Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 592: Josef Fritzl Part II - The Family Downstairs

Episode Date: October 4, 2024

The boys are heading back to the basement for part two of the story of Josef Fritzl and his daughter Elisabeth, whose nightmare had just begun when after four years of living as his prisoner-wife in t...he cellar beneath the Fritzl home, she gave birth to the first of seven children to be fathered by Josef - of which only 6 would make it out of the cellar alive. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes and get exclusive access to bonus content.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, buddy, it's election time. Oh, yes. How fun this whole process has been. I have been having such a delight watching everyone, him and Ha, over certain doom and everything's going to be mediocre. It's fascinating. For all those of you out there in swing states, the deadline for voter registration is October 7th in Georgia and Arizona.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And in Nevada, it's on October 8th if you're mailing in your registration. In North Carolina, it is October 11th. So if you are not registered to vote and you want to participate in this election and make the choice that Ed was just talking about, make sure that you're registered to vote now. And especially if you're in Georgia and you think you're registered to vote I know they just did a big voter purge So double check and make goddamn sure that you can vote when the election comes up in November Yeah, and also just think about the one candidate said you may never have to vote again
Starting point is 00:01:00 So maybe you should this could be your last chance So get out there and fucking vote if one side wants you to vote and the other side doesn't want you to vote it's very important to vote to check your registration status you can go to slash confirm dash voter dash registration or in a slash can dash i dash vote follow prompts to check out your status and now also Florida's October 7th and New Mexico's October 8th and even if you're not at swing state go out and fucking vote anyway We're all fucking going out and voting this time pile on this fuck goddamn right all right Hit it
Starting point is 00:01:39 There's no place to escape to. This is the last time. On the left. Why, you've got your glaze. That's when the cannibalism started. Who was that? Um, oh, do it! Oh, wow. Just gotta ease back in. You know, I just spent the last two days
Starting point is 00:02:08 reading the thoughts of Joseph Fritzl. Mm-hmm. And I gotta say, I feel confident. Right. I feel changed. Do you feel honest? I feel up front with me. And I really think that everybody should go in there.
Starting point is 00:02:24 If you want to learn No, we have a lot of new dads in our life. Yeah, and I feel like if they really want to learn how to keep a tight knit family You really should read the words of Yosef Fritzl and talk about the joys that you he's Experienced watching his children open presents on Christmas and they would all rejoice with the first snowfall of the season. He writes this long flowing thing about his favorite thing, the nutmeg, smell of nutmeg. And it's a- That man was one of his daughters?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Welcome to the Last Podcast of the Left, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Marcus Parks. I'm here with Henry Zabrowski. I hate my daughter. Red hot Italian pepper burns my nose. You gotta run out of names at some point. And the eternally spicy Ed Larson. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:21 To prepare for this episode, I've been sleeping under my bed. Just get the vibe. Yes, to prepare for this episode, I've been sleeping under my bed. So when we last left the Fritzl family, Elizabeth had given birth to the first of her seven inbred children while still imprisoned in the underground bunker that her father, Josef, had built. No, no chaser, no beginning, no palate cleanser. I'm fucking- First sentence.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, man, I'm fucking diving anything. First sentence. Yeah, man. I'm fucking diving right into this shit. She'd been locked in Fritzl's dungeon alone for four years and still had almost 20 to go. And by the way, there's no way to like slow roll into a Joseph Fritzl episode once you're already in it. No, you could say stuff like, you know, you think you're sick of your mattress. You know, like stuff like, you know, you think you're sick of your mattress. You know, like stuff like that. You can go be like, oh, you know, me when I got bed rotting is taken to a new extreme
Starting point is 00:04:10 in the Joseph Ritzel story. He could be the guy for sleepies. Sleepies for the rest of your life. Now, as we said, chill up my spine. It's the first time that song ever said an actual chill up my spine. As we said last episode, this was Elizabeth's second pregnancy, as the first had ended in a sudden miscarriage because Elizabeth was so unhealthy and depressed because her own father had gotten her pregnant. Likewise, this new child named Kirsten, she almost didn't make it either. She suffered from epilepsy and cramps that resulted in screaming fits that no doubt echoed
Starting point is 00:04:48 at ear-splitting levels in Elizabeth's 15-foot-by-15-foot concrete prison. But even though Kirsten was obviously born sick the most Joseph Fritzl contributed to child care were formula and diapers Which he bought at different stores far away from the town of Amstetten to avoid suspicion You know it's good and I could see him doing the our former president style Like when he went out of Puerto Rico for the hurricane being like Okay, have fun shipping Now wouldn't it draw more suspicion to buy from multiple stores well From one place you're still buying baby formula in diapers. Yeah, you're just showing up with diapers to another store
Starting point is 00:05:47 That's weird. Hey, no, you got a specific specific ass baby babies are pains in the asses that way you know they only one shrimp flavored formula yeah well I think you would buy all of them like in a clump but not go to the same store like multiple times because you'd it'd be weird if it's like oh here's the grandfather coming to buy the formula and the diapers once more. You know, just to alleviate your suspicions, this is all for me. I am runny as hell and I lack my food as soft as an egg. But I hate eggs! So yes, congratulate to me. I'm my own grandpa. Like the song. The thing about Kirsten though is that the child gave Fritzl even more control over his
Starting point is 00:06:26 daughter. After Kirsten was born, Elizabeth did whatever it took to keep her alive, and with each successive child, Fritzl's control only increased. To that point, just a couple of months after Kirsten was born, Elizabeth was pregnant again. In late 1989, she gave birth to her second child, a boy named Stefan. And like Kirsten... Is it Stefan? Stefan?
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think it's Stefan. I think Stefan, you know, we all... it's the associations of the name that I can't get past. I can see you coming out with a, like a duck tail grease, like haircut, like little sunglasses. Okay, Stefan. We'll go with Stefan. Well like Kirsten, Stefan's birthday was written down on a piece of paper so Elizabeth could keep track of her children's ages. But while one might think having two infant children would make a lot of noise that would be heard above ground, Fritzl had built his dungeon with extreme skill when it came to
Starting point is 00:07:22 keeping it hidden. No one heard anything that would have made them think, hey, sounds like the backyard's screaming. No, I'm pretty, it's a new, it's Noise Rock! Yeah, it's my new album called Sounds of Unpleasantness, and I've been working on it for some time now, it's stuff like Gargling While, my favorite track is Gargling While,
Starting point is 00:07:42 Drowning in the top Actually my friend Adi who you know co-op he's a co-owner of the Reykjavik grapevine He has a noise rock outfit called AMFJ and he used to sample his infant daughter screaming for his songs. People in Brooklyn loved it. Yeah, I bet they did. Oh, this is almost like having your own child. The story that Fritzel had told when Elizabeth disappeared that she'd ran away to join a cult, it was still working extraordinarily well.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Most people who had known Elizabeth simply forgot about her, and when her siblings were old enough to move out, they did, and tried their best to forget their time under Joseph Fritzl's thumb, and therefore forget their sister Elizabeth. Yeah, these are definitely people who are like, ah yeah, I don't talk to my family. Well yeah, yeah, yeah, just quick, that's it, enough, and I don't want to go into detail about it. Enough, and I don't want to go into detail about it. But it sounds like they almost in a way viewed Elizabeth as like succeeding in getting out and getting away. The only child who was left behind was Joseph Jr., who actually went through a very light
Starting point is 00:08:57 version of what Elizabeth endured. See Joseph Jr. had an unspecified learning disability that kept him from living on his own. So Joseph put him to work as a houseboy and personal servant, only allowing him to leave the Fritzel home once a week. Oh, so he had two prisoners. Yes, he had two. That's the incredible thing is that Joseph Jr. is never talked about. And the book that we used for the series, Secrets in the Cellar, mentions him very briefly.
