Knowledge Fight - #964: Reset Wars, Chapters 1 & 2

Episode Date: September 16, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan finally get around to discussing the culmination of Alex's life's work, Reset Wars.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight! Dan and Jordan, I am sweating!, it's time to pray! I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and, stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy, Andy. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hello, Alex. I'm Andy and I'm a fan of Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. Where a couple dudes like to sit around, worship at the Altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we'm Dan. I'm Jordan. Where a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Saline and talk a little
Starting point is 00:01:05 bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Jordan Jordan quick question for you What's up? What's your bright spot today buddy? You go first? Uh well to follow up on my last bright spot got my ink on my leg John take a look at this. Oh wow Yeah, it's not even covered up by any by any Plastic or anything it's all no right now. It's free free air. I gotta wash it and take care of it pretty regularly. I mean, you were rubbing your pant leg up against it. Seems like it's healed quite well already. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's doing good. Good. She does good work. Caitlin Drake McKay.
Starting point is 00:01:37 It looks nice. Check her out on the Instagrams and such. You got a mountain on there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's very good. Pretty sweet. I like it. Pretty sweet. Good stuff. Yeah. Yeah, It's going to eventually be, we only did our first session. There's going to be like maybe two more. Mountains beyond mountains. Maybe eight or nine total hours. But it'll be good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's on your leg too. You can handle that. Yeah. No, everything actually that this was maybe the first time that I've ever had a real pain moment with a tattoo I had no idea that my like the top of my ankle would be so
Starting point is 00:02:14 Sensitive interesting. There was one spot where it was like, oh, this is what it feels like to be cut open Mmm, but yeah, no, I remember I remember a guy who had tattoos everywhere. I think he was on Insomniac yeah Tell the show nice. He's talking about how the armpit. That's where it really hurts Oh, I could buy I could believe that yeah, that seems much more obvious than top of ankle Well, I mean I already and I already had my hand like the whole hand meat covered so I Not the palm though Well, I mean, I'm sure the fingertips if I got the tips, I bet that would hurt like a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah, yeah. Real sensitive. You want to do it? Yeah. Let's do it. Yeah. Right now. Sure. I'm in. I'm in. What's your bright spot?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'm gonna get Spiderman fingers. On my fingertips. I like it. Um, no I don't know. I don't know what my bright spot is. Um, I... I think people liked the, uh, I think people liked A Matter of Time quite a bit. Yeah, that is, that is definitely... I'm glad that the response has been positive to that. Um, and, uh, it just, it's...
Starting point is 00:03:15 Alright, I'll make that my bright spot. But it makes me, it, it, it, I'm a little bit, I was so worried, because we recorded these episodes a little bit in advance. Sure. And so since the first episode has come out, one of the stars did die. Yeah. And in the first episode, you say, we'll have to kill him before we put out the first episode. Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Which ironically came to pass. It did. You didn't kill him, but the guy died. I did not. I felt like shit putting that out, like imagining some family member of his accidentally stumbles onto this show or something, you know, it just felt bad Sure, but you had no way of knowing the guy was alive I mean, no and if we are at a place now where I can make that stuff happen by speaking it into existence Then I've discovered a power that I I'm you know what? I'm willing to let him go. Sure
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm willing to let him go to discover that power. I'm fine with that. You're the witch now. Exactly. So we got an episode to go over today, Jordan, and we're not gonna be talking about Alex in the present. We're not gonna be talking about him in the past. That's good news.
Starting point is 00:04:17 We're gonna be talking about something else been meaning to do for a bit, and we're gonna give it a try and see if it works. But first, let's say hello to some new wonks. That's a great idea. So first Gavin McGinnis needs to stay away from University of South Carolina. Sign the petition at Thank you so much you're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Ali from Queens who worships at the altar of the bean. Thank you so much you're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And thank
Starting point is 00:04:42 you to shout out to my fellow demons in infernal affairs. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And we got Technocrat in the mix Jordan, so thank you so much too. Getting a PhD sucks so bad that a podcast with a critical analysis of Alex Jones' nonsense is what gets me through my weeks. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone, someone, sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark! Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent. He's a loser little, little titty baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ!
Starting point is 00:05:20 Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. So, Jordan, we've got some stuff going on in the present day. And we have a fair amount of narratives that are around things like migrants eating pets in Ohio, immigrants overrunning apartment buildings that are actually just poorly run by shitty landlords. Right, right, right. We have a number of these narratives and they're taking over the right wing. And you know, obviously you're seeing stories that are coming out about bomb threats to
Starting point is 00:05:56 various places around this town in Ohio. You're seeing the logical consequences of this rhetoric around like this is an invasion There's like invading army and all this stuff And I believe at a certain level there is no Appropriate verbal response sure to this kind of shit. Yeah I don't think that there's value in debunking I mean obviously someone's's gotta debunk something. Sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You can't let this kind of shit stand. Right. But at the same time, there's no real argument with it. Right. You know, there's this, hey, these immigrants are coming in, they're gonna steal your pets and eat them. Like, you just get a fist.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Like, that's just, there's no reason to discuss it. The debunking is very important after we solve the initial problem, which is those people talking shit. There's no reason to discuss it the debunking is very important after We solve the initial problem, which is those people talking shit. Yeah, there's there's a there's a there's an element of it That I feel like discussing it even for us at least I don't know if it's universal for everybody sure but discussing it in the context of like Alex is talking this shit Yeah, it's not it doesn't even deserve that level of response. It's just, no, go fuck yourself. This is Nazi shit. And we know what Nazis get.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. I don't have a strong desire to dwell on like litigating a cat or a bird or whatever the fuck. Get the fuck out of here. Shut up. Talk shit. Get hit. Go fly a kite, you dumb dick. I I didn't want to talk about Alex's present day stuff. So I was thinking about what we could do. There's a lot of bad Wacky Wednesday type of options that we could go down that are unsatisfying, but I realized that there's one thing that I feel like is a deficiency on our podcast, and that is that sometimes we say things that we're gonna do and we don't get around to them.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like for instance, I still need to get back to Hurricane Katrina. Still haven't followed through with that. But that's not, we have to go a little bit deeper into the unresolved past. Are we doing reset wars? We're doing reset wars. You're joking.
Starting point is 00:07:59 No. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. We're starting reset wars. Okay, all right. Yep, it's a dangling thread that I told myself for a long time. Sure. By episode 1,000, we'll take care of it.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And we're getting too close. I mean, it is awful close. Yes. It's hard to believe we are almost at 1,000. Yeah. Yeah, I wish we were past 1,000 so I wouldn't even need to worry about it. Yeah, it's a weird, grim kind of number to exist. It's a grim number. For a show like ours. Yeah even need to worry about it. Yeah, it's a weird grim kind of number to exist for a show like ours.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, so we're going to talk about Reset Wars. I'll be goddamned. Now Reset Wars is long. Yes. It's the most important thing he's ever done. Right. We'll talk about that in a second.
Starting point is 00:08:37 But first, this is going to cover the first two courses in Reset Wars. There's a number of courses. Right. And so we're going to talk about course one and two. One is split into multiple chapters. Sure. And then two is shorter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And so that's how we're going to... I had in my head this idea that like I have to have it all ready to go and we have to release it all, you know, like... Sure, sure, sure. Or else why do it? Yeah. I don't know if that's true. So we're just gonna do one We'll figure it out and see if anybody enjoys it. Yep, if it's fun to do
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, and then if so, we'll do more. I don't know I If this thread never gets fully resolved, I think I'm fine with that Sure, but also we got it at least we got a least address the the elephant in the room that this exists We are not... Okay, how about this. If we say somebody is going to get a computer chip pulled from their arm, we're eventually going to pull that computer chip out. One way or to other.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Or we gotta interview somebody about how there is no chip. Totally. Yeah, there's no way we're just gonna let that go and never mention it again. Eventually. Eventually. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so that eventually on this front has come due. Has come to pass.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So to give people up to speed who may have forgotten about Reset Wars, this was a course that Alex released back in 2021 that was supposed to be the culmination of his life's work. Don't take my word for that. This is a clip of him saying that. God bless you all, and hopefully we've got more time to be able to broadcast, but if Don't take my word for that. This is a clip of him saying that. This is his testament and his life's work in case he gets killed. Those are high stakes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So obviously that's a load of shit and he didn't mean it for a second, but it was a good marketing angle. In reality what had happened is that a get rich quick con man slash hypnotist named Jake Doocy had contacted Alex and pitched the idea of doing a course that lays out a bunch of pseudo spiritual nonsense which they would then be able to sell because Alex was famous and he would be the one making the videos. If Jake made them no one would care, but with Alex's face and branding, Alex's audience would gobble it up.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And imagine how excited people would be if they heard that it was Alex's most important work, his testament. This is bigger than anything he has done on his show or any of his books or documentaries. Reset Wars is career-defining work. Naturally, I was excited to see how bad this was going to be, but what I never expected is how much of a blip this ended up being. Alex was promoting the shit out of Reset Wars, hyping it up to be the most important thing in the world, and then it came out and it was almost never mentioned again. Maybe in passing as a throwaway extra in an ad read, but this was never the focus again. I suspect it's because it didn't sell well. Alex thought it was going to be a blockbuster for him given the way he hyped it up, but
Starting point is 00:11:30 the promotional efforts may have been hampered by having Deucey be kind of a big part of the rollout. There was interviews that he did. He's an unknown figure on Infowars and he came off a bit poorly in those interviews. Seemed a bit like a get-rich-quick hypnotist. Yeah, he was a scammer and it looked like he was scamming. Far be it for me to ascertain why Reset Wars didn't work. All I can say is that it didn't and it made me really sad. When I go up against a force like Alex, I want them to be in mid-season
Starting point is 00:12:00 form. I want them to be at their best and actually putting out the most important thing in their career when they say that's what they're doing. It doesn't feel good to smash these half-assed attempts to weave narratives. Like it can be fun, but it's illusory, whereas crushing something that he actually tried to make that actually means something, that's rewarding. When it became clear to me that this was just something that Alex was paid to be the face of and that he'd lied to his audience about it being the most important work of his career, the whole thing lost a lot of shine and I kind of, you know, but
Starting point is 00:12:27 it never really moved on. It became less of a priority for us to cover, but it was never off the back burner, because Reset Wars represents something of a critical embarrassment for Alex. It's very bad, and it would be shameful to consider as your life's work, but since he said that it was, he has to either accept that he thinks this is good, or admit that he lied to the audience to sell this to them, leveraging the entirety of his career on that lie. Those are both dark options, and I'm excited to push that question to the forefront of people's minds.
Starting point is 00:12:58 As we go through this, we should keep track of that question. Is this Alex's life's work, or was he just desperate for money to the point where he would use his entire career as a prop in order to sell this bullshit? The answer is the money one, but we're here, so let's jump in. I believe that's called the Big Mama's House conundrum. Mmhmm. It's quite a pickle. So before we jump in, allow me to read you this disclaimer that plays before every one
Starting point is 00:13:23 of the videos. Sure! Allow me to read you this disclaimer that plays before every one of the videos. Shhhhhhhhhh! Quote, The content of this program, entitled Reset Wars, is designed for instructional and educational purposes only. It expresses the views, opinions, and analysis of Alex Jones and Alex Jones exclusively. As such, the content is not intended to represent or warrant the accuracy or truthfulness of any particular statement
Starting point is 00:13:45 or any information disseminated herein, and accordingly, Alex Jones, as well as any and all individuals or entities participating in the production and distribution of Reset Wars, disclaim any and all warranties or representations of any nature." To translate, we're about to lie to you a bunch, and we won't let you hold us responsible in any way. A bunch of this shit is going to be lies that Alex came up with and you have no grounds to sue us if you're damaged by this charade of a self-help scam. I mean it sincerely, if anyone could read that disclaimer and then think Alex or someone
Starting point is 00:14:15 on his team didn't have it added specifically because this shit that he was going to say isn't true, I don't know what to tell you. It's honestly pretty blunt about how what you're going gonna see isn't stuff that they would even back up It's a boilerplate disclaimer they put that oh, have you ever gotten the express written consent of Major League Baseball? No, you have not I have disseminated plenty of accounts upset always check with baseball. Do you? Then in fact I take it all back No, I think I think that this this is a glaring disclaimer Yeah, yeah, very much so so we start we start with lesson one-one
Starting point is 00:14:54 One dot one right right Super Mario World one dot one. Yeah, here's how the course starts all right It was a film. I remember came out in what was it 1983. That can't be how it started. War Games, where a primitive AI computer is playing a young teenager in another part of the United States, simulating a war between Russia, the USSR, and the USA. And finally they discover by the end of the film that the robot thinks this is a real war. The computer brain is actually preparing to institute Armageddon. And when they are finally able to make contact with the computer and able to figure out what's happening,
Starting point is 00:15:42 the computer tells the young man and the professor that this is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play. Let's play a game of chess, instead a game of thermonuclear armageddon and death. And that's what this presentation is all about. What? The globalists understand the nature of human psychology. They understand the nature of reality. What the ancients believed has now been proven by quantum mechanics and quantum physics and the observer effect. And they are in a desperate assault on our psyches in an attempt to keep the public from realizing how incredibly powerful we are and the fact that we are energetic beings that are connected to God.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So here at the beginning here, two hallmarks of Alex's show. Yeah, constant references to movies and the most surface level buzzwords of metaphysics. What does it mean that what the ancients believed has now been proven by quantum mechanics, quantum physics, and the observer effect? Do you think for a second that Alex can explain any of that, or are those just words he and his hypnotist friend often use so they can sound smart and deep? Which ancients are we talking about this time? All of them. All of them?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Every single ancient. Every single ancient? Oh, well. Damn. Bigger point here. This is supposed to be the thesis of the whole project as Alex is presenting this Yeah, apparently captured in that scene from the end of war yes the only way to win is not to play click It's not hard to understand what that means in the context of the movie, but what does that mean for Alex? What are we not supposed to play exactly? I would just turn it off at that point.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'd be like, oh, good call. Sure. I have learned your lesson, my man, done. I get it in terms of tic-tac-toe and mutually assured destruction. But what are you talking about? I have no idea. What can't I play?
Starting point is 00:17:37 What shouldn't I play? We'll find out. The reset. Maybe. So that's going to be the central challenge of this presentation as it's being set up. You take these broad statements that kind of sound profound and you anchor them to something real, something applicable in your life.
