Knowledge Fight - #957: August 21, 2024

Episode Date: August 23, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to hear Alex's response to the Obama's speaking at night two of the DNC, and find him hanging out with his new arms-dealer buddy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. Rattler, rattler, rattler. I need, I need money.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Rattler, rattler, rattler. Rattler. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and. Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy, Andy. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Jordan. Dan. Jordan. Quick, quick, quick. I'm Jordan. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Jordan. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Dan. Jordan. Quick question for you.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What's up? What's your bright spot today, buddy? So my bright spot today was going to be the challenge. Right, and I've ruined your day, your life. You cannot do our challenge recap until Monday. Right, right. When we will discuss in depth the alliances and betrayals. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:01:28 So instead, I've got to say it's a little John at the DNC. That was great. That was undeniably great. It's a celebrity appearance that's done was just done great. So for anybody who wasn't watching, when they did the roll call of delegates from states, they had music for everyone. But a lot of the states were just like some representative from there or whatever it was saying.
Starting point is 00:01:55 When they went to New York, Kathy Hochul spoke, but Spike Lee was standing there. So there were some celebrity pop-ins. But for Georgia, when they called for the roll call of the delegates now first They start playing welcome to Atlanta All right ludicrous gonna come all right is Jermaine Dupree gonna come out And then little John comes out and cast it cast the vote of yeah That was just and then he does a little bit he comes he did a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:33 He does showmanship to he's going around he's he's in people's faces doing he's doing the thing man And then he did VP Harris and Tim Walls He did VP Harris and Tim Walls Say the second line Just like it worked it worked. It did as a celebrity appearance It's it's like it does it's not desperate. Nope. It's at a Perfect slot for with so like you have to think little John has to have a sense of humor about himself Yep, if he allowed like 100% this to him, and he's like this is a great idea He was like there's not best idea. I've ever fucking heard. We're not doing musical representatives coming out celebrities for each state
Starting point is 00:03:15 No, just this okay, yeah Yes, of course it should be me that is what little John thought of course it should be me Yeah, a good good sense of humor all around, I think. Fantastic. A rare fun moment. It was just genuine, pure fun. No one fucked it up. No one was like, oh, maybe it should be... Nope. It was just Lil Jon being Lil Jon. It was great.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And Kid Rock, when he was at the RNC, first of all kid rock is a little bit sadder as You know a legacy for a lot of reasons, but then also like he was Introduced he was doing a set. Yeah, then he introduced Dana White who was then gonna introduce Trump right and kid rock Clearly felt bad that he wasn't getting to introduce Trump. Oh, there was an entitlement that came through his performance And that was absent from little John. No, he was happy. Yeah, he was just happy. I think that makes a difference It does it does anyway, what's your bright spot? My bright spot is I don't know if you'll recall but not too long ago We were fostering some puppies yeah you know
Starting point is 00:04:25 hanging out one of said puppies named Sonny she has liver problems only with a you or no I believe with an oh okay she was she had a little problem we had to do her own special diet we had to do that whole thing today she went in for liver surgery she's's okay! Nice. She made it through. Uh, recovering. Everything is going well. Sunny is, uh, gonna be my dog.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Uh, because whenever we were fostering her, uh, I had to sleep out on the couch. Because if she wasn't in the same room as me when she was trying to sleep, she would wail. She was just whining and wailing. All the other dogs, no problem. are you're gonna take Sonny in I'm going to take her whether anybody likes it or not well but I can't take care of her liver disease issue so we got a wait got the surgery well I mean yeah but now she's got a recovery and who know I mean I'm not I'm not gonna what was the
Starting point is 00:05:21 Stephen King movie with Kathy Bates I'm not gonna break her knee so she can't escape That's all I'm saying. Did you give part of your liver if I could I would yeah, I believe you actually That's actually a concerning thing to ask me and for me to say because I'm yeah. Yeah, that's trouble I didn't know that we've gotten to that point But I guess why wouldn't we have gotten to that point where you could do a liver transplant and a dog? Yeah. It makes sense. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I think of all the things that we- Not human to dog. Let me be clear. We haven't gotten to that point. We're not even a gorilla to human yet. Right, right, right. No, I think as far as being like a pure distillation of the anti-info wars energy, loving and wanting dogs to survive is pretty much as good as it gets.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yep. Yep. That is the antithesis of Alex. Well, no, that's not fair. Well. Well, you just... It's complicated. We don't hear good news.
Starting point is 00:06:18 This is good news. Yeah. That's what we're listening for. Yes. So Jordan, today we're going to be doing a bad news episode about Alex's coverage of're listening for. Yes. So Jordan today we're gonna be doing the bad news Episode about Alex's coverage of the DNC We're gonna be talking about Wednesday the the 21st And I think that you know the night before Michelle Obama had spoke sure Barack Obama had spoke sure and so I thought like well This is where Alex is gonna need to come on air and say, hey, look, I know that we've been saying for years, Michelle Obama is going to usurp the nomination at
Starting point is 00:06:49 the convention. Yeah. There's going to be like just a hostile takeover. I was wrong. She actually said really nice things about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. It does not feel like that is the direction he'll go, but I'm willing to accept a curveball as available. Yeah. So I thought I'd check in and really just prepare myself for the apology.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah. So that's what we'll be going over today. Excellent. I think it's gonna be great. Yeah. Yeah. First, before we get to that though, let's say hello to some new wonks. Ooh, that's a great idea. So first, Ursa. Thank you so much. You are now...
Starting point is 00:07:22 I apologize, wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you. Next, I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll burn your stone house to the fucking ground Eddie Thank you so much. You're now policy walk. I'm a policy walk. Thank you very much. Thank you next Steve from Scotland Thank you so much. You're now policy walk. I'm a policy walk. Thank you very much. That dude probably almost killed you I believe his message included a Next time you come here, slish slash. Yeah, you're done.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Taking a blood bath. And my son, Kellen, is a loser little titty baby, but I love him nonetheless. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. That was made clear that it was an in-joke and everybody would be fine.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Otherwise, I was not gonna. I would assume so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we had a technocrat in the mix, Jordan, so thank you so much to Christine the tomato queen. You're now a technocrat I'm a policy wonk Someone's sonomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark
Starting point is 00:08:15 Jar-jar binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty, baby I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. Yeah, I would assume that someone isn't gonna take to the wonk names to bully their own child. I never know. It's a dangerous and terrifying power being able being somebody who's willing to read what anybody sends to you. That is true. That is true. But yeah, I don't know. I'm always assuming that people have the best intentions in mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Of course. So we start off here with someone who I question their intentions and have for the better part of, I don't know, his public life. Yep. RFK signaling again this morning on Fox, his VP, that he is going to be dropping out and endorsing Trump. I told you yesterday that I talked to multiple sources in the campaign and he is scheduled to make the announcement Friday. Now I saw him this morning saying that his schedule is all messed up because they're kind of taking
Starting point is 00:09:22 off the ballot everywhere and he's been crisscrossing the nation but reportedly because they've taken him off the ballot the battle around states the Democrats have he's he's been checkmated so the best thing you can do now is throw his support on Trump but but so you might do it Saturday you might do it next Monday but they've been told be ready for him to get back to Los Angeles Friday sometime and to make the announcement. And I know the details of the announcement because that's just basically how I've learned of it, but I'm not gonna give those out. I'm gonna leave that for them.
