Leah on the Line - Bonus 43: The BODY POSITIVITY episode

Episode Date: May 25, 2023

Hey everyone! In this episode I just wanted to sit down together and let out some of our feelings towards our bodies. I want to encourage us all (myself included) to practice more gratitude and love t...owards our incredible bodies and the amazing things it has done/continues to do for us. You're all beautiful. I love you! Thank you so so much for listening and supporting, I appreciate you all more than anything. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic? Not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over. Maple's Virtual Care has got your back. With 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. It's getting closer to midnight. received a package i was literally about to press record and then the postman knocked on my door why do they knock so aggressively by the way i sound like the fucking police every time my dog goes fucking crazy i'm like calm down it's just a parcel anyway went to get my parcel
Starting point is 00:01:40 mistress rocks yes i love mistress rocks right so i've opened my package i've ordered some bits for holiday and one of these dresses i put it on it's giving bride i was like oh oh yeah oh why did that sound like i was moaning isn't it like so gross when you hear someone moan like uncomfortably like they're not actually moaning it just sounds like it anyway i had to put it on i was like here comes the bride all dressed in white wait is that even the lyrics as far as it just says here comes the bride here comes the bride where did i get all dressed in white from anyway it's just like gorgeous white slash ivory it's like a little skater dress remember skater dresses i think they're like pretty cool again i don't know maybe it's just me but anyway i put it on i was like someone better fucking snatch me
Starting point is 00:02:29 up right now and i'm gonna wear it on holiday i'm gonna come out the fucking hotel room well he'll be in the same hotel room as well basically i'm going on holiday with jamie i'm gonna whack this number on and he's gonna put a ring on me no i'm serious i'm not joking i put it on i was like somebody better marry like somebody better marry me somebody better marry me now do you guys want to get married because i know loads of people just so even not bothered or they're like no don't want to get married don't believe in it or they're like yes i've thought about this day since i was two do you know what i mean i i feel like i've said this before i feel like i'm i definitely want to get married because i would love to you only
Starting point is 00:03:02 get one life do you know what i mean? Oh, don't trigger me. I'll start getting scared about death. But anyway, you only get one. So might as well have a bloody wedding and get married. Do you know what I mean? I would love to get married. But Jamie's listening to this on his way to work one day like, oh, fuck. No, he'll probably take a fucking left turn and go to the nearest ring shop, honey.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, baby. Anyway. What was I going to say then? I can't remember where i was going with that but anyway put on a gorgeous fucking dress and i'm feeling like a bride to be baby it's the kind of dress where like say i say i was engaged i'd be dressing like a bride like like it's giving bride sort of outfits like it's just it's giving bride but not like a bridal dress fuck me I'm not going to go out the house in a gown every day but while I'm in my like hen do engagement phase I'll be wearing these little numbers yeah you better believe you better believe anyway I hope you guys are all really really well this episode is hopefully just going to have a positive
Starting point is 00:04:01 impact so we're talking about body positivity so I do want to preface it by saying, if you are in a position where it might be a bit triggering for you, or you might come away from this episode of it just being a bit too heavy on your mind, please, I've got loads of other episodes that I highly recommend. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. But this one, I'm hoping it's just going to be, you're going to feel, you know, understood. We'll be able to relate to each other we'll come away feeling like yeah i'm a sexy sexy babe do you know what i mean so hopefully that is the only impact i'm gonna have on anybody but but like i said if you are in a position where you feel like this might not be the best episode for you to listen to right now just click off baby i will
Starting point is 00:04:39 not be offended you gotta protect yourself love you so much so yeah hope you're all doing really well miss you guys so much over the last four days don't really have much to update you on to be honest it's only been four days do you know what i mean oh let's get straight into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rate in on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at lea levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay everyone hope you're all feeling really really well whatever it is that you're up to right now i'm so happy to be in your company with you i'm so happy to have you in my company right now this is the body positivity episode now listen to me
