Knowledge Fight - #9: Joe Rogan Appearance

Episode Date: February 6, 2017

On today's episode, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened when Alex Jones got really drunk on episode #911 of the Joe Rogan Experience. Topic covered include: Does Alex have excuses for his Y2K ep...isode that actually make his actions worse? Does Alex believe what he believes the elites secretly believe? When discussing Paragraph B, does Paragraph C matter? Who, other than your least favorite uncle, calls whiskey "apple juice?" How much Isaac Asimov has Alex read?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding Alex. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. And we are back in the saddle once again. I hope you're having a great day out there today. We are going to have a very special episode of this podcast where we're going to talk about abortion. No, well, no, maybe how is that always happened? Alex Jones is a man who's singularly obsessed with race, abortion, and that's right. All sorts of other conservative issues, even though he claims to not be conservative. He believes in energy. That's very conservative with. All right. All right. We haven't even started
Starting point is 00:00:41 the fucking show yet. Last episode, you spoke prophecy and you just did again. I I because this episode is going to deal a lot with energy. It frightens me how right I am becoming. Like the more we do this, the more I can plan Alex Jones's moves way ahead. You're starting to war games. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, also, by the way, I'm the deep blue to his Casparov on Friday's show. He actually had a guest on. He's like, let's war games this. No. Yeah. I think he's listening. Is he listening to us? I think he is. God, I hope he is. I got to check the statistics. See if we have any downloads from occupied Texas. So that's actually what his IP address says too. It's not like Austin. It is occupied Texas. He's got a private
Starting point is 00:01:26 server. Yeah. There's no doubt that digital drop box. Digital drop box. So if you're just joining us for the first time, if you're joining us, this is a show where I listen to way too much info wars and Alex Jones in particular. And my friend Jordan over here does not. I have no fucking clue what he's on about and we're getting to the bottom of it. Yep. And so we're going to explore a day in the life of Alex. And today, the episode that we're going to cover is not the info wars. What? So for the longest time, Joe Rogan has been trying to get Alex Jones on his podcast, but he can't because Alex lives in Austin and occupied Texas. Right. And Joe likes to have
Starting point is 00:02:08 people in studio doesn't like to do Skype calls. Right. So finally, they were able to make it work. And lo and behold, it was for episode 911. Of course. Of course. So Joe brings in Alex. They have a they have a little bull session and joining them along for the ride is a young man by the name of Eddie Bravo. Eddie Bravo, who is a martial arts instructor and all around with all due respect, total idiot. He could beat my ass like a rented mule. I have no doubt about that. I'm not, I'm not saying that all martial arts instructors are idiots. No, but I'm also saying that all idiots are martial arts instructors. I believe that's how that works. Right. I think that syllogism works. I think that makes perfect
Starting point is 00:02:54 sense. So Eddie, he's not, it's not fair. He's not a total idiot, but he believes in a lot of stuff that's like, come on, man, even for conspiracy theory stuff. Like he really believes in trails. We're, we've been listening to Alex Jones and this guy to you is the first time you're like, come on, man. Well, I have a special relationship with Alex. That's true. That's true. We're connected on a soul. Right. Right. Our energies. Yes. Yeah. You guys, you guys are very much like the M night Shyamalan movie where your Bruce Willis and he is Samuel L. Jackson. I wonder if he felt something weird the day I was born. If there was like a premonition, he was like, oh, something wicked this way.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It was just like that old gypsy woman said that he would be taken down by a cross-eyed dick hole in Chicago. So that's a very oddly specific old gypsy woman prophecy right there. Mouth honor. So sweet cakes. Eddie believes in like chemtrails. He's super into that. He's an anti-vaxxer and also apparently doesn't believe in dinosaurs, but be that as it may, he's not, maybe not a total idiot, but has a lot of total idiot beliefs. He doesn't believe in dinosaurs. That's where any conversation should stop in determining somebody's idiocy. I haven't studied Eddie Bravo. So I don't know if that's for sure, but they bring it up a couple of times on the episode, but you have studied dinosaurs.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Touch and go. Yeah. A little bit. But you had that like a six-year-old boy phase of like dinosaurs. Loved it. Yeah. Jurassic Park came out when I was like 10. Stegosaurus. Fuck yeah. Love it. Brachiosaurus. That's real. Brontosaurus. Not real. Here's something that happened. Fake news. I overheard a conversation at work the other day and this guy was like, I'm not sure if I believe in dinosaurs. If that was a non-sequitur, that's the best thing to hear. If I was just riding on the train and some dude just woke up like the Manchurian candidate just like, I don't believe in dinosaurs. That'd be the best part of my day forever. It would be wonderful, but I know that a lot of people who don't believe in dinosaurs believe that like Jews buried the bones and stuff
Starting point is 00:05:10 you know that like a lot of the anti-dinosaur stuff is anti-semitic. Yeah. How? Is there nothing that isn't pinned on the Jews? Nope. Literally everything. Literally everything? Yeah. Man. Yep. The media banking. Right. George Soros. White supremacy. White supremacy is Jews' fault. That is. Yeah. Why do they have to make us like this? I don't know. It's so fucking much. It is. Oh man, if only they hadn't killed Christ. So the show starts out on a bit of a boring note because Alex, you know, he wants to make his presence felt and so they start the show off and the first clip I'm going to play is what I would call the first lie. First lie and exaggeration and it's about. That is the new segment of our show, right?
Starting point is 00:06:00 First lie of the day. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to the first lie. This one is about Alex Jones' sort of political leanings. And he was bringing up this fact for your audience up front. A lot of MSM lies and says I'm this big right wing guy, but you guys know that I was really against George W. Bush. Yeah, you were. You were arrested early on in the Bush administration. I remember when, when we first became friends in 1999, we were running around the White House or the, the state Capitol lawn with, with, with George Bush, Jr. and senior masks on and you were always against. Sure. But that's why I supported Trump is the entire power structure of the media.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I mean, the Vatican, the Communist Chinese, the Saudi Arabians all put money in and said, stop him, stop him. And then lies that the Russians were giving him money with no proof. And so the issue is he's simply trying to actually be president and not have special interest in there running him. And that's why the whole power structure is against Trump. So he was asked before he went live. Well, how was it? What's up? Uh, you said we were going to do the first lie. I believe we're on lies one through 44 right now, such as, uh, well, one, does he think the Vatican, the Communist Chinese and Saudi Arabia are all working together against him? Absolutely. Or does he think they're individual actors,
Starting point is 00:07:18 all of them coming to the same conclusion that there is no greater threat than Trump, than Alex Jones and Trump and Trump. Two of them. They form like Voltron. Yeah. Yeah. I think what he would say is that they're not necessarily working in concert, but it's an enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing. All right, I can buy that for a dollar. Not more. All right, back to the clip. Yes. This outside guy against the establishment, but now you're for it. No, Trump is trying to create a beachhead. You just explain it to try to take the country back and actually devolve power back to the States and back to the people. Doesn't mean he's perfect, but notice the stock market went up a trillion, $200 billion. Not just the last month or so,
Starting point is 00:07:58 because a lot of institutional investors and others understand with Trump is trying to create real prosperity, not a bunch of social engineering. And I'm not here to pick Trump to people. The issue is, is that there were major intelligence agencies and patriots in the government who were sick of what was happening and were sick of, of, of Hillary and Obama backing jihadist groups and other things. And so they're rolling those groups up right now. They really are standing up against them. And this is a historic moment. And so there's been a counter coup through the electoral process in our country. What's up? Where did he lose you? It is amazing how breathless he is on somebody else's show. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. That is a nonstop barrage
Starting point is 00:08:40 of nonsense. So does he think that prosperity can't be the same as social engineering? Is that like a, is that like an unequal sign where it's like he wants real prosperity, not social engineering. And I don't know how it is those things are related to each other. They're not really, but they are in his head because what he believes is social engineering is trying to keep us poor, trying to keep us weak. The social engineers aren't doing things for our advantage. They want to dumb us down. They want to make us pay too much in taxes, all this stuff. That's the social engineer he's talking about. But why and how and, and again, why and supermore why? Because how many whys can be applied to one sentiment? So far you have three on this one.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Okay. So no, I believe a super why counts as four on its own. I apologize. Okay. So I was using metric social engineering, right? Yeah. So you're one of these social engineers. Thank you. Exactly. I just got a promotion. Yeah. Absolutely. Let's, let's go through this. All right. You're poor now. Yeah. Oh god. Damn it. I'm poor now. How does that benefit you? Cause I'm not you. I guess that's pretty much begin. It's, if it's a zero tight, that's an airtight game, then your loss is my gain. But I mean, isn't the whole okay. Why have we, we haven't gone through clip number one and I'm already angry. Keep playing. And we got a, we got a long way to go. I'm going to let this go. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And that's what WikiLeaks was. That wasn't the Russians. That was intelligence agencies. I said two months ago that Anthony Weiner in New York, you know, Ume Abedin's husband, the former congressman that was working for Hillary, I said that he's under investigation for child porn. Okay. And then now it came out yesterday that they're looking at indicting him for child porn. Well, I had that from the NYPD. That came out yesterday. Yes. Wow. What, what did he do? He had something on his computer. Well, now they won't tell us, but I was told that tied into that whole pizza gate thing. No. Yeah. So this is the direction it goes. This is, this is where we're going. So this idea that he predicted or he had sources that told him Anthony Weiner was going to get
Starting point is 00:10:50 arrested for child porn. That's like him saying he predicted 9 11 because it's like everyone knew something was coming. Well, no, I mean, they've been investigating him for child porn ever since they found like that whole, like, uh, we looked on Huma's computer and that's where we got new emails. Yeah. The reason they were looking on her computer was to find out if he had pictures of that underage girl that he was definitely texting. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So if that, that's what the child porn is, that's, that's what the article just because, just because she's 16 and not 11 doesn't make it not child porn. Like it's, if you're 17 and a half, it's still child porn. That's how child porn is super weird to me. And I'm not saying that this law is bad,
Starting point is 00:11:38 but I think it's, it's a little bit weird because I'm fairly certain you're about to support child pornography. I'm not. I don't know what has this prophecy. I'm not. You're a child porn. Oh no. Pizza gates. Fake news. It's, it's, it is weird to me. I mean, I'm glad that the age of like, uh, what's legal is 18. That's fine, but it is weird to me that there are different ages of consent in different states and that law doesn't change federally. You know what I mean? Yeah, that is a super weird law. You can bang a 16 year old in some states, but you can't take pictures of them. That's bizarre to me. I'm not saying we should change it, but it's bizarre. I, there, I don't think there's any part of any of those laws that isn't bizarre at any given point
Starting point is 00:12:20 in human history. There's no doubt. Like, uh, you know, human beings are fucked up. Yeah, especially Anthony Weiner. Yeah, especially God. He was so good for so long. He appeared to be. Uh, well, no, but also, no, he did good things. The problem is he also is a horrible fucking Philanderer, right? Like, I don't think he's a bad guy because he fucked around on his wife. No, who doesn't? No, I don't know if that's the other stuff. Yeah. It's all that other child porn stuff that really bums me up. Yeah, that's, but during, during his time in government, he was kicking ass for good people. It did seem that way. He was doing good. Um, but unfortunately, we now end up in the murky waters of something I hoped we'd never have to talk about. It's
Starting point is 00:13:05 it's pizza gate time, baby. No, the first 40 minutes of the show, double. No, they talk about pizza gate and it's so fucked up because here's why. Okay. What they are wrestling with Joe also, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo are all struggling with the fact that pedophilia exists. Wait, do you like in an existential sense or in like a, is this reality sense? They're sort of baffled by it and because they're baffled, they have to be like, now everyone out there listening, this is real. And so of course we know, we know. Do they think they discovered pedophilia? No, but they think that no one else believes it's real or whatever. Everyone else white washes it. I think that's the number one fear for literally every parent on the planet right now.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And they're both parents. So it makes sense. Yeah, it's fine. But I don't think anybody doesn't know about pedophilia. What they don't do a good job of at all is tracking from point A to point B, where point A is that pedophiles exist and some of them have been high powered in the past. Yeah, that does not lead necessarily to there is a ring of pedophiles running the democratic party and all of our establishment. All right. Now, Alex Jones's worldview is contingently based on pedophile blackmail keeping people in line. He does have a an underlying narrative of everybody's a pedophile. No, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, whoa, not very aggressive. No, because I don't want you to paint him in a light that's not representative of what he says. Okay. What he has said is that
Starting point is 00:14:46 pedophilia is used as blackmail. So people in power don't get out of line. He has in the past multiple times said that in order to become powerful, you have to like, fuck a kid in front of the elites. So then they know that you are you're have no morals and that you you can be trusted. And if you get out of line, they've got that on you. He said that before on the show. Yeah. So, so let's say I run for governor. I'm running for governor of let's not even call it a good state. Let's call it Rhode Island. Let's make it Senate just because okay, we need to get into national politics. All right. I am running for senator of the great state of New Hampshire, which has a population of nobody knows. So could be a million,
Starting point is 00:15:39 could be 10 million. Who knows? Could be all the people. Maybe most of the country lives in New Hampshire. Nobody knows. They're brilliant about that. Most people can't tell the difference between it and Vermont. Yeah. It's the one that goes down while the other one goes up. Vermont makes a V. Yeah. It's the it's the stalactite versus the stalagmite. That's how I remember it. It's not going to help. Nope. That makes perfect sense. So I'm running for Senate and I'm on the cusp of let's say getting 40% of the vote right now. The only way I can get over that last hump is if the elites, all of them, a subsection, the pedophile section, the pedophile control bureau, I believe is what they're called the PCB. Yeah. One of their representatives
Starting point is 00:16:23 comes over like slug worth in Willy Wonka, except instead of an everlasting gobstopper, it's like, Hey, hey, you want to, he pulls out his trench coat and there's a kid inside the trench coat. I mean, like, I don't want to make light of this because it is a horrible thing that exists, but I believe quite sincerely that the, what Alex Jones does also makes light of the real problem that it exists in the world. Um, I mean, if you, because he's using it for political gain and political points as opposed to treating it as a real issue. Yeah. But not least of which, if you are, uh, if you are a boy who cried wolfing all the time, then that diminishes the effect of actual people who are pedophiles. Yeah. So anyway, let's hear a little bit of,
Starting point is 00:17:10 uh, uh, nonsense here about pizza gate and, uh, one of the WikiLeaks emails that Alex pretty much lies about. That tied into that whole pizza gate thing, which again, the media misrepresented what we said and did. It came out in all those WikiLeaks, all these weird codes. Okay. Like they, there was a bunch of weird codes about pizza and about a piece of pizza. President Obama wants 60, uh, $5,000 in hot dogs delivered. And they're like, are these really good hot dogs? The hot dogs weren't as good last time. Well, these are succulent hot dogs. I mean, that's not about kids. That's what you have to be. Well, what is that about? It's male prostitutes. I mean, that's what the code means. Really? Yeah. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:50 How do they get male prostitutes to keep their fucking mouth shut? Well, cause, you know, bad things happen if you don't federal child porn charges possible for Anthony Weiner. But, but I'm on record months ago. I'm on record months ago saying that that's the case because I had those sources. And so the government, good elements of the government know what's really going on. So the media then mess, misrepresented and said, Oh, look at 4chan. They're talking about a thing called pizza gate and some pizza place in DC. And the media looks at it and says, Oh, Alex Jones is claiming all this bad stuff is happening at this pizza place. I'm like, what is this? What's up? You confused 4chan? You know about 4chan? I know about 4chan.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah. A lot of investigators air quotes here. Have they ever? Okay. What? What's your question? Do they know about 4chan? I know he said the words 4chan. Do you mean Alex? Yeah. He knows it exists, right? He's heard of it. He's heard of it. He hasn't gone there. He doesn't know what 4chan is, right? In my experience, it's mostly people posting like pictures of just pornographic pictures and then trying to bully people into killing themselves. Yeah. That's a large part of what it is. Yeah. There are, there are separate boards that discuss anime and paranormal shit and anime paranormal bodybuilding and all of it eventually gets down into an anime girl getting fucked by a tentacle monster. Yeah. I like how
Starting point is 00:19:16 we said that at the same time. It's very cute. Yeah. We've all been there. We've gone to the fucking site. But yeah, there are. The abyss does look back. I don't know if you knew that when you look at the abyss. I'm learning. It looks back. But the thing is that a lot of the stuff about the codes that were used in emails, a lot of that comes from quote unquote researchers on 4chan and Reddit and now vote VoAT that website. VoAT? Yeah. It's Reddit had too much censorship. So a lot of people ran over to this new Reddit. It's just like a Reddit clone. But they get to talk about, like, there was a whole sub Reddit dedicated to pizza gate and then they started doxing people. And so they were like, you're banned. We got to close this thing down. Like heroes. They started doxing
Starting point is 00:20:00 people. I mean the TV show heroes? Yeah. What? They started doxing the TV show heroes. Okay. Everybody knew that it went down after the second season or the first season and there we go. I actually disagree. I think the second season had a lot of legs. Very alone on this opinion. I don't know. I know it's a reference that one season was good and one was bad. I have no further knowledge. That's a good point. Well, I am a pedophile. So the thing is that like a lot of the codes were found to be just completely made up. A lot of it wasn't based on any real slang that existed in the world. What are the status of those hot dogs though? Well, here's the thing. I mean, that wasn't email, but it was a guy was writing that last year Obama ordered like pizza
Starting point is 00:20:48 and hot dogs from Chicago to be flown in. It was $65,000 worth for a big event. Right. Now, sure, it could have been fucking gay prostitutes to suck off. That's possible. But you know what another also seems like if you're going to order that from Chicago, it would actually be pizza and hot dogs, right? He's from Chicago. We are really weird about pizza and hot dogs. Yeah. That's kind of our thing. Deep dish pizza is something that people, you know, touristy, especially people are obsessed with. Nobody who lives here eats. And we have a way of making hot dogs that is absurd and no one else does. Yeah. Yeah. Are you saying that he might be ordering those two things from his city that are most well known about his city? Yeah. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:32 exactly. It could be. It's not like, it's not like we're Paris and he's ordering fucking flan. I don't know what flan is. Are we going to go with flan? Let's go with flan. Who cares? If it's flan, let's go with flan. So that, that is one of the emails that I think gets really, probably unfairly misrepresented. And maybe, I mean, let's not even go with unfairly misrepresented. Let's just call it flat out bullshit. I'm trying to give it as much leeway as possible in case there's some, something I don't understand or whatever. If you're going to order a local bullshit food, you're going to order pizza and hot dogs from Chicago, right? If you're from Chicago. Yeah, it's not like, you know, it's not like we're getting kebabs from Chicago. Nobody's saying
Starting point is 00:22:17 how great kebabs in Chicago are. If I saw like someone, a Senator from Maine, there's only like that ordering like $65,000 of crabs, I'd be like, yeah, that's probably crab. It's not dirty pussy, but it's like, but if you saw him ordering $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs from Maine, oh, those are prostitutes. Those are totally prostitutes. No, totally prostitutes. Anyway, this clip has a little left end. I don't even know if Maine has ever seen a pizza. Well, there's that new Haven style pizza that you seem to love. So they divert some probably innocent pizza place to distract off of all the emails that the New York police have and the FBI have, that's just this monstrous reported pedophile network. So to just credit that, they go create
Starting point is 00:23:04 a fake story hoping we jump on it to then divert over to that story. And then once we're on that, it diverts everybody off from Anthony Wiener. What? There are a couple of moments where Joe Rogan speaking for all of us. Joe responds really well to a couple things, but overall I've got to give him a grade of like C minus in terms of him actually calling Alex out on like, oh, that's just not true. Or I don't know about this. Yeah, but I don't think that, I mean, a lot of the times base in terms of what we're experienced with Alex Jones, I give Joe way more leeway. He can't know everything. Well, it's not just that. It's that in this particular instance, Joe does not have that job. No, he is a pure, this is pure entertainment
Starting point is 00:23:57 and this is all like, he got Alex on there clearly to just be like, look at what this crazy shit he's going to say. You know, this is going to be entertaining. Yeah, it's for episode 9 11. It's a goof. He's, and he is perhaps the only person in our field of vision on the Alex Jones situation who by no means purports himself to be a journalist. No, no, that's no Joe. Rogan has never once said, you should listen to me because I tell only the truth. I still or maybe he has. I assume he has. He seems crazy enough to say that. No, I would, I don't think he would ever say that. No. Okay, good. He would say that he's curious and he likes learning things, which is a good approach. Yeah, I will say that after listening to this like three times,
Starting point is 00:24:41 uh, because God, we all weep for you. Yeah. I don't hate Rogan. I don't think that I don't have, I didn't lose a ton of respect for him, but I think what he did was bad. I think having Alex Jones on a platform like that on, on, on his show really can only serve to humanize him and really only serve to normalize him. So you're saying you're taking the, you're taking the Trump on Jimmy Fallon show. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't think, I don't think that's a positive thing to do because you, you get this guy on and you're like, Hey, he's just a normal guy. He's fine. I love this guy. You know what? I was actually like Rogan is going to be like, Oh, Alex Jones is totally cool. Yeah. No, I came from that point of view in this particular situation
Starting point is 00:25:27 where, you know, I was like, well, it's not his job. And then you pointed out the Jimmy Fallon thing and I'm like, yeah, you're 100% right. And then taking another step. Fuck Joe Rogan. No, I'm not saying that, but also taking another piece of it. I heard he's a pedophile. Come on, man. Don't do that. Don't throw bullshit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But like, there's a lot of people who I think probably would respond to what I'm doing with, why do you care? And I care because Alex Jones is incredibly relevant. Yeah. He's huge and everyone's ignoring him because he's a joke. Seenly relevant because he's a joke because like, haha, look at this asshole. Yeah. He's not. He's funny, but he's dangerous. We thought Steve Bannon was a fucking
Starting point is 00:26:09 joke. Yeah. And now he's the guy running the country. Yeah. He's on the national security council. He's the, no, we're all going to, he's, he's a white supremacist. So yeah. But Alex, like to the point that Joe Rogan has a huge audience, right? He set records with his appearance. Like really like 65,000 plus people who were streaming it live. And now a day after we're recording this a day after that episode came out, it's been watched over like 1.5 million times on YouTube. No. Yeah. So I mean, it is something. And some of those people are looking for a side show. I understand that. But there's a lot of them that aren't that it's scary as shit. It is a freak show. There is that you are bringing Alex Jones on because you're like, look at our weird
Starting point is 00:26:56 but enough of this, enough of this discussion of why things matter. Let's get back to the fucking clips. Get back to pizza gate and Joe being, this is one of the instances where Joe Rogan is actually pretty dumb. Okay. For a lot of people that are going, what the fuck is pizza gate? There was this Ben Swan guy who did this recent piece about it. And a lot of people got very angry. Did you see the piece? Did you see the piece that he did? Do you know what he's talking about here? Okay. So this local news guy, Ben Swan did a story about pizza gate. And it was like about just, you know, the broad strokes of it. And it was like a TV piece about what people had found on Reddit and stuff like that. Okay. And people is like a primer. Yeah. And I have a lot
Starting point is 00:27:41 of complaints about it, but I'll get to them after this clip is finished. All right. It seemed to me to be pretty measured. And he was making some connections to between that little, that's that symbol for child pedophilia. Yes. And we're just pedophilia, right? And the logo, the logo for the pizza place. He also made, did he make the Hastard connection with Podesta? Well, we have confirmed child molester and best buddies with Podesta and former speaker of the house. And then you expand on that. But let's, let's just do it step at a time because this is really kind of important stuff. So that's all 100% true, right? Good work. So it's true that Hastard's in jail. It's true that Hastard is a known pedophile that a judge called a serial pedophile, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:22 That's true. It's 100%. It's true that Podesta was friends with Hastard. That's 100%. Right? Yes. And then all this other stuff now becomes odd. Doesn't it become odd? And but if you say it's odd, if you look at it, this Ben Swan guy with this, what I thought was he was just kind of expressing what is weird about this case. And when he did it, he got so much shit over it. I was kind of shocked. I was kind of shocked. People were calling him a moron and... Listen, I got the same thing, but that's what I'm saying. They build a straw man. So people were calling him a moron, not because he covered a topic, but because he did not adhere to any of the rules of journalism. When you're doing a story, you reach out to sources. When you're doing a story,
Starting point is 00:29:05 you fact check things. And when he did this, all he did is regurgitate things that were found on conspiracy blogs and on Reddit and vote and these sorts of things without doing any checking on it. Absolutely none. So you're saying that he was a moron? Yeah, absolutely. Got you. People have such a misunderstanding of what journalism is. It's a very hard job because you have to dig in. You have to try and get people to talk to you. In order to publish something in a mainstream publication, you can't just have one source for things. You have to double verify things. I know. It's insane. I have friends who are journalists. It's insanely hard. Do they just do fake news? They just put out dirty dossiers. No, well, here's what I think it is. Here's
Starting point is 00:29:53 what I think it is. It is that we've gotten to this point now where everything is so utterly and completely baffling to the baby boomer generation. It just moved too goddamn fast for them. Other generations, you were the same for all the way from your great grandfather to your great grandchild. You pretty much live the same life. Our grandparents went from horses to where now we can fly with our feet. It's all moved really, really quickly for them. So the natural reaction for somebody who is, you know, let's call them simple is to want a simple solution. Rather than complicate things with multiple sources and verifying things, you just want a big, strong man to tell you what to do. That is how we got our goddamn president.
