Leah on the Line - Bonus 44: The CHEATING STORIES episode p.2

Episode Date: June 2, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one! As alway...s send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. Happy Friday. Voice is a little bit croaky today. Hello everybody. How are you? How's your week been? It's the weekend. Somebody celebrate with me tonight. Celebrate with me tonight. Who hasn't listened to the new Jonas Brothers album yet? What the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:00:38 What the fuck are you doing? Give it a listen. Give it a listen. How many days till I'm going to see them? Oh my god. It's a week tomorrow Give it a listen. How many days that I'm going to see them? Oh my God. It's a week tomorrow. Oh yeah, baby. A week tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'll be boogieing. Actually, not long because the show starts at 12 p.m. in the afternoon. Very strange. But I'll be busting down to the Joe Bros.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Busting down. That's how I'll be dancing. Yeah. Actually, I won't because it's like an acoustic show. So I'll be like, just swing side to side, love and love. Anyway, how are you guys? What you guys been up to? Today we have part two of the cheating stories because let me tell you, these stories are endless. When I said, send me some stories where you guys have been cheated on, you did not
Starting point is 00:01:25 disappoint okay sadly to be honest quite sad that there's so many of us that have these stories but it's great content you know what I mean I mean to be fair one thing I said this last time one thing I do love about you guys is that you like laughing about it and I guess it is one of them things where like at the time it genuinely probably does feel like the end of the fucking world and then once you're out of it you're like ew like what do you know what I mean so love that for us and we can look back together and be like ew what a fucking disgrace and just be happy that it's in the past now you know what I mean so yeah hope you're all feeling really good whatever it is that you're up to good morning if you're listening to this in the morning good afternoon good evening
Starting point is 00:02:10 whatever it is where you are love you thank you thank you for being in my company thanks for having me in yours and let's get straight into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line remember to leave a rate rating on apple podcast and spotify and hit the notification bell you can send in your confessions and dilemmas to leah on the line at gmail.com and follow me on socials at leah on the line and at leah levain to see visual clips of the podcast i love you enjoy the episode okay who was ready for this let me know if the last time we did this you were all riddled with anxiety because these situations they're just a little bit familiar you know where it's like oh like he started doing this and and then he he his location paused for 20 minutes on his phone and it's like shit next time one of our boyfriend
Starting point is 00:03:00 or girlfriend's location pauses on their phone we're gonna be like well they're definitely cheating on me do you know what i mean this could riddle us all with anxiety but who knows basically hopefully we're all in healthy relationships that are faithful or you're single and you're loving life do you know what i mean no one can hurt me you know what i mean so let's get into it let's just I'm gonna scroll through and see what my finger lands on because I've had a read through um but I'm just gonna okay let's kick it off with this one hey Leah so me and oh okay this is the one that I read about location me and my boyfriend had each other's locations on our phones i know potentially toxic but hey ho i don't think it's toxic me and jamie have our locations on each other's phone i have my mum's
Starting point is 00:03:49 location i have my sister's location i have my nephew's location and it's not because i'm like i need to know where you are all fucking times it's it just makes sense like if he's popped out into town for the day i can see if he's on his way home i can see if he's still at the gym if i need to you know start thinking about dinner yet is he on his way home it's not a fucking case of where are you are you cheating on me like it's literally just it's easier with me and my mom it's like oh if i get home one day and she's not in i'm like where's mom check her location she's at my she's at my sister's house oh sick do you know what I mean it's it's not it doesn't always have to be this anything about trust like sometimes it's just genuinely it's just helpful yeah I got my whole fam on there okay anyway one night after work he had stopped messaging me while
Starting point is 00:04:36 on his way home I just thought maybe he was out of signal for a few minutes so I thought nothing of it 20 minutes had passed and at this point I was getting worried thinking maybe something bad had happened on his way home from work. I phoned him, phone was off. No that's the worst thing because like whose phone is ever really off? Do you know what I mean? Not many people's phones are off. Are they? I don't know, not in my experience. Anyway, now I was thinking the worst. Yeah, I don't know what I would think, like if my boyfriend's location had paused and then I tried to call him and his phone was off. I don't, my mind would never jump to cheat and I would probably think what you're thinking, like fuck, is he alright? Do you know what I mean? Okay, so I went onto the location app to see
Starting point is 00:05:21 his location hadn't been updated in 25 minutes and it showed where it was last updated. So I got in my car and I went off to see where, sorry, to where his location said he was last seen. I was worried to death thinking I might find his work van in a hedge or something. Oh no, it was worse than that. I'd rather you crashed, to be honest. Oh no, it was worse than that. I scattered around the area and then I saw it. His van parked up. I rushed over to make sure he was okay. And what did I see? His ex's car. Fuck. First of all, how do you know what car his ex has? So at this point I was parked behind his van. Oh my God, you just literally sat there watching. So I stayed there until I saw her car move.
