Leah on the Line - 33: I want to travel alone but my boyfriend is FOLLOWING ME!

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

Hey everyone! Welcome back to a new episode. I absolutely LOVED this one but can only apologise in advance for my energy throughout... I am a mess lol. I honestly love and appreciate every single one ...of you SO much, thank you for all the love and support. You are the best friends ever! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line we were joined by chloe today for our intro not great on the timing girls but you know what I appreciate the input absolutely loved it she sent me that a couple of weeks ago and I just kept forgetting I kept forgetting every time I recorded that I had this had this genius material that I haven't yet used um let's hear it one more time for the Chloe and her friend I don't know what her friend's called but shout out to both of you I love you so much. Let's hear it again. I feel like you really nailed the hello. I feel like actually it's more like a hello. Do you know what I mean? But I feel like you really nailed it. Like I actually thoroughly enjoyed. I really had a good time listening to that when you sent me that. But hi guys,
Starting point is 00:01:07 welcome back to a brand new episode. How are you? It's Tuesday. Who's Tuesday? I mean, whose favorite day of the week is Tuesdays? Because they're definitely mine. I love these episodes. I absolutely love them. I feel like I'll never get bored of them. Like I just feel like how can you ever get bored of the dilemmas and the juice and the drama? You know, like, I just love it. Anyway, what's new? I just made a risotto for dinner. It was actually quite gorge. I can't lie. It was actually quite stunning. I think I'm quite the chef at the moment. But yeah, it was really, really good. What else is new in my life? Honestly, not much. Oh, there is some, there is something new. So remember remember like a while ago now, I mentioned that I really want to do merch. So I'm having a meeting about it this week. I think it's doable. Like I think we're
Starting point is 00:01:54 going to be able to get it happening. I really want tote bags. I don't know how I want it, literally. Okay. I'm literally getting so far ahead of myself. All that's happened is I've got a meeting booked. do not I do not know what we're going to be able to do together but I have a meeting booked and I really want tote bags because I love a tote I literally take a tote bag everywhere I go and like how cute would a leo on the line tote bag be do you know what I mean but then also like what else do you guys want you remember when I wanted to do t-shirts and stuff and like we're saying it'd be so nice to have like a big oversized tee like our fake tan tea our pj tea
Starting point is 00:02:25 our like just had sex tea do you know what i mean so anyway let me know what's going on in your life send me a dm on instagram send me an email whatever it's your method of contact who emails for contacts unless you've been like blocked and reported by your ex do you mean who's done that just out of curiosity how many of you have sent an email because you've been blocked on everything else I have never done that nor have I received that and I'd quite like that level of desperation from somebody and I've not ever received it but then to be fair I've never been stubborn enough to like fully block do you know I mean I'm not really a blocker like I'm not really a social media blocker um or like a number blocker that's not
Starting point is 00:03:05 really my thing but like you know how people like oh my god I blocked him and everything and he sent me like 1p bank transfer with the caption caption with the reference like please please call me I want that level of desperation in my life like I want somebody to be that desperate to talk to me but like they're just not like this never happened I mean like what the fuck like what what do I need to do I guess block someone to start with and that just sounds like a whole lot of drama so you know what i guess we'll just stick to whatsapp shall we but anyway let's just dive straight in to this week's episode okay so weekly debate guys i was actually quite stuck this week i really struggled
Starting point is 00:03:46 i honestly just genuinely wasn't sure what to debate this week so do definitely definitely hit me up with any ideas because i need them i'm struggling sometimes i'll just be like oh my god i've got nothing and then like this amazing weekly debate will just spring into my mind but i really it just didn't happen this week so we're gonna go with a pretty poor one i can't lie but interesting either either way nonetheless whatever so this week's weekly debate is do you believe in the one slash everyone having a soulmate so essentially do you think that there is one person out there for everyone like my soulmate is i don't know bradley from i don't know i don't know wolverhampton who lives in wolverhampton is that a place or is that just a football team that was the most stupid thing i've ever said in my whole life oh my god where is Wolverhampton just out of curiosity why did that
Starting point is 00:04:48 come to my brain let's have a look on maps like where is Wolverhampton how many of you listening live in Wolverhampton right now and how many says how many times can I say Wolverhampton and why am I saying it like that oh it's in the Midlands it's in the Midlands shout out to you guys oh it's near Birmingham. Anyway, anyway, essentially my question is, do you believe that there's one person out there for everyone, you know? And what do I think? I don't think so. But you guys know, I believe in the power of the universe, manifestation, law of attraction. And I do believe that your life is like it's meant to be the way it is like what's meant for you will happen for you so I feel like you're not going to be with somebody that you're not supposed to be
Starting point is 00:05:33 with and that doesn't mean I think your relationships are supposed to work out what I mean is like if you have this four-year terrible relationship that is meant to happen like that you are meant to go through that you're meant to experience that as shit as it is so I really don't think that there is one soul mate I don't know because I think monogamy is is an interesting topic on its own like let's actually fuck me I can't debate that I don't have enough brain cells but like when I talk about it to people I get really confused and it's like one of those things where I'm like, it's kind of like a conspiracy theory, like monogamy. Like who decided that? Do you know what I mean? Like actually think about it, like actually think about like monogamy.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Right. And it's man made like that is a decision that somebody's made. Like you're meant to be with one person and you're meant to be in love and you're meant to be faithful and you're not meant to want another person. But if you if you look at us as creatures on the planet our purpose is just to reproduce so similarly to animals why don't we just shag around making babies because that's what the point in humans are to reproduce no i'm not sure it's not really my topic of expertise but like if you actually think about it well like love is like this thing that we've just like like monogamy is this thing that we just made up marriage is this very old fashioned idea do you know what i mean that we've made up do you know what i was talking about the other day because i've been watching maths uk he's watching married at first sight uk by the way
