Leah on the Line - 32: Do BREAKS work & I feel like my bf has lost interest in me...

Episode Date: August 29, 2022

Hey babes! Welcome back to a brand new episode. This week was full of some great dilemmas and I really enjoyed the debate this week! Do you believe a break can work? Thank you so much to everyone that... listens, you are amazing! I love you all sooooo much. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 It's getting closer to midnight, I try to get closer to you 🎵 Hello! Hi everyone! Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lea on the Line. How are you? Happy Tuesday? How was your weekend? What's new? What's crackin'? Any drama? Any gossip you need to fill me in on? I mean, I'm sure we'll find out today. Hi, welcome back. Missed you so much. Couldn't stop thinking about you all over the weekend. I couldn't get you off my mind. I'm actually really excited for this episode. Actually, wait, before we get into it, I need to update you on my life. Actually, I don't really have much of an update. Oh, yes, I do. I'm going to start
Starting point is 00:00:44 recording videos. I did mention this already, but yes I do I'm gonna start recording videos I did mention this already but whatever I'm gonna start recording videos for my TikTok again currently have a painter and decorator in the background can you hear this you actually can that's actually quite loud one second so okay I've told him to keep it down keep it down um you're probably thinking what on earth have you actually just got a random hired painter and decorator in your house right now and you're just recording a podcast about to talk about cock and pussy no I I know him he's a of some he's someone that I know um but yeah I'm gonna start doing clips of the podcast again who's excited say me if you're excited me I'm so
Starting point is 00:01:24 excited I miss that so much because i feel like that's where we get a lot of interaction with each other as well you know like in the comments on the weekly debates and stuff you guys can tell me that i look really pretty joking just joking guys i just take it somebody says to me all the time you always say that on your podcast i'm joking i'm joking i actually realize i do sometimes i clarify I'm joking when it's so obvious that I'm joking. Like, Leah, we get that. You don't actually say it. And it kind of ruins everything, doesn't it, when you say something and you're like, joking.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh, my painter and decorator is taking his clothes off. He's taking his clothes off. Anyway, the weekly debate this week is really exciting. It's not exciting, but I'm very excited to get into it because I really, I've been on the fence for the last few weekly debates, but I think I know where i stand on this one but i have no experience in it whatsoever so i'm really intrigued to see what you guys have to say if you have any experience in it so i'm just gonna keep you all on your toes for an extra couple of seconds because i know you're dying for me to just tell you what the weekly debate is leah just tell us the debate it's been killing me all weekend
Starting point is 00:02:23 what's she gonna debate this week anyway there's a fly in my face okay the weekly debate this week is do breaks work and if so under what conditions so I'll just go straight ahead with my opinion shall I okay make it all about me so like I said I have no this. Personally, it's not something I would like to experience. Because I think if you have a break, you just break up. But you're not quite brave enough to say it's over. But you're brave enough to admit it's not working, which is good, you know, but you're not quite saying this relationship is over, isn't it? Like, you're not quite saying this relationship is over isn't it like I think you want it to work you want it to have a chance of survival so you say let's just go on a break you know and let's just hope that it makes us you know it's going to make us or break us and in my opinion I feel like one person wants the break the other person is sat at home waiting for them to come back, praying
Starting point is 00:03:26 that they do come back, um, and the other person wants to sleep around. Sorry, that's my personal opinion. I, I really do think that, you know, like I said, well, I didn't say that already, but I'm going to say it now. It's, it's situational, okay? Not everything is the same like I'm not saying all breaks have the same um circumstances but just I'm talking generally here I feel like there's usually one that wants like say you meet someone at work yeah you've met someone at work you're like oh my god I really want to have sex with them but I'm in a relationship but my relationship's not really fucking working for me right now and I'm not 100% sure I even want to be in it, but I do know that I want to sleep with you, and I want to sleep with this person, my painter and decorator's just got paint on my carpet, and they're gonna have some explaining to do to my mum tomorrow morning, sweetheart, anyway, you're looking at me like,
Starting point is 00:04:19 am I allowed to speak, I'm not allowed to speak, aren't you, no, you're not, don't speak, anyway, um, I've completely lost train of thought there, one second, I'm gonna have to speak aren't you no you're not don't speak anyway um I've completely lost train of thought there one second I'm gonna have to listen back to what I just said okay sorry about that sorry about that um yeah so I feel like one person usually has intentions they've got something that they want to do an itch they want to scratch and the other person is like you you can probably feel their relationships not in a strong position yourself but you were not willing to walk away and you are not in the position where you're you want to walk away so when they turn around and say let's just go on a break it leaves you somewhat hopeful because they haven't broken up with you but you know they've made you feel like
Starting point is 00:05:00 their intentions are still to be with you but right now it's not working and they give all the gift to the gab i'm i'm just gonna go and work on myself i just need a bit of space i really feel like this relationship just needs a bit of space no you want to go and have sex with sarah from work and i'm you think i'm stupid i'm not stupid i'm literally not stupid but because you want to be with them you why am i acting like this is a real situation i'm literally making up this drama in my head now. But I feel like that's quite a common scenario when it comes to taking a break in a relationship. But I feel like there can also be very successful situations like, say, you live together and work
Starting point is 00:05:36 is really heavy at the moment, or you've been through something in your relationship or in your personal life and you just need some time away from it do you know what i mean and you're both you're not going to go and get with other people you just need that you time because you know you are the priority in your life essentially at the end of the day so that can also be a successful idea you know it can be healthy i need space i need to work on myself because i'm not happy i'm taking it out on my partner right now and that's not fair on them that's not fair in the relationship let's come away on the relationship. Let's come away from it. Let's do a bit of, let's do a bit of self growth, a bit of, let's look inwards, see what I can do. You know, maybe I've realized I've got some toxic traits in the relationship that I need to do some
Starting point is 00:06:18 work on and I can't do that when you're in my pocket. So I'm going to go away and work on that so I can be a better partner for you. That I feel like is a is a good example of when a break could be a good thing but you guys seem to all be under the impression that it's not really a good thing. Most of you, the majority. So let's read out your response. No way if you need a break it's not going to last forever. I've never been in this situation but something I've never understood in the situation but something i've never understood when people do okay this i will agree with like when i've seen people or met people or heard people being like oh yeah me and my boyfriend or me and my girlfriend were on a
Starting point is 00:06:54 break i'm just usually i just usually have so many questions like i'm normally like what does that mean like are you fucking people is he is she like, are you on a mutual agreement here? Was it, did you want it? Did you both want it? Do you know what I mean? I'm usually just a bit like full of questions. Haven't worked for me yet. I had five plus with my ex, but we always end up breaking up. Yowch.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I feel like a break is just a soft breakup. Should be able to work on the relationship while still a couple. Why would need to be single to do it okay this I actually really get and I think this is actually a really um great point it's like it like you know how I said like it's like you admit the relationship's failing but you don't want to admit that it's over so like you called it a soft breakup which I think is a really good way to describe how I kind of imagine it coming from someone with no experience that is um somebody says yes I went no contact with me and my boyfriend for two weeks he's everything I could ask for now okay amazing that sounds great um yeah you know sometimes no contact is a powerful thing and I've said this
