Leah on the Line - Bonus 24: CALLING my listeners!!! (Part 2) GONE WRONG...

Episode Date: November 18, 2022

Hi best friends!!! Well this didn't go as well as the last time LOL but I still loved chatting to you nonetheless haha!! Thank you so so much to everyone that spoke with me, I absolutely loved it and ...love all of you so so much. Thank you for EVERYTHING!! We will definitely do this again but better next time. ;) As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. to you. I have a really exciting episode who's excited screw if you're excited basically I'm doing it again I'm back with a part two of calling my listeners I'm so excited I absolutely love talking to you on the phone the anxiety stage fright nerves are creeping in and creeping in I get stage fright honestly I can't do it it's like you know when you you need to have a wee and then someone's waiting for you and and you can't wait or like you need to have a poo and you know that your boyfriend's in the room next door you can't poo that's literally me when I call you I'm like I just
Starting point is 00:01:31 can't do it I can't I can't speak and I feel like I give terrible advice because I'm under pressure do you know what I mean god it's awful it's really quite hard but I'm so excited I honestly I love talking to you there's something better do you know what I mean because at the end of the day it's just me talking to myself talking to a microphone on my own in a room. I'm not like 99% of podcasts where you get to have somebody to chat with. It would be lovely. But that's why I did the whole dilemmas aspect
Starting point is 00:01:55 because otherwise, I don't know what the hell I would talk about. I mean, I'm sure I would manage it with my bloody mouth. Do you know what I mean, guys? But I just see comments and DMs and I get lovely voice messages, but I never have like a live back and forth conversation with anyone, I've only had two guests on this show, two of the most amazing guests, I can't lie, like Talia, I love you so much, Maddy, you love my life, like could never dream of better guests let's be honest but i haven't done it
Starting point is 00:02:25 enough i would love to get doing that again but it's just not sustainable for me right now i'm living in somerset you know i mean who's coming down to somerset no one but i could go to london but i need to find a studio blah blah that's really boring but i will sort it out guys don't worry let me know who you guys would want on the pod by the way but yeah this is like my way of getting guests and the best guests possible which is you guys there is no one better for leah on the line than you you guys are leah on the line you are the line the other end of the line do you know what i mean we're taking the podcast name quite literally today leah is on the line with the listeners i'm so excited i can't breathe because i'm nervous i feel like i need to
Starting point is 00:02:59 burp all the time i don't know honestly you guys know i'm really looking forward to it i hope you guys had the best week though what did you guys get up to um very scary week in the news um i can't cope with all of that honestly i will have panic attacks it's just way too much but let's talk about something else i'm a celebrity matt hancock has stopped doing trials although he is doing another one tonight it's currently th Thursday and he nominated himself shock really quite annoying me I honestly can't watch it I feel like I don't want to watch it because it's it became the Matt Hancock show and it's pissing me off if there was a show on tv called the Matt Hancock show you best believe I would not be watching it yet here I am do you know what I mean so it's really grinded on my dick that it was all about him and I'm very very very glad
Starting point is 00:03:45 everyone else is getting a bit of time i really like mike it's such a shame olivia olivia was gone do you know what i mean oh my god locked in let's catch up on that kate went kate if you're listening to this you ain't but love you honestly destiny is a snake um you guys know i'm not a bitch i'm not i'm not too face. I'm not nasty. That was some snaky behavior all season from Destiny towards Kate. And I'm not here for it. Listen, I'm a girl's girl. We don't snake each other.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We support each other, yeah? But the behavior from Destiny towards Kate this season. You guys, if you're watching it, it was very, very very mad for me like the way that they was meant to be like two of the closest girls in the house from the looks of things and then she was like she stole kate's points she voted kate out she's oh wait did she vote kate out no she didn't but she she voted she took kate's points to get her video message and all of this just honestly and then in the eating thing she stole kate's points i was like video message and all of this just honestly and then in the eating thing she stole Kate's points I was like honestly what has she got against Kate maybe she's a bit
Starting point is 00:04:50 jealous maybe she's a bit like threatened by her because like the whole Ilias love triangle at the beginning I don't know but anyway loving it love Grace love Chip love Max love everyone in there but they're my top three at the moment who do you guys like oh oh my god oh my fucking god it's the final when this comes out you guys will know who won i wonder who won it's top of the leaderboard who wins in it which is kind of weird because you think it would be like a public vote a bit like big brother because it's essentially like influence a big brother isn't it so it's like you'd imagine that the public would vote for the winner but we don't we vote for who leaves like twice but then it's down to points
Starting point is 00:05:26 and that's all a bit rigged isn't it because the secret challenges and stuff like that but you know whatever i think it's a great idea for a show i think i'm really enjoying it i can't lie guys but anyway oh god i'm just literally trying to distract myself from what i'm about to do because it's really scary honestly it's actually quite scary but i love you guys so much i hope you had the best week thank you so much to anybody who has sent in their number if again like last time if I don't get around to calling you just give me your number next time and hopefully we can do it again next time you know maybe just put with your number like this is the second time you're putting it and then I'll see it and then pick it out you know what I mean so yeah I love you guys so much
Starting point is 00:06:01 I hope you guys are really looking forward to this episode it's so fun like we all get to hear each other's voice and like you guys get to hear other listeners I think that's so so cute um and yeah I love you guys so much let's just get straight into the episode okay guys I have the first number ready this girl's giving me her number and she's actually said please girl I've been trying to get in touch for a while. So sounds like she's in desperate need for some help. But like I said, every time I do these, every time I've literally done it once, I just panic. Like I give terrible advice. Like you'll be like, oh, um, I feel like my boyfriend's cheating on me. And I'll be like, yeah, he probably is broke up. I just can't think straight. Do you know what I mean? But hopefully I keep my head in the game. This is what I do. Okay. This is Lua on the line. I can do this. I know what I'm doing. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Just shut up everyone. Okay. Not you guys. Me. I'm talking to all the different personalities in my head. Okay. This is cool. Oh my God. I'm scared. I'm scared. Please pick up. please pick up i need to swallow when do i swallow hello hello oh my god hi hi how are you i literally submitted my phone number about five minutes ago oh my god you're the first call I'm calling. Oh, my God. Stop. How are you?
