Leah on the Line - Bonus 23: He's a 10 but...

Episode Date: November 11, 2022

Hey gorg! This episode was so fun! I honestly love getting you guys real involved with this podcast, you really make Leah on the Line what it is. Thank you so much for all of the love and support, I c...an't thank you enough for everything you do. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of here on the line happy friday how are you happy friday to my nine to five workers. Happy Friday to my part-time weekend workers. Love you, babe. I mean, you could still work full-time hours and work weekends, I suppose. I did that. But anyway, hi everyone. Happy Friday. Love you guys so much. Hope you had the best week. Oh my God, starting already. It's going to be a good episode. Happy Friday. I hope you guys had the best week. What did you guys get up to? I had a busy week just getting shit done. Nothing really majorly that exciting to be honest with you guys. Nothing to report from my end. Just the usual. Oh my god, was that the loudest gulp swaller you've ever had? Matt Hancock's in the jungle.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Should we take a moment for that? And I'm sorry, why is he one of the top favourites to win? Somebody explain that to me, because if that happens, not only am I not watching I'm a celebrity again, I'm not watching the telly again. Like, I won't, I will not, I won't, I won't even own a TV when I move out. I will. Of course I will. Do you know I don't I will not I won't I won't even own a tv when I move out I will of course I will do you know I don't have a tv in my room is that weird some people think that's weird but I genuinely I don't watch telly like I watch a bit of tv downstairs with my mom like chilling out which a bit silly you know but I don't really watch tv like I'm not really a tv gal I love the handmaid's tale if you watch it if you don't watch it really boring I'm so not it's not a
Starting point is 00:01:45 boring show it's the fucking best show ever but what it's getting a bit boring but whatever this will be boring to listen to if you haven't watched The Handmaid's Tale second of all if you haven't watched The Handmaid's Tale you must it's on channel four I believe and Amazon Prime but I actually watch it on a illegal website it's illegal and basically I get all the episodes quicker than they come out in the UK so I've watched the whole of season five if you want the website it's called bflix you can get the Kardashians on that can I will I get in trouble for this oh my god I'm not the one uploading it I'm the one consuming it though that's illegal will I get in trouble for that oh my my god, I'm scared, now, who's gonna listen to
Starting point is 00:02:27 this, it's gonna get me in trouble, if, I'm sorry, if, if, if that's you, get a life, I'm gonna be paying jobs worth, do you know what I mean, do you know what I mean, I don't want to pay Paramount+, I want to watch Kardashian, I want to watch Jolie Shore, that's not, it's not actually on there, and I do, I do have Paramount+, no, I don't, I use somebody else's account, is that allowed, I do have paramount plus no I don't I use somebody else's account is that allowed oh my god take me to jail take me to jail uh anyway yeah about the handmaid's tale I watched the whole season and um I was a bit disappointed by the finish by the finish the ending I mean if anyone else knows about the website you know then maybe you've watched the whole thing as well boring is a bit boring or what like there's moments where i'm like oh my god oh my god and there's
Starting point is 00:03:10 moments where i'm like oh my god boring bored snooze literal snooze and also like when is she gonna get hannah back do you know what i mean like i'm not being funny when oh i just kind of ruined it i literally ruined the whole show spoiler alert she doesn't get hannah back in season five ruined it I literally ruined the whole show spoiler alert she doesn't get Hannah back in season five oh my god I'm literally the biggest bitch for doing that oh I hate I hate when people do that honestly I've just ruined it for everyone should I cut that out I honestly can't be bothered guys I'm really I can only apologize for what I've just done but anyway yeah so apart from watching Handmaid's Tale um I don't really watch anything else I've been watching the Geordie Shore reunion um on Paramount Plus,
Starting point is 00:03:45 which I'm actually quite into. So, like, they did a big OGs thing. And everyone went. Like, when I say everyone, I mean Greg from season one. I never even watched season one. I don't even know who Greg is, right? But he was there. Ricky was there.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You remember Ricky? Ricky and Vicky? Chanel was there. Everyone was basically there. I can't even think now um but the only people that didn't go do you know who they were that wasn't a very good Geordie accent but let's just pretend that I'm really good at it sometimes sometimes sometimes I'm good sometimes I'm shit why can't I say something sometimes how the fuck would they say sometimes in Newcastle, not like that, there's some words that I get stuck on, I'm not sounding very good right now, I feel like I'm