Starting point is 00:09:25 But no one mentions, like he had a mentally handicapped son that he kept as a house-slave. Jesus Christ, I mean, it's so hard to teach him to make sushi. How are you going to get him good at all the various different cuisines you want to try? Austrian sushi sounds like the worst thing you could ever have. Vienna sausage wrapped in kuchen noodle and honestly it sounds delicious. It's shrimp thrown against a wall. That's how I like it. Good and long. But as Joseph Fritzl's children were leaving home upstairs,
Starting point is 00:10:00 Elizabeth was giving birth to more kids in the dungeon. Three years after Stefan was born, Elizabeth gave birth to her third child, Lisa. Now the 15 by 15 foot room was holding two toddlers and an infant, so Elizabeth begged her father for more room so her kids wouldn't have to watch as she was periodically raped. But since Joseph Fritzl either couldn't help but be evil or couldn't be bothered to pitch in aside from the actual construction He forced Elizabeth and the children to do most of the labor to expand the dungeon They dug out a tunnel from the dungeon to the house's original 1890 cellar with their bare hands. It took Years, I was gonna say those are tiny hands. Yeah Hands and also very weak at the same time.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Extraordinary. I do a chunk at a time, like literally just going down and just moving it ahead inches at a time, inches at a time. And he'd come and he'd take out the dirt and like scatter it around like the backyard. That's how little they were getting done. Like each time, it's just like scatter it.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It's very short shrank. Yeah, very much so so now as a digger How long do you think it would take you to do this? Yeah? Let's say I have you in an underground subterranean bunker, and I'm making babies with you right all right What are you good? You're making in defiance of God in nature. You're making babies with me No, it's because it shows that I'm right The fact that I can make love to you and a baby is made means technically my actions are correct we use the great Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger to show us how to give a man can give birth to a baby
Starting point is 00:11:33 actually all the run together it goes back to the beginning of Austrian history Adolf Hitler who had one nut and then the other baby even reported one of his nuts and then it goes directly to Arnold Schwarzenegger pregnant with Danny DeVito's child. I cannot give an accurate answer because I do not know what kind of soil I will be digging in, and the kind of soil I will be digging in would change my answer drastically. One word, Eddie.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Construction guys never give a straight answer. Eddie, one word, evasion. That's all I'm hearing. Sounds like you're running up the tap. Yeah, I don't know, I think I, you know, obviously once I'm hearing. Sounds like you're running up the tap. Yeah, I don't know. I think I, you know, obviously once I'm done breastfeeding her, I can kind of, I can see this taking three or four weeks. Quick!
Starting point is 00:12:13 But Elizabeth would only have two pairs of hands to help her dig, because in May of 1993, Fritzl told her that he was taking her youngest child Lisa upstairs to be raised by him and his wife Rosemary. This was a bold move for a number of reasons, but in the end it actually helped Joseph's cover story. Fritzl made Elizabeth write another note saying that while her parents may be shocked to hear from her after all these years, it's almost 10 years by this point, she was nevertheless leaving them her daughter Lisa to raise.
Starting point is 00:12:55 The note claimed that the cult she'd run off to join had a rule where each person could have only two children each and she'd reached the maximum already. Therefore, child number three had to be given up and she'd reached the maximum already. Therefore child number three had to be given up and she figured giving it to her family to raise was the best option. At least that's what the note said. No one ever thought to try and stop the cult. Well, that's a fantasy world.
Starting point is 00:13:19 All of it. Like the police were notified about the cult. Here's the thing. This sounds ridiculous, but every single person who needed to buy this story believed it. Rosemary Fritzl accepted it immediately. The government accepted it when Joseph took steps to properly adopt as an own incestuous grandchild. And social workers accepted it when they made regular visits to the Fritzl home. Nobody questioned it. They just thought,
Starting point is 00:13:47 Colt, okay, I don't really want to ask more questions here. Well, one thing is Lawyer Illustrated that seems to make, kind of make some of this make a little bit more sense, is how he was viewed in the area. Is that he was viewed as a no-nonsense, straight-laced businessman. And a lot of times people don't push these questions hard He was viewed as a no-nonsense, straight-laced businessman. And a lot of times, people don't push these questions hard if they go and they're living
Starting point is 00:14:10 in a quote-unquote nice house and the kids are dressed and fed. It's a very low bar. It's a very, like, in a way, like... Well, the story's very embarrassing. And they don't want to embarrass this businessman. They don't want to embarrass this person who's seen as somewhat upstanding in the community. So they don't really ask questions. Yeah, because who could resist the wonderful like neck nuzzles of a mustachioed father with burnt hair from the from Sesame Street. And they all knew that being like, well, if she can't handle those
Starting point is 00:14:41 wonderful sort of brush mark pieces, then obviously that she was deficient as a daughter and It's not any Dismergment to pawns that these fatherhood skills of Yosef Ritzel because he did everything he could he'd start covered in blood I guess it makes sense because if I got a letter from Holden saying he took his family to a cult I'm gonna go oh, okay, good. Better off! Good luck! Really, the only misstep Fretzel made in his mind was that he could have made far more money from government benefits by fostering Lisa instead of adopting her, which was not
Starting point is 00:15:21 a mistake he would make twice. Fly from your grave. adopting her, which was not a mistake he would make twice. By 1994, Elizabeth had been in the cellar for 10 years, and she was suffering a myriad of health problems as a result. She had an extreme vitamin deficiency, she had anemia, and her teeth were rotting out of her mouth. She, however, had lived her childhood in sunlight, which could not be said of her children, Kirsten and Stefan.
Starting point is 00:15:47 They were now five and six years old and had never once been outside the confines of the dungeon. After much begging, Fritzl did provide them with vitamin D supplements and an ultraviolet lamp, but other than that, they never received any medical care outside of aspirin for the near twenty years the two oldest children spent underground. But other than that, they never received any medical care outside of aspirin for the near twenty years the two oldest children spent underground. Hey there you piece of shit narrator! That's what you were wrong!
