Knowledge Fight - #970: September 30-October 1, 2024

Episode Date: October 7, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan find Alex reflecting on the impeding death of most of his audience, nursing his voice back to health, and preparing for all his stuff to be auctioned off....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys. It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm Andy and I'm a fan of Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes, like to sit around, worship at the Altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, now. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Salim I talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed. We are Dan Jordan and Jordan quick question for you So what's your my spot today, buddy? I want to go first my bright spot is we have returned of course from the wedding. Yep an absolute delight lovely time romantic tears heartfelt amazing it's a great time life-affirming absolutely
Starting point is 00:01:25 14 hours out of 48 in a car has Adjusted the sleep and time schedule it took a little hit but well worth it well worth it So couldn't be happier, but do you want to give a review of the town? It could not have been a less welcoming place. Small town Michigan, full of roadkill on every road. Michigan is the worst place in the world. From the second we crossed into Michigan, you were mad at Michigan. That is true.
Starting point is 00:01:59 It's just, I just don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I feel crazy because I feel like one of those people I we were talking about this in the car I'm not trying to be a homer right. I'm not trying to be out here being like one place is better I don't even care, but this place is worse it it I'm not gonna say a hundred percent I agree with you, but mostly yeah I think you're not that crazy. It did feel like like an air had cleared when we crossed into Illinois coming back But yeah, it was a good time. It was a great time. What a what a blast
Starting point is 00:02:32 It was beautiful the fall leaves just gorgeous all that stuff. Yeah, all the nature stuff you could want. Yeah. Yeah so Yeah, we got back and here we are putting out an episode. Doing it anyways. For the folks. Some normal people might just say, hey, take the day off. I think most people would say, hey, take the day off. But no. It's just not our style. Nope.
Starting point is 00:02:53 What's your bright spot? My bright spot is we posted a picture to explain that we're going to be late on our episode, and the reviews on the mustache have been positive. They are overwhelmingly positive. So this is a bright spot in a sense. Bordering on thirsty. It's a bright spot in a sense because I appreciate some nice compliments. But at the same time, I resent that this is positive.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I don't like that I have a handlebar mustache. And people are like, that works on you. What does that mean? It is, yeah. You know what's the thing? Must I soul search. It's a thing that most people will never discover most people whenever they put a mustache on immediately a Overwhelming avalanche of people saying shave that shit off. Mm-hmm you my friend are
Starting point is 00:03:37 You're one of the lucky few but yet. I still have that internal voice saying shave that off sure of course you do How could you not I don't know hmm. We'll see what happens, but for now I think I'm going to keep it for a bit. You have to. Why not? Have a little time with it. Live in the mustache for a little while. Have a little time with it. Yeah, see how it feels. Live in the mustache. I like it. So we've got an episode to go over today, Jordan. We're a little bit behind with the present day, but that's fine because nothing's really happening. But we're going to be talking about
Starting point is 00:04:05 September 30th and October 1st today. Okay. A lot of nonsense, some bullshit, and Alex's voice sort of healing. Okay. This is really what we're tracking right now, is the destruction of Alex's voice, and whether or not he'll get a damn lozenge.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah. And we'll get down to business on this, but first let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, Jet Fuel can't melt these dreams. Thank you so much. You're an out policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, the globalists are hiding 1,842 more lakes in Minnesota than just the 10,000 we already know. What are they doing with them? Thank you so much. You're an out policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Oh and does Rappaport still live I refuse to look it up Jordan has to yell it at me. Thank you so much. You're an out policy wonk. I'm a policy
Starting point is 00:04:53 Thank you very much if he is dead. He has not been memorialized in a meeting Yeah, that's true that I've heard so I assume he's still alive, but then again Maybe not it is really possible that he's gone I think he was way older than we thought. Yeah, he thought he was old. Yeah, so I have no idea Oh, man. What if he was what if he was a covet guy? Oh boy could have been yeah We never we never heard of it heard anything about it because you had to deny that he was even there Yeah weird
Starting point is 00:05:23 So we also got a technocrat in the mix certain. So thank you so much to I desperately need a knowledge fight, not Infowars bumper stickers. So weirdos don't think I'm an info warrior when I'm driving around listening to your show. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone, someone, sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark. Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent. He's a loser little little kitty, baby I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Thank you very much So we start off here on September 30th
Starting point is 00:05:58 Mm-hmm, and I would say that Alex's voice is in a bad place. And so is his sentimental mind. I just want everybody, including myself, to realize and just take a moment. Take in a couple deep breaths and just get in that quiet place. Just really think about where we are and what's at stake. We're not gonna have to wait 20, 30, 40 years for the new world order. We're now living in it. I remember being a child, six, seven, eight, nine years old, many times in Austin, Texas at my grandparents house and my grandfather, CW Hammon,
Starting point is 00:06:49 sitting around a breakfast table talking about the new world order. And if we don't stop this by the time you're an adult, there'll be a worldwide computer control and everything you can do and what you can sell. a worldwide computer control and everything you can do and what you can sell. And the homosexuals will be inside the schools, sexualizing the children and the borders will be wide open. And of course, he knew everything he was talking about because he was smart. That's 40 something years ago and then my dad's dad. Jerry Jones.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Exact same stuff. Cool. I thought it was your uncle. What's happening? Is it your grandpa CW McCall? Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Hey there. We got a smokey. Who's that trucker singer?
Starting point is 00:07:42 CW McCall? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's not Alex's dad. No. Or grandpa. But, yeah, so I believe a kernel of this story. His grandpa was probably ranting about how the gays were going to take over. I mean, it sounds familiar to my grandpa.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I recall similar things being said around the dinner table to children. Regular-ass things to say. Alex may be mythologizing this a little bit. Wrong direction to take it, I would argue, yeah. So he had his uncle who hip him to the New World Order because he was over in Iran-Contra, and then he found out that they were selling kids and trafficking people.
Starting point is 00:08:19 That was the origin story. Yeah. But now, I guess it's that guy's dad and also Alex's other grandpa, both sides. I guess if his grandpa was rambling about this stuff, it would make sense why his uncle, who is his grandfather's son, would also be... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Instead of maybe having a heroic story of insider information, maybe it's just generational
Starting point is 00:08:44 racism. Yeah, could be it's just generational racism. Yeah, could be. Could just be racism. Lack of information quality throughout generations. So, you know, his voice is in bad shape. Yes, it is. It's struggling. And things around the Infowars studio are kind of fitting that mold because reality is beginning to set in. Everything's struggling. Oh yeah. And it's all over the world, the same system the UN runs it. And you've got all these leaders and then the head of Google and all of them are just,
Starting point is 00:09:16 you know, we're just going to use the UN and America and NATO and we're going to bring in troops when everything collapses. And then they're collapsing everything by design and they're bringing in their new world currency, and I'm just sitting here Watching it happen and then there's a nice little touch. I barely made it on air today Because the auction company crew arrived and they're going around taking photos of every TV and every light and every everything. People have to put labels on things on their desk, you know, family photos and things that, oh, this isn't owned by Infowars for the auction coming up on November 13th. And it's not money to pay people damages I owe. That was all rigged. No, they don't
Starting point is 00:10:00 want money. They said, we want you closed. And I don't sit there and go, oh, poor me or the poor crew though. And the crew is great. And I, and I feel for them and all the listeners. It's emblematic. It's the climate we're in. We're the canary in the coal mine. Yeah. This is a, this is a big, big picture issue that the, uh, the auction people are here taking pictures. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's reflective of the society as a whole and how it's falling apart as opposed to being a fairly routine part of the selling all your shit process. Yeah. These specific consequences of a very specific series of actions that you have taken. That only you have really taken, yeah. Yeah, but that is a bummer. That would create a
Starting point is 00:10:42 bad vibe around the workplace, I think. I mean, give people but it is a bummer that would create a bad vibe around the workplace Give people the day off the day that they're doing the go through the To be there to label their family pictures all hands on deck The the photos of auction items day you want to save your stuff. Oh boy. If Alex doesn't own it, it shouldn't be sold. I mean, take it home. That should have been a meeting the day before. Hey everybody, the auction people are coming tomorrow. Grab all the stuff that is not owned by Infowars and a lot of the stuff that is. And then take it out of here.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I think that's a fair compromise, actually. That makes sense, yeah. That's what I would have done. Well this is creating a bad vibe around Infowars and it is infecting Alex because He starts rambling about how most of the people listening to this show are going to be dead soon, okay? And this is the future beyond the reset where? You're locked up and they're slowly killing everybody around you But they make you opt in to be killed and then robots take your dead body away Now now we're not there yet, but they're building these facilities everywhere