Starting point is 00:04:30 actually quite good at it, and this sounds shit, but anyways, um, Gary didn't go, and Vicky didn't go, and I thought that was quite rude, because it's like, you're nothing without Jodie Shore, babe, I know you are, I know you are, I love Vicky Pattinson. I love her podcast. But, yeah, Gary didn't go. Quite upsetting. Gary, you were the heart of the show, mate. Oh, I'm terrible. I'm doing shit.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed. Right. I woke up last night and was fucking fuming about last night when I saw Gary getting with Marnie. I don't know who I'm supposed to be doing an impression of because the only person that would say that is Charlotte and she certainly does not sound like that. She certainly does not. What about Vicky? What's one of Vicky's OG lines? Oh, I've got paper cuts. I've got paper cuts on top of fucking
Starting point is 00:05:16 paper cuts. Then in Waltz's Anna. No, honestly, why am I shit? Why am I actually shit? Chloe. I still fucking f few about last night no she doesn't talk like that i love bethany bethany's actually my girl like i literally love bethany um and i really like nathan i mean he does get in balls deep in all the drama but at the same time i do agree with what he says but at the same time a bit like okay like do you love the drama or do you just are you a bit like you know i've got an opinion and i'm gonna i'm gonna say it which if that's the case preach it honey do you know what i mean um what is the point should i just start this podcast again like this is actually shit nah
Starting point is 00:05:57 honestly you guys love it do you you guys ever i know you do my love oh fucking out i'm sick of it i can't i don't have a personality anymore my personality is different personalities that's my personality I don't even know who Leah is I'm just gone from like Geordie to what did I just do then I've done a little bit of American already and then I went little Bristolian who actually knows who I am because I don't you guys you must think there's like five hosts of this podcast there's not it. It's just me, Leah. There's just one of us here. Oh no, actually there's way more than one. There's way more than one of us here. There's me as well. I feel like we should give a name to all of my different characters. So let's call her, I was going to say Cleo, but I'm not Cleo. There's
Starting point is 00:06:40 already a Cleo, you know. You guys name the Aussie. What's a typical Australian name? I just want to say Sharni, you know? Because I love Sharni Grimmett and Michael Finch. I love them. Hello, everyone. Hello, my chickens. Welcome back to my channel. So if you want to see how I created this look right here, just keep on watching. And then we have my American accent, which I like go into all the time because I think I on Disney Channel. Because that was my dream when I was growing up. Oh, my God. I've literally just realized I didn't ever achieve that dream. Not, like, just realized. But, like, I've just deeped that.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Like, I've just been, like, I was convinced as a child that I was going to be on Disney Channel. I've just realized that never happened. That's quite sad. Oh, well. I never saw this coming. But this is literally the dream. I'm living the dream, babe. I'm living the dream.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Do you know what I mean? And then we've got this character, Marie Love love although i say my love and i sound like many from tiktok but the thing is like we actually say my love down here well not here in bristol my love that's how we talk my love my dolan my babs my babber my dolan that's another one oh i hate myself i'm actually i'm actually over it I'm actually over it I don't even know how many listeners even care anymore because I feel like I'm just getting worse and worse like my actual personality is just getting out of hand you know I mean but I've just got a warning on my laptop um 480 threats created in the last minute is your device safe um i don't care i don't care i really
Starting point is 00:08:10 don't give a fuck okay guys i'm just gonna shut up because i feel like i've given everyone a headache if you haven't switched off already i love you this is gonna be a good episode i haven't even told you guys what it's gonna be it's It's going to be, oh, it's in the title. You guys probably figured out. We're doing it again. We're doing the, he's a 10, but game. I mean, it's not always, he's a 10. Sometimes it's, it's a two, but it's a four, but he's a seven, but he's an eight, but you know, basically it's kind of similar to X, but it's, it's like a little game. It's really, really fun. I love doing this. Somebody commented on my TikTok live the other day saying that we should bring it back. So I'm bringing it back for you, baby girl. Let's get into the episode. Okay, no more messing
Starting point is 00:08:59 around. Okay. I feel like I really dragged out that intro for way too long. So I'm just going to dive straight in today. Okay, guys, kicking off with the first one. He's a 10, but his mom does everything for him. Now, I'm not sure because it really just depends. What do you mean by does everything? Does she give him lifts everywhere or does she like does she just like tidy his room and do his washing but I mean anyway it's gonna go to a five for me it's gonna go to a five maybe even a four maybe even a three if I actually deep it because I want a man to be a man to me, look after me, like, what, I don't want your mum looking after you, I want you to look after you, and me, okay, babe, so, yeah, immediately, I'm gonna go four, um, he's, he's a six, but has a massive aubergine emoji, um, I'm gonna go six, still, to be honest, because you know what, I'm not saying size doesn't matter,
