Leah on the Line - Bonus 35: A proper catch up!

Episode Date: March 17, 2023

Hey babes!! I'm so happy to be back. Thank you so much for all of your patience, I appreciate it so much. In this episode, we just had a proper catch up to talk about absolutely everything. From pract...icing gratitude, to my best and worst job experiences, to Hailey & Selena drama, to accepting your boyfriend isn't romantic! I love you all so much and I'm so happy to be back. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hi everyone, welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line, happy Friday! I know what you're thinking, to anyone that doesn't follow me on Instagram you're probably thinking what have you bloody been bitch yeah listen I just needed a little bit of me time okay I needed a break I felt like me and you should go on a break I felt like our relationship was getting a little bit toxic no I'm just I'm just kidding so um yeah to anyone that didn't see on Instagram my mental health started to roll and roll and roll and roll downhill a deep dark steep hill okay and I felt my negative energy just radiating through the episodes recently like I was just like I don't know but the reason I took a little break was because I lost all motivation for anything like it was a version of myself I don't know. But the reason I took a little break was because I lost all motivation for anything. Like it was a version of myself I don't think I've ever seen. Like I've had phases in my life
Starting point is 00:01:11 where I'm just like, oh, I don't want to get out of bed or like everything's shit. What the fuck is my life going to look like in five years time? Like what the fuck am I doing with my life? But this was different. Like there was just something about what I've just experienced that was odd, like, I just felt like, I don't give a fuck, and I've never had that feeling, normally, if I lose motivation and stuff, I'm always just like, oh, like, maybe I'll try this, and maybe I'll try that, and like, my mentality this time was just like, what's the point, and I was like, I don't want to feel like this, I fucking hate it, like, I'm a creative person, I've done musical theatre all my life, I do social media, like, missing my creativity means, I don't want to feel like this. I fucking hate it. Like I'm a creative person. I've done musical theater all my life. I do social media, like missing my creativity means I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I don't know who I am. So I was just like, right, what is going on with me?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Why do I feel so negative? I just, it wasn't even that I was really sad or like crying. I was just like, Oh, what is the point? And I was just like, this is shit point and I was just like this is shit right by the way this will be a positive episode I promise you I'm feeling much better but I do just want to give an explanation as to why I disappeared okay um and I was just like when it came to recording the podcast I wasn't getting that like oh my god yeah we can do this debate that'll be so interesting and like I wasn't going through dilemmas and being like oh my god like mom babe like not calling my mom babe I'm talking about Jamie mom babe listen to this like this one's crazy like what would you say to this like I was just getting more like oh yeah I should probably record my podcast now because it's gotta go out tomorrow
Starting point is 00:02:39 and like don't get me wrong every time I sit down and do my podcast I love it but I wasn't getting excited about it and I was like I wasn't getting excited about anything I wasn't singing I wasn't doing any TikToks for fun which was like a massive part of my day-to-day like I just love getting creative with videos and I love thinking about what the next weekly debate's gonna be like that makes me just feel so inspired and motivated and just alive okay and I lost it all I was just like oh yeah I should probably do that or like no I can't bother to film anything I can't bother to record a podcast I can't bother to record a TikTok and I was just like no no I don't want to lose it I'm so in love with it all like what's happening to me and then I just thought you know what
Starting point is 00:03:19 just come away from everything and just take a long hard look at yourself Leah do you know what I mean and I think it was about two weeks I've taken off now which seems to be feel like the perfect amount of time I'm feeling really inspired like I'm really active on TikTok again now I'm so excited to get recording today I'm so excited about the few the next few weekly debates that I thought up and like I just feel like I just needed those couple of weeks but I also just want to say thank you so much because when I was feeling this like oh my god what is this feeling and why can't I shake it off I was so scared to put on Instagram like guys I'm just going to take a little bit of a break because I was like people are going to get sick of me like people are going to be like oh my god Leah like fucking commit please and I was like people are gonna get sick of me like people are gonna be like oh my god Leah like fucking commit please and I was like I don't want to piss people off like and also you guys depend
