Leah on the Line - 48: How do I tell my boyfriend he has bad breath...

Episode Date: December 27, 2022

Hello my gorg besties! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line! Today's dilemmas were super fun and I hope you found them helpful. From telling you...r partner they have BAD BREATH to moving on from a situationship when enough is enough!! Thank you so much for supporting me and this podcast, I can't tell you how much it truly means to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line how are you happy tuesday how was your christmas everyone christ Christmas is over. It's over. Next is New Year's, baby. And then it's Valentine's. Then it's Easter. How do we feel about Easter? It's never really been a big thing for me in my life, my upbringing. Then what else do we have to look forward to? Summer. I'm one of the people, I always need something to look forward to summer i'm one of the people i always need something to look forward to if i don't have something to look forward to i get really quite down and in the dumps honestly i do and now i've like it's boxing day as i record this and i'm like i'm already i feel so deflated it's like such a what's the word you know when there's
Starting point is 00:01:02 like a massive build-up something and then it's like i can't explain it like i just feel deflated on boxing day but then i get it as christmas day goes on like i start getting really upset and sad as the day goes on but it's like what is the big deal like why do we why why is there such a big deal about christmas when realistically we can all get together with our family any day but for some reason it's like oh my god now i've got to wait 364 days this again do you know what i mean anyway i've got a confession i hopefully you guys let me off because it's fucking christmas but um i totally forgot to put a weekly debate up listen it's boxing day it's literally boxing day i didn't realize it was Tuesday tomorrow I was like fuck I've got to record a podcast um and I totally forgot that there was a Tuesday in between because I've been prepping the New
Starting point is 00:01:56 Year's Eve episode which is coming out on Friday it's going to be amazing but I forgot that there's actually a Tuesday in between and I was like oh my god what can I do I can't miss an episode fuck that you guys know how I feel about missing the episodes especially Tuesdays so I was like right I'm just gonna have to be open and honest I'm gonna have to be honest and just say listen I completely forgot to do a weekly debate I've been busy with Christmas and family and getting drunk you guys have been busy as well so you know it is what it is it's not the end of the world is it I don't think so it's still leo on the line as long as we've got dilemmas of confessions which we do it will be fine my throat is so sore I'm starting to feel better now you guys know I was really ill recently yeah I'm starting to feel better but my throat's killing me as I'm doing
Starting point is 00:02:41 this why do I sound like my mic's going in and out one second okay I think it was my headphones I don't know hopefully it's okay anyway I hope you all had the most amazing Christmas if you didn't that's okay mine was all right like I didn't have the most incredible Christmas this year I had a nice Christmas if yours was just average as well and yours was just yeah it was nice me too honey I get you that's okay because I feel like I've been scrolling for Instagram and I've been feeling a bit down and sad because I'm like looking at all these families and they they have this huge Christmas and they look like they're all playing so many games having so much fun and I'm like I had a bit more of a quiet Christmas this year we had a really fun Christmas Eve but our Christmas day was like we went out for a meal this year
Starting point is 00:03:25 which was nice the food was good but it was you know I was expecting to like come home and do all these like loads of party games and stuff and we did them and that's fine I still had a really nice time but then I'd like go on Instagram and see like all these beautiful photos and like videos and I was like oh and so if you guys have had the same experience where you've been comparing your Christmas to other people's Christmases don't worry me too hun and that's all right and if you've had one of the worst Christmases ever I love you and hopefully next Christmas will be better if not there's always a year after I'm grateful for every Christmas that we get to have you know so oh I really don't feel well I don't know how I'm gonna for every Christmas that we get to have, you know. So, oh, I really don't feel well.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I don't know how I'm going to get through this episode. I've got pain in my face. I get it all the time, right? Like my face just fucking hurts. Like I've been punched. No one diagnosed me with anything because I have health anxiety and I really can't deal with it because I will diagnose myself before you do. So don't worry about that I got it covered but anyway I love you guys and I'm gonna try and be a bit more positive I feel like I started off on a really negative note sorry that's not like me is it um but I love you guys I hope you did have a good Christmas and if you didn't like I said that's totally okay we have a really fun new year's coming up new year's episode by the way but this is another thing I want to say about new year's pressure new year's eve is shit okay it is it just is like is there's so much pressure to have a good time there's so