Starting point is 00:08:02 before in an actual breakup breakup because when you are breaking up with somebody and you're texting all the time or you're still calling or you're still in communication, you cannot feel the feelings that you would feel if you'd fully lost them, which can be what we discussed a couple of episodes back, the wake up call. You know what I mean? So no contact is a powerful thing and i can actually totally see how that would work um i do not believe in breaks you're either 100 in it and it works or not if the break is to work on yourself then yes if if it's because of issues in the
Starting point is 00:08:37 relationship no okay this i will actually go ahead and say i agree with and it's kind of what i was trying to say at the beginning but can't really speak for some reason um but yeah I agree with you it's like if you're realizing that you're going through something or you know maybe you've realized about yourself that you you're damaging the relationship because of something that you're going through la la la it can be a really good and actually quite a strong thing to say do you know what I'm going to step away from you because I'm causing damage to you and I'm causing damage to the relationship and I'm treating you unfairly. So I'm going to go away and work on who I am as a person and make sure that I'm good enough. I'm a good enough partner. Do you know what I mean? That I feel like is a very
Starting point is 00:09:19 healthy, mature, actually quite selfless thing to do. It's's it's selfless because you're doing it because you're treating them unfairly but then at the same time you you should prioritize you know what i'm gonna be on my own for a bit it's scary but i don't want to be the person i'm being right now i mean that's actually a very brave honorable thing to do um i split for three months and had no contact back together seven years still going with a house and child okay successful successful story we love to hear it um I think it can create a cycle of breaking up and then getting back together and gets toxic yeah if you if you just go straight to a break when things are tough that is just like it can be i can imagine it can be
Starting point is 00:10:05 exhausting like hot and cold you know what i mean on and off on and off um a break works for me allow time to grow and work on ourselves i love that somebody says i kind of wait for this ep desperately need help with this as i'm currently on a break right now sad face okay so this sounds like the situation where you didn't want that do you know what i? Or maybe you did because you want the relationship to work, but you feel like it isn't. And you're hoping that this is going to be the make, not the break, you know? Somebody says, no, they ruined the relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I can imagine that it can cause damage to the relationship. Like, let's talk about Ross and Rachel for a second. Okay, they went on a break. He fucked someone else. The little rat bag. But they were on a break. So like, I don't know. I feel like if you are going to go on a break so like i don't know i feel like if you are going to go on a break you have to set those boundaries you have to say we are
Starting point is 00:10:50 not going to have sex with other people we're not going to do this or we are going to do this because otherwise people get hurt you know what i mean like i actually put up another story after saying on a side note where ross and rachel on a break with a poll saying yes they were on a break or no free angry emojis and at the moment the poll sits at 45% say yes and 55% saying no so a break as we are learning is a sticky situation but I did I did get one from I did get a dm from a girl one of my lovely listeners shout out to you babe she said so me and my boyfriend have been together for almost seven years and had two breaks in our relationship that lasted around six months each time I think it does work if you communicate with each other sometimes space is needed if you know it's for the right reasons
Starting point is 00:11:40 and I sent her a voice note back and I said just just for research purposes like obviously like I said I have no experience in this so I'm genuinely interested were you saying we're going to break up we're going to be single we're going to get other people or were you like we are getting back together do you not even think about sniffing another girl do you know what I mean or you know how how did it work and she's replied I haven't read it yet so let's read it out I hope I don't make it confusing I've always been the one to say we're single if something happens something happens but it's not something that either of us was going out and looking for if that makes sense because if you set that boundary that you stay committed and then say for example
Starting point is 00:12:17 the boyfriend does something then it's like well you lied to me and then that can be messy yeah for sure because then you feel like betrayed you always feel cheated on even though you're on a break but he's just going to use that as a fucking excuse ross um personally for me and my boyfriend it's been the case of on those breaks we are classed as single but not going out on the pool trying to get other people but if it happens naturally then so be it but getting back together conversations had to be done saying what happened in that time being apart because if you don't have that convo you will always question like oh what did they do etc also if you do get back together and things with either person has happened with other people you need to accept it and move on because it
Starting point is 00:12:52 happened when you weren't together hope that made sense but i think different things work for different relationships hope that helped your research and sorry for that i say love you bye okay um interesting because that's that takes some strength i'm not gonna lie i don't think i could be in a relationship and go all right you know if you get with somebody else whatever you know if it happens it happens no right i'm the kind of person that's like look i'm committed to someone or i'm single pringle yeah i'm not i don't want the fucking in between because also then if you did get someone do you not feel guilt do you not feel like you had some sort of loyalty to that person even though you were technically on a break because it's all technicalities here do you know i mean stressful
Starting point is 00:13:33 stressful times okay this girl has sent me a response on dm and i actually replied to her saying i agree with every single part of this so let's read it out absolutely not if you need a break from someone then they are not right for you if he asks for a break then he wants to sleep around it always ends up with one person thinking they have no rules in a break and one person just want just waiting around for the other person to come back emotionally that's just not right when you meet your person you won't want to break from them they're your everything and time apart isn't needed sorry i just feel very strongly about this one so yeah i actually kind of agree because it's like I do feel like usually as I say usually it's it's more leaning towards
Starting point is 00:14:12 one person wants that break um and usually it's because there's something you want to do like you have something in particular that you want to do and that stresses me the fuck out it's like I'm not a cheater so i'm not gonna cheat on you because then i've really fucked the relationship so let's go on a break so i can do it guilt free and then come back to my wife do you know what i mean or husband um somebody says oh wait sorry i literally just read that am i okay but i mean essentially i feel like like this girl who has had a successful experience with the breaks life it just depends on your intention depends on your communication depends on the
Starting point is 00:14:51 reason for the break but most of you think it's not a good thing this girl says I think breaks only delay the inevitable and I can imagine that is the case a lot of the time it's like like I said you can't you don't want to fully admit that the relationship may have come to an end or may just not be working anymore but I mean who knows like it's a difficult one because I'm sure there's so many situations where it's been successful and I don't know I don't know but yeah interesting debate let me know how many of you have had successful experiences with breaks because I personally don't know anyone I know people that have broken up like literally separated
