Leah on the Line - Bonus 31: The BIG SIS ADVICE episode

Episode Date: January 20, 2023

Hey huns! In today's episode we had a real good heart to heart and discussed all things women's health, sex, confidence, seeking validation and more. It was so fun sitting down and chatting with you t...his week, I really enjoyed the vibe this week and it was so fun to just have a proper bestie DMC. I hope you loved it and had a laugh with me! Thank you so so much to every single one of you for listening and supporting LOTL, it means the world to me and I cannot express that enough! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hi everyone, welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line, happy Friday, how are you guys, how has your week been, I've missed you so much. So today's episode was supposed to be where I was going to give all of you guys a call, well not all of you, a handful of you guys a call and read out a dilemma from my long list of life problems that we're having and answer them together. But I remember that they take a whole ton of editing they are a bitch to edit they're the best episodes and one of my favorites but they take a lot of editing because i have to edit me i have to edit you guys not like edit so i can manipulate what you say but like you know cut out any inappropriate things that you guys might say some of you guys are crazy out here
Starting point is 00:01:01 like some of you guys especially the c word i get the c word a lot which listen in my everyday vocabulary it comes out do you know i mean it's a frequent word for me i'll be honest but it's there's something about that word that i've banned from leo on the line i'm not sure why because it's part of who i am do you know what i mean sometimes i just want to burst out you know but anyway i know a lot of people get quite offended by that word so i tend to cut it out but anyway that's just one of people get quite offended by that word so I tend to cut it out but anyway that's just one example anyway so we're doing that that'll be next Friday I'm going to record that over the weekend I also don't want to disturb anyone's love island hours you know what I mean and I tend to record around love island time so we're going to be doing that on
Starting point is 00:01:39 Friday but today's episode is a lovely one this is another one of your guys ideas so thank you so much to the beautiful girl who gave me this idea. I think we've done something similar before, but it's going to be like a big sister episode. So anything you guys would want to go to a big sister for or a best friend for, but you really just want to talk to a stranger about, you know, like someone that isn't going to judge you, doesn't know your personal life, doesn't know your friends and family, me. And basically it's just going to be like a nice heart to heart chat with me on the line, you know? So you're not actually going to be on the line, but that'll be next week. But you
Starting point is 00:02:16 know what I mean? It's just going to be like a bestie, big sis, even though some of you guys are older than me. So I felt like kind of a loser saying that, but whatever. You know what I mean? It's just going to be cute. We're going to talk about a lot of women things, a lot of girly things. A lot of us girls tend to have the same problems. So I feel like we're going to talk about some of the ones that tend to be a little bit, just considered a bit taboo, you know, about vagina health, about sex, about relationships, about confidence, like all those big cis chats. So I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be really wholesome and cozy and nice. I hope you guys are all feeling really good today. If you're not,
Starting point is 00:02:55 I hope this podcast leaves you feeling just a little bit better, a little bit more, a little bit more of a spring in your step. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, I love you guys. Thank you so much for all of your love and support for always listening thank you for clicking on this episode popping your headphones in or turning the speaker on your tv up and just sitting and chatting with me it means the whole world and I just will never get over it like I have this fear that it's going to be snatched away from me I fully can't enjoy my life like thing when I have something really good like this podcast or the fact that I do what I love for a living now like the fact that this is all mine to hold I almost get scared to
Starting point is 00:03:38 hold it too tight in case I squeeze it and it bursts do you know what I mean like I'm so afraid of it being taken away from me that I almost don't allow myself to enjoy it and it bursts do you know what I mean like I'm so afraid of it being taken away from me that I almost don't allow myself to enjoy it and that's something I really need to learn to do can anyone relate to that it's like when you've got something good you don't even allow yourself to go I am so lucky I love my life but this is incredible I'm always like oh my god I don't deserve this like this is all wrong like I don't know something's gonna go wrong any minute now you know don't get too happy Leah like what's the matter with me you know I've worked really hard I need to enjoy it and embrace the the growth and and the position that I'm in because