Starting point is 00:10:09 okay, I'm not, I'm not one of those, okay, I believe it kind of does, but it's not everything, because, you know, sometimes you can have it large, yeah, and not really deliver, do you know what I mean, like, you could have a selfish lover with a massive massive pain and that's who wants that immediately or two do you know what i mean so yeah i'm gonna go with that one honey um he's a 10 but calls you mummy i guys oh i actually imagine if your boyfriend called you mummy he'd be single without a doubt in my mind zero that's an immediate zero that to me is concerning behavior like i lock him up at that rate that's not normal that's not normal i'm not joking babe zero for me he's a 10 but he's shadow boxes in the mirror. I'm telling you now they will do
Starting point is 00:11:05 it. I know they do. I've heard my brother upstairs. He goes, look in front of the mirror and I've caught him looking in the mirror, shadow boxing. I've done it. I have never caught my boyfriend doing it, but he's never denied it. Like when, whenever that's come up in conversation, cause we like joke about my brother doing it. He's never been like, what the hell? That's so, that's a weird thing to do. Like, he's always just like, and I look at him like, you definitely shadow walks in the mirror, you little saddo. I think, I think guys do that. But anyway, it doesn't bother me. I think it's just funny. Like we pose in the mirror. I feel like it's the equivalent to like boys posing. Like I'd rather, I don't know, would you rather your
Starting point is 00:11:43 boyfriend like lift his top up and like pose looking at his abs't know would you rather your boyfriend like lift his top up and like pose looking at his abs or would you rather you look in the mirror and he's like I don't know they're both fucking weird aren't they um he's a 10 but he shadow boxes in the mirror I'm gonna still go with the 10 I can't lie it doesn't it doesn't bother me that much is that weird I feel like it probably would bother a lot of you guys um he's a 10 but he doesn't clean up after himself oh honestly my boyfriend now is the first guy I've ever been with that's actually like like a clean freak it's honestly it's gorge I'm such a mess like I'm so messy like I can't like I'm not like like when I'm living like I want my living space to be clean like I'm always there's never I'm not having dishes out overnight like I hate that shit
Starting point is 00:12:32 um or if I wake up to it I do it first thing in the morning because I can't get on with my day but I'm you know I leave my shit around like I'm quite messy like I when I get out of the shower my towel will go immediately onto the ground do you know what I leave my shit around. Like, I'm quite messy. Like, when I get out of the shower, my towel will go immediately onto the ground. Do you know what I mean? Like, that's like me, right? So, he's a 10, but he doesn't clean up after himself. Honestly, I actually do find that majorly attractive.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I meant unattractive. I meant unattractive. I just said attractive. Majorly unattractive. So, I'm actually going to go down to a five on that one. I can't lie to you. Like it's like a clean, tidy man. Sexy. Yeah. He's a 10, but he drives a Fiat 500. Oh my God. Like I'm actually, this sounds, this makes me sound like a bitch too. I'm not joking. I'm not getting in there with you. Like, I'm not going to lie. I love a Fiat 500. I've always said i would love that car but like people laugh at me apparently that's like not a cool car to have
Starting point is 00:13:28 but i think it's a very girly car like i think they're cute like i actually think a fiat 500 is cute like i would get one if people didn't take the piss out of it but i think they're really cute but it's a girly car so like if a guy picked me up on a fiat 500 i'd be like it's like your sister this car it's like your sister's car do you know what i mean yeah call me judgmental call me judgmental i can hear you now oh my god what a judgmental bitch yeah i can hear you i can hear you um he's an eight but he's always playing ps5 for the boys up to two i hate it i find it so unattractive i know so many guys love it and i get it it It's like an escape. It's
Starting point is 00:14:06 like a social thing. You get to hang out with the boys. You get to switch off mentally, relax, chill out, have a nice time. I just find it unattractive because I've just seen people get obsessed with it and then you get fucking neglected and you're invisible. And for me, that's not, that's not for me basically. So yeah, no babe, I can't do that one. What did I say? If I didn't say it, then my answer's two. He's a 10, but he's emotionally unavailable. Zero, zero. How are we ever going to get a relationship? Do you know what I mean? That's never going to work for me. It's a zero, babe. That's a zero. He is a 10, but he can't go over his ex zero minus a million minus a trillion just go have some healing time do what you gotta do babe do your thing go on your healing journey you you