Starting point is 00:04:08 on me on your drives to work on Tuesdays and Fridays and your gym sessions I was like I don't want to let anyone down like what if they never come back and what if they don't listen to me again and then I thought you know what your mental health needs to be more important than anything right now so I just put up a post and I was like just to let you guys know like I'm gonna take a bit of a break I'm having a bit of shit time at the moment but like I'll be fine love you so much just getting messages from you guys being like we're not going anywhere like take as much time as you need I literally had a moment in my room where I cried my eyes out and I had a word with with the universe it would have given you
Starting point is 00:04:42 guys the ick if you saw me i was like i'm so grateful like please don't take them away from me i love them so much i'm so grateful to have these people around my life like literally ick like literally ick do you know what i mean like it's fucking pathetic but i'm so glad that you guys have stuck around if you're listening to this episode thank you so much i have missed missed you. Like, honestly, I really needed the break, but I'm so glad I did have that break because now I feel like me again. I feel like me sat with the mic and it just feels good and it just feels right. And I'm really excited. Okay, so let's get into the episode. I'm really excited for this. I have basically just put up a story saying, let's just have a good old chat like let's have a giggle
Starting point is 00:05:26 let's have a laugh like let's just have a good old chin wag what is it with me saying chin wag I swear I've said it three episodes in a row now oh my god it's getting out of control someone remove that word from my vocabulary because it's not cute I sound like an 80 year old little chin wag but yeah it's going to be fun it's going to be chill it's going to be enjoyable it's going to be positive vibes because that's the other thing I just always wanted people to come away from my podcast feeling good feeling good about themselves about feeling motivated feeling like today's going to be a good day so I was just like let me take a break because otherwise I'm going to radiate all my negative energy onto you
Starting point is 00:06:01 and that is not fair so yeah I love you guys so much thank you for your patience I'm so ready to be back positive vibes only and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to Leah on the line remember to leave a rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leahontheline at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leahontheline and at leahnavain to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, everyone. I hope you're all feeling good. I hope you've had a really good week. It's the weekend. What are you guys up to this weekend? It's Mother's Day. Right, guys, did I make it up? Or is it called Mothering Sunday? Because I said it earlier than I was like i never see mothering sunday anywhere
Starting point is 00:06:45 like and then i checked my calendar and it says mother's day and i thought why have i made that up it's definitely called mothering sunday do you know what i mean anyway guys i need to get something off my chest basically i think i've got memory loss right let me talk you guys through this story okay i'm gonna try and not drag it out too. So the reason this is brought up is because I was listening to the girls' bathroom the other day. And they, I don't know, it was on their YouTube video. I was watching Sophia and Chin-Chi's YouTube. And they were talking about, like, they were naming all their primary school teachers and students, like, their classmates. All of them.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Like, first and last names all of their teachers and i was like you fucking what mate i i don't actually know if i could tell you more than three of my secondary school teachers i probably could tell you one or two of my uni teachers right i genuinely think i've got a memory issue seriously seriously no genuine because there's a teacher that taught me for all of the three years at uni she taught me movement okay that's like the word for shit dancer right and I couldn't tell you her name could not tell you her name and listen I graduated in 2018 I should remember her name and I fully don't but anyway this is what happened to me okay so I was in primary school and one moment okay I just remember feeling like I'd woken up in class I was
Starting point is 00:08:16 in maths I think and I just woke up but I was already awake right and I looked down and I'm in my PE shorts I've got my normal school jumper on school school jumper on and I'm in my PE shorts I've got my normal school jumper on school school jumper on but I'm in my PE shorts I thought have I shit my pants like what the fuck has happened here like what has gone on today I'm so confused so baffled and I was like why have I just woken up but like I knew I wasn't asleep because like your head would have been down and you know when you've woken up don't you you know you're like you wake up but I'm sorry I was just like what the bloody hell's gone on here then anyway and then I went home and my mum was like how's your head and I was like what you on about love she's like you hit your head today and I was like did I she's like yeah I got a call from the school saying you'd hit your head he was playing