Starting point is 00:07:01 god we'll get into that hey i mean I probably will forget but we can definitely discuss that um yeah and what I was saying when I was watching it is like isn't it weird how everyone gets to talk at the wedding apart from the bride and it sort of brings up the whole idea that like the the whole idea of marrying a woman is to take ownership over them you know like the father walking the the bride down the aisle was like you may take my property she now belongs to you you are the man of this woman's life now and then the man speaks the the the groom speaks and then usually like i don't know other people speak everyone but the fucking bride hun like it's not traditional for the bride to do a speech i don't know i'm sure lots of brides do their speech and as you fucking should babe do you know what i mean this is my day this is my day
Starting point is 00:07:51 but like isn't that just a weird thing like why don't i get to well i don't get to say nothing well i don't get to say nothing then you just talk about you talk about each other yeah okay i'll just go fuck myself then shall i do you know what i mean so anyway that's literally so off topic do i believe in a soulmate is that is the topic um i believe in twin flames i honestly do like i can't lie but then i believe in soul connections because like my best friend i didn't believe we have a soul contract like it I've known her 10 years no way more like 15 years more holy shit like 20 years oh my goodness that's insane almost 20 um and I truly believe we have soul contracts so we are soul ties and i don't think that has to be romantic to be honest i think you
Starting point is 00:08:48 can have a soulmate in another way so anyway i'm literally talking so much shit so do i believe that there's one person made for you i don't know i don't know okay get off my dick everyone i really don't know because the way like i said the way I see it is everyone has I believe everyone is where they're meant to be right now everyone goes through what they're meant to go through when they go through it everyone meets the people they're meant to meet when they meet them people part ways with the people that they part way with when they're meant to part way with them so my answer is no I don't believe that there's someone you're meant to end up with. I think hopefully, you know, ideally, we want to meet someone and that's it forever. Obviously, well,
Starting point is 00:09:30 most of us, not everyone, the majority want to, you know, be with one person. And that is the goal. But if that doesn't happen, oh my god, I'm choking, I'm choking. If that doesn't happen, I think that's meant to, I think it's not meant to happen you know oh fucking hell let's just see what you guys are going to say because you guys are definitely going to make a lot more bloody sense than me jesus um someone says i think that everyone is meant to have certain people oh this person is saying exactly what i'm saying i love you i think that everyone is meant to have certain people at certain times in their lives so for example i had a boyfriend from age 14 to 18 which was very toxic
Starting point is 00:10:05 but he was meant to be in my life for that period to help me through some things and help me learn what I don't want in a future partner I then rushed into a new relationship which taught me more so I think we're meant to have people in our lives at certain times for lots of reasons and therefore have lots of the one to do to a certain extent but I do think there's someone who's better suited to us than others so yes and no you hit the nail on the head that is exactly what i was trying to say but could not manage to say it um somebody says yes for certain periods i don't believe everything is meant to last forever yes this is what i'm trying to say i'm so glad so many of you understand what i'm
Starting point is 00:10:39 trying to say um somebody said i think we have multiple potential soulmates out there okay that's a nice idea not really every relationship i've been in i've always felt so strongly that they are the one oh okay so i guess that would be very discouraging because you'd have so many occasions where you're like this is it like this is the one this one's it this time and then it's not and you're like eh one of you's gotta be it do you know what i mean and then you'd probably get to a point eventually where you're like do you know what i don't think there is there is one do you know what i mean um let's see what other ideas we have around this um i think everyone's got multiple soulmates billions of people in the world and my soulmate can't just
Starting point is 00:11:21 be one guy from my hometown. Yeah, I feel you. Do you know what I mean? This is what I always think. Like, there's billions of people in the world, and I'm just going to stumble into my soulmate. How are we meant to meet? Do you know what I mean? Someone says, yes, sometimes their soulmate isn't a romantic one, though.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Definitely agree. No way, load of bullshit. If you love each other, you make it work. Okay, I like it. I like it. like it no it puts too much pressure on your special one best example of this is the film 500 days of summer i've never seen that um someone says i hope so 27 and waiting lol you will find them baby girl don't you worry um i don't have you seen look Both Ways on Netflix? I recommend. I actually haven't. I
Starting point is 00:12:06 haven't seen much, you know. Yes, 100%. I've experienced it firsthand. Oh my God. She's my hustle mate. Woo. Congrats. I love it. I believe you can connect and love multiple people on that level. Yeah, I feel that. I feel that. Um, I think everyone is attached by an invisible string and no matter how much you fight it, you always end up joining again. So if anyone doesn't understand what a twin flame is, let me try and explain it. I'm going to fail at this, but basically the idea of a twin flame is again, it's law of attraction, power of the universe. If you believe in that, then you probably already know what a twin flame is is but it's the idea that you meet someone and your souls have already met in in another dimension essentially like your souls have met
Starting point is 00:12:53 but your physical beings haven't right so when you meet someone and you feel like you know them already and your paths might have almost crossed a few times before. And you feel, it just feels right to be with them. And you just feel automatically like this person is connected to me. Like they're connected to my soul deep down inside me. That's a twin flame. So I do feel like you can experience that. I do feel like you can experience that I do feel like that can happen like I I have met somebody where I've been like this is too weird like there's someone who we met and literally instantly
