Leah on the Line - Bonus 19: The CHEATING episode

Episode Date: October 13, 2022

Hey huns. Well well well... This episode gave me trust issues lol. Some of these stories are CRAZY and I hope you really enjoy this episode. I love you guys so much, you're amazing never forget it! As... always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. How are you? Happy Friday. I've missed you, honestly, so, so much. I hope you're okay. I hope you've had a really good week. It's the weekend. What are your plans? I hope if you don't work weekends, I hope you're having a really good week ahead. If you are working, I hope you've got some days off coming up. I love you guys so much. I've missed you. This episode is going to be so interesting. So this is the cheating episode. So we're going to
Starting point is 00:01:15 look at it from all angles, honeys. We're going to talk about your stories when you've caught somebody cheating, your stories when you've been the cheaterater if you forgave them and how it turned out the signs you know like all angles of cheating we're gonna dive in I'm so excited I'm currently in Tenerife as you're listening to this hopefully with a margarita in hands maybe sunbathing in a gorge bikini with a gorge tan line honey do you know what I mean but I'm coming home tomorrow I'm return on Saturday so everybody wish me a safe flight because I absolutely am terrified of flying flying um with whiz air so never heard of them I actually have never heard of them people that I've spoken to are like oh yeah I've heard of them I've never heard of whiz air it honestly for some reason it's
Starting point is 00:02:01 giving me anxiety whiz air do you know what I mean? Sounds safe. Do you know what I mean? It's scary. It was scary up there in the sky. But do you know what? I'm going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine. I'm going to land safe and sound. And I will be returning next Tuesday. So don't you guys worry about me. All right? Anyway, I'm so excited. I did some polls this week. I've got some amazing stories. I guarantee every single one of you listening, your jaw is going to drop at least once in this episode. I'm telling you now, hun. I know it for a fact.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? I feel like my Somerset accent's really coming out recently. But people keep saying it to me. They're like, oh my God, since you moved home, your accent. Don't, don't tell me. I don't want to talk like that. I actually can't bear't bear it but anyway i'm really looking forward to this episode i won't lie it's riddled me with anxiety like i can't trust a single person under the sun anymore like i'm not
Starting point is 00:02:55 even joking the stories in here i just hate everyone like literally people are scum no not you guys obviously but and not me because i would never cheat but honestly I can't I can't cope with it I it's given me so much anxiety basically it all happens under the influence or on a holiday you know what I'm saying and I the statistics are just scary to me but I'm so looking forward to diving in I'm so sorry to anybody that has sent me these dilemmas honestly I don't know how you have the strength but it's because you're all amazing beautiful incredible people that's how do I mean and you didn't deserve it so it's really simple as that babe so I'm really looking forward to this I'm so excited to just look at it from all angles and just like honestly it's crazy some of these stories are crazy I'm just gonna shut up and let's dive in
Starting point is 00:03:43 to the cheating episode. All right. So I actually popped up some polls on my Instagram story and I thought we could start by reading them out because honestly, they're really good, if you don't mind me saying. So the first one, pretty pretty simple have you ever cheated yeah i just want to know how many of you guys have done it before yeah have a little think what you think the response is going to be because let's bear in mind not that this matters but i just mean in terms of what it says majority a large i'm going to say over 80% of my listeners are female okay which means you know let's not say it's all men here yeah I'd be really interested to look at the statistics like what percentage of cheaters are men and what what are women should I look at that real quick yeah
Starting point is 00:04:37 I feel like I should do that bear with okay I've returned from my research so I can't find because I was thinking like let's take all cheaters together. What percentage of them are men and what percentage of them are women? But I can only find what percentage of men in general and women in general are like, have said that they are likely to cheat or have cheated. And it says around 20% of men have said that, yeah, I've cheated. I've been unfaithful. And 13% of women have cheated. So it's, you know, it is more men, but it's not massively. Yeah. And also read this, which is made me want to cry myself to sleep. Around, wait, around 15 to 20% of marriages
Starting point is 00:05:20 have infidelity. That's fucking too high all right honestly scary scary scary scary do you know what do you know what else as well if you think about it imagine back in the day like when social media didn't exist imagine how easy it would have been to cheat you go out you do what you want nobody is ever going to know about it. Well, you know, I'm sure you, if you saw them in person, you could find out like the other person could see you and be like, oh, I had sex with your partner. But I mean, you know, the social media cheating wasn't a thing. The social media messaging, hey girl, I'm so sorry to tell you this wasn't a thing. So brilliant, really isn't it? Quite fantastic to be living in this generation. But anyway, have you ever cheated?
