Leah on the Line - 75: My boyfriend wants to sleep with other women! (The CONFESSION DIARIES are back!)

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leera on the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everybody sorry there was no friday episode listen when I tell you I got the period sent to me from the demons I'm actually sick of talking about how bad my periods are but I honestly need to explain this because it's it's not fucking normal it's actually not I went on my Instagram and I was just like venting about it on stories and so many of you guys was like babe literally me literally endometriosis keep pushing at the doctors not self-diagnosing but I literally have every symptom apart from one but it is a major one and that is heavy periods I've never had a heavy period in my life ever ever
Starting point is 00:00:57 ever but when I tell you have every every every other symptom and it's no joke. Okay. I'm, I've definitely spoken about this before about how like the first time it happened to me, I was like 16 and they told me I was having a miscarriage. And so I just assumed that that's what was happening with me. But then it literally started to happen every month. And I was like, Oh my fucking God, like it's ain't no world. Anyway, this month, obviously I said recently that I came off my pill, right? Cause I was scared that I was never going to have periods again and last month was my first real period after my pill and that was when I was in Portugal you remember the story around the pool the lads on a stag do yeah good times I thought that was bad no no no darling Jamie
Starting point is 00:01:38 honestly probably thought I was possessed like it was giving the devil inside. Like it was so scary. I just woke up at a normal time. Cause normally when this used to happen to me, it would wake me up at like sometimes 5am, 6am, 7am. Right. But I woke up at my normal time. It was about half eight, nine. And I was like, Oh, I think I need a wee. Like my stomach hurts. You know, like when you've held a wee and all that. Cause I drink a lot of water before bed bed and normally i wake up in the morning i've got that like like exploding bladder pain where i'm like god i'm gonna piss myself i actually do wonder how i don't piss the bed i'm oh god i hope i fucking haven't jinxed that imagine waking jamie up like darling you have to get up i've pissed myself anyway touch wood that's not happening won't happen so yeah i woke
Starting point is 00:02:24 up in all time and i was like oh i'm in a bit of pain and then I went to the toilet and there was blood and I was like oh fuck I forgot that yesterday I had a bit of spot in because that normally is what happens to me I'll get like spot in the day before I won't be like period but it'll be like a bit of that dark spot in blood that you can get before you come on like your full period right I was like oh shit I forgot my period like and then I was thinking oh I feel so grateful that I'm at home this month because last month I was in Portugal was in like a nightmare of a situation. You guys remember the story. And I was like, oh, thank God I'm going to get cozy on the sofa. I'm going to ask James to go and get me some nice snacks and a bit of chalk. I'm going to watch a rom-com. I'm going to get a nice hot water bottle and relax. Yeah. Nice idea. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:09 yeah nice idea right so I went for a wee and that's when it starts and I was like holy fuck this is a bad period holy fuck and it just comes out of nowhere nowhere right and then I was like I'll come back into the bedroom and I was like oh god my period's really bad today to Jamie and he was like oh okay like let's go downstairs get on the sofa get under the blanket I'll make you your iced coffee blah blah no I didn't make it that far he couldn't even get to the end of his sentence before my pain went from like four out of ten to ten ten it was so bad guys guys I wish I wish you could feel it for a second just one second because I wouldn't wish that pain upon anybody but, just one second, because I wouldn't wish that pain upon anybody, but I just need somebody to explain, I mean, to experience it, because I
Starting point is 00:03:50 can't explain it, I can't explain it, there's no way that level of pain is not an emergency, but it happens every fucking time, so it is obviously, you know, I don't even know, I don't know, and then I was like like, crawling on the floor, and I was, like, scraping the carpet, like I was a devil, it was really scary, and then I was just screaming, crying, like, making the mooing noise that you hear when women are in labour, like that, like, literally like that, I don't know what was happening and then and that lasted like 45 minutes of me just like panicking like fuck like oh my god what's happening to me what's happening to me there is no way that level of pain i was literally like i'm just going to pass away like there is no
Starting point is 00:04:38 way this level of pain is recoverable like i'm just going to simply die here like I just couldn't see how that was just like normal because I know it's not I know it's not normal but you forget and I guess it's like you know when people have a baby right and they they go through labor they always say that you forget how I know some people say that you they'll never forget it but a lot of women do say like you forget how bad it is until you have like another baby and then it's not till you're in labor again that you're like oh my fucking god i forgot it is so bad right it's literally like that like i'm in so much pain that i'm like i forgot how bad this is and then i was talking about on instagram and all of you guys are basically like keep pushing the doctor because this is literally, this was me.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But as I've discussed, it's literally my biggest fear to be told that I can't have children. And I was getting people in my DMs like, oh, I have this and I can't have it. I was like, oh my God, please, please. I was literally so upset. Sorry, hook up. But yeah. And then after 45 minutes, I'm like, I literally feel fine. I went out on a dog walk. I don't know what the fuck. And then I've been told I've got polycystic ovaries. So sometimes I'm like, literally feel fine I went out on a dog walk I don't know what the fuck and then I've been told I've got polycystic ovaries so sometimes I'm like maybe like the periods cause a cyst burst I don't know because obviously everything's so swollen there's a lot happening down there and it's only ever the first like hour of my period and then I'll be sweet I can I'll be in like quite serious levels of pain like I'd say like seven out of 10 pain, but I can take painkillers and it will go down to like a three out of 10.