Starting point is 00:11:52 And this is actually what they'll do the next phase will be a huge attack We'll kill hundreds of millions with an actual virus than hundreds of millions of the shots But then the mega attack where they kill almost everybody comes after that. So they've done beta, now they're going to hit us with an operational test as a probe and then the big attack comes. So everyone listening, most of you will be dead, whether it's a year or five years from now, the timelines can change, but it's all been planned out, your death, how to liquidate your body and then use it for fertilizer. Everything's been actuaried, all war planned down to the final little piece that any humans
Starting point is 00:12:36 are allowed to live will be factory-grown humanoids that will just serve as automatons for the globalist biomechanical androids. Fun. And this is the Brave New World. Huxley wrote about it in 31, published in 32, in 61 before he died, he wrote Brave New World Revisited, gave speeches, you can watch them, listen to them. Type in Huxley's Brave New World Revisited,
Starting point is 00:13:00 Berkeley speech or others, and he says, no, this will be the plan by the 2020s they would like to begin the implementation of it and they're doing it. So the auction people are taking pictures of your shit? Yep. Is that what's going on? Strong, strong represent everybody's going to die but mainly my stuff is going to go away. And you're gonna be a Soylent Green, it's gonna there's gonna be robots that come and take your body away from your house. What do the robots that take your body away from your house look like do they go? About this before it's like garbage trucks. Okay, they come around sure sure the garbage trucks will come around
Starting point is 00:13:34 But what do the robots that go inside your house to grab your body look like or do you have to leave your body? On the front desk on the front humans front studio. Android humans. Android humans? Lab-grown cyborg humans. What's the point of having them in the future? They're gestating in cows. Don't you understand? They are gestating, you're right. It all makes sense. You're right, I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:13:56 This is on me, this is on me. This is a grim mood, he said. It's a little grim. And so I was like, oh god, this is not gonna go great. Something bad is gonna happen. And then this curveball comes from out of nowhere We're winning we have the initiative, but people got to understand we're in a war for the future Here's an example. I have a legal emergency that I gotta make a decision on right now Last night on Sunday night
Starting point is 00:14:24 I've got to get off the air right now to deal with this phone call because I'm in charge What? I have to make the decision so I have to go off air. It's okay. The Tucker Carlson intro is great We'll play a little bit of that actually get done with this quick and I'll be back and I promise I'll hit all of this But this is a microcosm of them frustrating me and trying to keep me away from my mission To draw me off where I'm going to defend the platform instead of using the platform to attack the enemy Wow, so we got a we got a Legal emergency give people the day off give people just take the day off You take the day off to all the time. Yeah, go ahead best of just do it No reason to also have to take a call on air. Yeah, that's crazy Just like maybe for this day. I mean you probably know it's coming like the scheduling of the auction people
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, you know all that stuff. It's not like they didn't spring it on you. No, it's not a surprise inspection from the food people. Have Chase put together a best of episode with all of your amazing predictions and then blow people's minds. Wouldn't that be more productive than this? Be way more fun too. I don't know, I actually think it's pretty fun for him to be like, I gotta go off there
Starting point is 00:15:44 right now. It is very fun. I gotta talk to my lawyers now. That is that is a delightful premise for us just a thing to say hey I know I'm on air and I promised you I would be goodbye. We've all seen Anderson Cooper rush off air to talk to his lawyers. We've all seen it. So I was curious what this emergency was gonna be. How long Alex was gonna be gone. It wasn't he wasn't gone too long but then he comes back and I think I know this emergency was going to be, how long Alex was going to be gone. It wasn't, he wasn't gone too long. Uh, but then he comes back and I think I know what he was doing. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I just dealt with that emergency problem and, and at some point I'm going to be able to tell everybody about this, but the democratic party is openly in federal court trying to buy this operation at the auction and trying to make sure it stays in the auction that they own Alex Jones the name and they own my real Alex Jones account on X. And again if you're an interviewer that doesn't sound real you just Reuters AP Sandy Hook families want Alex Jones's social media and his name so So that and anywhere I go, they say you can't be Alex Jones anymore. We now own you. It's a violation of 13th Amendment. It's slavery. You're like, that's impossible. Alex has become enslaved. They have taken his name. It's just
Starting point is 00:16:56 this is all just dealings with his lawyer about trying to save his Twitter account. And the fact that the Alex Jones show is probably part of the estate or the you know The the package in the bankruptcy like the name of the Alex Jones show you can't use Yeah at your next thing. I don't I think and I could be I could be wrong about this But I'm fairly certain he is incorrect about the 13th Amendment And yes, it is okay to enslave somebody as the result of them committing a crime in this country. In a sense. But this is a civil issue.
Starting point is 00:17:31 True! I don't know if that counts. Maybe you're right. Look, Bob Newhart had the Bob Newhart show. And then he didn't. And then he had to call it Bob Newhart. Yeah, because you can't call it the Bob Newhart show because they other owned it. Yeah Yeah, Alex could call his new show Alex Jones. Yep, or something Alex Jones live sure that's probably I think he fucked up by creating that already
Starting point is 00:17:56 Oh, yeah, and so maybe that's part of the Infowars property. He's run out of names really He's half cocked off all the names that he wants and debatably real Alex Jones might be off the table because that's his Twitter handle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah He might have tried to like brand that our the Alex Jones hour. You'll be fine Well, one of the things too is like if you you learn in the course of looking at that estate looking at what's up on the auction Block they have so many fucking URLs that they've sat on. And so all of those are owned by the company.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So you can't use any of those, like and all this stuff. Did somebody go on like a, maybe these will be worth something someday binge? Is that what happened? Probably. And they have to keep jumping from URL to URL because they get blocked on social Sure sure sure we're getting blocked on social
Starting point is 00:18:50 They were they were outlaw URLs for a long time yeah, yeah, so that's probably what Alex's emergency was talking to his lawyer about about that I know I need to keep my Twitter weird weird sad so I know I need to keep my Twitter weird weird sad so The mood continues and Alex discusses here how you know when shit goes down the globalists They're gonna go to their bunkers And that's great because then we can pillage supplies from them by digging them out of the bunkers and taking their medicines, right? Right, right. Like it's a video game. They're scavenging. Yeah Yeah, and it's only gonna get worse until people wake up and you will wake up one way or another
Starting point is 00:19:28 You may wake up when the drones are flying down the street and big trash trucks robot driven or pulling up and getting the dead bodies and your wife and kids are dead and for some reason you're immune to the new virus and You're sitting there with the electricity off and no food and pat the city's dead Just go pray to Jesus Repent that you didn't wake up and take action and get your heart right. Thanks for the advice. And then realize you're not going to hurt the system. Get in a firefight with the cops whose their family will be mainly dead. You're talking to you right now? And just know that often luxurious places, people like Zuckerberg will be in their bunkers while we're all dying.
Starting point is 00:20:13 But our people are everywhere. And they're watching the enemy. And when we all jump on their private jets, this week, next month, a year from now, whatever it is, and the private airports are full all the establishment and their minions loaded up with all their crap, flying off to their armored fortresses. That's another key to know when they're about to pull the trigger on a new bioweapon or a nuclear war. But after the dust settles, we know where to get the medicine and food we need as survivors don't we? And that's what matters at the end Is we will get these people I
Starting point is 00:20:58 May not be around for it a lot of you won't be around for it But don't get on the bus when they tell you they're relocating you for your safety when all the food and energy is off. As you go to that forced labor camp, you ain't never coming back. This is how it works in history. Happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:22 People forget freedom. They don't stand up for themselves and the tyrants take over This is a man who just left his post to talk to his lawyer about keeping his Twitter handle This is ridiculous Little dramatic you just get into a bad mood at 95% of people are gonna die mm-hmm What a what an abusive relationship the rest of us will get to live in a survival horror video game where we go and clear out dungeons
Starting point is 00:21:51 to get antibiotics and band-aids. I'm telling you, I played Fallout, fine. I'm not doing it, I'm not doing the Fallout thing. I don't wanna live in a bunker. The suit is cumbersome. I don't wanna do any of that. I don't like the suit. I get that, the fallout thing. I don't want to live in a bunker cumbersome. I don't want to do any of that I don't like the suit. Yeah, I get that the power suit. Yeah, I also don't like the aiming mechanics So if that's what's coming after the great reset, I don't want it. You don't like the vat system
Starting point is 00:22:15 hate the bugs Not into it not into it no, but I do I do like looking through cabinets Not into it. No, I do like looking through cabinets Sure, that is something that if if by some coincidence I end up surviving whatever Nightmare that Alex is describing sure sure sure I will enjoy that going through a cabinet There's a lot of it There's a lot of untold stories that you can kind of write for yourself when you look through those cabinets like why did this person? Have this much gauze? And usually it'll also be like why are there only three brands of things that exist in the entire world?
