Leah on the Line - Bonus 42: The CHEATING STORIES episode

Episode Date: May 11, 2023

Hey babes! In this episode I am reading out all of the stories you guys have sent me of you finding out you were being cheated on! I am high key relieved that you guys seem to laugh about your traumat...ic experiences similarly to me lol. Thank you so so so much for sharing these stories with me, I'm so glad you've moved on to bigger and better things since! You all deserve the world remember. ;) Thank you so so much for all of the love and support on the podcast, it genuinely means the world. I am so so grateful for every single one of you! As always send your in confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of near on the line happy friday it is not so happy of a friday because we are talking about cheating okay the god forbid any of us will ever get cheated on ever again I mean obviously I'm about to read the story so they we know it's happened but never again okay just god forbid let's just let's just hope and pray right anyway how was your week? What have you guys been up to? I hope you've all enjoyed your week so far. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:51 It's been a short week. So obviously we had Bank Holmand. Bank Holmand. What the hell? I feel sick. It just came out of my mouth. Anyway, we had Bank Holmand. So we had a short week this week um i hope you guys had a
Starting point is 00:01:06 really good week i hope you enjoyed the episode with jess lots of good feedback loads of you really enjoyed that episode from the sounds of things which has made me very very happy and yeah not much to report on my end to be honest um same old feeling a lot more positive at the moment feeling very connected to you guys like we've been chatting a lot in dms recently and on tiktok live and stuff so feeling very connected to the listeners feeling like besties strong like our friendship is just getting stronger and stronger by the day do you know what i mean anyway love you all hope you've had an amazing week it's the weekend let's feel good good fucking vibes if you work monday to friday and you're getting ready for work this morning, let's fucking smash it out. Last day
Starting point is 00:01:47 of the week, babes. Last day of the fucking week. Let's do this. Let's get straight into the episode. Thank you so much for listening to Leah on the Line. Remember to leave a rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and hit the notification bell. You can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leahontheline at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leahontheline and at leahnavain to see visual clips of the podcast. I love you. Enjoy the episode. Okay, so this is gonna be pretty intense and we may all walk away from this episode feeling very anxious. You know, we may all walk away feeling like we're being cheated on or we may have been cheated on I do wonder if I've been cheated on I mean all signs kind of point to yes like I'm I don't know if if like anybody I've been with has had oh my god hello has ever had sex with somebody else but I think
Starting point is 00:02:38 we've definitely had some cheating a lot of disrespect I'm sure of it but again we'll never know and it's okay I don't need to know at this point it's kind of irrelevant because it didn't work out either way but yeah do you guys ever wonder like I wonder if I've ever been cheated on and like we just don't know about it do you know what I mean like I wonder if I'm if any of our exes or even guys we were seeing were like cheating bullshit and little liars I guess we'll never know. I mean, we could, but what does it matter at this point? You know, that's an interesting question. Would you like to know, let's say some of our exes had been little cheaters and you've, you obviously
Starting point is 00:03:17 exes, so it's not worked out. Would you like to know? Cause I'm all right not knowing if you gave me the choice um I think yeah if somebody came to me and said like do you want me to tell you I'd be like hit me with it don't even fuck it I mean I have no emotions towards it so I'd probably it would probably validate my brain of being like I fucking knew I wasn't going crazy to think that they didn't love me do you know what I mean like I feel like we'd probably be like I don't know I feel like especially with guys that you were like seeing and didn't end up with and then you find out that there was like other girls at the same time like you'd have that feeling of like I fucking knew you weren't into me I just knew it Eliah do you know what I mean so yeah would you like to know if we're talking x relationship um i think personally i'd rather
Starting point is 00:04:08 not know but if you came to me and said i've got some information about xyz do you want me to relay it i'd say sure hit me but i don't know because it's a tough one because you kind of want to be like no no no I don't know it's fucking irrelevant I mean we're not together anymore they're not part of my life anymore I don't need to know what I don't know can't hurt me ignorance is bliss but then the other part of you would be like well yeah tell me fucking tell me now do you mean you're like oh it's a tough one that's a weekly debate maybe anyway we are going to read out some of your stories where you have caught your boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you now i just want to
Starting point is 00:04:52 start off this episode by saying none of you deserve that okay you all deserve better but you already know that because you're confident incredible strong beautiful men and women that listen to this. So, you know, I don't need to tell you, do I? I don't need to tell you that, babe. But yeah, just a little reminder, because some of these, my reaction may not seem sympathetic, because I may be in shock. But my first emotion towards all of these stories is just sympathy okay and I'm just glad we're talking past tense and it's not something you're going through right now unless there is a story I get to where it's like this morning I found this do you know what I mean but we'll see we'll cross that bridge when we get to it babe so I'm gonna kick off with this story it says hey gorgeous girl
