Leah on the Line - 87: Answering dilemmas with MY BOYFRIEND!

Episode Date: October 10, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leera and the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everybody how are you how's weekend? What have you guys been up to? We have a guest today. We have the BF. Here I am. Introduce yourself to anybody that hasn't listened before. Sum yourself up in three words. Northern. Northern.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And. Proper Northern geezer. Proper Northern. Lad. Lad. You don't say fella. I do fella. Proper Northern lad. Proper northern lad. You don't say fella. I do, fella. Proper northern lad.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Proper northern lad. Guys, has anyone ever seen two northerners bump into each other in public? It's like, oh, where are you from, lad? Where are you from? You're from Leeds. Oh, from Leeds. No way, it's all down the road from me. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:00:58 My auntie lives in Leeds. No way. Everyone knows each other. Honestly. But to be fair, like, when i was at the party the other night i met someone from bristol and i was like oh my god i live near bristol exactly so i i do get it if i was living up north and i met seveners i'd be like oh my god am i happy to hear your voice it's instant connection does it feel like home when you hear a northern accent 100 it's like when i was playing football and i joined the team yeah i met a northerner in training and it was god every time they walk past
Starting point is 00:01:30 each other you're right lad you're right mate are you going to game yeah yeah you're going to give you yeah yeah you guys remember when we went to portugal and the fucking stag do turned up they're all bloody northern listen i love northerners i sound like i have a problem with northerners i really don't i love i always wanted to manifest myself a northern husband i've said this a million times northern accent is my favorite accent but when northerners meet northerners oh my god it was class it was like half of leeds came literally half of leeds i love it it was it was class it was it was fun for you? Well, yeah. No, it wasn't. Obviously, there's 25 blokes and there's my missus, one woman in the middle of the pool. In a little tight bikini.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Good job she was on a period. Why? So we left. What do you think I'm going to do? No, it's obviously, you know, I was shielding you, weren't I? No. No, I wasn't really. You're going to start sounding crazy in a minute.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I wasn't. You were just making friends with them all. No, I wasn't really. You're going to start sounding crazy in a minute. I wasn't. You were just making friends with them all. So was I. Anyway, we're going really off track here. So,
Starting point is 00:02:31 you guys asked I deliver. I aim to please. And we wanted some boy advice, boy perspective. I don't like calling you a boy.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You're 27. Yeah, 27. Yeah, can't be calling you a boy. Come on, man Yeah, 27. Yeah, can't be calling you a boy. Come on, man. I'll give my best shot at what I can give. I'd say this could be pretty useful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 We've got some really good dilemmas, to be fair. When I picked them out, I thought, I'm interested to hear what Jamie has to say on this. We also have a weekly debate, which is relationship focused. So it will be interesting to hear your response, to be honest. Have you seen the weekly debate, hun? Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:08 I don't know. You don't know? I might have done. You definitely have. I don't really remember what I did today. No, it was up yesterday, honey. Ah, well, there you go then. Anyway, love you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Thank you so much for tuning in with us today. Thank you for being in our company. Yeah, thank you very much. Thank you so much for having us in your company. It amazing how good does that feel so good someone is like going about their day right now and they're having a chat with us somehow yeah ain't that nice it feels feels very special isn't it nice it's just great it's just great it's lovely so yeah guys i hope you all enjoy this episode i hope you find it a little bit useful um just remember jamie isn't an expert on being like the best guy yeah he is these days i'm getting these days but you've had your days
Starting point is 00:03:55 i've had my days where you're a little bit of a fucker yeah but haven't we all i have yeah you have which kind of a hey what did you just say no nothing what did you actually say absolutely nothing no what did you actually say i said never darling oh yeah so your chest next time never darling anyway so yeah i think that makes us good at being able to give a perspective do you know what i mean i've been through all sorts so have you yeah and we've been through i just had a bubble in my throat. We're quite honest, aren't we? Yeah, a bit.
Starting point is 00:04:28 You know, we're trying... Maybe... I don't know. Our perspective is not always the right one. We do disagree on... That's why it's called a perspective, mate. Exactly. And we will disagree, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, yeah. I'm sure, which also can be helpful as well, because you get two different perspectives. Yeah, exactly. And I would like to think that I'd know how some men would think yeah we are very simple i think i know how men think yeah i believe that i genuinely do you can believe what you like i'm not even joking right i genuinely believe i i just know what men think you want a cock do you i want a cock i said you earn a cock yeah i do dear yeah yours mate oh true that's a good shout all right guys love you let's get into
Starting point is 00:05:08 the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody let's get comfy let's get let's just get into this okay we have a weekly debate i'm interested to see what you're going to say on this one jamie because hmm well you'll see won't you all right yeah let's do it my question for you today everybody is is there always low-key a power dynamic in a relationship 100 or can it be equal i didn't even finish the fucking question honey so you obviously have a strong opinion that there is always a power dynamic maybe not always but there's definitely
Starting point is 00:05:59 i think i think there is usually a dynamic and it can change throughout this course of the relationship yeah that's what i think i think it changes don't get me wrong there are situations where it doesn't change yeah like this one just as i fucking should how much power have i got what like five percent no you don't think that i'd say it's like 60 40 you are having a laugh okay how how yeah like out of our whole relationship i think that i um i don't know how to explain this but like usually when we have like for example everyone argues i'm usually the one to say sorry and i know i'm usually the one because you're usually the one in the wrong yeah but do you know what's mad right we can have an argument or something like that and it's because i've done it i'm yeah all right but then leah can do the
Starting point is 00:06:55 exact same thing but there's for some reason for some weird you literally chat so much poo no for some circumstance she manages to wangle out of it because she's saying well i'm allowed to do that i can i can i'm allowed to do that it's absolute fact you you cause arguments 99.9 of the time oh see what i mean you do see what i mean you cause arguments 99 of the time what normal person can actually do that? Yeah, exactly. But it's not... No, right. Be fucking for real, mate. All right. Anyway, back to the topic.
