Leah on the Line - 66: How often should you text your partner & my boyfriend wants space when he gets back from travelling

Episode Date: May 15, 2023

Hey besties! Hope you all had an amazing weekend. In this episode we debated how often you guys think you should be texting your partner throughout the day. It's safe to say everyone is different on t...hat one! The dilemmas ranged from boyfriend not wanting to move in together, imposter syndrome, building confidence on social media and your boyfriend not wanting to see you when he returns home from travelling! I hope you all love this episode! Thank you so so much to everyone that listens, supports, writes in and shows love to the pod!! I appreciate you all so so so much. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leera on the line happy tuesday ah oh my god guys oh my god wait a minute wait a minute oh i've whitened my teeth the other day with these strips i used to always use i don't know what's happened but my teeth have become so sensitive when i expose them to air it feels like someone's holding an ice cube onto my front tooth anyway how are you guys sorry about that interruption there how are you happy tuesday the sun is shining it's been a beautiful last few days beautiful weekend i had a really nice weekend had a proper family weekend i really enjoyed it mum's got a new jet wash so we were jet washing the shit out of that patio and it was very satisfying and now i feel like i'm watching
Starting point is 00:01:01 tiktok i just keep watching people cleaning patios on TikTok oh I don't know what's happened to me I'm loving life on that anyway how are you guys how is everybody who just handed in dissertations because I've seen all over TikTok it's that time of year PTSD for me honestly I don't know if you guys are romanticizing it or if it genuinely feels that good but I keep seeing TikToks where it's like, I always knew this day would come. And they're all like happy and they're crying. And it's like they're hugging their friends. I'm so proud of you. Well done. When I handed in my dissertation, I threw it. I was like, good fucking riddance. I never want to see that fucking thing ever again. I was not proud of it. And listen, I got shit great. I got a tutu on that not that shit anybody else that gets a tutu but you know I didn't go to see my advisor once I literally
Starting point is 00:01:52 had like a fear of my advisor I found him really intimidating so I did the whole thing on my own and didn't go to see any advisor didn't even get my question approved like I just winged the fuck out of it and don't make that mistake because I could have graduated with a first but my dissertation pulled me down to a 2-1 because I got to a point in my third year where I couldn't give less of a fuck if I tried but I have no regrets I mean maybe I would maybe I would say I kind of regret not trying harder on my dissertation but it looks like you guys have tried really hard because I'm seeing some beautiful TikToks I always knew this day would come I honestly never thought
Starting point is 00:02:30 the day would come I would hand in my dissertation I did consider dropping out in my third year no I didn't because I'm not a quitter okay I would rather hand in something I know I could have done better at than not hand in something at all why were those my only two options who knows why didn't I just try hard who fucking knows anyway congratulations everybody that hands in their dissertation if you didn't go to uni don't feel bad about it honestly you're not missing out on much unless you're doing a career where you really really need it you know or you want the life lessons because uni is great for that. Uni is great for life lessons, independence, friendships, not in my case, but whatever. But if you didn't, that's all right as well. You know, everyone's on their different journey. I'm proud of every single one of you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Degree or no degree, first or no first, all right? Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing weekend, whatever you got up to. Maybe you had an ice cream in the sun. We've got an ice cream van that comes around to my house literally like we're still in the 90s it's amazing but the thing is they're not six pound an ice cream here when i go to london it's crazy you remember when 99 whippies used to be 99 yeah not not around here darling and well not around anywhere not anymore not anywhere they're like three pound in london without a fucking flake just for the whippy and the cone the cone's stale and the whippy is fucking banging to be fair but free pound anyway round here the ice cream van that comes to my house it's really really cheap still and it makes me so happy I feel like the
Starting point is 00:03:55 prices haven't changed since I was tiny and it's the same ice cream van that's been pulling up outside my house for like literally the last 15 years it's not the same driver every time though I don't know who takes over this van but they they seem to go on the same route. And I'm not complaining because when I hear them bells jingling outside, I'm like, oh, I'm 25 years old. You better believe I'll be running out there getting my Mr. Whoopie of chocolate sauce and nuts and a flake. Yeah, babe. Anyway, I hope you guys are all feeling really good. Let's not chat too much. Let's get straight into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification
