Leah on the Line - Bonus 15: Never have I ever... VOICE NOTES EDITION!

Episode Date: September 10, 2022

Hi babes! Welcome back to another episode and a fun game of NEVER HAVE I EVER! This was so fun and I feel like we should definitely play some more fun games on our Sunday bonus episodes! Thank you so ...much for all your love, I can't tell you how much your support means. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lily on the line happy sunday we're here with a bonus episode today there's three this week we're just crazy that's like three hours almost actually maybe like two and a half hours we spent together this week. We're just crazy. That's like three hours almost. Actually, maybe like two and a half hours. We spent together this week. Hasn't it been amazing? I feel like we've got so much closer this week already. You know what I mean? This episode is really fun. It's going to be raunchy. It's going to be filthy. It's going to be tea filled. Tea filled? Yeah, that makes sense. We're playing a little game of Never have I ever voice notes edition now I do get a lot of you don't want your voice on the pod like a lot of you do say like can I play but without a voice
Starting point is 00:00:51 note and I said yeah of course like just send me a little send me a little uh I put a question box up for the people that didn't want to do a voice note which is fine but I did get some voice notes which is fun but I totally get it it's very um exposing to have your voice in the pod but what I have learned is is it learned or learnt learnt what I've learnt is that or is it learned I swear they're both a word one of you is going to know the answer to that but it's going to be too late because I've already recorded the podcast now, you know? But anyway, what I've learned slash learnt is you guys are sending me never have I ever based off of things that you have done. You don't have to send me things that you've done. Like it can just be like things you want to know if I've done. But a lot of you, they're very specific. Do you know
Starting point is 00:01:40 what I mean? They're very specific. You might as well just give me the names of the people that you've done these things with. But I find that that very exciting and I love that I know a little bit more about what you guys have been up to you naughty naughty people but very excited I'm really looking forward to exposing myself and embarrassing myself but I feel like last time I played this I learned I'm actually really fucking boring and like my answer to most of them is just no, which is, you know, it doesn't make me feel like I haven't lived at all. But you know what? I say this all the time. I live for you guys and your amazing, weird, crazy confessions. You guys go out there and do crazy shit. And I sit at home on a big pink chair with a big neon hello sign above my head, not living an interesting life.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Like I always say, I live so far away from the edge. I literally live firmly in the middle. I could not be further from the edge. I'm not a thrill seeker. Like I'm really not, but I feel like I've done some shit in my past. So it depends on what the never have I ever's are before I can predict how much I'm going to expose myself. But I'm going to go into this blind. Obviously the voice notes I've listened to, but I put this up like a month ago. So I haven't listened to them like in like a month. So I do not remember what they are. And you know, we're just going to see how it goes. So I hope you're all really well. It's the end of the week. I hope if it was a bad one you feel relieved the week's over let's start again tomorrow you know if you've had an amazing week congratulations
Starting point is 00:03:08 what an amazing week it's been so much fun I know um and I hope you're ready for the the Monday that is approaching us tomorrow how do you guys feel about Mondays because I love Mondays Mondays for me is like new beginning fresh I just see it as like a positive energy. Mondays, woo! A lot of people are like, oh, fuck me, it's Monday. Do you know what I mean? But I'm very new week, new energy, new beginnings, new opportunities, new chances. Let's do it. But yeah, it's still Sunday. Don't worry. Have a nice lazy Sunday. If you're hungover, I hope you're all right. I'm with you on on this i'm not hungover because i'm not going out this weekend i haven't been out in literally ages it's so it's so depressing i really want to
Starting point is 00:03:50 have a good night out i'm sick of my hometown is anyone else just so sick of their hometown on a night out it is so boring and no offense but i'm sick of the same fucking faces and i'm sick of the shit music all right i just want to have a little boogie it's a Beyonce do you know what I mean you can break my soul you can break my soul we should all go on a night out I always say this on TikTok live I just want to plan like a big on the line club night you know because I love clubbing obviously you guys know I love the club but anyway happy Sunday hope you're having an week. I'm glad I managed to get this episode up. I was really worried because things have been hectic, okay? Things have been
