Leah on the Line - Bonus 17: The DATING episode

Episode Date: September 22, 2022

Hey guys, welcome back to a brand new episode! Today we discussed all things DATING. From first date rules to first date horror stories!! Thank you so much for sending them all in, I loved our chat to...day! I love you guys. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello! Hi everyone! Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leah on the Line. Happy Friday! I know, fancy showing your face around here Leah. Brave. Where have you been? Basically, I did have a Tuesday episode and I swear, I actually swear on my life. I swear on my life. And you guys know I'm afraid of dying. So I would not say that. I will say it was late. But I have my reasons for that. Anyway, I recorded it on Tuesday. No, I recorded it on Wednesday. Wait, when did I record it? Tuesday or Wednesday I recorded it on Tuesday and open it open my laptop on Wednesday to upload it edit it and upload it gone absolutely gone I've got the visuals if you don't believe me I did put a screenshot on my Instagram story to prove that I actually did sit there for an hour and record
Starting point is 00:01:00 it's actually an hour and 15 minutes the episode as well which makes me mad because it's one of my longest ones if not my longest ever and 15 minutes, the episode as well, which makes me mad because it's one of my longest ones, if not my longest ever. And I really loved the episode. Gone. Just vanished into existence. But you know what, guys? It wasn't meant to be. You guys did not need to hear that for whatever reason. It was not meant to be. The universe didn't want that to happen. So there was no episode this Tuesday and I can only apologize but unfortunately it was out of my hands and I am here today not letting you down on Friday because I do love you and I do care about you and I do care about this podcast okay but anyway happy Friday I went to Glastonbury today everybody I picked up some new crystals I picked up a nice big fat rose quartz because I have got a nice rose quartz which if you're interested and you weren't sure it represents self-love you know like emotional balance like healthy relationships
Starting point is 00:01:50 it's really nice crystal and I just need a bit more a bit more of that so I thought I'd get a big fat one bigger a nice bigger rose quartz I picked up some angel cards because I basically I am now a qualified spiritual medium. And I decided that I give everyone tarot readings in my circle. And I picked up some angel cards so I could really add to that, you know. I could really add to it. But I've really got my boyfriend into it. Like basically we sit in bed and talk to my pendulum and my tarot.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And basically it told me that I'm gonna have triplets will it not happen if I if I tell you all nah fuck it do you know what I mean I basically said am I gonna have twins because I'm a twin my mum's a twin and I was just sure I was gonna have twins and bearing in mind I've got PCOS so you know it's gonna be a struggle to have one but whatever cross that bridge when we get to it honey do you know what I mean and it was like maybe like an unsure answer I was like how how are you not sure about that you know I can't kind of have twins can I so I was like okay let me ask you this am I gonna have triplets and there's you know like two twins and then the extra sibling and it said yeah and I thought fuck me sideways of course you know ideally I would be very blessed and grateful and feel like one of the luckiest people alive to have one baby let alone three
Starting point is 00:03:15 wow I know people dream of it but you know I I don't know if I'm cut out for that that's intense imagine the body imagine what my body would go through imagine carrying do you know what i was saying it makes me sick you'd have four hearts in your body and four brains does that make anyone feel sick like when you carry trip you got four brains in your body four pumping hearts but then it's like oh three little pumping hearts so It's so sweet. But anyway, and then I asked the pendulum and it said, yeah. And then I asked, asked Harrow and it also gave me the same answers. I did a yes or no reading. And I said, am I actually going to have these fucking triplets? And it said, yeah, babe, you are. Yeah, babe. Definitely. Yeah. And I was like, crossed alive. I've really got my work out for me.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And then it said, and then I said and then I said am I gonna stop there like am I just gonna have three and then be like right fuck me I'm I'm out you know that will do and it said no and I said am I gonna have another child after my trip as I said yeah I thought Christ Leah must be bringing in the cash I must be really making it work because I don't know how I'm gonna afford that guys I really don't know how I'm gonna afford these four because I don't know how I'm going to afford that, guys. I really don't know how I'm going to afford these four children. I don't know how I'm going to bear these three travelers. This is really stressing me out. So I thought I'd get some crystals, you know, help me balance these emotions just in case it's an accurate reading. But who knows?