Leah on the Line - 99: How do I leave my husband & my bf masturbated 10 times last week!

Episode Date: January 16, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy tuesday happy tuesday everybody how are you how was your weekend how was your monday how was the start to a new week what did i do today jess popped over had a little catch up had a little gossip um what else i do today oh my god my breath just got taken away what one thing i do need to do actually maybe tomorrow although i'm kind of busy tomorrow maybe wednesday although i'm actually kind of busy wednesday i'm watching the new Mean Girls movie listen I've said this before if I have one thing planned I'm unavailable all day like I cannot fathom putting two things in my schedule in one day like sure like I can go with the flow around those things on the day but
Starting point is 00:01:00 I cannot schedule two things in one day guys I can't do it it's too much it's just too much anyway so it's gonna have to be Thursday I need to go through all of my clothes and have a proper sort out thing is I give Jess like a huge like bin bag full of clothes like some of them are like brand new with tags and then anything that she doesn't want she takes to the nearest charity shop or wherever it's convenient for her just anywhere to charity um so that it's a nice and easy job for me like all I have to do is just literally clear out and just go through it and just keep or give away keep donate keep donate keep donate it's just the thought of it guys I can't do I can't because I'm one of them people that I will spend so long looking at a big t-shirt
Starting point is 00:01:52 that's covered in hair dye and I'll be like I do love it though you know it's really comfy and you know another fake tan t-shirt wouldn't hurt another hair tan t-shirt wouldn't hurt. Another hair dye t-shirt wouldn't hurt. But then also, it depends on the day because sometimes I'm savage. I also realise I've got like 14 pairs of blue jeans and I literally wear, I rotate the same two. My Levi 501 90s and my subdued flares that I got off in it. So, realistically, they can all go to the donate pile and then I'll have a pretty empty drawer for jeans and trousers so I need to do it I've got a pair of cargos that I loved and wanted for ages wanted them for ages then I finally bought them worn once do you know what I mean I'm that girl but I tell you what i'm an outfit repeater lizzie mcguire you are an outfit repeater
Starting point is 00:02:46 and i'm an outfit repeater to to my core i will find an outfit i love and i wear it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until i'm sick of it and that can take me a long time like recently i got a set off tiktok shop where it's like you you guys might have seen it it's like a huge knit two-piece big button-up cardigan with some knit pants trousers one-way tucking like an American like pants anyway I will wear that daily for a long time it's so comfortable and the thing is right I do this thing where I put together an outfit in my mind rather than ever looking at what I've got so if I buy something and I don't remember buying it it's never being worn because if it if it isn't in my mind it's not going on the body that's my problem
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't like put on a pair of jeans and go let's have a look through the top straw I put on a pair of jeans with the top already in mind so a lot of clothes don't they just don't get showcased and it's such a waste so that's why I clear out is good because I get to see the things I've got sometimes I'm like where the hell did you come from you really slipped away under there in that big pile and then it gets to the top and it gets worn for a while but the thing is sometimes I'll buy something and by the time I remember I've bought it I'm over it you know or sometimes I'll buy something and I will love it so much and I'll wear it once and I'm like we just didn't really connect like I thought we would you know so yeah that is my that is on the agenda for this week but guys Love Island all stars hit our screens yesterday tonight for me and wow okay who saw Jake and
Starting point is 00:04:38 Liberty coming because I certainly saw that coming it's kind of cruel I feel really hot I feel really like sad for him I don't know the way he's been like ignored and obviously I think a lot of the girls especially if you're in the industry already like we have each other's backs as as a female uh what's the word just collective as females we have each other's backs right but i feel like even more so in this industry like we women support women right a lot of the time so i feel like they their like their loyalties are lying with lib so you can't go for jake do you know what i mean so it's like what they what's he gonna do in there that it's really over for him before he even started, bless him, and Callum and Molly, guys, I love Callum and Molly together, and do you know what,
Starting point is 00:05:33 I've seen comments about, like, maybe the breakup was staged, you know, so they could sign the contract and get on Love Island, I hope it's true, to be honest, I doubt it, I doubt it it but I would love it if it's true because I'm rooting for them too I love that I love them together I think they're they're such a lovely couple and um yeah we'll see what happens guys what are your predictions you'll have to let me know slide into my dms leo on the line or leo levain on insta let me know what you guys are predicting this year um Georgia Harrison I love honestly I love her I think her and Chris are a match made in heaven but then also they could either hit it off like pure fireworks like pure just match made in heaven or it could give brother and sister you know so we'll have to just see guys I'll have to
