Leah on the Line - Bonus 21: The GHOST STORIES episode (Halloween special!)

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

Hey my spooky huns. How fun was this episode!! Thank you so much to everyone that sent in your ghost stories, I absolutely loved reading them out. I hope you guys loved it and have an amazing Hallowee...n weekend, stay safe! I love you so so so much. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo and the line how are you happy friday who's feeling spooky today so So spooky. Boo! Who's driving? Who got scared then? Who crashed their car? Happy Halloween. What day is it today? When, wait, Friday. What's the date going to be when this comes out? Any ideas? The 28th. Okay. A little bit far from Halloween, but it's Halloween weekend. Who's going out? I was supposed to be going out, but it's not looking very likely at this point so i might be spending a very sad lonely halloween never mind hey hope you guys all look amazing i mean i'm sure you will send me pictures of your halloween costumes i'd love to see them
Starting point is 00:00:56 but we are going to be doing a spooky spooky spooky episode today we are going to be doing ghost stories do you believe in ghosts that's the question i'm still not 100 even though i've got like my own stories nothing like really crazy but my sister and my family like my mom my auntie they've got some crazy stories ouija board stories for sure like the most legit things you've ever heard but I personally don't have anything crazy but I don't know if I believe in them and I'm kind of scared to say out loud because I feel like a big fucking off ghost is gonna come be like don't believe in me no we'll see about that do you know what I mean like it's scary to say out loud but I'm not 100% even though I did go to see a medium right I know I've spoken about it
Starting point is 00:01:45 briefly but here's my thoughts on it so apparently my nan came through which hopefully it was her because amazing miss you love you but like if it was her surely she'd be like hello it's Hazel do you know what I mean just be like hi Leah it's Hazel how's the grandkids do you know what I mean like surely she would just say something really specific but instead it's like who's the um woman that's crossed over the elderly woman with short hair and it's like what elderly woman had long hair not many do you know what I mean so it's like it's so easy to be suspicious and then they're like my apparently my boyfriend's granddad came through and like the things he said were so amazing like they said to him like why aren't you a copper anymore and my boyfriend used to be in the police and he literally left like I don't know a couple
Starting point is 00:02:29 of months ago so like that's such a specific thing to say but like his granddad had a thick Italian accent so like surely you'd mention that and he just didn't do you know what I mean so like it's just this weird specific things and then he'd say to me like oh um what what's this about this it's like surely she can tell you that you know like what's this about well if if my nan my gorgeous beautiful stunning nan is by your side surely you've got this information right directly from the source why are you asking me do you know what i mean so it's a bit like do i believe in it yeah am i convinced no that's the thing that's the scary thing but I don't I can't remember if I mentioned this on the podcast about the twins I feel like I did but just in case
Starting point is 00:03:11 I didn't or if you guys missed it basically what this psychic medium said to me he was amazing it was called let's give him a shout out it's in Leeds and it's called what's it called Heavenly Connections his name mick he was really quite fantastic and he he goes to my boyfriend who's the twins who's the twins and i'm sat outside the room listening and my jaw drops at this point and then my boyfriend's like oh my girlfriend she's a twin and then he comes out to me and he's like you're gonna have to come in the room you're gonna have to come in the room so i'm like oh my god oh my god and he come I come in the room and then he's like so you're a twin and I'm like yeah yeah and he's like okay I see you having twins though and I was like oh interesting
Starting point is 00:03:54 he's like yeah no it's not you it's you're having them I was like gorge always been a dream of mine Mick and then he was like but I can see three sets of twins I'm seeing three sets and I was like well Mick it's actually quite funny you say that because I'm a twin and my mum is a twin and if I'm having twins that's three sets babe do you know what I mean so actually quite crazy when you when it comes down to it but then it's like if my nan's there surely she'll just say those things do you know what I mean like why is she there but it's all so blurry but i guess i guess if she's crossed over it's going to be like any of my listeners mediums oh my god can you come on and we'll do a reading live on leah and the line oh