Starting point is 00:06:07 But with that, the way I try to describe it to someone is like every time I go to the doctor, they're like, try and take paracetamol and ibuprofen together just the morning of your period. And I'm like, do you know what that is like? It's like someone breaking their arm and you telling them to take some paracetamol. It is that serious for me.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Like, it's not like I'm just, oh, that hurts. No, it's like something is happening and paracetamol ain't gonna make it go away. You wouldn't give paracetamol to someone in labor, would you? I know I've not been in labor, so it's really not fair of me to compare it to that. But I refuse to imagine that it can be worse and I'm not a dramatic girl when it comes to like pain I'm not listen I'm a Leo I love a bit of attention every now and then but I'm a bit of a trooper okay now I will just crack on I get that from my mom okay my mom's got a chronic pain disease she cracks on yeah so I wasn't raised to be like oh i'm sick like i'm just uh yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:07:07 not very well you get on with it but with this i'm not being dramatic guys please believe me and i get so stressed thinking someone's like oh because it's one of the things in it periods if you're like oh i'm in so much pain i can't come to work i'm on my period you don't want people to be like well shelly's on her period she's in work it's like well shelly doesn't have the periods i have darling and it feels like such an understatement to call it period pain so anyway i have decided that i'm going to go to the doctor and try and push for some sort of investigation i don't know but guys i've got i've got my smear test booked shit in my pants obviously health anxiety through the roof darling and i'm really scared but I'm doing it for you girls because I want to encourage everyone I want to talk about it on the pod and I want to
Starting point is 00:07:50 have a positive experience to go this is your sign you know if I can do it anyone can fucking do it so because somebody messaged me and was like I'd really like you to do an episode about like women's health like particularly smear tests and I thought that is my sign and literally no word of a lie the next day the next day I had a letter through the post saying it's time for your smear and I was like if that isn't a sign to say just you're brave enough let's do this everything's going to be fine you can do it but the thing is I had a cervical exam you if you was listening about this time last year you might remember I had a cervical exam this is where they found my pco and I if I was able to do that I can do a smear because that
Starting point is 00:08:31 is a whole fucking dildo going up inside the purse right and it's not even that that bothers me I honestly don't care like I'm you guys probably can tell just from the way I speak I'm not I'm not taboo about things so like I'll spread my legs wide open hun female doctor only pleased but I'm not like yeah that's my vagina have a look do you know what I mean don't care put it in whatever it's fine it's the health thing for me it's the awaiting results for me that makes me so scared I feel upset even talking about it but I'm I've realized I've got really bad fear of even doctor's appointment so this is me trying to conquer my fear so the girl asking for the episode the letter coming through the post the next day was like get over the fear get over the fear you're a woman this
Starting point is 00:09:15 is just part of being a woman it's totally normal people do it all the time nothing bad is going to happen we're going to have a positive story a positive experience at the doctors which is going to help get over my doctor hospital no no no no no will not be in a hospital will not be in a hospital doctor appointment fair okay love you all why have i just spent the first 10 minutes this podcast talking about periods and vaginas i have no idea but i hope you guys are all feeling really good i've missed you guys i hate when i haven't spoken to you for a full week but then we do tend to have more to catch up on in those times but anyway I love you guys this episode should be a good one I've had a little peek at the dilemmas very excited I don't really know how I'm supposed
Starting point is 00:09:53 to navigate the advice because some of them are difficult this is where I need to call my listeners and be like babes help me out we will do that episode because you guys have said you want it so we will definitely do it yeah hope everyone's feeling good today whatever it is that you're up to right now whether you're at the gym on hot girl walk chilling at home cooking dinner falling asleep driving to work driving home from work driving to the beach although what the fuck on fucking fuck is this weather seriously anyway let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you
Starting point is 00:10:37 okay who was ready to get into the weekly debate? I will kick it off actually by saying we are going to have some confession diaries at the end of this episode. It has been way too long. You guys have started to send them back in again. I picked up some good ones today. Head over to learndontheline.com if you have a confession for the next one. But yeah, I just wanted to let you guys know. So stay tuned for that at the end. But let's kick off with the weekly debate. So my question you today is is it essential for a couple to have similar life goals so i'm kind of shocked at the split decision because i thought i genuinely thought most of you would give it absolutely it matters but a lot of you seem to say not so much so let's have a little
Starting point is 00:11:26 read it's not essential but it can really change compatibility levels if they're very different i would agree with that actually kids marriage kids marriage etc goals should be aligned but others for example work hobbies can be different in terms of home slash children etc i believe yes but it all depends on age and type of relationship no but it's essential to support each other absolutely um somebody says it absolutely is it won't work long time otherwise um we have yes i think so it's hard to agree if for example one doesn't want to have kids and the other does yeah that's a big one i feel like life goals is very vague but if we're talking kids that is a big one um 100 how can you do life together if you don't want the same things it's a great point babe no if someone doesn't want
