Leah on the Line - Bonus 33: Would you rather... ICKS EDITION

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

Hey honeys! Welcome back to a brand new episode. Today we played a fun game of would you rather... ICKS EDITION. You guys never disappoint with these, I had such a laugh doing this! I hope you all enj...oyed it! Remember to keep an eye out on my @leahontheline Instagram page for the Leah on the Line cold cups. Thank you so so much to every single one of you who listens to and supports this podcast, it truly means so much to me. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's getting closer to midnight. I try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leer on the Line. Happy Friday! Woo woo! It's Friday, bitches! What are you guys up to this weekend? I'm actually going out! Oh! It's my bestie's birthday. We're going out in Bristol, my love. Going out in Bristol, my dolem. I can't wait. I can't wait. Get me out. No, I can't. I have anxiety. It's fine because we both get anxious. So it's
Starting point is 00:01:07 just going to be good. It's going to be like a cute couples thing, but it's a surprise what's happening. So I can't say too much, but it's going to be really, really fun. I'm really looking forward to it. But out of my comfort zone, you know, like I don't go out anymore. Do you know what I've realized? Okay. Since doing this as my job, best fucking thing that's ever happened to me thank you thank you universe thank you every single one of you but the downside is it's made me really socially awkward like I'm actually socially awkward like I don't like before you guys know I've always worked in bars always been in hospitality always worked in that industry the cocktail industry bars pubs do you know what I mean and I was really good at socializing because every day I'd have to be like hello you're right how's things blah blah what you having la la la
Starting point is 00:01:51 just chatting and chatting and chatting to strangers I haven't done that now for like six months seven months it's kind of weird kind of weird I've only been like eight months no it hasn't wait April May June July all the September October November December January for it's been 10 months oh my god wait did I just do the maths correct who knows I'm just gonna move on from that but anyway it's been a long time since I've done that and I don't know how to socialize with people I don't know anymore like I literally freak out like when you guys come up to me I love it so much but then if I'm not having a good day I'll just be like hi hi and then like it ruins my day because I feel really really guilty about it after I just I can't it's ruined my day because I'm like why am I like this like why can't
Starting point is 00:02:35 I just be myself like why can't I be like oh my god I love you so much but like most of the time I am but then I'll have like 10% of the time where I'll just be like oh thank you oh and I get really shy like basically since leaving hospitality and leaving like those kind of jobs I'm shy I'm so shy so shy I am it's freaking me out so we've got to do something about that because I don't want to be a shy girl I want to be big confident sexy big big good energy girly do you know what i mean so um operation don't be fucking shy go ahead yeah anyway oh i've got some exciting news for you basically if you follow me on instagram you've already seen the lear and the lime cold cups are ahead basically they are coming out on tuesday this tuesday coming up tuesday the 21st of february
Starting point is 00:03:25 it's going to be so sick that we're all going to have these matching bestie iced coffee water at the gym or i don't know you can put any anything in that cup to be honest you can even put a hot drink in it if you want i wouldn't use a straw though i feel like drinking a hot drink for a straw is actually legal do you know what i mean like it's illegal um but anyway i am so excited i put a little sneak peek well it wasn't a sneak peek i just literally showed you what they look like um on my insta story so if you're watching this i mean listen to this on friday when it comes out the story should still be up but if not the pics are coming out on the feed at some point today we're gonna get actual properly pictures taken that doesn't make sense
Starting point is 00:04:04 proper pictures taken which will be out today at some point but there's also gonna be a giveaway we're gonna do a giveaway as well the winner will be announced on tuesday but the actual launch is on tuesday so if you don't win you can still just grab one you know what i mean but if not totally understand like love you still love you regardless you know what i mean like it doesn't mean you don't we're not best best friends you know like don't worry but i just i maybe just wanted them for myself and i was like we should do this as as like a friend group do you know what i mean so that is coming so keep an eye out for it i'm so excited we have a confession diaries cup we've got a don't text your ex cup and we've got a leer on the line with a little
Starting point is 00:04:42 pink phone cup and they are so fucking cute I have teamed up with an incredible small business one of my amazing beautiful gorgeous stunning very fucking talented listeners called Chloe who has a small business called Handmade by Chloe she is so so good at what she does like we work together with all the designs like we she really made sure that I was involved and made sure that i was happy with it and wanted all my ideas and we just bounced off each other really really well and came up with the designs together she put them all together printed it made these gorgeous cups literally to the point of being like sending me the color of the vinyl for the stickers for the cup being