Starting point is 00:04:17 I was dreaming of this do you know what I mean and here we are so yeah I just love you guys and I hope you all know that so So yeah, let's get cozy. Let's have a big sis slash little sis slash bestie advice. Heart to heart DMC. Yeah, I love you. Also, have you noticed the new interlude that comes in the episodes now? Thank you so much for listening. It's Lea on the line.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Remember to leave a rating. I hope you guys actually listen to that. And i hope you guys do actually leave a rating and do actually hit the notification bell good ratings only please good ratings only if you don't like it fuck off i'm kidding oh my god i'm kidding i'm gonna get really bad karma now i love you i hope i can change your mind um maybe i can who knows if i don't that's totally okay you know you're not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and I'm okay with that not oh my god okay I love you guys let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials
Starting point is 00:05:22 at leah on the line and at leah levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay everyone i hope you're all comfortable i'm really looking forward to this episode thank you so much to every single one of you who sent in a response to my insta story asking for your questions and topics and things you feel shy about or whatever it is you wanted to discuss thank you for sending them in I feel like everyone is going to be able to relate to at least one of these so I feel like that's why I'm so excited about this episode because I can definitely relate to a lot of these so let's kick off with this one it says being confident when having sex I'm always scared that I'll be shit so I feel like it's totally normal and really common to feel like this
Starting point is 00:06:06 and I feel like a massive part of it is how we feel on ourselves both internally and externally so you know we all have those days weeks months sometimes where you look in the mirror and you you just feel disappointed with what you're looking at you're like no I'm not a fan that's really common really normal we all go through it and i feel like when you're having those moments it's really hard to just want to get on top of someone and ride the fuck out of them like you're just not feeling like sexy do you know what i mean whereas when you look in the mirror and you feel really good about what you're seeing you feel more confident in bed like i just feel like that is the case and the same as internally so like if we're comfortable with
Starting point is 00:06:42 whoever we're having sex with, if we feel really happy at the moment, if we feel light and stress free, it's really easy, not really easy, but it's easier to relax and let loose and, and not let those thoughts kind of come in when it comes to having sex. So I feel like it really comes down to our confidence, what's going on in and around our lives you know um and i just feel like we have to sort of learn to let go of the worry of it and more focused on like does it actually feel good for you like you know is this person doing it for you like let's not worry about whether you're doing it for them are you doing it for me right now like you know because that that is so important the fact that you need to be having a good time as well you know like it's a two-way street here honey so I feel like we need to learn to let it go whether
Starting point is 00:07:31 you just say to yourself like you know what I don't fucking care I don't care like if I look kind of weird in this angle or if you can if you're looking at my bum hole right now I don't fucking care if I'm having a good time and you're having a good time who fucking cares do you know what I mean so yeah I feel like it definitely comes down to um confidence in ourselves is what brings confidence into the bedroom and also whether we're comfortable with that person because it's a major thing like if that person makes you feel really sexy and like compliments you all the time and makes you feel like they can't resist you. That's when you feel like I'm going to rock your world, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And if they make you nervous and if you don't know if they even really fancy you and you're not too sure if they're even into you. And if they're playing you with other women or men, like you're a bit like, God, I don't know if I'm good enough for you. I don't know if I'm sexy enough. You fucking are, first of all. But I think that makes a big difference. So yeah, we just need to let those thoughts go somehow. I don't know if anyone finds the trick. Let me know so I can tell all the listeners. But I think I'd say I'm quite confident in bed. But that's because I don't know why, actually. I'd say it's just because I'm more concerned if I'm actually having
