Leah on the Line - Bonus 32: Would you rather... RED FLAGS EDITION!

Episode Date: January 27, 2023

Hey babes! Today we played a really fun game of would you rather... RED FLAGS edition! This was so so fun and you guys came up with so many good ones. Let me know if you'd like an ICKS version of this... game, I honestly think it would be soooo funny!!! Thank you so much to every single one of you that listens to and supports Leah on the Line, I cannot tell you how grateful I am and how lucky I feel to share this experience with you every week. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line happy friday how are you guys happy friday i hope you're all doing really well oh 27th of January, hey? We've nearly made it through the worst month of the year. Sorry if your birthday's in January. My sister's birthday's on the 31st of January, so any fellow Aquarius, Aquariuses? Is that the plural? If you can hear my dog in the background, she's just sniffing around, but she's come to sit with me while I record the podcast, so I've got a bit of company today, which is lovely. Anyway, I wanted to do a little check-in because January is a difficult time of year I
Starting point is 00:00:48 don't know about you guys but I find it really long really fucking hard and slow and depressing Missy where are you going you're gonna have to stay with me darling because I'm not getting up and opening that door oh she's gonna lay on the floor oh no she wants to oh she's having a stretch um I think I'm gonna have to let her out two seconds everybody never mind she's just sat by the door she just wants to guard me you know because she's so protective she's like a rottweiler inside but she's actually a toy poodle crossed with a bichon frise anyway january difficult time of year i really struggle with seasonal whatever it's called I get fucking depressed as shit in the winter basically I always have honey I always have and I think I always will and you know what
Starting point is 00:01:35 because I understand that it's just the season it it kind of is easier to cope with because I'm like I'll be all right in a couple of months do you know what I mean like spring starts and in like two months time the flowers will bloom and the sun will shine and that and that means Leah the real Leah comes out to play she is a happy bunny do you know what I mean but yeah January's been really up and down for me this isn't this isn't going to be a deep episode by the way it's actually going to be a really funny one. But I just wanted to do a little January checking because I know it can be difficult. But yeah, January's been really up and down for me. Like I'm one minute, I'm feeling really positive about the future. And I'm really excited about the year ahead. And then the next minute, I'm like, I can't even think about the
Starting point is 00:02:19 future. I don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to get out of bed. And I've been having the moments this week where I've been laying in bed for like an hour in the morning and then that really starts my day off bad and i tell myself right next time tomorrow next time i wake up tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off i'm just gonna i'm not even gonna check my phone i'm just gonna shoot up out of bed put some clothes on go downstairs make my coffee and then check my phone and that's what i had been doing most of the start of the year and it was really good for my mental health doing that but now I wake up check my phone reply to my messages reply to my manager let's go through my emails and then before you know I'm on fucking TikTok and then I'm like shit I've been in bed an hour it's 10 o'clock you know what I mean and then I feel unproductive and then I can't be bothered
Starting point is 00:02:58 to make my bed but then I'll never leave my room without making my bed because that will always start my day off in a negative light. So tip number one, if you don't already make your bed every morning, definitely do it. It is life changing. I remember I saw it on a podcast or I think it was like a motivational speech literally like 10 years ago. And then I started to do it. Literally changed my life. It sounds really dramatic.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Making your bed every morning. Putting all the cushions on. Putting the throw at the bottom bottom of the bed making sure there's no creases in it opening the blinds and just open it leaving like when I leave my bedroom I put the doorstop on leave the door wide open let loads of natural um light in and just let all the positive energy flow into the room it really helps my mental health especially in the but yeah, I've just been up and down at the minute, like, I'm just so emotional, and I feel so exhausted, like, I literally just feel emotionally drained, but I'm really trying to stay positive, I feel like this podcast is really getting me through, do you know what I mean, like, I feel like I've always got somewhere to run, and get things off