Starting point is 00:04:29 bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at leah levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay we have a good weekly debate today this was actually inspired by one of you guys on tiktok live today and i was very impressed i really like it i really like it so went straight up on the instagram we've got the responses let's read it out the weekly debate this week is how often should you text your partner throughout the day now i feel like you know like a lot of our debates it's situational are we long distance what jobs are we working do we live together how often are we seeing each other do you know what I mean but it's still up for debate so I thought let's fucking crack on
Starting point is 00:05:18 and do it anyway let's dive in with your responses somebody says five times see that's not enough for me like obviously like if we're living together and you're out and you're busy you're at work whatever five times is fine but like if we're not spending the night in the same bed I like that's not enough for me personally like good morning and then what three messages throughout the day and then I'm off to sleep good night like that what's the relationship that's not I couldn't do that but then quality time is my love language so if we're not around each other five messages isn't really enough for me personally um as often as you need to or if they need something as long as it doesn't interfere with work love that absolutely um it's different every. Sometimes if we're not busy at work,
Starting point is 00:06:09 we could text all day. Other day, there's no text. Wow. None at all. So you could just no contact. Hello. Not even a hello. Not even a good morning. Have a good day. Wow. Only a couple of times a day. Me and my boyfriend only message in the evenings. Wow. Okay okay this is actually really interesting someone says when you have something to say right so this isn't just like we have conversations throughout the day morning babe how's your day going like it's literally just like what happened to my voice then did it sound really weird it felt like it did how's your day going anyway yours is literally just like if you just genuinely have
Starting point is 00:06:46 something of some sort of significance to say okay as often as we can definitely on lunch breaks etc yeah of course we talk constantly as such just check-ins on how the day is and dinner ideas etc always have i love that that's sweet um my partner and i only text when there are things to discuss eegie plans dinner drama in the day but it was different before we lived together then we would text more like oh god this is this is how old i am she said h are you and i was like what is hru what is hru But obviously it means how are you? Oh my God, I'm old. Anyway, what are you up to? How are you, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, I feel like I'm the same as that, you know. Me and my partner might message a few times throughout the day, but we're both working full time. It depends how busy you are. Maybe exchange between eight to 10 messages a day. I'd say that's pretty good. That's pretty healthy for me. Me and my boyfriend only
Starting point is 00:07:45 really messes to tell each other when we'll be home. Yeah, if you live together, it's a different story. Do you know what I mean? We don't really need to talk throughout the day. We're living together. Do you know what I mean? I'll see you in a few hours. Do you know what I mean? We always text back and forth, but the girls between replies can be long. I think that might mean to say gaps, but the gaps between replies can be long due to being busy of course um every couple of hours or minimum twice a day interesting um we talk we tech oh my god we text every second of every day all right all right um i'm needy and have i have a lot to say so i text about 50 50, 50 times. Fucking only. I'll get
Starting point is 00:08:26 your words out. Love. My voice is very croaky today. I'm sounding a little bit like a Kardashian. What is going on? My voice is tired. Can you hear that? My voice is actually tired. Wow. Wow. Can you hear that? Kim is so annoying. No, that's even too croaky to be Courtney. Kim is so annoying. No, that's even too croaky to be Courtney. My coat is easy. My shoes are easy. I need to work on that. Hi. Okay, bye. Anyway, 24-7. If I never responded within a minute, my ex thought I was cheating. Wow. Honestly, fuck that. I'm glad it's an ex situation there, babe, because that sounds really exhausting and demanding. Usually none on a busy day. Okay. Every couple of hours, all day, every day, in the morning on our breaks and in the evenings.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yep. Yep. It depends on the relationship. it definitely does it definitely does um as long as you as often as you need to as long as long as it doesn't feel too much okay yeah got ya got ya um um we message when we get to work and leave and then on our lunch breaks yeah yeah i get that that's that's probably what i was like when i was working in the pub and stuff i'm just like uh well i don't message when i leave because i i would have seen them when i left but it was like a lunch break chat for 20 minutes and then see your own i mean um but yeah i love that guys i thoroughly enjoy our weekly debates i feel like it's a great insight to different dynamics different relationships you know what i mean so it's very insightful is that a
