Leah on the Line - Bonus 30: The OPINIONS episode

Episode Date: January 13, 2023

Hey gorg! In this episode we discussed all of our opinions on things from threesomes in relationships, plastic surgery, snapchat, being friends with exes, watching porn and more. I loved this episode ...and found it so so interesting! Thank you so so much for all your love and support on Leah on the Line, I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you!! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. Happy Friday. How are you guys? How was your week? You made it to the end of the week. It's weekend time. What are you guys up to this weekend? Today, we have a very new episode, actually. We've never done this over here at Lear on the Line I just came up with the idea I thought come on fuck it I'm gonna do it this is the opinions episode so this episode is basically going to involve my opinions on things they might be unpopular you might agree with them they might be controversial but it's all about opinions here at Lear on the Line. I say it a lot, never take what I say too
Starting point is 00:01:26 seriously. Remember everything that comes up my mouth is just my opinion so I thought why don't we do a whole episode on them? Do you know what I mean? So basically I put up an Instagram story and I asked you guys to give me topics or events like anything in the world that you want to hit my opinion on and I'm just going to give it give it raw baby and I did ask for your opinions on a couple of things as well so I'm really interested to see if we're on the same page what you guys think so yeah I hope you guys had the best week I hope you are excited for a new episode of Lear on the Line thank you so much for clicking and listening to me it means the whole world to me and more. I can never ever explain it. So I don't want to make this intro too long. I'm ready to dish out my opinions, wanted or unwanted. Let's get straight
Starting point is 00:02:15 into the episode. Okay, everyone, I hope you're sitting comfortably or standing whatever you're doing I'm really looking forward to this I'm a bit nervous because obviously given your opinions you're always open to criticism because not everyone is going to agree with you and that's just life do you know what I mean not everyone's going to like you not everyone's going to agree with what you have to say with what you feel but that's okay so let's give a disclaimer. Everything that I say in this, in this episode, just in this podcast in general is just my opinion and you don't have to agree. And that's absolutely fine. You know, you're welcome to disagree with me. Um, yeah, that's what I have to say to be honest. Let's just go to the first topic. Okay. Let's kick off with this one. It
Starting point is 00:03:01 says Snapchat when in a relationship, I hear so many dilemmas about Snapchat. Yeah. Okay. I was actually having this conversation with my sister earlier, which is so weird. So I, I literally said it's non-negotiable for me now. Like in my experience, it's only ever been a bad thing. Like there has to be a reason you want a platform that is invented for privacy and secrets like if you just want to have a group chat move over to whatsapp like a fucking adult right but no no offense to anyone that has group chats on snapchat okay i love you but i'm talking boyfriends okay if i'm in a relationship with someone and their group chats on snapchat why is on snapchat but then i suppose i get it if you send snaps actually if you send photos and videos actually
Starting point is 00:03:48 that makes sense why it would be on snapchat and whatsapp so I guess I can let you off on that one to be fair but I still don't like it like I don't want a boyfriend with snapchat I've made that decision I've learned from my experience okay there's only ever secrets and fucking girls on there under fake names do you know what i mean and it's only the bitmoji that gives it away yeah like it's just why do you want a platform that is made for secret why you know if you're not being a little snaky snake what's the need so my opinion is i don't want it but then i know loads of people use snapchat like when I worked in
Starting point is 00:04:25 the pub everyone I worked with was all like of a similar age everyone had it and they were like oh what's your snap and I'm like I'm not 12 but like I'm I'm obviously I'm not you know the norm I think I'm not like other girls ew no I just think it's actually really normal to have snapchat at my age but for some reason it's just not like none of my friends have it or use it like it's actually really normal to have snapchat at my age but for some reason it's just not like none of my friends have it or use it like it's not like a popular thing around me so I was always like oh red flag but like working with all them people I was like oh you guys will use it like it's just your normal platform but for me it's just not um and I just have bad experience with it to be honest so that's just the only reason I have this opinion