Starting point is 00:17:51 We'll see how that goes. We'll see if he manages to rise to that challenge. It would be interesting if he chose a set of ancients. I would be more interested in reset wars if he didn't say the theories of the ancients have been proven all that stuff if he was like hey check this out there was this tribe nigeria they got it right they did it i think that if alex were to do that i would bet just about anything that it wouldn't be real yeah it wouldn't be a real group of people from history that would be from lore or a myth. Alright, so you know there's the Tyrannosaurus Rex is closer to us than another dinosaur that people often reference in this comparison between millions upon millions of years era
Starting point is 00:18:36 kind of thing, you know? The Cretaceous, the Triassic, all that stuff. What if there was a dinosaur who attained intelligence, but then they all died? Right and he wrote it down and then the earth, you know got hit by the meteor But then Alex found it right have you seen Theodore Rex I have yeah, it's basically that that's what I was thinking Yeah, but that's a scientist like brings back dinosaur people right I think something like that So leaving Theodore Rex aside right Alex discusses How this is like the culmination of his early work right now?
Starting point is 00:19:11 He's moving past his early career. It is essential to understand that they're not just Hiding the Bilderberg group and the New World Order and the UN plan for world government That was my earlier work. That was many other people's earlier work. Which is just getting the nation to admit that Klaus Schwab, the head of the Bilderberg group was meeting in secret with hundreds of world leaders and rich billionaire robber barons to establish a corporate world dictatorship. Now if you go to the Davos group's own website, Klaus Schwab's on Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:19:44 He's not capturing the Bilderberg Group anymore, he's running the Davos Group that is a public externalization of that. Oh, so if I understand this clip, Alex is saying that dealing with folks like the Bilderberg Group and Klaus Schwab is his early work. He's already moved past this in 2021. Of course, since then, Alex has released two books whining about Klaus Schwab, and he obsesses about him almost daily on the show. You may recognize the end game strings in
Starting point is 00:20:10 there. If you watch the video, they're just replaying B-roll from that over Alex talking. I don't think that any of the stuff that Alex is saying has been admitted. I think it's all just him saying this stuff. Klaus Schwab's Wikipedia is not a great source for this kind of thing. He has no standards for the information that he's putting forth and it's also not accurate. I appreciate the usage of own Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia. Like Klaus, he hired somebody to like, hey, just so you know, set up my Wikipedia page. If any editors try and get in there, that's on you. If you're the most important like villain in the world, of course he'd have like a team on your Wikipedia page. If any editors try and get in there, that's on you. If you're the most important like villain in the world, of course,
Starting point is 00:20:46 you'd have like a team on your Wikipedia page. You know what? I would measure somebody's importance by whether or not they require a team to monitor their Wikipedia. And if they do, they are not as important as they want to pretend they are. Probably not. So Alex, like I said, he has no standards for the kind of information he's using. Case in point, he uses no distinction between the Davos Group and the Bilderberg Group.
Starting point is 00:21:09 They're the same thing to him because he doesn't know anything about either past the shit that he makes up. There's no such thing as the Davos Group, it's just a name that Alex has given to folks who go to the annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland, held by the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab is the head of that, or was, has since stepped down, but he's not the head of the Bilderberg group and he never was. There's a website called Public Intelligence that has participant lists for Bilderberg meetings going quite a ways back, and you only find Schwab once in 2016.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Alex has no use for complexity in his constellation of cartoon villains that he pretends to be fighting, so they're all the same thing. Davos conspiracies are more hot at the moment when Alex is making this, so they're an externalization of the less popular and kind of stale Bilderberg conspiracies that his earlier career relied on. It's lazy writing and it's just a... I like that. I like the idea of them rebranding, but you're just changing their name You know like you're rebranding them you're rebranding exactly without their knowledge of being either brand And it's not the same thing no, but but if you had to recognize that it's not the same thing and all this stuff, right? There's actually a little bit more difficulty and nuance to it. You couldn't do this.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, I mean, I guess it would be a little bit like, okay. I mean, it does make sense. The comic book would be a lot less fun if there wasn't any Joker and it was just a billion different guys. Every time you never get attached to him, it's just like Derek, James, you know like oh that's a Carl the asshole he's our villain and Carl the asshole is not that good of a villain. So you gotta have the Joker and the Joker's behind everything. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Right you're talking about storytelling. Yeah, yeah, yeah and Alex is a storyteller. At the core. And that's why the Joker is there and that's why the Davos group. The Davos group is the Davos group. So Bilderberg, they got exposed. And like Alex's early career was about making sure that everyone accepted that they were real. Right. And he succeeded in that goal thanks to some Nazis.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Oh, okay. But because the Bilderberg group got exposed by Westbrook, Pegler and Jim Tucker and 50, 60 years ago and myself in the last 28 years, around the year 2005, the corporate media couldn't lie to 50, 60 years ago, and myself in the last 28 years. Around the year 2005, the corporate media couldn't lie to people anymore and tell them that there wasn't a ruling class whose own papers came out that they wanted a world government to carry out not just the dumbing down of the population, but the forced population reduction of said population. And Henry Kissinger's memorandum 200 from
Starting point is 00:23:47 the State Department and his attache or his protege, Klaus Schwab, who went on to run the Bilderberg group and now the Davos group today. If you go to his own Wikipedia, it says right there, our mission is to capture countries, capture democracies with our shareholders and our stakeholders at the corporate level and the UN level because the public shouldn't be involved in governing themselves a Declaration of tyranny so real quick Westbrook Pegler was an anti-semitic lunatic and Jim Tucker edited the spotlight a notoriously Holocaust denying publication run by Willis Cardo Who's an out-and-out white supremacist.
Starting point is 00:24:25 The people who are Alex's forefathers are all pretty similar in one way that he conveniently ignores. Alex says the media had to come out and admit that the Bilderberg Group existed and wanted world government in 2005. That's because he has a BBC headline that he flashes up on screen titled, quote, Inside the Secretive Bilderberg group. This is an article talking about the actual head of the Bilderberg, Viscount Etienne Davenon, who is suspiciously not Klaus Schwab.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I could have sworn Schwab was supposed to be the one who was the head of this thing. Oh well. In the article Davenon addresses these ideas that the group is a secret ruling class trying to form a global government. Noting that the world is not in great shape he says quote when people the group is a secret ruling class trying to form a global government. Noting that the world is not in great shape, he says, quote, when people say this is a secret government of the world, I say that if we were a secret government of the world, we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves. So this is Alex's article that supposedly backs up the claim that in 2005, the media
Starting point is 00:25:21 had to admit that the Bilderberg group was a secret elite group forming a world government. That claim seems like bullshit based on the source that Alex is providing. It is so funny to me that Alex is like, ah, Klaus Schwab's ahead of the evil Bilderberg, or a small group of people that secretly run the world. And then they talk to a guy who's literally a Viscount. And they're like, ah, no, a secret group of people doesn't rule the world who's literally a Viscount and they're like, ah no a secret group of people doesn't rule the world. I'm a Viscount. My other friends and I rule the world and we are ashamed of ourselves.
Starting point is 00:25:53 The point that is being made in that article is like if we are fucking supervillains we suck. Yeah, yeah. I am a Viscount and I can't do shit. Like why do I even have this dumb title? Even Alex's premise here about this 2005 date is artificial and based on the prop headline that he's able to use. You can find plenty of articles about the Bilderberg group and conspiracies around them thanks to folks like Lyndon LaRouche spreading them, as well as thanks to John Ronson's book Them and his series Secret Rulers of the World.
Starting point is 00:26:26 There are plenty of articles and outlets like the Washington Post and Wired that discuss Klaus Schwab or the Bilderberg Group before 2005, but it just sounds cooler for Alex if everything he talks about was banned from coverage until his coverage forced the media's hand. It's his way of pretending to be important and getting results. When Alex brings up Henry Kissinger, he flashes up on screen a quote saying, quote, depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy toward the third world attributed to Kissinger in 1974.
Starting point is 00:26:54 This is another image directly taken from the endgame film. They just used the same card. And if you recall, that was a quote that he used in that movie and he had no citation for. In his bibliography for endgame, it says, quote, insert source for the following Henry Kissinger quote, but it has no source because it's a fake quote. Yeah. Now, with Schwab's Wikipedia page,
Starting point is 00:27:15 it's important to note that Alex says that the page says, quote, our mission is to capture countries, capture democracies. If you actually look at the page, you see that there's a section with the heading quote, capture of democratic structures and institutions. That's a heading over. Right, right, right. This is in the controversy section of Klaus Schwab's Wikipedia page. And it doesn't say that Schwab is saying any of the stuff Alex claims. This is about a think tank called the transnational Institute accusing the world economic forum of capturing democracies This is not the kind of evidence that Alex is asserting it to be so he's lying to the audience and on top of that
Starting point is 00:27:53 He would fucking hate the transnational Institute. They're a bunch of globalists for crying out loud Yeah, and they're the ones who's criticism of Schwab. Alex is pretending his Schwab saying these things right? It's nonsense. Yeah, even at its core It's a Wikipedia page. Yeah Yeah, just bad. It's bad stuff Yeah, I reset wars I think if I were if I were looking at that Kissinger quote my first response would be wow That is exactly what you need it to be isn't that convenient? What a great quote to get from a guy revealing the most evil plan one could possibly reveal.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah, someone who's running an evil plan would do a terrible job of saying shit like that. How did you catch him to say that quote? Is the next line after that, whoops? Yeah, were they drinking at a bar and he's like, hey, between you and me, just so you know, I'm destroying the world, man. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. So more talk about Schwab here, who is real hot in 2021, of course. Oh yeah. We remember the big villain. Yeah. And this is the man running the global lockdowns and running world vaccine policy. And in just the last few months, announcing a world ID, world vaccine passport tied to a carbon passport that won't just tax you for carbon crimes or carbon use, but that
Starting point is 00:29:15 will actually tell you when and where you can go, where you can travel. This is called the climate lockdowns that are now coming. Oh, that's not true. Schwab didn't run the lockdowns, which weren't lockdowns. He didn't run the vaccine policy and there is no world ID. The world ID thing is a constant obsession of folks like Alex. They constantly insisted that it's right around the corner over decades and just keep being wrong. This is a particularly extravagant narrative to package the world ID onto. As the story goes, they were making these vaccine passports which would become your
Starting point is 00:29:49 world ID card and it would be connected to a tracker that monitored your carbon footprint. If you're polluting too much, they would cut off your money because of course, physical money had been replaced at this point by a central bank digital currency. All of this naturally is being run by Klaus Schwab. This was really fun for conspiracy theorists and it felt like their fear narratives, you know, it felt real to them back then. But looking back, this was just pure manipulative action. In the places where there actually was a vaccine passport, it's been discontinued. It never became a world ID. There's no effective way to track
Starting point is 00:30:25 someone's carbon footprint like that. And there's no central bank digital currency in the United States. To the extent that there ever will be, it won't be to replace commercial retail uses of money. It'll be to simplify government to business or government to government transactions. It's ridiculous to imagine that we're going gonna replace physical money with any more than we already have with credit and debit cards. Yeah I mean it is it is kind of interesting that the the way that people reacted to the pandemic is probably the best evidence for why Alex's particular beliefs about those things can never happen because there's just too much fucking chaos. Like it would
Starting point is 00:31:03 require an organizational control Focus and dedication that simply does not exist within maybe the human race Yeah, it's it's it's fun to be afraid of yeah, but I don't know if we could actually yeah I would I would challenge somebody to give it a shot. I bet they fail Yeah, yeah, but even so at this time people were really scared, as they should have been. Sure. There was a worldwide pandemic that was active and killing thousands of people a day. It was a terrifying moment.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And people like Alex decided to respond to that by exploiting the audience's fear, redirecting it to a place that worked for their revenue streams. If you watch this actual video, you'll start to notice that the B-roll doesn't really match with what Alex is saying a lot of the time. And that's because it's all just stuff from Endgame. He's talking about Klaus Schwab running the vaccine policy and all this shit, and there's an image of the Bilderberg participants list on the screen. It's incoherent because they were trying to rush this out to maximize profits and exploit the fear that people had, offer them some kind of a solution or placebo.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And it's bullshit. It's malicious. So that's kind of one of the benefits of doing this a little bit. With the benefit of hindsight and not being in the pandemic as we talk about it. Or at least being in a different stage of things. Sure, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:32:25 With the gift of hindsight. It's a lot of this stuff becomes a little bit more transparent than it would appear otherwise Yeah, yeah And the the ability to recognize what fear is where and how it was being exploited You know and it's a yeah, I don't think I don't think anybody did a particularly great job at not fear mongering. Yeah, I think it's a scale. It is a scale, but it is very much like a lesson that people should learn about fear mongering. You know, and it's like-
Starting point is 00:32:56 Always err on the other side. You're gonna make more money probably, but- Ehr on the side that isn't doing that, if possible. So humanity is waking up, and that is a problem for these globalists, right? Sure. Especially Schwab, because he wants to lock you in a lower dimension. So because they know we're awakening and our spirit and our psyche is breaking free, they're now physically coming into the third dimension and trying to actually make us become prisoners on a global plantation locked down,
Starting point is 00:33:28 starved so that we have to acquiesce to their agenda. And what is that? To put things into our bodies that change our very genetic makeup, that make us dependent on them, that erase our immune systems, so that we will be deeper down the rabbit hole even beneath the third dimension under their control. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So if that seems like it's coming out of nowhere, it's because it is. When Alex says, quote, they're coming into the third dimension, that's not an idea that had prior context in this course. Okay, good. I was, yeah, okay. Like, you didn't talk about how like now there are extra dimensional beings and I just didn't play that part. Yeah. Yeah. You got to, if they're, if they are coming into the third dimension, that suggests that they are not inside the third dimension
Starting point is 00:34:13 as we speak. That part is implied. Yeah. I guess it's not, it's not articulated. Yeah. Okay. We've talked a bit about Alex's nonsense that the COVID vaccine changes your DNA, but I think that this is a bit of an escalation. Now, apparently getting the COVID vaccine changes your DNA, but I think that this is a bit of an escalation. Now, apparently getting the COVID vaccine makes you lower than the third dimension, which makes no real sense at all. One of the things you need to understand is that when Alex talks about dimensions, he's not talking about like width, length, and height, which are the three dimensions that make up 3D. He's not talking about the fourth dimension being time or any of that shit, because if he were, then the idea of being less than a third dimension being or it would
Starting point is 00:34:48 make sense. I am I am I going to become like an illustration on a page? What's the COVID shots supposed to do to me? This is right. Right. Right. Alex is using dimension in the pseudo spiritual sense. The third dimension is the basic human meat body existence and then the higher dimensions are vibrations that your consciousness can resonate at which are more in tune with the higher beings whether it be angels or aliens, Celestials of some sort. Exactly. The idea that Alex is presenting here is that by getting the COVID vaccine you could be lowering your vibration to that of animals who would be on the second dimension of consciousness. Sure. It's all
Starting point is 00:35:24 nonsense but it's fun how Alex wants to traffic in these ideas and still insist on being taken seriously. He's out here reading a script about extradimensional beings that a get-rich-quick hypnotist wrote and he has the balls to tell people this is his life's work. It's sad. Yeah. During his talk about how they're going to change us, Alex flashes up on screen a picture of Bill Gates, along with a quote saying, quote, we're
Starting point is 00:35:46 taking things that are genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them into little kids arms. We just shoot them right into the vein. That is a real quote, but it's from a 2015 interview where he was asked about the use of GMOs in food. In its proper context, Gates was advising caution. Here's the full quote, quote, the strongest analogy is to medicines. Is there something to worry about with medicines that might some of them have side effects?