Starting point is 00:12:18 kids or marriage but the other person does it wouldn't work similar yes but some compromises should be made yeah of course i mean i'm sure all relationships come with some level of compromise you know what i mean i don't think they have to be similar but you have to appreciate what they want to do um long term yes absolutely but also don't panic if you don't people change enjoy the moment I love that positive vibes if they can impact the other person's lifestyle and they want to be forever partners then yes absolutely agree yes I want to foster children my potential partners need to be on board yeah this is the thing if you're set on something you're like I want to foster absolutely no ifs or maybes not willing to change my mind for for nobody which I mean I fucking love that for you it's beautiful
Starting point is 00:13:08 then yeah that's a big one you know you can't have someone in your life coming in saying nah not for me it's like well you ain't for me then darling um if you don't want sorry if you don't then you won't grow together you will grow apart um me and my boyfriend are both in the creative industry however our timelines timelines for life don't match up and it causes issues we have moved to london and he wants to move back home and buy a house but i want to continue to live here and focus on my career see that is when it's difficult but then i guess you can totally still have a relationship just like not living together but then it almost feels like you're going backwards so it's like how where are we going to move forward like are you just going to hang around and wait for me to be ready to leave London
Starting point is 00:13:51 that's difficult one to navigate babe definitely if you don't want the same thing then what are you working towards oh yeah it's kind of true I wouldn't say essential but majority should match or be similar you or you've got no future with them um not the same goals but they have to have the same drive slash ambition speaking from experience yeah see this is a thing like if you're someone that's like i want this i've got i write my goals down daily i've got it written on my wall i'm ambitious I aspire to be great and then you're with someone who's just like oh I'm just going with the flow you know I just life will just take its toll whatever I can imagine that you wouldn't find that like attractive if you were that kind of person and you're like come on write your fucking goals up on the wall darling darling, you know? Yes, my ex and I didn't and it was never going to work.
Starting point is 00:14:46 My partner and I now do and applause emoji. Fantastic. 100% yes, they don't need to be the same, but they need to be similar in some way and definitely not polar opposite. If they aren't, it's likely that someone is gonna have to compromise on their life goals to fulfill the others,
Starting point is 00:15:04 which usually ends in resentment and what ifs whilst your other half obviously makes you happy well they should anyway you've got to live your life for you and always put number one first your goal should be a priority for you to work towards and fulfill happiness starts with you i love that i think it depends for example i think if one person's life goal was to move to australia and the other person didn't want to uproot their life to another country then that's that. I think it depends. For example, I think if one person's life goal was to move to Australia and the other person didn't want to uproot their life to another country, then that's a hard one because if you were to stay together, then someone is going to have to give up a really big life goal. But if it's career wise, for example, one person wants to be self-employed and run their
Starting point is 00:15:37 own business and the other wants to be a teacher or something, then that can work. I think it's when it has the potential to affect both of your lives when it becomes tricky so true i also think it's important to have separate life goals but also build life goals together that is a great way to put it i feel like you know like you don't need to want the same life as me you know you can still have your individual life and how it is different to mine but they need to be able to align you know what I'm saying I feel like I said that very well go me thank you guys for your responses on the weekly debate absolutely love you all thank you for getting involved yeah it is a difficult one for sure because I totally get why a lot of you're saying no it doesn't matter because you're always
Starting point is 00:16:24 going to be your own person. And you don't need to want the things that I want. But then I 100% see everyone that's saying that, you know, well, if you if you want to be like, I don't know, someone that travels the world and just a traveling babe and have no children and just have like this fun crazy live life by the day life and I'm like well I want to have five kids by 30. I don't know about that you know what I'm saying but then also it's almost like surely you'd have those conversations pretty early you know and not so much about children but just about like where you see yourself in five years. I feel like that's a good question rather than like dropping the bomb of like do you want to get married and have kids to someone you could reword it of just like so what do you see yourself in the next like
Starting point is 00:17:14 five to ten years that's actually a very good way to put it I don't know maybe we just crack the code there babes all right let's get into some dilemmas oh my god you guys how sad is this okay so i have a six-year-old dog called missy she's the tiniest most perfect little baby everyone thinks she's a puppy but she's six right she's a toy poodle crossed with a bison free so she literally looks like a teddy bear she's my puppy but she's six right she's a toy poodle crossed with a bison free so she literally looks like a teddy bear she's my whole world and more and she is so spoiled and given so much love right like whatever's on my plate i'll save a bit for you babe do you know what i mean that is the level of love we have she sleeps she will come and sit on top of my head um she will rest her head on my hand and i will hold it there as long as she's comfortable like she is just the queen of our household right we took her to the vets because
Starting point is 00:18:13 she's been like really biting her body like just biting and biting and biting it for ages almost like she has fleas but we've never ever ever ever found a flea on her entire body. And she has food allergies, guys. And she literally can't even have treats. She has to have fucking expensive dog food. She's literally got to have like the royal canine shit. I was like, okay, princess. Okay, it's given queen, right? And nothing else.