Starting point is 00:05:40 I hope you're okay bestie hi baby I'm good'm good. Love you so much. Here is my cheating story. I was not the cheater. So I was with my ex for two years from 18 to 20. There were so many red flags but I was young and thought he was the best thing in the entire world at the time. Classic. We all do it babe. Don't worry. So let's call my ex Sam and the girl he cheated with Chloe. Don't worry. So let's call my ex Sam and the girl he cheated with, Chloe. All right. Sam went away on a works course for a week in Leeds.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Before he went, we had a huge argument. Oh, because he was an arsehole. For the first two days that he was away, he was so apologetic. He was texting me all day, sent flowers to my house, FaceTime both nights. Okay. So a bit of guilt coming from Sam here. Obviously, I know this is some kind of cheating story, so I'm jumping to conclusions here. But interesting, interesting behavior from Sam. Anyway, day three came and he was a ghost. I think I got maybe one or two texts. He answered none of my calls and I just
Starting point is 00:06:48 knew something was wrong. When I spoke to him on day two, he mentioned other people on his course and one girl called Chloe, who he said was stuck up and boring. I always find that like when it's somebody that they do definitely fucking fancy and you definitely do need to worry about they slag them off and they pure fucking bitch about them and they'll be like yeah no she's she is really ugly I'm like I'm literally looking at her she's fucking stunning like you're not convincing me that you're not attracted to her don't you mean at least tell me she you don't like her accent or something do you mean something that's something i can believe all right anyway i didn't think anything of it but as soon as he stopped messaging me
Starting point is 00:07:31 i just knew i was going crazy at this point thinking what the hell is going on oh god so he's totally ghosted and for some reason your gut has just known it's the girl it's that fucking girl the stuck-up boring girl it's just her anyway fast forward to friday the day he was supposed to be coming home and i heard nothing what he told me on the tuesday that he'd booked a restaurant for friday night to take me out for dinner and apologize oh dear i worked all day and was expecting him to be at mine for six ready for dinner at seven i got ready seven came and still nothing oh bless you you've got fucking ready and he's a ghost what a dick at this point i knew something was wrong and i was starting to worry he'd been in a car crash or something i called
Starting point is 00:08:17 his mum and she said she'd heard nothing either anyway i remember a few weeks before he'd lost his phone and used my phone on fine wait and used find my iphone on my phone to find it oh shit we have got live location of sam on the phone okay i checked my phone and it was still logged into his jackpot jackpot okay jackpot i checked my phone it still logged into his he was still in the same city he'd been on in the course and his phone was on 90 battery i was fuming so he's just fucking ignoring you what the fuck i heard nothing from him until 11 p.m. when he said he got stuck at work. I would be driving myself quite literally insane. I genuinely don't know what kind of person I would turn into with that level of desperation for an answer. I would literally get on a train and make my way over to that moving little dot on the map. And I would turn up and I say what the fuck are
Starting point is 00:09:25 you doing yeah okay I'm all right guys anyway he said he got stuck at work and would come to my house the following day oh invite yourself the next day came and I heard nothing again this is a really long story so I'll cut I'll cut the important bit. That day I checked find my iPhone again and he was in a different city. When I googled the address that he was at, it was a hotel and I just knew I text him and called him and absolutely nothing. The day after that I checked again and he was in a shopping center in the same city. Oh, have a bit of fucking respect, please yeah i'm watching you i'm watching you sam when i checked later on and i knew he was on his way home i told him to call me this find my iphone was the savior to this situation you hit the jackpot there he eventually called and made up a story that my friend had seen him. Okay, sorry. He eventually called and I made up a story that my friend had seen him in the shopping center with another girl. And that I knew he was cheating on me. At this point, I had no actual proof he was with a girl, but I knew in my gut that he was.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So you have bluffed. You have bluffed there. I saw you. My friend saw you in the fucking shopping center with a girl. You had no idea who he was with. He could have been alone. He could have been with a grandparent, but you knew. And you said, I know. My friend fucking saw you, Sam. My friend saw you. Who is this girl? Right. He panicked and told me she was a friend he met on the course. And proceeded to tell me that he was breaking up with me.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Because I was a psycho. The audacity. Yeah, the audacity. Oh, it's got guilty written all over, hasn't it? I saw you, Sam. I saw you in the fucking shopping centre with a girl. Who the fuck is it? It's a friend.