Starting point is 00:36:13 Do we need safety testing? We're taking things that are genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them into little kids arms. We just shoot them right into the vein. So yeah, I think maybe we should have a safety system where we do trials and test things out. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. So yeah, kind of depriving the context of that quote to make it much more scary.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah, you might as well be like, you'd have to be an idiot too, blank, and then cut out the you'd have to be an idiot too part. And then you're just, well, I guess you did, I mean, technically it is a quote, fine, fair enough. It's like the implication is after that Bill Gates quote. It's a Yeah, exactly like an evil laugh. He's yeah. Yeah, we're ejecting these little good arms I mean again what a what a fucking dynamite quote to get from somebody for your purposes
Starting point is 00:36:58 I think that you I think that we could do like I mean we demonstrate this on every episode with the out of context Yeah, I renounced Jesus Christ that Alex obviously didn't say that obvious in that context But like you can do this with anybody if you want. That's how words work. Yeah, what do you want from language? Yeah, deprived of context almost everybody who has been recorded saying things has said horrible things, right? right, right what we are what I'm trying to do is express a concept from within my brain to you through the fallible medium of language. Yeah. But at least it's a real thing that was said this time.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, that's true. I will... Actually, I think that's worse. Yeah. Probably. So, we're in the third dimension. Sure. I just want to give you these vaccines to maybe bring you down.
Starting point is 00:37:45 The moment you give me a number of dimensions, I want to know the exact total number of dimensions. Don't think you're going to find that out. We're in the third dimension of what number? We won't get to that answer today. God damn it. So this isn't just a battle for the third dimension. This is a battle to ensure that humanity doesn't just transcend, but also doesn't descend into what would be described by many of our ancestors as a living hell.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Whoa. So Alex isn't talking about us just having a bad time if things go wrong. He's speaking in this pseudo spiritual language that I'm pretty sure is partially Jake Doocy's influence, but also partially Alex. He's speaking in this pseudo-spiritual language that I'm pretty sure is partially Jake Ducey's influence, but also partially Alex. There's a strain of New Age conspiracy bullshit that uses terms like dimension and density to describe the level of spiritual evolution that a particular soul group has reached. In the case of humans on Earth, we're at the third density, but that can change.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Most of this goes back to stuff that folks pretended to channel from an alien named Ra back in the early 1980s has deeply influenced this genre of conspiracy ever since. And you can feel a little bit of that rub off here. Yeah, this is just getting started. And I would describe it as fully unhinged. Yeah, as a course. Yeah, Alex is teaching people. Yeah, yep, yep, yup. I wouldn't be... Okay, so you descend into what our ancestors would call a living hell. What would I call it? Would I still call it a living hell? Or also, how is it possible for my ancestors
Starting point is 00:39:18 to have knowledge of said dimension? They wouldn't, they just would call it that. Why would I care what they call I don't care what they call all kinds of shit they were I mean I bet they called rock oh I don't care you are really just respecting I mean yes I I have I have not an ancestor respecter you You're not a race memory guy? I'm not a race memory guy. Okay, all right. What kind of... If I recall my four ways to learn,
Starting point is 00:39:52 I still believe that the best way to learn is by learning. You are not the Kitsak Saturon. I am not. Or Lisan Al-Ghaib. Lisan Al-Ghaib. Or whatever. So look, they wanna just take over the third dimension. Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:06 But they've kind of fucked up in terms of keeping their plan a secret. So here's the good news. The social engineers of the planet have already failed to keep their operations secret for third dimensional control. But now Infowars' real mission is going to the next level. How via the mind wars and the spirit wars, they're programming our very subconscious and our psyche to create these false constructs that they then control. We're going to lay out how that works and how you defeat it. Because once you simply accept that there is an incredibly evil group of people in the world that are attempting the great reset and want a one world corporate government,
Starting point is 00:40:44 then you can learn how to defeat them by learning their war game strategies and how to not play the game. Because first, they capture the mind, then they come for the soul. Alright, so you look like you had a question there. I would like to call on you from the class. I mean, how do I learn how not to play the game if the game is something that is being done to me and has Been already forever. That is a good point You're a great teacher. I
Starting point is 00:41:15 Think I think that you know, these are questions that are important to have in your mind. Sure I'm not sure if there's an answer. Okay. Well, you know. I don't fully know what the game is other than, like I think that you could work on some kind of, like maybe the framework is- Sure. Modern world is the game. Is the game, okay. And you must reject the modern world.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Right. Maybe, that's what he's saying. I can, yeah, I can kind of jive with that. But I still don't understand exactly what the specifics you want to give me in terms of that I think if you tried to lock him down he would not agree to literally anything probably not yeah but there's mind wars and spirit wars the difference we're gonna find out that's actually a big part of the course today I'm excited we're gonna describe the mind wars and the spirit okay good that's
Starting point is 00:42:03 the that's kind of the syllabus of our first course Mind and spirit wars gotcha this first like 1-1 is Alex laying out just giving us an introduction and then 1-2 and 1-3 are mind wars and spirit wars so so we got within reset wars we have two Subwars right both mind and spirit and this is all part of the info war Info war reset war and mind war spirit war there is no hierarchy of oppression But I'll be goddamn if there isn't a hierarchy of info wars so many wars There's so many wars so they use so many wars. So they use these things, these mind wars and spirit wars. Sure. The strategy has been to covertly wage mind control upon
Starting point is 00:42:50 you to lower your self-construct so that you are easier to control. That's where they insert the viruses. The war is a multi-dimensional front and has many facets, but it's primarily focused on mind wars and spirit wars. As I said, first they come and capture your mind, then they attempt to take your soul. With mind wars, they want to totally program and control your mind, fill you with negative self-constructs, which they've already done successfully and unconsciously. Oh no, they've already done successfully and unconsciously. Oh no! They've already programmed my mind. This is pretty brazen elementary self-help scamming that Alex is doing here.
Starting point is 00:43:32 He's introduced a scary thing that they're trying to capture your mind and spirit, and now he's dropped the hammer that they've already captured your mind! They got me. Only Alex has the real truth in their entire battle plan, so he's the one who can tell you how to get your mind out of that trap before it's too late for your spirit This is Scientology level shit. Yeah, it's almost paint-by-numbers cookie-cutter scam nonsense And I guess in the sense that it's sort of you know in that way It is kind of the culmination of Alex's life's work in the wrong way right right right
Starting point is 00:44:04 Failing to make a religion is the culmination of his life's work in the wrong way. Right, right, right. Failing to make a religion is the culmination of his life's work. Everything he's done has largely been in service of feeding his audience to some predatory market, like supplements, doomsday prepping, or precious metals. So why not come out and be a fake spiritual guru, like overtly like this? Yeah, Russell Brand is doing it successfully.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah. Yeah. A bit more successfully than fucking Reset Awards. Yeah, yeah, more doing it successfully. Yeah. Yeah. A bit more successful. Yeah, yeah, more successfully on, let's say, our third dimensional plane. Yes. Exactly as successfully on any sort of non-existent higher planes. Yeah. I think part of that is probably because Russell Brand at least has some of the aesthetics down. Yeah. And Alex just is angry. Sometimes looking like Jesus is really all you need. And being of whimsical yeah yeah like if he dances around on a stage you're not gonna be like worried movies more movies yeah that's yeah people follow anybody famous for getting Sarah Marshall that it's good movie one
Starting point is 00:44:59 of them it's a good movie it happened yeah so mind wars you're putting these bad programs in you Right and then spirit wars is about trying to get you to not love God. Okay We're here at wars They want to do that still the my ever your higher spiritual connection to God and the universe So you cannot access your true power then you're totally under their control grid and you are now an Then you're totally under their control grid and you are now an unconscious slave. Oh no! That sounds really bad. I don't want that. No. Better listen to Alex before it's too late.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Probably. Because the mind wars have been being waged my entire life. I can't run the risk of another day going before, like, they sever my connection to God. The spirit! Yeah, but before we go any further, right, I'm gonna ask you this question. This it appears that there are many facets to this not just the mind and the spirit one. Those are just the ones that are primarily being focused upon at this present moment. Now I ask you this question. What are the ones so say we win the mind and the spirit wars? They're just gonna focus on some other facets, right? So why aren't we dealing with the totality of facets?
Starting point is 00:46:05 You win the mind war. Sure. You free yourself from the spirit war. Okay. And then one, two, three, four. The global's declared a thumb war. It's gonna happen. Yeah, I know, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:46:23 You know what, you've got me. Yeah, we should be looking at this hol. You know what? You've got me. We should be looking at this holistically. As a totality of a problem. Yeah, I think you're just playing whack-a-mole with reset wars at this point. Uh-huh. But you've got to know these things. Because it is important. Even if there are more wars to come, and of course there are.
Starting point is 00:46:40 But you need to know these things, because if don't you're a fucking zombie So as bad as this is for me and you and those of us that realize how long we've partially been under their control Imagine what it's like for people that are completely under their control and that's why I'm like zombies It's why they act like zombies. It's why they are literally in a lower consciousness trance state It's why they are literally in a lower consciousness trance state medically, is because they've been induced into that dream state so they can be programmed. And that's why the cliché is you need to take the red pill and wake up, because really that's what we're doing, is waking up to the fact that we have been put into a hypnotic state. up to the fact that we have been put into a hypnotic state, all of us to a certain degree, and that is expanding out of that state that is going to allow us to transcend and connect
Starting point is 00:47:33 with the infinite and the God that created this infinite system. Oh no, I don't want to be a zombie who's medically on a lower dimension. That sucks. I want the magic powers that Alex is offering me if I take that red pill. Medically on a lower dimension. Medically! Medically! That's just brutal. I'd hate to be medically on a lower dimension. Right!
