Leah on the Line - 40: Would you have a threesome with your partner? & my boyfriend takes his phone EVERYWHERE!

Episode Date: November 1, 2022

Hey gorg! I absolutely loved the debate this week and can't believe we hadn't already covered it! Would you be open to having a threesome with your partner?! Thank you so much to every single one of m...y listeners whether you send in a dilemma or not, you're the absolute heart of this show and it would be nothing without you. I love you so so so much! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line how are you happy tuesday oh my god halloween was last night how was it what did you guys get up to do you know what i did for halloween nothing i literally did nothing i dressed up because i had a costume that i was supposed to wear to a party that i couldn't end up going to absolutely gutted to be honest i was so excited to go but wasn't meant to be universe said not for you the sugar oh not for you um but i didn't want to waste it so i literally got dressed up and made tiktoks so um go and show them some love if you love me but apart from that i didn't really do anything we didn't have one trick-or-treater at my house
Starting point is 00:00:55 not one little knock on the door not one cute little child saying trick-or-treat so upsetting that's so exciting about halloween but we didn't even get one what the fuck but it was pissing it down with rain how sad is that but I did do my my niece's makeup she wanted to be Harley Quinn but she said I want to be a little bit scary I said go on girl so honestly very boring Halloween for me this year I normally thrive on Halloween I go out every Halloween I think the only Halloween I haven't gone out was lockdown like since I was legal age to be hitting the clubs you know like I always go out I always dress up go crazy Halloween's a night that I like get really really drunk and always have a good time like the thing
Starting point is 00:01:38 is with me every year I'm like I'm gonna have a sick Halloween this year I'm gonna plan ahead I'm gonna go to a sick party and then it gets to like the week before and you're like i don't even have any halloween plans i don't even know what to do and i throw together a last minute outfit usually a fucking cat woman thing and then you go to like a spontaneous party and it's always the best spontaneous night's always the best i find that when you plan them really far in advance they tend to be a bit of a letdown do you know what i mean it's a bit like New Year's Eve. Like, everyone's like, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's like, boring. It's literally boring. Every year, happy New Year. Bored. I'm literally bored. I'm, like, just getting through to midnight so I can go home at a non-sad time. I don't think I've ever had a good New Year's.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Let me think. What did I do last New Year's? I was away. But even that, that wasn't great because like we couldn't find the fireworks. And the year before that it was lockdown. And then the year before that I didn't think I did anything. And it's just like, I normally try to have a good time, but I never do on New Year's. Never. Honestly, somebody throw a really good New Year's eve party and invite me because i'm sick of sending off the year in misery although i will admit 2020 new year's eve wait what what
Starting point is 00:02:54 do you call it is it technically 2021 new year's eve or is it 2020 because basically it was the end of 2020 that was an emotional one for me that was like good riddance but boy did did we um have an even worse year coming our way you know well i don't know if it was worse what was worse 2020 or 2021 who knows who cares at this point i'm just glad to see the back of it 2023 hey how quick has this year gone november we're literally in november pardon i saw it as my birthday last week do you guys remember it's my birthday it's my birthday it's November my birthday's in August where the fuck did that time go October sorry I don't think it happened I refuse I think the clock sent back I mean forward a month because I missed it I
Starting point is 00:03:37 weren't there honestly I don't know where October went November's gonna fly and then do you know what it is Christmas is that illegal to be talking about Christmas already? No, honestly, I don't think it is. It's Christmas time. Halloween's over, baby. It's festive season. That's all I'm saying. Bailey's Hot Chocolate, they've already started for me. I am ready for Christmas this year.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I can't wait for all the Christmas shopping. Winter Wonderland, you guys know me. I go about five times a year. I'm obsessed. I love spending all my wages, all every penny to my name it goes on them goes in them stupid games you try and win an ipad and just win sweet fuck all although i did win like fake airpods last year that was fun whilst i normally do win at winter wonderland i won one of those giant dogs but we just couldn't get rid of it like what the fuck do you do like you spend all
Starting point is 00:04:21 that money trying to win one of those giant dogs and then you then you win one and then you're like great now i've got a giant teddy do you know what i mean you spend all that money trying to win one of those giant dogs and then you win one and then you're like, great, now I've got a giant teddy, do you know what I mean? But this year, you better believe I'm taking one home. Yeah, you better believe it. Although, if I bring that to my mum's house, she probably will be like, you are taking that to the dump immediately. So, I'll let you guys know how I get on, who wants to have a big meet up at Winter Wonderland because I'm up for it. Oh my god, is that the best idea I've ever had? meet up at winter wonderland because i'm up for it oh my god is that the best idea i've ever had wait you guys we can literally all meet up in winter wonderland and go we can all wear pink and all meet up you never know we could all have matching outfits by then you never know like all