Starting point is 00:09:53 They may change it, but you will see, unless he changes his mind, I don't make stuff up. Okay, what earth shattering news? RFK isn't taking this seriously. I mean, you can't leave, what? It was a dead bear cub in Central Park. It was a joke. No, that's not a thing you can say.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It was a joke. That is not a thing you can say. It was funny. No, it's funny, no, it's still not funny. You know what though, like Like I get that mental process I don't get following through with it to the point of putting a bear in Central Park But I get that mine that like wouldn't it be funny if someone walked in like it just saw this? Oh no, I get it. I get that. Yeah, yeah, sure sure
Starting point is 00:10:37 I got you know like it's a We appreciate the comedy of the absurd. Of course. No, no, no Follow through is weird. It's through is strange. Watched Chris Gethard show for years. Studied it. I appreciate the comedy of the absurd, but you can't be Chris Gethard won't become president. You can't become president if you do that. Somebody in a dumpster. Yeah. Good absurd. Yes, absolutely. Bear in Central Park. Not okay. Not okay. Strange. You should be like, wait, wait who's gonna be in that dumpster? Yeah, so RFK is like you know he's gonna drop out and he's gonna give his support to Trump
Starting point is 00:11:12 And I don't know I think that this is probably This isn't the realm of certainly very believable. Yeah, you know I think that Alex may have actually even had some inside information I wouldn't be surprised if he had sources on this one Yeah, no this one does make sense for Alex to be tertiarily connected enough to have like, oh, yeah, somebody did Yeah, we're not easy. He's gonna drop out on Friday. That's the plan. Yeah, I kind of believe him that he knew or would know Yeah, RFK should be hooked into the crazy grapevine and Alex is on the crazy great. Yeah Especially considering the people like Dell big tree and these like adjacent Anti-vaxx fucks yeah, and shit like there's a lot of overlap with Alex's world
Starting point is 00:11:52 So he might actually know you know he bluffs a lot, and he has a lot of bullshit sources Sure, this is one where I hear it. I'm like yeah, maybe you did is Ross bro still alive a tross Yeah, I don't know you think we could get another go-around with him? I think he's- I think he's dead. Ah, shit. He had a sword, man. No, that was Booker T. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Uh... Hahaha! So Alex, he never lies. Hmm. Like Spider-Man. Hmm. Tomorrow's news today. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:12:17 We don't want to get it wrong. Was that a thing? We don't want to be hated and mistrusted like the corporate media. We want to get it right because we all live together on this planet. I don't have anybody telling me what to do. I make the decisions around here. Alex Jones, the buck stops here. I'm in charge.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm in command. And that's not like bragging, I'm in command. No, it's a very dangerous situation with great power. Comes with great responsibility, as Spider-Man likes to say. And boy, have I learned just how true that is so I'm a lot more careful Than I was ten years ago twenty years ago thirty years ago, but I never never consciously tried to lie to you ever our currency is the truth and Our existence is here to serve God if your currency is the truth you broke
Starting point is 00:13:04 97,000. You intentionally lied about that. Sure. Yeah. But I like the, first of all, Spider-Man doesn't like to say that. That's something that was said to him, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:15 He actually sometimes, often in fact, resents that being almost a curse given to him by Uncle Ben. Perhaps if he wasn't burdened with that that Final words, you know, then he could just enjoy his great power do all kinds of shit Mm-hmm, but now he's got to deal with all this uncle bed. He's a ghost. You're not alive It's a struggle not something that Spider-man preached no
Starting point is 00:13:40 Also when Alex says like oh maybe maybe I'm more careful than I was 20 years ago Also, when Alex says like, oh, maybe I'm more careful than I was 20 years ago, this is a subtle reference to how he was drunk on air when he slandered Sandy Hook families. You would think. Maybe. You would think. A little more careful these days. You would hope. So I was listening to this and I'm like, okay, I want to hear Alex's take on the DNC.
Starting point is 00:13:59 We had a lot of speeches that night. I watched the coverage. Not the coverage. I watched the actual. Yep. Not the coverage. I watched the actual speech. You did watch the thing. Um, and I was just like, come on, give me something. Give me something. And all I'm getting is like a dorky voice. It's Wednesday, August 21st, 2024. I am your battle hardened host at the center of the Info War and you are at the center of the Info War when you tune in And you research and you share the links you aren't just part of the fight You are literally the eyes the ears the brain the soul the heart the guts the blood the bones
Starting point is 00:14:37 The sinew and the will of the people for a pro-human destiny and future. We are living in an epic time, an epic moment. A great time of change is upon us. Evil intends, while the political, economic, spiritual system is malleable to reform the planet in their God's image. We intend to have God work through us to form it in his image. This is the eternal battle that we are living through in all the spectacular reality around us. All right, Roger Stone's joining us at the bottom of the hour with a lot of breaking news and analysis and his response to the last two nights of the DNC.
Starting point is 00:15:32 06 Okay, so I guess we'll get Roger Stone's analysis of the DNC. That's great. But this is just it's such a dorky movie trailer like they are trying to make while the world is malleable, trying to form it in their God's image Yeah, like if I just I feel like if I were listening to this I would resent it. It's uh, I don't know like What would I say? It's not movie enough, but it's too movie. You know he's in the wrong. He's in the wrong zone It's uncanny if he was if he was like going over the top movie, you'd be like, oh, he's doing a bit. But if he wasn't doing movie at all, you'd be like, maybe I should listen to him. But what he is doing sucks.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Instead, he has the most dramatic music possible playing and talking about reshaping the image of the world while it's malleable. You know what it is? It's a cut scene from a video game. It's not a movie. It's not, you know, it's not something that's produced like this is what we're supposed to be doing. It's like, oh, this is thrown off in the video game. And it's low budget. Yeah. So, Colbert had some things to say about RFK. Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And Alex is not super thrilled about that. So he plays a little bit of Colbert. Okay. They took him off the ballot on the battleground states, totally legal, took him off in his home state, New York. And then Colbert and the rest of the media made fun of him and celebrated it and wouldn't give him secret service protection when they murdered his father and his uncle. Is that Colbert? So this is again the arrogance of the deep state, the Democrats, to not even be nice to him, at least on the surface, they just can't help themselves. So here's Colbert. Junior here got some bad news yesterday when a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that
Starting point is 00:17:19 he is disqualified from the New York ballot over falsifying his residence. Now, prosecutors, you were right, prosecutors proved he actually lives in Los Angeles thanks to a federal statement of candidacy with a California address and a social media video in which Kennedy talks about training ravens at his Los Angeles home. Dole foiled again! And he would have gotten away with it too
Starting point is 00:17:44 if he wasn't the weirdest person on the planet. R.F.K. Jr. claims this is just a misunderstanding, because he has considered New York his home since childhood and intended to return. That doesn't make it better. Sounds like a surgeon saying, You're in good hands, Mr. Johnson. I intended to finish medical school.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Now let's get stabbing. Anyway, this news sucks for him, but it is great for me. That's basically all twisted lies that make it believable. Everybody's looked into it. What? He has a home in Los Angeles. He has a home in Massachusetts. And he has a home in Los Angeles, he has a home in Massachusetts, and he has a home in New York, and it has
Starting point is 00:18:27 been his designated home for most of his life. But that doesn't matter. You can be on the ballot, and he qualified to be on the ballot no matter where he lived. But because he has lawyers and he can fill out all his forms. He's going to drop out. Who cares? Why are we doing this? They can sit there and find one little thing they claim is wrong, then the Democrats can
Starting point is 00:18:44 do whatever they want and commit massive crimes. So this is a big deal. I talked to Roger, who's the real political expert this morning, he's coming on with us in a little while, and he agreed that this will probably add six, seven points bare minimum to Trump, and they've got a margin of fraud of six to 12 points with the illegals and dead people voting in the databases. And so this, and we know Trump's already ahead, so this is just gave him even more of a lead that they've got to try to steal. All those numbers are entirely made up.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah, that'd mean nothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this is pretty tame stuff from Colbert and Alex is just wrong. He's arguing an incorrect point by playing someone who's funnier than him, which is a disaster. It's somewhat likely that most of the support that RFK has will go to Trump. But the way this is going to shake out is not guaranteed. For example, many of the people who were RFK voters were people who would vote for Trump but have become super radicalized by the anti-vax ideology and view Trump as a vaccine pusher. With RFK out of the race,
Starting point is 00:19:45 those people might go to Trump or they might not vote. If you're a single issue voter on vaccines, Trump and Harris are both bad choices for you. And if you think vaccines killed 50 million people or whatever, you should be a single issue voter. It seems like, it seems like yeah, you should. There's a lot of protest type votes caught up in RFK's numbers and those might not just go to Trump if he backs out. Plus, RFK carries a lot of liabilities with him. If Trump actually makes him some part of the administration, he's giving the Democrats a target rich environment for attack ads.
