Leah on the Line - Bonus 4: Responding to your VOICE messages!

Episode Date: April 7, 2022

Omg I actually loved this so much! We definitely need to incorporate voice notes into the episodes more, what do you guys think? Today we spoke about anxiety, mental health, dating, food and more! Wha...t a fun episode this was. Can't wait to speak to you on Tuesday! As always send in your thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hey everyone look at me what day is it anyone know what day it is today it's friday what is this is a bonus episode she's only gone and fucking done it. Smashed it. Well done. I'm so proud of myself. I actually did get one out. I did forget that I promised, but I was listening back to the Tuesday episode just because I always forget to actually do a check back and check that I didn't say anything or leave anything in that shouldn't be in there. And I was listening to it back today and I was like, when I said, I'm going to make sure I get the bonus episode out because this one was so short. I thought, fuck me, it's Thursday. I need to do that. So here I am, ladies and gents, with a bonus episode. So this one I'm so excited for. This one is actually so fun. Okay. So I thought, you know, it's called
Starting point is 00:01:07 Lear on the Line. It's like being on the phone with your bestie. But what if we were actually on the phone? Now, I don't know. I would love to have actual phone calls one day. But for today, we're just going to do voice notes, but it's just going to feel like we're on the phone with each other. So I I said send in questions dilemmas or just anything you want to say whether it be like you want to know something about me you want to know what my opinion is on something you want to share something with me about what's going on in your life or some advice or basically whatever you would normally talk to your best friend on the phone about you know what I mean like when you call your friend what do you talk about this this is what we're gonna do
Starting point is 00:01:48 besties okay so no beating around the bush let's just go straight into the first voice note um who should we start with okay let's go with I don't know if I should say her name but I think she probably says it in the voice note but we'll'll do it anyway. Hey, oh my God. I love your podcast. My name's Nancy. I'm 20. I recently went for a break-up a couple of months ago. But I'm doing better.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Like, I'm finally, you know when you finally get to that point. Yeah, babe. You're okay. Yeah. But I was just wondering, like, wait, like, what sort of, like, how did you meet Jake? Like, do I, like, I'm quite a person i don't really i hate dating apps and i don't i'm not looking for anyone but at the same time i want to get out of my comfort zone at some point in the next couple months yeah try and go on dates and stuff
Starting point is 00:02:34 yeah i just get really nervous because i was with my ex for a couple years and he was my first boyfriend okay so i feel a bit lost and i'd love love, like, your advice, because I really do. I listen to your podcast all the time. Yay! Like, I trust your opinion. Oh, love you. But, like, first date, like, how do you get over those nerves? And, like, how, like,
Starting point is 00:02:53 do you find someone in this date? Like, I don't know. Just any advice on that, really. Okay. I got you, girl. So. So. Well, actually, do you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:03 I was going to say so sorry about your breakup, but breakups are a good thing. Do you know what I mean, that's not my person, thank you, thank you so much, um, good riddance, and good night, do you know what I'm saying, so, congratulations on your breakup, um, I totally get what you're saying, by, like, you're not looking for a relationship, but you also feel like, I don't just want to be sat here, getting too comfortable being single, you know, like I don't just want to be sat here getting too comfortable being single you know because I feel like the longer you avoid dating and the longer you're like single and completely unavailable the more difficult it will be to come away from it because you'll be like no no I've been single for way too long like I do not date like dating is not my thing I've
