Knowledge Fight - #948: July 24, 2024

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan find out whether or not Alex called in the Angel of Death, how the turtle is the face of determination, and if Alex's feelings about Kamala Harris are dripping in r...acism.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and, stop it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Andy and, Andy and, it's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding me. Hello, Ali, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, how Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of slain and talk a Little bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you So what's your bright spot today buddy? My bright spot today is I've been getting into Blank check with Griffin Newman and David. Oh, I was gonna say that movie from the 90s that I remember Erally specifically no that that movie where the rich guy gives the kid a blank check and then buys a bunch of
Starting point is 00:01:27 stuff? No, no, no, no. It's not a rich guy who gives it to him. See, it was a bad guy who had obtained it through nefarious means, and then he had accidentally dropped the check or whatever after signing it. The kid takes the money out of the bank and they're all like, I don't know if this is okay because there's no protections. It's the 90s.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And then the evil guy is like, why the fuck did you let a child take out hundreds of thousands of dollars? Well, now I'm really into this. It's a great movie. And then he builds a roller coaster in his backyard. No, every dream I have ever had happened in the 90s. I get this mixed up with like Brewster's Millions in my mind. Totally.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That was also a dream movie for me. These movies about people who have too much money all of a sudden. Yes, yes. But yeah, no, the podcast, I don't really like movies all that much. I'm not a big movie guy. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:16 But it's fun to listen to people who care a lot talk really in depth about movies. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. I don't know why. I think I've heard about that. This is the show where they like talk about whenever super famous directors get too much money. No, when they when they have a big hit and like pop culture gives them a blank check. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And so you follow their career trajectories of like whether that check cashes or bounces. Right. Oh, that's a good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it's really interesting to They're also very funny and charming. That's great. But yeah, I'm enjoying that That's awesome. He can to movies that I don't know anything about a lot How about that very few very few podcasts get an advertisement from from I enjoy it Anyway, what's your bread spot? My bright spot is to piggyback on our last show. My wife is home She's home. We went on our trip, you know, and we took a bunch of flights. Sure. And while we're flying, it's fine. No big deal. For me, for me, for me as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But in the, but I mean in
Starting point is 00:03:20 the air, like I'm not worried when she she was flying yesterday for some reason I was just in that state of like oh my you were worried on her behalf. Oh totally I was I couldn't I couldn't imagine I couldn't believe how worried I was about a flight Interesting because it's like but then you stop and think and it's like the past five days have been all Airlines are essentially on computer fire. Mm-hmm. So it's more reasonable to be slightly worried or concerned now than perhaps two weeks yesterday. I guess so. Maybe. Or maybe you're talking yourself into just giving yourself a pass. I'm not giving myself a pass. I'm just saying that I feel like I was... The last time, or last year whenever she flew, she flew across the ocean. Not as worried as this time.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Okay. So this is about the crowd strike. I think so. I think so. I think it was like a part of me being like, Oh man, I understand that Southwest just pushes you on a plane and that's why they're still flying. But I don't know if that's good. Is that good?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah. I think there's a little bit more rationality to your worry than like in other circumstances. Right, right, right. But she's home safe, so everything's great. She made it. Came in last night. If I recall correctly.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Perfect. Nice. Drove her from Midway to the home. Gorgeous historic Midway. The beauty of Midway Airport. One of the best. One of the best two airports in Chicago. Oh, it is a firm number two.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yep. Well, congratulations. I'm glad you made it back safe. Yeah, it's nice. So today, Jordan, we have an episode to go over. Indeed. We're going to be talking about the 24th of July. That would be Wednesday's show of this week.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Biden has dropped out of the race. Right. Now, I assume you've learned a dropped out of the race. Right. Now I assume you've learned a little bit more about that. You've filled yourself in on on stuff. Uh, eh. It's not that important. This episode will largely be a bunch of nonsense and Alex being really racist about Kamala Harris. That sounds about right. So I think we're previewing the next several months. Yeah, I would imagine that this is possibly years could be could be might not never end Yeah, a lot of fun. So we'll get down to business on this but first let's take a little moment to say hello Some new walk. That's a great idea. So first Chloe from Alaska. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk
Starting point is 00:05:38 I'm a policy walk. Thank you very much. Thank you next Congratulations to Russell one of the Wonks who stopped the planned assassination of Jordan on his graduation on Thursday. Keep up the good fight, all my love, Amy, Daisy, and Momo! Thank you so much, you're now a Policy Wonk. I'm a Policy Wonk! Thank you very much! So that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yes, it was a specific person who cancelled the plot against me. We appreciate it. Yeah, it was very nice. Next, yet another Dr. Jones Big Naturals. Thank you so much, you're now policy won't I'm a policy Thank you very much. I'm gonna I'm gonna limit those. Uh-huh. I only I only just I'm sure yeah I'm sure you're flooded with the big naturals. I need to limit those. Yeah, and Eric L. Thank you so much You're now policy won't I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much
Starting point is 00:06:19 Thank you, and we got a ticket credit in the mix Jordan. So thank you so much to all caps here This is so imagine me yelling this is it MF doom no You've spelled the man's name. Yeah, that's all that's what I'm saying all caps I know conspiracy empires burned to the fucking ground Eddie. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk Someone someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark Jar-jar banks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty, baby I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much Oh, man, that I don't want to hate black people. It's harder now. Wait, wait till a little bit later in the episode
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, so we start off on this this Wednesday episode of Alex's with a problem. There's a problem. Oh no. There's too much news. That's, wow, that's... Well, I've got a big problem on this July 24th live Wednesday transmission. There's just too much news, too much incredible stuff to cover. And it also cleared the slate of most of the guests because I wanted to open up an X spaces for people to comment on the state of the world. And 11
Starting point is 00:07:29 days after the assassination of Trump and Biden stepping down, we're set to give a speech tonight. We'll have live coverage here with Owen Shroyer. Yeah. It's got so much big news that I've canceled all of our guests so everyone can talk shit. Listen, 99.999% of the time when he says there's too much news, I disagree with him. But right now, I honestly think there might be too much news. There is so much going on. Everybody needs to slow it down.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's so little that he brings to the table in terms of those two stories. Infuriating. Yeah. But it is strange to just like, you know, you hear that and you're like, it's been 11 days since the attempted assassination. No, it's been 11 days. So the attempted assassination. It's been 7,000 years it is it and it There have been three Cleopatra's born and dead in the meantime
Starting point is 00:08:15 Empires have risen and fallen in the past 7,000 years or since last Tuesday or whatever. Yeah Man fucking insane. So yeah, we're just gonna gonna gonna kick all the guests out and talk to people on Twitter. This is gonna be a good idea. Eight different people rewrote Ozymandias in the meantime. Like, oh, hey, just a reminder, guys. Not gonna take it with ya. Mm-hmm. Well. Yep. And here we are.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So, Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee for the Democrat Party, and the media is set on gaslighting you about it. Amazing levels of rewriting history in 1984 level gaslighting, where there's running headlines everywhere fat checking. Kamala Harris was never a border czar. She was never in charge of the border. It's a right-wing lie. Now that's like saying the river
Starting point is 00:09:15 that runs through by Virginia and Maryland is not the Potomac. It's like saying the Grand Canyon is not in Arizona. It's like saying the Statue of Liberty isn't on Staten Island. I mean, it's just... I mean, even the dumbest person has to know that she was the border czar for the last three and a half years. And we have the articles and videos of him announcing her press conferences, and they're just like, it's not true. It's all lies. Right-wing evil. The corporate media knows people don't believe anymore. They just culture jam to create confusion. Yeah, it's just culture jamming. Okay. So there's a slight game being played here because the term czar is not really an official title in the government. Presidents often delegate certain
Starting point is 00:09:54 areas of policy to a particular official and then the media will take to calling them things like the climate czar or energy czar. In this case, it is true that Biden chose Harris to be the point person on migration issues back when they were first elected in 2021, and you could make an argument that therefore she would be the border czar or something. It's not accurate to what she was responsible for, given that her role was more about the larger issue than just the border, but it would also be a little bit inaccurate to pretend that there's no basis for this title. Sure. It's not an official title, and it's generally been used as a catchphrase to attack Kamala
Starting point is 00:10:29 Harris since. For instance, in February 2022, Texas Representative Ronnie Jackson tried to pass the Border Czar Accountability Act, which would make Harris visit the border every 60 days, along with a number of other requirements that he wanted to impose. Yeah, that'd be fun. Anyone who watched the RNC would notice that they were largely animated by a fear and hatred of immigrants with signs and chants of send them back making frequent appearances. One of the clear elements of this messaging was that many of the speakers complained about
Starting point is 00:10:58 Kamala Harris specifically calling her the quote border czar. This was an effort in branding and it's pretty easy to see through and that's why it's so important to someone like Alex. After the RNC there were articles and outlets like Vox that were explaining this very clear and transparent GOP messaging campaign and how it's not really accurate. The Vox sub headline for their article is quote, no, Kamala Harris is not the border czar, but that doesn't matter to Republicans. The article was attempting to explain that the HHS and DHS have responsibility for the
Starting point is 00:11:30 border, whereas Harris' mission was more about diplomacy and the underlying causes of migration, but with a headline like this, it's easy for Alex to pretend that the media is just gaslighting everybody and pretending that she had no involvement with border issues or whatever. Yeah, yeah, I would say that's, yeah, that's on them. Yeah, I think Vox fucked up on this one, and I think the media should probably be a little bit more careful about using words. I think that-
Starting point is 00:11:54 Tsar might not have been an appropriate word for a democracy to use. I think there's criticism to go in both directions. But also, like, this Tsar terminology goes back a bit further than you think. Sure. Like, I remember it being a hot topic of conversation with the Bush administration. But it predates that considerably. I thought it was maybe more of a newer terminology, but it's not really. I would say the criticism is be a little more careful.