Starting point is 00:04:30 busy, but I'm so glad I'm making the time to get it up because I did promise and I never ever break a promise. That is one interesting fact about me. So without further ado, let's play a little game of Never Have I Ever. Okay, let's start with the voice note shall we let's just kick it off with this one hi leah hi everyone listening oh never have i ever came up with a bizarre excuse to leave a date or a hookup early we've all done it i want to hear the story girl you know what i don't think i have so we're leaving a hookup or a date early and you're coming up with an excuse i actually haven't done that i don't think i'm very honest like if i'm not feeling it i'll literally just be like oh i think i'm gonna go like i think the most excuse I've ever made up is like oh I've got work in the morning like I've never I've never actually been like oh my best friend's dogs just
Starting point is 00:05:30 died you know what I mean I'm not really a liar like I'm I'm very honest yeah I just you know I don't I don't feel the need I'm so boring like that's such a boring response i should just lie and make one up yeah once i said that my best friend's dog ate her nan so i had to leave urgently i'm sure there's so many interesting stories that you guys have got on that one though i'd love to hear them okay next one hey um leah my best friend oh goodness, this feels so weird voice noting you. I feel like I've heard your voice so many times that it's really strange that you might potentially hear mine. My never have I ever, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, my never have I ever is never have I ever orgasmed from missionary. I just never have. I wish I could. I love love that position I love when a man takes control gets on top but yeah for me never works um let me know your thoughts get me some polls um I want to hear what you girls um have to say about the topic okay love you bye love you too interesting so I when I got this i was like okay she's asking if we've ever orgasmed a missionary but i've never orgasmed from sex only ever clitoral stimulation i've never orgasmed from penetrative sex you guys know i can never fucking get that word out
Starting point is 00:07:00 penetrative it just i just stumble on it every time penetrative um yeah i've never orgasmed from okay penetrative sex so i put up a story on this one um saying one for you guys never have i ever had an orgasm from penetrative sex alone aka no clitoral stimulation and we have 33 what do you guys think is the answer for this just have a little prediction in your head while you're listening because I wasn't shocked by the response but it's 33% coming in with the I have and the 67 with the I haven't so I'm in the 67% I have not and I don't know anyone I've never met anyone in my life that has. Isn't that interesting? I'm sure there's obviously loads of you listening that like, what the fuck girl, I have. Trust me,
Starting point is 00:07:51 I would love to. Sounds amazing. Like it sounds great. But like sex is still amazing. It still feels great. I mean, I'm just not going to ever reach that point. But that's okay um yeah so I haven't in missionary or in general with that one babe so yeah love that um what do you guys have to say about that one have you ever orgasmed a missionary and if you know she says she loves it but she can't orgasm what's your favorite sex position I don't know what mine is people ask me this all the time and I really don't know it changes it really changes you know it changes for me so love that one from you honey um next one hey babe I'm absolutely loving the podcast oh I love you so much I have a never have I ever question because I need confirmation that I am not the only person that's ever done this please tell me i'm not okay i'll try never have i ever
Starting point is 00:08:45 sent someone a photo in exchange for money oh my god i'm so fucking boring because i haven't jesus christ i am so boring who wants to pick who wants to pay me for a pic at this rate who's paying me for a nude because i'll fucking send it i've never been paid for anything like that i've never done anything like that i'll fucking do that shit for free and I'm joking um moving swiftly on I am really boring because I haven't I don't I don't know I know that obviously doesn't make me boring but it just makes the podcast episode quite boring be way more interesting if I said I had um but you're definitely not the only one that's done that come on, how many of you, girls and boys listening, how many of you have sent pics for money
Starting point is 00:09:27 I know you have, you dirty bitches I love that though, next one Hey Leah Hi babe I want to start by saying I love you so much you're such a comfort person to me I always watch your lives
Starting point is 00:09:42 and obviously I love the podcast been a fan since before you even started the podcast and also i'm a graduate musical theater performer so i mean i just thought i can relate to you so much yeah um anyway never have i ever um made a fake account to stalk a ex or your ex's new girlfriend um and then the other one is never have i ever stalked your boyfriend's like if you had a current boyfriend their exes on social media and like gone really deep into like their old facebook posts and stuff i love you bye i love you bye okay so let's unpack these slowly first one is never have i ever created a fake account to stalk an ex or their new girlfriend no i've actually never created what a shock my answer is no because i'm a boring