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'm good. How are you? Were you not expecting me? Absolutely not. I was literally... This is probably a bit TMI, but I was sat on the toilet when I submitted my phone number. Oh, and you were like, fuck yeah, she's not going to call me. Exactly. And here I am, honey.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Here you are. How are you? What's the yeah, she's not going to kill me. Exactly. And here I am, honey. Here you are. How are you? What's the dilemma? What's the latest? Oh, God, you have no idea. Go on. I've got time. Basically, I'm going to just try and cut it down because I'm sure there's probably a few more people that you want to call.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Oh, no, you've got all the time in the world, babe. Take your time. Basically, so I've been with my boyfriend for a year and three or four months. Okay, good. And everything was perfect for, like, the first however long few months. Classic. Which is actually quite a short amount of time now I've said that out loud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But he went on his friend's 21st birthday last november yeah and um messaged me at like 1am it woke like the call woke me up um and i saw a text and he'd been like i'm panicking like can you call me i've done something wrong oh my god i i called him and he was like oh my god like can you come and pick me up can you come and pick me up i've done oh fuck um and yeah basically he was just freaking out everyone's kind of different but i don't i don't like that yeah um and it was kind of like a big thing for me and we broke up and we didn't speak for like a week or so i think right okay that's fair enough and yeah fair enough um and he hasn't done it since right this saturday it's the same friend's birthday but obviously a year on right and i'm very anxious that it's gonna happen again has he done it since that night um not well yeah basically yes is the answer I was gonna say not
Starting point is 00:09:27 like a big amount but he has done it yeah okay like frequently um only a couple of times but but it's still done it if you're saying to me that you're gonna like stop or like cut it down and then you don't then it's just like a lie so yeah yeah you're right um I think don't have anxiety about it just because it's the same night a year later because it could happen any night of any year but I just think he's gonna make his own decisions and then you can decide what you want to do with that when he does it if he ever does do you know what i mean true but i think you should feel good that makes it worse is that we went on holiday together in july and it was like the most perfect time ever it was like living in a different world yeah we've been back literally for like four months it's just been like hell basically and I know that's really mean
Starting point is 00:10:26 but we're arguing about everything and the cracks are showing yeah and I just feel like there's part of me that's like it is just done really the other part that's like we've been together for a while like I don't want to give it up yeah but that's never a reason to stay with someone remember I know you always got to do what's best for you yeah like you could be with someone 10 years and then decide actually this isn't right for me anymore because what's right for you 10 years ago isn't going to stay the same so I just think don't stress about how you're feeling you're obviously not ready to make a decision yet otherwise you would have already made the decision mentally and yeah if you do decide you don't want to be with him anymore it will just happen like you'll just get to that decision one day and until
Starting point is 00:11:13 then I just wouldn't worry about it because it's like it's one of the things where it's like I'm not going to do anything about it now do you know what I mean I'm not going to break out of him tomorrow so why stress about it I don't know yet what's funny I've literally walked to my front door about half an hour ago because I was at his and we argued because he's going on like three vendors Friday Saturday Sunday and he said that he doesn't have the money to go on a date night with me oh no I'm sorry for three vendors no priorities that's that's not good enough yeah and so I walked out and I've literally got home like 30 minutes ago. Yeah, well, I'm on your side there.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I would have done the same. Yeah, it's shit. It's shit because he's just prioritising everything else above you and you deserve better than that. At least you know that. You should feel good about the fact that you're setting boundaries of what you're willing to accept. So good for you, babes.
