Knowledge Fight - #942: July 7, 2024

Episode Date: July 10, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan tune in to find Alex complaining about people who have Lamborghinis, bragging about praying a lot, and buddying up with the Heritage Foundation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm Andy and I'm a fan of Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and. Andy and, Andy and. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. Where a couple dudes like to sit around, worship at the at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Jones Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you So what's your brain spot today, buddy? My brain spot today? Jordan is I've been listening to a little bit more music okay day to day all right, and I find that Generally, I'll listen to more music when I'm feeling better, and who knows if it's a chicken or the egg situation.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Sure, sure. But typically, you're listening to more music, that means less of the time is being spent with Alex and horrible shit in your ears. Definitely a good... So that has a positive effect on mood. Sure, sure. And generally, I'll listen to music when I'm doing some sort of exercising. And so if I'm listening to more music
Starting point is 00:01:45 That means there's more exercise going on generally. I'm gonna be feeling a little bit better Yeah, anyway my point is I listen to a little Alanis Morissette all right and Listen to jagged little pill sure all-time classic. It is great. It's a strong album No, I'm not I'm not here to shit on Linus Morissette or her classic Alvin Dragon little tail. I'm here to say that ironic isn't that bad. Oh, okay. Do you mean as far as the way people make fun of it for not actually being directly ironic 100% of the time lyric-wise?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yes. Gotcha. I think that that became a punchline for a lot of people of our general age range. Sure, sure, sure. And it's led me to be averse to the song. No, no, no, I understand. It holds up, it's a good song. Yeah, no, it is.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Everybody should calm down. In the past. A brief review of the past 10 years of internet irony speak. Yeah, people complaining about that too. Hey, we will add as more as that alone. Yeah, it's a fine song. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Anyway, what's your bright spot? I'm gonna make it my bright spot now while it can be my bright spot because in the future it's going to be my dark spot But next week for the next couple of weeks My wife is going to be gone on her on her annual artist retreat sure this is their third year I think in a row doing it. I'm happy it has made her a lot happier. It's an enjoyable thing She loves all of these things are fantastic And I'm super excited for her to enjoy that experience again. Of course. She is leaving me alone Die
Starting point is 00:03:17 Alone no, yeah, yeah alone with the dog alone with the dogs a little something. No, it's great I I'm doing I'll do fine. Hey, you know, it's a little bit difficult You know, I'm sure you're gonna miss her and all but You've survived the last two. Yeah, so that's got to give you some hope, you know I actually the thing that is is weird is that whenever I'm gone, you know when we were going on tour She can't take care of the dogs. They have to go stay with our folks. Because of her schedule. She just doesn't have the schedule for it. But when she's gone, I get to stay at home with the dogs.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I would not be able to do it without the dogs. Yeah, that little bit of normalcy connects you. Oh, huge routine. Just that like, hey, listen, whatever it is, at the end of the day, you got to take care of these idiots. So be safe as shit. It's something external of yourself that you can focus on totally so in one way once again I have a privilege she will never enjoy well
Starting point is 00:04:12 I hope I hope you make it through and I'll come watch tennis with you But only if I need it's gotta be a a need yeah Dan will watch tennis with you behind if emergency break glass I gotcha. I gotcha. So Jordan today. We got an episode to go over. Okay, we're gonna be talking about June 7th 2024 that is Sunday's episode July 7th. Do I say June you did say June? Okay. Yeah, I'm a sign 2023 on your chest July 7th. Yep Alex is back from his little break his little 4th of July breaky sure and we'll check in and see how things are going Oh, that's great. But before then let's say hello to some new walks. Hmm. So first Rough riders anthem your whack. You're twisted your girls a hoe
Starting point is 00:05:00 You're broke Sandy Hook's real and everybody knows your old man says you stupid. You be like, so have you ever read the WikiLeaks? You gotta read them bro. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Now here's the problem. There was an asterisk and it says Roughrider's Anthem.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And that is not, those aren't lyrics from the Roughrider's Anthem. No, I meant in the- Y'all gonna make me lose my mind. That's up in here. Sure. That's where that is a parody of. That's a different DMX song. Listen, I am copying and pasting from this person. I understand. I don't edit.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm not here to like, censor people's belief systems over what DMX songs they're referencing. The Rough Riders anthem is stop, drop, shut them down, open up shop. Yes, oh, I know. Oh, no. That's a Rough Riders anthem is stop, drop, shut them down, open up shop. Yes, oh I know. Oh, no. That's a Ruff Riders role.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, you're gonna have to edit. Yeah, this is, I mean, I'm just, I don't know how we can. Restart the show. Yeah, I don't know how we can live with this. We're gonna get started episode one. Next, I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I can't get up. I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I got to get up.