Starting point is 00:47:51 Ugh. Man. Zombie. How are you gonna... which doctors are... oh shit. You got clinical lower dimension. Dr. Marbles. That's... Dr. Sello, Emanuel. Dr. Gums is thoroughly against it. Yeah. He's not chimed in, but I've gotmanuel. Dr. Gums is thoroughly against it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:05 He's not chimed in, but I got faith in Dr. Gums. He's not going to be on board with this bullshit. Right, right, right. So I don't want to be a zombie. And that means I guess I got to listen to Alex, right? I mean, it's the only option. Yeah, I suppose. I must listen to him and get his help
Starting point is 00:48:20 with breaking my conditioning, my zombie conditioning. All right. It's just as I said decades ago. We must break our conditioning. You must break your conditioning. But not just to the temporal third dimension political lies and semantical lies and racial lies and religious lies and mathematical lies and all of that fraud. You've got to break your spiritual conditioning that you're not an infinite being made by God, tied to God. You've got to truly own that identity and know that identity and then the energetic
Starting point is 00:48:55 gateway is open and you're taking your first massive step into that new world and that expanded universe. You remember, you know, there were those days when Alex used to pretend that his show just covered things that were documented? Like there was a time when he would come in from break with a voiceover of a guy saying, don't worry, this show is documented. Remember how he insisted that he never covered aliens because he only covered stuff that he could prove? That shit's entirely out the window, because now apparently we're all light beings who gain all sorts of powers if we just remember we're light beings. This is honestly very familiar territory for anyone who's dabbled in more of the New Age
Starting point is 00:49:33 side of conspiracy theory worlds. It's largely incompatible with Alex's career because he's tried to pretend to be serious, rooting out corruption with real enemies like the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission. I know that he's slipped up in the past years and gotten way into the spiritual side of things, but this is not the way it manifests on Infowars. This is talking about positive aspirational elements of New Age shit. This is the variety of New Age conspiracy meant to sell you something by promising you
Starting point is 00:50:03 access to magic, or making you feel like there's something you're missing by not being magic. In Alex's world, the spiritual stuff is very rarely about how everyone's a light being who's infinite and all that, it's mostly about how his enemies are possessed by demons. It's the negative, scary side of the new age that Alex taps into. I understand that Alex is still saying that the bad guys are trying to do mind wars and spirit wars and that's scary, but this is not the same street that Alex normally drives down.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Light being advocate and guru is not a hat that fits on Alex's head. It really seems forced. Like you just have to find the light spark within you. No, no, no, no, no. You see demons everywhere. That's your game. Yeah, that's a crystal necklace that doesn't go around that thick neck. Mm hmm. No, no.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I wonder. OK, so I wonder this, right? Maybe we are thinking of this as as too too small of a problem and maybe one with different facets. So imagine if the problem is instead just like that idea of pure faith, you know? And this is not a problem that's new to Alex. This is just a different representation of the pure faith that it took to believe in bullshit way back when, and then say that it's documented. You know what I mean? Like, people who believe something regardless of what it is based purely upon whatever they
Starting point is 00:51:25 have available to them, that's not too unfamiliar from the Bible or whatever you like. This is just a different aspect of the very same concept. Yeah, but it's a bit more naked. Yeah, it's real fucking naked. That's one side of it. And then the second side of it that I think is really more important is the extent to which Alex dabbles in these ideas is angry and violent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:52 It's demons are coming to kill you and your family if you don't buy my product. Yeah, because that's what's inside him. Yes. Yeah. You're all ascended beings who have infinity within you if you just listen to what I'm saying. That's Jake Doocy. That's not Alex. Alex left to his own devices will talk to you about the hellfire and demons that are supposed to scare you into the fold as opposed to make you aspire
Starting point is 00:52:17 to be something better. And so that to me is like a real indication of like this isn't Alex. Yeah, no. I have a question. I think this is a little bit off topic. Can it be a cliche if it's based on a cliche? You know what I'm saying? So like as far as the the Matrix red pill goes, like that goes back to Lewis Carroll. That's where that cliche comes from. So is it possible for us to have forgotten that it was already a cliche and then make
Starting point is 00:52:48 it a new cliche? I don't know. I mean, sometimes tropes are built on tropes, you know? Well, I suppose that's true. Sometimes there is that like... Maybe I'm just having trouble with the word cliche. It's not the right word. Yeah, I think that might be my issue.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I think you might mean like the archetype or the image. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The choice that is the choice. The choice to believe or the choice to disbelieve. Yeah. Yeah. So look, here's the situation. You're probably maybe a little bit more awake than some other people who wouldn't watch Reset Wars. And so like you got those people in your life. Sure. You probably are going to have to deal with these hypnotized zombie people. Oh, do you mean the suppressive influences? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you mean sinners?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Do you mean non-believers? Yeah, yeah. Do you mean infidels? Do you mean... And Alex has a good idea of how to deal with them. Oh yeah. A great way to explain this to people that are in a trance and that have been hypnotized is to take them to a magic show that has a really good magician at it
Starting point is 00:53:46 who is actually hypnotizing suggestible members of the crowd and let them see it for themselves, let them understand it for themselves, and let them come to the point of not just seeing the hypnotism and not just seeing the trance state, but also seeing the tricks and the sleight of hand that when a small child sees the rabbit pulled out of the hat, they really believe that that actually happened. But once you realize there's a trap door in the table and there's a hole that flips open in the hat and that that's how the magician's doing it, it's still fun to watch, but you understand the trick and Wait, what? You're not under the magician's control.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So magicians do a great job of teaching people how manipulation works. I feel like this is a really good way to not wake up a friend but instead ruin a perfectly enjoyable night out at a magic show. You're just trying to get lost in the fun of the tricks and your Infowars-ass friend is yelling at you about how it's just like the media brainwashing people. That's not fun. You can tell that someone else wrote this because at least it makes allegorical sense. Alex is saying that the media and the entire world is trying to mind control you with subtle
Starting point is 00:54:57 tricks and what they show you, but if you're aware of them and resist their effects, they won't work. I take issue with the premise and I think this is dumb, but it does at least connect to a magician not being able to make you bark like a dog if you don't want to. That's true. That part is at least, like, there's
Starting point is 00:55:13 I accept the one-to-one connection there, yes, agreed. And that's rare for Alex, so someone wrote this. Credit where the credit is due, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. But you seem to take issue with Alex revealing the tricks of the trade. I mean, I just, I'm a little bit confused about the idea of like, see, this is evidence of what the magician does.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And then being like, and also all you need to do is know. So everybody's just participating in this. Like the magician is also part of this in your conceptualization of what's going on. So is the magician also being in the- also being hypnotized in the metaphor? In his own hypnosis. Yeah. He's hypnotized in the way of having to be the other end. Right, but the magician should know better than anybody because the magician embodies the very thing that he is trying to teach. Right. The magician is trying to teach. Right. The magician is the globalists. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Okay. So here's the issue that I have. Yeah. I'm not sure exactly what Alex would respond to your point with. That's the problem. I don't know exactly what anybody would respond to. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I take issue with him being like, if you know that he didn't actually pull the rabbit out of the hat, he doesn't have power over you. And I would, I would say that I've never really seen a magician and even like when I didn't know how they did the trick. Yeah. I never thought like, Oh, they have power over me. Yeah. You know what? I've, I've always, I've always believed that magic is so much better because magic is real because it requires that little level of skill and dedication and talent that is far more respectable than just the ability to like fucking apparate shit with your mind. Fuck that! These people have to spend all of their time moving their fingers. That's amazing! Magic isn't real but it's a kayfabe that I'm so willing to buy into.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah! Why not? Because it like the experience of seeing someone do tricks is not fun for me If I'm sitting around and thinking like you're trying to trick me. Yeah No, I I Regularly watch these videos by this guy Danny de Ortiz who's the the best who's the best card magician in the world? The best sleight-of-hand guy? He's he's just incredible and he's turned it into his old is this whole philosophy about honesty and just being like hey If you're honest people believe you're you can do anything and it's like yeah, that is fascinating But really what he's doing is moving cards with his hands. Yeah. Yeah, I'm never going to be like alright. You are a
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah, I'm never going to be like all right. You are a deity If I see someone do magic, but I'm also not like I'm not going to not allow myself to be like Magic. Yeah. Yeah, like okay. I understand what you're doing, but you literally you're just like Oh, you've got your thumb in the right place without me being able to see it. Yeah, I gotcha Yeah, okay And there's a point where skepticism kind of gets in the way of your enjoyment of an art. And I think that sometimes you can just let that go. Like I don't need to hyper criticize everything that's going on in a wrestling ring. I don't need to hyper criticize the thumb movements of a magician. I can enjoy it. If you get real close to the Mona Lisa, all you see is just dots. That's a pigment. That doesn't even count. Are you happier for thinking in that and telling me that? Yeah, because it's a little dot. Good for you. So Alex is
Starting point is 00:58:29 kind of like a magician. Sure. Who's explaining to you how the tricks work in in Reset Wars. Okay. That's what we're doing here is showing you behind the curtain, showing you the trick so you can navigate this and get out of this system. And that's why we're launching reset wars. That's why part one and part two are mind wars, spirit wars, because if you understand these basic facts and how the tricks work, you will understand everything else that we're about to teach you. Everything we're about to show you that you innately already knew and that the controllers of this world
Starting point is 00:59:07 and the wicked one truly fear. Oh man. So Alex has set the high bar for himself here. We'll see if he accomplishes any of his goals and pulls off a feat that the literal devil is scared of him achieving. But yeah, this is where the first lesson comes to a close. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:27 How do you feel? I feel like, how would I put it? They never should have translated anything by Gautama. Like any of those conversations, any of that noise, just leave it where it is. Because the English language is so easy to make, make oh it means both things at the same time You're like I fuck you. What are we doing here? What are we doing sure? That's your that's your take on the introduction to spirit of mind wars
Starting point is 00:59:58 The concepts of just like oh well where where you already know this thing that I have to show you. I can't teach you what you are, you know. Ah, ah, ah. I mean, I think- Get your circular ass bullshit outta here. I think the correct response is, ah. Ah, get outta here. Shoo!
Starting point is 01:00:18 I feel like I have to mimic a teacher. Sure. And in doing so, you must mimic a student. Yeah. And so we need to do a Peabody and Sherman type vibe here. You're right. And I need for you to give me a summation of the first lesson. I would be hard-pressed to like explain or show all of my work like a geometric proof sure
Starting point is 01:00:45 But I will say that the answer that I would get to after all the work is done and the equation is down there It would be they're out to get you Yeah, I mean that's definitely in there Yeah, and they're trying to they have implemented all of these things to get your mind in order to get your soul Yes, I would like to know why What would you mean? Well, I mean, they are breaking into the third dimension. So they are in a different dimension as we speak.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah. Right? Why are they bored? Have you seen Childhood's End? Have you read it? I mean, but I mean, like, what do they get? What do they need? They need to terraform the Earth
Starting point is 01:01:23 because they can't exist in Oxygen rich environments with a bunch of co2 and they need to make it more compatible with where? Silicon based beings can live because sure demons who can only exist in that state So they're tricking us into making the world like that so they can thrive and we won't be able to get to the moon And into space because that's where God wants us to go he wants us to Colonize space right, but I I mean if that's our conversation, you know Then people from the top dimension coming into the lower dimension They're fucking up right because the top dimension is ostensibly better. I
Starting point is 01:02:01 Mean, that's how numbers work Yeah I mean you think but so then that would suggest that there's another dimension above them and maybe the people above them Are like breaking into their dimension so they're breaking into our dimension that we shouldn't be fighting. We should be breaking into that lower dimension That's the way this goes turn that into the third dimension if higher dimensions Can exist despite us being taken over or whatever? Yeah, then it doesn't matter exist despite us being taken over or whatever, then it doesn't matter. Right?
Starting point is 01:02:26 I mean like... Yeah, it's a dimensional caste system. The ultimate fate of our dimension doesn't really matter. Because if it did, those higher dimensions wouldn't let our dimension get taken over by demons or whatever. There would be some sort of safeguard in there. What are the fifth dimensional people doing? Do they just not give a shit?
Starting point is 01:02:45 I imagine not unless Alex is one of them. Oh, that's an interesting question, right? What dimension is Alex claiming to be from or exist in well his meat body is the third right? But he has to have some secret knowledge that we don't have right because God gave him that glimpse behind the curtain So where does he view things from man? That's a great question I don't have a number for you. That is a good point I would I will say that I do like having a number assigned to Existence can't help you there. Yeah, but what I can do is begin Mind war alright, so the first the second chapter of the first chapter. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:26 one, two, whatever begins and it's a mind war. Okay. And it starts with all the same disclaimer. Yeah, well, every video, of course, let's get into mind wars right now. One oh one. And a lot of you watching are going to say, Hey, this is all admitted science. We know this. I know we got to do the basics and the foundation first, especially for some people that may not even be aware of these facts. Like, do you think the average person knows that 95% of the activity going on,
Starting point is 01:03:55 at least in their brain, in their subconscious, they're not consciously thinking about? No. I mean, even if somebody had some psychology classes in college. I think they do, are they really thinking about how their subconscious is controlling them? Or the different constructs that have been created? We're going to walk through that. So to understand how to win, you have
Starting point is 01:04:15 to understand their playbook and their strategy to then not play their game. Or you could use this information, I guess we're about to lay out, to act like they do and control people but I think once you get the full nature of your fucking with powers that you can't control so we're giving you the playbook of the enemy right now how they use that playbook try to manipulate control the history of human activity and the future seems fucking irresponsible you can use these powers for good or evil at your own will and I have no control over it? I'm just telling you what you can do.
Starting point is 01:04:53 You could take over the world with this shit but I believe you're not going to do that. You're making more of the very enemy that you despise. That's an interesting thought. So when Alex says that at least 95% of the activity going on in your brain is subconscious, he flashes up on screen a headline from Inc. Inc. website. It says quote, Harvard professor says 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:18 This was about research done by Professor Gerald Zaltman, which found that people thought that they were more logical shoppers than they actually are. Purchasing decisions were generally not made based on actual quality or price considerations, but on emotion. This article itself is an op-ed that covers fairly elementary marketing implications of this study, like how effective advertising doesn't often sell the actual product, but the feelings that you would want to associate with the product. True. This isn't the best choice for Alex in terms of making his point, but the words in the headline work for the optical purposes,
Starting point is 01:05:52 so it doesn't matter if the article doesn't make the right point. His viewers aren't going to read that article, they're just going to see that headline flashed in front of their eyes that appears to support the point. It's almost like marketing. And if they did, that would be part of the mind war. Oh no! That said, so much shit in the brain is subconscious because we evolved that way. It would be damn near impossible to get through anything in life if we had to consciously regulate everything from like balance to our breathing.
Starting point is 01:06:20 It's ridiculous. Of course, you need to keep, you have to have most of your shit subconscious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy. There are interesting have to have your shit subconscious. Yeah. Yeah crazy There are interesting things to say about the subconscious processes in our brains and we'll get to them if they come up But for now the important thing is that Alex is not making the argument with the source that he's providing No, this is very exciting though We're going to get some information that can be used for good or evil very cavalier to assume everyone's gonna use this for good Almost like the idea of people being evil isn't a worry
Starting point is 01:06:54 Do you want to do you want to raise an army hey hey hey Don't do it. Don't use this for evil. I guess Alex has to say something like that because... Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. Well no, I mean I think that someone would be like, that could be a rebuttal to Alex. Hey, why are you doing this? Right. You're training people how to mind control people. Well, I mean, it would suggest that it's entirely possible that a proto ancestor of Alex
Starting point is 01:07:23 may have given the exact same reset war speech and then the globalists that we are currently dealing with are actually a result of someone like Alex doing what Alex is doing now. It's possible but I have an alternative theory. Okay. My hypothesis is that this was written by a fucking get rich quick hypnotist who probably has a lot of feelings about? People using his techniques and stuff He's wrestled with that issue for a while. It's seeping into the the script that would make a lot more sense Yeah, I think that might be yeah. Yeah, that could be it so the brain. It's subconscious
Starting point is 01:07:59 Sure all of the time okay first The mind is simply a computer operating 95 percent of the time in subconscious and unconscious modes just like a computer once it is programmed it Performs according to the operating system. So this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the brain The only piece of evidence behind the 95 percent figure that Alex is using is that op-ed about research into purchasing decisions, but now the story that's being reported is that your brain operates subconsciously 95% of the time.
Starting point is 01:08:36 This is a bizarre statement that I don't even know what to do with. I don't fully understand the claim that's being made, and there's nothing else to go on in Alex's words or that one op-ed. That's all the substance we have to work with. The way he's making it seem, your brain is subconscious 95% of the day, but for 5% of the time you're conscious. And in that conscious state you could do something of your own free will, which might include setting up your brain computer so it'll operate well in that other 95% of the time. I understand the concept of what Alex is saying, but it doesn't make sense and he's got a lot of work to do in terms of establishing this point.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah, yeah. It could be, and I'm going to throw this out there, it could be less a function of how your brain works and more of a function of how much you care about any certain thing and the amount to which you care about it at any given point in time. You know, like 95% of your purchasing, most of my purchasing decisions are made based upon how exhausted I am by the idea of buying something. Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:37 You know, so it's like, I suppose technically that's unconscious, but in reality, it's just a matter of where I'm choosing to focus my time. Well, I mean like we honestly the Pepsi challenge exists and I think that it gets to the core of some of those unconscious conscious decisions better than reset wars. Yeah, probably. But they want to take over this subconscious that you have because it's operating 95% of the time. So if they are able to program that, then you'll just be running on globalist programming. Totally.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Right? Yeah, yeah. So that's what they're doing. Autopilot. They're rewriting your operating system. Okay. Just like a computer, once it is programmed, it performs according to the operating system. And God gave us an operating system,
Starting point is 01:10:25 our genetic code of our ancestor's struggle and all those instincts that gives us an earth suit, third dimensional operating system. And this power structure is aware of that. And if you develop that on your own or operate according to God's plan and your innate programming and what historians and the ancients
Starting point is 01:10:46 would call the infinite, then you're not bound to the false reality that Hollywood and the politicians are trying to weave and force you in to conform or they cut off your food, they cut off your medicine, they lock you in your house, they tell you you're not essential, they put you under a form of siege. Earthsuit. I like Earthsuit. I like Earthsuit. I think that's fun. I think that's just great.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Whatever. I mean, meat bodies, you know, that's nice. The experiences of your ancestors give you a three-dimensional Earthsuit. Earthsuit. That's the shit. Yeah. And you can tell also in that, like like a bit of how this is really dated There's these two 2021 kovat talking points that already feel like there's a bit stale. They're out of time
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah, be our ancestors and the ancients gave us earth suits and your brain is a computer that the globalists want to program So that's that's where we're at right? But that did they when did when did they show up? When was the first breakthrough into the third dimension? Good question. Because if our ancestors... Federal Reserve? Could that have been it?