Starting point is 00:12:21 But Alex is still wrong. criticism is be a little more careful. Yeah, I mean that's what I'm saying. Like that's the thing about it though, is that it was germinated, uncertain for expedience, a little bit of flavor. Sounds like a fun word. Addin' a little bit of touch to that, a little bit of imagery, I like it, I think it's great. But then, you know, 50 years later, we're saddled with people like Alex
Starting point is 00:12:43 rightfully using the word czar to kind of be a dick. Like you should have fucking thought about that. Now it's not your fault. People from the forties. Sure. You were fighting a war. Right. Well, the issue is that like there's a nuance to the reality and Alex is ignoring that in order to make his complaint. Yeah. I mean, if you're not reading a Vox article, then you see an Alex headline, then yeah. Like these articles aren't saying that Harris had no involvement or it wasn't delegated to her, migration issues were in her portfolio. That's not what people are claiming.
Starting point is 00:13:23 They're arguing that this border czar title is a right wing attack that's not what people are claiming. No, they're arguing that this borders our title is a right-wing attack, right? That's that's very clear. Oh, yeah, and so then there's there's problems on messaging on both sides of this one I'm not stoked about anybody's work now lately, but I think Alex is worse. Yeah, I agree It's obvious when he starts talking doing this. Yeah. No, I remember the last Five years of her on the radar, you know when she was running for president And then was picked as the VP and then they stole the election almost four years ago But now the people are putting a spotlight back on her it reminded me she's even worse than I thought I Mean, she's such an evil
Starting point is 00:14:00 Stupid person at the same time cackling witch, and totally fake in every way, that it's really hard to even try to grasp it. I've got more than 20 clips here of her making an absolute fool of herself, and there's just hundreds more. My eyes were bleeding this morning, sitting next to the crew.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Just clip after clip after clip after clip after clip of the most insane crap you've ever witnessed and then they're spinning it that she is that she's black and the and the Republican leadership's like well let's not make it about the you know the fact that she's a diversity hire because I mean there's plenty of black women to be present they're smart but this lady certainly isn't black and she certainly isn't smart. Okay. So here we are. I feel like there's a lot of ways that you could probably attack Harris in terms of, you know, there's some policy disagreements you can have and shit
Starting point is 00:14:57 like that, but this is just unhinged racism. Hey, I mean, let's face it. I'm just not going to be at an 1850s market with people in the in Louisiana being like oh I don't like those you know no not gonna happen I'm not doing it it's it's shocking and Alex says that he's like his eyes were bleeding watching these clips he ends up playing a number of clips where she's making complete sense yeah and she seems like a pretty smart and thoughtful person. It's just, I don't know, if this is where we're going, this is thin.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And I think one of the issues is that the right wing largely operates. A lot of this meaty ecosystem relies on memes and trying to elicit reaction from people. Sure. And I think that there has been a lot of people who have made some pretty fun memes about Harris. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And I think that that's threatening to people like Alex. Oh, I hadn't considered that. Yeah. That hadn't occurred to me that people would care. That's bananas. I think that's legitimately terrifying. Holy shit. You're totally right.
Starting point is 00:16:04 The idea that there's like coconut memes and stuff like that going around. I think that that you're right something that Alex can't come back Finally yeah, finally they are hey listen when they go low You go fucking lower man. You go coconut low Yeah, you go low could not is what you do when they go meme. You go meme. Exactly. And then Alex's response to that is, Oh, they're going to be racist. Yeah. Better call her a words. So Biden dropped out, but maybe he was forced to. And you, you're also welcome to call in or be a speaker on X about Kamala Biden disappearing. Now report, he's going to officially drop out of the race in a speech tonight, not just that letter that wasn't even on the letterhead and wasn't even his
Starting point is 00:16:50 signature. Looks like they pulled a dirty trick on him while he was drugged up or something coming back from Vegas, as they meant was a medical emergency. While he was drugged up for a few days, went ahead and said, see, sorry, you already resigned, no getting out of this now. And now they're all just trying to, reportedly that they've been super mad throwing fits and after six days He emerges stumbling around we've got the video of that coming up But they say you know why'd you drop out he goes haha. Yeah, like yeah, I didn't drop out So just absolutely insane. This is wild stuff
Starting point is 00:17:24 What we've got going on in the world is they drugged him up and then they hacked his Twitter. They got on his Twitter. They put out this, uh, this statement. He wakes up and they're like, Hey, you dropped out. What? Yeah. Yeah. That see, actually here's what's crazy about that. I think that is a great, uh, point. Um, is that part of the reason that he did drop out is because if he was 55, nobody would be like, Oh, if he was asleep for too long, you might be able to lie him into resigning from the United States office of president. I don't know. I don't know if that makes it any more believable. I'm just saying if you're 81, I'd be more likely, more likely. I'm not
Starting point is 00:18:02 saying it happened because it didn't happen. That's not close to how it worked He's fine. He's still the president This could be the inciting incident of like a really interesting Bullworth type movie Oh where you're a president Yeah, and maybe you're a little bit too threatening to the establishment or something like that and so they drug you and then announced that you're not running for reelection and you now have to deal with like, I didn't post that. What are you going to do? Or maybe you take the threatening to the establishment part out of it. That time that you're still president, you now make it your mission to do the most good possible because you're not going to get that reelection.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I like that. I like that. Now that you've got nothing to lose, you can Biden's billion fight. Right. And of course the tension is that by the time nothing to lose, you can Biden's billion. Right. And of course the tension is that by the time the election comes, the American public loves you so much that demanding you. You have to be. And then, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Let me throw this out at you. Presidento, all right?
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's a president who can only remember the past minute. And then we film it backwards. Tattoos. Yeah. I get it Trump's not cool. I Like that, I like that all people Jack I think I think they American people could all get behind that as a president So Alex talks a little bit about his business issues
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah in this next clip and it appears that I think things are evolving a little bit about his business issues in this next clip. And it appears that I think things are evolving a little bit. What we do have plenty of, and it's great products, is a private label line that's called InfowarsMD. I learned two years ago that one of the main suppliers of raw materials, our subsupplier, one of our manufacturers, was listeners and Patriots. And I called the owner, it's a billion dollar company, one of the major makers. They said, listen, our whole line is yours.
Starting point is 00:19:53 We just don't wanna get in the middle of politically, so just don't say our name. We will let you private label all of this drop shipped out of their warehouse with like one day service. You order it ships in like a day or two, depending on the day. You order on a Saturday doesn't ship on Sunday. And it's the exact same tumor gets in bodies.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Just to give you an example, who's they had the nitric boost was their product. And we said, well, we can fund ourselves. We can go make that somewhere else. They said, sure, just have the product. How nice they were. So we went go make that somewhere else. They said, Sure, just have the product. It's how nice they were. So we went and made that. But all they do is tack three to $4 on every order. And it's bottled, they put our label on it, everything.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So we've got our costs, they get their three to four bucks. And then we put, you know, markup on it so we can fund ourselves. So you're literally getting a top of the line supplement line. I mean, they've got over a hundred products. So they should, I think we've probably labeled 15 or so. Their joint relief is amazing. Their prostate support is amazing. Their nerve renew is amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Their good night's sleep's amazing. Their Ashwagandha products are amazing. It's M4's MD, private labeled, and they got plenty of it. So if you've paid attention to Alex's show, you'll know that he gets the nitric boost from Judy Mikovits company. And they discussed that the last time that she was on the show. I probably wouldn't even remember that except for those commercials that Alex had where
Starting point is 00:21:13 he's talking about nitric boost giving him painful erections. She's allowed to have a company? Yeah, but I think that she just gets it from another supplier too. I think she has probably her own sort of private labeling thing that all goes down. There's a root of this, some company that they're both getting it from, I think. You know what I like? I just like how above board everything is. Sure. Yeah. It's real cool. So she obviously doesn't have her own supplement lab and industry
Starting point is 00:21:40 and stuff. She just uses her high profile to sell other people's supplements. And it appears that one of those companies that she works with is now letting Alex private label their shit by slapping a cheap-looking Infowars MD logo on it and giving Alex a cut. This is part of Alex's very overt strategy to navigate the fallout of the Sandy Hook cases and stay rich. Dr. Jones Naturals exists so that no matter what Alex will have a supplement business run by a family member that's outside the reach of collections and can sponsor any The private labeling thing is a secondary part of the strategy, which is aimed a bit towards the possibility of staying on air with Infowars as a brand intact.