Starting point is 00:04:35 my god how incredible would that be and also i think i've spoken about this on tiktok i don't know if i've ever spoken about it on my podcast but i got a tarot reading i know this is kind of going off topic from ghost stories but it's still relevant i've got a tarot reading I know this is kind of going off topic from ghost stories but it's still relevant I got a tarot reading from this page on Instagram shout out at house of tarot um and they gave me like a year in advance reading and when I got it in January I was like bullshit bullshit bullshit like none of it made sense it was like because I was unemployed at the time if you guys remember listening I was unemployed like my life was a shambles and it was like oh don't worry if you're having financial difficulties like things will change around March and March is when I started working like two jobs and I was like wow that's crazy and then it was like in April you're gonna have to learn to let go of
Starting point is 00:05:19 things and I went through the breakup in in April and like all these things that I was just like at the time thinking this just doesn't make any sense it's all been spot on and like how did she know do you know what I mean but she did say that the secrets people are keeping from me are going to come out in October and we're approaching the end of October and no secrets have come out so we've got about a week for me to come out with some secrets well not me because I don't lie I'm an honest girl do you know what I mean but apparently there's some secrets being kept from me but apparently it's not in my relationship because she said there was something relevant to my relationship later down the line which means I'm still going to be in one which is fantastic news to me but it was just crazy because none of it made sense at the time do
Starting point is 00:06:01 you know what I mean like it said like oh make sure you make time for your partner in November because they might be feeling a bit left out. And at the time I was with someone completely different who did not want any time with me. Let me tell you that. So I was like, this is, this is bullshit, you know, but it's all turned out so real. So I'm a bit like, there has to be a spirit world. There has to be, do you know what I mean? It all makes sense. And you know what I'm like, I my crystals I love my manifestation so I really would like to believe in the spirit world and in I don't know about the word ghost it all sounds a bit like make-believe but the spirit world I'm I'm here for it do you know what I mean so I feel like I'm on board with it but it's almost a bit like why is it a secret do you know I mean like if ghosts are real like why is it this big secret like if i'm a ghost
Starting point is 00:06:45 yeah oh god this i'm gonna touch wood now one second touch wood i don't die um if i'm a ghost right and let me tell you i'm letting the world know about us yeah like i'm live on tv darling do you know i mean here we are we exist so it's a bit like are there rules are there like ghost laws where it's like no being shown on tv and the ghosts that come through they like breaking the law are they like criminals of the ghost world like why is it secret why is it secret why is it not just a fact do you know what i mean so many questions but like also don't really want to know the answer like kind of much happier just living in ignorance to it all but i'm so into it i love a tarot reading i love a spiritual medium i really want to go to another medium did you guys ever used to watch that tv show it was called like the long island
Starting point is 00:07:33 medium this amazing woman i can't remember her name it definitely begun with a t though maybe like tamara theresa i think it was theresa and she would like stop people in the supermarket be like i need to talk to you she's from long island i don't think that's how they speak she's like have you lost a mother figure or or like an older motherly figure a mother or a grandmother just a random woman in the supermarket and then they'd be like yeah they're like all right she's here with me did she did she pass from from a heart attack and they're like yeah it, okay, and you've had a child recently, yeah, she wants you to know that she's watching, and she's so happy, and I was like, I'm
Starting point is 00:08:11 watching, I'm thinking, oh my fucking god, this shit's real, this shit's real, what happened to that show, where is Teresa, shout out to, oh my god, Teresa, do you want to come on my podcast, what's she doing now, I'd love to know, but then Mick, my medium my medium was like sometimes I wish I was normal because honestly seeing seeing these dead people was just and he was like talking to me he's like yeah okay okay okay like he'd be mid conversation with us right and he'd be talking to me and then he'd just be going yeah okay okay okay apparently it's my nan which is Gorge honestly love that very jealous if you can see her because would love to personally but then it's also a bit like why can't you just why is why is why are you not laying out the facts why can't you i mean i'm sure there's answers but
Starting point is 00:08:48 i didn't say yeah mick this is all real yeah why can't you just tell me your name why are you asking me the questions surely you have the answers but then i was being really cautious not to like give him the answers like if he was like who's sam and then you think in your head like well i've got a cousin called sam so it could be sam but then you're like but that's kind of like random like why would he be talking about my cousin Sam so then you just go not sure not sure about that and he's like okay well look out for a Sam in your life that could be a Sam of some significance to you I was like all right Mick I'll take that Mick you know but anyway we're gonna be talking about ghosts today sorry about the long intro fucking all r, we're rambling on.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Maybe I should add some spooky music to set the mood. If you guys are just listening to this like midday, first of all, you're a psychopath. Second of all, I feel like this is an even thing. Who loves like serial killer documentaries, right? Because I was shown a clip of a comedian and apparently it's me. So he's like, women love serial killer documentaries and you'll just watch it like it's nothing like you'll see somebody just get like murdered in a field and then you just go out running in a field right after then you watch a cooking show and it's like