Starting point is 00:04:55 matching leo and the lion tracksuits or something just saying just just like a suggestion just just saying anyway on that note i hope you guys are all right i love you guys so much i hope you had a good halloween weekend hope you're all safe i bet you all look sexy sexy sexy some of you sent me some pics of your outfits love it you all look hot very very hot um and you know what let's just get straight into the episode. Okay, I hope you're all very comfortable. This debate is quite interesting. I'm shocked we've never done this on Lear on the Line before, girls and boys. Let me just read it out. Let's get stuck straight in, shall we? It is, would you be open to having a threesome with your partner? If you've done done it how did it impact the relationship
Starting point is 00:05:45 oh my god I actually thought a lot more of you would be like yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah I would but honestly I'm gonna say 80 maybe 70 80 percent of you are saying a big bet no so oh my god have you seen that tiktok for that girl where like, honestly, being an Australian and saying no is like the most elite feeling in the world. And so many of you tagged me in it and was like, why is this you? I was like, oh, it's because I'm Australian, babe, you know? Like they were just like, she was saying how amazing it feels to say no when you're Australian. I nearly said Italian then. When you're Australian and they're like no no no no no it's so
Starting point is 00:06:30 funny and loads of you tag me in it and there's also this girl that's like when your boyfriend keeps topping up your wine thinks thinking you're gonna get sexy wine drunk but you end up just speaking in an Australian accent all night and they was like oh I think this is you and I was like oh you know what I don't even need wine to talk in Australian accent honey that's just me every single day of my life anyway completely irrelevant let's get back to the weekly to make sure so most of you are saying no I'm not doing it not doing it not doing it let's read them out I wouldn't because I'm too insecure and would think it would open a can of worms yeah so who's watching TOWIE at the moment or is it actually Made in Chelsea I think it's Made in Chelsea or is it TOWIE oh my god it's
Starting point is 00:07:05 made in Chelsea it's made in Chelsea yeah so there's a couple on there and one of them was like I'm I'm I've always wanted to have a threesome and his boyfriend's like oh I don't know about this I don't know and then he's like well let's give it a go let's give it a go you know if you're comfortable let's give it a go so they both agree we're gonna invite a third party into the bedroom they have a threesome and then the guy who who's was its original original idea that doesn't make sense but you guys know what i'm trying to say basically the guy whose idea it was was like i fucking hate it like yeah it was fun whatever but now i'm insecure now i feel like shit it was a terrible idea let's never do that. And the guy who was a bit like, oh my God, what the fuck about it at the beginning was like, I love that.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I refuse to not do that again. I need that as a frequent thing in our relationship. So boy, did the tables turn. It flipped. Original suggestion guy is like, no, hate it. Guy who was like, oh my God, I don't know if this is a good idea. I'm sitting all over it babe absolutely all over it by the end and now they've got this awkward thing where they're trying to get
Starting point is 00:08:09 around and he was like now whenever we go on a night out i feel like you're looking at other guys and you're looking like who can we take home tonight and like it's just caused with this insecurity in the relationship honestly drama but i can see how that can happen do you know what i mean stress it sounds like a good idea it's all fun and games in the beginning. Do you know what I mean? It's all fun and games. But anyway, basically what I'm saying is you're not wrong. It really can open a whole can of worms. Next one is absolutely not. I would get a little psycho, not going to lie. I'm paranoid and compare myself to her. Someone says not sharing love. I love this one. this girl says, does Joey share food, yeah, you know what I mean, um, not a chance, I think only if everyone is single, um, this girl says, I would rather walk barefoot on glass than
Starting point is 00:08:52 have a threesome, I'd literally cry, okay, fair enough, I can totally see why people, I mean, I didn't, I was about to say that, I can totally see why people are against it, I'm one of those people, I could never, I could never, could never um absolutely fucking not not a chance in hell not even for a million pound oh would you guys do it for a mil would you do it for a milli would you share the willy for a milli would you no I couldn't I couldn't it's not worth any money in my in my mind I couldn't I wouldn't dare hun no because I'll be miserable for the rest of my life no I'd never recover I don't think oh god it makes my blood boil thinking about it fuck off anyway probably not um with my boyfriend I wish oh I was about to say I wish I was single it actually
Starting point is 00:09:37 does not say that it says probably not with my boyfriend I would if I was single um someone says I honestly couldn't think of anything worse. Not for me. Would hate another woman touching my man or other man touching me. I wouldn't in a relationship as I'm quite a jealous person, but I would if I was single. So a lot of you are like, I'm up for a threesome, just not, not with my partner. Okay. No, thank you. If we both chose the person, maybe, but we both have to have a good time. Yeah. Okay. This is not just for you, babe. Like I'm not here just to be like, yeah, you know, the world's your own sister. Babe, get stuck in. No, no, fuck that. Um, wouldn't do it in a relationship, but if I was single, um, absolutely not. Not with someone I love. No, I'm too jealous to share my boyfriend with anyone and vice versa. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:10:21 No, I would cry if he looked at another person for 0.002 seconds longer than me no and no um not a chance in hell yes as long as neither of us knew them eg met in a different city on a night out together okay fair enough so you're like no what's the word no connections no baggage you know no history just total strangers little one night stand of fun yeah fuck no i'd rather get killed than even think about my man having sex with another female jesus honey um no i'm honestly just way too jealous can't even stand the thought of it yeah do you know what i totally get it i really do okay this girl is telling us a story so i'm gonna read all of this out okay