Starting point is 00:05:03 but to be honest I'm just talking in relationships here I'm not saying if you have Snapchat you're a fucking loser I just mean like I'd rather my boyfriend didn't do you know what I mean my boyfriend doesn't which is a green flag for me okay let me know if you guys agree or disagree on that one let me know if you had bad experience on Snapchat Okay. Next one is boyfriend slash girlfriend liking other people's pics. Yeah. No, it's a no. I know so many people are like, it's just Instagram, whatever. Like I don't care. It's not that deep. It's actually that deep for me. Like it is that deep. Like if I imagine scrolling through your feed and there's like a bikini pic or even like a selfie of a girl, like a really fucking gorgeous girl. And it's like your boyfriend's name underneath why it's no different to you going up
Starting point is 00:05:51 to a girl in a club and saying you look really pretty to me you're letting that girl know that you think she's attractive in that photo and like why should i be okay with that i know so many people are gonna think you are an absolute psycho and I will be very honest and say I genuinely I really don't think I'm a jealous partner like I really I really don't I'd like to think my boyfriend would back me up on this one like I'm not he's nodding so that's good like I'm jealous like do you know what I mean like that like I don't want you liking those pictures but I'm not like who is she blah blah blah like checking this following and like I'm not I'm not like that but for me liking Instagram pics is an absolute no what's the need have a bit of respect for me and I know I know there's so many people listening
Starting point is 00:06:36 to this thinking oh my god Leah get a grip of yourself he obviously finds other women attractive not in my head he doesn't and that's all that matters do you know what i mean no he doesn't okay but i really don't and i would never like i would never like a guy's photo in a relationship like this is no i don't oh god i'm really scared because i know so many people are judging me for my opinions but this is what this episode is i'm putting my reputation on the line and i'm being honest out there and i'm speaking up for the girls that hate it as well I'm with you honeys I hate it okay okay next one opinions on open relationships I'll I'll just be honest and say I don't really get it because for me a relationship is a commitment so if you're not committed to each other I don't really understand it and that's all it is like I just don't really understand it that's as like much thought as I can really give it you know like if we're not committed to each other like
Starting point is 00:07:28 what are we are we in a relationship or we just like people that hang out and have sex you know so it's almost like you can't be non-exclusive to me that's not what I want so it would never work for me it's not something I'd ever want because if I'm in a relationship with someone that's because I want to commit to them and I want them to commit to me and if I didn't want that in my relationship then I wouldn't want to be in a relationship I would just want to be single and you know if we can come to some kind of agreement where we can still do whatever we're doing and still be single love it we don't need to be together but I know loads of people they love open relationships and it works for them you know people people get married and they're open
Starting point is 00:08:04 so you know that's none of my fucking business if it works for you it works for them. You know, people get married and they're open. So, you know, that's none of my fucking business. If it works for you, it works for you, honey. But it would never be for me. And that's just the truth. Look, if I can't handle him liking other girls' photos, I'm definitely not going to be okay with him having sex with them. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Okay, next one. Threesomes in relationships. So, yeah, no. Immediately, no. Everything's been a no so far immediately no absolutely not like I don't want to watch that and I don't want anyone else to experience what we experience like that's between me and you that's our thing you know like that is the only thing we have that we don't share as a couple do you know what I mean so it wouldn't work for me but I know so many people do it but we've had this debate before about how it can like cause problems because it sounds like a great idea at first and then somebody gets really into it and
Starting point is 00:08:55 they want to do it all the time and the other person's like but I only wanted it to be a one time thing you know it's really stressful but I get it like I feel like it's a great way for someone who is in a relationship and wants to stay in that relationship and say they met them at like a young age and they want to be with that person and they know that's their person but maybe they've got to a point where they're like I'm I'm like intrigued about my sexuality and I've never experienced with it and experimented with it I mean like and I've never branched out to like try having sex with women and stuff so like I can imagine that they would be like try having sex with women and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So like I can imagine that they would be like, why don't we have a threesome? Because then I don't have to like leave my relationship and then I can experiment and like just say that I've done it. Do you know what I mean? Because I feel like if you discover like later down the line that you think, oh wait, maybe I'm into women. Like maybe I'm bisexual. And then you're in a relationship. It's like, am I never going to explore that now? Do you know what I mean? Am I just going to go, oh, I've realized I'm attracted to women, but I'm never going to explore it. Because I know people that have had threesomes for that reason, which that one I can actually