Starting point is 00:09:58 it's so true it's so true i honestly that's just me i love a serial killer documentary um can i admit that of course I can do I mean they're not number one on Netflix because it's not a normal thing to be fascinated by do you know what I mean I remember Zoella and Mark were talking about it listen if Zoella likes them I like them I love Zoella shout out to you Zoe anyway hope you guys are feeling spooky hope you guys are excited for this episode and without further ado, let's get spooky. Okay, who is feeling scared? Why do I feel the need to put on an American accent all the time? Must be so irritating. Okay guys, before I kick it off with your horror stories
Starting point is 00:10:47 I'm going to tell you some of my own so I only really have one personal experience and because it was so long ago I started doing that thing where you start to convince yourself that you imagined it do you know what I mean I'm sure we all do that. So my nephew, who is now 11, what the fuck, was a newborn baby, right? And I used to stay at my sister's house with him all the time. And we were all watching just a normal film, probably like a chick flick. We just used to love watching chick flicks, right? My sister goes up to bed because she's an early bird. I'm a night owl. my sister goes up to bed because she's an early bird I'm a night owl yeah I stay downstairs my nephew's sleeping with me and then she takes him up to bed and it's just me downstairs and I just finish watching whatever I'm watching on the tv right and then I'm thinking Christ it's about 2
Starting point is 00:11:38 a.m now I should probably get myself up to bed so I turn off TV. I get up off of the sofa and something physically forces itself into my hip that I jolt across the room. Now I'm not a liar. Okay. I don't make things up. This is the truth. This happened to me. And I literally fell to the floor, not because of how forceful it was. It wasn't that hard it was literally as if somebody just like accidentally bumped my hip and I literally collapsed onto the floor shitting myself and started crying my eyes out I'm crawling up the stairs at this point backwards going please leave me alone please please leave me alone please whoever you are leave me alone right and then I just you know when you're like a kid and you run up the stairs just on a normal night
Starting point is 00:12:31 and you think there's a demon trying to catch you I was like I'm I daren't turn and run because there is actually a demon trying to catch me this time and it will so I'm like crawling backwards up the stairs begging it to leave me alone get to the top of the stairs wake my sister up and I'm like oh my god you need to wake up something has just pushed me in the hip she's like oh really she didn't even fucking bat an eyelid but basically loads of weird shit used to happen in this house it doesn't really happen anymore but like when he was a baby it was trippy like she used to record videos down house it doesn't really happen anymore but like when he was a baby it was trippy like she used to record videos down by her shed and you'd hear like voices in the
Starting point is 00:13:10 background of the videos her friends stayed once and said that like she woke up in the middle of the night to somebody stood in the bedroom doorway staring at her and because it was so long ago i'm started to feel like i literally made it up but I didn't like I didn't you know what I mean I didn't make that story why would I make that up why would I crawl up the stairs in tears begging someone to leave me alone if I didn't feel that yeah do you know what I mean so that's my only personal experience my sister my oldest sister the same sister she has a personal experience where she remembers my nan sitting on the end of her bed just having a chat with her just literally having a little chat and there was one night where she said her bed literally levitated off the ground and
Starting point is 00:13:57 and smashed crashed back onto the floor like what are you talking about and this was in this which is now the spare room in my house and And that was my older sister's room. And then it became the spare room. And my second sister, so like my second oldest sister, stayed there, was sleeping in that room one night. And she reckons she was literally wrestling something for the quilt. Like, tug of war with the quilt pardon do you know what I mean what all in the same room and her now ex-boyfriend had a son and he stayed in the room one night and apparently he was actually crying in the corner because he saw something in that room so and that