Starting point is 00:16:11 Alright? I left out a big flat rock and they had a big, they could go lick at the tube with the water and whatever they want. You even bring up the salt lick. They never talk! No one brings it up! No one talks about the fact that I used to bring perfectly smoked piles of smelt for them every other Sunday for them to use as deodorant.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And you know what they say, whoever smelt it dealt it. Do so if I could, I would put you first against the wall. Now a number of things happen when a human being is completely deprived of sunlight. Besides the vitamin deficiencies, people lose all sense of time itself, which leads to sleep patterns that don't make sense to our bodies. Besides the obvious fatigue, extremely irregular sleep patterns cause headaches, dizziness, and a loss of coordination. These symptoms were only compounded by the underground family's lack of oxygen. Did they have any idea when a day started and ended?
Starting point is 00:17:13 No. No. Well, Elizabeth had, she definitely had a concept of dates. She knew, because she knew how old all the kids were. She knew what day they were born on. I think she asked him what the days were she knew what day they were born on she asked him Yes days were that's probably right And I think that he did sort of because he would come down one of the things that they know he wouldn't like turn off The lights go good night and then turn off the lights the lights were on all the time
Starting point is 00:17:38 But no it is he legitimately did keep her like like, at this point, like at first, it was very much like a prisoner and captive. She obviously had to fake on some level, like a meeting point between him. She began to, out of her own need for survival, would begin to engage with him on a more personal basis and he'd come down and they would have like check-ins, because at this point he views her as his wife in a Way like his like his basement wife has done to my yeah And so when he would talk with her like he would fill her in on the news of the day and stuff
Starting point is 00:18:13 But it's all from his perspective So it was all just off like you know I won a gold medal in the slalom yesterday And then everybody the mayor said gave me a prize for my penis on Thursday This Friday just you know, it's a day TGIF The thing is that Fritzel he knew how to work with concrete but he didn't know shit about HVAC So Elizabeth and her kids deprived of oxygen spent most of their time lying down or sitting due to constant exhaustion. Lack of oxygen also makes it hard to think, which led to emotional and comprehension problems in all of them. I mean
Starting point is 00:18:52 people might ask, you know, why didn't Elizabeth ever try to escape or anything like that? She couldn't fucking think. None of them could think because they couldn't breathe. This is a, this is common. You know, we always just, we'll talk about the Natasha Kempush too, and they all talk about this concept of like, well why didn't you leave? This type of extreme torture, it changes your brain. Yeah, it does. It limits the neural connections without societal connection, without affection, without these things that we view as extremely common because none of us are bound to a basement, you don't understand what it does to you.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, I mean, we talked so much in Patty Hearst about what just her time- But she only got the one chunk of time, this is 24 years. That's exactly what I was saying. She just had a relatively small amount of time- And it fucked her up. Yeah, in the closet,
Starting point is 00:19:42 and it completely fucked her up for years. This is over two decades. Yeah. And also like no matter how much she hates him and obviously she fucking hates him more than anyone can hate anybody. Of course. You need some sort of conversation. Oh, it's how it goes. The human animal and our brains, it's why we evolved so well and for so long is because we're highly adaptable. We can make pretty much any circumstance at some point feel comfortable. Yeah, we make it work. Just fucked.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Well, as far as what they ate, Fritzl only provided frozen, canned, or processed food. The underground family never had anything fresh, and the lack of nutrition, sleep, oxygen, and sunlight meant that there was rarely a time when at least one of them weren't suffering from an infection of one kind or another. Fritzl usually drove out of town to buy groceries for Elizabeth and the kids, again to avoid suspicion. But when he didn't have time to make the drive, he would take advantage of his position as the landlord of multiple apartment complexes.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yes! That's right! Oh yeah, I forgot almost! I'm a landlord too! Oh yes! I'll go take it from them, I break in, I can do whatever I want, I own the building, I can sell it underneath them, make them all homeless! Just thinking about it makes me want to come in my ledger also. And everyone else had to foot the bill because he had people living for free. Yeah! Well that's, actually we'll get to that here in a second. I mean Fritzl had keys to everyone's apartments.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So when a tenant was away from home, Fritzl would let himself in and steal their food. Oh, fuck you. It's just the worst thing he's done to anyone. The thing was like everyone noticed it was happening, but no one could explain it. One tenant thought he was losing his fucking mind because things he bought at the store would simply disappear from his home. Yeah, I didn't think I was filled with worms. Your brain, your stomach is just like, am I worms?
Starting point is 00:21:38 I think I'm worms. The tenants who lived in the apartments attached to the Fritzl home also had high, unexplainable electric bills. This goes to your point. These came because Fritzl had rerouted electricity from the apartments down to the dungeon, meaning that the tenants were partially and unwittingly funding Fritzl's extreme sexual deviancy. And what is this, Brooklyn? My next destination
Starting point is 00:22:11 Magical place called Bushwick I will I want to take some time to thank Frank Oz for being on the show Yes. Left a little bit of calm on my daughter I did. No evidence. Now when it came to educating the children, Elizabeth did the best she could. Using cardboard and glue, she'd make pictures for her kids that told stories of pirates, princesses, and fairies. Like J.K. Rowling. Yeah! And while this does sound somewhat impossible, Elizabeth also took great pains to maintain the illusion that the situation in the dungeon was totally normal, if only to give the kids at least a shot at momentary happiness.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And I bet it helps her too in a way. This can be like, we can all pretend for a second like I'm just a regular mom and we're in the living room. Otherwise she would have had to kill everybody herself. And that's the thing, she never told them that they were all prisoners, but neither did she ignore the world upstairs She educated the kids about the Sun the moon nature and weather none of which were things the kids had ever Experienced but just imagine that like being told about the concept of weather but not knowing what weather was Oh, I feel like that makes like
Starting point is 00:23:25 Dweezil's app or something you know like it makes like it kind of explains a lot of nepo babies Mm-hmm you know what weather is but I feel like they get special weather They're like they get awesome weather Jaden Jaden look up there that cloud that's for you We made that cloud we purchased that cloud just for your birthday Yeah, I'm your father Will Smith Sorry man, I just laughed about it all day Honestly, Elizabeth should be happy that Will Smith wasn't her capture because then also she'd have to deal with the horrendous A level fart. Those of you who don't know, new story just came out.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Barry Sonnefeld says that Will Smith farted so much on the set of Men in Black, they had to shut down production. Shut down production. That's an expensive fart. Yeah dude. The insurance doesn't cover shit like that. They don't know. They were like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:24 That could happen. The thing I saw a couple of days ago, someone said that they had to shut down a Godspeed, you black emperors show because a guy was farting so much. That's not even far. That's not a far problem. That's not a fart problem. That's a shit problem. Oh yeah, but Will Smith does have a fart problem. I can't fire Will Smith, but I can fire the caterer. He said he wanted the seven bean salad.