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Guys, I got a tarot reading at the start of this year and it's so accurate. I was talking about this on my TikTok live the other day so if you were there and you're hearing this again I'm really sorry you have to hear this twice but basically I was in a whole different place when I first got this I was unemployed I was in a whole different relationship I didn't even have the podcast I was completely stuck in my life and basically it did it in months at a time I don't know if this is a boring story but I feel like it's quite interesting so I'm gonna tell it anyway you can always skip like a few minutes if you're not into this shit so anyway I I asked the um reader for just a general reading
Starting point is 00:05:18 for the year and she gave it to me in chunks like January to to April, I think it was, et cetera. And then, you know, May to whatever. And January to April was like, come March time, like if you're worrying about your finances, don't worry, like you'll be in a different position by March. And then in April, I see you having to let go of something, right? In March, I got a job, two jobs actually, started bringing that, bringing the bread home. You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? And I was finally like, woohoo, you guys know. If you guys have been here since March, you guys know. And it also obviously said I'm going to have to let go of something in April. I ended the relationship I was in, in April. Crazy. And also it said, you're going to
Starting point is 00:06:02 start a project in January and it's really going to start paying off in November I started this podcast in January we'll come back to that November shall we see if it starts really paying off I mean I would say it's paying off already because I'm over the moon with how this is going but I was like wow this is crazy like when I looked back at the end of April I was like whoa whoa whoa this girl is good this girl is good and then in August it said like your manifestation powers are really intense and really strong around your birthday so like really make use of it it said um around this time around my birthday i'm gonna have like an amazing opportunity in my career i signed to management i got i got a contract sent to me on my birthday crazy crazy it was literally crazy and basically coming up it says that secrets people
Starting point is 00:06:47 have been keeping from me will be revealed in october so if any of you fucking bitches keeping shit from me it's coming out it's coming out in october if any of my friends are listening to this and they know they've got secrets from me well yeah they're gonna first of all fuck you second of all fuck you second of all it's coming out mate it's coming out so don't get too fucking cocky with all these secrets that you came from me because it's coming out everything comes out eventually but anyway welcome back i'm really just in my spiritual fields you know can't wait to talk to the angels tonight i've got an angel like crystal because apparently it helps your connection with the spirits and with
Starting point is 00:07:23 the angels i'm probably losing 50 of my audience right now because I feel like you're either like you fucking love that shit or you're literally like get a life. Do you know what I mean? But I love it. So anyway, welcome back. This is the dating episode. You guys have been waiting for it. I've been excited to do it. We are going to be talking about all things dating, being single, you know, first dates, first date rules, first date horror stories. I'm so excited. So I felt like I could start. Oh, by the way, how are you? Hope you're okay. Love you so much. Miss you so much. I thought I would start with first date rules. So I'm not an expert. Okay. I actually haven't been on that many first dates I can't lie because
Starting point is 00:08:06 everyone that I meet everyone I go on a first date with falls in love with me and then I end up their girlfriend joking joking anyway I haven't been on that many first dates I'm not really a dater like I'm just can't really be bothered like it's very rare that I'll meet up with a guy like I might chat to you chat to you chat to you and then they're like so like you free on Saturday and I'm like what what actually makes you think I wanted to meet up with you do you know what I mean I'm just oh it's horrible and it's toxic but I can't help it I mean so but I have been on a few not that many do you know what I mean but I've been on some and I feel like I've got a good gist of like the the male brain and the female brain from my experience. So I can help you with