Starting point is 00:03:40 not had experience in dating I don't date so I feel like it's really a good idea to whenever you feel ready like it doesn't have to necessarily be now but I feel like it would definitely be a good idea for you to be like I'm just going to go on a couple of dates and just have a nice evening with with a stranger get to know well not stranger danger stranger but like a new person stranger is the wrong choice of words here um get to know someone you know just have a nice evening maybe get my dinner bought for me if i'm extra lucky or maybe treat a nice handsome man to some dinner see see how um see how you're feeling see what the vibes are and my advice for nerves so it's kind of bad advice actually and my mum would not give you this advice because my mum's actually um you guys know she's like
Starting point is 00:04:25 she's she's technically a trained therapist but she doesn't she's not a therapist like she has all the qualifications and the degrees and she has like a lot of degrees and qualifications she's a queen um but she's a probation officer um and a alcohol intervention worker. I don't know what her current title is. I think she's just doing probation, but she is an experienced and qualified alcohol intervention worker. So she would not agree with my advice, but my advice to you is get drunk. It's terrible advice,
Starting point is 00:04:57 but it's the only advice I've ever taken myself. Every time I've gone on a first date, I've had to get drunk because I can't do it otherwise. It makes me cringe, makes me feel sick. I sick I'm not enjoying it don't want to be here um it's terrible advice terrible advice I've never been on a first date and not had a sip of alcohol actually I think that genuinely is a fact um so if you do drink maybe my advice like I said terrible advice is have a couple of drinks, you know, let loose, babe, go on a night out with him, have a bit of fun, have a boogie, go to a bar,
Starting point is 00:05:32 have just a couple of drinks. I think that's the best way that I relax. But if you don't drink, um, God, I really don't know because I, I've never done it. I, I, because of the same reason, I, I've been terrified of first dates. It, they, they just feel so awkward. Like the thought of it's like, oh, fuck that. Like, it's so fucking awkward. I need at least a sip of alcohol in my system so that I can relax, take the edge off, you know? But like like I said it's terrible advice so um if you do like a nice drink and you know just a couple of drinks we're not getting smashed um if you like a couple of drinks that's my advice give it a go but if you don't like a couple of drinks be a brave girl not like me just go do you know what I'm gonna go out have a lovely night tonight
Starting point is 00:06:24 um and the worst that's gonna happen because we're gonna be safe here like obviously the worst that's gonna happen is we meet a dangerous person but that's not a possibility because we're gonna be safe okay we're gonna do our research before we go on these dates but the worst that's gonna happen from there is you don't really get on and it is a bit awkward and in that case you can cut the date short and go on a date with somebody else another time that's less awkward and you really get on with. Or you focus on yourself just a little bit more and, you know, being single is an amazing, empowering, whoa, I can't get my words out, shock. Happens every week. it's an empowering thing I think you should be so proud
Starting point is 00:07:05 of where you are now um you know with your breakup and stuff and you're finally at that point where you're like you know what I'm all right actually you should be so proud of yourself I'm proud of you um yeah that's my terrible advice love you okay let's go on to another one I actually got one from Jake and I just know it's gonna be a fucking piss take I'll just play it let's go on to another one i actually got one from jake and i just know it's going to be a fucking piss take i'll just play it let's see what he's got to say come on then hello we're on the line jake on the line here i've got a big problem my girlfriend keeps shitting with the door open oh my my god, I literally don't. What would you recommend? What would you recommend? Thank you, you're on the line.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Thank you. Thank you, Jake, for sending that one in. Actually, don't shit with the door open. Jake actually said to me, like, when do you poo? Like, I've never actually known you to poo. And I'm just like, I'll just time it well, hon. Jake only ever poos before showers. If anyone was interested in when Jake poos.