Starting point is 00:06:19 sit back and watch it all unfold but you all know I'm such a big Love Island fan I love Island fan why did that why is that hard to say so I'm really excited about this guys I just can't wait and I love having a gossip with you guys about it as well although some of you get annoyed with me if you aren't caught up but then again like all you have to do is open Instagram and it's spoil open TikTok spoil so yeah exciting guys anyway I hope you're feeling really good today whatever is that you're getting up to i well i just literally i don't know what happened then it's like my brain just stopped me from speaking that was really bizarre anyway i have signed up to the gym again. Yeah. I do this about five times a year, honestly.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm like, yeah, I'm going to get back on my shit. Like, I'm just really back in my fitness, you know? And then before you know it, I'm like, to be honest, I think what it is, right, is I like to go to the gym alone. No offense to all the people that I do actually go with, all the people being my sister and occasionally my boyfriend. I like to be alone in the gym. Leave me alone. Like I want headphones in, podcast on, YouTube video on, whatever it is. And I don't want to communicate. I don't want to talk through what we're doing today. I don't want to, you know, I don't want, I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I'm really not. I'm here for myself and myself only and I want to be alone right but the thing is the only decent gym near me is quite far like I can't walk it it's about an hour walk listen I could walk it but I won't so I need someone to drive me because obviously you guys know like I'm a passenger seat princess through and through to my core although we have said this year will maybe hopefully perhaps be the year that I become a uh driver's seat princess queen at that and until then I cannot drive to that gym my sister is like she's in her she's in her I don't know what the era is called but she's in the um fucking shit up era and she is ready to get back to the gym and so I I'm obviously not going to say no I've been really keen to get back in there because I love it I honestly oh god I sound
Starting point is 00:08:43 so Bristolian these days I hate you but yeah I've been really I love it like I do love it I've always been in and out of the gym since I was a teenager like I just can't come into the gym like we've we've got such an on-off relationship but we just can't help like we just constantly pull back to each other do you know what I mean it's one of them it's toxic it's toxic listen but yeah i do love it and you know when we are back on track it's good it's really good but then sometimes you just lose it and you're like no thank you so yeah for now we're back on start next week or maybe yeah probably next week not for any particular reason rather than it just makes me feel so good um I tend to become a bit of a lazy bitch if I don't force myself so yeah we're back in our gym era back in our fitness era back in our healthy girl self-care self-love era and I'm here for it guys so anyone that's at
Starting point is 00:09:48 the gym right now love it this this I might be as well who knows love you proud of you keep smashing it babes you look amazing look at look to the mirror yeah because I know there's always a mirror very nearby in the gym look at that batty unreal go on babes you look unbelievable you look unbelievable okay let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates enjoy the episode love you okay everybody so it's weekly debate time and this weekly debate was actually sent in from one of you guys as a request and we have i think we have done this before but not as specific or not worded quite like this and when we did do it it
Starting point is 00:10:44 was a long time ago like over a year ago and we have some a whole new bunch of besties here that listen so I thought let's do it let's do it I'm up for it I'm intrigued so and also opinions change you guys may be in different relationships now so god isn't that crazy like the people you guys might have been in relationship with when we last did this weekly debate maybe been and gone and there could be a whole nother person in the mix or you could be single in which case also fantastic for you you know anyway not so fantastic in terms of this weekly debate because it means you you can't really get involved at the moment but you can still give your opinion i'm just going to shut the fuck up and read the question okay my question for you is if you're in a relationship how often
Starting point is 00:11:29 are you intimate with your partner does this vary is it important to you slash your relationship so that was literally sent in from one of you guys worded like that and I loved it so thank you so much let's have a little look what you guys are saying um hardly ever not gonna lie but he's still always my bestie you know what i'm not sure that's what we're really going for in relationships bestie your bestie that to be honest obviously you want your partner to be your best friend but like to say like we didn't really have sex but like besties like it's not really the vibes but you know what whatever works for you you know love you proud of you happy for you about five times a month it's enough for me but he'll argue with me saying it's not enough
Starting point is 00:12:14 do you know what it's more than once a week so you know what it's given frequent it's given regular i think that's fine um before baby one to two times a week since baby one to two times a month that's actually really interesting I should have asked as well to anybody that's had children how has it changed since given birth I've been intrigued by that I'd also love to know how many people have sex or had sex during pregnancy because i remember molly and tommy was talking about how um tommy just didn't want to have sex with her while she was pregnant and i know like a lot of people was like i just feel a bit weird about it so i'd be intrigued to know how many of you guys were fucking it up who fucking a night do you know what i mean i'd
Starting point is 00:13:02 be intrigued anyway back to the weekly debate. I think this goes through peaks and troughs. Don't know if that's the right saying. You've come to the wrong girl. I don't know. Peaks and troughs. Is it troughs? Truffs.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Truffs. Who knows, honestly. Varies. Somebody says, yeah, of course it varies, to fair hardly ever to be honest I feel like the implant puts me off so much because I used to be more for it you know what these hormonal contraceptions they really do have an impact on your sex drive we're three years in and not often at all anymore is it that bad oh is that bad I don't know it depends how how often not often is to you when we're together probably twice a day wow okay girly okay I have a higher sex drive than my boyfriend he's good once a week and I'd rather