Starting point is 00:13:38 we were having like these deep chats about like childhood and like like our traumas and things that we've went through that were really difficult and like we were just like opening up to each other mega quick and it was odd and then we just got on really well I felt so comfortable and also a weird thing was that I just could sleep really easily and I've always struggled with sleep always but like I could just fall asleep and it was so weird and I just felt so so and so calm. And like it just felt really normal like being around them even though I'd just met them. And we found out that we had crossed paths literally so close to each other. He walked past where I work and we both have a photo at the exact same. Oh by the way when he walked past my work I was working because I
Starting point is 00:14:25 went through my um archive and Instagram and I was working that day and there was also a couple of days where a couple of days later where he took a photo literally in the exact same spot that I have a photo and it's right outside where I live like it's so crazy and like there's all these weird coincidences that I'm like that's just a bit odd like what are the chances that you walk past my work and I was working that day what are the chances that we have the same photo in the same place like it's not like a common photo spot like it's not like oh a famous Instagram hotspot like it's just a random place we both have a photo there and it's odd like I just found it so bizarre that like you've
Starting point is 00:15:06 been there you've been that's my house like it's so weird bear in mind he lives miles away from where that was so yeah very weird and I do believe that you can have a twin flame but obviously apparently you don't always end up with your twin flame like you can separate but then you always feel connected in your soul and like how can you how can you be happy in another relationship if your twin flame is out there i mean interesting interesting debate but i'm going completely off topic so i honestly i'm going to leave that debate there because i feel like none of us are really fucking sure let's read a few more um i think we all have many soulmates in a friendship and romantic sense yeah so do you believe you can have multiple soulmates that's an interesting one um somebody says 100 000 i met my
Starting point is 00:15:51 boyfriend after my 25th birthday i was going through the worst time and i think the universe knew that i needed him i genuinely believe that we're meant to be that is so sweet maybe he's your twin flame um somebody says in short no you come into the world alone and leave the world alone fuck my a bit morbid jesus jesus that's very morbid should we end it on that note shall we do you know what that scares me anyone that knows me from tiktok or anything you guys know i have a crippling fear of death like i've actually had counseling over my fear my fear of death um so i'm actually not going to get into that response because I will start crying like I will um but yeah that was an interesting
Starting point is 00:16:32 debate I really still don't know where I stand with it it confuses me like it makes me deep everything it makes me deep the whole meaning of life and the universe and monogamy as a whole like what's the fucking point it doesn't make any sense like it's weird like i want it listen i'm a fan of monogamy okay i'm not polyamorous okay but it makes me think weird shit like it makes me just question the fucking purpose of being alive and then that's when my my fear of death starts getting triggered out his fucking mind but yeah let's get into some juicy dilemmas. Okay, let's start with this dilemma. So it says, hey girl, I love the podcast so much. Thank you. I have a massive dilemma and I don't know where to start. Okay, let's kick it off. I was with my ex-boyfriend for seven years Jesus Christ that is a long relationship and I was worried about a girl for a few years as I saw she was his best friend on
Starting point is 00:17:30 snapchat no or immediately no red flag why is another girl your best friend on snapchat what's happening there why are you talking so much that's not okay for me I asked him about her and he said she's just a friend classic that old chestnut of course you're gonna say that you're gonna say oh i fancy the fucking fanny out of her are you no bearing in mind he was taking his phone everywhere with him and hiding it this does not sound good but we'll continue on they could it could be it could turn for the better we'll see a few months went past and I got a message to say that there is a rumor going around that he had slept with her. Do you know what I think
Starting point is 00:18:10 when rumors come out? There's no fuel without fire. Is that the saying? Or is it no fire without fuel? That makes more sense. That makes way more sense. Wait, I swear it says no fuel without fire, but it actually makes way more sense to say there's no fire without fuel because there can be fire without no there can be fuel without fire do you know what i mean it must be there's no fire without fuel it's got to be that anyway classic me getting all my catchphrases mixed up anyway there's there's some sort of truth behind that i i'm immediately saying that there's something going on there whether they slept together or not i'm not sure but we'll see when i confronted him he denied everything and got defensive why defensive why defensive if you
Starting point is 00:18:55 haven't done anything wrong why defensive if you said to me oh leah there's a rumor that you've slept with david i'll be like right well i've never had sex with a David in my life that's it I won't be like whoa fuck off that's that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard in my life I've just be like no not true you tell David fuck your face fuck his brother that's what I would say okay but anyway anyway so he's defensive he's best friends with a girl on snapchat there's a rumor going around they fucked and he's defensive about it all right he rang her and the first thing she said when answering the phone was are you alone no no the boy's a cheater the boy's a cheater she says which to me says it all yeah it does you're right you're right you're not wrong
Starting point is 00:19:39 long story but we split up and then tried again three months later where on my birthday i was away and he was texting me saying i can't believe you believed the rumors etc i and what so he's trying to make you feel like the bad person i can't believe you actually believe the things people said about me fuck you honestly fuck you i ended things again as i thought it was toxic good for you months went past and I wanted him back. So I started messaging him. He was very much all in at first. And after a couple of weeks, he went cold and started saying I need to gain his trust back that I won't leave again. Right. Okay. This boy sounds like a little slime bag, slime ball. I mean, slime bag. What am I trying to think of there? Scumbag and slime ball. Little slime ball. mean slime bag what am i trying to think of there scumbag and slime ball little