Starting point is 00:12:02 That's all I have to say. Yes. I can't believe you to say yes but i can't believe you've called i literally can't believe oh i love you but um just don't stress about it just it's just one of them things where it's like you don't know what you're gonna do you don't know what you want so just literally don't worry about it until you come to that conclusion because it will just happen for you i think naturally yeah exactly and just worry about yourself because he's worrying about his three fucking benders so you just worry about you and your friends and your life i've got a few pairs of gym wear in the gym shop black friday sale gorge gorge let's just need to hit the gym
Starting point is 00:12:36 well do whatever makes you happy hun that's all i think about exactly all right well everything's gonna be fine keep me updated i will when is this episode coming out tuesday no it'll be tomorrow oh my god tomorrow yeah well tonight at midnight actually oh my god exciting say hey to all the listeners hey guys i'm sure they said hey back okay i love you so much everything's gonna be fine don't stress about it okay have a good night thanks for calling thanks for giving me your number love you bye oh honestly that's hard because it's one of them things where you're like you just know it's not working you can feel it ain't right but you you're not mentally there i think i've mentioned this on the tiktok before guys what leah honestly on the TikTok before, guys. What? Leah, honestly,
Starting point is 00:13:30 on the podcast before, guys, I saw on TikTok and it was a guy, I've definitely mentioned this, so I'm really sorry if you're hearing this for a second time, but it might be helpful to someone that's never heard it. He was saying, if you're in a position where you're like, should I break up with my boyfriend or girlfriend? Should I leave this relationship? If you're still asking yourself that question, it's not time. You'll get up in the middle of the night to have a wee and you'll just sit there and you'll be like, do you know what? I'm done. Like it's done. I'm over it. I've given you everything. I'm at my wit's end. And it's like, if you're still saying to yourself, should I walk away from the relationship? It's not the time. It will just happen to you. Do you know what I mean? Like you'll just go, I've made my decision, I don't want to be with you anymore,
Starting point is 00:14:08 but anyway, I'm gonna have to bleep some of the words in that dilemma, just because of reasons, I'm afraid I'll get into trouble if I mention certain topics on the podcast, but I'm sure you guys can figure out what we're talking about, don't worry, but yeah, I love you guys so much, I love you to that listener, I never know if I want to ask you your name, because I feel like you probably want to keep that anonymous, but I love you guys so much i love you to that listener i never know if i want to ask you your name because i feel like you probably want to keep that anonymous but i love you caller number one and let's move on to caller number two okay guys this one says please don't call after nine because sneaky link but i need a pep talk it's currently quarter past eight so i'm gonna call and i don't know how to give someone a pep talk because i won't lie to you. I don't even really understand what Sneak Link is.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Like, is that friends with benefits? Is that someone you're like in a situation shit with? Is that someone you're seeing? I don't understand. I'm hoping she's going to explain it to me. But let's just call her. Why do I get so nervous? You guys are all nice.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I don't know why it scares me. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. The fucking suspense kills me every time maybe i'll leave it hello hello hello hello hi it's leah oh my god why did i feel like that would happen why did i feel like that would happen okay maybe sneaky links arrived early um i've just got rejected by one of my listeners but you know what that's okay i understand sometimes you might give your number in a panic maybe you were just
Starting point is 00:15:41 thinking i'm never gonna call and then you hear my voice and you think oh wait I hate you I hate you I hate you maybe should I call her back or should I just accept the pie and say she doesn't want to be with me she's not interested I don't want to call her back because I feel like she's uncomfortable well maybe no no I won't call her back she's uncomfortable she didn't want to chat it's okay maybe there's a penis around. You never know. Okay, moving on to the next caller.