Starting point is 00:30:54 But I think it even goes to our generation and younger too, because with the proliferation of the internet and how easy it is to set up your own shop, you can just report things and just say they're true. Yeah, but that's not exactly a new phenomena there. No, that's true. We're talking about, you know, William Randolph Hearst all the way back down to Hunter. I say, yeah, yeah. It just makes it up. But like, there's this guy. And I would actually argue that our generation now is much better at filtering that stuff out than you might imagine. I think some are statistically speaking overall. I would say overall, just like, just like statistically speaking, crime has gone down. Everybody thinks it's the opposite because our personal experience tells us otherwise. That's
Starting point is 00:31:40 a fair point. If you learn more about statistic or, or, you know, I dwell in this bullshit world. So I see a bad sample, right? Well, and I mean, you go to awareness and education and all of this stuff and who's working harder and the prevailing narrative from that older generation is always going to be, you know, these kids don't do it like I do. And when you go to the actual math of it, it's always true that generations wind up getting better at education, getting better at all this shit. Yeah, it is, it is hard to divorce ourselves from that like snap judgment. But math is math all the time. It's math all the time. It never stops being math. That's why it's math. Yeah. So we have one more clip here about Pizza Gate. Talking about, we'll have the kids ready,
Starting point is 00:32:28 six, seven and eight in the hot tub at this time. And they're, I didn't see anything like that. Oh, it gets, it gets really crazy. Where did it say that? It was in emails. There's freaking thousands of them. But it said, we'll get the kids in the hot tub. Yes. I never saw that. Can you, can you see if you could find that Jimmy? That seems like the whole thing is so bizarre. It's like, we're going to have the kids delivered for entertainment. They'll be in the hot tub. Now these are great kids, but kids can be kids. I mean, he's referring to an email that does exist in those WikiLeaks, but he's totally misrepresenting what it says. It's a lady who's saying that these kids will be dropped off to be looked after, babysitting, whatever. And she does refer to
Starting point is 00:33:08 them as entertainment, but not as entertainment. She says you, she's like saying that there'll be these three kids. So you'll be entertained. And it's like a parent saying like, good luck, good luck with these kids. It's like, you're not going to be bored because these kids are ages seven to 11. They're rambunctious as fuck. Right. It's interesting how any, any and all idioms that we use, just like in daily conversation, if you pull them out of context and email with any kind of agenda, all of a sudden that idiom looks like you're going to rape a child. Yeah. And they do, and the lady who's emailing John Podesta does say they will be in that pool, which you could take as, oh, we're going to get those bodies wet, or it could be,
Starting point is 00:33:52 those kids like to swim. I never hear you say that again. Right. But it could just be saying they like to swim. Don't even look at me in the eye for the next 10 minutes after you said that. If my parents had email back when I was a kid, they would have said something like, Dan's going to be in that pool. I love to swim. I loved it. And we were too poor to ever have a pool. Yeah, no doubt. You better fucking believe Dan's in that pool. Yeah. And it's insane to me because you can find whatever you want to find wherever you want to find it. And that, that is a perfect instance of that. And the way that he's lasciviously presenting it while he's talking about the media misrepresenting him is so fucking insane. It's really disgusting because it,
Starting point is 00:34:34 it doesn't have that ring of disgust to it. It has more of that tabloid ring of like, no, almost enjoying it. Oh, let me tell you about this. You know, that kind of a thing where it's, I didn't pull the clip later when he's like almost going into a J slash O fantasy. Yeah. Where he's talking about like the globalists taking your kids out of backyards and then like, it's just a big guy comes up behind him and punches him in the head. Yeah, it seems like that. You're almost enjoying telling us. Well, it's like, it's, to me, it, do you remember that scene in the original matrix where they go through that office lobby and they fucking shoot everybody up and it's 20 minutes of just slow mode. Yeah. Yeah. That whole thing. Yeah. That is a jerk off
Starting point is 00:35:17 festive violence. Yeah. Like there's no, there's no other way to describe that other than a second of every moment of bullet is in the air. Exactly. And it's, it's just lovingly like just masturbator, masturbatory. The difference is in that case, there was sort of like an interesting artistic thing that they were doing. And in this case, Alex is just trying to convince you of things that aren't true. Yeah. But it's still that same kind of point of view where you're, you're turning it into a fantasy. You're turning this horrifying thing of people being shot again and again and again, horrifying into this like, Oh yeah, you know, you don't like this. You know, you don't like it. Yeah. But I'm going to tell you about it. I do think it's appropriate, though, that we
Starting point is 00:36:04 give our tip of the hat to things that Alex is good at. And one of them is skirting slander laws. And the other is completely contradicting himself like a huge hypocrite. Okay. He does both of these in this clip. Wonderful. Now be careful because the second part comes kind of quick. Microphone down. So it's one of those things I like. But I'm not saying they've got anything. And you're not saying that. I'm not either. That's what's really important. I never even really covered this stuff. And then they had me on the news and also Swan going, they said these people were killing kids in a basement. They say, okay, Megan Kelly went on and took a clip where I was talking about Hillary funding jihadis and Obama back in the year of spring that killed tens of
Starting point is 00:36:47 thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people, thousands of children. Now Al Qaeda was putting kids, which is ISIS, into sex slavery. They edited that out and then cut it together on Fox News with me saying, and Hillary Clinton writes and kills children in a basement at Ping Pong Pizza. They literally now edit audio, but I was able to change your audio. I was able to go find the day with video with what I really said and throw it back in their face. Now, we'll get to the hypocrisy in a second. Did that, did that happen the way you said it did? Did they edit his audio? Not quite. Well, a perfectly honest version of what happened was Alex is spiritually correct and that, well, he did the worst kind of correct. I just want to say,
Starting point is 00:37:33 though, first, before we talk about that, the way they're like, I'm not saying anyone's doing anything. Yeah, I know. It's such a cowardly dodge. If you have fucking sources, stand up, you punk. People are saying, I'm not saying it, but I'm hearing from people that they're child pornographers. I'm not saying it. I would never say it. Such a good way to not have to go to court. Yeah, that would be a bad thing for me to say. I would never say it, but the story is that I'm reporting that other people are saying it. He does that like three times in this episode. Of course he does. It's so smart, but it also shows your cards a little bit and that you don't believe what you're saying. It's not smart. It's bald face. No, it's smart because if he didn't,
Starting point is 00:38:12 he could get sued. Yeah, but you open yourself up to some really dangerous... That's not smart. That's a low cunning. Well, fine. That's smarter than the alternative. Well, I mean, yeah, it's not self-destructive, but it's not smart. Smart is to not do this entirely. So he's not like Dinesh D'Souza, who's self-destructive. No, no, no, no, no. He's Dinesh's self-destructive as fuck. And then the thing about Megan Kelly... So also, I would say Anthony Wiener is. Yeah, no doubt. Also, before we go any further, Alkeida is not ISIS for the 10 millionth time. Alkeida is not ISIS. No. Is Alkeida ISIS? No. No. No. No. Okay. They feel similar if you don't know anything. Yeah. Do you mean they have the same skin color? That's it. That is it. Correct.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Nailed it. But the thing about Megan Kelly is a hatchet job on him. Well, he's correct in the sense that they took... That would be my favorite Judy Blume novel. The thing about Megan Kelly. They took something sort of out of context. So in their piece about Pizza Gate that they were doing and about how the internet has sensationalized things and what have you, they played a clip of Alex Jones. He's coming in from break and that sooner or later gonna check you down. Is he playing in the background? Of course. Run on for a long time. Okay. And he's like, I got a message for Hillary Clinton. No, of course. He's just like, he's doing a fucking shoot promo on her like he's a fucking wrestler. Jesus. And he's just doing this like, I'm not
Starting point is 00:39:51 afraid of you because you, you know, you kill and murder. He's like, Hillary Clinton has killed and murdered thousands of children. She's personally raped children and all this. So he says... I feel like you can't take that out of context. No, but when you say personally... It seems like you're saying personally. Yeah. Like she the person. Now they cut at the end of that. And then on his show, what he ended up saying is, I'm not talking about this Pizza Gate kind of stuff. I'm talking about her killing Christians and funding Islamic terrorism and stuff like that. All right. So the way he backs it off is to say, I said all of this stuff, but what I mean is she did this like twice removed through the military or her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 All right. But he also said she personally did it. Yeah. It's a tactic. It's, you know, it's sensational. It gets you attention and it baits people into taking you out of context. Rich, which of course they did, which then gives him the grievance to act like the victim. It's like Richard Spencer getting punched. Yes. It's just like, or Milo complaining that people don't want him to speak on their campus. God, they all need to be punched. They need to be punched so hard. So anyway, this clip's not done. Wow. That's really blatant. It's not, but... Was that the end of the clip? No. Oh God, I wish it was. I forgot that... I wish you had paused it with that one little sentence to go knowing that you had that in
Starting point is 00:41:20 your back pocket. No, I don't have this prepared that well at all. What we're going to get to is the rank hypocrisy just on display and Alex admitting to it and who cares? That's what, where's this, can we watch this? Where is this that they did that? Do you guys have the comparison of the two up? Yeah. It's something like Megan Kelly caught in giant lying against Alex Jones. Try to find that. We should play that. First of all, Megan Kelly is so pretty. She can say whatever the fuck she wants. I think she looks like an old trainee. I love her. Do you think she looks like an old trainee? You're hilarious. I love you. No, I don't like old trainees, but I think she's hot.
Starting point is 00:41:58 You don't like, you don't think Megan Kelly's hot? I just want to insult her because she's globalist. Oh, she's globalist. Obviously she's pretty. Oh boy. No. Yeah, that's not okay. No. We have, we have illustrated on multiple occasions the incredible lengths he goes to insult her based on her appearance and all this stuff. And now he's on Rogan admitting, yeah, she's really pretty. I just want to make fun of her. That's not okay. No. If you want to have any pretenses of journalism, if you want to pretend that you're standing up for the truth and you yourself are just like, I'm a bully because she's on this other imaginary side that I'm against. That's insane. So what, but, but here's what I, I think his rationale, at least if I,
Starting point is 00:42:46 I'm going to try and engage him on his level. Here's his rationale. Even though she is a woman in journalism, to him, it feels like punching up, right? So she's a very beautiful woman. She's a very successful woman. You know, yada, yada, yada. She's done all of the stuff. She's not psychotic. She's not psychotic. So she's ahead of Alex Jones in all of the way. She's not relegated into having a business entirely based on selling fake pills. Yeah, exactly. So to him, that must feel like he's punching up instead of punching down. Probably. Now that to humans is crazy. Yeah. But I can at least understand why he can rationalize that in his own mind. Alex doesn't believe in privilege though,
Starting point is 00:43:33 too. So he doesn't believe that because he's white and male, he has any privilege. Every single time I do my best to come to his defense, you immediately come back with why that is the dumbest thing I could say. Well, but in his, I am trying so hard in his worldview, that is sort of, oh, also, if you're listening, we're 40 minutes into this. How are we 40 minutes into this? This episode is going to be fucking long as shit. Oh, Jesus. I want to say this, don't turn it off because at the end, shit gets fucked up. Are you telling our audience not to turn it off? I'm just, I'm getting self conscious. Okay. Because this could be two and a half hours. We've already done several two and a half hours. Okay. Good point. All right. How
Starting point is 00:44:14 about we do this instead? Let's break it down. Let's fucking run the jewels fast on this. Let's try. So this next clip where we've now gotten out of the murky waters of pizza gate and we are getting into something about, I believe that this, oh man, I got to do, this one's about the Iraq war and Afghanistan. And what I would say that this is, is a lie about a lie, which is interesting. Okay. All right. We're doubling down. Ronald Reagan didn't know about the cocaine dealing. I've talked to folks that were involved actually for the points. He says, I want communists knocked out. Congress doesn't give them the funding. They go, what you do in the government is you go, the president said, do this. We're men of action. We're going to do it. So then there's
Starting point is 00:44:56 cocaine already being sold. The contras are using it to get all their funding. We'll screw that. We'll just jack it, bring it in using private contractors. Right. And then if they're ever shoot their mouth off. But that wasn't the first time they did it. That wasn't the first time they did it. But yeah, it was, it was a common tactic. They knew that there was money that was being made from selling illegal drugs. Why would they let that money be made all around them? They're not going to. Well, that's the argument is you don't want to let the communists do all the cocaine and heroin dealing or because then they have more money than you. Well, what the fuck is going on in Afghanistan? It's just this crazy to tell people how much heroin production went up
Starting point is 00:45:28 since our occupation. Sure. Anybody can pull this up. Again, that's what's frustrating is a lot of the fake liberals because I see myself as a real liberal, but a lot of the liberals just go, oh, that's a lot of this. No, you can search engine opium production in Afghanistan pre 2001 and then look at the latest years. It's come out like 2014, 15. It went from 3% of world supply to 7% to 30%. And after 10 years of occupation, it went to 93%. Look at it up there. A global supply. So look at the hectares. I just went from memory. So the reason that's a lie about a lie is that I don't think that most liberals that I know deny that at all. No, the idea that there is a real weird thing going on with opium production
Starting point is 00:46:14 in Afghanistan. You know what? I wouldn't call it weird at all. I would call it the absolute result of demolishing a country. Do you know what happens when you demolish a country's actual economy? They have to switch to something that they can do without any fucking, yeah, of course, of course. And we seem to have a vested interest in protecting that and helping it. So that's a little bit weird, but it is weird. It's almost like we have a stake in it. It's crazy. And I don't think that most liberal people that I know, most people on our side of the fence. What about the fake liberal people you know? Fuck, I don't know. Well, we all know there's only one real liberal. Alex Jones. Alex Jones. But then also the lie about the,
Starting point is 00:46:58 it went from 3% to 97% or whatever, the 3%. 93%. The 93% statistic is taken from when we were invading, right? And of course we destroyed everything. Yeah. So it's easy to do. The idea that turns out when all your bombs do all the stuff, super easy. If you look at the graphs of the percent of opium production it was, it's like flat, like way down one here and then back up to like, I don't know what it would be like 40 or so. And then it is a big rise. Really? Yeah. But I mean, they make that much opium. They make tons of opium. That's a lot of opium. It's a perfect climate for it. That's the thing. That's a good point. You know, a lot of these, a lot of these drugs are dependent on certain environments. They make good opium. Also fucking
Starting point is 00:47:43 opium is awesome. I smoked a lot of opium in college. I wonder why so many people are addicted to opiates. Yeah, I mean, because it's, because it's not great. I took painkillers a couple times in my life and I didn't really enjoy them so much. And to be fair, opium was really, it was just, because you smoke it with weed. Right. So it wasn't much better than just being high, but the smell was amazing. The smell of burning opium is, is so delicious. Well, if I remember correctly from Legends of the Fall, I know that you can do it on a boat real good. Yeah, I'm sure. But also, this is important. I'm admitting to some past drug use and it's important for things that come up later. But I want to, whereas I will not admit to my past drug use. I want to be clear.