Starting point is 00:06:09 What do you guys think is the response? I'm about to tell you. 21% of our friendship group of you guys, the listeners, say yes, I've cheated. 21%, very low, I think. I was expecting like a 50-50, you know, but 79% are like, no girl, no, no, no, no, no, I've not. So I'm quite pleased with that. Next poll, have you ever been cheated on? Okay, what do you guys think the response is going to be to this one? Have a little think because I honestly wasn't sure. I was dreading it really because I was hoping yes was going to be like 2%. 2. No, cheating doesn't really happen.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It happens. Let me tell you. 62% have said yeah. Have said yeah, they've been cheated on. That is a lot of people and it's so horrible and so sad. Okay, but then the next poll is if you did get cheated on and you forgave them, did you come out the other side? Okay. I've got three options to this poll. Option one, it took hard work, but we came out stronger. Option two, we tried, but ended up breaking up. Option three, they cheated again. LOL. Upside down smile smiley face so what do you guys think let me tell you the lowest response with 21% was it took hard work but we came out stronger so 21% of you who have forgiven a cheater it's worked out and I'm really really really happy for you. The next one, 39%, they cheated again. Just not good. 40%, we tried, but ended up breaking up. So it's like, you know, we tried,
Starting point is 00:07:53 just couldn't trust him or her, or it was just never the same, you know? Honestly, that's shit. I was hoping the, you know, it it took hard work but we came out stronger would just be higher you know i i hate that for you guys honestly but yeah they were the polls but then i put up another story saying you know what do you guys want to talk about what questions do you have what do you want us to discuss and debate and somebody says would you think your boyfriend having a photo photo vault is a red flag right i'm gonna go straight up and say fuck yeah i do yes one million trillion percent i do and 90 of you agree 90 of you are saying yes i do and only 10 are saying no i don't think it's a red flag honestly i don't know how you can think like that i really i really just think there's what else
Starting point is 00:08:45 could be in there besides shit that involves some sort of cheating in my opinion like whether it be you've got 52 percent no and 48 percent yes so i'm gonna say it's difficult because i think just to say no because my initial instinct is no that's not cheating do you mean that doesn't make someone a cheater but that i don't want to say no because I still think it's in some cases an unforgivable level of disrespect and I know a lot of people are going to listen to that and think Jesus Christ Leah get a grip of yourself love but obviously I'm not talking like a family friend or like if you liked a story and it was like your
Starting point is 00:09:40 fucking engagement photo or like you've just found out you're pregnant and someone likes it i don't mean that i mean like you look hot and my boyfriend's liked it i think it's so disrespectful also a story like is so sly because it's like i can't see that i can't see that only she can see that so it's like i find it very muggy that's like a statement saying you're a prick personally I don't think it's cheating but it's very disrespectful and if I was experiencing that behavior in my relationship it's not gonna fly with me honey all right and the next one someone actually said please talk about how to trust a new boy after being cheated on this is my situation right now so I'm just gonna read out a couple of responses because I totally get it like if you have been
Starting point is 00:10:27 cheated on it's like you know you've damaged my self-esteem you've damaged my trust in relationships you've damaged my trust in people in general I think everything's a fucking lie I want to check your phone all the time I'm worried about what you're thinking I'm worried about what you're doing on my out and you're basically thinking how the fuck do I move past that with a new relationship you know how do I go into something fresh without carrying that with me so let's see what you guys have said um this is a really good response don't judge him by your ex's standards that that is so great because it's like you know they're not all the same they're really not um and hopefully you can communicate that and be like look this is my experience in the past um and i might need a
Starting point is 00:11:13 bit more from you do you know what i mean i might need a bit more reassurance at the beginning or you know maybe for a long time because it really damaged me as a person as a partner do you know i mean um communication is the most important make him aware of your past and talk through it yes i'm with you um this girl says my boyfriend says don't let one rotten apple spoil the bunch exactly your boyfriend has a great point there not everyone is a cheater let them know your insecurities and always trust your gut um look out for you don't let them in too quickly and never trust 100 someone says don't run full stop