Starting point is 00:24:56 He said, I didn't know. I didn't know I was eating in a bedding. Well, back to Elizabeth. Oh man. Okay. Well back to Elizabeth. Oh man. Okay well Elizabeth, she gave birth to her fourth child Monica in March of 1994. Fritzl was away on one of his trips to Thailand so Stefan and Kirsten, 5 and 6 years old, helped with the delivery.
Starting point is 00:25:17 We're going to put the picture here right now on social media of Joseph Fritzl on vacation. We just texted back and forth through each other and that man is what would you describe him? He looks like if Beef Wellington was on was on vacation Too tan for an Austrian Very tan, spread wide eagle with his big ass bulge, he definitely had
Starting point is 00:25:40 a fucking veiner on him Do you think so? Cause I looked at the picture and I saw a flatness there, like I saw nothing Let's pull it up Get the text as well Rob just type in Joseph Fred soul on vacation. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's my ball That's him right there. That is a flat Wow, it's just the belly that makes his dick looks small than all of us. He's like a kind all down there Yeah, there's nothing. He doesn't even have big nuts. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with Marcus on this one
Starting point is 00:26:10 He is definitely flat. It could be his flat penis Defy you to make 19 children with your family Wow, that is a through man. Technically that is the Lord of you'd call that a father body That is a father figure. Mm-hmm. Now his arms are completely covered in hair from shoulder to wrist Whatever man, that's called normal and it's called Technically, he's very virile Don't fucking defend To save face for yourself and
Starting point is 00:26:45 you're fucking into extreme body hair. I'm just saying it's a part of why I... I just wake up hard as a dickens. If you're going to call him virile you have to put criminally in front of him. Yes, he is criminally virile. About nine months after Elizabeth gave birth to Monica in December of 1994, Fritzl stole the child away and took it upstairs. She made Elizabeth write another note almost exactly like the one she'd written when
Starting point is 00:27:13 Joseph brought up Elizabeth's third-born. This time, however, Joseph Fritzl took the ruse even further. Taking an incredible risk for seemingly no reward other than to make a fool out of his wife, Fritzl left the infant on his own doorstep, drove to a phone booth, and called Rosemarie. But when Rosemarie Fritzl answered, Joseph didn't speak in his own voice. Instead, the nearly 60-year-old Fritzl impersonated Elizabeth by speaking in a hushed falsetto whisper. He said quote, Hello, it's me, your daughter you haven't seen in many years.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Don't be angry, I just left her at your door, sorry. I was wondering when Miss Piggy was going to come. I can't tell you where I met. Fancy. Call me. Nailed it. I'm sorry. You know, I got caught doing this when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Really? Yeah, I was dating some girl who and her father would have let me see her ever and so I like tried to call her house as her English friend Faith. Oh my god, Eddie. Just see what a penis will do. Cause this is before even joined drama. This is before you did musical. Give us your
Starting point is 00:28:32 teenage British girl accent. Hello, is Dorothy there? This is Faith. No, you can't fuck my daughter. No, this is Faith. No, get the fuck off the phone. You're trying to fuck my daughter. I know you, you fat fuck. I've seen you walk around. It's just her friend Faith and I know you you fat fuck. I seen you walk around She doesn't have a friend faith
Starting point is 00:28:52 You throw two sticker than the phone Even sadder about this guy. He actually wrote the Miami Dolphins fight song. Oh Hated me. Oh, really? He really hated Really Steeped in the fritzel story for weeks That's personal sadness for a friend it's different it's because you were trying to fuck his daughter. Yeah, I didn't even know what fucking was back then I bet he did see you walking around like fucking asshole Speaking of the biggest boy in school Yeah, I mean when Fritzl called up with doing this falsetto voice this high-pitched voice Rosemarie bought it and I think maybe it's cause she didn't, at this point, she didn't have any other choice
Starting point is 00:29:47 but to keep lying to herself about the extreme weirdness of this situation. I got an email, which I do tend to agree with what there's almost no way that she didn't know something that a lot of these people don't like do know something. I think Rosemary has also just has the same effect of being so abused and so afraid of Yosef for so long that she Legitimately just doesn't it's almost like you could have just brought him in the house Yeah, you know I mean like you could have just brought the kid into the house And I wouldn't have even said anything, but you're going through this whole thing which in a way. She must be like He also finished games
Starting point is 00:30:24 Almost charmed by the length he went. We are married for as long as we've been married. You've got to mix it up. You just know your piccadillo's of your man. But... These aren't piccadillo's. With Jeffrey Epstein Dean with shenanigans. You would have your Epstein Dean with shenanigans.
Starting point is 00:30:40 These are piccadillo's. What is a piccadillo? Oh, it's having sex with your daughter and making multiple children with it. Oh man, I wish I could go back to not knowing. No, it's just a funny little thing that you do. It's like a thing. It's like a thing about me. I think it's like a picadillo about me. It's like, you know how you eat like spoonfuls of cream cheese straight out of the bucket?
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's a picadillo. It's a funny little thing you do. Scallions cream cheese. Yeah, it's a funny little thing you do scallions cream cheese Unbelievable. Derailed. Well after the phone call, Rosemary reported it to the police and within a few weeks, Rosemary and Joseph Fritzl were legally appointed
Starting point is 00:31:32 Monica's foster parents. I mean all this stuff was on the up and up. Everybody knew about everything when these kids were brought upstairs. And it just seems to be fine because he was considered to be a successful local businessman. Now when Joseph Fritzl turned 60 years old, he bought a Mercedes Benz and drove around in his new car
Starting point is 00:31:49 wearing his customary, expensive, tailor-made Italian suits complete with shiny crocodile shoes. And as far as that famously wavy head of hair went, Fritzl got that installed at an expensive hair transplant clinic in Vienna. He was very concerned with his appearance. Very. How much did that cost, asking for Henry?
Starting point is 00:32:10 I will not do it. There is a service in Turkey that you go. Apparently you go, it's like a whole all-inclusive where you go to a place. Not a lot here, huh? No. It's because it's bad for you Yeah, and honestly didn't really work because you notice now is he's older, right? If you look at the older pictures of you as a Fritzl, this is also one of the major crimes that he did He shows how bad a hair transplant is because you could see the front line of his hair where it was installed is there
Starting point is 00:32:40 But then he's bald behind it. Just still every time I look at him. I still see the Carlo to farts guy I mean look eerily similar Well, I hope wherever he's buried someone paid for the plot The thing is about Joseph Ritzel by all appearances He was a wealthy successful man who carved out a chunk of Austria for himself in the real estate and property management businesses. But even though Fritzl was good at what he did, his spending far outweighed his income.