Starting point is 00:22:28 The arrangement here is pure profit for Alex because the other company is doing all the production and shipping, so there's zero overhead. Alex just promotes this shit, directs people to buy it, and then gets a percentage. The game here is to put money into Infowars because Alex is personally in bankruptcy and he's going to have to sell the company. If he wants to have any chance of attracting anyone to buy it, he needs to make it look like a profitable business. If there isn't the appearance that it's a sustainable business, there's no real argument for someone to buy it and there's a stronger argument to liquidate the whole thing and then just walk away from it. So
Starting point is 00:23:01 here he doesn't have to have his InfoWars life or InfoWars health as businesses that have some exposure. There's just like, you could do the whole supplement thing and we'll take a cut of it and we'll make it look like InfoWars is super profitable. Yeah, I've made my peace with it. I've made my peace with like, he's never going to face consequences for this and that's just how we live.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Like once I moved past the like, like maybe nope. It's not gonna happen Let it go yeah, that's the best way I think that the best you can do is descriptively understand what's happening Yeah, yeah, look at this shit. Oh, no you guys all did a great job and hope and hope that Something happens eventually. I hope everybody involved feels very proud of themselves. So what do you think when you see a turtle? Oh my God, I want to live with it and become best friends with it and then shrink down and build a little house on the back. I think about Dana Carvey's movie, Master of Disguise.
Starting point is 00:23:55 That's another one. When he goes to the turtle club. Mitch McConnell, of course. Sure, yeah. Alex sees determination. I want to go back a few photos, the one where Trump looks like a turtle and he's got his bottom lip up over his mouth.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Go back to the beginning of the photos. That's the face I make when I'm really pissed off and determined. That face right there, if you see me coming at you with that face, you know you got a problem. And that is the face of total determination. I've seen a lot of other men in really serious situations. That's the face you make. Yeah, that face right there, that's the real face of determination. Anytime you get in a fight with somebody and they got that look on their face, that means somebody switched on for war yeah they've channeled the turtle the inner turtle and it's terrifying that's what real fear and determination looks like yeah
Starting point is 00:24:52 i get it uh fine okay which which turtle were you which teenage mutant ninja turtle were you i was donatello you were donatello i was a nerd i went back and forth between Donatello and Michelangelo. That's the story of my life That's what a person with a bipolar is. That's about as yeah Yeah, or maybe that's a Raphael then because he was more chaotic sure sure, but I don't think I was I don't think I was Angry in the right way to identify with Raphael You know I was angry at all kinds of other stuff whereas Raphael's anger was a you know kind of Justified a lot of different ways. Yeah, he didn't ask to be a anthropomorphic turtle. They can do Ninjutsu sure so, you know, I know Leonardo. I know that sure I've never been a Leonardo
Starting point is 00:25:38 Sure night, you know everyone when you're a kid you want to be because he's cool. Yeah. But I wasn't Michelangelo. Oh man, I pulled off Michelangelo. Man. Yep. You surfer. I'm sorry. So look, those are friendly turtles, as long as you're a good guy. They were tubular.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. If you come bearing pizza, you have nothing to worry about. But the turtle face, if you see it on a human, you're in trouble. Okay. So Alex can't find this picture or at least the staff And it really pisses Alex off Maybe he starts making a turtle face at the staff great and go back to the earlier photo to is even better
Starting point is 00:26:15 We'll make him the turtle face even better And I said it cuz you got the turtle with the lower jaw kind of up over it Just roll through that again. I've got to see it. Roll through the same images you were just showing. Comes up right after this. This is the face right here coming up. You're on X. Yeah, maybe you're doing different images. Yeah, it's the one that's the straight shot of him. It's the classic shot. The one that everybody has. Well, we'll get it. We'll have it. But I digress here, ladies and gentlemen, this is such a historic time. And what unfolded here is so historic. And the globalist are never going to be able to put the genie
Starting point is 00:27:08 back in the bottle. Other said shell. Later in the show, I'll find the image I want. We're going to just probably leave it up the entire show. I think I'll just leave the image up. I have to go to rebroadcast. I have to get the image. I'm not mad. I'm just going to have it now.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I didn't used to be OCD, but at 50, I'm so OCD now about the classic fight, fight, fight with them all around him him up out of them Like and he's like this. That's that's the one we've kind of got the shot, but we don't have the shot here I'll find right now. Yeah, that's it That's the shot right there that right there is determination. That's the turtle face. All right. Mm-hmm There's only one shot of determination on a turtle's face. I ever saw okay. All right. Mm-hmm. There's only one shot of determination on a turtle's face. I ever saw okay, all right Secrets of the use. Yeah, right. Do you remember second snapping turtle? Yeah, right now on the second go-round the first time you meet him sure
Starting point is 00:27:57 They're little babies and shredder is pissed off in their babies, but then you know, he raises him I also like the shredder kind of has an emotional attachment to them He doesn't they don't really explore that like shredders got a softer side But then once he realized once once the snapping turtle realizes that the doughnuts were a ruse That's intense that's determination that's determination go back and watch that movie eventually That's intense. That's determination. That's determination. Go back and watch that movie.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Eventually, he'll take a donut and they'll find out that it's drugged and then that turtle is pissed. That's exactly what Trump looked like. Exactly. I love the idea that Alex is just so pissed they can't find the right picture. There's only one explanation for that, I think,
Starting point is 00:28:42 and that is like something about that image makes Alex feel a certain way has to be and once he thinks about feeling that way He can't move on until he feels that way because he can't summon feelings through memory I think I think it might be because all of his feelings are fake. He requires an external device Yeah, yeah He requires an external device to make them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he actually has a pretty good idea if that's the case. OK. And that is that he's going to get a tattoo of that turtle. I love that idea. That's the fact.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I like it. In fact, I've never gotten a tattoo. You said I might get this gigantic across my back because I'm nothing people tattoos. I see a lot of cool, a lot of horrible ones. If I was in the military, I'd probably have some. But you know, usually it was like you're a sailor or you're a Marine. So I've got one. It's kind of become such a fad. I was kind of like, yeah, like a pop. But I don't know. When they bury me six feet under, I think I might want that on my back. I bet people are already getting it everywhere. I bet they
Starting point is 00:29:45 bury your face down. You can't do that as a little tattoo. You can't put that on your arm. You can't put that on your chest. You can't put that on your ass like a tramp stamp. If you're gonna do it it's gotta be like a prison tattoo all the way across the shoulders. You know I'm really thinking about it because you gotta back something like that. That is never going to go away. That is never going to be forgotten. That is over the top, powerful, instant, authentic, and real. For 11 days after at this point, and most people have moved on. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I was thinking about this and you know, the last season of The Wire, everybody sort of fulfilling the roles of the generations before them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nixon's tattoo on Roger's back. It does feel appropriate. I suddenly had the image of a turtle tramp stamp. And I think now everybody is really thinking about it. Trump turtle tramp stamp. And then you just, man, that would really fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I don't think I'm coming back from that one. Nope. I'd look down and be like, no! Well, it's on your back. You wouldn't really have to deal with it all that much. Oh, yeah. Okay. All right. Fair enough. I was thinking about if somebody else got it, and I discovered it too late. Oh, yes. That would be quite a revelation. That would be a fucking day. That would be a day. Woof. So, look, it's all fun to talk about turtle faces and Alex may be getting
Starting point is 00:31:06 a tattoo. But unfortunately, we must dip back into Alex being pretty racist about Kamala Harris. And they're coronating like she's a queen. Kamala Harris outside of law, no one voted for her in the primary. She had 2% when she ran for vice president of polls she was super unpopular. I mean the woman is a joke and Kamala Harris is as black as I am I've heard that one before I've had my DNA done. I don't I don't have any African blood. I'd be proud of I did I got Native American My dad's like 13% cuz you were so nice. So I'm basically 6. whatever. But I'm not Native American. I mean, Pocahontas, the senator was with Warren has
Starting point is 00:31:55 no none of it in her. She said she was but I'm like 6. whatever percent no African, zero. This woman, maybe her dad had six percent African. I mean, you take a look at him, I'd love to see her DNA test. In fact, people, because she's running on this, she's black. And you know, they said if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black. I'm surprised Biden didn't say he was black. Joe Biden is a joke and we know it. We got Dr. Stella Emanuel who grew up in Africa and is a great doctor and super smart and also a great
Starting point is 00:32:33 pastor. You can look at her. She's a beautiful lady. She's 100% African. She's a black lady. I'm going to ask her what she's in here is Kamala Harris black. Stella Dr. Stella is she black? Kamala Harris black Stella Dr. Stella is she black that's a black woman this woman is not even a what was the term my black buddies use growing up in Dallas by girls that were part why they yellow bone stuff like that what was the other names uh had a lot of names but the is, is that Kamala Harris is not even a yellow bone. Kamala Harris maximum, maximum is 6% black. Holy shit. I mean, this is, this is just beyond any kind of lie. I'm not like gonna get in a plane or like a train or get in my car
Starting point is 00:33:28 But if he was in my physical space saying this I have to fight him like do you know what I mean? Like this is this definitely this it's definitely not something that you hear and it's like ha ha now Let's argue because I'm not saying you have no or anything Haha, now let's argue because I'm not saying you have no or anything There is no rational response to this And you're trying to litigate Whether or not someone else is black enough. Nope. I think that I think that you're already in territory where it's like there's no point Yeah, no point here. All we can do is just look at this and say fuck you Yep, this is racist garbage and it that's where this and say, fuck you. Yep. This is racist garbage.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And that's where it's coming from inside you. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's that's exactly what I'm saying. Like that is that is the ultimate like here's a boundary. We are there's no going back. Yeah, you know. Yeah. So I'll walk away. I'm fine. I don't I don't live in Austin. If you want to talk like that, dear friends, I can't stop you.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But stay away from me, you know, because if you say that in my space, we got to go Yeah, we got a girl man. It's it's not a good sign. No of of like where we are But I think that when you mix this stuff because it is very clearly like, okay Alex is mad about a black person running for office. Yes. And so he's lashing out in this way, but you still have to sort of root it in some sort of intellectualizing, right?