Starting point is 00:11:50 do you mean like don't run it's like don't run away because when i first read it i thought she meant like how do i trust the guy who cheated on me but then i realized you mean how do I trust a new guy so um yeah I don't know which way you mean that next one if they're gonna do it they will and it'll be part of your journey no point in stressing I always think this you know like I'm not the kind of person to be like checking your messages checking your phone checking your following checking if you're liking girls photos doing like research because in my opinion if someone's going to cheat on you they're going to cheat on you right and I literally have this mentality of like I don't want someone to not cheat on me because I've made it impossible for them I don't want
Starting point is 00:12:33 someone to not cheat on me because I've I've like guarded every move that they make I don't want someone to not cheat on me because I've been so careful to stop like if you're going to cheat on me you're going to cheat on me and if you're not gonna cheat on me I want that to be because you don't want to cheat not because I'm looking at your phone every two minutes and because I've got your location on your night out like I my mentality is like I'm not gonna stress myself over something that hasn't happened and if it does happen I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I'll be all right I'll get through it I'm a strong girl do you know what I mean it's not that easy love do I mean I probably have about a year of breaking down on the floor but like before it's happened
Starting point is 00:13:13 why why make myself it all like why damage the relationship before it's there so yeah I'm with you on that one remember a new relationship doesn't mean those issues go away you have to work on them yeah for sure that is a great point as well it's like don't feel guilty for still feeling like you can't trust somebody just because they're a new person like you're allowed to be damaged by a situation you're allowed to have this trauma um and don't be hard on yourself you're an amazing person pick somebody amazing that going to have the patience to work for it with you. And if they don't, they're not the person for you because that's what you need from somebody thanks to the last arsehole. Do you know what I mean? Okay. Now I am really excited
Starting point is 00:13:55 to get in to your cheating stories. So a lot of these are long. some of them are a bit shorter but they are so interesting you're not going to get bored trust me i had a fucking field day on my phone today i i did look at my boyfriend in the eye and i was like look at me if you ever if i ever have to write a message like this i fucking swear to god and honestly i was literally like read that read that would you ever do that to me would you ever do that to me no i shouldn't think so love you wouldn't dare he actually calls me a rottweiler i'm not like aggressive or anything but like i'm just feisty what can i say i'm a leo do you know what i mean anyway that was the most pick me thing i'm really like i'm not like other girls like i've got such a backbone you know no
Starting point is 00:14:45 i'm a fucking little pussy and i will cry my eyes out it will ruin every inch of my self-esteem anyway let's get into your cheating stories i'm gonna start with this one i had a gut instinct he was cheating on me so i went through this apple his apple watch and found he met a girl on a night out and the first message was great to meet you last night and they'd been messaging for months i called him up on it and he gaslit me and the first message was great to meet you last night and they'd been messaging for months i called him up on it and he gaslit me and told me it was my fault and he told me he was just cheering a girl up in need and said i should be proud of him for helping someone i ended up apologizing for him cheating i stupidly stayed with him and whenever it came up throughout
Starting point is 00:15:22 the relationship i would cry all over again he'd laugh at me for crying I literally replied saying girl and then I quoted the you should be proud of me and then I said I'm dead what a fucking freak I hope he is your ex and she said honestly he wasn't normal 100% an ex free of him for nearly two years he told me he'd cheat on me if I watched love island he was like I can get the show in real life what an actual freak I'm glad you're free babes honestly that is mental to me you should be proud of me that is gaslighting to the max isn't it like he's cheated on you and he's managed to spin it like I did a good thing actually you should be saying i am i your mother or am i your partner thank you jesus what a freak okay next one this one's fucking crazy this one gave me anxiety i had the most vivid dream that my now ex-boyfriend that moved to uni was sleeping with his flatmate and i walked in on them i did
Starting point is 00:16:22 have suspicions of cheating already, but no clue who with. The day after this dream, the girlfriend of his best friend told me he'd been sleeping with this exact same girl that was in my dream. I was on a night out when I found out and instantly threw up all the Sambuca shots, drunk messaged him telling him to never talk to me again, and he denied it all. He recently begged for me to take him back, shock, but I very confidently declined and removed him off social media. Trust your gut, girls. I cannot tell you the stress
