Knowledge Fight - #936: Turning Point USA Speech

Episode Date: June 21, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan take in what happened when Alex was invited to give a speech at the Turning Point conference, where he yelled all his catchphrases and got a number of chants going....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy, Andy. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Dan! Jordan. Quick question.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What's up? What'd you might spot today, buddy? Can it still be that Uncle Howdy is back? I, I mean, yes. Yes it can, Dan. In that case, I'll take it. Because my other alternative was that I bought some jalapeno, or not jalapeno, habaneroapeno habanero ketchup habanero can actually pretty good
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah, it's got a good kick to it. Not the cheese though. No. No, no, it's ketchup Yeah, I find that oftentimes when you have something like this one of these like spicy ketchups or whatever It doesn't it's it's a little underwhelming but the habanero Heinz. Yeah, no free rides This isn't an ad but it's pretty good. You know what? It's pretty spicy. I will tell you one thing about ketchup. The only thing that is stuck in my brain about ketchup is whatever nonsense Malcolm Gladwell wrote
Starting point is 00:01:54 one time in the New Yorker way back when. Was it about antioxidants? No, no, no, it was like, why is ketchup ketchup? But there's all kinds of different mustards, but no matter what you try with specialty ketchups, it's not ketchup, you know? Or whatever it is like that. And now I know that none of what he's saying
Starting point is 00:02:12 makes any sense at all, so I don't know anything about ketchup, but a one fact that is not true. I think that I would, I'm gonna, and having not read this Gladwell thing, I'm gonna argue with him a little bit. I'm gonna argue with the position that I imagine. Argue with'm going to argue with the position that I imagine that he has. There are a ton of varieties of mustard and there are a ton of varieties of ketchup, but most of the varieties of ketchup are bad.
Starting point is 00:02:38 That doesn't mean there aren't a bunch of varieties of it. There are some bad varieties of mustard too. I don't want to get into the year of the mustard that failed Part of that was because there's a lot of mustard and I don't like it as much as I thought I did But yeah, this ketchup is good and uncle howdy is back. All right, that's very exciting I mean theoretically that could be your bright spot in perpetuity Until it stops being your bright spot. It is always your bright spot right we live in a post howdy world Yeah, what's your right spot? Um I will tell you this my bright spot is a challenge related Okay, the real world real real Road rules challenged. I
Starting point is 00:03:20 Don't know I guess we don't spoil it Yeah, I don't know how much people care. Right. But yeah, the finale just happened. Yeah, the finale just happened. But my bright spot is actually something that happened years in the past. Okay. Whenever CT and who was it? Was it CT and Casey? When they won and they were like, listen, everybody worked hard and we're going to share the money. You know, cause up until that point it was first winner takes all. Everybody else can go fuck themselves. And sometimes that was literally the plot point is the winner took it all. Right. Johnny bananas. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And he can go fuck himself. Um, but then, but that was like a huge magnanimous gesture. Yeah, and then the following season I think Devon won and he backed up the gesture and now it's they they made it part of the show Yeah, which I think is great But also it should have always been part of the show with with this season It was that first place gets a big money Yeah, then whoever finishes splits the prize pool the rest of it and yeah, I mean It's all kind of an illusion. I think because they all get paid quite a bit to be on the show It's not the point man. Yeah, why do you have to bring reality into reality TV?
Starting point is 00:04:42 You know what actually I don't want to speak out of turn. I don't know if they get paid a lot, but I think some of them do have a pretty big appearance fee. I know plenty of them do not get paid well. Probably some of the newer people and people who aren't giant established characters don't get much per episode, but someone like Johnny Bananas probably gets quite a bit. I mean, I don't know you never know with those guys don't they show up at bars
Starting point is 00:05:08 sometimes just for just for like a an appearance fee? Is that how that works? I know that it has been. Yeah. Can we get into that game? No. We're too old. Oh okay fair enough. Yeah. Yeah that is that is good though that it's not winner-take-all. I like it. Yeah. Yeah, that is that is good though. That it's not winner take all. I like it. Yeah. Also, I just a fairly enjoyable season of Old Person. It was a good season of Old Person challenge. Yeah, very, very, you know, not awful. No satisfying. It could have
Starting point is 00:05:41 been a lot worse. There were a couple of points There were a couple of people There are a couple of situations that could have spiraled out of control that actually kind of stayed in control Uncharacteristically yeah for sure yep, so we had a episode to do Jordan do it so let's get down to that We're gonna be talking today a little bit off the beaten path We're gonna be discussing a secret mission that Alex went on recently. He went to Detroit to go to the Turning Point USA Convention where he gave a speech. And so we're gonna be talking about his speech
Starting point is 00:06:17 at Turning Point. Holy shit. Yeah, Alex. In this time period? Yeah, just a couple days ago. Just a couple days ago, the Turning Point USA Conference happened? Yeah, just a couple days ago. Just a couple days ago the Turning Point USA conference happened? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And Alex gave a speech. Okay. It was wild. Wow. So we're gonna talk about this, but before we do, let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks. Ooh, this is a great idea. So first, going to the Boston show with one of my partners and most of the polycule, does that make us poly-see wonks? Also, Svetlana, I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonlana I'm a policy wonk thank you so much
Starting point is 00:06:45 you're now policy wonk I'm a policy wonk thank you very much thank you next smooth Shrek thank you so much you're now policy wonk I'm a policy wonk thank you very much the way you even read that well even the bread that kind of smooth Shrek yeah next Kyle in Kansas and to my Raptor Princess Samantha who I love with all my heart, Stitch, and I hope you're having a good day at work. Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And Rock Island's best rural carrier who happens to be a pretty awesome mom too. Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And we got a technocrat in the mix, Jordan, so thank you so much to Sea Murders. Life or death is better than bosselini. Thank you so much, you are now a technocrat.'m a policy wonk someone someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action he's a
Starting point is 00:07:39 loser little little kitty baby I don't want to hate black people I renounce Jesus Christ thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. Jordan, you have no idea what any of that means. I know C. Murda both saw and conquered Murda and was then conquered by it, I believe. He was, he is in prison for murder. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Which, I don't know, there's a lot of controversy about that. Some people say he didn't do it. Some people say he did. Yeah. Yeah. I look I but anyways the tracks I've long been a supporter of boss Eleni. Sure. Partially because I think it's a funny name for an album. It is a funny name for an album. Yeah. Feels like Mussolini but like I'm a boss. Mussoli which is great. Yeah. it feels like Moosel-E-Dee, but like I'm a boss Moosel-E-Dee, which is great. Yeah, but it also it just has some great tracks on it like like the like a jungle. Okay. Life is like a jungle sometimes makes me wonder keep going under. It's great. Okay. And the classic closing down shop with with soldier slim and magic. Uh huh. That's a great song. But yeah, this person is right. I think Life or Death is a better album.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Second Chance, fantastic song. So we are talking here about Alex's speech. Yes. And I'll be honest with you, I don't know a whole lot of the context of who else was speaking at this event. I know that Trump was there, not on the same day, I believe. Alex said that his flight was delayed and so he didn't get to talk to Trump when he was there.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Sounds right. He has said that. Sounds right. But one of the things that I noticed about this is that this speech is very Jack Psobek heavy. He gives the introduction to Alex. He's out on stage and he gives a little bit of a preamble and we're gonna start there It is time with God as our witness to understand that which is truly going on Because we know
Starting point is 00:09:37 The man who stood on this stage last night Donald J Trump we understand the forces against him. It's not just liberals. It's not just Democrats. It's not just the unhuman communists. Because we understand that this is a war against the demonic. This is a spiritual war! I mean, this is just like something that needs to be addressed, quite frankly. That it's a spiritual war?