Starting point is 00:14:53 can do this just don't bring me down with you all right he's a 10 but doesn't know how to dress oh that's that's tough because i feel like it's fixable, isn't it? Like, we've all dated somebody where we have to look past the outfits. Have we not? I'm sure we have. And it's very easy because most guys, typically, in my experience, it's like, you can just buy them shit. Be like, this would look stunning on you. You should really get this. And like, we can adjust the fashion sense but only to a certain extent you know what i mean so um he doesn't know how to dress i'm gonna go with he's gone from a 10 to a 5 for me maybe even lower because a lot of like attraction for me is the full package head to toe outfit being a major key so i'm not sure about that yeah i'm gonna have to go low on that one okay he's a 10 but he's
Starting point is 00:15:54 mad into pokemon i sound brutal zero actually zero actually zero like i can't lie it it gives me the ick i know there's people listening right now and your boyfriends are sat and they love pokemon in the background loser loser i'm kidding i'm kidding but you know what it's gonna have to be a zero for me we have to keep in mind that this is all taste. Okay, guys, you are more than welcome to disagree with me. Honestly, please do. Please do disagree. Because, you know, someone's got to take the Pokemon lovers. Someone's got to take them off our hands. But if you love Pokemon, then you're a perfect match. And I just hate it. I've never liked Pokemon. Never been into that shit never it's never
Starting point is 00:16:46 been me never will be so like we're just not compatible there so that's why it's immediately a zero do you know what i mean whenever whenever i do the x episodes and stuff i get um ratings being like so judgmental like how's a guy ever gonna get a chance if you just judge judge judge it's literally taste like you're telling me that you don't have things that girls do that that put you off like come on come on i can't like everyone you and neither can you and that's why you don't like me that's okay okay he's a 10 but he does only fans full time zero oh my god they're all zero do you know what it is because i'm immediately it's an immediate no with me like that's just something i'm not willing to negotiate on like i'm not willing to be like you know who does only fans i can i can fuck with it i can't fuck with
Starting point is 00:17:35 that like i just can't there's no way i'm not the kind of girl that can do that unfortunately so it's like there's girls out there who are like yeah that's cool get your bag whatever I'm just not with them girls I just don't want my boyfriend to do any fans so he's immediately a zero like no matter how attractive you are I can't do it but then if we're not talking like to get with them to be with them then still a turn I don't really care it but if we're talking to be my boyfriend zero like i don't want that but yeah like i said if it's just rating a random guy that has nothing to do with me you're still a 10 um he is a nine but only rubs your left flap oh my god um okay he's a nine but you can't find the clip then really uh
Starting point is 00:18:27 can we teach them because nine's pretty good so if you can teach them then let's just go eight you know it's okay it's fixable it's fixable but if not if we're just basing it off of that alone four oh four i can't lie um he's a nine but takes mirror selfies i'm okay with that you know i know it's an it i know so many people hate it but i'm actually okay with it i don't mind that at all take your selfies baby you look gorgeous take them you look absolutely stunning send it to me um it is it is a bit icky it is a bit icky but depends how fit they are do you know what i mean well you said he's he's a nine so i feel like a nine i can i can let that happen do you know i mean he can get away with it if he's if he's a nine um he's a nine but he has a nose piercing um i've never seen a guy in real life with a nose piercing i don't think like as in like
Starting point is 00:19:33 been seeing i don't mean like seen in the flesh like i've never been dating a guy who has a nose piercing so i don't know how i feel about that I feel like I wouldn't care if they if it looked cool on them like if they pulled it off could be hot so I'm I'm gonna go with an eight like it's not for me because I'm not a piercing kind of girl I literally have two holes and they're in my lobes and by two I mean one in each ear I don't even have my seconds done so yeah I'm sure Pearson girl he's a nine but he goes to do uh immediately ten he's a nine but he knows it five I I find arrogance such a turn off like there's such a fine line between being confident which I think
Starting point is 00:20:20 fuck yeah I confidence is sexy be confident love yourself you know but when if you're arrogant and you think you're something you ain't I just don't I just I want to knock you down a peg I just don't like it I just think oh shut up you're annoying me so I'm gonna get so much backlash with this i just know it please be nice to me um he's a five but writes really thoughtful cards and messages that's so sweet because a lot of guys do find it hard to get in touch with their emotions so i think it's attractive when a guy can but if he's a five and doing it i think that makes him an eight i think so um he's a five and doing it, I think that makes him an eight. I think so. He's a 10 but doesn't put gravy on his roast. No, he's a serial killer. That's what he is.