Starting point is 00:48:29 We're not squares. I'm sitting here drinking some wine. You've got some whiskey. Yes. In honor of how drunk Alex Jones has been, I am drinking whiskey straight. He's so mad that people think he was drunk. But he was drunk. So drunk. If you're mad that people are drunk, that just, that earth, if you're mad that people think you're drunk, that just proves you're so much more drunk. It means you have a much bigger problem than you're admitting. Yeah. Like if people thought that I was way too drunk regularly, legitimately, real talk, my reaction would be, please talk to me more about this. I want to know your perspective. I want to know if you think I should get help. That would be my response. Not like,
Starting point is 00:49:15 fuck you. I wasn't drunk. Anyway, this next clip, Eddie Bravo has some questions to ask. Eddie Bravo's questions corner. His questions to ask Alex about why. Before we go any further, here's my, here's my ask. You want to clean take? Can we isolate all of his questions and then create an Eddie Bravo's questions corner? I doubt it. Okay. There's too much crosstalk. All right. I have dreams, but we'll be, we'll be fine. And I'm not creating more work for myself. This is so hard as it is. Anyway. I know it's super easy in my chair, just being the guy who laughs like an idiot. They had like five hours of prep, not including listening to this show
Starting point is 00:49:55 that I had to do. You just get to waltzing. My job's easier. Anyway, you wants to know why people think that, uh, info wars is fake news. Okay. Now what Alex, why do explain the fake news? Why do a lot of people out there think info wars is total fake news? Why do they think that? That is a major deep state government program funded by Soros mainly and they found the most effective way is anti-Israel bashing. And so this came out in the WikiLeaks last year, uh, the US intelligence leaked out to Russians that he's in there saying we're going to overthrow Israel. We got to deal with Saudi Arabia and we've got to like up the ante with anti-Israel rhetoric. I'm, I'm somebody that was neutral in Israel,
Starting point is 00:50:35 never been there, have nothing to do with it. Israel has liberals, conservatives, some good administration, some bad, but I'm not anti-Israel. It's a tiny little place. I know it does some things that are bad compared to what we've done. It's nothing. So I just don't have some giant heart on for Israel, you know, wanting to hurt them. And I'm not against the Palestinians or anybody else. Everybody knows that. So, so when they killed Israelis for no reason, I say it's wrong. When they white phosphorus bomb Palestinians, I say it's wrong. So that's not, that's not an answer. That's not an answer, but I, I'm happy that he's against random killings. Is that what we're
Starting point is 00:51:10 supposed to take away from this? Sure. But I, I think he's starting to say he's fair, but I don't think that the track record really backs that up. No, of course not. Also, I like, I like that, uh, I feel like PsyOps was, uh, Kenny was Bravo being as smart as he possibly could there. Well, he gives a way that he listens to Alex every day. PsyOps like all, like all of the PsyOps, you know, you know PsyOps. I'm, I'm a guy who knows about PsyOps. You ever PsyOps? He repeatedly says that he listens to Alex every day. So, Oh really? Oh boy. Anyway. And then there's also the WikiLeaks, the US leaks, not the Russian leaks, because we always have to make sure that the Russians
Starting point is 00:51:49 are taken care of. Well, but yeah, it's the, it's the people inside the government leaked it. It's part of his counter coup narrative. Right. Right. Anyway, uh, this clip isn't done. Let's see if he comes up with an answer. So I'm sitting there covering all that and then they just put out that I'm this Israeli agent, you know, all day long, or I'm the CIA agent. Let's not get into these crazy rants about crazy accusations. Explain the fake news. Why do they think info wars, wars is fake news? I don't know you. A lot of people out there, smart people, really intelligent. They think the real news is CNN. Okay. Well, let me explain. You've got a tax from below and above. You've got major funding
Starting point is 00:52:30 by Soros and others. There's a real live Nazi collaborator like true Dr. Evil, which again, is not true. No, the latest James Bond was based on his real a company that's even named after his company. You know, it's a bad guy in the movie is actually Soros. Yeah. And he tried to crash the pound, bring down England. He's really bad news. So MI six hates him, but long story short, George Soros, um, he's funding this attack on me and any independent media. How do you attack independent media when the public's awake to deep state and government and stuff? You say Alex Jones is the government and then they always ignore real facts I talk about where I admit some of my family and stuff that's worked for the government and they
Starting point is 00:53:07 said the government was corrupted out of control. That isn't even a real debate, but above that, what was your other question? He had a question. He had one question. Let me just explain. It's pretty easy. They're in direct competition with him. If it's Fox News, if it's CNN, if it's anybody that's distributing news, you're in direct competition with someone who has an independent news organization. They operate it themselves and they do it online. Joe just hit it perfectly. Well, that's one theory. It's a very logical theory. It really is. If you're not really thinking about it, it does have its own logic of like, okay, why there is a monetary interest from CNN to say that these independent news outlets are fake. So don't go listen to them. Come
Starting point is 00:53:51 listen to us. That makes sense on a pure level until you think for two seconds and you see all of the competing news industries, how very many there are and how all of those industries are united in saying Alex Jones is full of shit. Yeah. Yeah. But then also you look at all of the people who are in alternative media and like a lot of these people have fairly, I don't know how to describe it. They don't do their due diligence in terms of journalism. Like they just spout bullshit that's sensational and it gets reposted repeatedly. Right. And it's all attention grabbing shit. I would assume I don't know if this is entirely true, but I would assume that people who are legitimate journalists would fucking hate Alex Jones because he doesn't
Starting point is 00:54:47 do the work. Yeah, doesn't do the actual job of journalism and it demeans the work that they do. It is it is interesting though how we're what we're really doing is turning journalists into diamonds like the ones are the only people who are still in journalism are not paid well. No, the investigative journalists we have now are. Yeah, exactly. And now it's even less than in their heyday. Yeah. And the ones who are doing investigative journalism now are fucking true believers. Yeah. Like these are people who will fight and die for a story. Yeah. So if I was one of them, I would put out a hit on on Alex Jones. Like you're you're making a mockery of everything that I believe in. And I think that anybody who has a full awareness of what goes into journalism
Starting point is 00:55:43 and the importance of journalism would recognize the dangers of someone like him becoming super popular, especially because part of what he's espousing is that you guys are fake. Yeah. And our enemy. So it you're demonizing the people who do the actual work while you don't. Yeah. It makes total sense that they would hate him. Take away the financial aspect of it. Yeah, it's nonsense. But but if you have the financial aspect of it, you're much more effective in getting that kind of gullibility from people because in and and it's a legitimate criticism for literally all aspects of our lives right now where it's like it is always that instinct of like, follow the money. Yeah, who's profiting off of who's profiting off of this.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Alex even sells a shirt that says que bono. Okay, so here I gotta say I would I would sell a shirt that says free bono. I would say que que bono. Anyway, here is where the show gets good. Excellent. Up till this we're an hour in but up to this point, ladies and gentlemen, disavow this previous hour. And now it's time to get a lot of that was just like preamble a little bit. Now we start cooking with gas. Let's do it. This clip that I'm about to play is the first instance of Alex teasing that he's about to break some big news. And then what do you think he does? We're bringing a little info wars to the Joe Rogan. What do you think he does? I'm going to go with he reveals all of his sources and tells us exactly what it is he's about to get. He's about to tell
Starting point is 00:57:25 us, right? Incorrect. But here you're not close. Well, I know these topics can be, you know, quite frankly, exhausting. They are for me. But I'd like to some today really get into the big picture and what I believe is really going on because I figured out the basis of what's happening. And I'm going to let you, I mean, if you want to hear some far out stuff today, okay, because when you've experienced, I mean, I'll go through it. Okay, let's go. Okay. Let me take a piss then. Go ahead. What the fuck? What a total asshole. That is pure fucking who wants to be a millionaire level ball teasing. That is unfiltered. That's amazing. I'm going to tell you, we're going to tell you
Starting point is 00:58:11 this huge revelation after the break might as well be on deal or no deal. Yeah, no shit. Fuck you. I've told I look, I figured out the truth of the universe figured out that I got to pee. Let me tell you something. Do you know what the meaning of life, the universe and everything is? I'm going to tell you after I go to the bathroom real quick. So anyway, here's when he gets back from the bathroom like three minutes later, which is a long piss. He might have been doing something in the bathroom. It's only a long piss if you're, you know, unused to the pressures of super male vitality. Exactly. I was going to say, like that's a man with prostate issues going left to right. Here's Alex coming out of the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:58:58 They represents their party. They're party like Fox is totally Republican no matter what. Fuck yeah, dude. Come on. Get one for Eddie Bravo too. Let's get crazy. Bring out the hatchets. I hope that people that listen to your show, the people that have never given. I hadn't done this for so long. I was a little nervous. I want to get going for a while. Let's do it. Let's do it. Bring out the whiskey. So this is where whiskey comes into it. That's what I was hoping to hear. He comes out of the bathroom with a bottle of Jack Daniels gentlemen's Jack. Okay. And from this course he does from this point, he does not stop drinking. Excellent. And like, you know, it's, it's not like he's chugging it or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:59:38 He's kind of chugging it. Yeah. And it's really marked. You can really tell. Oh boy. And this is where we're going to have to start introducing a slight little bit of pity for Alex. There are a couple moments that actually made me very sad. Oh no. I believe that he has a problem with alcohol. Okay. Some of his behaviors suggest that he is unable to control himself. Oh boy. And listen, I don't want to go around diagnosing people. That is not our responsibility and it's dangerous for laymen to do it. But what I glimpsed from this, a lot of these behaviors remind me of some of the worst drunks that we know in the comedy scene. Excellent. And he, if anybody other than Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo were in that room, I think there was be the potential for Alex Jones's
Starting point is 01:00:34 career to be ruined by his, yeah, he gets real drunk. Excellent. So anyway, here's the next clip. This is him teasing information again. And then we have some evidence that Joe Rogan has never listened to Alex Jones's actual show. Okay. Don't hold that whiskey hostage. Alex Jones. All right. Listen, let me give you guys the big fricking data. Okay. I'm willing to give it to you. Okay. I'm not bullshitting. I got the thing figured out. Pour one for Eddie. I got it figured out guys. I mean, I should pour a little more for me. All right, gentlemen, cheers. I'm going to keep my mouth shut. Cheers to you, Alex Jones. Here's to you, buddy. Good stuff. People were so on one side or the other when it come to this. There's so much
Starting point is 01:01:22 anticipation regarding this. So much bullying about don't have Alex Jones on about. We don't make those noises, right? Those. No. No, we do not. We don't do that. That's the grossest thing I've ever heard, right? Listening to. We all want to die right now. Listening to Alex Jones breathe makes me sick. And I hate saying that because it sounds like I don't want him to breathe. Well, I mean, look, I'm not, I'm not saying that I'm saying I don't want him to breathe. I'm saying that I'm reporting that I have a lot of sources telling me that they don't want him to breathe anymore. A couple people that we know did a podcast through the Laugh Factory podcast network. I tried to give it a listen and I'm like, dudes, half of this podcast is you guys
Starting point is 01:02:10 breathing in. This is so hard to listen to. And there's so much of that now. Anyway, here we go. This is where Alex, or Joe shows his unawareness of Alex's actual positions on things. Gotcha. There was a lot of that. There's a lot of, but you're going to call him on his racist shit. Someone said that to me. Alex Jones is one of the least racist people you'll ever fucking meet in your life. I've never even heard you say a racial thing. Race is so inconsequential to you. I'm into what you think and what they stand for. You've never discussed race ever in the almost, what do I know you, 16 fucking 17 years? I've never heard you discuss race at all. So someone calling you a racist like, we can just leave that without comment. I don't really
Starting point is 01:02:54 think we need to get into that. Yeah. Do we have refer to the previous episodes? Yeah. Let's just let that sit. Yeah. No, next clip. So this is a clip where they're talking about grabbing them by the pussy and Alex does a remarkable spin job for Donald Trump and lies his ever loving balls off as if Donald Trump's in the KKK. As if Donald Trump, are you sure he's racist? Are you sure? Well, there's any discrimination that he mainly hires gay guys that run his casinos and hotels and his friends with him and like gave interviews of the advocate 20 years ago. It's all just complete and made up horse crap. He's leaving a rainbow flag at the RNC speech. He says Republicans have to stop being mean to gay people and have to be inclusive and he's about
Starting point is 01:03:40 to enforce civil rights laws for gays and others and they're calling him a literal homophobe. And the most recent executive order that they've drafted is him removing any and all protections to the LGBT community and legalizing fucking complete and full on discrimination against them. I agree, but the opposite approach to that is like, hey, man, why can't you let Christians be Christians? Right. So actions speak louder than words. Christians be Christians, yo. I don't believe, I don't believe that Trump necessarily hates gay people, but I think he doesn't care. I don't think he has anything to do with it. I think it's purely Mike Pence and Steve Bannon, but you know, he's Donald Trump. He's just going to sign whatever the
Starting point is 01:04:23 fuck is in in front of him. Yeah, that's entirely possible. Anyway, here we go. This is my problem with it. It's the upside down BS, man. Yeah, but this is my problem with it. My problem with it is that people want to use a real, you're a bigot, you're a this, you're a that. They want to come up with a nice quick label that officially makes them in charge. It box you in. That makes you bad. It box. So again, I wanted to, I didn't mean to cut there, but I want to cut just to talk about this for a second. There's this idea going around and Alex pitches it a lot and a lot of like, oh, and Shroyer is really big on this, one of his reporters. This idea that being called a racist is worse than racism, essentially. Of course. The idea that it's
Starting point is 01:05:05 like an attack on you to have some racist behaviors pointed out and that it's a control mechanism. And I think that that is dumb on one level. I mean, that's the softest response you could possibly give. Well, I'm trying to be charitable. Yeah, you're being charitable because what it really is is fucking evil. It's abusive. It is abusive. It's that's like saying to a wife beater like, Oh, you know, I just don't, don't point out his failings. You know, he's trying hard not to be a wife beater. So he's not a wife beater. He slips up and beats you every now. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what he wants to do. It's not that he does it all the time. We all have wife beating leanings. I'm not sure that that analogy is perfect because I, I am offended by your insinuation
Starting point is 01:05:58 that I'm not perfect. Well, I think it comes back to this idea that it like refusing to acknowledge the privilege is real. Like it comes back to that in many ways. If we were, if we were just talking about that, we would be in a whole different conversation. We're talking about Alex fucking Jones being straight up racist. Right. But, but as well as defending straight up racism, I want to take that away from it slightly and just look at the idea that calling someone a racist is a way to gain power over them. That is not what people are doing. If it was man, the shit would be a lot better, right? Well, it's the same thing. If we actually gained power over racist by that, that the world would be way better. Well, the idea is to only make them fucking stronger. You can
Starting point is 01:06:41 shut them up and you can other people by calling them a racist when they're not racist as opposed to just othering them by race. Right. I mean, it's, it's, it's super complicated, but it's, it's the same as this idea of like calling the alt right Nazis is trying to other them when people who are calling them Nazis are doing that because seem to be in bed with some literal Nazis. They're Nazis. So they're Nazis. Yeah, they're literal Nazis. There are there. You, if you can't be offended, like if I look at a rock and I go, Oh, that's an alt tree. No, not okay. That's a fucking Nazi. That's a Nazi rock. Yeah. So anyway, let's get back to me. All rocks are Nazis. Let's get back to pussy grabbing bullshit. Let's get back to pussy.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Oh, why are we using him defines you and then you have to defend yourself. Look, you said it best at the beginning of this. Donald Trump's not perfect. He's a man and he's also a super ambitious, super wealthy man. It's constantly on the go. And those kind of dudes are type a hyper aggressive personalities. And he's definitely said some shitty shit. I've said, right? I mean, don't you agree? Like we all do. Yeah. And this, the big one is one that he said in confidence with that Billy Bush guy, the grab him by the pussy thing. That's the big one who has it in confidence, especially if you're famous said, man, it's crazy. Women throw themselves on you. You can do anything you want. That's not a sexual assault. A woman's climbing up on top of
Starting point is 01:08:06 you. You can do whatever you want. That's what mammals do. She's showing she wants it. She gets it. Imagine if a woman said, yeah, I just, I could just see it in their eyes. I could just go and grab them in the balls. We wouldn't laugh. We wouldn't laugh for fucking asses all. If Rihanna just talked about how she can fuck any guy she wants, just walks up to him grabs him by the dick, we would be like, yeah, bitch is crazy. Totally. We would think it's amazing. He's talking about groupies. He wasn't talking about that he hides behind bushes and waits for joggers and reaches out and grabs him. It's also out of context. He's out of context. He's having a guy conversation like he described it as locker room talking. This is not defending it. And this is not defending
Starting point is 01:08:45 it. I mean, it's definitely not something you should have said. Probably agree to that, but yes, it is. What is he really doing? He's really doing sexual assault. Well, he's really doing sexual assault. This is where Joe 40% of all men should be murdered at this moment because of that. You're just 40% of all men should be dead now. You're opening us up to attack. Now. Now. Here's the thing. Joe is doing he's derelict in his duty. And I think some of his negative viewpoints are showing a little bit because that's not accurate at all in any way. Well, the Joe and Eddie riffing about women that that is like, that's comedians. That's like they're being funny. So we can sort of discount that. Are we a tiny bit? Boy, that seemed real serious though. That seemed very much
Starting point is 01:09:34 like they were going up and grabbing dudes by the balls as a hypothetical. It's a flight of fancy. So I'm going to let that go for now because the bigger, the bigger issue here a bigger man than I, well, the bigger issue is that they're presenting it as he was describing groupies. That wasn't the case. No, he was talking describing women who specifically did not want him to do that. Moving in on her like a bitch, moving in on like a bitch. Sometimes I kiss them. I can't stop myself. Yeah, I just kiss them immediately. No, he described all of the things you need to describe to correctly describe a sexual assault. And when he when he's a sexual assault when he's saying when you're a celebrity, they let you do it. That's not describing somebody who's all up in
Starting point is 01:10:18 your shit. No, that's describing someone you're aggressing upon. Yeah, they let you do it. It's not they want it or something like that. So phrasing it like that is fucking really wrong. And then at the end, when Alex is like, and there's a guy outside with a recorder, he had a mic on. There wasn't no, there was not a guy. It was him talking into the microphone. He agreed to have on him. It wasn't confident. It wasn't said in confidence. It was part of a building case that a lot of people have that he's gone senile. I don't even necessarily. I think he just doesn't give a fuck. He's like, to me, he's a lot like Robert Durst. Like when you watch the jinx and you see him just bald face, say whatever. Robert Durst is a little bit smarter.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Well, Robert Durst got away with a lot of murder over those years. So have the globalists. Oh man, I bet Hillary Clinton has personally gotten away with a lot of murder personally. I'm not saying that she's done murder. Jordan. Jordan. This next clip. This goes back to episode two. God damn it. Of our show. All right. This is a, this is some crazy revisionist bullshit that Alex has. Oh God. About what he did on Y2K. Oh no. Well, here's the big enchilada for folks. If you want, I can lay this out. Enchilada. Documentary down the road and actually break this. I forgot. This also is another example of him claiming that he's about to tell a big story
Starting point is 01:11:51 and then getting sidetracked. Of course. The great stuff. Is Bravo doing a drum roll right now? I think everyone is. I think he's trying to and it's not going well. I think it's human and Joe. It's not going well. That's a very poor drum roll. Well, also this is where Alex retreats from the whiskey and also starts doing drugs. There is a whole breakaway civilization and listen, I don't get any UFOs. Get ready. I don't ever talk about this. For real? Breakaway civilization? Are you ready? Hold on. Joe, how many things did I tell you over the years? Too many. Too many that came true. There was a couple that you got wrong. You can't get one. Which one? Which one? 2K people knocked you out of
Starting point is 01:12:32 the context. It's okay. A conspiracy theory is just not trusting criminals every now and then. You can't pin that murder to the criminal, but he's still a criminal, even though you're wrong. Well, one of the things I'm actually embarrassed about is the Y2K. It's okay. Well, listen, you're not a computer expert near my. I didn't go anywhere that night. I stayed fucking home and I was waiting for that goddamn power to go out. Sure. I didn't know it's the big news in a minute, but since 2012, I didn't know. I thought, damn, the Mayans knew. 2012 license plate. Yeah. I had a December 2012 license plate. So this clip is going to be kind of long because he describes his experience of Y2K and it's
Starting point is 01:13:15 a total lie. I assume he talks nonstop about how he was wrong about the concentration camps, right? No, it doesn't bring that up. It doesn't bring that up? Okay. How about space command? Does he talk about space command? Nope. Doesn't bring up space command. Also, doesn't own up to the fact that he was pretending he had sources. You'll see the cowardly kind of dodging he does. Does he have, does he have multiple sources confirming that the Arkansas Department of Transportation is out on the roads? Nope. Nope. None of those. Nope. All right. But I want to say this because it, it bears mentioning like when you're listening to Eddie and Joe talk, they're having fun and like there it's, it's, it's different. It feels different