Starting point is 00:22:58 There's one brand of crackers everywhere. It's a big brand. Yeah, maybe they couldn't program all of this 1950s this is back when the monoculture existed this was back when there was only two flavors of Doritos. Sure. Sure. Dangerous. So this mood is bad. Yeah. And Alex decides he wants to maybe lighten things up with some calls. Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And so he goes to a caller, and this was a great question this guy asks, but I also think he's probably an anti-Semite. Sure. But the question on its face is pretty good. I'd love to hear Alex's actual answer, because that is who is on the team of Satan? Literally, who are Satan's guys? That is a good question. Who is literally the team of Satan?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Who is the King, Demon, Lucifer? What is controlling these people literally? what is the interdimensional force? What did the rituals look like in the basements of the suburban mansion? And is it crazy to say that the 1945 Vatican Nazi occult system have created these people? Literally created these people. Well, I mean, look, look. All the physics we've been taught there now, admitting isn't real. All the dimensions are basically intertwined at once. There is no past, present, and future. There is one giant moment that God created, one giant experience, and time is simply consciousness moving. And so there is free will in the universe.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So there is good and there is bad. And we are spiritual receivers and transmitters. We are transceivers and our DNA is. Our bodies are just a manifestation of our spirit and that spiritual design that then directs the cells. This has all been proven, the enemy knows that. And so we are eternal are eternal in from the point of our inception and and and and and so we literally come out of the mind
Starting point is 00:24:53 of God but but we're given free will which is the ultimate gift and we can resonate towards evil and so there are entities that have chosen to be separate from God and and so literally it's like the movie Avatar But they're not something a computer. It's interdimensionally They are influencing people and they're able to actually jack in to people that have done rituals to separate themselves from God Those rituals torture and killing children which they do do both in the classic ritualistic satanic sense but also in mass wars and abortion, is to consciously do that to remove God's presence from them so that the interdimensional force of Satan and his
Starting point is 00:25:32 systems can then imprint on them and basically like a driverless car be the intelligence that controls it thanks to the call. And so that's it. That is it. That is a good way for Alex to not answer a question when a guy says 1945 Vatican Nazi occult system. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think he heard that and was like I think I know what this guy is really asking me I'm gonna ramble about how humans are eternal and then rush this guy off, right? Thanks for the call move on to the next person who's literally on Satan's team is what I want you to answer but also I think we all know the answer already let me tell you everything you know about physics is wrong what a great start yeah what a great start to who's literally on the devil's team well listen everybody knows that you've been
Starting point is 00:26:20 lied to about physics and we proved've proved this. Clearly. Obviously. Time is just consciousness moving. Yeah. Sure. Feels good. Why not? Yeah. So Avatar. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:32 That's right. I also forgot the important part. The demons are jacking in but not with a computer. It's like Avatar. So I guess that's the hair braids that... I haven't seen Avatar in a long time but I remember he rides that thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah. Yeah. Your hair braid with the horse. I guess demons do that. And also that sex. I don't know. So we got that thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your hair braid with the horse. I know that sex. I don't know. So we got that movie. Yeah. And then the next caller brings up another movie. Okay. Let's go ahead and go to anonymous in New York. Anonymous. You're on the air. Go ahead. Alex. I think this October the black swan event of Democrats are going to pull something like a fear gas. It's like a female version of the Batman film scarecrow. Let's call her Haley fever. She carried a thrower. She don't carry a flamethrower. She carries a fear gas it's like a female version of the Batman's old scarecrow let's call her Haley fever
Starting point is 00:27:05 she carries a fear thrower she don't carry a flamethrower she carries a fear thrower that sprays yellow fear gas to the public the coronavirus wasn't good enough killing isn't good enough it has to be an amygdala neurotoxin or another thing they might do is involving the media like if magic was a call leader let's say the riddler person screen-color version of the KKK out of it and actually Jim Carrey in front of the major crowd you can brainwash the public with like these video games and mobile devices mm-hmm yeah and they brought out the first Joker about rioting and killing police overthrowing society for the summer of race 2000 now the new jerk was coming out with all these other movies about martial law and
Starting point is 00:27:42 civil war how cool it is to burn down America, they're gearing up in case Trump wins, that movie comes out right then and then how's the other Civil War movie end with them killing the Trump figure. So yeah, they're planning to trigger a civil war. Yeah, man. What they're going to do is Batman begins, but with a lady who has a fear cannon, a fear gas gun. I want him to say fear gas about 30 more times. Yeah, cuz that's great
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's very difficult to tell if that was a prank call or not right cuz he did seem sincere He kind of did and they go on to talk a little bit more and it doesn't have strong indications of like a bubba buoy moment sure I Think if Alex is taking a call and this guy is like I think it's gonna be like in Batman with a fear gas. Yeah. I think that's what's gonna happen. I really don't think he should just be like, yep, and you know what, they got another Joker out.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I mean. They got another Joker movie. You know, but is there any other response in that universe? You know, if you wanna stay in universe with this conversation, the next answer is obviously, oh, and there's a new Joker out Right, I guess it just it makes me think of the like the Bill Cooper Call-in shows where he would take offense at some people with dumb ideas
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah, he really would you'd enforce a little bit of a standard and Alex just has given up on that. I like the interpretation of just a Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why they're releasing a new Joker movie this year. Because if Trump wins, they want to have a new Joker movie out. And my interpretation of the original one, that it was trying to cause mass riots and stuff is totally correct. It makes perfect sense. Yeah, my interpretation of the movie is spot on.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And do you know what proves it? That they've got a new Joker out now, because if Trump wins, then it makes perfect sense. The evidence is the motive, I don't know. Now it's a musical because they want these riots to be fanciful. They want the riots to be a little bit fun and a little whimsy. Because, you know, Kamala keeps talking about how she has joy. God, oh boy. So we get another caller.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And this guy seems like a mess too. And I keep harping on the potential of a coming nuclear 9-11 because I don't hear anyone else in the media talking about it. But they've already killed Trump, tried to kill Trump rather, and that has failed. So they're running out of options. But first,. I don't know what I'm gonna do. A funny little story connected to that. When my wife was pregnant with our child, I made her almost every day take a dropper of the X3.
Starting point is 00:30:36 We ran out and I didn't know and she found the X2 and she was taking a full dropper of the X2 until I found out well He's seven years old now, and he's a genius And it's not all genetics. I'd like to point out Oh, no two billion people have cognitive disabilities because of lack of iodine pregnant women taking iodine You got to take the real stuff not all the garbage literally just does insane things It's it's all next level, but here's the good news even if you can't get our atomic item
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's the best out there real Himalayan salt not just pink you want the stuff with the purple flex in it Okay, and that is the same place your mountains thrust up What was deep under the earth so they can only get it there or seven to ten thousand feet under the ground then our company You concentrate since it's in super form. But regardless what happens to us folks, Himalayan salt is almost as good. So that's important stuff for people. Go ahead. Alex, I hear you say that, but people have to be very, it's very important that they read the label because they have taken the iodine almost out of all the Himalayan salt. If you read it, a lot of the bottles they does not contain iodine almost all out of all the Himalayan salt. If you read it, a lot of the bottles they does not contain iodine. So people need to
Starting point is 00:31:49 be careful and they need to read the bottle. No, I totally, I totally, I totally agree. Totally agree. This is very dumb and it's spreading some untrue information that could be damaging to Alex's audience. First thing, the caller is wrong that they are quote, taking the iodine out of Himalayan salt. Salt in its natural form doesn't really have much iodine in it, which is why table salt is usually labeled iodized salt. In the processing stage, they add iodine to the salt because salt is a very consistent ingredient in things and as Alex is actually correct
Starting point is 00:32:20 about, iodine deficiency is a serious health concern in less affluent areas of the world. This was going pretty well as far as the US was concerned, but in the last decade or so, other types of salt have become more popular. Sea salt is a cool ingredient, now Himalayan salt has become more prevalent, and a lot of times people don't realize that these types of salt do not contain added iodine. Regardless, most people in Alex's audience get sufficient iodine through their diet and get literally nothing from X3 other than a placebo effect. It's great that this guy thinks that his 7 year old is a genius, but I really would hope
Starting point is 00:32:52 that he'd think that regardless of what supplements his wife was taking, otherwise this is a bummer. Most people are recommended to take an iodine supplement when they're pregnant anyway. It's just part of pre-natal routines that just are pretty universal. The point is, Himalayan salt doesn't have a bunch of iodine in it, and Alex should be telling the audience to just use table salt. If they're worried about this at all, just have some salt. Have some salt. Just relax. Oh boy, I don't think... in general, I think it's a bad idea for anybody to be like, here's what I told my pregnant wife to do, and it was take your supplements from Infowars. That's bad.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I think, if I understand correctly, he was making her take X3, and then she was taking X2, but the same amount, and the risk here is that X2 is a lot stronger, maybe. I think that's the premise. If it's homeopathic nonsense, I'm fine with it But most medications generally have a like hey if you're pregnant don't even go near this shit label on them You know, I don't know what else is in there Yeah But like as far as the iodine aspect of it presuming it's fine iodine Then a pregnant person should be taking that as the care of
Starting point is 00:34:06 their doctor and the recommendation of their doctor. So it's not that big a deal but I do worry about like what else could be in there? Is there any lead? Yeah absolutely. My first response to that would be like hey buddy, I'm not telling anybody pregnant to do anything. I don't want that on my conscience period. So you were telling me that the the
Starting point is 00:34:26 playoffs are upon us in baseball. They are. And I know there's one rule in baseball. Yes. Three strikes and you're out at the old ball game. Is that one rule? That is one rule. And we have had three whiffs from college. Yes we have. We have indeed. And Alex said that Ezra Levant was going to be on the show. Oh god. So we go to October 1st. Alright. And Alex is trying to weave a couple of news stories into the main coverage of the day. Mm-hmm. And he fucks it up.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'm your host Alex Jones, coming to you from the embattled studios in Austin, Texas, transmitting in defiance of tyranny worldwide. Oh my goodness, ladies and gentlemen. Wow. The tyranny and the arrogance and the ineptitude of not just the globalist puppets we have here in America, but all over the captured Western world have here in America, but all over the captured Western world is spectacular. We have so much to cover today. And I'm going to mention some of what's coming up, and then I'm going to get into my first big story here. I have multiple heads of federal departments and the president, the puppet, on video saying totally crass things like the head of the Department of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, when
Starting point is 00:35:59 asked yesterday, what does she think about the hurricane ravaged areas of the South, one of the worst hurricanes ever? Hundreds and hundreds dead just power out to tens of millions just looting all over the place by the illegal aliens by the way Oh boy Of course and she says I have not been very focused on that Oh wow, that'd be a that'd be a callous answer horrible thing to say So there's two stories that Alex is trying to juggle with no preparation on this episode, and he has them mixed up here.