Starting point is 00:11:02 sit comfortably so i had a threesome with my ex who I was with for about five years long story short he was very charismatic and flirtatious and we often fought over how he attracted oh sorry how he interacted with other girls especially when drunk in about our third year of dating I felt pressured into a threesome to stop him from cheating or breaking up with me oh no so you're like he's gonna do it so if i tell him it's all right then i suppose he's not doing it by my back that's terrible oh my god i'm so sorry you felt like that um which he had done before oh fuck oh that's shit i hate him um we went on the field app what's the field app is that like a voice amount i don't know and posted ourselves as a couple
Starting point is 00:11:46 he did all the legwork curated our profile chose the pictures message people etc i'm sure he did i'm sure he did he chose a girl who was on a semester abroad at our university so was a complete stranger to us before we met her we had the threesome the night we all met at a bar which was initially awkward but ended up being fun after a few drinks to give credit to him he was very touchy-feely with me all night and kept talking about how great i was to this girl god i can't get my fucking head around that shit and you're looking at her thinking i can't wait to shag you later oh my god it makes my blood boil i can't okay continuing on it was initially really awkward but the but the alcohol put us at ease and she ended up initiating going back to my place and what followed after all his efforts to make this
Starting point is 00:12:31 happen he actually couldn't maintain and he couldn't maintain an erection or come at all which i'd never known happened to him i had a bit stage fright anyway long so sure i didn't enjoy the experience and to this day i really regret it i think it was my way of clinging on to a bad relationship which ended up being really toxic on his part. Cheating, being hot and cold, breaking up with me then begging for me back after a few months. Oh my god, not the roller coaster. Now I'm in a relationship with the man of my dreams and I asked him whether he'd ever have a threesome and to my relief he said no, I never want to show you anyone. Oh thank you. So I think from my personal experience they don't work if you're doing it for the wrong reasons yeah that makes a lot of sense threesomes should never be
Starting point is 00:13:10 about pleasing your partner or because you feel pressured in any way oh yeah preach it it should always come from you and what yourself what you yourself want to experience and explore absolutely amen that's the start that is you hit the nail on the head there to be honest it's scary isn't it like that is just you know like you never know like this one girl said you never know what kind of worms you're about to open by doing that do you know what I mean like where where do we go from here like what if what if it's like your idea you're like I really want to have like sex with a girl let's have a threesome and obviously he's like yo yo yo all over it and then you have a threesome and then you're like okay you know I've got I've
Starting point is 00:13:58 got it out my system like I'm ready to rock and roll get back to me and you how things used to be and he's like but I kind of loved it oh my god oh my goodness oh my goodness again it comes back to has to be down for the right down to the doing it for the right reasons you know it's a scary scary world like I said I'm definitely a no-go for me it's definitely not something I could do in a relationship like I'm not trying to share my boyfriend that's why he's my boyfriend you know what I mean I know that's I could do in a relationship. Like, I'm not trying to share my boyfriend. That's why he's my boyfriend. Do you know what I mean? That's why I'm in a relationship because I only want to be with one person, essentially.
Starting point is 00:14:32 But, you know, a lot of people, it really works for them. Like, it's a frequent thing. Like, they have sex with complete strangers in their relationship. And it's what, for them them keeps it alive and keeps the excitement and you know what if that is like what works for you and it's not toxic and it's not there's no jealousy and no you know it's all coming from the right place good for you 100% good for you i'm all over it for you not for me so yeah really love that debate i cannot believe we haven't done that on the pod
Starting point is 00:15:05 before i felt like it was such an obvious one to do on near on the line i'm so stupid anyway if anyone has any debates send them my way as always and also while you're here whilst you're listening please please please please take two seconds out of your day i will literally kiss you all on the lips if you go and drop a five star rating on spotify five star only five sorry five sorry or a little rating on apple podcast although apple podcast does give me anxiety because you can write a comment and that's where i get people telling me that they hate me and i swear too much and i'm annoying and my podcast needs some editing and um basically i should just go and live
Starting point is 00:15:40 underground in a deep dark hole that's fine um but if you do have two seconds the reviews help they help so much i really want to boost leah on the line back up in the charts baby i love it so much i love this podcast i love you this is my whole life my whole world everything the center of me you are the center of me okay i love you guys so much let's get into some dilemmas okay let's go kicking off with this one this is an interesting one okay let's I don't know if we've covered this before but let's just go for it it says hey Leah I love your podcast you're doing amazing girl oh my god I love you so so so much I have a bit of a dilemma you could say so I broke up with my boyfriend of five years in July. Why do we on the, on Lear on the Line always get, I was with my boyfriend for five years or I broke up with my, I ended my five year
Starting point is 00:16:34 relationship. Is the five year itch a thing? What is it? Is it the three year itch? Is it the three year itch? You know, there's an itch. I'm pretty sure it's the three year itch where people, it's like, if you make it past three years and it's like woohoo apparently five years is the struggle according to the dilemmas over here but anyway continuing on so they break up in July they were together for five years it was for the best and I'm very happy being single at the moment hooray I love that I've met this guy a few weeks ago from tinder and we've been seeing each other ever since and i've also been sleeping with him since i've been single i've told myself i would stay that way or at least not get into a relationship for a long while as i feel like i owe