Starting point is 00:06:02 No, that's another D.O. Maxx. Happy birthday swinging. This out of my is going to send you a bucket of poop. Love, B. Thank you so much. You're an Al policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next Tori T. Thank you so much. You're an Al policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And I finally listened to basically all of KF. Shout out to Kleepus for the introduction. Ungubunga, mate. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And we got a technocrat in the mix, Jordan. So thank you so much to Kyle Parris' possum party. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark. Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty, baby I don't want to hate black people I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes. Thank you very much very obscure Chicago comedy reference I have not heard that name in sometime or or the
Starting point is 00:07:04 The red thing that's being referenced. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a time warp, for sure. Yeah, definitely. So today we got this Sunday episode, and Alex begins by just kind of killing some time. He's in that little space where the show doesn't go out on the radio.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Right, right, right, right. Radio's doing their own thing. Sure, Sure. Sure. And so you just kind of waste of time. Yeah. I have returned after three days off with the family, recharged and ready for war. It's an info war and humanity is beginning to turn the tide. But the globalists have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. We're aware of those tricks, we can beat them. If we're not, they'll win, we'll lose, and hell on earth will follow. It's Sunday, July 7th, 2024. I'm your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide. We're gonna be here for four hours. I'm here for two. Chase Geyser is in for two after that. And we have got a ton to cover. the I'm sure he'll do it again tonight. So be sure and tune in after I leave here in about, well, exactly one hour and 55 minutes from now, 56 minutes from now.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Okay, we're going to go to break. Last minute, five minutes segment. Then I go to break for a minute. There's still one thing called radio stations for all the folks out there on X over 300 of them and all the folks watching info or slash show show a lot of stages join us at six after so we do this first five for people online for everybody else in radio stations the show kicks off in t-minus 60 seconds so none of this was actually even the show this what the fuck was that Chase Geyser is right over there he's gonna do a great job tonight
Starting point is 00:09:00 like he did last week one One, I am still liking their developing relationships. Yes, definitely. Fantastic. I think the flattery has gotten him up the hierarchy above maybe even Owen. Owen went to jail. Owen went to jail for Infowars and Chase is just like, Alex, you're funny on Twitter. You're pretty cool. I believe your story is. it just knows there's too much
Starting point is 00:09:27 bullshit that's really what it is at this point yeah but Chase is new he's great he's got that fresh face right over there behind that wall he's beavering away seems excited about the fact that Chase is working on something over there it's fun it is great it is great yep, we know from Ron Paul's brother that three senators passed the Federal Reserve in 1913. Yes. Um, I don't know if I've actually heard Alex say that. Like directly? Yeah. I bet he has. He's like agreed whenever it's been said. Yes. Yes. Totally. But I'm not certain that I've ever really gotten a clean version of him saying it. Which is why we always talk about...
Starting point is 00:10:11 For the FBI. Yeah. Which is why it always is attributed to Ron Paul's brother. Right. But now we can change that. The world financial system is already collapsing. Inflation is everywhere. It world is collapsing. Inflation is everywhere. It's expanding
Starting point is 00:10:31 radically. And the globalist quotes here, played the clips, but they were going to blame that on other things. Blame it on war racism or global warming. People don't buy that. They're learning about the W U F the IMF, the World the world bank. The private Federal Reserve. And as that process that's been going on
Starting point is 00:10:46 since the Federal Reserve began, it was fought in Congress. Barely snuck through on December. 23rd 1913. No quorum call. Three senators passed it. Back then, there wasn't TV and radio. The public't know what's going on till months later And
Starting point is 00:11:13 So now all these decades in a century plus later the learning curve is going straight up Yeah, learning learning is definitely going up. Alex is very wrong here, but whatever it's fun patriot lore Yeah, yeah, I think that's that's the first time really you know outside of the the The ultimate use of the the Bart Simpson mean you know where everybody's like say it you know where rich kid is like I did it by myself and my parents money that literally was the most Moment I've been to I'm like, say it. Say the three things. Say the three things. You got it. You're a yay. The balloons fall. Totally. Yep. It's unsatisfying. And I imagine that we might've heard him say it in the past, but I feel like I haven't. Strange. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Anyway, they're going to steal theams. We all know that. 2024. Obvious. We gotta stop that steal. Okay. But it's not stop the steal this time. That's not the hashtag. All right. The hashtag is now too big to rig.
Starting point is 00:12:13 They can't steal the election because Trump's gonna have too big a landslide. Sure. And I don't want to sit here and say they won't try to steal it. They certainly will try. But a landslide, they can't override. It's too big. That goes into the numbers. And I've talked about that a million times. I'm gonna repeat it. the the the the
Starting point is 00:12:27 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:12:35 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:12:43 the the the the the the boss takes a hundred missiles to kill and you get to the final level and you got 80 missiles, they can't kill the boss. They don't have enough bullets. Okay? And that's why people just turn out and show up and get people to vote. Trump will win. If you know that the boss takes a hundred bullets, you wouldn't go into that boss encounter with 80 bullets. It would be a bad move. Yeah, that'd be real dumb. It would be pretty dumb. Yeah, you'd have to be a really bad video game player or world controller. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where you know that because it's a because the thing is it's a computer game. It can't like change. There's no like, Hey, maybe this time it'll choose different. So I can't imagine a situation where you know that it's a hundred and you're like, but maybe mm-hmm, right?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yep in real life you can always but maybe who fucking knows what's gonna happen Yeah, a video game is not the same thing, right? Yeah I also think it's really stupid as a plan for the evil people to have which is like look We're gonna fucking put we're gonna cheat hard sure sure sure but it might not be good enough yes yes you know like yeah if these people come out and actually vote we will have committed a gigantic crime sure and committed like a fraud on this election naturally and we still it won't work and no risk no reward my man my man. Right. Seems very stupid. Oh, if only there were 3001 hauls.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Exactly. Oh, no. So Alex has heard, and everyone's heard, that Trump has been talking about how like, eww, boy, I hope the economy crashes now as opposed to later when I'm in office. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all of this makes sense now. Alex is trying to spin those comments a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Trump has said this five times I know of in the last six months. Said it again two weeks ago, and the media spun it and said, Trump hopes there's a financial collapse. He didn't say that. He said, I'm really worried about the economy and this bubble and the inflation, and I think we're going to have a major
Starting point is 00:14:45 correction and serious collapse. And if I'm handed the baton like Herbert Hoover and the first week I get into office in late January of 2025, five months from now, six months from now, I'm going to get the blame. That's how the public
Starting point is 00:15:03 works, and I won't be able to fix it. If it collapses now, I'll be able to put policies in that will mitigate it. He's always an optimist and fix it. You're not going to fix this. You can like crash into the wall at 50 miles an hour or 100. I mean, with Trump, it's 50 miles an hour. With Biden, it's 150. So, or use the plane landing. You know, the ninjas out, the plane's out are control. Can the pilot land the plane? You still get a few broken bones. The landing gear breaks slides into a building, you know, maybe kills a few people, but most people survive. Like crash landing survivable. We're let's not sit here and lie to people. All right, we're either going to crash straight in the ground, the world. All right. We're either going to crash straight
Starting point is 00:15:46 in the ground and we explode into a total deep depression. Crime wave total insanity services breakdown infrastructure disintegration hell on earth. The globalist are planning on that. Sure or. We can come in with our nose up. Wobble around them, landing gear breaks and we slide into a hanger.