Starting point is 01:13:56 cause like even in this case, when they're talking about how the two of them were idiots and they believed in 2012, yeah, like they're busting each other's balls and having fun. When you bring, like Alex Bravo sounds super sycophantic though. Bravo sounds like he's star fucking Alex Jones while we talk. He is a tiny bit, but I also think for as much as I like the beginning of the show said he was an idiot, I would hang out with him. Yeah. But even his, even it, well, no, he seems like, but he seems like a congenial idiot. Sure. Yeah. Even his, even his like, oh, well, I mean, you can't be right all the time with such a like little, like I'm going to rub your belly kind of like, oh, you can't be right all the time. I love you. If I didn't, if I didn't know a few of the
Starting point is 01:14:38 things that I do know, I would suspect that he was setting Alex up. Like that kind of behavior would be like, oh no, you're safe here. Okay. All right. Come on. So you're thinking he's playing good cop. If you didn't know any further, if I didn't know that he actually doesn't believe in vaccines and he does believe in chemtrails, that sort of stuff, I would. Excellent. All right. This hero, hero ball is wild. I did. Oh, is this tobacco? Yes. Very strong tobacco from Mexico. I guess I am in California. This is 100% medical reasons and legal. Um, yeah, man, there's still, look, there's a lot of things that people think are going to happen that turn out to not happen. There's always a goddamn ass towards going to kill us all.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Also, uh, for the rest of the show, he pretends he didn't smoke weed, although it's on camera. That's, that it, you can hear him. Yeah. I don't even need to see him. I hear him go, and let me be clear. I don't give a fuck if you smoke weed. No, I'm, I'm actually down for him smoking weed. Maybe then it won't be such a fricking prick. Nope. But I do care about is when you are a self appointed leader of the information war and you go on a broadcast that gets hundreds of thousands, millions of downloads, comport yourself like a fucking professional. Don't go in there and get high when you know you can't handle weed and drink at least six glasses of whiskey. Yeah, but it's, it is also kind of a when in Rome situation. If you're on the Joe
Starting point is 01:16:03 Rogan podcast, you, you, you leave that bullshit aside. Wait for the rest of these clips. Okay. So anyway, why is it every time I come to his defense, you come at me. I don't know. I'm trying to do your job here. I texted you earlier and told you, I empathize with him. You told me to stop. I'm trying. I'm trying. I want to, I want to give him the most benefit of the doubt. I can. I'm going to let the rest of this clip play. So feel free to take notes. Let's not interrupt it because I want him to be able to get his words out and speak his piece about Y2K. Okay. Now, keep in mind that the sponsors doesn't know we just did an episode on Y2K. I'm assuming. Also, keep in mind, if you're listening, the sponsors that he had back then, many of them are the same
Starting point is 01:16:48 as he has now. Okay. Also, keep in mind when they mock the idea of selling survival stuff, he still sells all of that now. Keep that in mind when they laugh about it. It's important to be reminded of that up top. Now, now listen to this wacky bullshit where Alex also admits that he's delusional. I'm going to put the microphone down. It's important not to inhale. So what, what is going on? Aliens are coming. Well, let me answer it before I do this. Let me answer his question because he had a Reagan question too. Yeah. Well, let me answer Y2K because I want to be honest about this. Okay. This is one of the few things that, that I have really gotten wrong and I didn't go with my gut. And so I was proven wrong and I did it for the wrong reason. So now
Starting point is 01:17:42 I'm going to actually confess your honor. I was on one radio station. I've been on access TV for a few years. I was on one radio station. I already started to show out of my house that was on like 15 radio stations. So I had that at least, but I had, I was on one big radio station, had the top show at night on station with Howard Stern, killer was all over the newspaper, had huge ratings, and I was bringing in like, you know, 20, 30 grand a month, which was just a huge amount for me, building a whole operation out of that at home. And they come to the sales guys and they go, look, for a year, you've not been behind Y2K and you're not letting us have all these big sponsors and you're going to basically be fired if you don't let us endorse these sponsors and have them
Starting point is 01:18:18 on air and say you believe in Y2K. Hold on a second. So these sponsors were like doomsday stuff, like canned food and shit and bunkers and everything else. So I don't even believe in food. But the station wants to make all this money. So the station made you push Y2K. Wow. But let me go further. This is one of the few times in my life that I don't want to say I didn't have integrity. I kind of let them convince me. But I think back to the point in the conference room, I just kind of went, okay, okay, okay, sure, I get it. And then I went and then once I decided it was true, I really pushed it. So it's almost like I lied to myself yet because I'm being honest about this process. So this is what happened. For like a year and a half, I'm saying it's BS,
Starting point is 01:19:00 it's a government hoax because they're like the Navy says the chips are all bad and 54 cities will completely fall and it's all the death. And I said they just want to upgrade with all this new spy hubs. They want a new global standardization for the U.S. It's the Telecommunications Act of 96. They want to force all the new chips because I had NSA sources then that I was having on, okay. And I didn't realize how special it was that I had these sources and they're telling me it's all BS. And people don't argue with the Navy and Fox News had ads to get your food. It was just everywhere. So I went, okay, hell, okay, stuff's going to be real. So it was like a Black Friday. It was like a Black Friday deal. So the last few
Starting point is 01:19:34 months and the moral was they didn't fire me anyways. But the moral was I kind of convinced myself it was real. So by the end of it, of course, they edit like 12 hours beyond that day into like five minutes. I'm totally insane. But it's like nuclear reactor having a problem here and it really was happening. And like, you know, oh, and there was a missile fired from Russia, which like was an ICBM and they got like shot down. That was ABC News. So I'm like, all right, this isn't really happening. Okay, you know, we got prepared. It's always going to be prepared. But hopefully I'll add a reactor is having a problem. Okay, some stuff. So there was some outages and some problems. But government and MSM had hyped it. Then they used it to demonize
Starting point is 01:20:10 alternative media even then when it wasn't catastrophic. So my gut told me it was BS. It was BS. And so thank God I missed the whole 2012 thing. But still they said, Alex Jones says the world's ending the Bureau 2012 where he really searched when I say it's all a load of crap. But I didn't criticize you when I saw you doing it. I said, I was balls deep. Jordan, why don't you take it? The yelling was prompted by him basically admitting that he is malleable and he is, you can just talk him into believing stuff. I don't want to say that I didn't have integrity. I'm saying I let them convince me and then I believed it, which means that I still had my own integrity. I always have integrity. Now just because what I believed isn't what happened,
Starting point is 01:21:06 it isn't what I said I believed. But also I let them tell me that I believe that and then I believe that but I also did not believe that at the time. I didn't listen to my gut. I don't believe anything. I believe everything. I believe it all my friend. Praise Jesus. It's time to pray. Fuck him. And then once I allowed myself to believe it, I tried to get people to panic. Fuck him. Yeah, so much. Also, also very important to note he doesn't bring up how he's changed his tune on Putin. No, since then. Also very important to I brought this up in the middle of the clip and I got to repeat it. Midas resources. We played a commercial from his show from night from Y2K from Midas resources. They still are involved with him. Well, they convinced him. But now they sell like the
Starting point is 01:21:53 Dr. Wallach products and shit like that. So Dr. Wallach's product is still gold. It's a golden touch. He's a bunch of notes. We got to also if you're listening and you haven't listened to our episode about Y2K, go back and listen to that. It'll give you a lot of context for why that clip was full of shit. And then and then listen to that clip and feel my rage on a much more just tech, tactile level. So what are your notes? Okay. One. Did he have the top show with huge ratings? I don't care. Don't think so. Sales guys, sales guys. Let's say he might. He might have. I don't care. That's what I say. Sales guys, sales guys, sales guys, sales guys. We're going to get him fired unless he did the most panic inducing fucking concentration camp having not Y2K
Starting point is 01:22:43 episode. We've got it. We've got a sales guy. We got to sell this gold. It doesn't sell itself. Gotcha. Telecommunications active 96. Yeah. Does he know what that is? Based on something he says later. I'm guessing he knows broad strokes. Right. Does anybody listen to the Joe Rogan podcast know what that is? No, but that's the gambit. He's playing. That is the fucking gambit right there. Honestly, I don't randomly throw shit out. Just randomly throw that shit out and be like, nobody's going to follow up on this. Nobody's going to give a fuck. Yeah. Everybody's just everybody. We're going to get back to that in a second. Russia sent an ICBM. Yeah. And it was shot down. That was on ABC news. Was it? I don't know. Does anybody know?
Starting point is 01:23:22 Is anybody following up? I can't confirm this. No. Also, ICBM always makes me think of a cold shit. I see bowel movement. I hate hearing that missile discussed. So are you ready for the next clip? All right. All right. All right. Is that what we're doing? Is that what we've become? Apparently. So at this point, Eddie takes the Jesus, take the wheel. Eddie, help him out. Eddie Bravo. He wants to be our Johnny Bravo. He wants to get into chemtrails. And so he wants to ask Alex a little bit about what's the deal? What's the reality with chemtrails? And Alex talks a little bit about that and then spins it into something wacky. Hooray. Oops. But they're doing it for different purposes. Not to reduce crops.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Okay. I have been living. Keep going. The head of the U.S. Weather Weapon Program for 27 years on my show first because I saw it was declassified. I saw that he was in the panhandle of Texas. I called him running a major cloud sitting company with his son and got the 90-year-old to Austin. And then after that, he totally freaked out because the CIA came to his house. Do you want the interviews on YouTube? Do you want to know what he said? Yes. He was a World War II fighter pilot. And at the end of World War II, he flew the first planes into hurricanes, which are in the Atlantic. That's pretty gangster. And into typhoons that are even faster in the Pacific. And then he also led squadrons into Vietnam,
Starting point is 01:24:50 flooding everything up to 10 feet of water out of clear blue skies within hours. What a badass. With their chemicals. Oh, I really don't know. What kind of badass do you have to be to do that? Super badass. Flying to a hurricane or a typhoon? Jesus Christ. Yeah, he's the first guy to do it. Holy shit. Anyways, a super badass. I don't even know if he's alive. He's been living since
Starting point is 01:25:08 at 90. He was still all there. And I thought at 90, he could kick my ass. What a fucking... His big text. And I felt like I was the guy who suffered from me. Anyways, so we're sitting there and he gives me all this data and I can't believe it. He's giving me all these classified photos and stuff because they just declassified the file. No one thought to call the old man from Lubbock or whatever it was. Right. So I call him. I get him on. They send a bunch of people to their company and threaten them the next week after I heard it. And he laid it out. He said, in 1967, we certified at the
Starting point is 01:25:34 Stanford Research Institute that he was able to control hurricanes, create hurricanes, and steer hurricanes. All that got black-budgeted shut down. And then they got into these arrays where they could use antennas. And out of that, in Westinghouse came the whole heart program. So in the 60s, they could create, control, and steer or kill hurricanes. That's why you Google now, Bill and Melinda Gates bought all those patents and quote, Bill Gates is going to save the world from bad weather. Bill Gates wants to stop hurricanes. Google it. So let me ask you this. Bill Gates owns the weather machines. Oh boy. That was emotional. Bill Gates owns the weather machines.
Starting point is 01:26:13 That was emotional for you. He's seen the Avengers. That's the plot of the Avengers, right? This is the first. That is Sean Connery as the bad guy in the Avengers fun Avengers. The other one. Yes. The shitty Avengers. British one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Uma Thurman was in it. It really is the plot. It is the plot of the Avengers. Hey, do you know what? There's clones in that movie too. There is clones in that movie. He's seen, he's seen 10 movies. Yeah. And that is all of his references. Weather, weather, weather machine, weather machine. Bill Gates got it. Weather machine. He's got it. In the 60s, weather machine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:52 That you can control hurricanes with. Yeah. Now also, also Alex has gone on, like whenever he's attacked about this has been like, I didn't say they can control hurricanes and start them. All I said is blah, blah, blah. And then he sort of capitulates a little bit, but because of course, because it's not a thing. But when he has some whiskey and weed on Joe Rogan's show, it sure makes a lot of sense. Yeah. And we're going to get into some other stuff that he believes the moment he said weather weapon. I immediately pulled up as much as I could find. So here is the best reference that I could find immediately. Jesse Ventura. Oh boy. The former Navy SEAL who turned pro wrestler, not only then to become governor of Minnesota.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Let me be clear. I love Jesse Ventura. Listen up brother. That's not, but that's Hogan. No, I know. I know. What's his thing? He talks to Gorilla. Gorilla Monsoon. Oh, that's right. That's right. All right. Neither of us are a domain. Yeah. No, it's a domain who has to do that for us. Yeah. So he did a special, even on the conspiracy website, it says it's a bit sensationalized. Yeah. And Joe Rogan questions everything. He had his podcast or his TV show about conspiracy stuff. And they looked into Chemtrails. It's HARP. It's H-A-A-R-P. Oh, yes, it is. We're going to learn a little bit more. Are we going to learn a little bit more about HARP? This is dumb. Well, they've got, they've got HARP bases all over the place. They call them Doppler radar facilities. The government
Starting point is 01:28:29 wants your local city to have Doppler radar. I thought that was like so you could have a guy in front of the screen. But that's it. Like one tenth of one percent. They can crank those arrays up that have massive, your lights might go out when they do it a little bit. Really? Yeah, because they'll use the whole power of your town through the Doppler radars. Then they control it. The U.S. has a giant weather weapon hidden in front of everybody in every town and city. And poor Russians and Chinese are just discovering it all. The U.S. has weather weapons that can knock them all out right now. So this clip is really long because Joe does a little bit of debunking, which I respect. Poor China. They're just discovering that weather weapons are all
Starting point is 01:29:08 around them at all times. There's one in every small town. In every small town. One tenth of one percent are used for Doppler radar. They can just do that whenever they want. But if your power goes down even a little bit, it's because they're controlling the fucking weather. If you live in Centrelia, Missouri, or Macon, Missouri, or I'm just coming up with small towns. Loyal Illinois. Let's go with that. You have Doppler radar to Rochester to get whichever one you live in. There's so many Rochester's on a weather weapon. So much of it is a way to glean information about the weather. Yes. Find out if there's going to be a tornado or pressure system. Every every barometer to him seems like a weather weapon, right? Like what's what's this magic? You
Starting point is 01:29:52 know how much pressure there is in the air? Well, we're going to get the devil. We're going to get to Alex not really believing that people can figure things out at some point. But this clip is pretty long. He's pretty mystified by all things. I'm going to I wanted to say we're going to let this play because there's some rebuttals that Rogan makes and I want to be able to it to be clear. Right. The simplest that the quintessential sign that Alex Jones respects you is if he says you could kick his ass in that 90 year old guy. That is the pure distillation of the only thing that Alex Jones respects also is this guy looks like he could beat me up. Also, I he is such a pure like this is the only way I did it. This is the only way to determine male dominance. This guy's
Starting point is 01:30:41 a man. He likes this guy. Oh, he can he can beat. He could beat me up. Who could beat me up only the greatest of men. Also, I don't want to. I don't want to body shame people because that's not what I like to do. But Alex looked like shit on the show. He looked like anyone could kick his ass. But also that that guy who flew into tornadoes that he's talking about or hurricanes as it were, the him being 90 does really call into question what he's telling you because I've talked to a bunch of 90 year olds and the ones that are like I work with the elderly. I don't believe shit. They're 90 and they're all there is a relative thing. Yeah. It doesn't mean that they're all there. That means that. Oh my God. They're great for 90 admittedly flying into a
Starting point is 01:31:26 hurricane is bad ass. Sure. There's no argument there. If he did that. If he did it first to ever do it, which probably didn't probably. He's a 90 year old man. I don't know if you know this sometimes they exaggerate things possibly because who the fuck is going to call him out on it. Certainly not Alex. Nope. But anyway, this this clip news. I'm just going to let it play. It's important because Joe rebuts some things and then Alex tries to readjust his argument. And then when this clip is over, I'm going to explain why Alex Jones is a filthy fucking liar. Let's learn and grow together. It's control the weather. Ideas for barges to pump cold water from the depth of the ocean to create some sort of a roadblock for the hurricane. This what he
Starting point is 01:32:12 has done is googled Bill Gates weather control. And he's fat. Joe has found this article about how cold water does stop hurricanes. And so there's a possibility that you could create trenches that release cold water. I'm sorry. I just wanted to give context because of where we started again. Right. Because Bill is trying to do good. Right. Weatherwrappants. Weatherwrappants. Since hurricanes pull power from the water's warm temperatures, cooling the water could have theoretically could theoretically lessen the impact. That sounds like a good idea, though. No, but the point is that's lovely. It doesn't sound like a genius idea. You spray cold water into the air. It always does. It will cool off the hurricane. Kim Trails. John O'Brennan in the
Starting point is 01:32:52 front of the CFR is saying we were doing this because for global warming, we got to save the planet. You are right about about geoengineering and Kim Trails. You were wrong about the dinosaurs not being real. But hey, what about that? They're coming out saying, hey, there's going to be some countries that are that aren't going to be for it. We got to figure out how we're going to deal with them because they're going to have the audience. Yes, the big secret. Yes. That's the big secret is another big secret. Keep going with that. Keep going with that. Come on, man. Don't change the subject. Keep going with that. You're not done with Livingston. Okay. Imagine. It's good you're here, but imagine me and Joe were actually, you got me off on,
Starting point is 01:33:30 you want me to hear about Ronald Reagan too, don't you? Later. Finish the SAI program. Alex is drunk by this point. You can tell he's drunk. Oh yeah. He's ready to, he's ready to dish on anything. Yeah. So let me, let me, as long as you don't ask him to dish on anything, he will talk about anything. Yeah. The moment you're like, Hey, could you talk about this? His brain goes, Oh, I actually can't. He's certified. I don't have the improv skills to yes and your question. He's certifiably drunk because we've been watching him drink whiskey like it's water. Okay. But also he's behaving exactly like he does in that clip where he is yelling at that lady on the street. He's acting and sounding like he does in the secret of 2017
Starting point is 01:34:09 clip. So it's like, it's kind of reaffirming all of our like quick, quick question. Yeah. What is the secret of 2017? Still don't know. Still don't know. But he just said she's not. So I don't know. All of our secrets are gone. Anyway, I got to stop interrupting this clip. Here we go. But he doesn't know about this. What do you know about the SAI program? Let's get this done with. Most of the real programs are just like fronts for something else. It's not even real. So you don't think they're spraying shit into the atmosphere? No, there is a program for geoengineering. There's a program in place. And you said it's the Doppler radar system in the harp and what else? And an aerial spraying
Starting point is 01:34:51 is still the most effective. And what do they do? They do have patents. When you say aerial spraying, what are they spraying? Barium salts, aluminum dioxide, radioactive isotopes. Barium and aluminum. Spraying them in the air. But why are they doing that? And the aluminum is because it does a bunch of things. They're testing a bunch of stuff. They're manipulating things. Listen, our Pentagon is so crazy. Right. But why do you have evidence that they're doing this and spraying aluminum and barium, whatever it is? You can go online and read the Department of Energy. It's all public. Just like he just said. You can go online and watch a Chinese dude get jacked by a tiger. I agree. That's how you can go to the department
Starting point is 01:35:22 of and you can watch CFR, the CIA director at the time, Brennan, admitting all this. This is all public. Yeah, he admitted it. He talked about it. No, I saw it. I saw the video. We can play the video and go over it if you want. But he's talking about various options for controlling global warming. They're laying out the future. Look, if global warming is a guy, hold on a second. If global warming is real, we know it is, right? Don't you think they would have, you don't believe global warming is real? I think it's a scam. So, when they keep measuring these temperatures and scientists keep knowing that this is the hottest year on Earth. They got caught faking the temperatures. Okay. They came out with a lot of e-mails. Well, let's find out. Let's find out what the most
Starting point is 01:35:56 recent thing is. Joe, I believe global warming is real. I believe it's real. Okay. I believe that it goes as high. It goes cold. There's always micro-temperature. There is always a big change. There's shift. Change is the only thing that ever happens. But paying carbon taxes to Al Gore won't fix it. Okay. I think we all agree that there's shifts. But what I'm saying is, there absolutely is global warming, right? What is the CNA? Hold on a second. My dad's farmhouse, when my dad was a kid in the 1950s, for three, four months out of the year, it was below zero or freezing. You had to chop wood. You'd freeze your ass off. And all houses had, even in the South, had, you know, had all sorts of chimneys in them for fireplaces because it was freezing cold. Right. And now
Starting point is 01:36:36 there has been a warming period. But that's part of a normal global cycle based on the sun. All these astrophysicists are sure the whole thing about claiming it's the carbon we put out. The earth is carbon starved. There's a carbon cycle. That's the big story I want to get to. The globalists want to tax. If they can tax oxygen, carbon dioxide, water or sunlight, they have total control over the whole life cycle of the planet. Let's play the video. Let's play the video. This, this CIA guy talking about it. Because what I inferred from it is that it's trying to come up with some sort of solutions if global warming becomes a giant issue. By the way, Brennan is a frickin' unknown Wahhabist. Joe, but Joe,
Starting point is 01:37:13 what does the CIA have to do with global warming? It's a good question. What do they have to do? I don't know what the CIA does. Do you know the Central Intelligence Agency? They were built to stop the spread of communism. Right. But it's an intelligence agency. They're part of the environment. Okay. They're a part of the intelligence community. And if they got hired, I would imagine, this is just me guessing right off the top of my head, if they got hired to assess a threat and a threat being from global warming, like what, what do we have to worry about? Are we really going to lose cities? Do we really have an issue over the career? He was, that was Alex Jones just totally gone. Keep it under control. Keep it under control. Yeah, there's a, there's a, there's a,
