Leah on the Line - 62: Could you forgive a drunken kiss & how do I tell my boyfriend I want him to last longer in bed...

Episode Date: April 17, 2023

Hey babes! In the weekly debate this week, we discussed whether or not you could forgive your partner if they kissed someone else on a night out... The dilemmas this week covered dealing with your boy...friend messaging his female colleague DAILY, liking explicit pictures on Instagram and lasting under 60 seconds in bed! I hope you loved this episode, thank you so much for joining me and for all the love and support. It means more than anything! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode earlier on the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everyone how was your weekend i missed you on Friday so we recorded a quiz episode round two and the audio was fucked so it didn't get uploaded and I'm really sorry about it okay I promise we recorded it we even videoed it because I wanted to do clips because I thought how interesting little facts put them on TikTok you know what I mean interesting facts but it went to shit so I'm really sorry so we couldn't even just like oh fuck let's just re-record it because I knew all the answers at that point. I will tell you I did fucking terribly and I did get the ump for most of the episode so maybe it was the universe saying
Starting point is 00:00:56 don't put this out Leah you sound like a rude bitch. I just kept getting them all wrong and I was like oh next question. I'm really quite competitive. Anyway, how are you? I hope you are all really well. I went to Wincannon Racing on Sunday. Was it Sunday? Yeah, I think so. And listen, I think I've said this before. I think it was when I went to bingo. I told you, I never fucking win anything, right? Never. I never win anything. Never win scratch cards. Never. Well, I'm not a gambler or anything guys but like I don't I'm not like a lucky girl like I never win competitions never win giveaways never win the grand national never win at bingo never win anything right I want free fucking horses babe
Starting point is 00:01:37 yeah I want free horses I screamed my head off I was over the moon I was over the moon it's really fun I had a really nice time went with the boy mom sis nephews and niece had a lovely family day it was so fun they had like you know one of those balls that you have to like hang on to and it like swings about because it's like a family fun day well it was really fun actually it was a family fun day anyway my nephew Louie is like the bravest kid like he does not give a fuck who's watching and i love that pimp because i was opposite so i really enjoy that pimp i'm really proud of him he's very confident well he's actually very shy but like when it comes to random shit he just like doesn't care so he's funny anyway and he was going he kept going on this ball and he is
Starting point is 00:02:19 five i think but anyway you know like the like the the animal the bull the bull bull my boyfriend just pointed out to me that sounds like i'm saying bull like a football but i mean bull like a raging bull right bull bull same thing anyway so he kept going on the bull right and he yeah i think he's five i can't remember there's so fucking many of them and he could not get on it like he was he's quite small. Well, he's not small, but he's average height. But like he was small compared to this ball. And he's like, he did not give up. And like, you can't help him. I was just stood there. I was like, I can't climb onto this. Like kids play everything and like lift them up. I think a lot of parents and stuff probably would have. But I just, something was just like, yeah, panic. Like just stand there and panic. And I just couldn't help him. just something was just like Leah panic like just stand there and panic and I
Starting point is 00:03:05 just couldn't help him and he's just like holding on to this ball and he's like leaping for his life and bless his heart he did not give up he must have jumped about 30 times before he finally just went he went for the nose and just climbed up its head and then he was facing the wrong way but he did manage to turn himself around and he was just getting flown around by this ball and he absolutely loved it and he come up and he's like that was incredible and he got on it about 10 times i was like knock yourself out darling go on as many times as you want it's free anyway so yeah i had a really good weekend i hope you guys did too let me know what you got up to would you have fun this week bank holiday coming up soon what you would you have planned for the
Starting point is 00:03:40 bank hall are you celebrating the coronation i i'm not really that into the royal family to be honest bit of a controversial topic i won't get into it because we don't do that earlier on the line we just here to have a good time do you know what i mean but yeah i don't know no plans what you guys got planned let me let me know um so friday episode should we redo the quiz later this week should we obviously not redo it do a new one or should we come back to that idea i think it's giving me ptsd to be honest so i might have to retackle that when i can mentally prepare myself but any other friday episode ideas you have let me know darling throw in my way and yeah really interesting weekly debate this week i
Starting point is 00:04:19 feel like it's actually a good one because i feel like we're both not both just me and you sometimes I feel like I'm talking to one person but I forget that there's several of you but I feel like we're me and you we're we're gonna agree because most of us I think we will be on the same page on this one but it's still gonna be a debate because I know there's gonna be people that are gonna be on the other side and I can see the other side so I'm looking forward to debating it as always so love you guys get comfy get busy whatever it is you're doing and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at
Starting point is 00:04:58 gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at leah levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay everyone let's get into the weekly debate thank you for joining me for another episode so my question for you this week is would you stay with your partner if you found out they kissed someone on a night out now i know what you're thinking no obviously not you think that's going to be the response right but i But I don't think it's as straightforward as that. I know it is easy to say that when you're not in that position. It's easy for us to sit here and go, absolutely fucking not honey. See you later. But I thought, you know what? There's definitely some experience out there. So let's, let's put it on the story. Let's hear what the people have to say. Let's have a look. Okay. Someone says it would be hard to
Starting point is 00:05:45 throw six years down the drain but for me no trust equals no future I totally get you but at the same time you deciding to walk away from the relationship wouldn't be you throwing six years down the drain your partner doing that kissing is what would throw six years down the drain you know you know what i mean um no no and no get out of my life oh yeah i mean i feel yeah i definitely feel yeah no i understand people that stay but i won't trust my partner anymore see that's the thing it's like a drunken kiss you know people i've said before. I don't believe in once a cheat, always a cheat. I do believe in mistakes. But could you ever forget it?