Starting point is 00:21:20 If he doesn't put gravy on his roast, I'm not being funny. No, actual serial killer. I'm not joking. Check his basement. There's there that's that's scary to me do you know i literally drown my roast dinners and gravy like my food is swimming around on the plate i love it i love gravy i could no i couldn't drink it that made me feel sick do you know what makes me sick when gravy's like been sat on the side and it gets like that skin over the top what is that what actually is that it's weird but anyway yeah oh that's gross everyone picturing that right now disgusting um he's a three but he never adds if you want to an invite what does that mean he's a 10 but his breath stinks. Ew, no. Honestly, oral hygiene is huge to me. Like, if you do not brush your teeth every morning and every night,
Starting point is 00:22:10 I can't come near your mouth. Like, it's an immediate no. His breath stinks. I mean, why? Has he got a tooth infection? Do you know what I mean? Are his wisdom teeth coming through and they're a bit infected? Or is it just poor hygiene because
Starting point is 00:22:27 if it's the poor hygiene for at a push because hygiene for me especially oral hygiene it's a major thing like it's major um he's a 10 but only has nine fingers pardon what so he's missing a finger i think that's quite cool i'm sure there could be a cool story to it or if not then if he was just born with nine fingers then you're just unique aren't you or if you've been through something where you had to lose a finger like something traumatic then personal growth baby i'm gonna go 10 11 even you get an extra one because you have one less finger um he's a 10 but asks to split the bill okay we've actually debated about splitting the bill and you guys know how i feel about that but if you didn't if you missed that episode i'm on board with it i'm happy to split the bill but what i did think about this question is like if he asks to split the bill like that kind of makes me cringe if he's like could we split it but then the only reason he would say that is if
Starting point is 00:23:40 you haven't offered and if you haven't offered then that's on you so do you know what i mean like we should always offer um but if you don't like what if we didn't have much money and like what if he came to the date and he didn't expect you to order as much as you did and he's like oh my god fuck my car's gonna get declined so he's like could we split it? Oh, that's okay. He's still a 10. That's okay. He's an eight but can't cook. Three. Three, I don't want a son right now. I want a partner. Yeah. I hate it. Honestly, I just don't, I'm not trying to look after someone's son. Like I, I just want to be adults. We look after each other. You you know i'll cook for you you cook for me we cook together that for me i don't want that ever again like i i know i keep talking
Starting point is 00:24:35 about how amazing my boyfriend is and my boyfriend's amazing i will just shut up but one thing i will give him he is so good like he cooks he cooks, he cleans, he rubs my feet, I know, it's early days, guys, I'll keep you updated, I'll keep you updated with that, but I've never had this, like, I've never had someone, like, fully take, take life by the reins, and be like, you relax, babe, let me cook, do you you want to do you want a glass of wine do you want to come to see and i'm like this is the life honestly this is what i deserve this is what i have been working for my whole life my whole 25 years alive now i can put my feet up and rest i'm saying i'm saying seriously um oh he's a 10 but the family don't like him that's tough um five
Starting point is 00:25:37 it's huge for me i'm such a family person i love my family i spend a lot of time with my family and i want my boyfriend to be close with my family so if you don't like him it's gonna be an issue let me tell you that let me tell you that for free so yeah it's a five we've immediately got a 50 50 chance of survival rate to be honest um he's a 10 but has no ambition career wise that's tough because i totally get what it feels like to not know what you want to do to not know where your passions lie to not know what your calling is to not know what the fuck you're doing with your life and i think that's an okay way to feel but if you're one of those people that you know i just don't care I have no interest in like finding a long-term career I have no interest in you know building foundations like if it's just like I just don't care
Starting point is 00:26:35 and you're 10 three like how are we going to build a life together? Do you know what I mean? And I think so much happiness comes from, like, that feeling of succeeding and achieving. So, like, if you don't have that, if you just don't have that, then, like, where, I don't know, it's a tough one. But yeah, that's my answer, guys, he's a 10, but he follows Andrew Tate, it depends, do you follow him because you find him fascinating, and entertaining, and just like, funny, or do you follow him because you respect him, and you agree with him, because if it's the latter, zero, you guys know how I feel about andrew tate don't even get me started on that little dickhead all right andrew tate if you listen to this i hate you i don't hate you i really don't feel passionately about you at all