Starting point is 00:08:04 But yeah, I don't know what the fuck he's going on about because I've never pooed with the door open but I'm going to now okay let's move on to the next voice note hey Leah um my god you're so cute how you get the confidence to talk to people in regard to like your mental health and that because i'm a youngish kind of person and i do feel like i really struggle and you know like trying to talk to someone is really hard like oh my god mentally it's really hard and listening to your podcasts have really made me become like it's okay to not be okay oh stop it it's really hit me these past few weeks and i just want to say like thank you for everything you do for us like as your followers
Starting point is 00:08:54 like oh my god i don't think you understand how much your episodes really do benefit us like oh my god it really does oh my god i don't think you understand how much this benefits me like having you lot to talk to oh that's so sweet love you um so I your question was like how do I I can't remember how you worded it but basically like how is it that I'm so comfortable talking about mental health and stuff and the genuine answer is going back to like my mum's job and everything like that is mental health's been a topic in my household before I even knew what it was um and I remember when I first started experiencing real anxiety I was at uni and well I first experienced it during my first breakup but I thought it was normal I thought that was what breakups were like. Um, because it was just surrounding the breakup. It was, it was a really
Starting point is 00:09:49 pathetic breakup. It was, I was like 16, 15, 16. Like it wasn't actually a real relationship really. Um, but yeah, I had like severe anxiety around that breakup and I was like proper scatting out about it constantly like I couldn't eat for ages I went down like a few pounds in weight and I was really really unwell and then I moved to uni and met a lovely boy there and obviously was over my ex so the anxiety just went and I was like oh my god like I'm fine like thank god that breakup's over not still at this point not knowing it was anxiety and then I remember just like all these terrorist attacks were happening at the time and I remember just having this really overwhelming idea that I was gonna like be be involved in a terrorist attack god this is really dark really deep sorry guys I should
Starting point is 00:10:46 probably put trigger warning on this because it's a bit intense um but yeah answering your question that I'm just letting you know my experience with it and then I'll actually tell you I'll answer your question properly but yeah so then I remember feeling like that and I'd call my mum from uni being like mum like I can't get on the train or like I don't want to be in this situation I don't want to be in a big crowd my mum was just like Leah like you can't live your life like that still at this point I didn't know it was anxiety I just thought I'm I have a big fear of of being in a terrorist attack which is normal no one you know that everyone's afraid of that um but then it was keeping me up at night and I was having nightmares about it and every
Starting point is 00:11:25 situation I would be in in the daytime I would have visions of how it could how it could go and and play out these scenarios in my head still at this point not aware that it wasn't normal it wasn't a normal way of thinking and then that just sort of went away and I was all right again and then all of a sudden I remember it was summer and I went home after my first year of uni and I was in the spare room at my mum's house sorry my mum's house at the time um which was I had like a purple bed in and like purple shit everywhere so now the color purple gives me really bad anxiety which is so strange isn't it um but anyway I just I just experienced really really bad anxiety and I was just like constantly panicking and I didn't really know what about
Starting point is 00:12:16 and then it manifested itself slowly into health um specifically just like any sort of disease that you couldn't feel do you know what I mean like you know like a lot of illnesses like you don't you don't know you've you've got them you think you're you're fine so I was always petrified because I was like how will I know like how will I ever know that I'm okay and like nobody could reassure me um and I would talk to my family and they were like Leo you got nothing to worry about and I'd be like that means nothing to me because you don't you actually know nothing do you know what I mean um and then I realized that I had a huge fear of death and I realized that I've had this fear since I was a tiny child because when I was really little
Starting point is 00:13:02 I used to be so scared that I wouldn't wake up when I'd go to sleep at night, and I had this constant fear of it, and I, again, thought it was normal, and then as I was getting older, I didn't want to be in a bed alone, because I was so scared that I wouldn't wake up, and I would die in my sleep, like, it was, it was so crazy, and I was so young to have these thoughts, and I'd always need to have like someone in the room with me or I'd have to like share a bed with with someone and I was so afraid and had so much anxiety all the time but had no idea that it wasn't normal I just thought everybody had these fears and nobody because especially because they're they're surrounding things that