Starting point is 00:14:44 was my room for a long time after after all of this, when I moved to uni and stuff, every time I'd come home for the summer, that was my bedroom, but touch fucking wood, nothing ever happened to me in that room, I've got to touch wood again, sorry guys, nothing ever happened to me after in that room, I've got to touch it again, oh my god, so yeah, it's weird, like, people, but they say that you have to be ready to experience these things and maybe because it happens me when I would have been 13 when that thing happens with my sister's house and I'm crawling upstairs crying saying please leave me alone they've actually left me alone hopefully anyway um but they're my experiences and then my sister my
Starting point is 00:15:23 second oldest sister I don't even know if I'm saying this right basically my sister two years older than me she is a little freak okay and she loves a good old ouija board now I'm just gonna say this now do not do a ouija board whatever you do in your whole life because I also have stories of my mum doing Ouija boards we'll get to them okay we will get to your stories don't worry um but my sister lived with her now ex-boyfriend the same guy whose kids saw a ghost in my room um and they lived together and they used to just do Ouija boards for fun literally just like should we just do a quick Ouija? Yeah, weird, actual freaks, right? And basically, they did it one night with his sister and somebody else, I think. Yeah, I don't know who it was, somebody
Starting point is 00:16:12 else. And basically, my sister said that it always starts by you think someone else is doing it in the group, you think it's a joke. And then you start asking questions that you know no one else in the group will know the answer to. And it would say like the most crazy shit and it was doing that for like hours and hours and then it started to turn really bad it got freaky okay guys so the ouija board jodie oh yeah that's my sister's name she she'll be okay. My sister's name's Jodie, just for reference. Jodie says, okay, goodbye, because it starts saying creepy shit, scary shit, dangerous shit, and Jodie's like, okay, goodbye, goodbye, and it keeps pushing the glass to no, no, no, wouldn't go, and then it started saying like, I don't know if i can say this you know this is
Starting point is 00:17:06 kind of scary it started saying like five die on the ouija board and then it said this girl's name who was part of the group playing like her first i'm gonna give a fake name just because i don't want to jinx anything for this girl but let's say her name was Millie it said like five die Millie first what the actual fuck bearing in mind this was years ago now um and then ever since this night their house flooded constantly the bath would flood in the middle of the night the kitchen sink would flood the like somebody would knock on the door they'd go to answer the door walk back in the house plugs in the kitchen sink sinks filling up they was flooding the house anyway they don't live there anymore but crazy shit my mum moved to where we now live because of a ouija board as well fun fact um my auntie has had several experiences with spirits like she was pulling out of a driveway
Starting point is 00:18:06 once and had to like slam on the brakes i will never forget the story she told me when i was so young but it was a lie no it wasn't a lie she slams on the brakes and her friend looks at her she's like what the hell are you doing she's like i'm not gonna run her over she's like who she's like i'm just letting that lady get past and she's like what lady yeah what the fuck loads of shit she was in a house once i don't know the full details of this story but she was in a house okay and the electrics go out and she was on like the top floor and she's coming down the stairs to find out what to her friend like what's going on and her friend's mum stops her in the hallway she's like oh don't worry like they'll come back on in a second then she goes back down to her friend and she's like her friend's
Starting point is 00:18:53 like freaking out and then my auntie's like oh don't worry like your mum's just said they're coming back on in a second and she's like my mum isn't here yeah yeah crazy but anyway they're all the stories i can think of off the top of my head pretty scary if you ask me but then like i said it's one of those weird things where it's like even though you experience it and you know it happened you're still a bit like is it real do you know what i mean i feel like i'm gonna get severely haunted now oh my god please don't please don't i really don't mean to make this into entertainment purposes. I really do believe in it. Please give us all peace and love. Okay. But let's get into some of your stories. Okay. I'm going to kick off with this one. It says, I had the creepiest experience at a friend's house when I was around
Starting point is 00:19:42 nine years old. Oh my God. Imagine nine years old and you experience something like this. Okay it was my first time staying over at her house and we were getting changed ready for bed in separate rooms. I felt a hard tap on my shoulder and said oh my god you scared me but when I turned around no one was there. I walked out of her room and saw my friend in the bathroom and explained what happened and she didn't seem too shocked about it which is weird right the next day at dinner my friend told her dad what had happened and they debated if they should tell me the story basically a young girl had died in my friend's room years ago i was terrified and never went back. What the fuck? That is terrifying to me. Like, it's that. Imagine like, you feel it. It's that real that you're like, oh my god, he scared me.