Starting point is 00:05:21 darling i'm not sat here like yeah I've got all the tips and tricks how to be a body positive queen, 100%, 10 out of 10 confidence. I'm a 10, you're a 10. Like, listen, you know, I think you're all 10s. But that isn't what I'm trying to give off here. Like, I'm not trying to be like, you know, I know everything about body positivity. I've really been through the journey. I've come out the other side. Like, the other side like no no I'm still in it and I think we probably all will still be in it for most of our lives until you finally maybe one day get to the point of acceptance but it's not about that it's about you know feeling understood feeling like we all can relate to each other feeling heard feeling seen and feeling a bit more do you know what I love my itty bitty titties do you know i
Starting point is 00:06:05 mean or i love my hip dips whatever it is that you guys have sent in because i have put up an instagram story saying what is it about your body that you find the hardest to love what is it that you love the most what topics you want to talk about so whatever it is i just hope that you come away from this episode feeling like i'm a fucking sexy babe so yeah let's just get into it i put up an instagram story saying the body positivity why is that really hard to say body positivity try and say that try and say that 10 times body positivity body positivity body oh i'm actually slaying it right now how many of you are doing that right now body positivity body positivity body oh i fucked it anyway hope you all did really well
Starting point is 00:06:38 at that one so i put up a story saying what is it you'd like us to cover? Talk about any comments you have to make on it, whatever it is you've got to say, send it in. And basically, you're all very similar, which kind of makes us feel better, I think, because we're all kind of feeling the same things. So let me have a look what we've got. Being a skinny girl, but still being unhappy with your body for no in quotation marks real reason so yeah listen it's a difficult one because I've always been slim do you know what I mean like I've always been like a size six give or take do you know what I mean and I've never been to the point in my body where I'm like love it love it 10 it's a 10 flawless absolutely no flaws on my body love my love my little body right and the thing is I think it's because like
Starting point is 00:07:32 no matter what size you are no matter the shape of your body I think you can always find something like it's so annoying like we're so self-critical yeah we're so self-critical that it's like I think a lot of the time you might have in your mind when I get to this size or when I get to this point in my gym whatever the word is um journey like when I get a big dump truck big battery yeah I'm gonna love myself and then you might get there and you you don't you okay you might feel a lot better listen you might be like yeah I finally got that big body love my big body is that the best part of my body but that i don't think it's that common to ever get to a point where you're like i did it i'm perfect do you know what i mean so i think we put so much weight pardon the pun on like getting
Starting point is 00:08:20 to a certain point with our body physically and then we think that mentally it will just all change and the thing is it's like when I've gained weight and stuff I'll be like right right I want to get back to I want to get back to when I was nice and slim I want to get back to when I was nice and slim and it's like even when I was that size I wasn't happy anyway do you know what I mean and the thing is because I'll go up and down but never by much right like I might get a bit bloated and a bit chubby around the face or I've had a bit too much fast food you know what I mean but I'll look back at pictures where I'm posing the lighting's nice I've got a good tan I think wow I look amazing there I look amazing I don't look like that now and the thing is I can remember
Starting point is 00:09:01 the day before that picture I felt shit i can remember it but the thing is i'm posing i wouldn't have taken that picture if it wasn't on a good day i can look at that picture and go oh my god i look amazing but i also remember i didn't even feel good the day before that i just took a photo that day because i woke up and maybe i didn't have a massive dinner so my stomach looks nice and tight and flat and i was like oh i'm looking gorgeous i'm gonna snap a pic do you know what i mean like a bikini pic on holiday I'll be like oh looking stunning next day I'll be like disgusting disgusting do you know what I mean so it's just kind of like this is the worst thing about pictures as well because obviously we look at other people on
Starting point is 00:09:37 social media and stuff and we'll be like oh they look incredible like they genuinely look incredible but the thing is I will do that to myself I'll look at pictures of myself and be like oh I looked so good there I didn't even feel good I don't even like what I look like there and also the lighting was obviously banging I would have made sure of it I would have posed I would have taken 15 photos and picked one so it's like we're comparing ourselves to someone who was actually posed got good light and had a good day with their body like whatever it is been drinking loads of water been eating really clean and then taking a picture like that doesn't mean that when I sat down my roles weren't there that are there now but I genuinely feel like we all have this idea in our head of like what do I want my body to look like and it's
