Leah on the Line - 70: Are you okay with your bf covering for his cheating bestie & how do I leave the NICE GUY?!

Episode Date: June 12, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one! As alway...s send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy tuesday oh i'm actually killing it with these vocals on the happy tuesdays at the moment how would ariana do my intro i know she'd do this yeah yeah she'll do this happy tuesday it's your day yeah what the i don't know what i'm on this morning it's not even the morning guys i'm post jonas brothers concert yeah that's pretty crazy that's pretty crazy let me tell you about it because it was honestly not what i expected oh they're amazing okay they are incredible live like like slay, slay, slay to the day. But my anxiety said, whoa, oh my God. Okay. So I don't get social anxiety ever. And that's not
Starting point is 00:01:18 what I experienced by the way. I'm saying I don't get social anxiety. I don't get the anxiety of like, oh my God, like there's so many people like it's not that. But what happened was I'm coming in, right? Actually, no, we queue from 10 a.m. because I spoke to somebody who was going and she was like, we're getting there at 8. I was like, fuck that, honey. I love them, but not that much. You know what I mean? It's doors open at 12. I'll be there at 10 it'll be warm it'll be lovely fuck me was it warm it was 30 degrees right i'm in a black play suit fucking roasting right and i'm starting to get oh i feel sick that's so hot i'm starting to feel sick anyway we finally get let in and then we i'm like reasonably close like we were five rows bearing in mind it's a standing
Starting point is 00:02:08 it's a hall it's a rave hall right this place does raves you guys know me that's not my scene right no disrespect okay rave it up I'm jealous of you it's just I get overwhelmed right it's like sensory overload I can't cope but anyway so it's one of those places and I really wasn't I wasn't sure what to expect but it was this hall okay so I thought maybe there'll be like steps maybe like we'll be stood up on different levels so then if you're at the back at least you'll be looking down and you'll be able to see you know no this is your hall right and um when we walk in everyone's obviously going straight to the front as you should and we just join like the group and we're like five i'd say like five people were in front of us in terms of
Starting point is 00:02:52 distance from the stage but obviously fucking loads of people but in terms of like directly in front of me do you guys understand what i'm saying but anyway there's like fucking hundreds of people and i'm like oh this is great like it's a bit cooler in here like I can feel very slight air con we're really close like this is sick like oh finally we're in I'm so excited and we're looking at the mic stands being like oh my god like they're gonna be stood behind them like that's that's fucking crazy um and then I turn around and I forget that like people are coming in after us and before you knew it I'm like stuck and I was like oh like I can't leave here like I'm swamped by people at this point like I'm stuck
Starting point is 00:03:33 right and that unsettled me I was a bit like okay and then you start anyone else get this like intrusive thoughts I was like if there's a fire this is dangerous i'm screwed like i just like talk to myself with like i i physically act out scenarios in my head if there is an emergency i am so trapped right now and then i start thinking about all this stuff that's happened recently where people have like literally suffocated in crowds and i'm like this is going to be me and i'm like no leah relax like people in crowds are 10 times bigger than this like the capacity of this place was like 1,700 or 1,000 something and it doesn't sound like a lot of people but the place was small okay it was scary and I was just a bit like oh and I remember I said to Jamie I was like
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'm getting a bit shaky I'm getting a bit panicky like and I was like, I'm getting a bit shaky. I'm getting a bit panicky. And I was just like, I'm not really sure what about, and I couldn't tell if I felt ill, which was making me anxious or I felt anxious, which was making me feel ill. Do you guys know what I'm saying? And I'm freaking out. And we spend an hour just waiting in this room while they let everybody in because it took them an hour to literally let everyone in. And yeah, we're like i'm just freaking out and i'm getting really light-headed and then i'm running scenarios in my head like okay so if i pass out like what's gonna happen to me like please tell me how you were supposed to get me out of this crowd like i'm fucking stuck here forever anyway and then the show started the boys came on nick came on first and then kevin and then joe came on after and they started i can't even remember what song they started with to be honest i literally it was