Starting point is 00:20:19 There's almost no position he could offer RFK that wouldn't be mockable, that he seems like a legitimate person, like a candidate for- You can't leave a dead bear cub in Central Park! I don't understand how that just doesn't- everybody just stops talking about him! Right. I mean, later in this episode, they like- they're spitballing all kinds of ideas, like he could be the head of the FDA! No, he couldn't!
Starting point is 00:20:39 No, he absolutely could not! What?! Maybe he could be Attorney General! No! No! What? His dad shouldn't have been Attorney General! That was a problem then! Could not what maybe you could be attorney general no His dad shouldn't have been attorney general that was a problem then if you're the Trump campaign RFK is currently a problem either way things go if he stays in the race He might pull potential votes his way But if he leaves the race he may become your problem
Starting point is 00:21:01 And you might not pick up as many votes as you you hope along the way. If there is a negotiation of like, I'll drop out if you give me some kind of a role in your administration, that could be a deal you might not wanna take. I find it hard to believe that somebody who has been openly saying they're going to vote for RFK is actually interested in voting all that much in the first place. Yeah, it's a statement.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah. Uh, at this point. Yeah. It seems like a... You... Like... It seems like a person saying, how can I make things worse than Trump? And that's a person that's probably not like,
Starting point is 00:21:39 oh, the ballot's gonna be the way to do it. I'm sure that this isn't borne out by all kinds of like polling and statistics and stuff like it, but it feels like the RFK vote is broken down into people who are lying and we're gonna vote for Trump. Yes. And people who aren't gonna vote for Trump would vote for RFK. And probably wouldn't vote for anybody anyways. Yeah, but like a statement protest type of vote. Right, right, right. And so I don't know, him dropping out and endorsing Trump really feels like a zero doesn't feel like it'll do anything no no
Starting point is 00:22:10 But oh well enjoy have fun mm-hmm so Alex declared war on RFK back when it looked like he was gonna That's right. I remember that yeah, but now he's cool with them. Yeah, that's right I remember that now from that clip just now We have to figure out a way to explain away the whole like I was going to do a war on him and there's bad things about him. Right. And so it turns out his son is probably CIA. I'm sorry. And again, I'm not trying to put up putting down R. F. K. Jr. But a lot of high level sources have pointed out that and this happens with people's children. They want to be their own person. His son has been in special operations.
Starting point is 00:22:45 His son has been working with the CIA. His son, of course, dated Taylor Swift, who was a CIA operation. What? And it was his son videotaped him a month ago talking to Trump about vaccines and Kennedy joining him. And that would be done because Trump hates leakers and doesn't trust leakers after what he went through in the first four years in office
Starting point is 00:23:07 And a lot of experts believe that was done strategically by his son to sabotage that You can see he's got his back turned to him. He's turned to the side and his sons. They're shooting video of it and then leaks it and Of course they were leaked leak just the parts they thought would hurt Trump and Kennedy. So it's really sad to see that type of stuff going on. But if I was RFK Jr., I would keep his son at arm's length, who's also fought in Ukraine in the first days in the country. What?
Starting point is 00:23:43 U.S. troops have been there for 10, 11 years, but he's been fighting since the war started officially two and a half years ago. So not trying to attack our kids, your family. I just, that is treacherous, but I think Trump sees through it. And so this is a big deal. This is a godsend. We are very, very excited. So excited.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Sound excited. Um, the message seems to be to RFK, abandon your son for Trump, right? And we are very, very excited. So excited. Sound excited. The message seems to be to RFK, abandon your son for Trump. Right? What just happened? One, I did not know a Kennedy has been fighting in Ukraine since the jump. I didn't, I feel like that should have been. Did you know that Taylor Swift is a CIA operation?
Starting point is 00:24:19 Didn't know that? Well. That actually does make a lot more sense though. I didn't know that she dated a Kennedy I don't I don't under I don't know any of the choices that any of these people make but they sound insane. Yeah Um, I think that this is a pro family message that I'm hearing from okay. Okay I think that he really cares about the bonds between parent and child cut ties Send them to a war zone Send them to a war zone because he's a threat to Trump
Starting point is 00:24:48 And then never speak to them again. So the CIA Yeah is working with our FK's kid in order to record him having a conversation with Trump Leak that yes, Trump doesn't like le Sure. So they're trying to sabotage the relationship between RFK and Trump through the CIA asset son. Right, now. Brilliant. I don't know if the CIA should be allowed to think anymore if this is where they go.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I mean, it's a plot. It's quite a plot. I think it sounds more like something Alex would come up with than the CIA. It does sound a lot like that, because it sounds to me like if I were to hear that plan, if I was like somebody who had any kind of control whatsoever over anything, and somebody was like, oh, the CIA's got this plan, I'd be like, then we have to close doors now. Yeah. There has to no longer be.
Starting point is 00:25:41 We're out of hand, man. Yeah, we got, this is out of control. We need some oversight. What are we doing? Yeah. What? I know we're the CIA, but this is fucking dumb Jesus Can't we overthrow a country or something? We're doing this. We're getting his son to take photos got it sounds more like rationalization yeah Yeah, so Alex has a guest on the show not Roger Stone. Okay another Luminary just like this is a great guest. I have
Starting point is 00:26:08 Victor boot the famous Mercenary as the media calls him and businessman and confidant of Vladimir Putin Will be joining us in the third hour today To dial us in to some military folks on the front lines in Russia in- Wait, what? Where now, 14 days ago, NATO backed an invasion of Russia proper, the first time that's happened since the Germans invaded in Operation Barbarossa in 1942. We'll also talk about the attempted assassination of Trump with Victor
Starting point is 00:26:47 Booth. And we'll also talk about Putin with his amnesty for people fleeing Satanism in the West. So yeah, Victor Booth coming back on. We talked about him being on the show a little while back. Right. Because he is a gun trafficker. Right. An arms dealer, international arms dealer.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah. Sold weapons to terrorists, got it busted in a sting operation, and then was part of the prisoner exchange with Britney Grinnear with Russia. Yeah, yeah. You know, whoever said there are no second acts was way wrong. Way wrong. There are four, fifth, sixth, and then there are arms dealer X which may go on forever This is it's nuts. I mean that can being on once was pretty crazy. Yeah, that was a crazy him coming back
Starting point is 00:27:32 What what yeah, what so Alex? I believe he said in that clip or if he doesn't he does at other points he says that he's a governor Now fixer is a governor. Yeah, he's a local politician in Russia now. I would be not there. He's part of a ultra-nationalist Russian party called the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Sounds right. And that name is misleading.
Starting point is 00:27:55 You think? Yeah. This party is famous as the first officially sanctioned opposition party in Russia, but it's also been followed by allegations that they were pretty close with the KGB. Almost like controlled opposition. It's an interesting phrase. Russia, but it's also been followed by allegations that they were pretty close with the KGB. Almost like controlled opposition.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's an interesting phrase. Their founder, Vladimir Zoronovsky, has a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and he got in trouble in 2017 when he made this threat in parliament. Quote, in March next year I will drive into the Kremlin and shoot and hang you, you scoundrels. Alright, alright, alright. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project explained their party like this. They quote, cultivate an image of political opposition. The party's rhetoric is strongly nationalist and its criticism of the official policy often
Starting point is 00:28:37 adopts a right-wing position. But that criticism is often purely symbolic. In most cases, the party ends up supporting the Kremlin's legislative priorities. In Russia, the phrase loyal or systemic opposition is often used to describe such parties, which give the appearance of a functioning democracy, but in fact serve as placeholders for genuine opposition movements. Their founder, Zyranovsky, was a bit of a racist asshole with such public comments as quote, the United States is being overrun by blacks and Hispanics.