Starting point is 00:10:20 never the way that it currently looks and it's really frustrating because it just should be and as you guys know i have a fear of death right and health anxiety so it's quite easy for me to flip the perspective in my head because what i do is whenever i get really down about my body right like i might be like fucking hell i've eaten like a fucking pig for the last three weeks and my stomach is actually hurting with how much bloating I have going on right and then I'll flip the narrative and I'll be like do you know what these legs take me places yeah these legs I'm getting all fucking insecure about because they're short and they're not long sexy legs they take me places and they're healthy oh god fucking touch wood oh can't see any one sec oh found them yeah my heart is beating in my body to keep me alive like this body that i'm so critical
Starting point is 00:11:15 of these boobs i'm all paranoid about because they're flat well i'm actually not but sometimes i'll like when i put bikini on then i'll be like fucking hell mate what the fuck i actually look like a nine-year-old boy and then i'll be like these boobs hopefully touch wood i'm gonna have children one day and hopefully i'll be able to breastfeed these babies with these little tiny beautiful boobs do you know what i mean so i really try to flip my narrative and be like does it fucking matter what it actually looks like? Does it actually matter? It actually doesn't. Like, obviously, we all want to feel good about ourselves. And we will do the things to feel good about ourselves, whether that be fake tanning, going to the gym, eating clean,
Starting point is 00:11:55 drinking water, whatever it is, right? But when you get really down about it, we have to just think like, I'm so grateful for the body that i have fuck what it looks like it's healthy touching wood again right now it takes me places it keeps me alive it's i've lived in this body for 25 years and i will hopefully touch wood again live in it for fucking many many many more and this is the body that we will only ever have. So we just have to talk to it nicely. And do you know what? Speaking of talking to yourself, right? I always think, would you talk to your friend like that? Would you talk to your inner child like that? Like look in the mirror, picture that child that you have pictures of of you when you were tiny. Would you talk to her
Starting point is 00:12:40 like that? Would you talk to your best friend like that? Would you look at your best friend and go, would you talk to her like that would you talk to your best friend like that would you look at your best friend and go oh my god look at your silly little tiny boobs you look like a boy no you'd go babe your tiny tits are gorgeous they're perky they sit up straight same as big boobs right so many women they're like i hate my big boobs i hate my big boobs it's so mad that i can have tiny tits and be like oh for god's sake I've got tiny boobs and somebody will have big boobs and be like oh I wish I had tiny tits do you know what I mean okay I don't think many people want tiny tiny boobs like mine tiny we're talking double a cup I don't think I've worn a bra in the last 20 years what was I wearing bras at five years old what the fuck Leah but what
Starting point is 00:13:22 I'm saying is you will be insecure about something and want something that somebody else has got and they don't even want it so the thing is we have to actually look at it from the outside and think why does that matter like why does that actually matter do you know what I mean like you can be insecure about something and there'll be this is an example I could look at somebody else like molly may and be like oh my god she is so gorgeous like she's so amazing right molly will be insecure about something else i'll look at somebody else jemma jemma's insecure about something else whether that be her skin or hair loss or cellulite or stretch marks whatever it is right so we can't compare ourselves to other people because they are comparing themselves to other people as well i think it
Starting point is 00:14:11 starts within we have to accept ourselves for who we are love ourselves for who we are not just accepting ourselves but love ourselves and think i am so much more than the way i look i'm so much more than the size of my tits i'm so much more than the size of my ass i'm so much more than the moles on my body I'm so much more than my acne I'm so much more than my stretch marks I'm so do you know what I mean stretch mark stretch why is it hard to say stretch marks beautiful thing I've had stretch marks on my thighs for since I was a teenager never cared about them love them I think I feel like a woman with them it's really weird I don't know can't explain it and then there's somebody else who would be like oh my god I hate them I hate them same with like when you give birth and your body will totally
Starting point is 00:14:47 change and then everyone says i look back at my body pre-baby and i think oh i wish i embraced it do you know what i mean i was gorgeous i was young and beautiful and i also think when we're old right we're gonna look back and go oh my god i was so young and beautiful and i did not appreciate it do you know i mean because we get all fucking upset about stupid shit do you know what I mean it's actually ridiculous if you actually think about it in the grand scheme of things I do that to myself a lot I come back from it and I think this is actually pathetic like the fact that I will get all worked up about something minor like the size of my body or that my height, the length of my legs or the dips in my in my hips or the lack of curves I've got. And then I think one day I'm going to be 90 years old