Starting point is 00:36:30 One of the stories is about Hurricane Helen, and the other is about the dock worker strike. Secretary of Commerce Gino Raimondo said that she'd not been very focused on the dock strike. Alex has either lied to his audience or he has no idea that her comments had nothing to do with the hurricane. Yeah. Raimondo said this in an interview with CNBC where she was clear that she was appearing on the show in her personal capacity, and that she could not engage in some acts and answering some questions that could be considered campaigning because that would be a violation of the Hatch Act. If you're in the executive branch and you're an employee other than the president or vice president, you're generally prohibited from doing partisan election stuff. She wasn't really saying that she hasn't been that focused on the then potential strike as a whole.
Starting point is 00:37:17 She was directly asked what effect the strike would have on Harris's chances in the election, and in response, she directed the interviewer to the White House. Raimondo was being careful about the law so as not to election meddle, and Alex has turned this into a scandal by fully misrepresenting it and then lying and saying that it was about the hurricane. Also, by the time we were recording this, the dockworker strike has ended, having reached an agreement that the union considered a win. According to CNN, they'd been seeking a 77% pay increase
Starting point is 00:37:45 and secured a 62% increase, which is a huge jump from the initial offer from the management group, United States Maritime Alliance, of 22%. So they got a lot closer to where they were going. Sure, sure. Alex is just doing racist propaganda about the hurricane and then fucking up the entire premise of the story, which really should require a focused correction. Yeah, this deserves a correction We'll see if he if you know and in this in this regard. This is about shit that like Conspiracy theories are bad, but now they are super bad Whenever there's so much chaos on the ground and there are so many people trying to help in so many different ways.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And it's just, it's impossible to get help where you need it to go if some people are like, well, the best way for me to help is to murder people. Like it is unacceptable to spread this type of propaganda now. It's just unacceptable. This story is something that I think, I think that there's a particularly glaring instance and illustration of exactly what you're talking about, about how there is a inherent danger and actually harm that can be being done to the people who need help. Yeah. By engaging in this stuff. But that'll come a little bit
Starting point is 00:39:02 later in the episode. So Alex talks about some other little stories. And I saw her last week say something that crazy. I mean, even dumber than Kamala, because that's what they want is idiot puppets that don't even know what's going on behind the scenes. All the special interests are smart, they're in there, and they are robbing the hell out of us. Here's an example. Forty five billion dollars was spent in the last three and a half years to quote put in
Starting point is 00:39:31 wireless internet to rural areas. How much wireless internet was put in? Zero. I have articles again today. Zero. You ever heard of a boondoggle? Forty eight billion dollars or forty $45 billion? They didn't put anything in.
Starting point is 00:39:47 So he's still complaining about Raimondo here. But the Biden administration allocated $42.5 billion in their infrastructure budget for a program called the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program. With this investment, they make money available for states to create the means to connect rural areas to the internet. However, it is up to the states to use the money as intended and for the projects that they believe are most important. Some states have opted to use parts of their funds to improve wireless internet in areas that already had access, which is a fair criticism to give to the states if you think this is the wrong priority to have, but it's not really the Biden administration's fault. The issue is that Alex here, the premise is wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:27 What he's saying is wrong. The states had a deadline of the end of 2023 to submit proposals and the rollout of these programs hasn't even started yet. It's likely not going to be going for another year until this ball gets rolling. And the goal is for these things to be completed by 2030. Saying that no one's been connected is a bullshit attack on this program and Alex has every reason to know that. This is just, he saw a meme.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, that's the weird part of the win of like, hey, they've invested so much money on this. Well, yeah, but when you've invested that much money, there's so many people who are like, we got to put the time in, we got to make sure that this, we got to do this, and we got to add this, we got to add this. It's just going to be slow. Yeah. It's going to go slower than you want it to.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And by design. Yeah, absolutely. In this case. Yeah. And I think that if it were to go faster, Alex would probably call it government tyranny. Totally. If the federal government was dictating what these states had to do with these funds, Alex would be opposed to that.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Absolutely against it. So it's kind of a slower process in service of making it more like what Alex would want, and he still finds ways to be a dick about it. So the dock strike, the port strikes that were going on, there's a very interesting response that Alex has to them. And that is that apparently he likes collective bargaining now. What? No!
Starting point is 00:41:55 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is insane. You can't. On the port strike, and I don't blame the port workers, the average worker, I looked it up at the port facility, super hard work, very complex. You know what the average pay is? $21 an hour.
Starting point is 00:42:14 The higher paid are paid 30 to 35. Some of these people have worked there 20 years. And they won't give them a raise. You can't live on $25 an hour. And they're all bitching at them for walking off. That is half the freight in the United States comes in there. It's like 49%. The entire Gulf coast, the entire East coast.
Starting point is 00:42:51 the entire East Coast, and the Biden administration says they're not responding and are not even – I have another video that they're asked about this and say, we don't have a statement, we don't have a policy on that. So this makes no sense at all for Alex. He absolutely does not support unions, he resents collective bargaining, and he's supposed to think that the idea that workers inherently deserve to make a living wage is communist bullshit. I mostly agree with what he's saying in that I think the workers deserve better wages and treatment, but there's no way that Alex actually believes this.
Starting point is 00:43:15 He just recognizes that this is a potentially damaging thing for Harris, and he's playing embarrassing levels of team sports, invalidating the general sense of his own principles. Yeah, insanity. Insanity. Insanity. People trying to get $15 at a fucking fast food joint made him shit his pants. Well, that's communism. Yeah, exactly. No, no, no. No, no, no. How dare you even acknowledge that you can't live off of an unreasonable wage? If you acknowledge that then everybody has to go, oh well what is a reasonable wage? And then you have to
Starting point is 00:43:50 fucking say it and then you have to eat it. Well yeah, because Alex is acknowledging there that you can't live off X amount of money. And he is demanding that people be allowed to be paid less than what you can live on. Yep. Which isn't cool. I mean, it doesn't really... the ideas together look bad. Yeah. It's impossible to wrangle in your mind. The libertarian position here is kind of invalidated if you believe that there is, like, a living wage point. And then you have to... and if you do that, then you have to basically tell me which jobs
Starting point is 00:44:27 deserve a living wage and which ones don't. Oh, dock workers, of course. I understand that what they do is hard. They deserve to live. Fast food workers, sure I eat food, but they deserve to die! Ones, jobs where I can reasonably associate them with Trump. Yeah. those people deserve percent other people don't
Starting point is 00:44:48 Jesus Christ. So one of the features of Alex's coverage of the hurricane is So does xenophobic bigoted nonsense about how only immigrants loot sure which sucks But then because he believes this Gina Raimondo clip to be her saying that she doesn't have any care at all about the hurricane, right, he introduces that clip as that. Oh great. And there's a culture in the south where it's been black and white, what the population's been, that nobody loots in the south. I mean, what's up? They're Christians, black or white people.