Starting point is 00:06:19 He got in his van. Oh, so he was sat in her car. Fuck off. Wow. So I stayed there until I saw her car move. He got in his van. Somehow he still hadn't seen my car. I stood in front of his van. You're like, stop. I stood in front of his van and he stopped. His face was a picture. At that moment, my whole world collapsed. But looking back on it, I'm glad that I found out dirty boy. Oh, were they like fucking? Oh, what the hell? Why the fucking the fucking ex as well like do you know what
Starting point is 00:06:49 being cheated on is fucking bad enough but with the ex like you've wasted my fucking time just you should have just stayed together like why did you bring me into this do you know what i mean the fucking ex well i love you i'm sorry you experienced that but i mean to be honest i love the standing in front of the van situation i hope you like stood there legs spread hand out stuff do you know what i mean i'd love to have seen his face oh i love you all right let's do this one okay i've got a cheating story for you years ago i was with one of the many assholes i've been with and he went you years ago i was with one of the many assholes i've been with and he went to amsterdam which was originally meant to be a last minute trip
Starting point is 00:07:30 for my birthday but then he told me he wanted to go with his mate instead what the fuck hey babe booked your surprise trip and you're like oh my god it's sick like we're going away and he's like actually i'm gonna go with dan i'm gonna go with dan what the fuck okay i was a bit annoyed but a bit annoyed i'd be fucking that's a sackable offense i'd actually break up with someone over there so he accidentally left his phone at home no I'm sorry I'd be going fucking feral if my boyfriend went on a fucking trip to Amsterdam with the boys leaves his phone at home oh my god that would be a version of me I didn't even know existed that would be terrifying okay he couldn't speak to me basically the whole time he was there i was meant to be picking him up from heathrow airport on the day
Starting point is 00:08:29 okay i'm nearly there when i get a call off of his friend's phone convenient he could speak to me then yeah what the fuck so your friends got his phone then fucking hell where was this energy when you realized you forgot your phone as soon as you got to the fucking airport when you left hi babe just to let you know i forgot my phone i love you so so so so much but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna buy a burner phone and i'm gonna just get it to keep in touch with you so you know i'm all right i love you so much and we're definitely gonna get married one day okay that's all i want all right okay yeah to tell me he had missed his flight and was gonna get the next one.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Okay. Well, it's not easy to miss fly, is it? Come on. Let's be real. So I sat in the nearby lay-by for seven hours, Leah. Oh my God. Seven hours. What does that remind me of? Seven hours. hours. What does that remind me of? Seven hours. What is that? What is that? Seven hours. What is that? God knows. Got all his favorite snacks and drinks. Oh, stop it. Thinking he's going to be hung over and pissed off about it. Oh, you're so sweet. He does not deserve you. I would have been fucking out of there. I would have been out of there. Okay. Him and his mate arrived at the airport. I meet them and he doesn't even hug me. Tries to get in the back of the car and instantly I knew something was wrong. I made him sit in the front. I'm not a fucking taxi. Yeah. Hi mate. Wait, where are you going? Where are we off to? Oh, what the fuck? We get home.
Starting point is 00:10:07 The next day I see a text pop up on his phone saying, oh, oh, disgusting. Saying Amy's neighbour seen you shagging in the window. Oh, oh my God. Imagine your stomach when you read that. He missed his flight because he was cheating and i sat and waited for him for seven bloody hours this girl by the way knew we were together oh and the day before he flew out she love hearted a picture of us together on facebook raging so she knew anyway i was 18 and dumb i'd been with him since i was 16 and he convinced me to give him another chance a couple of days later i noticed they're still friends on facebook i asked him to remove her uh yeah yeah can we not be friends with the girl you fucking cheated on me
Starting point is 00:10:57 with and he basically told me if i couldn't trust him then the relationship was over um have you hit your head is there actually something wrong with your brain like that it's not something's not quite working in your brain if you don't trust me no i don't i obviously don't trust you that should not be a surprise to anybody and it's not actually it's not a surprise to anybody maybe to to you, because you're fucking stupid. Anyway, he never removed her from Facebook. Wow. And I stayed with the little wanker until I was 21. Oh, five years and plenty more cheating. I turned a blind eye to it most of the time because I lacked any confidence and he treated me like I deserved it.