Starting point is 00:15:34 and I'm going to have pictures of me now. I'm going to go, oh, so young and so beautiful. And I fucking wasted it tearing myself apart. Do you know what I mean so let's not do that let's try okay let's see what else you guys are saying filters on social media oh my god the filters have fucked me up personally this is the thing right I'll go back through my tiktoks I never used filters never I used to go on my coffee videos first thing in the morning bang looked like a bag of shit i didn't care it was just me that's just what i look like i've just woke up i've got spot cream on my hair's full of grease it's whacked up in a bun that i put in last night and slept in i've
Starting point is 00:16:13 got four day old joggers on with stains all down it from last night's dinner and i don't care whereas now tiktok have made all these fucking filters and I don't even feel like I look like myself unless I've got a filter on. That doesn't even look like me but I feel like that's what I look like now. It's not. So yeah I'm with you. I feel that one. Another thing actually one thing I want to share one of my biggest insecurities is over like the last year I started to get really bad spots on my shoulders and back and I cannot tell you how insecure it's made me. And it's really hard for me to do that. Like, why does it matter? Why does it matter? Who cares about skin? So unimportant. It's so unimportant. Who cares? But I care. I really care about it. And it really bothers me. And it's made me dread
Starting point is 00:17:00 summer because I feel really embarrassed about it and then I think to myself this is ridiculous I'm young 25 year old hormonal woman yep I'm having breakouts all over my fucking back and shoulders at the moment but who actually cares it annoys me that it bothers me so much so that is something I'm really working on it's just embracing myself and like I'll look back at pictures and I'm like oh my god look at my back and shoulders there they look flawless there isn't anything I'm it's got the most beautiful clear skin I'll watch Love Island and be like oh my god look at them I'm so jealous and then I think just who cares yeah do you know what I mean so that's me being vulnerable with you and sharing my biggest insecurity because it definitely is more than my nose more than my crooked tooth more than well yeah they're my two biggest ones but that one yeah she's at the top
Starting point is 00:17:50 somebody says how to like yourself in pictures my wedding is coming up and i'll hate them all oh my god that makes me so sad you you've already decided that you're gonna hate them all like how do you know you you're gonna look at these photos and go oh my god I look stunning because the thing is you are going to fixate on this and tell yourself you're not going to like these pictures and then when it comes to having these pictures taken all you're going to be thinking about is like oh for god's sake I'm going to hate these I'm going to hate these I'm going to hate these and then your posture is going to be different you're going to be stood more insecure you're not going to glow with confidence i think before your wedding comes around we need to really try and change how you're feeling about this and think i'm so excited about
Starting point is 00:18:34 these pictures i have one day of my wedding i'm i can't wait to look back and reflect on my beautiful dress my gorgeous bride makeup that i had done or that you're doing yourself and my gorgeous bridal hair and I want you to look back at these pictures and be like I look so happy oh that's such an amazing day I look so happy there so I think it's really important your mentality into going into these pictures is going to have a big impact on how you even hold yourself in these pictures you know you deserve to just be happy that day and enjoy that day because it's your day you know and you should be able to hopefully get to a point before this wedding comes around so you can stand in front of that camera shoulders back big smile proud you'll be glowing looking absolutely stunning and that is what you're going to remember how you felt
Starting point is 00:19:21 that day it was an amazing day not like oh i remember that i remember getting these pictures taken i was so insecure like i felt so low like that is what's going to give you shit feelings when you look back at them if you look back at them and you think oh that's such a cute one look at us laughing oh it's so cute i mean like if you have a picture put it this way right if you have a picture where the memory is amazing like i'll have a picture where i'm laughing my head off i've got a double chin but no it's for side profile so my nose is fucking out to shine and then i think oh i love that i look so happy like yeah listen i don't look my best not gorgeous photo of me there but i like it i look happy do you know what i mean and that's what the photo should be about looking happy obviously we're gonna you're gonna look stunned we want to look stunned and you will without doubt but the
Starting point is 00:20:08 only the only person that's going to be criticizing you that day is you so we gotta stop that babe we gotta stop that the fear of aging okay this never used to be a fear of mine but it seriously is now and then again it's about mentality it's about I'm lucky to be aging I'm lucky to be getting to a stage of life where I'm starting to get wrinkles I'm getting older because I'm grateful for life so if that reflects in my skin in the way my body will change my hair will change then I think I have we have no choice but to just we're gonna look different and we're gonna age unless you fill your face up with Botox but still your body will change do you know what I mean so it's like I just try and think when that happens