Starting point is 00:20:26 slime ball i've never said that before slime ball oh my god you remember when people get slimed for entertainment on nickelodeon that would not be me i'm sorry it was my dream to be on nickelodeon but you could not put an inch of slime on my body I would not be having it thank you anyway sorry back to your actual real life problem um so yeah we he he's pissed off with you because you believed the rumors that you were hearing months went past and I wanted him back but okay and he's being very distant with me but I love him so much but I just don't know what to do he's still saying I love you but then being cold so I'm very confused there is a lot more to this story but this is the basic sorry it's so long opinions would be amazing thank you love you love you too my opinion is he is a cheater that is my opinion I can't lie I know you want to hear
Starting point is 00:21:23 maybe they were just friends. You know, maybe, maybe the rumors came from nowhere. I mean, I would love to say that to you. But, you know, my opinion, like you said, you want some opinions. My opinion is that he's a little cheater. And we don't we don't stand for that shit. And good for you for walking away. Obviously, you go back because it's not it's not easy to walk away from someone. And I do not hold you. I don't hold that against you at all. But personally, I think you deserve better. I think you deserve to be with someone where you know, you know the truth.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You know you're secure. You know where you stand. They're not best friends with other girls on Snapchat. Do you know what I mean? Like, fuck off with that shit. Also, best friends on Snapchat, that's not a thing anymore, is it? So this must have been going on for quite a while is it the thing anymore oh it is a thing you have best friends on snapchat interesting right i wonder who my best friends are i don't remember
Starting point is 00:22:16 the last time i sent a snapchat i must have been 12 20 probably nah i reckon i was about 23 living life living life being single I feel like Snapchat's a single app as well actually a lot of people disagree because I know a lot of people use it for all their friends and stuff which is totally fine I'm just not down with the kids anymore you know but my personal opinion is he's a bit of a cheater and he goes cold because he's not actually sure what he wants um he wants you but he also wants someone else and he also wants female attention so he's hot and cold and then he turns it around on you and makes you feel like you're the bad person because you believe your rumors when actually a decent guy would be like i understand how this looks i'm so sorry this must
Starting point is 00:23:00 feel really shit for you i swear to you it's bullshit what can i do to make you feel more secure in this relationship that's what a decent innocent person to you it's bullshit what can i do to make you feel more secure in this relationship that's what a decent innocent person would do that's not what he did so if if i'm giving you advice i would say bit him off and go and get yourself someone better darling because that is some bullshit that's some bullshit you're bullshit that's what we're telling him i love you so much keep me updated whatever you decide to do i support you all the way. Let me know what you do. Okay, next dilemma. This one is called anxiety around sex. Please help me. Okay. Hi, Leah. I love you and the podcast. I love you too. You give great advice. So I wondered if you could help me out. I'm sorry for the long message. Do not apologize. I've been with my
Starting point is 00:23:42 boyfriend for just over three years now and things are better than ever between us but our sex life is not i'm always so busy meaning that i'm always exhausted and that means i find it hard to be in the mood understandable i feel like i'm always telling my boyfriend no and while he's never once made me feel bad about it i can't help the feeling of guilt because of this i find myself panicking about not being in the mood because i want to satisfy him but i'm worried i'm not and therefore not enough for him as soon as we start to kiss or touch these worries about being in the mood and worries about telling him no come flooding back and boom I'm not horny I feel like sex is bringing me so much anxiety right now even though we've always had great sex but I'm just exhausted these days I'd like to reiterate that my boyfriend never
Starting point is 00:24:23 makes me feel bad but it's my own mind any advice would be great okay so I feel like do not kick yourself and do not think that just because you're not very horny at the moment that doesn't make you good enough for your boyfriend like this that is one aspect of a relationship there's so much more to a relationship than just giving them fucking orgasms you know what I mean so I would say have a chat with your boyfriend by the sounds of it he seems really understanding i'm really really really nice as he should be that's what we expect from people and i'm not going to praise him to the gods for doing the bare minimum not holding you making you feel guilty for having sex i mean just a nice guy which is what we want i would have a
Starting point is 00:24:59 little chat with him and be like i'm sorry like i'm feeling guilty about it but i just want to make sure you know that it's not personal and stuff and also I think that will take some of the pressure off because I feel like you're getting this anxiety as soon as you start getting intimate and you start kissing and touching you said that you get like oh god here we go and then I think it's hard to get wet and it's hard to get horny when you're in your head so much so I think if you have a nice open chat and you're like is this okay with you like do you are you taking it personally and like get a bit of reassurance from him give him a bit of reassurance take the pressure off and then hopefully it will just come naturally where you don't feel so like
Starting point is 00:25:35 pressured or or guilty and I think you're just overthinking it a lot and hopefully you could have a nice chat with him and then when it happens it happens and it doesn't matter if it doesn't happen for a month do you know i mean if you're going for a shit time a good partner is like i don't need to have sex with you like that's okay like whenever you're ready do you know i mean and i think you're getting in your head a bit much like as soon as you start kissing touching you think oh god and then you can't get fucking wet because you're thinking about getting wet do you know i mean it's not like a relaxed situation so do what you can away from it to try and make it more relaxing for you and then hopefully that will come um but