Starting point is 00:16:50 this gave me. Do you know how many dreams I've had of being cheated on? Literally, aren't the cheating dreams the worst? I wake up, I'm like, don't look at me, don't touch me. You know what you did last night, yeah? Get your fucking hand off hand off me now honestly they messed me up for the whole day and the fact that that was something telling you the fact that you knew who as well like and you didn't even know why you thought it was her but your your subconscious brain just knew honestly how anxious are we all now about the dreams that we have about being cheated on because i know we have them and they're the worst i I literally wake up and I'm like, I hate you. Get away from me, you cheater. You cheating, cheating little rat, honestly. Next one. This one is actually
Starting point is 00:17:35 voice notes. So I'm going to play these out and just listen for yourselves, guys. Just listen for yourselves, guys. So I was actually quite young. I was 16. Yeah, 16. And I had a boyfriend at the time. And it was quite, it was actually quite serious. It wasn't the average 16-year-old relationship. We would go out for family meals and stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:01 We were really close. And one day, this time last year literally this day last two years ago this day two years ago day before my birthday um i went for a meal with my friends in the same place that he was going for a meal and i didn't even know he was going out and he told me he was staying at home blah blah blah and I was like okay and bearing in mind this place is like a shopping centre so where I was eating was on the top floor toilets were broken it cut me off and the top top stair toilets were broken so my friends were like we really need the toilet and to get to the toilet is they had to walk past the restaurant so they've walked past and they thought like
Starting point is 00:18:41 what the hell is that max and they looked at who he was with, and he was just with a girl. But they were on a four-table, but it was just two people sat next to each other. Interesting. My friends had never met him yet, because they were, like, newish friends. So they've walked into the restaurant. It was TGIs, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:00 They've walked in, and there was, like, are you Max? And he was, like, what? Yeah, why? And he had his arm on this girl, like, a boob. Oh, my God. And they were TGIs actually, they've walked in and they was like, are you Max? And he was like, what? Yeah, why? And he had his arm on this girl like a boob and- Oh my God. And they were TGIs. Oh my God, pause. I just thought they've never met each other. So he's not shit himself when these girls have seen him.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Because like if he'd met the friends before, he would have been like shit and got his arm off this girl. But he didn't even know that they were your friends. Oh my God. Okay, carry on. And they then picked up all of his food, threw it on him. I knew the girl.
Starting point is 00:19:29 They threw his food on him? And, yeah, they threw all of his food in his face. What? He walked out with smothers of food all over his face. Good. What a scumbag. And then he walked out. I didn't know anything was going on.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I've come downstairs and he's covered. I was like, oh, my God, what happened to you? And my friend's like, Kieran, no. We've just caught him, blah, blah, blah. And he was like, yeah, but it's over, isn't it? I was like, who are you to tell me it's over? Oh my God, it was so bad. Wow. Yes,
Starting point is 00:19:58 I am now back with him. We've been together. my god i was i was actually 15 at the time so quite quite young i had like a six months where he no contact it wasn't a break it was literally just like we were broken up and then six months later he texts me and now we've been together two and a half years i could not forgive someone for that i honestly couldn couldn't. I said, oh my God, girl, my jaw just dropped. Do you trust him now? And this is her response.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Okay, good. wrong i didn't trust him straight away but he has built that up in me and now i can literally trust him to i don't know i don't know if a girl was trying to get with him he would just push her off okay i'm glad you trust him now i said um do you mind if i play this on the pod babe and she was like of course not and then i said i bet you don't go to tgi's together hey and she said i refuse i had a job there just after. Honestly, I'm never stepping foot in a TGIs in my life ever again, if that was me. That is mental to me. I mean, I kind of love it that your friend's like threw all his food in his face.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Like, oh my God, sorry. But I mean, you are a great example of you can get through it, get past it. And you say you genuinely trust him again. And for that, I'm happy for you. And I hope you make the right decision. I hope you have a beautiful life together. You know, let's move on to another one. We decided to make it official after eight months of seeing each other. He went to Europe for two weeks with my guy, with my guy best friend, and would FaceTime me and call me every night. Oh, lovely. He was saying he loves me and can't wait to move in together when he gets back. And I was all he could think about. I obviously believed him because he was my best friend and my boyfriend. I got back home. After two months, my guy best