Starting point is 00:33:16 He was deeply in debt and had leveraged many of his properties just to stay afloat, all to keep one step ahead of the banks. Oh, at the banks? I heard he had several incestments. Incestments. stay afloat, all to keep one step ahead of the banks. The expenses at home meanwhile were piling up. In April of 1996, Elizabeth gave birth for a fifth time. Technically fifth and sixth. Fifth and sixth twins named Alex and Michael. Alex did alright, but Michael developed severe respiratory problems almost immediately.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And actually she's kinda of lucky at this point that this is just the first kid to be born with extreme birth defects. It's wild actually. It's like, I can't believe, I think that's a part of what makes this story so big was the fact that in a very perverse way, it was like luck where she, because these kids
Starting point is 00:34:26 all kind of came out normal, there was no real reason for the situation to hit the stakes it would need to take for it to pop. But no one knows these kids, so we really don't know how normal they actually are. Well, they're out now, you know. We'll get into it in episode three, but they actually know a fair amount about what they were like, how they acted when they first got out, but we'll talk about that more in the third episode. Okay, cool. Well, Elizabeth begged Fritzl to take the newborn to the hospital, but Fritzl refused, saying,
Starting point is 00:34:58 what will be, will be. And so, after several days in which Elizabeth, Kirsten, and Stefan had to watch an infant slowly die, Fritzl took the corpse and tossed it in the same incinerator he used to burn garbage down in the cellar. But perhaps because the infant's death was emotionally devastating, Fritzl finally put a TV and VCR in the cellar in 1999, 12 years after Elizabeth had been kidnapped, halfway into her time underground. I think that it's important for us, now that we've all been through so much, and this has been such a trying time for us
Starting point is 00:35:34 with the health of the baby, I think it's time for all of us to sit down and watch scary movie. Scary movie? I'll explain to you a lot of the references obviously a lot of these you have seen but this is absolutely hilarious. The Wayans brothers are unstoppable right now. And I think that you will just, it's time for a laugh. Well not surprisingly the TV was left on day and night although the kids had a hard time
Starting point is 00:36:04 understanding just what it was they were watching. As author John Glatt put it, it was as if the TV programs were being broadcast from another planet. Likewise, the kids learned history and geography from textbooks Fretzel provided, but since the kids had only ever known the dungeon. I really can't stress that enough. Concepts like Kilometers, or World War two or Napoleon these could only be cross-referenced with what the kids saw on TV that's only
Starting point is 00:36:29 what you researched when you were a child know anything about the Nazi death camps. These kids didn't know anything about the horrors and atrocities. Nothing about Kristallnacht. Don't even get me started on what they didn't know about Ernst Rommel. No, when Fritzl came down to the cellar, which was not as often as you'd think, he treated his visits like family get togethers. He'd bring small presents for the children and sexy lingerie for Elizabeth Which was all bought on a credit card open in Elizabeth's name So it looked like she was out in the world still buying shit
Starting point is 00:37:13 See and it's kind of fucked up too because he missed all the daddy stuff in the sexual world Mm-hmm. What I mean what missed all the daddy stuff in the sexual world now It's everybody people cook and they say daddy and they say call me daddy and then the other show has got the daddy in It and then you know like it's all about being daddy and that's the fucked up thing, huh? Yeah Well, I think he got plenty of it probably I'm just saying he got more than most there be more official Merch more official merch that he would enjoy that he would buy for her and bring it like bring her like buyer or call me Daddy like tank top. Yeah, take it down. That's what I'm saying. Yeah Mm-hmm except he we I guess he would be wearing the tank top wouldn't he?
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, it's really fucked up that he missed all that yeah, it wasn't till he got to a vacation till he was called poppy I just I just just missed so much. But when Fritzl forced Elizabeth to wear the lingerie, the children knew that it was time to run to another room because Fritzl was about to rape their mother. Usually he'd have porn playing on the VCR he provided, and sometimes he'd force Elizabeth to reenact his favorite scenes in a special rubber padded room that he had built specifically for rape. Speaking of construction, Fritzl hadn't thought too much about height when he'd built
Starting point is 00:38:35 the cellar. Even though Fritzl was six foot tall, each room topped out at five feet, six inches. Stefan Fritzl, however, the second born, he would eventually grow to be five foot nine. As a result, Stefan could never stand up straight after he passed five foot six, while some of the other kids walked around stooped over like monkeys even after they were freed. I mean, think about that, your entire existence, five foot six ceiling. Jesus Christ. And it's never, and you know nothing else
Starting point is 00:39:06 Henry be fine five seven and honestly I like sunshine but when the underground family walked around they weren't really walking around even though Fritzel had expanded the dungeon by three rooms There were two bedrooms and the padded room It was still tiny and each room was connected by passages no more than two feet wide I mean the the pictures are Highly disturbing yeah of like what life was like down there. There aren't very many. There were only two released I believe but they are
Starting point is 00:39:45 extraordinarily oh no those are pictures Rob just pulled up of his prison cell which is almost twice the size of where he kept her but now they built his own bathroom like you did get a Yeah, no, it's a absolutely fucking god fucking awful his prison cell look nice. It is And god fucking awful. His prison cell looked nice. It is. It's like log cabin. No, it is nice. It's a good vibe.
Starting point is 00:40:07 It looks like an Airbnb. No, and the Austrian prison is nice. It's better than like any hotel in Midtown. In addition, the walls were always damp and covered in mildew, and everyone had constant fungal infections as a result. Again, the only treatment they ever got, despite Fritzl's wealth, was aspirin. The issue of space could be why Joseph Fritzl, in August of 1997, took the surviving twin infant Alex upstairs, the third such child to be taken away from Elizabeth.
Starting point is 00:40:38 By this point, though, Fritzl barely needed the customary note from Elizabeth saying she wanted her parents to raise another child. This is like oops. Yes another Yeah, they just say she just didn't care and she just assumed I believe that Rosemary also Maybe put it up to he's having sex with many many sex workers bringing home the children She knows I think that he goes on sex tourism And that he would go and come back and I think that's a lot of what she just assumed this is some affair partner and She just didn't want to do you think Elizabeth felt relief whenever he moved a child upstairs?