Starting point is 00:20:59 hopefully I can just be grateful that I am aging and I am living and I am experiencing more life do you know what I mean yeah I might have loads of wrinkles around my eyes but it's because I've laughed so hard over the years do you know what I mean so yeah it's gonna happen and we need to try and just think we are lucky and grateful to be living this long life look at my wrinkly skin look at my gorgeous wrinkly face because I'm so fucking old. How lucky am I? It's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:30 We just got to love it, babe. All right. Picture this. You're at a picnic with pals and bam, you suddenly feel unwell. But going to the clinic, not the ideal weekend plan. Well, those days are over.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Maple's Virtual Care has got your back back with 24-7 access to licensed doctors and nurse practitioners within minutes. Need a diagnosis or prescription? Sorted right from your phone, right in time for your next picnic. Download the Maple app today and have more summer this summer. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido, at your side. Somebody says working out to feel strong and not to be skinny. It was a game changer for my confidence. Yes, I can imagine that just feels so empowering and I think it's a massive difference between going to the gym because you don't like your body and you're trying to change it compared to going to the gym because you love your body and you're giving it that love at the gym and and giving it the exercise that it deserves and whatever it is you don't have to go I don't I haven't been going to the gym for months okay so if you don't go to the gym who fucking cares it's not for everyone but
Starting point is 00:23:09 if you are someone that goes to the gym i think it's so important to to think i'm going here because i love my body i'm going here and i'm giving myself this exercise and i'm raising my heart rate and i'm sweating it out because i love my body and my body deserves to feel good not because you're going there to look different and change obviously that is inevitably the goal for a lot of people you want to change your body physically the way it looks whatever the way how strong you are whatever but it has to be that it's really difficult because I can find that when I go to the gym it can make me more critical of my body because it's changing and then that can freak me out
Starting point is 00:23:45 sometimes. And obviously when you first start working out and lifting heavy and stuff, you get a lot of water weight, which means that you can look bigger at first and that can freak a lot of people out. But like this beautiful girl says, go into the gym to feel stronger, not to look skinnier. Do you know what I mean? That is a great mentality to have so I love that for you baby girl okay the next story I put up is what is one part of your body that you find hardest to love okay so I was really interested in this because I thought do you know what there's going to be loads of us that have the exact same things and that's going to feel quite I'm going to feel quite seen for those do you know what I mean but also I think it's really important to think in comparison to how we're all feeling you know one person might be really
Starting point is 00:24:31 insecure about one thing that you might like about yourself and vice versa and I think that can be a bit eye-opening do you know what I mean okay somebody says hip dips mine are extremely bad and I can't even talk about it as I'm afraid to draw attention that makes me so sad that it's that strong of a feeling for you and listen I know that feeling I'm the same I won't talk about my spots on my shoulders and back because I don't want people to start going oh it's fine it's fine I'm like shut up it doesn't make me feel any better just makes me feel more insecure because you're looking at me do you know what I mean but I when I read this I said to my boyfriend um do do guys care about hip dips like on women like out of curiosity and listen that's not me saying that we're insecure
Starting point is 00:25:10 about hip dips because of what men think i'm just saying out of curiosity like is that something guys pay attention to and he was like what's hip dips and i was like it's like when you have like a dip under your bum like just before your thigh like on the side of your ass type of place he's like what are you talking about so i got up a picture i just literally googled hip dips and i got up a picture and it was a picture of side by side a photoshop of a girl with hip dips and then she'd photoshop them out to look like that big curve right and i showed it to him and he's like what is the actual fucking point in that like that makes no difference to how attractive your body is. And I was just like, yeah, I don't really know why people like, where did that come from?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Where did it, where did that come from? That was like hip dips became a thing. It's like, it's a dip in your hip. I don't really understand who decided that that was unattractive. Like according to who should our bodies look different to that I don't get it do you know what I mean so anyway yeah I said that to him just out of curiosity to know like if men even are aware that that's the thing and apparently they're not so take from that what you will but what I want to say about hip dips is like again it comes back to changing our mentality like if you are somebody that wants children one day, these hips are going to, your baby's going to sit on when you're holding them in your arms.