Starting point is 00:09:11 chase or something I was like you what I had no clue no no fucking clue what she was going on about right and then I spoke to Jess who I went to school with and she was like yeah we were playing like tag and you and this guy cameron but like banged heads and you fell on the floor and pissed your pants obviously she wouldn't have said pissed but like i wet myself oh what what on earth are you fucking going on about so then my mom was like we should probably take you to the hospital like i'm not too sure what's going on here i was like you're telling me like i've got no idea what the hell has happened to me so we went to the hospital and we explained like she doesn't remember anything like she has no clue where she even is like she doesn't have a clue what happened she had no
Starting point is 00:09:59 memory of any of it happening and she wet herself so is that like why would she wee herself and then he was like right okay well let's get you in for an MRI um so I had to have an x-ray on my brain but we were waiting for two hours right I totally get it NHS do you know what I mean and my dad was like oh this is long right I was like yeah okay I'm very young at this point because I'm in primary school I have no idea what year I was in it's all a bit of a blur to be honest but i just know it's primary and my dad's like how do you feel do you feel all right i was like i guess i don't know he's like does your head hurt you got a headache or anything i was like no i don't think so and he's like all right let's go we just left we just left he just literally walked me out that was all
Starting point is 00:10:47 classic dad thing to do he's like oh fuck this off i can't be arsed you feel all right yeah let's go and i never got that brain scan but to this day it bothers me i i don't understand science and medicine and medical shit i don't get it so if any of you study medicine and all of that please explain to me why that happened like why did I wean myself was I was my body like in shock like was I scared and why did I just you know that feeling when I said I felt like I'd woken up was did I like lose my memory in that split second like was it like a where am i situation like i lost my memory then because i i was always like oh maybe i was just like unconscious all fucking day like i was just walking about unconscious but then as i've gotten older i'm like that's
Starting point is 00:11:36 not really possible is it so did i lose my memory in that moment and is that why I'm a bit odd this could explain a lot guys I could have some serious damage to my brain that we don't know about but I just thought isn't that weird like the fact I weave myself I'm still angry at this Cameron how could you do that do you know what I mean so really interesting I feel like that's quite an interesting story is anyone else okay so i put up an instagram story saying like what should we chat about any questions any topics and somebody has said can you talk about your best and worst jobs okay so my my worst job was h&m i literally hated it i was so insecure and shy that I would cry my eyes out, because I'd have to get up for work at 5am, like, the store opened, like, a normal time, but for some reason, the start time was so early, I guess, because you have to do, like, all the stock and
Starting point is 00:12:36 everything, even though they only ever just threw me in the fitting room, so I was like, why have I been here since fucking 6am, but anyway, I'd get there, and I'd cry my eyes out all morning. But as soon as my alarm would go off, I'd cry my eyes out because I can't do this. And I'd get there and I'd be shaking like a leaf. I'd be so anxious and scared because all of the women that worked there, and it was all women, were so intimidating. Like you would not believe. And I would be shaken going up to the staff room to like drop off my coat and bag and put my lanyard on and oh it was so scary and they would literally they never taught me teals they never taught me anything they just literally from the day I started I got thrown into the dressing rooms and it was a Christmas temp job um but I left before the end of the
Starting point is 00:13:21 Christmas period I literally just was like I'm not coming back like I'm not coming back I'm not in tomorrow so you will never see me again but it was so I can't even put my finger on what was so awful about it but I hated the energy there I hated how I was spoken to and treated it was just awful my best jobs were bars like I always have loved doing bar work I love the atmosphere I love the social aspect of it I love that it's so chilled and laid back I love that you get like that rush on the Friday and Saturday night but I did work my last bar job was at one of them like proper sweaty cocktail bars in London right and it was so intense like I don't know how many of you guys know about the like numeral code