Starting point is 00:11:23 But you're fucking crazy all right i don't want to be with you anymore wow what a little twat i spoke to him a few months later and he admitted everything it turns out that girl's also engaged wow i was absolutely heartbroken and traumatized by this i spent so long thinking it was my fault. So sorry for the super long story. Five years later and I'm finally healed. Oh, love you. I'm sorry. Find my iPhone. If you guys don't already have your boyfriend or girlfriend and find my iPhone, you better get it right now. You better get it right now. Okay. Oh, what a story. I mean, you seem to have acted very strong in this. story. I mean, you seem to have acted very strong in this. Like if I hadn't heard from somebody in that amount of time, I have lost all sense of how to be a normal person. Something has taken over my body and I am no longer responsible for how I might act at that point in time. So props to you. Proud of you. Well done for walking
Starting point is 00:12:27 away. I mean, to be fair, he kind of ended it with you, but like, ew, that was just such a dick move. Blessing in disguise that you had this find my iPhone because that was the universe showing you who he was and that is not a good enough guy for you love you five years later you're finally happy so proud of you love you okay next story all right let's read it so I actually know this story this is I don't know if she's gonna want me to say who it is it's Jess I'll have to double check that she's okay with me um exposing her identity but you guys remember we were laughing about how she got cheated on in the last episode it's not funny like it really isn't funny but we both laugh at our trauma we're just like that so please don't think i'm actually taking the piss out of my friend again
Starting point is 00:13:15 it's really traumatic and actually really heartbreaking story but she's a strong girl okay she handled it very well at the time and i'm about to tell you the story well you guys might not think she handled it well but at the time and I'm about to tell you the story well you guys might not think she handled it well but in my personal opinion I do okay so I was with my boyfriend for like two years very toxic relationship but anyway we were at uni and his best friend slash roommate was in a relationship with my best friend slash roommate so we've got like a little four, a little four gang situation going on here. You're dating him. You're dating him. Perfect. Love it. We all plan to go out one night. The boys pre-drank at theirs and we pre-drank at ours and we were meeting at the club. Us girls started making our way to the club when we were pretty much already there. Oh, sorry. Us girls started
Starting point is 00:14:02 making our way to the club. when we were pretty much already there one of the lads told us the boys had stitched us up and gone somewhere else without telling us okay where are you going home so we decided to surprise them by walking to the club that they were at i just knew how this was going to. I walked into the club and started making my way around trying to find my boyfriend. I went to the edge of the dance floor and a girl was making her way off of the dance floor to the bar. So I stepped to the side to let her past and she had her arms stretched out behind her pulling someone and lo and behold it was my boyfriend holding hands making their way to the bar together and I just stepped to the side to let them through I've never seen such as such a guilty
Starting point is 00:14:54 face before and I just saw red I was screaming and obviously pretty hammered safe to say the relationship ended pretty swiftly after that so yeah um that is the cheating story from jess um she was literally in a club saw a girl coming through oh sorry babe sorry am i in your way sorry babe oh that's you fucking get here now what the fuck she's caught him red-handed red-handed that is the best way to catch someone like deny that to me deny it look me in the eyes deny that to me do you know what i mean oh i mean heartbreaking like love her so much that was obviously heartbreaking at the time but it was so long ago now and she's with a really great guy who would never cheat on her in a million years. You guys all know Ben.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So it ends in a positive note, right? Okay, next story. Just wanted to share that one with you. Okay, this is a long one. So strap in. So at the beginning of 2021, I found out that my boyfriend of almost eight years had been cheating on me. We'd been at a party the night before and he had videos of me dancing and singing. So we were sitting a bit hungover watching these videos, having a laugh. Oh my God, I can't do that the next day. The anxiety, I don't need to see, I need at least