Starting point is 00:10:17 These people are having a big convention and yelling that it is a spiritual war and people are cheering. Why? Because they think they're fighting demons. Yeah. And that's become pretty mainstream on the right wing. Sure, sure, but I have never seen believing your political opponent to be an unhuman
Starting point is 00:10:37 predicate something terrible. Well actually that's the name of Jack Pesobic's new book. Predicate something terrible? No, that's the first chapter. But yeah, Unhumans is a good book. Predicate something terrible. No, that's the first chapter. But yeah, Unhumans is his book. Oh, well, it's good that he snuck that in. I definitely got to get some branding going while you're giving your speech. It's one of multiple plugs for his book in this speech. Oh my God. So yeah, I just think that we lose sight of it because we talk about it a lot. I think that, you know, this is turning point USA, which is fairly mainstream adjacent to
Starting point is 00:11:12 the GOP. Yeah. The, yeah, yeah. And it's just totally fine. It is not controversial. It doesn't cause a political crisis that people are on stage screaming about how they're fighting demons and everyone's like, yeah, we are. Yeah. It doesn't cause a political crisis that people are on stage screaming about how they're fighting demons Nope, and everyone's like, yeah, we are. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:28 You know, I wonder if part of that is because we're we're post like irony You know, is it is it part of it that with that even they don't even believe they're being serious, right? Like we're not actually taking we don't actually believe that they believe that they're fighting demons. Maybe they don't actually believe that they're fighting demons. See, now I think that that is a convenient way that people rationalize stuff. Sure. Because of course I don't think they actually think they're fighting demons. Okay, but do you think they're actually fighting demons?
Starting point is 00:11:58 No, but I think that they want to behave as if they are. Sure. They want to use that level of justification for their political actions, which are going to be very, very bad. Yeah. I mean, but- They're going to be so bad that you probably could only justify them by fighting the devil. Probably.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Probably. We got to not do movies anymore. No more movies. People are just- because it's more exciting to fight the devil, I will admit, than to be like, we need to deal with municipal traffic laws better. You know, I get that. Right. But, boy, we need to deal with municipal traffic laws before we can deal with the devil.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You didn't see that new municipal traffic law movie? Oh, man, that was Barnburner. Yeah, it was Action-packed packed so Psobeck I think that he wants to get people In a call-and-response kind of mood here a good time, but I don't think he does the best job They are trying to take away our freedoms they are trying to take away the freedoms of
Starting point is 00:13:04 people like Steve Bannon, people like Peter Navarro, who is a political prisoner right now, this very instant, and people like Donald J. Trump, who they want to lock up for 700 years. Are you going to let them lock up Donald Trump? Are you gonna let them turn this movement into political dissidents and political prisoners? Will you stand for a totalitarian regime that takes away our freedoms that takes away our liberties that takes away our Teens our children that takes away our right to worship that takes away our right to Defend ourselves with the Second Amendment and a regime that will take us down. What do you have to say to them? Absolutely not you fucked up the meter
Starting point is 00:14:03 In terms of the call-in response with the audience because they were itching to say no again and didn't give them an opportunity. It's every time and I think it's it's it's not political party necessity like a solo. It's everybody. You can definitely feel how many people are failed comedians by like oh I get what you you've done open mics and were rejected. And that's what you're showing me. There's some very clear in capability in terms of the public speaking that he's trying to do. He's trying to pull off a move that he just doesn't have the chops for. He doesn't have the chops for it. In terms of the, and it's actually one of the simpler of the rhetorical moves.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It's like what somebody who's trying to pump up a crowd would do. Yeah. You know, like. Obama does it to like when he pees. Like that's how inspiring that dude could be whenever he's doing that. It's just, he's got the cadence for it. Yeah. He's like, are we going to let Trump get locked up? No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Are we gonna let them take our kids? No. No. Then a fucking. Are we gonna let them continue on fighting against all of the people that we have. Why do you not understand the rule of threes? It's even ironically talked about now. The rhythm is atrocious.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And then he realizes it in the moment because he cuz he has to say what do you say to them? And he has to actually prompt the no again. Yeah to remind them that they're doing a call and response It's just clunky as hell tragic But yeah, you know, what are you gonna do? I had nothing. So Trump is gonna be reelected Uh-huh. And now let's get around to Alex coming out here. Come on, Jack Okay, come on. Here we go We've got the new book out. It's called unhuman. You've got to purchase this thing because we've broken their system We've cracked their communist code
Starting point is 00:15:58 We understand how to beat them and we are gonna take all of them down in just 140 days on blessed November 5th when Donald J. Trump is re-elected president of the United States. Now I know I promised you all special guests today. You may be thinking my brother was out here as my special guest and he's a special guy. Of course we love Kevin. But there's another man. There's a man who taught us many things. A man that is hated even more by the media, all those media back there, even more than Donald Trump, even more than us. A man who taught us that there's a war on for your mind.
