Leah on the Line - 11: Asking my boyfriend your juicy questions...

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another episode. Today I have my boyfriend Jake on the podcast and let's just say we learned a lot! This week's debate was "could you date someone if you weren't initiall...y attracted to them?" and I absolutely loved your thoughts on this one. Thank you so so much for all the love and support you have shown me throughout this journey, I cannot even begin to explain how much it means. You really are the best friends ever! Enjoy the episode! As always send in your dilemmas/thoughts to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hey everyone welcome back to another episode of leo on the line i have a guest who's excited me i'm buzzing i can't believe i'm here can you guess who it is can you guess it's my boyfriend yeah that's me his name's jake that's me oh wait i was gonna say tell us about yourself but you've been on before yeah thank you so much having me on again i'm the only reoccurring guest so far it's good to know i hope they like me although i've learned that not everyone's listened to that episode because I asked for some questions for you and some of them were the same. So we've caught people right out, have we?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah. Snakes. So if you haven't listened, go and listen now because I'm not repeating the questions essentially. That's a really good episode anyway because it's with me and with Fab. So you get two boys opinions. With Jake and our flatmate who's Jake's best friend who has a very different outlook on dating maybe because he's single yeah so that's what made an interesting episode but anyway we've got a taken man on the episode to give his perspective today
Starting point is 00:01:18 yeah i'm taken taken so don't even try it. I'm taken and I'm not interested in talking to any other girls for the rest of my... What's the next line? He's made this joke about 500 times. Anytime Jake says anything nice about me in front of any other person in public, he goes, what's the next line? It's such a boring joke. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm going to kick... It's a dad joke. It is a dad joke. I'm going to kick straight off with the weekly debate. Have you seen the weekly debate this week? Uh-uh, sister. No, no, girl. I haven't seen it, girl.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Okay, so I'm going to get your answer before the others for once because last time I got all the girls to respond before I asked you, but you're going to go first. So you've got no leadership into what you think is going to be correct. I have no idea what you're going go first so you've got no leadership into what you think is going to be correct i have no idea what you're gonna ask me okay weekly debate is could you date someone if you weren't initially attracted to them take it away um be careful i think obviously we do have to take into consideration that jake has never dated anybody else apart from me yeah obviously so my story so i'm making them up it's like fairy tale land everything i say i've never even looked at another female in my life no so i don't even know and do girls listen to this i've
Starting point is 00:02:35 never seen another girl in my life so no yeah they they are they do exist wow it's crazy yeah no yeah um my take on that is from the very beginning, if you're not initially attracted to someone, it can be hard to have the reason to like give them as much time. And I think because a lot of dating these days starts online. Yeah. If you're not initially attracted to someone and people send so many messages,
Starting point is 00:03:00 guys can message those you girls, girls can message those you guys, happens like that. Yeah. If the attraction isn't there, you're probably just not going to give them as much time but i feel like it's very different if you meet someone in person yeah so let's let's go with that scenario you met someone in person do you think there's potential that you've not initially looked at them and gone wow definitely because you could build a really amazing friendship and you could love each other's personalities and just think you're friends but then out of nowhere you could be like oh so okay let's say she's so funny like there's a spark you just
Starting point is 00:03:29 connect but you still don't look at her and think yeah it's difficult but maybe that's when you just have to be able to say to yourself like this is a friend i'm not attracted to them i don't do you think it can work or not what if you're not initially attracted yeah do you think it can like an attraction can be built in my personal opinion i can't imagine that happening no because i just feel like it's all about how you treat people and how you maintain a friendship from the beginning and if if you're i don't know it's difficult i feel like if you met someone you weren't initially attracted to them and and if you were single and you were like dating and you knew they were single as well and you met someone and you weren't initially attracted to them and and if you were single and you were like dating and you knew they were single as well and you met someone and you weren't initially attracted to