Starting point is 00:34:55 I mean, he's still- Sure. He can't just get up there and yell the N word over and over and over again. He has to try and play some clips of her and be like, look at this idiot. Right. Right. And so he does, but she sounds smart. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, new darling of the party. She officially has more Twitter followers than Nancy Pelosi, who's on 60 minutes this weekend, proudly calling herself a radical.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And she's promoting policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, every car should be eliminated within the next 11 years, everything from a 70 to 80 percent tax rate. Do you agree that she could possibly, in this ideology of the socialist left, could splinter your party? No. You know, I think that she is challenging the status quo. I think that's fantastic. I think that, you know, I used to teach before especially before like in the last few years and the thing that I always loved about teaching was when you teach it requires you to defend the premise and it requires you to
Starting point is 00:35:57 re-examine the premise and question is it still relevant? Is it does it have impact? Does it have impact? Does it have meaning? And I think that she is introducing bold ideas that should be discussed. Buses go here, buses go there. That's what buses do. That's an actual quote.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Here she is saying she wants to restrict your meat consumption. Whatever the new rule order wants, she's gonna put it out. She's a perfect puppet I'm his characterization of this bus Meme that he saw is the way that he's able to try and make her sound dumb But what he just played was an incredibly like thoughtful
Starting point is 00:36:38 intelligent It's it's an articulation of how important it is to have ideas that challenge your own ideas and how that can keep you growing, basically. It's a clip that's very appealing as a public figure, I think. Yeah. I mean, it is essentially a reasonable response to like, hey, listen, the fires of youth, great. Turn into the tempered steel of adulthood. That's what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:37:05 But you know what the kids win in the end, so I might as well You know adapt I get it the this is a clip that Alex is choosing to play in order to paint Kamala Harris in a way of being stupid yeah, and it's smarter than almost anything that's been played on his show ever I'm correct. Yeah, I'm super confused right as to what the bus meme is that would make sense of what he Trying to play this clip as like a negative. I think he just doesn't have that much ammunition And so he's just gonna play something that sounds smart and insist that it's dumb who found this that and and then just hold Alex It does feel like a chase. So I feel like a chase clip being like, see, she likes young people. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So we get some callers from Twitter and from the phones. Alex takes both. And one person believes that there was a conspiracy with Trump's assassination. Hell yeah. I also wanted to say something else about the shooter. I believe just like that movie shooter, that guy was set up and he didn't fire one shot I think I could think good when the guy with the officer went up to check on him
Starting point is 00:38:12 That was Bob. That was a bad actor and he was making sort of let me stop you is Saturday 11 days ago. I thought of that Mark Wahlberg great movie the shooter how they try to set him up as a shooter That's what I thought and and do is put it together right now. We have all the videos where the guys wearing pants and the guy they shoots wearing shorts. This is we're getting together right now. This is a big deal. This is not adding up.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah, yeah, I think the kid got set up. They pumped them up in some sort of secret thing. They say you got to be protecting the president. You know what I mean? Who wasn't even looking towards the president. They wouldn't have that banana even looking towards them. It was just set up, man. That's what I believe to be true. Well, definitely it's a standout and nobody's buying it. That's the good news. That's great news. See, yeah, I guess because there's maybe a picture of someone wearing
Starting point is 00:38:59 pants and then shorts, the Mark Wahlberg movie the shooter is predictive programming for this you know I was this did get me thinking right about all the presidents who've been assassinated which is like five I want to say it's like five sure if you count it sounds about right if you count the flu after not healing right something like that all the successful successful ones, close range. Close range. Right? That's why the JFK assassination is so conspiracy-theoretical is because it was a distance, right?
Starting point is 00:39:34 So, here's the idea. If you are just an amateur asshole, close up! You can't fire from distance. If you fire from distance, that's professional shot, right? So in this regard, almost the best evidence that it's not a conspiracy is the distance means he missed. If he was a... If it was like an actual thing, how could you miss?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Well here's the thing. It's impossible to put on pants. I actually do buy that. Yeah. I don't buy that. Yeah. I don't even know what evidence Alex is pointing to here with shorts and pants, but like my mind just hears it. It's like, yeah, you could, you could have shorts on under your pants so you could put on.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It doesn't seem like a persuasive piece of evidence about anything. Even if like every element of what he's saying is like, this isn't, doesn't rise to the level of a compelling anomaly that he's got here. But yeah, so anyway, it's the Mark Wahlberg movie. That's what we're living through. We're living through this 2007 movie. Here's what I find fascinating.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Here's the other thing that I find fascinating. All right, so you hear reports Googling JFK assassination. Again, another sign it's an amateur. The news that came out, the shooter had Googled how far was Oswald. Sure, sure, sure. A sign of an amateur, right? Because if you're a historian, the one thing you know about all of the failed assassination attempts towards presidents, all of them, all of the failed ones, too hot. Too hot. Guns jammed, slippery sweat. All of them failed for that reason almost entirely.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Right. That's the trick. Interesting. So what did he do? If he had just learned about American history, he doesn't need to have a Google search results. He just knows that it's too hot. Alaska. Yep. You got to find... That's where the pros go. Find a cool temperate zone, my man. Don't go to the trop. So we've got, like I said, we've I said you get these callers sure these Twitter people sure and if we've got a Twitter space That means it's time for chase. Yeah Chase geyser is getting overexposed on our show It does feel like we're we're giving him a lot more attention than maybe I think we've just had so many dark spots and the news Is so fast that it just feels like this is a respite. Yeah and you know there's always something nice about bonding. There's something compelling about
Starting point is 00:41:49 seeing bonding. Yeah. And I think that that's really what this this the itch that this scratches. Okay. 20 seconds to break. How epic is this time to be alive? Oh it's so epic and I got a feeling that we're going to see Kamala Harris as president of the United States before the election and I don't think she's going to be the candidate. Yeah. So the 25th amendment Biden and then, yeah, or he dies of natural causes or God forbid, you know, they kill him. Obviously no violence wanted to come to him, but this is, we're going to, this is, they haven't even begun to be crazy. Exactly. I agree with you. Crazy town has just begun and we were supposed to be off the air by now, but we're still here, buddy.