Starting point is 00:15:31 but like it's over and then gotten back together and had a beautiful lovely life together but that wasn't a break they didn't say this is a break you know sometimes you have a breakup like a full breakup of someone and you go whatever's meant to be will be but I don't consider that a break like that is a breakup and you're just saying you know like if we're a breakup, like a full breakup with someone and you go, whatever's meant to be will be, but I don't consider that a break. Like that is a breakup and you're just saying, you know, like if we're meant to be together, then it will just happen and we will find our, our paths will cross. Do you know what I mean? We'll find our way back, but that's not a break. That's a breakup. So yeah, difficult, difficult one. Um, hard to call it really. I'm still on the fence, but I'm leaning more towards the girl who says
Starting point is 00:16:05 it delays the inevitable but you know hopefully i'm wrong if you're in that situation right now well actually no i hopefully whatever no not hopefully because whatever happens for you is always what's meant for you i was going to say hopefully what what happens for you is meant for you whatever happens is meant to happen okay just like i always say leave it in the hands of the universe and everything's going to be fine and thanks so much for everybody that to everybody that responded to the debate you guys are so intelligent you guys are so full of wisdom and knowledge and I just really enjoy our weekly debates but yeah love you guys so much let's get into some dilemmas okay let's kick it off with this one hey leah i need some advice and i couldn't think of anyone
Starting point is 00:16:50 better to get from oh i love you so much so i feel that my boyfriend is being distant with me and is losing interest he's just come back from a lad's holiday and has since been leaving me on delivered but is still replying to other people do i bring this up with him or do i just see if anything changes love you so much oh sorry she said thank you so much thank you so much for your amazing podcast you have helped so many people i love you bye i love you too thank you so much for your dilemma so i feel like i don't have good news for you babe i'm not gonna lie so in my experience i've seen this behavior from somebody and i approached the situation and the relationship ended so you know not what you wanted to hear most definitely but i will say maybe he's going through something i mean just come back from a lad's holiday so oh he's come back from a lad's holiday
Starting point is 00:17:45 and he's airing you oh my god it's not looking good I don't know what to tell you babe right okay okay Leah be a good friend fucking hell you're literally being the worst friend ever right now okay everybody relax everybody calm down especially this girl who wrote this dilemma okay let's not jump to conclusions it's not it's not it's not good okay um he may not be losing interest like you said you feel like he's losing interest he may not be there could be something weighing on his mind it could be something else it could be his mental health he could be really stressed out about something maybe you've done something maybe pissed him off do you know what mean? I would definitely bring it up because you, you should not have to just sit with these feelings. Like the way that he's making you feel is not nice. And you shouldn't just
Starting point is 00:18:34 accept that for yourself. You deserve better than that. Um, and what I will say is if it is the case, like let's just go worst case scenario here. he is being distant and if he if he has what you're saying feels like he's lost interest if that is the case that is okay like your self worth has nothing to do with this boy okay so if he turns around and he's like yeah i won't lie to you i am having doubts about the relationship or like yeah i do feel like something's missing or something's changed please do not think that that's going to be the end of the world if that's what you hear because believe me I've heard that and I was petrified of bringing up the conversation because I knew in my gut he lost interest in me I
Starting point is 00:19:16 knew he didn't feel the same about me and I was so petrified of asking him do you feel the same about me do you still love me I was so scared of saying those words because I knew the answer was no, I don't. And I didn't want to hear it. I was like, that's going to fucking kill me. That is literally going to ruin me. And when I heard the words, I actually felt relief. Like I was actually like, I knew it. Like I knew it. And I wasn't like on the floor. I wasn't like, oh my what do you mean I was like I know like I almost felt a bit like thank you for just fucking telling me like I deserve to know that I deserve to hear that so don't don't be scared of what he's going to say because you have the strength to get through
Starting point is 00:19:57 it no matter what like hopefully it's going to be fine and hopefully he's just being a bit off and he's just being a bit cold and you've got nothing to worry about everything's going to be fine but I'm just saying obviously our brain jumps to the worst case scenario and he's just being a bit off and he's just being a bit cold and you've got nothing to worry about everything's gonna be fine but i'm just saying obviously our brain jumps to the worst case scenario and he's gonna turn around and say i don't want to be with you which i mean that is the worst case scenario here and you you will be okay if the worst case scenario happens like you will actually be okay that's what you need to remind yourself so go into that be brave tell him how you feel tell him what you deserve which is more than that you do not deserve to be left on delivered by your boyfriend like fuck off you piece of shit yeah you got back from
Starting point is 00:20:29 a lad's holiday and leaving me on delivered are you all right is there something wrong with your fucking brain no don't accept that behavior for yourself oh by the way i was talking about him his brain not your brain oh my god i love you so much i would never talk to you like that but if if it is if it does go the way that we're obviously afraid it's going to go you will be okay like you are worth so much more and also feel relieved that you know okay well i'm with someone that doesn't want to be with me and i'm glad i know that because that's not someone i want to be with if you if you're if you look at me you don't want to be with me that's absolutely fine but i'm off do you know what i mean do you know how many people want to be with me loads loads loads of boys so see you later all right thanks for finally being honest
Starting point is 00:21:11 you little pussy yeah thanks for finally uh having the courage to tell me where i stand because if i didn't ask you wouldn't have told me and you would have strung me along pulling my life away from me okay honestly you're strong enough be strong hopefully it's not going to go that way and everything's going to be fine and you've got nothing to worry about it's absolutely normal for people to go a bit off every now and then people to get a bit cold there could be something underlying that we'll find out we'll uncover and everything will be fine but do keep us updated um and you know worst case scenario head to bonus episode six and I've got your back do you know what I mean okay I love you so much thanks for sending in that dilemma you absolutely have the
Starting point is 00:21:52 strength to get through this just keep reminding yourself that no matter what happens you deserve somebody that treats you better so go and get it you know all right next dilemma hi Leah I absolutely adore the podcast oh my god thanks so much i love you i recently broke up with my boyfriend of two years and i don't know why but it genuinely has not affected me in the slightest we were together for two years and we would spend almost every day together and i'd stay at his every other day after thinking about it for a long time i finally broke up with him it was like a complete weight had lifted off my chest since the breakup which was a month ago i've not cried or been upset once instead i feel relieved and free as i don't feel trapped
Starting point is 00:22:30 my appetite has come back and i'm happier than ever however i can't help but feeling it will all hit me at once or have i genuinely got over this relationship so fast i'd love to hear what you think thanks so much for reading okay that's a difficult one I feel like I have had experience in this myself and I think maybe what's happened to you because you've said um you thought about it for a long time and you finally broke up with him and you felt a weight had been lifted and I think sometimes people leave the relationship um mentally before we do physically So I feel like when you were in the relationship, you started to accept that it was coming to an end or that it was one day going to be over. So when you finally ended the relationship, you may have felt that relief because you finally