Starting point is 00:14:05 in hospitality if you know you know right so fucking unnecessary basically so i'll be like on the floor clearing tables taking out drinks taking drinks orders like whatever filling up people's water and then when a drink order was ready rather rather than going, it's ready. The drinks are ready. The drinks are on the bar. They were like, 500. 500 on the bar. Like, 500 on the bar, please.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Like, I was just like, 500. It was like a numeral code. And if you needed a toilet, you had to say 601. 601. Rather than just going for a piss, you have to go 601. So unnecessary. 601 rather than going just going for a piss you have to go 601 but so unnecessary and when there was new customers it was like what was the number for new customers 200 it's like 200 because you have to greet them as soon as they come in hi how are you just two of you today guys like as soon as they walk in 200 like it was so unnecessary I can't even tell you it was just I don't know but that was
Starting point is 00:15:08 the one bar job that I didn't enjoy like I remember one of my closest friends who was my manager at a previous bar job one of my absolute favorites bar jobs she got given manager role at this brand new opening bar and she was like I really want you there like you're an amazing bartender like would love to have you on I was like oh my god gosh like I love working with you I'm down I'm so down anyway we had to do like two weeks of training before we started and the training included like having shots of vodka at 11 a.m because we had to try every single drop of alcohol behind that bar not okay no not every single drop every single bottle we had to have tasted it so that if somebody asked oh what's that what's that rum like i'd have to be like oh yes quite smoky you know like fuck off it's all right it's all right do
Starting point is 00:15:59 i mean i don't i'm not really a rum gal try it like i don't know but because she was my manager there and I loved the death out of her and she's Australian so you guys can imagine how much I love her yeah and it was halfway through one of my like first few shifts and I was like like once we'd open I was like fuck this place honestly and there was a girl there who I just really did not fucking get on with like she was so honest like 500 like one of them and um when it was like halfway through my day I was like I'm just gonna go out I'm gonna go out for a bit of air like I'm just gonna take a five minute breather and I took my bags and I stood at the bridge to like because it was on it was in City Island in London which is like its own little mini island, and I stood at the bridge to walk over, and just walk home and leave, and I stood there, and I was like, this is one of my greatest friends, I cannot let her down, like, she has brought me on board,
Starting point is 00:16:54 on board, I cannot embarrass her in front of her boss, like, I can't be that bitch, so I had to go back in, and then I did stay for a bit longer and I ended up only quitting once I moved out of London but I didn't work there very long so thank the lords but that was another one of my bad jobs my favorite job I think was a place called the Euler bar so it's like a boat on the docks in London and it's a bar and it is just so the vibes were sick my manager was the same Australian girl who I was just talking about and the vibes were sick my manager was the same australian girl who i was just talking about and the vibes were just amazing like you just can totally be yourself like you don't have to be like hi guys how are you what can i get for you today you can just be like you're right
Starting point is 00:17:34 do you know what i mean and that's the best like i'm here i want to be myself i don't want to put on a fucking character that's exhausting do you know what i mean i get home at the end of the day and you're exhausted you're like oh god thank god it's so good to take the mask off but that was one of the very few jobs I was like I'm accepted as who I am and you know when you're ill and you're genuinely ill right you feel like you're lying you know when you got called in sick you feel like you're lying you're like oh I've been sick all night and then you start over conversating you're like honestly I'm sweating I've been sick all night I've had diarrhea all night you just go too deep and it's like rather than just going hey I can't come in say I'm really unwell that's enough like
Starting point is 00:18:08 that is valid like you're allowed to just say that but also because of how I was like treated and made to feel like I'm just as much of an important person here as you are like I remember I had my lips done and I had a really bad reaction to it for a couple of days and I swelled up like fucking no tomorrow and I just texted my manager and I was like babes I've had my lips done I look like an absolute freak like I really don't think I can work and she was like oh it's fine like just stay home put the telly on wait till they go down let me know when you look decent and I was like oh like this is what normal people should be like like treat me like a person do you know what I mean because I was like if she turns around she's like Leah you can't really have the day off because you've had your lips done. But she was