Starting point is 00:16:08 What? And then we, and then we, and then the slides pop out of the side of the plane and we, when we get off and the plane, the plane blows up. I mean, that, that's the good scenario versus straight down on the ground. What? So those are the discussions I have with my parents, my wife, my family around the dinner What straight down the ground? What so Those are discussions. I have my parents my wife my family around the dinner table sounds like good dinner table Shut up we're on a plane that's gonna explode and we got to put our nose up and wobble. Oh my god Yep, and then the planes gonna blow up
Starting point is 00:16:42 That's the good scenario little detail pretty unnecessary at the end of the metaphor. It does kind of feel like if that is your metaphor, then you have said that no matter what, the country's gonna explode. It's just whether or not you can jump off the burning ship first? Yeah. Yeah. It does feel like if the plane is the... Country.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Right. Right. Maybe it's not. Okay. Maybe it's the economy. I don't know. It's a there's an inevitability to whatever the explosion is. Right. Right. That's the issue. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am somebody who's listened to a lot of Alex in my life and I seem to recall him getting really mad at Bill Maher talking about how he hopes the economy will collapse so Trump won't get in office.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Right, right, right. Doesn't feel that different. No, no, no. I mean it does feel, it's just like, hey listen, let's all have a day where we sit down and we go if it weren't for the financial collapse, America doesn't have a black president. You know, like let's all just sit down and have that conversation. Because it was a massive collapse that changed the course of the entire race, you know? An economic collapse can change the course of the race against the incumbent. That makes sense! I
Starting point is 00:17:54 understand that you would prefer the president not want an economic collapse. Sure. Me too. Yeah. But it's unreasonable to think, hey, if there was an economic collapse, it wouldn't assist this guy, right? It wouldn't assist the person in power Who is trying to get his job back? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that there that's definitely sense, but it's it's a little bit Gosh, it is gosh to say
Starting point is 00:18:20 So much I admit it is gosh. That's true. So there's people in Trump's orbit Yeah, who maybe are a little too fancy. Okay, they like Lamborghini's. Okay, and Alex brings that up a bunch of times interesting I'm just telling everybody that I would give it a 90% chance Currently on our trajectory We don't talk about this lab for sure that they're going to crash the economy when Trump gets in. And you've heard him five times. I know of the last six months say they're going to do this. So yeah, Trump knows I know, but I don't hear Republican politicos. I mean, they're all measuring drapes at the White House. They're all counting how much political insider control they can have. They're all getting their lobbying groups tuned up and preparing to buy their the I'm trying to stop Viggo Mortensen's the road level stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I'm trying to stop total collapse, war on the streets, cannibalism, mass death, burning cities, nuclear war. Great. If everything was fixed, everything's fine and our kids aren't down a fentanyl and the borders aren't totally open, great. Get yourself a red Ferrari. Great. If everything was fine, I had a ton of money.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Hell, I'd probably get one. You did. But I just can't. It's demonic. It had a ton of money hell. I'd probably get one you did I just can't it's it's it's Demonic it's demonic. It's demonic. He got a tank. I was gonna say I mean Metaphorically speaking there is no more. I got a Ferrari then I'm gonna get a tank Yeah, so I can pop out the top with a megaphone and yell at people on the streets Yeah, that's that's more of the problem of people getting a Ferrari than the Ferrari version. It's more Lamborghini than Lamborghini Yeah, yeah for Alex's brand crazy for sure crazy. Yeah, so I don't know I I find this to be empty, but I'm glad he's trying to stop cannibalism
Starting point is 00:20:17 I mean, you know, I I don't know if enough people are trying to stop Cannibalism or if maybe he's trying too hard to stop cannibalism? Um, I definitely think the latter. You think so? Yeah. You think maybe we don't need to put as much effort towards the no cannibalism thing? Well, I mean, obviously if you want to get real abstract with it, I think food availability is a major problem in society that we should be doing more about.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Fair. Fair. I agree with that. And so if you want to say that donating to a food bank is fighting cannibalism, then yes, people should be doing more to fight cannibalism. I'm listening. But not in the way that Alex is talking about. Probably not. He's probably not doing as much to fight against cannibalism
Starting point is 00:21:00 as maybe he believes. No, probably not. He's probably just yelling about the road. Probably. But he's also doing something else. And he's praying he believes. No, probably not. He's probably just yelling about the road. Yeah, probably. But he's also doing something else. Now he's praying a lot. Oh God. And also bragging about praying a lot.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That's how God wanted it. He loves that stuff. Yeah. Because I'm telling you folks, I don't even need to tell you, but I'm telling you, we are in deep, you know what, we are in deep shit. We better be praying to God morning, noon, and night.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I've prayed at least five times today. I got up at like six a.m. my wife and two younger daughters got up. I asked him to pray around the table and then I did it again and it again and I went and had lunch with my parents. I did it again. And then when I got here to the office, I went in my office real fast another prayer right for I went on there. I said another prayer and let me tell when I got here to the office, I went in my office real fast, another prayer, right before I went on there, I said another prayer.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And let me tell you, I usually say like a focused prayer once a day. I'll probably pray three more times today, folks, because I've gotta get close to God. I gotta get dialed in. Because the fact that I'm not running off to some redoubt in Utah or Montana or Wyoming, and believe me,