Starting point is 00:41:12 No, I think she felt an intense grief. Yeah, well intense grief, but also, you know the knowledge that the child would have a better life Yeah upstairs, but you also have no idea things even a lot You know, he's also telling her that one day we're all gonna be upstairs like he's starting to say stuff like that Well, I mean concerning the authorities though instead of thinking that maybe it was weird that so many kids were ostensibly being dumped on The Fretzel steps authorities accepted it. It was just one of those things, you know, it's one of those crazy things They probably also thought he was to the ill and quote-unquote illegitimate children of customers But yeah every few years the crazy Fretl girl who ran off to join the cult, she gets pregnant, she drops off a baby, we got to do a bunch of paperwork and then just
Starting point is 00:41:52 one more guy and I'm Stetten. Yeah, I'm sure like the cops even looked at Fritzl as a good guy. So we were like, take in kids who need help and stuff. Oh yeah. Yeah. And the children who went upstairs, they were far better off than the ones left downstairs, because Elizabeth's other children were largely raised by Rosemary. These kids went to school, they ate, they had sunlight, they lived as good of a life
Starting point is 00:42:14 as was possible with Joseph Fritzl in their home. But lest ye think he began to mellow with age, Fritzl was introduced to Viagra when he was in his 60s, which made his frighteningly strong libido even more violent and long lasting. Let's just say I'm a people pleaser. I just want them to know Yosef is coming, he's bringing that pipe. No matter what's going on, I'm super stressed at home. My basement wife is gone my ass about sunlight
Starting point is 00:42:46 My upstairs wife is just I hate the way she's sitting stairs and says nothing It just drives me nuts even now. It's annoying to me those your breathe's annoying me, so just nice to let off some steam in here And how did you get the Viagra? What'd you say to the doctor? Oh, I told him, you know me, my noodle isn't as noodle as I want it to be. And he was saying, give me a wink. And he told me, tell me what I need to do. Fly from your grave. Well as if what Fritzl was doing at home wasn't enough, he was also visiting brothels well into his senior years, and his tastes were getting stranger as he got older
Starting point is 00:43:26 One sex worker called him sick beyond imagination, but she also didn't elaborate It's like she couldn't even talk about what he made her do While another said that he forced her to call him teacher for some reason Yeah Now in 1998 Fritzl went on another month-long trip to Thailand followed by two weeks in Italy But just before he left he stockpiled massive amounts of food in the dungeon so his underground family wouldn't starve to death. But while Joseph was on his six-week European-style vacation, another Austrian was making his own
Starting point is 00:43:58 incursion into the world of dungeon kidnapping. His name was Wolfgang Pricklipien, in March of 1998 he kidnapped a 10 year old stranger, a 10 year old little girl named Natasha Kampusch and locked her in his basement for eight years. Now Wolfgang Priclopil, he is not quite the charmer that Joseph Ritzel is. No, he's a he is a communications technician. What is gang prequel peel is a fascinating Fucking weirdo. Yeah, who is Fuck this guy's fucker weird. I know nothing about it. Oh, well, you'll learn some. Mm-hmm See click prick Lepeel had also constructed a sex slave dungeon in his cellar in the southern Austrian town of Strasov under Nordbahn
Starting point is 00:44:45 Which was about an hour from Vienna this one However, this cellar was far smaller at approximately five feet by ten feet Just room enough for a bed and a ladder I was watching a very interesting documentary on him and you could see his his buddy The only way to really describe him is that he does look like somebody Indiana Jones punches at the beginning of a Nazi sequence He looks like the first attack and he was quote-unquote like wolf gangs like co-worker and he says in this whole thing He's like, you know wolf gang came up to me
Starting point is 00:45:18 This is this concept of making a soundproof room and he showed me the materials that he was working on and I looked at them And I said Oh Wolfgang this will not absorb enough sound you need to make this more and I gave him all the instructions And I guess he followed them to the letter Well Natasha spent 3096 days in prickle pills thrall having been abducted in the most stereotypical way possible. He just dragged her into his white van off the street.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's very long legs. Yes. But to that point, police did question Pricklepill during the initial investigation, much like British police questioned Peter Sutcliffe during the Yorkshire Ripper mass canvas. Also like the Brits, Austrian authorities were satisfied by Pricklepill's explanation that he was alone on the morning of the kidnapping and they therefore left him to his devices. I'm always alone! I don't know why you would think I would be anything but entirely alone!
Starting point is 00:46:20 Now Natasha was not allowed to leave the chamber at any time during her first six months of captivity. But unlike Joseph Fritzl, Pricklepill did eventually let her out. For many years, Natasha was allowed to leave during the day just as long as she stayed under Pricklepill's close watch. Once Natasha turned 18, eight years after she was kidnapped, Pricklepill actually started taking her outside of the house. Cause you know,, at this point no one's going to recognize her. Oh, so at first it was just like the backyard. Yeah. Yeah. At first it's just the backyard
Starting point is 00:46:52 upstairs. But then eventually, yeah, he's going to, he took her outside of the house, but he threatened to kill her if she made any noise. And she thought that he always had a gun on him at all times. So she took him at his word. In fact, he once took her skiing for a few hours near Vienna, although Natasha maintained she had no real chance of escape. Mostly though, Natasha spent her time upstairs doing housework or cooking for pricklepill when she wasn't locked in the cellar. He would beat her so hard she could hardly walk he'd starve her to make her physically weak and would, of course, rape her repeatedly.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Like Joseph Fritzl, Pricklepill also lied to Natasha by saying that booby traps were in place to prevent her escape. But instead of just the cellar being booby-trapped, Pricklepill told her that all the doors and windows on the house were rigged with high explosives set to go off should she ever try to leave. It's so crazy because like if that's what you thought, like it's interesting that they still had the will to live. Cause it's like eight years you told me there was explosives in the house that's gonna blow
Starting point is 00:47:56 up. It's like, fuck it. Let's rock bro. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. Let's do it. That's different. You're a big, you're a big macho man.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And she was a little girl. But Natasha Campos, she kind of talks about it very interestingly because she said she viewed herself, she did have a very strong will to live and she viewed herself as living in defiance of him and that she was going to live no matter what. And according to her, she was looking for as many outs as she could, but it was the way he did it. Like, there was a couple of things that he said to her that was also part of the thing. So the first thing she, he would come in and he would bring her presents. Like he'd bring her fancy croissants. It started with the expensive toys. Then you'd bring stuff like piles of mouthwash and scotch