Starting point is 00:29:07 You and us, the Russians, share the same threat from the dark-skinned people from the Third World. All right. Or there was another time when he said, quote, Dark-skinned street vendors in Moscow make it look like a non-Russian city. This is a black stain that should be eradicated. Eek. I'm taking these quotes from an article in the noted woke outlet, the heritage
Starting point is 00:29:25 foundation, titled Zyrinovsky in his own words. The greatest ever made. So yeah, that's the party that Victor Booth is now a local governor for. And it seems to be, I would assume this is part of why he's interested in targeting his efforts at someone like Alex. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I think there's some overlap spiritually. I would really, I mean if I was him, I would have asked for this same job but like outside
Starting point is 00:29:55 of Russia. Like, I would like to be, I would like to be at least it's a little bit harder for you to kill me at a whim. Like that's what I would prefer. It would give you a little bit more comfort. Just a little bit of for you to kill me at a whim. Like that's what I would prefer. It would give you a little bit more comfort. Just a little bit of space, you know? I don't want him like knowing a guy in my town. And that's why Alex is like, he's talking,
Starting point is 00:30:13 I believe in that clip he even mentioned that like Russia is offering refugees from the Satanic. No! Like they'll let you come here if you're running from the globalists and stuff, but I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna stay here and go down with the ship. It'sists and stuff, but I'm not going to do it. I'm going to stay here and go down with the ship." It's like, yeah, of course you're not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, you do not do that. You want to be in... You don't want to be in... Absolutely do not do that. Have you heard some of the stuff they do to people? You do not want to do that. So I think that there's a little bit... I mean, obviously it's not a one-to-one parallel or anything, but there's a little bit of a dynamic of the GOP and Alex's sort of Ron Paul fringy kind
Starting point is 00:30:48 of shit with the liberal Democratic Party and Putin's shit. Language-wise. Yeah. There's a sort of dialectic balance between the two that is similar. Yeah. They can both use each other well, but I think both of them would be very mad if they were forced to live under either one of those Probably yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, you know, you have to ask yourself Why is this Victor boot guy coming on the show huge question of mine? It's cuz he's a big fan that sounds wrong
Starting point is 00:31:20 Great job the producers. Nobody Gets Victor boot. Nobody gets Victor Booth. Nobody. Doesn't give interviews to anybody. He's a governor now in Russia. And the reason we get Victor Booth is he was in prison for over a decade here in the United States, extradited the United States,
Starting point is 00:31:37 supposedly for arms dealing. And he was in prison and listened to me for over a decade on local AM stations. See, so people on X are like, why do you have breaks? Well, I know a lot of you were young and I understand that, but there's a thing called talk radio. Yeah, so that's probably what I would tell Alex too if I were in his position.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You were my solace when I was in prison wrongfully charged with gun dealing. I think my understanding of international law has always been that you wouldn't be an international arms dealer if everybody was going out of their way to arrest you all the time. Generally speaking, if they get you, it's probably because you are part of a larger problem. You know? And it's, I have to assume that it's like pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. Like what you've gotten up to is bad. Yeah. If it rises to the level of like, you know, a giant international sting operation over guns deal. Yeah, cause let's face it, most everybody likes a little international arms deal. Nobody wants all their own arms being all over the place, you know, because then people are like, hey, why are your arms there? So maybe you want a little international arms
Starting point is 00:32:53 dealer, but you don't want the guy who's doing too much. You don't want the guy who is eventually going to be played by Nicolas Cage. Yes. That's correct. That's generally going to be, you know. And Victor Boot is waiting for the Nicolas cage Fucking hell yeah, well, so anyway you listen to Alex in prison. Yeah, that's us Also Alex seems to be a little bit insulting towards Brittany Grenier here when he talks about the prisoner exchange. Weird. That's the power of talk radio.
Starting point is 00:33:30 He's in prison listening to this show five days a week. Guys, look up how long Victor Booth was in U.S. prison. I want to get the actual number. I think it was 12 years. How many years? So my memory served 10 years in prison sentence to 25 and exchanged in that prisoner swap for the Pot smoking NBA player. So that's that's what's going on. That is exclusive that nobody else gets
Starting point is 00:34:08 Coming up you're supposed to be fine with people smoking weed, Alex. Why would you be in favor of her being arrested in Russia? I mean, shouldn't that be that like you realize how bullshit the arrest was if it was what are we doing this pot smoking NBA player? I don't I don't understand what his even angle is on that if that's your he's trying to make a convicted arms dealer the good person in the prisoner exchange with a Woman who got arrested for smoking pot or having pot in a sham arrest in Russia Yeah, I mean, I just don't see any way like no matter what tone of voice you take on that. You're you're you're crazy
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah, oh She didn't commit a crime like wait. No, you you can't you can't sarcastic your way out of that Yeah, this just looks bad. Yeah, this looks bad I will say that I don't know if Victor boot doesn't do any other interviews like I don't know that to be true for sure But if we accept that premise Alex needs to do a lot more soul searching about how suspicious it is that he's the only person who will do an interview with him. Yeah, yeah, that should say more about him. It sets off alarms.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah. So anyway, I was hoping to hear about the DNC and Alex is just, he has so many clips. Forgot the DNC is even happening, honestly. The show has a magic way of making you forget. It's a good thing we don't have a guest in the second hour because I have more than 20 clips from last night's DNC. And I know a lot of you don't want to be subjected to this. We covered it Monday, we covered it Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It is the most horrible lying. It's like a tree full of parrots chirping the same lies over and over again. It's like being teleported for a visit to hell. But that said that we do have some juicy clips and they're just amazing. They're, they're absolutely amazing. They're so amazing. These clips, their lies and parrots, He only plays a few clips. It's underwhelming. The analysis is underwhelming. I would say. I was disappointed.
Starting point is 00:36:11 But I kind of get it. I watched a little bit of his live coverage of the Night 2. And he wasn't on most of it. It's mostly like Harrison and Chase. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah, because, I mean, what are you going to do? You're going to have to talk over the whole time. He wasn't on most of it. It's mostly like Harrison and Chase. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah, because, I mean, what are you gonna do? You're gonna have to talk over the whole time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's a marathon, and I don't think Alex has the energy for it. I don't. No. It's kind of boring. Yeah, I don't know what anybody thinks it's going to be. Well, I mean, like, I'm tuning in and I and I'm like wow Kamala Harris's husband is fucking delightful He seems really he seems like he actually has a sense of humor. That's it. Yep. This is pretty funny. Great What are we doing? That's charming. I don't know how you're gonna spin that on info war. Yeah. Yeah. Good luck Yeah, so Alex skim some headlines of articles about the DNC. I just think we're in soft territory
Starting point is 00:37:05 There's another one, Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. Think about that. And somehow it's still all Trump's fault. That's really the big talking point, this is true. Meanwhile, Cardinal Cupich, praise for peace and unity as the DNC, while there's on-site abortion trucks killing babies
Starting point is 00:37:27 Can't make that up We've got video We're gonna also be getting into a bunch of other Clips that I've got here Obama says Trump's got a weird obsession With the size of crowds pretending it's something about Trump's got a weird obsession with the size of crowds, pretending it's something about Trump's peepee. Meanwhile, Democrats have to bring rappers to their events to fill seats. But just think about what a disingenuous statement that is.
Starting point is 00:37:55 We're going to play it. Do grocery stores, are they in the crowds? Are football games in the crowds? Are colleges in the crowds? Are dental offices in the crowds? Are movie theaters in the crowds? What is is happening in our restaurants in the crowds? Because they have trouble getting big crowds they had to pay people to go to their event in Chicago They have a war chest. You know, it's just ginormous
Starting point is 00:38:19 but again Talk about gaslighting He's into the size of crowds. Well, yeah, he owns golf courses and hotels and everything else. When you're actually into success, you're into crowds. Like, oh, why are there ratings for movies? Why are there ratings for TV shows?