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Obviously not baby, child, when they're a bit bigger. Hold a newborn baby on your hip, but yeah. And also it is so, when you think about it in the grand scheme of things, you think it's a dip in my hip that I'm getting down about like you're gorgeous do you know what I mean but yeah I wanted to read that one out because I know so many people are insecure about hip dips um very weird but I hate how skinny my ankles are I would 100% have filler in them that's an interesting one I've never known known that. Okay. Um, my belly, my stomach, my tummy, um, my stomach, boobs, my teeth, my skin, redness and acne still at 26. I feel you girl. Body hair. Like we are hairy people. Love it. Do you know what I mean, um, boobs, boobs, bum, um, my nose, me and you too, girl, um, my tummy for sure, my nose, my ears, my stomach, my thighs,
Starting point is 00:27:38 my arms, my tummy, itty bitty titties, my stomach, my stomach and thighs, sounds silly but my neck, cellulite on my legs and thighs in general, hips, stomach, my stomach, arms and thighs, my stomach, my belly, my stomach, my lower pouch, nose and boobs, my skin, I do not feel nice about fake tan, hip dips, I do not feel nice about fake tan, hip dips, tummy, not sure if this counts but my height, I hate it, I'm so tall, oh my god, this is crazy, like when we actually hear this out loud, my hips, my skin, my nose, my stomach, my stomach, my asymmetrical face features, my tummy, side profile, my smile, nose girlies. Why are you bringing me into that? Why are you bringing me into the nose thing? She's like, nose girl, you know the thing. Why would I know? I know, I know um my thighs my long feet tummy my face my skin top of my arms
Starting point is 00:28:52 my posture um my stomach and arms my feet legs and arms boobs thighs and stomach my eyebrows, legs, arms, my boobs, used to be my thighs but now it's my stomach, my nose, hairiness, lower belly, my belly, my tummy, my arms, legs, boobs, my squishy arms, face, my belly overhang, my stomach, my tummy, my cellulite, my stomach, my stomach, my stomach, my legs, my face, arms, tits, my legs, teeth, belly my stomach my stomach my legs my face arms tits my legs teeth belly small boobs my legs my whole body whoa fuck babe okay you're fucking perfect by the way you're literally gorgeous um so yeah as you can see i'm not even a quarter of the way through these responses and we are all fucking insecure about something and if that doesn't say we need it needs to start within we listen you could be insecure about your nose right get nose
Starting point is 00:29:57 job then i'll be insecure about my boobs get a boob job then i'll be insecure about my stomach tone it up then i'll be insecure about my legs, tone it up, then I'll be insecure about my legs. You know what I mean? It is a vicious cycle of just self, what's the word? Deprimant? I don't know if that's the word. You guys know what I mean. And it is sad. Like when we look at us, all of us as a group, we think this is actually so sad. Like we're all beautiful just the way we are. Do you know what I mean? Now on a more positive note, I said, what is one part of your body that you love? So this is one part I'm very excited to read. Okay. Now I will be honest, the responses to this one, much less, which is kind of sad actually actually. Okay, my chest collarbone area, my boobs,
Starting point is 00:30:47 perfect hand form, my boyfriend loves them, gorgeous. My legs, my eyes, my nose, my collarbones, bum, my hair, my stomach, my skin tone, oh, gorgeous. Probably my eyes and my fake tits, gorgeous. My thighs, my legs, my eyes, my booty, booty, booty booty booty my eyes my boobs my heart exactly yeah baby um my hands my back my smile my eyes i don't know the way i look all the time but i'm so grateful for my body keeping me alive to enjoy yes yeah baby girl love you for that her hands legs eyes everything okay slay miss girl my face and smile my eyes my eyes my heart my heart my hands my boobs my eyes my eyes and boobs my eyes my bum my hair hands my bum my lips my hands lots of people like their hands do you know what someone said to me when I was at uni she was like oh my god why are your hands so wrinkly
Starting point is 00:31:52 and I was like well and then ever since then I was like I've got wrinkly hands brilliant and when I posted a tiktok the other day for my diamond whites aligners somebody commented saying um your teeth are fine but your hands look old as fuck I was like gorgeous thank you so apparently I've got old aged hands but to be fair I did soak up the sun from the age of about 10 so it could be that my eyes my legs what it does for me yes that is the mentality my eyes my, my legs, what it does for me. Yes, that is the mentality. My eyes, my skin, my legs, my eye color, my bum, my eyes. Lots of people love their eyes, which I love because eyes are such a beautiful part of us, I think. Do you know what I mean? What's your favorite eye color? I think my favorite eye color on other people is I love a brown eye. Like I know I've got brown eyes so it kind of sounds a bit like