Starting point is 00:26:15 yeah I just think with relationships it really is all about communication and being open with each other and making sure that you're on the same page and making sure that he isn't feeling offended and stuff like that because then it will take a bit of weight off your shoulders if he literally sits you down he's like babe it's absolutely fine you can have sex with me whenever it feels right for you or if you want me to come on to you more I can if you want me to come on to you less I can do that have these open conversations and then hopefully the weight will be a bit lifted and don't feel bad about it there's so much more to a relationship than having sex with someone. So you obviously have a great relationship with this guy. And you said the sex is great when you have it.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So don't worry about how frequently you're having it. You can go through a little phase of not having a lot of it. Do you know what I mean? It's absolutely fine. Take the pressure off. And you'll be fine. And I love you so much. Oh wait.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Did I tell the last girl that I love her? I've got a fear that I didn't. I love you. Other girl. I didn't say it to you. Alright. Next dilemma. Hi Leah. I've recently come out of a relationship and I've started seeing oh sorry started sleeping with a new guy for fun. The first couple times we slept together we didn't use a condom. Bad I know. I think he may also be seeing or sleeping with other girls which is fine as this
Starting point is 00:27:23 is just fun for us but i'm worried now that he won't want to wear a condom if we have sex again how can you ask guy to do this if you've set the precedent precedent is that correct i'm getting a nod i think that's a word of sleeping with them without any contraception previously thank you um you just set yourself new boundaries and feel not guilty about it for one second like you've had sex with him and you didn't use a condom and then you've upon reflection been like should he use a condom and that's what you want to do from now on and as you should that is safe sex and you you should not be ashamed of that or feel awkward about it and if he's got a problem
Starting point is 00:28:00 with it they can fuck off can't he do you know what i mean there's no issue of you being like um i would feel more comfortable if you're a condom right now and if he says well we didn't wear a condom last time why don't we wear a condom now because i do because i don't know where that dirty dick has been all right you have no reason to explain yourself like you don't have to i want you to wear a condom because i'd rather have safe sex and if you have a problem with that I don't think we're very sexually compatible and you can go and have your dirty sex with someone else don't feel bad about it and own it and that's I think that's sexy to want to have sex with someone and want them to put a condom on I think that is way sexier like if you was having a one night stand with someone I always think this and I always say this to people when they have like a
Starting point is 00:28:43 one night stand I'm like absolutely amazing was it good usually the answer is it was all right and then I always say did you use a condom and the answer has frequently been no from the person I'm talking about and I'll say and wait wait and then she'll say but he hasn't got anything he said he hadn't got anything he said he's been checked and I'll okay, did he offer to wear a condom? And the answer is, it just didn't come up. And it's like, right. Well, then it never comes up for him, does it? If it's not natural for him to go, oh, have we got any condoms anywhere?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Then he has unprotected sex. And he's putting his unprotected willy in you. And that's a red flag. So if you get down in the business with a guy and he's like, oh,ected willy in you and that's a red flag so if you get get down in the business with a guy and he's like oh have you got no condoms sexy yeah wrap it up do you know what i mean it's sexy it's safe protects my vagina do you know what i mean it's turning me on take ownership and have no shame and I love you okay next dilemma okay hi love love love your podcast love love love you okay so my dilemma is I really want to go
Starting point is 00:29:55 traveling around Australia so many people want to travel Australia I feel like you're either born a traveler like I just want to travel the world or you're born a leah and you just don't like i want to go on a nice two week one week whole vacay enjoy the sun don't mean or you're i want to see the world i feel like you're way more impressive people people that want to travel the world but anyway back to you so you want to travel australia and she says she has done since literally forever i booked my flights last week and i'm heading off in feb whoa i have the best time i've been with my boyfriend for four years however i want to solo travel oh damn i know it will be so good for me to do this
Starting point is 00:30:38 alone meet new people do and see everything i've always wanted to do without being tied to anyone etc yes yes live for you that is so attractive to me someone that's just like I don't need a relationship to feel fulfilled in life I want to go and explore life alone and see what it has in store for me I think that is fucking amazing I've struggled with confidence a lot and I've found myself overshadowed by my boyfriend in a lot of social situations and I know this will be an amazing opportunity for me yes figure out who you are come out of your shell go through life experiences that are going to warp you into whoever you're meant to be love that plus I'm not sure how I'm feeling with our relationship either and I think this will either be the make or break of us don't get me wrong we've been on some amazing
Starting point is 00:31:23 holidays together but i just want to travel alone and do it all for me you know what there's more to this dilemma but all i have to say at this point is end the relationship and go and travel alone because that's what you want to do if you're meant to end up with that person you will find your your paths will cross again right he on the other hand is so against this of course he is how could he lose you do you know i mean it's caused so many arguments over this saying i'm pushing him out and wasted four years of his He, on the other hand, is so against this. Of course he is. How could he lose you? Do you know what I mean? It's caused so many arguments over this, saying I'm pushing him out and wasted four years of his life, etc.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I'm sorry. Just because this relationship might come to an end doesn't mean it was a waste of time. Don't be so fucking rude. He's also booked the same flight as me. Okay, he's also now booked the same flight as me and thinks we're doing this together sorry you weren't invited you i'm sorry what part do you understand about solo traveling what that's i'm uncomfortable with that you're fucking stalking me you freak you're