Starting point is 00:45:26 What don't do that? Well, the illegal aliens do. What and they're from all over the place, Venezuela, you name it. And they want to get their asses blown off too. But I've got so many newscasts all over the south, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, where they're just catching hordes of illegal aliens just robbing the snot out of everybody Imagine robbing people when their house is flooded in an emergency because you know the cops can't respond They need to get when they get caught their ass is blown off They need to get when they get caught, their ass is blown off. So we've got that and all those videos.
Starting point is 00:46:10 It's just it's unbelievable. All right, let's go ahead and start with the hurricane. Here is Biden Harris Commerce Secretary, Gina Romando being asked about it. So he is a real piece of shit. This is disgusting rhetoric and violence baiting and tragedy exploitation on the highest levels. So fuck him for that. But at the end there, he introduces this clip clip and it'll this will be a nice little bit of like a like a soothing balm watching him realize in real time that he's fucked up yeah good and see see if that will make me feel better that will make me feel better
Starting point is 00:46:59 after that because that was horrifying yeah yeah it's just next level I mean this lady is something else. Here she is. Where, where have you been kind of focused and hearing on what would happen if the strike goes, let's say, longer than a week? Uh, again, I, I have not been very focused on that. And the reason I play that, dealing with the hurricane is, you tell them the same area, but this is going to affect the whole country.
Starting point is 00:47:26 They just don't care. I've not really been very focused on that. Now here's Biden. Good save, you prick. Boo! Boo! You suck! That was good.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Fucking chunked it. And then tries to... And the reason... No, no, no. The reason that I'm doing that is. I need to explain in case any of you are paying attention at all, that I just played that clip and set it up as being about the hurricane
Starting point is 00:47:51 and it was clearly about the strikes. Yep. Shit. Took exactly two sentences for me to realize that I had fucked up. Ah, clearly didn't listen to this in advance at all. And making shit up on the fly. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep a little embarrassing
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah, so chase geyser. Uh-huh chase of space He comes on to do his bases there. I was gonna go chase a base. Hmm He saw the sign ace of base are Nazis to Know no, no, no, no, no, didn't we do this one? We fucked up and thought chumbo wumbo. That's right. Okay Okay, I got you. Chumbo one was awesome ace of bases horror. No, we fucked up and thought Chumbawumba was. That's right. Okay, Ace of Base is nothing. They're leftists. Okay, I gotcha. Chumbawumba's awesome, Ace of Base is horrible.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah, we got a lot of heat for fucking that up. But Chase comes on and he has an idea about this. Okay, so Iran has attacked Israel. Sure. Israel's attacking Lebanon. Right. You know, there's a lot of... Iran is in the mix.
Starting point is 00:48:44 There's maybe a war that's going to break out. Sure. And Chase has a good theory about this. Okay. And then the last thing he says is damning. I think that this conflict with Iran and Israel actually ties directly back to the dollar as the global reserve currency. I don't want to get too into the weeds with economics because I know that it can be. No, every time somebody tries to move away from the dollar, the US evades them. Yes, absolutely. And the IMEC-
Starting point is 00:49:07 But now it's China and Russia and everybody together and Brazil, kind of hard when it's 60% of the world population doing it. Absolutely. And we know that a month before the October 7th attacks happened, Bibi Netanyahu gleefully announced the IMEC corridor, which was supposed to compete with China's Belt and Road corridor, and it goes right through Jaffa, which is spelled Haifa here, where that's getting bombed. And that's why I said in April when Haifa gets bombed,
Starting point is 00:49:30 that undermines the IMEC corridor, which means the United States will get involved because that corridor is necessary for the United States to maintain its global reserve currency status. This is all about economics. It's all about propping up a fake currency. And, you know, it's a good time to be in the gold business. I totally agree with you and You know, I again intellectually I can look at all the news and it really concerns me and then I just got level I
Starting point is 00:49:57 Say this every segment now is it's true The level of concern I've got and physically at a cellular level can feel the danger is unlike anything I've ever felt. Are you somebody who works for a guy who one of his main sponsors is a shady gold dude? Are you talking about the horrors of this war and the humanitarian tragedy that's going on and you were saying, hey, it's a good time to be in the gold business, because this is all about propping up a fake currency.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Do you think you'd sound like an asshole? I would be horrified by myself if I caught myself thinking that. I would be like, what a fucked up thing to think. Thank God that these thoughts stay inside of my brain where I can deal with them without having anybody else know that I have these terrible thoughts. I feel instant shame by even thinking it.
Starting point is 00:50:52 The only saving grace at all is he didn't go into a Kirk Elliott plug. Yeah. Like if he had done that, then it'd be like, well, this is the dark, the darkest path that makes, but it makes total sense with Inf wars. No, of course tragedy sales Yeah, tragedy sales. Yep I mean if your business model is when something fucked up happens, we advertise off of it
Starting point is 00:51:19 Obviously you are going to be a psychopath sooner or later. But this is dark. This is dark. So Chase has some ideas on this episode that are interesting. The first is that this war is all about the dollar. It's all about just propping up the dollar. Sure. Right? Well, I mean, it could be argued that Israel and Saudi Arabia normalizing relationships the day before October 7th,
Starting point is 00:51:47 prompting Hamas to attack. Otherwise, it was going to go through. Those two things were related. Could be. But it's not so much necessarily everything is about propping up the dollar, you would say. Right. I would say probably very little, in fact, is about propping up the dollar.
Starting point is 00:52:04 But this is Chase's interesting theory mm-hmm and he's got another interesting theory to throw out here I'm gonna go ahead and put something out there that's controversial Alex and I'd love to hear your response to this but I'm currently of the persuasion happy to be convinced otherwise that Israel and the CIA conspired together to assassinate JFK because he was interfering with Israel's nuclear proliferation. So we have an example from history that's very likely Israel was involved in a presidential assassination.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Now, in the context of this, my concern is what if Israel has been behind some of these attempts on Donald Trump in order to blame it on Iran to get us into another military conflict in the Middle East. Do you think that's a that's a likely interpret accurate interpretation of what's happening? I mean I think when you look at the CIA and MI6 and the Mossad at the top is the same group. Yes. And so Israel would be at the table when decisions are being made like that in these star chambers and I know that JFK did want to give them the nuke and was going to go public about it. He also pulled US, started
Starting point is 00:53:09 to pull US troops out of Vietnam and did a bunch of other stuff. So he pissed off the entire establishment. Look, everything they've taught you about physics is wrong. That's the only thing that makes sense now. As we speak, the only thing that processes that for me is physics isn't real. Yeah. So, Chase believes Israel killed JFK and are now trying to kill Trump in order to blame Iran in order to get the United States to attack Iran.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Interesting theory now based on a ton. Right. Right. You would be hard pressed to prove any association between Israel and, but I mean, who knows? Why not? Why not just be like, hey, you know, pre-Israel was the people who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Who cares? Why not? Throw it in there. Yeah. This isn't going to lead into wallowing in tropes. No, definitely not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So Alex wants to cover this situation with Israel and Iran and be like, fuck it, I don't care if there's an announcement, they're officially at war with each other. Sure. This is a war, make it sensational, we need sensational headlines. And so he scolds Chase about how the headline isn't sensational enough. Fair. And then you get a real indication of how
Starting point is 00:54:27 Seriously, alex is taking this I'm not saying that's a bad headline, but maybe change it later, and I would just say I would say I Ran now I ran now But bombing that's what's in the missiles bombing. I ran now bombing Israeli capital or like a major Another thing exactly like it's just like war a Is now at war or a major Middle East war has now begun a new massive Middle East war has now begun
Starting point is 00:55:01 I ran now bombing Israel. I mean that massive Middle East war has now begun. Iran now bombing Israel. I mean, the takeaway is, folks, guaranteed this is war. It's already been escalating. And I'm going to make the announcement. I don't care what anybody says. This is going to get worse. And this is major war. So the Middle East has now been plunged into a new major war after Iran bombs Israel. And then you can say, say well they went into Lebanon Sure, you can argue all day. The point is major war has begun Clone wars have begun they have great. So here we are And of course, it's 34 days out from the election. Why'd you do that voice?
Starting point is 00:55:42 What was that? Oh boy Kind of takes away from the gravity of the situation. Yep, yep. Even if you're one of the End Times people, you should be like, don't use that voice. Don't use that voice. This is the end of the universe, the ultimate battle between good and evil starting. Don't do Yoda. Breaking into a Yoda. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Is that what free will is for? Did God give you free will for the for the Yoda voice? Well, if you did that's what life is all about and physics has proved it that is that sounds true That sounds true because everything else that I thought was true would have disagree with you and since that's true Yeah, there's a little disrespectful that's fucked up So one of the things whenever I see chase and Alex in the same room is I'm looking for these McGurk moments Of course, I'm looking for these McGurk moments. Of course. I'm looking for the Brendan McGurk, cause that just energizes me, makes me feel happy.