Starting point is 00:16:08 That went well. Okay, guys. Hopefully this one goes a little bit better. Let's go for this one. I'm scared. I'm scared. You guys all pick up no-call ideas. It's scary to me.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I never pick up no-call ideas. Not really ever. Suspense is killing me. She's's not gonna pick up now i've said that this is the vodafone voicemail hi it's leah called to answer a dilemma um not sure what it was but hopefully everything's fine love you so much hopefully i catch you next time love you bye okay well she's gonna be very confused when she receives that message okay oh my god hopefully this goes well next number i literally just had a thought right could you imagine if that girl sent me the wrong number and some stranger is about to check their voicemail and it's like hey it's
Starting point is 00:17:12 leah on the line love you bye like that is gonna be so fucking confusing but anyway i hope you was one of you guys that get that let me know if it was you the number you have called is not recognized oh my god what is actually going on today i am saying right now if this girl doesn't pick up i'm literally just quitting the podcast i'm walking off okay at least it exists this number hopefully it's the right number jesus imagine it's like an old man like, hello? Oh, God. Please be a Leo on the line, listener. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I actually can't. Tesco Mobile? Okay, well, another message. Please leave your message after the tone. To record your message again again press hash at any time hi babe it's alia just called to have a little chat with you um you didn't pick up and you're the fourth person in a row to do that to me so basically i'm actually starting to take it quite personally um i love you hope everything's okay have the best day love you bye okay I just I did just say I'm gonna quit the podcast but um I take it back hopefully something goes well oh shit I've got hiccups oh shit
Starting point is 00:18:36 I'm gonna hold my breath while I've got time oh my god I could cry. I'm gonna cry! It's because I'm no caller. Oh. I actually can't. Oh, I didn't leave her a message. I actually feel kind of bad now because I left everyone else a message. Maybe I'll call her again. I'll call her again. Hopefully she picks up this time and I won't have to leave a message. Who knows? Oh, please.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Hello? Hello? Hi. You answered! Hi! Oh, my God. How are you? All my god how are you oh i'm having a nightmare babes no one's answering their bloody phone oh sorry no i think it's because i'm no cooler id is that why yeah i'm so cocky oh don't worry i get it i never pick up no cooler id but then
Starting point is 00:19:43 i haven't got podcast episode right now because everyone's rejecting my calls i just called somebody and and she was like hello and i was like hi it's leah and then she hung up on me oh no you're joking no i wish how are you are you okay yeah what are you up to what you're up to just sorting a little one out ready for bed oh i love it what's your dilemma um well and just like i'm writing um just like how to make friends in like your early 20s oh if you find out let me know about enough is it no it's not i've always struggled with like friendships all my life like i've spoken about this on the podcast before i think it's so hard when you're in your 20s because it's like unless you've held your friendships from school or if you work with
Starting point is 00:20:36 people that you have made friends with it's fucking impossible it's so hard because everyone's just like with the boyfriends or whatever it's like guilty me with my boyfriend right now no it's true it is true it's hard because it's like where do you meet people have you tried bumble bff no see i tried it oh okay so have you heard of the dating app bumble yeah so there's a version of it so it's still the same app bumble but when you sign up for your profile you have to choose bff and then you like set up a normal profile kind of similar to dating to be honest and then you just swipe friends you just swipe friends and then you write in your like bio like oh i live around this area and like i'm looking for girls to go for cocktails or whatever like whatever that's such a good idea
Starting point is 00:21:31 yeah it's cute and then like people mess with each other but it never personally worked for me because i just found it a bit awkward like it didn't feel natural make it was like forcing conversation with people do you know what i mean yeah like small talk is not the one no like what do you do then and it felt a bit like I was dating it was a bit strange but I know so many people it's really worked for so you know it's worth putting out there why not interesting yeah what's your advice to the listeners who need to make friends hello me yeah oh sorry i thought you were talking to your boyfriend no ew ew oh god i don't know i need the advice yeah it's tough i mean what do you do for work if you don't want me asking you don't have to say i just work for a small business. Are you working with people like your age or? I'm in like 30s, but we get on like the same.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, because I've made one of my closest friends through social media. Like she just DM me. And then we just like, I think we was just joking about memes. And then we ended up really close. And then she moved to London when I was living there. And we used to like go on each other's house all the time and that was just for instagram so yeah that's what i've been wanting yeah so i think if you're like just scrolling through instagram or tiktok whatever and you just like someone's vibe there's like no harm in just messaging them being like i know this might sound a bit strange but i
Starting point is 00:23:02 feel like we would get on really well do you know what I mean yeah yeah like you have nothing to lose yeah exactly girl it's hard though it is shit it's hard to make friends and keep them as well yeah that's the thing isn't it yeah because you get close for a while and then it's like oh yeah we lost touch yeah especially in this life it's tough but yeah i just thought i'd say i love your podcast literally like listen to every episode oh i love you and always remember if you're struggling with feeling like you don't have many friends you there's loads of us here at lear on the line and we're all best friends so you're actually very popular so anything you want to say to the listeners whilst we're live on the mic
Starting point is 00:23:50 I don't know if you're on the first show you got the stage fright I don't know how you do it every week no me neither to be honest but then you hear how much I stutter and get all my words wrong so at least you can cut parts out yeah but I don't I don't even cut it out oh it's good to be real I suppose isn't it yeah babes you got it wouldn't you
Starting point is 00:24:14 keep it real keep it real honey but yeah you'll be fine you're an amazing person so don't worry don't take it personally it's really normal I think there's probably i think 90 of listener of the listeners probably can relate to how we're feeling right now yeah i feel like i'm such a like a weird age as well yeah how old are you if you don't mind me asking hey 22 22 20s are a lonely time it's a weird time yeah it's strange yeah roll on the face the only way is up yes hopefully geez well have the best night babes love talking to you thanks for trusting me of your phone number okay i love you so much love you bye oh i hung up really really early god that was a bit
Starting point is 00:25:08 brutal oh well at least she picked up the second time maybe i should go back and call some of the other numbers let's just move on to some more and then see how how bad it gets hey last time i did this you all picked up not one of you rejected me and now i can't get through to one of you this one won't even fucking ring oh there she goes please pick up she just sent this number in hello hello hello hi it's leah hi it's fido start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers.