Starting point is 00:08:47 a good time you know like I I'm yeah that's my main concern I'm like right are we having a good time rather than like do you think I'm sexy and also I'm not gonna have sex with you if you don't make me feel sexy to be honest so and also I I make myself feel sexy like I'm like I'm sexy I might not believe it but I really do convince myself in that moment you know I'm like he is gonna be blown away he's gonna be blown away when I get my hands on him honestly fake it till you make it Hans okay moving on to the next one um how not to worry about the position you're in career-wise when you don't know what to do okay I will be shocked if there are a lot of people that can't relate to this to be honest I think it's so scary but I was talking
Starting point is 00:09:41 to my boyfriend about this the other day and I was saying like I guarantee you most of our parents who are in like if any of our parents are in like what we consider to be like good you know jobs that they might be high up or they they could have been doing it for a long time or they could be really good at it on like a really good paycheck and that's their career that's what they do you know I guarantee they weren't doing it at 25 22 however old you guys are you know like I guarantee they have not been doing this since our age so I just think we always just have to remember when I get stressed about like oh my god where the fuck am I going to be in 10 years let's put it this way guys I've
Starting point is 00:10:22 still not managed to make my musical theatre career work out. I don't even know how much I love it anymore. I now do a podcast alone at home in my home in Somerset, which is where I never wanted to end up long term. I don't have any savings. I don't know how I'm going to afford to buy a house one day, which is the goal. But then I get, rather than getting stressed going how am I going to do this what's going to happen to me is my life even going to work out rather than doing that I think what is the actual point in doing that right now because thinking about it isn't going to make it happen thinking about right how am I where am I going to be like what's going to happen to me in 10 years that's not I'm not going to have the answer today I'm going to have the answer today. I'm going to have the answer in 10 years. So it's like,
Starting point is 00:11:11 all we have to do is just surrender the power to the universe. Like, obviously there are things we can do. We work hard. We, we find what we're passionate in and we step away from things that don't make us happy. And we don't want to do long-term, you know, like there's decisions that we can make now, but the decisions long-term we can can't make right now so I leave it in the hands of the universe and I feel I put my trust in the universe because you know it's never failed us oh I'm just gonna touch wood real quick I don't believe in the universe failing us but I'm gonna touch wood just in case I'll touch wood for all of us anyway you know like all the things that happened in our life even at a moment where you think why why is this happening to me like whether it be a relationship ending or like you've lost your tenancy in an apartment or a house that you live in whatever or you got like sacked from a
Starting point is 00:11:56 job like and then in those moments you're like why why would you take this away from me why is this happening and then a couple of years later sometimes days sometimes weeks sometimes like yes sometimes years you look back and you're like thank fuck the universe removed that from my life thank fuck that happened to me thank fuck the universe pushed me in a different direction because this is the thing it will always remove things from your life that aren't good for you and put things into your life that are of any significance so we just have to sit down sit back relax put our feet up, put in the work where we can actually put in the work and then everything else,
Starting point is 00:12:30 it's out of our hands, honey. Do you know what I mean? That's what I think. We just got to live life and enjoy it. You just got to enjoy it. Yeah. Okay. Advice on being comfortable in your own skin. My skin is so so so spotty at the moment I can really relate to the insecurities surrounding skin it's something I've been really insecure with since I was a teenager because all my friends had the most beautiful clear skin and it was so annoying and I was the one that had the hormonal spots the big under the skin ones and I'd get really bad breakout sesh I will say I've been very lucky in terms of I've never had like a severe acne period of my life or anything like that so I feel really grateful for that but my skin is definitely something I've struggled with
Starting point is 00:13:13 confidence wise and I know there's so many of us but what I think now I still get stressed about it like when I'm like I'm having a bad breakout session now it's only just started to clear up and I used to get really stressed about it and I would put concealer on to go to the shop or answer the front door and you know I remember when I was teenager I'd say to my mum like there's no way I'd go to the shop without makeup on there's no way now I literally rock out of bed I'll go to the shop with my spot cream on to be honest with you but I think the reason I stress less about it now is because all I think about these things in my life right like spots or my big nose like whatever it is all I think to myself is who cares you know like who fucking cares sometimes