Starting point is 00:07:27 No, be for real. For real? I say 60-40. You have to agree. Power? Yeah. Not a chance. Come on.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah. Yeah. Listen, you guys haven't just seen, right? This is how much power she's got, 60-40. She went 60-40 and nodded behind the screen and like gave me a face to say right you better nod you better agree that nod was be fucking honest here mate no this is what i mean the fairness yeah it's the fairness listen you think i have how much power then can we can we like level and i'll say right okay like 70 70 65 35 65 60 40 65 percent 60 40 65 35 60 40 all right
Starting point is 00:08:13 60 40 yeah see glad we agree anyway listen i'll tell you why this is one thing somebody said to me once relationships work best when the woman has more power. Happy wife, happy life. Is that what they say? No. Do you know what it is? I don't actually know what it is. But I do agree.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Because I, in my experience, I'm either, I feel reasonably balanced in power. Or I feel like I've got none. Would you say you feel reasonably balanced in power or i feel like i've got none would you say you feel reasonably balanced in power no come on come on you're making me sound really horrible like there is times where i mean we don't think i have to think about power because i don't really want a relationship where it's like power trip whatever but when it comes down to it no i think we're quite equal yeah like nobody nobody takes advantage of the other person's emotions nobody calls all the shots no and i think that's where it becomes unhealthy i'd say i pick the trousers i design the trousers i iron the trousers and they are my size and i wear them but you sometimes put a leg in right yeah yeah okay whatever good analogy yeah all right no okay anyway women's
Starting point is 00:09:39 debate so i think there is i think there is low key even if it is minor like 60 40 i think there is i think there is always low key even if it is minor like 60 40 i think relationships go through so much and the power does shift yeah so i believe that there is always some kind of power dynamic but like i said it's minor yeah sometimes minor but always yeah some to some extent i don't i don't know if i've ever felt 50 50 and even in friendships like anything yeah well i think you can be comfortable as well in relationships like you're happy for me for example i don't know if this is even an example of power but you get to choose what dinners we have because i don't really care no that who actually feels more secure all right to be honest like if we put it in different in a different way i think the person with less power
Starting point is 00:10:36 tends to be the person who feels less secure all right yeah you know and more disposable so if it's like a 80 20 power dynamic something wrong to feel 20 means you feel pretty disposable yeah and to be feeling 80 you're feeling pretty confident that if this relationship ends it's going to be on your terms so it's not about dinners it's not about dinners darling no all right well that switches it up a little bit doesn't it you know so we're very equal yeah we're very good to each other yeah i don't ever feel like um you know we're in a bad place or like disposable yeah disposable we look after each other yeah so would you agree 60 40 now yeah oh fantastic glad we glad we got there in the end see this is what i do guys i thought
Starting point is 00:11:25 we're on about dinner manipulation yeah yeah all right let's have a look what you guys are saying i'm interested okay it can definitely be equal with some people stepping up and letting go at different points okay so i'm not sure if this person means you know like i keep seeing tiktoks recently where people are talking about who is you know they say like relationships should be 50 50 and in terms of effort and somebody said like that's not the case like sometimes i might only have 20 in the tank yeah and that 80 is on you yeah and relationships are like that like one day we might be 50 50 we're giving it's given even right yeah and then another day it might be i've got so much going on right now that i don't actually have as much love to give you today as i did last week yeah so i'm
Starting point is 00:12:17 giving 30 you're giving 70 yeah i keep seeing that but that that's not power if if you mean that thing so i'm talking power it's hard to explain that it's quite a toxic idea it is but i do think low-key it is there yeah but i think that that can also come from you know your background as well so someone could go into a relationship feeling quite insecure and you're already on a disadvantage in the power sector you say that but i would i know what it feels like to feel like 10 power right and in this relationship i feel 50 50 60 40 on the odd day yeah you know yeah all right so i don't know it definitely is a thing like there definitely can be experiences where maybe you've been been
Starting point is 00:13:05 in relationships where you genuinely feel like you have no power and they wear the trousers they call all the shots they could end the relationship at a flip of a hat is that the same flip of a kind no flip of a hat that's definitely saying guys it might be a flip of a heart yeah i'm literally making it up i bet anyway so i can imagine that if you have never felt like an equal power relationship you might naturally just take that role true do you know what i mean true i think i don't know how to be the power one you know i think it becomes more evident you know like let's say you had children house together and powers can shift there can't they so like you know if you own the house when they get more equal yeah no but it depends like if you move into someone's house and then you you know you're
Starting point is 00:13:49 dropping everything or you're doing you're making sacrifices you can end up losing that power yeah do you know what i mean true okay carrying on with what you guys think someone says i think there's always someone who wears the trousers. Yeah, if we're talking about wearing trousers. I guess that is what it is in a nutshell. Yeah. Yeah. Who wears the trousers is basically what power dynamics is all about. That changes day by day, but apparently I wear women's trousers.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Okay. I think it can be equal. Someone says always a power dynamic for sure. I think yes, but it can change. I agree. I definitely agree. It's never 50-50. Someone always makes the final decision about something.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Someone says when a guy thinks he's in charge, he usually isn't. Yeah, I think that. No, I disagree. It depends though because you can gain control by not being like so like controlling with it if that makes sense surrendering the control yeah so you let them think that they've got control but they're really down oh right is that what you're doing yeah it can definitely be equal but it might fluctuate but always evens out yes honey it's me somebody says um i've always felt like my boyfriend is slightly more obsessed with me and i love it yeah well that's see that
Starting point is 00:15:13 she's feeling like she has more power she has more power i'd like to think that i'm the same with you yeah because this is i don't know if i actually said this what i was gonna say somebody said relationships always work more if the guy is more obsessed with the girl than the girl's obsessed with the guy yeah i could see that somebody said that to me once i can see that because a guy can like give up really easy for some reason yeah they like but so can girls yeah true yeah it's an it's an interesting one i don't know where i stand on that because i if somebody said to me gun to my head who's got who's who wears the trousers i wouldn't be able to give a solid answer between me and you so i'd say we're reasonably equal yeah it depends
Starting point is 00:15:54 on what day really yeah but is is one of us low-key wearing some kind of trouser who would you think low-key me if i had if i had to like think about it what do you think but then i i don't think that's a toxic thing because i think i'm actually i think this relationship is the one i feel most secure in myself in so i think that's where my power comes from it's like the feeling of like i don't actually i don't know it's like it's a relationship where i don't feel like it's all i've got you know like that awful feeling when you're in a relationship you're like oh my god like what am i without this person because that's actually not a good way to feel and i've felt like that it's not a good way yeah and i think that this is the first relationship I've been in where I'm like you are everything to me but also I have so much that is just about
Starting point is 00:16:51 me and my life yeah no I think obviously the power kind of covers a lot of like it's like an umbrella of what's going on in your relationship and that is like you know like you say if you put everything into one relationship and you sacrifice other things that's where the power can be taken from you for sure okay so that is an interesting debate we can't really get to the bottom of that one thank you for all of your responses guys thoroughly enjoyed what do you think the actual response overall response was because it seemed like most people are saying there is one yeah yeah most people are but there were a few that says it can definitely be equal it can be equal but yeah most people kind of said the same thing like someone always wears the trousers but this is where it gets a bit like
Starting point is 00:17:33 sticky do you think if the powers are like strong one way that the relationship will fail because i think it's how it says a lot sometimes that works for people yeah i suppose sometimes they're like i like it yeah some people you know what I mean? Sometimes I like it. Yeah, some people like not having the power and some people like it. Yeah. It works for them. It works for some people. For me, it would make me insecure.
