nor do I particularly care But I don't necessarily think that Alex is wrong That he wasn't a Totally good faith actor In his interview I do think that Mike was being a little bit Disingenuous now
Starting point is 01:40:14 Alex is being full disingenuous You can't trust a zealot A zealot has every justification For lying in the In service of Zealotry Well, there's one thing you can do with a zealot In fact, I challenged Mike
Starting point is 01:40:30 To a bare knuckles boxing match in a ring I'm 47, he's 27 He thinks he's so freaking tough all day long Let's do it and give the money to charity I am so sick of all these wannabe tough guys Running their fat mouths all day about How badass they are Boy
Starting point is 01:40:46 Look, I don't care One way or the other But Alex That dude will murder you That dude will absolutely Fucking murder you All it would take is A little bit of ducking and dodging
Starting point is 01:41:02 Alex would burn out his cardio so fast For the point where he couldn't even keep his hands up It's hard to fight for a long time And by a long time I mean 30 seconds If you're 20 years old and you're boxing A very much out of shape Alex Jones Yeah
Starting point is 01:41:18 47 year old dude Allegedly Maybe not Apologies You don't want Him to connect on the first shot But if you duck that If you dodge the first couple swings
Starting point is 01:41:34 He's done This isn't a 4 minute 40 situation where he can still go 10 rounds This is a dude who will absolutely destroy you It would be Satisfying to watch in a Perverse way
Starting point is 01:41:50 So Alex talks to Pete Santelli Who's the guy who Got arrested after the Malhoor standoff Because he's apparently Now an expert on FBI infiltration Sure So Alex needs to sort of
Starting point is 01:42:06 Feel better about himself after getting Clowned by this boogaloo dude And afterwards Alex realizes Now right fine I don't want to box you I think Owen's been right since the first hour Trying to guide me back To not fight with the boogaloo's
Starting point is 01:42:22 And not fight with the proud boys Which I'm not fighting with any of those groups I love the proud boys I agree with a lot of stuff the boogaloo say I just see a Fertile ground for the feds to set us up And you know what? Fire Everybody wants a revolution
Starting point is 01:42:38 It was all a joke about Mike Dunn in the boxing match I saw that stuff with What's his name Logan Paul Logan Paul and the other Paul guy Logan Paul and the shows That's like the biggest news in the country Because they did the boxing matches
Starting point is 01:42:54 It was a joke I don't really want to fight you You'd definitely be really embarrassed I'd be humiliated in front of my hurt I'd have at least a black eye There's no doubt You'd knock out all of the teeth I've been grinding I could use some new teeth
Starting point is 01:43:10 Hey look here's the deal Cooler heads should prevail I do think that I see The boogaloo as a way for the FBI And the man to set us up Now granted, I've been spending weeks On my show using them as a fall guy For the storming of the capital
Starting point is 01:43:26 Which is kind of the same thing I literally tried to get one To commit to a target On my air I tried to make him incriminate himself I implied heavily And repeatedly that he works for The globalists secretly
Starting point is 01:43:42 I failed And I guess we'll be friends now So embarrassed That is Just ineffective Bad There's nothing good that can come of this I don't even know what Alex expected
Starting point is 01:43:58 In terms of a positive outcome from this Although I do think It's really, really funny That Alex is doing this I guess Comerhead's got to prevail We've got to be friends with these people That I've already said Are awful
Starting point is 01:44:14 Wow, the intro music that's playing Is the doors, don't play with me Because you're playing with fire I hate everyone There's an intern Who knows what's up Thematically that is really funny Too on the nose
Starting point is 01:44:30 Like I said This is going to be a two-parter Into Monday Because I do know that at least Someone from the Boogaloo Folk was on the show On Thursday I did not have enough time before we needed to record
Starting point is 01:44:46 In order to get that already For Friday's episode But that will be on Monday We'll be back on Monday For part two of this I haven't come up with a good pun Like the caravanity project That's trouble