Starting point is 00:10:38 bitch i've never even created a fake account to stalk anyone i don't stalk like if you're my ex I do not and this is hands hand on heart this is the truth Bible I don't stalk my exes like when I break up with someone I don't look at your shit I really truly don't obviously I do at the beginning for a little bit but once I hit that unfollow button or whatever it is I I don't really don't look like I really I really don't like if I want to look I don't want to have to do it and stalk I will just not unfollow you if I'm interested and then as soon as I'm like you know what I'm not actually that fucking interested in what you're doing anymore that's when I hit unfollow and that's when I don't actually genuinely look um and I definitely don't stalk your new
Starting point is 00:11:19 girlfriend Jesus that's none of my business you know what I mean um but I know loads of people do that and I'm probably weird but I just something just clicks on my brain and I just genuinely would rather get on with my life like once I've got to that point with an ex where I'm unfollowing it's because I'm not interested in what you're doing anymore do you know what I mean you know what I mean what was the other one never have I ever stalked my current boyfriend's ex I again oh my god I haven't I think ignorance is bliss like I I don't want to know like I might be like what does she look like can I see a picture I mean but I'm not like I'm definitely not going down their Facebook and
Starting point is 00:11:58 stuff but I I don't I really don't I never ever ever ever have done it I've had like a look like I might be like oh let me just see what they look like just out of curiosity maybe I'm just curious like am I your type like do we look the same or like does she still have pictures of you up I mean but I don't stalk and I'll probably look once maybe twice max right at the beginning but once I'm in a relationship with someone like that is it's you all that matters I'm not I'm not looking at their account is that really fucking weird of me I feel like most people probably do stalk but I just don't I would just rather not personally that's all it is if I'm being totally honest with you all right next one okay so my never have I ever is never have I ever convinced a friend to break up with a
Starting point is 00:12:47 boyfriend however i have convinced a friend to break up with a boyfriend okay um but the reason i'm saying that one is because i think it's quite a good well i'm intrigued to see what other people think of that um because is it right when i say convinced like i wasn't forcing my friend into it I was kind of looking out for them and obviously you hear like the girl's side you don't always hear the boy's side though so is that right like what uh what's your opinion on that do you think it's okay to kind of like help out and give them a little nudge nudge wink wink nudge nudge wink wink so personally I've mentioned this a few times on the pod I will never tell my friend what to do like I will never be like you need to break up with your boyfriend because I feel like they
Starting point is 00:13:31 can end up resenting you so like say I was saying to my friend you need to end your relationship like it's not going to go well you'll be so much happier if you end the relationship he's going to come running back blah blah blah and then she ends the relationship because I've convinced her that was the right idea, right thing to do. And then she's heartbroken. She feels absolutely terrible. He doesn't come running back or she isn't miles happier. Like I told, I convinced her she would be. Then I'm left accountable for the way she's feeling. Do you know what I mean? Whether it's true or not, like obviously I'm left accountable for the way she's feeling do you know what I mean whether it's true or not like obviously I'm not responsible for the fact that she's broken up her boyfriend she does make her own decisions but she will feel resentment towards me because I was part of that
Starting point is 00:14:16 decision so I don't want to be part of that decision I feel like my role is your friend if you are in a relationship that I deep down believe you should be walking away from I will think those things and do what I can to help you come to that conclusion but I will not tell you that um and I will just be there every time like if it if it goes to shit every six weeks I will just be there every time you know because that's my role as your friend I'm not trying to tell you what to do ever and I'm not trying to be a part of that decision so no I haven't shock my answer to everything is no I'm fucking boring I'm literally boring oh but yeah I haven't but I'm sure those people have and I don't think there's anything entirely wrong with it because I do see that you are just looking out for your friends and obviously as a friend it's really hard to sit