Starting point is 00:05:12 it was a bit of a blur it was honestly a blur but they vocals were on point like slayed like they joe specifically blew my mind like he was he was so fucking good nick i expected him to be great kevin just fucking slayed on his guitar do you know what i mean he how can he get you know how can he disappoint he's kevin he's just great guitarist you know what i mean but vocals like joe just killed it he has a lot of high notes in this new album and he just killed it um and joe was doing a lot of talking to the audience which which I really liked. But they didn't sing the whole album. And I really thought they were gunny because it was like an acoustic performance of the album. But they did like four songs from the album and then four songs.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I think it was roughly four songs from like their older stuff, which was so sick because I was kind of hoping they would do old stuff. But yeah. And then it was like 40, 40 minutes in. And then Nick was like, we have one more for you tonight then it was like 40 40 minutes in and then nick was like we have one more for you tonight i was like one more so yeah i was a bit like oh like it's over so soon like i'm a bit sad but then at the same time i was like what relief get me out of here and luckily we were gonna buy tickets for the next day right and i'm kind of glad we didn't now because it was so overwhelming for me it made me realize I do not like the thought of being in the standing part of of like a concert like I am a
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'd rather be at the back like not at the back like I'd like to be in the first set of seats do you know what I mean I just like to have a seat so I can stand up and boogie like have a dance but the person in front of me is like on a step below. So it's not claustrophobic. And also, it's not fucking 30 degrees. Like when I first got in there, I was like, oh, it's lovely and cool in here. No, when everybody else come in after us, it was so fucking hot. Bearing in mind, it was 30 degrees outside.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And when we left, when we felt the air, the air i was like oh it's nice out here so i don't know what temperature was in that fucking hall but oh my god it was insane but listen it was worth it because they were so good it was worth it and it's it's been a life goal of mine to see the jonas brothers perform and i will definitely be going to their other concerts as well so um and I shouldn't be saying this but they did leak that they're gonna go on tour around this time next year so anyway that was my Jonas Brothers experience it was very incredible but very overwhelming I just I don't know if anyone else is like that but I didn't expect it to be so like hectic in that room
Starting point is 00:07:44 and also because it was a small room like obviously like all the fans are singing along and because it's not like a massive arena where they're so loud like the Jonas Brothers are so loud I couldn't hear them as much like and there was somebody behind me right there was somebody behind me that was like I'm a sucker for you and I was a bit like I didn't even want to look at them because I was like i don't i'd never want to make you feel uncomfortable like you're even annoying me because you're having the best time and i'm so happy for you but at the same time like i i would love to hear joe like killing it babe but at the same time i would love to hear the boys
Starting point is 00:08:21 see i just i obviously didn't say anything what the fuck who would say anything no I didn't even look like I didn't want them to feel like whoa I'm having a fucking good time leave me alone so I didn't look but yeah I would like to have heard the boys a little bit louder if they could have been turned up a notch that would have been great but oh they were just great they were just incredible and I feel so grateful that that's an experience I just had like even though it's overwhelming oh thank you universe like I have I've been putting it out there to the universe I'm gonna see the Jonas Brothers I'm gonna see the Jonas Brothers I'm gonna see the Jonas Brothers um and it happened and I'm really grateful because I'm just a big big big big big fan big fan so yeah. Anyway, Portugal tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Life's good right now. Life is just good right now. Yeah, I'm going to Portugal tomorrow. I'm really excited. To any of my listeners from Portugal. Can't wait to be there, babe. I literally can't wait. Anyway, I have really waffled on today. No longer stress.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's going to get figured out. All the conversations at the waffle house this is literally the waffle house over here leah on the line concert waffling anyway let's just get straight into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rate in on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at leah levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay thank you so much for listening today thank you for joining me for this episode
Starting point is 00:09:55 it's gonna be a good time i wonder what you guys are up to right now i wish i could just know i wish i could picture it kind of weird Kind of stalkerish of me. Who's on holiday right now? Oh, me too, babe. Not to rub it in. Oh, I'm nervous about the flight though. But just shut up. I'm so annoying and self-centered. Okay. All right. Let's get into the weekly debate. I'm excited to hear about this one because I don't think we've done this before or like even a dilemma similar. I don't think I'm not sure, but let's get into it. So my question for you this week is how would you feel about your partner covering for their cheating friend? This is tough. I'm just going gonna go straight in to see what you guys have to say about this