Starting point is 00:17:54 For me, I wouldn't want all the power. And second of all, I wouldn't want to feel powerless either. No. I think sometimes having all the power is not a good thing. That's when people get taken for granted and people get like manipulated and do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:10 anyway guys kind of a heavy debate heavy but I am excited for these I'm excited for these so get comfy guys buckle up keep your hands and feet in the car oh my god there's this maze in Bristol guys it's not even God. There's this maze in Bristol, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's not even a maze. It's like a scare park. I've never even heard about it. Avon Valley, isn't it? Avon Summit. Yeah, Avon. Avon Valley. Isn't that water?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Probably. Isn't that a water brand? I'm probably wrong. It's just Avon. Well, it's in Canesham, right? Avon Summit, anyway. And it looks sick. And we are defo going.
Starting point is 00:18:43 It looks so scary. So it's the best scare attraction in the UK for two years. And I've never even heard of it. It looks sick. And we are defo going. It looks so scary. So it's the best scare attraction in the UK for two years. And I never even heard of it. It looks unreal. Do I live under a rock or what? But we're going. Anyway, guys, let's get into some dilemmas. Okay, you guys.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'm actually going to let you kick off and read the first one. Good luck, everybody. Good pressure. Good luck. Yeah, it's too bad we can't get like subtitles on for your northern accent. Yeah, sorry about this. Whoever sent this in. Loud and clear, babe.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Hey, Leah. Saw your story on Insta and feel like a middle perspective on my current dilemma would be helpful. Alrighty. Sorry in advance. This may be a long one. We love the long ones. Don't worry, babe.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I don't. Not reading them out. Yeah a long one. We love the long ones. Don't worry, babe. I don't. Why? I'm reading them out. Yeah, not for you. You shafted me. What's that mean? Never mind. So a couple of months ago I saw my neighbour, in brackets, he lives in the flat directly below me. Okay. On Bumble. I didn't swipe
Starting point is 00:19:39 him as I... Babe, I honestly can't read this. You can't? I didn't swipe him as I thought the whole thing was a bit close to home and could obviously end badly. Yeah. It could, can't it? Uh-huh. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Fast forward a couple of weeks and I'm out with my friends and some of his mates come over and start saying how this guy has seen me around and really fancies me. Ooh, okay, babe. Again, I thought I'm not sure about this and brushed off some of the comments saying i wasn't interested oh ouch okay a bit rude yeah no don't call her rude i'm joking i'm joking thank you another week goes by have you said have you heard they're protecting you though another week goes by
Starting point is 00:20:17 and i'm on my way home from a night out with my best friend and we open my bumble to have a look at the talent to pass time on the train. The talent, yeah. The talent. Anyway, he comes up, but this time he's super swipe me. Keen. Very keen. Look, Keen being over here. Jesus. Okay. I've since learned you have to pay to do this, lol.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You have to pay. Oh my god, ick. I'd literally block him. If somebody paid to swipe me, I'd literally block them. You have to pay to swipe. What the hell? Okay. And having had a few drinks, to swipe me i'd literally block them you have to pay to swipe what the hell okay and having a
Starting point is 00:20:45 and having had a few drinks i thought fuck it i'll match with him yeah the next day i get a message saying how he's been seen me about and how crazy that we live so close etc okay it's given it's given stalker it's giving you yeah i've seen you and we want me to notice you you want me to know you hello you okay right we continue and we end up chatting for hours i'll slay and seem to get on really well slay there you go even i was surprised with how much we had in common oh i'm real see that's i'll comment on that in a sec oh maybe he's been following you, yeah? This is what I mean. And he's been watching where you go to your favourite restaurant.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And you're like, I love Gino's Italian. And then he's like, that's crazy. I love Gino's Italian. But it's because he's been watching you go there, mate. Exactly. Maybe he's been listening through the wall with a glass. With a glass. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I've done that before. It actually works. It does. that before. It actually works. It does. It helps. It actually works. It's like a little speaker. Anyway, we continue. We were both super busy that week, so it was a few days before he suggested going for a
Starting point is 00:21:54 drink, and I agreed. Okay, babe. Okay. Be safe out there. Be safe. It was a loveliest evening, and we got on so well in person, too. After this day, I went away for a few days the following week however we had plans to see each other again and we're messaging non-stop during this period
Starting point is 00:22:10 wow obsessed obsessed with each other yeah we love i would literally wake up to a good morning text each day oh my goodness brownie points and he would check in throughout the day the dream the dream seems like something's gonna happen don't it of course it's a dilemma honey do you listen to this true can't be good imagine someone just sending something good like it's perfect yeah i'm like well that's that's all i got then good for you so the next time i see him we go for dinner and the drinks decide to end the night early okay and come back to watch a film at one of our flats. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 A little movie night. Yeah. Okay, babe. Okay. After some more wine, we end up having sex. Oh, saw that coming. Knew it. Slay.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Did you watch the whole film? That's what I want to know. Probably not. Probably not. You never end up watching the whole film. And he stays the night. Maybe a bit quick in hindsight, but I felt right. Oh, yeah. Fuck it. Yeah. And I genuinely thought he was a good guy. stays the night maybe a quick maybe a bit quick in hindsight but i felt right oh yeah fuck it yeah
Starting point is 00:23:06 and i generally thought he was a good guy oh thought thought emphasis on the thought guys yeah what are we all thinking so far come on let's get into it when he left my flat the next morning he said see you soon and we both went out there went about our days i was out with my friends for a brunch and drinks that afternoon and as the day was going by i thought it was strange i hadn't heard of him considering how good he usually was at checking in early evening my friends were like just send him a message yeah fuck it blow his phone up yeah just said 10 question mark why the fuck haven't you messaged me but he's probably just busy and lost track of time so i sent i send a message asking how his day has been yeah and i don't get a reply oh that's rough although he's online oh that's rough