Starting point is 00:16:56 A man who taught us that if you are listening to this, you are the resistance and a man who taught us that the answer to 1984 is 1776 Play the video. Let's play that video a man who taught us Various bumpers that he comes in from commercial break with a man who taught us get her done I man who taught us catchphrases galore that sound really fun to yell. Yeah. That's I mean that's a good it's a good credit for Alex. He did teach people a lot of catchphrases. I mean okay it is not not an accomplishment to have been the greatest bumper sticker writer ever to live. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:51 No, I'm not saying that he deserves that appellation. I'm just saying that it's not the genre of accomplishment. It's that he still sucks at it. Yeah. Well, I mean, he tried to... We forget about all of the attempts at things that didn't work, like the Quattro and stuff like that. You know, forget that, and then you just have, like, the answer to 1984, 1776. Man, that is never going to make sense. God damn it. He talks about it quite a bit in this speech, so maybe you'll get to the bottom of it
Starting point is 00:18:17 before the day is done. I get what you're trying to say, but it doesn't make sense. It does. It does, and I promise you, it will be explained. So there's a lot of chanting going on at the beginning of this. Yeah, I mean, it feels like this is what you're really there for, right? Yeah. What's the meat of what they have to say? Everyone's there to just yell.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Right! Just yell. Primal scream with your butts. Yeah! We want to take down the system. Yeah! That's it! Yeah. Yeah, right will scream with your To 1984 is 1776 Now the starting lineup for your Chicago Info Warriors. Just three or four days ago, the great folks at Turning Point Action invited me out here.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'm very blessed and honored to be here. We are in the very center, the TCF Center, where almost four years ago in the dead of night, they stole the election not just from our amazing president, but from us. And it is very, very poignant and important and a message to the globalists that we are here now in the very same building, a hundred yards from where the trucks came in at 2 a.m. and with the fake ballots. And we come right back to this territory and we say we are turning this whole country red we're restoring the Republic and we're bringing down the New World Order
Starting point is 00:19:58 USA USA USA USA He has an incredible champion in President Trump and He is gonna win in a landslide so big they're not gonna be able to steal it. It's so big they can't rig it My god now we're doing now this is is what we're here for yes. Yes Nailed it a minute and a half. There's three chance. I yeah, I mean yeah, that's what you're doing I mean a parody of itself. Well. That's isn't that why it's so hard to take this whole like we're in a spiritual war Seriously because in dystopia like in Mad Max They don't try and sell you their book before they steal your water and Alex is gonna sell it too big to rig sure
Starting point is 00:20:48 Give up the gasoline war warrior, but first please go to my web. You can't do it like that It's something it's it's it's something to behold So I was hoping that Alex would get down to some substance and not just And so, you know, there's there's a little bit of him trying to make a point Okay But we have got to be peaceful in the next hundred and forty days they're gonna try to state civil unrest They're gonna try to bill it as a civil war. They're going to try to absolutely pull out all the stops and expand war with Russia. They are going to do everything they can to continue
Starting point is 00:21:35 to crash the economy because they are in direct war with we the people. So this fight for America is key, not just for us, but the entire world. Because if this republic falls, the entire world falls to the UN and the globalists and their hellish plan to literally take everything you've got, including your children, away from you. I think Alex struggles to find the point to end a sentence. Yeah. Yeah. I think there were a couple points in there that he could have ended things and maybe
Starting point is 00:22:09 gotten a cheer. And then instead he ended up on a sort of like a point that elicits a negative response from the audience. Yeah. Take your children away. No! Yeah. I mean, it really is something that I think I've taken for granted now.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Just all these years is just like, it is difficult to know what to do on stage if you're not regularly on stage. And I know Alex is, even though you're doing a show, that's different from being on stage. Being on stage is its own thing. And yeah, these dudes aren dudes are made for it. I'm not perfect at it either. Obviously. I mean, we just went and did wasn't a perfect performance on every on every front. But like, the things that they're trying to do are things
Starting point is 00:23:01 that are not being done. Yeah, this is a pep rally Yeah And they're like the things the way that these stuffs being communicated is not in Service of the reaction that they want to elicit. Yeah, it is it is this it is exactly Because of how they view themselves they and it's part It's why they failed as comics and life people, is they think they're way better than they are. So they never bother to learn how to do the simplest,
Starting point is 00:23:32 like this is how long people wanna hear your sentence for. Take a break, take a breath, slow it down. You think you're going- Well Alex talks to nobody all day. Exactly. And when you're on stage, you think you're talking fast, and you think you're talking slow, and you need to go even slower than that,
Starting point is 00:23:52 because you're racing. It's that kind of thing. And they never bother. So one thing that, in this next clip, might shock you to learn. And that is, apparently, the New World Order is anti-capitalist. Interesting. The New World Order is ultra-rich is anti-capitalist. Interesting. The New World Order is ultra rich anti-capitalist monopoly families and
Starting point is 00:24:09 banks like BlackRock that literally want to end the open free society and consolidate total control and colonize your mind and your family and your spirit and they are not atheists. They are transhumanists that believe they're going to be died. And whether it's Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates or Yuval Noah Harari, they represent the globalist ruling class of the planet who say the future is not human. Well, we got news for them.
Starting point is 00:24:38 The future is human. Oh, good. Okay, good clarification. So yeah, they're demons, chatting about demons. I feel like it is a little bit strange to be like these capitalist structures are anti-capitalist. Yeah, I don't know. What do you think is going on sometimes? And then you're like, well, if you're starting there, there's nowhere to go.