Starting point is 00:25:51 They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. Hello.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Hi, how are you? I'm all right, how are you? Oh, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Honestly, no one's picked up the phone. I could cry. Oh, have they not? No. I messaged you the other day about the tarot thing.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah, I checked. I checked if we've spoken before. Sometimes I like to see if you've already sent me a dilemma. Yeah, I did. I actually sent you a dilemma and you read it out. Oh, which one was it? It was the one about, I need to be quiet because he's actually in the next room. Oh.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Oh, my boyfriend, how he doesn't want to have sex with me oh and he's next door right but that's not the dilemma we've got today okay hit me with it i'm ready okay this is quite this is actually sorry this is so funny to me because i literally sit at work and listen to these to get my day going faster oh my god you're gonna be listening to your own voice this time that's gross i'm skipping that no you should shout out your future self shout out to my future self probably doing nothing at work hard at work doing fuck off yeah literally okay let's hear the dilemma then. I'm ready. Okay, right. So, I genuinely am struggling so much with the whole friendship stuff side of things.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Right. So, like, I think it might have been two years ago, I met this girl and honestly, we were literally like best friends. Love it. And basically, she had a daughter and everything and, you know, it was literally like I hadn't ever had a friend like her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And I live in quite like a, not a rural place, but I guess not like a big city. I live in Devon. So, you know. Okay, not far from me. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, yeah, you're in Somerset, aren't you? Yeah, my love.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Oh, yes, yeah. My sister lives in Somerset. Oh, love it. Yeah. Anyway, right, sorry. Yeah. have oh yes yeah my sister lives in somerset oh love it yeah anyway right sorry yeah so basically never had a friendship like it and it was like great and anyway i was like really i was looking after her daughter and like i'd go around her house literally every day and we'd never be apart and then suddenly she just literally sort of goes to me oh and she there was no explanation to why it was just sort of like it was just sort of like um that's it she sort of like just was like no sorry but she didn't
Starting point is 00:28:44 help me she just she just ended up like not ever speaking to me again and I'd message her like hello you're right and she basically was like just didn't reply so she'd continue posting and stuff on like Instagram so I was getting too upset with it yeah so I basically just like unfollowed her yeah fair enough ever since that I genuinely cannot get over this friendship I don't know how to get over it to the point like it makes me sad because I'm like what did I do yeah it's like not having answers is like the worst bit yeah genuinely it is it's like I just am like oh okay that's so harsh i know i mean she kind of like she got a new boyfriend and like i knew him because he was like like a mutual right basically
Starting point is 00:29:36 and um then i was like oh yeah he's really lovely he's your you'll be really looked after with him and then basically yeah she just stopped and then I saw she had a baby like a couple of months ago oh and I was that sad that you're like not part of it yeah and I was just like it's sad because I was part of her like her daughter's life yeah that's so true and then it was kind of just like, oh, bye. And I was like, oh, okay. Wow. And you've messaged her to say, like, why are you doing this? I messaged her on Instagram literally, like, maybe a year ago.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Right. And I was like, oh, hey, just thinking of you. Hope you're okay. And she didn't reply to that. Did she open the message? Pardon? Did she open the message? Like, did it say seen yeah I think
Starting point is 00:30:26 she did wow and then basically I um then after I saw she had a baby I messaged her again just to say like congratulations I know that we're not part of each other's lives anymore but I wish you the best yeah and she left that undelivered, but she's obviously been active, because you can't not. Yeah, she's seen the message. She's for sure seen the message. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's just fucking rude.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Like, that's just nasty, I think. Because it's like... It is. Even if you did the worst thing, like, surely you, like, deserve an explanation. I know, that's what I mean it's like i'm not quite overthink it anyway like yeah me too and then and then it was sort of just like oh okay and then ever since that i've not really had any like friends like i've got a couple good
Starting point is 00:31:20 friends but like nobody that's like that yeah and I was sort of just like oh I find it strange that it's been so long and she still isn't willing to just like reply like for some reason she feels very negatively towards you clearly and it's like why I mean like we were good friends for a bit and then she got a new job and then she'd stopped speaking to me then and then I'd messaged her a couple of months after this was like before and then I said like oh hey I'm thinking of you and she replied to that okay and then we were friends again and then and then yeah she just kind of like was like no see you later but without saying that she kind of just aired me so how long has it been now since you've spoken um probably i mean it was in 2020 so probably gonna say two years wow really and you tried to reach out a year ago