Starting point is 00:14:01 it just takes those moments where you look at yourself you get all upset and you start looking in the mirror and you pick yourself apart and then all you have to say is who fucking cares like my spots are so uninteresting like they are one of the not well of you know your appearance is the most least the most least is the least interesting thing about you, you know? So when I get upset, I just think, who fucking cares? Honestly, who cares? I could have a real problem on my hands. Like I could have a real life or death situation. I'm just going to touch wood again. Sorry. God, my wooden bed frame has really had it from me oh not like that anyway you know like who cares that's what we have to think we could have a real situation on our hands
Starting point is 00:14:53 and then when I get upset about it I think at least this is what I'm stressing about you know oh my god sorry guys I got a touch wood? Because I'm so scared of jinxing things. Oh, honestly, seriously. But it's true, you know. So try that. You know, it's not going to work for everyone. It's not. But the thing is, we try everything. We try all these medications and different skincare brands and different skincare routines and different face washes. And then we let our face air dry because we're scared to put a dusty towel on our face and then we torture ourselves and then it doesn't and then sometimes it gets worse and then it doesn't get any better and then you just gotta go oh my god I don't even care I don't even care I'm beautiful I'm beautiful you know like having spots on your face doesn't make
Starting point is 00:15:41 you not beautiful like at the moment I'm breaking out so much over my, all over my back, my shoulders and like down the tops of my arms. And I don't know what it is. I don't know what is causing it. It used to happen to me when I was a teenager and it started to happen to me over the past year again. And I was getting really stressed and upset about it. And I was like, oh, for God's sake, I just want clear skin. Like when I'm watching Love Island or anything like that. And I see these these girls they've got this beautiful brown tanned shoulders and I'm just they're like mine all red and spotty now like why and then I just think I don't care I don't like I went to the gym today and I had like a really strappy sports bra on that was like backless and I just thought you know what I'm just gonna fucking own it because I don't care like you just have to it is a fake it till you make it situation but I think we have to embrace it and
Starting point is 00:16:29 just be like this is who I am I'm beautiful spots or no spots clear skin or acne like I'm beautiful the way I am do you know what I mean so I don't know maybe that will help I'm not sure you might be like yeah thanks Leah I don't care. Great advice. It helps me. Honestly, it's all an attitude situation. Okay. How to be happy being alone in your 20s and not craving male attention. Okay. I feel like so many people can relate to this and I definitely did once upon a time. So, you know, there's loads of reasons we might crave male attention. First reason being we might need a confidence boost. You know, like, I feel better when a man thinks I'm pretty. I feel better when a man thinks I'm funny.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You know what I mean? So, I totally get it. Like, I really do. How to move past that? I think we need to learn to feel good about ourselves without men like men can't define define us do you know what I mean like whether men fancy me or not does not decide how worthy and valuable of a person I am do you know what I mean like if a man thinks I look great what I mean like if a man thinks I look great fantastic but do I think I look great you know um I don't know that could be maybe we we need love or we don't feel fulfilled you know I was
Starting point is 00:17:55 reading an article by recently because somebody sent me a really similar dilemma um and I was looking into like all the different places it comes from um and I think they're all really relatable you know like feeling unfulfilled um and we're like craving it and craving love and stuff and that can go way back you know like to childhood to be honest not to get all therapist on you guys but you know it can literally go to that or it can come from rejection like if if we've been rejected hard in the past um we feel like the way we're gonna feel better is if if other people want us you know um it can you know things like that knock your ego so much sometimes that you feel like the only way to repair it is for somebody to do the opposite of
Starting point is 00:18:45 that do you know what I mean so like show me validation show me desire you know so I feel like we need to understand who we are without male attention and realize that we're actually incredible people do you know what I mean like what what's on the outside is one thing. Yeah. But we need to make sure that we're good people inside. We're beautiful inside, you know, like, what's the point of even looking good if you don't even feel good. Do you know what I mean? Um, and yeah, I think let's give ourselves some attention. Let's's let's work on us and and work on our own confidence and also understand that like there are there's only so much a man can do for you you know like when it comes to confidence and validation like there's only so much that can a man can do and everything else has to come from