Starting point is 00:08:46 heterosexual. Why do I really struggle to pronounce that word properly? Heterosexual. That's right. Or is it heterosexual? My God, Leo, shut up. Anyway, male, female dates, because that's all I have experience in. So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to give it my best shot and give you some rules and tips because you guys know I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to give it my best shot and give you some rules and tips because you guys know I'm qualified for this and I'm always right. Okay. Rule number one, don't get there before them. Okay. So let's say you're going for dinner. First of all, don't do that because I can never do that. But if that's something you'd want to do, then fine. But let's say you're going for like a meal or a bar let's go for a bar because i feel like
Starting point is 00:09:27 more people would be more comfortable with a bar than dinner so we're meeting at a bar we say okay cool let's meet at i don't know think of a bar i can't even think of one let's meet at this bar and you're like okay great what time i don't know about half past seven okay great cool see at half past seven we're getting there uh i'm gonna say quarter to eight yeah 15 minutes that's all right you can wait 15 minutes do you know what i mean because first of all we're not sat there waiting for them i'm not sitting there waiting for you so i mean then i already look more keen than you and i'm not having that second of all if they're there before you you can just walk in and they can look at you and be like wow
Starting point is 00:10:05 she looks absolutely stunning and he can really appreciate the outfit he can really appreciate the everything about you your presence when you walk into the room whereas if you sit there if you're sat there waiting first of all you feel like a dick and you'll just start talking yourself out of it second of all when he walks in and he can't find you ick no absolute ick I'd leave I actually wouldn't even imagine you've got to do the wave you've got to do the hi oh over here ick ick ick ick if a guy walks into a bar looking for you and he can't see you oh my god I'm putting my head down I'm like no I can't do this I actually can't do it that is such a nick for me so that's that's rule number one for me again you guys don't have
Starting point is 00:10:50 to agree it's totally fine the next rule is don't tell them everything you like okay so like say you're on a first date and you're like oh I just love flowers or like it's really important to me that a guy always opens the car door for me or Or like, so you're like, oh, I really hate when someone does this. You're literally giving them a manual how to make me fall in love with you. Do you know what I mean? Rather than letting him be himself and you seeing the real him and what he really just genuinely has to offer you. Rather than being like, oh, you know, I just love, I just love when a guy buys me flowers after the first date, just like sends them to me the next day after the first date. I think it's really, really nice.
Starting point is 00:11:30 He's going to send you flowers tomorrow, you know, or if you're like, oh, I hate it if a guy doesn't open the car door for me. You better believe when you, when you get in the car with him, he's opening the door and we'll never know if he would have just done that naturally. And we, we never know if, if he just is the guy you're looking for or if he's pretending to be you know so that's that's a very important thing to think about i think you know like tell them tell them your interest and stuff like jesus you not don't be like i'm not you know you can figure it out on your own just be like you don't have to give them a manual you know how to make me fall in love with you um next one is be thankful okay not suggesting that the guy is going to pay for everything we're
Starting point is 00:12:07 going to get to that as well that's another topic we're going to copy but you know if if you're at a bar i always say do rounds you know like do you go up i'll get around you know you go i'll go that's what i do in when i go on a date in a bar i'm like right i'll go up what do you want or if they get in a round of drinks i'll go and get in like a round of tequilas. Do you know what I mean? Like always be appreciative. And when, when they get you a round of drinks, thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. If you go for dinner and he insists on paying, make sure it's thank you so much. Thank you so much. That's really, thank you. You know what I mean? Next okay kind of carrying on from the last one treating them mean does not keep them keen right so you know when I've done it before when you just like
Starting point is 00:12:54 are just rude not rude but like you know what I mean like that treat them and keep the keen it's like you like banter them and like mug them off and I think it's like a younger thing to do like when we're older I reckon people listen to me think, oh my God, she honestly thinks she's in her 50s. She thinks she's so old and wise. Okay, I know I'm only 25. I've got a lot to learn. Jesus fucking Christ, someone help me. But I mean, I think it's really important to be very kind be a nice person like you don't have to be like banter and treat them like shit because it's sexy it's not sexy it's just fucking rude but on the flip side have some mysterious energy about you like you have to be intriguing like you have to make them want to get to know you more it can't just be all out there on the table i'm a really nice open book