Starting point is 00:21:56 friend, no, he got back home. After two months, my guy best friend started acting super weird around me. So I asked what was up he said I need to speak to my boyfriend about it so I had a gut feeling something bad happened it turns out while he was on FaceTime to me in Europe there was a girl in his bed that he was sleeping with for the whole two weeks he was also telling my mum he wanted to marry me and I was a girl he wanted to be with after he knew what he had done luckily my best friend was there and i made him tell me otherwise i might still be in that relationship three years later disgusting honestly disgusting i hate him i hate him i hate him i am so sorry that all of you have to
Starting point is 00:22:39 even have these stories because they are vile and I cannot even imagine the pain. Like it makes me want to be sick for you. There honestly has to be no worse feeling. Okay, moving on to another one. This is really interesting. She says, I've got both angles. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. So she was cheated on and she's done the cheating. So let's start with being cheated on. I was young, went on holiday with my mum and brother
Starting point is 00:23:36 and was being absolutely spammed whilst being away. I love you. I miss you. Please come home. Blah, blah, blah. I was in Ibiza, bearing in mind on a family holiday in a family hotel. And my brother must have been about 13 at the time. He was so paranoid. I was going to go out and find someone else. Sorry, sunshine. Who am I going out with?
Starting point is 00:23:54 My mom and leaving my brother by himself. Very odd. I came home to so many presents, expensive jewelry, a watch, the four works, and didn't really think anything of it at the time. Am I blind? I'm talking about a month later of thinking everything was normal, probably sleeping jewelry a watch the four works and didn't really think anything of it at the time am i blind i'm talking about a month later of thinking everything was normal probably sleeping with him and my friend from school decided to tell my best friend didn't even come to me that a girl had been around to his house and slept with him numerous times and had seen his phone wallpaper of me and him absolute cheek of it i confronted him about it and got smacked in the face with deny deny deny but knew deep down this was true so i obviously left him he was going on for months he couldn't live without me anyway i had none of it kept the watch and blocked the big blocked the big
Starting point is 00:24:35 walking red flag thank you very much so you're on holiday and he's getting worried about you because he knows he knows what he was doing honestly these people are so scary to me they're the reason we're all gonna have trust issues after this episode i know it and i'll just apologize in advance honestly it's not my fault it's really not my fault please don't hold me accountable for how you feel after this episode i'm with you honestly i'm with you okay now this is her story where she cheated okay okay she says here we go no judgment i was a very silly young girl i would never judge you don't be so silly i was in a relationship for around a year and in the beginning
Starting point is 00:25:10 i was absolutely taken over by this boy i thought he was the best thing on earth and did everything in my power to get him typical situation of him being a party boy that i wanted to tame why do we do this anyway my mission was successful and we got together. The infatuation faded and unfortunately I got bored of the relationship and we drifted apart. When we were together I didn't miss him and expressed these feelings to him. I told him that I think we need some time apart and not speak to weigh up if these feelings were actually real. So we went a few weeks without speaking. I can't believe I actually did that I'm a horrible person now looking back but wanted to make sure that I wasn't just throwing the relationship away. same feelings didn't miss him and felt
Starting point is 00:25:48 all weight lifted so I knew deep down the relationship was over he was working away and then I went on a girl's holiday very bad timing but I did end up cheating on him I think it was a nail in the coffin that I knew there was no going back from this I got home met up with him and told him the relationship was over I never directly told him I cheated I thought he didn't need the confidence knock and the double blow of I breaking up with you but I've also cheated on you I think he knew deep down but it but it was never explicitly expressed am I a bad person for this I've never cheated before or after this and the thought of doing that to my now boyfriend makes me sick to my stomach so I don't regret this as much as I
Starting point is 00:26:22 know it's a horrible thing to do as now I know that the moment I have any doubts in my relationship to call it a day. Love you girl and love the podcast. Also very happy for you seeing you thrive like I always knew you would. Oh, I love you so much. Honestly, I think, I think I'd be with you on that one. Like if I'd ever been in that position, I think I'd be with you on just being like, I just need to end the relationship because at the end of the day, you don't want to be in the relationship anymore you don't want to work it out so it's like why cause that person more pain and hurt their self-esteem by saying yeah I cheated on you do you know what I mean so I totally get your angle on that one um yeah I mean it's crazy that you've got both angles of that but at least you're in a happy relationship now