Starting point is 00:04:03 my chest, and talk to some friends that will just cheer me up do you know what I mean so I'm really grateful for it and I'm really trying to practice gratitude at the moment and just like look around me and look what's changed around me and look how how far I've come and do you know what I mean and just really appreciate that so this was your sign to have that moment with yourself today and appreciate what you've got going on in your life all the incredible things how strong you are how you've gotten through the hard times and you know if you're going through a hard time now think about all the hard times you've gone through before and how you got through them and no matter how hard it feels like there's always
Starting point is 00:04:37 light at the end of the tunnel like you will 100 make it through and i'm with you every step of the way honey but anyway this isn't going to be a sad and depressing one, even though I'm not joking. Even though times are hard, we still get to have a laugh together every week, which is honestly, I'm so grateful for that. I don't know what I would be doing. I imagine I didn't have this podcast. I think my mental health would be really, really quite bad, to be honest be honest but yeah let's talk about mental health do you know what I mean let's let's check in on each other how are you send me a message like let me know what is going on in your life how are things how are you feeling how are you coping are you like me like do you need the sunshine to survive do you know what I mean like maybe I
Starting point is 00:05:19 should just move abroad no I'm too much of a home girl but anyway I love you guys so much and just want to say thank you for tuning in with me today and just being here with me I feel, I'm too much of a homegirl. But anyway, I love you guys so much and just want to say thank you for tuning in with me today and just being here with me. I feel like I'm going to cry. Things are hard sometimes. Do you know what I mean? Oh my god, this is so fucking impressive. I bet you're listening to this trying to have a nice positive start to your day and I've really ruined it for you. No, do you know what I mean? I love you and I appreciate you. Thank you for listening. I'm sending you the biggest hug right now i'm so proud of you all you're all amazing you're doing so well so proud of you
Starting point is 00:05:52 life is difficult and you're just fucking smashing it and i love you i'm so proud of you you're incredible so many people love you so many people are proud of you and look how far you've come yeah but on a more positive note, this episode, we are doing something so new. One of you guys tagged me in a TikTok where it was two girls and they were walking down the street together. They were actually Australian. So I think I might have met them before. And they basically would give each other two red flags, but they were kind of like X at the same time. So this is like red flag slash X, right? They'd give each other two red flags, but they were kind of like X at the same time. So this is like red flag slash X, right? They'd give each other two red flags slash X, and then they have to pick one. Like you have to pick. So I've given you guys some examples. Whoa, my goodness, drink a bit
Starting point is 00:06:37 more water, Leah. I've given you guys some examples, and I'm going to read out your response to those. It are so fucking funny. And I'm going to give my your response to those which are so fucking funny and I'm going to give my response and then you guys sent in some of yours and some of them are fucking hilarious. Like I literally just had a look at like five of them because I wanted to give like a blind reaction. Had a look at like a few of them. Fucking funny. Like you guys, I genuinely think you guys are some of the funniest people ever. You always, always crack me up and make me laugh. Like some of you are so creative as well. I just love you.
Starting point is 00:07:09 But anyway, it's going to be a really funny episode. I feel like we should do a part two where it's just Ix. Like obviously some of these are Ix, but a lot of them are red flags as well. You guys will see as we get into it. But I want to do one where it's purely Ix and we have to pick one of the Ix. Do you know what I mean? Like would you rather Ix edition? I think that is really funny. So yeah, I love you guys so much. Sending you all a hug, reminding you that you have the strength to get through whatever you're going through right
Starting point is 00:07:34 now. If you're feeling positive and you're having a really good month, I'm so happy for you. You deserve that. You're amazing. And yeah, let's get into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line. Remember to leave a rating on Apple podcast and Spotify and hit the notification bell. You can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leahontheline at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leahontheline and at leahlevane to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, everyone, this is gonna be what I need. And I hope anybody that needs a pick me up today I hope this will be that for you because I definitely need it um they're so good like they're actually hard so this is would you rather red flags edition so like I said I'm gonna give us all two choices