Starting point is 00:14:02 three or four I was saying to my sister like I couldn't cope having a lower sex drive than my boyfriend I just personally I would literally well you hate me do you know what I mean like you hate me you don't want to be me like I just want to be able to cope I'm way too insecure for that like I know it's normal but i i guess because i think naturally men have higher sex drives than women typically is that the case or is that not the case or do men just like i don't know do they just i don't know who knows i should i should google that let's ask Siri. Hey Siri. Hey Siri. Who has a higher sex drive, men or women? I don't have an answer for that. Wow. Pretty useless. Let's actually just get on Google. One sec guys, I won't keep you waiting. waiting okay guys it's an interesting fact so it says
Starting point is 00:15:06 sexual desire is typically higher in men than women with testosterone thought to account for this difference as well as within sex variation and desire in both women and men not sure what that second part meant at all sound like english to me but it says this other website says it might seem cliche but the reality is that generally men have more interest in sex than women in fact 51 of men would like to have sex at least every day compared to only seven percent of women so yeah yeah there we go guys fun fact um now once or twice a week my ex-wife expected it twice a day safe to say i couldn't live up to that yeah twice a day i'll be exhausted um what is that like first thing in the morning and last
Starting point is 00:15:52 thing at night or are you like coming home on your lunch break um okay let's have a little look one to two a week but we have five children now and it's hard balancing the time one to two a week with five children is bloody brilliant to be honest i think um my sex drive varies his is high i think it affects me as i wish i had a higher sex drive yeah i get that once or twice a month i just feel like something is always in the way periods tiredness stress etc you know what life definitely happens absolutely lots in the first six months it dies down a bit when the relationship becomes more secure oh absolutely like when you first get get together you're just fucking and fucking and fucking and then you're together like properly together and it's just it sells down the dust settles
Starting point is 00:16:46 probably once a week but not always both tired as fuck from work though lol fun times yeah that's totally fair go through phases of all the time to like never and back to all the time again yeah the phases that is so real we've been we've been together two years and ideally three times a week but it depends on schedules etc lovely i'm really struggling with my sex drive at the moment i feel so bad any tips please share love you oh god babe do you know what i think we all go through dips in sex drive and highs but we all do and it can be anything it can be your mental health it can be stress it can be your hormones the contraception like anything and you know what i just don't think just don't don't feel bad about it don't don't put pressure on yourself like it literally we all go through
Starting point is 00:17:40 dips and and sometimes some of us don't want to have sex for ages you know it's just it's not a big deal we all go for it babe um it's important for him but not for me unfortunately probably about once every three weeks um it varies but around three or four times a week two years in um first year we were at it like and then rabbit emojis used to be three or four times a week but now probably like once a week if that um before our baby it was two to three times a week had a baby one year ago intimate once a month nobody warned you how uncomfortable it is oh wow okay um it's very important to me but one of our relationship struggles at the moment but it's one of our oh okay um my boyfriend always has a high sex drive but he knows mine
Starting point is 00:18:34 fluctuates and is so patient with me and it doesn't affect us we only see each other on weekends due to long distance and it's still probably two or three times a week at minimum when it's low. Hold on. That means at least one of these days we're doing it more than once. You only see each other on weekends, and it's still two to three times a week, and that's low. You're telling me you should be doing it more than that, because that's crazy. I can't.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I'd be exhausted. Once or twice a week. Yeah. Somebody says, I've been dying for this question. Me and my partner are three to four times a week. Yeah. Somebody says, I've been dying for this question. Me and my partner are three to four times a week. I'm in a happy 11 year relationship, but we have sex about four times a year. Yeah. You know what? You're happy in your relationship. Who's anyone else to say it's enough or not enough? You know, two to three times a week. somebody says i've been waiting for this one it varies for me one week i'm like a rabbit and then i could go two or three weeks and have no sex drive
