Leah on the Line - Bonus 11: Answering your assumptions about me (I was too honest)

Episode Date: July 30, 2022

Hi my babes! Thanks so much for tuning in to another episode. Today I answered your assumptions about me! Was I a bully in school? Am I dating someone? Listen to find out!! Thank you so much for all o...f your love and support, it means the absolute world. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. It's getting closer to midnight. I tried to get closer to you. Who loves that song? What a tune. Happy Sunday, everyone. It's a bonus episode, which means next week's going to be a great week because if we finish a week with a bonus episode it means amazing things are coming because I manifested positive energy into this sound into this into this recording so you're welcome have the best week ever thanks to me thanks to me at the end of the day welcome back I've missed you so much even though it's only been like not even 48 hours
Starting point is 00:01:21 well it depends when you listen to this do you save them do you listen live I mean I always ask that as if you can tell me I mean a lot of you do email me well actually you don't email me that you dm me the answer um but I think a majority of my listeners listen on upload day um majority that is but um welcome back honeys I miss you so much I haven't stopped thinking about you constantly you're on my mind every second of the day i'm in love with you whoa um but it's a bonus episode and i am going to be answering your assumptions about me we've done this before um but i feel like we know each other a little bit better now do you know what i mean like we've been doing this for like almost 30 weeks so i feel like we we really have quite
Starting point is 00:02:06 the relationship at this point so I thought it was a great time to get your assumptions about me because you know I give quite a lot away on the podcast so I'd be intrigued to know what you sort of assume about me as a person from listening to this so back. I hope you are feeling positive. I hope you're feeling good. If you're not, don't worry. Hopefully you will be by the end of this episode. And yeah, I mean, I was nervous about these assumptions because I was like, I don't want people to assume like you're a major fucking bitch. Do you know what I mean? But you know what? Not everyone's going to have a good opinion on you, which is why this is a fun challenge. So you know what, honeys? Let's just dive in, shall we? So I'll put a story up saying, send me your assumptions. So these are all from Instagram. Okay. First one,
Starting point is 00:02:58 you're happier now than you were six months ago. Absolutely. Well, what was the month six months ago absolutely well what what was the month six months ago feb yeah absolutely i'm happier now jesus wait it wasn't feb it was like jan no it was like march march i think feb march i don't know yes absolutely i feel like my happiness right now is really peaking at the moment like i feel i should be stressed like I should be worried about where my life is going but I'm just not like I just I just feel too lucky every day to to worry like how I'm surrounded by amazing beautiful people my podcast is doing so well you guys are just like the most insanely like kind-hearted audience I could ever have imagined building so I feel really good I feel really lucky I feel like I'm surrounded by good people you you guys being a massive part of that
Starting point is 00:03:52 um I feel really independent at the moment I feel like nothing is bringing me down that is that is the way to describe it like I feel like there is nothing around me that is dragging me down I mean you know I get stressed about like normal life things but I feel like I'm in a position where I'm just I just feel too grateful for all the amazing things around me to let it get on top of me so you know touch words let me just find some wood let me just touch word that you know things are really good for me right now mental health wise okay next one kind of random you like sugar in your tea slash coffee actually don't so you know people that don't have sugar in their tea or coffee we just tend to like brag don't we like no sugar no sugar honey no i
Starting point is 00:04:40 don't take sugar actually but we're so proud of it but I actually am so I always used to have two sugars when I was a teenager and then when my mum would make me a tea or coffee she'd put one in and try and prank me try and trick me into thinking that there was two and I just knew every time I was like mum I know there's only one sugar in here hun and then eventually because she did that it put me down to one sugar because I got used to it that was obviously the plan bitch and then after that she started going down to half a sugar and uh she wouldn't put a full sugar in my tea anymore and then I was like mom I know there's only half a sugar in this and I can taste it and then eventually now I don't have any sugar and