Starting point is 00:18:42 She's not allowed dog biscuits. She's not even allowed a little bit of sausage she's not allowed a bit chicken she's not allowed the vegetable scraps that i normally give her when i'm chopping and she absolutely loves life when i give her like the end of the broccoli she loves it right she can't have it she can't even have a bit of cheese because apparently fun fact if anyone's dogs are biting their feet it's a sign of a food allergy so we had to like strip her diet of everything poor girl like i literally keep looking i just want to cry because i think i hope you know we still love you i hope you know that when i get up after eating my dinner
Starting point is 00:19:15 and i take my plate out and don't even give you a tiny bite it's not personal i do love you i'm i'm doing this because i love you and it just makes me so sad, but anyway, since, it's been like a week, and since the last week, she has been not even nibbling once, not scratching, not biting, not, she's just comfortable, and like a normal dog now, but, oh, my little girl, she can't even have a snack honestly i used to give her chorizo pepperami honestly i don't know how she's not a chunky dog she is so petite and cute but she she liked to eat girl that girl liked to eat but she does love her new dog food what no one cares about the dog food leah sorry for informing you on my dog's new diet, but
Starting point is 00:20:07 I just had to get off my chest. Let's get into some dilemmas. Kicking off with this one. Hey girl, love the pod and I'm hoping you might be able to offer some of your advice for a dating situation I'm currently in. Okay, babes, I got you. So I've just come out of a five-year relationship which ended four months ago I feel the happiest I've ever been I've been working on myself going to the gym walk seeing friends going on dates watching sunsets and sunrises oh my god love life right now basically having the best hot healed girl summer ever the post breakup glow is a real honestly nothing i would say this no one glows more than someone who is healed from a toxic relationship or someone who's loving single life you just glow different okay i could spot you a
Starting point is 00:21:01 mile away if you're that girl if you're the girl that is healed and loving life and finally at peace and loving yourself, I can spot you in a bar. I can spot you in a cafe. I see you. You glow. There's a halo. There's glistening flickers of light around your aura and I feel it and I love it. And I'm like, shout out you, babe. Anyway, I started going on dating apps just to test the waters waters seeing who's about getting a feel for it as dating has changed so much since i last did this oh my god weirdest feeling ever isn't it like when you've been in a long-term relationship and then you go on a dating website or even just like messaging someone no weirdest feeling ever but so fun love that for
Starting point is 00:21:40 you anyway i match with someone quite special and we have clicked right away five weeks later after a few dates the best dates i've ever been on wish i could attach pictures but picture this a beach sunset picnic with a fire playing country music let's give a movie and a two-week trip he took with family where he continuously sent me sunset pictures. Oh, I'm cold most days. Oh my God. Put a ring on my finger. It's evident that there is some kind of connection and more than friends, shall we say? Oh my God, absolutely. He's sending you pictures of the sunset, babe. I love that. However, how do you have that chat about what you are and where it is going and when is a good time to have this i feel like i'm enjoying how it's going and don't want to
Starting point is 00:22:31 add any pressure so quickly but i won't lie i would quite like him to delete his hinge asap i do feel ready within myself to move on and find new happiness with someone else especially after leaving my past relationship emotionally so long ago I just personally cannot give a hundred percent of me knowing hinge is still downloaded on his phone absolutely and he could maybe be giving his time to others because we haven't exclusively said that we aren't I would love a bit of Leah advice yay thanks oh my god that's such a cute ending yay thanks I love that okay right i've said this before and i'll say it again i don't think there was anything wrong with having the conversation okay for some reason it's like this taboo thing to ask like are you disrespecting me like are you fucking me around
Starting point is 00:23:17 right now like because i feel like it's been made this big major thing of like oh my god she's obsessed with me like she's literally asking me if we'd get god she's obsessed with me like she's literally asking me if we're together she's obsessed with me no i just want to know where i stand and i have absolutely every right to know that and i feel like we risk hurting ourselves out of fear of of like freaking them out but then if it freaks them out there is the answer you want we want to know are we on the same page right so if you say to him like i i do find it difficult to word it i won't lie if you just say to him like um i don't know it's just hard not to be like given love island vibes like so where's your head at like are you closed off but just to ask where you stand if it freaks him out you know where you stand if he gives you the answer you want you know where you stand so it's a win-win situation in terms of getting the answer that you
Starting point is 00:24:19 want but it's not a win-win situation of well actually no it's a win-win situation of, well, actually no, it's a win-win situation of getting the answer, but it is a win or lose situation on hearing what you want to hear. But sometimes hearing what you don't want to hear is also for the best. So if he's like, well, you know, like, I'm not really looking for a relationship or just like i'm just chilling like obviously i'm talking to other girls and stuff like it's not that deep with us that's gonna fucking sting like a bitch sting like a butterfly what is it fly like a butterfly sting like a bee it's gonna it's gonna that but know where you stand know to put a little bit of a guard up know to okay step back protect protect you know so I always say this fuck it the worst thing that is going to happen is that it's going
Starting point is 00:25:15 to freak them out and they're going to be like oh my god why the fuck are you asking me this oh my god it's way too soon there's your answer if they are on the same page as you it's not too soon to ask and it is not inappropriate to ask and it's not fucking weird to ask if they're on the same page as you and that's all we need to know whether they respond like how we want them to or not all that matters is we're going to get a response that is going to be helpful and it's going to give you the answer good or bad so honestly fuck it just ask try to put it in the best ways you can this is where I do get stuck so I kind of need you your help on this like how would you word so what are we because I don't think that's the best way because I feel