Starting point is 01:11:57 I don't know. Those three senators were demons! It's possible. Oh, that would make more sense than anything. I don't know if we're going to get a full history lesson on when the demons first showed up because I would like to know that As well. Yeah, what are these ancients? Were these ancients like watching this happen and going like ah shit they're coming like what's going on there? Don't know because honestly the mind wars and even Alex's reset wars a lot of it is just the tip of the iceberg
Starting point is 01:12:23 Well, I mean, yeah, I suppose. And so he talks about that a little bit. Okay. So you have that iceberg image of the conscious mind is just that little tiny tip and all the rest of it is beneath. And that's where the enemy is mainly attacking. Most of their propaganda is subliminal. It's semantical.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It's manipulative. So they're doing this subliminal programming of your 95% on COSISMIND. Yeah, they're doing, they live. I gotcha. And so while Alex is talking, there's B-roll being played on the screen. And it starts with a standard picture of an iceberg. How, you know, there's so much more under the water than above. Then it starts to show things that are supposed to be subliminal messages, like the priest performing the wedding and the little mermaid having a little boner.
Starting point is 01:13:03 And apparently the princess's hair spelling out sex on the tangled poster. Oh, right. And also the word anal is in there in the word tangled. If you pretend that the G is actually an A. Right. Right. It's a bit much. I don't understand if the message is supposed to be that the globalists are programming us by putting an indecipherable anal sex on the poster for tangled. If so, I'm not that worried about them
Starting point is 01:13:26 if this is their grand plan. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, they got weird priorities if that's where they're starting or finishing or in the middle of. This is the subconscious programming of the human mind in these Disney cartoons. Sure.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Sure. Okay, wait, but why again hmm demons okay I'm actually you know I'm gonna I'm just gonna call that one fine now cuz otherwise I'm just gonna say why every every time the globalists do a thing right so they're demons with evil intent so I should just assume that whatever they are doing is evil and is part of their larger plan. I think to an extent you can never really truly understand God's motivations, and to try and put them into human understanding is kind of a fool's game. And I think maybe demons are the same. They have concerns that we don't understand sure I mean, I'm just saying like is it possible that they're having a picnic sometimes
Starting point is 01:14:29 You know like are they evil all the time or is it like maybe this anal sex thing? That's like somebody playing a joke. It's an evil picnic All the sandwiches are all of the loaf sure That is an evil picnic. The tea is warm. Ooh Not hot But it was the ice is all melted it's watered down hot tea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I get you. Yep There's no brutal all the grape soda is a little is those those cans that have the little like it's puffed up in a little Bit and there's a little hole in the back.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Oh God, I knew it. Yup. Yup. It's a bad picnic. Yeah, it's a bad, it's an evil, it's a demon feast. So the elites, they know how to implant these negative viruses into your subconscious. Right. The elites not only know this, but they know exactly how to install viruses into your operating system.
Starting point is 01:15:27 These are the viruses of negative emotions, fake self-constructs, self-sabotaging behaviors, self-loathing, depression, and more. Oh, wow. So all the negative stuff in my life is actually just the result of evil globalists putting dicks into Disney movies I never looked at it that way. I was I was a thick and faintings, but I guess here we are Right. Yeah, I mean this is this is kind of Unfortunate because what you're doing is essentially exploiting
Starting point is 01:15:59 Just normal experiences of living. Yeah, like having low self-esteem at times, having feelings of depression. These are things that people can find outlets and avenues to deal with and address through things like therapy and that shit. And what you're doing is just blaming it on a demon or like a globalist programming that happened when you were a kid. I do think that that's Really exploitative. Yeah. I mean it's one of those one of those things about enough of the born-again testimonials if you will is that like Habitually you you never hear the born-again stories from somebody whose life was going great. Mm-hmm It's always somebody who's like I was at my lowest moment and then a predatory Institution came and grabbed me and now I believe everything that they say. You know,
Starting point is 01:16:48 and it's like, ah, it is a little more frequent. Yeah. And that's, that's what Alex is trying to get, get, uh, like his grappling hook on that insecurity, that point. Yeah. That's the, I mean, it's, it's literally like the list of things that they... That's your go-to list if you're on a sales call. It's pretty gross. Yeah. So, this next clip involves Alex making the most important point in Mind Wars. And in this section, Mind Wars 101, this is the most important point.
Starting point is 01:17:21 When we are born in this third dimensional world, when our souls, our genetics, our energy is manifesting through the genetic matrix in the third dimension, there's one aspect to what we are and how we're multi-dimensional creatures the science and math shows we're beginning to, when you're born into this world, you are a open slate and the software is just taking everything in, your eyes are just wide open and babies and small children have that thousand yard stare. And that's when the system comes in with its most brutal programming and its most brutal manipulation to try to create that false construct or that false identity.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah, man. So the science and math shows that we're multi-dimensional beings, which I'm excited to get to yeah That'll be I'd love to check that out. Okay. Also babies do have big eyes and Alex is reading a lot into that The reason babies eyes look so full of wonder is because they're large relative to their heads It is true that babies are taking in all kinds of information and that's why it's essential to provide an emotionally nurturing environment during infancy But Alex is really focused on the eyes as he's talking. He just shows a bunch of pictures of children with big eyes What baby has a thought you like I'm looking into the middle distance melancholy baby, that's a poetic baby But he's not supposed to believe that no he he's not. He's not supposed to believe in the tabula
Starting point is 01:18:46 raza. No. That is not him. No. You are your ancestors. Yep. That is just a meat version of your ancients. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um Maybe you're in a pure state because not everyone gets access to the ancestral memories. Okay. As we know Alex believes that the firstborn son has more of them Children. Yeah, so that is something that you know Obviously the experience of being the firstborn son is gonna be different than being like the second child, right? Because you you will be Unable right to access all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Seems unfair. Seems very unfair. Also, we don't get into that in mind wars. Oh, we don't? Oh, well, it seems odd. It seems odd, because that would be a big question for me. Yeah, I do agree with you principally, though, that Alex should not believe in blank slate kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:40 No, no, no, no. Obviously impressionable, perhaps. I suppose. That all tracks with being a baby. Yeah. But yeah. I mean, I suppose- Alex was Alex on day one. Right, right, right. I guess the idea to like reconcile that would be that the existence of your ancestors by the is in you right, but the operating system itself is brand new so they're trying to Get the operating fuck up the machinery. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so your ancestors memory can't become the
Starting point is 01:20:16 Yeah, I guess that's probably the way you would that's the way to make the most sense. Yeah, I'll try it Oh, we'll go with that so children, they're in a hypnotic state with their big old eyes. Sure. This begins in childhood, going back to my notes, when your brainwave states are in a totally hypnotic level. That's why little children daydream and look out the window. Is that why? In kindergarten, when the teacher's trying to talk to them, because they're thinking about all sorts of amazing things. Their mind, their soul is so clean, like driven snow. They are innocent.
Starting point is 01:20:51 They are pure. And that's when the wolves of the mind come. So children daydream for a lot of reasons, and so do adults. It's not an indication of some kind of blank operating system in the brain computer or some notion of innocence. Also it's worth noting that as Alex is talking about purity and innocence, he flashes up a bunch of pictures of children and they're all white. That's probably a coincidence.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yeah. But I do love the phrase, and that's when the mind wolves come. Yeah I do like that. That is good. That's like a Goosebumps quote. Oh no, the mind wolves are coming. He's not supposed to believe that either. He's not supposed to believe that children are innocents.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Um, no. Well, yes. Yes and no. What do you mean? You mean like sin transferred from past generations and stuff? You can't have like a sin original, be your ancestors, have a method by which you excise it, but it is there. I think this is where you get into the difficulty of nailing down specifics. Because metaphorically, if you just allow a lot of stuff to be metaphors, you're fine. That's why I get into so much trouble!
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah, it's tough because you have to have like, ah, metaphorical ideas about innocence and all this stuff. You're also talking about a brain computer and mind wolves. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like, uh, I don't know what to take as literally as we need to. It's hard. I mean, here's the thing. Don't write it down, don't record it,
Starting point is 01:22:27 because then I'm gonna have to dig. I'm gonna have to dig in there and be like, oh, does this make sense? And the answer's no, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. And there's nowhere to dig. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just let it go. Don't write it down, say your bullshit to people around you
Starting point is 01:22:40 and then shut up. Don't call it the most important work of your fucking career. Yeah. So this programming it the most important work of your fucking career. Yeah. So, this programming that the globalists do while you're growing up through things like Disney movies and what have you, it creates your operating system. Okay. This begins at childhood when your brainwave states are in a hypnotic state whereby you
Starting point is 01:23:00 simply absorb all the energy and information from your environment. This goes directly into your subconscious and becomes the operating system that runs your entire life. And that's why every culture that valued freedom and justice and was successful shielded and protected children and tried to keep them as innocent as possible from evil and corruption and lies and the pressures of adulthood so that they would have a time to dwell on beauty and teaching and what parents and their family and birds and the rivers and the oceans and the stars and
Starting point is 01:23:40 Discovery of the universe. There's a load of bullshit What cultures is Alex talking about exactly, where children were protected from growing up so they could ponder the rivers? It's from Peter Pan-ass nonsense. He's nonstop talking about coal. His perfect society puts children in mines. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Like, he would say that the United States is one of the cultures that values freedom and justice, but for a long part of our history, children were put in factories to work in brutal conditions, and many of his ideological heroes would repeal bans on child labor if they could pull it off. Yeah, absolutely. If there weren't other people in society saying, nope, can't do that. Because so many people died of disease and war, they put all of the orphans onto trains and then
Starting point is 01:24:25 stopped the trains and were like, do you want one? And that's not even to mention that black children were considered property instead of humans for quite a while in our country's history, which seems to run counter to Alex's ideas. You think. In Greece and Rome, children weren't protected from the realities of the world so they can ponder birds and their parents. No. Pretending this is the case is only indicative of a fantasy understanding of history and what about England Alex likes England
Starting point is 01:24:51 Let's not talk about it. No Talk about the place that spawned the word Dickensian You don't want to hear what they had what they did to their children this fantasy state of affairs never really existed in some Imagined perfect culture, but that's not important. The goal of this isn't to say that there's something good cultures should do. It's creating a reason for you, the viewer, to feel inadequate. If you were born in a good culture that valued freedom and justice, you would have been given the time as a child to soak in all the wonders like rivers, and that would have created a
Starting point is 01:25:21 positive operating system in your brain computer. But since our culture is bad and it's run by the globalists, your brain computer got all these viruses in it from things like dicks in Disney movies. This is fairly standard manipulative exploitation. Almost everybody feels like their life hasn't gone as well as it could have, and almost all of us have some mental processes that don't serve us well. Alex is taking advantage of that by defining these things as the product of globalist meddling in your childhood which he has the magic solution for.
Starting point is 01:25:52 On the one hand he's creating a problem for himself to sell you the solution to, but in another sense he's taking advantage of problems that are already there. There are Infowars listeners who struggle with depression or self-sabotage or all sorts of other mental issues and Alex is preying on that by selling them a miracle solution that a get-rich-quick hypnotist paid him to read. When you really track the behavior that he's engaged in, it's monster-level stuff that he's doing, but it's boring and a little bit silly. Really underneath it, it's probably one of the most toxic things he's ever done. Yeah, I would say, I would liken it to,
Starting point is 01:26:28 okay, so imagine somebody comes to you with a problem, right, and you say, that's not the problem, here's your problem. Spend all of your time focusing on this problem, then in a way, you will not be worried about your initial problem. However, the fake problem be worried about your initial problem. However, the fake problem is fake and your initial problem has not gone anywhere. Right. And if you struggle to, like, let's say, fix your problem using my solution,
Starting point is 01:26:57 it's kind of probably because you're not doing it right. You're probably evil. Yeah. Yeah. Is somebody trying to tell you that I'm lying to you? That's because they're evil. You have to spend all of your time solving this fake problem that also involves giving me money Take them to a magic show. Absolutely Annoy them while someone does magic. Oh, man. I love a good magic So you've got to you got to dwell on beauty, right? Sure, that's the key sure like like a Pink Floyd talked about. What? So that they would
Starting point is 01:27:25 have a time to dwell on beauty and teaching and their parents and their family and birds and the rivers and the oceans and the stars and discovery of the universe, the universe God created instead of the twisted false reality facsimiles that the educational system and the religious systems and all those dogmas that the priest class of the world in all its thousands of different permutations want to force in on that child's psyche and soul to put their stamp on them forever, to start putting in that control panel or what Pink Floyd in their writing talked about as building that wall, scarring you so you're not connected to the universe and making you a creature that is walled off
Starting point is 01:28:17 and enslaved because you've been put through so much trauma. I do think that in this, just this episode that we've gone over so far, we have, as Pink Floyd talked about in their writing, and the mind wolves come. That's when the mind wolves come. So there are a couple of like really choice phrases. Yeah. But yeah, there's still no evidence or backing for any of this stuff that Alex is saying. It's just him reading a script that some weirdo wrote for him.