Starting point is 01:37:54 like whenever Alex's facts get sort of questioned, he really doesn't know what to do. That was, that was three dudes having a completely dumb, completely different conversations. Yeah. None of them were having the same conversation with each other. That happens a lot. Yeah. That was pure chaos. That was pure chaos. It's not even over yet. No, Kenny, Kenny Bravo. Eddie. No, I'm going to go with Kenny. Come on, man. I prefer Kenny. Don't call him out of his name. All right. All right. Eddie Bravo is one, a lovable dope. Yes. I am fully on his side. I want to hug him. He's such a silly little goofball. Yeah. I feel like he's the most innocuous person. He knows a lot of things that he's read, but he's
Starting point is 01:38:40 one of these guys who just watches like YouTube videos and thinks they're educated. Yeah. You know, like, and maybe he's read a couple of documents, but doesn't really understand what they say. Well, just, just like his, what does the CIA have to do with global warming? You're like, they, they don't know, but they don't have anything to do with global warming. But if they did, Joe has a good response to that in that if there are threats that are posed by global warming, the intelligence community should be up on that. Yeah, they should be, but they're, I mean, it's a hypothetical good answer to a hypothetical question, but be that as it may wait for this. All right. All right. The entire conversation takes a turn when Alex pulls a, what he thinks
Starting point is 01:39:26 is a Trump card out of his pocket and we'll get to why it's not in a second. Give George Soros and the UN total power for a 100 trillion per decade global tax to micromanage and surveil everything humans do. Because if carbon's toxic, they've got to surveil it, thus they have a jurisdiction to control our lives. Okay, hold up. Why does it say debunked? CIA director admits chemtrails, geoengineering, stratospheric aerosol injections. So it says the claim is at Brennan relations. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. At the council, admits geoengineering in the form of stratospheric aerosol injections, SAI is taking a place, is taking place IE chemtrails. And the rebuttal is nowhere in his speech
Starting point is 01:40:12 is there an admission that an SAI program is already taking place. The part where Brennan mentions geoengineering is just one example out of several not often mentioned issues the CIA monitors for potential elements of instability in the world. A SAI program, if ever implemented, could penetrate conflicts and security threats if misused. The CIA's job is to consider all types of concepts, concepts for potential future problems and threats, including the science oriented concepts. That's totally possible. Let me break down the reality here. Right, but isn't that possible? We're down the reality. But what that guy just said, is that possible? No, that's basically what Brennan said. What he's saying is that there are potential threats
Starting point is 01:40:51 environmentally. It's an issue, right? So he's not admitting that he has there's an SAI program. Let me let me tell you. Okay, go ahead, tell me. Everybody debates how many programs there are all the specifics. A lot of that's classified. You can Google China launches major weather control operations 10 years ago, right? Or Qatar does it or Saudi Arabia or the UK are you sure people have studied? No, no, right? No, there's they call it study. There's a giant hell in 2005, the Department of Energy program for aerosol testing was $5 million a year. So under US code title 50 chapter 32 subsection 1528 paragraph B. Is that true? You nailed that right? Yes. Yes. What are you from Mars under US code? Do you live on that obelisk? That was fucking insane. Let me
Starting point is 01:41:36 just tell you. I can't even remember the time the last time Machita fought. Listen, under US code title finish chamber 32. Okay, so he brings out this this statute. And he uses it as a proof that his argument is that these people call things studies and they use that to attack us. Yes, that makes sense. I have pulled up this subsection. It's title 50 sub chapter 32 subsection 128 paragraph B. You can Google it and I have found it. Wait, so when he said you can Google it, you can Google it. You can Google it. I found it. And I'm assuming that he quoted it perfectly and agrees with everything that he's saying, right? No. Oh, restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical and biological agents prohibited activities. The Secretary of Defense
Starting point is 01:42:36 may not conduct directly or by contract any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on civilian population or any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects. Now, I believe this was probably enacted shortly after they did all of that stuff in, let's say the Tuskegee experiments. Let's go through all of the different times that the government has actually done that, right? I don't know. I don't have a date on this, but let's just go with if it wasn't, it should have been and it wasn't like, yeah. But this is not crazy because this has happened before. The government has absolutely tested chemical agents on unsuspecting people in the past. Now, here's here's where Alex's argument
Starting point is 01:43:25 comes into play. So paragraph B is the exceptions. So the exceptions are subject to subsection C, D, and E, the prohibition on subsection A, which I just read, the prohibited activities does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes. One, any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity. Two, any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents. Three, any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control. Now that paragraph- That is a disconcerting last part right there. I don't like that number three at all. That three is very scary. That three is weird. Let's pretend
Starting point is 01:44:16 that three was not allowed. That's scary as fuck. Now, so basically what that means is that as long as you're testing it out on riot control, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Or if it's related to medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural. Yeah. Yeah. No, those ones are fine because those ones are beneficial. Right. The riot control one is very scary. It doesn't really matter though, because how subsection paragraph B starts is subject to subsection C, D and E. So B is subject to what comes after it. Right. Let me read you C. Informed consent required. The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection B only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject
Starting point is 01:45:05 in advance of the testing on that subject. Gotcha. If you are using this to rationalize chemtrails, yeah, you'd have to have informed consent from entire populations, yeah, which is bullshit. Now. It's entirely impossible. Now. Hey, hold on one second. How many times have you clicked agree on the iTunes? You might have just nailed it. Terms of services. Ah, subsection. Maybe it's in there. Maybe in the iTunes Apple re-up, you're like, hey, chemtrails, you good with those? And you're like, yeah, I'm not going to read this whole thing. You might have nailed the biggest conspiracy ever. Chemtrails is Apple. Just solved it.
Starting point is 01:45:46 So the subsection D is about notifying Congress and E is just to really put into definition what a biological agent is by their definition. Right. So those two like the ones Syria used to kill all its people. Sure. Those two are just sort of definitions, but paragraph C is super important. Yeah. If you're if you're using this statute, this title 50, chapter 32, subsection 128, paragraph B, if you're using this, you have to mention paragraph C, because if you don't, it's not the full document. It seems really important to mention the informed consent part. Remember how scared you were when they when it mentioned riot control? I was super scared. It's scary. It's scary. But if they're beholden to paragraph C, you can't test riot control stuff
Starting point is 01:46:39 out without informed consent. That's a really good point. Yeah. That's actually a very well written statute then. It is. Here's my favorite part about it. It's misused in a fucking propagandistic way by Alex. And when they bring it up, because Joe pulls up the statute and they read it, they don't read everything. Yeah. So it looks like Alex is right. And at this point, Alex is drunk and he gets this smug, smiley look on his face. And at this point, Joe becomes his ally. This is when your righteous fury unleashes itself. Oh, it gets way worse. This episode is going to be two and a half hours long. Okay. But like, it's at that point, it's like, Oh, everything Alex says is true. He pulled out this subsection paragraph, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And oh my God,
Starting point is 01:47:27 he's right. He must know everything. No, he doesn't. The actual text of the thing he was citing does not agree with what he was saying. It's insane. We talked about this on the last episode. Yeah, he's winning the battle of step B. And it's fucking insane. And so dangerous. Because if no one looks into what you're saying, yeah, then you just get to say whatever you want. This is why he's not a journalist. I am one in love with your passion. I'm so mad. Just discussing our roles earlier prior to the show is like, we were talking about it and I'm like, Hey, my job is to try and make this as silly and as fun as possible. I find facts and you're like, well, then what's my job? And then you went on this righteous fury rant and it's like, it's the that's your fucking job.
Starting point is 01:48:21 That's a 10 hours of that is your fucking job right there. Your job is to be filled with Samuel Jackson s righteous fury. Well, it's my job is finding specifics that he says. And then being like, Oh, what does that actually say? Evil shit. Like that's what that is. It's not evil. It's just it's it's banking on people being dumb. But here's the thing about that just like the the thing that I immediately thought of was all of the executive orders that Trump has pulled out in the past couple of weeks, yeah, have been blatantly and clearly either unconstitutional or illegal or or or or take a stab back weird weird just weird. Yeah. No, they've all been they've all been that they don't seem to suit actual purpose. And the amazing part about that was while you were reading
Starting point is 01:49:12 that whole like, subsections this this this this I'm going, this is unbelievably fucking boring. Yeah. How could anybody possibly pay attention to this? And then you realize, oh, that's why they're all unconstitutional, because he doesn't read those subsections that were built in there. Yeah, he just goes, this is a thing now, like that. Like that's what happens. It's legislating by order as a put like not order like social order, but order like I order this. Yeah. And that's not how things work. It shouldn't be. No. Well, but but not even that. It's like there's all these little rules in there. Government should work essentially by negotiation of people who disagree. There should be people on the left and on the right, because conservatives,
Starting point is 01:49:56 some of them have decent points. Not anymore. Well, no, but that's not anymore. That's not conservative. That's, yeah, no, they're, no, it's all, they've all lost their minds. The political philosophy of small government and state's rights, those sorts of things have a lot of validity. And I think, I think that there's a conversation that should be had and has been had in the past that has to do with that. There's a conversation we are anymore that could have been had. Right. Where we not, where we are right now. Right. I'm expressing that my political philosophy is that a government, especially a federal government, is best served by disagreeing voices, having an argument, negotiating with each other and compromising.
Starting point is 01:50:37 But that's why we're losing. You and I both have this idea of effective governance. And the GOP has lost their mind and gone like, Hey, how about instead of that, we burn it to the ground. But, but if we look at this, this, this code about restriction of use of human subjects or testing of biological and chemical agents, it seems to be really well written. But if you also look at it, it probably was the result of negotiations. I would assume so. Yeah. Probably parts of this didn't exist in the original version of people like, Hey, we need informed consent. And people who really gave a fuck in those very small details were like, no, we have to put this tiny little detail in there. And if they hadn't had done
Starting point is 01:51:20 that, then somehow all of this shit could have gone out of control. And if they hadn't put that big detail in there, Alex would be right. Exactly. Exactly. If they, if somebody didn't give a fuck to that minute level, it would be chaos. Yeah. And that is where we live now is the people who run things do not give a fuck to that might new level where a propagandist like Alex Jones can go on Joe Rogan's show and effectively convince him of something that's not true. I'm starting to think this Alex Jones character isn't a isn't on the up and up. He's bad news. I think he might be a bad guy. He's a bad ombre. So Jordan, this next clip is pretty fun. And I'm excited to transition out of me yelling about
Starting point is 01:52:03 a substatute with your furious anger. So I need to know I need to know what do you know about aliens and how are aliens real? This is really big. Okay. Yeah, pour another shot of media. The question is, what does Donald Trump know about aliens? Oh yeah, what does he know now, right? Cause he's in the office. I don't know. That would be the first thing I did. I think the Joe Rogan experience deserves the first thing I did. I would run to the office and I'd go, who's got the documents? Who's got the alien documents? Who's got them? Who's got them? That would be the first thing I would. Also, did you hear Alex? Oh, he's drunk off his ass. He yelled the documents. Yeah, that dude is parody of
Starting point is 01:52:49 himself. Yeah. Yeah. He's fucking wasted. He's starting to lose it a little. Let's, oh, let's follow this rabbit hole. Also, this clip ends with him deflecting in one of the saddest ways I've ever seen. I just want to see him drunk. I just want to see him drunk. I don't know, right? Cheers, sir. Talk about boring shit while I piss. I got to piss too. Yeah, you're a robot. You never have to piss. All right, let me give you my best, please, deep research approximation once you get to that. What do you think is going, but am I wrong to still hold out hope that aliens are real?
Starting point is 01:53:21 Because I'll tell you, that's one, the two guilty pleasures that I still cling to, is Bigfoot and aliens. Those are two. Bigfoot, not so much. I wish it was real, but I just don't think it's real. Are you ready? Yes. Bigfoot's real? No. Come on, buddy. Are you ready? Yes. I'm going to give you the big enchilada. Joe, there's an alien in the room right now. For real? Yeah, you're not of this world, bro. Me? You're the alien. Oh, yeah. That's his big enchilada there. Suck a dick. Well, I mean, it's, fuck you. It's just, fuck you. It's just another instance that he keeps doing. Oh, what a tiny little weak bullshit. Fuck you. Yeah. So you're the alien. Yeah. Fuck off. He keeps doing that. Like, I'm going to tell you the truth. Now, hold
Starting point is 01:54:09 on. We got to get to this or he a couple times. Are you ready for this big secret? I got to pee. He a couple times also deflects with jokes about him being Hicks, Bill Hicks and how he like, why do people actually think I'm Bill Hicks and Joe's like, people don't, it's a joke. But Alex uses that. I ask people why, why do they think I'm Johnny Appleseed and it's crazy. They don't, it's crazy. They just don't. You've not gone all over this land. It's weird. I haven't, but why do people think that? I don't know. Well, it's a joke. It's a joke. I can't believe that. So Alex uses that to deflect away from stuff, but he can't deflect any longer. Sounds like something Bill Hicks would say. He gets to a point where he's drunk and he's sort of pressed
Starting point is 01:54:54 to the wall and he has to answer questions about what he believes about the elites. And I'm going to let this play out. Please don't interrupt this. I'm not going to because it's, it's a synthesis of a belief and I have some thoughts after that I need to explain to you. Okay. But now just enjoy. I will allow this enjoy to happen. We're fighting a pedophile conspiracy, but beyond that, it's a vampire conspiracy and that they are interdimensionally sucking the essence of our youth. Right. And they believe they're possessed by an off-world entity. They do. Yeah. And then Joe, I've been on air 22 years. I don't get into aliens, metaphysical, religion, any of that. I, yes, he does. Yes,
Starting point is 01:55:37 he does. He prays on air. Yes, he does. He prays on air. All the stuff that he just said he didn't do. He does. He does all that stuff. He does. Yeah. I'm sorry. I told you not to interrupt it. Well, just that I don't get into religion thing was so fucking wack. No, you can't. No, no. So anyway, the rest of this is wacky. Study the elite and I've also communicated with a lot of the top people. And if you want to know, I will actually break down right now the best knowledge right now what's happening on the planet. What's happening? Let me give you a basic just stall. Okay. I love when you can use that word with full confidence. I've never said that. Let me give you a basic just stalled. I feel like, oh my God, I'm such a fraud. No, you're not. You
Starting point is 01:56:21 know, but that's what I think if I use that word. Now, you'll get all this because you already have most of static as your bookworm or research worm in a good way. The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don't ever want to organize. The bad ones tend to want to organize because they lost after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people. They want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game. Then they come together. Evil's always defeated because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics
Starting point is 01:56:55 showed it. Max Planck's physics showed it all. There's at least 12 dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity's bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all. It's all coming out. Now, there's like this sub-transmission zone below the third dimension that's just turned over to the most horrible things is what it resonates to. And it's trying to get up into the third dimension that's just a basic level
Starting point is 01:57:36 consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up in the fifth, sixth dimension, consciously our best people. But there's this big war trying to like basically destroy humanity because humanity has free will and there's a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will so evil's allowed to come and contend and not just good. And the elites themselves believe they're racing using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization where they're going to merge with machines, transcend, and break away from the failed species of this man, which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly and bad, projecting it onto themselves instead of
Starting point is 01:58:19 believing, no, it's a human test about building us up. And so Google was set up 18, 19 years ago. This was I knew about this before it was declassified. That is the longest stream of uninterrupted insanity I've heard since I got off the train earlier. Well, it goes on a lot longer, but also it's it's I don't know. I can see the length of this clip that you've queued up. I can see how we've still got 11 and a half million more minutes to go. No, there's like three this. That was fucking I stopped taking notes a halfway through that because it's clearly that is just not all one dimensions don't work like how he thinks dimensions work. No, but it does. He saw Dr. Strange and he's like, Oh, that's what dimensions are. That's what happened there. He is fucking 12
Starting point is 01:59:12 dimensions. Nobody. No, what? No, Einstein. No, Plank. Definitely not. Plank. Definitely not. Definitely not Plank. What if there's anything I know about Plank? If there's anything he said, he has a constant. If there's anything that you can say about Plank, it is that Plank never said there were 12 dimensions. That's the most. Should I Google it? I mean, just should I info wars? Okay. Okay. Sub transmissions. Yeah. Below the third dimension. Yeah. Trying to get up into the third dimension and demons and human beings are already on the fifth or sixth dimension. I feel like he's confusing Einstein with space time with Lord of the Rings with Dante's Inferno. That's what's going on, right? Unless he's talking about a different
Starting point is 02:00:03 Plank, Max Plank. No, he's talking about Max. There's only one Plank other than the Plank challenge or whatever the fuck is on YouTube. He just sort of discussed lengths of things. Like his constant has to do with lengths. Yeah. Yeah. Plank was a vacuum and stuff like that. Yeah. No, no, no. That's all regular stuff. Zero, zero mention of the 12th dimension. So Jordan, what you need to know about this is a lot of the stuff that he's spouting comes from an anonymous post that was put on Reddit or I don't know if it was exactly Reddit years and years ago. I read all of this like eight years ago or so and like quite honestly, him spouting this stuff on Joe's show while he's really drunk and being like, this is the big thing. That was fucking
Starting point is 02:00:56 bananas. It's actually disappointing to me. It is bananas. It's worse than what we've been talking about for the rest of these episodes where it's like the globalists. Yeah. Yeah. It's worse than that. No, that's yeah. That's pure fantasy. That's a that's a fucking dragon's song novel by Ann McCraffy and it's important to point that out because when he says he has sources, it's very suspicious, which he always has sources and they are very high up. They are always very high up. His sources are so varied and expert. It is hard to imagine that he is not infiltrated every single level of government, every single level of technology in everybody's possible sphere. Like the only place he doesn't know a lot about is Guatemala because he thinks there's a fucking
Starting point is 02:01:56 wall there. I'm not sure that I actually have this clip, but on the episode of Rogan's podcast, he's like, I was talking to a head of state. Oh, which which name we fucking know name a head of state, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. Would it be? Oh, God, we're all going to fucking we've got such great sources. I was talking to a head of state ahead of state. Well, I wonder who it was. Yeah. But be that as it may. I'm assuming it was Iceland's PMA, right? Yes. Yes. Right. Just saying your fury. This clip isn't done. We need to listen to the rest of this clip. Okay. And I need to be clear when I'm talking about this clear troll post. Yes. That had some interesting ideas that I read eight years ago or so. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:42 He's taking from that, but saying he doesn't believe it. It's what the elites believe. But what you have to believe, what you have to take away from that is that he believes that the elites believe that that's important. The fact that he says, I don't believe it, is kind of a dodge because he believes that the elites believe it and there's some power in it when it's a fantasy narrative. Yeah. So anyway, the rest of this clip is going to play. He talks about this in a later clip, which we'll get back to at the end of the show, where he kind of invalidates a lot of the things he's saying. But let's of course he does. Let's enjoy the ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Let's get on this. Enjoy the really wonka-esque boat into madness. Enjoy the ride where Joe calls him out on this a little bit, but not nearly enough. Saying I have good sources that they wanted to build a giant artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into it with the Internet of Saints. And so all of our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time that's also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball. But the big secret is once you have a
Starting point is 02:04:08 crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals, as we know, and a true 2.0 in a very bad way, hive mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us not in some PKD wirehead system where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to the system by our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There's now a human counter strike taking place to shut this off before it gets fully into place and to block these systems
Starting point is 02:04:50 and to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes and cut off the pedophiles and psychic vampires that are control of this AI system before humanity is destroyed. Humanity is only controlled of AI. How do the pedophiles get in control of AI? The pedophiles at a whatever level, the devil, whatever you want to call it, this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology, the fallen one, the son of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge on how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations. What? Is that Satan?