Starting point is 00:10:13 word is that a real word insightful anyway thank you so much for sending in your responses i love you all so much send me any weekly debate ideas i love hearing your ideas because obviously like i said this was one of your ideas and turned out incredibly interesting for me so yeah love you guys let's get into some dilemmas okay get comfortable or if you're at the gym don't get comfortable keep going baby you're doing amazing keep it up okay let's get into some dilemmas my teeth are so fucking sensitive right now it's actually painful to speak not ideal when you're a podcast host is it anyway let's get into this one it's different to anything we've had before and to be honest at first glance i don't really know what the fuck advice to give but i'm just gonna make it up as i go along as i always do to be honest let's go it says hi i love the pod
Starting point is 00:11:04 and i've been listening from the beginning during commutes to and from work. Oh, love you so much. Hope you're driving safe today, babe. I have a dilemma. Me and my boyfriend have been together four and a half years. I'm 24 and he's 26. I cannot fault him and love him so much. We are so excited for the future together and have talked about children slash marriage within the next few years they always start like this don't they they always have this however there's not however but they usually is okay in november last year we had one of many conversations about moving out and he said he was feeling already i have felt ready to move out for a few years but i've been waiting for him to fill this too gorgeous love that the issue is his parents have told him that it's always been their intention to support him financially to
Starting point is 00:11:50 buy a house they will be gifting him quite a lot of money which means we wouldn't need a mortgage as much as i'm so grateful about this help their money will not be ready until their current house is sold which has just gone on the market as they're renovating a new house we have discussed an ideal time to move out is early next year allowing him a few months to live in his parents newly renovated home for a few months we've never really had any arguments in our relationship but i can't help but bring up about moving house and it's really getting me down it was a very low moment in november when we had this conversation as he was not willing to budge about getting a mortgage mortgage together instead was wait was wanting to wait for his parents help which I can understand but there still was no real time scale for this okay so he essentially cannot or will not move
Starting point is 00:12:38 until his parents house is sold because that's when they're going to give him a mortgage uh deposit or was he they're going to pick they're going to buy the's when they're going to give him a mortgage uh deposit or was he they're gonna pick they're gonna buy the fucking house they're gonna buy the house and you're gonna pay the parents i don't know i don't know anyway so he's not he's waiting till that house is sold and fuck knows when that will be assuming okay all right he is not willing to sacrifice this even if it meant losing our relationship why would that mean losing your relationship though i said at the time i wasn't prepared to wait another 12 plus months to move out he basically gave the choice of wait it out for his parents house to sell or we won't
Starting point is 00:13:16 be together okay well how about we share the trousers in this situation now a few months on there's still no progress he's not willing to make any firm decisions until it's more clear about his parents house sale i'm so torn do i wait an indefinite time for his parents house to sell to enable us to be mortgage free or do i decide enough is enough of waiting for this to happen and it could be years who knows am i being unreasonable oh god am i being unreasonable about telling him to overlook being mortgage free to enable us to stay together i expressed how i feel about this even he has agreed that he's feeling trapped to stay at home
Starting point is 00:13:55 by his parents as the timescale for our moment to move out is being controlled by them i think his mom wasn't happy when he initially told her he's ready to move out and even shouted at him he's an only child so i think that's an element of an attachment towards him oh god we both have good jobs and savings but he just he just point bank he oh my god i'm actually getting sick of myself today this is the end of the episode love you bye joking he just point blank refuses to have a mortgage if he doesn't need to even if it means for us to stay together sorry it's a long one but i just needed to get my thoughts written down i just feel our relationship has come to a halt and we cannot progress anymore as a couple until
Starting point is 00:14:36 we move out together your thoughts would be much appreciated thank you so much this is a really tough one because i genuinely hand on heart see both sides like you I get it you're like but I want to go now I want to fucking move out you know most people don't get their house bought for them most people get out they get a house deposit they pay the mortgage why can't we do that do you know what I mean and he's like but I've got I'm in a lucky situation I'm very fortunate in the way that my parents are going don't worry about it I got the house just give me a year and he's like why would I rush it when financially I'd be better off if I just wait so I get it and I think it's difficult um