Starting point is 00:05:18 like are you happy with this the straw colors and we're like not really the right pink do you know what i mean like a lot of thought has gone into these cups so please fucking get one i'm drinking it's totally okay if you don't want one do you know what i mean but by the sounds of our instagram dms a lot of you guys really do want to get your hands on them which makes me so happy i literally can't wait to just see you guys with them like it's gonna be so fucking cute I literally can't wait but anyway enough of that I'm really excited this episode is gonna be a funny one it's gonna be a feel good have a laugh together with us me and you besties you know what I mean having a little laugh about mainly boys but we can laugh about anyone really girls I mean I feel like these ics can apply to girls as well
Starting point is 00:06:05 but they're mainly like it's about guys do you know what i mean but it's so so funny so it is a would you rather x edition so we did the red flags edition if you guys remember and they were like bordering on x and i was like we should do an actual x version of this game like it's so fucking funny and i put some up on my story same as last time for you guys to answer yes or no which one you'd rather and then you guys sent some really really good ones in and i am so excited to read them out so excited to hear what you guys find as x we love the x here at leo on the line and yeah i love you guys so so much head over to instagram to see all the info about the cups and stuff but on tuesday will be the launch so stay tuned for that all all the proper proper details how to get your hands on
Starting point is 00:06:49 them will be in tuesday's episode so stay tuned for that i love you so much let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rate in on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at learontheline and at learovane to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, besties, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous honeys. This episode is going to be really fun, so let's get into it. I am going to kick it off with my questions for you and what you guys picked, and then we're going to get into yours. So my first one,
Starting point is 00:07:25 would you rather, they can't spell the right you, sorry, your, you know, like the why are you are, why are you apostrophe R-E or why are, oh, I wrote your twice. I wrote the same type of your twice. What's the other type? Oh, I meant to do the theirs the bears you know like they are and it's their jacket and over there right basically you guys know what I fucking mean basically they can't spell the right thing yeah or they freestyle rap oh not the free not the soundcloud rappers do you know what I mean like some of these soundcloud rappers soundcloud soundcloud are very fucking talented don't get me wrong don't get me wrong but I just don't want that in a boyfriend like it it does give me the ick even when they're mega mega mega talented I will still find the time to cringe like I just
Starting point is 00:08:15 will and that that might be really insulting sorry but to be honest you guys don't like the sound of the Eva because you guys picked you'd rather they can't spell and I I think I'm with you on that one I can get past that you know what I mean we can work on that together but I'm not going to tell you to you know give up your passions if you're a passionate freestyle rapper I'm not going to ask you to give that up so I can I can teach you how to spell yeah so 62% have gone with I'd rather they couldn't spell and 38 percent on the i'm okay with the freestyle rap baby i'm okay with it wrap it up yeah spit spit the bars about me write some music about me hey what you have to i'm just writing some music just writing some bars oh wait no he's freestyling so just spitting them left right and center you know okay next one would you rather
Starting point is 00:09:05 this one fucking cringes me the fuck out okay would you rather they comment damn flame emoji on celebrities instagram pictures so we're talking kim kardashian imagine seeing your fucking boyfriend's name on the kim Kardashian's picture, I mean, like, damn, Kim, damn, or like, Molly Mae, like, damn, Molly, oh, no, oh, they wear a Gucci belt, I can't deal with it, I can't, like, they're just both cringe, like, I, there's just no need for a gucci bell it's just so unnecessary okay but the poll is 80 of you that's high 80 of you would rather the gucci bell i think i'm with you i think i'd rather the gucci belt because you know we can hide it with a top with a sweatshirt but the fucking comment in on
Starting point is 00:10:07 celebrities pictures like it's not just me that has to fucking cringe at that like it's everyone that follows you on socials has to cringe at that and i just can't cope honey do you know what i mean so 20 of you would rather that damn kim damn Kim. Damn, Kim. Kim K. Yeah, sexy. Kim, you look really sexy in this. Kylie, Kylie, you look really hot. Damn, Kylie. Oh, God. I literally will throw up. Okay, next one. Would you rather they have long, dirty fingernails or the navy bed sheet and one pancake pillow do you know what if i was dating a guy and i went round and it was the navy bed sheets of a pancake pillow like you're immediately a fuck boy like you just are like you just are immediately gonna cheat on me like that's that's how i feel about the navy bed sheets but them long dirty fingernails keep them far far away from me do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:11:10 and like you you know what i mean girls but yeah you know like good night thank you ouch ouch and ew firstly first of all ew but do you know what i'm saying like i can't if i was dating a guy, like, say my boyfriend, who I genuinely, hand on heart, will stand by the fact he's a 10 out of 10. Oh, and he had long, dirty fingernails. To me, it's deep. It is that deep, because I think...