Starting point is 00:19:47 us or other areas of our life you know like if you're feeling fulfilled in your career or if you're happy with your relationships outside like with your friends and your family with your relationship with yourself you know and I think it's really really common you're so not alone um but we have to understand that like there's only so much that's gonna do you know like men complimenting you and wanting to sleep with you and wanting to be with you and just giving you their attention there's that can only do so much for us um And the rest is on us. You know what I mean? So I love you and I think you're amazing. Okay, let's move on to this one. What are the best birth control options? I now have an IUD, but it bothers me a lot during sex. Okay, so when it comes to contraception,
Starting point is 00:20:38 what works for one person is not going to be the same for everybody else. So me, I've been on the mini pill for a long time, but that's because I've had really, really painful periods since I was 15. So I've been on and off it for about 10 years. Um, I haven't been constantly on it for 10 years. I've tried coming off it a long time, lot of time sorry and for a long period of time but I just always end up in way too much pain that I can't go to work and I feel like I'm you know every time I have a period it feels like a medical emergency like it's just never really worked for me to stay off it which is really stressing me out because I do I just want to come off it but every time I go to a doctor they say well do you want to have children now and I'm like no not yet and then they say well why don't we cross that bridge when you do and you know stay on the
Starting point is 00:21:28 pill until then I'm like gorge but what is going on with my body do you know what I mean anyway that's a personal issue um I think the best thing to do the best advice I can give you is just to talk to your GP um and don't let them throw you on the first thing that they list to you like ask to hear all the options and say you want to have a real deep chat into it you know because I feel like a lot of the time when we go to a GP they go I'm going to pop you on the pill and then you're like no I don't want to go on the pill and then they just give option two and it's like can you please talk me through all of the options and all of the side effects so that I can choose knowing everything do you know what I mean um I actually went to get I don't know if I've told this story I went to get the coil once
Starting point is 00:22:14 and ended up crying my eyes out and left but that was the universe removing that possibility from my life so basically um I had a phone call with a doctor about my painful periods and I said I really want to come off the pill because it makes me really depressed um and you know all the side effects I was like I just don't want them like I just want to feel like I know who I am and I've been on this pill for so long now I don't I don't actually understand who Leah is without this pill now I feel like I've been on it for so long like who the fuck am I do you know I mean and I was also getting really scared because I've had these really painful periods for so long now I've been diagnosed with PCO but that's not like a when you look at the
Starting point is 00:22:55 symptoms painful periods isn't really one of them and they won't look into endometriosis for me for some reason no matter how many doctors I've spoken to I've probably spoken to 20 doctors over the last 10 years and none of them will look into endo for me which is really annoying um but one thing I'm curious if I do have is fibromyalgia because my mum has it um and I have a lot of the symptoms and I saw that excruciatingly painful periods is one of them so that could be the answer to my questions but anyway anyway um the doctor said i can go on the hormonal coil because it will work the same as the pill but the hormone will be basically directly going directly into where does it go the uterus i don't know i don't want to get it wrong. The uterus? The womb? No, I should know this. Isn't it funny that as women, we don't actually have a fucking clue how it works.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Anyway, it goes directly where it's supposed to go. Is it the uterus? Cervix? Who knows? Honestly, who knows? But anyway, it goes directly there whereas the the pill you take it orally obviously and then it has to go through your whole body so that the percentage of hormone is higher apparently this is all relayed to me from a gp i have no clue how legit this information is you'd like to think it's legit coming from the nhs but anyway um love the nhs by the way just putting it out there so i was like great like i can keep my contraception up but i'll have less of the hormones going from my body sounds stunning i was very scared though because there's just not something i would do like having this like big fuck off hook going straight up my,