Starting point is 00:17:14 it to myself but i'm starting to really like the guy i'm seeing he's the nicest person ever and it 100 i'm assuming she means is and is 100% boyfriend material. I told him I wasn't looking for anything serious, which he said was fine. But we always hang out and do things people in relationships would do. I'm afraid to catch proper feelings and I feel like I already have. Do you think that I should give myself more time to be single and not get into anything serious as I told myself I would? Or do you think that if I'm catching feelings I should just go for it love you bye okay so this literally happened to me I was like I am being single for a year fuck men fuck relationships I'm not even going to talk to anybody I'm not going to get that deep I'm going to break real hearts I'm going to be a fucking cold bitch. I'm going to love myself, manifest the life of my dreams and just
Starting point is 00:18:07 fuck relationships. And then a few months later, I just met someone. I was like, oh, okay. So for me, I was in your exact same position. I was like, what do I do? What do I do here? And I think, listen to your gut. Like ask yourself, what is the reason you feel like you want to stay single? Is it something you really deep in your gut feel like you need, you need to give yourself? Like, and if so, what is it you want to get from being single? So like, for me, I was like, I just want to build up my independence again, because I lost all my independence. I came out of a relationship, I had no independence. And I was like, I never want to give 100 billion percent of myself to a relationship ever again like I think it's healthy to keep part of yourself just for you and make sure that you at the end of the day have your back do you know what I mean so for me I was like right what is what do I want to get out of being single and it was like the independence thing and then obviously I really caught feelings with someone and I was like shit and then I thought you know what you don't have to lose your independence in a relationship you actually don't and if you're with the right person then they'll encourage your
Starting point is 00:19:13 independence so I that's what made me go through a bit and I was like look I'm gonna do this but I'm gonna make sure that I prioritize all the things I wanted to get out of being single and I'm gonna keep them a priority in my next relationship you know like I'm going to make sure I always make time for my family I'm going to make sure I always make time for my friends I'm going to spend time alone I'm going to make sure I prioritize my career um and make sure I show myself love whether that be like the way I talk to myself when I look in the mirror like anything as minor as that I was like I'm just not going to neglect myself in a relationship so for me it was okay because it was like I just had that realization of like what do I want out of being single and why do I feel like I can't get that if I'm with somebody and I just thought you know what you can
Starting point is 00:20:01 still grow as a person and still have someone by your side if it's the right person, because they will just push you and encourage you in all the best ways. So I would just ask you, ask yourself, what is it you want from being single? Like, is it that you just don't want anyone fucking with your energy right now? And like, if that's the case, first of all, why is that? That's totally fine fine totally fine and very healthy thing to to to want for yourself um and then you know what just accept that and if that person is is meant for you then they'll come back into your life at the right time is it because you're scared of like me scared of losing yourself again because remember you don't have to lose yourself being in a relationship doesn't mean you lose yourself um and you can prioritize making sure that that doesn't happen whilst being in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:20:50 You know, is it keeping up your friendships, all these little things, ask yourself, what is it you're scared of? What is it you think you might lose by being in a relationship? And is there a way you can still be in a relationship? Or, you know, we're talking relationship, but we can still just be dating you know is there a way you can be dating somebody and not lose all of these things so yeah I think it's definitely a difficult position but it really does depend on you and what you want to get out of where you are in your life right now and can you do that in a relationship because I think a lot of the time it doesn't feel like you can but if you think about it you can you know you're going
Starting point is 00:21:22 to be absolutely fine I love you you know, you're going to be absolutely fine. I love you. You're amazing. You're a strong, independent, gorgeous, gorgeous, amazing, talented, funny, cute, cutie little girl and everything's going to be fine, babe, you know, because I'm your best friend and everything's fine. I love you. Okay, next dilemma. Okay, so I'm 19 years old and I recently moved to a new city slash state. Oh my God, are we American? I see this guy every day at the gym. One day he asked me to grab a coffee with him. So I went and then we hung out at his place after a week goes by and he asked me to hang at his place. I feel like he only wants sex and I don't know what I want. I am a virgin and I don't want him to know that. I still see him at the gym every day. I don't know what I want, what he wants. If it does turn out to only be a hookup, any tips to not seem like a
Starting point is 00:22:11 virgin? LOL. Is that the most annoying American accent? You wouldn't think that most of the roles I've played in theater have been American. Yeah, and Spanish. Do you know know like 80 maybe even 90% of roles I've ever played have been Spanish I ain't even Spanish babe I hope I am I'm gonna do one of those um ancestry DNA tests I'm telling you now if it comes back just like Welsh because I know I'm like a quarter Welsh if it comes back like Welsh and British I'll be so disappointed I want to be something really like I want to be like a gorgeous sexy cocktail of amazingness you know I hope I've got a little bit of Spanish in me because I put my heart and soul into my GCSE Spanish I'm not even joking I can speak fluent Spanish hola anyway this is literally not about me right now this is about you but I couldn't