Starting point is 00:09:53 understand. But I can't imagine it working out for me personally. Like it's not something I'd ever want to try with a boyfriend like absolutely not get your hands off him do you know what I mean and also get your hands off me I don't want to be talked about anyone but him you know but then yeah I get it I do get it so I asked for what you guys think on this one so let's have a read of your opinions on threesomes and relationships so first one my boyfriend is obsessed with the idea and I'm like yeah one day hun but it's never gonna happen oh yeah i don't know if my boyfriend was coming to me saying i really want to have a threesome i want to have a threesome it'd be so hot i'd be like oh my god you hate me
Starting point is 00:10:34 someone says a disaster waiting to happen um no thank, why are you wanting sex with someone else, but also why are you wanting me to have sex with them, yeah, I could never, I'd be too jealous, um, I'd want to slap him if he even looked at the other girl, prob's not, but I'd want to mix it up, and now I'm never going to see the person again, oh, sorry, prob's not, but if I want to mix it up, and now I'm never going to see the person again, then maybe maybe. Okay so you're pretty open to the idea maybe. If it's early on then you're you're in trouble because your partner clearly doesn't satisfy you. If it works for you then why not? Yeah for sure. Seems awkward someone says whatever you're comfortable with but not for me too insecure. Absolutely not for me or my self-esteem. i would try it but
Starting point is 00:11:26 with a stranger only yeah i can understand if you were like right let's do this it would be way less complicated to be like let's do it with someone we're not going to bump into all the time do you know what i mean no point committing to one person in a relationship if you're open to letting someone else in no way i'm too jealous hell yeah fuck it but if in a relationship a big no all right okay yeah yeah done it once never again oh okay let's see what else are you guys saying you can never go back and would probably cause problems in the long run that's the thing you can't undo it so like I know a lot of people they're like I I thought I would be turned on by it like I thought I would be like yeah I thought it would be sexy but then in the moment I'm like this is my idea of hell
Starting point is 00:12:14 like I want to go back in time and undo this and never experience this ever again but you can't you've done it now do you know what i mean somebody else has touched your boyfriend's penis and vice versa you know and you can't you can't undo it so the damage is done sometimes a lot of you are saying no okay 90 of you are saying no maybe even 95 somebody says basically cheating um i couldn't do it myself but pop off queen yeah I'm oh 100% like if you guys are loving it I'm loving it for you hun but not for me um I feel like you both have to be so secure in yourselves and your relationship yeah for sure but then even then I feel like surely it can cause questions and I don't know you know drama maybe I wish I
Starting point is 00:13:07 could do it because I like sleeping with girls but my jealousy could take over yeah I understand I understand um personally I've always wanted to try with girls okay I can understand I can understand I'm too insecure for that but maybe as like a way to spice the marriage up in 40 years okay yeah so we've been married a long time you're not going anywhere fuck it do you know what i mean okay okay guys he goes crazy out here i could sleep with another girl without technically cheating there's a reason stunning um i'd be way too jealous only if we weren't together yeah most of you are saying no a lot of you saying you'd like to experiment fuck watching my girl have sorry fuck watching my boyfriend have sex with another girl with oh my god why can't i read this response fuck watching
Starting point is 00:13:57 my boyfriend have sex with another girl in front of me honestly i can't think of anything I'd rather do less in the world do you know what I mean been there huge mistake created so much insecurity and he cheated oh no um I only tried it in the past because I felt like I wasn't good enough for my ex okay interesting yeah I understand like if you're in a relationship and you're like scared that they're going to leave and then they bring this idea up you might be like okay do you know what if it's going to make you stay do you know what i mean i can imagine i can imagine that okay next one that i asked for your guys opinion on is plastic surgery a bit of a controversial one a lot of people have strong opinions on this and how wrong it is and stuff. My opinion is you do what the fuck you