Starting point is 00:11:39 You must look at them and think, Christ, I should, first of all, cut these off. Second of all all have a fucking shower stop putting my fingers in dirty places yeah okay the long dirty fingernails is an immediate no so i'm gonna say i'd rather the the navy bed sheets and the pancake pillow even though that to me just confirms fuck boy energy 80 no 91 of you are saying the navy bedsheets so 9 i want to know who these nine percent of people are that would would literally rather somebody long dirty fingernails the navy bedsheets like that to me alarm bells are ringa ringa ringa
Starting point is 00:12:22 dingan to be honest with you but i love it to be honest love it from you okay next one would you rather i can't pick okay would you rather they clap when the plane lands yeah but imagine as well they're the only one like no one else is clapping like we've just landed right next to you good job pilot fantastic from the pilot today great landing really smooth felt really safe in the air like no i'll actually i'm like stop that no i literally i'd stay on the plane and i'd fly back oh no no it was all going so well it was going so well but okay or that or they have an instagram account for their dog for the dog No. It's the captions for me.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Oh, dad got me this cute new sweatshirt. Who likes my new sweatshirt? Went on a nice walk with dad today. Gave my dad a big stretch of his legs today. Took my dad for a walk today. Get a life. Honestly, to be honest, when a girl does it, I just think, oh, I love it. It's so cute. when a girl does it i it doesn't i just think oh i love it it's so cute when a guy does it for some reason like this is how unfair i am if a girl does it
Starting point is 00:13:52 i'm like ah i love the caption i love the jacket when a guy does it i'm like why do you have that time like why why like why are we doing this why are we doing this so what would i rather you fucking embarrass me on a plane or you embarrass me on social media like imagine like you're in a relationship and he's like taking a picture of the dog like uploading it edit in the picture like putting filters on it and then like uploading it to the story to the gram being like oh i actually can't oh i actually can't it's when they like put the captions as if a dog wrote it like like mom and dad me me and mom me and dad me and mom and dad no i i literally don't get it but i would rather i'd rather you clap when the plane lands. I would. You guys disagree. Only 24% agree with me. 76% of you would rather they have an Instagram account for their dog. Because I get
Starting point is 00:14:56 it. Part of it is cute. It's like, oh my God, you love your dog so much. That is a green flag if I've ever seen one but that it's just I it's just you know do you know what I don't even have a word like it's just odd for a guy for I just think it's odd for a guy to do it you know am I gonna get backlash for this because I'm just being really unfair because I literally think it's cute when a girl does it and when a guy does it it gives me the ick it's my opinion all right and you guys disagree so stunning um okay next one would you rather they use the monkey emojis the hand over the eyes hand over the mouth and the prayer emojis and like the little shrug the little boy shrugging emoji and they like select the one that most looks like them they like shrug all the time like oh yeah or they drink glasses of milk you guys know how i feel about the milk like it's becoming a personality trait at this point how
Starting point is 00:15:58 much i despise the idea do you know what i hate about drinking milk the glass stays white like the milk will stick to the glass you can see even if it's an empty glass you can see the milk has been in that glass it's all stuck to the side of it like why why is it not gone why is it still up the sides and the little puddle of it at the very bottom oh and coat in the vocal cords and like when they talk in their voice sounds like because they got milk all in that milk all in their throat oh my goodness i'd rather the emojis i'd rather the emojis and the only reason i am against some emojis is because again it gives fuck boy energy like i'm just like oh god like you love women do you know what i mean you love flirting talking to girls like that's the energy it gives those
Starting point is 00:16:52 emojis but the milk the milk gives saying ain't right like there's literally like i truly think if you drink a pint of milk imagine getting a glass out the fucking cupboard just picture this right gets glass out the cupboard opens the fridge gets out a bottle of fucking semi-skimmed milk green top or blue blue top if you're an absolute psychopath like serial killer energy green top milk pulls it in pulls it in screws the lid on puts it back in the fridge picks up that disgusting glass puts it to his mouth you've got milk all up his top lip he's like milk milk what the hell this is it's just odd like listen i'll have milk in my tea i have oat milk