Starting point is 00:27:34 but um if my boyfriend did he would be a zero um he's an eight but he's the passenger princess oh i did this in the last he's a 10 but and it makes me a hypocrite because i can't drive guys i don't know if i've mentioned that recently but i definitely mentioned it in the he's he's a 10 but episode before and i have an issue with the thought of like being in a relationship with someone that can't drive even though that makes me a major hypocrite like i know it does i know it makes me hypocrite i've all learned to drive guys it just hasn't happened for me in this until this point in my life it will happen you guys i'll tell you all about my driving lessons on the podcast that'll be entertaining won't it but um if he's a passenger princess i mean just putting it like that kind of makes it
Starting point is 00:28:28 easy for me to be like three um i'm gonna go with four like i don't think it's bad as long as like you're like i will learn to drive like it is on the it's on the bucket list but like i should have the money right now or like to have the time right now or like I'm living in London so what's the point if you have like a valid reason why you're not then like whatever totally fine but if you're like working full-time you know like you can afford it you do have the time to learn and you just aren't yeah that's not gonna work like who's I'm the i'm the passenger princess around here do you know what i mean guys um okay next one oh fuck he's a 10 but he only has girls as best friends no no oh god i'm gonna go four that's a four for me like if you're 10 out of 10 good looking yeah like we're picturing a 10 out of 10 boy but he's surrounded by women and they're very close
Starting point is 00:29:31 i you guys know how i feel about male female best friends best friendships i believe in male female friendships but male and female being best friends, you guys know how I feel. If you don't know how I feel, listen to the first ever episode of Lear on the Line. If you haven't done that, then, well, that's okay as well. Thank you for listening to this one. I love you. But yeah, I'm going to go a four on that one, babes. He's's a four but fills up your water bottle before bed oh i love it that's the best thing isn't that the best um i mean part of me wants to say four because like you know never settle girls but then that is just like a little lovely gesture to say i love you i care about you stay hydrated so i think that's that just makes him lovely and I'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:30:28 seven I think that's lovely he's a 10 but has no manners ew manners is like just the bottom of the barrel what I expect from a human being let alone a boyfriend so if you have no manners then you're just a two like I'm just not attracted to you he's a 10 but wears vest tops I'm okay with that like I mean it depends if you're on holiday whatever if you're at the gym if you're just lounging around the house whatever if that's like your vibe out and about it's just personally not my fashion sense. That's the only reason I have an issue with it. So I'm going to go eight. He's a ten, but he snorts like a pig when he laughs. Oh, I don't mind. I think that's funny. I'm still going to go ten. If anything, I think eleven. It's cute. Although imagine being in like a pissed off mood you
Starting point is 00:31:26 know when like your boyfriend's presence is just irritating and then imagine hearing him laugh and he's like yeah no that would be annoying um he's a four but he texts you good morning and good night every day again this is where i just want to be like bottom of the barrel guys bottom of the barrel but for me i feel like that is just what I expect. Like, if I was with someone and they didn't text me good morning, I'd be like, what the fuck? If they didn't text me good night, what the fuck? So I'm going to go a four on that one. He's a 10 but has long fingernails. Oh, two. He's a 10 but likes marmite guys you know i've never tried marmite in my life i've never actually i think i did once i can't remember but yeah i need to try it i feel like i'd fuck with it he's a three but brings snacks when you're on your period oh that's lovely six five but he
Starting point is 00:32:19 bonds with your family love it but also kind of just expect that from you so seven um he's a 10 but doesn't brush his teeth every day no no zero can't i actually can't look past it he's a 10 but doesn't post you on socials oh guys zero that's brutal isn't it but honestly that's a deal breaker the reason i'm saying zero is because that is a deal breaker for me he's a 10 but drinks four pints of milk a day from the bottle oh my god first of all four pints of of milk four pints is a lot of fluid let alone of milk that's nasty that's nasty uh oh lactose breath honestly two he's a five but makes you finish every time five as he should he's a 10 but watches porn every single time you're apart i mean it's almost like you look forward to it. Like every single time it's like, yes, she's gone.