Starting point is 00:32:45 I love my eyes but I do like my eye color um I've got very wrinkly eyes though but that's okay I do you know what I looked back at pictures when I was a toddler and I've always had these like smile lines from when I was like five weird but anyway whatever and yeah I love brown eyes and other people because I think they just look so warm and honest and friendly. Do you know what I mean? But then you can't be like a green eye or like an ocean blue eye. Do you know what I mean? My boobs, coconut emoji. Long legs. Love that. My lips. The crease on my back. What is the crease on a back? I can't even picture where a crease is. Crease. Okay. Gorgeous. I love that. Um, my waist, my bum, my legs, my booty, my hair, my legs, my back, my booty, legs, hair, booty, my bum, bum, hands, legs, thick and juicy. Yeah, baby. So yeah, that was way more
Starting point is 00:33:48 positive to read. And I really enjoyed hearing you guys talk so nicely about yourself. Now, one thing that I wanted to ask you is that if you've ever changed anything about your appearance, e.g. surgery or filler, Botox, blah, blah, blah, blah did it help and I'd like you guys to think up now what do you actually think the response is yes or no percentage wise because I didn't know what to expect I kind of felt like a lot of people would say yeah because you know like if I got a nose job it would definitely fucking help do you know what I mean I think it would help and listen I know this is a body positivity episode I'm not against filler or surgery whatever it is if that is what you want to do but did it help did it actually help so the poll says 65 said yes and 35 said no
Starting point is 00:34:41 which is interesting you know because it just shows just over half of you it actually helped because you know I guess like I said earlier I could get a nose job but that doesn't mean I'm not insecure about anything else but it would probably help how I feel about my nose and my side profile do you know what I mean but yeah so there we go a lot of people have just said well no it didn't this girl says I got my boobs done I wish I hadn't now though five years later two children and I want them done again already back smaller yeah this is the thing someone says it kind of oh sorry it kind, it helped fix one insecurity, but then I fixated on another.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, there we go. Okay. So this is a difficult thing because it's like, if we fix something that you're insecure about, so say I got my nose job, am I then teaching myself that I need to change something I don't like as opposed to accepting it? Do you know what I mean? Because the thing is, I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm not striving for perfection. It doesn't exist. I might feel that someone looks perfect, but to somebody else, they might not be their idea of perfect. So you can never achieve perfect. The thing is,
Starting point is 00:36:08 idea of perfect so you can never achieve perfect the thing is I've tried to accept my nose right listen I've given my best shot for 25 fucking years and it doesn't get me down to the point where I'm insecure about it and I'm aware of it all the time and it used to be like that it used to be a case of like when I talk to someone I wouldn't look to the side because I didn't want them to see my side profile and then I think as I got older and things that were more important started to matter to me more and I guess like when I developed more of an intense level of health anxiety and my fear of death and stuff it it means that like my nose is less of an issue because it's not gonna fucking kill me do you know what i mean but that doesn't mean that i don't look at myself and think fucking hell i wish i had a nice little nose i would love to and i look at other girls
Starting point is 00:36:59 and i'll be like fuck me you are lucky i love nose. Do you know what I mean? It's such a weird thing to look at. And I'm not bothered about the fact that I've got a big nose. And when somebody says to me, like, your nose is big, it doesn't bother me because I know it is and I'm aware that it is. It's not like I'm like, what do you mean? Like when someone said I've got old lady hands,
Starting point is 00:37:22 I was like, what the fuck? I was only 20. But like, this is another example I posted my diamond whites aligners video right somebody commented saying your teeth are fine blah blah um but lay off the bag because that nose is fucked um actually two people commented saying around the same thing, which was really interesting to me because I do not take drugs. That's just my nose. So that one, that one got me because I was like, right, well, I knew it was big, but I didn't realize it was giving that impression. But what I mean is, it is always something I've been aware of so whenever someone comments on it I'm not like oh my god like I feel really sure but obviously it really gets me down and it does
Starting point is 00:38:11 like if I'm on a TikTok live that's when you get the strangers coming on and they can be nasty and it will get me down but I I'm not I can't explain it it's really weird I'm insecure about it but I'm not like it doesn't it doesn't take away from how I feel about myself. That's, I think that's how I'm going to explain it. Yeah. Like, I don't think it makes me fucking ugly. Do you know what I mean? I'm like, oh, I'd be pretty if I had a big, a small nose. I don't feel like that. I just feel like I just would like a smaller one and it is kind of no deeper than that even though it is kind of deep because I got bullied for it all the way through school but whatever but the thing is it's like when it comes to our looks and stuff um and I