Starting point is 00:56:30 We all want it. And I think this one might be forcing it a little bit. But this has a little bit of that energy. Okay. Not enough for my tastes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like it strong. We're hot coffee guys.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Yeah, we like it black. No cream. No sugar. Give me that pure taste. But you still get a little bit of it here, we like it black. No cream. No sugar. Give me that pure taste But you still get a little bit of it here. So let's enjoy You just know more stuffs about to kick off chase. I mean you can feel it. Can't you I can feel the weight of it I'm a firm believer in the concept of the zeitgeist the spirit of the times the collective unconscious if you will and We should always go with our gut when our reason sinks exhausted and all
Starting point is 00:57:07 of logic and rational thought leads to this being a major problem and then you add that to the way it just feels as a human being to see this news play out right before our eyes it's not good I don't know if it can it's the feeling like when you're in a grocery store parking lot at 10 p.m. your wife asked you to go get milk you forgot to get and you see a mugger mugging an old lady and you get this sick feeling because you know you're gonna go over there and take the gun away and beat the shit out of them and you don't want to do it it's dangerous but you get that sick feeling because you're about to beat the living snot out of somebody absolutely I mean I have
Starting point is 00:57:44 that same feeling like like everything's so dangerous right now I just know I'm in the mode right now that am I trying to act tough I'm gonna say this where my body's at where I would just break somebody's neck. I'm just like it's not even a thought of it I'm just like I'm ready to you know because you can tell the danger your body's like gearing up for it. Yeah. Because in our development it would be always in front of us But now we intellectually see it and we want to do something but we're just like, ah, ah. There's something, there's the, trying to impress a feeble young man with your masculinity. Yep. That's the dynamic that's still there a little bit. It is. It's not as flashy as some of the
Starting point is 00:58:21 other times they've bonded, but it's there. Oh yeah, absolutely. It's just always nice. I mean, yeah, and the detail of the milk you forgot to get, why did you add that? Is that impressive? What are you talking about? Well I think that that's part of creating the fantasy moment where it's like, I'm here because I look, I am doing this for my wife. Right. I'm making up for something. I messed up. I'm being forced into this situation. I see this mugger. How can I not act? I was,
Starting point is 00:58:57 I was busy being a certain type of hero. Right. How can I not become an even greater version of the same thing? Yeah as a as I'm great I think more likely in that scenario you see a non white person in a parking lot and assume they're a mugger and then be the beat that sounds like I think that's more what I think that's what Alex is describing. I saw a person waving at me offering me literature for a Pregnancy crisis center and I was like, ah, non-white. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:59:27 That's a mugger. Yep. So Alex says something in this next clip that I thought was a mistake on his part. It's critical to the fight against the new world order to go to the Alex Jones They just added three new awesome t-shirts there, ball caps. It's the very best Patri Patreon apparel out there. And the items are from $5 up to $35, but we've added a shirt that's $50, a classic Infowar shirt, red on Namie Blue with the red American flag on the right shoulder, and on the back it says
Starting point is 01:00:00, that's a site in the future you'll be hearing about. That's a fundraiser shirt. You wanna keep me on air one way or the other. That's the action point. That's where you take action. That's where you go. now. Oops.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Once again, Alex is accidentally revealing his plans to subvert the bankruptcy system on air in the middle of one of his ads. Earlier in the bankruptcy, he tried to launch Alex Jones Live, which was gonna be a subscription-based website where he could do chats by a bonfire and that painting show that I want so badly. After the court found out about that, he was forced to make a quote, solemn promise to not post more on that site because it was a clear attempt to
Starting point is 01:00:38 redirect resources there and leave Infowars behind. He's doing the same thing again here. is just another new landing page which will be supported by the new structure with his dad's supplement company and this knife guy's apparel business. It couldn't be more transparent. This is exactly what he did before and got in trouble for. He should get in trouble for this. But right now the URL connects to Alex's Give Send Go page. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:01:03 This is an emergency fundraiser to keep Alex on air. Oh my God. Got about 200 grand donated to that. I mean, I... Which is well below the million he insists he needs. Yeah, well, I hesitate to say this, but I'm gonna throw this out there. All right? Even if you, even if Alex gives you another solemn promise that this website won't be used anymore,
Starting point is 01:01:27 I think he's gonna do a different website after that. Yeah, I don't think his solemn promises mean a whole lot. I don't think he's, I think he's learning that the consequences aren't actually real and that he can just get around them. Seems to me, like you're working on a suspicion that maybe he's a he's a lying I think he might like a lie. I think he might not be on the up-and-up. Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:50 Six or seven thousand more examples, and we'll know for sure well Let's see if we can find another one in this next okay Well, I didn't play it, but it broke Friday most people saw it. I posted on X But they hired two well-known actors, and I'm not even a huge movie or TV watcher, but I'd recognize both the actors. They're, they're mid-level actors. They're in some big movies and play major roles as a husband and wife. That are, were Trump supporters, but are now Biden supporters that are farmers in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And they looked like they just walked out of a spa and people went, wait, they're fake and they literally said they're real farmers. So if they're going to hire actors, they go and hire actors that are on major TV shows and movies I mean that is like criminal. This is beyond astroturf. I mean, this is this is wild What's crazy is that it doesn't matter They just there was a time in the United States of America where when politicians lied they covered their tracks They were very good at lying and covering up what they were doing wrong. Now they don't even try.
Starting point is 01:02:46 So this was a fake story that was circulating on Twitter and general right-wing social media where Alex undoubtedly saw someone post very angrily about it and then decided to do no follow-up on the story at all. This was about a couple who appeared in a Kamala Harris ad, a couple named Robert and Christina Lang. The crack detectives on shithead social media searched open secrets and found donations
Starting point is 01:03:08 to Democrats given by people with the same names and assumed that it had to be the same people. The couple said that wasn't us, which it probably wasn't because different people sometimes have the same name. What? It's crazy. How dare you? So then there was the claim that they were actors, which you can hear Alec's claim is
Starting point is 01:03:23 totally obvious. 100% obvious. 100% obvious. These were successful actors and he could even recognize them. You know, he's seen them in stuff. Has he? As it turns out, according to USA Today, they quote, help produce a small 2022 horror film called Hey Ride to Hell.
Starting point is 01:03:38 They let the director film on their farm and had quote, very small non speaking roles as monsters. I often say that Alex watches way too many movies, but if he recognized these two from that cameo, he is a fucking film buff. Yeah, that's he's watching every that's intense. That's intense. Did somebody give him that VHS tape? Was that going around? Like I've never I'll tell you this. I've never heard of it. Well, if he if he he's right and everyone was locked down for many years then maybe in 2022 You know you see in every shitty horror very could be yeah
Starting point is 01:04:11 And I don't know if it's shitty, but I just hey listen the quality of it is is be besides the point He has never seen this fucking Recognize them as actors. This is just a dumb fucking thing that he saw on social media He's never seen this movie. He does not recognize them as actors. This is just a dumb fucking thing that he saw on social media. Oh man. And he's lying about his own experience
Starting point is 01:04:29 in order to amplify the story. Yep. Now, I might make the argument that this is exactly the same behavior that he engaged in in the Sandy Hook lawsuit. Oh yeah? Now granted, these are people who are farmers who are supporting Harris.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Sure. They are not victims of a terrible tragedy sure And so the emotional resonance of this is a little bit different Mm-hmm, but let's let's assume a situation where Alex is going on about this amplifying this complete bullshit story Yeah, and these people start to get harassed because of it same scenario. It's you know It's the same behavior at it at core calling people actors. He's never gonna learn his lesson Nope, he's never gonna not behave this way when it's profitable It's not possible the only difference between the two is that a jury isn't gonna give these to a 1.5 billion dollars Because the emotional stakes just aren't as high that may be and they may never sue him because the emotional stakes just aren't as high.
Starting point is 01:05:25 That may be, and they may never sue him because the emotional stakes aren't as high. Yeah. And, you know, it's just disgusting. It is just, how do you not put these two things together? How do you not listen to him, fuck it, recently defame the families and not go like this is not going to change unless it is changed imposed upon him and it's very strange
Starting point is 01:05:52 to me the idea that like all right even if you think like haha I got out of this this pickle you know like even if he's like I got away clean still it's a big annoyance that you've had to deal with because you called people actors. I feel like it's just kind of human nature to be like, not going to do that again. They got out of a tight spot there. Let's just not call people actors. Let's just not do it. We could just not do it.
Starting point is 01:06:17 It seems like you would do that, but then Alex is different. Unless they actually are an actor. Unless it's like an actor. You recognize them as monsters who don't speak in Hayride to Hell. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I don't know what if he's telling the truth about Jussie Smollett or something,
Starting point is 01:06:34 but at the very least that is an actual actor. That is true. That is a true thing, so if you say that, you say that person is an actor, you go, ha ha ha, I am correct. Yeah. The end, stop there. Sure. So this day October
Starting point is 01:06:47 1st is a very important day. I don't know if you know. I don't know. It was the day that Tim Walz and JD Vance had their debate. Oh God. Really. And I watched it. Yeah. I watched most of it. Yeah. It was a little bit underwhelming. Yeah. Not very interesting but I don't know how I could have expected it would be. I mean, I think blood would be necessary. I think there would have to be... I think a solid... Put them in a hell of a cell?