Starting point is 00:04:51 much pressure to have plans have have somewhere books get together with all of your fucking friends listen I literally have like one friend in my hometown and she has a son so first of all she's not going to be out partying first of all and second of all I would not want to be partying in my hometown anyway it's fucking crap here um and I don't want to go to London because it's cost so much fucking money and it's again boring like I go out and I'm like it's New Year's Eve let's go crazy and you spend so long picking an outfit and then you go somewhere and it costs a bomb to get in and then all the fucking drinks are a bomb and then you're like oh my god and then you're surrounded by people you don't know and then you go somewhere and it costs a bomb to get in and then all the fucking drinks are a bomb and then you're like oh my god and then you're surrounded by people you don't know
Starting point is 00:05:27 and then you think am I actually having a good time like this has cost so much money am I actually having a good time or did I have more fun getting ready with my bestie in back at home don't mean brew drinking yeah I did so this I'm not sure what to do I'm not sure but you know what I'm really excited for the episode I um have a tarot reading for my 2023 year which I'm really nervous and excited to read because she did my reading for 2022 and when I read it I was like well I hope she's bad at this I hope she's bad at her tarot reading because this does not sound like a year that I want like it was like it's time to let go of things I was like no no this isn't accurate and it turned out very fucking accurate so I'm gonna reflect on that with you guys um and then we are gonna read my 2023 reading which is
Starting point is 00:06:17 scary but so exciting so yeah um any ideas for the new year's episode send them my way i'm really interested in hearing what you guys have set um goals wise um resolution wise why is that so hard to say resolution wise that's not anyway yes i'm really looking forward to it and any ideas you have for the episode let me know because i'm going to be filming that over the next couple of days so yeah i love you guys merry christmas even though it's over now so it feels illegal to say that it feels illegal to like even look at anything christmasy this time of year like i was walking around in tesco earlier and i was seeing like all the old christmas pajamas and i was like oh just get away from me it's like so you know when you see something that reminds you of an ex it's like oh that's what it's literally like seeing christmas stuff now do you know what i mean i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:07:02 i can't i can't so let's move on from the christmas vibes let's get back to normality normal lear on the line even though i didn't i forgot a weekly debate but fuck it do you mean dilemmas time confessions at the end let's get into the episode okay again apologies i know we don't have a weekly debate. I feel really upset about it and it feels wrong. This is the first Leigh on the Line episode. Why did I go Australian then? That was the total accident. Sometimes it just creeps out of me, you know, because I spent so much of my life growing up there. Anyway, some of you guys are actually going to think that I actually have this story where I grew up in Australia. It's just a character that I made up.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I've never even been to Australia. I've never stepped foot down under I was talking about it last night I'd love to do you know what I really want to go to Paris because oh my god me and my boyfriend binge watch Emily in Paris season three oh no Alfie is the most annoying person in the world I wish I wish you guys could see me right now because I want to show you what he does that irritates me but he's always shaking his hands always shaking his shoulders always wobbling his stupid head always thinks he's a fucking London gangster Cooper Cooper it gives me the ick honestly I don't know what it is about Alfie and Emily in Paris but every time he comes on the screen no hate or anything anytime he comes on the screen I'm like oh god get him off do you know what I mean he's you know I'm sure he's a
Starting point is 00:08:24 lovely guy but it's his character that annoys me. His character, Alfie. It's not the actor. I don't know him. I know Alfie. I know him well. What are we talking about? Anyway, Emily in Paris season three. Loved it. Really loved it. And now I want to go to Paris. But I don't know how I'm even talking about that. Oh, I want to go to Australia. Yes, if I've got any Australian listeners that have a spare room, I'd love to come and we can talk Australian together all day and night. Can anyone let me know, anyone Australian, let me know what I need to do to improve my Australian accent because I want to get it down to a T. And I feel like I'm really good at it and I feel like I could go on Married at First Sight sorry about that Australia and they wouldn't even have a clue I'm like yeah I'm looking for a husband or I'm getting