Starting point is 01:28:42 The only primary source I think that we've seen so far is this op-ed about 95% of purchasing decisions being subconscious. And I'm not sure that any usable information has been shared. I have learned that my brain is a computer though. I have learned and internalized. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out a way to develop a philosophy
Starting point is 01:29:02 and then be like, and you will know this because of yes is writings wherein you are at a roundabout but I don't know if you can pull it off now that brick in the wall really is a pretty solid metaphor I will give them that like Boston said in their writings we're a rock and roll band. Like, as a wise man once said, I'm a joker. I'm a midnight joker. Do some people call him Maurice? Some people call me Maurice. Why?
Starting point is 01:29:33 So, this fake identity that the globalists have created through their mind wars on you, it's the reason why your life isn't great. Right. Not any of the other things that you know about as we are speaking right now. Honestly, this is fucking cult shit. Yeah. This is why the majority of people are broke and stuck in a debt slavery system. This is why the majority of people are unhappy, stressed out, and not confident.
Starting point is 01:29:57 This is why the majority of people do not believe they are capable of great things. This is why the majority cannot figure out how to defeat the dark forces. We have been programmed to be average and mediocre and to be victims and to revel in our weakness and let that become our false identity. It is all simply a virus that you can reject in your operating system. It's a fake identity, but it is not who you really are. And it's the beginning of observing that and recognizing that that is the beginning of your breaking free and transcendence. So this is an almost scary level of predatory, but it's exactly the messaging that Jake Doocy puts out on his YouTube channel pretty regularly. This is just his self-help get-rich-quick schtick, but it's coming out of Alex's mouth.
Starting point is 01:30:50 The part that makes this scary is that this means that it comes with the baggage that Alex brings with it. I get that Alex is just looking for an easy payday, but he's told his audience repeatedly that he has visions from God that tell him what to do and grant him access to otherworldly information. That doesn't go away just because he's doing a bullshit self-help series. If you're in Alex's audience, you would very understandably believe that Alex's shit here is as serious as his visions from God.
Starting point is 01:31:19 But in reality, this is just exploitation. Are you poor or desperate? If so, guess what? The reason is because the globalist hacked your brain computer as a kid and only I know how to fix it. Are you unhappy or stressed out? Guess what? That's because the globalist hacked your brain computer when you were young and I'm the only one who can fix it. Alex is promising all this relief for people who have real problems, but his solution is a placebo. If you're broken, unhappy in your job, you're going to watch Alex's whole course and you're still going to be broken, unhappy in your job, you're gonna watch Alex's whole course and you're still gonna be broken unhappy in your job
Starting point is 01:31:46 And on top of that you're not getting a refund for this shit. You just gave Jake do see some money Yeah Yeah, a lot of a lot of that Really like boils down to something along the lines of like the meek will inherit the earth fuck No meekness is something that the devil created to fuck with your mind the meek are gonna hear it shit You need to steal it from them kill them and the fact that I sold this to you is kind of proof of that For Meekness being stupid
Starting point is 01:32:21 Me stealing from you. Yeah. Yeah, we've come to the end of Mind Wars 101. Sure. And I'd like to once again check in with you and see where the lesson is taking you. What have you learned? I guess the mind war is they're trying to get you when you're hypnotized to implant the operating system on you. Right. When you're young, they brainwash you.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And all of your problems now are because of that. Right, but presumably, right, you're not a child listening to this who with a maintained tabula rasa. I hope so. Right, so. I hope no children will listen to that. Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:32:56 So then you have already been operating system overwritten. Right. So for you to then be able to break free of it, it would suggest that they're bad at writing operating systems. Well, here's my response to that. I would say that it's only possible to overwrite the 95% that's subconscious. So you need to marshal the resources of that 5% that's conscious in order to do the work of rewriting the programming of the 95.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Right. I think that's how Alex would get around that. Okay, I can kind of make sense of that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I kind of get that. I'm doing some work bridging gaps for him. For sure. Well, I mean, that's your Mr. Peabody role.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Right. Yeah. This is the only way that I can really see how this makes sense. Right. No, I mean, I hesitate to say this, but yes, that does track. If we have to make this a coherent concept, that's where it is.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Right, right, right. Now, it's stupid and wrong, but at least A does connect to B to C. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is quite a bit of work that has to be done on our end to make the Mind War happen. So I guess in a way, Alex is once again correct. The only end to make the mind war happen. So I guess in a way Alex is once again correct. The only way to win is not to play. Right. Yeah. And
Starting point is 01:34:09 in some ways I don't want to play. I wish I wasn't doing this. I mean there's a little bit of fun. So you're ready to join in on the spirit war. I guess. Yeah I know me too. Yeah. Let's get into spirit wars. Now if mind wars is the virus attack on your operating system that controls you subconsciously, then spirit wars is the attack on your hard drives that then pierces through the third dimension where your mind's operating fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and higher. No. It's man-made science.
Starting point is 01:34:41 No. And is able to pierce through and hijack your intellect, your soul, your connection to the infinite with these psychological warfare viruses. They're able to insert through your operating system into your hard drives. As I said earlier, first they capture your mind, then they come for your soul. The wolves. So I don't fully understand what any of that means Yeah, but you get the general vibe of the metaphor
Starting point is 01:35:07 The thing I'm curious about is the declaration that our brain is working on fifth sixth seventh dimensions, and that's mainline science, right? I'm gonna need a little more on that, but I guess maybe To our dimension if we are already hanging out in a higher dimension sometime, that's the twist all dimensions are us god damn it simultaneously now. I'm getting mad fine So yeah, I guess the metaphor here is that Mind wars is attacking the operating system of your brain computer whereas spirit wars is the actual computer the hardware the right I suggest I suggest that computer, the hardware, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
Starting point is 01:35:45 the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
Starting point is 01:35:53 the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the of sense right the spirit being the hard drive makes no sense at all physical brain yeah it's weird also I think that when you're somebody like Alex and you're trying to be like humans you are amazing don't compare us to computers yes there's no free will that a computer has and we invented that shit right so I think that I understand the the metaphor that he's trying to make, but it's bad and also the structure of it removes the element that he thinks is most important to humans. You're supposed to be giving me the hope that I can transcend something and your example
Starting point is 01:36:38 is something that is inherently incapable of doing that. Yeah. So that's a problem. That is an issue. So Spirit Wars is mostly just about trying to sever your connection to God sure which is what tyrants do oak Spirit wars is about dumbing down your connection to higher power feel like that would be mine wars Telling you that you're not an energetic being Telling you like that's mine don't have free will that's you there is no God Spirit wars from the enemy's perspective is about disconnecting you from your eternal spiritual energetic self
Starting point is 01:37:12 All throughout history Tyrants have worked tirelessly to cut people off from the higher power We're some of the ancient sirens siege and starvation and lies of propaganda and priest class vaccines tell you you're horrible tell you you're bad unless you attain a higher order through them but almost always they go diametrically opposed to the real systems that connect you to God you can already kind of get the sense from this course that it's literally of no use to you if you don't subscribe to a very extreme specific right-wing interpretation of Christianity. At least Mind Wars is somewhat applicable to all people, but if you don't believe in
Starting point is 01:37:53 Alex's God, this Spirit Wars thing is going nowhere. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a problem. Yeah, that does kind of sort people out real fast because I don't even because none of his followers believe That shit that's a little bit crazy. I don't know maybe some do but maybe here's the issue that you come down to if you Don't this is still mind wars, right? Like if you don't believe in Alex's conception of God, right?
Starting point is 01:38:21 Then it's all still mind wars and I don't understand what the demarcation is between spirit and mind wars well I mean if anything if I don't believe in his conception of God his own work on mind wars is part of the mind war against me because I've already lost to the spirit war mm-hmm so he is in effect unlike the only war that matters is the spirit war the only way to win is not to play but I don't understand how you could not play The hard drive game would you like to play tic-tac-toe? I? Don't know either, and I don't think it's gonna become any clearer that yeah that does make sense so listen They need to sever your connection to God sure that's the spirit war they need that connection down
Starting point is 01:39:01 Well, I mean yeah, okay, right yeah down. Well, I mean, yeah, okay, right? Yeah. They come for your soul because they cannot win unless they sever your connection to the infinite power of the universe that God made. They want us to be trapped into the five senses, cutting you off from the higher dimensions and locking you in to this little reality they call visible light. And until just the last hundred years or so, scientists around the world believed that light was not even a particle. They didn't even understand that light could be transferred into other forms of energy. And it's an understanding of that that Max Planck and then Albert Einstein were able
Starting point is 01:39:48 to understand. And it's this understanding of our reality that created all the amazing, what would be called super sciences a hundred years ago today. Wow. So they can't win unless they sever your connection to the ultimate power of the universe. But why? It doesn't seem to mean anything. I don't understand why they need, like, the demons need to do that.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Sure. I don't know. So why is the reality we're trapped in by the five senses called visible light? Shouldn't that only apply to vision? Is smell light? That's only one of the senses. Is sound light? Are they trying to trap us into one sense?
Starting point is 01:40:23 I guess visual, yeah. Also with light, they absolutely understood that light could be transferred to other forms of energy back, like way back. They just didn't know how to harness it. People didn't just discover in 1900 that the sun bearing down on you creates heat. It's ridiculous. People as far back as Isaac Newton were saying that light was a particle back in the 1700s. Different people have theorized about light being a particle or a wave over the years
Starting point is 01:40:48 And I'm not even gonna try to address Alex's talk about Max Planck Albert Einstein and the quote super science Yeah, let's let that go if he wants to get in detail about that shit make specific points then I'll deal with them But as it stands I'm not gonna like delve into a physics class type lesson just because Alex said some random words yeah no this is ridiculous no point but at least it is kind of like waving at science sure sure I mean I don't even I think I would even go with him going backwards as to what the problem of the particle is mm-hmm it's not that they didn't know it could be a particle, it's that it is both and that is a problem. You know? Right. Like that causes...
Starting point is 01:41:32 Well, it was a problem and it creates other problems, some of which people have made progress on, some are still a bit confusing. Right, right, right. The argument for a long time was like, oh it is a wave and then the guy was like, no it is a thing and then other guys say, ah it's a. And then the guy was like, no, it is a thing. And then the other guy says, ah, it's a wave. And then the guy was like, no, it's both at the same time. And everybody's like, ah, shit. And then here we are. But that didn't lead to super sciences. That just led to us being able to make phones work. And if anything, that is a negative science for all of us. Net negative?
Starting point is 01:42:01 Yeah. I would say that might be a bad one. But phones have allowed us, and you in particular... All that negative. Yeah, I would say that might be a bad one, but phones Yeah, I've allowed us sure and you in particular particular to play magic the gathering that is true So that severed my spiritual connection with God the wolves shit they have come for me So look a lot of obviously when you're putting out a self-help course, a lot of it does need to be kind of flowery. You're better than this. You're connected to God. You're a carrot stick.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Yeah. We will get into this more later, but the key is to recognize that you are more than just a little human body. You represent eternal energy that can decide what it wants to do. Again, I know you heard me say that, but I want that to burn in to your senses. I want you to really get that deep, deep way down inside. I want you to get God's love to know God made you and you are eternal. That is the most important thing that everybody needs to know.
Starting point is 01:43:18 You are more than your past. You are more than your mind. You are more than your personality. You are more than your mind. You are more than your personality. You are more than your genetic code and your DNA, which scientists now know is nothing but a receiver to receive transmissions from the higher dimension. That doesn't sound true. No. And Alex really, really thinks that your DNA is important.
Starting point is 01:43:38 He thinks the only important thing in your life is passing on your DNA. He's rambled at length about how the only mission is reproduction. Yeah. Yeah. That's creepy. So this is what a fucking mind control, get rich quick hypnotist guy, this is what he says, not what Alex says. I was in the middle of, because it was a long session, so I started going back and trying to find something to listen to. then I landed on the L. Ron Hubbard Dead Authors podcast with Paul Hopkins and Andy Daly. And he just said, it almost sounded exactly like, you can come multiple times in a night.
Starting point is 01:44:16 You are beautiful and you are amazing. You are not alone. You are not afraid of snakes under your bed. That's what a lot of this... Like Jake Doocy and his like, hypnotism type business. A lot of this has these repetitious elements to it. Almost like you might see in a magic show. Yeah. It's marketing on some level. So Alex just kind of rambles about this stuff.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Most of Spirit Wars kind of sucks. You are literally an energetic, infinite being made in the image of God. And God has given you the incredible potential held in the power of the Genesis form, the Genesis wavelength of life and creation and construction, not the victim form, not the shattered form, but the transcendent form, the power of the transcendent interconnected form. What about valor? You have a spiritual DNA that is not only perfect, but is so powerful that we can all wake up to that power and work together.
Starting point is 01:45:22 We can achieve anything, and that is God's plan. This is what the spirit wars is all about. Keeping you from that knowledge. We have a spiritual DNA that is perfect. Right. I don't know what to do with that sentence. You know, what you're saying too is like a fine point. And that is that like, if we don't share a conception of the divine, then this is still just mind wars yeah like this isn't there I don't understand what is different about this other than kind of flowery language about light bodies and stuff yeah like there is no spirit war unless I've bought in for the the bill of entry or whatever.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Otherwise it's just like, isn't this fun to think about? Which would be the mind war. Unlimited potential within you and your spirit DNA. Yeah, yeah. And in this conception of like, it is such a, of all the things that this is emblematic of, the spirit war is a great one about just like very specific cult techniques, you know?
Starting point is 01:46:29 And that one, that last one is the most insidious, that like, what I'm about to do is going to unlock your ability to connect with everyone in the world. Now in practice, what you're going to have to do is isolate yourself completely away from everybody, otherwise you won't be able to maintain these beliefs yeah and you will be able to do that by annoying your friends at magic shows so they don't want to have you exactly yeah it is it is like that that horrifying I everybody wants to connect the only way to do that is for you to isolate yourself in a hole yeah yeah that's the spirit war that's that is the spirit to isolate yourself in a hole. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the Spirit War.
Starting point is 01:47:05 That is the Spirit War. Yeah. Yeah. So we have one last clip of the Spirit War section, and I think it's even a little bit more insidious, I think, than the way you're describing it. This is the reset war's biggest secret that the enemy hopes and prays you never discover and use, because the end of their reign of terror and darkness is over.
Starting point is 01:47:28 We are here to realize these great timeless truths of infinity. And we are here to learn, myself included, how to delete these viruses out of the false constructs that the enemy has implanted in us. We are here to upgrade and install new operating systems, software, and to get your hard drive working perfectly, once again, the way God intended it for all of us.