Starting point is 00:13:42 no one likes and everyone's scared of you know like everyone's scared of death everyone's scared of getting unwell and everyone's scared of terrorists but so I never I could never tell myself that it was abnormal so I'm living with it for all these years having no idea what what I'm feeling and what I'm going through isn't sort of I use the word normal but what I'm saying is like isn't um you shouldn't accept it for yourself basically like you can live a happier healthier way of life and then I went to the doctor once but around something about my health anxiety and they told me that I was fine sorry this is a really long-winded answer but hopefully somebody can relate because when I when I was going through this I'd never even heard of health anxiety I did not know it was a thing I
Starting point is 00:14:30 had no clue right which made it harder for me to sort of get through it because I just felt so alone in the world so hopefully if you're going through it or if you've been through it this will bring you some sort of comfort see I went to the doctor they told me I was fine and I didn't believe them and then when I came home my mum was like Leah how do you not see that the problem is with you if even a doctor a medical professional is telling you that you're okay and there's nothing wrong with you nothing to worry about and you you think they're lying to you she was like there's a problem here there's a pattern do you know what I mean and obviously like I was saying about her job and stuff, she pulled off a folder from the shelf in our dining room, and it was like a mental health folder, basically, smashes it on the table, not angrily, just because
Starting point is 00:15:18 it was a big old folder that weighed a lot, smashes it down, just puts it on the table, she's like, flips a few pages, comes to a page about anxiety, she's like, read that, I was like, what, and I read it, and I was like, that's me, oh my god, that's me, and at first, I was so scared, I was like, no, no, no, no, I don't want mental health problems, like, I don't, I don't want that to be me, like, I don't want to be that page, I want to be, I want to be all right, like, I just just want to be healthy and then the words that I've heard from like people like Zoella and stuff they started playing over in my head sorry this is so long I hope it's not really boring I remember hearing Zoella say things like I've lived with
Starting point is 00:15:54 anxiety for 10 years and because because I absolutely love Zoella by the way love her with my heart because I was like rock bottom like completely disassociated from people around me like lost absolute control of my mind pretty much I I processed that as I'm going to feel like this for my whole life um and I heard when people said I've lived with this for 10 years I heard I'm going to feel like this every day for 10 years and that's that's what they're telling me and it wasn't until like probably like a year later that I I understood that that actually mem it's always going to be there you're always going to have irrational thoughts and intrusive thoughts and like everything I explained to you before around health and stuff and it manifests in other in other areas
Starting point is 00:16:41 of my life as well all the time like relationship separation like things like that um but mainly health um and now I understand that yeah it's always going to be there but I'm always going to be in control not always not always I've really been out of control this last week last two weeks if I'm being honest but that's what it's about it's not about getting rid of it it's not about the cure or or you know like just I don't have anxiety anymore like I'm always gonna be somebody that says yeah I have anxiety but I'm still gonna be but you know more than that I'm gonna be Leah and I'm gonna be in control and I'm gonna be not fighting the thoughts because it sounds very exhausting and very tiring and yeah
Starting point is 00:17:24 of course sometimes it is but it's not gonna be be it's not going to be part of my every day do you know what I'm saying and that's what I get now and I had therapy and stuff well it was counseling not therapy I mean there's different types of therapy but yeah it was one-to-one counseling um I've also got my mum who's like my constant counselor pretty much um and my best friend who has anxiety around health and also um what's it called emetophobia we are like each other's rock as well because you know we both really understand each other so now I'm at a point where I'm trying to get through it but yeah I understand your question was more um how am I so comfortable with it and I'm comfortable with it because obviously my mum's made it a really um just a topic in my household in my life forever it's never been something that
Starting point is 00:18:14 I've never heard of or don't don't recognize or can't relate to I've always known what it was I've heard the words anxiety depression psychosis like I've heard these words all my life but the reason I was so desperate to talk about it and I was so comfortable talking about it was because I was so desperate to feel different and so desperate to for help I was like I was literally at a point where I was like someone help me like I'm drowning like I just wanted someone to lift my head out of the water so I could be like I can breathe like that's what it literally felt like sorry this is so dark I will move on to a more light-hearted topic I'm really really really sorry I hope this doesn't bring a downer on anyone's day but you know like you all know I want to talk about everything and this is something