Starting point is 00:16:15 five working days before I can face whatever I did that weekend. But love that for you. He then scrolled back too far and landed on a screenshot of some messages between him and a girl on instagram before i could see what they said he locked his phone and literally sat on top of it no i'm sorry that's actually giving me the ick like imagine he panics and then he sits on his phone no that would actually give me the ick i wouldn't even want to see at that point imagine he locks it imagine like actually picture the panic he's he's just seen he's accidentally shown some sort of screenshot to you locks it puts it under his bum and sits on it sits up straight no get off get off the fucking phone now. Oh, actually, that's a new ick. Unlocked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I obviously asked what, God, that was such a deep breath. Sorry. I obviously asked what the fuck was going on and he said nothing. I was being paranoid and he wouldn't talk about it. Oh, course I'm being fucking paranoid. I knew in my gut something wasn't right and I had to get his phone to see these messages. I waited until he was off guard, grabbed the phone and ran to the bathroom. Genius. Genius. I went through his camera roll looking for the screenshots and Insta but he deleted everything. They're so quick aren't they? They're so quick when they need to be. I then thought if he's taking a screenshot he's sent it to someone you are one smart girl the fbi that comes out in us as girls probably guys too when they feel like there is something
Starting point is 00:17:54 going on that something just comes over us hey okay i checked his messages with his best friend and found about 10 screenshots of messages between him and this girl. I forwarded these to myself, deleted the evidence that I'd done this, come back out the bathroom and said I hadn't found anything because I didn't want him to get to this girl first and ask her to lie for him. Everyone take notes from this girl, OK, because she is two steps ahead at all times. And I love that. is two steps ahead at all times and I love that I left here's about half an hour later and decided to message the girl as it wasn't clear from the messages if anything physical would happen between them or if this was just chatting or how long it had been going on okay so you needed further clarification on this I love this gathering the evidence she then sent me proof that they had spent a night at a hotel together.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh, wow. What was the proof? Dick pic. And I'd been talking for about six weeks prior. Oh, dickhead. I confronted him and he said she was lying. Oh, cool she was. For what?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Like, for what? Please, for what? It also wasn't him in the pictures and she'd had had sorry it also wasn't him in the pictures she had of him from the night they'd spent together oh that's so crazy isn't it you've got the exact same fucking tattoo that is fucking crazy well thank god we had this chat feel so much better better. Twat. I obviously was so upset, but I also just couldn't believe the audacity. Over the next few days, I found out that he was basically a serial cheater,
Starting point is 00:19:31 had Tinder, was messaging multiple girls at the same time, which made it so easy for me to dump him and realize how much he didn't deserve me. Yes, yes, babe. I also got my own back by shagging one of his friends. Stunning. I used the word friend loosely. It was a guy from his group that he was always jealous of. Oh my God, the best person, the best person you could have done that with for three months after the split, which he later found out about was absolutely fuming. I bet he was. I bet he fucking was what a shame what a shame yeah okay next story i mean sorry love you so much
Starting point is 00:20:10 proud of you handled that like an absolute genius 10 steps ahead of the game we all need to take some notes love you so happy that you're out of that so happy you walked away you are amazing and you're right you do deserve better love you so much okay next dilemma i mean next ching story okay this one says i've got a good one for you i was with this guy let's call him cunt i love it when i read this i love that i was with this guy let's call him cunts okay let's call him jo, she says. Together for five years, house, dog, engaged, wedding booked. Oh shit. Okay, he was the nicest guy. Never had to worry, quite chill, didn't really go out much, but just thought he was a homeboy and in his shell. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Bear in mind now, i've been with him five years i thought i knew
Starting point is 00:21:07 him in inside out i went away for a girl's night um sorry girl's weekend to essex came home all fine normal it was monday morning he was getting ready for work babe what's the time i click on his phone there's a notification on insta a message from a woman saying your girlfriend looks really sweet you shouldn't have been with me the weekend yeah you fucking shouldn't have i am really sweet oh okay i was like what the fuck confronted him he went on his phone deleted the message and said, what are you on about? There's no message. Don't gaslight me into thinking I've just seen something. I just made it up. Are you trying to erase my memory? Are you a hypnotherapist? What is going