Starting point is 01:07:12 Yeah. I think a solid fight would have made far more sense for the current political climate than anything that either of them have to say about anything. I think Walls would have kicked the shit out of him. Yeah, I think so too. Much like Alex in a late night mugger. I think it would have been great. I think I would have kicked the shit yeah I think so like Alex and a late night mugger I think it would have been great yeah I think I would have enjoyed that so Alex thinks it's gonna be an Explosive debate of course it definitely was not mmm and videos want encourage everybody to join us there
Starting point is 01:07:35 For that tonight and to share the link until others to come get our pre during and post Coverage of this I think this is gonna be a very explosive debate tonight. I think it's going to be very entertaining. What do you think? I think so too. I just hope that given that Tim Walz is such a buffoon and he really does come off like Elmer Fudd, I hope that JD Vance has not underestimated him and has actually prepared because there's no doubt in my mind that Tim Walz is going to be prepared for this debate even though he's got nothing on him. He's going to have a bunch of zingers. He's going to have a bunch of zingers. So JD Vance has to be taking this very seriously.
Starting point is 01:08:05 I think he will though because he's got to live up to the Trump name and ticket and I think he sees it as a promotion and I think he's gonna really kick butt. You think he'll rise to the occasion? Yep. Nope. It was boring. Vance came off kind of whiny. Jim Walls didn't come off all that great either but fine.
Starting point is 01:08:23 What a weird viewpoint on What is essentially a government? There's gonna be a lot of zingers that's no no this is no this isn't a roast battle No, just no if even if it's no just no How could you possibly think that is a good thing? It it seems unhealthy Why would you want the why would you want an explosive debate? I don't want it. I don't want an explosive debate No, I want a very conversational
Starting point is 01:08:54 Understanding of like this is how things function because it's all entertainment I want somebody to tell me that physics is real is what I'm saying I want somebody to be like hey, did you know physics is real? You're not going to get that at No, I am not. So it was kind of a dull debate. Honestly, like Alex was bored by the Trump Harris. Yeah. Yeah. He's not going to be interested in this. I can't imagine anybody being interested in it. So he decides to shit on Tim Walls a little bit. Sure. It's easy. It's all very carefully planned lies, which makes it even worse. Remember his own family, a bunch of them in Florida and in, because he's from Omaha, they all came out from Nebraska. This guy is the worst guy in the family. You don't want him anywhere near power. Yeah. And he's a communist Chinese agent. Flipping off Americans at football
Starting point is 01:09:38 games. He's got a short fuse. He's nuts. I mean, he just, look, I'm not saying he's a pedophile, but if I was going to hire somebody to play a guy that drives around an ice cream truck kidnapping kids and take him to a basement That's really a space alien and sucks their blood it'd be him Elmer Fudd and a brown suit the demon the space spider All right, we're gonna go to break. Hey listen folks. I'm firing the bad signal They're trying to shut us down If you want to make sure we continue on the air one way or another, without getting into all the inside baseballers strategy, I need your support now.
Starting point is 01:10:11 You need to keep this legendary broadcast with all our hosts, everything we've done on air, go to the Alex Jones right now. Get the fundraiser info wars classic shirt. That's just such a nice, uh, juxtaposition Alex doing his favorite bit where he implies that someone is a pedophile and then, hey, come buy this shirt. Come buy this shirt that has the URL to the site that I probably shouldn't be running. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I want to live in a world where that doesn't happen. So I don't care. I really don't care which it is at this point. I don't care if it's okay for you to call somebody a pedophile or if it's illegal for you to imply somebody is a pedophile the way that Alex is doing it. I just want one or the other. I can't live in a space where it's illegal for them to just be like, I think Tim Walls is a pedophile, but it's totally fine for him to be like, hey, if you wanted a pedophile, it would look like Tim Walls. That's insane.
Starting point is 01:11:09 It makes me insane. It's the same thing as him being like, I'm going to kill you politically. It's the same sort of like, I'm saying, but I'm not saying. I just want to live. I don't even care which. I don't even care which. Just any world that's not one where that's okay. Yeah, cause it's like adolescent taunting is basically the way that Alex is, what he's
Starting point is 01:11:32 embodying. Yeah. And it's just annoying. Yeah. I mean the idea of being somebody who wants to like show off about how tough and powerful they are and how they'd fight a mugger at 10 PM at night, but at the same time is like, and if you want a pedophile, that guy looks like one. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Yeah, it's a little passive aggressive on that tip. Get outta here. So earlier we were talking a little bit about how spreading bad ideas about disaster relief and that kind of stuff can be harmful to the people on the ground. Sure. And I told you that this would come up in this episode.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And here is where it does because Alex has a guest on. Oh no. Steve Slepcifik is our guest. He has a strategic response partners, amazing folks that do security for Trump, you name it, all over the country, all over the world. He did a great job in Maui helping folks and exposing what really happened there. I wanted to get him on because of the unprecedented disaster with Hurricane Helena. So it's Hurricane Helen, but this guy is an interesting choice for a guest because he
Starting point is 01:12:32 was a big RFK Jr. 2024 supporter until Kennedy dropped out. That said, he was also present on January 6th and was photographed with four members of the three percenters, two of whom would go on to be convicted of conspiracy and obstructing an official proceeding. So, you know, he's got some Trump cred too. He's a luminary in a certain field. Yeah. So I'm just gonna read a little part here from a Mother Jones article about him. Quote, Steve Slepovich's business career as a disaster management entrepreneur has been a rocky one. In 2009, the LA Times mounted an investigation and found dozens of fraud complaints, lawsuits, and government investigations targeting Slepovich and his Rancho Palos Verde-based company Paramount
Starting point is 01:13:16 Disaster Recovery spanning six states over the last decade. In California alone, insurance companies have filed 22 fraud complaints since 2002. The newspaper described Paramount as a part of the world of storm chasers, traveling contractors, and insurance adjusters who descend on natural catastrophes, offering to help victims maximize their claims and rebuild. The paper reported that California had suspended Steve's contractor's license and that a judge had tossed out his petition for personal bankruptcy.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Apparently, what had happened is that he was trying to get this personal bankruptcy and the U.S. trustee assigned to the case claimed that Steve was, quote, actively concealing a $200,000 fine by the California Department of Insurance and six related criminal charges for allegedly misrepresenting himself to victims of California wildfires. Essentially the way this works, as best I can tell, is that the business is based on offering to facilitate insurance settlements for people and taking a 20% cut. This sometimes goes exactly as it's intended to, but other times it doesn't because generally the claims that get filed are inflated in order to scam companies that would probably
Starting point is 01:14:24 rather not take the time and money to go to court and so they'll just accept elevated claims. One story in the LA Times covered coverage is about a New Orleans cop named Danny Deneu from $1,800 to $11,000. But Deneu said in a complaint filed with the Louisiana Attorney General that he never got his settlement. They forged our names on the check and took all the money said Deneu. The LA Times also covered a Greek Orthodox church in Mississippi who experienced a very similar thing. Anyway, he seems like a real piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:15:04 So he's the natural choice for Alex to have on to discuss this hurricane You know, you can see this business model of going in inflating claims in order to take a cut exploiting people's vulnerabilities Generally never really having to deal with any blowback because these people that you're exploiting are desperate. Yep They don't have the resources necessarily to get a lawyer. They need that settlement. And so he has this sort of business model with a little bit of a checkered history. So he's a good expert for Alex to have on.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And then they can personally bond about how they try to exploit bankruptcy systems. Yeah. Yeah. Boy. Boy. Predators? Pretty much the worst. Yeah, yeah, I boy boy predators Pretty much the worst yeah I can't I can't imagine even wanting to speak to like if if I found out a close friend Was like oh, yeah, I I go to fucking disaster relief areas and scam people
Starting point is 01:16:03 I would be like I don't care how friendly we are, that is the end of our conversation for good. You can't do that, that's horrible. Yeah, even if like, let's imagine a scenario where some of the times your friend actually gets more money for these people because there's a scam being run on the insurance companies and fuck those insurance companies.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Yeah, fuck them. Right? Whatever. I mean, if you want to go that direction, it's fair. Sure. And say that sometimes the victims actually get more money because of this business. I don't like the sometimes. The sometimes is tough.
Starting point is 01:16:39 The sometimes is the problem here. Yeah, because the other times make me worry about those sometimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes me feel like if you're one of those people who does it one time, it's because you've done it already a bunch. Yeah, and if you're comfortable doing it one time, it's bad. It is never your first scam. If I find out about it, it's your 15th or 30th scam.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Right, and this LA Times article was written in 2009. Yeah. Ridiculous. You know, like, they had to change the name of the company and... Oh my God. Yeah. So really what he's on for is to promote Alex's satellite phone company though, because that's of course what this is about. Jesus Christ. I mean, imagine you've got the ports shutting down, you've got this happening.