Starting point is 00:04:07 them you would just be friendly with them and you wouldn't really probably be thinking about anything else yeah for me i think i think say for some reason the intentions change and you're like actually like we're really flirting with each other but i don't really fancy him i think you can pursue it and date for a bit but eventually you'll be like i just don't fancy maybe the situation would change if you went on one-on-one dates with them as well because if you did everything in like a work environment around everyone else you wouldn't let yourself feel them feelings but if you thought there could be something there then going on a date with them or doing something one-on-one would be a good idea
Starting point is 00:04:41 yeah but i my personal opinion is i i just don't think it could last because i suppose it depends on what's important to you in a partner because for me i want to really fancy oh i have to be sexually attracted to my partner yeah whereas some people might just be like i you know as long as you treat me well i'm happy yeah no i have to be sexually attracted to my partner for me there would be no intention there from the beginning if i wasn't attracted to someone, to be honest. Yeah, because how would you ever see them as any different to a friend? Well, that's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Right, let's read some of your responses. I think I did expect you to say, yeah. I thought a lot of the girls would be like, yeah, looks don't matter. But let's have a look. So someone says, yeah, they almost always grow on me. Now, I do get that. I do think a personality can make someone more attractive. Oh, without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Once you know what someone's like and if they make you laugh and if they're great in conversation and they're kind and caring. Or they just have like an attractive energy. Definitely. You can find someone more attractive over time. A hundred and fifty percent that that can happen. You sound very sure about this. I'm telling you now it works what did you not find me attractive at first no darling i found you really really attractive i
Starting point is 00:05:52 thought you were stunning but it was your personality that made me want to be like right in the last episode there was no like not initial attraction but you were attractive but you became way more attractive yeah so like if you were ugly you would have still been not ugly that ugly once i got to know per se is what i'm saying you would have been less ugly darling but in the last episode with jake he said to me he used to prioritize looks on a partner and now he prioritizes personality so that's nice and now you're saying that yeah but darling i've never ever looked at another female no i know i know obviously don't worry we're gonna ask jake some questions that they're the kind of questions that you've
Starting point is 00:06:39 always wanted to ask boys or we don't really understand about boys because we did do it a bit with fab but we went a bit off track went more into just like personal conversations but i'm gonna really pick the male brain with jane today okay nothing too brutal though but just some something that i like the questions that came in that i picked out i was like i genuinely don't know that you're picking the worst brain my input's gonna be shit on everything no we'll see you're fine darling anyway back to your responses um no if i didn't want to kiss them then i couldn't date them no why waste their time i think it would depend on how attracted i attracted i was to their personality like we were saying smart girl yeah um I would say you have to have it.
Starting point is 00:07:25 What? Oh, I would say you have to at least got to be attracted to someone a bit for it to work. Wow. That was really hard to read. Can you not read or can they not write? I'm going to blame them. Somebody says I've done it and it's great for six months. Then reality slowly hits.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah, that's what I think would happen. I think they'd become unattractive to you really quickly once the period of oh my god they're amazing yeah you'd probably be like i'm not even attracted i've dated someone not like in a relationship no like i dated somebody that was like i was like he's okay like yeah he's all right and then after a while i was like do i want just all right though and then i just sat down then you just settled with me ugly and then i ended up in a relationship with him for two years and here we are all right all right next one can't believe mom and le leah on the line by the way are you excited
Starting point is 00:08:25 i'm gonna tell everyone i've got another exciting guest coming up i did mention this on tiktok oh yeah big exciting guest coming up people did guess i said she's a singer and then they said does she have blonde or brunette hair and i said it could be any color by the time it comes around and everybody knew straight away so anyone uh any guesses on that one okay back to your responses if i knew the person for a while i think attraction can grow without knowing them oh with knowing them yeah definitely maybe okay so a lot of people think it can grow i don't know if it can grow it can grow to an extent but i don't know if it can grow enough i think you gotta be very careful around that scenario definitely because you might like that might happen where you you think you like someone because their