Starting point is 00:21:59 on here? Like, are you trying to hypnotize me? What do you mean? There was no message. I just fucking saw it, just saw it in my own two eyes. I just saw it. Like, okay, I had her name, messaged her, blocked. She didn't reply, just simply blocked. I was so nice saying she wasn't to know about me, it's all him, but no, blocked. That is kind of shit because you want the answers but i totally understand she's probably like oh get me out of this shit oh like no thank you do not want to deal with that yeah let's not take that too personally but still would have been nice girl to girl give me them answers do you know what i mean help me out turns out he went out that weekend which i didn't know about i'd hate that i'd hate that on his own
Starting point is 00:22:47 imagine like you're just hanging out with your boyfriend is that ah so good at rock on saturday night and you're like what i didn't know you went out saturday night oh yeah yeah i did oh who'd you go out with oh even that on on its own no my fucking brain would be losing its head that doesn't make sense but whatever but this just led to finding out who he truly was after weeks of his sorries blah blah i forgave him and then she says in brackets what a joke i was no it's okay do you know what no one ever feel guilty for forgiving somebody because you want to and you know what you're a good person it doesn't make you weak it actually makes you full of love and I love you okay um but around a year later it was the worst year I was I cried I was so unhappy I didn't trust
Starting point is 00:23:39 him it was awful but a year later a girl kept popping up on his facebook and instagram etc i questioned him oh just a girl i work with then one day i got a random message from a separate girl he worked with asking if we were still together i said yes and she told me that they had been messaging for months he said we weren't together he would say i can't wait to meet your son i think i'm in love with you she said she would disappear on week he would disappear on weekends and messages wouldn't deliver I checked his blocked contact list her number was on there along with many other numbers I'm talking 30 plus mobile numbers we stuck together me and the girl literally found out there were several girls he would go and meet
Starting point is 00:24:21 them after work when I was on nights all sorts of shit i grieved the relationship in that year and that was needed for me to kick him out of my life i didn't cry i didn't do anything i packed his shit up one day when he left for work dropped it at his mother's love that that's a bit of a power move bit of slay from you i dropped it at his mother's text him saying goodbye your shit's at your mum's and blocked him that was the last of him that was seven years ago now I'm happily engaged the love of my life getting married next Christmas with the same dog I've had for 10 years love him so much and we're currently going through IVF and hope we get our miracle soon I found out that girl who kept popping up from work on his facebook they're
Starting point is 00:25:05 actually still together and apparently he's still up to his old tricks i must add he would make new facebooks on a monthly basis then delete then rejoin the biggest narcissist i've ever met and i was blinded for five years i was young and naive wow what an outcome hey you came out on top that's for fucking sure that story was a bit intense because i think i started reading it like i was like i was had a gun to my head i don't know what happened to me there it was almost like i had 10 seconds to get to the end but it just felt intense do you know what i mean but yeah wow never trust the nice guys never trust the nice guys yeah we always we all saw what farmer will did and catherine moore never trust the nice guys all right next one okay this one's a lot shorter than some of the others so i'm just gonna fire it out quick girl i was engaged
Starting point is 00:26:02 to my man for two years together for three and half, and I was due to get married next week. Next week. I was sitting at home with him when this random girl messages me. Screenshots of messages and pictures of them both together, saying he basically has a double life and she has no idea about me. Which is crazy because I was all over social media they have ways you know the little block hiding private you know we have a daughter together as well oh my god how can you do that to a whole family doesn't say how can you do that to a person and also yeah and another another fucking person anyway we have a daughter together as well so you