Starting point is 00:15:19 I guess it comes down to how patient you're willing to be because if you can wait financially you'll be in a way better position so I can see why he would want that but at the same time it's a bit like why the fuck's it up to you do you know what I mean why have I just got to go okay well he wants to wait so I'll wait when you don't want to wait but like I said I can see why he'd want to and if I was can you bloody hear that bombing it down the road you're fucking cool aren't you bet your dick's massive anyway if I was him I would probably want to wait as well if my parents were saying to me give it a year wait for the house to sell I'll get you a house I would wait a year do you know what I mean because I think let's look at the
Starting point is 00:16:01 grand scheme of things let's look at the long term of things. Let's look at the long term. A year of your life is not massive, right? You know, out of all your life that's yet to live, a year is nothing. It will fly by. Who knows? Just, I would think to myself, I'm just not going to think about moving for a bit. I'm just going to live in the moment and relax.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And before you know it, the time will come around and we'll be so much financially better off and we'll be so glad we waited. With Vizzy Hart Seltzer, you can follow your vibe. Whether you're looking to bring the energy to your next pre-drink with our new 7% ABV Vizzy Max Pack or indulge in a leisurely afternoon brunch with our refreshing Mimosa Pack,
Starting point is 00:16:40 Vizzy has got you covered. Discover our other variety packs for even more flavors like Papaya Passion Fruit, Blackberry Lemon,, and pineapple mango. This summer, bring a splash of extra to any occasion with Vizzy Hard Seltzer. Find Vizzy at a retailer near you. For more info, visit VizzyHardSeltzer.ca. Must be legal drinking age. So I get it, but I also get your point of view where you're just like, get me out. I mean, we want to live together, living with parents, do you know what I mean, let's, let's move out, so I do get it, I think if you can find it in you to just forget about the move for a bit,
Starting point is 00:17:18 maybe that would work, because I think, just imagine if you were in his position, you'd probably want to wait as well, do you know what I mean mean um it depends because then a lot of people are like appreciate it mum appreciate the fact that you're willing to sort me out with a mortgage but I'd rather do this on my own do you know what I mean so that I feel a more sense of accomplishment I if he's like that but to me it sounds like he's he's happy to just wait out you know it can be a very smart decision on his end um so if you can wait I feel like it would be all right you know it's a year but then if you really don't want to I guess your options are to either come to an agreement with him where he was willing to move out with you now or you do this on
Starting point is 00:18:06 your own and you move out do you know what i mean like you don't have to live your life the way he wants to live his remember that if you want to leave if you want to move out and if you're financially in position to get a mortgage or get a house deposit together you can do it on your own and you're you'd be incredible if you could um so yeah, I feel like those are your options. How do all of them make you feel? Maybe write them down, write down the pros and cons underneath all of them. And yeah, lots of conversations might need to be had. He can't be so matter of fact about things, well, I'm waiting. If you don't want to wait, fuck off, you know. Let's be a bit kinder to each other, please.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, thank you. And yeah, just see what you feel like is right for you. Don't just do what's right for him or the relationship. Do what is right for you, always. And let me know what you decide to do. That's a really tough one. It's a really tricky situation to be in. I'm not sure how to even advise you on how to navigate that, to be honest. So, yeah. Oh, I love you so much. Next style, Emma. Okay, this one, again, a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I don't think we've done anything similar to this before, but let's dive straight in. It says, hi, gorgeous. Hi, Stana. Love the pod. Have been listening from the beginning. You've always, you always have me creasing while I'm listening to you. I want to walk. Love that. Love you. Keep it up. Get them steps in my darling. So I ended up going off sick due to stress from my eight to five office job back in December. And after a few months off, ended up quitting to pursue my dream of starting my own business. Love you. So proud of you. I ended up buying a pursue my dream of starting my own business love you so proud of you i ended up buying a program to learn how to do social media marketing for businesses i don't yet have any clients but a lot of what i've been taught to attract clients is posting on my own social
Starting point is 00:19:55 channels giving advice to businesses on how they can do a better job with their social media to get more exposure and customers my issue is i'm really awkward when recording myself speaking to the camera do you have any advice on how to get more comfortable and sound more natural when creating real slash tiktoks also majorly suffer with imposter syndrome so part of me is worried about even landing a client in case i let them down any advice in dealing with this would be fab thank you okay first of all i would recommend oh i just dropped my phone i would recommend working on your self-belief so you're kind of scared to land a client because you already don't believe that you're good enough to offer them the service and you are good enough and that