Starting point is 00:08:18 and we have to pick one it is fucking tough I don't know how I'm gonna choose I come up with these the first one is the one that I saw on the TikTok that the girl tagged me and said this is a really good idea for a podcast so I took that one as the example and then I came up with my own I've made my life very difficult by giving myself such difficult ones to choose from so let's just get into it the first one from the TikTok is would you rather they only speak to you in a baby voice? So like, that's it. You only ever hear the baby voice. Good morning, my little baby. Or you always have to text them first. That is tough for me. Like, I'm a Leo. Okay. So I like to feel like the center of attention every now and then. It's a fact. I
Starting point is 00:09:08 need to be adored. And I don't want to be texting you first all the time because I will get, I will get highly, highly offended and really doubt my self-worth because I'm a Leo. Like I said, I will. I'll take that very personally. But I want a sexy, hunky man. And if you're talking to me in a baby voice 24-7, listen, I don't mind the odd baby voice. I don't mind it. But if you're talking to me 24-7 in a baby voice, I'm going to have a real problem with that, I think. So I don't really know on this one, but I'm going to go with, because we have to choose, that's the rules, right? I'm going to go with, you always have to text them first, because I'm just going to get the ick and the relationship's going to end otherwise. Do you
Starting point is 00:09:55 know what I mean? If you only ever talk to me in a baby voice, I'm going to get the ick and that's not a sustainable relationship for me. So I'm going with always have to text them first. that's not a sustainable relationship for me so i'm going with always have to text them first the poll is on my side on that one with 78 saying you always have to text them first 22 are on board with the baby voice 24 7 i guys i don't know about that one okay next one this this one i actually am quite proud of um But the poll is extremely one-sided. So, would you rather he calls his parents mummy and daddy or he calls his girl besties baby girl? I'm watching.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Hey, baby girl. Hey, baby girl. Hi, mummy. Hi, mummy. This is Leah. Daddy. Oh, daddy's a bit worse, isn't mommy. Hi, mommy. This is Leah. Daddy. Oh, daddy's a bit worse, isn't it? Hi, daddy. This is Leah. Oh, God. I'm going with the mommy and daddy though. And 88% of you are in agreement with me on that one. The baby girl thing is you're definitely going to
Starting point is 00:11:03 cheat on me with your best friends whereas if you call your parents mommy and daddy I don't think that's going to ever affect me directly do you know what I mean but the girl besties calling them baby girl you're definitely going to cheat on me with them you know so yeah 88% are with me on that one next one would you rather they call all their exes crazy or no dates just come chill oh the thing is the no dates just come chill is a major red flag for me and obviously so is calling their exes crazy they're both major red flags i guess that's the fucking game, isn't it, Leo? You idiot. Anyway, the no dates just come chill. Like I said, I am a Leo. I need to be adored. If you're just telling me to come round so you can probably just have sex with me, that's not enough for me. I'll literally just be like,
Starting point is 00:12:00 fucking pig. Like, no. If they call their exeses crazy you're telling me you're either a narcissist some sort of fucking cheater or abuser and nasty person to be with because you've made girls crazy do you know what i mean and it's a lose-lose situation however if i had to choose i'm gonna go with the they call all their exes crazy and let me explain why because they might be there's a chance that this is a very odd scenario where they actually are all just crazy and he's just a really nice guy but the no dates just come chill i'm gonna say this about all of them i reckon but the no dates come chill that affects me directly i'm getting no effort from you whereas if you're calling all your exes crazy that isn't affecting me affecting me directly yet you know it's kind of inevitable that i'm gonna be the next crazy ex in your story but who knows we
Starting point is 00:13:07 don't know that yet 68% of you again in agreement with me so we're all on the same page at the moment most of us 32% saying no dates just come chill so that's a bit closer that one okay the next one would you rather Andrew Tate fan or love bombs you I mean this is the red flag fucking top tier red flag love bomb number one the love bomb is the number one red flag for me but Andrew Tate fan is you're a number one class a twat do you know what I mean so do I want a fucking woman disrespecting narcissistic horrible twat or do I want a narcissistic horrible twat i'm gonna go with it depends it depends because like are you an andrew tate fan because you find him entertaining or are you an andrew tate fan because you agree with what he says and if you agree with what he says he literally said it's best that you go and cheat on your wife and then come home and tell her because women appreciate honesty.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Those words come from Andrew Tate's mouth. Let me tell you something, Andrew Tate. You know what women appreciate, yeah? Loyalty and respect, darling. Not, he cheated on me, but listen, he told me about it. He told me. So what do I have to be upset about, really? The guy's an honest person, so win-win. Win-win. He might have gone and fucked somebody, but at least he told me. So what do I have to be upset about, really? The guy's an honest person. So win-win.