Starting point is 00:26:47 can imagine i was absolutely heartbroken fast forward to now we just sold our house and he is already engaged to another woman living with her and she is pregnant after four months of being together you can't write this shit sometimes men and pigs oh my god i'm so sorry this is very recent i love you so much um good fucking riddance okay good riddance the only good thing that come out that relationship is your beautiful child okay your beautiful daughter so um thanks for that and fuck you for everything else basically love you so much okay this one we have a guy telling us about his cheating ex-girlfriend. So let's hear about it. I was with this girl for about two years in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Although we did keep arguing, breaking up and getting mad together and so on. She broke up with me over text one morning. Gorgeous. Thank you. Appreciate the fucking respect there, babe. And she stopped replying to my messages ouch oh she just threw you to the side hey i drove over to hers to try and make up oh love you knocked on her front door and her ex before me opened the window and told me to go away no could you guys imagine you went round why has my voice
Starting point is 00:28:09 gone so deep imagine you went around your fucking ex no your boyfriend's house and his ex-girlfriend opens the window and tells you to fuck off i'm mad are you actually mad i don't think there is a level of heartbreak like that like that would crush a person I'm so sorry you had to go through that I was raging was she seeing him the whole time I will never know but that was the sign I needed to delete and block on everything and I've never been happier since walking away well good for you babe I'm glad you found happiness since walking away but wow that must have really hurt like ouch you know I'm so sorry you had to go through that but oh love you honey all right um let's do this one
Starting point is 00:28:55 hello beautiful oh hello gorgeous stunner sorry it's a long one and please keep this anonymous of course always my ex from quite a few years ago we were together for about two years we were in a long distance relationship and there was a time i went to his and we had gone to a party i went on his phone just to look at a photo he had taken of me oh god and i found a photo of a girl naked. He denied everything and told me someone had sent it to him on WhatsApp, so it saved his phone. It's a classic. It is a classic.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Do you know how many times people use that one? Oh, it's WhatsApp. I've got all my save and WhatsApp. It's just fucking boys group chat, boys group chat. Fuck off. Yeah, it's hard because you can't argue it. Do you know what I mean? Because it does happen, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:29:44 it's like probably bullshit. But anyway, moving on. Silly me, I believed him. Skip a few months later, it's my birthday. And we're on a FaceTime call. And he decides to tell me that the photo I found was in fact one he had taken. And he had cheated. I'm sorry, it's my birthday. the fuck are you kidding me you're on face
Starting point is 00:30:09 I'm on your birthday and he's like now I've got you babe I feel like this is you know now that you're turning 24 I feel like this is probably the best time for me to break the news that I did actually cheat on you that picture of of a fanny you saw on my phone I took it what on earth like of all days of the year there's 364 other days you could have picked and that was the one I'd rather you didn't like what the hell anyway um sorry about all the sniffing I'm very bunged up at the mo right silly me again forgave him and took him back that's okay like i said earlier never feel guilty for forgiveness okay then about a few months later i was on my way to where he lives and i get a phone call from his best friend telling me that my boyfriend had cheated on me with his own cousin and even his family were aware this happened before me i confronted both him and his cousin
Starting point is 00:31:01 they both admitted to it and i've never seen them since i'm now in a very long-term relationship so i just find it a funny story to tell love you bye wow do you guys remember when i did the calling my listeners episode and somebody rang me and told me a very similar story and listen when i said send me stories of you guys being cheated on i think i've had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds like the more than any dilemma any confessions these this was the highest level of volume of of inboxes at one time and they were the cheating stories which is not a fucking good sign for us do you know what i mean if you guys have been cheated on send me a story it was like me me me me me i have i have i have i have i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa i did not expect this many of us to have a fucking story of being cheated on so if you guys remember we did the
Starting point is 00:31:57 story on my um call on my listeners and there was a girl who said that her her ex cheated with his cousin and when i went through my emails looking at your cheating stories a lot fucking people cheating with their cousins a lot a lot scary times okay let's do one more somebody says oh my i have many oh great so sad but anyway it says i think the best one. I think my favorite time that I was cheating on. When I'd been with my boy for like six months and we'd got together pretty soon after his previous breakup. Red flag, I know. Sometimes. Yeah, but not always. Don't panic anybody that's just got with somebody who's fresh out of a relationship.