Starting point is 02:05:20 But what are you talking about? That's Satan. But explain that. You're just saying something. Well, he's saying to become something that the stupid preacher tells you about who's totally controlled or something you read about in the news or TV. This is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us rather than the divine free will we're given to build something much better than empowers the species. So the species is now making a decision about its entire future.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Where are you getting this from? That's what it is. But where are you getting it from? I know. From looking at all the data, researching it, studying it, watching the enemy, that's the big decision that humanity has now got before us. That's not an answer. But also, I will say this, I didn't keep this part of the clip because that was way too long. But after this, Joe does bring up the idea of futurists,
Starting point is 02:06:11 just sort of understanding where technology is going to go and sort of predicting, like you were yelling about Asimov. That was the robots of dawn timeline. He just described literally from iRobot to forward the foundation in Isaac Asimov novels. That's what he read. That's what he described every single step of the way. That's what he thought was going to happen. Well, one of the pieces that I think we're going to have to deal with,
Starting point is 02:06:41 and I think that this document actually takes Alex into a different category in my mind. Like I really think it's unfortunate he went on the show. Do you mean believing that the devil is an interdimensional being? No, I always thought he thought that. Okay. No, but I think that this experience of listening to him and hearing him say these things and these batshit crazy things. I have to deal with him on two levels because he is a propagandist.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Which dimensions are those levels on? The third. The third dimension and then what's the other level? There aren't any. But like, I believe that he is a propagandist. Yes. But I also have to wrestle with the fact that I don't think he knows the difference between fiction and reality.
Starting point is 02:07:33 No, he absolutely does not. He constantly brings up plots of movies. It's already been like three so far. Yeah, we've got Red Dawn is a huge part of his philosophy. Sure, sure. All right, we're going to go with, now we've added Isaac Asimov. Elysium seems to be really in his zeitgeist. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:07:52 We're going to go with the matrix is definitely important and what he lives. Probably is in there somewhere. They live, it's super important. Yeah. But like, I really think that I'm not saying that he's a schizophrenic or anything like that. I think that there is a part of his brain that is unable to grasp what is real and what is art. Like, I really don't know if he can tell. Because when I read that huge, long post, that was clearly fake.
Starting point is 02:08:20 You sacrificed yourself so the rest of us don't have to. No, I enjoyed it because I enjoyed it and I was curious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But when I read it, I could tell like, ah, this is someone just fucking around. Right. Then I enjoyed it for what it was, an expression of a new medium where you control people online in a sensible, interesting way that wasn't abusive. Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:40 That long post to me seemed to be like, this is someone fucking around but doing it really well in the same way with John Teeter. John Teeter is another great example. If you guys are listening, aren't aware of it. There's this guy claimed to be a time traveler and gave a bunch of very wrong predictions about what's going to happen in the future, but it was really odd how that works out. It was really interesting. It was fun.
Starting point is 02:09:02 Yeah. Like all of those, like all the times where you see that picture that it's like someone on a cell phone. No, yeah, yeah. Or somebody on the cell phone in the old timey picture or John Travolta back in 1800. Who looks severely like Nicholas Cage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you're like, well, that must not have been, you know, that whole thing.
Starting point is 02:09:22 It's fun. Yeah. But also you're not an idiot. It's don't stop believing that. If you're unable to realize the variables that exist within a population of billions, that there are going to be people who will look exactly the same. Yeah. I mean, that's insane.
Starting point is 02:09:36 We live in a world where statistically anything that could happen happened. Let's get to this next clip. This is Alex realizing that he's got to put- This is you gradually running out of righteous anger. No, I mean, no, I just know I have to save it for the end of this. Okay. So this is Alex realizing that he's got to put on a show. All right.
Starting point is 02:09:53 The globalist are anti-human. They think we're a bunch of dumb animals. But where are the aliens? They're carrying out a sign. They believe it's not aliens. Does that have to do with- They're already here. It's interdimensional.
Starting point is 02:10:01 Hey, does that have to do with the Luciferian Freemasonry type of show? Sculling bones. Sculling bones. Breakdown. Thank God for you. Because I know that Albert Pike wrote the Freemason Bible. He's talking about Luciferian shit. So if you're a Freemason, your Bible-
Starting point is 02:10:15 I feel the power of Lucifer seething in my hands. He talks about the KKK. Go for it. Go for it. Tell me about Albert Pike and Freemasons. No, I want to give- I mean, Joe, here's the thing, Joe. You brought in right-
Starting point is 02:10:27 This will prove your point. About- I will admit. It'll lead to your point because you're talking about Luciferianism. You brought up the whole point. Let me just do this first, please. You brought up the whole point about- No more weed, Alex.
Starting point is 02:10:40 You're taking quotes from Buzz Aldrin. When Eddie Bravo tells you you went too deep, you went too deep- Yeah, no more- Peers in the smoke. He's talking about taking quotes from Buzz Aldrin. Here's the difference. Just to give some context to what Alex smoked weed earlier,
Starting point is 02:10:54 but also the Buzz Aldrin thing, they were talking about how Buzz Aldrin in interviews has talked about how there's a- Yeah, Buzz Aldrin is certifiably saying nonsense. He said that there was- Either that or he's right about a lot of shit that we're all scared about. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:11 There's a formation on Jupiter's moon or Venus' moon Phobos or whatever. There's like a- Or Demos. Yeah, and so earlier in the show, Alex was talking about how Buzz Aldrin came on his show and told him a bunch of truths. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:27 And then so they googled it and they pulled up a C-Span video of him saying those things and Alex was like, he said it on my show first. Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. Of course. Here's where I'll give Eddie Bravo some really nice props. The whole time he's like, he's fucking lying to you, Alex.
Starting point is 02:11:44 He's like, he's fucking with you. I love, I love Eddie Bravo's, like the narrative of this episode so far has been Eddie Bravo going from sycophant to, hey, Alex, stay on topic. Well, but he wants to know things. Yeah, Eddie Bravo has a curiosity that is heartening. I think Eddie realizes that he'll never get it.
Starting point is 02:12:05 I'm falling in love with Eddie Bravo. But that's his charm. And he's great. He is a charming little dope. I love him. And it kind of makes me sad that two hours ago I said he's an idiot. Yeah, no, he's a sweetheart. He shouldn't believe that vaccines are terrible and also chemtrails are stupid.
Starting point is 02:12:20 He's one of those guys who is curious and gullible. And that makes him so susceptible to that kind of con man thing. But he means well. Where it's like, yeah, he means so well. He wants the world to be a better place. That's why he's angry about chemtrails. But at the same time, it's not because he thinks people are screwing people over. It's because he believes that his fellow man should not have to live underneath the tyranny
Starting point is 02:12:45 that is imaginary trails of chemicals. You are so right. I mean, like I don't have this clip, but at some point in the episode, he's talking about one of his interests in conspiracy being, I have a kid. I don't want my kid to live in a world that I could have stopped. Yeah. And so you are, you're right. That's where it's motivated.
Starting point is 02:13:04 He seems like such a good hearted. Yeah. Like if he were. Let me walk back, me calling him an idiot. Yeah. No, you put him in like, his life has this one very simple like fork in the road where it's like, you give him one set of information at one point in his life. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:23 This is a guy who is now a fucking public defender. He could be a scholar. Just giving up everything to defend the poor and the helpless. Instead you give him this one angle and now he's asking Alex Jones whether or not chem trails are real. But I also want to say. Like that is a pure hearted man. Like I want to also say, take all of that shit away.
Starting point is 02:13:43 He's apparently one of the best martial arts instructors in the world. Oh, well, good on him. I don't know anything about that, but apparently he's super credible. If Joe Rogan knows him, Joe Rogan's a UFC guy, right? And he's apparently trained some of the. Yeah. So I'm assuming that yeah, Joe Rogan knows him because people have been murdered on his account. So yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Anyway, here, let's get back to the clip. I'm not trying to dominate this guy. You're being nice. I'm being nice. You are being nice. Seriously. I want to be nice. You are a nice person.
Starting point is 02:14:11 You're a great guy. Look, I love you, man. I'm happy to see you. What I'm telling you is, is that the globalists admit a lot of this. It's in a lot of their white papers, a lot of their reports. If you win, they actually give it to you. I will. They say they believe they're going to become gods.
Starting point is 02:14:24 The rest of us are profaned. But all that shit about interdimensional beings, giving them all the data. Let me tell you, is there video? You know where the theory of the species and where all the Darwin stuff came from. He had a elucidation and believed he was giving all this stuff from like demons. And I'm not saying that's really. Are you confusing Darwin with Descartes? No, no, that's Darwin.
Starting point is 02:14:48 Didn't Descartes have it? Isn't he the one that came up with the idea of science? Science from a dream. So Darwin's idea came from. Darwin was like really into channeling and stuff. Yes. Yes. And the guy that he came up and he acts like he does it.
Starting point is 02:14:59 Okay, whatever. So it was the guy that, the guy that, yeah, a lot of those guys. Tesla. They get the technology they believe from a frickin' other dimension. I'm not even saying it. You know, people, you know, people, you know, all about this as much as I do or more, Joe. And you sit there and act like you don't know. I forgot about it.
Starting point is 02:15:15 They're afraid to give your audience all the information. Wow. Yeah, but you know what? 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040
Starting point is 16:25:00 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:18,040 --> 02:15:18,040 02:15:24,200 --> 02:15:26,040 Realizing he had to show up. You know, he's drunk and he's like, Oh, I got to be Alex. That was Alex from our Alex do and standup episode. That's what that was.
Starting point is 02:15:33 I mean, that's Alex from going to break on his own show. That's a good boy. You know, like, that's, that's, he's like, Oh fuck, I've got to shift into my own mode. Let's start with scientists. Yeah. No. Yeah. Now, if you're going to, if you're going to pull, if you're going to pull scientists,
Starting point is 02:15:49 your number one scientist is going to be Isaac Newton because he was an alchemist. He believed all that nonsense. Descartes. No, thank you. I also want to give credit. I don't have the rest of the clip because it rambled a whole bunch. But they, they end up getting into apparently the guy who Newton or not. The guy who Darwin was working with was into a bunch of weird shit.
Starting point is 02:16:13 Yeah. And so that's what the miscondition. Well, well, I mean Darwin is Darwin was into a bunch of weird shit in that he was part of a club that was all about eating as many different types of animals that you could possibly eat. That doesn't seem that weird to me. No, right? You would want to eat a, look, have you eaten an ostrich? Never would.
Starting point is 02:16:33 But you kind of want to, right? The idea is interesting. You only got one lived, you only got one life to live. Why not eat an ostrich? Right? I imagine I won't die and think like fuck, should I eat an ostrich? Yeah. I imagine I won't.
Starting point is 02:16:45 I don't know, but I imagine, but imagine that, you know what, there's no point in it. No, the thing is they, there are plenty of insane scientists. Like they're mentioning of Tesla. Tesla was not somebody who believed in the occult and then became smart. Tesla was somebody who was so unbelievably ridiculously capable of holding purely physiological images inside of his head that we can't really, like I can't even comprehend the idea of holding an entire machine schematics inside of my brain. Sure.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Like he couldn't even write it down. He was one of a kind. Tesla was a fucking genius. Like he figured out wireless power and we're still working on it. I'm closer to my cat than I am to him. Exactly. 02:17:33,720 --> 02:17:34,200 Right?
Starting point is 02:17:34 Now, if you were that guy living in a world full of the rest of us, why wouldn't you believe crazy nonsense? 02:17:41,480 --> 02:17:42,440 Totally. Now Descartes, on the other hand, Descartes was a mathematician, not a logician. A philosopher. Yeah. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:49 But even then it was because of his affinity to math. All of his, all of his syllogisms were purely if A, then B kind of situations. Sure. It was all, exactly. Now Isaac Newton, on the other hand, was a pure alchemist. Whereas like, if I figure this shit out, you know, gold, God, the whole shebang, that kind of a thing. So what's your point as it relates to Alex? My point being, as it relates to the nonsense that Alex just said,
Starting point is 02:18:23 is that at no time does he engage with what they did. Yeah. Well, but he's all about the tertiary nonsense. And at no point does he engage with, here's why these things are indisputable. He's interested in the fact that they get this information from another dimension. They get it from transdimensional beings that tell them what to do. But that's the end of that question right there. Yeah, it's dumb.
Starting point is 02:18:52 But but anyway, here, here is a fun clip. Uh, it's not fun necessarily, but it's short. That's it. Let me give you the good news. I'm not here to kiss, to ask the establishment of patriots in the government who have always criticized ended up being the people that heard me bitching and you bitching do something. They've done something and they're really trying to reverse this whole thing right now. And there's a full out war inside the government of guys that like to eat steaks,
Starting point is 02:19:20 drink beer and have women versus a bunch of potbellied pedophiles. Whoa. Yep. That's the war. That's the war. That's the war, man. Steaks, cigars and pussy versus potbellied pedophiles. Uh, there was a great point.
Starting point is 02:19:36 I didn't know I would, I would call that an oversimplification. Yet somehow that is not a strong enough word for it. I didn't isolate this because what surrounded it wasn't interesting enough, but there was a point where, uh, Alex, probably like two hours into the episode is like, Trump likes full grown women. Oh, of course. Of course. And Joe's like, I get it.
Starting point is 02:20:01 You can just stop saying that. He's like, I give what you're trying to say, but you can just stop. You're, it's, it's almost like him being like a very polite version of the lady. Doth protest too much. Yeah. So we have a couple. Hey, we gave you just enough rope. Please don't hang yourself too much.
Starting point is 02:20:20 We have a couple of clips left. Uh, one of them, uh, we'll get back to, uh, the dumb weirdo Illuminati narrative from earlier. But this one is Alex too drunk to fucking make a coherent argument. Okay. When the discussion of Obama's birth certificate comes up and it's so fucking bizarre. Real quick, I, I genuinely think we should start to, uh, save all of my notes pages. Oh no, me too. Because I had the thought before we started.
Starting point is 02:20:56 If we put this up, if we put this up at fucking MoMA, this looks like the ramblings of it. This is like the notebooks in the movie seven is what this looks like. No, I legitimately thought like, let's keep these and do it like a Patreon giveaway or something like that. Jordan's notebook pages. The rage filled notebook pages of Jordan. You might need a whole new sheet here because this one is fun. Excellent. Bring me fire.
Starting point is 02:21:25 You want to hear about a conversation with myself and Donald Trump? Yes. Sure. Go for it. Are you allowed to do this? Wait a minute before you do it. Should you do this? Just let him.
Starting point is 02:21:32 Who cares if he does the math thing or you call me. He's in trouble. He's drunk and high. No, no, no, no, no, no, no marijuana. That was, that was, I had to drink up this. This is freaking all. This is America. Let's go.
Starting point is 02:21:42 No, Trump basically said we're going to clean it up, Alex. We know all about it, Alex. We're going to stop him and we're going to do it. But he also said Obama's from Kenya. Well, that was when that's a huge intelligence hop. You want to write that down? You want to know about Reagan? And let's, let's think about Mercer to you.
Starting point is 02:21:58 Yes, please. Yes, please. Also just a warning. Yes, please. This clip is kind of long. I want to let it play just so we can hear like, I don't want to interrupt and get rid of the context because it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 02:22:11 I'm going to fill up a notes pages. Ladies and gentlemen, donate to the Patreon and you will be able to receive Jordan writing angrily about nonsense. slash freezing point. Also, you can get super male vitality here. Okay. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. We'll be back at the end of this clip.
Starting point is 02:22:29 So I now can tell you the full scoop on that. Right. What do you think happened there? I know exactly what happened. They told him that Obama was from Kenya. They fucked with him. You want to hear it right now? Yes.
Starting point is 02:22:40 Okay. I was going to tell a Trump story, but I'll do that. We'll go back to the Trump story. 02:22:42,760 --> 02:22:44,680 I'm going to go back to the Trump story. Trump story. Yeah, we'll go. We'll go.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Thank you, Eddie. Trump story. Powerful, Eddie Bravo. We are at Jamie. You better add extra juice to that time signature. Here's one more for Joe. Hold on. Apple juice.
Starting point is 02:22:55 What do you want? Apple juice. Oh, maybe not, Alex. Come on. Okay. Each secret. One more apple juice. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:23:00 If you give me another 20 years for me, I'm going to fucking send you to another dimension. How many years? Seven years. So what were you just about to say? What was the issue? Jesus Christ. Do you remember what the question was, Jamie? What Donald Trump told you?
Starting point is 02:23:16 No, that wasn't it. Yeah, I know you were about to say what Donald Trump told you, but what was it about? You wanted to know about something else. What the fuck was it about? But let's leave the fuck with this. But hold on a second. We need to fucking with my memory. What was it?
Starting point is 02:23:27 You were just, you were just good about... I'm not the only one. I used to have a good memory. Jamie. I don't remember. Oh, we're too high. Let's go to the Trump story. I'm not high.
Starting point is 02:23:33 I don't do anything. Trump. Weak Trump. Jamie's going to figure it out. Jamie's going to figure it out. What is it? Someone will tell me in just a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:40 Someone's going to tell him on Twitter and we'll figure this out. Jesus Christ. And then I'll write that down. It's a problem with being too high and talking over each other. He's about to tell us some really important shit. Trump calls you how many times a week on average. You didn't go for a long time. Ten hours, Joe.