Starting point is 00:09:12 personality you got a balanced personality and looks yeah and the thing is like i can be friends of someone for their personality and i can be with someone for their personality but without the basically you can't suck dick for someone's personality yeah like really yeah i'm not trying to suck my friends like yeah you made a fucking funny joke about something do i want to suck your dick because probably not and i don't suck many dicks anyway right there's an ongoing joke in this flat that jake loves penis more than any of us more than any of us i don't fucking know why i have no idea we made our sims we made our our flat on sims and you know the sims walks that any of my girls that play sims you know the sims walks and there's the snotty walk which is like super girly and camp we made jake like walk
Starting point is 00:09:57 around the flat like that and jake was like i don't walk like that. I walk like a dinosaur. I walk like a dinosaur. There isn't a dinosaur one. He creepy is called. Yeah, you know you don't. But then Fav made his... From a macho. Really attractive. Fucking joker. And really like hunky and sexy.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Mr. Face Shun. I was like, yeah, all right. That's how he sees himself. Yeah, isn't it? Love it. Anyway, back to you. Oh, look who it is. I'm not going to announce who it is,
Starting point is 00:10:24 but this is from somebody that we know oh yeah that's when you know you really love them for them oh that's actually really nice to see it that's really sweet it's true it is true just cannot relate it's different for every scenario it'll work for some people it won't work for others yeah that is that is spot on i think because i don't think i could maybe i'm shallow and you know if i am i am but i don't think i could fall in love with someone that i don't look at and think god i love you you are so sexy where it might happen what do you mean we might fall in love with me i'm already in love with you oh darling that's such a lovely thing to
Starting point is 00:11:03 say on leo on the line what are you talking about me and jake could break up in this episode yeah by the way we get into arguments every time we do like this kind of shit together yeah when we used to film youtube videos about this stuff we'd always argue with camera if i say something wrong i'm i'll be on eggshell she won't talk to me no you always say something wrong because we'll be doing our stories about dating and stuff then jake would just be like yeah i had sex with all these girls and i'll just get so angry because i get really into the podcast yeah i know and he forgets that i'm his girlfriend because i'm being interviewed i'm almost like a guest and then i'm like no but when we did
Starting point is 00:11:39 youtube you'd do it and we'd always argue off camera and we'd make up again and be like right no more talking about other girls yeah so I gotta be really careful guys I'm under a filter no no be yourself but be sensitive towards me okay I'm sensitive towards you I'll be so sensitive towards you okay right back to you girls um no I tried it because we get on well but I wasn't attracted to him and never wanted to have sex yeah that'd be the issue wouldn't it yeah you gotta have sex with your partner if you weren't attracted to someone yeah you'd get the ick from everything if you weren't attracted to someone yeah oh my god i'm trying to think of a good stare him in the eyes thinking
Starting point is 00:12:20 this boy gives me the fucking ick no you've never given never given me the ever which is crazy you're the only boy even when i walk around in a dressing gown no not at all not one bit even when you like the most nothing like when you get and like change your boxers and you like bend over and your legs are straight still when he pulls them to his ankles that should give me the ache but it doesn't i don't bend over like that yeah you bend no when you take your boxes off if you're changing your boxes when he bends over his he keeps his legs straight i don't fucking put one leg down like a flamingo you don't like bend your legs you don't like bend your legs he like pulls his boxes down to his ankles and was like bum in the air and his legs are straight
Starting point is 00:13:06 bullshit i do not do that i'm not like a fucking sick man animated character no that nothing you do gives me the ick do i give you the ick in any way well no darling you would never give me the icky okay icky okay um personally no for me initial attraction looks and personality means everything so it's like the way i see you when i first see you is really important to me definitely helps what was your first impression of me when you first set eyes on me because i really pretty because jake met me at a bar and i was with my friend at the time she was about to leave and go watch a show on the west end well that's the thing i didn't know who this is what i'm just about to say and i'm sat with my friend who we look quite similar and he walked over and he said
Starting point is 00:13:55 that he didn't actually know who i didn't know who i was dating at that point i knew it was one of you well apparently you matched on tinder back in the day i would darling that is like there was so many fake profiles i barely used me attractive you probably did find her attractive no but darling we didn't meet on tinder no no but i didn't i probably didn't have it there was so many fake accounts yeah all right when i was a youtuber there was anyway people every every person in the social media world knows what it's like. I have an account on Tinder, apparently.
Starting point is 00:14:28 That's what I mean, yeah. But yeah, I probably did match with Zoe. Yeah. On my account. On your real one? Yeah, probably. I used to just swipe everyone. Do you fancy Zoe?