Starting point is 00:06:31 No. Will your self-esteem in your relationship ever be the same? Probably not. You know? Okay, carrying on. Absolutely not. No way. The trust would be gone instantly and I personally wouldn't forgive.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, that is the thing what's that saying it's like you can forgive but not forget yeah that's one I never really understood that because I was like well surely as long as you can forgive you're fine but I think now I understand that a lot more because it's like because I used to think well surely it's better to forget but not forget no shut up leah anyway depends if they're honest about it or not but probably not yeah because i feel like the way you find out is actually going to have a big impact on your decision like if somebody comes to you with that information you're never going to fucking tell me do you know what i mean whereas
Starting point is 00:07:20 if it was a situation where your partner's like i need to tell you something you're seeing me alive i can't forgive myself i can't go forward without telling you if i get this off my chest you know it does make it different doesn't make it all right but it makes it different okay um this happened to me in january he kissed six different girls on new year's eve i ended it straight away good for you babe good for you three different girls on new year's eve Jesus hello girlfriend here hello um I feel like I would try but the trust would be gone and it would end anyway yeah I feel like I can definitely imagine there's a lot of people that would try you know it was a kiss I want to
Starting point is 00:08:06 be with this person I want it to have just been a mistake I want to be able to forget about it let me try and maybe a few months go by and you think it's still on my fucking mind I can't I can't look I don't look at you the same I feel disgusted when I look at you do you know what I mean no matter how much you want to let it go, sometimes you just can't. I wouldn't personally, I personally wouldn't have been able to trust him again. Yeah, that's the thing. It's all about that trust, isn't it, babe? A kiss is forgivable, but only if you can see they are genuinely sorry and was honest about it. Okay. Honestly, it depends if they were the one who told me and how quickly they told me yeah okay so if it was a situation where it's like oh my god i've got really bad
Starting point is 00:08:51 anxiety i need to tell you something to get off my chest okay last night i did this i did a reba thing like blah blah or because do you remember when we did the debate where it was like would you forgive someone years later if they told you at the beginning of our relationship i cheated on you but we've been together four years now it was at the beginning would you forgive them that was a really good weekly debate i think that was our first ever episode or one of them but yeah that when they come clean is a big one for sure okay oh my gosh my boyfriend told me this, but turns out he was lying about it. But we've been together five years, a dog house and all that. Took a while, but yes, we rebuilt trust and he still goes out and I'm fine about it. What did he lie about? Or he didn't
Starting point is 00:09:36 tell you the whole truth? No, it's cheating, plain and simple. Yeah, I'm with you, babe. I'm with you. I do understand people make mistakes, etc. But but for me the trust would just be gone I want to say absolutely not but I know that if it happened I'd probably stay yeah it's so easy to say you'd leave isn't it um here we go think this is one of those things where you don't know unless you're actually in the situation like i want to say no but not sure if if i would if it actually happened yeah i understand i understand um i'd have to see them showing true remorse if i were to stay with them but i'd need time to decide yeah guys it's like maths australia you know when claire kissed uh dan no adam adam when claire kissed adam and she adam was like oh my i don't get why everyone's looking at me oh i'm really got it and then claire
Starting point is 00:10:36 was like you know i'm i feel terrible that i've really hurt i hurt jesse and her main concern was that she's hurt someone adam's main concern was that he looks like a dick so i mean look who got forgiven and look who didn't i mean it didn't end very well if you watch the most recent episode you know but no spoilers here okay um if it was early in the relationship and they were honest straight away then yes we all make mistakes and early on you're still figuring out the relationship i get i get i do get your point because i guess as if it's like you know we've been together a couple of months and he's kissed someone or we've been together six years and you've kissed someone like what the fuck hun you you haven't
Starting point is 00:11:18 forgotten you're in a relationship you know you haven't been single for six years whereas like well i mean you never forget you're in a relationship i don't know but you guys know i mean i understand your point i understand your point um this happened to me i stayed with him but it made me so insecure we broke up eight months later yeah i can totally imagine that that's how i'd picture it to be honest like a lot of us would want to be like i just really want to let it go you know i had a future planned with you in my head like why have you fucked this all up on a fucking night out and you convince yourself don't you you want to convince yourself it was a mistake it was a mistake you know they're going to regret this this this is awful you know but i feel like