Starting point is 00:25:14 That makes sense. If you're starting with my enemies are demons, there's nowhere to go to. There's nowhere to go with any of this. This reminds me of a future of a in a in a episode they go and fight a war against a bouncing ball planet and they're bouncing balls and they're talking to Zap Ranigan and they're like why are we fighting them and he's like ah they stand for everything you don't stand for. Also they said you were dorks and it's like this is exactly the justification Everything you like they hate Life there your children they hate of Alex Is as just doubled back to the exact same behavior that he rightly criticized in the Bush administration of the they hate your freedom
Starting point is 00:25:58 They hate your freedoms. This is just what he's doing. So he's doing it domestically and People who? This is just what he's doing, except he's doing it domestically and with people who politically disagree with him. There is a certain dramatic irony to it. There is a certain amount of like, you know, Bush taught us all the wrong lesson and then, well, you know. Here we are. So Alex has a rallying cry for Trump to be reelected and it's like, I think it basically
Starting point is 00:26:22 comes down to, he fucked up last time. Yeah. Which is a good selling point. Okay. But then here's this next clip is also where this in this the speech went from like meh kind of a pep rally into like now this is actually kind of interesting to me. Okay. President Trump is a great man, super smart, amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:46 He wanted to turn the country around. He's pro-human, he's pro-free market, he's pro-family, he's pro-freedom, he's pro-security. But he's even said it himself. When he got in, almost eight years ago, he had no idea how bad the corruption was, how it would lie right to his face over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But now, coming back in 140 days, President Trump is born again hard and he knows the facts and he is going to go after that deep state and remove the deep state coup that's been over America. And you can... Alex, Alex, I have to say, I have to say, I have to ask you, to say I have to ask you and I'm gonna interview you for a minute Alex What do you think they'll do to President Trump between now and Election Day? Hey Jack? What are you doing? What is happening? Why are you still on stage? I did not realize Alex giving a speech. Yes, or is
Starting point is 00:27:42 Is Alex giving a speech? Yes! Or is Jack Pasobic moderating a one-man panel? Jack Pasobic introduced Alex and then he stayed on stage the whole time. That's insane. Yeah. What is happening? I can tell you exactly what is happening. Well, he's going to keep Alex from doing a show.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Right! No one trusts Alex to give a speech in a place like this. No, of course not. So he's there to babysit. Right. Jesus Christ. Yeah. Don't get too drunk Alex He's gonna be on stage with you hey Alex
Starting point is 00:28:11 We've seen what you're capable of we want to keep this on the rails that is that is fun Yes, I I don't know, but what I would feel about that if I were Jack Or if I were Alex excuse me it's it is like it is like the the unstable genius rock star who is like oh we don't know if he's gonna show up but when he does it's magic you know like that except you're stuck with Alex yeah and Jack Posobic has to babysit yeah you get the hype man who's not very good and right a little bit over the hill. They had yeah It's it's a little bit different than the Magic Rock star, but oh well So I think that it's probably
Starting point is 00:28:56 Underwhelming to be like we got to get Trump in because he's gonna do it right this he's gonna do the things We said he was gonna do last time this time because he learned from last time He learned by not doing those things last time right now. He's gonna do the things we said he was gonna do last time this time because he learned from last time he learned by not doing those things last time right he's gonna do those things right I don't know I can't believe that gets an applause well you got to do something I just sometimes I feel sad for sometimes I feel bad for conservatives. And just like, ah man, you don't know how good it could be. You know, like some performance, we can do some slick shit over here buddy. We can like really put on a show for you.
Starting point is 00:29:38 But you're like, if you're had to be with this, I don't know what to do. I don't want to take this away from you. Yeah. If this is the thing that you're like, ah, this would be good for our political action conference Oh, it's a it's a very strange choice. Yeah, it's a very low standard Yeah, and honestly, I think if you're doing this if you have Alex you want chaos So lean into it put him last. Yeah, and then just like wash your hands of it You know, like whatever happens is gonna happen. he's gonna go burn the stage down, he's going
Starting point is 00:30:09 to lose his voice getting chants going, yelling his catchphrases, he's gonna slander somebody, and then that's good. And then you go on with it. Yeah, like everybody needs the song that gets everybody to leave. Yeah, I think a lot of this didn't like you didn't know this happened, right? And I think part of that is because Psobeck is there. I think you're right the potential for what could have been In an Alex speech was not reached. Oh because of Jack's babysitter what a
Starting point is 00:30:43 stupid and self-inflicted, rock and hard place to find yourself in between. That is the worst. The answer to 1984 is not inviting Alex to your political action conference. Don't invite shitty versions of the same, that's stupid, yeah. Because then you gotta interview him.
Starting point is 00:31:00 What are you doing? So Jack's gonna interview Alex. Oh my God. What do you think they'll do to President Trump between now and Election day you're reading my mind. What will they do to him? God literally gave us Donald Trump imperfect as most men or women that God raises up in history But he is a man of steel. He is a man who has ice water in his veins He is a man who has ice water in his veins. He is a man who gets stronger under
Starting point is 00:31:25 attack. And so they have already put him through hell with all these show trials and rigged courts, civil and criminal. And they are going to try to assassinate president Trump. Make no mistake about that. They are going to try to pull out all the stops. And so we've got to pray for president Trump many times a day. And we've got a bus. We've got to pray for President Trump many times a day. And we've got to bust, we've got to bust our rear ends to get out there in America. Cause the people are waking up and they're ready to become fully awake and let them know that the WF and the UN and Bill Gates have said they're bringing new lockdowns, more forced injections, they're cutting off the farms, they're cutting off the energy and if you think the economy and freefall right now is bad it is going to be ten times worse so this is
Starting point is 00:32:13 existential. We are at war with the globalists and we must now recognize that this is a war. This is just as important as 1776 and the context of the population of the world, the weapons we have now, it is more war. This is just as important as 1776 and in the context of the population of the world and the weapons we have now, it is more important. It's more important than 1776 now. Sure. Wow. This is big. Sure. I mean, all of this stuff has just become, I guess, so mainstream for the right wing that like Alex can just be like I Fucking hate vaccines. I hate public health awareness I hate all of this stuff and fuck all and it's not even like a big deal. Yeah Yeah, I know that this isn't CPAC no no no still no turning point a big organization with a lot of
Starting point is 00:33:05 No, no, no still no turning points a big organization with a lot of Closeness to right right right legitimacy. No. I I mean I I I've read it I've read some of the speeches I've read about it But the idea of actually being at like a Lindbergh rally, you know in 19 whatever whoo It's it's not unlike this. Let's put it that way. So Jack Pesovic, I think he's there, like I said, just to keep things on the rails.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. And people like Ken Paxton from the great state of Texas are moving against the globalists to pull public funds and pension funds out of these globalist corporations that try to control our lives and try to control our behavior as Larry Fink said. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something about Alex. The lies they spread about Alex, they've tried to take him out more than they've tried to take any of us out. But let me tell you what it is. What they'll never say is that Alex Jones has spent 30 years being the loudest voice for freedom, for liberty, and for anti-war that this world has seen. He stood against them, and that's why they're against him.