Starting point is 00:19:31 we've been together five years we have non-sexual intimacy every day and sexual once or twice a week used to be a lot more in the earlier days we're both 25 he would prefer more okay yeah do you know what i think a lot of us are quite similar you know i think sexual interaction is very important my love language is physical touch yeah um once every one to two weeks and we're five years in baby on the way oh i love that that is honestly lush okay guys do you know what? This was very interesting. We should do this again sometime. Let me know if you guys would be intrigued for me to do the weekly debates that I mentioned earlier about like through pregnancy and stuff and post-pregnancy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Thank you, guys. Oh, my goodness. Thank you, guys, so much for sending in your responses to the weekly debate. Thank you to the amazing, gorgeous girl that sent that in as a suggestion. If you have any suggestions, send them in. Obviously quite a few of you said you've been dying to hear this one, which means you haven't suggested it to me guys. Honestly, send them in.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I'm so happy to read your suggestions and of course put them in the next episode. So send them in babes. All right, let's get into some dilemmas okay everybody so thank you so much to everybody that sent in dilemmas i am going to kick off with this one it says hi leah long time listener here top eight percent on my spotify wrapped big flex love you appreciate you okay so with my current dilemma it feels only right for me to come to you hoping to get yours and maybe some other opinions on what i should do buckle up it's a long one and i suck at telling a straightforward story oh my god me you guys know that. Okay. Me, 27, and my husband, 31, met eight years ago and got
Starting point is 00:21:27 married two years ago. We have two children together, a dog, as well as owning a home. Picture perfect, right? I mean, yeah, babe. Now for my dilemma. Oh, I just don't feel like I want a relationship with him anymore. Shit. I struggle to explain why, as I do love and care for him. We get on and enjoy time together as a family and even together on a friendly level. But when it comes to intimacy, it's just not there for me anymore. And I crave time away from him. Do you know what? I think it's okay and very normal to crave time alone and time away from your partner. But I'll read on, I'll read on. Over the years, we have gone through a few patches similar to this that almost ended us, but we chose to stay and work on things. The grass is greener
Starting point is 00:22:16 where you water it, as they say. I'm a stripper, which causes a lot of mistrust in our relationship, which causes a lot of mistrust in our relationship, which I understand if part of it wasn't for the fact it wasn't a big issue. Wait, which I understand. Oh, sorry, which I understand in part if it wasn't for the fact it wasn't a big issue until a month after we got married as he became a hardcore Christian. I have tried my best to be supportive through this, but the sudden change in beliefs with things I categorically cannot get on board with is hard.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Things like banning Halloween, not being able to spend money on a Saturday, hating Christmas. Only reason he's not banned, sorry, only reason he's not banned that, as he knows I love it, and knows it would be the last straw um he believes when God comes for his supporters him and the kids will be taken and I'll be left on earth for supporting Satan I don't actively support Satan just everyday things that according to him are evil and the work of the devil so much more to say but obviously with his new beliefs my job is
Starting point is 00:23:26 not aligning. I don't want to give it up due to the freedom it brings to us financially and being able to home educate etc but it causes so many arguments I'm pretty tired of. Because of mistrust he can get funny about things like being a little late home from work or for example one time we had a huge argument because I asked if I could stay in an Airbnb with my friends on my birthday but I should have wanted to spend it with him not getting drunk with friends. I just crave a bit more freedom and whenever arguments arise especially about the job I completely switch off and cannot be bothered with it. It feels like we go round and round with it all and I can't help feeling i'll be happier alone honestly if there was an easy way out that no one got hurt and kids were happy
Starting point is 00:24:08 i would be gone tomorrow but there's not neither of us would be able to buy a home on our own private rent is extortionate and would be a struggle especially as we have a dog not many landlords would accept i feel so trapped and unhappy but don't know what to do whether it's worth continuing to walk the grass to see if one day it will regrow or if I should just give up thank you for any help love you bye wow we're dealing with a whole marriage here okay honestly I think the fact that you said if there was an easy way out when no one got hurt and kids were happy I would be gone tomorrow the fact that you've said that kind of says everything like you don't want to be with this man you don't feel that your beliefs or your ways of life align anymore and it doesn't sound like you're compatible at this point like everything that
Starting point is 00:25:06 he believes in is you know you're doing the opposite of he you know you're a stripper and he says that that's the work of the devil and you know it means that at this point you're you're you're barely compatible really and it's really difficult because I obviously I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship where you have children involved and I don't know what it's like to be married hopefully one day but so I imagine that that obviously does change things but I am such, you guys know me, I'm such a firm believer of, you are put on this life to be happy and learn and enjoy it. And there are supposed to be challenges and there are supposed to be ups and downs. And there are supposed to be people that play roles in your life that they don't fulfill forever. I just just i believe that your life is about
Starting point is 00:26:07 you and what's best for you so i don't want the fact that you can't afford to leave this man stop you from leaving him so you know and you have to realize as well that he deserves somebody that he's compatible with as well he deserves somebody that doesn't feel like you know if i could leave tomorrow i would he he deserves different and you deserve different it's not about better it's just that i don't i don't know if you you two are right for each other at this point it doesn't go to say that you can't work through it you know but you you said you've tried you did say you've tried i don't know if couples counseling is an option did you say you did that i'm not sure i don't think you did but yeah if not uh you know couples counseling is is definitely an option um but you're saying