Starting point is 00:05:15 when I put sugar in my tea or coffee I'm like like it just tastes like sweet water like I just but yeah and I don't have syrup in my coffee or anything I just literally have espresso oat milk on ice and I'm happy I'm sweet enough oh cringe don't you hate when people say that ha ha ha no sugar for me oh you're sweet enough it's it's just old and boring anyway that was very rude and negative of me um next one you have blue tics in the dms so i do actually i do but i don't know who they are so most of them like are football players so like they'll have a blue tick and their picture will be them in a football top and you're just like i don't know who you are so yeah but no one that i'm like oh my goodness mega famous do you know what i mean it's always just like they're verified
Starting point is 00:06:02 but it means nothing to me i'm like i don't know who that is and you know blue ticks don't mean anything girls so you know don't worry they it's literally just that you're verified you your personnel is of some significance do you know apparently to get verified you need to have like um it's like what's it called like like articles written about you so if anyone wants to write an article about me i'd quite like a blue tick i'm joking pathetically empathetic um uh somebody says that you're working on something secret at the mo i'm actually not like i'm sorry to disappoint anyone i actually don't have anything in the pipeline like i said i should be stressed i should be panicking about where my life is going I'm just not like I just know things will figure
Starting point is 00:06:49 themselves out I've told you guys this from day one of this podcast I wing my way through life I've been winging it since day one and I'm winging it now I've ended up with a degree I've ended up with a successful podcast I've ended up with a musical theatre agent like I'll just wing it honey so if you're also a life winger we're in this together um but yeah I do really want to bring out some t-shirts I just don't really know how to start with that I sort of put that on hold recently um but I will come back to that idea and make sure it happens because do you know what I was thinking I'd love to open like a Lear on the Line shop, yeah? And just sell like all things girl. Like I'm talking thongs. Like you know the Lear on the Line colours is like pink and purple. Imagine like a two pack of like a pink and a purple thong. Maybe like a little phone on where the pubes are. What's that called? Where the puss goes?
Starting point is 00:07:40 I don't know. But then I don't want you to picture it underneath. Do you know what I'm saying? goes well I know but then I don't want you to picture it underneath I'm saying like a little phone maybe or like lips you know like on my confession diaries book there's lips in the middle like the burn book imagine like lips there that's kind of cute it's like someone's kissed kissed you on the puss that's actually kind of cute nobody I'm gonna trademark that that's not the word I'm looking for is it I don't know um yeah so we'd sell like thongs um and then also like big period pants like your big night comfy pants and literally they would be called period pants do you know what i mean um we'd sell like diaries and stuff and the front cover would be confession diaries i mean but it literally just be like a notebook um what else would we sell maybe like some vibrators maybe
Starting point is 00:08:26 some pink vibrators get you guys those orgasms um phone cases would be so cute because obviously you're on the line so there's definitely definitely some opportunities there yeah the big t-shirts like the big baggy t-shirts for like sleeping, fake tanning, tucking it into denim. Do you know what I mean? Like the, the big baggy tees. Everyone loves a staple baggy tee. Neon lights because when I, when I did have a video of this podcast, which will come back one day. Okay, it will come back when I sort my life out. Little neon light of like the girl bum that i have on the wall what else would i sell condoms to promote safe sex little pink packages do you know what i mean it literally
Starting point is 00:09:12 should be a sex shop what am i doing this isn't a sex line everyone always tells me that my front cover looks like a sex line and you know what you're not wrong like i actually do agree it does look like a sex line um and it's not so anyway next next assumption you are obsessed with your birthday and always celebrate um not really like i like to i like people to know it's my birthday but i think doesn't everyone or majority of people um but to anyone that doesn't know i have a twin brother so like i share my birthday which is really great leos love that I'm a leo and I share my birthday can you imagine um but my brother's very laid back so it's quite nice because he when we was kids like he didn't like be in the center of attention