Starting point is 00:12:03 a lot of the time it's like well i got away with it i mean i'll get away with it i'll get away with it again you know um absolutely not the betrayal yeah that's that's like the main part of it isn't it okay we have a story here personal experience okay everyone comfortable i ended up forgiving my ex for kissing someone drunk on a night out at uni he fessed up to me shortly after and groveled for days about how sorry he was and said it was the biggest mistake etc i ended up staying with him i really struggled to trust him following this and i've never felt so insecure in my life oh that's the thing like you would just feel so shit in yourself like am i not enough for you fucking hour do you know what i mean it's never you remember that
Starting point is 00:12:52 babes anyway about five months went by and he did it again that's the thing i got away there i got away but last time i'll get away again i didn't think no i don't think i could forgive it again as i now know i'm not the type of person who could completely draw a line and move on from it it would always be in the back of my head and when they go on nights out i would struggle knowing they'd done it before that is so true it's like how could you ever relax when they go on a night out you'd have ptsc you'd be like oh my fucking god what what the fuck is he doing where is he i need you to text me all fucking times and it would just become so toxic and unhealthy and and exhausting wouldn't it so yeah my personal opinion is no i just think it's it's so much easier to say no but when you look at it without you being in that position and you're not emotionally in that position we gotta walk away you know the the damage because it's not it's not just about
Starting point is 00:13:50 the you know are you gonna cheat on me again or you've betrayed me it's the i feel fucking sick every time you go out i don't feel good enough what other secrets do you have from me is this the only thing you've ever done behind my back you know am I not fucking good enough for you you know and you'd never look at them the same you'd feel like everything before you was is lost and gone forever and I think that's what I'd be focusing on I'd be like no you've literally just dropped a bomb on our relationship and it's gone to shit babe yeah okay well positive vibes hopefully none of that is happening for any of you guys love you love and let's get into some dilemmas okay guys who's ready i'm really looking forward to getting into these dilemmas. I have had a little read and they sound pretty juicy. They sound pretty juicy. So get comfy, get busy.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Let's get into it. Okay, number one. Is texting a work colleague cheating? Okay, let's get some context on this one. Hey, girl, just wanted to say how much I love your podcast and how your top tier best friend goes. Oh my god, I love you I love you best friends for life okay I've been with my boyfriend for seven years oh long time long time he's recently started a new job six months ago and is working with a lot more female colleagues which is fine in brackets which is fine I don't mind it honestly I'm cool with that totally cool with that but there is this one colleague, I'm cool with that. Totally cool with that. But there is this one colleague that I'm starting to get weird vibes about. Let's call her Emma. Okay. I don't know an Emma, I don't think. So that works. Emma started to privately message my boyfriend after getting
Starting point is 00:15:35 his number from a work group chat a few months ago. Okay. Emma, back the fuck up. Let's back it up, Emma. Okay. Emma is in her own relationship but isn't very happy. Classic. It's now been four months and I've just found out she has been privately messaging him every single day. Right, my boyfriend is crossing your mind. Every single day. Okay, let's get a hobby, Emma. How about about that she's always the one to start the conversation and my boyfriend apparently is blunt with one word answers gorgeous gorgeous as he fucking should yeah she sent him messages from another guy flirting with her not her boyfriend obviously trying to show that she is open to things yeah that's a bit odd like are you like you know if if you are a i'm in a relationship and that's that
Starting point is 00:16:31 baby girl i'm done me and me and you for life if it was that i'm sorry these flirting messages they're getting brushed aside and they're not getting any thought attention let alone getting screenshotted and sent to other lads being like yeah i'm open to a little flirt here and there emma we know what you're doing babe weird thing is i asked him today if emma had messaged him again he said no i then saw over his shoulder that she was the first chat on his whatsapp oh okay i kicked off and he said he couldn't remember if it was today or yesterday why the fuck you lying for right now no this is where it's starting to get all a bit fishy up in here i also had a look on his phone when he was in the shower i know i know but i couldn't help myself it's driving me mad i don't know babe i would have done the same thing okay i would have