Starting point is 00:27:07 like i feel so trapped and unhappy go back to school with rogers and get canada's fastest and most reliable internet perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging tv shows all night save up to 20 per month on rogers internet visit rogers.com for details we got you rogers i i just think when you feel trapped unhappy and the only reason you're with someone is because you know obviously you've got your family unit but also saying like you financially can't afford to be on your own i just think there are ways to make things work and there are ways there are options whether that's you know you end your relationship and some people live with with these with their people with their exes for a while while they both financially
Starting point is 00:28:05 stort their shit out and and get on their feet and figure out a way forward it happens like sometimes you people just have to look at each other and be like you know what this isn't working and i'm not forcing you out the door i'm not pushing you to to figure it all out because we built this life together we will figure this out together but it's not working people do that and i can see why but also people will stay in a relationship with the intention of leaving and save money and you know come up with a plan before they do leave that that people also do that so i just think don't stay because you feel stuck um you deserve happiness you get one life on this earth and you deserve to spend that the way that you want to spend it and with
Starting point is 00:28:53 the people you want to spend it with you know maybe this is just the end of your chapter you had a beautiful relationship a long eight-year relationship you made beautiful children you know beautiful memories maybe that's just the end of of you and you and him and there's a whole nother life for you both to explore now you know i don't know but just please don't stay in relationships because you're financially stuck like there are people you can call like i don't have a look on google because i know there are like helplines and stuff for support when you're you know wanting to leave a relationship but you financially are stuck and stuff like that so yeah listen i just think you deserve true true true happiness and so does he you know i love you all right next dilemma
Starting point is 00:29:49 keep us updated definitely keep us updated with that one leah please help hi leah hun i really hope you read this i've never sent in a dilemma before but i am an avid listener so why am i joking so much sorry guys so basically this is so random but my brother broke up with his ex-girlfriend of 10 years a few months back it ended really badly she just went through buying a house with him and a week later said that she wanted to end it out of the blue she also blamed my brother for the breakup. A week later, my brother discovered she had been having an affair with a man at work. He saw on her Find My iPhone that she was at a seedy hotel with him.
Starting point is 00:30:35 She's shown no remorse whatsoever. I genuinely think she thinks she's done nothing wrong. She also didn't cry once during the whole breakup. That is not right. 10 years, she says yeah you know what but the thing is not not to stick up her i'm saying like just so you can like get more of like um an understanding of why there might not have been tears like sometimes it's nothing to do with how much she might have once loved your brother, but she might have stopped a long time before the end of their relationship, you know. As it was such a long relationship, we as a family kind of went through it with him.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah, because you knew this girl for 10 years as well. That's a thing. But I must say, after a few weeks, he really recovered and he is far better off without her. See, this is a thing he knew as well. He knew the relationship was over. A few weeks and he's fine, you know. Now the dilemma. This ex works at my brother's work and also works at my work.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It is a huge company in the UK we work for. Wait a second. So, wait. So she cheated with a guy at work as well and this ex works at your brother's work and at your work so either you all work together or this ex works at two places your brother's work and your work okay i recently got a new job in the company only to discover that she works in the exact same office as me. The office is small, and lo and behold, the guy she had an affair with also works in the same office. I've already had her stare at me and a few awkward looks from her mates. It's making my work life so awkward and I dread going in. I want to, sorry,
Starting point is 00:32:19 but why is she digging you out? You cheated on my brother, literally. I want to just not care, but I have overthinking anxiety how do i get the confidence to not let her intimidate me her mum also works there fucking hell this is a very small company to be fair you said it's a big company they employ half your town okay um her mum also works there and at the work Christmas party. Her mum was giving me evils. I think she had one or two too many bottles of wine. And she was doing dramatic evil stares across the dance floor. Her mum was.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Jesus. Okay. So I did the same back and she kept doing it. Just you two like squinting at each other across the room. Walking around people. Oh, sorry. She was walking around people to give me evils. So weird since I'm half her age.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, I'm sorry, but hon. These evils. Next minute I know her mum runs over to me. No, not the run. She runs over. She runs over to me demanding demanding what's your problem with me oh god i'd be terrified of this woman i was like what the fuck i have no problem and walked off anxiety overload feeling like her mum and her are after me just leave me alone