Starting point is 00:38:37 This feels really weak. Yeah, you have a couple of things going on here, which is that Alex doesn't have the same ammo he expected to have when he needed to cover the DNC. It's supposed to be the hellish mass ritual where they'd kill Joe Biden to allow Michelle Obama and Hillary to take their place as the head witches of the Democratic coven to finally bring forth the final battle between good and evil. And what do we have? A van providing emergency contraception to people? Obama made a dick joke? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Like if you're an InfoWars viewer, you gotta have to be a bit let down by this. I mean, yeah, this is weak. And Alex is kind of making Obama's point about the crowd size joke? He's getting really defensive unnecessarily about crowd sizes, which is the very thing that Obama is mocking. The correct response from Alex on this is either to say nothing or shame Obama for making a dick joke. It's beneath him or something like that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Something like that. That's all you got. Defending Trump's defensiveness about crowds is the weak position and it makes you look stupid. You should know better than this, Alex. Your instincts. Come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I will say from a decade on the stage, you're gonna lose if you're like, hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody likes crowd size. You're done. You're done, buddy. Guess who's going to be on my side and not yours? The crowd. And they're gonna make fun of you. Yeah. It's like, I'm cool. What? Yeah. No. Shouldn't have done that. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Cool. Yeah. What? Yeah. No, sure. Shouldn't have done that. Yeah. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. So, you know, I think they could have just let it drop, but said Alex gets really defensive about this great joke and it goes on way too long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:14 If you're into crowds, that is freaking weird. I've never heard of him that weird. I mean like so what he was on with the Elon Musk two Mondays ago and got over a billion views and listens So what it's the biggest? Interview ever in history. I mean big deal Biggest interview in history. I mean, I thought I was doing good to one Joe Rogan interview had a hundred million views I thought my Elon Musk interview with 50 million was big man I thought I thought Tucker Carlson's 300 million with Putin was big. But that's actually bad, folks.
Starting point is 00:40:47 When you've got a billion views, you're a loser. When Kamala has a live stream and has 3,000 people on it, that's the type of crowd you want. You understand? In fact, since I'm on that, let's play the Obama clip. Obama, Trump's got a weird obss... I was getting this next hour, but let's start getting to something now before Roger gets on. Trump's got a weird I was getting this next hour Let's start getting to some now before Roger gets on Trump's got a weird obsession with crowd size here it is This weird obsession with crowd sizes
Starting point is 00:41:21 Oh if you're ready illiterate you didn't see it he like holds his hands down by his crotch and does a penis measurement size. Look we all Two foot long ding-dong. We I'm sure what doesn't probably have you know, a rhinoceros penis we understand How you would respond to this. No, no. This is not pro shit here. Nope, nope.
Starting point is 00:41:50 No, I think here's the appropriate response. When the Obamas go low, they find out exactly how far down Trump dicks hangs. You know, like that's kind of as good as you're gonna get. I think Alex is trying to get a little lower Than what Obama's low here is. Yeah, but that's and so you get the transphobia and the mocking of Michelle Obama But then yeah, I mean that's very strange. No you go you either you either go Yeah, Trump's dick is so small jokes, and then you take the power back or you attack them for talking about Trump's dick. You only, you pretend to be scandalized by this kind of talk.
Starting point is 00:42:35 That's what you do when you're the fucking right wing. You can't, you can't make a joke on this joke because you look, you look like an, like this looks bad. Yeah. Looks idiot. Oh, Trump's dick is small. It's about the same size as Obama's integrity. How about that? You know, like that's the way you that's the way you do it. Yeah, that's sort of Tucking and rolling right with the you're falling out of the joke is pushing you out of this vehicle Yep, and you just got to land and keep rolling
Starting point is 00:43:01 You got to keep going I'm gonna win this one, right? It is what it is. You get into a different car and you run that car into their car. You're not gonna try and hang on. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Alex decides that instead,
Starting point is 00:43:12 what he's gonna do is he's going to, you know that song Big John? You don't mess around with Big John. Yes, yes. Alex decides that he's gonna do a parody of that, but about Michelle Obama. Wild. He's gonna use the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nobody knew where Big Mike came from.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He just drifted into town and stayed all alone. If he said much to Big Mike, just said, hi. He's Big Mike. You know, they say he got in a fight over a Cajun queen in New Orleans. Yep. I've got to actually get the lyrics from that, because I'm going from memory and then rewrite it for Big Mike.
Starting point is 00:43:51 In fact, today, I'm going to get in the studio, I'm going to rewrite Jimmy Dean's Big John. I'm going to get it right, because just me joking around last night was viral on Instagram and Twitter, millions of views, and all this other stuff. We're going to do an official ode to Jimmy Dean and Big John, Big Mike. I'm going to rewrite it. I'm going to nail it.
Starting point is 00:44:13 We're going to get it done. Oh boy. Okay, I got more of those. There's so many of these. I have over 20 of these bad boys. So many of these clips he's got to get to so like I think that there's This is the attempt to like make your own humor off this. It's such it see it feels desperate It's the opposite of what that little John felt like yeah like that felt breezy and like actually
Starting point is 00:44:40 Mildly self-effacing but also celebratory totally mildly self-effacing but also celebratory. Totally. This just feels like desperate. And Alex's like, oh, we got a little bit of attention for this bigotry that I packaged in a song parody. Yeah. So I'm gonna put more effort into that. Yeah, you gotta, so here's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:44:58 You gotta recognize when the joke is beating you. You know, and so he's not recognizing that because if you did that, if you recognize that, then you've got to do like a writer's room situation. Like the moment, the moment Obama killed with a dick joke, you have to be in the office the next morning, like how are we going to talk about this? Because if we just allow Alex to go off the dome,
Starting point is 00:45:20 we're going to get this shit. Yeah. You know? And this is, this is worse than nothing. Worse than, pretending get this shit. Yeah. You know? And this is worse than nothing. Worse than pretending it never happened. Yeah. Your job when you're Alex is probably just to move on. Power through.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Power through, yeah. Nothing is a good response. Yeah. So Roger Stone comes in and he's talking about how all the polls that are saying that Harris and Walls are popular, they are not real. Sure. Because there's some trustworthy places that he gets his news from. Oh boy. Trump is actually now beginning to move ahead in a number of the key polls that I do trust.
Starting point is 00:45:57 The odds makers in Las Vegas, who we both know are virtually never wrong, now moving him several points ahead in terms of his likeliness to win the election. Yeah, sure. You go to Gallup, I got a bookie. I know a bookie. I mean, I don't know. I think he's misunderstanding generally. Now, my understanding of how odds makers work is that they are not like putting their finger on the scale Their idea is they want to set it up so that they can win and maximize profit. Yeah Commercial industry. Yeah, so like the idea would be like, oh if there's putting that more on there be like
Starting point is 00:46:40 Oh, there's ten to one odds for Trump because not enough people are betting on Maybe I'm wrong. There's a need to make sure the house comes out ahead whenever you're making these books, whenever you're making these odds. Right, right, right. And that's built into the science of it. Whereas people who are doing polling are doing polling. Yeah, you want to kind of have the same amount of money on both sides of the bet.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And so you adjust the odds to the place where people will put the same amount of money on both sides of the bet and so you adjust the odds to the place where people will put the same amount of money on both sides of the bet. It is very funny that Roger Stone, like it's a parody of himself to be like, I don't trust the polls, I know a bookie. Yeah, that is nuts. It's like him doing a commercial and a prayer. Yeah, yeah. I got a guy who tells me what the real straight dope is.