Starting point is 00:23:00 actually take that in because I was focusing too much on doing an American accent so I'm going to read it again in a British accent sorry everybody so I'm 19 years old and I recently moved to a new city slash state I see this guy every day at the gym one day he asked me to grab a coffee with him so I went and then we hung out at his place after gorge a week goes by and he asked me to hang out at his place I feel like he only wants sex and I don't know what I want I'm a virgin and I don't want him to know that i still see him at the gym every day i don't know what jesus you go to the gym every day i could never be me i don't know what i want or what he wants if he does turn out to only be a hookup any tips and not seem like a virgin
Starting point is 00:23:37 lol okay by the way i'm not saying lol she fit lol but i'm like lol no she put lol okay you're not me okay this is tough because this is that difficult thing where it's like when is it okay to ask somebody their intentions do you know what I mean like why is it such a fucking taboo question why can't we just be up front with each other um I would just take it slow to be honest um ask yourself what you want you know are you happy with it just being a hookup if that is what he wants you know if that's an option that you know maybe he does just see it as a hookup and if that's the case are you okay with that because if you're not then we need to distinguish this early days so we don't get hurt um and no one needs to know your virgin if if you don't want anyone to know that it literally
Starting point is 00:24:25 doesn't make a difference like it's not actually that deep do you know what i mean like it doesn't matter to anyone but you so if you don't want to tell anyone don't tell anyone that's that's what i say um but if you do want to tell him you know i don't know you said you don't want to seem like a virgin but i don't know if that means you don't want to seem like a virgin as in like like you don't know what you're doing or if you don't want him to know you're a virgin if you do want him to know you're a virgin i just think you can literally just say like by the way i've never done this before so you know i'm a little nervy i'm a little nervous you know and a good guy will just be like okay totally fine tell me how you like it we'll take it slow let's figure out what you like i'll tell you what i like do you know
Starting point is 00:25:01 what i mean but um i don't think worry about being fucking good in bed don't worry about like oh I want him to think I'm this like amazing fucking sex goddess like just do what you can to make sure you have a good time as well you know there's two people involved here communicate tell him what you like tell ask him to tell you what feels good for him you know um but okay so what is the dilemma do you wanna do you wanna pursue this um so you're going for coffee you're hanging out each other's house on it you're hanging out with his um and he's asked you to come over again and you feel like he only wants sex and you don't know what you want okay you don't need to know what you want just yet like that's totally fine take and you don't know what you want, okay, you don't need to know what you want just yet, like, that's totally fine, take it slow, don't, don't overthink it,
Starting point is 00:25:47 just enjoy spending time with him, and if the conversation comes up naturally, you know, hopefully these sorts of conversations will come up, and I think it's okay, a lot of you guys might disagree with me, but I think it's okay to ask somebody what their intentions are, and what it is they're looking for at the moment, I don't think you should ever feel guilty or embarrassed to ask that question you have to look out for your own feelings at the end of the day and if someone thinks whoa okay take it slow fuck off then do you know what i mean i don't want to just have sex with somebody and get my heart broken because i'm just not looking for casual sex right now and that's okay that's okay for me to to communicate that and if that makes you uncomfortable then fuck off don't i mean so yeah i just yeah, I just think take it slow. Enjoy it. Hopefully a little bit of natural
Starting point is 00:26:27 communication comes up. If not, there's absolutely nothing wrong with asking somebody what they're looking for at the moment and communicating what it is you're not looking for. So I love you. Keep me updated. Everything's going to be fine and just have a great time and relax. Make sure you're enjoying everything as well. It's not all about him, you know. Okay, next dilemma. Oh, I love you so much. Okay. Hey girl, love, love, love your podcast. Oh, I love you so much.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I would love some advice. I've been with my boyfriend for a year now and things are great. We live together and he treats me well. However, the only thing that really gets me down is the pictures he likes on Instagram. Usually half naked girls in bikinis or tits or even sexy lingerie. I've confronted him about this and I'm sorry, hold on. I've confronted
Starting point is 00:27:11 him about this, about how I don't like how it makes me feel. It makes me feel insecure and not good enough for him. If I'm going, if he's going looking for pictures of other women, he thinks I don't trust him. However, past experiences in past relationships just gives me bad feels about this sort of thing i don't really know what to do here i'm 25 now and i just want this relationship to be my last i just don't know what other people think regarding this topic am i being crazy if you're interested in what other people think we actually did this on on a weekly debate one week about um your boyfriend or girlfriend liking other people's pictures on instagrams so i can't remember