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Win-win. He might have gone and fucked somebody, but at least he told me, right? Shut up, you absolute idiot. You absolute idiot. But the love bomb is a recipe for disaster, darling. I'm going to end up sad either way. But I'm going to go with the love bomb, I think. I'm going to go with the love bomb because, no, because if we're talking about a real, real love bomb, think I'm gonna go with the love bomb because no because if we're talking about a real real love bomb that means it's gonna disappear it means he's gonna love bomb me and then he's gonna retract and I'm gonna be going what what happened to all the long morning messages and the late night messages and what happened to when when you would cancel any plans to be with me and what happened when you said that I was a woman of your dreams and that's all changed i don't want to feel like that so i can't fucking choose i actually can't
Starting point is 00:15:32 well the poll is 80 80 have gone with the love bomb that's how bad we feel about andrew tate um let's go with the love bomb hey i'm gonna i'm gonna side with you all andrew takes a piece of shit let's go with the love bomb okay next one would you rather they've got a history of cheating or they give you zero compliments now this one is the closest one, I think. Oh, no. No, the calling their exes crazy was closer. But this one is close. Oh, wait. No, this one's closer. This one's closer. Ignore me. This one is closest. History of cheating or give zero compliments. 67% give zero compliments. 33% would rather the history of cheating. I am going to go with the minority on this one. I'm going to go with the history of cheating. And let me tell you why. Same reason for
Starting point is 00:16:31 a lot of the previous ones. If you give me zero compliments, that is going to affect me directly without a shadow of a doubt. You know, it's confirmed I'm being affected by this red flag. He's never complimented me that will not work for me we'll just i want to know that you fucking fancy me and you like me and you think i'm a nice person you think i'm funny i need to hear that but if he's got a history of cheating there's a chance he might cheat on you a high chance yeah let's let's make that clear a history a high chance. Yeah. Let's, let's make that clear. A history. But he might not, you know, look, who knows if he's got a history, that doesn't mean he's going to cheat on me. Doesn't,
Starting point is 00:17:18 doesn't guarantee it. If he's not giving me compliments that guarantees, he's not giving me compliments that guarantees is not making me feel good about myself. So I'm actually going to go with the history of cheating because I'm holding on to the hope that that won't affect me directly do you guys understand where I'm coming from in that one that's the first one we've disagreed on well in the in a majority side of things okay next one would you rather this is the last one I've come up with. Would you rather, when you go for a shower, they say, without me, monkey emoji hands over the eyes, without me.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yes, without you. Or number two, drinks milk. Do you know how many DMs I had like, Leo, you're the only person that has an issue with the milk drinking thing. Let me tell you something'm not okay when we did the x episode and we talked about a bloke that sits there with a pint of milk i'm not the only one that finds that fucking gross i'm not the only one that has the problem with the lactose on the on the tonsils i'm really not you guys have really backed me up on that one but i understand there's a lot of you
Starting point is 00:18:23 that really don't see the issue with it and I can understand I can get my head around that it's it is a normal thing to do it's just something about milk the way it clings to your throat the way it sits on your lips the way it sits on your teeth the way it is literally from a cow's tit made for baby cows and you're guzzling it and it has like fucking string all over it when it's when when you heat it up it gets a big film over the top fucking weird honestly honestly but then if you're lactose intolerant that's childish when you're a kid but imagine having a boyfriend that is lactose intolerant for some reason that
Starting point is 00:19:07 just makes me laugh like you just can't drink or consume lactose because your body says no to be honest makes sense do you know what i mean as as you should so um but So, um, but, do I, would I rather my boyfriend say to me, you going for a shower with Aunt me, babe? Or would I rather him drink a pint of milk? I'm not even being dramatic when I say I'm finding this hard. I genuinely am not being dramatic. I'm picturing him sat on the sofa watching the telly with a pint of milk and it's all around his lips and all his teeth and it's the thought of it coating his tonsils, his vocal cords and when they speak and you can hear that in the back of their throat or or would I rather him say without me? I'm gonna go with without me. I'd rather him say