Starting point is 00:22:02 I got folks that are ready to take us right now. The fact that I'm not evacuating, every. It's like I'm not evacuating. I gotta save the ship this guy is fucking pious Yeah, yep, you could just you could tell I mean if if there's anything I know it's that Jesus loved those Pharisees He was like they tell you how great they are at loving God It just you I mean, it comes through. Yeah! You feel this, like. Ugh, the pageantry of it, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:32 the way that he has to do it in front of you loudly with a lot of set decoration to make sure you know how sincere he is. Bumping those stats up. Totally. Probably gonna do three more today. Absolutely, and he's definitely gotta let you know how many people are also praying so you can feel yeah
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's fun. Yeah, so Alex does not want to be the best in the business He doesn't and he doesn't have to be now. He just because there's like Tucker and shit Oh, but the point is is this stuff is going on. It's been going on a long time This is as serious as a heart attack is going on. It's been going on a long time. This is as serious as a heart attack. And I'm gonna get into the news right now. It's just that people have to understand folks. This is real. There's all these thousands of channels and all this BS and all these lightweights. And believe me, I don't want to be the heavyweight. I don't want to be the most accurate guy. I don't want to be the guy that's the main target. I just want to stop these people. And the good news is,
Starting point is 00:23:22 folks are getting how it works now. And I see all these great talk show hosts and really smart people that finally aren't naive and finally aren't asleep who can see it even better than I can and articulate it better than I can. Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan has a way with doing it. It goes, the list goes on on Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, I mean the Heritage Foundation used to be established with Republican, they sound just like me now. Hooray! And it's not about me, it's about understanding the broadcast, my films, the books, the information, it's dead on folks. We don't hit a hole in one every time, just most of the time, but we get really close to the hole every time we were golfers this show was it was a program this if this broadcast was what was it what was a golfer we would we sinking the ball on average with two shots every time okay so just understand that analogy and that's why they don't like us because I've got their number. I've got their name I've got their ass. Hey dumb dumb. You're driving in the wrong direction. You're driving away from the hole. That's Typically you can't get there in two strokes get the fuck off that golf metaphor. I want to fight the golf metaphor I want to fight it
Starting point is 00:24:44 Shut It makes me so mad! Also, shut the fuck up with this. I don't want to be the heavyweight. God chose you to be the heavyweight. When you were a child, you were made in the womb to be a heavyweight. You have to believe that. Yeah, don't pretend this, this like, oh thank God Jimmy Dores come around. Fuck off. You can't even think that.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You've got to think that at the very birth of this goddamn universe, God was already like, well, I'm going to need Alex. Eventually it's going to come down to Alex. Eventually it's going to be Alex. Hey, listen, I can see all these galaxies and supermassive black holes and all 300 million times the size of a sun, but I'm going to need an Alex. Yeah. When God and the devil were tangling with each other at the beginning of time or whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:25 there was just a little flash in God's mind of Alex with a hatchet on Christmas Eve. Yeah, did God dream about Alex first? Yes. Yes. You must have. You must have, yep. Makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yep, yep. So anyway. How we doing? Praying? Yeah, praying a lot. All right, good. Praying a lot. So there's a clip that
Starting point is 00:25:45 had been making the rounds a little bit and Alex opposed to this on Twitter and it was of Trump at a golf course and he's talking shit about how bad Biden is okay he's like Biden's already dropped out I think he's gonna drop out sure sure so Alex talks a little bit about this clip and how it's reverse psychology interesting Trump mocks Biden encourages him to stay in race I mean talks a little bit about this clip and how it's reverse psychology. Interesting. Trump mocks Biden encourages him to stay in race. I'm a Democrat calls to drop out. Now, Trump is using reverse psychology there. Trump got caught last week. In fact, I sent this to you guys, but I sent it like Friday. So it wasn't my list. But Trump, Trump calls Biden the
Starting point is 00:26:26 In fact, I sent this to you guys, but I sent it like Friday, so it wasn't my list. But Trump. Trump calls Biden an old broken down pile of crap. And it's him on a golf cart. Pull it up because I didn't see it. My list. I know
Starting point is 00:26:40 I sent it. I put it on my ex account. Real Alex Jones. Trump calls Biden a broken down pile of crap. And Trump pulls up to give tips to the greenskeepers, because he doesn't just give tips to his caddy, he just hands out a hundred dollar bills everywhere, it's well known. And he pulls out a stack of hundreds, starts handing them out.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And then that's the headline you search for, Trump calls Biden a broken down pile of crap, and Kamala Harris Effing joke and the left said oh you should resign over this now. He'll say it publicly But the point is now there it is Trump calls Biden broken down and claims he quit 24 race in leaked video So Trump is a fool. So again, Trump thinks he says it in the video. He goes, Kamala is even
Starting point is 00:27:33 easier to beat than Biden. I hope Biden steps down. He goes. In fact, I hear he is, which is the Intel I told you last week to we're getting some of the same Intel. But a lot of the campaign folks that I agree with partially, I they're totally right, have said he's overconfident about Kamala and how stupid she is, but she's a new face and has less baggage and can read off a teleprompter. So Trump is using reverse psychology here.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Trump mocks Biden encourages him to stay in the race, a bit Democrat calls to drop out. Now he's doing that. So when the Democrats hear that he wants Biden, such Trump's brain works, they will then go get rid of Biden and he'll have Kamala. Okay. So at the beginning of that clip, Alex was saying that Trump was saying that he wanted Biden to stay in the race. But by the end, less than two minutes later, Alex was saying that Trump wanted Biden to
Starting point is 00:28:30 step aside because Harris would be easier to run against. Maybe he's overconfident about this. This is all apparently reverse psychology somehow, even though it's internally inconsistent and self-confident. That is an issue. Yeah. Yeah. Trump sounds pretty cool, even at those hundred dollar bills. All right. internally inconsistent and self-contradictory. That is an issue. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Trump sounds pretty cool, giving out those $100 bills.