Starting point is 00:11:40 When I finally had enough, I asked him, are things ever going to change? And he said to me, it's like I want to have my cake and eat it too. I want you, but I want to see if there's anything better out there. Fuck off away from me now. Never, ever talk to me again. What the fuck? You know, things are fine, but, and I want you, like I want you, but I just want to know what else there is, you know things are fine but and i want you like i want you but i just want to know what else there is you know i just want to do whatever the fuck i want with no consequences
Starting point is 00:12:12 all right it seems fair see that seems fair be fucking single then you freak what the fuck i left him and didn't look back i think everyone is cheering for you right now he came running back after a few weeks. Shock. That's no surprise to anyone. They always come back, okay? Crying and begging for me back and to not throw away five years. I think you threw them away when you were fucking somebody else.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Darling. Thank you. Next. Sadly, this is only one of many cheating stories i've got some crackers but i'm now in a healthy happy relationship and i don't regret any of the past i wouldn't be who i am now yes girl love you that is that is spot on you're in a happy healthy relationship no regrets it's what it is you the lessons you learn they're all valuable. Do you know what I mean? Proud of you. Love you. Okay. So, hey girl. Fellow Australian listener here. I just want to say that I absolutely love the pod and have binged every single episode. I love you so much. Okay. The accent will stop now.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I love you so, so much. So, my ex and I dated for two years and it was honestly such a rollercoaster of a relationship. He was so manipulative, narcissistic and always about the boys. Oh my God, just piss off. Honestly, fuck off. Are they going to suck you off? Probably, to be honest. Whenever he was on his his phone he would always face it the other way oh so i couldn't see what he was doing massive red flag there already one night he went out because it was his friend's birthday which i was fine with however the next day i found out he spent the night at a girl's house when he told me he stayed the night at his friend's whose birthday it was he told me that it wasn't a big deal and that i was overreacting
Starting point is 00:14:06 about the situation i think i'll be the judge of that i think i'll be the judge of whether this feels like a big deal to me darling i never actually found out if anything happened between this girl and him but with everything else that happened in the relationship and my gut telling me something went down it was enough for me to say boy bye i'm in a happy and healthy relationship now and just look back and laugh about it love you bye good for you i'm with you on that staying at a girl's house fuck i don't care if you i don't care if you just slept back to back i'm breaking up with you that's cheating that's literally cheating you're sleeping in a bed with another girl you've cheated on me you don't even have to have touched her body. You could have been fully dressed. It's not acceptable.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Not acceptable to me and I'm breaking up with you. Yeah, good for you, babe. All right, next one. Hi, girl. Thought I'd share my cheating story. Thank you. So, I was with my ex-boyfriend for just under four years. We lived together for nearly three years of that relationship. We defo had our ups and downs, but mostly downs, I can't lie. But I feel like with long-term relationships, it's very easy to fall into a routine, even bad ones, and just put up with things because it's normal. And I was clearly very unhappy now that I look back. I just didn't realize how happy I could be now without him. That is a mood. Okay. If you know, you know. Anyway, we often spent a lot of time with my best friend and her boyfriend as a four. Whether that's having dinner at theirs, going out for food, couple dates, etc.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I had just been best friends. Sorry. I had been best friends with the said best friend for just under 15 years wow that's a long-term friendship that's like me and Jess that's me and Jess okay and I'd been close with her boyfriend for the whole duration of their relationship we used to hang around as a three most of the time okay so it's like you your bestie and boyfriend. I met my said ex-boyfriend through my best friend and her boyfriend. They introduced me to him and it blossomed from there. As mentioned, we used to spend a lot of time as a four until one night me and my boyfriend were in a bed,
Starting point is 00:16:16 in bed, in a bed, were in bed. He had fell asleep with a bedside lamp on and I hate sleeping with a light on. Oh, same. I honestly, I need to be pitch black in my room. If there is a dot on like a TV or something, I will cover it out with tape sometimes. It bothers me. It really bothers me. Okay. For some reason, I decided I wasn't going to lean over him to turn it off, which is a normal thing for me. Instead, I got up and walked around the bed to turn it off. It's the gut feeling. Not the gut.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It's the universe. Oh, whatever. Okay. As I got to his side of the bed, I reached for the cable to flick the switch. And I noticed his phone was lit up on a conversation on Insta DMs. His hand was covering most of the actual messages, but I could see a name at the top. This would be my best friend's name. Below that I see heart heart heart emojis. I thought what the fuck is going on here? I actually
Starting point is 00:17:13 laughed inside thinking they were joking around. They did have an on-off friendship. Sometimes they were happy to be in each other's company, sometimes hated each other but never bothered me lol. Anyway I grabbed his phone I wasn't too gentle on it either I just pulled it from under his hand as normal and there it was my best friend of nearly 15 years had been sleeping with my boyfriend of nearly four years for at least six months which I'd later found out they had been sleeping with each other in her house while I was asleep on her sofa and her actual boyfriend was asleep in their bed upstairs fucking disgusting Jess if you ever, if, I'm joking. As you can guess, I was clearly mortified by this.