Starting point is 00:32:15 sorry and you tried to reach out a year ago did you say uh yeah and then when she had her baby this month i tried to reach out oh this month i think it was this month because i was gonna say goes into one yeah well i was gonna say like it's been a while since you spoke maybe she'll be ready to talk but clearly not no and it's just kind of like i don't know i'm just i'm now just at the point where i'm like oh yeah it feels like she's you she's shown you that she's not willing to give you an explanation like as selfish as that is i don't know like god knows what the hell she's thinking or feeling or going through but it's not nice that she's literally just completely blanked you and ghosted you but i think like you've tried a lot like clearly you've tried so much so there's only so much you can ghosted you but I think like you've tried a lot like clearly you've
Starting point is 00:33:05 tried so much so there's only so much you can do before you just go okay do you know what is what it is do you know what I mean yeah I know I think I need to start I just need I need to get over it and I know I need to get over it because I was talking to my mum about it yeah um mum's always my best yeah what did mum say mum's just like oh you need to get out there and do more things and I'm like yeah I cannot do that yeah but then it's that thing of like going out of your comfort zone isn't it yeah that's true it's just I don't know I feel like I'm too anxious to join like clubs and that yeah but then even if you just like make friends on social media and then like
Starting point is 00:33:45 meet up for a coffee or cocktails or whatever you like to do i think that even like having not someone to like replace her but like almost fill that void of like that friendship will help you sort of let go of it because you're naturally just going to take it very personally aren't you like what she's done yeah definitely so i think if you can look around you and you're like do you know what I'm quite happy with who I've got around me I'm quite happy with my life right now you know if you don't want to be in it that's your decision I think it's easier to let go of some like a situation or a person when you're quite happy with everything else you've got so I would just say focus on yourself work on work on your life and then hopefully you'll find peace that
Starting point is 00:34:23 way because she's clearly not going to give it to you sadly yeah that's true i know like my mum said that she was like she's obviously not going to come back into your life and i don't i think even if she did it wouldn't be the same and i wouldn't really i wouldn't jump back into a big friendship with her because it's not okay well you'd want a bloody good explanation like yeah for me that's how you treat someone who's like slept with your boyfriend or like yeah really stabbed you in the back do you know what i mean so it's like it's just it was it's a very weird situation and like i just kind of was sort of left like what yeah that's weird i've never experienced that like i've experienced where someone just sort of their energy drops and they stop making effort with you and you think what did i do wrong
Starting point is 00:35:09 but for her to literally not even be able to reply to your messages is mad to me i know it was it was really really random i'd come back from a weekend away and i just messaged her like oh hey how are you she just opened it and then so you weren't expecting it at all no not at all that's crazy it's literally like a breakup but she never even told you she was literally my best friend that is fucked i would have done anything for her and i would have thought you know obviously not but that she would have done the same for me and then it was sort of just like oh no that is so well you've got all of us at lear on the line with all your friends especially me but i'm sorry you're going through this this
Starting point is 00:35:53 is fucking shit and i don't blame you for not not being able to like fully get over it like two years later because it's horrible like it's horrible i've been in a similar situation but not quite exact where someone just sort of cut me off and I never understood why and I know that feeling you just think did did we not have what I thought we had like were we not on the same page yeah no that's literally what I'm thinking yeah but like I said if you if you get to a point where you look around you and you're quite happy with your life it's so much easier to let people decide that they they want to walk away from it because you're like okay that's fine yeah that's true you got this girl you got this everything's going to be fine thanks very much but thanks for listening and being a lear on the line girly thanks for uploading so i can listen anytime i went away for a week and then i had loads to
Starting point is 00:36:49 catch up on oh my god i love it now i have none so i've been trying to find other ones but they're not the same oh my god yay no competition well this is coming out at midnight so be ready i'll listen to it tomorrow at work okay hello to you tomorrow at work hope you're having a great day all right have a good night i'll speak to you soon okay love you bye oh god i couldn't i couldn't hang up then didn't don't you hate that when you like say bye to someone on the phone then you're still on the phone for ages. Ugh, cringe. No, do you know what is the worst?