Starting point is 00:20:41 is the mentality you need to have you need to have the mentality of like these businesses need me i'm going to elevate their sales i'm going to elevate their customer interaction on social media whatever it is yeah and you need to believe that whether that be reading a book on imposter syndrome whatever it is that is one thing we need to work on but in terms of confidence in front of the camera I think it is it's really easy to say like fake it till you make it because you don't want to be fake but you can fake confidence without being someone you're not so what I mean by that is I could have a day where I feel really insecure, I'm really anxious, I'm really stressed about something, whether it be like my health anxiety is taking over my brain today, but I can still sit on my podcast and talk loudly, confidently, blah, blah, blah. It doesn't mean that I'm faking
Starting point is 00:21:40 it. It just means that I have practiced the ability to still present myself in the same way so when you go to a normal job right if you are so you're going for a breakup or you're having troubles at home or you're really stressed about money like whatever it is you know you've still got to go in as soon as you went at the office as soon as you you know put your uniform on whatever it is get through that door hang your bag up hang your coat up you put on your mask and everything is fine now that doesn't mean you're a fake person it just means you know we put we wear masks everywhere we go in life whether that be in the corner shop you've got your mask that you wear in the corner shop where you're like hi yeah thank you can I have a bag please thank you it's different to how you'd be with your friend and then that is different how you'd be with your mum and that's different how you was in school
Starting point is 00:22:28 with your teacher and that's different that's different how you talk to your manager and that's different how you talk to your colleagues so just because we have these different versions of ourselves doesn't mean that none of them are genuine they're just different versions and we adjust so what i would say to you is find who you want to be in front of the camera the version of yourself that you like best and you feel like you can represent yourself well in that way and put the mask on before you film so while you're getting ready you know putting a bit of makeup on or giving your hair a little run through the straightener you know we get not we don't get into character but we build up our confidence you know it's like right i'm really excited i've got
Starting point is 00:23:10 so many good things to say i'm i did a really exciting course yesterday and it's all fresh in my mind i'm gonna get on tiktok i'm gonna smash it out it's gonna be sick it's gonna be sick right so i feel like it is a matter of pressing record and being able to be like, catch the attention. So let me actually talk on that. TikTok, algorithms, whatever. My number one tip for that is when you are trying to catch someone's attention on the For You page so they don't scroll past, a little trick, a psychological trick is if you use the word you in the first sentence of the video so you might say your tip is about um i don't know a list of common mistakes that you
Starting point is 00:23:53 spot businesses whatever making on social media and you want to make a video about those mistakes that you've seen you could start your video with this is a list of five mistakes I feel blah blah someone might have scrolled by now but if you say if you have a business these are the five mistakes you could be making they're more likely to stop and listen do you know what I'm saying so that's just a little side note there but yeah in terms of your confidence I think you have to give yourself a pep talk sometimes and be like everything I've just learned is sick and I'm excited about it and I can't wait to put this online it's going to be sick people are going to love this people love me people love me do you know what I mean and just put on the mask of this is my business mask
Starting point is 00:24:40 this is my I am passionate about what I do and I'm gonna put it on the internet no one's gonna see my imposter syndrome in my eyes no one's gonna see that I'm nervous about posting this no one's gonna see that because all they're gonna see is the excitement I feel which is there and the passion I feel which is there and the determination I feel which is also there so yeah I think it's just a case of that babe and you are more than good enough more than capable you have everything it takes to do this and I'm so proud of you so impressed love you so much good luck with everything love you ah next dilemma okay this one is giving me anxiety to be honest but let's dive in hey Leah a very anxious and confused girly who needs your help. I'm here and I'm going to try my best. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now for reference. Oh, for reference. I'm 21 and he's 24. He always said he wants to go traveling before he gets a real job and settles