Starting point is 00:24:47 through my cervix, like that just doesn't ever feel like something I would do. Like that I'm not brave. Like I'm not a brave gal. Like I'm normally like, I'll just pop a little pill. Do you know what I mean? I like to play things quite safe. Anyway, something possessed me to go and get this coil, right? And I and I went into the like it was in a sexual health clinic where I had to get it I was living in London at the time and I went in and she was talking to me and there was two women there and they were sat really close to me which was really weird and I was really nervous like I had I just was I had the fear of like even sitting down and spreading my legs and somebody putting something up my purse I was a bit like oh my god what am I fucking doing like is the pill really that bad
Starting point is 00:25:29 I don't know I quite like the pill actually now I think about it like that's what was going through my head anyway I go to this room and the women are sat really close to me and I was I felt like really uncomfortable like there was literally on top of me and they started saying to me like why are you getting the coil if you're on the pill and I was like well um a doctor said to me that it might be better for me because then I'd have less of the hormones and she was like why are you on contraception I was like well first of all I don't want to have children but mainly because I get really painful periods and she's like you should not be on the mini pill if you get painful periods and I was like oh and she's like yeah you need to be on the combination pill and I was like oh I can't take the you need to be on the combination pill and i was like oh i i
Starting point is 00:26:05 can't take the combination pill because i suffer from headaches and migraines no that's not true that's not true i was like oh that's just what i've been told for the last 10 years so i'm all fucking flustered and really scared and i feel like i've done something wrong like she's telling me off and then i was like well it's weird because the mini pill does take away my and then I was like well it's weird because the mini pill does take away my excruciatingly painful periods you know like I don't actually really get periods recently I do it's really annoying I have about fucking three periods every six weeks now it's very annoying but whatever what I'm saying is she started telling me that everything I've been told is bullshit even though I know on the mini pill it says that a side effect is painful periods which is odd because I still get very very very painful periods but before
Starting point is 00:26:52 when I'd get a period I would get like this hot flush and I would faint and I would vomit and it was the sort of pain where I was my mum thought I was in labor when I when it happened to me in college they thought I was having a miscarriage like it's it's a scary level of pain to the point where you think there's no way I'm not dying like that's how bad the pain is but since being on my pill it's really bearable pain like I might be like curled up in a ball every now and then but it's more just like it's bearable anyway so it does help even though she's telling me it shouldn't anyway she just really scared me and I'm looking to my right and there's that bed with like the metal things that you put your legs in up in the air and I was
Starting point is 00:27:37 like oh my fucking god like this is a nightmare um and then I just started crying I just literally started crying in this sexual health clinic and then she just backtracked completely and was like oh no did we say something to upset you know and I literally was just really honest I was like I'm sorry I'm not being rude but you're really overwhelming me and I feel like you're telling me off and I was like this is this is a scary place for anyone to be let alone a young woman like I'm 23 I was 23 at the time I was like I'm 23 I feel really vulnerable in this position I have no idea what is going on in my body I'm scared I'm worried I have health anxiety not that you knew that and I don't expect you to but this is an overwhelming situation for anyone on a normal day and you're
Starting point is 00:28:24 really making me upset and uncomfortable and i literally i was really proud of myself for telling her because she when i tell you she was shouting at me her voice was raised like my mum hasn't shouted at me like that in my whole life and my mum's a cockney gal like it was scary she was literally like why are you getting on the pill i mean why are you getting the coil if you're on the pill? I was like, oh my God, sorry, I'm so fucking stupid. I'm so stupid. It was really scary.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Anyway, and then she was just like, oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. And then I was like, can I leave, please? And she fully, like, wasn't going to let me leave. Like, she was, like, wheeling her chair towards the door as I was standing up. And I was like, I just literally went, please can you just let me leave? I need to get out of this room. And then I literally walked out. And as soon as I stepped outside, I just bawled even harder.