Starting point is 00:23:57 oh that is awful i put my phone away and tried not to think about it but i just knew something had changed you just, don't you? You just have a feeling. You just feel it. He eventually replied, but the most blunt response. So I decided to leave it and see if he had more to say the next day. Good for you. That's patience, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:17 It's giving self-respect. It's giving self-respect. Yeah, love that from her. That would not be me. On Sunday, I try messaging normally but it literally was taking four plus hours to apply between messages and giving the most un uh unenthusiastic responses which made me feel like shit yeah so it should that is awful i'd be like so it would or whatever yeah anyway look at her anyway I decided to give him some more space and see if he reaches out to me okay slay slay slay love that love that idea you've got a lot of patience I can't lie two days later I'm I sent a message literally asking if something
Starting point is 00:24:59 had happened as I didn't want to sound accusatory and get across is that a word accusatory accusatory accusatory accusatory god knows i probably pronounced it wrong it's definitely a word i am norving anyway and just get across the point that i'm genuinely confused he said he's been busy and stressed out with work but nothing's happened, fucking let me know next time, you prick. It just don't make sense, does it really? No, the maths ain't math-ing. So again, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. And I said I hope all is okay and leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:25:35 We are nearly a week on now and I haven't heard anything from him. Again, however, last night when I was having a night in with my friend and we saw him through the window, walking up the main entrance with a girl even though it was quite dark and positive it was him oh so we're not 100% sure she's positive i'm writing this on a sunday and still feel physically sick thinking how how has another girl come into the picture so fast? Or maybe she was always on the scene and he's just picked her over me. Oh, maybe you're a secret term. Either way, this is a horrible situation
Starting point is 00:26:14 and any advice or thoughts on what could have gone wrong, I'm much appreciated. Would lover boys take and pretty much all my friends are girls, lots of love. Just to add we're also both 30 so not like 21 years old i would grow up and doesn't know better okay the biggest issue so far is not whether or not he's seeing other girls it's the lack of communication i agree like if you are being with other girls whatever that's fine first of all just let me know second of all just just
Starting point is 00:26:46 reply to me yeah you don't even have to tell me about the other girls at this point just fucking reply to me have a bit of respect i've literally slept with you i think personally you've had a patience of a saint because like i i would have probably bit uh the fact i mean you can give someone the benefit of doubt like there is times yeah but you don't want to push him away that's why no it's true
Starting point is 00:27:07 so like the initial bit should have been a bit more communication from him and then the next day was where it went wrong I think
Starting point is 00:27:13 what you thinking what's going on with him I think she's you know because I can tell you what I think she should do but what do you think is going on with him
Starting point is 00:27:21 well I think she's quite right there I think she's actually on the right tracks about what usually you wouldn't think these things if you know it's it's unclear whether it's actually him or not yeah but like you know if she knows what floor is on it's most likely is and also i think even if we take out that he may or may not have took someone back to his one night the way he's treating you is not... It's still a problem. The facts we've got are still a problem.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Do you know what I think? I think he doesn't deserve any more of your time. No, but what I will say is it would make sense that there is another girl. Because if he's like slowly, well not slowly, he's quite quickly taken contact away from you. Yeah. There's something else. Yeah, she may have just come onto the scene and that's why the communication dropped so quick or maybe he slept with you and then was like shit
Starting point is 00:28:12 i'm actually seeing someone and he's feeling guilty so he's like fizzling out yeah i i think it's one of the two of them because there's do you believe in the box theory jamie what's box theory so a guy always knows what his intentions are with you yeah whether that be sex or a relationship or whatever else yeah he always knows from day one and they don't change and they will they will pursue it until they it's done yeah if until they either achieve what they want whether that be relationship or sex whatever or they'll eventually give up i would agree you think it's true so maybe it's a box theory maybe he saw you and was like oh my god that girl is so sexy i really want to sleep with her and she did it and then that was it and now he's like sweet yeah i mean that's the case that makes my blood boil yeah but like how dirty what kind of like how dirty of him. I'm sorry, what kind of prick?
Starting point is 00:29:05 How dirty of him. Like it's on his front doorstep as well. Literally. Don't shit where you eat. Don't shit on your own doorstep? Yeah, but also don't shit where you eat. Yeah. It's like on Cat in the Hat where the fish talks and he goes,
Starting point is 00:29:17 are you going to listen to him? He drinks where he pees. Yeah, but exactly right. So like your next door. And if he was going to do any of that sort of stuff you think he'd have a bit more about it makes me think like his intentions were never to just use you and take the piss because like we're saying you live on the same street whatever it was apartments whatever so he it's not like he thought oh i'm just going to use this girl and never see her again because he knows he can't ghost you.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Which makes me think. Something's come up in between all of this. It could be an ex. She could be his ex. It could be a previous fling that he, you know, a girl that he really liked. Maybe you weren't meant to, like, not in a bad way, but I don't think he maybe thought he was going to get you. He fucking pursued her, though. He got his mates in there to put a word in i just think maybe he thought well i'm not
Starting point is 00:30:08 gonna get her so like i'm just playing with it but they were talking loads he sent her good morning messages every day yeah but this is what i mean i think okay do you think she should ghost it and drop it and go, oh, fuck you then. Or should she go, I don't know, I don't think she should knock on his door, but should she demand an explanation? My personal opinion is if you, you know, I think you should have respect, which you quite clearly do about yourself. And he will come back at some point, whether that be in a couple of weeks or a month or whatever. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:30:50 He will come back and he'll be like, what's going on? Acting like he doesn't have a clue. I think when you just go, all right, then fucking sin a bit, mate. Yeah. And then you stop giving him attention. Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's when he might be like,
Starting point is 00:31:01 hold up a minute. I hadn't heard from her for a while. What happened to her? I'm going to give her a message. Does she not care? What was that? heard from her for a while wait what happened to her i'm gonna give her a message does she not care what's she not bothered that i don't talk to her no more next on it'll feel hard done by but you know at the end of the day you can explain then if you've got anything down you want to say maybe give him it then but yeah just be like look i slept with you and then you ghosted so my thoughts fuck First impressions, not looking very good. No. But is there a reasonable excuse?