Starting point is 00:27:46 which episode it is but we 100 did that weekly debate um so have a little scan through the episode see if you can find it and then it might it mike who's mike it might give you some reassurance you know what i mean just about like how you're feeling because i'm 100 on your side there i don't like it and i what i think is upsetting about this is that you've told him he doesn't like it. And he's like, oh, you don't trust me. It's not about trust. I don't like it. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It's literally, it's that simple. It's that straightforward. I don't like how it makes me feel. I already compare myself to women on social media on a day-to-day basis just because of society. I didn't need my boyfriend Adam to fuel to that fire, babe. Right? Do you know what I mean? It literally is as simple as that.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I don't like it. Is it that hard to just go, I'm not going to like photos? You know, I don't want these girls to see my name under their thing and think, Oh my God, look at him with a girlfriend girlfriend liking a picture of my vagina lips out yeah is it that hard just to go all right no worries i'll happily not do that i don't need to do that i mean i was just just habit in it i suppose just scrolling for instagram give a little double tap basically in my eyes this is kind of us going back to the weekly debate when we debated this in my eyes that means fit do you know i mean if you see a girl in lingerie
Starting point is 00:29:06 and you go tap tap that means you see it and you go fit fit yeah i don't want you to think that i just it's honestly that simple i don't want you to think that about other girls does that make me a psycho no it actually don't it actually doesn't it doesn't make me a psychopath it doesn't make me insecure it doesn't make me like i can't trust you it just i don't like it all right you don't have to be like oh my god i'm so confident i don't even care my boyfriend likes girls pictures good for you i care i don't like It's not all, it's not just about insecurity. Like it's about, so it's about comparison. It's about respect. It's about, um, what's the word I'm looking for here? Um, what's the word when, when you're just for one person, like faithfulness, but it's not
Starting point is 00:30:00 faithfulness. Um, commitment. Oh, you guys know what I mean. you guys know what I mean you guys know what I mean but anyway I'm not entirely sure what to say on this one because I feel like why doesn't he respect your feelings like I'm not asking for much like I'm realistically I'm actually not I'm just asking for a bit of understanding a bit of like just a bit of respect because I'm telling you I don't like it and you're saying too bad too bad babe and that's not really fair like okay put it this way I'm liking all these photos of big hunky men covered in oil big muscly men way musclier than you yeah and you're gonna be like i don't like it and me going oh my god you just don't trust me you just don't trust me to you how wrong would
Starting point is 00:30:53 that be i'm sure he'd see it like that though if it was flipped do you know what i mean i don't really know because it's like you can't it's like a lot of people class as micro cheating they do i know so many people listen to this thing and grow up later grow up honestly when we did this debate so many of you like who fucking cares it's literally instagram and i get it i see your guys point of view too i 100 do believe me i do but for me it's as simple as other people have other boundaries and like this is just one of mine. And why are you not able to respect that? I honestly, I'm not sure what to say.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I personally wouldn't let that one slide. Like I would literally have to be like, this sounds really fucking deep. But for me, this is just genuinely me talking personally. A lot of you guys might think I'm a psycho, but I'd be like, this relationship ain't if you can't if you can't respect me in that way is that too deep no I just don't want a boyfriend that's gonna be liking pictures of girls in their underwear that's just that's just point blank for me I don't I don't want to be with someone that does that and honestly so many of you like grow up grow up grow up Leah that's so sad maybe maybe it is but for me that's just not something I'm willing to budge on and not something
Starting point is 00:32:05 I'm able to even if I try because it makes me feel like shit and if something makes you feel like shit I don't think you should have to budge on it so yeah that's a difficult one because it's like it's not really a sackable offense but then what you're just not willing to change it and then then what I'm just supposed to what will I suppose we'll compromise and i'll just stop giving a fuck that's not compromise is it compromises okay fine i won't like girls with pictures in their fucking underwear carry on liking girls pictures and their fucking selfies and all your mates whatever but if they're in their underwear can we disagree that we're not going to do that because first of all i don't know how it makes me feel second of all i don't like how it looks i find it embarrassing do you know what i mean oh god babe i I don't like how it makes me feel. Second of all, I don't like how it looks. I find it embarrassing. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:46 Oh, God, babe. I really don't know what to say to that one. Put him on. Let me have a word with him. Play this to him. Hello. I hear that you've got a little wandering eye. A little wandering eye on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Can't stop looking at girls in their underwear, can you? What's wrong with the gorgeous, perfect girl you've got in front of you? She's not good enough? She's not good enough? You need other girls' attention, do you, babe? Yeah. You be careful, mate. You be careful. Yeah, you might think the grass is greener. It ain't. It ain't. You better be careful, otherwise it's going to be too late. These girls on Instagram don't even fucking want you, mate. You've got a good girl in front of you yeah yeah sort your act out sweetheart love ya okay well i hope that helped this is the most useless response i'm so sorry do you know what i don't really have a response because i think you're right i'm on your side so i really don't i don't think you should budge on it i really don't i know i'm gonna have people disagree with