Starting point is 00:32:44 But he was a singer. OK. his songs oh gorgeous talented and he would perform at gigs amazing how fun so I had been with him a while and he invited me to one of his gigs I went down to support him for him to sing a song a recent song that he wrote all about his previous relationship and how amazing it and she was what and you all just stood there anyway being a dumb bitch I overlooked it because I didn't want to bring it up turns out they've been messaging and meeting up the whole time behind my back silly 18 year old me was literally stood supporting him at his gig while he was literally singing to my face that he was still not over his ex oh no it's so good though it is so good like you're just there like
Starting point is 00:33:40 great song great song I love that line I love that line that's like, when I'm next to somebody else, I think of you. Like, I love the line where it says like, no one compares to you. I loved it when you said like, no girl I'm ever with is ever gonna be better than you. I look for you in every girl I meet. I love that lyric meet I love that
Starting point is 00:34:05 lyric I love that it's amazing but also shit it's fucking shit but thank you for sharing all your stories guys honestly what I did notice is a lot of you guys laugh at being cheated on as well so maybe you're very similar to me and Jess and you also laugh at your trauma because everyone that I read, they were full of laughing emojis. So, I mean, you can look back and laugh now. I think it is one of them things
Starting point is 00:34:36 because like when you're with somebody and they feed you bullshit, right? At the time, it's like, oh, you know, it was my friends and whatsapp and the picture got saved to my camera roll and you're like I can make that make sense in my head you know I can make that add up yeah I think that's what it is like at the time we are desperate for something to add up you're looking at them like just tell me something that will make sense that isn't you've cheated on me because I will go with that do you know what I mean so I get it I do get it listen
Starting point is 00:35:12 and it's so easy to look back and go what a fucking idiot but I get it you know love is love baby we just want to believe the best in people sometimes don't we because then we don't have to do anything about it like you know like the the thing where somebody has there's a rumor that your boyfriend or girlfriend got with somebody on saturday night you could just ask that somebody hey there's a rumor that you've got with my boyfriend or girlfriend is it true but you won't you won't ask because then you'll have to do something about it you'd rather go to your boyfriend and boyfriend or girlfriend and say is this true and then they say no of course it isn't babe you're the love of my life and then you're like okay okay perfect i was just double checking because do you know what i mean we won't do the research no i'm kidding we do we do the research
Starting point is 00:36:01 we do not stay with cheaters okay we are grown strong men and women girls gays and nays we are stronger more we are sexier than ever right now okay fuck everyone okay let's wrap up the episode okay everybody we have made it through i'm sorry if anybody's feeling on edge after this episode like you may be being cheated on but let's manifest none of us are isn't it actually kind of scary to think like there's a chance some of us are oh no no no no no no it's not happening it's not happening not to us not around here darling not around here anyway i love you guys so much i hope you enjoyed this episode i hope you gasped and went at least once because i certainly did and i kind of enjoy it like why do i enjoy hearing
Starting point is 00:36:58 these stories because they're fucking horrible do you know what i mean but i feel i feel like it's it's a universal thing i think it's the it's the shock factor of it like you're fucking kidding right do you know what i mean but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this episode thank you so much for listening thank you for sending in your story sharing your trauma with me laughing about it and i love you all so much hope you have an amazing weekend and i will speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you

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