Starting point is 00:32:21 following me to australia you're obsessed with me that is scary um he's never usually been controlling so i'm not sure if this is a controlling issue i've tried speaking to him multiple times but it's now become even more difficult now that he's booked the flights please help right i'm not gonna be funny if that's me i'm saying look billy you're gonna have to cancel that flight honey because you'll not come in or I'd say, okay, if you all of a sudden, out of the blue, pretty randomly, have this desire to travel Australia, do it away from me. Do it on your own. I'm trying to end the relationship.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You can't follow me to the other side of the world. That's not how this works, okay? I'm being such a heartless bitch about this, but I think it's weird. No, but in all seriousness i would say don't get sucked in like if he's he's literally giving you no choice but to go traveling with him when that's not what you want to do if you genuinely feel like i want to go out in the world and experience it alone go and experience it alone and do not allow him to take that opportunity away from you because that sounds like that's what he's trying to do and do not allow it
Starting point is 00:33:22 if in your gut you don't want to go traveling with your boyfriend don't let him take this opportunity from you do you know what I mean I think you can sit him down and be honest and be like look this is what I need to do and I need to do it alone I'm not giving you a choice this isn't a conversation I'm telling you so yeah I would just genuinely be like babe if you really want to travel Australia all of a sudden you're welcome to do it but you're not doing it with me you know if you're meant to be together you'll be together and you'll find a way that is just the truth that is genuinely what I believe so yeah to be selfish do it on your own and absolutely have the best time let Let us all know how that goes
Starting point is 00:34:05 because I'm quite intrigued. I feel like he's going to flip this shit. Shit is going to hit the fan when you tell him. Can't wait to hear all about it. Stand your ground and stay strong. Do not let him take the power away from you. All right, I love you so much. Okay, let's do one last dilemma.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Hey girl, been here since day one and love the pod thank you so much love you so we have i feel like i really need an outsider's opinion my boyfriend of two years went clubbing whilst i was on holiday and he met his ex in the club his ex of five years before me was in a girl group that wasn't that nice to me in school and my boyfriend knows this okay bit shady behavior from the boyfriend but whatever we also broke up once before and during the six months apart he had sex and they were messaging so you broke up for six months and he went back to his ex who you've had issues with in the past another shady move from billy okay so they were messaging and then she says so i've always had my concerns on friday i saw someone post an instagram story of them to speaking very closely in the club oh my god that is honestly imagine the anxiety imagine the anxiety you'd feel opening your
Starting point is 00:35:28 instagram and seeing your your boyfriend talk to his ex in a club oh my god i'd get straight in a cab get me down that fucking club now darling imagine okay not only is it hurtful that he's speaking to all the girls that basically bullied me in school he's having a full-on catch-up with his ex when none of his friends or her friends are to be seen that is so fucking shady i'm sorry have a bit of respect for me do you know what i mean it looks way too cozy and friendly i went crazy at him when i saw him and he's wait oh sorry sorry i went crazy at him when i saw, and he said he's allowed to say hello. Oh my God. Am I overreacting? Am I being dumb for believing he's innocent? I'm so lost, Leah. I don't know what to do. Love you. Bye. Okay. So I've seen the video. Obviously,
Starting point is 00:36:18 I can't show you guys, but I've seen the video, and I wouldn't like it at all let me just tell you let me just tell you that so I'll try and create a scene for you someone has stood at the DJ decks the DJ decks and they're panning around the club and they're what appears to look like a couple are whispering in each other's ears oh my god you look so nice tonight you look so nice oh thanks where are you going after this where you going after this i'm not sure who you out with it seems like that right and i like when i saw it i literally messaged her straight away being like honestly i have anxiety for you looking at that video it is shit but the difficult thing is like you cannot say what happened so i'm not necessarily like the
Starting point is 00:37:06 boys are cheap um but i will say that there is obviously something there because they slept together when you broke up and that's some bullshit like i'm not being funny if i'm out and about right and i have a boyfriend and i see someone I slept with I'm not getting all cozy with him on the fucking dance floor all right all right how's things because it's just a bit muggy like it's just a bit rude to my boyfriend so when he's like I'm allowed to say hello yeah you're allowed to just literally go hey you're right yeah good thanks cool end of conversation for me I might be a psycho oh my god Leahah jesus christ let the boy live i let you live if you talk to an ex again i'm not so sure i'm joking i'm not gonna kill anyone
Starting point is 00:37:53 jesus christ but listen to me now i'm saying it looks dodgy on its own but with the fact that he's been in a relationship with her and then he's slept with her when you've broken up for some reason this boy can't leave the girl alone and he is going back to her when you're not there and that makes me feel like it's not okay I feel like on a in a different situation say he was she was an ex where they haven't spoken in years and it was a long time ago and they ended well and like they're both in new relationships and there's absolutely nothing there. Yeah, then I wouldn't be so alarmed. Obviously, I'd still be a bit like, oh, didn't like seeing that video.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Jesus, fuck me. Because your brain just creates this whole scenario in your head. Oh, my God. He was whispering in his ear how much he wants to have sex with her. And she was like, oh, my God, I miss your big dick. Do you know what I mean? Like you just think that in your head. But realistically, it could have could have been like how's things
Starting point is 00:38:46 oh yeah how's uni do you know what i mean and we'll never know we'll never know what was said but because of the situation it makes me uncomfortable so i personally have an issue with it if i were you i'm not right with it and he's like i'm allowed to say hello and all of this shit. I don't think you're overreacting. And I don't think you're dumb for believing he's innocent because it's difficult. And the reality is we don't really know what his intentions are because he's gonna bullshit. Like if he's, if he genuinely does really still fancy the pants of this girl and she is that person that he can't really move on from. And he seems to always be pulled and drawn towards her. He not gonna admit it he's not gonna be like yeah okay you're right when i saw her my heart fell at my arsehole and i thought jesus christ megan looks gorgeous