Starting point is 00:18:46 like, oh, no, it's fine. If we're really busy, I'll let you know. But just chill out. I was like, oh, love you. But yeah, that's some of my favorite jobs, guys. Oh, brings me back to be honest with PTSD. Okay. Next one is your thoughts on the Hayley and Selena drama. Okay, this is interesting. is your thoughts on the Hayley and Selena drama. Okay, this is interesting. I'm not sure to be honest. I don't have, you know, I'm not massively passionate about the topic. What I will say is, I'm not team anyone. Like, I don't know. Like I said, I don't really care enough to be team anyone. If I had to pick, I'd probably be Selena. That's just because I'm a Disney Channel babe do you know what I mean but I watched the Selena documentary and I will be honest I think she's a bit problematic I do like I don't know I just get the vibe and like the comments that she's dropping on these TikToks I think Christ hun like if that was me if that was my friend i'd be like honestly you silence speaks a thousand words
Starting point is 00:19:48 okay let you know we saw the video of hayley saying like she did the like gag at the taylor swift song everyone else is gonna see that you don't need to comment on it to like change people's opinions like people are gonna have their opinions but now there's drama because she's commented like no one talks shit about my best friend and i was just like selena selly sell honey like come on silence is just dignified and powerful and just you know you are bigger and better than the bitchiness and and the drama the feud, you know, but then it just got bigger and bigger. And now the Kardashians are apparently involved, but I don't know how true that is. So yeah, honestly, my thoughts are, everyone should just relax. Okay. My thoughts are everyone just fucking worry about what you're doing. Do you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:20:41 like, I don't know. I couldn't give a shit about my ex's wife, wife. Do you know what I mean? Like, like, I don't know. I couldn't give a shit about my ex's wife, wife. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, that's, that's all I really have to say on the matter. Next one is how to have more gratitude, not thinking about where you want to be so much. Okay. So I have the perfect video to play you and this will speak a million words. Okay you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts man this ain't my day i woke up on the wrong side of bed i'm tripping i just don't feel myself you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful not everything you, everything you already have, because what you have is substantial, but the fact that you can walk, that's a blessing. The fact that you woke up, that's another blessing.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The fact that you can see, think, reason, that's another blessing. The fact that you can go somewhere and get yourself something to eat, that's another blessing. The fact that you can go and turn the key and call someplace home, that's another blessing. The ability to dream is a blessing. The fact that you have an opportunity to get it right is another blessing. The fact that you're beautiful, that's another blessing. The fact that you have any measure of health, that's another blessing. And I'm just talking
Starting point is 00:22:05 to you i don't even know you i could give you 50 things you ought to be grateful for right now i don't even know you okay it's amazing right and obviously like i said at the beginning i was really struggling with it and i watched that video and i was like oh my fucking god i'm a dick like it is so true i have so much to be grateful for like I woke up today you guys know what fear of death I should be kissing the ground do you know what I mean so yeah I hope that helps to be honest because he can put it better way better than I can like rather than going like waking up and going I'm not where I want to be like I'm not even close I don't even I'm not even on the path like we are always on the path to where we're supposed to be. We're exactly where we need to
Starting point is 00:22:48 be right now. But let's be grateful for all of the things that we take for granted. All the things that we consider to be minor are huge to someone else, you know? So yeah, I love that one. Okay. This one's a bit of a dilemma, I guess, but it says, my boyfriend isn't romantic how do I just look past it so all I would really say to you is like you don't have to look past it like you know if that's what you want from someone if that's what you feel like you deserve and what you need which you know romance come on I don't get me wrong there are a lot of girls that like you know what I'm not like romance gives me the egg like I don't even need the romance i just want like a companion and a best friend and someone to love me so i get it but if you're someone that's just like romance is really