Starting point is 00:34:20 What they'll never say about Alex is he can't be trusted to give a speech unless I'm here Keeping things together what they'll never say about me is I went to comet pig bug pizza and pretended to be Scandalized by what was going on there in order to perpetuate pizza gate Go fuck yourself Jack. Oh, man I've I struggle With the two of them being on stage during a one-person speech. This is already a problem for me Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:52 Then to have it turned into an interview because so clearly this man is being babysat like there's no other Interpretation of giving a speech that includes a person asking you, giving you prompts for the paragraph headers that you should have memorized. And then like trying to bring up the energy along with like, this is all Alex should be doing all of this. Yeah, this is- This is not, this doesn't make sense. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:20 This is crazy. I mean, I can, and I can feel the idea. I can definitely feel from the audience a sense of like- What are we watching? This is wrong. This is all wrong. It's one thing if it's like Jack Posobic and Alex Jones in conversation. Yeah. Then it's kind of like that's what you expect. But this is Alex who's supposed to be giving a pump up speech and Jack is interrupting him. Yeah. And trying to carry some of the weight. I'm baffled. It doesn't make sense. Bewildered.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So they talk a bit about how Elon Musk is pretty great. Why? Because everyone loves Elon Musk at that place. Crazy. They have tried to burn him to the ground, but he won't stop fighting. Well, thank you. But if it wasn't for people like Jack Posobiec supporting me when I was under attack or Tucker Carlson or people like Joe Rogan but all of folks like you they would have taken me down. They saw me as
Starting point is 00:36:16 a symbol of a populace that had their number, understood their plan and that if the information got out the world would awaken and they would be defeated. But if they think they've got a problem with Alex Jones and all the lies and all the disinformation and all the show trials and all the rigging, imagine their horror now when they've got twin Godzilla's of Donald Trump coming after him and now Elon Musk goes to the World Government Summit at the WEF last year and he says, your world government's dead on arrival, it's totalitarian, it's anti-human and we're going to have a pro-human future. And when I interviewed him for two and a half hours a few months ago, I said, Elon, should we not call it Team Humanity against Team Satan, against Team New World Order?
Starting point is 00:37:04 And he said, yes, let's launch team humanity. Team humanity, team humanity, team humanity, team humanity, team humanity. That's bad meter too. Yeah. But you, but you got to get the energy going. It's a pep rally. You gotta keep it moving along. And Alex is rambling a little bit too much. Yeah. He's not interesting enough to be a capable speaker if he stops moving.
Starting point is 00:37:37 You know what I mean? Yeah. He needs to constantly be like, ba ba ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba. Yep. Or else you end up being like, Oh, this is kind of dumb. And that's Jack's there to, to start the team humanity chance and keep the audience like in that ba ba ba. Yeah. Yeah. It really does feel like they just needed a rhythm machine. You know, like,
Starting point is 00:38:01 okay, let me throw this out at you. Get a metronome, right? So you got tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, and then you get Alex in like a, in a good rhythm for people to, you know, like half the time with comedy, it's just, you get people in a good rhythm and then they know when to laugh and then they do. It's like an excuse to laugh with your friends. It's not necessarily you're getting a maid to laugh. And I imagine this is similar. It's not like, it's not like you get the chance to...
Starting point is 00:38:26 Well, you don't get the chance to cheer in your daily life. It's true. So you got to go somewhere to get a good cheer. Well, that's why you go to like maybe one of the other speakers at Turning Point. Yeah. You want to yell aggressively and that's why you go to see Alex. Right. Exactly. Unless Alex is a surprise guest for real and then then I don't know how you're
Starting point is 00:38:47 Then it's probably good to have Psobeck out there in case there's hostility towards Alex Yeah, you know in case there's a lot of like normal GOP ish folks What do you think what do you think an audience member left with Like went to they went out to a bar and just like hey, that was great. What do you think about Alex? What do you think they left with? What do you think about Alex and Jack standing there together confusing all of us? I don't know they got to yell a little bit. I think that's probably they probably felt a little bit invigorated Points yeah, I don't know. So anyway, I told you that this is just weird. It's very
Starting point is 00:39:31 weird. Yes. The dynamic between them. And it gets even more weird because Jack starts doing Alex impression. What? They are the unhumans. They are unhumans because that is what they do. Trademark. They want to unhuman us. They want to rob us of our liberty. They on eat the insectoid. They want to slip in. Will you eat the bugs? No! Will you live in the box? No! Absolutely. And now that the battle lines are being drawn, are you gonna let them turn the frogs gay? No! I don't think that I would appreciate that if I were Alex. I swear to God, I would have fought this man by now. Yes! Get the fuck off my stage. Right. I mean, honestly honestly there is a part of me that feels like the moment you step on a stage you should feel like it is your
Starting point is 00:40:29 space. Yeah, especially if you're being introduced with a video package and you're a speaker who's been invited to come to this place. Son, get the fuck off my stage. Yes, you have this asshole who cried about Pizzagate sitting next to you doing an impression of you to get a pop from the audience. That's insane. That's an insult. that's the most disrespectful thing I could think of are gonna let her go hey man hey hey not cool listen ah man that's that's horrifying
Starting point is 00:40:56 it is well it is so I told you that we were gonna hear about the 1776 1984 six point we're gonna explain the situation yes so Alex going to talk about that here at this point. And that's what this is about. We are pro-human, old, young, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, everybody that has red blood, that loves God and wants a pro-human future. And as long as we get that message out, and as long as we don't support the globalist and all these anti-human systems they're putting out, we are going to win. And when we take back America, we're going to start the project to take back the world,
Starting point is 00:41:31 not through force, but through intellectual and spiritual power under Christ, under God. And we are going to launch the next project of 1776 worldwide! 1776 worldwide human liberty in a declaration against tyranny. And you quoted me earlier, and it's a powerful saying. I was covering Bilderberg in 2006 in Canada. Back when the media still said it didn't exist, they'd arrested me, held me in a jail cell for a day. They released me, and this famous British economist,
Starting point is 00:42:04 I later knew he was famous, he died a little while after, came to me, and me in a jail cell for a day. They released me and this famous British economist, that letter knew he was famous, he died a little while after, came to me and he had one of their parties. Great story. He goes, I'm a mathematician and economist, but Alex, you need to understand that you need to quantify what's having political end of mathematics
Starting point is 00:42:17 and I have a slogan for you. He said, the answer to 1984 is 1776. And he's in my film, Endgame, you can look him up, but that's really it. The answer to their 1984 anti-human dehumanization world is humanity coming together and celebrating freedom that God gave us and saying no. The answer to 1984 is 1776. They fucking love their catchphrases. Oh man. Now here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I get the explanation and I know it's fun to do a Gribble Pibble British accent. That's fun. Yeah. But there is no mathematical function that is expressed by the answer to 1984- 1776. If you did something like 1776 is greater than 1984 or something like that, it would have some sort of a mathematical thing. I don't understand what is trying to, what equation is being expressed here?