Starting point is 00:20:04 that about when I'm getting in the shower i'm not even joking i'm actually not guys that's how passionately i am about this milk drinking thing do you know what's worse right if they have a little glass of milk for some reason i find that weirder like a small you know like a whiskey size glass imagine that filled with milk. Honestly, there is something not right with that. For me, it don't sit right. It doesn't. Okay. Now, let's move on to the ones that you guys have sent because some of them are fucking brilliant. Okay. Number one, a techno fringe or a mullet. Number one, a techno fringe or a mullet. Listen, each to their own. Yeah, everyone's got their taste. But I find both of these things highly icky. That is the word like they both give me the ick. I don't know. You know, I'm probably going to offend some of you because I know for
Starting point is 00:21:01 a fact some of your boyfriends have a techno fringe. I know for a fact. But I'm going to go with the techno fringe. I'd rather the techno fringe over the mallet. There we go. I say no more on the matter. Okay. Number one. I mean number two. Oh my god. Oh my god. Okay! Their breath always stinks or their dick always stinks? No, no, no. Do you know what? That is fucking impossible because put it this way,
Starting point is 00:21:34 if your breath always stinks, that's gonna affect me 24 hours of the day. 24 hours of the day that I'm gonna have a problem with your scent. But if your dick stinks, I'm never going near you. I'm never having sex with you.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Or doing anything of the sort. If it stinks. So do I want a 24-7 problem, or do we want no sex life? Like, I'm never kissing you, I'm not getting close to you when we cuddle. Or I'm not having sex with you or doing anything sexual with you that is a fucking shit one i think i'd rather end the
Starting point is 00:22:10 relationship but that's not an option there's no third options here oh okay you know what are we allowed to fix them like am i allowed to say babes your fucking cock stinks no no no i can't do that i could never that would put me off someone for life if if they had a smelly willy no even if you start showering every day all of a sudden it no longer smells i i can't move past it i'm gonna go with the breath i'm gonna go with the breath wow let me know what you guys think on that one fuck my okay it doesn't put you on socials or puts you on socials but likes his ex's pictures and posts i'd rather you didn't put me on socials that's so easy for me the disrespect the disrespect like not only does your ex see that everyone else fucking sees it and they see you've got a girlfriend and i'm the i'm the twat that's looking like i don't give a shit no no no darling no i'd rather you didn't put me on socials one million percent more about you guys let me know follows
Starting point is 00:23:17 only fans girls or doesn't buy you flowers i think this one's quite easy for me all day don't buy me flowers i'm not actually a flowers girl i really don't care about flowers I never have I think it's so sweet when they do and I feel I've I more feel like oh like you really wanted to make me smile today like that's what makes me like it I think oh like you did that because you wanted me to feel good you wanted me to feel loved you wanted me to feel appreciated that's sweet or did you do it to feel fucking good about yourself who fucking knows you know what i mean as phoebe says that no as joey says to phoebe there is no selfless act anything you do for someone else you either do it for your own benefit or because it makes you feel good about yourself or for whatever reason there is no selfless act i kind of agree i'm trying to find an example where that's not true like
Starting point is 00:24:10 even like if you gave a huge charity donation like surely part of you feels so good about that you know like obviously you do it for the charity but surely you're gaining from that as well because you feel really good you feel like a good person so is it selfless like selfless is like making a sacrifice you know you lose but somebody else wins you know i don't know i don't know about that but anyway um the only girls only only girls fans only girls fans thing i've i've just said it again only fans girls thing following only fans girls following only fans girls or doesn't buy me flowers all day doesn't buy me flowers i'm okay with the no flowers i don't know how to arrange them my boyfriend buys them for me and he has to arrange them in the bars and water them himself
Starting point is 00:25:05 for me and he has to arrange them in the vase and water them himself like he literally sets them all up in the vase and i just get to look at them and think wow you really love me don't you okay next one this is fucking good this made me piss when i saw this just now number one shadow boxes 24 7 or 2 all his pants have holes in them i actually am struggling to choose i'm not even joking what do you guys think shadow boxes 24 7 that's tough but all your pants have holes in like what get some new pants okay but then imagine the shadow boxing like in the mirror like you hear him in the next room in the dressing room nah but then imagine he like goes to get naked and he's got fucking hole around his bum hole or like on the waistband it's just silly i think i think i have to go with the shadow boxing because the holes is like a massive ick like it's like a