Starting point is 00:27:04 I hope you never ever have to feel that feeling again I'm least you're in a happy relationship now I hope you never ever have to feel that feeling again I'm sure you never will and I love you I'm happy for you that you're happy again okay let's move on to another one so my boyfriend at the time was part of a society at uni and I saw some messages on his phone from a girl in the society which were a little too friendly for my liking he tried to play it off but i knew something wasn't right she knew full about full oh my god she knew full well about me as well okay anyways fast forward a couple of months he goes on a night out and isn't replying that much but i wouldn't expect him to be messaging me when he's out with his friends however he does ring me at one point to tell me he loves me etc and hates being on the phone so that was weird he doesn't come home from the night out despite telling me that he was about to get in a taxi at
Starting point is 00:27:49 like 2 a.m we're renting together by the way when he finally comes back at like 7 a.m he just gets into bed without a word so i tell him to go into the spare room yeah what the fuck where have you been you left at two it took you five hours morning comes and i demand answers he told me he went back to his friend's house to talk about something which he wasn't ready to talk to me about yet um well you're gonna have to be ready hon because i'm ready to hear it i'm afraid so i asked which friend and he eventually tells me it was this girl but says it wasn't just him who was there okay and when he goes to the toilet i check his phone and he messaged her saying something like sorry i left while you were sleeping i hope you understand bitch why was she sleeping while you were there so i confronted him and he said she fell asleep while they were talking and then in
Starting point is 00:28:42 brackets she's put bullshit but i loved him and wanted it to be true so i waited for the club photos to come out the next day and boy was i mad there was a photo of them holding hands walking through the club at this point he was in uni so i text him telling him to come home five hours later he comes home and takes forever to admit what happened we'll skip over all the backwards and forwards and just go straight to what happened so basically they kissed that night in the club and that's why he rang me because he felt bad but then she asked if he wanted to go back to hers after and he said yes we didn't feel bad for very long did you didn't feel that fucking bad oh my god i better i better call my girlfriend i love you so much do you want to come back to mine? Yeah, all right. Honestly, people. Anyway, continuing on. Apparently, they spoke for a
Starting point is 00:29:29 while. He confided in her about how he was conflicted about what he wanted in our relationship. Yes, confided with a girl he just kissed. Then apparently, they kissed again at her room. And then he came home. He swore in his life they didn't have sex but who knows so we broke up okay good she texts him that same day saying he needs to decide because it's not fair on me bit late for the concern hun but then messaged him later that night to go out so she didn't feel bad for long he didn't go out they never hung out again after that actually but we were then living with each other for like eight more months at uni and basically acted like we were still together stupid i know nothing else ever happened in that time but now we have moved out we're still in contact but he's moved to portugal he's half
Starting point is 00:30:13 portuguese he's half portuguese so god knows what he's up to there oh what a dick that is a horrible horrible horrible horrible story the fact that he's gone out kissed someone been like shit shit shit i'm just seeing my girlfriend then gone back to hers do i think they had sex um okay i think there's two options i think the way that he was like oh sorry i left when you fell asleep i hope you understand it's like that's something you say when you've had sex with somebody and then you feel bad that they're going to wake up and you're gone so you have to send the text to be like oh sorry i left where you were while you were sleeping i hope you're okay i hope you understand that to me is a text you send once you've had sex with somebody it could also be that she just fell asleep while
Starting point is 00:31:01 they were talking and then he's taking himself home but to me that also says you would have had sex with her if she didn't fucking fall asleep on your lap do you know what i mean you didn't not have sex with her because of me you didn't have sex with her because she fell asleep so they're my options for me what happened that night he would have had sex with her if it was an option or he did have sex with her so awful but honestly i hope you have recovered i honestly hope you've recovered because that is just torture i'm so sorry you had to go through that i love you so much okay let's move on to one more hate to admit it but when i was 18 i drunkenly kissed someone else in the club i'd been with my ex for two years and a few weeks before this all happened he broke