Starting point is 00:18:11 So anyway, he moved out after a couple of months, took him long enough and I moved on with my life. The said best friend is still in contact with her ex-boyfriend and she did make contact with me and we spoke things through okay how much speaking through can we do can we do here babe she then dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant with my ex-boyfriend's baby crazy stuff anyway she opted to terminate the pregnancy due to personal and financial reasons but it had been a crazy time for me shit that is insane um i found out this was happening in December 2021 and I found an absolute gem of a man who really took my mind off things in March 2022. We started off as friends and by November 2022, we got together and it's so surreal being treated like an absolute princess. I don't think I could be happier oh love you i've met so many
Starting point is 00:19:05 new friends through him and so grateful for that who knew that losing the two closest people to me at the time and being in such a dark place would lead me to where i am now fate works in the most mysterious ways sometimes oh if that doesn't make you feel good if anyone is in a situation where it all feels dark and it all feels like your life's falling apart remember this story okay she lost her best friend of 15 years she's lost her boyfriend they lived together so now she's living her living situations totally changed and it was all somehow it was all for the better so don't even worry that that is, the universe knows exactly what it is doing. All right. Love you. Okay. Next one. My boyfriend sent me screenshots by accident. Okay. This is a bit more of a dilemma I'm thinking. Okay. It says cheating story though. Hey, gorgeous girly.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Hey, beautiful. I would love to hear your thoughts on this as nearly two months have passed and i still think about my dilemma on the daily for context me and my boyfriend have been together for four years and both have extremely busy lives but would always find time to fit each other in stunning so last year my boyfriend randomly sat me down on Thursday and asked if we could go on a break. Okay. He didn't give me any reason why, but said it would help our relationship and it felt like it was needed. I told him that it would never work, but he insisted he just had a feeling that we needed to. By this point, I felt that I had no other choice than to agree.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, because it's like, well, I'm not going to fucking refuse and say, say no we're not going on a fucking break I mean you can and I most certainly would to be honest but then it probably leads to a breakup but still if someone's like you don't really get a choice if someone's like breaking up with you either do I mean no um I think we should break up no absolutely not sounds like a terrible idea cute though no okay honestly a week break is nothing but I just found myself messaging him like what is all this about okay we talked it out and he told me how much of a mistake he's made and we were going to communicate more about issues in the future I do feel like the break damaged the relationship as it came from nowhere and it makes me think what is he actually thinking regularly now? Yeah because it's like I it was so out the blue for me I had no idea that was coming
Starting point is 00:21:34 so now when you think everything's good you're going to be thinking well I think it's good but is it fucking good because you've come on a fucking break with me last time I thought everything was good. Do you know what I mean? It would really really wobble you and your security in the relationship for sure fast forward six months oh and the boy accidentally sends me a screenshot of him texting another girl how do you fucking do that how do you manage that as he sent it on snapchat it was only for about five seconds before he deleted it but i saw a message from a girl nicknamed snooki saying focus on your girlfriend yeah focus on your fucking girlfriend babe my heart literally dropped and i went straight to his to confront him and by the time i got to his house he had deleted the screenshot along with all evidence of her name or number see now you fucked it bad because now I've got no proof now all I've got
Starting point is 00:22:32 is your fucking word and believe me that ain't much you twat do you know what I mean if you just kept it you could have been open and honest with me you could have told me everything and then I could have decided if I want to move forward because i would have known that what i'm seeing is facts and the truth whereas now not only have i got to decide if i want to move forward with you because i know you've been talking to other girls but also i need to decide if i want to move forward with you because i don't even know the truth yeah anyway um he goes on to tell me oh that he kissed this girl on a night out while we were on a break. And I'd only text her for a few days after the kiss. He said her number is now deleted and he won't speak to her again. Okay. Listen, my feelings, I could be completely wrong about this.