Starting point is 00:25:37 down. He's the most amazing boyfriend and has always been so good with me, buys me all sorts of gifts and would basically do anything for me out of choice he's now been in oz for two months now and there's two months left we have spoke most of the time and communicating has been better than i thought although my dilemma is he wants a few weeks just to himself to have a small amount of contact so that when he comes home he feels like he is ready to settle he's traveled and seen the world and done everything he wants to do is this just a cop-out i'm so confused my anxiety is ridiculously bad at the moment and i constantly feel sick i don't want to be a mug but the only thing keeping me here is is he is my absolute person and my gut is like he is your person
Starting point is 00:26:21 we're perfect when we're together i love you so. And I need some reassurance help as I literally can't sleep. I love you so much. Oh, I'm so sorry you can't sleep. That is honestly the worst feeling ever. Okay. You know, you're very anxious about this. So I want to be sensitive of how I speak. Because you know what I'm like sometimes.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I feel like he isn't sure about how he's feeling right now and you know he obviously really really cares about you I don't how long have you been together almost two years so you know I feel like traveling and being away it might have confused him just a little bit it might have made him feel a bit lost because sometimes I feel like traveling you think you're going to go away and find yourself but a lot of the time you come back and you're like right well I don't really have like security anymore you know and he might just be feeling really confused about like where he's going in life what he wants to do how he's feeling and you know it might be nothing to do with you that he wants a bit of space but it is a bit shit
Starting point is 00:27:33 because you'd want him to be like well you know I haven't seen you for four months and also you've got two months left how do you know that in two months time when you come back you're gonna want space you've got two months yet to see how you're going to feel when you come back so I do sense that there might be some underlying feelings but what I want to say to you and I've been there and it is an awful feeling what I want to say to you is do not allow whether somebody wants to be with you spend their time with you have space with you blah blah do blah, blah. Do not allow that to determine how you value yourself as a woman. Like you are worth so much, whether this guy comes back and he's like, marry me now. Or if he comes back and he's like, you know, worst case scenario,
Starting point is 00:28:18 I don't know if I want to be with you anymore, which is unlikely, but I'm saying worst case scenario it does not it does not affect how amazing you are how gorgeous you are how funny you are how kind you are how good your heart is and I think it's really easy to get so wrapped up in like what if he doesn't want to be with me what if he doesn't want to be with me what if he doesn't want to be with me and I used to do that and my mom used to say to me like so what like actually think about it right if someone doesn't want to be with me and I used to do that and my mom used to say to me like so what like actually think about it right if someone doesn't want to be with you why would you want to be with them and then that's what I used to say to myself and then I got to the point where I was like ew like if somebody lets you turn around and said I don't want to be with you anymore that's all you need to know to know that you deserve something better than that anyway
Starting point is 00:29:01 you know it doesn't make them a bad person it doesn't make them shit it just means that you deserve different and you deserve someone that at the very least below the fucking barrel wants to be with you wants to be around you is excited to come home to you and I think just focus on what you deserve and how amazing you are and try to separate whatever he's feeling from your self-worth and remind yourself that no matter what happens when he gets back you have the strength to get through that and also you're right now you have no idea what he's gonna have to say if he wants to have space from you he might be in a totally different headspace in two months time and he might be like oh my god it's been the longest four months ever i'm so excited to see you i want to spend all my fucking time with you i miss you so much things can really change in the
Starting point is 00:29:51 next two months or he could come back and still stand by this and say you know i just want to get a bit of time on my own again and take a bit of breathing space and just be on my own just for a little bit which is okay it doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with you it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong in the relationship he might just genuinely need that and that's okay a lot of independent people will work like that if you have an anxious attachment style that can be really triggering for you but i just think we have to work on our stability and security in ourselves so that if somebody did ever, worst case scenario, turn around and say that this isn't working, you know you're going to be all right. And you know nothing bad's going to happen to you and you're going to be all right because you're saying like, oh, but my gut is telling me that he's my person.