Starting point is 00:23:19 did it and you knew it was coming. So it could be be that but also I wouldn't worry about it because that just means you did the right thing do you know what I mean like also if it does hit you in six months time that's okay like you'll be all right you'll be able to get through it in six months and that's absolutely fine so I wouldn't worry about how you're responding to a breakup because everyone is different you know and every breakup is different like you hear people say all the time like how come I've cried more over a four-week situation ship than I did over a four-year relationship do you know I mean it honestly just depends you maybe you just know this is the right thing for you um and when you were in the relationship maybe you just already checked out before you physically did so maybe it's a case of that but honestly I think you're
Starting point is 00:24:06 okay like I don't think you're a total sociopath you know what I mean I'm taken haha oh I did it again I'm taken I'm taken but you know I've done it before where I've ended a relationship and I've felt that relief and I didn't cry I cried a while down the line but it wasn't like that heartbreak painful cry it was more just like i realized that person was really gone out of my life and i was like oh that's actually really sad rather than like oh my god i want him back do i mean so i feel like you just did the right thing and that's okay and if it does hit you like you said you're scared it's going to hit you down the line if it does hit you you have the strength to get through it and you'll be absolutely fine you
Starting point is 00:24:42 have everything it takes if that does happen um and just focus on yourself be a person that you're proud to be treat people well be kind and make sure your intentions are pure with other people and everything will be fine and you're amazing and i love you so much okay next dilemma okay apologies if you could hear my dog barking in the background of that last dilemma. But let's move on to the next one. This one is called, Please Help, I'm Marrying the Man Who Cheated in the Past. Here we go. Who's comfortable?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Who's comfortable? Hello, I'm 24 and engaged to the love of my life. Amazing. We've been together since we were 18. He's my first everything and I absolutely adore him. I know everyone says it, but we are legit best friends and a match made in heaven oh my god amazing amazing we've lived together for six years as we moved in after four months of dating oh my god when you know you know we're so happy and genuinely can't see our lives without each other this is amazing guys
Starting point is 00:25:41 however at the start of our relationship it wasn't all as perfect as it is now. For the first year of us being together, he would lie a lot, chat to other girls behind my back, received explicit pictures from girls, delete messages and hide passwords and do all little disrespectful things that were minor. Okay, I do not think this is minor at all but continuing on but would add up to big things as it was so often for example visit strip clubs even when he knew i'm dead against it follow porn stars on instagram his entire social media was full of naked girls i even found dirty magazines hidden in his cupboard my final straw was when I was working late and he hired a stripper for him and his boys to come to my home and told me I couldn't come home until his friends
Starting point is 00:26:31 had left. I was heartbroken and exhausted at this point. I decided to leave. He realised he couldn't be without me and fast forward six years, he's an angel on earth. The past tense of him feels like an ex-boyfriend as he turned it all around he honestly now worships the ground i walk on and wouldn't even dream of her in me huh the only issue is that that year has left me with severe trust issues and now still causes us a lot of issues even though i know he would never do anything like that again sometimes i just can't help but worry and it ends in tears every time i know i cannot live without him and i know how sorry he is it's his biggest regret and he has proven that but equally i'm aware my trust issues cannot keep causing fights when he has gone to the ends of the earth to prove his loyalty how do i overcome this thank
Starting point is 00:27:18 you babe i love you and the potty i love you so. And thank you for sending in your dilemma. That is tough. Okay. I'm so glad that he said, you know, I've realized what I've done. I've realized what I've lost. I cannot lose it. Please give me a chance. And you've saying that he's really fucking meant it. And he's really fucking stood by it. The issue is you're struggling to move past it. And it's been six years. And let me tell you this. Okay okay I always say this when it comes to being cheated on or having even like lies even having your trust broken in a relationship that person that did the damage can do every single thing it takes to to show you that they are not that person anymore but you just might not have it in you to be able to let that go so I feel like don't kick yourself.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Do you know what I mean? Like, it's so hard to take someone back after they've absolutely like betrayed every centimeter of your trust and self-esteem. Like, it's hard to take them back. And, you know, you were strong enough to say, I'm going to give this relationship another go. And fair play to him for actually being the guy that you deserve. And you're marrying him. So I feel like, I don't know, maybe a bit more work needs to be done. And like you, you are allowed to, you know, you said it still causes issues even now. So, you know, you are allowed to bring it up. But at the same time, I feel like when you decide to forgive somebody
Starting point is 00:28:45 there needs to be there needs to get to a point where you say we have to leave this in the past and look at him for who he is today and the way that he presents himself to you as a partner now you know he wants to spend his life with you he's getting married to you so I feel like if you can somehow work together to get to a point where you're like that isn't you anymore you know I love who you are you're an amazing partner blah blah blah and you know I feel like you definitely can I feel like it just it takes a bit more work I feel like you obviously he obviously did a lot of work um but when you decide to take somebody back with something like that it can it also means that you
Starting point is 00:29:25 need to do a lot of work as well to try and let that go as much as you can because you know it's been six years he's an amazing boyfriend to you like you said um and you want to spend your life with him but definitely don't kick yourself like he absolutely destroyed you and that is so fair that you're finding it difficult you know um but like I said I think to be healthy it has to get to a point where you can say this cannot be a topic of conversation anymore like there has to get to a point where you've said everything that needs to be said he is consistently working to show you he will never be that person again um and hopefully get to a point where that is so in the past and it doesn't come up anymore because you've moved so far forward and you're
Starting point is 00:30:13 you're a whole different you're a whole new relationship so yeah maybe just a bit more work just a bit more um work together and hopefully you'll be able to fully let that go because I think really focus on what you have in front of you and the partner that you have today because I always say that say this when it's the complete opposite situation when somebody's holding on to how amazing their partner was at the beginning of the relationship and you know maybe they're just fucking shit now and I always say don't don't be with somebody because of who they were at the beginning be with somebody because of who is presented in front of you now today every day that is who you're with not not who you saw at the beginning you're with who you see now today in front of you that's who you're with so it's the exact same situation now just on
Starting point is 00:30:59 a way more positive note like that's not who you're with now that guy who fucks you around for a year that's not who you're with now that guy who fucked you around for a year that's not who you're with now that was a different person maybe try and process it like that i don't know whatever whatever you can sort of do in your mind to help because i'm really excited for you to get married i'm really excited and i love you so much but do what makes you happy if you genuinely in your heart like i can't get through this i can't get past it you know like i said sometimes they can do everything it takes to show you that they will never do that again. And no matter what it is, you just cannot, you just cannot let it go. You cannot forgive. You cannot forget. And it's their