Starting point is 00:39:33 tonight i've got to say hello he's not gonna say that he's gonna go no babe i'm allowed to say hello jesus christ it's nothing it's not that deep jesus relax he's gonna say that so the thing is we'll never know and it is just a case of like trust your gut on this one i think so or or some people be against this or we can talk to her or we can talk to the friends or the friends are gonna bullshit aren't they but or we can talk to her and be like hi although she wasn't very nice to you in school so she's not a nice person so she's not going to be a girl's girl about it the bitch so we are just left with our gut instinct here baby girl and my gut is i don't think he's cheating on you like i don't think he's like gone and shagged her that night but and i don't think he's done anything unfaithful to you, but I will say that he's disrespected you,
Starting point is 00:40:26 because going back to someone and having sex with them, and then getting a bit cozy with them on a night out, makes you look like a bit of a prick, like, do you know what I mean, like, I wouldn't do that to somebody, because I wouldn't want to make them look like a dickhead, so he's made you look a dickhead there, and I'm sure his that girl like his ex she thinks she got one up on you do you mean oh my god i wonder if his i wonder if his girlfriend knows that he's whispering in my hair on this dance floor fuck you honestly get away from my man no do you know what you can have each other you fucking deserve each other you pieces of shit christ i'm really angry tonight yes must be due
Starting point is 00:41:05 on my period or something i'm actually not why is there a ringing in my ears oh my god am i gonna pass out no i'm okay so i've never passed out before do you know sometimes i pass out when i get my lips done because i've got this like apparently there's something in filler that like it it's the numbing agent and apparently it can make you pass out. But the lady who does my lips, she's always really nice. Like I'm always like, by the way, I might pass out. And she's like, I know, don't worry. And then like when I start going all numb and tingly, she's like, you're gonna pass out, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:41:33 And I'm like, not sure. And then she like lifts my knees up and fans my face and I feel really safe and calm. And then I never really pass out because she brings me back. She brings me back. She's like, come on girl, stay with me. Stay with me girl.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And it works. But anyway, back to the dilemma. You've got this. Trust your gut. And just think, no matter what happened that night, you are amazing. And if they do have this weird fucking connection, then they can just fuck off with each other, okay? Or maybe, let's hope he was just being polite. You know, it was a mistake that you slept with her when you broke up. He regrets it. She's disgusting. Do you know what I mean? And everything is going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And he really is innocent. Trust your gut. Whatever you feel like you genuinely, you know your boyfriend better than any of us. Do you know what I mean? Better than anyone. And if you genuinely in your heart are like, I know he hasn't cheated on me, I know he doesn't want to be with her, then go with that. Do not give a fuck what anyone else thinks. If anyone else thinks that you're a mug, whatever, fuck them all. You're happy in your relationship.
Starting point is 00:42:38 You feel like you're happy with the decision you've made. You feel like you can trust him. Stay with him. Everything everything is fine fuck everyone else do what's best for you at the end of the day or if you feel like you just know deep down that there's something fishy about it you have every right to believe it with no evidence do you know what i mean sometimes you just know so i love you so much everything's gonna be fine you got this and we're all here for you no matter how this turns out. And if you're the ex-girlfriend listening to this, please just leave the boy alone.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Like, please, just leave him alone. Do you know what I mean? I think we can wrap up the dilemmas there. I feel like there were some really juicy dilemmas. I'm still so shocked about the boy falling his girlfriend to Australia. You freak. Should we have a debrief? Debrief.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Do you remember when i said let's all decease no what did i say what did i say that time when it just meant let's all just die i didn't say deceased decompose i said decompose and then someone dms me like leah that literally means die i didn't mean that do you guys remember that i'm honestly not very good at english considering that was like my best subject in school have i mentioned before i probably have but have i mentioned that i wrote a justin bieber fan fiction and it got like 1.8 million reads i wonder if like justin bieber's ever read a fraction of a fanfic because he'd probably be afraid like honestly some of them were like and he slid his big dick in my pussy like it was weird and we were like 15
Starting point is 00:44:12 mine wasn't like that mine wasn't like that okay mine was like he was a bad boy and he was like just couldn't couldn't get out of trouble and he wanted to change and be a good man for this girl so yeah that was my story um but yeah let's get into my that's actually not my favorite but it's one of my favorite parts of the choosy episodes now it's a new feature reduced down from a full hour a week actually it wasn't an hour it was usually like 30 minutes 45 minutes and now it's like 10 5 really who's excited who knows what's coming how many of you thinking what is she talking about what is she literally talking about i know i know so many of you excited so many of you i know what's coming i know what's coming i just knew it is let's get into the confession diaries confessionaries. Okay, first confession is kind of a good one actually. I'm really enjoying this
Starting point is 00:45:14 already. I've only read the first line. Let's read out. It says, this is such a horrible confession, I apologize in advance. Never apologize for your confessions guys let's set that straight first of all when i'm about to go home with a guy i have to do the smell check before we get down to business now when i read this okay let me continue on this involves sticking a finger up there to make sure it's all good to go now when i read, I thought she meant she sticks her finger up the guy's arsehole. I literally thought she meant I have to do the stink test and put a finger up the guy's arse before I get down to business. That's what I thought she meant. And I was like, that's fucking crazy. That is fucked.