Starting point is 00:42:24 All right! Haha! Yeah! And they go out to break. I have made peace. I am beyond. This is a thing, you know, I'm a generally emotionally reactive fella and this one I've just let go.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It's kind of, you know, I think that a chill response is kind of understandable. Yeah. Because, I mean, I hate them. I hate what they stand for. I think their political chill response is kind of understandable. Yeah. Because, I mean, I hate them. I hate what they stand for. I think their political ideas are trash. But there is a feeling of actual, like, they like each other that you don't get necessarily from a lot of these other... Oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Like, Alex and Owen, whenever they would be in studio together, there's a tension. There's a hostility. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's definitely true. You know, there's a dynamic of of you're a disappoint he's disappointed in his son well Owens doing it a lot of the time especially early on Owens doing an impression of Alex trying to be the next Alex which is how you make your dad disappointed in you right yeah so that never really felt
Starting point is 00:43:19 that great no this just feels like humans like bonding I meant specifically them gloat laughing over the fact that they're still on air. Oh that again. I've let that go Yeah, but it's nice of them. It is nice that they're kind of I don't know that heavy air quotes on on air Yeah, that is a really good point. Like that is a good point It's not like he's on network TV and he hasn't gotten cancelled despite the odds true true I but it's never good to hear a gloat laugh. I but it's never good to hear a gloat laugh Yeah, it's never good to hear a gloat laugh, especially in this circumstance. That's true. Yeah, that's true Yeah, so they got to break with their gloat laughs sure and then they come back
Starting point is 00:43:55 All right. I want to play the trailer from Mark Wahlberg who we know is a patriot conservative I don't care that he's a great actor or like his movies But he we know he's a patriot people that around him is what he does but the shooter is such an important movie to watch and I'm glad that The callers brought that up and we'll go to a bunch of spaces of speakers here in a moment But man this movie is all you need to know about how they set stuff up here it is Yes, apparently Mark Wahlberg is a patriot All right. Mm-hmm. Here's a pitch. Yeah being John Malkovich
Starting point is 00:44:27 All right, exactly like that, but being Mark Wahlberg and you immediately like time warp into 911 and he's on one of the flights, right? Then becomes a hero for for all this stuff and a patriot and then that's your movie sure What's it? What's Mark Wahlberg's life like if Wahlberg is never happens because it's I would I would take this a complete I would take this completely different direction sure I would say that Mark Wahlberg goes back in time It decides not to commit that hate crime sure then we flash forward to the present and Alex doesn't say this shit about
Starting point is 00:45:04 I Sure. Then we flash forward to the present and Alex doesn't say this shit about it being a great patriot. I think maybe that's more of what Alex is talking about. I think you might win this one. Yeah. So he gets a guy on Twitter who's coming in, has a really interesting question about Trump choosing JD Vance as his running mate. Yeah, I'm having trouble really wrapping my head around. I mean, it could very well be that this was a deep state plot,
Starting point is 00:45:29 but it's also, I'm thinking that it could be just blatant incompetence by the Secret Service, and that this has been going on for a long time, and that they've been Swiss cheese for a while, and finally this guy got through the hole. And the thing that I guess I'm confused on and haven't really heard many people give an explanation for is why Trump of all people that he could have picked for a VP decides to go with an anti Trump her in JD Vance, who has a background with Silicon Valley and Peter Teal and Palantir with government contracts and the like. with government contracts and the like. And then he goes and disavows all of the Trump loyalists
Starting point is 00:46:05 from 2016 that were part of the Heritage Foundation in project 2025. So I'm concerned because the rhetoric is definitely not the same with the RNC this year than it was in 2016 with Trump. And I'm afraid that he's getting sort of enveloped in the deep state itself right now, even Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Tucker Carlson texted, this was I think an AP article, he had texted during the Dominion Voting Systems trial through Discovery how much of a Trump hater he was there too. And now all of a sudden these guys are Trump fans. And it seems to me that it's more because it's, uh, it's politically convenient for them now. There's also text messages where he says, I love Trump, but I hate him. I mean, that's like, I've said to him on personal texts, God, Trump, he makes me really mad when he
Starting point is 00:46:56 was pushing warp speed or whatever. And Tucker's address that JD Vance six, seven, eight years ago did criticize Trump, but since then it's made all the right moves. That's Trump's decision. They don't like JD Vance as a choice. All we've got is Trump right now, but I think we bring up our legitimate issues, but I don't think there's any way you stage a shooting where it shoots through his ear. I mean, you're not, you don't think that was a state shooting, do you?
Starting point is 00:47:21 No, I do not think that was a state shooting. It's a little bit of a strange response because this guy's bringing up some pretty decent criticisms within the conspiracy world. He has the right position. You should be distrustful of this move by Trump. It should be disillusioning a little bit to the fantasy narratives that are floating in an animate Alex's entire program. 100%.
Starting point is 00:47:44 But yeah, that's why Alex doesn't engage with it. It's because this guy is, you know, in the same way that people are when David Icke is like, you shouldn't like Elon Musk, that's the correct conspiracy position. This guy is right that you should be turning on Trump right about now. It's going to be a little bit late after the election. You need to make your move now. It's gonna be a little bit late after the election. You need to make your move now. Yeah, here's what I say Trump should do. All right, because the Vance pick was a bad pick, but that's not the point. The point is any pick would have been a bad pick.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Trump is the reality TV show president. You have a reality TV show to pick the vice president. What are we doing? That would have been interesting. We have six candidates. They compete in a bunch of physical challenges. Who can steal the most from babies? All of these things that are normal for Republican politicians. Then they pick the final one. Wouldn't be Vance. Well, here's- It's not very quick. I have often said that reality television, and especially the survivor, is quickly deteriorating to the point where one of the challenges should be Give me your blood give me a cup of your blood. I don't care how you do it Here's a cup give it to me. Give me your blood right yes And so that would be like I would love to see the RNC at the end of it
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, he just has kid rock and Hulk Hogan And they just have to scratch holes in their body trying to squeeze out Three ounces of blood first. You're my VP. Here's what I say. I say I love your idea But let's make it cuz listen, that's just too violent to show on TV. All right We have a blood drive off. All right, They both have the IVs hooked up there They got a squeeze trying who gets the blood out fast enough and that just comes down to like hydration though doesn't it? I genuinely do not have any clue what that comes down to Yeah, I don't know that that I think gets away from what I'm talking about about the darkness
Starting point is 00:49:45 I get what you're saying. I get you're saying I away from what I'm talking about, about the darkness, ugliness of reality TV. No, no, no. I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. I'm trying to punch it up for the middle. For the middle. So let's, let's, let's, we want to hear some of Tucker's texts. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:49:57 So on January 4th, 2021, just two days before Trump's fans stormed the Capitol, Tucker texted, quote, we are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait. I hate him passionately. I can't handle much more of this. After January 6th, Tucker said to his producer of Trump, quote, He's a demonic force, a destroyer, but he's not going to destroy us. I've been thinking about this every day for four years.
Starting point is 00:50:22 In another text, he discussed the Trump presidency saying quote, we're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on, there isn't really an upside to Trump. In a text to his producer just after the 2020 election, Tucker said of Trump's business ventures, quote, all of them fail. What he's good at is destroying things. He's the undisputed world champion of that. So anyway, I think he's a cynical fuck who knows exactly what he's doing and now his brand is pivoted into this weird,
Starting point is 00:50:52 there's a spiritual battle going on, I see demons. Kind of nonsense. But he knows behind all of that what he's doing. Yeah, I doubt there's really gonna be another football league to compete with the NFL, specifically because of Trump. True. So, there you go.
Starting point is 00:51:09 True. That was in another one of Tucker's texts, complaining about competition with the NFL. Yeah, they shouldn't have a monopoly. What are you going to do? So, that guy didn't think that the Trump assassination was staged. Sure. But that was the way that Alex distracted away from his points about J.D. Vance. Very good points about J.D. Vance.
Starting point is 00:51:28 And then we get another caller who does think that the whole thing was staged. Give it to me. Let's talk about Donald Trump and let's talk about this shooting. First of all, you got to know history of Donald Trump and this goes all the way back into the 90s. So you know Donald Trump for being rich. You know him for being an elite. You know him for being in real estate. You know him for being a reality TV star.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You know him for doing WWE wrestling. You know him for fake news. You know him by their fruits. After the shooting happened, who became his spokesperson? Oh, Kogan on TV. Oh my God. I've been in movies. People say I'm fake because I was in a movie and played a part. I think you're fake for a long time. I'll come back to you, but this is just BS. They tried to kill him legitimately. Hulk Hogan's a great guy. Hulk Hogan's a good guy. Also flashback in time and see if Hulk Hogan stops himself from talking about how mad he
Starting point is 00:52:33 would be if his daughter dated a black guy. I'd see if Alex still thinks he's a great dude. Probably not. I think maybe there's a trend between some of this stuff. But I think that it is interesting that Alex responds with like almost he's offended by the suggestion that something could be fake. When the cornerstone of his career is saying that things were fake for way less evidence than what this guy is saying.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah, yeah. I mean, I appreciate just the really staggering list of large scale lies that you can put together for Trump, and I can think of like 50 more that maybe I would put higher. True, true. I still don't think any of it rationally justifies thinking that it was a faked assassination attempt.