Starting point is 00:09:15 the eyes from my boyfriend right now it's just a joke honey you don't have to worry about it oh who was your favorite character from Math australia because that is probably my my favorite season of all time after traitors now to be honest oh we haven't talked about traitors yeah will fuck you that's what i have to say to will fuck you and i'm fucking glad you didn't run away with that 100k all right i'm so happy for hannah and aaron and meryl but specifically aaron because he said he wants to put a deposit down for his mum's house and I think what a sweet boy what a sweet sweet boy so if you guys watch traitors let me know if you were team Will or team Faithful because I was definitely not team Will
Starting point is 00:09:54 greedy bastard greed that's what that is karma what what comes around what what goes around comes around Will and it came around for you thanks to Kieran with his parting gift well done kieran to anyone that didn't watch traitors you're probably thinking what the hell is she on about skip skip skip no no you have to watch traitors and thank me later honestly you will be hooked give it a minute i didn't actually watch the beginning you could probably dive in halfway through and just try and figure out how it works that's what i did anyway just shut up leah how about that i'm gonna get into the first dilemma it's actually kind of funny it's not funny because it is a real dilemma and a real problem and I do feel sorry for the guy but it did make me laugh so anyway um here we go hey girl love you and the pod so so so much it honestly makes my day I just found you last week and I've binged it every single one keep it up
Starting point is 00:10:40 you're amazing and we appreciate you so much. Thank you. And I love you so, so much. I'm sorry about this dilemma though. And I'm sorry that I found it funny. Okay, let's get into it. Simple one, but I need advice. I'm going out with this guy. He is perfect in every single way. Apart from recently, this is grim. So sorry in advance, but recently his breath has started smelling and I mean like disgusting like dog food it's the only way I can describe it okay I feel bad because I feel like it could just be gum disease or something he brushes his teeth and showers lol but now i've smelt this and cannot unsmell it and when i'm saying oh sorry and when i'm laying on him it's all i can smell oh no that oh i don't even know about this one i don't even know what to say but we're going to continue reading it's giving me the ick and i don't want to kiss him or even invite him round because i can't deal my dilemma is how do I tell him? He is so lovely and perfect and I feel
Starting point is 00:11:47 like this would destroy his self-esteem and make him feel so shit and upset. So how do I say it without causing any awkwardness? I've tried making it fun and cute like, hey babes, let's go brush our teeth together. But he says no slash laughs it off or changes the subject. I don't want to end the relationship over this but I can't take it anymore help a gal out love you so much thank you bye i love you so much okay i my first thought is like surely you're not the only one that's noticed surely his friends notice and like lads will tell you like you're like if you watch like they say love island locked in like you're like if you watch like they say love island locked in they say your breath is hot in the words of max katar like they surely the boys would tell him mate your breath is honking do you know what i mean like surely the boys are told him if not his mum his siblings his his
Starting point is 00:12:39 friends his workmates his ex-girlfriends like he can't have never have heard this before surely he can taste it you know we gotta tell him i think if you want to be with him because you could just not be with him like you could just be like oh i can't deal with it i can't look past it i don't want to talk to you about it so fuck this do you know what i mean that's option one but if you really want to be with him the only other option is we gotta tell him we just gotta say babes that breath is hooning like it's not it's not working for me that breath get it away from me it absolutely stinks you stink stinky stinky boy i don't know what you can do i really don't know what you can do. I really don't know what you can do besides tell him. How can you even put that nicely? Because if somebody said that to me,
Starting point is 00:13:31 okay, okay, let me imagine it was me. Let me imagine I had really bad breath. Let me imagine I had really bad breath. My boyfriend sat there thinking, yeah, imagine. Okay, let me imagine I've got bad breath. how would I want my boyfriend to tell me that I think I'd rather him just say it in a funny way like fucking hell babe brush them teeth brush them pearly yellows immediately like I think I'd I think I'd rather just him tell me rather than make a big deal about it like um Leah I know this is really embarrassing and I really don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but I don't really know how to approach this but like your breast stinks no don't do that to me just tell me then and there