Starting point is 00:33:44 me and you know what it's leah on the line. We're best friends. It's just a little chat. You are more than welcome to agree with me. Do you know what I mean? But yeah, I love you so much. I'm really not sure, but just keep me updated with that one. I love you and do not let it affect your self-esteem. You're way more than worthy. Okay. Right. Next dilemma. Hey girl, help me now. Okay. Wow. Bit, bit smart. No, I'm joking. I'm here. I'm here. My boyfriend is never without his phone. Oh God. But hear me out. He takes it to the bathroom. If he goes to a different room, when he goes for a shower and the list goes on, I've never gone on his phone and I don't intend to cause I'd rather lose. I'd rather choose life but I
Starting point is 00:34:26 do think it's weird to not feel like you can leave your phone around. Yeah I agree. The other day he was at mine lying on me and I couldn't help but notice his group chat had sent a girls only fans snapchat link into the chat. He swiped off straight away and didn't interact but i'd fucking expect that when i'm literally right there however it makes me feel so shit that his mates are like that egging their mates on and drooling over another girl and asking to send more only fans in when if it was me doing only fans it would be a completely different story yeah i think you should start an account babe so now i've seen stuff like that being put in the chats i'm now like wow is that why he will never leave his phone because he knows that lads go on like that would he reply and join in if i wasn't
Starting point is 00:35:09 there what else goes on why is mate so desperate i just don't know whether to mention it help i don't want him to think i was even peeking but it's hard to not see a half-naked girl come on the screen when you're laying on me i'm now like what happens on holidays and my head's gone into a spiral love you do i mention anything i love you too um yeah i would personally but the thing is of me i would have mentioned the phone before the snapchat thing i would have been like why are you in love with your phone like what is going on do you have separation anxiety from your phone like that's something i would have mentioned before like i literally would have been like I'm not going to steal your phone it's not going to run away like you can leave it where you go and have a shit like you
Starting point is 00:35:49 can get in the shower without taking your phone with you like just honestly that's something I would have brought up immediately because I've experienced that and it turns out that there is always shit like that and it's always the sly little mates honestly so i yeah i would have mentioned the phone let alone without the snapchat thing and i would bring it up now it's kind of shit because it would have looked better if you just mentioned it then and there like whoa what the fuck's that i've just seen a pair of tits on your screen what's that all about they're not my tits wish they were do you know what i mean like i think in the moment that would have probably been the best time to bring up but you know what it's, it's too late now, so no point saying that.
Starting point is 00:36:30 If I was in your situation and I hadn't acted on it in the moment, yeah, I'm still bringing it up. I would be like, so when you were laying on me the other day, why did your mate send an OnlyFans profile into your group chat? And if he's like, why are you looking at my screen? Why are you looking at my phone? I'd be like, I just saw it. Well, am I not allowed to look over at your phone when you're laying on me are we secretive like am i not allowed to be interested in what you're up to on your phone do you know i mean
Starting point is 00:36:54 just because i'm looking at your phone that doesn't mean i'm looking out of being suspicious i might just be looking out of boredom curiosity just glancing around the room and then all of a sudden there was nipples in my face do you know what what I mean? Don't let them flip it on you to make you feel like you were in the wrong for even seeing it. You can be like, first of all, shut up. Second of all, I've never been on your phone. And thirdly, answer my fucking question, you prick. So I think unfortunately sometimes there are lads like that um and when you have a group of lads that all are obsessed with women like it's all very young boy behavior for me like I feel like grown men I mean a lot of grown men do don't get me wrong I fucking we all know someone do you know what I mean like a grown man that's just like obsessed with like girls on only fans and stuff and like talking about girls on Instagram when you're in a full-blown relationship
Starting point is 00:37:49 whatever but I do feel like I associate the that behavior with like just younger lads like lad behavior it's not very like manly and like grown of him to be I don't know or of his friends even I don't know if he participates in that sort of conversation but for me it's childish and really unattractive like I literally find that so repulsive like especially because they're probably all in fucking relationships aren't they like men just some men are pigs honestly so i would say something i'll just be like why did you do that like what's with the obsession with girls in your group chat okay bitch i'm like he's like what you're about obsessed is that you want only fans profile but you have the right to be like look i'm just after a bit of reassurance here i saw it on your screen i felt a bit shit since seeing it it's really played on my mind i'm just after a bit of
Starting point is 00:38:50 reassurance do you respond what would you normally say does that happen frequently do you have an only fans account do you know what i mean so i i'm bringing it up if i'm you babe because at the end of the day this is one thing that we need to get our heads around as women. If something bothers you, you have the right to say that. We don't have to be embarrassed. You don't have to be scared about what they're going to say or how they're going to make you feel or whether they're going to gaslight you. Oh my God, spit it out there, geez. Gaslight you into thinking that it's your fault for seeing it and you're out of order for having an insecurity over something, do not let them make you feel like that. You know what? If you see something that makes you feel a little bit shit, you have every right in the world to approach