Starting point is 00:15:04 there and watch somebody in a situation that you know is not good for them and you feel like you have a responsibility as their friend to help them realize that they do deserve better but unfortunately when it comes to relationships people have to get to that conclusion on their own so yeah i haven't next one okay never have i ever thought my friends's mum or dad was hot. Oh, wait. She's Australian, guys. She's an Aussie. Oh, hello. Me too. Let's start again.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Sorry. Okay. Never have I ever thought my friend's mum or dad was hot. Okay. Love you. Bye. Bye. I probably have.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I'm sure I have. I can't think of a specific friend though oh my god is there any point in this fucking episode is there actually any point I mean I've promised Nels I'm gonna have to put her up but oh god I'm embarrassed to admit that I have not I mean I probably have like I'm sure my friends have fit parents but I cannot think of one off the top of my head no you guys know it wasn't about the parents it was about the teachers you know
Starting point is 00:16:13 let's go in with another voice note never have I ever had sex with more than 20 people he sounds like he's been forced to do this I haven't no I haven't oh my god what's the point in this fucking episode no i haven't next one hey leah okay my boyfriend sent one i'm gonna send mine so mine is never have i ever gone to the gym at a specific time with the intention of seeing someone there because you know they go there at the same time love you bye um i mean kind of there was a guy who i know was always there
Starting point is 00:16:57 during my hours and i fancied him and i felt like he fancied me like I felt like we would just be like sweaty and be like look at us look at us but I didn't go there at that specific time for him but it became apparent that we both had the same gym time maybe he was going at that specific time for me you know perhaps maybe that's what was going on um but again I haven't done it on purpose but there was a guy who if I wasn't going at my usual time I'd be like I'm not gonna see sexy gym boy today um and I bet he was there like where's sexy gym girl where's sexy gym girl tonight she's really she's really slacking this week but um yeah yes and no then I suppose what we're getting somewhere I'm getting a bit more interesting with this Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:17:51 all right let's switch over to some um written ones and we can always come back to the voice notes if we have more time but I do want to read some more out because I feel like the ones that you write down might be quite interesting because obviously they're the ones that you don't want to voice know you know somebody said never have I ever gone through a partner's phone I have done this um and I have found what I was afraid to find never have I ever said I love you and I didn't mean it. I have. I have. Yeah, I have. I have done that. Somebody told me that they loved me and I, my life is a movie. Okay. And I was seeing someone and they were like, I think I'm in love with you. And I was like, Oh, I think I love you too. I didn't, I could not have any less love for them. And they definitely didn't love me. And I think that's you too I didn't I could not have any less love for them and they definitely didn't
Starting point is 00:18:46 love me and I think that's why I said it back because I knew they didn't I was like oh whatever sweetheart do you know what I mean like you definitely don't love me Jesus but because he said it and my life is just a movie and everything's so dramatic in my mind I was like, oh my God, I love you. I literally love you. So I'm in, I'm in love. Um, yeah. And then that swiftly ended, but yeah, I have, I have said that. And also I've said it when I've thought I love somebody and I haven't as well. Um, somebody said, never have I ever still liked an ex while getting into another relationship. No, I feel like if I still like someone or have feelings for someone, I can't even emotionally, um, I can't be emotionally available. Like I can't invest in something else because my mind is not 100% there. Um,
Starting point is 00:19:39 so no, I haven't, I've still had, like, I've still cared for an ex and felt a little bit guilty when I was moving on like I remember years ago when I was moving on from a relationship and I still felt like a little bit attached to my ex but not in an emotional way like that more like a I feel guilty for like really moving on and really letting go of them because it just felt really I just felt really guilty for it. It was weird. But yeah, no, I haven't had like feelings for them like that. No. Never have I ever had to do the walk of shame.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I have, but I feel like the walk of shame is usually like a one night stand. Hey, like, do you know what I mean? It's like you're walking home. You've still got your dress on from the night before. And I haven't quite done it to that extreme. But I have done it where I've like stayed somewhere and walked home um so I've definitely done that but not in terms of a one-night stand because I've just never had a one-night stand before so yes and no really I mean yeah I would consider that to be the walk of shame what do you guys consider to be the walk of shame does