Starting point is 00:26:00 like it sort of puts them in a really difficult position because it's almost a bit like well I don't know how you feel like why are you asking me, well, I don't know how you feel. Like, why are you asking me what are we? I don't know how you feel. I think it's okay to be like, oh, like I'm really, no, I don't know. Oh God. I was going to be like, because I was going to say like, I'm really enjoying like where things are going. Like, how are you feeling? Because then he might be like, whoa, obsessing me. But then if he is, he might be like whoa obsess me but then if he is there's the answer thank you so i think honesty is key right now and who cares about how they receive it or how you look all the matters is that we get the response we need we've got to prioritize ourselves here you know you all the matters is you know where you stand in order to protect
Starting point is 00:26:48 yourselves like let's not risk getting hurt in the fear of somebody being like whoa whoa because if you react like that then i know everything i need to know darling do you know what i'm saying so yeah mic drop no one says that anymore literally no one says mic drop i'm actually quite icky i think oh wow i am who i am okay guys next dilemma love you babe all right this one everyone's worst nightmare this is everyone's worst nightmare guys listen up my boyfriend wants to spice things up Leah I need advice today while we're in the middle of doing okay there was no punctuation sorry I didn't read that properly Leah I need to oh my god hello Leah I need advice today while we were
Starting point is 00:27:41 in the middle of doing the deed my boyfriend said he wants to spice things up. Hold on. So you were mid fuck. And he's like, I want to spice this up. I mean, that's okay. Cause we don't really know where it's going yet, but I do because I've read this. Okay. I was thinking more along the lines of dressing up and was open to do that if that's what he wants. But then he went on to say that he wants to join a swingers group i'm sorry mid deed mid sex mid sex he's gone so how do you feel about like joining a swingers group baby girl um did you hit your head on the bed frame because first of all timing second of all what the fuck he said loads of his friends are in them and one of his friends girlfriends sleeps with lots of the lads in their group and that they have a joint only fans with mainly nude pictures of her
Starting point is 00:28:41 each to their own but what the fuck's that got to do with me he said he thinks it would be good for us he'll sleep with other girls and i can watch ah that is so kind what the fuck honestly if my boyfriend said that's me his head would no longer be attached to his body he'd have 0.5 seconds to take it back and it would still be too late to be honest okay um he'll sleep with other girls and i can watch or sleep with other girls but not boys as he wouldn't like that so you can have sex with the girls and not boys but he can have sex with girls and you get to watch oh sounds like a fucking win-win for you babe what the fuck so basically he can't lose the situation but you lose brilliant i'm really not into this idea
Starting point is 00:29:35 as he okay full stop don't do it if you're not into it absolutely full stop there darling um i'm really not into this idea as he's the only person i've ever slept with and i'm not attracted to girls also should i be worried as when i said well who would we even do that with he was very quick to suggest two girls that we know no guys could you imagine imagine like well like who you thinking he's's like, I don't know, like, maybe like Millie and Megan? I don't know, Millie and Megan? What do you know, anyone literally up to you? Millie and Megan? Oh, it's not funny. It's literally not funny. Sorry. I can't help but feel uncomfortable that he's even thought of them in this way fuck yeah am i being approved as he's made it seem like this is very normal i'd appreciate
Starting point is 00:30:29 any advice lots of love no you are not being approved i would feel exactly the same as you if anything i wouldn't even have let him get this far with the conversation as soon as the word swingers come out of his mouth my vagina would have closed pieces of thread would have weaved out of my skin a needle would have flown over and threaded my vagina closed and said get away from me and i would have just been like absolutely not end of conversation if that's something you want i'm not the girl for you walk out the door and don't come back because you've said i'm not interested i don't want to do this that is enough you do not need to be convinced you do not need to be persuaded you do not need to be fucking head fucked into the idea that you're a prude
Starting point is 00:31:22 and that it's it's the norm like it might be normal for loads of people but it doesn't have to be the normal for you and it doesn't have to be what you want or like the fall off you said you're not attracted to girls i don't want to have sex with girls and you said i can't have sex with boys what the fuck would i do any of this fall then do you know what i mean for you no well how about we break up and then you can go and do everything you want to do don't let me stop you babe and i'll go and be with someone that just wants to be with me and we're happy with that because that's what i want from someone there are loads of girls out there that are into going to
Starting point is 00:31:54 swingers parties and stuff there's loads just go and be with one of them because it's not me and don't try and make me one of them because it's not me that's what i think and i know that's probably a bit brutal i know that probably makes you feel like whoa um i do actually have feelings for this guy remember i know you have feelings for this guy but absolutely do not especially sexually do not ever do anything you don't want to do especially for a man or a woman, for anyone. Okay. Don't, don't do anything you don't want to do, but especially sexually. And I think if I was going to give you some best friend advice, I would say walk away from the relationship because you just don't sound right for each other. He's obviously into that. Absolutely nothing wrong with it loads of people do that