Starting point is 00:43:21 So I always thought that it was concepts, like 1984 being the concept of like tyranny and so forth Yeah, and 1776 meaning the concept of violently overthrowing Tiren tyrant, right? Well, that's one reading of it. The other one might be 1776 is a stand-in for Enlightenment ideas and and personal liberty and stuff like that doesn't always have to be the violent overthrow Although it often is I'm just giving voice to that a tiny bit, okay? Yeah, so that's that's like so is 1984 a
Starting point is 00:43:58 Puzzle or a question or a problem. I mean 9484 is a problem, right? Right and the answer to it and the answer to it is Violent revolution right, but I mean like 3x equals 9 right x equals 3 is the answer to that sure you know sure like that is is like a Mathematical statement, okay, okay, so maybe this economist which for fun. I'm gonna think it's Keans. I bet it's Keans. Sure. Why not? Keans came to Alex later Shortly before his death And he was like, okay, here's what 1984 is it's tyrants plus TV plus I don't know 9-eleven
Starting point is 00:44:49 Equals no I got nothing yeah, it's not it's cute There's a way of trying to explain your catchphrase, but it doesn't actually make more sense Yeah, make this is midichlorians man. Just let the force be the fucking force. He's a prequel guy just fucking it's 1776 in 1984 just do it. Mm-hmm. It doesn't need a backstory 1776 will defeat 1984. This is kind of fine trying to pretend that it's mathematical is don't need it Yeah, don't eat it. So there gonna end, but if you want to fight, you better believe you've got one! They declared war on us. They're attacking us. They're surveilling us. They're censoring us. They're cutting off our energy, our water, our communications, our freedom. We're simply recognizing it and saying, we're not going to roll over and die. Our God is the God of the universe that created all and your little God Satan is a loser.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Satan's a loser. I mean, this is largely why you would get Alex, I think, is to do the hits. Yeah. Yell about the devil a little bit. Yell 1776. Yell you want to fight you better believe you got one. He is a catchphrase comic. Yeah he's a getter done. So the globalists they're gonna throw a fake race war. I'm sorry? Yeah that's apparently- They're gonna do what now? They're gonna precipitate a fake race war. And the globalists are gonna try to cause civil unrest. They build the race for it They try to turn into a civil war, especially once he gets reelected. There'll be 79 days of hell. He will be reelected They can't stop it. I believe if we work hard, it's done wait if but as soon as he is
Starting point is 00:46:38 President-elect the 79 days between then and January 20th 2025 they are gonna roll out the stops and try to trigger a race war. And that's a total lie and a fraud. And we're all waking up and coming together. But that's why they got movies about civil war and they're hyping it. And all the Democrat party operatives are claiming there's white militias hiding in the bushes. They're going to come kill people. So we've got to get ahead of that narrative. We have to stop Biden starting World War III as a distraction. They are that desperate because there is a global, worldwide political realignment against the New World Order.
Starting point is 00:47:14 The New World Order is a couple thousand arrogant people led by King Charles, who sits around and talks about how he wants to depopulate people. And so did his father, Prince Philip. And I'm telling them right now, we are not rolling over and dying for you inbred globalists. You will not divide and conquer us any longer. We want a pro-human free, we want a pro-human free,
Starting point is 00:47:42 we want a pro-human future. Hey, there we go. Biden, if Biden did that, We want a pro-human free- we want a pro-human future. Ayyyy. There we go. Biden, if Biden did that, Alex would play that clip on his show for a month. Yeah. A never-ending bullshit. I think that there is something that I find inherently sad about someone yelling about King Charles.
Starting point is 00:48:00 It just, I don't know, man. Is there feel that relevant? OK, and now and I'm not saying that this could be pulled off because I don't think there would be enough people who are on board to to to get it done. But man, I feel like we might be in a wabbit season situation. might be in a wabbit season situation. You know, maybe we flip the sign to duck season, all right? And then they're off in Britain taking out the monarchs. I think the king, isn't King Charles pretty close to death anyway? You know what?
Starting point is 00:48:35 But I bet he lives forever. Y'all should go get him. Get on a boat. Everybody, it's duck season. I don't know. I just think, I find this to be just absurd. It's absurd as a- It's crazy, it's crazy!
Starting point is 00:48:52 It's- I mean obviously the real world intersection of all this is trying to spread much much further preemptive excuses for why the more extreme and violent wings of Alex's ideology are going to carry out a bunch of insurgent violence. Right. And how are we going to survive as a political movement if that happens? Right. And that's the kind of track that Alex is laying and then that's the kind of stuff with the they're gonna foment a race war that's gonna be a civil war. There's no white militias in the woods. I have that's all that stuff then complaining about King Charles. I don't come on I have a theory on that My theory is they believe that all of this was supposed to happen in the 90s
Starting point is 00:49:39 Yes, but then Timothy McVeigh went too far too fast Definitely, and that was what stalled the movement well right here Yes. But then Timothy McVeigh went too far too fast. Definitely. And that was what stalled the movement. Well, let me refine that a tiny bit. Here is what I will throw at you. They don't understand Timothy McVeigh. They didn't understand enough. But here's where I would refine it and maybe this deals with your issue.
Starting point is 00:49:58 They, at least Alex, understands that Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing was a massive detriment to the ecosystem and financial landscape of being a right-wing provocateur. And that has probably played itself out when there are instances of, you know, extremist domestic violence that have happened, but especially in the 90s when Alex was just coming up. Yeah. So this lives on as a memory of like if people do this stuff, eventually it's going to ruin our business. Right. Right. Right. So some of what I think you're taking issue with is idealistic or ideological stuff and I think maybe it's some of it is a little crasser than that. I mean yeah I think you're taking issue with is idealistic or ideological stuff and I think maybe it's some of it is a little crasser than
Starting point is 00:50:46 That I mean, yeah, I think I think ultimately their problem comes down to Timothy McVeigh believed in something that was real and Acted accordingly whereas they believe in fake shit. They believe in movies stuff You know, it's it's kind of the big problem. They have is that their enemies aren't real It's kind of the big problem they have is that their enemies aren't real. Whereas Timothy McVeigh's were real. Well, and one of the problems that the Timothy McVeigh era had was that the people weren't ready to excuse that. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Right, right, right. That act of violence. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They didn't have a built-in explanation that it was a false flag and, you know, they didn't have that preemptive track laid, which is what so much of Alex's content is really about, is about creating that preemptive justification should something really horrible happen. You're able to much more adequately or easily defend the rights of everyone to have, you know, military level guns if you preemptively label every act of mass gun violence as a false flag meant to
Starting point is 00:51:55 make people give up their guns. Exactly. And that's just the game. Yeah. Yeah. The idea is essentially we got to make sure that okay see we'll be okay next time Yeah, see yeah and whatever form it is of that right so Jack just exists as a chaperone That's that's just so that's so uncomfortable. It makes me very uncomfortable because I'm I'm finally like
Starting point is 00:52:21 genuinely, I feel like some need to like Protect Alex and get him get get off this get off my stage man well I just I just have it I've got mirror neurons man I think if there's anything you could take away from most of Alex's public appearances yeah it's that he's not going to get off stage at the right time no that's a little long-winded, he's probably going to start rambling, he's gonna tell some weird story about his dad's the smartest boy in Texas.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And you need somebody to, if you're running a professional conference, you do need to make sure that he doesn't do an hour. And so I think that Jack is kind of important on that front. But I would not take it well if I were Alex. I think we're both in agreement about this, right? If you want to do something, you should accept the consequences for it. If you want to book Alex, there are consequences for it.