Starting point is 00:17:23 done the same fucking thing there's nothing too bad but you made some comments to her about how my girlfriend said in a passing comment why is he texting emma so much and he better lay off for a little bit because she's being needy no i'm sorry why the fuck are you embarrassing me and disrespecting me in front of the girl that i've got a problem with right let's on let's unravel this okay because to me that says look I would like to talk to you and I don't want you to think that I'm not replying because I'm not interested I'm letting you know the reason I'm being blunt and not replying as much as I'd like to is because my girlfriend's got an issue but if it was up to to me, oh, I'd be in your messages all day. That's what that says to me.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's like, I don't want you to get to feel like I'm not interested. I don't want her to think that I'm not into this. Why? Why can't she think that? Why can't she get a clear signal? You don't need to message me every day. We're fucking work colleagues.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's inappropriate. You know, we're not besties. You don't need to message me daily. That's okay for him to set that boundary in place out of respect for his relationship no am i being unnecessary there i don't think so okay carrying on he said he would tell her to stop messaging him but my worry is one it will make things awkward for him at work well i get your point but also it's just weird to message a work colleague every single day unless you're like besties like really fucking close you know i don't know two she will get
Starting point is 00:18:52 satisfaction from knowing it's upsetting me after he has asked her to stop multiple times and she continues it's all a bit weird i do trust my boyfriend as it does seem to be very one-sided but why is he still texting her back is it normal to text a work colleague this much help leah love you lots love you okay it could be a situation where he kind of likes the attention that doesn't mean that he's into her and it doesn't mean that he's not absolutely head over heels in love with you but it could be that you know it feeds into his ego a bit you know what i mean like everyone likes attention but in your relationship ideally you only fucking want it from your partner that's all you need yeah but it could be a situation where he's just enjoying the attention so we don't have to jump to that conclusion of he's actually into her because
Starting point is 00:19:35 you said it's very one-sided which is a good sign but and i don't want to put things into your head babe but it does make me wonder like what the fuck you like at work with her? Like, why is she your biggest fucking fan? Do you know what I mean? Like, why does she feel so welcome in your messages to be there daily? So I think you have every right as a girlfriend to just have a normal conversation and be like, I'm not accusing you of anything. Like, I'm not saying you're cheating on me I'm not saying that you're even encouraging it okay I'm just maybe I'm even just needing a bit of reassurance from you or just a bit of understanding and a bit of acknowledgement of my feelings you know I don't like this like imagine if I had a boy messaging me daily who I was going to go and work with Monday to Friday, you know, sending me messages of girls flirting
Starting point is 00:20:25 with him. And I'm just like talking to him daily and lying to you saying, oh no, I'm not spoke to him today. And he's at the top of my WhatsApp. Like genuinely, genuinely, I'm not accusing you of nothing, but how would that make you feel? If he can understand your feelings, I think that might help the situation a bit. Let's not jump to conclusions. Okay. Let's hope your boyfriend is a loyal boy. He loves you. He's a loyal babe. And we've got nothing to worry about in that sense. But there is definitely a lack of respect there, I feel. Yeah, I think even saying to this girl, my girlfriend's got an issue with us messaging is at border. He doesn't need to say that. Like, I'm sorry, you can have an issue with it
Starting point is 00:21:06 you don't need a girl from work messaging you daily come on come on babe you're not best friends are you i don't know don't know what you like at work but it's it's a bit odd and i think your gut knows she's obviously flirting or fancies him or into him or at least just crossing the line and you're uncomfortable and you have the right to be you could be totally misreading the situation and if you are I mean that'd be a good thing really but if you are there's nothing wrong with that and I think when you do have this conversation just make sure you express like look I'm not accusing you of doing anything wrong I could be I could be really reading into it I could be deepening it more than I need to but I just want to express my feelings to
Starting point is 00:21:48 you I need a bit of reassurance about the situation right now and also don't talk about my feelings towards her to her okay I'm talking to you not her I don't want her to know I don't want her to know how I feel so I'm just fucking do with her what I'm feeling yeah so yeah let me know what he says because I feel like you have the right to feel like that but you just don't need to go in all guns blazing do you know what I mean love you so much and everything's gonna be fine we got you we got you here at Leon the Lion we're all your best friends and no matter no matter what what goes on no matter how it goes we got you we'll pick up the pieces and we love you so much all right next dilemma oh my fucking god i just threw my phone into the mic sorry guys okay hey leah just wanted to say
Starting point is 00:22:33 love you and your podcast i can't explain how much they've helped me since the beginning oh i love you so much okay basically i've just come home from my boyfriend's and to be honest i've had a shit evening this whole weekend i've just had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen and I've even had this horrible cheating dream two nights in a row. No, because the cheating dreams can fucking get to your head, okay? They fucking can. Tonight, I said to my boyfriend that I was feeling off and I feel like something's wrong and I want to see his phone. I was feeling off and I feel like something's wrong and I want to see his phone. Now I'm not saying that this is okay but I'm such an open person that I would literally let anyone on my phone let alone my boyfriend. We've had trust issues in the past because of him being disloyal