Starting point is 00:31:43 up with me he told me that he didn't like having sex with me because I wasn't attractive and he would wank over other girls photos uh may I add he told me they were girls we knew I'm a bit speechless on that I don't have sex with you because I'm not attracted to you and I like wanking other girls. You think that's okay to come out of your mouth? Honestly, I can't imagine how much that would have hurt. Wow. Anyway, a week later he came back and said he didn't mean what he said.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, and it was all a lie about his shit mental health. Stupidly, I took him back. Then a few weeks later later i was out with a few friends got very drunk and kissed someone else honestly good good no i never okay cheating is never good i never condone it as horrible as this sounds i knew at the time i didn't regret it this man had ruined my self-confidence by telling me he didn't find me attractive you know what yeah i can understand it i really can and he broke my heart looking back i know it wasn't the best thing to do but it gave me but it made me realize i was
Starting point is 00:32:52 stupid to get back with him and gave me an excuse to leave but i also want to add that i don't believe in once cheat always a cheat i was young and stupid and in a toxic relationship i knew i wanted out of i've since found a new man who I know I can always be open and honest with and would also never make me feel the way my ex did. Good, that story has a happy ending and I'm glad. You know what? I don't fucking blame you, honey, for that one. That is the most vile thing to say to a person.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I don't find you attractive and I wank over other girls. That's cheating. Ooh, is that cheating? Wanking over other girls? Yeah. That's, is it cheating?anking over other girls yeah that's is it cheating i don't know if it's class is cheating but it's a sackable offense for me that is game over because is it the definition of cheating no is it equally as vile absolutely fucking lutely in my eyes um i also put up a story saying this girl sent me a message and I thought it was so interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I really wanted to get your guys' opinions on it. So I put a screenshot of it on my story. Let me read it out to you guys. It says, I'd love to know your thoughts on this Leah. Do you think this is cheating? A boyfriend messaging an old girl friend, a friend that's a girl, not an ex, by the way. However, he changed her name in his phone to a lad's name and was deleting every message the messages were not flirty however still disrespectful as he clearly wanted to hide it from his girlfriend by hiding the name also bearing in mind this old friend said to the boy that she had feelings for him when he got with his girlfriend that is the reason they're no longer friends the girlfriend only found out about the messages as she had feelings for him when he got with his girlfriend. That is the reason they're no longer friends. The girlfriend only found out about the messages as she had a gut feeling and
Starting point is 00:34:29 went on his phone. What's your thoughts? Would you bin your boyfriend off or give him a second chance? Okay, so basically what's going on here is you've got a boyfriend. He's like, I always have this friend called Emma, but she told me she had feelings for me so like we don't speak anymore because you know i thought it was inappropriate because i'm with you now babe so i'm not gonna entertain emma anymore she crossed that line as a friend and i think that's disrespectful to you and you're like oh okay thank you babe i really appreciate that anyway emma is saved under jason and we find out jason is emma yeah but there's nothing flirty nothing flirty going on but why is she saved as jason do you know what i mean why is it a secret because you know it's wrong that's why that's that's my opinion. If you think what you're doing is innocent,
Starting point is 00:35:26 and if your intentions are innocent, she's saved as Emma, and it ain't secret. You've communicated with me that you'd like her to be in your life as a friend again. And she is, it's an open thing. You're an open book with me, babe.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Right? Why not? Why is that not the case i think he likes that emma is in love with him and he likes emma's attention and he knows that's wrong because he's with you but that's not stopping him clearly he still wants it so he's going to do it in a way he can get away with and call her jason on his phone and delete the messages okay let's see what you guys think to be honest you're all saying bin bye bye red flag no thank you what you're hiding mate yeah bin him if he's being faithful why is he hiding it and lying she deserves better
Starting point is 00:36:17 ooh bin him off so disrespectful and sneaky the girlfriend deserves better somebody says it's not cheating but very disrespectful and would probably break the trust depends if you can forget about it i wouldn't bin but i'd defo be fuming someone says sack him off someone says bin if you feel you have to hide something you know it's wrong i'm with you nope out of order sneaky disrespectful behavior bin bin him even if it wasn't flirty he's still hiding something from you. That's okay. Bin, the message, the minute they start hiding messages, pack your bags. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you. I am actually making an agreement that the moment we all discover anybody that we're in a relationship with is deleting messages, has somebody under a fake name, we're running away.