Starting point is 00:33:27 So five. Um, he's a 10, but wears trainer socks. That's fine with me. 10. It's the fucking invisible socks that get me. Jesus. Um, he's a 10, but dribbles when he sleeps. Oh, I'm okay with that. I think that's quite cute. I'm still going to give him a 10. Um, he's a 10, but he hates dogs. First of all, I'd be curious why he's so passionate about the dogs. Like how come you hate them? Have you had a bad experience with them? God, why do I just overthink everything? This is what my head's like. This is what it feels like to be in my brain. Um, if you hate dogs, that's just not going to is what my head's like this is what it feels like to be in my brain um if you hate dogs that's just not gonna work because my dog's everything so four he's a 10 but he thinks girls can't pee with a tampon in what do people think girls can't we if they have a tampon in if there's any boyfriends listening in the background right now um and to all of my male listeners you do realize it's a
Starting point is 00:34:27 separate hole right like we don't pee from the vagina opening the what's that called just the hole that what hole is there a name for each hole basically we have a p-hole above the birthing hole um yeah interesting i didn't know that was a thought he is a 10 but practically shags his mates honestly i've experienced this i've experienced this it's draining honestly it's draining um five five he's a 10 but can't complete the monkey bars at the park what why are you doing monkey bars he's a 10 but does monkey bars zero can't complete them minus minus 100 um oh he's a 10 but has his snapchat and his bio oh my god no i'm sorry if your boyfriend has a snapchat and his bio he's a cheater two um he's a 10 oh he's a five but makes you his passenger princess 10 10 10 10 10 10 he's a four but makes a banging stir fry i'm not being funny i feel like a stir
Starting point is 00:35:47 fry is probably the easiest thing to make and i feel like if there's anything a boy can make it's a stir fry or fucking fajitas like it's the only thing boys know how to cook so if you can't cook a stir fry i'll be concerned so i'm still gonna give that boy a four he's a four but he can't oh sorry he's a four but he makes a bang and surf right four okay let's do one more he's a ten but doesn't let you pop his spots oh that's tough because I'm a hypocrite on that one because like I go to town on spots but as soon as somebody says to me can I pop that I'm like get away from me. Get your grubby, infected hands away from me immediately. So I get it. But also let me pop them. Like what the fuck? But I'm okay with it. I get it. I respect it. So still a 10 for me. Actually, no, you lose a point. You can be a nine. Okay, guys.
Starting point is 00:36:40 That was fun. I love doing these episodes. I love love playing this game sorry if it makes me sound really judgmental I promise I'm not it's just you know everyone has their preferences babe do you know what I mean I love you guys so much thank you to everyone that sent them in you guys are so funny you literally the funniest people I love your sense of humor honestly I never get sick of you you're just the funniest people ever I I love you guys so much. But let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everyone. Thank you guys so much for listening. Honestly, thank you so much for everyone
Starting point is 00:37:16 that gets involved in these episodes. You guys just crack me up. It's so fun. I really enjoy it. It's just lighthearted and easy and just like makes me forget about everything i'm stressed about and i've just reminded myself of all the things i'm stressed about but you guys really seem to enjoy the like chill chatty vibes when i did the episode
Starting point is 00:37:34 where it was like spilling the tea and i did the q a i had so many messages being like i just love this chill vibe i'd love just like getting to know you more so if there's anything you guys want like honestly anything at all just ask me tell me what you want I will literally do whatever episodes you guys want um I had a few messages asking to do the health anxiety slash just anxiety in general episode so if that's something you guys want we could definitely do that I could probably do that next Friday if that's something you'd be interested in um but I also understand that's quite heavy so like if you guys come here for an escape and to like relax and feel good and have a laugh then maybe that won't be for you so just let me know if you guys want that I want to make you all happy but obviously you can never please the whole crowd you know obviously luckily for some of you there'll be
Starting point is 00:38:23 people that don't even know what anxiety feels like and I hope you never do and I'm happy for you honestly I am why do I sound like I'm gonna cry but honestly let me know anything you want like I am an open book I love doing the really personal episodes where I do Q&A's if you guys have more questions for me let me know we can do another one of them we can do a never have I ever again we haven't done one of those in a while if you want me to do the call in my listeners again i would love love love to do that i think i'd love to do a facetiming my listeners one because then i could like screen record and put clips of it on tiktok and instagram that would be so fun but would you guys want that actually you probably wouldn't want that because it's dilemmas right i mean we don't have to do dilemmas we could do a FaceTime one where