Starting point is 00:31:32 What could be going on here? No, personally. Might not have been him. Maybe he does have a lot going on at work. But at the same time, you should be letting me know, hey, just so you know, or hey, sorry, I've been a bit distant recently. I've got a lot going on but i promise there's nothing to do with you maybe you could go about it like this somehow find out if there is another girl we're spying yeah maybe do a little bit of role reversal maybe we stalk him
Starting point is 00:31:56 for a bit we stalk him see where he's eating pizzas and gina's italian and that no i just think that definitely confirm if it was another girl because it could be a genuine excuse do you think she should drop it or do you think she should send another message because at the end of the day nothing worse than being like what's fucking gone on you've used me blah blah blah and then they're like whoa calm down yeah but it would just turn to that though because he'll think to himself well i've given an excuse i've told i'm busy i've been at work do you know i mean like he worked because the way i always i would say this to all the listeners right whenever they feel ghosted or rejected or dropped by someone i will say when you send that message of like i really liked you like i
Starting point is 00:32:37 didn't even want to fucking give you a chance in the first place then we went on these dates and you slept with me do you know how that's made me feel they all they think is oh my god go away you're obsessed with me all they think is like fuck off yeah it's kind of read it and think oh because i'm so shit they just think oh my god this fucking girl's sending me long texts now i mean the truth you've heard the saying if he wanted to he would right and it does kind of ring true that like he's it's true in this scenario yeah if he wanted to if he wanted to let me know you're busy you would yeah i wouldn't have to ask you know he wouldn't he wouldn't do what he's doing right now and the way he's treating you is not very good i think what i would do if i was you is call off back off yeah and i'm i'd be pretty convinced you will get an explanation at some point but i
Starting point is 00:33:28 would just go well that's the end of that then yeah i'd re-evaluate you know what's actually gone on see if there's anything you actually do want to do about it well no i just wouldn't give it any more of my time like yeah you've text them and text them and text them and give them days and then text them again and then followed up and then followed up again and it's like you've got to get to a point where you think all right message received fuck off then thanks for the disrespect like you could have let me know where your head was at but you haven't so whatever i mean you didn't even want him in the first place exactly you know that's what you gotta remember you gotta remember it's you know it's not a short time you wanted me you literally wanted me yeah obsessed with me mate he'll come crawling back because he he did
Starting point is 00:34:09 he will eventually whether it be because he wants to have sex with you again or whether it be because he wants your attention again or because he wishes he never fucked things up but either way it'll happen and hopefully you can have your say then yeah you. You know? I agree. Good for you, babe. I think you handled yourself well throughout it all though. Definitely. Yeah, definitely. All right, love you, babe. Next dilemma. Hey, babes.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I think I need Jamie's opinion on this because I don't really speak to any other guys who I'd feel comfortable having this kind of conversation with. I'm here. So, since me and my boyfriend had babies, our sex life has been almost non-existent. Probably happens two or three times a month. I don't think been almost non-existent probably happens two or three times a month i don't think that's non-existent like we're touching almost once a week which i think
Starting point is 00:34:52 pretty good i think it's not bad it's not it's not the worst there are couples that be like we haven't had sex in months yeah you've got to look at it in that sense definitely but anyway that's not that's not the dilemma. We'll carry on. So my boyfriend will sort himself out every now and again. That word in. Sort himself out? Is that even for real? What's he sorted?
Starting point is 00:35:15 He's wanking. Oh. Yeah. Which I don't mind at all. He's got to do what he's got to do. But a while ago now, I saw he was sorting himself out to half-naked girls on his explore page on Insta. Oh, my God. You don't know about that?
Starting point is 00:35:33 No, that's fucking weird. That is bad. Guys, imagine some guy is just wanking over you on Instagram. You don't know. That is bad. Someone's boyfriend. I mean, even if, yeah know that is some someone's boyfriend i mean even if yeah that is bad i told him i didn't like that and it made me feel shit about myself because my body's changed since
Starting point is 00:35:50 having kids etc oh babe do you know what even if you wasn't dealing with that no i don't think anybody would like that that is regardless of like this whole issue you're having with your body being changed and new and accepting your new body it's still shit do you know what i mean yeah it's not acceptable i used to feel really confident in my body and now i don't that's see that's so shit because like what he's doing is now affecting her self-esteem even more i think there's nothing sexier right than the woman who's had your children even i ain't had any children yeah i was thinking well she? No, but just like the thought of it. Because it ain't me.
Starting point is 00:36:26 The thought of it. And I'm like, yeah, I know your body changes and all that, but that's... Yeah. They've had your child. Yeah. And they should be... You should just love them. Okay, we'll carry on.
Starting point is 00:36:34 We'll carry on. Before he would use porn sites, he told me it helps him be quicker. I'm actually going to vomit. Be quicker. Because he can use his imagination more looking at a photo of girls in their underwear oh my god so he's literally just said to you porn's a bit boring now i like looking at actual random girls on instagram so that i can imagine fucking them that's what i like this is actually blowing my mind but i'll give my say in a sec that is that makes more sense he thinks you're gonna go oh fair enough makes sense thanks for
Starting point is 00:37:10 telling me like what is the difference between a girl sending him a nude and him going well i just do it because i can imagine fucking them it's and you're going well fair enough just masturbation i suppose yeah what what no no no are you fucking on drugs yeah it's just it's not making sense when he told me this it made me feel even worse yeah don't blame me yeah he said he would stop because of how it made me feel and said he wouldn't do it again i would i don't know if i'd ever be able to let that go you know that's damaging that's a violation yeah after a couple of weeks his explore page was all cars football etc and no girls can i have a look at your explore page let's have a look all right one sec ready guys i'm gonna i'll
Starting point is 00:37:53 let you know what is on jamie's explore page could you imagine if it was all half naked girls right now okay jamie i've just seen you've got a message from someone about a fucking Xbox you're gonna buy an Xbox aren't you ICBA right let's go on his explore page guys okay
Starting point is 00:38:10 we've got um whoever that is some bloke three guys in Ibiza we've got stop looking at men
Starting point is 00:38:20 um some Man United player we've got a couple there Man United yeah look in a Man United player. We've got a couple there. Man United? Yeah, look.
Starting point is 00:38:28 In a Man United shirt. That was disgusting. We've got some... They're all Italian men. Wow. What the hell? Have you kept refreshing? They're literally all boys. It's a good thing, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I wouldn't dare look at another woman. We've got a lot of tattoos. Yeah, well, I do look at tattoos, to be fair. Yeah, okay. I think you're safe. We'll refresh. Definitely safe. We'll do one more refresh.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I've got some couples, some couples, some tattoos, some trainers, and some boys. Okay. Yeah. Easy peasy. I don't look at women. You want to look at my explore not really no why what do you think it's gonna be loads of half-naked men let's actually have a look you too what is it okay we've got yourself a lot of nose jobs oh god we have one of um i don't know
Starting point is 00:39:20 who that is but she's absolutely gorgeous. We've got Hannah Montana, real. We've got this gorgeous girl, this gorgeous girl. Is it your profile? More nose drops. Who's that guy? It's a nose drop freak. Oh, we've got Zach from Love Island. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Guys, one sec. Lana and Ron. Just going to stop the pod. What? That's from May. They're definitely broken up, guys. Lana and Ron. gonna stop the pod what that's from May they're definitely broken up guys Lana and Ron Ron Weasley we've got lots of couples
Starting point is 00:39:52 and lots of gorgeous girls she has got an unbelievable body I'm depressed anyway literally back to the dilemma anyway what did I get up to
Starting point is 00:40:03 so his his I'm not finished yet babe yeah but I wanna make sense of this has his explore page gone back to the dilemma anyway what did i get up to so is his i'm not finished yet baby yeah but i want to make sense of this as his explore page gone back to football and cars so no women and no women at this point ready all of a sudden it's like 80 half naked girls again and he's saying he hasn't started looking at them again that's bullshit that's literally what she says next word bullshit do you understand what he means by this yeah i'm he means i'm a big fucking liar yeah he's lying to you now i genuinely feel cheated
Starting point is 00:40:32 on when he uses instagirls and i can't figure out why it makes me feel like that when i'm okay with porn but it really makes me feel shit would love to hear your opinions thank you love you yeah it's a bit of a head fuck trying to explain the difference between that and porn it becomes more personal so like it's for example yeah it's personal i can't explain it but let's say he had photos of ex-partners or people on his camera already said oh well i'm not watching porn anymore i've got photos of girls on my camera i'm just gonna use that my imagination yeah like what's the difference between him using news on his phone from exes yeah or just girls or whatever and strangers like what is the real difference it's it's much more personal it feels very personal and it's i can understand why you you find it it's almost like cheating. Yeah, I do. Because porn, I get it, it's there for that reason.