Starting point is 00:33:38 why am i in the middle of it yeah i'm sorry what have you ever done wrong i think because my brother is so fine that i almost forget what a twat she was to him because if my brother wasn't fine then i'd be fuming and give her evils in the office no props lol um now i'm starting a new job and i want to make a good impression also it's work so i can't exactly call her a bitch under my breath i'd be fired what's your thoughts on this and how would you approach this situation my anxiety has been so high at times it's made me want to quit I mean I obviously won't but I just hate that it has this effect on me thank you so much I love your podcast please don't ever stop doing what you're doing you are the best and I actually mean
Starting point is 00:34:19 that he he oh I love you so much that's. Okay. So when did she and your brother break up? A few months back. Okay. I find it very strange. It almost feels like she may have told her mum a different story. I'm not convinced she's admitted to her mum that maybe she had the affair. I'm not sure. Maybe your brother was painted the bad guy but then also she's she has said it's your brother's fault you know is it possible that your brother might have done something that he wasn't so honest with his family aka you and your mum about you know maybe there's some there maybe there's more to the story here why you're getting digged out because he's they're digging out his sister they've also said it's his fault that the
Starting point is 00:35:12 relationship's over and she showed no remorse so i wonder how much of the story maybe your brother might not have told you but then let's flip it maybe the story your brother told you is 100% true we know everything she cheated your brother did nothing wrong and for some reason they're just digging you out in the office it's also definitely very possibly true people deal with things very differently and hopefully give it a few months they will just relax a bit calm the fuck down stop digging me out in the office stop giving me these eyes it's fucking weird and she's squinting at me at the christmas party relax it's christmas but run running across the room literally bolting across the room at me did you thought you're
Starting point is 00:35:57 gonna tackle me for what like what have i actually done so we could hope it's going to die down or I think we can escalate this listen we could realistically we could we could escalate it but it could also backfire and cause more problems um and more anxiety or we could confront them and you know respectfully i don't listen i don't have an issue with you we can play the listen i really couldn't give a fuck energy we could play that listen i i really don't have an issue with you whatever happened with you and my brother he's happy and therefore i'm i don't care I'm not passionate about this I don't care my brother's fine if he wasn't fine we might have an issue maybe not and then she might punch you in the face but you could just you know what my brother's happy I don't know why there needs to
Starting point is 00:36:59 be an issue you know I wish you all the best I hope that you're happy I hope that you find happiness there is no bad vibes I love my job I don't want to bring this into the workplace so whatever you feel towards me that's fine but please leave it at the door when you come into work I don't think you're in the wrong to say that to somebody um and then whatever she wants to say to you hopefully she can just get it off of her chest there and you might be able to just get to the bottom of things there could be some there could be more to the story but you know i don't think you're in the wrong to say like listen i i don't feel badly towards you i don't know what these vibes are but i hate them and they they they're
Starting point is 00:37:43 making me anxious they're making me stressed man i just want to enjoy my life i'm just here to enjoy myself do you mean i love my job please it's negativity please you know but please keep us updated there's just a few options of what you could do but let me know what is that you decide to do whatever feels right to you what feels more like your character um and just remember that you don't let somebody intimidate you just remember that you have every right to be there no less and no more than anybody else if somebody's intimidating you they are insecure and intimidating people makes them feel bigger and better and that comes from insecurity so yeah all right babes love you don't you forget it all right let's do another one okay oh this is interesting during a drinking game at a party, my boyfriend admitted that he had wanked 10 times that week.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Okay, so it was between Christmas and New Year, but he'd been working and I'd been off, so I was home every minute that he was. We all quizzed him and he said the last time was that afternoon when he was cleaning downstairs and I was cleaning upstairs. We'd only had sex the night before. I wasn't sure how offended to be, but oh my God, I cannot stop thinking about it. Also, ick. Love you, girly. Wish we could be in real life friends though.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Oh, I love you. I wish we could be in real life friends though. Invite me over, girl. Okay. Ten times a week all right to the girl who wrote in about the guy she was with who had the porn addiction please where are you please where is she now what is her boyfriend doing now i need an update so I'm calling out to you please I need to know what's the latest with you guys okay back to you so he's wanked 10 times this week all right he you were cleaning upstairs he was cleaning downstairs or the other way around whichever and he's took that time to yeah all right why oh i just think it's it's like did he say it as in like i had a
Starting point is 00:40:15 mental wanking week this week i just went overboard could not stop tugging left right and center or is this just normal? Like is he just like yeah. Probably I don't know about 10 times. Like whatever. Normal. If it's normal. The issue is that he's addicted to masturbating.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Right. And then I'm questioning. Are you watching porn? Will you masturbate? If so. What's the nature of this porn? Are you using pictures? If so. What are these pictures of?