Starting point is 00:09:55 obviously I did because I was just like born to be on stage I want to be an actress I want to be a singer he was just like um hid behind me all the time so like my birthdays I was like don't worry Aaron I will take I will take the spotlight for you today darling don't worry let me get it out of your hands yeah so I do like my birthday but sometimes I get birthday anxiety I feel like everyone gets birthday anxiety you're like oh my my validation comes from how many messages I get today do you know what I mean or like oh, oh God, a day all about how, whether people will love me, whether or not people love me. Like just brilliant, isn't it? But yeah, yes and no. Somebody says you're really gorge. Thank you. And loads of boys message you after your breakup maybe. I don't know. It depends what you mean by boys. I definitely
Starting point is 00:10:40 got a larger male following on Instagram. When I had photos of me and my ex on Instagram I obviously didn't have any male followers um my following was like 98% female which is crazy and now it's like 87% female so yeah I I get DMs now after never getting them which obviously is fine I was in a relationship I don't want them and I still don't but I um yeah I I received some male attention but I wouldn't be like yeah they were all over me do you know what I mean they they definitely weren't nobody was waiting for me to come on the market put it that way um somebody says you're on tinder slash dating websites no I am not um you're a confident girl and don't care what anyone thinks of you I love you by the way
Starting point is 00:11:25 I love you too so I'm not sure how to answer this one because I definitely consider myself confident in terms of like I know who I am I like who I am inside you know like I have a good heart I always say this so annoying it must be so annoying here but like I'm confident in terms of like I'm a good person and I stand by that um but I wouldn't say I don't care what anyone thinks it bothers me when people are wrong about me sometimes um but then I have to remind myself that they are just wrong and that's okay but yeah sometimes it bothers me like people think I'm a way that I'm not then I really just want to prove them I'm like no believe me I'm a lover like please love me but then as I've gotten older I'm a bit like if you don't love me that's okay do you know what I mean so yes I know really um somebody says I thought you were going to be a
Starting point is 00:12:10 bit of a meanie but that's just because of your resting bitch face sorry love you so I don't actually think I've got a resting bitch face bear in mind me and this girl I've never met I do know who she is but we've never met so I'm intrigued, I didn't think I had a rest in bitch face, but you know, I feel like a lot of girls do. So, you know, I'm, I'm not, I'm not offended by that. And I'm glad that you, you said that you thought I was going to be a bit of a meanie, which I'm assuming means that you don't think I am because I'm definitely not a mean person. Um, and I, I actually back that. So yeah, fair enough. I enough i mean i i didn't know i had a resting bitch face do you guys think i have a resting bitch face interesting but um thank you
Starting point is 00:12:52 somebody says if you ordered shots a steffo tequila rose i am actually just a straight tequila girl i don't like gold tequila i like silver tequila um i do love a tequila rose like don't get me wrong but I want it if I'm doing shots I want to fucking like wake me up a bit you know what I mean or send me to sleep but yeah I love I love a tequila that's my go-to shot but tequila rose not particularly my favorite shot of all time is exo patronron, the cafe Patron. It's like a coffee flavoured tequila. But if not that one, then Cascabel coffee, because I think Exo Patron's been discontinued, which is a fucking liberty. I swear that's like such a popular shop. Why would they do that?
Starting point is 00:13:40 But I do love Cascabel coffee if you haven't tried it. Or Cascabel honey is absolutely insane as well. Somebody says you love iced coffee i mean absolutely if you follow me on tiktok you know i make iced coffees almost every single morning um i literally love it oat milk espresso glass straw loads of ice i'm so happy honestly starts my day it gets me out of bed i'm not even joking like when i think to myself oh i've got oat milk in i'm gonna make myself a nice iced coffee i'll get out of bed you guys should try it um somebody says you're dramatic af joke I love you so much I am the same um I love you too by the way I I would say I'm quite dramatic yeah I mean I will