Starting point is 00:14:45 want. Do you know what I mean? I might just be saying that because I'm hoping for a new nose in the next three years at some point in my life. Do you know what I mean, darling? But even if I didn't, I couldn't give a shit if any of you listening looked anything like you did at birth and look completely different now. Do you know know what i mean if you feel good and you've had the money to do this and you now feel really great about yourself amazing i'm happy for you do you know what i mean what's it got to do with me none of my fucking business that's my opinion on it um somebody says your body your choice you do you boo whatever makes you happy if it's going to make someone feel better about themselves why not whatever makes you happy you do you i'm an advocate for plastic surgery i think people need to do what makes them happy but always make sure to do your proper research before
Starting point is 00:15:34 commuting to anything i think she might mean committing you know um absolutely it's 2023 do what you want to do no one can tell you what to do with your body period do whatever makes you happy your body your choice do anything to make yourself happy oh here we go it's too trendy please stop ruining yourselves people this is the thing like i don't think people like you're not ruining yourself you're okay guys you know but it's been natural sometimes makes people look worse. Okay, but this is the thing. This is why it's an opinion episode. It's your opinion to be better to be natural. Some people, they don't want to be natural at all and that's their opinion and that's what they want. That's what makes them feel good and I'm happy for them for that reason, you know. For confidence
Starting point is 00:16:22 and for actual want, yes. For the approval of someone else no okay if that makes you happy i have my boobs done best thing ever i'm much more confident i love that for you and your new titties um doesn't bother me if you have something you dislike why not change it see i'm torn because i do understand like let's not seek perfection do you know what i mean like i feel pressure because part of me is like i want a new fucking nose i want a madison beard little baby slope nose i want the side profile of my dreams and i'm sick of hearing that i've got a big nose on tiktok live but it's not tiktok live that made me want a big nose maybe want a nose job because but i've been told about my big nose
Starting point is 00:17:02 since i was in primary school do you know i mean it's not secret all right it's not news to me when I go on TikTok but do I look at myself and think oh god I hate it I hate no there's so many times where I I don't even really get upset about it I wouldn't say upset I'm more just like oh my god look at the fucking nose on me. But then I also just think, oh, so what? Do you know what I mean? Like I have the moments where I think, who cares? Who actually cares? Is it that deep? Like there are real problems out there in the world that people are dealing with.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I'm not going to get upset about my nose and I don't. Would I change it if I had excess cash? Yeah, I would. Yeah, I would. would I change it if I had excess cash? Yeah, I would. Yeah, I would. On the other hand, I don't want to set an example that we need to be perfect. Do you know what I mean? Like, if there's a flaw, change it. If there's something wrong with you, change it. Do you know what I mean? That's not the message I want to give out on my platform. But at the same time, but at the same time if you can change it do you know what it's such a contradiction but the thing is getting a new nose isn't going to make me perfect so that's not the message i'm
Starting point is 00:18:15 giving out either get my tooth straightened get my brows down get a nose job get some forehead botox perfect but this is the thing like there is so many occasions where you fix one thing and then you think oh but now i don't like this so i'm gonna fix that and now i don't like this i'm gonna fix that and then we do strive for perfection and that's never gonna make us happy because perfection is subjective do you know what i mean like what i might think is the most stunning nose someone else might be like oh you look better before you're better shut up do you know what i mean this is costing me fucking six grand so i better not have looked better before but yeah my opinion on it is do what you
Starting point is 00:19:06 want do what you want but also I do worry that we are all seeking perfection when we look in the mirror which is never good do you know what I mean so it's a difficult one but yeah that's my opinion on it mixed opinions picture this you're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's virtual care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer getting back with a cheater oh my opinion on that do you know what i don't have one and that's the truth because i feel like you can never actually judge someone for that decision and being in that position because it's it's very situational like have you got children with this person do you have a house with this person you engage are you married like what is your commitment to this person what level of cheating are we talking how long ago was it how consistent was it was it