Starting point is 00:10:47 one because i genuinely think it's kind of difficult okay as long as he tells me and doesn't hide it from me also yeah i understand that it's like imagine you found out and then it was like oh but yeah david knew and you, you fucking knew? Do you know what I mean? Icky, honestly, if you do that for them, what are you hiding yourself? Even though it's not my business to be upset, I'd lose a lot of respect and trust for them. Yeah, I can understand that. Listen, if it was my friend, I'd probably cover for them yeah i can understand that listen if it was my friend i'd probably cover for them because it's not my business that's another question would you cover for your cheating friend have we done that i can't remember i feel like we might have might have might have somebody let me know gross
Starting point is 00:11:37 people you surround yourself are normally people you surround yourself are normally a reflection of you i understand that and i do say like you are he's surrounding himself with but at the same time like if my friend was a cheater like that wouldn't make me a cheater but at the same time my friends aren't cheaters and i'm not a cheater so yeah um i wouldn't be happy it shows a true reflection of themselves i'd tell the girlfriend if he's covering for his mate, his mate would cover for him if he cheated. Oh, got you, got you. Yeah. I'd make it clear to him that he was going to, that he was doing the wrong thing, but I wouldn't get actively involved. I don't think
Starting point is 00:12:16 I could be mad. I've done exactly this for my best friend. Yeah. Do you know what? It happens. I'd be fuming, but also I'd probably do it for my bestie. Yeah. So on that note, I've actually done this. So it was kind of fucking shady. So it was years ago now, but my friend called me and she was like, Oh Leah, I've got so-and-so here, her boyfriend. And he's just gone on my phone and seen that like my last google search says i'm in love with my boy boyfriend's best friend can you just tell him like that was you on my phone earlier and i was like yes thank you for that thank you for that yeah that was me that was me. Yeah. Anyway. And then after the phone call is when we spoke and I was like, girl, what the fuck? And listen, this isn't like cheating. Like this obviously isn't cheating. She obviously just had like a freak moment where she was like, she, I don't know, fuck knows,
Starting point is 00:13:18 but she had a freak moment and I didn't think twice to just go yep that was me and also there was a trend going around where like boys would ring their friends and say oh can you just tell her I was at your house last night wasn't I and all of their mates are like yeah mate you said it mine last night you do naturally cover for a friend I think I do just genuinely think that that is just a thing but I think if there's a continuous cover-up if you are continuously what's the word defending supporting accepting this behavior encouraging it in a way that says a lot about you like if my best friend was cheating on her boyfriend sure the first time she comes into the shit I might go yeah I got your back don't worry about it but then I'm gonna be straight on it of what you're doing it's wrong let's get you out of this mess babe do you know what I mean I'm not yeah crack on babe just call me whenever you need me
Starting point is 00:14:21 to chat some shit and I've got your back do you know i mean i wouldn't be able to because i feel empathy towards other people do you know what i mean so for me i would just be like do you not feel empathy like do you not look at his girlfriend and feel sad for her do you know what i mean which would be the biggest red flag for me um i'd be questioning my boyfriend's fucking morals yeah sick like just don't get involved it'd make me question if he felt it was okay a true friend would be honest and say mate what are you doing yeah i agree with you for a certain period of time it's okay but they have to encourage them to tell the truth agreed 100 covering it up as kind of tolerating the cheating behavior no absolutely not it's just showing your
Starting point is 00:15:05 poor your own standards that poor girl yeah this is the thing i want you to to feel empathy i don't want you to just think oh fuck it this is what mates do a real friend will make sure that you know you're keeping each other in check and in line do you know what i mean um it is what it is your loyalties lie with your own friend not their partner yeah okay but at the same time it's like you're just condoning them being a hurtful partner you know it's bro's code we can do nothing about it i guess yeah i understand because i think i'd do the same for my friend if they asked but i wouldn't like it i agree i do agree i'd be disappointed but i'd probably cover for my own bestie so yeah this is the thing we're all kind of just like well i wouldn't fucking like it but if my