Starting point is 00:53:16 If you have Jack on stage, you might as well not book Alex. Alex isn't going to be Alex with Jack on stage. It's an attempt to avoid those consequences, but unfortunately the consequences are actually what you want. It's part of the game. Yeah, it's all the same thing. The consequences and the thing you like are the same thing. Yeah. That's why this is kind of a dud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And as long as we never give up, we are invincible. invincible I've got a lot of points here I just want to say something right now he by the way he comes to me because I was like I was like Alex I thought you just come out and so I was like no I got a lot, no, I got a lot to say, Jack. I got a lot to say. So Alex, what do you think? Should we let him talk? Oh, right. Let's let him talk. Have at it. Well, I like you interviewed me to Jack. I mean, look, I cannot express to you how epic the time is right now.
Starting point is 00:54:14 You don't need me to tell you that you can see it. You can feel it. You see the enemies humanity, these mercenaries that have sold their soul to this tyranny. They're desperate. They have fear in their eyes. Jack interrupted Alex to pump up the crowd by yelling, should we let him talk? It's weird. I'm gonna tell you this.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm gonna tell you this. For all of their skills lacking on stage craft, they know fucking weird dominance things. Like the, should we let him talk question? That no you paid him to talk if you are asking should we let him talk what you're doing is subtly Reminding everybody you have the ability to not let him talk and reminding Alex and reminding Alex Yes, and then the act has a little bit of his own dominance there with the you know I like getting interviewed by you, too.. Yeah, like, oh fuck you.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, they're doing a whole thing now. Now I'm actually interested. And it is also like, insisting on doing the Alex voice. He's so fucked up. What is happening? I understand that it's hard to talk like that. I get it. I do it on the show a bit.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I would probably not do it to his face. I mean, I would do it to his face once, but it is essentially like just coming up at, like if you came up to my face and we're just like, you're a clown, you're a clown, you're a clown. I'd be like, listen, I know I'm a clown. I like being a clown. I was gonna stop screaming in my face.
Starting point is 00:55:40 That's really uncomfortable, man. I find that if someone is not like a friend and they do an impression of my face, that's really uncomfortable man. I find that if someone is not like a friend and they do an impression of my voice, I'm not happy about it. That's usually a problem. And if it is my friend, I still don't want them to do it like to my face on stage with me or whatever. Yeah, that's no good.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Just disrespectful. Then why would you do that to your friend? You would do that to somebody you don't like. Yeah. So we know that they're not coming after Trump. They're coming after you. Of course. They just want to get through Trump. Spiritual. We talk about President Trump. He says it all the time. They're not coming after him. They've got to get through him to get to us. And that's totally true. They're not trying to get me or Jack Pesovic or any of these other great people here today. They're trying to get every one of you and break your will and turn America into a tyranny
Starting point is 00:56:34 because if America still exists, the rest of the world will aspire to it and it will be the model and freedom will grow. That's why we are target number one and that's why God created this country. We're not perfect but we've been the best house in a bad neighborhood and we have been given a birthright and a destiny by God through free will. If we take on this challenge, we won't just empower our families and ourselves. Through God, we will save the world. And that is what we are doing here today. I've got homework for every single person in this room. I want to make sure that when you leave here today, turn to the person next to you, make
Starting point is 00:57:29 friends, get their contact info. Follow them on Twitter. All right. So this is okay. Now in the movie of this, at the very end of it, Alex tackles him off stage. Like we've gone as far as this bit will go or a conclusion to the bit is you Fed I'm so fed up that I tackle you we both fall off stage. It's hilarious at least backstage There's some kind of like something what the fuck has to be something. Yeah, cuz this is this is a fight
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm fighting if we do this we will save the world What are you two doing this is this is amazing We will save the world. All right folks, I'd like to give you some help work. What? What are you two doing? This is amazing. It's not dynamic chemistry. For people who have known each other, both personally and professionally for so long. They've been working together at least since Pizzagate. It's so long to still be this stilted
Starting point is 00:58:24 and uncomfortable around each other is almost an accomplishment. Yeah. So there's one last little bit that Alex shoe horns in towards the end here and the last note seems to be like hey also January 6th was a false false. Everybody just remember that. So again we disavow any violence, any offensive violence, any kidnapping, any murder. And we're going to get to the bottom of January 6th. And that's where I was going next. We know January 6th was staged. Jack and I were both there, a ton of people were going in the building.