Starting point is 00:47:22 So the odds are going up for Trump though. Sure. Because RFK is on board. Okay. And he's got buzz. I don't know. And I think he can help Trump in many ways, but he does have a buzz out there. He does have his group, the support he does have for himself while he's still nationally
Starting point is 00:47:43 in single digits. He does somewhat better among younger voters. I do think they will follow him. I do think they respect him. I think just as Tulsi Gabbard joining the Trump campaign, the Trump effort is seismic. That is a huge development. Is that seismic? I forgot who Tulsi G gabbert actually was for a second
Starting point is 00:48:05 I think anybody who's paying attention assumed she like supported Trump even when she was running as a Democrat Yeah, I thought that was I thought that was where she I thought that was her whole shit people didn't I don't think it's a seismic Shift do she do people support her or is she just like an avatar right wing folk right-wing folk a lot of them support her. Okay, okay. I think that you know it's the I left the left kind of support. Sure sure. I mean you know I think I think that the confusion I have is like the idea of these people are going to follow RFK which doesn't make sense to me because I always thought that RFK was like the avatar for which they put their dissatisfaction with the rest of the choices and gave him that.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Not like, oh well we're going to follow him. Once he is no longer the representative of dissatisfaction, then he is dead to them, right? Some percentage. Right, that has to be... There will be that fall off. Because there's... Because who is like, wow, oh, my captain, dead bear cub asshole,
Starting point is 00:49:07 let's do this. People who are diehard Kennedy stans. That is a thing? People who love the family. They can't get enough of it. American royalty, baby. I mean, hey, there are people who still love the monarchy and more power to them. There's got to be some small amount that Trump will get from that.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Must be. But yeah, I don't know. I think that RFK's relevance comes down to funny headlines. Yeah, pretty much. His willingness to say weird shit. And so I don't know how much buzz that's really gonna generate for Trump in the same way that like Tulsi Gabbard like she's Primarily popular with like Jimmy Dore types Tim pool types, right? We're already gonna support Trump. Yeah, they were yeah This isn't breaking any new ground really so You know what would though what if Tim Wallz and JD Vance had a debate, that would be fun. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Or what if Kamala Harris and Trump had a debate? Oh God. We need debates. I don't want any debates. The other thing I really want to see, Alex, in all honesty is a JD Vance, Tim Walz debate. I mean, get me the popcorn. This will be a classic because it really would be a
Starting point is 00:50:27 contrast between two completely different political philosophies. I think JD Vance is underrated as Trump's running mate. I think his moment in this race is going to come. His defining moment is going to come, which will prove that he was, in fact, the right choice. I really want to see both of these debates. I think that with Obama moving his top operatives into the Kamala Harris campaign to try to take control of it, you're going to have some friction there. But they have to be thinking about how she can dodge debates because the debates are fraught with peril for her. Trump is a championship debater. He
Starting point is 00:51:10 proved in the debate with Biden that he can be disciplined, that he can be focused. He didn't take the bait even though it is few lucid moments during the debate. Biden tried to bait him. That was a triumphant debate. He was not good. He was excellent. And I totally agree. And I think as bad as Biden is, Kamala will be worse. That's why I actually don't think she'll debate. I mean, she showed up twice in the last two nights for a minute and a half each time and reads off a teleprompter just to say a few words and look like a deer in the headlights.
Starting point is 00:51:42 She's agreed to multiple debates. But also- She's got an advantage debates. But also... She's got an advantage over Biden too, in that she is alive. Mm-hmm. That is usually helpful in that. Yeah, I do think... I would like to watch the debate between Walls and Vance,
Starting point is 00:51:54 because you have, like, very likable versus... Oh, my God. What is this? Unlikable person. I will say that Vance will have... His moment will come. And if... If he steps up to that moment I will give you 10 billion dollars. Here's the premise that I agree with. Yeah. Roger saying that his time will come which implies that it hasn't yet. Right. And that I agree with. Right, exactly. Whatever impact he's supposed to have has not happened yet. No, no, no, but there will be a moment where everyone truly sees Vance and I do not think that they
Starting point is 00:52:32 are going to get the response that they think they are. No, but it's nice for Roger to hold out hope. Good luck. I do think that when you have Roger Stone on the day after the, you know, Obama's give speeches at the DNC and he needs to lead with I was wrong. Yeah, you'd think. Yeah, he probably should. But there's no real talk of that. It's been a long time since I've heard anybody say they were wrong, to be honest. I've been predicting Michelle Obama was going to take over the party.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Oh no, she gave a nomination Congratulatory, I mean speech for Harris I could I could see the angle that I could take that I would see taking if I was Roger Stone is I would Be like did you see the two speeches? They both had the keynote speeches They both got the best review bill, but they the old fucking Bomas. They already run everything. The party is theirs. Did you hear them talk? And the way everybody like, masturbated rapturously?
Starting point is 00:53:31 I guess that's a way that Roger could try to save face. But that's not what he predicted. No, no, no, no, agreed, agreed. That's not what, it wouldn't work for me, but it might work for Alex. It's the best, it's the best I can come up with having less than 40 seconds to think about it. Yeah. So Alex goes to some calls after Roger leaves.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And this one caller, I think you misunderstood some of the chants at the DNC. I don't have cable television, but I was able to see enough clips, I think. And, you know, to be honest, one of the biggest takeaways I have, not just from the laughable speakers and the normal lives, but everyone chanting, do something, right? Everyone chanting, do something. Well, I think, you know, it's no surprise to anybody that the Democrats have had long enough to do something, right? And the hypocrisy of it all is the fact that the one man that actually did something and has done something over the last 12 plus years is the very person that they claim to hate,
Starting point is 00:54:35 the very person that they claim to be running against. So during Michelle's speech, there was a chant of do something. And it was not the audience chanting, I demand you do something. Right. It was in response to her saying, don't just sit around and talk, we need to do something. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Like if we want to make a change in the politics, we wanna make sure that we win this election. Sure, sure, sure, sure. Do something. Right. Don't just talk, do something. And so people chanted, do something. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:55:04 But it was not like a indictment of the like, you, Michelle, you do something. Oh, okay. And that's the way it seems to be being presented in the conversation with Alex. I would also have appreciated a nice reverse threat you know, out of it like, hey, do something, huh? What do you got?
Starting point is 00:55:22 I'm fucking Michelle, do something, do it. I dare you I don't give a shit. Yeah, we're on the subject of chance. Yeah, there's a there's a chant that unfortunately Seems to happen when the Wyatt's come out And are about to attack Chad gable yeah, it's friends and that is people chanting you fucked up. Mmm, and if you watch these, you know I watch these clips on YouTube I watch them after the fact. I'm not spending all night watching raw. Sure. Sure. Um, but they have to bleep it
Starting point is 00:55:52 They have to bleep the crowd? Yeah, that's not cool. You can't do that. That's a strange revelation Yeah, that you do have to bleep the crowd if you're on TV and that's the power of the crowd. They can yell obscenities. I mean, yeah, I'm going to have to go with we should rethink everything about our society if you have to bleep the crowd. It's weird. It gets in the way. Start from scratch. So we get another caller, and this person has a really good question for Alex that he
Starting point is 00:56:21 can't really answer, but he tries. Do you think Trump is playing possum in these rallies? Because no, he knows about the deep state. It's what we talk about. We listen to you about every single day on their board. And is he playing possum? Or is he not aware? Or what do you think? What's your opinion? What do you think is going through his strategy with these rallies? your opinion? What do you think's going through his strategy with these rallies? Thank you. Oh, you're talking about Trump? Yes. How are you saying he's playing possum? Well, I'm saying all the things like, what is assassination attempt? It's like, he's a smart dude, you know? I mean, this guy's been around, he's been around the
Starting point is 00:57:00 block a few times, you know what I mean? He's very, very... He has spoken about the assassination. He's thanked God for saving him every time And he has talked about how they stood down, but he needs to go further And directly say I know you did it and don't try it again Yeah, that's yeah, i'm sorry that that's my point Why is he going for the jugular or is he playing possum making people like I know what you're doing? I'm just playing stupid. You know, I can't tell you how Trump's brain works, but he's a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:57:29 He doesn't want to look weak by his. He's just whining. If I had to guess. Yeah, you would see it as whining. He doesn't want to do that. Hmm. The guy who complains all the goddamn time. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:40 So I think that this is a great question that I think is funny. Yeah. But is that being asked in sincere, like good faith by this caller, which is, is Trump playing possum by not saying all the shit that you say and that you tell us that he believes on the show? Why doesn't your version match up with this person? Is it strategic on his part? They tried to shoot him. I don't know. It seems like it should be now or never. Yeah. Yeah, the fun thing
Starting point is 00:58:13 about that question is that you can't answer with, no he's not, because by asking the question you are acknowledging that the behavior is what it is. Right? So you can't be like, I think he's doing a great job. No, because he's making people think that he's playing possum. Right. Or at least question whether or not he's playing possum, meaning his behavior is such that they have to question it. This caller's response is indicative of a bunch of people's response. Right. A question is an indictment. You can't pretend that that voice isn't there. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And, yeah. No good. It's not a good answer that Alex has, but there isn't a good answer. No, no, no, no. It's like, well, I mean, they're in the same situation that everybody was with Biden, where it's like, oh, is Biden alive?