Starting point is 00:14:39 No, darling. So you're saying Zoe's ugly? No. I'm not. I think Zoe's a beautiful girl and she's got a lovely personality whoa what do you think i'm joking would you want me to go your friend's ugly no that's what i'm joking good i'd never do that to you zoe no we've never um somebody said yes 100 100 what's the question what's that thing 100 oh shenny self-love violence
Starting point is 00:15:08 oh yeah do it a 100 oh i'm sorry um apparently people can say people say that they can hear my accent on this they always say am i from bristol yeah you've got an accent you sound like you're from sound like you're from somers sat your tongue did the weirdest thing then you're from summer of sat it like does a little knot on the end it's because i've got a lisp yeah it's not a lisp though is it no it's just i've got a massive tongue like my tongue is massive look why did you put it up your nose to show that you could have just hung it out your mouth do something fucking impressive bad anyone could put their tongue why did you put it up your nose? To show that it's massive. You could have just hung it out your mouth. Why did it go up your nostril? If you're going to show it's massive, do something fucking impressive.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Bad anyone could put their tongue up your nose. Why did you not just hang your tongue up your mouth? You try and put your own tongue up your nose. I can't. Oh. All right. All right. You happy with yourself?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, I just wanted a fucking bit of credit there. To be allowed to do something pretty cool. Somebody said, I tried it once and he had the audacity to cheat on me. Oh, girls. They send in all their truthful thoughts, don't they? To be fair, that happened with me
Starting point is 00:16:14 with the guy that I was like, not really that attracted to. He ended it with me. I was like, hey. Probably because you just showed no interest though. Yeah. He said, I don't really think it's working.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Oh, that's helpful. No, me neither. That's helpful. Thanks for doing the fucking job no interest, though. Yeah. He said, I don't really think it's working. Oh, that's helpful. No, me neither. That's helpful. Thanks for doing the fucking job for me, pal. I was like, oh, are you sure? Oh, what a shame. I was out of credit anyway. I was out of credit.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Oh, another one of your reoccurring jokes. Oh, fuck off. Do you know what Jake does every time he goes on a night out? He says, sorry, babe, I ain't got much signal. It's 2022. There's signal on the fucking moon. Not where I go clubbing because I go to underground raves, don't I? No.
Starting point is 00:16:51 No. Every time he goes out, sorry, babe, I've not got much signal. Yeah. I never go to a fucking underground rave, by the way. No, I just don't go on my phone. So you could just say that to me. No, sometimes I haven't had signal. The last two places I went, I didn't have signal.
Starting point is 00:17:05 The place where we went the other day for that, where we went on our first day, you don't get signal there. Because I'm trying to prove my point. I was not lying. I'm really joking. All right. No, there has to be an element of attraction, whether that's looks, personality, humour.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Oh, sorry. Then she says, I read it again. Yes, I could. Because getting to know them i could develop an attraction yes 1000 attraction can grow um yes i'm almost nine years into my relationship and i found him so unattractive to begin with that's fucking worrying what a waste of time no she said to begin with so she must fancy him now oh i thought she meant she was nine years and they just broke up people can have a glow
Starting point is 00:17:45 up yeah you could grab yourself a waste of time you could grab yourself someone that you don't aren't attracted to and then 10 years later they could be unbelievable yeah has that ever happened to you nah not yet oh my god what do you mean by that? Well, the scenario I was describing was saying that you could meet someone now and in ten years then be attractive, but darling I've only been with you for two years and you've been attractive from the start. So it's not happened and it could never happen. It could never happen now, but in ten years you could be more attractive. Well hopefully, I would hate to go downhill. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:23 In ten years I'm going to be nearly 40. You're going to be nearly 40. In ten years you would hate to go downhill. Yeah, yeah. In 10 years, I'm going to be nearly 40. You're going to be nearly 40. In 10 years, you're going to be 34. Yeah, nearly 40. You're going to be 36. That's right. I don't mind it. Time doesn't go quick for me.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I'm loving every second. Time does not go quick. It must be so nice for you. Yeah, it's brilliant, babe. I get to spend all my life with you oh do you mean that yeah darling more than anything in the world oh why are you trying to let go of my hand well ask me some questions for boys then well you want to finish the weekly debate yeah i think we've got to the point now why are you taking over my podcast well i think everyone accepts that yeah you'll either be attracted to someone from the start you won't and then it might happen well actually the majority say attraction grows so you're wrong
Starting point is 00:19:13 no really yeah the majority say attraction grows i agree it grows but not enough to to be with them long term that's my that's my um final on the topic spot on sister spot on yeah ready to be with them long term that's my that's my um final on the topic spot on sister spot on yeah ready to be um interrogated interrogate me darling interrogate me one two three four five six seven eight questions all right eight questions of doom okay these are all from you girls i put up a story saying give me questions for jake whether it be like something you don't understand about boys something you've been too afraid to ask boys something you just wanted to know about jake in particular but nothing too personal to you because otherwise that wouldn't be helpful to people well be helpful to me but none of you all right jake maybe take a deep breath we should all probably take a deep