Starting point is 00:40:46 Are they me? Are they other women? You know, what's the content here that's getting you off 10 times a week? If it was just the one-off week where he was like, yeah, I don't know. I just was fucking wanking those that week. Weird. Maybe he had high testosterone levels. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:41:03 And it's not that deep it was just the one off bit bit much but you know each to each their own like i said testosterone levels could have just been a bit higher that week who knows but it is what it is but yeah like i'm saying if it if it's not just an unusual week if that wasn't a one-off if he if he thinks like i don saying, if it's not just an unusual week, if that wasn't a one-off, if he thinks like, I don't know, if it was a question like, okay, truth or dare, truth, how many times did you wink this week? And he was like, I don't know, like 10. And I'd be like, huh?
Starting point is 00:41:38 Sorry, I thought you said 10. No, I did. Oh, okay. So, okay. Yeah, sure. 2, eight ten all right well that's it's every day plus three so there were three days where he went twice right no yes two four six seven eight nine ten yes correct maths or maybe there was a day that he wanked four times and once every other day who knows but either way oh maybe we should do a weekly debate of like ask your boyfriends how often they wank that would be so interesting if they're like every day or if it's like I don't know
Starting point is 00:42:26 once a month or like hardly ever that would be I would honestly be so intrigued let me know if you want that send me a dm on instagram now and just let me know if you want that or if that's weird is that weird okay we can debate girlies go and ask your man um okay my advice honestly is if it was the one-off situation we just let it fly maybe we've got some questions like how often are you wanking 10 times a week babe and why and what over but you know if it if it's an every day, every week thing, yeah, I've got a lot more questions there. So, yeah. Let me know which one of the two, and then we shall continue, I reckon. Maybe ask him some questions. Okay, what I'm going to need
Starting point is 00:43:20 you to do, I'm going to need you to go away and do a bit of research, bit of studying so we can continue this case. I'm going to need you to ask, is this a one-off thing week or is it 10 times a week all the time? What's the content? And also I would like you to ask how come you wanked when I was upstairs or downstairs cleaning instead of coming on to me that they're they're the questions I want you to go and ask um write down his answers maybe record them like you're a journalist um and come back to me with the finished article no but seriously i'm i'm intrigued by that part so i would ask those questions if you are comfortable um if not totally get it but if you're comfortable ask those questions and then come back to me and we will discuss this further why am i talking like this is dead serious and we will discuss this further thank you like but you know what i mean all right i love you and i think you're gorgeous
Starting point is 00:44:25 all right thank you guys so much for sending in your dilemmas some beautiful dilemmas this week thank you guys if you have any situation going on in your life right now and you really need some advice just a friend to talk to a shoulder to lean on just a bestie to call up and and just rant to get something off your chest learontheline.com i'm your girl all right let's wrap up the episode okay everybody so ariana grande hit us with a new track yes and say that you put your chest and be your own fucking best friend yes and what do we think it's had mixed reviews it's definitely growing on me i was not expecting it i was expecting like yes that's what i was expecting i turned it on that beat i was like oh okay i was like okay where are we going with this and then i was giving it i was giving a little
Starting point is 00:45:40 head shake little head bob i was like okay uh-huh i can get on board with this and then when she's like why do you care so much who's i ride i was like dirty bitch dirty bitch isn't she she's filth a lover for it so yeah love it i'm just happy that we've got new ariana music to be honest who wants to come watch ariana grande with me on her next tour because i will absolutely one million percent be there does i don't care how much them tickets cost me i told you i'd see the jonas brothers and i did so yeah when actually to be fair i kind of want to get tickets to the jonas brothers tour because i don't know how much those tickets are because i saw like the intimate intimate uh concert which to be honest you guys you may remember i had a rough time there because of