Starting point is 00:15:55 best friend needed me to you know cover her back then i would but yeah okay looking through them we are either on the okay I feel like there's three perspectives here looking roughly through these. It's absolutely fucking not, that says a lot about you, you little prick. Or it's, you know, I wouldn't like it, but I'd probably do the same for my friend, none of my business. Or it's, oh, it's bro code, whatever. Do you know what I mean boys will be boys so yeah interesting I am definitely in the you know I'd expect you to have their back in that moment but do not condone it like do can we not continuously support a cheating friend do you know what I mean so yeah very weird debate i don't know where this idea came from but i was really intrigued by what you guys would think because i was just a bit like do you think you are who you surround yourself
Starting point is 00:16:54 with like if your friends are cheaters does that make you not very good guy because i did a tiktok once where it was like oh when you meet your boyfriend's friends but you know they all cheat on their girlfriends and it was like hi and he's like how are you good as fuck what the fuck and all the comments were like babe if all your best friend all your boyfriend's best friends are cheating he's a cheater and i was like i don't even have a fucking boyfriend i was single at the time i was like i don't even have a boyfriend babe so whatever but a lot of people in that comment section were under the impression that if your friends are cheaters so are you which is interesting because I'd say that's not true because you know if my friends started cheating on their boyfriends that's not going to make me do it but there's a reason I'm
Starting point is 00:17:36 not in a group where they cheat on their boyfriends and that's because we are similar and we don't do that to people do you know what I mean so yeah is it true is it not maybe that's a good weekly debate are you who you surround yourself with would you guys like that one who knows all right let's get into some dilemmas okay who is ready to get into some dilemmas i feel like we have some good ones today. I actually spoke to my mom about some of these to get some proper advice because some of them are difficult. Okay. So let's get comfortable. Thank you so much to everybody who sent them in. Thank you for trusting me with these. I love you. Appreciate you so much. Thank you to everybody that's listening
Starting point is 00:18:21 right now. I love you and appreciate you more than anything in the world and let's just get into it okay let's kick off with this one hey girl first time I've ever written in by listen to every episode religiously I love you so much thank you I'm feeling a bit stuck at the moment I've been with my boyfriend for a few years and I'm 27 years old we've recently moved in together he's an amazing person and truly treats me right. Everything I've ever needed but I just can't help but feel he's not the one. When I think of getting married and having kids I honestly can't picture it with him. I love him but recently I've really been doubting if I'm in love with him. The thought of breaking up with someone when they're not when they've not actually done anything wrong makes me feel physically sick but i know i can't live my life not as happy as i could
Starting point is 00:19:09 be i also feel like ending this relationship will set me back so many years as i really feel the pressures of people my age around me settling down and getting married help love you girl okay listen this feeling is the worst okay it's an awful feeling because it's like i can't pinpoint it i can't even tell you what it is about you that doesn't feel right it's not that you're not good enough it's not that you know i need more from someone else it's not that there is anyone else it's just not right with you and i have been there and it is the worst fucking feeling especially when they're a decent fucking guy because they're hard to come by okay but honestly all the only advice I would give to you just from my personal experience is you have to trust your gut in this
Starting point is 00:19:59 you have to I just think I was ignoring the feeling for a while personally but it would always come back always come back and there were moments where I was like have I done the right thing you know like I've given someone up no one's ever gonna love me like him again and blah blah blah they will and they do and you look back and you you know it was right because you know that feeling was wrong. You know, that I don't want to get married and have kids with this person. And it just doesn't feel right. And he's not the one for me. And I don't think I'm in love anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And it's really difficult because I want to say to you, like, don't worry. Like, the feeling will go and everything's going to be fine. because I want to say to you like don't worry like the feeling will go and everything's going to be fine but what I will say to you is if you leave him everything will also be fine then as well so it sounds terrifying I know it does but all I will say to you is you have to trust your gut you will be okay do not worry about the pressure sorry hiccup of being 27 and being behind or being single and not being married and your friends might be like it doesn't mean anything it literally doesn't mean anything because people can people get divorced when they're 30 40 50 60 70 like just because you're married does not mean you're ahead it doesn't mean that you're never going to fall