Starting point is 00:28:48 All right, see, here's the thing. Here is, we need like a universal ombudsman for one purpose only. Omni-budsman? Ooh, omni-ombudsman, I like it. And that's just to be like, hey, everybody relax, he was just talking shit. Like sometimes we just need somebody to be like, hey, everybody, this is not a thing. He was just talking shit.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Relax. I understand it makes you mad or whatever. Don't care. It's just, it's just talking shit. Sometimes we talk shit. Right. You know what you mean? The clip of Trump on the golf course. Yeah. Don't make it a thing. Everybody is just talking shit. Well, yeah, I think, I think it would probably be best to come at it with that perspective, but Alex can't. No. It has to be some kind of a deep judo move, trying to get a hip toss.
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's what I'm saying. There needs, it's like a voice of comfort to me now. The idea of somebody just being like, hey, it's not a thing. You know? He's throwing a tantrum. He't there's nothing here alex does not provide any comfort ever Everything has deep meaning well, don't give it up those hundred dollar bills That's so that should really get you the populist. I can't throw a very relatable champion of the the people
Starting point is 00:30:01 I can't believe it yep. That's our guy champion of the people. I can't believe it. Yep. That's our guy. So earlier in the episode, we heard Alex say in his list of people who sound like him. Yeah. He had Tucker. Yeah. Jimmy door. He had Russell Brand, Lumen, Rogan. Great. He also said the heritage foundation sounds like me. He did. Now this is interesting because the Heritage Foundation, of course, has put out their plan, the Project 2025 business. Sure, sure, sure, sure. They put that out a while ago, though. It's not gotten a whole lot of play in terms of the mainstream, and Alex not really talking
Starting point is 00:30:39 a whole ton about it. But then, recently, their head, the head of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, did an interview on the War Room and he made some comments that may have pushed some stuff a little bit closer to the forefront. Uh oh. And Alex has to deal with this. Okay. He has to spin. All right. Now this is a really important article I want to hit and I want people to give me attention on this, okay? And I meant to play this last week I had it on Wednesday before I took off 4th of July the next day But the head of the heritage foundation Who used to be milk toast, but now people are so awake they can be hardcore, which is good
Starting point is 00:31:18 We start to win we expect to see that Comes out and says we're in the middle of the second American Revolution to see that comes out and says we're in the middle of the second American Revolution. Hopefully the left isn't violent and it'll be it'll be bloodless. So we're in the middle of the second American Revolution. Hopefully the left won't be violent and it'll be peaceful. The entire media then spun that stop and heritage foundation had talks about revolution everywhere. the But you all heard the clips from all the nose. I just love to show you something I'm not like the media the corporate media the enemy of the people that just says Alex Jones says You know kill all the Mexicans like the ADL did ten years ago, and I threatened to sue them They retracted it. Yeah, Alex always plays the clips. You know he gives you the proof yikes So this clip that Alex is talking about is from the war room on July 2nd and
Starting point is 00:32:29 Bannon has a fill-in host who's there. Maybe he was busy. So in that interview, this guy, the guy at the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, he spoke quite candidly about how aggressively he believes that his Christian morality should be imposed on society by law and that they were in the process of working towards that in what he called the second American Revolution. He didn't say that things will only get violent if the left gets violent. She said quote, we're in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. This is very clear in its messaging, submit or we will use violence against you to impose
Starting point is 00:33:04 our will. Wow. But he didn't say it like that. He kind of did though. very clear in its messaging, submit or we will use violence against you to impose our will. Wow, but he didn't say it like that. He kinda did though. Well, but I mean it's arguable. This is not somebody saying that they are thrilled to be part of a peaceful period of reform. This is a man saying that his vision of control will be put in place and you can choose to
Starting point is 00:33:20 accept it or he will kill you. He being a broad term. Yeah, I mean. Maybe not impersonal. I mean, you know, the idea of a person saying this is unfortunate and dangerous. The idea of a person in charge of a group of people saying this is terrifying and dangerous. And then there's that's the president. It's a lot. It's a lot to take in. Not good. And Alex understands this dynamic and what this guy is saying fully well. He's doing his best to spin these comments because he supports the world that this dude
Starting point is 00:33:51 wants to bring into being. And he's a huge fan of thinly veiled violent threats. And he understands, I think that there's some reason that this needs to be addressed now because normal people and average voters have started to hear about this transitional plan that came out of the project 2025 think tank part of the heritage foundation. And I think that people are worried. They're scared of how blunt a lot of this stuff is, how fucked up a lot of it is.. Well I imagine that you're like going along saying, I'm a Christian and I support Christian things
Starting point is 00:34:29 and I support Christians. And when they say Christian nation, I think what they mean is everybody believes and everybody shares. And then like, oh no! I didn't believe any of that, oh no! Yeah, we have specific visions for a very controlled world that looks real bleak. Like astonishingly bleak.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. And I think that because this is something that there's a growing awareness of, Alex understands that he needs to spin it or else people are going to... They were on the risk of seeing this for what it is, right? Which is a pretty rigid agenda being set That takes away a lot of people's freedoms And if you fight against it, they are willing to use violence against you and they're being very clear about this. Yeah Yeah, you know what's weird. Here's a weird thing about this, right? So Alex is distancing, or Trump is distancing himself from...