Starting point is 00:17:47 lattes because i don't like drinking big big amounts of milk but i'll put a splash in my tea but i have like really dark strong tea so i only have literally like you basically just want to walk past with the milk like that's how strong i want my tea like don't i don't even really take the lid off do you know what i mean just like imagine the milk that's how strong i like my tea but to drink a pint of it a pint of milk to me is bizarre and alarming behavior that's the truth that's how i feel about it so yeah anyway, 65% would rather you drink glasses of milk than use the emojis. 65% are saying them emojis are an immediate no. 35% are with me. You really can't bear the milk, the milk situation.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Okay, next one. Would you rather, okay, this is my last one and I actually think it's my favorite. Would you rather, okay, this is my last one and I actually think it's my favorite. Would you rather they wear white skinny jeans, they're spraying on, even worse if they're ripped, yeah, or they say, jeez, jeez, jeez, oh, no, imagine, jeez, jeez jeez oh i actually can't okay immediately i'd rather you said jeez i'd rather the juice over the jeans because i i just can't with white skinny jeans i just can't with them and i don't even know why because people's fashion sense really just not I'm not passionate about it I really do not care but I have a personal issue with white skinny jeans it's personal to be honest I don't even know why or where it even comes from I don't think I've ever known anyone to wear white
Starting point is 00:19:37 skinny jeans but if I did it would not go down with me right why is it why am i so passionate about it anyway 10 of you would rather the white skinny jeans 90 are with me and i'd rather you say i actually hate it though like if i was like dating someone and something happened and he went jeez i'd be like oh no again again it gives fuck boy energy does it not like surely you guys can agree with me why does it give fuck boy energy anyway okay love that thank you so much to everyone that responded now it's time for your guys um questions for me because oh my god some of you guys are so funny so you guys can mentally answer these or send me a dm with your answer let's just go through these together okay would you rather they can't drive or they can't swim. To be honest, I can't do either. I literally can't do either of those things.
Starting point is 00:20:55 No, I can swim. Okay. Like I'm, I can swim, but like put me in deep water and I will drown. Like I can do breaststroke. I can't't do front crawl I've never ever in my life been able to I went to Tenerife in October just gone my family was trying to teach me I'm all right at it like I can do it but I could do probably about three like one two three and then I'm under do you know what I mean like I don't know why and when I was a kid and I was learning to swim I was the last out of my siblings shock because i was just fucking shit everything and i was also scared of everything like i was literally scared of everything as a child oh great the hiccups have started and basically i would hold on to my dad's little finger his
Starting point is 00:21:41 little finger and be swimming with like one arm like literally swimming one arm holding on to his little finger and then he'd let go and i'm like i'm drowning i'm drowning and he'd be like my little finger is not doing that much like holding on to my pinky is not keeping you afloat love it was like a mentality thing so anyway when he taught me how to do breaststroke that was it it was like right i'm not doing this again with another style of swimming you can fucking survive in water i've done enough we're never going swimming again it took years it took years i was in the kids pool i was in kids pool my brother and sister were in the fucking deep end of the adult pool i was in the kids pool that was me i also can't drive as we know so if I'm choosing between another guy
Starting point is 00:22:25 okay this is a thing I can't teach you how to drive but I can teach you how to breaststroke yeah you can hold on to my pinky so I'm gonna go with I rather you can't swim because I can't teach how to drive but I can definitely give my best shot at teaching you how to swim yeah okay it'd probably be good for me to practice swimming to be honest I can definitely give them my best shot at teaching you how to swim. Yeah. Okay. It'd probably be good for me to practice swimming, to be honest. Yeah. All right. You guys let me know what you'd rather.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maples Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer. Okay, next one. This one's so good okay would you rather watch him chase a ping pong ball or watch him walk back after bowling i was talking about these with my boyfriend last night and we was crying right because he was like no do you know what's the worst bit yeah when they get up they get up with the ball like they pick their ball and they're like spinning them around trying to find the finger holes they're like it's having a little spin on the rack getting the ball and then they pick they test the weight of it they're like oh yeah that's a nice heavy one for