Starting point is 00:29:13 But it was a really traumatic experience for me. But that was the universe saying the coil ain't for you, honey. Like it's just not. But because I have PCOco like I imagine that would be quite painful because I get a lot of cysts down there apparently I don't know if that's related but yeah ovaries is that where it goes directly to your ovaries or is it or is it your uterus oh I don't fucking get it to be honest with you honeys so yeah that's my experience with the coil but my sister has a great experience on the coil she loves it she's been she's been on it i don't
Starting point is 00:29:52 know what you say she's had it inserted into her purse for a few years now and she has no issues with it she absolutely loves it i know loads of people that have great stories of it because i remember when i was looking at getting it i put up an instagram story and asked for some of your guys experience and advice and stuff and a lot of you said that you had great experiences with it and you love it um and yeah what I would say to you is sorry about my long tangent on that on my story but I'm still traumatized from it to be honest but yeah there's so many different options and I would just say talk to a GP because I am not the gal to be given advice I don't know the difference from my uterus to my fucking ovaries apparently. So okay, speaking of vaginal health, somebody says BV thrush UTI. So common. Okay, so I don't
Starting point is 00:30:40 know why these are so like taboo sometimes. Like, why is it not normal to just be like, oh my God, I've got thrush. Like, itchy purse, itchy purse, pussy's itchy. Like, why isn't that normal though? Do you know what I mean? So, you know, thrush can be a few things. You know, actually somebody said to me they keep getting it um where is this response they would they just said like reoccurring thrush or something like oh here we go is it normal to get reoccurring thrush so yeah I went through a phase of getting it a lot and I don't know what I did to get rid of it because i never ever used to take i used to get thrush more when i was a teenager and i had it maybe like four months ago for the first time
Starting point is 00:31:32 in years i forgot how fucking horrible it is it burns mate literally burns my puss was on fire honeys literally fire in the purse so every time i've had it in my life i never went to the doctors like i never took any of the medication or anything i just always waited for it to go away on its own because it always did but this time like the symptoms would go and then it would because it was like swelling sorry if it's tmi i mean it ain't fuck it do you know what i mean you know my lips no do you know what i'm setting an example we need to talk about this so i'm sorry if you find this uncomfortable the lips were swollen to be honest it was red hot burning itchy right and then it would go it'd be totally fine then it would come back and it would go then come back and
Starting point is 00:32:22 it came back like four times over the space of like i want to say like six seven weeks and then i took one of the tablets and it went and it didn't come back so i was looking into it and apparently like even if the symptoms go it doesn't mean the infection's gone so like you can carry this infection for ages and also if you have a partner men don't often show symptoms as much as women do because men can get thrush if you didn't know that so like if you're having sex with a guy um and you think oh my thrush is gone like let's have sex you might still have that infection and you could be giving it to your boyfriend who or just someone you're sleeping with i don't know friends and benefits someone you're having frequent sex with and then they've got now this thrush or whatever the infection is and um they might not have any symptoms so they don't even realize they've got it and then they put their
Starting point is 00:33:16 willy back in you again and then it causes all your symptoms again and then you have it again and then the symptoms go and then you go let's have sex let's have sex and then you have sex and then he gives it back to you and you pass it back and forth back and forth that's that's the thing apparently i found that out so that's one thing to consider um also it is something about the yeast right like it's it's the production of yeast see this is not me what am i talking talking about? Why have I done this episode? I don't know anything. I don't know anything about women's health. It's so confusing.