Starting point is 00:14:18 Christ babe honking like I think that's the way to do it like i think if we say it just up front and not make him all embarrassed obviously it's going to be a bit embarrassing do you know what i mean it's going to be a bit but the least embarrassing way is just a bit just throw it at him you know just whoa whoa do you have you got any chewing gum because geez maybe or like yeah that's my that's honestly my advice maybe you could be like how what's your taste like what can you taste is there any oh my god my boyfriend's spending money on a game i've just seen apple pay come up what are you buying on your what you need is bide but bide i just said bide yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't mean to i mean to anyway anyway what the hell so that's my personal opinion should i ask the boyfriend what he would think should i get him on and give his opinion okay two secs okay we have him here ready to give advice so what would you do wait what how do i ask this
Starting point is 00:15:27 if it was you how would you okay if you had if you had some stanky breath how would you like me to tell you i don't know i'd just be like babe your breath is fucking hot right now like have you brushed your teeth just ask him like general like questions because i think that's the best way of doing it have you brushed your teeth because i won't be offended by it like i would literally be yeah i'll just be like no just say your breath stinks yeah just say your breath stinks just up front and brutal like that yeah i think that's the way to go i don't think it's that brutal okay stunning there we go guys just tell him you don't think it's that brutal i don't think it's that brutal either to be fair if somebody somebody my boyfriend said to me your breath's a bit stinky
Starting point is 00:16:11 i'll be like oh god like it happens to us do you mean i'm sure my breath does stink every now and then um and yeah whatever do you know what i mean okay i feel like we can move around this perfect let's know how it goes um and good luck i love you so much next dilemma okay guys this one is a lot shorter nice and sweet sweet short and sweet okay now short and sweet but i wouldn't do it because i feel like a lot of you will be able to relate to this one it says how do you get over a situationship that has been on and off for literally three years? This passed on was a lot more serious, but still ended and I want to be done with it. So I feel like so many of us have been in situations where it's like we're not together,
Starting point is 00:16:55 but you literally take it over my fucking life. Do you know what I mean? I haven't actually been in a situation like that, so I don't know why I'm talking like I have. But I know so many fucking people that have and I know there's a million people, a million people listening right now. Maybe 10 people that have been through this or are going through this. And it's difficult because you have like an emotional attachment to them. You can be in love with somebody. It's you know, it's been three years on and off. Like they've taken up a huge chunk like a three-year
Starting point is 00:17:25 relationship you're madly in love you'd like to think so so yeah being on and off with someone for three years is very emotionally draining but my immediate thought is like we have to become unavailable to them like we are for three years you've been available to this person that's why it's been on and off that's why it's been around going on for three years we have to you said i want to be done with it so we have to decide i am no longer available to you whether that mean blocking them absolutely zero when i say zero contact we're going zero contact do the block delete the number move on with your life and decide for yourself, I am no longer available to you. It sounds easier said than done, but I think it is
Starting point is 00:18:12 not easy, but I do think it is that simple. That doesn't mean it's easy, but it does. I do think it's simple in terms of you can just make that decision like you can just say enough is enough I'm not allowing you into my space anymore into my energy anymore I'm no longer available to you it you it is over between me and you like I'm not coming back you're not coming back into my life this is the decision I have made do you know what I mean you can't contact me I've blocked your number you I'm not looking at your shit you know I don't have your number anymore so I can't even text you um I truly believe that it just takes strength and dignity of like you know what enough is enough it's you said it's it's been going on and off for three years
Starting point is 00:19:05 and you want to be done with it. So the simple answer is just decide that you are and that you're walking away. Do you know what I mean? It's been a situation ship. That's the shit thing. So yeah, protect your energy, protect your peace and make that decision for yourself and stick to