Starting point is 00:20:21 a one-time thing is it regular do you know what i mean like i when i think about somebody else getting back with a cheater all i think is it's none of my business and do whatever you want to do to make what makes you happy you know it is none of my business that's genuinely my opinion so i'm sitting on the fence on that one and i don't care yeah um opinions on fetish fetishes why is it so hard to say fetishes fetishes how many of you are saying fetishes right now fetishes fetishes am i saying that wrong fetishes wow fetish try and say that over and over all together really fetishes fetishes fetishes fetishes that's really difficult anyway my opinion on it depends what what fetishes are talking about honey like some of them are a bit like oh righty yeah interesting where did that come from do you
Starting point is 00:21:12 know what i mean i've never like experienced an interesting fetish like request so i don't have a strong opinion on it i feel like a foot fetish is like a massively popular one. Like it's, like we all know someone. Do you know what I mean? You all know someone. So yeah, I don't know about fetishes. I think if it's safe and isn't like an alarming thing to want, whatever, you know. I'll let you know if I'm up for it.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I'll have a think. But if it's like something really fucking scary and odd and like dangerous, then I'll be like, okay, boy. Yeah. Maybe we should pull the reins on this one, you know? Um, okay. What do we think about? Oh, okay, guys. I asked for your opinion on this one too. Getting under someone to get over someone. Okay, I'm going to start with your opinions. Okay, okay, okay, okay. The answers are, I think it's okay as long as nobody is led on or given the wrong impression. You always carry baggage. Absolutely not. Working on or given the wrong impression you'll always carry baggage absolutely not working on
Starting point is 00:22:27 yourself is the number one priority um i have done it and had to get over two people then yeah i don't recommend it oh no um can work and help in short term but in long term probably not the best i would agree with that actually i would agree with that one you get it girl honestly do what you need to do to heal and move on i've tried this and it didn't work for me just made me feel worse and more heartbroken sex isn't necessarily needed but definitely the possibility of another person somebody says nope just makes you feel worse someone says yes it worked for me sometimes helps or can also make it worse yeah i can understand that i think i agree with you to be fair this is how i ended up having hot girl summer 2022 it won't make you happy but if you're having fun then all is well
Starting point is 00:23:17 could work if you fall in love but the sex will definitely not help okay but what happens if you fall in love but you're still carrying trauma from your last relationship? You know? A good distraction, but only if there's more than just, than lust there. So you can be wined and dined too.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Boost the ego. Yeah, okay. Yeah, if you feel a bit used by the other person, like, they were kind of using that. But like, if it feels like, oh, they just want to fuck me. Like, I don't think that can really help help but if it feels like they're into you then i'm able to help um guilty of this i found it delayed my healing but was fun i can actually
Starting point is 00:23:55 really understand that i can imagine how that would happen pop off sis why not um i feel like it's a temp fix but do do what you got to do. Whatever is best for you. Been here and done this and it worked for me. It's a short term solution. It won't help unless you're ready to take that step. Somebody says, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Highly recommend. Does not work from experience.
Starting point is 00:24:21 We're very 50-50 on this one. Shags are shag and girls have needs too. The word shag just really, I don't know how to describe how it makes me feel. You feel good in the moment, but afterwards you feel 10 times worse as you still have feelings for the person you're trying to get over. as you still have feelings for the person you're trying to get over. Yeah, I understand. Okay, here's my opinion. I think it depends if you still really like that person that you're trying to get over, or if you're trying to move past the rejection you feel, you know, like if somebody's ended a relationship with you and you're heartbroken on the floor, all you want to do is be with them. I don't think it's a good idea. If somebody's broken up with you, but all you're heartbroken on the floor all you want to do is be with them I don't think it's a good idea if somebody's broken up with you but all you're feeling is like nobody wants me why doesn't