Starting point is 02:23:55 No, no, no. This should be your longest podcast. We'll definitely peter out before then. No, no, no. We'll go forever, dude. What is... No one knows what the fuck we were just talking about. A minute gap.
Starting point is 02:24:05 How did we all forget? That's a really great question. How did we all forget? It's a really good question. Because we're blasted. You better call your dispensary and get some answers. So you were talking about the Vatican. We were talking about pedophiles in the Catholic Church.
Starting point is 02:24:18 The birth certificate. Oh, the Kenyan thing. That's right. Ken-Dester's birth certificate. The Paulist birth certificate. Powerful Twitter. Yeah, so tell me what happened. This is the place where I'm not ashamed of this because I got conned.
Starting point is 02:24:29 When I've been conned, which happens every once in a while, you know, I admit it later. We learned from it. Buzz Aldrin. Okay, what happened? Dude, Buzz Aldrin. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:24:38 Tell me the roughs, Maddy. Go ahead. I only told you a funny book. Kenya. Kenya. What else? Okay, Kenya. Okay, and everything I'm going to say.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Your listeners can write this down. They can search engine. Everything I'm going to say. I am writing this down. I'm sorry to interrupt. I did Google all this. And learned to see this for themselves because the journey with Info Wars is not that I'm that smart.
Starting point is 02:25:00 I'm just like you. I'm having this journey and I'm going to show you. So this is what happens. Okay. Also, that is not at all how he presents it on his own show at all. Generally speaking, he presents it as being 99.9% correct with him and all of his sources. And you're an idiot and a globalist if you don't agree. If you disagree, you are a globalist.
Starting point is 02:25:22 Obama's running for office in Hillary's people because I follow the news every day. Hillary's campaign, this letter came out, puts out these born in Kenya and I'm like, gosh, that was thoroughly debunked over and over and over again. How many times? At least 25 million. Would you say over and over again? Over and over and over and over. How many overs again?
Starting point is 02:25:44 So many overs. So many overs. Okay. I was quietly, and I'm really ashamed of this, but I told listeners this. I'll just say it. I was, I was an early on Obama supporter in that I wanted to try to unify people. I didn't like John McCain. So I said, yeah, he's bad.
Starting point is 02:25:59 The Democrats are bad, but I hated what had happened so much. We were fooled by Obama too. Well, I was hoping. Oh, let's get, let him talk. I mean, I wasn't Obama supporter. I just didn't attack him. You liked it better than the alternative. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:10 I didn't, I didn't push him for office. I was just like hoping that all his BS was real. Okay. So, and then I started hearing these leaks and it was from Hillary and you can google this. So Hillary first pro-generated the whole, the whole deal. So I'm sitting there hearing that, that he's born in Kenya. So I think, I don't care. That's a bunch of BS.
Starting point is 02:26:31 And then the articles start coming out as the right wing picks to that who does the research. And it's his wife in like 2006 and seven in speeches going, my husband born in Kenya knows about the immigrants experience. It's video. You can pull up Michelle Obama. Oh yeah. Pull it up. And then, and then Harvard Law Review, which he headed up for at least three years.
Starting point is 02:26:52 He was the editor and he says, I was born in Kenya a little, but he bought it by his picture. Really? Oh yeah. Says he's born, but he wasn't born in Kenya. Wait till I get through this. Oh, so that was some. It's just like pizza game. Oh.
Starting point is 02:27:02 It's what? I finally learned how that. No, double cross. Well, it's not not in pedophilia. I mean, hold on. Let's hear her say it. Here you go. Let's do testing, which is still plaguing.
Starting point is 02:27:11 So many of our communities, which you all know a lot of that is due to homophobia. Barak has led by example when we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya. We took a public HIV test for the very point of showing folks in Kenya. Okay, but that doesn't mean that he was born in Kenya. There's another clip. He just found that fast, but there's another where she said, and there's the Harvard Law Review, which he edited where he says I was born in Kenya. Okay.
Starting point is 02:27:41 Well, that, but she, right there, what she's saying is his homeland, like if you're from Ireland, like I know you're born in America, they want to go back to Italy or Ireland or, yeah, so it's the homeland. They call it the homeland. But listen, let's just going on to, what were we covering? Kenya. Trump. The birth certificate.
Starting point is 02:27:56 Kenya. So yeah, Trump got involved in all that. And the whole birth certificate, we'll go ahead. No, no. So how did it, what did someone like leak that information to him to try to make him look foolish because he chased after it? Yes. So we're just researching.
Starting point is 02:28:09 It's not anybody trying to be very foolish. So do you think they just maybe made an incorrect judgment? We found out all about it. This is stunning information. So people want to say he's illegitimate. They then look at him in the Harvard Law Review saying he's born in Kenya. They look at clips. They look at the fact he won't release his birth certificate.
Starting point is 02:28:27 He had a name name. He did. Barry Satorov in Indonesia. He had all these weird cutout names. He had like five aliases. Wow. Why is that? Then he wrote, then he wrote, dream, look it up.
Starting point is 02:28:39 Because he's a baller. He wrote, dreams of my real father. Right. Dreams of my father. Dreams of my real father is the documentary. Dreams of my real father. And then he talks about Frank Marshall Davis, the communist famous pornographer that he spent summers with.
Starting point is 02:28:52 He looked side by side to the same guy. So they were worried that it was going to be Frank Marshall Davis. But it had actually been his mom in like a scam, making money off, she was CIA, bringing back people to the U.S. and sham marriages to have them immigrate. It was basically a cover up of the fact that his real father was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist. And so that's who Obama's real dad was. And dreams of my real father breaks it all down.
Starting point is 02:29:17 It's online. It's pretty powerful info. I mean, that's a rambly goddamn answer if there ever was one. So let's take a step back and see, like, do we have an answer to what matters there? Why the, what's the birth certificate narrative? 02:29:38,920 --> 02:29:43,320 So the question, the question is the birth certificate. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:43 All right. Trump got conned. Sure. So did Alex. By whom? Frank Marshall Davis? He's dead. The CIA?
Starting point is 02:29:54 Maybe. Isn't it? Did he just say that Obama's mom was a CIA operative? Yes. Okay. And he was groomed by the CIA from birth. All right. Now one apple juice.
Starting point is 02:30:05 You keep saying that. That's fucking cute. I feel like he's not just drinking apple juice. No. And, and I watched the entire video. You can, he's drinking it like water. Oh, yeah. There's a couple instances.
Starting point is 02:30:17 No, it looks like he's, it sounds like he's drinking it like water. There's a couple instances of him just pouring shots. And you can see like Joe's face being like, like there's a couple that don't play on audio. So I didn't include them. Right. Okay. So Trump got involved because he got conned.
Starting point is 02:30:36 That's the, that's the story that he's pulling up. He was interested in figuring it out. Yeah. Yeah. The whole thing is Trump is innocuous in this situation. It all came from Hillary's people. It all came, it was pro-generated. Which again, please look into that.
Starting point is 02:30:49 That is 90% not true. Not, not bullshit. Straight bullshit. Alrighty. So yet again, somehow one, alcoholics are mad at him for drinking too much. That, that came up in that clip? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:05 Well, Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo are clearly. They're not alcoholics. Joe doesn't drink that much. He's a weed guy. Yeah. But I mean, I, I, I'm an alcoholic. I'm not killing myself, but I'm, I'm still a. No, no.
Starting point is 02:31:19 But don't paint Joe or Eddie in that light. Fair, well. But yeah, that, that, that, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie is our lovable hero in this, in this whole thing. There's a difference between an alcoholic and a functional drinker. You know, like those, that, those two things are very different. Okay. His, Alex's behavior is indicative of an alcoholic.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Alex is an alcoholic. Joe can drink and not really be like. But again, you and, you and I are professional alcoholics as opposed to people. That might be part of our comedian lifestyle. Exactly. Exactly. It's not that, you know, for normal people, this is a good point.
Starting point is 02:31:53 It's irrelevant. Good point. You're right. You're right. All right. One, I like that Alex Jones said that he was ashamed. Sure. Because I don't know if that's a thing that's possible for him.
Starting point is 02:32:05 Well, my therapist likes to tell me that shame means I'm bad. Guilt means I did something bad. So if when you're ashamed, that means that you're indicating that you are bad. Your behavior was actually bad. It wasn't just an action. It was something about yourself. So what you're saying is on our next podcast, your therapist is going to be a guest, right?
Starting point is 02:32:23 I wish. She's a very interesting lady. Uh, oh God, there's so much. There's always another clip. That was the thing that I listened thinking every single time. And if you watch every single time that he gets any challenge, it's because you didn't watch the right clip. And if you watch,
Starting point is 02:32:41 Because you didn't watch the right thing. If you watch his face when they start the clip. Yeah. He's like, this is it. Yeah. It changes to not at all. Yeah. No, there's, there's, you didn't see the right clip.
Starting point is 02:32:51 There's all, there's always a different clip that supports whatever I say. From about the hour point when he starts drinking throughout this episode. Okay. His face is this smug. And I'm not saying smug like I'm mad at him or anything like that, but that is like a, he's like preening kind of like this. Whenever, whenever he pulled out that title 50 chapter 32 subs, I have it written down.
Starting point is 02:33:18 That's why I can. Yeah, I know. You've, you've got some great notes right there. When he pulled that out, there was a look on his face like, I've done it. I've convinced them. I have been to the mountain top. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:33 There wasn't an interaction. It didn't look like friends interacting. It did from Joe's end, but from Alex's end, it really looked like someone who's like, fuck, I made it through this trial. Oh yeah. Like, oh, everything is okay. I don't look like an idiot.
Starting point is 02:33:47 And unfortunately to anyone who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid, so to speak, he looked like a total idiot. He looks a, well, but yeah, because that's his default position. Explain to me, there's, there's, so every, the amazing thing about that long list of nonsense was that it seemed like every single thing he said led into the next thing. Sure.
Starting point is 02:34:16 And yet they are completely and utterly unrelated to each other. And I should say it does go on longer. It, I'm sure it does. There's more stuff about like Frank Marshall Davis and what have you. Like it, it, it just rainbows. So his real father is supposed to be Frank Marshall Davis. It was a communist and a pornographer.
Starting point is 02:34:34 Yes. Right. Yeah. Why? Well, also what's fun about that is that they, they put up a shot, a picture on screen of Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's alleged dad and Obama is like, look, it just look, he looks exactly like him.
Starting point is 02:34:47 Do they look alike? I don't know, but what's great is Joe is like, I don't know. I think he looks like his dad more than he looks. And there's no response. Uh, do you, do you mean cause of course? Yeah. Would you say cause of course?
Starting point is 02:35:04 I withhold judgment. I don't care. But also this Barry Saturo nonsense. Yeah. Where did that name come from? It comes from who is that? I'm sure you've done research. My job is to say to you, who is that looked into this and I don't,
Starting point is 02:35:20 I can't fully explain it, but I do know that a lot of sources I've been able to find site like a fake college ID. All right. That has that name. That's all I ever needed to hear the, the aliases seem to be photoshopped identification of him. It goes back to this idea of like there was this whole narrative that like he, no one that went to college with him remembers him.
Starting point is 02:35:47 Except for all the people who went to college. Right. But, but, but don't worry about that. Except for those people. Don't worry about that. Yeah. Yeah. No one remembers him because his actual name was Barry Saturo.
Starting point is 02:35:57 I don't, I don't know. I'm not interested in this narrative because I, I dipped, I dipped my toe. Yeah, but that's so crazy. I dipped my toe into the pool and I was like, this isn't the pool. Yeah. Let the, let this, let that one go. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:10 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It didn't pass the smell test. All right. So, so I've written down all of the like little angles here. Sure. And I have yet to see one that's related to Kenya.
Starting point is 02:36:23 Other, the other ones. Yeah. Kenya. So the whole purported idea behind this question and answer situation. Was that Trump got set up? Yes. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:35 Um, was there any like evidence of that? So all, all the stuff I wrote. What's, what's evidence? All the stuff I wrote. Anymore. Like what is evidence? All the stuff that I wrote is, is constantly like one. The first thing I wrote is bravos is high as fuck.
Starting point is 02:36:55 Yeah. He's real high. That's what I, that's the only thing that in all of my notes, I can confirm 100%. He's good at high. He's a delight. He's by far my favorite character so far. Yeah. He's like a lot of our friends who get high all the time.
Starting point is 02:37:07 They're great at being high. In all of our episodes, bravos is our hero at this point. Just bravo. Not bravos. Like it's game of thrones. No, I'm going to go with game of thrones here. He's a water dancer. That's what I know for sure.
Starting point is 02:37:21 Get to your fucking point. Don't, don't keep me from saying his name is Kenny Bravo or Eddie Bravos. Go. Cause we have three more clips. All right. Okay. Here's my ultimate point. I have no idea what the fuck he is trying to say.
Starting point is 02:37:39 Neither do I. I have listened to the entire thing three times. Okay. Anyway, we get back to the elites and what their plan is. Yes. And Alex brings out an example of one of the evil members of the elite cabal. Interdimensional. And then I want to give props.
Starting point is 02:37:57 Joe kind of asks him some questions that can't really be answered, which is fun. Listen, let me give you the big picture. Please. The elite admit that they are studying humanity like they're a breakaway civilization. They believe they're taking the best ideas of humanity and building a breakaway civilization of technocracy so they can transcend us. And I want the public to know the decision has been made to dumb you down, balkanize, you turn you against yourselves, have regional wars, play people off against each other,
Starting point is 02:38:28 and then basically release bio weapons that wipe out most of the population. Okay. All the elite transcend it. Can I pause this right here? Who are the elite? Like when you say the elite, who are these people? And how do they get together? Are they the Rothschilds?
Starting point is 02:38:41 Hold on a second. How do they all agree? Who votes? How do they decide? It's a bunch of powerful type A super billionaire characters who like running shit. So how do they get together and all agree on the same thing? They decide on agendas that will empower their individual agendas and they're pretty much let into those power structures early on.
Starting point is 02:38:58 So how do they meet? Because they are, okay. Bilderberg group. Is that the Bilderberg group? Club of Rome, Bilderberg group. What's the club of Rome? Davos. Club of Rome is a population reduction group.
Starting point is 02:39:08 I mean, if you can go to right now, there's an article in a video I cut about Oprah Winfrey. I'm not saying it's a bad person. Where she's part of a secret eugenics group. Hold on a second. Stop right there. He said, I'm not saying she's a bad person, but she's part of a secret eugenics group. I'm a really good person, but I like killing weak people.
Starting point is 02:39:29 I'm just trying to thin the herd. I'm a really good person though. Yeah. That's hilarious. Just like, absolutely. So you can go there. It's the truth about Oprah Winfrey. Okay.
Starting point is 02:39:38 And it just deals with it's in the news. Boy. Oprah Winfrey in secret meetings. Look at your face. You look so serious. Look like I'm on a toilet. You think she's in secret meetings with like the Bilderberg group or something like that? No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:39:48 She admits that. Okay. To repop, they admit on the news to reduce population. Right. Only because we leaked it first. But play it. Go ahead. But let's say a six minute break.
Starting point is 02:39:56 Let's play it. No, when someone like her, hold please. When someone like her says something about reducing the amount of illegitimate babies born or the amount of babies that are born because there's no birth control, a lot of times those kind of statements get construed into population control. She's in the secret meetings. Then people start saying she's into population control and that means she wants to kill people. She's in the secret meetings and she's pushing it and she's taxing it.
Starting point is 02:40:21 I'm not in those secret meetings. Are you in those secret meetings? Let me tell you. Do you go to those secret meetings? They leaked it. We leaked it. Have you ever been in one of those secret meetings? I did take into one.
Starting point is 02:40:28 Do you hear what they said? Yes. Did they say they want to kill half the people? 02:40:35,080 --> 02:40:39,960 That's, that was, they just pulled our, our timing on that, didn't they? They just pulled our fake news timing on that. That ending is amazing. Were you there?
Starting point is 02:40:44 I want to play it back. I want to play it back. Where you, did they play it? Did they say what you said? In case you missed it. Did you say what they wanted? Yeah. Did you say what they said?
Starting point is 02:40:51 No. Listen to this fucking again. Okay. It construed into population control. She's in the secret meetings. But then, then people start saying she's into population control and that means she wants to kill people. She's in the secret meetings and she's pushing it and she's taxing it. I'm not in those secret meetings.
Starting point is 02:41:06 Are you in those secret meetings? Let me tell you. Do you go to those secret meetings? They leaked it. We leaked it. Have you ever been in one of those secret meetings? I did take into one. Do you hear what they said?
Starting point is 02:41:12 Yes. Did you, they say they want to kill half the people? No. He's too drunk. That was oddest answers. Yeah. No. That was, that was like,
Starting point is 02:41:21 When did, did he just say he sunk into? He snuck into one. Oh, he snuck into one. He snuck into Bohemian Grove. It sounded like he's sunk into one. He talks, after this clip, he talks about how he snuck into Bohemian Grove. He's like, there's some good people there. Sure, sure he did.
Starting point is 02:41:37 Yeah. And again, I recommend everybody look into the real story about that. It's insane. Yeah. No, he walked in the front door. No one cared. Look, when you, if you go after Oprah, shit's wrong with you.
Starting point is 02:41:55 And you best not miss. You'd best, if you come at the king, you best not miss. Yeah. Yeah. What are you doing going after Oprah? Why Oprah? Well, it's because she has that, she's becoming a 60 minutes contributor or whatever.
Starting point is 02:42:07 He's mad at her about that. She's fucking Oprah. MSM. There is zero fake news of all the people I can't think of. Like maybe Ellen DeGeneres is the lesser of like, okay. Do you notice a trend though, that people who he attacks are pretty much never white and male? It's not a coincidence.
Starting point is 02:42:29 I've never noticed that trend. And everybody I find it should be incredibly offensive that you would say that about our race blind Alex Jones, who has never talked about race on his show. How could he? Why would somebody label him as a bigot? There's a whole episode we never covered where he just screamed about Don Lemon the entire show.
Starting point is 02:42:52 And I don't think we should cover it because I don't like Don Lemon either. You know what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Look, that's, that's one thing where that would step up to bat.
Starting point is 02:42:59 Look, I don't, I don't want to, I don't want to get into that argument there. I don't want to find that gray area where we find ourselves in the Venn diagram together. So, Jordan, this next clip is the, it has no substance to it. Okay. But listen for it. Joe says something that he has said a couple times.
Starting point is 02:43:18 I just isolated one of them. It's the greatest. Nail it. Junior here. He was killed in action. That could make you think totally different. Yeah, for sure. When your kid dies, you're like,
Starting point is 02:43:28 fuck this. I'm going with. That's Eddie Brown. Eddie is talking about a hypothetical situation where JFK's kid died before he started going after the mob. Anyway. Sure. My soul, right?
Starting point is 02:43:43 Yeah. You're like, fuck this. What could be worse? What could, my son already died. Let's put that whiskey down. I'm coming after you. I isolated that clip just because it's like, he, like, there's a couple of times where he tells him,
Starting point is 02:44:03 let's not do more whiskey. Once again. And Alex just keeps bringing the whiskey out. Once again, Eddie Bravo is our conscience. Eddie Bravo is our guide. Yeah, I guess so. I agree with Eddie Bravo in every aspect of what he's saying. He is saying, if your kid dies.
Starting point is 02:44:19 Sure. Basically Eddie Bravo is giving you license to believe that taken is real. Yeah. He's, he's trying to get, let you know the humanity is real. We got to get through these last couple clips. Let's do it. We're pushing three out. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:44:33 We were always going to. I told you. This next clip is where Alex kind of gives up the ghost a little bit and it shows his cards. Let's just play it. Globalism is like neocolonialism, but it's corporate colonialism over humans, individuals, government states, old world, new world. It's worldwide colonialism.
Starting point is 02:44:55 Is it Rothschild, Rothschild? That's monopoly. It's monopoly capitalism. Is it Rothschild? Hold on. See the dominate populations and create centralized systems of monopolies and control. It wants to end innovation.