Starting point is 00:23:55 me because i'm a fucking big cunt oh i never say that word on here oh fuck it i've said it now it's too bleeding late anyway and then they take their big heavy ball and they go and they stand at the line and they're just stood there waiting for the pins to come down. They're just waiting, waiting for the pins and picture them holding the ball, literally picture them holding it. They're holding it up in front of their chest,
Starting point is 00:24:19 ready to give it a big old swing, big swing with the leg. Do you know what I mean? They're just stood there watching it and they can feel that all eyes are on them and they're just waiting for the pins to come down and they when you're waiting for them to come down is the slowest thing in the world and they're coming down and he's just waiting and he has a shot and he turns around he's like ah down the gut ah damn down the gut oh never mind then they go and they do the spin on the balls again and they go to take their
Starting point is 00:24:46 second shot and they're stood there and they're waiting and then they take their last shot and then they have to walk back but then my boyfriend i was like he was like what can we do like what what are we supposed to do like just stay up there like i have to walk back and i'm like no what we're supposed to do is just not go bowling but you know what as well i actually hate bowling i think it's so fucking boring and also i'm shit it shock i'm shit everything i am shit at bowling and i don't get how you're good at it like i've tried to be good at it i just don't get it like how do you know where that ball's gonna go, how are you aiming, how are you powerful, like, I don't, I really try, and I really give it some, and it will
Starting point is 00:25:30 literally just be, it'll kiss one of the fucking pins at the end, that's it, and I don't even fucking fall over, I'm that bad at it, it's so shit, and it's boring for me, when you're boring, when you're shit, something is boring, so anyway, would I rather, um, let me, let let me see let me think about this the ping pong ball also like what what do we expect them to do just like let it go but it is do you know what it's impossible to catch a ping pong ball like if someone throws a ping pong ball at you and you're trying to catch it's fucking impossible what would i rather um i'd rather the walk back from bowling because the ping pong it can just go on for too long sometimes because you might accidentally hit it with your foot and then it's rolling away even more and then there's a real chase do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:26:18 and then and then you go don't worry i've got i've got another one just leave the fucking ball do you know what i mean yeah i'm going with that. I'd rather walk back from bowling. After all that. Right. Would you rather? They hold their nose when they dive into water or when they sleep with socks on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I am not massively passionate about either of these. If you slept with socks on, that doesn't give me the ick. I just think, what? You're not fucking sweating. Like, I'd be sweating my dick off. Going to sleep with socks on is so sweaty for me and, like, just hot and claustrophobic. I always have to have my feet outside the quilt, right? You know, sometimes when you're trying to get your feet out and they get stuck, it gets me livid.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like, I get proper angry because I, like, can't get them out. And it proper freaks me out. Like, I like i'm just like oh i can't get my feet out and then i get all stressed and then when i when you get them out it's like oh my god i thought i was stuck for life for a minute then but the holding your nose when you dive into water like listen i'm you think i'm diving into water full stop full stop but second of all i would never jump into water without holding my nose so i'm kind of okay with it but i think it would just look weird for a bloke to do i've never seen a guy do that so i'd rather you slept with socks on although that's going to be an every night situation like how often are we going to be jumping into water yeah no i'd rather you jump into water and hold your nose because how many times a year am i gonna have to experience that