Starting point is 00:41:27 They are being paid to do it. Yeah, and you can disengage from the emotional side. It's a sex show. It's more of an emotional thing. Yeah. I think if you saw someone, let's say, for example... I don't think emotional is the word. No.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's more of a... I can't explain it, but... It's really tough, and I can imagine it's really hard for you to articulate your feelings because i'm struggling to articulate why i agree that it's shit it blows my mind because i'm not i'm not someone who even watches porn but put it this way imagine you was looking at boys on instagram with sexy bodies yeah fucking finger blasting. Sorting yourself out.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And telling him that. He wouldn't like it. Screenshotting him. Saving him for later because you like that one in particular. Imagining that they was on top of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:18 It does. I can't get my head around it. Maybe say that. Maybe say, how would you feel if I had all these screenshots and I told you, sometimes I get my head home. Maybe say that. Maybe say, how would you feel if I had all these screenshots and I told you, sometimes I get my little rabbit out and I imagine they're fucking me.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. And it's great. And it's quicker. It's quick. It's so quick. It gets me there quick. Because it's so fucking horny. Honestly, it's lightning speed.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Because they're that fit. And then he'll think about it and he'll be like, shit. Yeah, maybe you should do it. Because that is bad. Like, seriously bad. because they're that fit and then he'll think about it and he'll be like shit yeah maybe that is bad like seriously bad i think like it's what do you do for me it's it's i'm not gonna lie it's a sackable offense i was just about to say but i don't know it aside from the fact that it feels like betrayal and cheating and stuff it's actually fucking so gross and it is it is bad that is so unattractive that would literally give me the biggest ick well let me tell you from a lad's perspective right if any lad in any like any circumstance went
Starting point is 00:43:18 lads right do any of you just uh just look on your explore page and give it a little tug? No. Do you reckon that's a common thing? You'd get ripped into. You'd get ripped into. You'd be like, what the fuck? You think that? Yeah, but like... It's not common? No.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Not at all. So it's not common for blokes to like wank over Instagram? Not... Only if... Like, let's say, for example, I was talking to you and there was some really sexy photos of you that you'd sent me. Oh my god. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah? Yeah. Like, personal photos that you'd sent me. Right, so that's not the same? No, not on Explore page, not on your actual profile, because that's not for that intention. It makes me feel ill. Like, imagine someone looking at your profile and doing that.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Screenshotting it and going, save that for later. Listen, if you'd have said that to any boy, any lad, any of his mates, lads, this is what I do, they'd be like... How would you feel if I was doing it? It's a sack of water, I'd be like that. For me, and I know it's not cheating, but it feels like you are cheating, that you literally... Are looking at someone and wanting to chug them.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Looking at other men, and most likely they're going to be people that... Like, the people, the girls that come up, I guarantee they'll be, like, close in location to him. Because the problem is... Yeah, true. Unless they're, like... They're there.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Instagram influencers and stuff. But the thing is, right, not only is he looking at someone and thing and thinking i'd love to have sex with you he's screenshotting it he's coming back to it having a tug yeah that saying actually makes me feel sick i can't believe i just said that having a tug starting himself out having a tuggy i'm watching too much weller at the moment yeah that's where i've got it from yeah watching mean, looking at these girls and wanking over them. And not only that, not just wanking over the fact that he thinks they're sexy,
Starting point is 00:45:13 imagining that he's having sex with them. It's like, right, listen, let's put it in this perspective, because I think social media blows a hell of a lot of things out of your brain. Let's say he was looking at girls on the street it's just a random girl it's it makes you know it's quick like what's the difference i know it's social media they're taking a photo but i find it vile i don't like it i personally think it's a sack of offense because it's like he's addicted to it like you've asked him to stop and he has for a bit but he's gone back to it and he's lied
Starting point is 00:45:45 i'm sorry my for you my explore page is all the shit that i'm interested in yes um and i'm not interested in have naked italian men but it's just that's i've just said yes um but it's just it's your vibe it's your aesthetic yes my aesthetic i've looked at gym like gym stuff yeah tattoos mine's nose jobs and gorgeous girls that i look at and go i'm a gorgeous wish i was you yeah well i don't wish i'm glad i've got you don't need to look at any girl thanks so yeah personally babe i i'm really sad for you because i don't know how you come back from it it's a hard one because even if you sorted it and explained all these like issues that would still sit on your mind and it would still be an insecurity so it's hard to get over and i feel i do feel
Starting point is 00:46:35 sorry for you i think it's a sackable offense but obviously that's so easy to say so how do you work through it the way that you'd work through it for me is he'd have to be quite open and honest right and just actually realize where you're coming from and how wrong you view it and how others would potentially view it maybe put him in the perspective of what do you think if i was doing it like looking at men yeah i think we need to get to a place where he has agreed not to do it anymore yeah definitely and then furthermore you need to focus on getting your self-confidence back because he has obviously made you feel a certain way but the way you're feeling right now let's work on that let's focus on yourself you know yeah don't forget how amazing and gorgeous you are it doesn't come from anyone
Starting point is 00:47:25 else and i know it's easy to say as well because you want your partner to love you you want your partner to think you're the sexiest thing ever which they should but they should it shouldn't be what your self-confidence depends on and it obviously isn't like your self-confidence issues have come from your body changing and stuff like that this just doesn't help yeah but i think let's work on getting your self-esteem back and and making sure that you just doesn't help yeah but i think let's work on getting your self-esteem back and and making sure that you fall back in love with yourself because then i think it's so much easier to navigate these situations when you are sure of yourself and confident in your skin again yeah because it's about how you can get over it not about how he can always like
Starting point is 00:48:00 you know he can make it better to up until a point yeah but you need to you need to feel good in yourself too yeah exactly oh i love you gorgeous girl all right next dilemma delete his instagram yeah i fucking would all right hi lovelies i have a question for jamie is a guy ever too busy to reply once a day i've been on a few dates with a guy who seemed mega interested then had to travel for work this week we messaged on saturday night then he didn't reply to me until thursday just saying he was exhausted yes he hadn't been online on whatsapp much but surely when a guy gets into bed or wakes up he'll think about us if he's interested and text us back i asked if he wants to do something next week and he hasn't replied so i
Starting point is 00:48:45 said never mind never mind then am i being too harsh surely if he liked me he would have messaged me even if he is super busy just a simple yes i'd love to see you or check my calendar when i'm home would have been enough damn thoughts it's tough because there's no excuse for not messaging like once a day. You should have a lot more than that in your tank. I just think that... I think there's got to be people out there that don't message people every day. Yeah, there is that.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And I think that maybe just needs to be... I mean, he's kind of communicated saying he's busy. And if that is the case, let's say that it is just the truth and he genuinely just isn't really a messenger and really doesn't deep it.'s say he is banging to you but he just doesn't message he just needs to be with someone that is okay with it and maybe you're not to be honest because yeah it doesn't sound like that's not for me yeah and then nothing wrong with that it's not for me but i like to hear from someone every day yeah so and i think from another perspective as well so with the arranging of you know things to do when he gets