Starting point is 01:47:57 You will learn how to take control of your destiny instead of it being run on autopilot by the dark agenda. If you don't realize it yet, you will now learn how to truly connect to God and be the energetic creature that you've always been destined to be. But under free will, you can deny that energy, you can deny that destiny, and you can simply be a robot, a creature,
Starting point is 01:48:28 that these fallen souls are able to program and enslave. You will learn how to uninstall the New World Order's operating system that is nothing but a sabotage code that is designed to have this planet end in a fiery Armageddon, where our beautiful experiment together in a new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order.
Starting point is 01:48:50 And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order.
Starting point is 01:48:58 And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. And we are going to uninstall the new world order. by these fallen demons in some sickening satanic ritual. That is not our fate.
Starting point is 01:49:12 And we are going to uninstall the New World Order here today, tonight, together. So that doesn't sound like cult shit at all. Can you hear that sound? It is the sound of a metaphor being tortured. It is screams. It is vicious. That is the most tortured metaphor I've ever heard. We just really went for it. It's going to uninstall your.exe files. We're going to go into the control panel. We're going to get in there.
Starting point is 01:49:37 It sounds suspiciously like an alcoholic bigot putting a mask of respectability on to pitch his audience some vague promises of uninstalling the New World Order from their brain computers. Yeah, that sounds exactly like it. Yeah. It's awful. This is just awful. It is really, really bad and I'm glad that it didn't go well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:54 It struck me that the Spirit Wars section of this overview was way less interesting because it's really just Alex throwing out run-on sentences about how you're an infinite light being and the globalists don't want you to know it. He knows there's no way to prove any of the things he's saying, so there's not even any attempt to ground this at all. There's no attempt to persuade anyone about the premises of what's being said or covered, just an attempt to trick you into thinking that Alex has the solution to your problems and can help you become a super powerful light being.
Starting point is 01:50:20 It's pretty cut and dry new age self- help scam type material, and even though Alex is a fucked up weirdo, this doesn't feel like him. He's a guy who's into God as an avenging punisher, smiting the demons that walk the earth. Alex thinks of himself as a blunt instrument that was created in the womb by his ancestors to do battle in this life against the devil. He's the guy who hits the barbed wire, he's the fucking violent metaphors and he just says politically all the time.
Starting point is 01:50:46 He's not the flowery, you have all the potential in the world type of guy. And to hear him read that script just rings hollow. This is the central conflict that I have with this material. It's not Alex. Alex is reading it and they put his face and name on it so it sells, but it's just not him. There's some overlap with what he brand like his brand and name on it so it sells but it's just not him. There's some overlap with what he brand like his brand and all that shit. But this is Jake Ducey being channeled through
Starting point is 01:51:09 Alex and it's not a charming mix. So like the other when you're when you're saying like this, you know, the cult dynamic sure sure this has Yeah, the thing that I think I was wanting to point out, but I wanted to wait until after that clip with this dynamic That is the the insidiousness of it is like it's already in your system right like we have to uninstall this You are already The problem is you already have it right right all right and and it's like the poison has already been in the water supply And I have the antidote yeah, it's it's just fucking dark Right, right, right. And like the poison has already been in the water supply and I have the antidote.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Yeah. It's just fucking dark. Yeah, I mean, it is that, what would I describe? It is more of a flowery, cause it's not Alex, it's more of like a flowered up version of rich dad, poor dad. You know, that kind of like, hey, you're trapped in the cycle of capitalism
Starting point is 01:52:08 and what you need to do is take control of this stuff and here's how you make a lot of money. It obviously starts with giving me all of your money. You know, and it is so much like, all right, we're in spiritual war. Here's how you start getting a bigger spirit. It starts by you giving me all your spirit. You know, it is, or even like the middle management fucking team building exercise. Like, Hey, we're all a
Starting point is 01:52:29 family here and it just so happens that all of your family is giving me your time. You know? And it's, it's nuts. Yeah. But I think that it makes more sense in the context of where Alex was at at the time, you know, like obviously it's like walls are closing in. I need money. Right. Right. Right. Right. And I, you know what I would bet? I was just thinking this while you were talking. I would bet anything that his pay rate was flat. I would agree. I bet that Jake Ducey was the only one who benefited from more of these selling. Yep. I bet Alex got a flat rate. Yep.
Starting point is 01:53:05 And it's kind of in his best interests for this not to be widely disseminated because it's kind of embarrassing for him to stake his career on this. As somebody who previously worked on commission for years, my bosses, when I very first started, regardless of how anything was going, if somebody came in and you didn't sell them, then you were supposed to call them in two weeks, and then in six weeks, and then you were never supposed to let them go because you were on commission. Second and third touches can work in sales. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:53:40 That's commission that you need to have. You're not wasting your time. I know that Alex did send out emails about this sure word like if you Accidentally had signed up for his email list you'd get Constant near constant for a while like hey, you should buy reset wars sure there was a push But on his show it just was like a we're pumping this up. We're pumping this up Alex is in the middle of a stream Praying to the heavens yeah about about reset wars and then it just collapsed. And I think that that's intentional because Alex has no investment in selling more of these.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Yeah, his only investment would be if it's wildly successful, there would be reset wars too. Right. But if it's not wildly successful, he made his money and he walks away. He made his money up front. Yeah. I think that's the only explanation I can come up with. And that would probably be the only way that Steve Doocy could really sell him on this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:32 Whatever. Steve Doocy is the guy from the Fox News, right? I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the deuce. So I think that that also goes away into explaining why Alex is fine articulating a bunch of things that really don't match with him. Because he doesn't give a shit. He gives a shit kind of in terms of like,
Starting point is 01:54:51 I'll be here for this. But it doesn't make sense if you watch him a bunch and you kind of engage with his ideas. There's a lack of consistency. And I'll tell you what, I think part of the reason that it was always destined to fail is because if there was any possibility of it succeeding, it would be because Alex would be willing to like make a pivot towards this direction. And you'd have to have proof of concept of how much it would sell in order to justify
Starting point is 01:55:23 that. Right. And he is not capable of making that pivot. I don't think so. His heart will never be in the, like, you can improve yourself. His heart is in the, these people are evil and you're a piece of shit too. Let's go kill them. There should be some implications of you're a great God loves you kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:41 But left on his own, Alex will always veer towards anger. Yeah, you are sinners in the hands of an angry god. Yeah. And that's why this doesn't... I would assume that's why this probably wouldn't resonate with his audience to begin with, because that's what they want from him. They like hearing, I'm going to politically strangle you and watch your eyes bulge out and all that.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Yes, they're getting their anger out through him. This serves a purpose that the audience isn't wanting Yeah, yeah, if they wanted this they would go to a different place Oh, so selling it belly rich quick hypnotist YouTube channel, maybe absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, so we're gonna go over Lesson two because it's shorter. Okay. I thought that was lesson two No, that was that was that was one dash one and one dash. Okay, now I've got it. That was one dash one, two and three.
Starting point is 01:56:29 There was the introduction, there was mind wars, and there were spirit wars. Gotcha, okay. And now there's lesson two that we're going to go over just to get through it. Yeah, why not? Yeah. I feel like as we are going through this. Yeah, I feel less interest Except for to make the points of like this is disgustingly manipulative. Yeah. Yeah, and that kind of shit I think it's funny that Alex did this it is funny. It is it is just so strange. It is uncanny
Starting point is 01:56:59 Yeah, yeah, here comes lesson two. Okay now I'm about to take you Beyond the great reset We already talked about the fact that the great reset is the tyrannical Here comes lesson two. Okay. Now I'm about to take you beyond the Great Reset. We already talked about the fact that the Great Reset is the tyrannical corporate authoritarian system of every form of slavery known to man and then some that they're inventing, trying to crush and destroy and stop the human awakening, the human transcendence, the attack on the new Renaissance. So it's the Great Reset versus the Renaissance. So that's not a great definition of the Great Reset at all.
Starting point is 01:57:31 This is kind of how you might define something if you didn't know much about it or it was just a boogeyman you used to scare your audience. Because after I hear that, I have no idea what the Great Reset is. No clue. And I guarantee that the audience wouldn't either. They'd have some of the vibes that Alex is putting out there and they'd know that this is a bad thing that they're supposed to Be opposed to but what do you know exactly? You don't have shit and I don't expect Alex to get any more detailed in the future
Starting point is 01:57:55 The great reset is a nebulous catch-all term for the evil tyranny that Alex is pretending to fight and be an expert about and that's About all we're gonna get. Yeah. There's no conversation about actual where the rubber meets the road and the real world. Yeah. And I guess it's just the opposite of the Renaissance. Yeah. I'm thinking about it and here's the thing about slavery, right? Any modifier to slavery is inherently there to lessen the impact of the word slavery.
Starting point is 01:58:24 So if you're talking about a million types of slavery or whatever, slavery as it stands is like complete control over your body and labor, right? And then you'd have a type of, you know, like wage slavery. They're characteristics. Right, right, right. And adjectives. But slavery itself is the worst. Sure. You don't need to have different kinds, you just say slavery. That is the worst. Well, it's the deprivation of will.
Starting point is 01:58:52 It's the deprivation of your free choice. Everything. Whatever. But yeah, I can see both sides of this kind of, because I think that there are different conversations maybe about some ways that slavery manifests sure in different areas sure sure sure but at the end of the day you boil it down right what you're saying I mean I'm just saying like the million kinds are all almost invariably improved forms of you know I'm saying like I would rather a million
Starting point is 01:59:21 different kinds of slavery than just the slavery one. Because the slavery one is the worst. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The adjectives create sort of an academic conversation around that you don't need. Yeah. So the great reset, Alex talks a little bit more about that because this is about like getting beyond the great reset in chapter two. Right. But if we just look at the nuts and bolts of the Great Reset politically and how it wants the world government, the cashless society, and the forced inoculations, we're only looking at a very small part of the Great Reset because beyond the Great Reset is the goal of the Great Reset and where it takes us. World government is just a means to an end.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Microchipping and forced inoculations with GMO garbage is only just a way to take us to a place. Where are they taking us? Good question. They are taking us to a place where the vast majority of the human population has been removed, has been killed, has been sterilized. You're moving into a world where every social action will be controlled by a social credit score,
Starting point is 02:00:29 and then you, like a robot, being tracked in real time, they have these patents, must follow the stimuli of the AI computer that you're jacked into, or you are denied the ability to be alive. And that's why they want you to live in the third dimension and think that you're not a spiritual being, and be scared of losing this body, so that they can use that connection to the third dimension, to higher dimensions, to make you be a spiritual slave and an engine for them with the programming they give you to then
Starting point is 02:01:00 manifest and build whatever they want. You are a creature of light. You are a light being made in the image of God that is an incredible artist, inter-dimensionally. And this dark force is aware of that and wants to capture you and manipulate you and use you so that it can play God. So that's what the Great Reset is about? Behind all the political stuff? That's cool. This deteriorated from talking about reality to rambling about fantasies and interdimensional
Starting point is 02:01:33 artistry real fast. Yeah. This is nonsense. Yeah. None of these conspiracies are necessary if they just want to kill everyone. There's no reason to implement elaborate social credit scores and have people hooked up to computers that force them to obey if the plan is just to kill everyone. This is all silly.
Starting point is 02:01:48 This is like a fucking sci-fi novel as opposed to a real plan any villain would have. I mean, unless it's legitimately your theory is that there are beings in the fourth dimension above ours who have just really done it it all man and the only thing that's left is fucking with these third dimensioners. That's about the only thing that would make sense of all of this behavior. Or if the demons from like the second dimension or whatever are invading from below to corrupt this third dimension. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it doesn't make sense for any actual goal beyond fucking about, I guess. The only goal any of this serves is interesting and convenient storytelling for Alex.
Starting point is 02:02:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's more fun, honestly, than three people past the Federal Reserve. That shit's dry, boring, and wrong. You want to talk about extra-dimensional beings and stuff, at least... There's always going to be a bigger swing in extra dimensions. People are going to laugh at you differently. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:58 In that way. Agreed. And I think Alex prefers that. In a more exciting way. Yeah. Yeah. So the Great Reset is meant to lead to transhumanism But isn't beyond the great reason is where they want to take us pure total
Starting point is 02:03:11 transhumanism a counterfeit of Christ saying born again Transcend with God's energy through the connection and your higher spiritual self. They're saying what he said you're falling you're failed You're dirty. You're bad I mean they've had articles in the Wall Street Journal the New York Times you name Jesus looking forward Is that what he said? No, no, no. You're falling. You're failed. You're dirty. You're bad. I mean, they've had articles in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, you name it, saying, looking forward to the end of humanity and, oh, we're falling and ugly and diseased. Thank God the corporations are going to forcibly merge us with machines and make us one in
Starting point is 02:03:39 this great corporate ever mind. That article doesn't say any of that stuff at all. It's about how emerging technologies stand to exacerbate the deep levels of social inequality if all people don't have fair access to these technologies. The title doesn't mean looking forward like how you're looking forward to your birthday party like you're excited for it and that's the semantical game that Alex plays in order to lie. During that clip, Alex also flashes up a 2017 Washington Post headline, quote, We have a pretty good idea when humans will go extinct. This is a flashy headline, but it has nothing to do with what Alex is talking about.
Starting point is 02:04:15 This is an article about J. Richard Gott, a Princeton astrophysicist who put together some calculations and suggested there was about a 95% chance that humanity would go extinct between 5,107.8 million years from now. This was based on the assumption that we're likely not experiencing the beginning or end of humanity, and thus we must exist somewhere in the middle 95%. The article takes a bit of a left turn when Alex should be thrilled about towards the end of it. Quote, God believes that because our species' time on Earth is likely to be finite, we should be doing everything we can to colonize nearby worlds, particularly Mars, to increase our odds of survival.