Starting point is 00:23:17 So take this with a pinch of salt. My feelings is that he's met this girl before your break. He's met this girl where you're in a relationship right and he really fucking fancied her and he's like i want to kiss this girl maybe even shag her and he knew i can't do that i've got a girlfriend so he's like let me go on a break then i can do this guilt-free or at least not as not morally incorrect even though it is realistically it is but just because you were on a break you can sort of convince everybody else that it was fine like ross do you know what i mean so yeah it feels like he wanted he went on a break because he wanted to do this it might not have even been with her in particular but he might have had an itch that he wanted to scratch does that make sense it's just just an observation i accepted that as we were on a break it's a little
Starting point is 00:24:10 more understandable even though we were on a break for like seven days maximum and he already goes off kissing other girls it's given ross and rachel we were on a break it really is my issue is that i don't know how long he was texting this girl for and also what his real intentions were this is the thing you've deleted everything and i'm gonna struggle to believe you so you've fucked things for yourself really him not you i also feel like the trust is really damaged especially as he deleted all the evidence so i can't see what actually happened exactly his word is just not going to be enough do you know what I mean I would rather see it all I'd rather see that you had sex with her you would tell
Starting point is 00:24:51 another you love her like I would rather see it all and know and have no questions and no doubts about what is true and what isn't because then I can decide and I can move forward and if I say right we're going to move past this we want to break whatever let's move forward I don't have that question of what actually happened what else was said do you know what I mean how do you actually feel towards this girl I won't have those questions as much I would rather that than you fucking delete it and you've done it now it's too bleeding late for all i know he could have taken things further than a kiss and he would never tell me oh i have a feeling he would never
Starting point is 00:25:30 have told me about this girl if he didn't accidentally send me the screenshot literally so anyway i think about my decision on staying with him at least once a day i feel so let down and question a lot of things now what are your thoughts on this can the trust be rebuilt or my or am i better forgiving but not forgetting love you always listen it's really easy for me to say from the outside because i'm not emotionally invested like you so obviously when i say this just keep that in mind i would leave him and that is just because you deserve more than these questions you deserve more than well what really happened deserve more than, well, what really happened? Did you have sex with her?
Starting point is 00:26:08 Why did you delete them? Why was it a screenshot? And who were you sending that to? Do you know what I mean? Why did we go on a break? Was there anything to do with this girl? Did you have sex with her? Did you meet her before the break?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Is she the reason we went on the break? What were you saying in your messages for days on end? Do you know what I mean? And for that reason, I'm like, fuck that. I'm not living like that. Like, fuck that. I'd rather just be on my own and be happy because I know I'm all right on my own. That's the mentality I'd be having if I were you. I know if I leave you, I don't need to feel this anxiety. I don't need to feel this doubt, these questions. I can get on my fucking life and you will not matter to me. Like, honestly, you have fucked it up. Like you just have. And you never know. Maybe that's what will, that's what will happen for him to just lay it all out on the table, facts and figures.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Do you know what I mean? Or you could talk to to her if you want to stay with him i think you need to know you could talk to her um and you should say to him like tell me this girl tell me her number i'm not staying with you until i've had a conversation with her because right now i don't believe you you've deleted any evidence so unfortunately for you you fucked it even more and i don't believe you so i want to talk to her and i want to know what i'm getting myself back into before i look like a prick do you know what i mean they could have been having sex they could have been talking while you're in a relationship and he could have just gone on a break with you so that he could do things physically
Starting point is 00:27:36 with her and it not be wrong according to anybody else do you know what i mean so i think just remember you'll be good on your own you'll be happy on your own you'll be you're a good strong independent girl right and think about how this is making you feel and is it worth it you know the anxiety the daily questioning yourself you said you think about it daily if i've made the right decision you living like that you you will not live like that if you break up with him like you would just obviously at the start you go for a heartbreak and it'll be painful you go for a breakup but i think you'd actually surprise yourself of how strong you actually are and how much happier you feel because that weight will be lifted and you'll feel proud of yourself i think when you leave somebody who's really