Starting point is 00:31:34 fault at the end of the day, it's their damage. They have to accept that you can't get through it and that's what it is. And then you don't marry him. But I, I think you're going to be fine. I really want you to get married and have an amazing future um but I love you so much thank you for sending in that dilemma keep us updated you know how you're feeling um if you have any conversations with him let us all know how you get on we're thinking of you and we love you so much okay next dilemma okay Leah dilemma help I've had my boyfriend for three years since I was 16 and while I love him so much I know he'll never hurt me I'm not that sexually attracted to him anytime sex comes up I
Starting point is 00:32:14 feel sick and don't enjoy it he's the only person I've ever slept with recently I met a new man in my town we really get on and he tickled my leg and made me feel very excited. I really fancy him and I've been thinking of him all week. I just want to get with him so badly, but I have a really nice boyfriend. I don't know what to do. Okay. I will go ahead and say just because somebody is a nice boyfriend doesn't mean you should stay with them for that reason because there are lots of nice nice boyfriends out there um nice boyfriends that having sex with doesn't make you feel sick I feel sad for him I feel really sad for your your boyfriend but I will say if you genuinely don't feel like you can get past this. And if this is not like a new temporary feeling that you have towards him,
Starting point is 00:33:07 I think it's unfair to stay with him. I feel like if you genuinely hand on heart are like, the thought of having sex with him makes me feel sick. Like actually those words and you don't enjoy it and you're not sexually attracted to him. He deserves someone that is and someone that loves the idea of having sex with him. And you know, so do you, you deserve to be with someone that you want to rip their clothes off. And if that isn't, if he isn't that person, I feel like let him go, you know, like I
Starting point is 00:33:39 feel like let that boy go out and live because this is his life as well. You know, like this is his life that you're not taking from him. Do you know what I mean? It's not that dramatic, but you know, if you feel like this, let alone the other guy that you want to have sex with, if you feel like that towards your boyfriend, I feel like that is enough on its own to end the relationship. Like just because he's a nice boyfriend and you've been with him since you were 16, you know, maybe this is just where it ends. Maybe, you know, you're 19 and maybe that was your first three-year relationship. It's a great first relationship to have. It's three years long. You know, you met at a great age. You're going into the world
Starting point is 00:34:23 single at a great age you have so much to learn about yourself and so does he i'm sure and if you're in a position where you really don't want to have sex with him and you're not even attracted to him and it makes you feel physically sick i think let that boy go because it doesn't sound very fair to me um but you know you're not like a bad person for feeling like that you know i mean we've all been in relationships where you just think oh i don't actually want i don't actually fancy you anymore and that's okay but i think you should end it like when you get to that point where you know your heart isn't with that person you have to walk away because it's so selfish to stay with somebody when you know that you don't actually want to be with them
Starting point is 00:35:02 you know what i mean so yeah i think have a word with yourself you'll know in your gut what is the right thing to do and um yeah I feel like I feel like you know I feel like listening to this you'll know what to do um but keep us all updated as I always say keep us updated with whatever decision you make make sure that decision comes from you and what you want to do and you know stick by it because whatever you want to do in that moment was what felt right for you and you can never have regrets because whatever feels right for you in that moment is what's right for you in that moment so no regrets I love you so much good luck with that and don't feel bad it's totally normal it's very very common but yeah you'll be totally fine and I love you so much thank you for sending in your dilemma okay next one there is a big group of me and my friends and it's fairly split between boys and
Starting point is 00:35:50 girls I'm known as the hoe okay I do not like that word okay or the one to go to if you need pleasure I'm basically the friend with benefits for them but I don't want to be seen as that anymore as I have really started to catch feelings for one of the lads who doesn't use me by the way this all all this stuff is consensual but I'm just tired of this phase okay I will say um you are absolutely in control of what you what you do like if you don't want to be having sex with your friends don't have sex with your friends like if you don't want to be the person that everyone goes to for pleasure say no um you said that you've met someone that you have feelings for so go and pursue that tell your friends where where you stand and say look yeah we had a great
Starting point is 00:36:35 time blah blah blah like glad we could pleasure each other whatever but i'm i'm don't want that with you guys anymore i just i don't want to cross that boundary anymore i i don't i just don't want that with you guys anymore I just I don't want to cross that boundary anymore I I don't want I just don't want it and it's honestly that simple like you do not have to do you do not have to be this what you're saying like person that everybody goes to for pleasure like you don't have to be that so so don't be it you know like say no I'm okay thank you I'm I'm over that no and you know it's totally fine to go through a phase of it and like you're saying you're tired of it so fuck it off do you know what I mean babe you've met someone that you've caught feelings for and doesn't what you've put in quotation marks use you so pursue that you deserve that you deserve somebody that has way more intentions with you than to have sex with you
Starting point is 00:37:21 but you know you said it was consensual which was my main concern when i read this but you know it was consensual you were both on the same page that you said it was you were friends it was friends of benefits um and it's okay to just go enough now i've had enough of that i don't want to have any benefits to this friendship anymore besides friendship and like i said just always stay in control you're always in control of what you do with your body and you own it do you know what i mean own Yeah, I wanted to have sex with you all for a bit. And I don't anymore. So fuck off. Do you know what I mean? You'll be all right, babe. And I hope things go really well with this new guy. Keep us all updated with how it goes. Thank you for sending in your dilemma. I love you so much. Okay, next one. So I got really close to
Starting point is 00:38:02 this guy and we weren't dating, but it was like the stage when we were together, but not dating and we wouldn't be able to go out with another person. So like a situation ship, right? One day I got the ick. I don't know why. And now I'm just ignoring his messages and calls and he's really suspicious. What do I do? Love you. Bye. Okay. Listen, I think reply for sure. Because if this this was if this was you sending me a dilemma being like i've seen this guy blah blah blah and he's just like ghosted me he's not replying to i'd be like what a dick what a dick do you know what i mean so i feel like everyone deserves an explanation and it doesn't have to be deep it can literally be like i'm just not feeling it or like
Starting point is 00:38:42 i'm just not i've just realized i don't actually want to take this any further you don't need to explain yourself that deeply but people do deserve an explanation because otherwise he's going to be sat there in absolute turmoil like driving himself insane being like oh my god was it my was it my dick do am i shit in bed do you mean i mean i don't actually know if you have sex with him but if you have then you can all you just talk to yourself don't you you're like oh my god like God, like, what did I say? What did I do? Has he met somebody else? Has there been someone else the whole time? So I feel like just give him a little explanation, be like, hey, I'm so sorry I've ghosted. I've been really quiet. That was really fucking selfish of me. I'm, I swear I'm not a cold bitch. I just panicked. I don't really know what to do. And