Starting point is 02:04:57 The time to do this, he says, is now. Alex loves talking about sending humanity to the stars, and this Gott fellow isn't even saying we need to be cyborgs first He should be thrilled with this but all he has is the headline because he doesn't know what he's talking about Yeah, this highlights one of the glaring issues of Alex's methodology He starts by rambling and talking a ton of bullshit And then he relies on the staff finding headlines that look like they apply to what he's saying So it gives him the appearance of credibility But if you're a curious person at all
Starting point is 02:05:26 and you follow up on these sources, they pretty much never back him up. And so I think an argument can be made that this tactic is a mind war. I would agree. Yeah. Yeah. Because you know, that 95% of your buying decisions
Starting point is 02:05:43 being based on your subconscious, that research that that headline was about Yeah is about how you think that you're buying a product that is cheaper or better But oftentimes it's because you saw a commercial and you associate a good time with this product or whatever That commercial is doing the same thing to your brain that Alex's use of headlines are yeah is doing the same thing to your brain that Alex's use of headlines are yeah yeah he's using deceptive marketing in order to sell the story to your brain through fucked up fake using of headlines yes just doing a mind war on you yeah yeah he's pachy king himself oh no I hate I hate that stuff. I hate I'm like
Starting point is 02:06:29 everybody who is telling you that they need to get off world is Actually telling you that they don't want you around They want to get off world to get away from you. That's generally how that goes I would say that almost all of the time it's that yeah on a very small percent sure a small percent It's because you've run a foul of a crime family Yeah, yeah, that would make sense gotta you gotta get off planet before they kill you Yeah at no point in time are they like and we're gonna bring all the people with us. No Yeah, yeah, isn't that the beginning of Star Wars outlaws? Throw your bow. No, no, no, Isn't that the beginning of Star Wars Outlaws? I was trying to throw you a bone there.
Starting point is 02:07:05 No, no, no, that wasn't the beginning of Star Wars Outlaws. No? No, you've pissed off the Pike Syndicate, I believe. Okay, sorry. Wrong criminals. The Huts come after Nix, and that is unacceptable shit. Oh right, that was the text you sent me. That is unacceptable shit, man.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Right, you're a little dog friend. I went fucking all... A space dog friend. Oh, that's bullshit. Don't you dare. Yeah. So, this has nothing to do with mind or spirit wars true, but it is still impactful But we need to get back on track right the great reset is an affront to God right
Starting point is 02:07:34 God hates Schwab. What how does where it is? Where what has God given us a list of all the things that are affronts to him? The New Deal, the Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act. Yeah, all those things. The unions. It sounds very familiar. Its counter to the fact that we're already transcendent spiritual beings is to force us into a counterfeit facsimile of that, where we don't have fathers and mothers, where we don't have sons and daughters, where we don't have brothers and sisters or grandmas and grandpas, where
Starting point is 02:08:10 we don't have our friend across the street, where we don't have all of our beautiful diversity and the different human ideas and art that comes together and that we all then celebrate and then we adopt what we love and reject what doesn't resonate with us. That decentralization, that free will, is the antithesis of where the Great Reset is taking us. And it is an attack not just on the fabric of our bodies and our DNA, that's just the gateway. It is an attack on the incredible creatures we are and an attack on our Creator. It is a fundamental rebellion against God at the basic subatomic level. And so we have to ask, are we going to rebel against God?
Starting point is 02:08:58 Are we going to join Satan? You'll be given incredible power in this third dimension with all this crud and crap the system can give you. You can be praised by the corporate media. You can be worshipped by the system, but it's all a dirty counterfeit and leads to spiritual death which is being cut off from God and actually through your own free will becoming the robot that the system told you you were. You see that's the little riddle. That. You see, that's the little riddle.
Starting point is 02:09:25 That's the trick. That's the little riddle. So this is just kind of normal filler type rambling, Alex, but there was one thing that stuck out to me in the clip, and I wonder if it's the same thing. You had a spark in your eye, and I wonder if it's about the same thing. Well, I mean, if, well, what's God's subatomic particles?
Starting point is 02:09:45 You know what I'm saying? Like what's he made up of that you can affront him on a subatomic level? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're not affronting God's sub particles. Right. Your subatomic particles are being changed by the COVID vaccine in a way that God doesn't like.
Starting point is 02:10:02 Okay. That's more what it is. Okay, all right. Yeah. Okay. That's more what it is. Okay. All right. Yeah. Okay. Fine. What was yours?
Starting point is 02:10:10 Okay. It's a little different. Like how many people are listening to Alex's self-help series that are in a position where they might be lauded by the corporate media? Like, that's a weird niche concern. That's one of the things that he's saying goes along with siding with Satan, but that doesn't apply to almost anybody who's listening to this. And that's because this isn't about them. This is about two things. One, it's about
Starting point is 02:10:33 Alex. He's not praised by the corporate media because he didn't side with Satan. The fact that everybody hates him is proof of his integrity. Two, all the people like Klang Schwab are praised by the corporate media because they sided with the devil, right? He's proving those things by this this bizarre offer of the media liking you See, he's also offered another Possible proof though. And that is that you will be given tremendous and he says this as a fact a Factually based statement. You will be given tremendous power in this third dimension.
Starting point is 02:11:08 I say, I take that bet. I'll get that power. Tell me what powers I get. Well, but yeah, and I think it also is a flimsy false nonsense because I think based on Alex's definition of everything, we would have to be some of the most evil people possible. Yeah. of everything, we would have to be some of the most evil people possible. We have spent almost eight years now chronicling God's chosen messenger on earth and how he's full of shit and a dumb idiot. I think he would have to think that the system would be giving us all of the powers.
Starting point is 02:11:37 And we have neither received any powers nor been lauded. If anything, the mainstream media hates us more than Alex. Because they like Alex, Alex makes them feel good about themselves and they hate us because we make them feel stupid. I don't know if that's exactly why. We've been on CNN twice in the course of this whole period of time. There have been very few offers from anything. I think that in terms of earthly riches, people who make memes and
Starting point is 02:12:06 stuff probably make more than us. Oh, totally. I don't know. I think that we are kind of proof that the demons do not grant you great powers if you reject Alex. No. In fact, if anything, we're proof that people will make you stuff and it'll be awesome. Yeah. I guess. I mean, we'll get cool little art things from Great I think that's a pretty that's a pretty solid power. I'll take it Yeah, yeah, it's way better than whatever money you get from making memes. Yeah, I'll say that or whatever
Starting point is 02:12:39 Soul powers Alex pretends he has yeah I mean you got to really sell me on some powers if he was psychic He wouldn't have done this totally that's how I know he's not psychic easy whatever superpowers He pretends to have are invalidated by him doing fucking reset. Yep. Yep. So anyway, we have one last clip here from lesson two, okay? And I don't know this is the great assault and his trillions upon trillions quadrillions upon quadrillions times worse than anything we've ever seen manifested in the history of our species on this planet. This is all the failure of evil, all the failure of trying to re against God, throughout all of the timeless history of this struggle, being tried one more time against God's creation.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Because that is the nature of the universe, and that is the nature of free will, and many souls and many creatures, many systems and angels of light like Lucifer have decided to rebel against the one true creator and God. And all they can create is death and damnation and enslavement and ugliness, because any creature with free will that truly tasted of the infinite would choose God. And that takes you back to the basic question of why have these entities then chosen to rebel against this. And that is a story so old and so great that I look forward to transcending further so I can learn those great secrets of the
Starting point is 02:14:11 universe that only God knows. But now I am at this level and choose to try to bind myself to the Creator so that I can move to the next level and discover the things that God told us in the Bible, the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, the things that our heavenly father has in store for us. And so that is beyond the great reset. So beyond the great reset is just Alex proselytizing his extreme right-wing version of Christianity through vague platitudes. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 02:14:41 Yeah. I do appreciate that the end just fizzles out with him punting on the problem of evil deciding that he has no Responsibility to even question why God would create demons who would rebel against him other Philosophers and theologians have wrestled with this question and come up with some interesting thoughts, but Alex really isn't all that deep You can just say it's a mystery that only God understands and then weirdly Like he seems to think that at some point if he elevates enough He'll be privy to the information that only God knows his answer is almost like I'm working on it. Yeah, why are there demons? I'm trying to figure that out. That's you know, that's that's one of the weird things about me in the Bible
Starting point is 02:15:18 That's why I've always really loved the book of Job is because at the end of it Fuck you. That's why is the only defensible real argument that I can understand. It's like, why does all this stuff happen? Fuck you, that's why. Yeah, that tracks. What argument is there to have? Well maybe one day you'll rise to a level where you see through and understand the fuck
Starting point is 02:15:41 you, that's why. Maybe there's... That's not what he said though. That's, Alex is saying like maybe one day if I bind myself with God, God will tell me all this shit. Right, right, right. God was pretty pissed at people who said shit like that. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Debatably, but what if you, what if you sell saying that to people, God likes that. He loves that shit. Yeah, God is pretty stoked about sales. He loves the market. So as we hit the end of this, let's take a moment to wrap up and reflect on the lessons that we've learned here in this first installment. Right.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Looking at it, reset wars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. First, the globalists are attacking you using mind wars and spirit wars. Thanks to mind wars, the globalists have programmed your brain's computer operating system since the time you were born, and now you run 95% of the time on subconscious autopilot dictated by their meddling, but Alex can fix you. That part has already been done to you just by virtue of existing in the United States
Starting point is 02:16:36 and presumably from watching Dicks and Disney movies. In terms of spirit wars, the globalists want to sever your connection to God, which they apparently haven't done yet, and don't seem actively engaged in doing, but that's their plan. That's what comes just beyond the great reset, apparently. Klaus Schwab is trying to push for social policies that are secretly about turning you into a robot disconnected from the divine, because then they can kill you off and most of the population can be killed off, which they could totally do without turning you into a robot, but oh well who cares so now I turn to
Starting point is 02:17:06 You Jordan, and I want to know what what how do you feel having? Seen the first like bit of reset wars as a student. Yeah as as somebody who has audited this course I Mean I I hesitate I hesitate to say that I haven't learned anything I think that's perfectly fine if you haven't I mean, I hesitate to say that I haven't learned anything. I think that's perfectly fine if you haven't. I mean, I can't think of anything that I have learned. Or perhaps anything that I've learned that I think will be not, I don't want to say useful because it's not like he's giving us tools, perhaps yet. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:17:47 I mean, theoretically, that would be the way this goes, is that I should have the tools necessary to then free myself, as opposed to just hearing him talk about freeing myself, right? I've watched more of it. I don't know if there's what I would call tools, but maybe. In theory, that is what is supposed to come. Yeah. But in terms of something useful,
Starting point is 02:18:08 I think that we can link back to the beginning of the episode you were talking about getting this tattoo. And I think over the mountains, a perfect thing to say is, and that's when the mind wolves come. And that's when the mind wolves come. Right? And how it's very useful. That is pretty good.
Starting point is 02:18:23 And that's when the mind wolves come. That's such a great, what would I say? That is such a great non sequitur to over here. And then never get the follow up on and just for the rest of your life just wander about like, do you remember that time on the train whenever I heard that guy say, and that's when the mind wolves come. And that is when the mind wolves strike. What does that mean? What are we doing? Where are we going here? I don't know, but it's when the mind will strike. What does that mean?
Starting point is 02:18:45 What are we doing? Where are we going here? I don't know, but it's heavy. Yeah, that means deep. Yeah. No, I think if I were to assess your assessment, I would say obviously it is totally fine to have not learned anything. That makes total sense.
Starting point is 02:19:01 And I honestly think that one of the biggest takeaways that I have, and one of the reasons that I didn't immediately put these out whenever, you know, it's been a couple years since Alex put these out, is because the experience of watching it is so much like, this isn't him. Yeah. There's elements of him in it, there are pieces of him in it,
Starting point is 02:19:22 but it's not him. No. This is like some other dude's spirit being animated through the face of Alex so you can sell any of them. Yeah, this is like the ShamWow guy wearing Alex's face to hypnotize you into buying trash. Yeah, it might as well be. And I think that that was why it sucks, and it's not that interesting. Yeah. But I still do think it is interesting
Starting point is 02:19:45 as a thing that happened because if Alex had let it right, could have completely destroyed his own credibility with his audience with this. Like the idea of selling it as this is the culmination of my life's work and all that shit if he Still said that it was the culmination of his life's work. How could people take him seriously? Like it this does exist. He did do this He tried to sell it that way and he's lucky that his audience has just been like we'll pretend that didn't happen There are yeah, I think that's I think there are two ways That it could have gone well and did the way it went was the one it was it's one
Starting point is 02:20:29 of them it went well enough yes if it had gone super well and he'd made the pivot then he wouldn't have to worry about this past anymore he could let go all that stuff go and now he's the constantly tortured by his anger sure that's definitely true but that's in his I think, the way that it could have gone. And the other way that it could have gone was nobody gave a shit and he just pretended it didn't happen. Yeah. All of the ways in between those two would have been awful.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Right. Yeah. His audience taking it incredibly seriously and like holding him to a lot of this shit I think would have been a big problem for him. Yeah. Trying to hold on to it as actually a document of like, this is what my career has built towards. Yeah. I think if he was still like in 2024, releasing videos of himself standing in a stream talking about Reset Wars. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:18 It would be a disaster. Yeah, it would be a fun disaster. Yeah. Yeah. And that's kind of another part of why I decided, like, maybe now is a good time. Because this is embarrassing, and it's kind of funny to poke. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:31 It is kind of funny. So anyway, we'll be back with another episode. I'm not sure if we're going to cover all of Reset Wars. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not sure there's a reason to. If people enjoy it, then maybe we'll revisit it Yeah, I suppose I suppose the the the end result is the enjoyment of the
Starting point is 02:21:50 Observer yeah, right, and that's the observer effect, and I'm not positive that it creates enough interest or Educational content to go through all of it. Yeah, it's very long. Yeah Maybe you'll do some greatest hits You know I mean it does it does just keep going back to those rich dad poor dad tapes or the you know any number of the Sales technique tapes or the like this is how you the power of positive thinking tapes and all that stuff and it is There is a certain amount of it that is like maybe this is just ASMR stuff Like why are there six tapes of a guy going like rich guy does this poor guy does this you know?
Starting point is 02:22:30 And it's just this ASMR of just constant Repetitious noise that you play while you're in their car and eventually you hear something like try harder And you're like I will try harder. You know like that's it No, that is that is I mean I don't want to use, I don't want to steal Alex's thing here, but that is 95% of this. Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, it is. Maybe not ASMR, but it is definitely just like, I don't know how many people are critically listening to this.
Starting point is 02:22:58 I'm saying words to keep the momentum going until the point where you can hear something that you wanted hear something that you wanted to hear that would have happened anyways. I think that's probably indicative of a lot of the rest of it. Yeah, and life. Yeah. So we'll be back for another episode, but until then, we have a website. Indeed we do.
Starting point is 02:23:18 It's Yep, I'll be back, but until then, I'm Leo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor. Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, wooX Clark. I am the mysterious professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robot. Andy and Chansus, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 02:23:32 Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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