Starting point is 00:49:51 back or just a simple message it's tough because a guy don't want to let you down either so to suggest it and maybe not be able to do it or maybe not know when he's free that's just disrespect yeah i get that we would all rather be told i'm not free than oh yeah be ignored oh well i didn't know he's ignoring i made my miss that bit but yeah yeah if he's ignoring then yeah that's a bit crap he should be explaining that i don't know if i'm gonna be free and i know it's a bit of a mess that's what she's saying she said just a simple yeah i'd love to i'll check when i'm home yeah that's a bit crap i think the best thing to do is we can't assume because like you said he hasn't actually been on whatsapp much so maybe he doesn't he just doesn't know his
Starting point is 00:50:31 phone much which is fine but obviously that leaves you in the dark a lot so i think what i would do is just sort of detach from it a little bit not completely like keep the door ajar yeah and then just see what happens with it yeah i agree i just tried not to get too attached and be waiting for replies and checking is online and yeah because it can get easy to getting down one of them yeah when you're on the last scene and yes it's toxic in your own mind and just maybe take a deep breath and just go i'm not gonna deep this situation i'm not gonna put too much pressure on it. I'm not that into it. We'll just see what happens.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Come up with your own distractions. Stick to your own, like, you know, what's good for you. It's another one of them, right? Like, they're not all your happiness. And he will message. Well, this is the thing. Either he doesn't message much or he's not that into it yeah it's one of the other so i think if you just detach a little bit yeah either outcome
Starting point is 00:51:33 you might get some clarity yeah what's that saying something about peace of mind always choose peace of mind so if you if you want to know where you stand with someone or if you've got a question that is weighing on your mind whether that be to a friend to your employer to your partner always choose peace of mind so just ask yeah just i mean no harm in asking if you don't get the answers and that's that's kind of your answer as well yeah all right babe love you okay let's do one more hey leah and jamie hello i have a dilemma that i think jamie in particular might be able to help me with i feel so special right now i feel so irrelevant on the line yeah here i am so i've been seeing a guy for two months now and things are going really well we aren't actually together
Starting point is 00:52:23 yet but defo exclusive we know we don't want anyone else but each other we had a drunk conversation about what we are as we haven't spoken about that it's a bit of a hard thing to bring up i find now i said i'm ready for a relationship i want to be with him and he said he does too but he isn't sure when the typical time is to make it official sorry because he's never had a proper relationship before he's just dated so he said his he asked his friends who are a big group of lads and they told him it's too soon and he should wait a bit how do you fucking know anyway now because his friends are the only people he goes to about these things he's listened to them and told me this is one of them this is one of the reasons he isn't sure about making it official yet
Starting point is 00:53:09 from a guy's perspective jamie would you think two months is too early if i asked my girls the same question they would just say it's relative and if you're basically together anyway then you might as well make it official but i don't know how guys see it and i'm with him oh sorry and with him not being in a relationship before he's unsure when is the right time we both know we want to be with each other but I've said the ball is in your court now kind of thing because I've made it clear I'm ready everything is going perfect and the last two months have been amazing with him he's got no red flags and it's going well I'm just unsure how long I want sorry how long i wait for him to say he wants to be in a relationship as i'm not waiting forever but also i can't even imagine losing him as i really believe
Starting point is 00:53:51 he's the one for me please help love you bye right yeah okay let's unpack i'm gonna unpack for you and i'm gonna like back him a little bit only in the way of lad groups can be a little bit like i kind of do believe him when he says that i've said it's too soon because no boy yeah there's like it depends i want to know if the boys are in relationships or not because if they're all single they won't want him to go in a relationship i'm getting the vibe he's quite young to listen to his friends it does sound like that because i think when you when you know you know yeah and fair enough he might have said to the boys like do you think it's too soon for us to be together blah blah blah but even if they turn around was like yeah mate it is soon if he wanted
Starting point is 00:54:36 to he would he would still just be like oh fuck it might be too soon but oh well yeah i agree and with what you said about your friends that they say it's all relative i do agree with that i made leah my girlfriend after a month yeah so i mean that's it's again you can do it after two weeks three months whatever it's all it is all relative and you might be ready well we we did this weekly debate do you remember and people said that like they was together after a week yeah and they're like married now yeah there's people who are just like did you just know like it's not one of the things like oh it's new don't get me wrong sometimes you do go in not you personally but people like we can go in too quick too soon and it crumbles don't get me wrong but i always say that like falling in love with anyone is always a risk it's either going to
Starting point is 00:55:24 work out or isn't. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's through your own experience. And by the sounds of it, he doesn't have the experience of a relationship. Well, he said he doesn't. So like, I think he's overthinking it a little bit. I think he's in his head a little bit.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And he's trying to find some sort of something to, you know. I think he, I don't know why, but he's worried about making a wrong decision. But he's basically in making a wrong decision but he's basically in a relationship with you there is no schedule and rule book and time frame that is the correct way like you just do what you want to do yeah there's no correct way but i do think it can take the piss a little i don't think two months is is long though like no i don't think it's too long i don't think it's like oh my god we've been seeing each other two months when you're gonna ask me out like people will be seeing people for like
Starting point is 00:56:06 well we we've learned on the podcast people will be in situationships for years yeah but there are people that take six months before they pop the relationship question and i think as long as you feel like you're on the same page and he's respecting you and he's not bullshitting you then just see how how you get on i think babe yeah i agree and have a bit of patience with him it's his first relationship yeah take it slow enjoy it don't put pressure on it doesn't it doesn't mean that he's not really into you or you're not on the same page and stuff he's obviously just overthinking it and just be patient i think babe yeah i think the patience will definitely pay off because like you're you're saying, there's no red flag. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:56:45 It's all, you know. It wouldn't affect you as much. It wouldn't make much of a difference by the sounds of it, by him making you his girlfriend. No. She said they're exclusive, right? Yeah. And they're basically in a relationship without the title.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah. So there's not much difference. Just enjoy it and be patient. I do understand that you'd want to be boyfriend and girlfriend, just to have that, like, I don't know what it is about it it's just like security it's that okay we're on the same page he really likes me he's serious about me but that will come i think this doesn't sound like it's going in a bad direction no it just sounds like to me babe just sounds like it's his first relationship he wants to you know really understand it exactly and it'll come all right babe love you
Starting point is 00:57:27 thank you guys for sending in your dilemmas let's wrap up the episode okay you guys i just want to say the vibe of this podcast has been a little bit stripped back because it's really late i've got a bulk film episodes because i'm going on holo so yeah we're recording this really late hence the stripped back vibes i'd love to be cackling my head off and cracking the jokes right now yes but i can't i'm not really boring person you are so boring so boring no you didn't sound boring, babe. No, I'm entertaining. I'm just really chilling and I'm tired. Yeah, do you know what?