Starting point is 00:14:16 back that um I'd say I'm dramatic in terms of like if you like accidentally tripped me up and I would have just stumbled I I will face plant floor. Like I'll be like, oh my God. Like I will literally make such a scene out of things. But not in a serious way. Just in like a, I just want to cause a scene. Not in like a, like I'm actually annoyed way. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:37 I'm not actually annoyed. Or like if I stub my toe, like I'll just collapse on the ground. But I wouldn't say I'm dramatic in a serious situation like I'm I say I'm good at being level-headed and being like and seeing the situation for what it is I don't like to dramatize serious situations because I get anxiety and confrontational situations so I'm not dramatic in those situations because I literally just want to diffuse it instantly so yes yes and no. Someone says your body count is over 10. Yes, recently has become over 10. So only just. You don't do second chances
Starting point is 00:15:17 when someone shits on you, they no longer belong in your life. This is actually not true. I give chances, chances and chances and chances and chances sadly no I am a forgiver like I said I'm a lover I hate confrontation I hate conflict I just want to get on with people so if me and somebody don't talk or we fall out or that we have a row which doesn't happen in my life very often to be honest um I am so willing to move past it and go over it because I just want to love people and and be loved so like no that isn't actually true I'm not stubborn like I'm really not stubborn at all I'm I can forgive people quite easily which is a good and a bad thing I'd say oh here we go somebody says you're easily pleased it honestly depends like sorry I'm choking it honestly depends
Starting point is 00:16:05 like if um if we're talking a relationship I'd say I'm easily pleased in terms of like as long as you are a nice person you have a good fucking heart I'm pleased do you know what I mean and make me laugh and you're good in bed and good looking but you know I'm not asking for much I'm actually not like if you actually think about it that's not too much to ask for so yeah I think I'm easily pleased um I don't think I'm hard to please oh but then maybe I am because everything gives me the ick so I don't know I don't know how to answer that one would you guys say you're easily pleased because I don't I'm not one of those people that's like right you need to need to be six foot four. You need to be really funny. You need to have a sister my age so we can get on. You need to have a, um, an income over this amount per year. You need to, um, have a degree. Like I'm, I,
Starting point is 00:16:57 I'm literally just like, as long as you have a good heart and a sense of humor and good dick, I'm happy. Like I'm not even joking. I'm not even joking about the dick. I need a good dick i'm happy like i'm not even joking i'm not even joking about the dick i need a good dick i'm joking i'm joking what the fuck i'm not slut i mean i am i'm not you're all sluts we're all fucking sluts all right shut up next assumption someone says you're judgmental um i i i disagree because i think with this podcast um the whole the whole thing is that i'm not judging you the confessions are another story that is the point in the confessions you know but dilemmas that's when i will think about it from every perspective you know try to understand everyone's point of view in every situation um i wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:17:46 i'm judgmental at all like when we're out and about and say i was with a group of people and you know this group of people where they're like oh my god look at what she's wearing i'm always the first first to say why do you care like i'm always like if i'm with anyone and they're like like look at her i'm like oh my god why do you care about somebody else why are you that passionate do you know what I mean so I actually would disagree but I'm I would disagree wouldn't I wouldn't sit here and be like yeah I'm judgmental as fuck but yeah no hand on heart I would disagree I think we can all be judgy at times of course but in terms of like I'm very like your body count is irrelevant you know casual sex is fine.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Everyone makes mistakes if you, like, cheat on your boyfriend. I don't judge you. I think everyone makes mistakes. Like, I'm very like, everyone's human. Don't hold people, what's the word? Like, don't hold things against people. So I'd say I'm not judgmental. But maybe I'm just trying to convince myself here. Somebody says that you are the most kind and caring friend.