Starting point is 00:23:14 well here we go and I find it hard to believe him without facts to help calm me down. Absolutely you have every right. I'm sorry but if someone breaks your trust they need to be well if they want to continue in the relationship they need to be willing to fix the relationship fix that trust and being transparent with something like a phone is just part of that in my opinion so he should not have an issue with you asking to see his phone if you feel insecure because i'm sorry he he broke your trust and i don't blame you for needing facts to believe things, to be honest. Okay, this is not something I do often, but when I asked, he just got annoyed and said it's not normal to do this and that I'm a psycho. Oof, we know how I feel about that, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like I said, you broke my trust, right? You decided you want to give this another go after you broke my trust right you decided you want to give this another go after you broke my trust you should be very fucking aware that that's just not going to be word of the words that come out your mouth i'm not just going to go oh he said nothing's going on so must be true you broke my trust i'm going to need fax receipts yeah you you got damage that you need to repair being transparent with your phone i'm not really asking for much transparency. Okay, I'm not fucking going through it daily, babe, that would be invasive and weird. I'm just needing a bit of reassurance in a moment of doubt. Okay, we're meant to be a team, we're meant to be in this together.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I get him being frustrated that my trust was a bit wobbly yeah but then I don't get that because he broke it so how can that frustrate him if he didn't want to be in a relationship with someone where they're struggling to trust him he shouldn't have wanted he shouldn't have wanted to stay in the relationship after he broke your trust he should have wanted to be with somebody brand new where there was no damage and and no trust issues but he decided to stay with you after what he did so he doesn't really have the right to be frustrated in my opinion depends how long it's been and depends how much work he's put in but from from the outside perspective from what i'm reading this is what i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:25:13 every girl i know goes on their partner's phone even when they're asleep it is common it is common long story short he finally let me see his phone and when i looked at his instagram likes odd i know but that was what my bad dream was about oh god it's like you had a psychic dream i had opened his phone to some insta model and just a picture of her ass i didn't look at the phone anymore and i felt sick oh my god so he just liked a picture of some girl's ass instead of saying sorry and i don't know owning up huh instead of saying sorry and oh okay instead of saying sorry and i don't know owning up he flips and says this isn't normal i don't even know how that's happened i didn't like that picture and calls me a psycho wow apps just deny deny deny okay interesting I went silent for about half an hour and left his house in tears and didn't bother talking to him at all not one word am I
Starting point is 00:26:12 overreacting and being so hurt over this or will boys always be boys um I don't think you're overreacting at all you know you however that's made you feel is how that's made you feel he doesn't get to decide how that's made you feel he doesn't he doesn't get to decide that you seeing he's liked a girl's instagram picture of her ass is is not hurtful he doesn't get to make that choice that's hurt you that's made you feel insecure it's made you feel betrayed and he doesn't get to decide that that's not his decision to make your feelings are your feelings full stop basically he has the right to say you know if if you know if it's fucking true i didn't like the picture right don't know what happened whatever yeah don't know what happened bullshit if that is true yeah he has the right to say that
Starting point is 00:27:06 but let's say that that was true let's say he somehow liked a picture of an ass and it was a turn accident right this is how it would be normal to respond what the hell babe i'm so sorry i've no idea how it got there honestly i swear on everything i've never seen that ass in my life your ass is the only ass i want to see best ass i've ever seen unlike that right fucking now oh god i'm so glad you went on that gross can't believe that's in my lights can't believe my name was under that picture oh how embarrassing embarrassing for me okay because if that was me and i'd liked a picture of some like half naked man or something and my boyfriend was like why have you liked this picture I'm like what the fuck I have no fucking idea I swear on everything I've