Starting point is 00:23:33 important to me i need to feel romanced yeah you don't have to look past it like i think you can ask him you know can you be a bit more romantic with me like can you show me how you feel like what is your love language I'd be intrigued to know um because you know it's one of the bare minimum things we want in a relationship a bit of fucking romance here and there do you know what I mean darling but also if if that's not something he can do and give you then I would just say like maybe maybe he's not your person and I know that's a something he can do and give you then I would just say like maybe maybe he's not your person and I know that's a bit brutal and probably definitely definitely not what you want to hear but remember that there are millions and millions of romantic men and lovely men
Starting point is 00:24:15 that will give you that because it's natural so don't settle is what I'm saying like don't just go right how do I look past this and just accept that that's not something I'm going to get because you don't have to you don't have to accept that you know you if it's not something that can be worked on which should definitely be the first attempt you know let's work on this together like I want romance please and if he just fully can't then I would just ask yourself like is he the right person for me then if he can't give me that you know is he the right person why should I have to sacrifice something major in my life in a relationship because you just don't want to give it to me you know what I mean um somebody says I'm I'm talking to someone new but still hooked on my ex what do I do I don't think it's the right time for you to be talking
Starting point is 00:25:05 to someone I guess I literally think it's that's all I have to say is like I don't know actually because sometimes talking to someone new will unhook you from the ex do you know what I mean sometimes it but then that's also not fair on that person so yeah I would say come away take a bit of time work on yourself unhook from the ex it might take a while but then I think we will be ready to start talking to somebody new you know somebody says it bothers me too much what people think of me help me stop caring okay so I've definitely got better at this like I think if you listen back to the first few episodes like it was actually quite a massive part of like my insecurities of like what people think and over like the last year I've really grasped I'm starting to grasp the
Starting point is 00:25:51 idea of what I think of me is way more fucking important than someone that doesn't know me do you know what I mean like I know me you know you and whatever somebody else thinks of you is nothing to do with you it's their opinion it's it's so fucking unimportant and irrelevant do you know what i mean of course like if somebody's coming to you and talking to you about toxic traits that you might have at the very least they're the things that we need to be considering to work on but if it's just like oh she's really fucking annoying or like oh she's too loud or I don't like the way she dresses or it's anything to do with your relationships and your date in life those opinions are so
Starting point is 00:26:30 fucking irrelevant like who cares I think I would really recommend practicing the who fucking cares mentality like that is something I have really put into myself of just like who cares you know what I mean like of course like when you hear? You know what I mean? Like, of course, like when you hear about someone's opinion and it's a negative one in the moment, it's a bit like, oh my God, do people really think that about me? But then you just have to take a moment and go, oh, who cares? I know that's not fucking true. Like, I know that's not true. Like take my recent rating, for example, I get bad ratings. I get, I get messages telling me what people what annoys me what annoys people about me and stuff like that but and at first you're like oh like the recent one was like oh she does these annoying accents and her laughs too loud and then I was
Starting point is 00:27:15 like right okay well I'll make sure I laugh less loud and I won't do the accents as much and then I thought to myself fuck that like I am who I am and like I don't actually care if if you if I'm annoying you do you know what I mean like you can just turn me off like luckily for you there is a stop button on this podcast so I would just say the same to you like if someone has an opinion on you that is bringing you down just literally think go away then like if you don't like me and if you think that about me that's fine you can you can happily leave do you know what i mean like i don't need that energy around me i've got my friends that love me i love myself i've got my family you
Starting point is 00:27:56 might have a partner so anything else is just like it's just noise do you know what i mean who cares who cares um what you're watching right now i need some recommendations okay so i just finished part two of you season four i'm not going to give any spoilers but it's definitely better than part one like part one was a bit slow and a bit boring for me and part two is definitely better but i'm not i'm not going to say any more on that because i don't want to give spoilers but anything else i'm watching right now um I'm watching Married at First Sight Australia shock um we would definitely have our Married at First Sight catch-ups to anyone who is on board but I'll try not to talk about it too much to anyone that's not watching it's kind of annoying