Starting point is 00:59:01 No, but you have to say he is, and then we got Kamala, and now everything's fine. I guess Alex's best play in this situation. Yeah is unfortunately like He kind of has to be a politician. Oh But then you've lost exactly. Yep, that's against the ethos and then the myth of of Trump But that's probably the only way you really walk through Yeah, I mean they just they wrote themselves into a corner and now they have to get rid of them
Starting point is 00:59:29 or they're going to lose. That's kind of, it's very simple. It's almost too simple. Maybe that's what RFK is for. Payback for his uncle and his dad, he's gonna murder Trump. Now we're talking. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Now that's a movie. Uh-huh. Give me some trailer music. Wouldn't it be weird to walk across Trump and a bicycle in Central Park? You just pan out. You see RFK in the jail cell. The ultimate joke. I mean if that happens he has transcended humor beyond anything I could ever imagine. Yeah, he blames it on the word. He should just ascend to heaven like fucking Elijah in chariots of fire. We'll see what happens on that front. Oh, I mean, man.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So we get another caller. Yeah. And this person is critical of Elon Musk. Good. Because they feel like their account is being throttled. Not good. And they're just trying to build a following man. Elon's letting that use all this free speech stuff, but not me. Right. What's going on? Yeah. Interesting question. Yeah. And so he believes that by calling Infowars, he's calling customer
Starting point is 01:00:36 service for Twitter. I think that's a good call. Because Elon Musk is listening. Right. You know, Elon Musk, all of a sudden, all these accounts got marked as spam, and it's right before the 2024 election. I feel like he's almost censoring us, all these small accounts, you know. If you're Justin Bieber or somebody, your account's not going to get messed with, but somebody like me who's trying to build and trying to like spread truth and all that, it's impossible to work with that. Well, I mean, I can barely keep track of my own ex account. Clearly, I get throttled some.
Starting point is 01:01:05 That's a big complex issue. There's a lot of Democrat party groups that go out and flag accounts over and over again. We know they've been flagging my account to try to suppress it. There's a lot of our techniques they use. And then the smaller accounts get flagged a bunch and a lot of exes automated. He fired 80% of the employees. And I know that he's got the best platform other than rumble or smaller info wars in the aggregate.
Starting point is 01:01:29 So I don't look a gift towards the mouth, but definitely Naomi Wolf last time I checked had somebody trick her to give them her login information and they shut her out and kicked her out of her account. And then last time I checked, it's been a few days she couldn't get any service to get it fixed. So yeah, I think we should hold Elon's feet to the fire. I just can't definitively tell you
Starting point is 01:01:48 what is actually going on. Does that answer your question? No. Yeah, yeah, so what I just, you know, I'm really calling in to make it a stink. You know, I know Elon probably watches the show and I really want him to see that it's hurting small people because I actually had a friend who posted videos
Starting point is 01:02:04 and they immediately got taken down and he couldn't figure out why. And this is like stuff that he put a lot of work into and he could have just turned around and deleted it off of his computer for all he, you know, and it got lost for forever. All right, I hear you. I'm sorry to, I'm sorry to, sorry that's happening and we need to make the internet open and free again
Starting point is 01:02:21 and great again. And, but I don't mind you calling in. I appreciate your call. You're welcome to call back and say the and great again. And, but I don't mind you calling in. I appreciate your call. You're welcome to call back and say the same thing again. We're just, we are here fighting the big tech takeover and compared to Google and Facebook and all the rest of it, Elon's doing a great job, but certainly there's room for improvement.
Starting point is 01:02:40 And I've seen it in my opinion, the service getting better at being expanded, but certainly there are a lot of issues So thank you. Thank you. Hey buddy. It's working for me right now. So Yeah, but you know We're not gonna be mad about you having this problem because we have to give voice to and support the small accounts that are being Stepped on by the guy who's supposed to not step on I thought these were like the fundamental problems that they had with old Twitter.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Seems like it's, seems like they thought that Elon was buying it for them, as opposed to for himself. How the fuck does that story about Naomi Wolf have anything to do with anything? This is about baffling, baffling. I'm baffled. I don't know what, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:03:22 I don't know any of the details. She got tricked and then she's not allowed back in and that is where it ends I'm just supposed to be left with that. Mm-hmm. I don't trick her I don't know why unless it was Elon himself, right? I don't know how this relates Mm-hmm, but I do think there's something very charming about this guy thinking that Elon's listening No, I think it's Alex's fault I think it makes perfect sense for this guy to believe that Elon is listening to Alex's show regularly? No, I think it's Alex's fault! I think it makes perfect sense for this guy to believe that Elon is listening based upon
Starting point is 01:03:48 the way Alex has treated it. Yes! Yeah, this guy is, I mean... No, I agree. I understand how we got to this point, but it's insane. Yes, it is insane. It's insane that someone would believe that. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Right! And yet at the same time it makes perfect sense because You know who probably is listening as a guy who kind of sounds like you But if you if you are if you're listening you have to be like oh well That's secretly Elon Musk so I can get him a message through back channels mm-hmm and through Alex Yeah, though Naomi Wolf was on the show recently. If it was the case that Elon's listening, then she shouldn't have had her problems. Right? Who gives a shit? Oh, God. Nonsense. Okay. So get another caller. All right. Erick
Starting point is 01:04:37 in Texas. Go ahead. You're on the air. Hey, Alex. Welcome. Hey, I'm born and raised in Austin, Texas. I'm a 24 year listener. I believe I've seen your video when you refused a thumbprint scanner there at the text dot. It puts you in jail. Yes sir. Yes sir, that was pretty cool. That was pretty cool. That was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:05:00 This guy is an award winning CBD maker. He goes on to reveal that. Okay. This guy is an award-winning CBD maker. He goes on to reveal that. But this clip, I think, is a perfect encapsulation of how Alex's audience has to believe total bullshit in order to prop up their illusions about him. This is a guy who says he's been listening for 24 years, and the first thing that comes out of his mouth
Starting point is 01:05:17 is that he thinks it's cool how Alex went to the DMV and refused to get thumb printed, which got him arrested. This didn't really happen. This is a myth that Alex perpetuates, but unless you listen to his show regularly, you might not know that he wasn't really arrested for this and he's admitted that what happened was that he made a big scene at the DMV refusing to get thumb printed for his new duplicate license application and then came back after the crowd died down and went through the process because he needed
Starting point is 01:05:41 his driver's license to go about his life. Yeah, that's just important. The fake version of this story is so much better for an audience member because it preserves the illusion that Alex gives a shit about any of this stuff. If you understand what really happened, it's kind of too obvious that what Alex did was whip people into a frenzy about something he insisted they should be super afraid of, quietly submitted to the thing that everyone was supposed to be afraid of, then marketed videos to the people insisting that they should be super afraid of this thing that he's submitted
Starting point is 01:06:08 to but is pretending to be the champion against to the point where he's arrested for it. Here's a clip of him from March 20th, 2003. Okay, Alex, what happened with your deal when you went down to do your license and they asked you to thumb scan and wasn't there some kind of an uproar? What ended, what became of all that? To see the video in a Maronica destroyed by design you ever seen that footage? No, I've Seen Masters of Terror just last week. We picked that up really enjoy it. My mom wants to use it at her church in Wisconsin well, I suggest as a primer road to tyrannies the best we've got the production wise but I Would suggest you get that one.