Starting point is 00:39:20 that was selfish. And I'm really sorry. You deserved better from me. I just wanted to let you know, I absolutely love the time we had together, like I just don't I don't want to pursue it any further you're an amazing guy there's nothing to do with you I'm just not really feeling it I had an amazing time thanks for the dick if you had dick but yeah I think just it's really respectful and really nice to just give somebody that little explanation, do you know what I mean, okay, I love you so much, and good luck with your dating life, keep us updated, I love you so much, okay, next dilemma, okay, oh, wait, we have an update, I have no clue, oh, oh, holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck fuck holy fuck holy fuck guys remember the first dilemma that I read out remember the first dilemma that I read out where she said that she feels like her
Starting point is 00:40:12 boyfriend's losing interest she's she's spoken to him and she's given us an update I haven't even put the episode out oh my god I was too late and she already made a decision sorry she's already spoken to him oh my. I did not process that this was the same person until I just saw the word update. Okay. Holy fuck guys. Who's ready? Who's ready to hear what happened? Okay. Hey Leah. So I had a conversation with my boyfriend about him being distant because it was on my mind way too much and just eat me up. Good. That's what I said. That's the advice I gave in the beginning. So I'm glad I said that. Now let's see what he said. He confessed that he didn't feel the same about me anymore. Oh fuck. And that he's fallen out of love with me. So yeah, now I'm single. I know that I'll be okay
Starting point is 00:40:57 and that this is for the best. Yes, yes and yes. Because I constantly asked him for the bare minimum and to make me a priority, which he never did because the reality was, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to go back because I just stuttered and it was getting really powerful for a sec. Okay. Because I constantly asked him for the bare minimum and to make me a priority, which he never did because the reality of it was, I started again, the reality of it. Why is that so hard to say? The reality of it. There we go. The reality of it was that he didn't want to and he didn't care enough to. Yes, girl. Do you know what I mean? True facts. But I feel as though I've lost my best friend. I spent the last two years obsessing over him and loving him and I just feel a bit lost. If you read this, thank you for taking
Starting point is 00:41:39 the time. I love you. Bye. Okay. Fuck. I mean, this is what we were scared of weren't we at the beginning throw back to 40 minutes ago or 35 actually it's about 25 minutes ago fuck me a lot of happen a lot's happened you guys have broken up the last 25 minutes on my mind okay first of all keep reminding yourself that you will be okay and that this is for the best because you constantly asking for the bare minimum and you never made you a priority because he didn't want to and he didn't care all right so keep reminding yourself of that but listen you say i feel that i feel as though i've lost my best friend that's okay we lose people in our lives and we we will get through that and we'll be okay i promise i spent the last two years obsessing over him and loving him and I just feel a bit lost would you know what baby girl start obsessing over yourself and start loving yourself trust me
Starting point is 00:42:32 the love that you gave to him that he was not reciprocating you give that to you babe listen all that love that you put into that relationship you're obsessed with him like you said you're obsessed with him be obsessed with yourself be obsessed with yourself, be obsessed with yourself, and watch him come running back, watch him come running back, honestly, be obsessed with yourself, fall in love with yourself, and honestly, be willing to walk away like it's nothing, you're not going to give me what I deserve, bye, do you know what I mean, Confidence, inner strength. Be obsessed with yourself. Watch him come running towards you. Yeah, I'll guarantee it will happen. Guarantee. Take my word now. Write this down. He's going to come running towards you. When he sees you absolutely thriving, loving life, walking away like it's
Starting point is 00:43:19 nothing, you don't treat me, you were giving me the bare minimum and you finally had the balls to admit that you didn't feel the same about me. Good fucking riddance, babe. Good riddance. Right, listen to episode six, the bonus episode six, sorry. It's the breakup episode. I talk a lot about just being able to accept it, being able to go, do you know what? You don't fucking want to be with me and that's all right. I'm all right with that. I don't need you to want to be with me. I don't need you to want to be with me to feel like I'm good enough person. I don't need you to want to be with me to know that I'm gorgeous. I don't need you to want to be with me to know that I'm a kind person with a good heart. Do you know what I mean? I do not need that from you. Well done, mate. You finally admit you don't want to be with me. Good. Goodbye. Good riddance. Good fucking riddance, darling. That's what we're going to say to ourselves. Okay. Be obsessed with
Starting point is 00:44:07 yourself. You are so strong and amazing, talented, gorgeous, funny. You're going to be so fine. You're going to move on from this and you're going to be so fun. You're going to get through this. This is a blessing. Things happen for you, not to you. Sometimes this has happened for you. Thank fuck his energy went cold. And you know, like, I don't know if you believe in manifestation, but if you do, you may have been manifesting like a happier, better relationship. I just want a happy relationship. I just want an amazing relationship. So the universe has fucked up this relationship.
Starting point is 00:44:38 He's, he's gone all cold on you. Started making you feel like shit because you're holding onto him. And how are you going to get this beautiful, happy relationship that you've been trying to manifest if you won't let go of him so the universe has fucked it up for you and made him act all like this with you so that you finally said to him do you fucking want to be with me or not and he's gone no so now you can finally walk away from that relationship and go towards the relationship that you've been manifesting a beautiful happy kind balanced healthy strong stable relationship and that's what you're gonna get but until then work on yourself love yourself be obsessive
Starting point is 00:45:11 yourself and remember remember this remember this quote ladies and gents walk away like it's nothing trust me it makes you feel powerful it makes you feel powerful when you think about like that right walk away like it's nothing it's actually nothing to me okay babe do you know what i mean okay babe that's absolutely fine i've had an amazing time with you i've had an amazing time you know it's been beautiful it's been lovely see you later darling do you know what i mean thank you okay guys i love you so much oh sorry let me let me wrap up that dilemma i love you so much. Oh, sorry, let me wrap up that dilemma. I love you so much. I'm so sorry you're going through pain right now. Listen to the breakup episode. I hope it helps. I feel like it's helpful if I do say so myself, if I do say so myself. No, seriously, if I do,
Starting point is 00:45:58 I feel, you know, I'm there for you. I'm with you. I'm with you through it. You're absolutely going to be fine. And we're in this together at the end of the day. Do you know what I mean? When you listen to the breakup episode, you're in this, you're absolutely gonna be fine and we're in this together at the end of the day do you know what I mean when you listen to the breakup episode you're in this you're not alone in it we're in this together do you know how many people message me being like this has come at perfect timing why is everyone being broken up with at the moment do you know what I mean so don't worry you're not alone you're not in this pain alone although when people used to say that to me you're not the only one oh you make me think fuck off do you know what I mean you know when you're not going through a heartbreak and people go, there's so many people out there that are feeling