Starting point is 02:45:06 It wants to end upward mobility. Why globalism is corporate world? Globalism is corporate world government. Why do they want to stop innovation? Because they see it. I was just burping. They see it as what they call disruptive technology and humanity is so powerful. You've already got a monopoly.
Starting point is 02:45:22 So is this a recent consideration after the internet has been invented? No, globalism is bigger than that. But yes, you're part of that's true. Since they've already got control, they want competition to end. They're in control. They don't want challengers. They've seized control of the human psyche. Human development to the stars.
Starting point is 02:45:39 They've got it all. They think they're getting rid of humanity and becoming gods. Whatever dimension they're tuned into, told them that. So they want debates to end. Right. And they want authoritarianism. They want to vote. What happened there?
Starting point is 02:45:51 And how is Donald Trump going to stop this? A bolt came out. You're going crazy. How do you see it happening? He's making bolts come out. Hey, bravo to the rescue. Alex, how are you hoping Donald Trump? What does Donald Trump have to do with blocking this?
Starting point is 02:46:04 Taxes are energy siphons. They're vampiric actions. Of course. So if he actually cuts taxes to poor people in middle class and gets rid of taxes for really rich, he's not coming after the rich. But from a conservative perspective, so the Republicans are cheering him.
Starting point is 02:46:17 And so is that what he wants to do? He wants to cut taxes for everybody? Except the rich. He's going to increase them. Really? Oh, yeah. That seems like the opposite of what a rich guy would do, right? Wrong.
Starting point is 02:46:26 But he understands, like Henry Ford did, you've got to sell a car where people can afford to buy it. You've got to pay your employees where they can buy it. He wants real prosperity. He doesn't. This is Trump. Does it get off in his limousine driving by burnout old towns? Has this been announced, this tax plan?
Starting point is 02:46:44 Yeah. No. It has. It's on his website. And there's a lot of nonsense on there. Based on everything he's done so far, no. The answer is the exact opposite. He basically presents it as like there's going to be lower taxes for poor people
Starting point is 02:47:03 and there's going to be higher taxes for the super rich. Did not do any of that. And some economists have broken it down. And it is true. Under his tax plan, people who make very little would have to pay no taxes, which is true now. If that at all comes to pass, which it will not. But it's also true now.
Starting point is 02:47:25 Yeah. People who make very little are exempt from taxes. That's called a progressive tax system. Which exists now. For a good reason. So there was some analysis. It used to exist way better. There's a bunch of analysis that's been done on Trump's proposed tax plan.
Starting point is 02:47:43 And what everyone has found is that top earners would see bigger tax cuts under Trump's plan. Who would have guessed? The lowest income group would see a 0.6% cut on their taxes. And 0.6% of whatever bullshit they're making is almost nothing. I mean, when you make very little, 0.6% is more important. It might matter. Yeah, it does matter. But when you make a lot.
Starting point is 02:48:16 The middle? Save their tax cut, which would be what are we? Let's say, okay, top 1%, top 1% broken down. The analysis is broken to quintile. So it's broken to five groups. Let's talk with the top five. Let me take a guess as to what their tax cut would be. Percentage wise.
Starting point is 02:48:35 Top five. Are you going lowest? No, I'm going with the ultimate top. Okay, the top quintile. Let's go with 22%. No, their current rate at the top is 31.1. Right. So they're going to lower it to an extreme extent, right?
Starting point is 02:48:57 27.9. It's a 3.2% drop in their taxes. You know what? That's not as bad as I thought. In the top quintile, that's the top group. Now, if you break it down even further, the top 1% drops 6.5%. Of course. And the top 1%, 0.1% drops 7.3%.
Starting point is 02:49:20 Wonderful. I'm glad that they get to keep more of their money. I was really concerned that they had too much money. His tax proposals do lower taxes for poor people, but in incontestable ways. Unless you count the fact that he got rid of the mortgage income tax for it. Like, yeah, no, no, no, he's fucked everybody who voted for him. And our rivers are now poisoned.
Starting point is 02:49:45 Yeah, and our rivers are now on fire. Yes, exactly. We're going to go back to the old days of Cleveland. I'm excited for our rivers to be made of fire instead of water. It'll be delightful. Yeah. But the idea that there is this tax thing that he's super progressive about is bullshit. It's complete bullshit.
Starting point is 02:50:07 He, it's an absolute lie that sounds good. Like the way that Trump presents it does sound good. But upon further analysis, it's decent for people who aren't making any money. No, it's not. You're paying less. You're paying slightly less. It's not. But there's huge tax breaks for the rich.
Starting point is 02:50:26 You're paying slightly less, yes. But you're going to wind up getting way fewer benefits. We have one more clip. One more. Oh, shit. We're at the ultimate clip right here. We're coming to it. And this is where Alex weaves back to his weird Illuminati beliefs, spells out some bullshit.
Starting point is 02:50:46 Excellent. And betrays his own point about what he believes. This clip is just labeled bullshit. The biggest issues of the world is he never asked me about Ronald Reagan. I want to know about aliens. We're still on alien combined. I keep coming back to that because I want to know what do they know about aliens? What do you want me to tell you?
Starting point is 02:51:12 What are they real? What do you mean? What do you want me to tell you right now? And what I say is not political and it's not from my particular perspective. It's from the known knowledge in the universe. Okay. All right. We live in a third dimensional plane.
Starting point is 02:51:28 We can see the planets, the galaxies, the suns. Hundreds of billions of galaxies photographed universes. We live in an amazing space-time continuum. Yeah. The elites believe that it's not in the third dimension that we're mainly receiving transmissions. That doesn't make sense. Ships don't arrive from Alpha Centuries or Geely Prime or wherever they're coming from. Or Beelgeese.
Starting point is 02:51:54 Beelgeese. They come here through interdimensional gates that are much closer through fold space. And so we have to discuss the different influences that are in the universe. And our fact that we have free will and we decide what we want. I don't believe in any of this. I'm simply telling you what the elites believe. So they believe that there's another dimension and these beings are from another dimension. A bunch of dimensions.
Starting point is 02:52:17 And they need baby blood, right? Somehow they need baby blood, right? Our brain is able to tune in. Let me tell you. We're really powerful. I didn't make this up. We're made the image of our creator. Our brain is able to tune into the lowest dimension, the highest dimension.
Starting point is 02:52:32 Humans are basically really powerful creatures that can live right close to suns. They're highly radioactive. Nothing else can live as close. We have very short lives because we're like a hive organism that actually lives second to second in the space time continuum. It's like a hundred years. It's a second. And we transmit our data up to be able to live next to like these Stargate jump gates that are
Starting point is 02:52:53 that are suns. So because we live so close to these suns, we only have like milliseconds to be alive. So we're actually a hive organism that keeps transmitting up to the next species in our in our in our hierarchical system and then down below us. So we're alive right now in this continuum and we're trying to progress and make things better. And the elites are trying to make sure that we don't dial into that incredible knowledge we've got as a species and basically die as a species. So we're not competitors on the next level, as the Bible says, of the air dimensional plane.
Starting point is 02:53:30 But you don't believe that, but you don't believe that. You're just saying that's what they believe. Oh, yes, exactly. I don't believe in anything. What do you believe? No, I mean, I believe in research. Do you think that I believe in research, too? Do you think that there is something from other dimensions that can access us?
Starting point is 02:53:46 This this we are other dimensions. The third dimension is only one limited plane in a larger spectrum. So we're a part of that spectrum. Well, let's just say we're not in Kansas anymore. Whoops. Whoops. His whole thing about like not believing this, it's what the elites believe. He just admitted that he does believe it.
Starting point is 02:54:12 And what he believes is all those words, all of those words, all of those words. Did you hear all those words? I did. Those words are not connected to other words in all of those words. No, not money. I've heard a lot of those words before, but never in the order that those words were said. I have on Reddit troll posts. Those were the craziest words I've said in the same words.
Starting point is 02:54:33 No, the words. But it all does make total sense. If you know, no, it makes total sense. If you have access to like a lot of this weirdo Internet culture, like it's part of the it goes, it goes back, it goes back to him. It goes back to him having sources that aren't real. It goes back to this thing where he believes his callers that call in that tell him like, Hey, you know, Memphis DOT is out on the roads.
Starting point is 02:55:00 You know, like that shit, he believes that it becomes a conspiracy department of transportation comes out on the read something on some blog or some message board and it becomes reality to him. It's the same thing. It happens over and over and over again. It's happening now in the conspiracy world. See, this is the thing about this episode that makes me question a lot of the things that I've said on other episodes is this is him with his guard down. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:25 Like this is not him performing. This is him letting what he believes in reality kind of fly through. When he yelled at Joe a little bit earlier, that was kind of performative. But the rest of it is just. Well, no, not even that. Like he's speaking from the heart. He's drunk. He's fucking high.
Starting point is 02:55:42 He's letting it fly. And he doesn't sound like himself. I apologize for rhyming. No, you're fine. No, I will never forgive myself. No, he's revealing all of those deep seed of beliefs he have, which is batshit insanity. Like he's like the simple idea that dimensions exist the way that he's described him is so insane.
Starting point is 02:56:10 But to be fair. But and that's fine with that. That's the least exactly. That's the least of the insane things that he said. Like he's just him saying like, oh, we're on the third dimension. You're like, well, that's the least crazy thing you've said. We exist in three dimensions like that. I meditate a lot and like I've had experience with like lucid dreams.
Starting point is 02:56:31 Right. And I feel like there have been things that I've tapped into that are really just my brain. Maybe accessing something from outside myself. Yeah. And so like that idea of like tiered existence, maybe there's something to it. You know what though? I'm not going to base my worldview. And that is exactly where we become friends.
Starting point is 02:56:54 I'm not going to base my fear of the government on it. How is it that interdimensional beings is the least of what we're talking about? The fact that he even believes in interdimensional beings from beetle goose. Wease. Yeah. He likes to mispronounce things for fun though. No.
Starting point is 02:57:16 No. No. That man is drunk. That man is high. Fuck off. He's very drunk. I'm not going to... I've listened to a lot of episodes of Rogan's podcast.
Starting point is 02:57:26 I've never heard him cut someone off. That shit. Like I've never heard him be like a bartender and be like, you've had enough. That's insane. He... Okay. I think there was a feeling like if he drinks more, he's gone. Let's get into our final...
Starting point is 02:57:45 Like this is the final part of this podcast. We are done with the clips. All right. I will say that the show does go on a little bit past this. Yeah, of course it is. And then we've got to what we needed to get to. I didn't want to play like some of the embarrassing drunk clips. If you listen to the end...
Starting point is 02:58:01 Yeah, we would hate it if he felt bad about himself. It's really embarrassing. There's a part where he tries to get Eddie to punch him in the shoulder. Okay. It's just like it's like an idiot who you don't want at a party who's too drunk like trying to get attention. Right. And it's actually made me feel very dirty.
Starting point is 02:58:21 And it's part of the empathy part I was talking about earlier. Like what made me feel like I feel bad for him. Yeah. And I don't say that in a judgmental way. I just say it in like a, man, I've been there. It's hard to be an empathetic human being without looking at Alex Jones. There's an episode. Okay.
Starting point is 02:58:38 So my friends, some friends of mine did a radio show in Columbia, Missouri. Okay. That went from two to five in the morning. That's the wrong time to have a radio show. It was local access. Of course. And so people would show up there and get drunk at the studio. On my birthday one year, I went and I was fucking wasted.
Starting point is 02:59:00 Excellent. And I just started like just talking about how great national treasure was. I ramble, but I talk about it. I'm, I don't even, I'm embarrassed to listen back to it. Okay. I keep getting kicked off the air because I keep cussing. And then they keep bringing me back into the studio and then I cussed. Because you're great.
Starting point is 02:59:19 And then I get kicked out. Like it's just a cycle. You're right. Right. I did that on my birthday one year. And then like a year later, I found out that my brother had made a DVD or a CD of the audio of it. Okay. And I've been giving it to people.
Starting point is 02:59:33 Like as he thought it was hilarious. It's probably hilarious. I can't, I can't muster the courage to listen to it, but it probably is. Patriot subscribers. Yeah. Dude, real talk for sure. I will put that out for them. But like I get the idea of being too drunk to be on a broadcast.
Starting point is 02:59:57 Yeah. Like that, that sort of thing. I empathize with that. I get that. Yeah. When I was on that broadcast, I wasn't trying to explain truth about the globalists. Well, but, but that's just talking shit. That's the, that's the conversation for us to have right now.
Starting point is 03:00:13 At what point are we going to get into the, the whole in vino veritas thing? Like literal vino. Exactly. Like, okay. Is he drunk and high enough to tell the truth? Or is he too drunk and too high to make any sense? Here's where I would draw the line. When I was on that show on my birthday at two in the morning, right?
Starting point is 03:00:37 I didn't say anything that I don't agree with. I just talked about how great Nicholas Cage was a bunch. He is great. I might have said some hacky jokes. I might have repeated some things that I'd heard other places. Right. As conversation. Who knows?
Starting point is 03:00:52 But I didn't say anything. Life is a funny, unpredictable thing. To my core. Yeah. I believe that I don't think that when you're drunk, you're your truest form. Right. But I don't think when you're wasted, you're capable of coming up with something that isn't really you.
Starting point is 03:01:09 Okay. That's an interesting, that's an interesting idea. I think that it's, it's a middle ground. See as, as a mentally ill person of the bipolar faith. We get it. Yeah. Are you going to just ride on that for the rest of your life? Jordan, get a fucking personality.
Starting point is 03:01:30 I'll tell you a diagnosis. How about develop your own identity? No. So, so as, as far as, as my experience with that, right? So when I'm manic, it is not that I am accessing some sort of inner self that is not allowed to come out whenever I'm under control. So much as it is a, a like constant aspect of creation. Okay.
Starting point is 03:02:02 Like every single moment is me creating some new moment. So whenever I listen. Yeah. Aggressively. Yeah. To the point where the moment that I've just created is the only moment that has ever existed in the history of the world. And there needs to be another one.
Starting point is 03:02:18 Exactly. Yeah. The next one is going to be way better than the one that I just said. Yeah. Now that is however not what I would describe being drunk as. Like to me being drunk is just loosening all of those, those guards you have. So to me listening to him talk when he is shit faced, I imagine he wakes up the next day saying, Oh, I was drunk and I shouldn't have said that not, I was drunk and I made all that shit up.
Starting point is 03:02:51 Well, he did do a show the next day. And he didn't, he only had the only thing he said about it was that Joe Rogan's podcast is one of the most downloaded in the world and records. Of course. Oh, and I'm sure they did. They did. Of course they did. He's not lying in terms of that.
Starting point is 03:03:11 I don't like, for me, I drink and maybe it's just my physiology or whatever, but like I get hung over and I'm just like, it's so ashamed of everything. Even when I just say truth, I am ashamed of it. Right. I genuinely think that what wound up happening was he got caught in a couple of different spirals. But he didn't get caught. No, I mean, I'm not in like he got caught gotcha wise, but like in, in his like physical brain chemistry, he got caught in two ways.
Starting point is 03:03:41 One, he got caught into this spiral of saying the, the underpinnings of what all of his beliefs are, which are that if you, if you genuinely think, uh, there are interdimensional beings, he does. Yeah, exactly. That justifies every single conspiracy theory that he's got. It, it is the underpinning of it. Right. That's who's doesn't, doesn't that's who's propping up
Starting point is 03:04:09 George Soros. Yeah, exactly. Doesn't matter. It's not Jews. No, it's demons. No, he's not racist. He's not anti-Semitic. He's not anything.
Starting point is 03:04:16 You just don't get it. It's interdimensional beings. Yeah. And even if you tried to understand it, you couldn't, they're interdimensional beings. And when you call him a racist or an anti-Semite, you just don't get it. Exactly. You don't get it. Don't get it.
Starting point is 03:04:33 Because you are living on this second dimension plane. Third. Whereas he's on the fourth dimension. Well, human beings are on the fifth or sixth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now there's that part. And then there's also the part that is the exaggeration part. Where all my sources are amazing.
Starting point is 03:04:52 Yeah, exactly. Where he goes into all of that, like, oh, there's 12 dimensions. He doesn't really believe that 12 dimensional nonsense. What he believes is that there's six dimensions and he's just going overboard. Like that kind of thing. Oh, that's interesting. I genuinely think. Let's use car dealer.
Starting point is 03:05:10 That all of the stuff that he said is exactly what he believes, but just he exaggerates it to be cool. Like he wants Joe Rogan to think he's cool so bad. He wants Joe Rogan to like him so bad. No doubt. It is, it is pathetic. Well, but it goes against his whole narrative of being like, I'm not impressed by stars and stuff.
Starting point is 03:05:38 Oh, but to be fair, him and Joe have been friends for years. But that's not necessarily a, like that's not an argument against. Yeah. Like I have plenty of friends who I want to think I'm cool and all of their names are Dan Friesen. I beat you to the jail. How dare you? We got to it together. Here's my assessment on that.
Starting point is 03:06:04 Here's my like bow that I would put on it. All right. We're at the end of the show. So yeah, now's the time for the bow. I rhymed again. I'm so sorry. This is two strikes. I might as well fire you as a co-host.
Starting point is 03:06:17 There we were getting there anyways. There are, there's a bunch of shit he's saying. And I think it goes back to what I was saying in the middle of the show. There's two narratives that how many years ago was that there's middle of the show? Was that 1944? Yeah, 73. There are two threads that he's weaving and he's trying to do them in his own brain. And he's, he's not doing a great job, but one of them is the narrative about Trump being great
Starting point is 03:06:48 and the taxes and that he doesn't hate immigrants and it's, that's the propaganda thread. And then the other thread is kind of what deep down he actually believes. And that is that the globalists are a bunch of pedophiles and they believe in trans-dimensional beings and he believes in that too. And he has to fight against that. The passion doesn't come from the Trump wants to lower your taxes. The passion comes from the bullshit side. Yes.
Starting point is 03:07:15 The passion comes from the fantasy world make-em-ups. Yeah. And he can't figure out how to make those threads intertwine. Right. So on his actual show, all he can talk about is the taxes and all that stuff, but he has the passion of the other shit, but he knows, because he's not that dumb, he knows that if he brings up all this other trans-dimensional bullshit on his info wars show, it's game over.
Starting point is 03:07:49 So he brings it up on Rogan where it's like, no one who hates him is going to listen and call it out. Right. And anyone who does listen to that guy was drunk. And if you're a Joe Rogan listener, you're just going to be like, that was fucking hilarious. Either hilarious or that guy gets it. Or I can't stop listening to Kenny Bravos.
Starting point is 03:08:12 That's what. So he feels like he's in safe harbor and then he lets out a little bit of that. And from my perspective, I really think that everyone needs to do a much better job of understanding the internet communities where it's crazy how that guy, that insane person that we just listened to talk about 12th dimensional beings, has more influence over our government right now than CNN. Not necessarily. He thinks he does.
Starting point is 03:08:47 I, if he's, if he's in with Steve Bannon, he does. Before this gets dark, I think we're already too dark. I think we're going to be okay. Oh man. Let's see how this goes. I think the tide's turning. The ultimate knowledge fight is the tide turning or not. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:09:04 All right. We, let's, let's wrap this up. People can follow us at knowledge underscore fight. We are on iTunes. We're knowledge fight the podcast. Please subscribe. Subscribe. Give us a review.
Starting point is 03:09:17 We apologize. This show has been fucking long as shit. Also, you loved it. If you want to send us an email, which we'd enjoy an email. Even if you disagree with us, we'd love to engage with you. As you can reach us at knowledge fight at Other than that, mind your business. Don't try and dox me.
Starting point is 03:09:38 I don't know. Yeah. I think it's fun. I think it's time for somebody to tell us we love you. Yeah. I guess so. This has been fun, Jordan. It's a course.
Starting point is 03:09:47 I'll see you next time. But until then, good luck. Love you. Andy and Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan.
Starting point is 03:09:57 I love your work. I love you.

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