Starting point is 00:27:48 not very often you know okay okay next one would you rather they get electric scooters everywhere that is so fucking good that is so good imagine someone getting a fucking electric screw everywhere you joking get in the app scanning the qr code and we're off or they run for the bus oh god that's hard you know that's proper hard that is so tough oh i think i don't know because i i feel like if you're running for the bus that just gives me the like major ick even getting the bus gives me a major ick sorry if that's really rude I had to get a bus to college every fucking day for an hour mind so listen I was a bus whore once once upon a time but I think at 25 years old if my boyfriend was getting the bus but then in London in London that's like well normal do you know what I mean but in like a small town where I live if you get the bus like that's just a bit odd like old people get on the bus around in my area but
Starting point is 00:29:09 if we're talking like London where getting the bus is just like how you fucking get places like and it's just normal and there's kids on the bus teenagers on the bus adults on the bus older adults on the bus like everyone gets a fucking bus in London if we're talking that I'm okay with it to be honest if you're running for the bus it's just the hustle and bustle of London, baby. Do you know what I mean? Gotta get that fucking bus, you know? So I'd rather you got the bus, to be honest. Yeah. Would you rather he kisses his mum on the lips to say goodbye or flirty banter with his sister? This is the most incestual, flirty banter with his sister this is the most incestual fucking bizarre thing i've ever had to think about i think flirting with your sister is so fucking gross and weird but i'd rather you kiss your mom on the lips because i feel like that's less weird because that's something you've always
Starting point is 00:29:59 done since you was like a baby and then maybe it's just something you never stop doing whereas like flirting with your sister that's like a decision decision you've made to start doing as an adult like that's fucking odd that's fucking weird to me whereas like maybe you just never grew out of the kissing your mom on the lips and to be honest if you're really close with your mom i think that's a major green flag like love that for you so i'd rather i'd rather he kisses his mum on the lips. Fucking flirty banter with your sister, like the fuck? Don't tell me any of you have ever experienced that because that's odd. Okay, would you rather be left unread or left on unopened but they've been online? I truly don't, I think I'd rather be left unread. I'd rather be left unread because then it says to me,
Starting point is 00:30:45 you care enough to know what I've got to say. If you haven't even opened my message, you don't even fucking care what I've got to say. You're like, oh yeah, she's messaged me. Whereas if you've read it, at least you give a fuck about what I've got to say to you. So yeah, I'm going to go with being left unread, to be honest on that one.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's just straight up. Yeah. But then if you've read my message and then decided not to answer me fuck you but then if you don't care what my message even says enough to even open it fuck you so yeah i'd rather i'd rather be left unread because then i can just assume that they like thought of their reply and then got distracted and they'll be back do you know i mean okay would you rather they've never had a girlfriend before or was still friends with his
Starting point is 00:31:25 ex easy i'd rather you never had a girlfriend i think that is easy like we've spoke about this before so many pros to that no exes no comparison no history you know no he's you're his first love he's never been in love with someone you have to worry if he might still be in love. You don't have to worry if he loves you the same as he loved her. Easy, easy. Being friends with an ex. Fuck that. Like, honestly, get out of my life, to be honest. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Well, okay. Okay, I'm happy with my decision on that one. Okay, we've got a few more. Would you rather he was small in height or small in the trousers tough one for the tall gals i definitely feel like this is harder for the tall girls a hundred percent because i'm five foot 2.9 i actually measured myself recently on a machine and it said it was 5 2.9 which is so bizarre because i was what i was like five five three five four i'm basically i'm five three like don't be so pathetic Leah I'm five two point nine I'm so short and cute I'm such a petite