Starting point is 00:53:16 No, no, no, no, no. But you can understand when you're in the world of Alex and everything is faked, and everything is a conspiracy around every corner, that list of lies and shit should make Alex be like, this would be perfect to be faked. But he's not, because he's strategic about this shit. And it's all just a narrative crutch. Yeah, it does, like, okay. So, I mean, the guy's point is fairly simple and straightforward
Starting point is 00:53:42 and I agree with it, right? So, if you have the most honest politician in the world that gets shot you're like, well that probably wasn't staged But if you have the most dishonest politician in the world, you're like big old piece of shit It's more likely that this is staged than the most honest person Big old piece of shit liar who's known for working in the WWE is the Hall of Famer It does feel as though that would be more ripe for the possibility if not the suspicion has been stunned. Has gotten the stone cold stunner. I mean, I agree that this could be a more likely to be a reasonable supposition. Yeah, still incorrect, but it is far more reasonable than other and it makes
Starting point is 00:54:21 it like silly for this to be Alex's response. Yeah, because he's Alex fucking Jones. Yeah, it's ridiculous. Oh, please like he would fake something so important Like I agree. I agree with Alex at the end of the day. Yeah, it is absurd to think that you would fake this Yeah, yeah, it's a bad idea to fake it because those were real bullets, right and your brain is there was killed Yeah, it's just absolutely Bizar bizarre to imagine that they would do that. But it's not fair for Alex. Yeah. No. Just because I agree with the conclusion that it's silly to think this is faked, it's offensive that Alex's response is that. I mean, I do appreciate the idea of faking a presidential assassination, right? These guys are like, we're going to fake gonna fake this but we're gonna use real everything
Starting point is 00:55:08 And let's say there's a 25 50 percent chance. He goes that's so bad We got Tucker's texts, you know, and also let's make sure that the person that we blame this on changes pants. Yeah It's funny the idea of a staging a presidential assassination that is could go either way and you're happy like it's a win win. Oh boy. What a weird world we've chosen to live in. So Alex tries to respond to this caller. Yeah. And I don't think it's I don't think it's good. Trump's been involved in movies, TV shows, everywhere, did some professional wrestling stuff. We know when we watch him with Vince McMahon, doing a joke piece that separate. It's like when the media says Jones has
Starting point is 00:55:53 been in a few movies. He's an actor, they play that game. When I'm an actor in a movie, you know, an actor in a movie, when I'm on this show, it's me. So the idea that Trump has done some wrestling, and now that Hulk Hogan who called into the show Ten years ago, and I know was a listener Is now saying screw this this is wrong with seven America like it's like this weird thing like Alex Jones is in the same City as Stratford some CIA propaganda firm and they go. Well, that's it. He's in the town of two million He works for Stratford. It's mentally retarded.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And I'm 100% real. I'm up here calling what's going on. I'm defending the Republic. But people do this thing like, oh, it's all staged. Well, then you're staged. In fact, I'll go to Garrett in a minute. But Garrett, I say you're CIA. I say everybody's bad.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Nobody's good. You do! You work for Holocaust. That is what you say! And it's the same mindset. I know Trump, He's real. He's not perfect. He got shot.
Starting point is 00:56:47 The deep state has done all these indictments and all these attacks and done all these things. So professional wrestling is a super popular thing. It's Americana. And so is UFC. Trump's associated with it all. I mean, hell, I'm associated with it because I know Joe Rogan forever.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I'm in the UFC things you name it So my issue here is they don't fake somebody get the shot in the ear. You can see it real people died there and And so it's just to me preposterous When this is going down and the deep states definitely against Trump to then say it stayed so explain to me You you mentioned a bunch of stuff. Oh, he knows Hulk Hogan and he was in movies, so that means he's whatever. Explain it to me. What are you saying Trump did? Who is he working for? Do we vote for Joe Biden or do we vote for Kamala Harris? What are you saying? I say you vote for none of the above and you vote for Jesus Christ and you start telling all the info warriors out there to repent from idol worship and to vote for Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:57:47 and Jesus Christ only because he's the only one that's going to save us from any of this and you can let me ask you let me ask you am i a fake am i an actor yes i don't think you're an actor all the time i think you might uh you might say have of the truth, but you might not be telling everybody the whole truth Well, I'm not God. I appreciate your call. So I don't know the whole truth But I'll assure you son that I'm telling what I believe to be the truth. That is my North Star That is what I want to hit God these people don't believe there's good. They don't believe that there's any good in the universe And that's the problem which is weird because every time they tell me that they don't believe there's good. They don't believe that there's any good in the universe, and that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Which is weird, because every time they tell me that they don't believe in good, I bring up Trump, Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Dana White. You know, I just bring up people who are billionaires, or at least extremely wealthy, and are racists, and have, at the very least, violently assaulted women. Yeah. Yeah, yeah strange Yeah, weird how those are your buds who are good in this world now
Starting point is 00:58:51 There's something interesting going on here with Alex's response to this guy His response and then the way Alex just sort of shuts down kind of and that is that Alex's response is not good It's just kind of like, hey, you know when something's fake or whatever. Helpful. And then this guy, he tries to sort of sell this guy out by being like, hey, what should we do? Vote for Biden? Yeah. And he gives the answer that no, we should vote for Jesus Christ. Yeah. And this is the exact answer Alex should be giving. So I mean, yeah you there's no argument for Alex. We need to get away from idol worship Okay, that's right
Starting point is 00:59:28 Alex can't argue with that can't do it. And then Alex is just kind of like, okay, let's make this personal am I fake? Yeah, yeah son. Yes. I'm gonna diminutize you and insult you to your face cuz you're my fan Everything I have ever believed the point that you're making I cannot argue with within my sort of Cosmology my structure yeah, and so I will insult you and make this personal as if you're attacking me I guess whatever yeah When Alex you know was making a fair amount of money Sure about Sandy Hook and really making a lot of people's lives pretty miserable, one of the reasons that he claimed he did that is because the details didn't match up.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, I thought it was because he was drunk. Well that's sort of a real world piece of it. Oh, okay, okay. But in his mind, there were these details, there were these anomalies that didn't match up. Okay. And so you would think when you're discussing with a caller about the Trump assassination attempt. Details that don't match up.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Details would be so important. Like eight bullets fired. Everything is about these details. It's gotta be important. Or maybe it's not. Maybe you should have jumped to conclusions. Oh really? You know, when Ray was talking about it, he was referring to a car.
Starting point is 01:00:43 He wasn't referring to a van So it'd be interesting like did they ever go to Home Depot and get the cams to see like sure? Here's what's happening. They want us to get all caught up in the minutia They wanted to remove Trump they had CIA people on TV saying they're gonna kill him and Chuckie Schumer and all the rest of them and then you've got all the lawfare and all the criminal charges and all the fake trials and try and take them out the ballot and them saying we're gonna kill him. And then this happens and there's a stand down.