Starting point is 00:35:26 He tried, and I think that's part of what forced Alex's hand about talking about this. So, so the idea is distancing oneself from this project in order to keep from scaring the normies, right? Right. But the left is like, ha ha, you can't distance yourself from this project, you know what it is, right? So what's in effect happening is... you know all of the people who wrote this? Yeah, you are the people who wrote that they're your buddies You gave them a hundred at your golf club earlier. Yeah, Ben Carson wrote a chapter. Yes, what are you doing? But yeah, so what's happening is right the people pointing out that he's full of shit are
Starting point is 00:36:04 Comforting the far right who are worried when he distances himself But Alex is comforting the normies who are pointing out that who are like, oh, maybe Christian nationalism is bad Well, he's doing two things right? That's part of what he's doing Yeah, he's trying to sanitize things and be like this is just normal middle-of-the-road stuff You don't even know what you believe idiots But then he's also being like why the fuck is Trump against this, right? He should not be distancing himself from this right because it's just middle-of-the-road conservative stuff. Yeah, this is all exactly what we want And so he talks about that a little bit. He's super into it and he thinks that Trump has been tricked into denouncing it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Okay. So why is this story important? Trump doesn't control or run a lot of stuff. Obviously, he's an executive. He just gives out policy. But there are people in his administration that started this 2025 project. The Heritage Foundation is milk toast Republicans they're good they're getting better they these are good people okay
Starting point is 00:37:13 they're not even hardcore enough I'm not saying Tucker isn't I'm saying the Heritage Foundation is not Trump hears there's a firestorm on CNN MSNBC, all the corporate channels. And he comes out Saturday, yesterday, and says, I don't know who the 2025 group is, and I'm not saying they're bad, but I don't endorse them and I don't run them. So he hears heat on this Heritage Foundation, full commitment with a Trump plan that I've read,
Starting point is 00:37:47 it's 90 pages long, most of it's excellent. I mean, I would say it makes the Heritage Foundation go from like a C minus to an A plus in my view. It's got a lot of great common sense ideas. And the Heritage Foundation head says, we're in the middle of the second American Revolution, and it's gonna be peaceful, the Democrats don't get violent. Totally real comment.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Totally real. Trump gets told by his advisors and people who really just don't want competition in his new White House, that goes on, oh God, these are radical, sir. You've gotta come out and distance yourself. No, do like TPUSA did, and invite me to their big event.
Starting point is 00:38:26 That's what the public wants. Stop letting the Democrats dictate your response. Stop letting the Democrats control what you say by, oh my God, it's totally evil. Trump wants to support a controlled border. Lean into extremism. Who gives a shit what people call you? They say that Nick Fuentes is a Nazi. Make him Secretary ofism! Who gives a shit what people call you? They say that Nick Fuentes is a Nazi! Make him Secretary of State!
Starting point is 00:38:47 Who gives a shit? I mean, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Is that the wrong move now? I think so. For everyone. For all of us. For all of us.
Starting point is 00:38:57 In like the larger sense, yes. I agree entirely. I think that Alex has an assessment of the right wing that may or may not be correct sure that is that it doesn't matter anymore yeah the pretense we can sort of dispense with is that isn't that kind of you're not gonna pay a huge price for associating with me the crazy person now and you're not going to arguments that like oh your plan is terrifying and
Starting point is 00:39:29 Authoritarian in many ways. Yeah, that's not gonna stick people aren't gonna care. Yeah, the teams are already set. I mean I get what Here's what's fascinating. All right, so the media doesn't know how to cover Grover Cleveland. Mm-hmm Okay, there's no way for the media because there's no they don't have a comparison point for how to cover Grover Cleveland. Okay. There's no way for the media because there's no they don't have a comparison point for how to deal with this. This motherfucker was already president. What are you talking about? Why are people talking about Trump? Because he was already the president. It's over. Whatever he did is fine. Already. There's no change. There's no going back. Well, especially in terms of like public appeal Yeah, like if you're not off of the team already, we're here. So it's fine
Starting point is 00:40:11 Whatever he does is fine because we're here. That's what we are that much crazier that he tried to distance himself Yes, and I think that that's what Alex is kind of What's beneath his? Where he's coming from. So you're not gonna lose the base and this pushes things further than the directions that we want it to go. So why are you, your Lamborghini crowd
Starting point is 00:40:34 is talking you out of this. Who is everybody talking to at this point? I don't know anymore. Who is anybody talking to? Who is Trump talking to? Who is Alex talking to? Who are we talking to, man? I don't know. Okay. So we haven't talked a ton about Project 2025 for a couple of reasons
Starting point is 00:40:50 on this show. The first is what we talked about on the last episode. It has a creepy name that is so reminiscent of the conspiracy documents that Alex has built his career on making people afraid of that he's a little reluctant to look like his side has their own Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030. Sure. So he doesn't lean into talking about it that much. No, no, no. Project End 25 is definitely not something we talk about. No. The second is that the flashy name is a cover for the policies that are included within it. And it's possible to oppose those policies that the project is based on while not spending too much time focusing on the name itself.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Which I think is the trap that Alex falls into with like, everything is build back better. Everything is agenda 2030. And I think that you can end up in a place where you make a cartoon out of something and the name itself lends itself well to that. So the first thing I would point out is that Alex is wrong, that Project 2025 put out a 90 page report. They released a 922 page document titled, Mandate for Leadership, and I'm pretty sure that Alex didn't read it all.