Starting point is 00:20:33 It's like, hello? Do you know what I mean? Crazy. Okay, I'd love to hear some more stories from this friend. Like, I bet she's got so many. Okay, next one. I'm not a believer in ghosts, but one night I was lying in bed and I felt something sit at the end of my bed but thought nothing of it and then Siri randomly goes off asking how she can help me uh no thank you Siri I'm still in denial that ghosts are a thing there must be a logical reason behind Siri going off right that is crazy imagine you feel someone sit on the end of the bed then all you hear is like how can I help honestly honestly so fuck off that is so scary Siri's scary on its own to me for some reason like I don't even know why like what is that what is that little spirit
Starting point is 00:21:17 in my phone okay next one not my story but I need to share it when my mum used to be a landlady landlady in a pub she was cleaning up the bar area and heard some noises from upstairs at the time my brother and sister were only young so she thought it was just them messing about bear in mind this was about 3 a.m in the morning once the bar had shut and everyone had left once she had tidied up the pub for the next day she went downstairs to go oh sorry she went upstairs to go to sleep my mum had a rocking chair oh not a rocking chair it's always the rocking chair or the rocking horse that's even worse my mum had a rocking chair in her room and she began to freak out because there was an old lady rocking in her rocking chair she couldn't scream because my brother and sister were
Starting point is 00:22:02 sleeping and she didn't want to freak them out. But she was so scared that there was a random woman in her room. She went back in a few minutes later after plucking up the courage to tell the woman to leave. And all of a sudden she was no longer there. This pub was known for being a very spooky place and a lot of people had said about experiences they had in the pub. Oh my god. No, why is it always the rocking chair i'm never having a rocking chair anywhere near my house or a rocking horse at that at that at that rate at that rate oh who knows imagine that you literally walk into a room there's a fucking old lady rocking in the
Starting point is 00:22:41 chair no imagine oh my god i actually shit myself imagine you know my pink podcast chair if you guys see the podcast clips imagine i walk in my room there's some woman sat in my chair oh my god i'm like first of all ew second of all no i wouldn't i'm like first of all uh second of all what the fuck oh my god. Okay, this is a really interesting one. My sister lives in a super, super old house and one evening I'm sat on the floor with my niece who is only eight months. My sister asked me to stay at hers with my niece while she can have a pamper hair day. I'm like, yeah, that's cool, but also shitting it because of the house being, you know, haunted. So I'm sat there and my niece falls asleep on me
Starting point is 00:23:25 so cute then all of a sudden I hear the shower turn on and it runs for a good few minutes but hell no am I getting up then after the shower running I hear footsteps walking around upstairs I told my sister and she said don't worry it's the norm oh my god imagine you're chilling at home with an eight-month-old baby and the fucking shower turns on absolutely positively no it's an immediate no that is so scary imagine the shower turn on why is there something scary about showers like even when showers drip it puts me on edge you know like tap dripping turn on why is there something scary about showers like even when showers drip it puts me on edge you know like tap dripping and stuff why is that scary it's literally just a bit of water why is it scary but your story is actually scary oh my god hope you're
Starting point is 00:24:15 okay next one hi leah love in the podcast okay this is my spooky story i was probably about nine or ten years old and we went to visit our grandparents who used to manage hotels across the country. So we went to this one hotel and it was the spookiest place I've ever been. When we first arrived my grandma gave me and my mum and my younger sister a tour. As we walked through one hallway there was decorative chairs perched up correctly and all the lights were on. As we walked back all the lights were off and the chairs were placed on their sides. My grandma said it was odd as there was no one staying on the floor and cleaning staff had already left. As the day