Starting point is 00:38:57 think I'll round up with this sort of whole idea when it comes to our looks and our body and all of these things acne stretch marks rolls whatever it is that we're insecure about it doesn't take away from who we are and that is major it doesn't you know it doesn't make me less of a person and if I got a nose job that's not going to make me a better person you know it might make me like my nose more but that's as far as it goes and I think what's way more important is how do we treat people are our moral are our morals in line with with what we believe and and who we want to be you know is my do I have a good heart are my intentions good do I treat people with respect and if the answer to those questions is yeah then I think we need to our
Starting point is 00:39:55 love needs to be a lot fucking stronger because if you can look at yourself and say I'm a fucking nice person and I'm kind and I don't project hate then you deserve to love yourself regardless of anything do you know what I mean it's major who you are as a person is is what is attractive about you and the way we look is the least interesting part about us you know our life our stories our personality our humor our kindness that is what makes people attractive. And don't get me wrong, the way you look, it fucking helps, right? When I got a tan, yeah, I feel sexy. I feel like a sexy girl. When my makeup slays, yeah, I feel like a sexy girl. And I might be in an even better mood that day. But what is way more important is who I am inside. And the same goes for everybody,
Starting point is 00:40:43 I think. You know, like you can be, same goes for everybody I think you know like you can be think about when you meet somebody dating wise you can meet a guy or a girl and they can be fucking gorgeous but if they are not kind and they don't make you laugh and they don't take take time make time for you and they don't make you feel loved and special and they're not polite and and they project negative energy, you are not attractive anymore. You know what I mean? So it has to start from inside you. And yeah, you guys are all incredible people. Like the way we have communicated over Instagram, over the just the DMs and the podcast or whatever. You're all such nice, kind people. And listen,
Starting point is 00:41:24 I've seen your pictures on your instagrams okay you're fucking all beautiful all right you are and we all look different and I think that is what's so amazing it's like no one will ever look like you and no one will ever unless you're a twin of course but no one will ever look like me no one will ever look like you and you've got something that they don't have and I've got something that they don't have and blah blah blah you are all unique and that is what is so beautiful about everybody do you know what I mean nobody is meant to look the same perfection does not exist we have to appreciate our bodies for what it does for us not just the way it looks but we do also
Starting point is 00:41:59 need to appreciate the way it looks because it's just gonna keep changing as we get older so we need to somehow get to a point where we can look at ourselves and go i love my body it keeps me alive it's beautiful it takes me places i'm never taking it for granted do you know what i mean like we're so lucky we're so lucky to have the bodies that we have and I'm just going to touch wood right now for all of us and yeah that is what's important do you know what I mean yeah anyway how are you guys feeling after this episode I feel like I'm hoping you feel positive like and good do you know what I mean hopefully you feel like a gorgeous gorgeous sexy person right now but more importantly I hope you can appreciate what your body's doing for you right now your heart is person right now but more importantly I hope you can appreciate what your body's doing for you right now your heart is beating right now and that is that's something we
Starting point is 00:42:51 could all be grateful for and show more gratitude for do you know what I mean so let's do that all right let's wrap up the episode okay stunners love you all so much thank you for listening to this episode i hope you enjoyed it hope it was helpful or at least just made us all feel a little bit more like i think we could just all show more gratitude for who we are not just the way we look but who we are do you know what i mean and whatever it is that you're fixated on let's just take a deep breath let's do some affirmations okay i'm a gorgeous person inside and out great great well done i treat people well i am grateful for the body that I have been living in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I am grateful for the life I have been given. I am grateful for the people around me. I am grateful for all the laughs. I am grateful for all the beautiful things I have seen. I am grateful for all the laughs. I'm grateful for all the beautiful things I've seen. I'm grateful for all the beautiful places these legs have taken me. And I love Lear on the line. Oh, I love you guys so much. I hope you enjoyed this episode. And whatever it is you guys want to talk about next Friday, let me know. If you want to do a cheating stories part two let me know because there were a lot of cheating stories we didn't get around to so hit me up with all your ideas
Starting point is 00:44:34 um and yeah have an amazing weekend look after your beautiful bodies if you're getting drunk be careful don't text your ex text me instead and i will speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you hi it's fido start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your We'll see a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.

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