Starting point is 00:45:59 That is so weird. But then it said, my friends think it's vile, but i couldn't think of anything worse than a smelly badge and then i was like oh and i was like oh there's nothing wrong with that i feel like that's normal i always have to just give it a little check i don't go home with the guy but if i'm about to have sex then i'll just check it's smelling fresh i mean i'm not gonna like put my fucking bed break my back and put my whole head down there. I'll just I don't stick my finger up. Don't get me wrong. I'm not like finger up the purse. Fuck me. I am way too comfortable on this podcast. Is that too much? Okay. Fuck it. Anyway, you say I'm so sorry. You know this. I'm so sorry. You
Starting point is 00:46:44 know this about me love you leah um i must add this is mostly after a sweaty night out clubbing okay in that case that's fine but i feel like always go to the bathroom and give it a little wash down do you know what i mean you're on the disco minge do you know what i'm saying but i feel like that's not that weird i when i first read it i literally thought you meant because listen to this picture what i'm picturing picture she means sticking your finger up a guy's ass and then let me read it again. When I'm about to go home with a guy, I have to do the smell check before we get down to business. This involves sticking a finger up there to make sure it's all good to go. Does that not sound like she's fingering his ass?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Do you know what I'm saying? Have to do the smell check before we get down to business. Sticking a finger up there. I was was like jesus why is she fingering boys assholes but anyway she means her own puss so i was like oh that's way more fucking normal than what i was imagining so your confession all of a sudden just became very normal so luckily that was my first impression really because now your actual confession doesn't seem that bad is that weird like there's loads of people listening now like, Leah, that's fucking disgusting because she said that all her friends think it's weird.
Starting point is 00:47:49 My friends think it's vile. Do you know what is vile? Having sex with a smelly puss. With a sweaty puss. Do you know what I mean? I don't think it's vile making sure that it's clean. I don't think that's vile. Kill your friends with their smelly pussies
Starting point is 00:48:03 to start doing the finger test all right all right fucking hell this is way too far this is got way too far do i need to cut this out oh fuck it all friends here aren't we all right next confession me and my boyfriend went on a walk and it was super foggy. You couldn't see for meters, let alone miles. So he bent me over a small wall along the walk in a farmer's field. It was exciting. A little bit chilly, but so sexy.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You know what? I love it. Foggy public sex. It's a go-to for me. If you haven't had foggy sex, you haven't lived, baby. No, I'm joking. I've never had foggy sex and I've never heard of anybody having foggy sex, but it's quite smart. It's like, it's like one of those shower glass things that are like frosted, frosted glass, but out there in the, in the wilderness. Fuck it. Bit chilly, bit chilly mind.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Chilly on the willy. right i enjoy that confession i love it when you guys are in relationships and you just like just have random public raunchy sex i love it enjoy it well done well done everyone okay a fox got into my bin bag overnight and emptied it into my next door neighbor's bin this bin bag included mine and my boyfriend's used condoms which were thrown onto her driveway so your boyfriend came all over her driveway basically the next morning my mom saw them and quickly picked them up to save my neighbor from seeing i actually feel like that's the weirdest part of the confession. I can't lie. Like, if I saw a condom, I'm not picking that shit up. Imagine my own daughter's con...
Starting point is 00:49:49 Well, her boyfriend's. My daughter's used condom. I'm not picking that up. Did she use tissue? I'd rather the neighbour saw it. It's not my fucking problem. Do you know what I mean? It's just your problem, honey.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I'm not picking that up. I actually think that's the worst the worst part honestly scary business that is that is horrendous did she tell you like hey guess what i came home to today condoms all over the fucking neighbor's driveway you dirty bitch but anyway let's wrap it up because i've been chatting for days and i'm getting the worst known to man i feel like i sound so nasal like when i listen to myself and i feel like i literally talk like this like do i talk like this no i feel like i do hello i'm just trying to get my voice back hello anyway god i'm exhausted i've done another long episode go me i'm really really knocking it out the park these days.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I'm really doing quite well. I'm so proud of myself. Anyway, how are you? What should we do on Friday? What should we do for the blank episode? I've had some good ideas come my way, so keep them coming. We've got a few days to come up with a plan between us,
Starting point is 00:51:00 so let's come up with a good one. I love the narcissist episode. It went down an absolute treat. Like I said, I was nervous. Everyone's gonna good one, I love the narcissist episode, it went down an absolute treat, like I said, I was nervous, everyone's gonna be like, you're not qualified for this, you don't know what fuck you're talking about, get into young women's heads, Jesus, but it went down really well, you guys really supported it, so thank you so much for that, I will also remind you, there are visuals, there are video clips of the podcast available now on instagram and tiktok and that's it just just there so if you don't have either of those platforms then
Starting point is 00:51:33 you probably aren't listening to this because i don't know how you would have possibly found me so don't worry about that point anyway if you've got this far into the episode, go to TikTok, click on my first pinned video, and comment an emoji that makes you think of Lear on the Line, and I'll go through all your TikToks, and like them, not all of them, because Jesus Christ, I don't know how many, you could be, how many guys, what, I think I just had a fucking seizure, Jesus Christ, you could be how many guys what i think i just had a fucking seizure jesus christ my brain just started having a spasm in my head then anyway yeah if you if you've got this far into the episode because it's a long one go and do that and i know you're the real ones so yeah i will talk to you on friday god knows what's going to be yet but i'm promising you now i'm putting my word on it the
Starting point is 00:52:22 never have i ever voice notes edition episode is coming this sunday finally i've had so many people like what happens what happened to the never have i ever leo you bitch it's coming so everyone relax it's coming i love you so much and i'm really sorry i let you down really sorry i let you down the last last couple of weeks anyway i'll talk to you on friday have the best week if you're back at school you're not at school are you not in school listening to this you might work at a school uni college if you are in school academic timetables oh just shut the fuck up leah jesus christ i don't even know what's happening anymore all right i'm gonna speak to you on friday i'm gonna shut the fuck up and Jesus Christ I don't even know what's happening anymore all right I'm gonna speak to you on Friday I'm gonna shut the fuck up and I'm gonna let you all get on with
Starting point is 00:53:09 your day have the best day ever have the best week and I'll talk to you on Friday I love you so much um oh remember don't text your ex text me this is a fucking show just fuck off yeah okay i love you

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