Starting point is 00:46:28 what you're feeling right now. Fuck off. Do you think that matters to me? Do you think that takes my pain away? Do you think that helps me? It doesn't. It literally doesn't. How annoying is it when people say that? Don't worry. There's lots of people in the world that are feeling the heartbreak that you're feeling. Brilliant. Brilliant. That really takes away my pain, actually. Thanks. Irrelevant. Literal objection. Relevant. Anyway, thank you so much for all of your dilemmas this week. Get them coming in for next week. But ladies and gentlemen, let's finish off the episode with one very exciting feature that is going to be part of the Tuesday episodes from now on. Ladies and gents, let's get into the Confession Diaries.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Okay, let's read some confessions. Now, I the confession diaries episodes were over but i did say i was going to still keep it a feature on the podcast and it's just going to be a few confessions at the end of every tuesday so make sure you're still sending them in because they will be read out at the end of every every week so keep them coming baby keep making terrible decisions all right okay let's kick off with this confession. New listener here and I find your pod really easy to listen to as I'm making my dinner, tidying up, catching a sunbed or driving to work. I mean, sunbeds are bad. I will not support that but, you know, you're a grown-up, you're absolutely fine. You're mad as a hatter but I'm totally
Starting point is 00:48:00 here for it. Do you guys think I'm mad? Wait, is that like a thing? Like, do people think I'm mad? No one's ever said that to me before. Do I come across mad? Do I come across like a little bit unstable? No, I'm okay guys. Anyway, let's kick it off. I'm kicking off. I'm kicking off. All right, let's get into the confession. So here's my confession. A few years ago, my boyfriend and I went traveling and we went to a full moon party in Thailand. I love it. We got super drunk and ended up having sex on the beach in front of loads of people. Wait, what? Okay. Okay. With other couples having sex around us and next to us, it was some of the best sex I've ever had in my life life and the thrill of feeling like we were putting on a show had me extra horny holy fuck babe at one point i was squeezing the hand
Starting point is 00:48:50 of the girl on the sand next to me who was also having sex but it never went as far as joining in with each other unfortunately what the what on earth this is a whole nother life like this is nothing i've ever experienced we were going that hard at it. And probably because I was so drunk, I cut my foot open on a smashed bottle and didn't feel a thing. Did you go to A&E the next day? And they're like, how did you do that, babe? You're like, oh, just shagging, just shagging on the beach. Is that what happened? Whoops. Still haven't told any of our friends in case they thought we were perverts, lol. But five years on years on we're still together and we recently got married keep that sex life spicy people bye oh my god why is that like the fucking best confession we've ever had on the confession diaries like i actually fucking love that i can't lie i think
Starting point is 00:49:37 that's fucking brilliant it's so crazy like that that to me is a definition of crazy. Like that is crazy behavior. Like you're, you're, you live life on the edge living like that. I live so firmly in the middle, as far away from the edge as humanly possible. I do not act out. Like I'm such a boring person when it comes to like confessions and fun stories like this. So I'm so happy that I can live through you confessions and fun stories like this. So I'm so happy that I can live through you and your amazing confessions. I mean, it's kind of fun. It's kind of fucking crazy. And I love that you're literally still together. Did you say you were married? Because if so, yeah, you recently got married. That's amazing. That's such an amazing story. I can't lie. If I was you, I'd be telling all my friends. I'm not gonna lie. I'm telling all my friends. But I fucking love that. That's such an amazing confession. I'm so glad I haven't lie if I was you I'd be telling all my friends I'm not gonna lie I'm saying all my friends but I fucking love that that's such an amazing confession I'm so glad I haven't stopped
Starting point is 00:50:28 the confession diaries because that would never have got read out and I know there's so many people listening to this right now thinking oh my god it's the squeeze in the hand of the girl next to you which has me like screaming like that is insane that is just crazy to me I bet there's people listening like fucking earlier Jesus Christ you definitely don't get out much that happens all the time do you mean I've never been to Thailand though, but I'm not really much of a traveler. I can't lie. I've never really been someone that wants to like, I want to go traveling. I just want to go on like lovely, amazing holidays. Like I've never been like one of those people that wants a backpack or like go to Australia
Starting point is 00:50:58 for a couple of years. Do you know what I mean? It's never really been my thing. But like I said, I lived through you guys. So keep going. I love that. Thank you so much for sending that in. Next confession. Okay. Around this time last year, I was out with some of my friends. Me, a girl and a boy came back to my flat after the night out because we were all friends and they couldn't find a lift to go home. We've all been friends for so long, so I didn't think anything of it. I put Love Island on in the background to go to sleep whilst the three of us were in bed. After about 20 minutes, I started to fall asleep and then I suddenly woke up, thinking to myself, wow, Love Island has got really loud all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I already know where this is going. Then I turned over and my two friends were going at it. When I tell you this bed was a small double, I mean it was small. Wait, you were in the bed? You were in the bed was a small double i mean it was small wait you were in the bed you were in the bed and a small double bed you're lying oh my god they were basically going at it and when i tell you this was one of a i couldn't believe that they were going at it whilst i was there we were basically all stuck together i found it awkward. I just decided to pretend to sleep and stare at the wall thinking they wouldn't last long. They were only doing bits, so I thought
Starting point is 00:52:09 they weren't going to be long. And that's why I decided not to say anything. Anyway, two hours later, they were still doing bits. Holy fuck. Two hours of foreplay. Jesus fucking Christ. That's insane. And it got to the point where it was too awkward to say anything oh my god literally imagine two hours deep and then your mate's like guys when are you gonna wrap this up when are you actually gonna wrap this up because fucking hell i'm trying to sleep that's so awkward um so i just awkwardly pretended to wake up and opened a window oh no did they just fucking freeze that's so awkward but yeah i still can't believe it and it's been awkward ever since though oh my god do they know that
Starting point is 00:52:50 you know like did they clock maybe they just didn't give a fuck that is insane to me and that is so awkward were they a couple or were they were you all just friends yeah yeah you just said you're all friends that is insane i mean i feel like i'm the kind of person to be like jesus christ guys at least get on the floor do you know what i mean not not rubbing my leg at the same time jesus christ that is insane i mean two hours is a fucking long time to be doing oral sex oral sex who am i i love that confession thank you so much for sending that in let's do one more okay this one is actually from one of our male listeners so shout out to you babes hey leah loving the confessions could actually listen to them for days thank you me and
Starting point is 00:53:38 my best mate were on holiday last year and one night we were just lying chatting and talking about sex and stuff we both got really horny so decided to this is very american i'm gonna assume you may be an american because you said jerk off we both got really horny so decided to jerk off together we ended up stroking each other's dicks and watching videos of him and his girlfriend fucking on his phone okay invasive to the poor girl who did not give her consent for him to show that video i can't get the videos out of my head and even though i've always said i'm straight it was so much fun and i'd love to do it again we ended up coming at the same time it was great also just listening to these confessions make anyone else really horny thanks leah god do you guys get horny when you listen to me all of you literally like no leah honestly i could not be more turned off when i hear your voice
Starting point is 00:54:31 who's horny right now you little freaks that is insane i mean it's it's naughty it's fun i don't know about the cheating part because for me, that's cheating. That's cheating. Like he definitely cheated on his girlfriend by doing that with you. I'm not going to lie. Like I don't see that any different to me having a boyfriend and laying in bed with a guy and we're both masturbating next to each other and coming out at the same time whilst showing him a video of me having sex with my boyfriend. That is fucking cheating. Do you know what I mean? That is cheating. So not supporting the cheating side of that. Not supporting him showing you the video of his girlfriend having sex. Because, you know, she didn't really give her permission to say she was okay with you seeing that video.