Starting point is 00:20:00 breath in case he gives us some answers that we don't like i'm gonna say skip if i don't want to answer it though. No, not an option, I'm afraid. We're tough shit. My game. How much am I being paid to be on this podcast? Blow job. So follow the rules.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Going to follow the rules? Of course, anything. Okay, first question. Can guys change their mind when they say they aren't looking for a relationship? Yeah. Yeah? Is that it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yes, next question. Yes, next question. No, why? What changes? I don't know. Well, they could be talking to someone, and then they could also be talking to someone else, and then one of them could go to shit, and they could think, oh. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Maybe that one would be better. I was expecting you better to be like because the girl is just so amazing that i couldn't possibly let her slide well i'm just thinking of like all the realistic scenarios that could could have happened of why they might have heard them words all right i mean if you tell someone you don't want a relationship with them and then suddenly tell them you do what is the reason a guy says i'm not looking for a relationship be honest probably get out of talking half the time no no no like they still want to talk they still want to sleep together they still want to go on dates and hang out but they're like i'm not i don't want a girlfriend right now yeah because there's a lot of pressure that comes with a relationship there's a lot of making sure you spend time with them if you're busy there's a lot
Starting point is 00:21:21 of a lot of things that comes with a relationship a lot of people don't have time for and some people just love dating and some people are genuinely just dating until they meet someone that they're obsessed with and that's fair enough because you should date loads of people so you meet the right person so if someone tells you don't want a relationship they might just be on that path of dating loads of people to try and find the right one that's fair enough if they are nothing wrong with serial dating nothing wrong with We love serial dating So go out there And get serial dating girls Go out there And kiss a load of frogs
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah Well Yeah I guess so Alright But Can they change their mind Yeah Yeah I'd say so
Starting point is 00:21:57 Okay Can you be in love But fancy someone else Er Well I fancy me the cunist no answer seriously uh no then no like say you like worked somewhere and you like fancy a girl at work no i don't really think so i i've never been in love and fancy someone else so i don't really know what to say you can't really say yeah right now can you no what a stupid fucking question to ask me
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah yeah you can be in love and fancy someone else It happens all the time In fact it's happening right now Who do you fancy Zoe Oh Oh you've blown it Not yet
Starting point is 00:22:42 No you can answer that honestly No honestly yeah that is the truth Like yet. No, you can answer that honestly. No, honestly, yeah. That is the truth. Like you, okay, not fancy, but can you be like, she's really good. Darling, you're asking me questions that I'm going to say no to no matter what. We've got to ask questions at work for your boyfriend. That is the wrong answer, darling,
Starting point is 00:22:57 because you should have said, babe, I personally, I don't know about other guys, but I am just so in love with my girlfriend Alright yeah next question I've already said that once Do guys secretly like it When their girlfriend gets jealous Slash a bit psycho
Starting point is 00:23:14 No it's fucking annoying No jealous no psycho Seriously Girls like it Well I'm quite a laid back person so yeah I don't really get jealous
Starting point is 00:23:28 about stuff like that you're not that laid back I'm well laid back you're laid back but you're not like like mega laid back not like mega laid back no I don't think so
Starting point is 00:23:38 but you get jealous no yes you do about what me and other boys it isn't you and other boys. No, but you do get jealous. Only when you get given love letters at work.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I did get given a love letter. Who the fuck is going up to my girlfriend in a bar and giving them a fucking note saying, I might never see you again. Did you read it? So take my rose and one day we'll make cross paths. Yeah, that's what he wrote. Fuck off, Steven. It was sweet.
Starting point is 00:24:06 His name wasn't Steven. Okay. Yeah, just be careful with who gives notes to you. You don't have to do anything. They have to be careful because I'm Jake Boyz and I'm pretty strong now.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I went to the gym last year. Now? How long should it take a guy to ask me to be his girlfriend how long did it take you and leo don't know it can vary mainly or really quick yeah because i at the time i i don't know i wasn't really looking for a relationship but out of nowhere just every box was ticked so yeah it happened really quick that's really nice thing to say next okay does it put a guy off a girl if she sleeps with him straight away nah not at all no i don't but then a lot of guys just like the chase but then if that's the case what are they really in it but then it's one of those where if you did sleep with someone and it was just i don't want to say this sound terrible but you did sleep with someone
Starting point is 00:25:03 and it was fucking awful there was like a horror story from it and you wouldn't want to sleep with them again. Well, no, because our first time wasn't the best. Oh, yeah. And I came back for round two. Yeah, you did. Which wasn't great either. So it was all up from there. Two years in, we still haven't had it great.