Starting point is 00:25:11 he love me why can't he just treat me better why can why don't why am I not enough and then you go and get with somebody else I can imagine it helps so that's my opinion on that it depends on the feelings that we're feeling you know okay next one also got you guys opinion on this one what's your opinion on watching porn in a relationship so I feel like I was always like yeah whatever and like whatever but I feel like my opinions kind of changed like I feel a bit like I don't know most of you disagree like I've had a glimpse at the comments and everyone's like don't I honestly couldn't give a fuck like go and masturbate please do you know what I mean but for me I'm not gonna lie I know I said at the beginning I'm not a psycho and I'm really not helping that but I don't know I don't think I like it obviously like you're gonna do it like whatever but if
Starting point is 00:26:13 it's a regular thing I have an issue with that like if it's you're regularly watching porn I have an issue with that if it's like once in a blue moon like we're away and we can't chat do you know what i mean i get i get it i don't want to think about what you're watching but i get it it's normal it's natural to to do that but if it was a regular thing yeah no i don't want it to be a regular thing let's see what you guys have to say okay everybody does it I don't think there is any point getting angry at it as long as it's not excessive and you keep things honest um it's disrespectful and creates an unrealistic expectation um it's a no no um I don't care I'd rather not know about it yeah imagine if you were like what are
Starting point is 00:27:08 you up to and he's like just had a wank over some girl on girl porn just loving it do you mean i'm like oh okay nice um not bothered hun someone says yeah everyone's got needs yeah but you've you've got me that's what like you've got needs i'm here to fulfill them vice versa joey am i crazy oh my god i think i'm crazy somebody says it doesn't bother me at all but i feel like it should it should since it bothers others so much okay but reading these responses i don't think it bothers that many people i think my side is is the minority here i don't mind my boyfriend watching it on his own but watching it together is a no-go for me see a lot of you guys are saying i i'm okay with watching it together but not alone okay not a big fan why do i want another woman to make him come basically oh my god that that i feel like punching my boyfriend in the head right now no i'm joking anyway um thanks for that
Starting point is 00:28:16 god that makes my blood boil everyone imagine imagine that. Imagine your boyfriend, like, you know his cum face. Imagine the cum face, but there's another girl in front of him. Yeah, I love that. Fucking love it. Do you know what's so annoying? So many people listen to me thinking, you're crazy, Leah. You're actually crazy. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I actually think I'm discovering I might be. A little bit. Nah, fuck it. This is how I film. Fuck it. Do you know what I mean? I hate it. Would you allow your partner to subscribe to OnlyFans? No. you think i'm discovering i might be a little bit nah fuck it these this is how i film fuck it i mean i hate it would you allow your partner to subscribe to only fans no so why watch porn it's the same oh interesting opinion i'd feel so awkward would definitely not get me in the mood um this happened i kept digging at it and eventually he stopped or maybe he stopped
Starting point is 00:29:02 being honest about it hey no no he definitely stopped he definitely stopped definitely not why are you fantasizing over another person it's fabulous and we learn new things doesn't bother me i wouldn't watch it myself but as long as they're open about it um we've watched it together before gives us ideas and inspiration okay i think it's fine i didn't never talked about it with my ex but i think it's private okay we were ldr what is ldr what is ldr love don't rush what is ldr oh my god is it really inappropriate oh long distance relationship oh come on leah makes so much sense okay well that makes sense but then also facetime you know oh i don't know okay not bothered by it only fans is cheating though
Starting point is 00:30:03 um i'd cry if my boyfriend did this and i don't feel the need. Not bothered by it. Only fans is cheating though. I'd cry if my boyfriend did this and I don't feel the need myself, but those that do fair play to them. No, if they're choosing to do it instead of sex with you, I'm not, if I'm not there. Oh, sorry. That's the wrong tone. Okay. Let me, let me read it again. No, if they're choosing to do it instead of sex with you, if they're choosing to do it instead of sex with you if i'm not there don't mind it still okay has to be done watch it together oh darling absolutely fine as long as it's an actual porn site and not only fans yeah a lot of you are anti-only fans which i totally understand okay let's do one more it's a bit of a one. What is your opinion on being friends with exes? Okay, I'm just going to go ahead and read what you guys have to say.