Starting point is 00:58:07 It's quite cosy, though. It is cosy, yeah. I quite like listening to these as well. Yeah, I just feel like we're just chatting in a group, just, you know, getting our problems off our chest. It's giving sleepover vibes. It is. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:19 I've never had, like, a girl sleepover. Yeah, you invited a girl sleepover. Love that for you. A bit deep for me i like a little bit do boys have sleepovers when there was like teenagers we just like play fifa yeah you don't have like girl talk no you ever talk about girls like mate she's not replying to me uh i think that's more so now but that you know when you're when you're younger no not really more now no as in like if you were meeting up with boys now.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Oh, you mean you talk about your partners? Yeah, it'd be like, this is doing my head in. Oh, that's nice of you. Not you. I'm talking about other people. Oh, your other missus. Yeah, my other missus. No, like other lads would come and be like, oh, fuck it, she's doing my head in.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah. I never talk bad about you, darling. You better not. I don't. It's all right. It's all right to vent. I vent about you to Jess. You better not. I don't. It's all right. It's all right to vent. I vent about you to Jess. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I know you do. I've heard it. But no, there's times where, you know, I just think I keep a lot of my stuff locked down. Because I'm locked in. With a man. With a man. Locked in.
Starting point is 00:59:20 With a man. If you're a bad bee, then let me see your hands. Give him bad bitch. All right, guys. Thank you for listening to this episode i love you so much i hope you guys enjoyed it thank you for coming on babe thanks for giving your perspective happy to help and to be fair even though i'm not always here believe me i'm in the background and i'll i'll we'll talk it out with some of your dilemmas sometimes when't we? Sometimes when I read them, when I'm selecting them, I try not to get to the very end of them because I don't want to spoil it
Starting point is 00:59:49 and know how it ends. But I have to read through them to make sure they're like appropriate or whatever. And sometimes I'll be like, oh my God, listen to this. And I'm like, oh, no way. I do it with my mum all the time. I'm like, mum, what do you think to this?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah, we're all involved. Yeah. Leah's obviously the heart of it and she's got brilliant advice. Aw, thank you. But I give my little two pence. Yeah. All right, guys. I hope you all have an amazing week.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I'm not going to be able to shout the outro today. Ovs. We've got to quiet it down. It's very, very late. All right, babes. I love you. Should we do some ASMR? Yeah. Who's got headphones on right now?
Starting point is 01:00:28 Does this sound nice? Does this sound nice in your headphones? I wish I had a pickle right now. Oh, yeah. They sound sick, don't they? I'm hungry. You a bit hungry. Starving. I'm starving. Yeah, I could order anything right now. No, we're not ordering. It's late. I can't eat.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I'll be up all night babe this is what we do what do you mean we talk about we never do it yeah it literally gets to 2am most nights and I go
Starting point is 01:00:53 I'm fucking starving could murder this could murder that and then just go to sleep I'd fucking kill double cheese just cheese and 5 minutes later
Starting point is 01:01:00 it's yeah literally just nails her head off what would you do for a mayo chicken extra mayo with cheese? Oh my god. I'd run and get it. Mayo chicken extra mayo.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Like, with cheese? Yes. Wow. Double cheese, just cheese. It's so good. Double please burger cheese. Double please burger cheese. Chicken nog, sweet curry dip. Oh my god, I'd get 20 right now. I'd smash in 20 myself. Well, I'd get 40 then. I'd smash them in, mate. Yeah, do it. Sweet curry dip. Oh my god, I'll get 20 right now. I'll just smash in 20 myself. Well, I'll get 40 then. I'll smash them in, mate.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yeah, do it. Sweet curry dip. I could even eat the fries. Yeah, I could. Apparently KFC have changed their fries, guys. Yeah, they've got an extra spice on them. New signature fries. KFC, no offence, KFC.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Your fries are dead, mate. They are dead. They're actually so bad. So dead. They're just potatoes. Burger King, best fries. Best fucking fries. Best fries.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Best cheese bites. Oh, wow. I'd smash them in. I actually like them chicken sticks, they do. The Doritos ones? Doritos ones Best fries. Best fucking fries. Best fries. Best cheese bites. Oh, wow. I'd smash them in. I actually like them chicken sticks. The Doritos ones. Doritos ones, yeah. They are good. Going off track here, darling.
Starting point is 01:01:51 My stomach's rumbling. Subway. What's your Subway order, guys? I'll tell you mine. Go on. I get a wrap with ham and turkey. And I get that heated with cheese. And then I get lettuce, cucumber, red onion, onion.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Wait, I just said that. It's double onion. Pepper. And loads of olives. Yeah, you do. And loads of mayo. She always comes out of Subway, right? And she's like, I asked them for extra olives.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And I put like four in. Every time. I do. Every time I go, fucking hell, that's extra olives. Imagine if I just four in. Every time. I do. Every time I go, fucking hell, that's extra olives. Imagine if I just said olives. Yeah, I'd only get two. And honestly, right, there was one time this one person just put an absolute shit ton of olives on. And she was the happiest I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I was like, that's fucking extra olives if I've ever seen it. It's so good. It tastes amazing. Yeah. We need some. I need some olives. I need that now. It tastes amazing. Yeah. We need some. I'd eat that now. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I'm tired. That's our pre-bed ritual. And hungry. To have more food. Have we got any food in? No. No. Literally zilch.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Pizza. I'm not eating a pizza right now. I would. Cheese bites. Jalapeno poppers right now. Do you know I was going to order them earlier? Just for the freezer. Fuck. You idiot.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Alright guys, I love you so much. Sorry if I've made everyone so hungry right now. I'm starving now. I'm actually starving. Innit? Have I made everyone so hungry? I'm bad. I could eat some nudes. You could eat some nudes? Do you know what that sounds like?
Starting point is 01:03:25 That guy earlier. Sorting himself out. He eats nudes on the daily. Okay, guys. We love you. I hope you all have an amazing week. Thank you so much for listening. If you made it to the end, you're my favourite.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And I'll speak to you on Friday for a brand new episode. Alright. I love you

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