Starting point is 00:59:00 This has been so historic. So the globalist system is dead on arrival, but again, it wants to take us with them so we can't just oppose the globalists. We have to get back to Americana 2.0 and promote that to the world and have a better system than them. And we are doing it.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So again, I wanna thank you all for everything you're doing, a lot of other great stuff coming up. I wanna thank Jack again, but never forget, the answer to their tyranny, the answer to their New World Order is 1776. God bless you all. So I think that when, as brief as it did, there's only like a 20 minute or something like that
Starting point is 00:59:40 because of Jack's interference and handling, let's say. Underwhelming. Alex, I think a lot of this was in service of creating a sizzle reel, because he plays the hits of it, like him yelling the catchphrases, and then a little shot of him backstage. And so he plays this on his show.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah. This package of, you know, like, 17, 17, 17, 17, like everyone chanting. And then he's backstage and he looks at the camera and he says, old fashioned artillery, genius. And it's like, that's a Baron Harkonnen line. That is a Baron Harkonnen line from Dune. About when they committed like an act of essentially genocide against the Fremen.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Correct, yes. This is, that's not the reference you want to be making here. No, no, they're the good guys. That's very strange. Oh boy. Yeah. Yeah, I really hadn't considered that. I really hadn't considered that.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I guess I still feel, I think small in some ways in so far as I still think of like you're doing the show but in reality you're right like in Alex's world what he needs are five 30 second clips yeah shots of him at turning point that places that are far more relevant at mainstream totally closer to the not close to the fringe right as himself rally Cheering after his words, you know, like he needs the highlight reel. He doesn't need the show to go well You know it never it I just that's the type of thinking that I don't have like I'm doing the show The show's got to go. Well, it reminds me a lot of coming up
Starting point is 01:01:23 At the laugh Factory a lot of coming up at the Laugh Factory. You know, there were a lot of people who just needed to get a picture of themselves on stage at the Laugh Factory as opposed to being concerned about the show itself going well or whatever. And I think that that, you know, that optical thing is a little bit that's very important for Alex. He's at Turning Point on stage with Jack posobic. Yep, and the crowd is chanting 1776 of them that's gonna linger on like that's that's the resonant thing as opposed to like Yeah, you kind of said some empty platitudes. You said the stuff that you generally say. I don't know is an underwhelming speech You didn't really break any new ground you kind of implied that America needs to colonize the world for freedom.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Pretty much. I don't know, man. No, no, no, it's not that America needs to colonize the world. It's that everybody is going to become America on their own without coming here. Didn't you say Trump should colonize the moon? If they don't do that on their own, we'll take it to them for their own good. Right, right. For their own good, Dan. We're the good guys.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I'm sure your intentions are wonderful. But it is. Old fashioned artillery for their own good. Right, right. Genius. It's very, it's very just kind of, I don't know. There's two feelings that I end up leaving the speech with. One is that like like that was boring
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yeah, Alex gave a boring speech at this conference boring speech at a Nazi concert second. I just can't not feel sad at catchphrases It's so it sucks. Yeah, I mean he has to go back to the well at the end for the 1776 and he doesn't even say his like the answer to 1984 is the answer to the New World Order and all this is 1776 yeah he throws in there if you're looking for a fight you better believe you got one like oh it's just I don't know it's it's bad it is it is like it turns what I would imagine what I would feel is like a career moment, or at least he's given speeches
Starting point is 01:03:28 to thousands of people before. I understand that, but it's still one of those moments in your career of standing on a stage to that many people. I would feel that is a positive thing or a challenge to step up to or a challenge to overcome or or just something to Bask in you know, but for him it's something to endure like he has to just like get through it to get what he wants Which sucks? Yeah, yeah, I can I can see that I think so the thing that I kept thinking Here is the that moment when we were talking to
Starting point is 01:04:06 Jon Ronson and he was like, does he repeat himself a lot? And when I said yes, Jon looked a bit disappointed. And I think that moment of that disappointment is what I can't not feel when Alex does his catchphrases at at the speech. It's like You're supposed to be the fucking guy who's like, you know, really brah tip of the spear You're you're shooting from the hip and all this like now you're you're doing that you're doing your lines. Yeah. Yeah It's disappointing. It's it's a betrayal of the premise of what Alex's image is supposed to be if you're going to live in a movie You have to perform. Mm-hmm, right and you're on stage. You're you should be doing Bill Pullman This is your independence fucking day
Starting point is 01:04:56 You know what I'm saying? Like you can't be giving me a half-ass speech with a handler next to you. Bill Pullman wasn't interrupted by Quaid It is like hey, I'm still gonna fly soon You know and there's not like five instances earlier in the movie of him saying this is our Independence Day This is our Independence Day Independence Day yeah, yeah, that would be a bad movie. It's tough to look at this and not just feel like ah Yeah, that would be a bad movie. It's tough to look at this and not just feel like oh Okay, doing that again, huh? Wow turning point did this oh boy. That's a choice on their part cool a bad choice
Starting point is 01:05:38 Even for what it was that you wanted even for what you wanted you made the wrong choice But I think that that's an admission in of itself Yeah, the fact that you wouldn't just like all all right, we're going to let the Tasmanian devil run wild. You know that you don't want to subject your audience to that. You don't want to subject the people that paid to come to this conference to Alex's probably hour three of his treatise on why he's been wronged and his actions around Sandy Hook actually weren't that bad. He's the victim in all of this like you don't want to make your audience listen to it 100% You want to avoid that yeah, and so It is so weird though to just like at no point in time
Starting point is 01:06:21 Do they just shrug their shoulders and feel dumb about themselves to be like, we're the party of freedom and beauty and keep doing whatever you want. And now here's King Kong and chains to give a speech. There's an irony. There's an irony. But it also goes to the way that everybody wants to deal with Alex as like a prop. And that is kind of funny in some ways, but also a little bit sad in other ways. I, I understand that we can't do this, but maybe we could. All right. We should always have Alex in a dunk tank. Always. Always. What
Starting point is 01:07:03 sir? What does that? what good does that do? Oh, I mean at that speech? Absolutely. At that speech, at everywhere he goes, he should be a, he should be in a dunk tank. You know what I'm saying? In case he starts talking about Sandy Hook stuff. Exactly. Then boom, down you go.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Now would you have Psobeck and him in a dunk tank or is one enough? I well, okay in this scenario because this is our this is our pilot test for the program, right? Essentially Psobic is running the the position of dunk tanker, you know He's throwing the ball whenever we get off whenever we get off track, right? He's metaphorically slapping the target. Yes. Yes So theoretically he in this scenario is our good guy. But eventually, I think it'll be everybody but Jack Posobik. Maybe if the pilot program for the Dunk Tank works for Alex, we'll just start expanding it across it.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Right now, it's just Texas specific. And if you say that people can't be put in Dunk Tanks, you are limiting the free speech of the audience to express their displeasure in what is being spoken on stage. Oh, imagine if you got mad about being dunked. That is our freedom to dunk you, sir. That is un-American. Anyway, this is just kind of a blast speech, but I thought that the dynamics in it were
Starting point is 01:08:22 something that is weird, and I didn't hear anybody mention any of this stuff So I wanted to cover it, but we'll be back I mean this this is this is one of those things This is one of those things where it is and it's like it's like Trump's full-length Speeches when you read them and then you read the way the media reports on them It's like I understand that in order to report what you believe to be the relevant information, you excise a lot of this. But what is actually the relevant information is how fucking insane that this is happening
Starting point is 01:08:58 at all. Yeah. You know, like this is insane. What's going on in presenting things in a certain way, you're actually making it not as bad as it actually is. You're making their point better than they are. Your image is bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:11 It's very bad. Yeah, yeah. But the reality is worse. It's horrifyingly worse. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And maybe some of that is true, except that no one's talking about Alex's. Nope.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Nope. Which is probably for the best. Yeah. So we'll be back, but until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yep. We'll be back, but until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yep. We'll be back, but until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor. Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo! And now here comes the sex robots.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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