Starting point is 00:39:05 we do something different like maybe a Q&A with FaceTime I don't know maybe you guys could just send me videos of you oh I don't know if anyone has an idea just fucking send it my way I love you but yeah honestly guys I love you thank you so much to everyone that listens to Leah on the line it is nothing without you it makes me feel like i have this horrible fear that like no one likes me like it's an irrational fear you guys are like it's not irrational and none of us like you but like i have this horrible feeling that like one day this is just gonna be taken away from me and i'll be nothing because i cannot tell you how much this like brings stability into my life and my mental health.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Like having my best friends to come and chat to twice a week on the podcast. It's just good for me. I hope it's good for you. Like I hope there's at least one of you that loves listening to this. Update on the secret project of the alleged clothing. So obviously as you guys know i said that i really want to bring some stuff out but i don't want much like i don't want to just bring out these like five pound fruit of the loom shit t-shirts they're all gonna peel off every time you wash them and like fucking shrink and just be dog shit and like I really I don't want much I want
Starting point is 00:40:27 something that I love myself and would wear myself and you guys would genuinely love whether you even likely are on the line or not and also I was very aware of like I don't want to just mass produce a load of fucking shit because obviously it's highly likely that only five people will actually want them if i'm lucky so i didn't want to just like just mass produce a load of junk and then end up throwing it all in the bin and like just filling the bloody planet up with shit so i'm really trying to do it in a sustainable way make sure that it's something that will last you guys for years like that's why i want to bring out something quite simple and something timeless and really comfortable like comfort comfort is key because obviously leo on the line the vibe is coziness
Starting point is 00:41:18 we're literally having a cozy chat on the phone i'm not going to bring out like a sequin dress do you know what I mean like I think coziness is cute sustainability you know like just something that will last you guys for years so that in five years time if you're no longer a Leigh on the line listener which I hope you would be you still love it do you know what I mean it's still your go-to comfy so that's the plan I'm really putting some work into making this happen because I've spoken about it for so long and I just I want to do something I love like I don't I don't want to just iron some iron my fucking face onto a t-shirt and it's just going to go to shit in the wash do you know what I mean so yeah stay tuned for that let me know if you guys want it um and I'm really excited like I just I just love you guys like I feel very emotional about you I feel strong intense love towards you
Starting point is 00:42:15 and I hope you guys feel it towards me but honestly I do and I just hope you know I'm grateful, like, I hope you know that, I hope you feel it in your heart, that I'm grateful for every single one of you, every single one, like, sometimes I think about it, I'm actually getting tears in my eyes, literally, sometimes I think about, like, just a random person tidying her room, just a random person tidying her room and thinking oh there's a new lear on the line out today i'm putting it on and it gives me a lump in my throat or like driving to work like getting into your car you've just woken up you've gotten ready for the day you've got your bag got your car keys put your bag in the passenger seat you get your phone out you hit up spotify
Starting point is 00:43:06 or apple music and you go to lear on the line and you press play you reverse at your parking spot and you're on your way and i'm there with you and that makes me emotional like i just think oh my god that you guys are real like you guys actually real people sometimes i just think no no one actually listens to this like no like the emails pranks they're all pranks you guys are all just making fun of me but then I think I get these messages where you guys are like I genuinely love this podcast it's got me through the year it's got me through something really difficult and I think oh my god I literally love life like I literally that's all I want that's literally all I want I just want you guys to know that you have a friend like that's all I want it to feel like for you um and I hope it helps you accept yourself more I hope it gives you confidence I hope it
Starting point is 00:43:54 makes you feel good about yourself I hope it makes you feel motivated and I hope it makes you feel positive positive vibes and yeah what who do I actually think i am why am i trying to do a motivational speech honestly get livelier but yeah i'll be back on tuesday for a brand new episode as always i hope you guys have the best weekend if you're getting drunk remember don't text your ex text me instead and i will speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you Bye

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