Starting point is 00:25:21 But yeah, we're still trying. Hopefully one day it does go up oh don't say that we have a great sex life no i was joking it just didn't go up the first two times because i was absolutely fucking hammered yeah and that's never happened to me in my whole life and i went to work and i worked with a lot of guys at the time because i was working you've never slept with another guy of course it's never happened to you no no no that's what i'm saying so i went to the pub and i was like guys like is it me like it just wouldn't go up and and the guys were like no like trust me it's not you like it can be that you're actually too fit of course they said that all them guys at that
Starting point is 00:25:54 fucking pub were trying to sleep with you and you were sleeping with one of them no i wasn't yes you were not when i was with you i wasn't no well not but i'm making a valid point imagine how he felt of course he's gonna say that imagine he went oh no no he's fine yeah he's fine he could have he could have you're not gonna do that if he's trying to be with me but of course he did well he in that case he would have gone yeah it is you i would leave him alone come back to me but he didn't he was like no it's normal give him another chance yeah well i can be willing to watch that track because i don't fuck around he told me to give you another chance and i did and you failed again so then you went back to him no i
Starting point is 00:26:32 did not i know that's the other guy no what are you talking about it's been you since day one baby thought we were being honest shut up what are you are you talking about? What about your fling? What fling? I was dating a few guys when I met you and then I sat them all off for you. What? Not straight away. Yeah. As soon as you said to me, I'm not seeing other people, it was like, bye.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Oh, okay. That is true. You asked me at Winter Wonderland and then never ever again. That's good to know. Yeah, that is true. As soon as we had theland and then never ever again. That's good to know. Yeah, that is true. As soon as we had the conversation, I was like, bye, all of you. I didn't have to say bye to anyone because I was waiting for you. I was looking out my window looking for a beautiful girl to go past and there you were. I was waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I was just kissing the frogs, as you say. Were you? Mm-hmm. Same, I was kissing frogs. Yeah. I've heard. Fucking plenty of was kissing frogs yeah i've heard fucking plenty of them oh i've heard this is what i mean girls go to the next question i hate answering questions like this with you okay um do boys check a girl's last seen etc i don't know what that means so like
Starting point is 00:27:43 you're last active on whatsapp and like is she is she been online has she read my message i don't know what that means so like you're last active on whatsapp and like is she is she been online has she read my message i can't even do that because i looked at it for my manager and i can't even do it because i don't have mine on no but when we were dating would you ever be like oh has she posted on an instagram story check if you'd read my message or something or like if you open my instagram if it'd been like a fucking day okay so what if like i hadn't texted you back but i'd put an Insta story up? Were you like... No, just wait.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Right. Girls are so disappointing, isn't it? We think we're fucking so smart. Girls think they're so clever. I'm going to appear offline or I can't go on WhatsApp because they don't want to see them. Yeah, if a boy's busy or a boy's out, they genuinely don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:18 They're busy. Like unless they're... I hate boys. I hate them. Hate them all. They might really care, but I think guys aren't trying to be smart either. Guys genuinely just get up to crazy shit and do stupid stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:31 If I've posted something and I haven't replied to you, you text me like, hello. I've done that like three or four times in two years. No, you do it often. Only when I'm trying to get hold of you or something. I don't think you're being honest. I think boys do check last seen and stuff. Yeah, well, I'm telling you they don't. So you can go with the boy or the girl.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Take your decision. Do boys think about proposing to their girlfriends in the future, like the location, timings, ring, etc.? I don't know. Maybe. I don't really because for me, I want to get married and have a great wedding, but I'm not a mad wedding person like it would be you in charge of it like i really don't really see marriage as even that
Starting point is 00:29:10 bigger thing i think it's quite old-fashioned to be honest so i don't really think about it that much it'd be amazing to do something amazing for a proposal and that but do you think about it though not really no you think about it says do boys think about proposing to their girlfriends in the future so do you think about proposing to me in the future? I don't mean like, are you going to? I mean like, does that ever come into your thoughts? Yeah, sometimes. But I don't like mad plan it in my head or anything.