Starting point is 00:55:12 But whatever, that's not, you know, whatever. But, it is the confession diaries. And this is where you tell me all your deep, dark secrets. And that's a deep, dark secret if I've ever heard one. I wonder if that will ever come out. I feel like it's the kind of thing that you two will just always keep between you two. Do you know what I mean? Thank you so much for sending that confession. I love hearing from the male listeners. That is insane. You guys, the confessions were pretty fucking crazy this week.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I can't lie. I like having the little segment because it means that because there's only like three or however many I'm going to do, I'm going pick the good ones do you know what I mean so send me all your fucking confessions guys and I will pick the best ones every week and if I don't read them a few days after you've sent them if I don't read them the week you've sent them they may be in the following weeks I'm very behind sometimes on emails it depends on the speed that they come in so do not worry if I haven't read it there's still time but guys i think we're ready to wrap up the episode let's wrap it up honestly this episode is an hour long who do we think we are this week we just really could not get off the phone this week could we just could not put the line down honestly i've been diy in a pink phone
Starting point is 00:56:26 do you know how hard it is to get hold of a hot pink rotary telephone fucking hard let me tell you i found one on the whole of the internet and it's 80 pounds do you think i've spent 80 pounds on a phone that i'm not actually going to use no i am not so i went to the car boot and i was like this is the place that you're going to find a rotary telephone it's going to be at the car boot and I was like, this is the place that you're going to find a rotary telephone. It's going to be at the car boot. Do you know what I mean? Bear in mind, they're like 30 quid on Amazon. You can get like a baby pink one for 30 quid, but I want the Lear and the Line hot pink. Yeah. The burn book pink. So I went to the car boot. First table, he's got three rotary telephones on the table. I was like, you, my darling. It was this beautiful old couple. It's like this lovely couple.
Starting point is 00:57:07 They both had gorgeous tan. They look like they've just been to like Benidorm or something. And they were so lovely. They were actually so nice. I was like, oh my God, this is crazy. I came here to find old retro telephones and you've got three. They were like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And they were so cute. They were like, and they work without electricity, which is really helpful. I was like, oh, I'm not actually going to use them. But you never know. Like maybe there's going to be a power cut in my house all of our phones will be dead and i'll go guys don't you fucking worry because we've got the lira on the line phone upstairs dial dial whoever will be calling i'm not sure but they were so sweet and they had three and i was like oh how much is the white one tenner and the person i was with was like do you reckon you what's the best you could do on that mate
Starting point is 00:57:53 what's the best you could do eight quid got myself a bargain got myself a bargain guys eight quid for a rotary telephone retro real retro one anyway it was white so i was like right i've got a mission on my hands we go to hobby craft okay we're walking around and we're looking for acrylic paint because i'm like it's plastic i'm gonna paint it with acrylic paint do you know what i mean that's gonna be smart the smarts and we're talking about it talking about discussing which color oh yeah you know maybe we need this and this girl stops me in the shop the universe was on my side she was like sorry guys just out of curiosity what is it that you're wanting to paint she was just she was a shopper she wasn't even working there shut her basket full of paint she really knew she really knew her shit right she was like what is it that you're
Starting point is 00:58:36 shopping for just out of curiosity i was like oh um we're painting a phone i know it sounds crazy i've got a phone an old retro telephone i'm gonna paint it pink she's like i would spray paint it for you and i was like oh fuck really and she was like yeah so what you want to do sand that fucker down sand it down i was like oh i should have just bought the fucking 80 quid phone jesus christ sand it down you need to get like some sort of alcohol to clean it and then spray paint i was like jesus christ jesus jesus i was actually thinking i was gonna have this fun little project like i was on fucking art attack gonna be painting this beautiful pink phone no no i had to fucking sand the bitch actually i didn't
Starting point is 00:59:18 really do much of the work um i did a lot of the spray painting I will say that and I did clean it actually but I did have some fantastic assistants who's also painted my bedroom really putting them to work these days anyway um had an amazing amazing time having this little fun project I really quite enjoyed it and it's going to be part of my new set for the Lear on the Line podcast videos and I'm so excited to see it so make sure you're following at Lear on the Line on TikTok and at Lear on the Line podcast videos. And I'm so excited for you to see it. So make sure you're following at Lear on the Line on TikTok and at Lear on the Line on Instagram. And also at Lear Levain. Yeah, at Lear Levain on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:59:51 We hit 100K, by the way. I love you so much. Thank you to so much. I mean, thank you so much to everybody that follows me on TikTok. I love it over there. But I will say the podcast is where my heart is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:01 You know what I mean? Does that remind anyone of Emma Chamberlain? You know what I mean? She always says that, you know what I mean, I love her, but also sounds a bit like that girl that Ariana Grande does the impressions of, what's her name from the Hunger Games, oh, it's gonna fuck me off, you guys all, Lawrence, Jennifer Lawrence, you know what I mean, you know what I mean, that's how she, that's how Ariana Grande does an impression of her, yeah, anyway, okay, who who do i think i am i'm going to go now because i love you guys so much and i've taken enough of your time we've been here for over an hour i just can't get enough of each other these days can we was really falling quite deeply in
Starting point is 01:00:33 love with each other me and you but anyway i love you guys so much have the best week i'll see you on friday as always i'm gonna do an episode all about narcissists i'm very excited I've been seeing lots of tiktoks it's been all over my for you page recently and I'm like this is my calling I've done a lot of fucking research on narcissists and I feel like it would be an amazing podcast and maybe helpful to anybody so any thoughts on that send them my way the episode is coming and also the never have I ever is coming so send me any voice notes to do it. I haven't forgotten about it. Okay. And yeah, have an amazing week. Be productive.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Be lazy. Whatever it is. Whatever your heart desires. That is absolutely okay. You're strong. You're beautiful. You're funny. You're kind.
Starting point is 01:01:14 You're talented. Be nice. Be good people. I love you so much. Thank you for everything you do for me, for Lear on the Line. You are the best thing in my life. Don't text your ex. Text me. And I will speak to you on Fridayiday for a brand new episode all right bitches i love you

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