Starting point is 01:01:11 They did it. 98% of the evidence points towards that. You'd have to override your common sense. And so now members of Congress and others are saying, we know you tried to kill him. That freaks the deep state out. If they know people aren't buying their story, they won't try it again
Starting point is 01:01:25 That's why I said 11 days ago and I said again today and yesterday the day before the day before that We've got to point out we don't buy any of this. Yeah, so this is really more I think an accurate Articulation of what Alex does which is like would jump to a conclusion The details are for rationalizing later, but but what he used to do is pretend that it was detail forward Yeah, he used to pretend that like he's sniffing out these conspiracies and getting to the bottom of it and presenting you the evidence Yeah, and now he's just like come on. It's so obvious Yeah, but at the beginning of those events he always has somebody who is like the water or who can test the waters you know, he's always got somebody coming in who's like a Wolfgang Halbeck or something who he can point to is like
Starting point is 01:02:10 Well, I can ask questions and I think you're you're probably right But you're the one who's saying 100% that this is the case but realistically that's not true Alex the day of the shooting in terms of Sandy Hook was of the shooting in terms of Sandy Hook was speculating about stuff. Sure. Before he had Steve Pacenek or Wolfgang Halbeck or any of these people on even James Tracy. Sure. Before that he was talking about the video of Robbie Parker, a press conference and speculating about how he looked like an actor. Like I think that we have a perception that he uses a lot of other people for cover. And I think Alex would wish that that was more consistent in his life, but I think he does a lot of it himself
Starting point is 01:02:50 Yeah I mean I don't know if I mean cover so much as like that kind of soft launch of the narrative to his audience So so with Alex like I remember of course he on the day of he was like as probably stage But then on the next day he was like as probably saved but then on the next day He was like and maybe it was maybe it wasn't and then he's got people who are going to back him up Oh to be tools. Yeah, exactly for narrative. It's the narrative development not yeah, not that I yeah I agree with you on the same day, but like the narrative development
Starting point is 01:03:20 I don't feel like he's got anymore because he doesn't have the the roster of Bullshitters that he used to have he used to have a fucking heavy hitters Larry Nichols is dead Steve pachanek has fallen out of grace. Yeah, this is this is ripe for a pachanek comeback You've got Roger, but he's like he kind of has his own agenda He's not as fun and silly. He doesn't take his biggest biggest wings Yeah, this doesn't involve the Vatican so Leo's agami is irrelevant. Yeah, you got Twitter people Yeah, that sucks. Yeah, yeah, I think Maybe you got chase. What are you gonna get that? Kressen steens back to be like oh, I think it was staged
Starting point is 01:04:02 Yeah, it doesn't hit his heart. Oh, worst. So Alex takes a call from a guy who claims that he ran a tabletop exercise for the Biden inauguration for the government. I don't believe him. Like with a bunch of his friends as elves. No, he's well, I hope. Yeah, that'd be fun. The way he's presenting it is like, I have, I basically ran like the secret
Starting point is 01:04:23 service, uh right war games And right right right my mom brought apple slices. Yeah, I don't I don't really believe him So I'm gonna go ahead and skip that clip okay, because we have more important business at hand Okay, and that is the chase wants to follow up with Alex about whether or not he called in the angel of no Even a small god almighty. I'm so real folks. I love freedom. I'm willing to die for it. So these callers I love the depth they call in they get everything some big setup evil ain't that powerful Even a small light eradicates all darkness stop giving into the evils Idea that it's in charge. God is in charge
Starting point is 01:04:58 It pisses me off people don't understand how much good there is in this country, but we don't have the high ground But we're gonna get control the government And I pray for our enemies. Yeah, I'm praying as I'm not a vengeful person, but it's gotta be done Yeah, I pray for the angel of death because some people did die recently. I was worried you've started doing that No, I talked to my pastors. That's Old Testament. I shouldn't do it didn't do it But God, you know something I've only prayed five or six times and asked for something. Just always prayed God to what to do Every time I prayed God gave it to me like that. Wow I told the story if you wouldn't believe it. It's real
Starting point is 01:05:39 No, I don't I don't take it for granted. It's not me, but I got a direct line to God So does every person to though. It's a big secret. We're about we'll be right back Jesus Christ, you know what it is. Chase is the only person who knows how to ride Alex's energy. It's a scene partner Yeah, Chase is a good scene partner. He's the only person who I've ever seen who could co-host a show with Alex Yeah, that's it. That's that's what it is. Yeah, he knows he's a theater kid. He's doing the theater kid shit He's just like yeah, man. Wow. Holy shit. He's yes kid. He's doing the theater kid shit. He's just like wow Wow, holy shit. He's yes ending. He's doing the whole thing Yeah, I know this kid has taken improv classes for sure Alex the people died recently Did you actually call it the angel for sure?
Starting point is 01:06:17 I would like to confess a 100% premise he even laughed at it. He was making fun of Alex He was making fun of Alex he was making fun of Alex but also to his face also amazing that is something that in general Info Wars world yeah would have just been some dumb bullshit that Alex had and no one would ever bring back up that hey wait the angel of death exists in our continuity no chase is like we got to follow up on this yeah I've seen some people die recently. Did you do it? Did you pray them dead?
Starting point is 01:06:49 It's interesting because it offers two possibilities. One, Alex can do what he did do and say like, no, it's too serious. I'm a good person, I talk to my past. We don't wanna open Pandora's box on this one and give me death laser powers. Once you open the death note, there's no going back. Or, I mean, Chase would have no idea what Alex would want to do with the story.
Starting point is 01:07:09 It opens up the possibility for Alex to be like, yes, I did. I did take some people out, and I will not comment any further. Yeah. I mean, that's like, what do you, what do you say if you have confessed to holy murder? Bring me to court. I dare you. Sure, but I mean we've got the courts of heaven. Right. They're available.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah, but the angel of death is cool in the courts of heaven. That is a good point. This is only morally wrong based on your weird human understanding, your terrestrial understanding. Try and take me to court. I'll call the angel of death I'm confused as to how my understanding is confusing whenever like it's Alex whose desire is being executed by a Ghastly apparition of death the ghastly apparition of death would only do it if it was in line with a larger purpose That Alex is in sync with so what if he doesn't ask?
Starting point is 01:08:04 larger purpose that Alex is in sync with. So what if he doesn't ask? Then the angel of death doesn't do it? It's entirely dependent on whether or not Alex kind of feels like it? Yeah I think so. Okay I like it. I like this religion I'm joining it. I don't know. It's all very dumb. Yeah it is. So the rest of this show, you know Alex cleared the deck of all the guests. Yes. Except for he has a guest. He has Stella Emanuel. Oh that's right he's got oh no no to do what he said she was going to do no I don't believe that comes up oh thank God but she wants she's on to do a fucking infomercial okay all right I wanted to get here fella Texan up here Austin from outside Houston she's in a
Starting point is 01:08:42 host of fourth hour today but I wanted to get her on plus she's a great sponsor so before you know all the news the analysis without her Stella Emanuel medical doctor I just want to upfront plug her products as everybody needs them on the shelf Plus they support the broadcast so the very best out there and whether it's prescriptions you can call They've got those people can do all that or whether it is high quality supplements. They've got it So you didn't come here to do this, but upfront you're keeping the show on air. Plus these are great products people need. Incredible products people need to buy from you. They need to support you, whether it's telemedicine or whether it's supplements, you've got it all at the website. So we got another sponsor for Alex, apparently Stella Emanuel's weird pill operation. So
Starting point is 01:09:21 she's obviously one of the real crass COVID promoters who rose to prominence pushing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin while also saying that gay people are possessed by demons and vaginal pain is often caused by having sex with ghosts. She's on the show because she's one of the only folks left who will be a sponsor on Infowars, so Alex is doing an infomercial with her and is giving her the fourth hour of the show to promote her shit and preach. It's pretty funny though, like if you go to her site, you'll find that a shockingly high number of her products have names that are a play on COVID. Like her electrolyte drink, Covalite.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Or her hair loss supplement, Covahervits. Or her sleep aid, Covasleep. Or her thyroid product, Covodyne. It's almost like as if she knows exactly where her bread is buttered and what she's doing. Anyway, a lot of these con artists try and cash in a bit on the hysteria that they themselves create, but I don't know if I've encountered a line of products that are so blunt in their presentation as those that Stella Emanuel is selling. It's wild. Yeah. Yeah. I am imagining even the most like psychopathic advertising exec is like, hey listen, I love
Starting point is 01:10:26 branding but we gotta pull it back just a hair. Yeah, yeah. This is nutso. You're selling a Gatorade called Kovalite. I do branding all the time. I love it. It means nothing, but this is too much even for me. It's a little desperate.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Yeah. So we're not gonna listen to a ton of her because whatever, I really care. Yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, it's paid programming, right? Essentially, but there's a couple like swords Like coach McGurk buying swords, right? It's like spaghetti spaghetti time So there but there are a couple moments that I think are of note. Okay, and here's one Let's be clear since I said I want the crew to find I should listen earlier It came out two months ago AP Reuters is everywhere tube uh uh federal government was the headline federal government paid CVS
Starting point is 01:11:10 Walgreens not to prescribe ivermectin hydroxychloroquine they paid him two billion dollars upfront were ready knowing it was the answer to block it that's why they wouldn't fulfill it but you did I think of the premeditated evil. Yes, it's great evil So that's not true Pharmacies were paid quite a bit in terms of kovat relief funding from the government that is true But at no point were they specifically instructed to not fill prescriptions for these medications This is an intentional misrepresentation of a federal court ruling that pharmacists could use discretion in filling prescriptions that come in
Starting point is 01:11:44 This was due to a case that involved a couple in Minnesota who got a prescription from a doctor in Missouri and were subsequently trying to get this prescription filled at a Walmart and then a Hy-Vee and they were both denied. This is a kind of a decision that's a bit dicey because on the one hand, it does make sense that a pharmacist shouldn't be forced to provide something that they believe could be a bad treatment based on their medical expertise and available evidence. However, it's pretty obvious how this kind of decision could be used to justify all kinds of other pharmaceutical prohibitions, like access to things like reproductive health care. It's already the case that many pharmacies,
Starting point is 01:12:19 even ones run by big chains like Walgreens, have refused to fill prescriptions for birth control or emergency contraceptions. So this is something that cuts both directions. It's a messy question and there's a part of me that says that they should just let these people fill their prescriptions for these medications that aren't going to work. You know, whatever. But then there's another side of this that knows that if all of these people have carte blanche to buy up all these drugs, it could put a crunch on the supplies of them for people who actually need them for the things that they work for. It's very messy. I don't know. There's a there's an interesting question
Starting point is 01:12:51 that I want to be like, Hey, shut it, shut it down. Stop this bullshit. Sure, sure, sure. But there's a there's another end of it that hurts people. Yeah, I mean, I guess like, ultimately, it's just we need to get advertising and shit like that out of politics You know what I'm saying? Like we wouldn't have ivermectin hydrochloroquine prescriptions that people were fraudulent or not fraudulently but like ineffectually trying to fulfill if it wasn't for a group of people who like turned it into a political movement to do that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:13:28 I think it's mostly people who are looking to squeeze out profits with supplement businesses, much like people who have Kova product lines. Sure. No, it's that. It's abortion for politics. It's people who are turning reproductive care into a political thing for the pharmacy. All of this stuff, we shouldn't even be here with a law that's like, hey, you guys can choose. You know? Yeah, I mean, probably not.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And that's something that I was thinking about while I was listening to Stella Emanuel that I think is pretty interesting. And that is that I don't agree with the end result, which is telling people that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are going to be good treatments and preventatives for COVID. You shouldn't take this seriously and that kind of shit. I think that's bad. But what she's actually doing is there is a difficulty, and that is that some prescriptions won't fill your out-of-state drug mill prescriptions that you're giving you're selling to people sure and so you've created a network created a market
Starting point is 01:14:35 pharmacies that you know will fulfill these prescriptions and I think that should you know birth control be completely unavailable to people and other reproductive health products and stuff like that. Were someone to do this with birth control, I don't think that I would be opposed to it. I don't think underlying the method, the sort of structure of this I don't have a problem with. I think there's a profiteering motive that I'm somewhat opposed to. And I think that the problem that they're solving is a scam. And that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yeah. Essentially, your point is that when the law bans something that people want bad enough, they really just create a market. And people are going to fill that market because there's a lot of money. And we live in a capitalist country, so that's what you're supposed to do. And when there isn't actually a ban, you introduce a space where someone like this can come in easily enough and create the perception that there's a ban and then Create this market. Yeah, I mean it is it's a little bit like Alex like as much as you want to blame You know people it's like there was a there was a job opening
Starting point is 01:15:53 It's not like people didn't want this and they just made it whole cloth Like they stepped into a place where people already wanted what they were doing. Mm-hmm, you know, it's it's why did people want? The hydro, you know what I'm saying? Because you can't stop her. Because if it wasn't her, it'd be somebody else. And if it's banned in America- And there are other people. Yeah. And if it's banned in America, there'll be somebody from Mexico or somebody from Canada. It's just not how it works.