Starting point is 00:27:48 no idea how I've liked that picture unlike block the account I'll block the account I'll literally delete my own account but you wouldn't be like are you fucking psycho you're a psycho this isn't normal like you wouldn't you'd be confused you'd be so confused how that picture is in your life you would you would not like you're a psychopath he liked the fucking picture all right and he knew he did so i think you have every right to feel the way you feel do not let him decide that your feelings are bullshit okay he can think it's an overreaction all he fucking wants right who cares what we need is have give me a bit of fucking honesty here please that's the least i deserve if you like that picture say it with your chest yeah i'm not an idiot like you're actually embarrassing me even more by looking me in the eyes and trying to
Starting point is 00:28:45 convince me it's a fucking accident jesus christ do you know what i mean or even if it was like just why'd you have to flip out call me a psycho maybe maybe panicked maybe it's like a oh my god i've never seen that picture in my life where the fuck's that in my life and he's panicked nah nah he liked the fucking ass okay but don't let him invalidate your feelings and i i don't think reach out to him let's wait okay because you've got the right to feel the way you feel he let's wait for him to are you gonna talk he'll probably do that are you still in a mood you're still in the mood is that the worst things i can fucking say i swear to god if you like them teeth you better stop talking i'm not gonna clean out your mouth hon is that the worst thing he's still in the mood he's still moody
Starting point is 00:29:38 oh you're still soaking fuck off fuck off anyway when it comes to you with that it's okay i'm just gonna give you the opportunity here to be a fucking adult tell me the fucking truth and apologize no we're not gonna ask for an apology they can apologize and explain explain why there's a big batty in your likes, please. And you try and explain to me why I don't have the right to be annoyed. Go for it. Go for it. I'd love to hear it. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:13 You have the right to be annoyed, upset, hurt, disrespected. I've got your back, babe. Do you know what? Just play him this, play him this little clip. I'll have a word. Right. Hi. Yeah. what just play him this play him this little clip i'll i'll have a word right hi yeah you might be convincing little babe over here that that pic like was an accident not fooling us not fooling
Starting point is 00:30:34 us you like that ass because you liked the fucking ass yeah let me tell you something your girlfriend gorgeous ass gorgeous bouncyorgeous, bouncy booty. Yeah? Do you want to lose it? Because if you do, just carry on doing what you're doing, babe. Carry on doing what you're doing. See that instant model's ass? Never getting it.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You got the best thing in front of you. Yeah? Apologise right now. Look her in the eyes, tell her the truth and apologise right now. Okay, thank you next dilemma hey leah love you so much i love you so much i feel like you're the perfect person to help with this dilemma okay well i'm gonna give my best shot i can't promise good advice okay it's a personal one and could be a bit tmi so buckle in so i've been with my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:31:27 for almost three years and i do adore him and everything else in our relationship is absolutely fine fine okay is that what we're going for let's read on but the sex isn't great and i think it's now becoming a problem here's the tmi bit there's no i feel like there's never becoming a problem. Here's the TMI bit. There's no, I feel like there's never TMI at Lear on the Line. Have you heard some of these confessions? You know, there is no such thing as too much info, babes. So when we first got together, the sex was good, I guess, but he always finished really quick. And by really quick, I mean less than a minute kind of quick. really quick I mean less than a minute kind of quick oh okay I sort of took this as a compliment in the beginning I get it you're like oh my god I'm that fucking sexy my puss is that fucking good I sort of took it as a compliment and obviously would do other stuff after so it wasn't too much
Starting point is 00:32:20 of an issue and I assumed at the time sorry I assumed as time went on this would improve but almost three years later and it has not like at all like genuinely it barely goes in before it ends oh no oh my god okay sex isn't the biggest thing ever to me as he does satisfy me in other ways but I do feel like we're not having that connecting and intimate time that you do during sex because it's over so quickly and it's now just making me feel really lazy and i'm not wanting to at all which i think he has noticed he has mentioned that i don't seem as keen anymore and i don't really know what to say yeah but this is difficult it seems harsh to tell him he's not satisfying me or maybe even that he perhaps has a problem which may need seeing to i don't know but like do i have this conversation
Starting point is 00:33:12 with him sorry how do i have this conversation with him without him getting defensive or upset i'm scared to but at the same time i feel like if this is gonna last a long time something needs to change because i don't want to end up in the friendly roommates kind of vibe please help p.s i've tried introducing a vibrator to help from my side of things but i think he took offense and said well now i don't even need to be here it's just you and a robot okay well let's remember vibrators are not your enemy they friend okay so that is difficult that is a tricky one because that you it's very hard not to hurt someone's feelings around this topic like it you I don't think you can just say I'm sorry can we go longer than a minute like that it's a bit short like there is no way you can just