Starting point is 00:48:41 tape to her and say, like, you can play play with this and then eventually he started telling her that he was a reincarnated Egyptian god and that that she just had to go with it she literally had to sit and be like yep you're Cyrus and he's like and then you have to call him maestro over and over again. But then largely, eventually even the sexual nature of the relationship change, the relationship, the rape change to him coming in, crying in her arms like a toddler, like crying.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So he would like flip it on her where she would sort of be the adult comforting him in these very, I'm go honestly odd circumstances. Yeah real strange. It's like if someone with dementia was totally in charge. Yeah. Wow. What's that like? But finally on August 23rd 2006 Natasha had a chance to make a run for it. Sometime that afternoon, she was vacuuming Pricklepill's white van in the garden when Pricklepill got a call on his cell phone. In order to hear the call, he walked away from the vacuum noise. Once he was out of sight, Natasha ran through the neighborhood, jumping fences, and pleading with any person she saw to call the police.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Strangely though, no one reacted to Natasha's pleas, and pretty much everyone just kind of went about her day, just sort of brushed her off. It was only when Natasha knocked on the window five minutes into her escape that a 71 year old man named Inga finally responded. I mean, imagine five minutes of running and screaming and trying to get help. And thinking at any moment, like he's going to come around the corner and he's going to catch you. Five minutes. It's the end sequence of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And no one helped. Even this is also post Fritzl's capture, right? No, it's not. Oh, okay. This is what's fucked is that this is also post Fritzl's capture. No, it's not. No. Oh, okay This is all this is what's fucked is that this is all during. Oh She loudly said to the old man I am Natasha come push which rung bells immediately and Inga called the police who quickly took Natasha into custody This is before Fritzl. This is in 2006 Fritzl's 2008 Oh, man, and I'm gonna talk more next episode on Yosef's point of view, but he talks about
Starting point is 00:51:09 this case Being like one of the first pop up and it like when he saw this this thing hit the news Then Tasha compost hit the news the story hit the news He kind of like it was the first beginnings of the unraveling of his like super long-term plan in his own mind Like he started like apparently for him. That's when the interior pressure started to build because it really was very difficult on him He finally really that what he was doing was wrong No, no that he but he finally realized that what he was doing people would not look kindly upon
Starting point is 00:51:41 Well, he always knew that they would that's why she was underground but he because he knew that they would never understand. And so, but this was just way more like, oh, they're going to start looking for hidden girls more. Yeah. Yeah. Joseph Fritzle, he's kind of like a Nazi at Nuremberg who will never admit that anything he did was wrong. He's an utter, he's a full Nazi.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I'm going to talk next episode. I have some more talking about more of his Nazi thoughts cool Now Wolfgang Pricklepill knew that the game was over the second he saw that Natasha had escaped So the 44 year old communications technician hopped in his red BMW and drove to the vine Nord station in Vienna There he jumped in front of an oncoming train and ended his own life. Yep, incredibly Natasha Exploded like that. I'll be the nicest thing he's ever done. Yes, honestly I think it means he's a fucking pussy and he couldn't handle the punishment. Of course Incredibly Natasha compouche ended up owning the house where she'd been imprisoned for so many years. Since Pricklepill had no family, she claimed it from his estate after his death and became a regular visitor in
Starting point is 00:52:49 the years after her escape. As of 2017, she still owned the house, although she said she'd fill in the cellar if she ever sold it. She is truly an inspirational person. Same thing as Elizabeth Fritzel, but she is a can extremely her interviews are powerful Yeah, and she wrote a book about the whole thing too like Elizabeth Fritzel like you know as we'll talk about she Faded it like she was like I'm sure I don't I'm done don't talk to me I'm like this is over, but Natasha is like become like a person who really speaks out about this stuff Does she live in the house or she just own it she's her vacation home. She spends a fair amount of time there, but it's crazy Yeah, I don't know why I don't know if I could do that. I would burn it down
Starting point is 00:53:32 No, it's I guess it's worth money But I don't know they said that they know there were you know reports that she you know would go in like kind of was cleaning the place out And just yes, you would spend extended amounts of time there. Wow. Just, I don't know, maybe it was familiar, who knows. Maybe she was trying to face something, you never know why people do the things they do. Natasha didn't escape until 2006. Back in 1999 though, she was just one year into her captivity, while Elizabeth had been
Starting point is 00:54:00 underground for a full 15 years. When Elizabeth's time reached 18 years, the age she was when she'd last seen sunlight, she gave birth to her seventh child, Felix. Fritzl did entertain the idea of taking Felix upstairs as well, but he decided that Rosemarie couldn't handle a fourth child. So Felix was sentenced to stay in the dungeon with Elizabeth Kirsten and Stefan There's also a little bit of talk of the way he chose what kids would go up Because let's just say he has a type and so there was a little bit of Maybe and make my second wife one of these ones third wife. Oh, yeah. Thank you
Starting point is 00:54:43 Thank you for reminding me they go by so fast crazy now the kids he moved upstairs were they the ones that he would want to sleep with or would he keep those downstairs gotta hate that question I believe that they were the ones he was acclimating to real life that he would maybe peruse in a tinder like fashion, okay, I Believe that the ones that he had an eye on he kept downstairs Do you like fucking the hydro shit I actually prefergrown. I think he appreciates the hydro. Nah. Wow. Weird.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Now besides the stress of raising three children solely in a place that's smaller than a railroad apartment, Elizabeth's body was breaking down due to a lack of the most basic human necessities. She was only in her mid-30s, but her teeth were falling out due to rotten disease and her formerly red hair was now gray. As such, Fritzl announced that he was no longer attracted to his daughter and stopped raping her as a result. He now, however, was turning his gaze towards his daughter, granddaughter Kirsten.