Starting point is 00:19:27 it and do whatever it takes. It takes a lot of strength and I say fill that void that there inevitably will be with something else, whether that be friends or a new hobby. It sounds really pathetic but it's true. Like fill that hole with something that's good for you um and over time you'll be really proud of yourself that you just like emotionally unattached yourself in the situation and became more emotionally available to something better for you whether that be a new relationship or like i said a hobby or friendship or a new routine yourself your job like whatever it is you're just going to fill the hole with you know I love you and remember you're amazing and you deserve stability in your life rather than on and off three-year situationship that's what you deserve
Starting point is 00:20:14 all right I love you so much next dilemma okay this one says hi Leah just want to say I absolutely love your podcast it's my safe space thank you so much for what you do I love you so much I'm so happy it's your safe space that's like my favorite thing that is the biggest compliment anybody could ever give to Leah on the line okay so I need some advice basically the last couple of months I haven't been talking to anyone and it's been so relaxing I ended up matching with this guy on hinge saying he was in my town for the weekend and to meet him but I was actually on holiday at the time. He lives five hours away from me so when we realised I wasn't there I thought we would leave it at that. We ended up carrying on messaging and even FaceTime in most days and we get on so well. He said multiple times we're playing a dangerous game etc because five hours drive seems impossible to us but we
Starting point is 00:21:05 have continued talking. It's been about 20 days talking and he said he wants to meet me even if it's not going to work out. Because we get on so well it would be so hard for me to stop talking to him even though I know it might be the best. I'm in two minds. I don't know whether to end it before we meet so my feelings don't get hurt even though I would still be a bit sad or to just meet him anyway and what's the worst that could happen. I'm crying over a boy which I've done so many times before anyway. We're both aware of the situation which isn't helping as we do talk about it a lot on FaceTime about how it's not going to work unless one of us moves etc but we've both told each other we can't really see ourselves move out of our areas and obviously we would need to be together for a while to consider that anyway. i'm aware this might sound stupid because it's been 20 days but
Starting point is 00:21:49 i'm just thinking ahead i just need help do i end it now before we meet do i meet him anyway do you think it's possible for a relationship to work when there's five hours drive etc we both work full-time interested to hear your opinion as i know you and your boy live a distance too. Love you. Bye. I love you. Okay. So yeah, I can relate massively. My boyfriend is from York, which am I allowed to say that? Yeah. Which is like five hours, literally the same basically from me. And we had the same conversations at the beginning it was like fuck like we should probably cut this off while we're ahead and then we did the same thing of like fuck it do you know what I mean and listen everything just works out the way it's meant to so I think oh I think that wasn't very
Starting point is 00:22:38 intelligent of me I feel like I think you know what the worst that's going to happen in this situation is you can't make it work and it might hurt a little bit but I feel like love is always a risk okay I'm going to sound like a sad fucker right now it's always good it's always a risk to fall in love with somebody whether they live five five miles five miles away or five hours away it's always a risk you're always putting your heart on the line it could always end badly it could it could always not work it could always end in heartbreak do you know what i mean so my feeling when i was in your position was you know what it doesn't matter how fucking far away you are yeah it's gonna make it more difficult to see you more especially because both of our love languages physical touch and quality time so I was like stunning you couldn't live further away really
Starting point is 00:23:29 could you oh I don't know I could live down under again but luckily I moved back to the UK by that point anyway like I said it doesn't matter what you're afraid of because at the end of the day you could fall in love with somebody on your street and there's always a risk there's always a fear of it and a maddie of it not working of you being hurt so i think if you really really like this guy and it sounds like he really really likes you as well and he's willing to take that risk it almost shows more because if they if it's difficult to make a relationship work and they still want to do it it shows that they are more invested in you than if they lived up the road and it's easy and it's
Starting point is 00:24:11 simple and it's on a plate do you know what i mean so my advice because i'm a sucker for love is dive in honey dive in yeah you work full time so that's difficult for me to relate to because I work from home I work on my own hours so it's difficult for me to sort of give advice on that one because I can work from wherever I am so that's one thing I was really lucky with because I could go and stay with him for a week but I still also believe you could see someone every other weekend and still have a relationship still make it work we have this amazing thing called facetime and you seem to be milking it as well which is perfect we did the same thing and we loved it we looked forward to facetime every single night and i just want you to fall in love with each other because this is the thing you never know