Starting point is 00:32:45 it's fine there's a whole lifestyle lifestyle out there that he is willing to explore and you know don't let me stop you go and do it but do not drag me into this because i'm not comfortable and i don't want to do it so yeah even though that's brutal, babe, I love you so much. I really do. And I just think you just deserve to not feel these feelings that you're feeling like, oh my God, am I a prude? No, you just have things that you don't want to do and you should never do them. If you don't want to do them, don't do them. Love you, babe. Oh, I love you. Thanks so much. love you babe oh i love you thanks so no more hey basically long story short in 2017 me and my bestie met some boys and she hit it off with one straight away they were together for five six ish years we're 21 now but they broke up recently because he cheated on her with my best friend she knows her through me but not very well holy fuck
Starting point is 00:33:46 talk about being in the middle the oggf said i can't be friends with him anymore which obviously i understand but he's been a big part of my life for the past six years and we literally met him the same day i would class him as a friend without being linked to her but she doesn't see it like that what would you do love your pod by the way love you okay that is hard that is hard because if anyone treated your best friend like shit you automatically hate them you think what a fucking prick but when that was equally your friend when they're your equal friends that's difficult because part of me is a bit like well naturally my loyalties will always be with the girls you know I don't care how long we've been friends if you've done that to my bestie it's gonna be hard for me to forgive you to be honest but I do get it if you
Starting point is 00:34:38 genuinely are really close with him and you do genuinely see your friendship as equally as strong then I would get why you'd be a bit like well that's unfair to ask you know I would say maybe give it some time and just say like say to him like look I'm really pissed off with you like you've really hurt my friend because I think you should be pissed off with him you should be really hurt as well like what the fuck like why would you do that to my best friend you know you've put everyone in a shit position you were selfish that was nasty of you that's changed how I feel about you because to be honest I feel like those feelings would be natural to feel that towards him but um yeah I feel like when time passes i feel like once she's healed from the situation it'll
Starting point is 00:35:27 be a lot easier to be his friend but i would you know you don't have to cut him off at all but i feel like you should hopefully feel more sympathy towards her right now and be more there for her because she obviously is going to really need a friend right now she's fucking heartbroken um and he deserves to be told that he's a piece of shit for doing that to be honest and who better to tell him than his bestie keeping it real with him um and hopefully over time when everything's healed and settled like being friends with him isn't going to feel like such a doggy thing to do to your friend do you know what I mean does that make sense love you all right that was a quick one sorry if that was too quick but yeah I don't really have anything else to add to that one it's very difficult but yeah I feel like time for that one okay sorry for
Starting point is 00:36:15 the sniff next dilemma hey Leah I need some help first of all I'd like to I'd like what was that accent I'd like to see I'd like to what was that accent? I'd like to see. I'd like to say that I'm loving the podcast and listen every week religiously. Thank you. I love you so much. I have a dilemma and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Hope it makes sense. So my boyfriend went on a lad's holiday and has been giving me regular updates about what they've been up to a little debrief each day fabulous thank you boyfriend my boyfriend is an absolute gem so he tells me pretty much everything that happens so they met these four girls and spent the evening with them which is fine you're you're not even like being sarcastic like you genuinely are saying it's fine can never be me there's me one day i'm like i'm honestly like not a jealous girl like at all next time like
Starting point is 00:37:13 four girls hanging out four girls no anyway then later into the evening one of the lads invited all four girls back to the apartment well i hope you got a whole another hotel not even just another room moving hotels tonight babe anyway i'm back to the apartment that they were staying in to chill and have more drinks oh what is the need just stay out why have they got to come back to the apartment? Anyway, my boyfriend tells me that all of them were really drunk at this point and his friends asked them to stay the night. Okay. I'm, I'm so curious to know how you girls would feel about this. Cause even though you, the boyfriend's not done a single thing wrong here, I'm why am i mad you know um for context the apartment only has one bedroom with a double and a single bed in it and then a sofa bed in the lounge
Starting point is 00:38:13 oh nice and cozy perfect so the girls took the bedroom and where do the girls not have a fucking hotel could they not have been walked home could you not have put them in a taxi i mean look after the poor girls make sure they get home safe well the fuck so the girls took the bedroom and the boys slept in the lounge however one of the boys let's call him sam who has a girlfriend stayed in the bedroom sharing a bed with all four girls as he said he wanted to sleep in an actual bed okay my boyfriend can break his back on a cold marble floor on the balcony for all i care floor on the balcony for all i care you are not getting in bed with four fucking girls absolutely positively not imagine that yeah babe where did you see it was like i just stayed with four lads in the bed with four lads just because i wanted a pillow and a nice mattress
Starting point is 00:39:17 no i don't listen i don't think that's unnecessary for me to be pissed off about that for the for the girlfriend anyone else okay continuing on um where did i get up to okay the next morning my boyfriend filled me in on what happened love your boyfriend we love we love a king okay um he filled me in on what happened and told me about the sam who has a girlfriend We love a gossiping king. Okay. He filled me in on what happened and told me about the Sam who has a girlfriend sleeping in the bed with the girls. As far as I'm aware, nothing happened in the bedroom as they all went straight to sleep. The thing is, we will never know because is Sam going to tell anyone? Doubt it. However, I wouldn't like it if my boyfriend was