Starting point is 01:06:45 They're all right. Were you able to get around the thumb scan? No, they have a waiver. Some people have gotten it. They will not give it to you and will refuse it. I could sue them, but then I wouldn't have time to be on the radio six, seven hours a day. Right. Like tonight I'm going to be on Jeff ranch. Okay. But I can fill in for somebody for two hours today or locally. I mean, I'm just working all the timesey, but I can play somebody for two hours today or locally I'm just working all the time. It's too busy So the image of Alex being this kind of firebrand that would refuse to play by the man's rules and is willing to go to Jail for it is really appealing
Starting point is 01:07:14 It's a very appealing public image and way cooler than right-wing idiot who has good instincts for publicity Stunts at least in the 90s, which is basically what he is. I was in kid. I look, I'm busy. I gotta be on the radio. I gotta sell this to you. So I can't actually do the fighting thing that I'm implying is so important. Yeah, yeah. It's strange. Yeah, MLK had to be in a Birmingham jail to write that letter. Otherwise, people would be like, you're full of shit. And that's kind of the problem. You cannot get the thumbprint unless you're busy. Yeah, no, that's really.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Oh, is that all? Okay. I'll just work harder. What if you're if you're too busy to get a thumbprint, it is very important that you insist other people not get it right because it's tyranny. But you're under the tyranny because you're too busy. You gotta work to get people out of the tyranny. Cool man. Yeah. So anyway, we get to Victor Boot. Sure.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And he comes on. Here's Alex's, the end of a very long-winded introduction. Okay. Give us the Russian view of what you see happening in America. Trump being grazed by the bullet, by the grace of God, the other bullet's missing, killing one man and wounding two others. You think the deep state will try again? What is your military business? Russian American understanding? That's
Starting point is 01:08:34 pretty much American 10 years in American prison view on the world. And what do you think Putin's view is? Well, towards the high Alex, first of all, greetings with a love from Russia, who is now in the front line fighting for future of all humanity. And what's going on, it's really, maybe we are blessed to see how finally we're coming to this final stages of this global fight of the geopolitical shifting, which a lot of times happened maybe a hundred years ago. I don't know how Alex is supposed to pretend his audience isn't capable of understanding
Starting point is 01:09:11 what Boot is talking about, and it's the end of America's international power. I get that America being a superpower is a generally corrupt notion, and that we should find new ways to have international order, but Boot specifically wants America to be less powerful because he wants to reestablish the Soviet Union. Right. That's what his political party is based in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia was founded on principles like reclaiming lost
Starting point is 01:09:36 territory, including Alaska. Yeah. So I don't know what Alex is going on. What are you trying to pretend to? It should be our stuff. We want our stuff. The party that Boot is in, it was started by a guy who described his goal as quote, a political revelation of the foundation of a new arrangement in our region and a new
Starting point is 01:09:53 favorable world order. If I were an Infowars listener and I heard Alex sucking up to this guy, it would cause some real dissonance. Like I would maybe be a little bit pissed off I mean listen I at a certain point I'm just gonna start shouting Wolverines like I don't even know what else is Wolverines like yeah we can't do that we can't do that you're supposed to be the anti-Russia guys that's been your whole thing my lifetime yeah and look I don't think having a knee jerk, everything Russia is bad. Mentality is good. I think that that would be, you know, I think it's easy to go down
Starting point is 01:10:31 that that take that crutch a little too much. But this is fucking ridiculous. I mean, yeah, this is a guy who's a former arms dealer, international criminal who fled back to Russia in a prisoner exchange and is now a governor for the Controlled Opposition Party in Russia. There could be no... Yeah. It's an absurd person for you to have on your show. No, there's just no going back. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:58 It is crazy, unless it is like... We have to... I'm going to sways you. I don't know how to engage with this. Unless this is part of I'm gonna sways you. I don't know how to engage with this. Unless this is part of a sting. Right? I could have like, oh, this is a conversation, but you're not supposed to be those guys.
Starting point is 01:11:14 You're the reactionary guys. Yeah. The only way this makes sense is if Alex is, it's a long setup for him to be like, you should meet my friend RFK in Central Park. Yes, in Central Park. At night. Right around 1.30. Right, a bike. Uh-huh. That's a long setup for him to be like you should meet my friend RFK. Yes central park central park at night right around 130 right a bike uh-huh if he was doing that and this is like elaborate setup. Yeah sure yeah that makes sense But otherwise to just like oh, it's cool that you're an internet what it's it's a very boring and Understandable interview too because I mean it's all just like Russia is the good guy
Starting point is 01:11:45 in Ukraine, you know, NATO sucks. What is he gonna say? Russia is a utopia, this is also wonderful. It's just, I don't know, it's over the top Russian propaganda, quite frankly. But there was one clip that I pulled from it. Okay. So this is our last clip.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Okay. But I thought that this was kind of bordering on funny. So they talk a little bit about this idea that Russia is taking refugees from the globalists. So if you're running away from the new world order. People running right towards Russia. Love it. Yeah. And so here's Victor talking about that a little. Russia now is the only one European country who is still, you know, recognize a normal family. He will still give a freedom to kids, to grow normal kids without being exposed to this confusing propaganda of LGBTQ and what else is now added. AAP, every year it's grown like an additional, you know, three, four letters of different, weirdo, you know, practices.
Starting point is 01:12:52 So this is a good sign to all humanity. You have a refuge land. You have the land where you can regroup, organize, and start your fight to liberating your own countries. Rata is there to protect entire humanity. We're protecting humanity because we're giving you a refuge, a place you won't be... There's not the confusing gaze around. I mean, this I enjoy for one specific reason. Um, in the estimation of these people,
Starting point is 01:13:26 uh, the good people allow refugees in. Hmm. But only if you're a refugee of the globalists. Sure, sure. I would argue that based on what they say, everybody is a refugee of the globalists. No, it's really just if you wanna hate gay people. Right, right, right. Uh, it's hate gay people. Right, right, right. It's cool over there. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:13:47 But here's the thing, like, even then, see, but if you wanted to hate gay people and then come over here, Alex would be like, don't come over here. You know, like, again, even in Victor Boots' mind, he's mistaking the idea of a good person for Alex and the idea of like, oh, well, fine, I'll let people in. No, Alex doesn't want anyone in. Not here. Yeah. But he's cool with it if it's-
Starting point is 01:14:11 If it's going to Russia. And you're white. Yeah, yeah. Wild. White, Christian, straight, cis. Then refugees are fine to Russia. Sure, well, until they're not, yeah. We can't imagine that day
Starting point is 01:14:25 would ever come no no I'm sure I just think that this is parody level almost like we are the last refuge where you don't have to have confusing gay people around it's just I don't know I feel like Alex should it strikes me very similarly to responding to a dick joke. You know, it's just like, you shouldn't be doing this. I wonder, you know, I think maybe they feel trapped by what they believe. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't understand that feeling at all.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Like that, that concept of being like, Oh man, maybe life would be better if I didn't believe things that led me to being on Infowars talking to Alex as though Russia's not committing all kinds of war crimes right now, you know? I don't know, I think Booth's pretty joyful. He does seem pretty stoked about it. Yeah, I don't know. You know, I tune in and I'm looking for DNC coverage.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Was that what we were doing? I'm looking because like I've existed in the continuity of time. Sure. And I have seen Alex's show over the past months and months and months. And the DNC is huge. DNC is the like culmination of a lot of these narratives. Obama stole, or uh, Biden, ha ha. Biden stole the nomination and the presidency
Starting point is 01:15:53 in the first place in order to get the pieces in place so Hillary and Michelle could take over. Right. All this, it's just deflating. There's barely really analysis of it. Instead, we're going to talk to a fucking Russian arms dealer. It could it cannot be overstated how easy they thought they were going to have it shitting on Biden and how fucked up they are by this whole thing. And you know, you're burdened with Vance.
Starting point is 01:16:27 You know you're burdened with Vance. I mean again all of these things make way more sense if you think fuck it We're playing with house money Biden is actually dead. You know, but now they're like, ah shit Yeah, and they've got nothing. I know a man who would call that hubris So I So, I'm disappointed. It feels like a dud. Everything feels kind of like, ehh. So, all right, we'll be back. Another episode, but until then, we have a website. And we do at Zell and
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yep. We are also not on social media, but we'll be back. But until then, I'm Leo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark, I am the Mysterious Professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I love you.

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