Starting point is 00:26:18 where's the clean sexy white crispy boxers yeah the holes i can't make that work so i'm going with the holes i mean i'm going with the shadow box him okay next one would you rather a guy be super stingy or follow every girl and like their pics oh that's hard because i find stingy just like really unattractive. But then also following loads of girls and liking all their pictures is an absolute deal breaker for me. Like that is genuinely a sackable offence. I don't care what you think. Those are just my boundaries.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And that pushes my boundaries. So I think I have to go with Stingy to be honest. Because that's how passionately I am about the Insta stuff. I just think there's no fucking need we spoke about it too many times you guys already know how I feel on that one okay um oh big ego or doesn't stick up for themselves ever oh I think thing is with a ego, I just think I can't work with that. Like, if I ever feel a type of way, if we ever have an issue, you're going to have, your ego is going to come first. And you're going to struggle to apologize.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You're going to struggle to see anybody else's point of view. You're going to struggle to be, you know, made to feel like you're in the wrong because your ego is going to get in the way. You're probably going to be ultra jealous um maybe even a cheater if your ego's that big that it needs being fed do you know what i mean but with the it doesn't stick up for themselves i'm like i don't want to be your fucking bodyguard because the thing is i will stick up for you if you don't be your fucking bodyguard because the thing is i will stick up for you if you don't but then also i don't want to walk all over you like i don't want to come to you with an issue and you just be like okay yeah yeah and not tell me how you feel do you know what i mean because i might be misunderstanding your feelings and you're not going to express them to me and communicate them
Starting point is 00:28:20 with me so then we're going to have problems in our relationship in a whole different way that's a sticky one i'm going to go with they don't stick up for themselves because i think a big ego comes with so many other issues and could be a potential narcissist but with the don't stick up for themselves i want you to be able to stick up for yourself but if i had to pick i'd rather you you couldn't stick up for yourself than think you're fucking sick do you know what i mean okay oh only wears flip-flops everywhere with every outfit like imagine imagine every outfit is flip-flops imagine the noise when they walk no imagine when you met them on your first date and they had a pair of fucking flip-flops on
Starting point is 00:29:11 in in the snow flip-flops in the snow or swings his legs on every seat he sits on oh no why have you done this i can't believe you've done this. I think, because with the flip-flops, like I'd be embarrassed, like I'd be really embarrassed. Like what happens when we go to weddings? Are you gonna wear flip-flops at wedding? What happens when it's muddy and we're going on a muddy dog walk? Are you gonna wear those fucking flip-flops?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh, for my Australian listeners, I think you guys call them thongs. But the only version of thongs we have got your ass crack, not up your toe crack. But I get it. Like it makes sense that you call them thongs because it's like a thong up your toe. But we only have thongs up your ass. But we call them flip flops. I'm sure most of you probably know that it's not like the first time you've ever heard flip-flops but anyway i think i'd have to go with the swinging
Starting point is 00:30:13 the legs on the chairs because that's only going to be an issue when you sit down do you know what i mean and hopefully it's under a table i'm not gonna be able to see it i might just kick you all the time or you'll probably be fucking kicking me swinging them about under the table twat oh they're kicking you imagine but the flip-flops is gonna be an issue in so many different scenarios what about when we get married are you gonna wear flip-flops at our wedding no i'm going with the kicking your legs okay oh my god oh my god this next one okay okay they can't find the clit or they call you mummy during sex wow I'm I think all day I'm going with the can't find the clit if you called me mummy during sex oh my god I don't even know how I'd react but it
Starting point is 00:31:19 wouldn't be pretty it would not be pretty I think my vagina would just close like i genuinely think it would squeeze shut and little threads would crawl out and start sewing it up like it would be nope it's over for us and if you can't find the clip i can teach you do you know i mean we can we can work around that i reckon but if you said mummy during sex there's no coming back from it there is no there's no one doing it for me okay um let's have a look what else we've got oh my god okay their parents don't like you or you don't like their parents okay i think actually i actually think it's quite well i just think this one's quite easy i'd rather not like your parents because if your parents don't like me i will will be so upset. I will be riddled with anxiety.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I will be so petrified. 24-7. I'll be so scared about what they say to you when I'm not there. I'd be petrified to come round. Do you know what I mean? Whereas if I just don't like them, I'll never make that known. Like you'd never know, I'd never make someone know I don't like them, because, you know, who cares about my opinion, but, you know, then that only really, I can live with that, I can live with not liking your parents, if your parents are like me, it means a lot to me that some, someone's family like me, and think I'm a decent person, and think I'm kind, and think I'm treating your person and think I'm kind and think I'm treating your son well and if you didn't think that of me that would make me question myself as a human being like I'd literally be like how can you not like me I'm a nice person I treat him nicely I'm