Starting point is 00:21:24 behind i'm saying ahead and behind with quotation marks okay because everyone is at their own pace just remember the universe has a plan okay you know whatever is meant for you will never pass you by if if sometimes I find that in my experience like where I've not been brave enough to make decisions I'll look back and realize that they were made for me whether like something else came up that pulled me away from that person or it got really really toxic so I was forced to leave or they ended up leaving me or like it doesn't even have to be a relationship situation but where I knew deep down somebody wasn't right for me but I wasn't brave enough to cut things off it has happened for me and it might
Starting point is 00:22:05 have been a year down the line or whatever from when I first had these feelings but it's it's happened so I just think in these situations we have to trust our gut we have to listen to our gut because you're here for yourself you get one life you have to be true to yourself fair to yourself and have a real think about things. Have a real think about what you want and don't worry about being 27 and your friends being in different positions as you. You know, there are people younger than me that own houses. They have children. They're married. I'm 25. I live with my mom still because I can't let go. I'm 25 I live with my mum still because I can't let go do you know what I mean it doesn't matter like as long as you feel if you as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and go I am
Starting point is 00:22:52 proud of myself I'm proud of who I am I'm proud of the decisions I've made I'm proud of the way that I treat people and I am happy you fucking win babe so yeah there is no one that can tell you what to do in this situation but all I would ever say to you is trust your gut on that one because that you're all that matters here what you want you know and obviously them obviously your partner but you know what I mean okay I love you so much next dilemma hi Leah I love listening to your podcast thank you I love you listening as well. I've been with my boyfriend for five years and recently he's been telling me that he doesn't want to get married because it's a waste of money. Even though he said at the beginning
Starting point is 00:23:34 that he wanted to get married, but that he would marry me because I want to get married. So he'd do it for me, but doesn't see the point. This makes me feel like I'd rather not marry him because I want someone to want to marry me. Absolutely. He says it's not because he doesn't want to marry me but because he doesn't want the fuss and hassle of it. I just can't help but feel I've wasted my time with him. How would you feel about this please? Thank you. Love you. Bye. Yeah that is a tough one because it's like the whole fucking point babe is that you get down on one knee and tell me that i'm everything you've ever wanted all your fucking life you've been searching for me and you want nothing more than to spend every
Starting point is 00:24:15 second of the rest of your life waking up to me yeah that's the point so i 100 understand when this is hurtful to you it's kind of shit that he's just a bit like oh i don't really understand marriage or if i can get it but yeah if you want to then fuck it i mean listen i'll be honest and i do think there are a lot of people out there that didn't ever really give a fuck about getting married and didn't ever really give a fuck about getting married and didn't ever really give a fuck about being a husband or wife, but they might have heard from their partner, oh god, I just want to get married, I want to get married, I want to get married, I really want to get married. So they're like, right, I'm gonna have to get fucking married, aren't I? I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:24:56 have to propose to the fucking bitch, do you know what I mean? I do think there are definitely people out there that proposed and got married to make the other person happy and I think it's common I know but to say to you I don't really want to get married but if you want to I will it's a little bit shitty I think you need to have a serious conversation and just be like look what are your reasons for not wanting to get married you know you said it's it's a waste of money we can have a cheap wedding we can have a budget wedding we can save up for as long as you want three four five years and have a cheap budget wedging wedging cheap budget wedding well however you want to do it that's not what matters to me okay low-key you're like i really want to get married in my
Starting point is 00:25:45 orca but you know we need to get to the bottom of this if it's finances we can work around that you know it doesn't matter like we can go off and get married just us with a witness and have a small party together just to celebrate our love do you know what i mean if it's that if it's you know maybe there's been some sort of divorce history in his life where he's witnessed you know his parents divorce at like an age that might have been really difficult for him and maybe to him marriage has like a negative feeling for him and maybe it's like that impending doom feeling I know a lot of people have that Jamie Lang spoke about that um and you know maybe he's