Starting point is 01:45:02 But trust me, by Monday I will have a great pun And Breaking three Let's find out Yeah, that's a good question I don't know Breaking three Rubber Boogaloo
Starting point is 01:45:20 I don't know, breaking bad season three Alright, breaking bad season three I like that Breaking bad season three We're having a great time I'll come up with a better pun No Blackjack
Starting point is 01:45:36 There was no date Ah, shit You're going to get this game one of these days Someday I think there's some fun to be had By listening to this In terms of seeing somebody Mirror a lot of Alex's shit back to him
Starting point is 01:45:52 In a way that Alex can't really deal with Can't really respond to It's funny to hear him say Hey, you're probably Controlled opposition Which also implies That he thought that at the beginning of the interview Which is weird
Starting point is 01:46:08 Why even go if you think he's Controlled opposition Or why not make that the thing you bring up first I think because If he brought that up first He wouldn't get the chance to defend Yeah, that's probably true It would immediately become
Starting point is 01:46:24 Like, I'm not controlled opposition Here's all the blah blah blah It does give a bit of a coloring To the beginning of the interview Totally The poise that he's showing Or the kind of lack of concern with The way Alex is portraying him
Starting point is 01:46:40 May come from a place of like I don't even believe you're real Yeah, I mean it could also definitely come from a place Well, I mean obviously he had Quotes from Alex It could come from a place of preparation If you believe that you're going on a show That's controlled opposition
Starting point is 01:46:56 I imagine you'd be like Okay, then I have to find a way To defeat that Otherwise there's no point in going on the show Or failing defeating that Exploiting it Exist in that place in a way that I can achieve my goals While not falling into the traps
Starting point is 01:47:12 That will be set for me Like, hey, do you work for the SPL suit? Absolutely, yeah, yeah And I think that he did that Why this is dangerous Because I think that Mike successfully Navigated the terrain of Alex Jones's Shitty interview style
Starting point is 01:47:28 And was given a place Where he could Appear to be the person who Lives Alex Jones's ideals And I would not be surprised If that was not an effective recruitment tool To anybody listening to Alex's show And that's bad
Starting point is 01:47:44 And Alex should recognize Intentional or not That is the effect that this sort of thing has It's okay The Boogaloo's should pay Alex for this Quite frankly Well, and then there's just that Known psychological
Starting point is 01:48:00 Exploiting humanity where He sounds so confident He sounds Like a true believer And he's laying out stuff In a way where you're like I guess revolution has to happen Somewhere
Starting point is 01:48:16 You can't refute that You can't disagree with it Owen's best thing is like well later Later, yeah great That's a dumb argument And you have it In opposition to her In juxtaposition with
Starting point is 01:48:32 This guy who is saying I used to look up to you You were my hero You're not the Alex Jones that I grew up listening to Creating that differentiation Between the Alex Jones I grew up listening to Who is Alex Jones in the present Is damning
Starting point is 01:48:48 It's No, it's hard to You got clowned It's hard not to look at that like 23 and under generation And not see people who have Who were birthed in the Misinformation age
Starting point is 01:49:04 We lived through it They were born of it So that ability to have that High speed misinformation Misinformation was still going around In news libraries But the information era We live in
Starting point is 01:49:20 They're not going to be cowed By old media It's just not going to happen And Alex is old media Anyway, we'll see what happens on the Thursday show Will the bare knuckle boxing match That has been cancelled Wait for Breaking Bad Season 3
Starting point is 01:49:36 To find out We'll be back We are on Twitter We are on Facebook We are on Facebook And if you could, please find A local charity or braille fund in your area To help out people doing God's work
Starting point is 01:49:52 We'll be back, but until then, I'm Nio, I'm Leo I'm DZX Clark I'm Daryl Rundis I sometimes forget that I'm Daryl Rundis Andy and Chanzas, you're on the air Thanks for holding Hello, Alex, I'm a first-time caller I'm a huge fan, I love your work

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