Starting point is 00:33:17 nice to you I'm kind I'm respectful yeah I might swear a lot yeah I might talk about cock and puss on my podcast but I'm a nice person and I think if they couldn't see that in me that would really bother me like I would literally be like doing everything I can to prove them wrong like I'd be doing everything in my power to convince them to like who I am and see who I am. Whereas if I don't like them, they don't need to know that I'll still be polite. I'll still be respectful. I'll still spend time with you, but it depends. Like, why don't I like them? Are they really horrible to me? But then if, if they're horrible to me, then they probably don't like me. So then that would be the other option. Why wouldn't I like somebody's parents? Or maybe they're
Starting point is 00:34:03 the really crazy, jealous family members. You know, you get their mums. They fancy their son. It's weird. Do you know what I mean? When they're in love with their kid. And they don't want a woman to come along and replace the mum. And it's like, I'm not trying to replace you, believe me.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So many of you guys send me them dilemmas.'m so lucky that i've never had this issue but i know they exist like you guys always talk to me about these mums it's not always the mums as well sometimes it's the sister like the crazy when they're super super super close like the brother and sister really close and then you come along and it's like you're taking my brother away from me you're taking my son away from me you know I feel like that would be the reason they don't like you but then if that was the case and if they felt like that I would talk to them and I'd be like I really don't want you to think I'm like coming in and taking him away from you like I just want to add to his life I never want to take him away because I really don't like not being liked, especially by people that would be important to me. So I would rather not like them, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So yeah, I'm going to go with that one. Oh, that's tough though. Okay, I think we can end it there because there's some really good ones. I feel like you guys smashed it with your suggestions on this one. I fucking love it. Like you guys are just so funny and creative and just you really made it difficult there was some really difficult ones let me know if you want to do one a one that's based purely on ix like obviously a lot of them were ix but we did have
Starting point is 00:35:36 the red flag ones too let me know if we should do one where it's just purely ix because I feel like we would all be belly laughing like it'd be so funny also I haven't actually mentioned um the call in my listeners episode was supposed to be today but I had a major technical difficulty and I had to do this instead so it is still coming I promise and yeah thank you guys so much for sending in all your suggestions I loved this episode I love doing these like really funny ones I feel like this is when I really can just sit back relax enjoy the podcast with you guys you know like it's just chill nothing serious because I love the dilemmas like they will always
Starting point is 00:36:17 be my favorite episodes Tuesday episodes always be my favorite but these are just so light-hearted and fun I really really enjoy them I hope you guys do do. And yeah, thank you guys so much for all your suggestions. Let's wrap up the episode. Okay, guys, thank you for listening. I loved this episode. It was so much fun. Let me know any ideas you have for the Friday episodes. Any The Blink episodes you guys think would be good.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh my God, there's a spider hanging from a web right in front of me. Disgusting, wait for me. Do you know I'm actually not that scared of spiders? Like, I don't know, I'm pretty fucking hardcore, I suppose. I'm really not. Like, I will pick up a spider and get rid of it, but my sister will genuinely, like, hyperventilate and stop breathing when she sees a spider anyway totally off topic i love you guys i hope you all have an amazing weekend we are going out for my sister's birthday this weekend so really looking forward to that it's gonna be so much fun we're gonna