Starting point is 00:29:32 No, no, because we're nowhere near that. No. But like, do boys go, I'm going to propose to her one day. Where would I do it actually? That would be quite cute. Yeah, sometimes maybe. Oh, okay. That's quite cute.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Do guys in relationships check out and comment on other girls when out with the lads not really i think it depends unless you're with one single friend and you're like oh what about her do you like look at that and he's like oh yeah like look at her we're like oh don't you like blondes though you know only ever for like a single friend so if he was out with fab you'd point out a girl and say oh look at her fab no no not at all but if he said to me we need to go over there so i can dance near her i'd go with her and fucking dance with him just with her with him just so you can talk to her but i never leave the house so that doesn't really happen much in my life okay but what if you was out in a bar with two single lads there's three of you two of them single and you're in a
Starting point is 00:30:25 relationship with me and then they find a group of three good-looking girls wow three of them and three of us yeah wow what are you doing in that situation two of them when they come over i would turn around and face the wall and put my hands over my eyes and my thumbs in my ears saying i love my girlfriend so much i love my girlfriend so much and i'd shout out loud until they've gone and i'd keep turning around and once they're gone then i'd ask my friends how their conversation with the girls went i wouldn't even look now answer that without taking the piss i'd just stand there probably saying loads of funny things about my friends and then if you and the other random girl left awkwardly what are you gonna do i'd
Starting point is 00:31:03 just be like uh yeah these are my two single friends i'll come out with them to try and find a try and find them a girlfriend then i'd ask her friend what her friends are like and i'd be like do you think she likes him i wouldn't in any way flirt i'd just be friendly so the situation wasn't awkward to benefit my friend right see i would personally like you to just punch her straight in the nose yeah well i i will from now on now now you've said that next time a girl speaks to me in a relationship just i'm just gonna absolutely want to put in the nose or jaw okay preferably all right i'm not actually gonna do that by the way no why do i need to feel the why do i actually feel the need to say that i'm joking as if i'm not i think nicole's probably crazy i'm doing i'm crazy what are you talking about you do loads
Starting point is 00:31:50 of voices all the time what's crazy i don't know you just do loads of voices oh madison maddie ray jepson what does it go like i'm crazy she just signed to margaretine that's good what a dream i love her i want to meet her okay that's it for my questions um let's get into some dilemmas we won't do too many but a lot of the girls wanted to know your thoughts on on their dilemmas all right because you're a boy and boys are causing them problems and hopefully you can give some insight all right should we do two really good ones why are you bored no i've just got to make sure i get my episode up for midnight okay and it's by the way it's currently 10 to 11 at night and it's been race day and i gotta put an f1 episode up for midnight but we've still managed to get a podcast out let's go and this is that i do not have time for this i do not have time for you
Starting point is 00:32:46 what's her name anna delvey the anna delvey foundation is going to be huge you do it what the anna delvey foundation the anna delvey foundation is going to be hard it's going to be huge what's up my name is bull now i can't do any fucking voices anyway yeah let's do two really good ones okay let me have a little look leah's just having a look now thank you for keep them occupied while i look on the line if you haven't followed this podcast please do hit the follow button and rate it five stars not once i've. I've had so many one star ratings recently and I do not know what I'm saying that's pissing these girls off. But please forgive me.
Starting point is 00:33:29 If you have rated the podcast one star, please undo it. There'll be a new episode every Tuesday with a bonus on Friday when Leah has the time. Yeah, probably not this Friday. Maybe you do have a big guest coming so all of the listeners should be excited.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. Yeah, you bet on. Right, what's the dilemma? You look like you've found a good one yeah okay hey leah i don't know if you'll ever see this oh look i've seen it wow don't you worry right ready but i need to get this off my chest as i have no one to talk to listen all of you have at least one person to talk to and that's me. And this week you've got two and that's me. Okay. Me and my boyfriend just moved into our first house together. Woo! Congrats! Did you buy it or are you renting? Nothing wrong with renting, we're renting. Anyway, back to you. It's been really good and exciting. We've been here since
Starting point is 00:34:22 January now and I feel a bit alone. Oh, as we have moved away from my family and my friends i know the feeling my friends have not been bothered to come see me or check up on me as i oh i just feel really alone my boyfriend places xbox every night when he finishes work and doesn't give me any time at all not even any attention anymore definitely not any sex which i don't know if I'm being stupid, but I just feel like he's fallen out of love with me and I don't know what to do or who to talk to. I've tried to talk to him and tell him if we can do things together, but he just shuts it down and says there's nothing to do together other than watch a film. And he says he finds it boring. Do you think he finds me boring? I love, oh, I love you so much. And you have cheered me up.