Starting point is 00:18:57 that I really really feel passionate about and feel so connected to because it took over my life for a long time um and I'm constantly in a battle with it no that's that's a word that I don't like using like constantly and because I'm not constantly and it's not a battle do I mean I'm not like and I hate the word like I'm I'm I suffer with anxiety I suffer no I've got anxiety yeah I've got anxiety do I mean but I'm right don't mean I'm Leah at the end of the day I used to suffer but I don't suffer now like I've got it I battle it sometimes but most of the time I'm all right do you know what I mean fuck it fuck the anxiety that's what I say it's a lying little trot so yeah I hope that answers your question and I hope it brought some comfort to
Starting point is 00:19:42 anyone and if you are in the position where I was once in where you're like drowning and it's surrounding your whole life and you feel like it's all you can think about and you've forgotten what it feels like to think like a normal person and it's completely taken over your thoughts and your mind if you're there now please please please please trust me and believe me when I say you will not be there for forever for long I was really um at a point where I was like I I never even imagined I never even tried to to imagine that I wouldn't feel like that anymore you can't like you literally can't you're just so consumed by it but I remember it was actually Holly from from Geordie Shore she
Starting point is 00:20:23 put a post up saying that she's really suffer with anxiety every single day like panic attacks and stuff and she was like I can't remember the last time I had a panic attack and I will never forget reading that post I will never forget it I cried my eyes out and it just gave me hope for the first time ever so I I just hope that maybe one person can hear this and I'm telling you now I am telling you now you will be all right one day again in the future one day soon and you'll actually look back and be so grateful for everything that you you're going through now because I'm so grateful for it when I look back I'm grateful don't get me wrong I would like to have not had those problems but I'm so grateful because it makes me really appreciate me now do you know what I'm saying so I will move on from that topic but just wanted to give someone
Starting point is 00:21:13 that little hope thank you so much for your voice note and yeah sending you so much love and strength and you are absolutely amazing and you can do this I love you next voice no okay my question for the podcast she's from northern ireland do sometimes we like to have a good good discussion about about what would your your like i'm not like your death row meal but say like your last meal on earth so you get to have your story and dessert and a drink what would you want to have um also love the podcast i love listening to it every week and i'm also cringing at myself because i'm gonna have to listen to this back before i send it oh i love that i fucking love your accent love that so much thanks so much for your voice note i've actually covered this before in an
Starting point is 00:22:01 episode i can't remember which one it was, but, oh, I think it was a bonus episode, actually, answering your questions. And somebody said death row meal. Yeah, it was. Somebody said death row meal. And I said, I'm not gonna lie to you, hun. If I'm on death row, I'm not hungry. Like, I'm just not at the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I fully, I struggle to think of dinner on a normal day. Do you know what I mean? Let alone when I'm on the brink of death. Like, I don't know. I don't know how hungry I'm gonna be at I mean let alone when I'm on the brink of death like I don't know I don't know how hungry I'm gonna be at that oh god I'm freaking out I can't think about that but yeah it's such an like a stupid way of answering your question I know I know it's not a legit question and I know you it's just like a bit of light-hearted fun but maybe I'm just too literal and negative about the idea of death I'm just like I don't
Starting point is 00:22:45 know what I would fucking eat what do you mean what would I eat oh I don't know honestly basically let me answer my favorite three course meal instead let me put it in a way that my brain processes as light-hearted because you know I just said I have a fear of death so I literally can't think about it straight okay starter probably some garlic mushrooms yeah garlic bread and mushrooms with a little aioli dip can't go wrong can you main course favorite main course is I like like a chicken and mushroom sauce I'm a bit mushroomed out but I do like a chicken and mushroom sauce like white wine mushroom sauce or like doesn't say steak but it's actually steak's actually quite boring anyone else think steak's a bit boring that's a bit like neat like it's a bit like a bit dead but dull