Starting point is 00:40:06 sleeping in the same bed as other girls when there was plenty of room to sleep in the lounge like the rest of the boys did. Absolutely. They set the example and he did not follow. I'm with you, babe. My boyfriend did tell him to come and sleep in the lounge. King. But he refused. king but um he refused oh my god i'm confused on what to do as sam told my boyfriend not to tell me about what happened and your boyfriend's like yeah no i won't tell her oh my god babe listen sis you ain't gonna fucking guess what sam done um yeah as he probably knows that i would tell his girlfriend i don't know what to do as the boy didn't do anything with the girls or touch them as far as we know but he still shared a bed with all four of them is it better keeping this to myself or do i tell his girlfriend or encourage
Starting point is 00:40:59 sam to tell her i don't know if i'm making this a bigger deal than it needs to be so any of your great advice would be appreciated in advance thank you for reading up my dilemma and thank you for the advice love you bye oh i love you so much that is a tricky one first of all i'm really happy for you that you just have a good guy like what a gem i mean let's not praise the boys for doing the bare minimum here but i'm just saying i'm happy for you that sam is not your boyfriend this is difficult i really understand why you sent in this dilemma because you don't want to drop in your boyfriend there for being the gossip and telling you but you don't want to hold in this information and do this poor girl dirty but you also don't want to blow something out of proportion if you know you you've probably sat
Starting point is 00:41:45 there thinking would she even be pissed off about it am i react am i ever reacting is it a big deal am i making a big deal that is difficult um personally i'm telling her i'm personally i'm telling her and if it's gonna come back to my boyfriend he's going to own it and he's going to go well yeah i mentioned it you did why are you going to get me you did sleep in a bed before girls if you don't think there's nothing wrong with that why do you want me to tell my girlfriend that's the energy your boyfriend should be having well if it was innocent and if you don't think there's anything wrong with that why can't why can't i talk to my girlfriend about what happened on holiday if you know why is it a secret did something happen do you do you feel like that was probably
Starting point is 00:42:29 wrong why is that secret sam that's the energy we want from the bf hopefully that's what we'd get but i would just think i would just tell her and i would just say babe i don't i don't know if i'm blowing this up proportion you might not give a fuck about this, I'm only telling you this because it would bother me, but again, I might be really crazy and dramatic, like, oh, I'm a crazy girlfriend, whatever, but do you know Sam slept in a bed with four girls on holiday, like, apparently nothing happened, let me get that out there, obviously, this is just, you know, nothing happened, but I'm only telling you because it would annoy me, and I just feel like maybe you deserve to know in case it is something that you wouldn't be happy with. But obviously, if that's something that you're fine with, then fine.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And explain the story of like, you know, he said he just wanted to sleep in a bed because like all the boys in the lounge and stuff. And he didn't want to sleep in there. So he slept in a bed. But yeah, like apparently, obviously, they didn't touch or anything. I just felt like it was a weird thing for you to not be aware of. So I wanted to make sure you were aware of it just in case because personally that pissed me off so i felt like you had the right to know sorry don't shoot the messenger personally that's just me personally guys and that's only because i hate the thought of a poor girl thinking, my gorgeous boy being loyal and amazing on his last holiday,
Starting point is 00:43:47 I am so lucky, I love my beautiful Sam, Sam's in bed before girls and you deserve to know, that's, that's literally the only reason I'm telling her, my boyfriend, hopefully he'll have my back, he sounds like a gem, so hopefully he will, I don't know if I'm saying gem, like I never say that, he's such a gem, I never say that, but I'm saying now, i never say that he's such a gem i never say that but i'm saying now and yeah hopefully he'll just be like well what's wrong with me telling her you did why is it secret have you not told your girlfriend or something why haven't you told her why are you keeping secrets from your girlfriend why are you doing dodgy shit mate that ain't on i did tell you i did tell you to come sleep in the lounge but you you didn't want to. So it's up to you. That's your, that's your shit, mate. Don't get me involved.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Don't fucking get me involved. I think my girlfriend did the right thing. She had, she did have the right to know. And I stand by my girlfriend because she's, she's my whole world and more. But yeah, honestly, guys, that's me. That's what I'm doing in that situation. Let me know about you and what you would have done. that's me that's what I'm doing in that situation let me know about you and what you would have done all right love you so much you guys know what time it is you know what time it is let's get into the confession diaries it will always hold big place in my heart the full dedicated episodes to confessions they were a time but we don't get them sent in as much anymore we really don't we. We get so many dilemmas, which I love.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Keep them coming. There's never too many dilemmas, okay? We'll always get through them. But the confessions, they just went really quiet. And then they'll have like a big spur of loads of them again. But like I said, I feel like because I did so many dedicated episodes, I had so many where they were like the same confessions, literally 280. Which is kind of a nice feeling to know that like you're not the only one that's like made this crazy thing done this crazy thing
Starting point is 00:45:50 but also we need the content you know you guys so we have some good ones today we're going to read some now what have you guys been up to okay confession i want to sleep with the guy I told my ex not to worry about. He said it would be a kick in the teeth, but I don't care. Wait, so you told your ex I want to sleep with Dave? Because how do you know he said it's going to be a kick in the teeth? Have you communicated this with your ex-boyfriend? So remember when I told you there was nothing going on between me and Dave? um yeah i kind of want to have sex with him and he's like well would be a kick in the teeth or maybe when you were like breaking up he was like seriously if you go and sleep with dave now that'll be a serious kick in the teeth and you're like look you want to