Starting point is 00:18:49 That's really lovely. Thank you. I mean, ask my friends, all two of them. I would say I'm a kind friend. I'd also say I'm a caring friend. I will be there. I will get you through whatever it is you're going through. like I will be there like I will get you through whatever it is you're going through um but I'm not like a super emotional friend like I'm not going to be like I love you so much like I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:12 what I do about you unless I'm like going through it then that's when I'll like let my friends know like I literally couldn't live without you you're literally my soulmate I love you so much but on like a day-to-day I'm not like a like overly emotional friend like I'll literally just be like all right love y'all I love y'all bye but um yeah I definitely care and love my friends so much and would drop anything when they need me so yeah um someone says you wish you had more friends so maybe like a year ago or a year and a bit, I would have said, yeah, 100%. I would have been like, I'm fucking miserable. No one loves me. I don't have anybody there for me. And I was in a headspace where just nothing was fucking good
Starting point is 00:19:54 enough for me. Right. I just thought my life was so shit and so hard for me. But now because of my mental health state being in such a good place touch wood because i don't want to go back there um i feel just so grateful for the people around me that like it is just enough and like i'm not i'm not i don't feel like i'm missing much like i would love to have a huge group of friends like don't get me wrong i have those moments where i'm like i'd love to have a group chat full of us girls and we all plan our outfits and go out every weekend and go for brunches and stuff but i also feel so lucky to have the friends that I do have because they're fucking good friends do you know what I mean so I mean I wouldn't turn down new friendships and I love making friends and
Starting point is 00:20:34 I love when you meet someone and you really just have that bond with them because I don't I honestly don't think it comes naturally very often in in in my life like I don't often meet girls and just click like it just doesn't happen that often like um when I met Zoe we did a show together Zoe's one of my best friends we did a episode together a few weeks back um when I met her like on the first day like we were just like sisters like we literally were stuck together everyone thought we already knew each other and like that doesn't happen very often for me I don't know if that happens very often for many of you guys but it really just sadly doesn't happen that often for me so you know I'd love to experience that more and I'm sure there are so many girls out there that I would just literally be like soul
Starting point is 00:21:17 mates with um but yeah I just haven't really met them but then when I work in bars and stuff um I I feel quite intimidated by a lot of girls working in bars so I find it quite difficult to make really good friends there because sometimes they just make me anxious um but yeah there's your answer next assumption oh my god oh my god my phone just freaked out somebody says you fall in love quickly and are a hopeless romantic. Um, I don't fall in love quickly. Um, no, I don't fall in love. Sometimes I think I'm in love. Um, when I'm not like that happens to me, but I don't know if I'm a hopeless romantic, you know, I don't actually think I am. I actually would say I'm quite the opposite. Like I'm a hopeless romantic you know I don't actually think I am I actually would say I'm quite the opposite like I'm quite like everything is bullshit like good guys don't exist but you know I know they do now but um no I wouldn't say I fall in love quickly I love love and I love
Starting point is 00:22:18 the thought of being in love I meet people quickly like that is that is a fact um but no it takes it takes a real a real genuine connection with somebody to fall in love with them for me like it has to feel real for me somebody says you're secretly australian in another life with that accent you pull off so i actually have quite a few austral Australian listeners which is so cool because obviously like I grew up in Australia you know actually didn't if anybody believed that I actually didn't and you know I get a lot of messages saying that I'm really good at the accent and you know I really take that as quite a huge compliment because I would love to be Australian as you guys know I'm obsessed and I actually think it's quite. As you guys know, I'm obsessed.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And I actually think it's quite annoying. Like when I do it, I think people get really quite annoyed. But I can't help it. You know, it's who I am. It's in my blood. I grew up watching Michael and Shani. So, Bindi, what have you done? Bindi, come here now. You know?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Anyway. Next assumption. Somebody said you have a kind heart and soul that is really lovely that is actually i know you're not complimenting me this is assumptions but i think that's probably the best compliment you could ever give someone um yeah i want to i want to say that's true but obviously i'm not going to be like no not true i'm a fucking bitch but you know i'd like to say that's true it's something that's very important to me that I am a kind person with a good heart and good intentions it's very important to me so yeah I'm gonna agree um somebody says you're secretly dating someone new