Starting point is 01:16:19 In essence, what this is is kind of a natural evolution of the unregulated supplement market and how sort of destructive that is. And how lucrative that is. I think that because of the merging of sort of ascendant anti-vax voices, the real shock to the system that COVID represented. I think that those things combining with supplement marketing businesses and that profit motive, it feels like this is almost a natural evolution of that. And it's pretty fucked up. Yeah. I mean, you have people who lie, people who want to be lied to, a massive emergency that makes everybody panic, and then a market for whatever you want that you can exploit.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I don't even think, you know, people are almost not even involved. It's like just market forces are making all of this happen. Well, some people are definitely making a lot of money. No, no, no, I'm sure. I'm sure they're making a lot of money, but if it weren't them, it would be somebody else making a lot of money. Sure. And that doesn't take away culpability, but it does sort of help
Starting point is 01:17:25 identify with the real problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, at the same time, like she just gives some advice that is like really responsible. So we put together a package, seven antibiotics you will need in an emergency. If you need to travel abroad, if you're locked down, so you can get that and be able to have this in your medicine cabinet, for you to use this is a no-brainer It supports the broadcast but secondary everybody stockpile this it lasts for years It's a win-win it and you've got the best prices ready to go
Starting point is 01:17:54 People need to keep us on there and get ready and have this I let me tell you one thing else if you have Yeah people that got yeah, I've a mecton stock up up two years ago and they are sending us messages that oh it's expired Don't worry about it. They've done they did and they did a study in the military and they found out that Medicines are usually good five to seven years after the expiration date on the bottle So do not throw away your medicines cannot keep it because you know, keep your pills just I saw the studies at first they're maximum but over like five years, maybe you lose 10% effect, it's still good. Yes, but it's still very good. So don't throw away your medicines.
Starting point is 01:18:29 It works, it's gonna continue to work for years after the expiration date. This is super dangerous advice for Stella to be giving out because she's a doctor and she's being presented as someone giving medical advice. It is true enough that some medications just lose effectiveness after their expiration date, but some of them can really hurt you because they degrade into toxic compounds
Starting point is 01:18:47 over time. You don't really know which one poses a danger, so when she says it's usually okay, that's really bad. But it's generally best to err on the side of expiration dates, just in case. There are some things that can cause serious damage after they've expired, but antibiotics are actually one of the things that just become less effective, and that's actually why they're dangerous. Ineffective antibiotics are how you create antibiotic resistant infections.
Starting point is 01:19:13 So what Stella is promoting here is seriously irresponsible messaging. I would not go with this. I would say you shouldn't behave this way. Yeah. Yeah. These people, so many of them, obsessed with what they put into their body, obsessed with what the government might be putting in their body, but they're willing to just trust medication. I don't trust medications because I don't understand them on a fundamental level.
Starting point is 01:19:40 I get that there are the chemicals to a certain gram level of what it is you're putting inside of there, right? I still don't really understand the rest of it. Well, you don't understand it fully, but you trust it in as much as under the care of a doctor. Yeah, they seem extremely confident. I have pattern recognition. It's worked for other people. I'm going to roll with it, but I'm not going to just be like, eh, I think I got it from here. That's not how that works Well chemicals yeah, I do think it's interesting that you have like I won't drink tap water, but expired medications totally fine Yeah
Starting point is 01:20:17 And some of it like you don't you don't understand it fully at all like what happens when? Chemical is passed its expiration date? Does it become something else? Is there an inherent vulnerability that this substance has to bacteria over time? What is the reason for this particular thing's expiration date? I just think that this is reckless as hell. And you can tell that it is motivated by profit motivation. Totally. The way that they're like, yeah, you got the best prices. So stockpile all these drugs that I'm going to write you a prescription for out of state and then tell you a pharmacy that you can go get it from. Yeah. I think it's a little bit, it's reckless. Yeah. Yeah. It's a little bit like when a cop is like, oh, if fentanyl touches your skin, you'll explode.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Ah! I definitely didn't do some fentanyl. Well, Alex has told us that a fake hand is going to poison Trump with fentanyl. Ooh, that'd be fun. Yeah. So I don't know. I mean, I think that it's somewhat in line with, you know, end timesy stuff. Yeah, sure. You've got a survival food bucket. You don't really give a shit about the expiration date of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 So this kind of vibe fits. And it all makes sense, but it is also like you're a doctor. You shouldn't be behaving like this in order to sell prescriptions for antibiotics. It is always fun whenever we have so many post-apocalyptic visions of the future and all these people are talking about PrEP and all that shit. In my head, I'm like, listen, if civilization collapses and they stop making my meds, we don't have to worry about much. You'll be gone in a little bit.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I'll be taken care of. Or we'll all be. Here's the thing, the distinction that I'm trying to get to. Like Matt Bracken is somebody that Alex has on who's like a doomsday prepper-ish type of weirdo who loves guns and predicts a race war. Sure. If he's saying expired antibiotics are fine when you're in your hole or whatever, I don't really, I mean, I think it's probably not a great message,
Starting point is 01:22:26 but it makes sense from him. She's supposed to be a doctor. And so it hits different a little bit. It does. It does. I mean I... There's a greater irresponsibility to it. There is. There is. There is. I think there's a part of that of like, you know, they're able to take advantage of the fact that maybe people trust doctors a little too much. You know, so there's, there's definitely that. That's an abuse of authority. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Yeah. No, I mean people trust authority too much. Well, maybe. Anyway, we come to the end of this and the rest of this is just Ella Emanuel and Alex Gibbs with The Fourth Hour and not great. But yeah, this is weird. A little portent of racism to come about Harris. That was a barrage of racism that goes back to the classics almost. I mean, like literally, I don't think I've heard a lot of that since pre-Civil War literature. But it also, it's shocking in that sense pre-Civil War literature. But it also, it's shocking in that sense.
Starting point is 01:23:26 But it also, I do think that it kind of indicates a lack of a lot of footing. Sure. I don't, I think that Alex may have an over-reliance on racism and tropes that will go in that direction. I don't think he has a good firm leg to stand on in terms of how to Approach the potential of a Harris candidacy. That's I think you've just described important even worse than I could have imagined which is Eventually, they're all gonna figure out that they really don't have much so it's just just gonna be non-stop racism I think that there's there be. We'll see. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Anyway, we'll have another episode. Dan, you made me feel bad. Yeah, well, that's what this show does, I guess. That's what it is. Well, what are you gonna do? We'll be back, but until then, we have a website. And DbDew, it's Yep, we'll be back, but until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark, I'm the Mysterious Professor.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robot. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you.

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