Starting point is 00:39:37 your boyfriend about it. Like, that's the bare minimum we should expect from our boyfriend, a little bit of reassurance. Do you know what I mean mean i saw it and i felt a bit shit and my head's gone i've gone a bit mad since i saw it um can you answer the following questions please see the um attached questionnaire thank you please return asap within 24 hours thank you darling do you know what i mean though like Like, don't worry about how he's going to respond. If he's going to respond like a dick, then he's a dick. If he's going to respond like a nice guy, then he's a nice guy. And there you go. Then you learn even more about him.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And also, this is when you can say, like, you know, maybe if you didn't take your phone everywhere, and maybe if you were a bit less secretive about your phone, that might not have played in my mind as much when I saw that. This could be a good way for you to bring up the whole phone thing but yeah I love you honestly just let me know how it goes you will be totally fine and remember you are so much more than like this is one thing we need to get our head around when you're in a relationship it can it can absolutely consume you and you become absorbed in it so when something like this goes on you think oh my god oh my god what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck and it's all you can think about you feel sick yeah but what we need to remember is we're
Starting point is 00:40:51 so much more than a girlfriend you know like when you're going through this right now you're so much more than a girlfriend like you're an amazing sister i don't know if you have any siblings you're an amazing sister you're an amazing daughter you're an amazing friend you're an amazing work colleague you're an amazing i don't know what you do for a job, bartender. I don't know. Do you know what I mean? So it's like sometimes when things like this little blips happen in the relationship, it can really get you down. But just remember you're so much more than this little issue and you're amazing. And I love you so, so, so, so much. Okay. Oh my God. I feel so exhausted. It really late so I'm gonna wrap
Starting point is 00:41:26 up the episode guys um but yeah I loved this one the dilemmas were so cute this week I just I just love you guys so much remember to always send in your dilemmas I can never have too many honestly if I don't read them in the first week or two that you send them hopefully I'll just get round to them do you know what I mean I love you guys so much let's wrap up the episode wow I can't believe it's literally November happy November guys it's the first November as this comes out it's literally November we started this podcast in January guys who's been here since Jan let me know when you became part of the Lear on the Line friendship group because I find it so fascinating when people like oh I literally
Starting point is 00:42:11 just found your podcast I just binged it and I'm like that's so funny like I was in a whole different world like however many months ago that is 10 months ago nine months months ago, 10, 11, 10, 10, well, 10, 11, whatever, a month ago, do you know what I mean, so like, you've just gone through my whole last journey of my, what, last year of my journey, what the fuck, to be honest, shut up, basically, you've gone through like a year of my life in a matter of weeks some of you like this must have been a real roller coaster for some of you honestly but that's why I love this podcast because I've literally I tell you guys everything when I tell you I tell you everything I am an open book like guys, you've known every step of my year. Like there's no, I have no secrets from you guys. Believe me. You think my life's boring? Yeah, it is. But do you know
Starting point is 00:43:13 what? That's a good thing. I'd rather a boring life than a hectic one. I live for peace and happiness and love. Okay. Oh God, I'm exhausted. Oh my God. I'm a celeb star i'm putting a bet on olivia atwood to win honestly i don't know if i will actually put an actual bet on i just mean out there in the universe i think olivia atwood would win i i mean will win i love her i think she's just fucking genius she is tv gold and she knows exactly what to do. She is a reality star. She fucking lives and breathes this shit. I'm telling you now, she's going all the way to the final. She's queen of the jungle.
Starting point is 00:43:52 She's queen of the jungle in my eyes. But anyway, I'm sure we'll gossip about that every week as we always do, you know. And I can't wait to speak to you on Friday. I really want to do an episode where I get um influencers to send me voice notes and respond to your dilemmas so send me any dilemmas you have and you can even pop in the email like which influencer you want me to ask um and we'll see who we can get to hop on an episode and answer your dilemmas who you think might be a good person to turn to for advice in a specific um
Starting point is 00:44:25 dilemma like if it's about self-love maybe you have like a certain influencer in mind that you feel like is really in their self-love journey and they might have some words of wisdom do you know what i mean so i feel like it'd be a really good idea so maybe we'll do that on friday if not the next week i don't know i guess could always just smash it out by friday couldn't i we'll just see um but I love you guys so much I hope you had an amazing Halloween it's officially November which means it's fucking festive season baby I'm gonna get Lea on the line pink Christmas decorations on my Lea on the line wall on the podcast videos you best believe I'm having pink decorations yeah pink it's a pink
Starting point is 00:45:02 Christmas over here on Lea on other night and maybe we just need something cozy to wear and all match yeah some cute cozy cozy bits to all match and love love life together in here all right guys on that note i will speak to you on friday for a brand new episode i can't shout oh my god literally i get life stop recording so late at night stop recording so late at night get your life together I'm so busy at the moment it's actually gonna give me a fucking seizure I can't deal with it okay touch wood I don't want a seizure please don't have please don't have a seizure I love you I love you I don't know who I'm telling I love but okay yeah I love you guys so much and I'll speak to you on Friday for a brand new episode
Starting point is 00:45:43 I love you guys so much. And I'll speak to you on Friday for a brand new episode. I love you. Bye.

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