Starting point is 00:13:43 yeah of course be open be genuine be honest but the same time, I think it's really sexy when a girl and a guy as well, it's like, I want to know, I want to know about her. I want to know what she did in her gap year. Do you know what I mean? Or like, I want to know about her dating experience. I want to know. Do you know what I mean? I think keep that balance as well as you can. Okay, next one is sex, right? You guys know how I feel about sex on the first date. So I don't give a fuck if you want to have sex on the first date. If you want to have sex with someone the first time you meet them, you do that. But if you don't want to, if you're like, okay, I really don't want to. Let's say you have experience where guys have had sex with you on the first date and you don't want that experience again sorry i meant to say where
Starting point is 00:14:28 they've had sex with you on the first date and then they ghost you and you don't want that experience again and you're like i'm not gonna have sex with a guy anymore until i know he's not gonna ghost me until i know he's got some respect for me if you've made that decision i'm not gonna have sex the first date it's hard sometimes okay sometimes you just get horny and you just can convince yourself oh maybe he isn't gonna ghost me you know maybe i can't just have sex with him tonight hard sometimes, okay? Sometimes you just get horny and you just can convince yourself, oh, maybe he isn't going to go to me, you know, maybe I can't just have sex with him tonight. But you've decided, I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to do it. I've got a really good tip. Wear ugly pants, like wear really ugly granny knickers, right? And if you're a soft pussy gal, like say you're a, I like to be clean shaven girl don't shave and then you're
Starting point is 00:15:06 not going to do it no matter how much how bad you want to no matter how much of a good idea it might seem in that moment but you've told yourself beforehand that you don't want to you're not going to be convinced that way you're not going to convince yourself oh you know maybe or maybe it wouldn't hurt i always say this to my friends when she's going on a date or when she's meeting up with her ex for closure i'm like have you shaved yeah I'm meeting up with my ex right okay what what pants are you wearing to be fair if it's your ex the pants don't really matter does it they've seen you and everything but I'm always like have you shaved yeah oh you have oh yeah but I always shave I don't know for a fact that you don't when we go to the nightclub and you, and you get your puss out in front of me. Yeah, I know that. So yeah. And my final rule or tip is I definitely have experience
Starting point is 00:15:52 where when I'm seeing a guy, I'm so like, does he like me? Does he like me? Like, oh, like, do I need to, am I his type? Am I his type? Or like, does he like this about me? Or is he unattracted to this part of me okay first of all that is so relevant again going back to the self-love self-love episode someone's opinion on you has nothing to do with you what we actually need to be asking ourself is do I like him do I even fancy you are you good enough for me you know are you my type are you what I need are you what I'm looking for before we start going oh my god but is he attracting me am I his type I don't care I just don't care if I'm your type I literally don't care if you like me I'm more concerned
Starting point is 00:16:33 about whether I even want to be sat here on this date do you know what I mean so ask yourself that do I like you are you good enough for me yeah so moving on no what kind of not moving on i asked you guys for your first date tips and somebody sent me a voice note of her boyfriend giving tips for the girls so i thought i'd play it out because i thought what great perspectives i have you know so let's hear so scrolling on your phone in front of the other person right obviously talking about your ex too much oh yeah i think another bad one is when you're really rude to the waiting staff i was thinking that gross if they're rude to the waiting staff oh yeah i feel like they're very um what what's the word like not obvious because that just makes me sound like a