Starting point is 00:24:58 what turns life will take you never know where you're going to be in a year you never know so dive in babe honestly dive in that's what I say fuck it yeah it's only been 20 days but I don't think you're dramatic for thinking ahead because like we said love is scary so I totally get it that you're thinking oh my god I'm gonna end up heartbroken crying on the floor can't wait for that but I we used to literally joke and say to each other I can't wait for you to ruin my life like we literally say that to each other so and you know what touch wood he hasn't ruined my life so you never know i think just trust the universe trust the universe babe you two are brought together for a reason whether it be for a lesson or for a lifetime of love and there's only one way to find out yeah good luck i can't wait to hear all about your date please
Starting point is 00:25:51 meet up with him and tell us all about it send it in we can't wait to hear about it have an amazing time and i'm so excited for you next dilemma okay this one says hey leah i've been listening to your podcast for a few months now and all i can say is i'm obsessed i love you so much i'm obsessed with you i also thought i was unproblematic enough to not have a dilemma of my own but here i am i broke up with my two-year boyfriend in september because it was getting way too toxic he cheated so i treated him like shit etc understandable but two weeks later I was way too upset so we started talking again and it has been going decently well but I still have my doubts in my mind. It's a long distance relationship so I only really see him a few days a month. Going on
Starting point is 00:26:36 a tangent there's this guy I've had a massive crush on since I can remember. Years before I even met my current ex. Last week this guy messaged me and asked to take me out. I can't explain how excited I was. We went out to eat and got drunk, flirting and having so much fun. We then went to a rave and danced all night. Oh my god. It was surreal. The next day, we exchanged a few texts, but he's left me undelivered for four days now. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel so anxious and all I can think about is how amazing it felt being with him but I don't understand why he hasn't replied or reached out. Rude. I'm losing my mind thinking about what I did wrong. Okay nothing first of all nothing. I now feel like I have no
Starting point is 00:27:22 feelings for my ex that I'm talking to again and feel like I need to end it completely I really like this guy and I don't know whether I should text him I feel like I'm so new to the dating scene because before my two-year relationship I was in a five-year relationship I'm so ready to be single and find myself but I also feel scared to be what scared to completely end it with my ex because we do get on so well I feel like I've created so many dreams of our futures together that I don't want to see an end to I don't really know what I'm asking for from you but just slight guidance thanks so much and love you p.s sorry it's so long it's fine I love you so much okay this is difficult so my immediate thought is we gotta let go of the ex okay we have to let go of the ex I Okay, we have to let go of the ex. I totally get that when you end a
Starting point is 00:28:07 relationship with someone, you feel like you have to start your life all over again. Because it's like, well, I had plans with you. Do you know what I mean? We were getting a house together, we were having babies, we're gonna get married in my mind. Now I've got to rewrite my future. So I get that. Like you said, Oh, like, I had all this planned and you know like we get on so well but you didn't want to be in the relationship and you've said you feel like you have no feelings for your ex and you need to end it completely there's your answer do you know what i mean why we why are we still talking to someone we don't have feelings for why we still imagine the future is someone we don't have feelings for at the very least we want to have all of these amazing
Starting point is 00:28:44 things or something we have fucking feelings for do you know what i mean and there will be somebody else you can have all these amazing beautiful things with that you have planned in your mind there'll be somebody else you can have that with somebody you have feelings for okay moving to the next guy i i feel like it could be a situation where you know you've wanted someone for so long and you for so long you've wanted them to want you and then you're like oh my god he wants me finally so it's like a validation thing I totally get that but he hasn't replied to you for four days and he's left you on read which is a bit fucking rude if you ask me and I feel like you should take that information, process that as, okay, you're not actually that interested in me. As brutal as this sounds, I'm sorry if this hurts, I love you. But if somebody,