Starting point is 00:34:02 put it bluntly like that how How else can you word this? Maybe like, you know, what can we do to really have sex all night long? He'll be like, whoa, what do you mean all night long? Oh, what the fuck? I'm not sure about that one. Maybe, oh my God, you're just gonna have to approach it. You just are. There is no beating around the bush on that one. Maybe just like, baby, is there anything we can do to like, to just have like longer sex? Because it feels so good,
Starting point is 00:34:40 and I'd love to drag it out, You know, just a couple more minutes. Oh my God, I guess you're going to have to just say it as gently as you can, you know? Like, babe, last night was amazing. I just, I wish it was just a little bit longer than that. No, you can't say that. What the fuck do you say? He's got to be aware of it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Like, I'm sure the guys watched porn to know, like, hang on a minute, these guys have been together 20 minutes. You know? I don't know. I feel like there is no easy way to say it. There truly isn't. But I think the most, the more positive we are, the better, you know, it feels so good. What can I do? You know, what can I do to make it last longer? Is there anything I can do to make it last a bit It's just so good. It is so good. So good.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Please don't be offended. It's so good. Maybe, like you said, maybe he just needs a little pill. Oh, my God. I refuse to believe the guy isn't aware of it. But the fact it's been three years and he's never mentioned it is a bit like maybe he he just thinks well she's got no problem with it you know I satisfy her she accepts me accepts me I just said accepts accepts what except is there a t in except yeah accepts oh my god she accepts me for who I am she accepts me for who I am you know I give her a good time she gives me a good time she's
Starting point is 00:36:25 never complained no complaints over here must be great so I totally get why he might not have mentioned it but then I still feel like you can imagine he would have been like you know I know I only last like less than a minute but is that right you know do you mind I don't know we gotta talk about it if it's something you really want to fix we gotta talk about it i think but please be gentle please i know you will because you obviously you have a lot of empathy because the way you're even talking about it in your email is very you're very aware of like you don't want to hurt his feeling so you're a great girlfriend oh my god please let me know like please let me know sorry sorry I couldn't really
Starting point is 00:37:05 offer much help here I really you really stumped me here at Leah on the line I think it's like one of the very few times I've not been able to give any advice like you said I mean how the fuck do you approach it without hurting someone's feelings oh I think as long as you stress like look I'm really not trying to insult you here like i have an amazing time with you it's just more that i would love to have longer sex so you know like the other stuff we do is amazing i'm you never leave me unsatisfied everything about it is amazing but i just want it to be longer i just love i love it i sound so sarc, I love it. I sound so sarcastic. I love it. I love it. Okay. Please let me know. Oh, I love you so much. All right, guys. Oh, bless him. I mean, he sounds like he's got a great girl.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Love you. All right. Let's get into the Conf diaries okay welcome in to the little book of confession diaries everybody let's turn the page page what episode is this 60 something i'm not entirely sure. The date today is the 18th of April. Isn't that weird when you're like, to anybody that isn't listening to this yet and is like behind and you might be catching up in maybe like June. Isn't it weird? Because you'll be technically to me in the future
Starting point is 00:38:41 and I'll be in the past. Isn't that weird? Not really. i guess that's just how time works anyway into the confession diaries kicking it off with this one kind of crazy i did anal on my car bonnet and my mum thought i killed someone the morning after with a little blood dripping emoji um first of all ow what the fuck blood oh my god are you okay also why the car bonnet like at least go in the car you know what i mean babe i mean love it how did you explain that no no don't worry mom i didn't kill anyone my boyfriend was just fucking me in the ass
Starting point is 00:39:19 mom don't panic i didn't kill anyone okay okay we'll be pleased to know i didn't kill anyone but next one i peed in my kitchen sink when i was little as the bathroom was occupied and i was desperate okay you're telling me okay kitchen sink whoa crazy girl but i mean if you grew up in a house full of siblings like for me i might be really exposing my family i'd be like if someone we have one toilet right someone was using the toilet you weed in the bath so that might really embarrass myself to admit that you obviously washed it out like fuck me you wouldn't just piss and walk like you washed it out
Starting point is 00:40:00 but you know when you gotta go you gotta go is that kind of gross is that gross fuck yeah i guess i'm taking part of the confession diaries today i pissed in the bath as a child okay young child probably as an adult to be honest you gotta go you gotta go i mean what do you want to piss my pants or just piss where there's a drain and i can wash it away you know a little bit of bleach never hurt nobody you know what i mean okay um i don't think this is a big confession when i was little i used to bite my toenails didn't we all oh my god am i really baiting myself out today or is this not like a common thing i I'm like, wait, you guys didn't use a piss in the sink? You guys didn't all bite your toenails? Like,