Starting point is 00:37:26 When you say bye to someone and then you realise you're walking in the same direction. Actual cringe. Actual swallow me up. Honestly. Aw, I mean, she was nice. We had a nice long chat. I really enjoyed that chat.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I kind of forgot we were recording for a while. It was actually really enjoyable. Honestly, I know the feeling. It's horrible. You just don't understand. You're like, what the fuck? Like, I really fucking love and adore you. You just don't understand you're like what the fuck like i really fucking love and adore you you clearly don't feel the same about me and then you have to deal with rejection it's like a breakup isn't it we talk about friendship breakups all the
Starting point is 00:37:53 time they're shit they're so shit okay i think i'm gonna try again with somebody else i'm not feeling very hopeful guys i won't lie but hopefully we can get a fourth caller please pick up honestly i can't deal with any more rejection today myself seems on the floor at this point guys feeling really rejected please please sounds like i'm saying police police oh come on please welcome to the ee voicemail i'm sorry but the person you've called is not available another voicemail message after the tone hi babe it's leah on the line guess who isn't on the line you because you didn't pick up the phone but it's fine i totally understand it's a no caller id i don't ever pick up no caller id either but just wanted to say i
Starting point is 00:38:49 love you so much thanks giving me your number anyway hopefully next time i love you so much bye okay well we're gonna try again okay new number justin you're on your phone you're on your phone so if you don't pick up, I know you're ignoring me. Let me check this number before I dial it. Okay, it's correct. I hope you've written it correct. I'm just, I have a fear that an old man's going to pick up the phone. You never know who might have a dilemma for me. Hello? Is this Leah? Yeah. Hi. Oh my God. I'm so happy you picked up i'm having a nightmare tonight oh no why no one's answering their fucking phone
Starting point is 00:39:33 but you literally just put it in so i was like i'm calling that i'm calling her straight away honestly thank you how are you i'm good how are you i'm stressed girl i'm stressed yeah but you know we we're up to 40 minutes so we have a we have an episode but granted half of it is me getting the um because all i'm doing is leaving bloody voice messages i'm literally leaving voicemails like an 80 year old woman like a like a man that's so funny have you got a dilemma please say you do if not just make one up yes i do actually let's hear it um okay so basically i've recently got single gorge congratulations thanks he was a extra congratulations. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Basically, and then I started seeing a guy who obviously I like. Yeah. And then another guy come along at the same time and I'm seeing them both. Okay, stunning. They don't, obviously,
Starting point is 00:40:44 neither of them know. so i don't really know what to do right how long have you been seeing both of them i'm gonna need background information okay so the first guy i work at a nightclub i started the job in march stunning i met him i met him then obviously and then i basically the guy that i just broke up with i was i fancied this boy i'm gonna call him jeremy jeremy okay Jeremy, okay. Yeah, Geri. I fancied Jeremy while, what is it, while I was with my ex. Okay, yeah. So basically when I moved back to Somerset.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Somerset, woo! I know, I know, you're a bit too close. I'm in Taunton. Oh my God close I'm in Taunton Oh my god I went to Taunton the other day That's why I go to Bingo Oh my god, really? Yeah, I go to Mecca in Taunton I've never actually been there
Starting point is 00:41:58 Oh my god, you gotta go, it's so fun I work in Zinc, the nightclub Oh, I've never been on a night out in Taunton It's not great, anyway. Right, anyway, we're going off track, we're going off track. Basically, when did I get up to, oh yeah. Jeremy Kyle. I was going to break up with, I'm going to call him Adam.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Right. I was going to break up with Adam in the summer, but he wouldn't let me. He manipulated me into staying. Right, stunning. in the summer but he wouldn't let me he manipulated me into staying right so I then I moved back um in September and I saw Jeremy and I thought right that's it I have to end it with Adam yeah so I text Adam at one in the morning maybe a little bit drunk yeah we need just basically saying I'm done with you, like, you're fucking, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah, yeah. And then, so we broke up that sound, and then I start seeing Jeremy, and I really like him, he's so sweet, so nice.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Amazing. Give me the ick though. Oh, no. I know, I know, I know. It's because he's sweet, and he's nice.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I know, I'm not used to it. I think they're the only boys, that can give us the ick, you know, like the sweet ones. Yeah, 100%. And then basically, so a couple of weeks into seeing Jeremy, I was just out with my mates. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 We went for a coffee and one of the coffee bartenders, like, hit on me. Coffee bartenders? I don't know what to call them. Barista. Yeah. like coffee bartenders barista yeah yeah the baristas hit on me oh amazing oh he's a bit of me oh yeah oh i got his number we started texting as you should yeah um and then yeah so i started seeing him right so how long were you seeing jeremy up until you met barista boy two weeks oh okay so it's early days yeah but i really did like him when we did say the l word oh my god no you didn't yeah oh my god shit okay so you told someone you loved him and then you got somebody else
Starting point is 00:44:06 yeah because i i um i do love jeremy right we're in we're in a right pickle then yeah i know okay so back to barista boy what's the update um so i don't i see him on days that jeremy's at work this is a whole scandalous situation it is i know like jeremy works weekdays like and he works he was two jobs he works this is so good um yeah so when he's because he's a construction worker, so he goes early in the morning, so I've got the whole day free. Oh my god. Yeah. And you work nights, obviously, in the club. Yeah, so we only really see each other, like, a couple times a week, but I stay at his on the weekends and we work together.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Right, how long have you been seeing them both now how long how long ago did this all start so it was september like the 20th around then so all right okay a couple of months yeah a good couple of months so probably about four weeks no five weeks of other barista boy and then about nearly eight weeks with jeremy right love how it's just Jeremy and barista boy he doesn't get a name yeah yeah we don't want to dox them are you are you sleeping with both of them you don't have to answer that okay you are yeah right do you are you swaying more towards one? Yeah, I am. Which one? Jeremy, because I love him. Yeah, but it gives you the ick.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I know, that's the only thing. Let me tell you something, yeah? The ick never goes away. Oh, no. It will go, and then it will come back. But sometimes you can live with the ick. Sometimes's just a little ick and it's livable do you know what i mean oh
Starting point is 00:46:09 he'll have his socks on and then he'll sit down and get in bed and take them off and just wiggle his feet about and then like drink them on my leg and be like oh your legs feel so nice No. See, I love that. I love the little foot rub on, rub on, rub on, rub foot. No, they stink. Does he not shower? I don't think so. He doesn't get home from work and get in the shower?