Starting point is 00:24:57 progresses into night it was time for bed and I was sleeping in a single bed on the other side of the room next to the bathroom. Usually I slept really well as a child but this night it was almost as if something woke me. I opened my eyes and I focused on my surroundings. I looked down to see an old lady staring at me from the bottom of my bed. This scared me to the point I hid under my covers and slept with the bathroom light on for the rest of the time there. This wasn't the only weird things happened though the washroom where you clean all your clothes was next door to our room and my mum was in there washing the clothes and us girls were in the bedroom she kept coming in telling us off saying we need to stay in our rooms and every time we said we hadn't left she didn't believe us then
Starting point is 00:25:41 when she came back in for good we all witnessed the sound of a little boy or girl running up and down the hallway my mum my mum opened the door and no one was there she later told my grandma and my grandma said there was no other children in the hotel oh my god i'm actually not going out to sleep tonight guys it's past midnight and i'm reading this i'm shit myself actually that's quite an interesting fact i was going through some of these ghost stories trying to pick out some good ones and my i'm at my boyfriend's house right now and his grandma has decorated like the most sickest shit for halloween like it looks so sick you guys might have seen it on my instagram it looks so
Starting point is 00:26:21 cool and she has like really creepy decorations and And she has this one witch. I hate this witch, right? She hangs from the ceiling. And when you clap, she just starts going like, like a proper witch cackle. And my boyfriend cracks open a can. And she, it's so loud that she obviously processes it as a clap in her weird little battery system and starts fucking cackling at me so scary i'm reading a ghost story and then all of a sudden i hear this witch start laughing on her own it was so scary it doesn't sound that scary when i read it out loud when i say it out loud but it was really quite scary moving on to the next story so me and my friend were about 13 or 14 and decided to make our own ouija board uh-oh
Starting point is 00:27:05 uh-oh we literally turned a canvas over cut out some letters and got ourselves a shot glass to put our fingers on we googled the right things to say etc as we didn't want to upset any spirits or whatsoever or or whatever okay i'm done so we asked a few questions and the shot glass started to move i just thought it was my friend taking the mic but she also thought it was me so we asked a few questions and the shot glass started to move i just thought it was my friend taking the mic but she also thought it was me so we decided to call in her mum my friend took her hand off the glass and i stayed on and got her mum to join in with me so she asked a few questions about who it was we were speaking to and asked questions about a dog that they had previously just lost so then i thought right i'm gonna ask a question that my friend's mum won't know so I asked what's my grandma's name in my head I was thinking of my grandma Jean however when I asked it spelled out Patricia which is my other grandma I don't call
Starting point is 00:27:54 her Patricia she just she gets called Pat we stayed and asked a few more questions my friend's sister ended up watching us but after a while we ended up spelling my full name out and then spinning our fingers around the board slash canvas as if it was angry oh god that actually gives me goosebumps we sharply said goodbye to it and burned the paper and canvas we could not sleep that night to this day hardly anyone believes this story but we swear it happened oh my god no i believe you i one million percent believe you ouija boards are fucking legit my mom's best friend is the most spiritual person you will ever meet love her so much she loves spirits and just all of that shit right and she says to me if there's one thing i'm gonna tell you it's to never do a ouija board she said it's like opening your front door and just leaving
Starting point is 00:28:47 it open all night you have no idea who's going to walk in could be a lovely lovely young man and excuse me you've left your door open i'm just going to shut that for you or someone's going to come in and rob your whole house yeah you have no idea who you're letting into your into your world into your whatever by doing a Ouija board. They are so dangerous and so scary. Please don't ever do them. But honestly, if you guys sent me a ghost story, thank you so much. They are so scary.