Starting point is 00:30:53 No, thank you, hun. Not possible. I'm civil, but never friends. Disrespectful to a new partner too. Absolutely. Only if you're single. Yeah. Friends is fine fine best friends that talk every day and go for food etc no no and no okay it's a no for me i'm afraid unless they share a child then that's obviously different of course weird red flag bye depends on the relationship slash friendship there's need there needs to be boundary set red flag hell. I couldn't deal with finding my boyfriend was friends with his ex. Civil friends, oh sorry, civil, yes, friends, no. I learned the hard way that it never works out and makes it harder to meet someone new. Doesn't work when you move on slash jealousy, etc. I wouldn't like it if my boyfriend was, so I wouldn't be if I was in a relationship. There must still be some kind of feeling there
Starting point is 00:31:46 if you want to be friends I don't think it can work unless you were never in love with them interesting okay depends on how it ended and the reasons for the friendship okay feelings will always resurface okay okay you guys are basically saying no like it's the like why do you know what i mean do you have enough friends do you know what i mean yes was with my ex for four years and still talk of him and his mom etc broke up a year ago i'm intrigued to see if if you're in a new relationship though do you know what i mean so my opinion on it is okay so i've always stayed I wouldn't say friends with exes but like I've always stayed friendly with exes when I've broken up with somebody but the second I'm talking to somebody or in a relationship and I'm like okay this is serious like it's me and you now I'm like you're
Starting point is 00:32:42 not in my life anymore do you know what I mean because it's unnecessary and it's me and you now i'm like you're not in my life anymore do you know what i mean because it's unnecessary and it's disrespectful this again just my opinion just my opinion because i would feel disrespected if my boyfriend was like we're just friends yeah we're just friends i used to fuck her all the time and i was in love with her once but it's not but we honestly got nothing to worry about i'm like listen here darling i don't think so i really don't think so i'm i'm your friend now yeah so yeah like i've never ended a relationship and been like fuck you i hate you like it's never been like that we've always ended up friendly and civil but as soon as i'm serious about somebody else as soon as i'm in a relationship it's like okay well you know have a nice life do you know what i mean because it's like well that's the end now there's no reason for us to stay in contact and stay friends so
Starting point is 00:33:29 that's my opinion on that one oh god i'm nervous to put this out feel like i'm gonna get all these bad ratings you guys are gonna message me telling i'm a psychopath listen just back up back up okay it's just my opinion do i want to say that enough oh my god have I said it enough am I scared of other people's opinions of me yes yes I am okay guys thank you for sending in your opinions let's wrap up the episode okay everyone thank you so much for sending in all your opinions for sending in the topics for us to discuss i really enjoyed this let me know if you want a part two and we can do loads more like you guys sent in a ton um i feel like we can really get to town on some of these you know i mean also what i want to say to you is you know i want to do the call on my listeners episode
Starting point is 00:34:22 one of you guys sent me a really really good idea and she said I should call you guys obviously one at a time and read out a dilemma to you and we can respond to that dilemma together wouldn't that be sick because then you can all get involved whether you have a dilemma or not because this is the thing when you've got a dilemma you might not want to have your voice out there talking about it because it kind of can expose you if anybody knows you so this way you can all get involved if you're comfortable chatting on the phone because we can all just give our advice and our opinions and you know we can discuss the help for all the listeners together so I feel like it was an amazing idea and I don't know how I never thought of that so thank you so much to that girl oh my god I got a hiccup stuck in my chest but yeah i definitely want to do that
Starting point is 00:35:06 i'm thinking next friday would be a really good time to do that so this time next week honeys how about that we could be chatting away so yeah let me know if you guys want that because i feel like it would be so much fun and i would love to have some other people helping me with these dilemmas because i don't know what the fuck to do i don't fucking know i don't know what i'm talking about so yeah thank you guys so much for all of your love and support it is nearly a year since lear on the line was born when will it be what day of the week is it it's wednesday so on next tuesday we will celebrate it okay on the next episode we will celebrate lear on the line being a year old oh she's probably walking now do you know what i mean i wonder what
Starting point is 00:35:46 her first words been probably like fuck or shit or something like that do you know what i mean anyway i love you guys so much i hope you have the best weekend if you're drinking don't text your ex text me instead be safe make good decisions and bad decisions and send them in as confessions don't forget you can send me your dilemmas you can either email leahontheline at gmail.com or head over to my instagram at leahontheline click the link in my bio click submit here and you can submit your dilemmas and confessions to anyone that didn't know how to get involved i love you guys so much i'm gonna have to be quiet on the bye because my niece and nephew
Starting point is 00:36:25 is sleeping over and they're asleep right now so i don't want to wake them do you know what i mean i don't want the demons to wake up so yeah i love you guys so much have the best weekend and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode i love you bye Maybe I adore you Yeah, I do

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