Starting point is 00:46:53 I don't know. Well, to be fair, his hands are quite grubby as well. Oh, and you love him? Yeah. Right, we're picking barista boy, I'm sorry. Oh, no. No, I'm joking obviously but okay well i mean i feel like if you're swaying more towards one then you know what you got to do but then there's a reason you don't want to do it yeah that's true oh i should just live my whole life yeah fuck it babe yeah i uh i give you full permission to hoe it up for sure
Starting point is 00:47:27 and we'll just deal with the consequences oh yeah yeah when it goes to shit you just send in a dilemma and i'll be here to pick up the pieces no matter what okay no i just think do you know what it is right we've been single and dating you don't have to be committed to someone as long as they know where they stand but these guys don't yeah that's what i mean jeremy thinks that we're gonna get together and i'm just like babe uh do you think if he found out like oh by the way the whole time we've been seeing each other i've been seeing somebody else that would really break his heart yeah he'd probably cry and i can't deal with men crying men crying makes me cry yeah because i feel like i'm being manipulated oh okay bit of past trauma coming up here
Starting point is 00:48:18 you're like this is a trick this is a scam no when i see men cry i just think oh my god you're so vulnerable right now it makes me and it makes me upset for them i'm just sat there like fuck shit you're like yeah i know i see right through this mate i know exactly what you're doing i know you're lying i know your game i mean i feel like a little bit of honesty wouldn't hurt because then you could sort of carry on guilt-free because then if they decide that they still want to go through with like seeing you then it's on their back do you know what i mean true and then you might live guilt-free and feel a bit less shit about it I mean do you feel shit about it not really I don't really care at the moment yeah I mean also that do you know I mean like good for you because you are single and you're not in a relationship and you are free
Starting point is 00:49:17 to do what you want exactly that's what I mean it's obviously because I did get out of a really bad relationship with like what did I call him Adam yeah I think so yeah yeah so that was a bad relationship so I just think it's my time to shine so just yeah yeah I think so enjoy it that's what I say yeah yeah no who no fucks given pretty much yeah terrible advice from me well enjoy it have the best time um try not to break too many hearts i won't um yeah and just look out for yourself at the same time yeah I will okay love you so much love you love you bye
Starting point is 00:50:09 bye oh my god that was so fun she has such good energy I literally love her she has the best laugh do you know what my favourite laughs
Starting point is 00:50:16 are the ones that just like burst up in your face like you know them really loud explosion laughs I explosive I mean I love laughs like that
Starting point is 00:50:24 I love a loud laugher like demo levato's laugh is my favorite laugh in the world and that's the most random thing i've said on the podcast but it's true anyway um i'm not going to try and call anybody else because i don't think my self-esteem can take it to be quite honest with you so let's wrap up the episode to be quite honest with you so let's wrap up the episode okay guys this was the most shambles episode halfway through or four i'm not even gonna upload i'm just gonna put up an instagram story saying sorry guys the phone call episode flopped um no one answered the phone and there won't be an episode this week but i'd rather just put up a shit show than a no show to be honest so hopefully it wasn't too painful to listen to hopefully you made it through because i feel like that last phone call
Starting point is 00:51:10 was worth it she had the best energy the best vibes not the bestest and the best out of everyone i mean like just the best she's just the best you know but yeah i just love talking to you next time i feel like maybe i'll message you before and I'll be like I'm gonna call you at this time and we'll make sure it works because I it worked the first time this I didn't get on the first time I did this I didn't even have a rejected call I didn't have a this number is not recognized I didn't have a um a drop call I didn't have a voice message it was all hello hello hello it was easy and i was just getting too cocky with it just way too cocky but i love you guys i hope you have the best weekend if
Starting point is 00:51:53 you're going out drinking remember don't text your ex text me instead thank you to everyone who gave me your number even if you didn't pick up don't worry it's totally fine we'll do it again and yeah stay safe and have the best weekend be careful make good decisions or bad decisions and then write in for the confession diaries i love you guys so much and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode i love you Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year.
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