Starting point is 00:17:27 dick I mean like oh I don't know basically like I agree and and if you do any of those things you're a bad date essentially I'm I don't really have any other way to put it like that's that's unattractive if I was on a date with somebody and he sat there on his phone first of all it gives me anxiety i'm just like what is on that phone i already just i'm pissed off about it you know i mean like what is so interesting um and the rude to waiting staff and bar staff listen as a hospitality queen don't be fucking rude all right we work very long hours. I might've been there since 8am and it's 10pm. Do you know what I mean? Um, so yeah, don't be, don't be fucking rude. That's the number one. Um, and do right. If they bring up their ex, I'm not being funny there. They're
Starting point is 00:18:17 still attached and that's, I'm not interested. If I'm on a date with someone and I even hear the word ex or his ex's name, I just think, just think right okay so what was the reason for bringing me out here today then because I know for a fact you'd rather be here with her or you're doing this as some sort of revenge or whatever and you know just don't waste my time please so yeah they're my first eight tips and rules I hope they were helpful because obviously I'm an expert. But now I thought it'd be really fun to move on to some first date horror stories. Okay, so I obviously popped up an Instagram story and I was like, let me know what's happened to you. Send me in your first date horror stories. So let's see what we've got. This one i went on a tinder date earlier this year and afterwards he told me to follow him we left the bar and he walked me back to his house he took me into his
Starting point is 00:19:12 room oh into this room and was full of old-fashioned paintings and old-fashioned furniture he switched this is literally a horror story he switched off the lights and put the fire on and started playing classical music and kept joking about murder throughout the day. I thought I was going to die. After he dropped me home, he said, at least I didn't murder you this time. Safe to say I didn't see him again. What the fuck? First of all. Second of all, what the fuck? He is a serial killer, one million percent. I feel like he is genuinely a serial killer and he was going to kill you, but changed his mind. Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay. First of all, that is so scary. Let's take a note from this, never go back to a stranger's house because we don't know who we're fucking with. You know what I mean? Okay, next one. Okay okay I actually love this one so this is
Starting point is 00:20:08 probably one of my best it's like a confession kind of but it's like one of the best things I've ever read on this podcast I've replied to her already because I was like I fucking love it listen to this you are not ready for this for me and my now boyfriend's first day we went for dinner and drinks and ended up going clubbing goals in my opinion love that i love that you were like going out for a couple of drinks you're like should we just go to a fucking club i literally love that anyway we went back to his i was supposed to be staying anyway and started doing bits and he went to go down and all of a sudden i felt sick i pushed him back and started running still on my heels and dressed by the way and was sick
Starting point is 00:20:43 all over the bathroom next thing i know it's 6 a.m and i've woken up laying on the bathroom floor naked i open the door and he's lying on the whole floor with a pillow and a duvet fast asleep because he was worried i'd choke i woke him up at 6 a.m and he takes me to bed and lets me sleep on his side as it's closest to the door in case I'm sick. Oh my God. Honestly. And hugs me for the rest of the night and then the next morning brings me breakfast in bed. Hilarious because it was definitely the worst date ever but glad because it was with him as we now laugh about it and think it's hilarious. And turned out to be the best date ever as he's now my boyfriend and we're one and a half years in is that not the best thing ever like how cute she's
Starting point is 00:21:29 like fucking passed out in the bathroom of this like new stranger's house he's brought his duvet and a pillow and just falling asleep outside the door just to keep an eye on her that honestly killed me like when i when i read that i was like he is an actual like the definition of a angel like sweet sweet angel boy honestly i was like wow marry him marry him marry him i know people are probably thinking jesus christ yo fucking bare minimum or what but i just thought it was sweet the way that he slept there like he didn't have to sleep there like he could have knocked on the door and been like are you you okay? Do you want to come back to bed? Do you want some water?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Whatever. But he just left. He was like, right, she's okay in there. Like, she wants to stay in there. I'm just going to sleep here. So if there's an emergency, I'm right here. And the way that he, like, bought his duvet and then, like, took you to bed and let you sleep on his side. And then bought you breakfast and bed.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Ugh. I know your boyfriend and girlfriend. He must have really been crazy about you, I think. You don't need to do that for a girl you really like don't you think okay i love that what what i mean i mean it is a nightmare story to be honest but it turns out really quite amazingly do you know what i mean it's like a horror story i mean a horror film when they all get kidnapped and then loads of them, and then one of them escapes at the end, with like their leg hanging off, and they're like running away in the field, and it's almost like, it's kind of like a happy ending to a horror film, anyway, next one, okay, this one, sayers,