Starting point is 00:32:28 little girl no okay you're five foot three Leah so anyway I'm five foot three so most guys are taller than me so I don't have an issue with height like my boyfriend's like six one so he's nice and tall and sexy sexy but it's not a big deal like Like, I don't, if he was 5'10", I wouldn't give a fuck. If he was 5'9", I'd be like, you know, we're not one of the tall ones, but you're still taller than me. And that's sexy. But, you know, small in the trousers. Actually, have we done the debate does size matter have we done this if not it's coming up baby i'm gonna check let me know if anyone has the answer to that question let me know if we've ever done that because we should do that i'd be really interested to know what you guys have to say so i'm gonna say i'd rather him short in height just because that doesn't actually affect me
Starting point is 00:33:22 as long as you're taller than me which you probably will be because five foot three is fucking short for a guy as long as you're taller than me I'm okay with it so yeah I'd rather short in height but again for the tall girls that's going to be tough so let me know to all my tall girlies let me know what your answer is would you rather he didn't drive or didn't know how to use the washing machine slash dishwasher? Again, I can't teach you how to drive, but I can teach you how to use a washing machine. Either way, both are a problem for me. Like for me, especially now, after like my experience in life, I'm like, I just want a fucking man that is capable of taking care of himself, taking care of me. Like Jamie is so good at that. Like he is just a dream when it comes to
Starting point is 00:34:15 being a house husband and working full time. But if he couldn't, like if, if we got into a relationship and he's like how do i turn the dishwasher on i'd be like are you fucking for real you're 26 years old are you fucking for real like i literally it would put me off someone so much it wouldn't even give me the ick i would just find that so unattractive like i'd be like oh like are you fucking for real like has your mum done everything for you do you know what I mean like have we never branched out to look after yourself or like did your ex-girlfriend do everything for you because that ain't gonna be me babes we do things for each other around here
Starting point is 00:34:55 so for that reason I'd think I'd rather you can't drive but then also like we all know I can't drive so what the fuck are we going to do? I can teach you how to use a dishwasher, but it would fucking put me off you, but if you're just like, oh, you know, I've just lived at home in my life, and my mum's always done my washing, you know, even when I said, like, oh, can you, like, teach me, I'll help you out, and she was like, no, no, no, no, no, I got you, babe, then that's her fault, not his fault, do you know what I mean? So, we can work with that one, so I'd rather you can't use a dishwasher. Okay. Next one. Oh my fucking God. This is weird. Okay. Would you rather they tickle their mum
Starting point is 00:35:36 or pick their nose? No, I'm sorry, but tickling your mum like imagine me like hi man tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle that's weird it's weird isn't it like tickle tickle tickle tickle I'm sorry imagine going around someone's house and then he goes over to his mum and he's like I just tickled the mic by the way if that sounded really weird but could you imagine I'm like whoa whoa what the hell is that but then also I really love when someone's close to their mum but for me I'm like why are you tickling her like she's a baby I've just been like eh but picking your nose listen I don't mind if you have the old pick like say you can just feel a bogey and you need to scratch it out. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Do you know what I mean? I don't mind the odd one here and there. If it's got to be done, it's got to be done. Obviously, dispose of it appropriately. Put it in a tissue. Flush it down the toilet. Or just blow your nose. But, you know, if it's got to be done, it's got to be done.
Starting point is 00:36:45 But if that was, like, a frequent thing, like, I'm looking at you and he's digging for gold i'd be like i don't know about this so i think i'd rather you tickle your mom i truly do that's weird isn't it that i'm saying that i don't know okay would you rather they order a gingerbread man in a cafe why is that an ick like it is it actually is but why why is that actually an ick why does that give me the ick or they only drink and refer to it as hot choccy oh just go hi who's this just go hi am i oh paul breach honestly if i can oh i just can't do but what are we choosing i think i'm gonna go with gingerbread man because if imagine going to a coffee shop with your boy and he's like what you having babe and you're like oh i'll get an iced oatmeal vanilla latte please and he's like okay yeah can I just get a medium hot choccy? No.
Starting point is 00:37:49 No, you can't. No, you can't. Because that doesn't exist. You can have a hot chocolate. If you fucking must, first of all. Like, fucking hell. Come on. There's nothing else.