Starting point is 00:24:00 picture this you're at a picnic with pals and bam you suddenly feel unwell but going to the clinic No. Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's virtual care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Hmm. I mean, I mean, it wouldn't be a secret anymore if I answered. more if I answered next assumption is you're a psycho girlfriend absolutely zero hate I'm a self-confessed psycho girlfriend I actually will vouch for the fact that I'm not and you know my exes might beg to differ but I'm very laid back in terms of like um what i expect from you like i'm not like don't you fucking go out with the boys you ain't going out like i like love it how i'm go out i mean and i'm not like i won't kick off like i'm not someone that kicks off like i don't kick off about things um but then what's a psycho girlfriend because in my opinion the boundaries that you set in place and the things that you aren't happy with doesn't make you a psycho um for example liking girls's pictures on instagram it's a no from me and if i kick off about it i don't think that makes me a psycho i think that
Starting point is 00:25:34 means that i know what i'm willing to put up with and you know i feel disrespected and therefore have a right to say something but i'm not i'm not like a psycho like do you know what I mean like I'll just be like why would you do that to me you know you know I don't like it so I'm actually gonna say no I'm I can definitely be psycho I can definitely be jealous like I can definitely be like um scared and paranoid but I will never like make problems that aren't there like I just won't like I might have the odd moment where I'm like oh my god he's cheating on me and then I'll be like Leah shut the fuck up you literally just made that whole thing up in your head um but in past situations there have been like real genuine scenarios where I should have like looking back I should have gone
Starting point is 00:26:22 psycho and just didn't so that's why I say no like you know I saw some things that I should not have seen no cheating like I've never been cheating on I mean touch wood fuck me touch wood um if I have I don't I don't fucking care at this point I don't want to know but you know there's things where I've underreacted because I've been scared to argue I'm I you guys, I'm scared of confrontation. I hate it. Even in relationships, even if you do me wrong, I will literally just not want to argue. I'm a pussy. But anyway, next assumption. You're the girl in the toilets on a night out to console the girl crying and become besties. I'm not going to lie. It actually depends
Starting point is 00:27:02 on my mood. Sometimes I'll just like pretend I didn't hear it but if i'm like listening and i'm really feel triggered and i put my leo on the line hat on i'll literally walk over and be like babe listen to yourself you deserve better this is rubbish behavior from him that is embarrassing behavior from him you're gonna go out there and you're gonna have an amazing night tonight okay but then sometimes like if you're like really sober or like you're about to leave you're like the last thing you want to do is get dragged in because sometimes you can be in them toilets having those conversations for over an hour and you come back to your table and your mate's like where the fuck have you been and you're like i was just having a
Starting point is 00:27:38 therapy session do you know i mean so honestly it depends sometimes if i hear a girl really upset i can't help myself but but say something to be like babe babe, this ain't, this ain't it. You are a 10. Do you know what I mean? So like I said, it honestly depends. Um, somebody says you have a heart of gold and know your worth. Love you. Thank you. Um, I definitely know my worth now and I will never, ever, ever settle for less than, than what I deserve um like there's there's things there's ways I've behaved and behavior that I've accepted in relationships that I will never accept again um which makes me grateful for those for those experiences um and I will never ignore a red flag again like when I say I know my worth I'm like I will not I will not allow a red flag again. Like when I say I know my worth, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:26 I will not, I will not allow myself to go into an unhappy place for a partner. Like I'm not doing that for anyone ever again. You were a bully slash bitchy in school. So no, I was actually in a friendship group with, there was about six of us all together maybe maybe more um and there was a leader of the pack who we were all terrified of um and we were like best friends in quotation marks best friends um and she bullied us all every single day it was like one person was the victim like she like pushed me on the floor once in front of everybody and made like a big circle around me it was a great time um and like spread a rumor about me that like pissed my pants once but like when you're 14 like that's that's a heart-wrenching thing to happen to you like
Starting point is 00:29:20 i remember i came into school and everyone was like blah blah said that you you weed your pants and I was like what no I didn't like what are you talking about the next person comes up to me you pissed your pants and you're like what are you talking about and then like you you ask them like why are you saying this and then they're like it's just a joke it's just a joke just have a laugh for you and I'm like what and it's horrible and I used to have so bad so such bad anxiety that I would like make myself sick in the morning so that my mum would believe that I was ill I'd like hold cups of tea against my forehead and try and convince her that I had a temperature she would have been like yeah really hot in that one spot there but it worked I used to have a lot of time of school because I was so scared to go in, when I was the victim of the time, because it was only one at a time, it was always one,