Starting point is 00:22:58 the boy shit himself at the table, um, okay, I mean, yeah, that's pretty fucked up I don't know what I would do I honestly I don't know what I'd do I think I would have to leave I don't think there's anyone in the world I could fancy enough for that to not give me an irreversible ick like on the first day like I wouldn't mind if that happened to me like now i'd probably piss myself actually but if that happened on a first date with someone i don't think i could look past it i really don't could you guys if he was on a first date and they shit themselves at the table could you no right okay next one he picked me up and we were going to play mini golf the first five minutes of the journey everything was going good and the chat was flowing then he went really quiet and
Starting point is 00:23:51 didn't have much chat at all two minutes later he pulls up at the side of the road and is sick everywhere i legit didn't know what to do i asked if he was okay and he said he just gets really really nervous he insisted we still went to play mini golf and the people please that i am agreed fair to say no kisses were had on that first date i honestly think that is so sweet that would not have put me off at all i can't even lie like i don't think that would have repelled me at all i would have been like that is so sweet you do not have to be nervous with me we're gonna have a great time. Like, I think you should have gone ahead with the date. Like, it would have been brutal for you to be like, well, I don't really want to go now.
Starting point is 00:24:30 You've just fucking chundered out the car, you fucking scab. Like, I would be like, oh, my God. Do you want to go to, like, a little shop and get some water? Do you want to chill out? Do you want to go for a little walk? Do you want to pull over and walk for a bit? Like, I would have been like, do not be nervous. We're going to have a great time like if he gets that nervous imagine how hard it was for him to
Starting point is 00:24:49 show up that day I bet he couldn't sleep the night before bless him oh god he's never gonna live that down oh god honestly poor boy that's so sweet though oh anyway moving on every girl that walked past he'd say she's fit i'd fuck her or nah i wouldn't fuck her okay ew absolutely vile that is so disgusting unattractive do you think that makes me want to have sex with you no oh my god would you would you fuck me but would you fuck me fuck off fucking gross some people are gross you know okay speaking of gross people was dating this guy for three months found out he had a girlfriend oh honestly people are shit i was gonna say men but girls are shit too like that's fucking shit i can't lie. Let's move on to another one. The guy got me our first drink and then asked how many it would take for me to sleep with him.
Starting point is 00:25:52 The answer could have been one until you said that. Honestly, now there is no amount of alcohol in the world that could make me want to touch you. You fucking pig. Okay. Um, I went on a date and he whipped up my youtube and started watching my videos that's a violation honestly why would you do that he's just trying to embarrass you make you feel embarrassed fuck off i'm not embarrassed what my youtube videos i'm very proud of them actually so fuck off trying to fucking embarrass me did you see him again okay next one he spent most of the date on tinder and the notifications were non-stop i mean ew ew ew ew ew gross we went to a local pub and all his mates turned up literally the
Starting point is 00:26:33 first time i'd met this guy what is wrong with people literally what's wrong with people honestly okay so back to the whether a guy should pay on a first date i actually put up a poll and i said do you expect the guy to pay for the first date and the response was honestly very happy with the response very impressed by all of you so i put four options option one without a doubt babe without a doubt i expect him to pay i'm not fucking getting that money out no chance on how am i paying right next option depends who asked who out next option is i'd rather pay half and the next option is i'll offer but he better fucking decline he better decline right so what do you guys think is the winner of the poll without a doubt depends who