Starting point is 00:33:51 But it's something about like before your period, you can produce too much yeast. I think. I'm not entirely sure. I'm not entirely sure. But anyway, again, just go to the GP honey because sometimes they can just give you something and it's just absolutely fine um a weak immune system apparently that has something to do with it I did see that when I was suffering whoa that was one aggressive hiccup um when it comes to UTIs I'm gonna touch wood for the millionth time this episode I've never had
Starting point is 00:34:27 a UTI I don't think I feel like you'd know if you had one because so many I've seen so many girls talk about it and apparently they're so fucking painful so I'm just gonna touch wood and really pray that I don't get one but yeah I've never had one but yeah they're really really common actually one girl that gets them a lot Maddie Grace jepson she posts about on her insta story a lot she is the uti queen so if you want to feel better about it go and follow maddie because she's very open and honest about her utis on uh her insta story so love her for that but yeah it happens to the best of us um comparing yourself to other girls in real life on TikTok or Instagram, 100%, we all do it, we all do it, so what we need to remember is TikTok is, I look way better on my TikTok camera than I do on my iPhone camera, believe me, believe me now, like the blur, the skin blur the teeth like everything looks better on tiktok but we also have
Starting point is 00:35:29 to remember that there are people that will heavily edit their instagram photos and people are good at it these days like people are scarily good at editing photos these days but you also have to remember even if it's a raw photo it's a video and you look at them and you think wow she is perfect it does not take away how beautiful you are it doesn't take away how incredible of a person you are it doesn't take away all the amazing assets you have in and around your life you know like it's one of them things where we have to do that thing where I was saying who cares like yeah beautiful girl who cares'm beautiful. I'm a lovely person. I've got an amazing friendship with my best friend from 20 years. I've got an incredible boyfriend or girlfriend. I've got an amazing relationship with my sister or my mom or my dad,
Starting point is 00:36:18 whoever. It's not important. Yeah, it's nice to to be pretty we all like to feel pretty and we like to feel attractive we like to feel sexy but it's it's not the be-all or end-all like there's so much more to life um and you know i always say this we have to make sure we like who we are inside because this is the thing you can be absolutely fucking gorgeous but that means nothing if you're a shit person and that is a fact you know um and we also have to remember that these people that you're comparing yourself to they compare themselves to other people you know like everyone will have that person they look at and they think oh my god i wish i look like you you know like everyone has that person so no matter who you're comparing yourself to they do not they don't love themselves the way that we all want to love them love ourselves like it is
Starting point is 00:37:10 it's an unrealistic feeling that we're all just craving like i don't think any of us are ever going to look in the mirror and be like i'm fucking perfect i'm a 10 i'm flawless like i don't know i just think we need to let go of that desire and more just be happy with who we are and be grateful for what we've got. Be grateful for everything else. And also know that we are beautiful regardless of everybody else. Do you know what I mean? Does that make any sense? I hope it does. You are all beautiful inside and out and that's all that matters okay amazing okay I think I'm gonna end it on that note actually because that's quite a beautiful note to end on oh I really enjoyed that episode I hope you guys enjoyed it was very
Starting point is 00:37:57 personal sorry if I talk too much about my little pussy but um there she is i'm glad you guys have a relationship now i really have no secrets at this point i'm taking it too far now i took it too far when i started the confession diaries to be honest like i crossed a line that cannot be uncrossed so here we are honeys do you know what i mean let's wrap up the episode okay guys thank you so much for listening to this episode i really enjoyed it i hope you guys did too i hope you feel a little bit more empowered feel a lot more confident remember when we get stressed about something all we have to say is who cares it doesn't matter do you know what i mean and i love you guys you're all beautiful you're all worthy of an incredible life amazing relationships amazing friendships
Starting point is 00:38:51 amazing success financial abundance happiness you know the universe is always on your side remember that and i'm always on your side you know what i mean so yeah um send me any ideas for a weekly debate on Tuesday that's coming up in a couple of days um I will also be calling you over the weekend to get you to give your input on the dilemmas for Friday's episode so if you want to get involved send me your phone number on Instagram um or email however you'd like to communicate and remember if you want to send in a dilemma you can click the description there's a link to my website or you can go to my instagram and there is a link in my bio or you can just send it directly to leo on the line at gmail.com and yeah i love you guys
Starting point is 00:39:40 so much i hope you have an amazing weekend don't get too drunk or do and get some confessions lined up for the confession diaries. Don't text your ex, text me instead and I will speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right, I love you. Bye.

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