Starting point is 00:35:05 he finds me boring i love oh i love you so much and you have cheered me up listen to your podcast has really helped to just take myself away from reality i love you leah i love you darling but you give your thoughts first um i don't think it's very nice that he's been like oh there is does what you feel when it's boring no there isn't that's not all there is to do yeah because you could have sex and it says that they're not even having sex yeah sex is not boring yeah and if there's nothing to do you can always have sex yeah yeah literally whenever if there's nothing to do but he's not even interested well if he has a busy day at work comes home plays xbox like maybe that's him talking to his friends like a lot of guys play xbox just talk to their friends so maybe he at work, comes home, plays Xbox, like, maybe that's him talking to his friends. Like, a lot of the guys play Xbox just to talk to their friends. So maybe he goes to work, comes home, just wants to talk to his friends.
Starting point is 00:35:49 But he just doesn't sound interested in his girlfriend at all. But yeah, it doesn't sound very interesting. It doesn't sound very interested at this moment in time. I do think it's important to point out that people can go through phases like this. You should play It Takes Two with him if he plays Xbox. That'd be great for both of you we loved playing that can we play that again one time yeah it's a game where you there's two players but i reckon anyone who likes to play an xbox will enjoy it it's just called it takes two and you can
Starting point is 00:36:15 play it with your boyfriend or girlfriend yeah it's not sponsored it's just really fun like it's a greatly worked game for both of you to play at the same time you're both a character and you have to take on missions together so it'd be a great way of you involving something he loves yeah and this is listen i don't like xbox games i'm not an xbox girl like it's not like you have to be a gamer to enjoy it like it's actually really fun but yeah like obviously i'm always really honest with you like me and jake have been through phases where we're just like we're not hanging out with each other like you're always on the xbox like do you even want to be around me and like the phases just pass like i think it just depends what's happening in in his life or what he's going through or what you're going also what's happening
Starting point is 00:36:52 in your life yeah because if you're saying you might feel a bit lonely like maybe you'd feel better in your relationship if you had more time with like friends and family so maybe maybe give it a couple of weeks or months and just try a few different things and then try and get to the root of it like that i wouldn't put it all on the relationship just because you live with that person yeah you might be unhappy with your own friendships and that yeah maybe just see what what you can change see what makes you happy yeah it's difficult because you've moved away and you and you're on your own so like it it feels so much worse because like the only person you really have to hang around with is him and it and obviously you feel like this but i would and he's coming home from work and he's knackered and wants to hang out and also he probably feels this pressure of like i've been
Starting point is 00:37:33 at work all day like you want to hang out but i just want to chill like i've had a long day yeah because if he lives at home he might just go out with friends to the pub yeah because maybe he doesn't live near his friends anymore yeah it's difficult um is he definitely needs to find more of a balance but i'd say that so do you as well so i would say go out and make an effort for yourself whether it be with these friends that aren't making effort with you like just you know like i went for a phase where i was really stubborn with people and i was like they don't bother with me so fuck everyone but then i just started making an effort with these people or new people. And then I felt better because then I put less pressure on my relationship to make me so happy. And I felt
Starting point is 00:38:09 happier on my own, which then my relationship just ended up improving on its own anyway. So I think definitely relationships go through phases where you're like just a bit sick of each other or just not getting on or whatever. And I do think it should be a bit more normalized to not be like really happy and obsessed with each other and spending loads of time together like all the time like it's not it's not like that all the time but um also if it doesn't get fixed i think you should ask yourself like if that's good enough for you like if that's what it's going to be like forever like is that actually what you want in a partner? Do you know what I mean? But definitely try and fix it first, but focus on yourself if you can.
Starting point is 00:38:47 What do you think? Yeah. That's good. Is that all you've got to say? Yeah, I said loads. All right. I'm going to wrap up the episode, I think, because I'm getting the vibe Jake really needs to shoot off.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, got to get an episode up in 56 minutes. Yes. So, yeah, sorry it was a bit quick quick i don't know if i'll be here on friday with a bonus episode to be honest girls i've got very busy week ahead she's got very busy week working every day every day this week rich girl she's gonna be rich girl i'm actually not the thing is i'm not working lots of hours it's just that it's every day because i've started a new job don't know if i told you i'm working at second place now so i've got to do my training this week it's gonna be very long very exhausting but it's gonna be worth it because i'm a hard-working girl now you're very hard-working
Starting point is 00:39:33 girl now so i hope you girls had an amazing uh weekend happy tuesday hope you have an amazing week ahead if i don't see you on friday then i will see you on tuesday for our usual meetups our usual phone calls um have the best week be productive or if you really don't feel like being productive be lazy as fuck and have the best time all right see you guys next week for a new episode i love you Bye!

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