Starting point is 00:27:26 asked who out i'd rather pay half or i'll offer but he better decline so i actually thought the winner would be i'll offer but he better decline but the winner was i'd rather pay half now that shocked me but i'm with you on that i am with you because I don't want to feel like I owe you anything like not even like yeah sure equality that is one of the main reasons I'd like to pay but also I've spoken about this before I do understand why a guy is expected to pay for for a date when we both work do you know what I mean we both work hard for an income why should I steal your money off of you just because you have a penis you know so that as well but also I have this like overwhelming feeling where I'm like I don't want to leave this day feeling like I have to see you again because
Starting point is 00:28:14 you just spent like 100 and something quid on a really gorgeous dinner do you know what I mean um and in second position we have I'll offer but he better decline so it's like you know I'll say oh no let me let me get it let me get it and if he's like okay thanks you're like you cheeky cheeky boy you'd rather him be like no honestly there's no way put your put your purse away now gorgeous girl I've got this one. Or do you know what they do say, which is quite nice when they go, you get it next time. And it almost confirms you've seen each other again. Do you know what I mean? So the offer is always a useful instigation whether you're going to see each other again. And then we have depends who asked who out
Starting point is 00:29:01 in third place, which I definitely agree with. like if I said to a guy can I take you out I'm not going can you take me out for a nice expensive dinner can you like work extra hours this week so you can treat me to some nice cocktails at Turtle Bay do you know what I mean like it's it's not I think it's fair that if I ask a guy out I'm paying and last position with seven percent of the votes is without a doubt babe so i'm really impressed i'm very impressed by you all okay so i feel like we've really covered some good topics we've had some great horror stories which i've really enjoyed i did want to go through hinge profiles with you all but i've actually lost every single screen recording I received and I mean every single one
Starting point is 00:29:45 I've had some nightmares of technology honestly I'm blaming mercury retrograde everything's fucking going to shit basically and I'm very very annoyed about it and I'm really looking forward to when it when it ends and I can have working technology again because Jesus Christ this podcast I'm riding on technology and it's just failing me at the moment but yeah let's wrap up the episode. Okay, how are you? How did you find the episode? Did we learn anything? Did it make you want to go on a date this weekend? If it did, this is your sign to text your crush and say, let's fucking go for a drink.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Let's stop fucking around. What are you doing tomorrow night? Also, I saw this thing on TikTok that said, if you go on a date with a guy, make sure you go on the weekend. Because if he's willing to not go out with the boys for a weekend and see you, it shows he is willing to prioritize you every now and then, which is nice. You know? Don't want a guy that goes out with the boys every weekend.'re not sorry weekends for the boys no no let's do both you know you can see the boys whatever you want but see me as well it doesn't have to be every weekend jesus christ i'm not crazy i'm not crazy girlfriend um but anyway honestly i loved this episode i'm so
Starting point is 00:30:59 sorry about tuesday i'm so sorry about the shambles this week has been it's just been a write-off and that's okay we're just gonna write it off i've had so much on my plate at the moment. I'm stressed. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. Okay. Everything is going to be fine. Everyone relax. I've got some new crystals, so I'm going to manifest a brighter week ahead. Okay. I love you guys so much. Have the best week. Well, weekend. Send in in all your confessions make sure you've got some confessions coming my way for tuesday i really need some new ones send me your dilemmas send me any thoughts any weekly debates ideas you guys know i'm always open to any of your suggestions and they are always welcome aka please send me some suggestions for weekly debates because
Starting point is 00:31:42 they're fucking hard to come up with but i have actually got a good one that I think I'm going to do for next week. So I'm going to let you know now. Head over to my Instagram over the next few days to have your say. But the debate's going to be, would you rather cheat on your partner or snitch on your cheating best friend? Fuck, that's fucking hard, right? So yeah, that's going to be the weekly debate. Head over to my Instagram over the next couple of days to have your say. And have an amazing weekend.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Remember, if you're drinking, don't text your ex, text me instead. And I will see you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. I love you. Bye. I love you Bye

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