Starting point is 00:29:17 What do you guys think? Do you believe in it? It's one of those things where it's like, I believe in every story I ever hear. I believe in everything I ever read. I believe in all the stories I've heard in my from my family in my own experience I believe in in spiritual mediums I believe in tarot but it's like why do I doubt it do you know what I mean why isn't it just a straight up fact does that make sense like why am I just being dumb I don't know like I know there's a lot of people that are just straight up no I don't believe in it don't believe in it but there's some crazy shit like some seriously crazy story oh also when I was at the medium
Starting point is 00:29:58 region he said to me um what's this about this birthmark you've got and I was like oh well I have got a birthmark if you guys don't follow me on socials you might not have ever seen it but I've got like a big juicy mole on my belly and as a kid like that was my biggest insecurity I remember I was actually like eight by the way and people would say to me like if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and I'd say my mole like for that to be my only insecurity now god that would be gorge but anyway and he was like oh what's this about you being insecure about it and I was like oh no I'm not anymore but fun fact when I first started like growing on socials I used to get loads of dms from girls being like I was so insecure about my mole but seeing you flaunt yours
Starting point is 00:30:39 proudly makes me feel better I was like honestly thanks question mark like it's such a weird compliment like you make me feel better about my mole I was like is it ugly like I didn't even I didn't even think about it but anyway so he mentions it to me and he's like don't like don't be insecure about it I was like I'm not like I'm fine as we're walking out of this like shop basically he taps his stomach where my mole is and he's like don't worry about that birthmark and taps it right how crazy like how do you even know where it is I didn't have a crop top on he did not know where my birthmark was and also I wonder because I've as you guys know I have such fear of death right and I've always been really scared of moles for the obvious reason I've always had this horrible fear that like that's that mole is gonna just like
Starting point is 00:31:27 become dangerous one day so I wondered if that was his way of being like don't worry about it like it's gonna it's there's nothing to worry about how crazy but he did also say to me you need to get that tooth looked at second from the back and my tooth's actually like my wisdom tooth growing in sideways into my second tooth I was like Mick how can you see that far into my mouth like I know I've got a big gob yeah and he also said to because we ended up having a group reading obviously because he brought me in the room and he said um to both of us he was like what's this about a rottweiler and basically my boyfriend always calls me a rottweiler so that was crazy and he said to my boyfriend who's missy
Starting point is 00:32:05 and if you guys don't know my dog's called missy i was like that's that's me that's mine that's my dog that that one's mine actually crazy like some really crazy stuff but you know i really want to do like how sick would it be to get a medium on the podcast to do like a reading do you think that's the thing to think anybody would ever do that i don't know if that's like allowed in spirit world because some places don't even let you record it on their phone which i totally understand but anyway um i'm actually gonna get my boyfriend on the pod for this bit to tell us his ghost stories because he's he reckons he's got some up his sleeve so um round of applause ladies and gents welcome my gorgeous sexy sexy boy hello everybody i can't believe i'm in it to the pod but um yeah i've got a couple of scary stories so the first one is one i've experienced
Starting point is 00:32:55 and um basically i was i think i was about nine and i used to stay at my grandma's on a weekend like a long story, anyway. I thought it was just me and her in the house and it was my bedtime and the top landing light was on on the top of the stairs so I was like, night grandma, blah, blah, blah, blah. Went to the bottom of the stairs and I saw what I believed to be my auntie who lived there at the time. It was a woman with really dark hair, I couldn't see her face, I could see it clear as day, I don't even know what it looks like right
Starting point is 00:33:30 now, it scares the life out of me, but basically I was like Helena, which is my auntie's name, stop it, I thought she was trying to scare me and I didn't get a reply so I got a little bit creeped out and I went back to my grandma, and I was like, what's Helena doing back, or what's Helena doing here, she's like, being weird, and she was like, Helena's not in, and I was like, there's someone upstairs, and she was like, no there isn't, stop messing about, and she's always like, trying to make a joke of everything, and I was like, no, there isn't. Stop messing about. And she's always, like, trying to make a joke of everything. And I was, like, really crapping my pants right now. So, anyway, she went upstairs and she was like, there's no one there, Jamie. So, obviously, I didn't see that night.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And that was my horror story. I genuinely did see it. It's not something I've told myself. I genuinely remember it. The next one, all in the same house. And this is the haunted house. Like, we've moved out of there now but um it's definitely got some ghosts but my grandma was buying a fireplace um back then it was like on the newspaper so she called this woman to deliver this fireplace and um my grandma's house was on a hill. And she came with her little girl.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Must have been her daughter at the time. My grandma had no one. Well, she had two children at that point. And it was my dad and my uncle. And basically, she was coming up the driveway. My grandma had no kids in the house. See where I'm going with this story, this little kid was being a bit weird with my grandma, like pulling on her own mum's leg and asking