Starting point is 00:23:36 quite literally oh god um so yeah let's just go with that. And, oh, actually I changed my mind. It's mushroom again, but mushroom and ricotta, uh, goats. What? Fucking hell yeah. Mushroom and ricotta. Um, what the fuck is it called? What the actual fuck? Risotto. Yeah. Risotto. That would be my meal. Dessert. I actually just made a banoffee pie i haven't had one i don't know if i've ever had enough pie i've had like banoffee flavors but i just know i'm gonna love this i'm so excited to try i can't wait i know it's gonna be good i just know it um so but my answer isn't banoffee pie my answer favorite dessert and i do like a cheesecake can't go wrong with a cheesecake, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:31 or profiteroles, or profiteroles, or anything with like hazelnut, hazelnut chocolate, do you know what, I hate orange chocolate, what the fuck, I hate like flavored chocolate, like mint chocolate, orange chocolate, disgusting, nah, do you know what's worse, fruit and nut, get the fuck away from me, I hate raisins, hate raisins, and everything apart from hot cross buns, I don't mind them in that, they're a bit like wormy and sluggy, aren't they, they're a bit like hot and slimy, especially once you've toasted it, but you know the only thing I'll sort of eat it in, I do love a hot cross bun with butter, you know, but yeah, that's my answer to your question i also love your accent so much okay next voice note oh we've got two i need your help because i've been panicking i'm losing my job no really i just keep overthinking it so yeah i just need your help
Starting point is 00:25:18 also love you love the podcast you're an absolute cracking lass and oh my cracking lass love you let's talk about me um basically um your girl's single for like three years and then recently she's got a boyfriend and he's great like he's so lovely he's so lush he's so like yeah he's amazing amazing basically i'm a bit worried that he likes me more than i like him and i don't know whether that should be a problem okay i don't know i think i might be overthinking it but um yeah he's already told me he loves me and i was like okay like i'm falling in love with him 100% but i don't feel like i'm there yet and i'm a bit scared that i won't like I'm there yet and I'm a bit scared that I won't that I'm wasting his time do you know what I mean oh never oh there's another voice note hold on girls yeah like I just don't feel as like deep
Starting point is 00:26:13 in it as I have like I've had two previous boyfriends and I don't feel as like okay in it with him yet but I don't know if that's just because I'm protecting myself or I don't know and I'm just I'm I'm I'm overthinking it I'm overthinking it but if you could shed any light in it that would be amazing um okay love you bye bye oh my god I love that right right right I actually I think this is quite a pleasant situation to be in I'm not gonna lie to you hun now my theory actually is most relationships not not all okay I'm not actually gonna say that what I'm gonna say is sometimes it is a good thing when the guy is more into the girl and I'm telling you that because I think men are so laid back a lot of the time I'm
Starting point is 00:27:03 generalizing obviously a lot of the time men are really laid back and lot of the time. I'm generalizing, obviously. A lot of the time, men are really laid back and women, we tend to be a bit more emotional. I hate to trigger anyone, but you know, like I said, I'm generalizing. This isn't the case for everyone, but you know, we're a bit more, we get periods, a bit more hormonal, a bit more emotional. We show our emotions more, we need more emotion, um, so when it's the other way around, and the girl, the girl likes the guy more than the guy likes her, that can cause insecurity, and, and, you know, like, arguments, and deep, deep chats, and, and, you know, friction, whereas when it's the other way around I think guys probably
Starting point is 00:27:47 just don't really mind they're like well they don't even notice they're just like yeah I'm fucking in love with her she's amazing and we're just like you're just like okay so I don't think it's a terrible thing I think guys can definitely handle that a lot easier than we think that I don't think they take it as personally again I'm generalizing I don't want to piss anyone off um and yeah I just wouldn't overthink it hun like I would just be I would just enjoy it do you know what I mean worst case scenario is you get a few months deeper into it than you are now and you still feel the same or you feel less than him and then then we worry about it then do you know what I mean then you go this really isn't developing the way that I I would like it to be and then you decide what
Starting point is 00:28:30 you're going to do from that I wouldn't worry about it at the moment um yeah I I think just keep enjoying it and you know I'm really proud of you for not saying I love you when you don't feel it because I've definitely done that before this guy told me he loved me and I was just like yeah I yeah I love you as well in my head I was like oh god oh geez what have I done but I couldn't do it I just didn't have the heart I mean it's probably worse to lie to someone when and say you love them when you don't but I just I couldn't do it in that moment I didn't have it in me to just be like okay okay so you know well done you for being true to yourself I wish I was as big of a person as you because I just fucking lied um but yeah I wouldn't worry I think balls in your court hun enjoy it I'd much rather it be that way around if I were you.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Love you. Next dilemma. I mean, voice note, could be a dilemma. Let's see what she's got to say. Hi, so love the podcast. Oh my God, thank you. I just have a bit of a situation. Okay, go on. Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:29:41 My ex of a year and a half. Yeah. He's got a new girlfriend and the new girlfriend has liked and unliked one of my posts on tiktok okay and he messaged me like the other week asking why i blocked him on anything okay why is he so obsessed this is what i would like to know yeah i mean i'd like to know when you broke up you said you were together a year and a half but you didn't mention when you split so that obviously would play a huge part because if you broke up like a year ago and this behavior is happening I would