Starting point is 00:26:26 just associating marriage with failed relationships and that might be like something that puts him off whatever it is like let's get to the bottom things so that i know where i stand do you not want to marry me because it's me and because you're not 100 sure if i'm the one or is there something else that we might be able to talk through together and you might be able to get excited about the idea because it would make me really fucking happy if you just wanted to marry me do you know what i mean oh have we done that weekly debate actually i think we did didn't we if your partner said they don't want to get married yeah i'm pretty sure we did i'm like 99 oh that's a tough one babe i. I feel stressed for you there. But yeah, that's my advice.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I think we need to talk about it again properly. Let's get vulnerable. You know, maybe when it's a date night and we've had a couple of glasses of wine and we're, you know, it's the honesty. What is it? The honesty juice? Is it honesty juice?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Is that what they call it? Do you know what I mean? Let's give that one a go. Keep me updated. know what he says love you so much next time okay hey leah just want to say i love the podcast and appreciate how honest you are oh i love you so much thank you i appreciate you this is kind of long so i apologize i'm 27 and i've been in a long distance relationship for 10 months. We live about two hours away and I'm totally fine with distance. However, he lives in a small town with nothing to do and I live and have grown up in a major city. I'm very sociable and every day off I'm meeting friends or family for brunch, drinks, etc. I live alone but I'm never in the house because of this. He also lives alone but
Starting point is 00:28:05 has a couple of friends that he hardly sees and makes no effort to do anything. So he finishes work and just sits indoors watching telly. I'm starting to think that he's too boring for me. Oh here we go. As well as this we have stopped having sex recently due to his personal issues. He can't ever finish and it makes me feel rejected. So it makes me not want to sleep with him. This is upsetting because before him I had a very active sex life. I had a friend with benefits that was the best sex I'd ever had. I've now started to think back to this time in my life. My dilemma is that he wants to move in with me in the next few months and he doesn't have any friends where I live. My male friends are very outgoing and the opposite
Starting point is 00:28:52 to him. I don't want him to move in if I feel like I can't live my current life because he's in the house. I also can't deal with my current sex life ongoing. Oh, this is hard okay but he's sweet he's everything that i should want there's no toxicity he's an he's a no social media king and i genuinely have no worries about him cheating etc he makes me laugh and would do anything for me all my previous relationships have entered in that person cheating also sorry for the length my most serious ex-boyfriend from years ago that I've always had love for has messaged me saying that he misses me. They always creep up, didn't they? Piss off. Not now. Not now. I'm going through something right now. And I shut him down and told my current boyfriend about the messages. What I didn't tell my boyfriend was that a few months
Starting point is 00:29:40 before we got together, me and my ex used to speak on nights out and then facetime when we got home and went through periods of texting i know that i'm the one that got away from my ex and everybody knows that we still have a lot of love for each other isn't it nice being the one that got away i like to tell myself and that with everybody that's ever come into my presence to be honest but it's definitely not the truth anyway help i'm just overthinking everything doesn't help that all my friends are getting married and settling down because we're nearly 30 thank you okay one thing i want to say to you is i feel like it's a compatibility issue i'm talking very well spoken
Starting point is 00:30:17 today combat compatibility do you know what i mean i don't know why i'm putting it on i'm just putting on religion being fake just be yourself yeah? Anyway, I feel like it's a compatibility issue, right? Let's talk like me again. Because let's think about it. You're so outgoing. You're busy. You're a busy gal. She's sociable. She's drinking. She's brunching. She's working. She's hustling. and he's working, chilling out, watching telly. Now, he is one person's dream man. There are girls out there and guys that their dream is just to go to work, come home, cook a lovely meal together, sit on the sofa and cuddle, fall asleep on the sofa and relax and feel calm and feel comfortable and just relax together that is a lot of people's idea of heaven then there's other people who they come home from work they're straight in the shower get changed i'm off out to meet a friend i'm busy i'm booked and busy and then that is somebody
Starting point is 00:31:20 else's dream because they're really sociable and they love to go out and they love to meet up in big groups of of couples and friends and go out drinking and meeting your workmates and do you know what i mean so i feel like it's a it's a case of maybe you're just not right for each other but let's flip it sometimes opposites attract sometimes you, what's the word? Your differences can be perfect for each other. Somebody who is so outgoing can make an introvert that perfect level of relaxed, you know, she'll do the talking. I'll just sit back and relax. I'm comfortable like this. She's having the best time, which makes me happy. You you know it can definitely work where you're just total opposite so I think it's just figuring out which one feels like it is the case here for you what I also want to add is just because he's sweet and just because it's not toxic and just