Starting point is 00:35:15 her things and all these transactions were going on about this fireplace and the woman who came to buy the fire was like,'m sorry but um my daughter keeps asking to play with your daughter and grandma's like what i don't have a daughter what what do you mean and this woman was just like my daughter saw this little girl when we came to buy the fireplace in the window with you, like waving at us. My grandma was like, I'm sorry, but there's not one girl in my house. And we were just both really creeped out. And this little girl was just like convinced
Starting point is 00:35:58 that she's seen this girl in the house and outside the house. And then there's always stuff seen in that house anyway like we look through the window when we're coming up the driveway and we're pretty certain we can see people but they're my stories and i'll invite you back over to my beautiful sexy outstanding big batty gal that's me i'm the big batty gal hi guys welcome back salia on the line no more no more him on the line crazy stories though especially the one about his grandma that scares when she told me that i was like oh oh that's nice no honestly i love that shit i just love it if you guys have any please dm me them because even though this is the end of
Starting point is 00:36:45 the episode i just want to hear more love them all i'm obsessed it's like i've got this weird obsession with scaring myself me and one of my best friends zoe we do it to each other all the time whenever we have sleepovers we end up telling each other these awful like ghost stories and then we lay there in bed together like i can't sleep can you and we're like no I can't sleep and then we're both really scared and we've done it to ourselves but anyway really fun different episodes for Leah on the line let me know if you enjoyed it definitely don't let me know if you didn't enjoy it but loved it it was so fun love chatting to you guys let's wrap it up. Okay. It is the end of the Halloween special. That was so fun. What a different episode for us. Hey, look at us. Look at us crazy gals and guys just telling ghost
Starting point is 00:37:37 stories. So fun. Hope I don't get haunted now. Hope none of us do. Manifesting peace and love for all of us. But I love you guys so much. I hope you have an amazing weekend. Remember to keep sending in your confessions and dilemmas. I can never have too many. So just offload on me, babes. Honestly, even if you think it's minor. Also, it doesn't have to be about boys.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I feel like a lot of them have gone down that route recently, which don't worry. I love talking about dating. It's so fun. But it can be about anything. have to be about boys i feel like a lot of them have gone down that route recently which don't worry i love i love talking about dating it's so fun but it can be about anything it can be about work it can be about friendship it can be about self-esteem it can be about personal life it can be about your dog i don't you know what i don't care i'm here for you no matter what it is no matter how crazy no matter how silly you think it might sound i'm here for you babe i mean remember if you've got a spare two minutes drop me a little rate in i love you appreciate you so much you're the best friends in the whole world. And yeah, have an amazing weekend. If you're getting drunk, happy Halloween. Have an amazing weekend. Send me pictures of you all dressed up. I can't wait to see it. I bet you're
Starting point is 00:38:36 going to look sexy, gorgeous, spooky. Are you getting sexy or are you getting spooky this year? I'm probably just going to dress up and do some TikToks and photos. Do you know what I mean? So I feel like I'm part of the gang of the um part of the gang you know because I don't want to feel like a fucking loser but you know um send me send me your outfits I love seeing it I love I love a Halloween pic I love the Halloween transitions on TikTok send me all of it but yeah if you're getting drunk don't text your ex text me instead and I will see you oh wait I have to give you a heads up. I can't shout.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Like I said, it's past midnight. Sorry, that's two weeks in a row. What a boring ending. I can't shout. It's going to have to be another whisper. But yeah, I will see you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. I love you guys so much. Have the best weekend.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Happy Halloween. I love you. Bye. Maybe I ignore you Maybe I ignore you Yeah, I'm I'm high, I'm high I'm up all night

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