Starting point is 00:40:50 fuck. All right. I fancy my boyfriend's best friend. Oh, fuck. Can you imagine if your boyfriend fancied your best friend? Could you imagine? You'd have to split them up. You'd have to really separate them. It's like separating kids in class because they talk too much. I better separate you guys before you start having sex with each other. Okay. Alright. I've seen my boyfriend's phone and he was definitely messaging another woman holy fuck but this sent me a dilemma babe wow oh i slept with someone's boyfriend i thought
Starting point is 00:41:38 they were broken up biggest regret ever wait this is not your fault you thought they were broken up you haven't done anything wrong there i'm on your side honey okay oh this one says i've sent you a dm let's go and find her okay where are you babe oh my god okay i found her my partner has a really toxic mum like real bad and she kicked us out five times in a two-week period so today i sent 15 bibles to her house a couple grass samples grass samples the fuck is a grass sample a few jehovah's witnesses and a magazine on how to be a good parent oh my god you are just playing a fire holy shit okay babe she's a brave girl she's a brave girl over here all right guys uh oh wait we've got one more oh it's a longer one let's get into it hey beautiful girl oh Oh hello darling. So I actually completely forgot this happened but me and an old
Starting point is 00:42:47 work colleague went home together after a night out and he slept in my bed. We kissed and got a bit frisky but nothing more happened in the end because I sobered up and realised he was a very bad drunken decision. Not only did we did we keep it a secret from any of our other colleagues even my besties but he also has a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure she hasn't been told as they're still together and seem happy. It's been completely swept under the rug and forgotten. I think we'll both be taking this one to the grave. I genuinely thought this is a case of girls and guys can just be friends. But I think your thoughts on this are right, Leah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 They can't. Oh, boy. Oh, oh boy, oh boy, wow, that must be a really stressful thing to be experiencing, I really sympathize for you there, I mean, what a dick, who does that, hate him for that, love you, hate him, anyway, guys, love you, thank you for sending in your confessions, thank you for trusting me with all your secrets, you thank you for sending in your confessions thank you for trusting me with all your secrets and thank you for listening to my confessions today because jesus i really let some out hey let's wrap up the episode okay everyone thank you so much for listening hope you already enjoyed this episode guys what the
Starting point is 00:44:05 fuck why are the jonas brothers meeting up with every tiktoker under the sun apart from me i'm sorry you guys know how much i love the jonas brothers and i swear to god if they go on tour and i don't manage to get tickets i'm going off the rails i'm actually going off the rails you better watch me yeah if someone can get tickets before me, please get them. Let's go. Let's go. I'm so up for it. Can we have a big Lear on the Line night out at the Joe Bros?
Starting point is 00:44:32 The Joe Bros. The Waffle House. How's it go? Here's strong father and a determined mother. Do you want to hear my impression of Nick Jones singing? No, the kids just don't get figured out. I like the conversation at the Waffle House. Do you want to hear my impression of Nick Jonas singing? It's good, right? I sound like him.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I don't think I nailed it. I think I nailed it. Anyway, I am fiercely obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and their music and I think it's because I was a camp rock girl over at high school musical come for me camp rock for a free baby Demi Lovato biggest inspiration of my upbringing obsessed with them all okay and I need to see the Jonas Brothers it's on my bucket list um do you know what else is on my bucket list I thought of something the other day that's on my bucket list can't even remember what it is now oh what a shame would you guys jump out of a plane because I most certainly would not I don't really understand people that do that like I feel like you're you were very different very different people you know like i my idea of bravery is like
Starting point is 00:45:47 oh i don't know going to a concert and standing instead of being in the sitting area where you're safe yeah my idea of bravery getting standing tickets being up amongst the crowd your idea of bravery is going um a million billion feet into the sky and just launching yourself out the door yeah looking down looking down at the planet of the earth that's your idea of bravery that's my idea of hell living hell okay but i do love it for all of you and i wish i could be more like you okay all right guys I hope you'll have the best week can't wait to chat to you on Friday hopefully there's not another bloody disaster if I listen to this podcast back and the sound quality is crap I might hit rave
Starting point is 00:46:37 but if you're listening to this success success I love you guys so much have the best week and I will speak to you on Friday for a brand new episode all right I love you guys so much have the best week and i will speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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