Starting point is 01:17:21 There's already looting by illegal aliens all over the place. This is crazy. We know they've got weather weapons. This is very mysterious, I think. It's just they have weather weapons. We should look at maybe this possibly being part of it. I'm not saying that's the case, but the timing of all of this, and you've been predicting black swans ahead of this election. Yeah, I mean, this is calculated calculated right? I mean this is calculated. Everything's about timing and I here's the reality that there are no accidents. Everything is in its own perfect order. These things have been wargamed, they've been planned out. There are no accidents you know. So I always tell people just get prepared, get your house in order, get your communication sat phone,
Starting point is 01:18:01 get your radio to radio, get your food, get your water, get your purification systems in place, and have an evacuation plan. So if no phones work and nothing works, you actually know how to move in or on the grid. I actually am gonna admit that that was not the best clip to illustrate that he's promoting the satellite phone. He mentions the sat phone in it, but there are other times where he's a bit more overt
Starting point is 01:18:23 about the promoting of or whatever. So it's disgusting. This is just disgraceful exploitation. Yeah. I mean, hiding that, of course. And even then, the idea of don't try and help people. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Don't do any of this stuff. No, no, no, no. Get your own shit. Whatever. There's also the issue of Alex believing these are weather weapons, which he's not saying it is. No. Don't say that he's saying it is.
Starting point is 01:18:56 He's spreading misinformation through a question, which I heard was not possible. It's not possible. I'll tell you this. Almost everything is an accident. 99% of shit is an accident. Everybody who tells you that they know what's going on, crazy, insane people. Everything is an accident. Well, and I don't even want to engage with someone who wants to discuss whether or not the weather is an accident. Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:19:20 don't even know what that means. I'm not going to take the other position. It's not an accident. It is an accident What what are we talking about? I can't I can't Perfect order Mean oh no, it's accidentally raining. Oh shit, so this guy sucks fuck him. Yeah, and Alex comes back after talking to him and they try to go to spaces. Chase is back and there's some issues. All right, we've got a great Marine Corps retired colonel who's really smart, who pops in on the show.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Tell us about this fellow. Let's go to him. Colonel Gannon Burton, we're going to go to you next. If you're still with us, please unmute yourself and say what you have to say. Retired Marine Colonel, MS State grad, F-18 pilot, Top Gun graduate, US Air Force test pilot graduate. Amazing accurate. And a really smart guy.
Starting point is 01:20:13 What's your view on everything happening? Colonel Gannon, are you there? He might not be there, Alex. We can go on to another speaker. He doesn't have his hand raised. Next. That's why I said go to my phone. Yeah, let's go to Loomer Fan Club. Loomer Fan Club, go ahead and unmute yourself. You've had your hand raised next. Okay, so I go to my phone Yeah, let's go to let's go to Loomer fan club Loomer fan club. Go ahead and unmute yourself
Starting point is 01:20:26 You've had your your your hand raised for some time if you're still with us, please go ahead and unmute yourself Go ahead Loomer fan club, you know, this happens sometimes when it crashes it's on their end. It's not crashed Go ahead Loomer fan club. Are you there? But that's enough next person whoo. So yeah quite a quite a jump down from lieutenant Colonel Top Gun to Loomer fan club and neither are there. That's a bummer. That is a juxtaposition. I I feel like if I was like if I'm emceeing a show you know if I'm working late one night
Starting point is 01:21:03 and I give somebody a big intro filled with all of their credits and then they're not there and I'm like, Oh, all right. Well, it's this asshole. I don't think the crowds are going to have the same response. So we have one last clip here. And it's chase coming in with his third bizarre theory of the day. And again, there's a three strikes and you're out. Uh-oh. I will say though that this, this union thing that we're experiencing is interesting to
Starting point is 01:21:29 me because we've seen the polls and the reporting that at least 60% of the teamsters, the most famous union in the United States, formerly led by Hoffa himself, at least 60% of the teamsters support Trump. So that implies to me that the same is true of labor unions across the United States, not necessarily teachers unions or other government related ones. And so when I see these these poor authority unions coming out and going on strike a couple of months, 34 days, I guess, 34, jeez, before this election, it implies to me that maybe they're trying to throw Trump a bone and just, just apply pressure to how incapable and incompetent the current administration is so that when people go to vote on November 5th, they have some pain seeing
Starting point is 01:22:15 empty shelves again, akin to COVID. That's it. Wow. That would be really fucked up. Wouldn't Alex think that that's a union election meddling or something? I mean, he would be really pissed off if it was... These people are faking a strike in order to decrease the food supply chain in order to create terrorism in order to get people to vote for Trump. Yep. That seems that seems strange. Right. Now, here's the
Starting point is 01:22:45 thing about that theory that I like. All right. That theory requires a meeting between union officials getting together, blue sky thinking, how do we affect this race? And at no point in time did they go like, oh, donations? No, fuck that. That's loser shit. False flag. Did they go, uh, phone bank? No, loser shit. Did they go, let's canvas. Let's get, let's advertise. Let's do any of these things. No, that's shit that losers do.
Starting point is 01:23:15 What we're going to do is fake a strike, inadvertently cause terrorism. Perhaps, perhaps Trump will recognize that we gave him a signal. We're going gonna starve the population to turn them against Harris. Yes So so if I understand correctly the port union is filled with supervillains, I guess so um, I think that chase is a fanciful boy and that chase is a fanciful boy and but it's also contingent on this idea that he's putting forth that like 60% of the teamsters yeah support Trump yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:23:52 ergo all unions must be at least six done and done Trump yeah except for the teachers unions of those other ones that I bunch of other unions to the unions of the people who I code as Trump supporters possibly, they're 60% Trump, so therefore the the longshoremen union that must be a false flag in order to throw Trump a bone. Yep. This is stupid. I'm just assuming that jobs determine who people are. Right. If you're a port guy, you're a Trump supporter because you're a salt of the earth blue collar guy Who just goes to work and gets his beer at the end of the day you exude a masculinity that I cannot not associate with Yeah Exactly. Yes. Yep. This is sad. Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:37 so I Mean it just sucks. This is a shit shit little display here. Yep Alex had to leave the show to take a emergency legal issue the first episode and then Just this is some shit about the hurricane. Yeah, this is some bullshit. Yep. His behavior on that front is Indefensible between the misinformation about, uh, the secretary of, uh, commerce and the having this guy on as a guest, it's just, there's, there's no way to justify this. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:16 There's, there's two things that happen that just can't happen for the, for disasters like this. And that's the, the team sports team sports the the wanting to score points Not the time or the predation not the time No, like a predation is always awful, but this is this is just so stark that any human being can Immediately empathize just the idea of seeing somebody at their fucking lowest moment Then being preyed upon, is fucking horrifying.
Starting point is 01:25:48 And that you see so many people just like accept that it's just, oh, this is just a thing that happens. Or people trying to score internet points. Oh, this is the Democrats' fault. Or this is the fucking, god damn it, not now. Yeah, a lot of this stuff will only really truly become very clear in hindsight. You know, a lot of the stuff about like, you know, you do the sort of after action kind of analyses about,
Starting point is 01:26:16 you know, what could have been done better, where were there failures in the response? And a lot of that doesn't, it's very difficult to gauge in the moment. Totally. And... How can they even really improve if part of the, a part of the process, like with any fucking experiment or something, when you have a bunch of noise introduced, like random
Starting point is 01:26:39 ass people from outside of the area showing up being like, illegal immigrants are here. When you have that in there, how can you even expect to improve your disaster response? Probably can't. Because you don't even know what your real problems are. You're too busy dealing with fake-ass shit. True. It's just bad for everyone all over.
Starting point is 01:26:58 It is. Everybody. But I've learned two things today, I think for sure. Yeah. One, there are no accidents Not even where's a perfect order for all things right even weather and Physics any real that ain't real. Hey, this stuff. It's not real. You know what that's two strikes in your out. That's Baseball you know the three strikes thing is about physics right?
Starting point is 01:27:23 Baseball, you know the three strikes thing is about physics, right? Two is three because math if math is the same and physics is wrong that doesn't make any sense So math is wrong to baseball is really just one big moment. It's a perfect order So we'll be back with another episode, but tell that we have website indeed we do. It's knowledge fight comm Yeah, we'll be back. But until then I'm's Yep. We'll be back. But until then, I'm Leo. I'm Leo MDZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo.
Starting point is 01:27:51 And now here comes the sex robots. Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Thanks for having me. I'm Andy. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. I'm Andy. I'm a first time caller.
Starting point is 01:28:08 I'm a huge fan.

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