Starting point is 00:29:36 if I'd gone out with somebody, felt like I had this incredible time with them, been mad about them for years, and then we go out, have this this amazing time and then he doesn't apply to me for four days I'm thinking well we're just not on the same page we're not on the same page you've been riddled with anxiety asking yourself what you did wrong it should be easy like you should be dating somebody you should know where you stand you should know that you had the same experience leaving you undelivered for four days, some people might go, oh my god, Leah, don't be so fucking dramatic, it's only four days, four days is too long, I'm sorry, four days, you're joking me, I have a fucking life, yeah, there's a queue of men that want to be with me, no, I'm kidding, I mean, you know, that's the energy we have to,
Starting point is 00:30:21 the energy we have to have, but I feel like this guy probably knew you had a major crush on him for years. Like he probably knew. I feel like you know, don't you? You know. And he went out with you. You had an amazing time. But he's left you undelivered. And let's take that information and go whatever then.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Do you know what I mean? So my personal opinion, remember this is all my opinion. I would never tell you what to do I support you no matter what decision you make is fuck the guy that's left you undelivered for four days we fancied him for years we had a great date but that was it you've left me undelivered see you later hun and the ex you don't have feelings for him anymore and you don't want to be with him so we don't be with him that's my personal opinion like i said opinion opinion opinion always do what you want but i just think there are so many people out there there are billions of men in the world and there'll be
Starting point is 00:31:15 somebody that just gives you the energy you deserve and you really fucking like each other and you have this amazing date and then he messages you the next fucking date if not the same night to make sure you got home right i mean to be fair we don't know how long he's had you on delivered for i mean we know it's four days but you could have spoke for a while after the day anyway you know what i'm saying so yeah four days too long you just show me that you're not interested and if you're not interested in me then i'm not interested in you that's the energy we have walk away it's nothing see you later watch them come running back yeah we're not gonna we're not gonna double or triple message um and the boyfriend i think we have to learn to let that one go if you've really decided that you don't want to be with him you know don't hold on to the future you
Starting point is 00:31:55 have planned with them because you can still have that future just with somebody else and it will be equally as amazing actually better you know so yeah you have this like this is fine you know we love you at leah on the line all of the listeners and me we love you and prioritize yourself always show yourself this love you know you've like you said you've been in a two-year relationship in a five-year relationship i'm so ready to be single and find myself but you're scared to end it completely with your ex because you get on so well it's scary to be single after being in a relationship for so long but it's so exciting and just have so much fun lots of safe fun and yeah make amazing memories figure out who you are as a woman and just have the best time okay we don't need anyone. I love you so much.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Okay guys. That is it for dilemmas. I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry if I feel a bit off my game today. It's just Christmas. I'm not really in. I'm not really in the mindset. I'm a bit thrown off.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Because I didn't even really expect to be recording tonight. I totally forgot. But I really didn't want to miss a Tuesday. You guys know how much that bothers me. Okay. Let's get into the confession diaries okay it's the Christmas period so I don't know how much trouble you guys have been getting yourself into, but I low-key hope it's a lot just for the content. But I'm really excited to read these through. So thank you so much to everyone that sent some in. I love you. Okay, let's kick off with this one. My ex cheated on me, so I shagged his best mate and kissed three of his
Starting point is 00:33:40 other best mates. I say it all the time. Guys are such dodgy friends. Like we hear about this all the time, don't we? Guys always just sleep with their mates exes. But you know what? Did you say he cheated on you? Yeah, so fuck him. Shag his friend. Do you know what I mean? Oh, we've got another one from actually a totally different person my ex-boyfriend cheated on me so i slept with two of his mates a week later gorge gorge gorge as you should to be honest fuck them okay next one i've slept with two of my co-workers and no one at work knows did they even know obviously they know you had sex with them but do they know about each other scandal scandal that's crazy i love it i love the love the secret secrecy okay oh ouchy i go on my boyfriend's phone while he's asleep and i know he looks at girls only fans OnlyFans. Oh, that's rough. That is rough. Okay, what? And we're doing nothing about that?