Starting point is 00:37:14 probably get a bit pissed which you know r.i.p me on sunday with a hangover i don't want to say r.i.p me that triggers my fear of death and i'm so scared of accidentally manifesting something i'm so aligned with the universe right now i think i already said this in the last episode it's fucking weird so many weird things happening to me i'm we are so aligned me in the universe also i watched one of shane dawson's recent conspiracy theories about how the world's fucking simulation and it's absolutely fucked me up like i literally can't think about anything else besides that there's like a a creator what was it like the basically like somebody is controlling my brain and we're all in a game and it's all a simulation but if that was
Starting point is 00:37:56 true why would i be saying this do you know what i mean i don't know it fucking trips me out i can't bear it it freaks me the fuck out but yeah i mean who knows darling what's the point in worrying about it oh my god that's actually freaked me out i'm actually tripped out even just bringing that back up i can't even also he did this thing where he would like put um he got his like friends and family actually i think there was all his family and his boyfriend to are they married shane dawson married who knows but um they all did like a like a test to test if he can basic if he's basically psychic is in short it was called something but i can't remember um and they would find a picture of like a location a place and put random six random
Starting point is 00:38:48 numbers on the envelope and he would literally get the numbers and write down all the words that he was seeing so if it was like blue birds water cold the noises that he would hear where it would be like screaming and stuff and he literally guessed it every time like it was like they at the you whoa oh my goodness something happened to me there when they were talking about which which location they would pick for their picture they was like oh maybe we should do um like space like a like a rocket ship in space or something and then they were like nah nah let's not do that maybe we should do a roller coaster like a rocket ship in space or something and then they're like nah nah let's not do that maybe we should do a roller coaster like a wooden roller coaster nah let's not do that anyway they ended up picking i think they picked um disney disneyland i think
Starting point is 00:39:35 uh i can't remember or universal one of them anyway is that the same thing no they're different aren't they anyway shut up so when shane come back after doing his little psychic moment he was like at first i was seeing space and then i thought no and then i was seeing like a wooden roller coaster and i was hearing screams and chaos and then i thought no how weird is that and they were like oh my god that's so crazy because we was going to choose them you never know how real this content is that? And they were like, oh my God, that's so crazy because we was going to choose them. You never know how real this content is. That's the thing. Maybe we should do a conspiracy theories episode because I fucking love a conspiracy theory. Although they do just fuck me up for like a week after, like as soon as I, as soon as I like enter that level of my brain, I'm so hard to get back out of it. Like the Mandela effect is so strange to me.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Like if you guys don't know what the Mandela effect is i'm sure most of you do but if anybody doesn't it's like the theory of like there are multiple um realities basically like multiple um what's the word basically like it's it's a big matrix right so, in Snow White, when she looks in the mirror, what does she say? Mirror, mirror on the wall. Yeah, right? No, she doesn't. She says magic mirror on the wall. And we all think it's mirror, mirror.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And the Monopoly man, right? We all think he wears the little, what is it called? Monocle? Yeah, we all think he wears the monocle. He doesn't. There's never been one on the on the monopoly man's face ever and like there was one about um loony loony tunes or loony tunes and we think it's spelt one way but it's actually spelt the other i can't remember
Starting point is 00:41:23 which one's correct but yeah it's fucking mental honey like it's it fucking trips me up because i did like a mandela effect test with my boyfriend where we looked at pictures and you have to pick which one's right left or right like which is the right logo or which is the right quote or spelling blah blah and we got it wrong every time but we was both in agreement we was like oh yeah it's definitely that one it's definitely that picture and it ain't like it's so weird it's so weird but anyway maybe we should do a conspiracy theories episode that would be really really fun but anyway i love you guys so much thank you for listening to this episode i appreciate and love every every single one of you you're so amazing so talented so kind so funny you're all just the nicest sweetest people with the most amazing hearts and I hope you all know that I'm so proud
Starting point is 00:42:10 of you for everything that you're doing everything you're achieving even if it's just getting through each day at the moment I'm so proud of you you are absolutely incredible and capable and worthy of anything and everything that you want so yeah I love you guys so much have the best weekend be safe if you're drinking don't text your ex text me instead and I will speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you

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