Starting point is 00:46:30 how enclosed it was and i couldn't really appreciate the fact that they were so close to me and like right in front of me i also can't believe how cheap those tickets were it was incredible i can't believe i got them oh my god i'm so sorry um so yeah i would love to see a proper show of the jail bros and like sit and not be in the standing section do you know what i mean or at least just not so enclosed would be beautiful i'm actually looking at tickets right now, London, the 02, the 12th of June, oh, that'll be nice, who's going, whose date have I just read out, okay, 82 pounds each, where's that, um, row N, section 41, oh, that's terrible, see, that's your right side, I'll see if it's your right side, okay, um, row, where's this, section 41 again,
Starting point is 00:47:37 brilliant, 406, where's that, okay, too far away, oh, guys, they're fucking expensive, oh, 100 pound each, section 104, no, thank you, really far back again listen i'm not spending a hundred pounds to beat the back of the room when i spent what did i spend on that last one it was like 30 quid to be like six rows from the front yes i had anxiety but i could see them crystal clear 4k hd definition i saw every curl on joe jonas's head and i will say it nick nick came across a little bit grumpy that day guys yeah i'm gonna say it but joe he was he was out there he was high-fiving people he was i love him kevin big big fan of kevin love him such good vibes nick is just cool nick is just like i'm here and i'm a fucking legend i'm cool as fuck yeah they're all just cool and yeah i've always been such a big fan of ariana right and i've when i say a big fan that's such an understatement i'm obsessed
Starting point is 00:48:37 like jamie was saying when i learned to drive you will hear ariana grande coming down the road before you see my car like Like that will literally be me. And I don't know how I've never seen her in a concert. It doesn't even cross my mind to go to concerts. It's just, I don't know. I don't know why. I watched Justin Bieber at the Believe Tour once. And I almost collapsed on the ground when he came out.
Starting point is 00:49:05 You know, the wings, if you know, you know. You know, when the wings come out on the ground when he came out. You know the wings? If you know, you know. You know when the wings come out on the big screen? Yeah. I was like, rip. I'm out of here. I couldn't cope. And then he came out on the crane and he was singing that. What is that song?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Be Alright? how does it go be all right be all right and i was like he is so in love with me i was like i can feel his eyes burning into me he's in love he's in love and he's obsessed but the thing is yeah i was the ugliest rattiest 15 year me oh yeah yeah yeah be all right he's in love he's in love and then after the concert finished i was like so like when's his manager like gonna come over to me and be like jess i want you like he wants to meet you at the back and also when that girl come on stage for one lesson you go i could have swung mate who's this bitch and i'm not gonna lie yeah
Starting point is 00:50:27 ruined my night i was like the audacity for him to be doing all of this giving it all that in front of me like we didn't like we don't have this you know like this connection yeah crazy that was such an emotional time honestly i went through so many emotions in one night at the justin bieber concert also i met this super fan outside i met the super fan she was crazy she was really crazy i won't even say the things but there was this thing trending at the time a very fucked up hashtag of things that people were doing for justin me saying justin like like we're pals and she was like yeah i did like i did that and i was like oh my god she was a wild chick and she was on them
Starting point is 00:51:22 girls it was like yeah i've seen him like 50 times i've seen him 50 times how many times have you seen him i was like this is my first time she's like where where are you sat where are you sat i was like um back row back row right at the very like see the back like behind that pillar like that's that's my seat she's like oh i'm in front row no she wasn't i don't think she was standing i think she was seated but either way it was a big competition for her i said you win listen you win i'm not trying to compete with this okay don't don't hit me i'm just glad she wasn't the one less only girl to be honest. I can't imagine how she felt. Alright, I need to wrap this up.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I need to wrap this up. I wonder where she is now. Shout out to you, honestly. But yeah, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode. I had such a good time chatting with you all today. Yeah, let me know if you want to come watch ariana with me and we will 100 go no joke we will book out a whole section and we will go okay whole section because there's millions of us
Starting point is 00:52:34 but to be fair i know so many of you love ariana we've spoken about it over dms before so yeah let me know we should actually go she has she hasn't actually the tickets on ariana we've spoken about it over dms before so yeah let me know we should actually go she has she hasn't actually the tickets on ariana but we'll be at the front of the queue all right guys i love you so much i hope you all have an amazing week and i'll catch you on friday for a brand new episode i love you

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