Starting point is 00:37:08 messages has somebody under a fake name we're running away okay um i'd confront him find out the reasons but probably bin him off the lion so yeah i guess oh somebody says even if it wasn't he's still hiding something from you that's not okay that is a great point that is a great point it's like even if you were stood there talking about me all the time how much you're in love with me there is already a problem and it's the fact that you're keeping secrets from me and you're snaking me and embarrassing me and disrespecting me okay because put it this way if i told a boy oh i've really got feelings for you and he had a girlfriend and then he continued to like talk to me I would be like oh my god he doesn't give a fuck about what his girlfriend might be feeling right now obviously I would never do that come on you guys know me better
Starting point is 00:37:54 than that I would never be that bitch but honestly it's disrespectful and with all of you on that one so very scary but let's try and be a little bit positive you know they're not all like this okay this this is just an episode full of horror stories let's not all let it get into our heads okay I love you guys so much I hope all of you that sent in these stories are happy and healing either in new happier healthy relationships or have worked through it with these people or are just happy and thriving on your own. You know what I mean? But yeah, very scary, but also very interesting. Whose jaw dropped on this episode? Because mine definitely did. Let's wrap it up. Okay. How interesting. You know what, guys? I saw tiktok recently how many times do i say that
Starting point is 00:38:48 in an episode blimey but it was this guy talking about why men in particular cheat and i thought it was so interesting so he said like let's say you're in a relationship with someone who has 90 of what you what you want because he said let's face it no one's perfect which you know I'll give him that apart from me but whatever um and he was like let's say you know they're giving you 90% and then you go out and you meet this girl and she has the 10% that your partner doesn't have right whether it be like I don't know she just doesn't make me properly laugh, you know, like I love her, she's kind, she's sweet, she's really talented, she's really motivated,
Starting point is 00:39:30 she's compassionate, she's got empathy, but you know, she's just not really funny, you know, but whatever. And then he meets this girl, really funny, such a funny girl, right? He cheats on her, cheats on you with her because he thinks she's got the 10% she's got everything she's 100% she's got that missing 10% and then he's like oh he actually you actually only have the 10% you know you don't have the other 90 and then that's why they come running back running back take me back take me back take me back it was so interesting I don't have the other 90. And then that's where they come running back, running back, take me back, take me back, take me back. It was so interesting. I don't know if it's true or not, but I thought it was a really interesting point to make.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Really spun my head a bit, you know. But honestly, guys, I hope you're okay. I hope you've had an amazing week. I hope you really enjoyed this episode. Thank you so much for sticking around. If you stuck all the way through to the end, I love love you so much I love you even if you listened for five minutes to be honest but I love you guys so much thank you so much for all your support and everything I can't wait to speak to you on Tuesday although I'll be back in England and that's depressing but
Starting point is 00:40:37 I'll just be grateful to land safe and sound to be honest yeah I hope you're okay I hope you have an amazing weekend if you're getting drunk definitely don't text your ex, especially after today. You know, I always say don't text your ex, but definitely don't text him after today. If you're thinking about your cheating ex, and now all of a sudden you've got your anger again, or maybe you've got some more questions. Did she just have the 10% that I was missing? Is that why you did that? No, it doesn't matter. Don't text them. Don't text them. It honestly honestly doesn't matter i love you guys so much you're so amazing and if you have been cheated on then fuck them yeah fuck them you're amazing and you deserve so much better it was a blessing in disguise thank you so much for building up my character honestly one of you guys responded saying you know my part where
Starting point is 00:41:20 i was like um have you been cheated on uh did you work through it blah blah blah one of one of you guys just want to say is there an option for um if you got cheated on but you're happy for them because you think you made the right decision because they're still together I was like hun cheating is never the right decision okay how can you be happy for someone I was like we are not the same honestly how can you be happy for them just break up with me and go and be with her like fuck fuck my seriously i was like i was like honestly hon seriously that's not me you can never be me but anyway i love you guys so much you're all so amazing look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're gorgeous
Starting point is 00:41:55 stunning sexy talented funny kind and everything that he will never be or she will never be okay i love you guys so much you're absolutely amazing and i I will speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. I love you. Bye. Bye. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love.
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