Starting point is 00:37:58 But hot choccy. Hot choccy. Can I get a hot choccy, please? No. Immediately no. You can't. It's a no. Sorry, we ran out. Sorry, we don't sell hot choccy please no immediately no you can't it's a no sorry we've run out sorry we don't sell hot choccy you freak okay or a gingerbread man for some reason that is an ick like imagine going to the counter and be like can i get um one of the gingerbread men please
Starting point is 00:38:19 and he sits down he's like biting the arms biting the legs then he goes for the head like nibble nibble but yeah i'd rather the gingerbread man to be honest with you hun okay this one would you rather they're rude to waitresses or flirts with waitresses because for me so fucking unattractive if you're rude to a waitress fuck you like if you if you're rude to anyone working in hospitality fuck you like i fucking hate that shit but if you're flirting with them this is definite no it's gonna have to be i'd rather you be rude it's gonna have to because that's just gonna make me go oh why are you being so fucking rude but if you're flirting with them that's gonna affect my self-esteem it's gonna i'm gonna feel disrespected by you you know that's gonna really directly impact me so selfishly i'd rather you were rude to people i can't deal with that one okay would you rather food getting caught in their beard
Starting point is 00:39:18 versus rubbish in the car so much that you can't even see the floor oh no because i feel like guys cars are really clean most of the time aren't they like i swear it's us girls we normally have obviously i don't drive as i've said for the millionth time in this episode but girls cars tend to be a fucking shithole my sister's car is a fucking joke there is nowhere to put my feet like i'm literally i've got about five week old McDonald's under my foot about eight plastic bottles that just for some reason just cannot possibly make their way to the bin and it's gross like it's genuinely gross if my boyfriend's car was like that it would just really put me off I'd be like oh what does your house look like but then they always say that like girls will have a really spotless house with their car the
Starting point is 00:40:08 shithole so yeah i don't know about that one to be honest because food getting caught in your beard oh gross and then you want to come come over and kiss me i literally can't choose guys can i pass on that i don't know i'm gonna pass i literally got that's how hard that one is for me i literally can't choose guys can i pass on that i don't know i'm gonna pass i literally got that's how hard that one is for me i pass i literally can't do it okay would you rather they not wash their hands after going to the toilet or cough and not cover his mouth even in shops like imagine right you're just walking through tesco with your boyfriend he's just like fucking tongue hanging out
Starting point is 00:40:53 excuse me what the fuck was that tommy what the fuck was that? I would. No, seriously, I'd be like, what the fuck? Cover your mouth, you pig. But if they're not washing their hands after a toilet, that's fucking great. So I'm going to say I'd rather you didn't cover your mouth when you cough, to be honest. But I'd probably be ill all the time because you're fucking throwing germs around the room like no tomorrow tomorrow but yeah if i had to pick okay let's do one more would you rather he doesn't like your family or doesn't like your friends oh i'd rather you didn't like my friends family is very important to me so and you know i want you to be able to spend christmas with me
Starting point is 00:41:46 come on family holidays with me you know so yeah if jamie was like i fucking hate your friends i'd be like fuck off i fucking took shit about my friends ever again you fucking do you want me but if he was like i really don't like your family, I'd be like, it's over. Like, it's literally over. Like, who do you actually think you are saying that to me? Like, the balls you think you must have to think that you can get away with saying that to my face. You're joking. It is over.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Do you know what I mean? Like, I would just be like, you mutt. It's a no. Like, fuck off. Okay, guys. These were so funny. You guys are literally, I truly believe you're the funniest people ever. Like no one makes me laugh like you guys.
Starting point is 00:42:28 You always just put me in a good mood. I really hope you guys enjoyed this. It was so, so, so fun. Let me know any Friday episode ideas that you have. As always, fling them my way. Let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everyone. Thank you so much for listening. if you made it to the end i love you so so so so much i really enjoy these kinds of episodes they're just like such a i can just relax not think about
Starting point is 00:42:56 the stresses of life you know and just enjoy some bestie time and it always feels so good i hope you guys feel good after listening to these episodes unless you feel called out by some of these icks i can only apologize do you know what i mean i love you okay remember the cups are coming so keep your eyes peeled head over to instagram it's all going to be on there at leah on the line and at leah levain and at handmade by dot chloe that's the amazing girl who i'm doing this with so again all proper details and information links and everything will be around on tuesday's episode so stay tuned for that i love you i hope you guys have the best weekend again i'm going out in bristol my love so i'm gonna be tearing it up honey i'll be tearing up that dance floor no i absolutely won't be i mean who knows i might just
Starting point is 00:43:43 come over me i might just fucking go. I might just get off the rails. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, if you're getting drunk this weekend, don't text your ex. Text me instead. I love getting your drunk voice notes. Like, they are my best form of entertainment. Because I always just reply.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And if I'm drunk this weekend, God knows what I'll be saying. I love you. Remember, when people used to send me voice notes, if you sing in the um intro it's getting closer to midnight I tried to get closer to you boom boom hello so if anybody is in the mood to send me a little sing song it's going in the next ep so get on it baby all right I love you so so much have the best weekend and I'll see you on
Starting point is 00:44:25 Tuesday for a brand new episode giveaway coming on my Instagram tomorrow so look out for it all right I love you

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