Starting point is 00:20:45 that have to be a one-night stand how many of you haven't ever done the walk of shame i feel like more people probably have done the walk of shame than haven't is that true what do you guys think um use never have i ever used an electric toothbrush or non-erotic object as a dildo no no i can't say i have i feel like loads of you probably have done that though why do i feel like that's like a really common thing for people to do um never have i ever been caught by your parents on a swinger's site oh my actual fuck no that's fucked up that's fucked mate that's actually crazy no i haven't but i get the feeling you might have um never have i ever slept with someone twice your age my biggest age gap is very small i think it's like four years max, I think. Maybe five years even. I'm not even sure. Actually, no, probably four years. So no. Never have I ever had a threesome with my boyfriend and his best
Starting point is 00:21:57 friend. Oh my god, you guys are actually crazy. No, I have not done that. I've not had a threesome with my boyfriend and his best friend. You guys are actually pretty crazy. Could you have a threesome with someone you're in a relationship with? Because I could not. I could not have a threesome with someone I'm in a relationship with. No chance in hell. I would flip my fucking shit, how I would flip my fucking shit mate I would become a new person and you'd see a whole nother level of jealousy and anger in my eyes but I mean I suppose it was his friend so why are you okay with sharing me that's that's another problem I'd have I'd be like why are you okay with your best friend fucking me why is that not an issue for you do you not care you're jealous are you that secure in this relationship that you don't even care that's crazy though what was it like okay guys i'm gonna wrap up the episode because
Starting point is 00:22:57 obviously it's a bonus and i always make these like a fucking hour long and they just don't need to be what i have learned learnt is that i'm fucking boring and i need to get a life and go and make some crazy decisions while i'm young and crazy someone tell me something crazy to do i'm fucking doing it first one that dms me something crazy to do i'm just doing that i'll get back to you next next confession diaries of my confession what it is I'll get back to you next, next confession diaries of my confession, what it is. I'm going to do something crazy. Okay. And I'll tell you what it is on the confession diaries. All right, guys, I honestly love you so much. Thanks so much for taking part in this episode. It was so fun. I love playing your voice notes out. I find them so entertaining and just so
Starting point is 00:23:41 funny. You guys are funny. Like that's why I actually love you so much. Like you guys are funny. This girl sent me a voice note the other day and I won't play it out because she was absolutely steaming and I didn't check if she was okay with it. So I don't want to do that just in case. But she was drunk and she was like, Leah, I'm in Ibiza. I've just broke up with my shitty boyfriend and I just want to say i love you and i was like oh my god i fucking love you i literally love getting voice notes from you so if you ever go to message me just send me a voice note hun like i love hearing especially do you know what especially when you're drunk when you guys are drunk and you just think about me it makes me laugh it makes me
Starting point is 00:24:22 so happy like why are you in a nightclub thinking about leah on the line like it just makes you so i just love it it makes me so fucking happy like she's smashed up in our beef and she's going leah i fucking love you and i literally was like babe i love you so much it was so funny so yeah next time you're drunk send me voice notes because i honestly just like i said i live through you guys so when I'm having a shitty night in, and you guys are having a night out, it makes me feel involved. Join me. All right, guys. I love you so much. I'll literally speak to you in a day or two. So have the best Monday ever. Be productive. Make it an amazing start to the week, okay? Let this be your motivational speech. Have an amazing Monday. Have an amazing start to the week okay let this be your motivational speech have an amazing monday have an amazing start to the week we are amazing amazing people do you know what i mean have the best week i love
Starting point is 00:25:09 you so so so much you are so amazing you're the best friends ever thanks so much for all your support i cannot tell you how much i appreciate every single one of you that even hits the play button on one of my podcast episodes it means so much you are the whole reason i do this leo on the line is nothing without you you listening you in particular you yeah you you i'm in head if i'm in headphones right now that might be quite creepy you you oh right i love you guys so much have the best monday and i'll talk to you on tuesday for a brand new episode have an amazing day i love you so much i love you so much i love you bye

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