Starting point is 00:30:37 If he's your person, everything will be all right. And if everything is not all right and doesn't go how you want it to go, that means he's not your person. And that's that. And that's okay. And you had a great time together but that's that but you know the chances are everything is going to be fine it's nothing to do with you it's it's totally okay that he wants a bit of space just wants to get his head back down after you know being traveling and figure out land on his feet a little bit but you know it would be nice if you were running back to from the fucking airport straight to my house because you miss me that much but whatever but i just think try not to worry about it you got two months to face this situation you don't need to face it now i say this all the time worrying is the most useless emotion you just have to go through
Starting point is 00:31:20 it twice so let's say he does come back and it is your worst nightmare where he says you know i'm not sure about this anymore you've just you're gonna have to go through that then and you've gone through it now as well what's the point in that when there is a high chance that you're gonna put yourself through this shit now and then he's gonna get back and everything's gonna be fine and you're gonna think i just fucking tortured myself for nothing so that is the reason worrying and catastrophizing a situation is such a waste of time such a waste of energy you have the strength to get through it when you have to face whatever it is that we're scared of you have the strength to get through that you know you you got this and everything's going to be fine I just think do everything you can in your power just to take some deep breaths, focus on yourself. Do you even want to be with him? Do you know what
Starting point is 00:32:10 I mean? Is he good enough for you? Do you know what I mean? Let's ask ourselves these questions and yeah, just remember that you're amazing and it doesn't matter if somebody wants to be with you or not. If they don't want to be with you, why would you want to be with them you know yeah i love you so much but i'm sure everything will be fine just take a deep breath don't think about it just take each day as as wait take each day at a time one day at a time we'll face it whenever we need to face it you know what's the point thinking about it right now, there's no point, just worry about yourself, babe, love you so much, oh, babe, all right, I think I'm actually going to wrap up the dilemmas there, because for some reason, my voice is in absolute agony, like, I'm in a lot of pain in my throat right now, which I can only apologize for, but yeah, it's a bit of a shorter episode than more sorry about that um let's wrap it up okay thank you guys so much for listening to this episode I promise they won't be this short ever again okay I just I'm in pain like talking is
Starting point is 00:33:17 painful for me right now I don't even know why um I had a few of you message me asking to do a part two for the cheating stories so I can definitely do that on Friday if that's something you guys would want. And a lot of you want Jess back on. So we will definitely make that happen. But I'll give you some space from her because I know she's really, her voice is really annoying. So I won't like shove it back in your ears too soon. Just kidding. But anyway, yeah, if you want a part two to the cheating stories, then we know we can do it on Friday, babe.
Starting point is 00:33:42 If any of you ever want me to do a calling my listeners again, hit me up with that because I'm thinking, I think I mentioned this before, we'll do where I call you and you give advice with me to a dilemma that I'm going to read out rather than you have to give me a dilemma over the phone because obviously that's a bit exposing voice wise. Do you know what I mean? But yeah, I love you guys. I hope you all have an amazing week. I'm praying the sun stays shining because it is beautiful out there. It is warm. It's putting me in the best mood. It makes me feel so motivated and inspired. Do you guys know what I mean? But anyway, I love you all so much. Have an amazing week. Be productive or be lazy, whatever it is that your body is calling from you for this week
Starting point is 00:34:25 just pay attention you're incredible love you so much and i'll speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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