Starting point is 00:28:38 when someone does that isn't it that's like me right I've never watched the Vampire Diaries I've never watched Gossip Girl I've never watched Sex and the City like i've never watched the vampire diaries i've never watched gossip girl i've never watched sex in the city like i've never watched the classics so whenever someone talks about it i'm like oh i'm never gonna watch it like it's too late for me to watch it now do you know what i mean like it's too late the ship's out i can't i can't get on board now like gray's anatomy i can't start that now do you have any fucking season there are seasons there are of all of this but my favorite season series I mean of all time is Bodyguard it is fucking incredible Happy Valley is definitely up there maybe on par actually on par with Bodyguard so good they're like those proper crime thrillers so incredible
Starting point is 00:29:27 to anyone who hasn't seen them they're insane like you will be on the edge of your seat trust me okay how have you been coping with sad mine's been awful this year summer soon though yeah i think you guys probably know oh it's been shit this year but i'm definitely feeling better which is weird because like i'm looking at my window right now the sky's great and it's spitting with rain but I almost just don't care because I'm just like summer is coming it is coming it's coming it's on its way also did I tell you did I tell you guys I don't know if I did me and Jamie booked the Woucher mystery holiday yeah I know what you're thinking you twat yeah i'm probably gonna end up in a shed somewhere for four nights but fuck them do you know what i mean you gotta live on the edge sometimes
Starting point is 00:30:11 babes and i'm really not like one of these people that will do risky things like i'm always like no because what if this happens and what if that happens and i just thought fuck it book it up book it up so i will literally as soon as we get told where we're going i will tell you we we literally could be told any day now because they did the draw a couple of days ago and then it says we'll get a call within two weeks so i'll let you know as soon as i get our location and then i'll let you guys know if it's worth it because i've seen some horror stories like some serious horror stories but i've seen some amazing trips on tiktok where people get lucky and i just thought you know what if we get somewhere really shit and end up
Starting point is 00:30:49 somewhere really like gross and scary like a big scary hostel somewhere then fuck it like it'll be funny as long as nothing bad happens to me as long as like you know the plane gets there safely and we don't get mugged anywhere then it'll be a funny story to tell do you know what i mean so yeah i'm really excited about that guys if anyone's done it please let me know um i kind of don't want to hear the horror stories because they've took the money now okay what can i get my boyfriend for his 30th birthday please help oh my god it's jamie's birthday in like three weeks oh fuck two weeks actually two weeks three weeks two and a half who knows um and I haven't got a clue I bought him something
Starting point is 00:31:34 the other day when I was in London and I got home from London I was like I got your present should I just give it to you now like I just I just gave it to him so I haven't got him anything now so if anyone has any good ideas what to get boyfriends let me know and then I will share on the episodes okay guys oh what a nice chat we've had I love this I love these like just easy chill talk about whatever we want kind of episodes they're really really fun so yeah let's wrap up the episode okay everyone thank you so much for tuning back in thank you for being patient with me whilst i took a bit of time out it feels so good to be back i'm honestly so excited to be here on tuesday giving advice talking about
Starting point is 00:32:25 dilemmas again back to the confessions make sure you're sending me confessions because i don't get as many confessions as i do dilemmas so if you have anything on your mind right now take two oh my god hello take two minutes out of your day please i'm begging you to send an email to leahontheline at gmail.com send me your confession and we'll read them out on Tuesday any dilemmas as well of course send them my way there's also a link to my website in my bio in on Instagram at leahontheline if you'd rather do that so yeah I love you guys thank you for everything it feels so good to be back I can't wait to be chatting giving advice on Tuesday and just getting back
Starting point is 00:33:05 into the swing of it so I love you so much have the best weekend don't text your ex text me instead and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you

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