Starting point is 00:30:16 be like what the actual fuck is he playing at but if you broke up like pretty recently I get it um you know sometimes people just rush into new relationships, maybe you're still on his mind, but the ex-like in your TikTok thing gives me the idea that you might be a topic of conversation, I'm not entirely sure, but if I were you, I just wouldn't be concerned, like I would just be like, whatever babe, like you focus on each other, I'm out here, like, whatever, babe, like, you focus on each other, I'm out here, like, leave me, leave me alone, leave me be, I would just, I wouldn't even think about it, I'd be like, whatever, guys, like, you guys just focus on your relationship, okay, our relationship's over, um, yeah, I mean, it's a bit flattering, maybe, if he is still still thinking about you and it's been a long time
Starting point is 00:31:05 um but yeah you've blocked him on everything so interesting how did he contact you did he send you a bank transfer 1p leaving a reference saying why am I blocked that would be fucking funny wouldn't it or an email to your work email imagine that oh I'd love to know some of your most like crazy breakup stories like what's the craziest thing a guy has done for you when you've broken up I would love to know that oh my god that'd be so funny please send me some stories in if you've got any so thank you guys so much for your patience with me recently I honestly cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate it. I've just, like I told you, I've been starting a new job.
Starting point is 00:31:48 So I've been rushed off my feet. I haven't uploaded barely any TikToks, which is, I just hate that. Because I feel like that's where we really communicate with each other over on TikTok. But this is my main priority in terms of like how I communicate with you girls. The podcast is the number one. Because this is, I communicate with you girls the podcast is the number one because this is I want you to know no matter what is going on Tuesday you've got a safe space yeah and maybe on Friday it's like like this Friday but every Tuesday I want you to be able to rely on me and I never want to let you down there so I will make sure I never let you guys down on
Starting point is 00:32:21 Tuesdays um yeah honestly thank you so much I loved having little phone calls with you today it's so cool everybody had such a different accent which is so fun I love hearing your accents I love like knowing your names and how old you all are and I don't know I just love it so much I know I said I wanted to do that thing where I include a voice note every week but I keep fucking forgetting I don't know what's the matter with me I literally just cannot remember every every week I just go what every week and then my brain just shuts down but honestly thank you so much for all your love and all your messages and all your support just listening to it even if you've never sent me a message like you've never even commented or liked any of my posts you just are a silent listener of the podcast I love you so much you
Starting point is 00:33:06 mean more to me than you think oh what an amazing chat we've had this week hasn't it been nice what you guys doing this weekend you're going to be safe remember don't text your ex text me instead um I'm working which is great but I have I have I'm not closing on Saturday which is brilliant it means I should be home by about half past 10 which is such a treat um some of the shifts I've been doing are like 11 a.m until 1 30 a.m in the morning which is fucking lovely I just love doing that so much there's nowhere else I'd rather be I am really enjoying my new job though I am really really enjoying it it was a difficult start but I am really enjoying it new job though. I am really, really enjoying it. It was a difficult start, but I am really enjoying it. Anyway, love you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Thank you for everything. I can't wait to talk to you on Tuesday. Oh my God, I've got... Okay, not next Tuesday coming, but the Tuesday after is guest week. We are recording on Tuesday, which is when the next episode will come out, but it will be out the following week, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:34:04 So, so, so excited. I don't know whether to announce it or not. Like, should I say who it is episode will come out but it will it will be out the following week if that makes sense um so so so excited I don't know whether to announce it or not like should I say who it is and then maybe put like um a question box on Instagram for anything that you want me to include with with her let me know how you think I should do it should I do just like a big reveal on the pod or should I let you know in advance so you can give me some ideas i probably should let you know in advance hey all right thank you guys for everything i love you so much and i will see you on tuesday for a new episode have a great weekend love you

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