Starting point is 00:34:50 We're doing nothing about that. Okay. It's the confession diaries, not a dilemma, Leah. Keep your mouth shut. I love you. Oh, let's finish with this one. Whoa geez oh my good my good oh my goodness my confession is my best friend in quotation marks best friend made a fake instagram account to troll me and post ugly pictures of me which i quickly figured out it was her. So I retaliated by making my own fake account as a boy and got her to fall in love with the account. Oh my God, it's like an episode of Catfish. Do you know how much I fucking loved Catfish? I was obsessed with it. Somebody that got catfished as a teenager, you guys remember my story where I got catfished and he died and then I found out it was a girl stunning anyway for somebody that got catfished I should have been I should have known because I was so
Starting point is 00:35:52 obsessed with catfish but anyway amazing confessions guys great great work this week keep it up can't wait to hear what you've been up to next week I love you guys let's wrap up the episode okay guys thank you so much for listening I hope you enjoyed this episode like I said I wasn't running my game this week I feel like this is a bit of a rusty episode so I'm really sorry I feel like I wasn't on top form today but hopefully you guys don't hold it against me and hopefully you guys come back on Friday and Tuesday and the next Friday and the whole of 2023 let me know what you guys want from the podcast any ideas throw in my way if you have a spare two minutes please drop me a rating and review and Spotify and Apple it means the world to me I can't even
Starting point is 00:36:43 tell you if you are going to write a review I'm just going to mention now that I'm very fucking sensitive and I will cry real tears and it will be your fault that I go to bed crying and screaming into my pillow. Okay, so I think we'll wrap up there. I love you guys. Thanks for all your support. Thanks for all your nice messages. When I was literally really attention seeking last week and I was like I just feel like no one likes the podcast anymore you guys sent me messages and we're like we love the podcast if you're one of those people I love you even if you weren't I love you even if this is your first time listening I love you so please keep listening to Lear on the Line because it's nothing without you guys and please know how much it means to me you are the heart of lear on the line do you know what i mean it's a fact there is no line without you you know what you mean i love you
Starting point is 00:37:33 thank you so much i hope you had the best christmas ever and if you didn't that's all right as well you're amazing and let's have an amazing 2023 together i can't wait to go on another journey with you it's coming up to a year of lear on the line it's coming up i think it was was it like the 14th of january 15th around then i will double check because i want to make sure we make a mark maybe we should do a special episode i'm not sure maybe i should try and reply to some of the old emails that sent me dilemmas and be like what's the update no that sounds kind of boring doesn't it i feel like that'll be fun you guys love the updates but then also i don't want to invade in people's privacy so i won't do that we could definitely do a call in my listeners for the
Starting point is 00:38:14 yearly special i feel like that would be a really nice way to round it off you know anyway i love you guys so so so much i hope you have the most amazing week. I hope you have an incredible New Year's. I mean, I'll speak to you before then, but if you don't have plans, don't worry, girl or boy, me neither. And I will speak to you on Friday for a brand new New Year's special episode. I love you. Bye. Bye!

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