Starting point is 00:41:55 But he knows what, you know, he likes what it's about, or at least the vibe that he gets off of what he's heard people talking about. Because you know, you have people who are like, this is so extreme, This is so far right. These are horrible regressive policies. And he's like, fuck, sounds good. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:11 So it's an interesting thing because that document is super blunt about policy goals, but it's also written like a whiny manifesto about how everything is too woke. That sounds right. It sets out regular conservative goals like eliminating the Department of Education, doing away with school lunch programs, promoting the Department of Education, doing away with school lunch programs, promoting the fossil fuel industry, attacking LGBTQ folks. But it does so with a lot of the style of the times. Sure, sure, sure. It's a little trolley.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It feels like it at times, or at least whiny is definitely the way I would put it. But it's awful. It contains a lot of policies that would be destructive to various communities. It's awful. Do you know what it is? Here's what it is, all right? Evil, it should be Darth Vader. But real evil, that's fucking Anakin Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:43:01 That's a whiny little teenager going, I'm not as strong as I should be. That's what evil looks like. In a lot of ways. Yeah. Um, and one of the things that I think is really interesting is that there's a bunch of stuff in there that Alex should be fucking opposed to. You think? For instance, in the section that they have about the Department of Agriculture, they say that people complaining about GMOs are just using scare tactics and that quote, the USDA should work with Congress to repeal the federal labeling law. This is a direct contradiction to a major issue that Alex is championed for pretty much
Starting point is 00:43:34 the entirety of his career. It's antithetical to him and he doesn't really give a shit because a lot of the other stuff that actually matters to him, these social restrictions and attacks on immigrants, attacks on the LGBTQ community, those things are far more important for what his politics is really about. So who cares? Yeah. Well, why put out 922 pages if you want people to read something? Right?
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah. Yeah. So Alex kind of spins his wheels a little bit here because the crew who he's not mad at doesn't have the clip of the Heritage Foundation guy. Oh stop letting them define the debate. Did you guys find the Heritage Foundation clip. Does he. You just you just go to X and you type in Heritage Foundation revolution and it'll right there. It doesn't matter. Everybody knows it was said. I'm not gonna obsess. Okay. So that's just added in post. We're gonna upload this later demand of anyone X. Damn it. Add it and post. We're gonna upload this later to Man.NOT.Video.X.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Damn it, add it in post. We'll have that. So, that's where we are. Is the institutional cowardice of the Republican Party. That, oh my God, CNN attacked us. Good. You should do whatever they attack because that's what they fear. They're attacking Trump all the time. We run away from Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:17 They're attacking me all the time. We run away from Alex Jones. They're attacking Tucker Carlson all day. We run away. Oh God, we're being attacked by our enemies. We better quit. the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:25 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:27 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:29 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:31 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:33 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:35 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:37 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:39 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:45:42 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the I'm going to find the club. Watch this, ladies and gentlemen. I will find the Heritage Foundation Club right now.
Starting point is 00:45:48 They start playing the Jeopardy music, ladies and gentlemen. Do do do do do do do do do do do. I'm just going to try. I'm going to try Trump revolution. I bet we have the clip, ladies and gentlemen. I know, wait 30 seconds. You got it downloading it. I just, I got a rule here. And this is kind of a thing. If I send clips on a Thursday, I need them on a Sunday. And it's okay. But I will always show you a clip. I will not sit here and tell you there's a clip and not show you the clip.
Starting point is 00:46:34 If I tell you Fousie said, don't worry, we'll be able to get rid of Trump with a new pandemic that's going to hit imminently. I'm going to show you the clip. No, you didn't. You haven't you the clip. No, you didn't even show in that clip, but also This logic of our enemies are attacking this group should we step aside and not stand by them? Would lead you to defend Isis. Yeah, dude defend it It would lead you to defend a whole lot of groups They and things that I think that you you would be against now blindly defend based on who's attacking
Starting point is 00:47:02 What are you talking about? Dan? It's very stupid. Don't think for yourself. Very dumb. Be the tip of the spear that blindly attacks without thinking about who it's attacking. Because of who's attacking it. It's a good policy. It makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So, I think that, generally speaking, the more people hear about and the more people look at the specifics that are being advocated in this mandate for leadership document, the more they are turned off by it. Usually. And Alex has to present this as like middle of the road, conservative stuff that the globalists are all just worried about. And I don't know. I don't know how well that's going to work. It's got a scary name. His audience should be trained to be afraid of
Starting point is 00:47:49 this. I mean, I don't know. It is. It is so much like both both sections of the audience should be against this. You know, in terms of like for Alex and and the Heritage Foundation, both sections of their audience, regular Christian conservative nonsense and super crazy Christian conservative nonsense, right? You know, your two flavors, super crazy should be against Project 2025, evil sounding, right? Regular ass, they can't be in favor of like, hey, there's no extramarital sex ever. Like they can't, like you just can't do it. We're just, it's 20, 25 if you will.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But so they both are trying to message in weird ways. Yeah, that is something that is disorienting a little bit. But I think the one thing you can really take away from the way that Alex is talking about this is that he is fully in support. Totally. He is a fan of these, or at least what he's heard about these policies.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Right, right, right, right. And it's really essential to pretend that Trump didn't know at all and was tricked into being against it. Right. Got it. That's pretty key. And again, Trump's really smart. He's got good instincts.
Starting point is 00:49:04 He doesn't understand Republican machinery. They come to him with a- Put him in charge then. Initiative and go, sir. And I saw the articles, they used some aid that was part of it to confuse him. And they go, sir, his other aids that want all the power. They're gonna lose the country doing that.
Starting point is 00:49:21 The Lamborghinis. Sir, there's an upstart group saying things about revolution and violence in your name. You need to decry them Trump's like who are they? What what? Well, sir, they're just they're bad people Okay, let me put out a post on true social where that five-year-old come from. I don't know who you are I'm not saying you're bad. I wish you luck, but I'm not with you. Now that it come in and said, sir, the heritage foundation is totally behind you and has a big battle plan to defeat the globalist and take over the country. We finally are winning the re the establishment Republicans are now joining us. He go, well, that's great. But instead they don't want the Heritage Foundation involved in the second administration.
Starting point is 00:50:07 It all goes down to this chicken crap, chicken shit planet. Sure. BS man. Yeah. Cause I've read the 90 page report. You know who bankrolls Tucker Carlson? Who? Those guys.
Starting point is 00:50:21 You think they woke up, think they're hardcore? They've been waiting for us to get hardcore. I'm not saying they're perfect by any means. But when I see Elon Musk joining us, I'm not gonna go, Oh God, screw Elon Musk. He reached 200 million people a day plus. Exposing the news. He's calling for Fauci's arrest for God's sakes. Great.