Starting point is 00:32:18 because he doesn't have social media does not make him perfect okay these are bottom of the barrel things for somebody to be sweet to you for somebody to not be toxic to you and doesn't make you feel like he's going to cheat on you are the bare minimum we want from anybody okay let's just remember that that goes for everybody so I think a lot a lot of us what we can do sometimes is we stay with people and give people a chance because they're kind and they're not cheating on us and and they're they're not toxic it's so sweet like he just doesn't cheat on me like he's so sweet do you know what i mean like why why are we like that why are we actually like that and listen that was my mentality too i've been there it's like oh but
Starting point is 00:33:02 he's such a nice guy because like i just know he'll never cheat on me and he's really nice to me and he's not toxic. And then you have to look at it and be like, but these are the bare minimum we expect from a partner. Why are they now compatible for me? Do you know what I mean? Yeah, that makes him a really decent partner, a really great guy. But where are we right for for each other I think that's all you have to look at and the ex-boyfriend thing like let's just fucking ignore that like focus on yourself and what's right for you right now but yeah I would just think let's look at compatibility here you know don't give him too much credit just for being a nice guy it's it's fair enough that you know it makes it hard to want to
Starting point is 00:33:45 leave somebody especially when you said you like you've been cheated on in in previous relationships all of them so when you meet a guy that feels like he's never going to do that to you it feels like oh my god you're everything i've ever wanted but there are loads of guys out there that won't cheat on you and loads of guys out there that are sweet and don't have social media and aren't toxic but they also love going out and they also love brunching and they also really sociable and have loads of friends and they live in the big city you know so i would just think ask yourself what is it that i want from a partner above the the nice guy not going to cheat on me do you know what i mean and how much of these
Starting point is 00:34:20 how much of these boxes are being ticked by this guy? And how many, how right am I for you? Can I give you what you want? You know what I mean? But yeah, you're amazing. I'm really envious of your really cool lifestyle. I'm not going to lie. Like you sound like a fucking babe and I really want to hang out. So, okay guys, thank you so much. Oh wait, just to wrap up that last dilemma. I love you so much. Please let me know where your head is at. You know, don't rush into anything give it a while give a couple of weeks whatever feels right for you um and yeah just let me know how everything goes keep me updated with any conversations you might have or yeah i just hope this helped a little bit and don't forget that you deserve more than just a nice guy you deserve the world babe all right love right. Love you. Okay. Thank you guys so much for listening. Oh, I love these dilemmas. They were enjoyable today. Let's wrap up the episode.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Okay, everybody. Thank you so much for listening today. I hope you all really enjoyed this episode. I hope you all have an incredible week, whatever it is that you're getting up to so please remember there will not be an episode this friday but we will be back on tuesday i'll tell you all about my break i'll tell you all about my holiday i'm sure there'll be happy memories to tell you about because i will land safely both in portugal and when i return to england on friday god shit me so I do enjoy flights. Like I find it crazy that I flew to fucking Miami alone. I did a 10 hour flight alone. I was relaxed. I was chill. I was asking for more wine, please. More wine, please, babe. I'm a weird girl. I don't know where this, if this fear got a lot worse. I flew out for Love Island alone and I was fucking, I wasn't even
Starting point is 00:36:05 worried about flying but I suppose I was more scared about what was about to happen on the other end. Little did I know I wouldn't even be there 24 hours. They said get her out, she's ugly in real life. That doesn't make any sense, they already met me. I had, I literally had to go to ITV studios to even get it. Anyway, hope you guys all have the most amazing week to anybody else that's on holiday enjoy love you so much anyone that's on baby right now i hope the town's looking good hope you got spf on to anyone that's at work this week i love you so much you can do this let's get through the week it's the weekend coming up babe it's payday and like oh wait i was gonna say in like what two weeks but to be fair payday was literally less than two weeks ago oh sorry guys um anyway have the best week I love you so much and I'll speak to you on Tuesday
Starting point is 00:36:52 next week for a brand new episode all right I adore you Yeah, I'm Too high, I'm high I'm up on the night

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