Starting point is 00:30:08 but whoever it was, you weren't allowed to be their friend, otherwise she would make your life hell, so everyone used to like put their head down, and just like, just try and not to get shot basically, it's like just avoid an eye contact, it was a very scary school for me, but then, on the last straw, which is the time she pushed me on the floor and really embarrassed me and she told everyone that had a nose like a coat hanger which was nice um my best friend now jess was the only person that stuck up for me and then since that day forward we stuck together and we didn't associate ourselves with anybody else there was like another two girls that we used to get on really well with and like we'd spend lunch and
Starting point is 00:30:48 stuff with them but me and Jess were like twin sisters like we literally became inseparable ever since so you know I'm grateful for that experience because it brought me my best friend so it is what it is um but no I'm not a bully I hate bullying um you seem confident to everyone else, but you're anxious on the inside. Yeah, again, it honestly depends. Like I can have days where I just don't feel anxiety at all. I'm like ready to roll, I love in life. Next day, I can just be not anxious, but I can sometimes I'm just like in what's the word so introverted and I cannot bring myself to break out of it. Does anybody ever get that? And like, you're trying so hard to break out of it does anybody ever get that and like you're trying so hard to come out of your shell and for some reason you just can't speak do you
Starting point is 00:31:30 ever get that and you feel so shy and you can't speak and you go really shy I get those weird days and the next day I'm like everyone look at me everybody look at me I'm in the room so what basically my answer to all of these is depends um somebody says you feel insecure without fake tan i would actually say that's true yeah i'm not gonna lie you always leave recording the podcast until after 11 p.m i mean it's technically 10 24 now but yeah you are right you are right i do i do that a lot um you prefer a night out to a night in? Um, it honestly depends. I'd say, yeah, I'd probably, no, sorry. I'd say no. I'd probably prefer a night in to a night out, but then I do enjoy a good night out these days. So yeah, I prefer a night in, but I can, I'm enjoying nights out as well.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You're not afraid to speak your mind or be honest, even in a large group. Um, if it's about something where I really stand by it and I'm really passionate about it or I I feel like what somebody is saying is really wrong um not in terms of like their opinion being wrong but in terms of it just being like morally wrong or offensive like that is when I I will not be able to just sit there like I literally just have to question them and like challenge what they're saying um but again I'm not confrontational I'm not really confrontational so it depends if it's something I'm genuinely passionate about or I hand on heart think it's wrong what they're saying not like I said not in terms of their opinion but in terms
Starting point is 00:32:56 of just like it's hurtful or whatever that's when I will I will just have to argue it. But yeah, yeah, I'd agree. You're a mummy's girl. Yeah, I'd say I'm a mummy's girl for sure. The way you are on the pod is how you'd be with friends, super genuine. Thank you for saying I'm genuine. Yeah, I would say the same. Like this is how I talk to all my friends.
Starting point is 00:33:20 This is literally like when I voice note my friends, it's literally like an episode earlier on the line. It's literally that. You're completely okay with your ex with someone else yeah for sure I I want my ex all of my exes anyone I've ever associated with I want them all to be happy um and and live amazing lives and meet amazing beautiful stunning gorgeous girls so yeah of course um I'm actually going to end it there because why do I get a sore throat on my podcast? I don't get a sore throat in day-to-day life. Maybe I'm like straining on my vocal cords when I speak. I need to have a think about my vocal
Starting point is 00:33:56 health, I think, guys. But yeah, happy Sunday. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Thank you so much for sending in all your assumptions about me. of them were nice which is quite nice quite pleasant um but yeah the um the not so nice ones definitely make it more interesting but then a lot of you are really sweet because you'll send one in and then you'll message me like i don't think that by the way i love you don't worry um but yeah again i love you guys so much honestly thanks for being so amazing recently you're the bestest friends i could ever ask for and i will see you on tuesday for a brand new episode full of dilemmas and juice remember send in all your dilemmas and confessions leah on the line at gmail.com follow at leah on the line on instagram follow at leah levain on instagram while you're at it and yeah um if you guys comment and like
Starting point is 00:34:42 my pictures on my personal instagram you may have noticed that i always stalk you and like your stuff and on tiktok i do it on tiktok as well so yeah just saying a little promo there all right guys i will see you on tuesday have a great monday it's first day of the week smash it out and then um and then yeah i don't know where i'm going with that all right everyone just shut up okay i'll see you on tuesday i love you

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