Starting point is 00:46:40 i mean it's always the one they tell you not to worry about it it's always the one they tell you not to worry about, you know? It's always the one. How many of you has that happened to? The one they've told you not to worry about. It's always the one. Sometimes I feel like it's calculated. They do it because you were worried about them, you know? But then also I do feel like we have that gut feeling for a reason. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Well, I'm not going to say do it. But if you do, just send it in as a confession. All right. Next one. A guy ghosted me. So I had sex with my ex. And I needed it. Oh, not the validation.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Fuck the ex. Honestly, it's a thing. Like when you get rejected, like you break up with someone you're going through the breakup phase you're in your rebound era and then someone fucks you over or ghosts you or rejects you it's hey you up to the ex the validation fuck it's a thing hey babe you? Well, I really miss the nights we used to have. And then you feel sexy again. You feel validated.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And then it's like, okay, anyway, see ya. So fucked. It's wrong. It's wrong. But, I mean, everyone. I feel like everyone's done it. Or at least thought about it, know I mean it's life babe next one I cheated on my ex-boyfriend on holiday with my current boyfriend
Starting point is 00:48:15 wait I cheated on my ex-boyfriend on holiday with I'm fucking my brain is absolutely frazzled right so you're with a guy you've gone on holiday had sex with someone and now you're in a relationship with the person you slept with I'm well confused when I went to confess to him what I had done I felt horrible he told me with no remorse that he had gone on a date with a girl while I was away because he was bored the day before I cheated so I never told him I cheated too so you were both cheating and he confessed to you I went on a date with a girl by the way and you wrote everything going yeah you know what that's okay because I actually had sex with someone on holiday you were like oh my god I can't believe you did that I would never have done this
Starting point is 00:49:12 to you I would never have done this to you I mean I'm kind of confused about the whole ex-boyfriend current boyfriend situation but I'm I'm understanding that you both cheated at the same time and he confessed and you absolutely were going to confess until he confessed. I mean, it's kind of funny how you were like, I can't believe I got a tell him I cheated. And then he's like, I need to tell you something. I cheated on you. And then you're like, what? How could you do this to me? I mean, karma for both really. But I I mean he's your ex now so love you one more I keep sleeping with a guy who gave me an STD do you know what it's the bluntness of that for me I just keep sleeping with a guy that gave me an STD.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I hope with all of me that you are at least using condoms now. I really do. But I get a feeling you're not. I really get a feeling you're not. It's funny. It's a good one. It's a good one. Okay, another one.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I can't believe I'm writing these words, lol. But here's a confession. I almost orgasmed in a Pilates class. Wow. I need to get into a bit of Pilates. Oh my god. How many of you has that happened to? I wonder if that's like a universal thing that no one talks about. Could you imagine like everyone that goes to Pilates has this secret that they get like mad horny in Pilates. And they think they're the only one so they don't say it but actually everyone does. Well now the secret's out guys. Thanks Aaliyah on the line if it is a thing. Maybe I should do a Pilates lesson and come back with that one.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Guys, I almost orgasmed oh my god that's kind of crazy i love that though that must have been so good for your body it almost got you to orgasm wow i've been stunning really okay this one's crazy i cheated on my ex-boyfriend with his sister and he has no idea it never come out that's wild no that's wild it's never come out either i'd love to know how long ago this was because it's not often that people really truly just get away with it and take it to the grave but that from his sister is wild like the fuck that's fucking crazy man the fucking crazy man oh i love the confessions honestly stop what you're doing right now go to learontheline.com hit submit a confession
Starting point is 00:52:06 and send me your deepest darkest secret your most embarrassing story your most embarrassing memory the most your biggest secret even if it's a thought that you have something you even just think about and have never told someone tell me i will never tell anyone your name okay it's always anonymous oh love you guys thank you so much for trusting me with your confessions they were stunning beautiful keep it up let's wrap up the episode okay you guys this felt good this is like a throwback episode the good old days with the confessions we love it we love it here at leo on the line and i love you guys all of you every single one of you you oh was that scary that literally hurt my ears anyway i love you guys thank you so much for sending in your dilemmas confessions your response to the weekly
Starting point is 00:53:09 debate i also have some new buttons on my website so you can send in weekly i mean you can send in dilemma updates if you've ever sent in an update you can oh my god get your words right if you've ever sent in a dilemma you can now send an update. I'm also literally just about to add a button to add weekly debate ideas if you ever wanna send one in for that. So yeah, just keep on top of the website, guys. It's up and coming, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Leerontheline.com. Okay, guys, I love you so much. Hope you all have an amazing week. I am bringing back the quiz. We're doing another quiz, but this time I wrote the quiz, guys. And it's fucking good. Some of these facts are crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And I'm going to get Jamie back on to play the quiz with me. But I am going to ask him the questions. And obviously you guys, you have to play along. You have to either mentally think about your answers or even just literally get up your notes app and fully write them down and play along, babe. It's going to be so fun. I'm'm really excited that will probably be this week so stay tuned for that all right have an amazing week and i'll speak to you on friday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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