Starting point is 00:56:00 She was now 13 years old, but was just as frail and sickly as her mother's sister Every time like I'm kind of smiling from something we said it just gets sucked right off my face The sweet and sour the better, you know But perhaps to ease the burden Fritzel brought a washing machine into the dungeon that same year That's a quick Natalie loved it for our anniversary our fifth anniversary I bought one of those washboards so she could take it down to the LA River and wash my underwear in the in the swamp Happy really
Starting point is 00:56:42 Cotip fellas., ladies love a washing machine. She was so happy about it. She called Julie. She told her about that I had to buy fucking Julie a washing board. Damn it, I'm sorry. At least they get to go down by the river and sing their folk songs and stuff and then we could tell them how many kids were having. But the thing is, I would imagine it would just make the dungeon more miserable Yeah, because of the space it took up and you know, it's not like she needed to save time Like she had plenty of time to do laundry. Yeah, she's not she's unfortunately She's the exact opposite of a wife on the go. Yeah Joseph Fritzl turned 70 years old in April of 2005 and still showed no signs of letting Elizabeth or her children go
Starting point is 00:57:26 He could have died at any time and Elizabeth and the underground children would have starved to death down there without anyone even Knowing that the kids had existed at all and he's fucking Kirsten at this point Beginning to groom Kirsten. I don't know they never talk about that Okay, like they they hint at it It's it's hinted at but it's never really talked about Yes, you know, it's also interesting is that Natasha Campuche also talked about the fact that her wolf gang was very Sickly and what he would do was he installed an intercom and so he would talk at her all night And largely was insulting her slash sobbing slash, you know, he's you know
Starting point is 00:58:06 It's not well and he called her and one of the he would call when he was sick and he'd go there He's like, I don't know if I'm long Like all night long and eventually she's like if he dies up there I'm gonna die down here. Yeah, so she'd have to be like no wolf gang You're gonna make it like I feel like kind of like and help him and go She'd he'd let her upstairs to like help him feel better and like take care of him when he was sick fuck me That's so horrible and she had to yeah, because if I don't keep him alive, I die down there in a much worse way Yeah, and and Elizabeth knew that as well. Yeah, you know that if he dies up there
Starting point is 00:58:49 I'm well she told that he had told her that there was like a special mechanism that was in place So it would release them if you know, they it reached a certain amount of time. That was not true at all Of course it wasn't true. It was eight doors. It would probably well, I mean I would imagine That was not true at all. Of course it wasn't true. It was eight doors. It would probably well, I mean I would imagine That's the thing is that you really do wonder through those eight doors if anyone would have smelled the bodies If they would have died down there They were in a concrete prison with ventilation if you look there was a tiny door That he would use to get through the cell like it wasn't like there was a massive door in the cellar that it was like, oh no, don't go down there. Like he had it, it was a little door
Starting point is 00:59:28 about two to three feet tall that he would open up and crawl into and then stand up and then would go through the rest of the doors to get back there. So- It's like Willy Wonka. So I mean, the four dead bodies, that is gonna be a lot of,
Starting point is 00:59:41 that's gonna be a lot of stink. But it could also be possible that they were in there deep enough that people might be like where the fuck is that smell is coming from for about a week? Like you do with the dead rat in New York City in the walls. You wait for the maggots to start crawling out your light bulb. Yep, exactly. And that would be that would probably would have been the case there. And you know, and who knows after someone bought the house in 20 years, 30 years.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, if they'd uncover the basement. If they would uncover the basement or you know, if you find weird shit. Inspections, house inspections, that's just what they're supposed to find. Or you find weird shit in the house, sometimes you're like, I don't know what's behind that door. And I don't really have the effort to, I don't really want to check out what's behind that door That's my line in the sand you do if I'm buying a house and the realtors or something says don't open that door Yeah, don't say I don't know if you ask if you say like hey what's behind that door and someone says another door Yeah, I'm not fucking going anywhere near it behind that door and someone says another door. Run away. Just run away. Do it by the house.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah, I'm not fucking going anywhere near it. Well, to most people upstairs, Fritzl seemed to have the appearance of a good family man. He and his wife were raising their wayward daughters three children, which everyone thought was a noble cause, and in 2006, the same year Natasha Kompush escaped, Fritzl and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Oh, and what a romantic night it was. When the kompoosh escaped, Fritzl and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The next year, it seemed like Fritzl already had an inkling that the truth was going to come out one way or another. He was chatting with one of his tenants, coincidentally a former classmate of Elizabeth's, and told
Starting point is 01:01:37 him that quote, One day, this house is going to make history. How? You wait. Just wait. I don't want to spoil it. And indeed Fritzl was correct. But once Fritzl hit his 70s he very plainly got tired of the whole rigamarole that came with having a second underground family. Now at first he considered just killing them all to hide what he'd done, but since he was an old man, getting rid of four bodies, small and malnourished as they were, that was going to be a challenge. And if there was a smell that was going on while he was still alive, it would come out
Starting point is 01:02:19 while he was transferring the bodies. Well if there was a smell, he'd have to deal with it. If he just kind of let them starve down there, he'd have to deal with the smell because he's the fucking landlord landlords got to deal with smells. He's got an incinerator Mm-hmm. He's already put one maybe two if you count the miscarried child in there I will say guys just know that if you are Mad about a man or lady ghosting you it can be much worse because this is the worst ghosting possible because at the end of this ghosting you become a ghost. Yeah, you die well
Starting point is 01:02:48 Fritzl he actually began to lay the groundwork for Elizabeth and the kids to leave the dungeon by continuing the cult narrative He thought this actually might work in 2008 Fritzl made Elizabeth write another letter which said that she was tired of the cult and she wanted to come home. Apparently Fritzl was going to slow roll the entire process to make it seem natural. But in April of that year, Fritzl's slow roll plan fell apart when Kirsten, Elizabeth's firstborn, she got dangerously sick and started having seizures. This came amidst a mental breakdown where Kirsten tore her hair out in clumps and ripped off her clothes so she could stuff them in the toilet to clog it up.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And so on April 16th, 2008, on Elizabeth's 42nd birthday, she begged her father to take the 19-year-old Kirsten to the hospital. And that's where we'll pick back up for Joseph Fritzl Part 3, the conclusion to the hospital. And that's where we'll pick back up for Joseph Fritzl part three, the conclusion to the saga. You thought we'd end it in two, but guess what? No, we're still in the basement and we're going to continue. But it does get interesting because there was a lot of new information. That's a part of why I got to three parts is that a lot of new information has dropped in the last year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Like that is really kind of, well now it's this whole, we'll talk about it, but it's very, it is interesting. There's a third chapter here and it's a, it's a little uplifting. Right? Yeah, in a way. No. Like out of the basement uplifting. No, I just think in a way it just shows,
Starting point is 01:04:29 Joseph is still able to forgive himself. And I really think that that's the hardest thing for anybody to do. Powerful. It's so hard to get, to have to absolve yourself of things that you've done. And for that, I'm really proud of him. Good for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Good for him. You know, that's the thing with being Catholic. You know, you can just go to confession and everything's fine. Yeah, that's so great. Jeffrey Dahmer's up there right now, love in heaven. Him and Michael Jackson, love and life. slash last podcast on the left is where you can go to watch video episodes of every show we do, as well as many other cool things.
Starting point is 01:05:04 You can check out the stream, last stream on the left every Tuesday fucking better I say live on patreon on Tuesdays, then it goes up on YouTube for free We take out the juicy parts that YouTube won't let us show but that's why you had to sign up for live And you can yell at us as well And you can follow us on socials at LP on the left on tik-tok and Instagram check out all of our streams socials at LP on the left on tik-tok and Instagram check out all of our streams at LPN TV LPN TV is at slash LPN TV for the live shows And they're on YouTube for everything afterwards You can also come see us on tour check out last podcast on the left comm click on shows click the date buy the tickets
Starting point is 01:05:39 Boston LA Brooklyn London Iceland we're coming to you this year. And we don't know when the fuck we're going to be back. So make sure to grab your tickets as soon as you can see us. We'll come on out. Nice. I got standup on Monday. Come and check me out in Burbank. If you're in Burbank, I'm going to be at the good night at 8 p.m. or come at 7 p.m. I think it's a 7 p.m. at the good night. It's like light comedy or whatever. It's gonna be a lot of fun. There's karaoke afterwards. We'll have some fun. I got a nice set and let's just, you know, let's party, bro. Hell yeah. Yeah, fuck that, Ed!
Starting point is 01:06:11 And that's on October 7th. October 7th, this Monday. Hell yeah. Alright. Sounds good to me. Hail, sweet Satan. Oh, and hail, gain. Eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, e Who did you let to help? It's telecom! No! Telecom! No!

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