Starting point is 00:50:37 He's calling for the Epstein list to be released. Well, he's not been perfect in the past. Oh, shut up. Shut up. All of the people he looks up to sound really fucking stupid. They're the worst. Yeah. I can't imagine being like, like, because seriously, for every other, remove all other
Starting point is 00:50:56 political things. Here's what Alex just said. This man is incapable of understanding words. If you frame something like this, he will believe this. If you frame it differently, he he will believe this. If you frame it differently, he will believe something differently. Give him all the power in the world. Right. I mean, he was the president on the Republican Party for four years. A relative of his is in charge of the RNC. He has no idea how the Republican machine works.
Starting point is 00:51:22 What are we doing? How? What are we doing? How? What are we doing? How is this possible? This is not, we're not doing a new race where we don't know who these people are. We have to do, like Alex has to do this stuff because it's kind of choppy water. Sure. You know, the same way that he has to have been fooled about the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Sure. Because it'sient for Alex. Sure. So this arch super conservative plan. Yeah. Trump has to have been fooled into being against it. Yeah. Because otherwise, does Trump not want these things? Does Trump not want to go Christian nationalist kind of vibe to rise? Because if so, then we have to ask questions. Is he really on our side? You know, let me actually how about this? How about I give this pitch to the far right? Take the rest of the time
Starting point is 00:52:14 off. Take it off. You can only harm yourselves. Take it off. You know what I'm saying? No campaigning. Everybody already knows you. No, you don't need to why is McDonald's advertising? I know about the burger, you know, just let it go let them fight each other or whatever if that's what you want to do You're only going to do harm. I feel like you shouldn't give Advice that might help because it does seem it does seem like the less people are aware of what? People around Trump would want to do with power, the less they know, the more likely they are to vote. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah. Take a nap. Take a nap, hit fast forward and be like, hey, surprise, it's election day, guys. You remember me? I'm running for president. That's it. So the Heritage Foundation pays for Tucker, apparently. So that's fun.
Starting point is 00:53:03 That is fun. I feel like Alex might... he might think that was suspicious in other circumstances. You know, this independent media, it's just bought and paid for by this shadowy organization with a shadowy naming sounding plan like Project 2025. What's wrong with that? Who want a possibly bloodless revolution? It's not suspicious. It's totally fine. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And Alex is a little defensive about it. A little? And the article said to say Heritage Foundation, some unknown group called 2025. It's just a giant report they put out and tens of millions they spent to do it and sponsor, you know, me going on Tucker Carlson's show. That's who bankrolled that to get me out there Use your heads people I Republican establishment cuts and runs and Trump is surrounded by these people.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Great job, Cruz. Sorry I'm ranting. Yeah, so these assholes paid for me to go to Tucker. What a great rant. Wow. That's really interesting. This is one of my favorites. I think this is one of my favorites just because I can't imagine listening to this as being as a person who's of info warrior
Starting point is 00:54:28 They're like still going and they're still going strong, buddy. You still got it. I was a fan. I was listening to this I'd like This all is coming off You are just now revealing that you have been bankrolled by the secret shadowy organization. Well, not directly. But that's even worse! It was secretly! So Tucker gets money from the Heritage Foundation, which I don't know if that's actually that controversial. I think at least that's secret. I bet they give everybody money for that. I would have assumed they did. Yeah yeah Bernie probably gets money from the Heritage Foundation
Starting point is 00:55:08 But the way that Alex is like they're they fund him. Yeah, that's a little good And then the second is the they bankrolled me going out How does it you look bad Alex, you know, it seems now, let me throw this out there How does it you look bad Alex, you know, it seems now let me throw this out there It's possible that they may be using money to influence how you think about things, right? Just gonna throw that out there. Yeah so anyway, I was Interested in this because I do think that this whole thing with the mandate for leadership report out of the project 2025 is mandate for leadership report out of the project 2025 is something that is being pushed to the forefront. Whether it's because this guy said his revolution comments or whether it's because
Starting point is 00:55:52 Trump had to distance himself from it one way or the other, Alex's hand is being forced and he's having to talk about it. And I thought it would be more interesting. Honestly, I thought his response would be more interesting, but it's not really. He's just for it and wants to minimize how extreme it is. The interesting thing is him talking about Tucker. And talking about Tucker's financial business. That's more interesting to me. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:56:20 You know, it is a cornucopia. It never seems to pop out something that you go, really, you can't seriously be saying that out loud, can you? There's always a surprise. So anyway, the rest of the episode is mostly him talking about that hurricane that was coming in on Texas. Weather weapons? Maybe. That's where we are in life.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Weather weapons could be. Who gives a shit? He spends a while talking about it and the end result is might be fake, might not. Who knows? It struck me earlier with that clip where he's mad about not being able to find the heritage foundation quit. And it's just like so much of our show, I like could be the release the leaked tape from any other show You know that goes around the internet that goes. Can you believe they said this off air? Yeah, that's what we that's just our day
Starting point is 00:57:13 That's just our day that Bill O'Reilly clip was like fuck it. We'll do it live. Yeah, that's That's the show the show is that thing yeah That's true But yeah, it's like if Bill O'Reilly was doing that breakdown yeah, and also was like God told me to do that Man you just it's just got to be more fun without rules, it's just more fun. It just is. Yeah, I mean, you know, not having a boss. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's the way to do it. Seeming to be lawsuit-proof in some way. Yep. Yep, yep. What a charmed life. This is a good system to be rich in. I'm gonna throw that out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 So anyway, we will be back with another episode, see where Alex is at. Maybe he'll get more into the specifics about some of these nightmare policies that he supports. Maybe not, but we'll find out later. But until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yep. We'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo. Leo, I'm DZXClerk. I am the mysterious professor. Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo. And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. I love you.

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