Starting point is 00:28:23 fucking hurt you when it's easier to stay it is easier to stay because leaving someone walking away from someone's really fucking hard and when you actually find yourself strong enough to do it and they're messaging you and it's I'm sorry I love you please come back and you're like no no I don't deserve this you feel so empowered you feel so strong and proud of yourself and I think you'll be surprised at how all right you'd actually be when you walk away from something where you knew deep down you knew you deserve better but however I know you're in love with him and I know you want it to work so if you do decide I really want to stay with him I just want these feelings to go you're gonna
Starting point is 00:29:01 have to have a conversation with him about how you're feeling you can say to him look i question myself every day if i should have taken you back and i don't think this is gonna go away until i've got some real answers so i'm gonna need you to get me in contact with this fucking girl because i need to know do you know what i mean so yeah oh love you, babe. Let's do one more. Okay. Cheated on me, split with me, but only told me the truth three months later. Stunning. She says, hello, babes. Aussie accent in brackets. So my cheating story was a wild ride. To take it back, my ex used to work in flannels doing shop floor retail work. He had been working there a couple of months and used to always talk about the people who worked there. I got to a point where he would mention this one girl quite often which didn't bother me at first. Me and my ex were both really into the gym and I had only been going for around a year at this point and was a couple years younger than
Starting point is 00:29:59 they both were. She was blonde, I'm blonde, she was into the gym, I was into the gym i was into the gym you can see what i'm trying to get out okay so she's his type i then went on his phone and saw she was second on his snap best friend list immediate red flag yes fuck snapchat seriously so this is when my concern began to grow along with seeing his name under her gym booty growth pics of her on on her pt page so he's liking her a picture that is literally centered around her ass brilliant gorgeous thanks for that i'd be fucking fuming that's i'll break up someone i'd raise her i felt to my ex multiple times and he reassured and reassured or called me crazy yawn this is the point where i should have just trusted my gut anyway time goes by and if it was two days oh and it was two days before christmas great brilliant timing and we had given each other
Starting point is 00:31:01 our presents early i then didn't see him christmas eve as he was working and going for food with the lads brilliant i then didn't see him on christmas day or boxing day roll on to the day after and i get taken out in the car oh brilliant how romantic i need to be broken up with out of the blue fucking hell could you not have waited for the just the christmas period to roll over do you know what i mean i mean to be fair at least you not have waited for the just the christmas period to roll over do you know what i mean i mean to be fair at least you didn't go into the new year like it's gonna be amazing year and then he breaks up with you on like january the first do you know i mean um he said his feelings had changed and i was devastated oh do you know what i i don't know
Starting point is 00:31:43 what i'd rather my feelings had changed oh imagine someone looking the eye and just saying like i don't love you anymore pun what's that not to love i asked and asked about if he had cheated of course um but he lied three months later after attempting no contact and failing he asked to call me why it's over at this point do you know what i mean he then proceeds to tell me that he cheated on me with a girl at work and even had sex with her multiple times okay was there any need i didn't need to know we're not together anymore just fuck off he did for himself. He wanted to get it off his
Starting point is 00:32:25 chest because he had guilt and he, that was so selfish of him to tell you that. Like, I'm not being funny. We're not together anymore. You told me you didn't feel the same. I could have lived with that. I could have lived with that. But telling me you've cheated on me, brilliant. Thank you for that. So unnecessary. I mean, well, he's trying to convince me it was a mistake, but you've seen, but you've been inside her more than enough love yeah it's always the ones you worry about and they tell you you're crazy or she's a work colleague friend but just trust your gut oh that makes me so mad like for what like why did you call me to tell me that it's been three months i was doing all right i was
Starting point is 00:33:04 doing all right i was doing all right i was doing really good i've just got i've just got on the dating sites i'm just starting to put myself out there again and now you want to call me and tell me you've been shagging someone thank you thank you for that what a prick okay oh thank you guys for sharing your cheating stories with me very scary i will say um but let's not let these get into our heads all right love you all this will not happen to any of us ever again all right i said this last number imagine any of us are being cheated on right now no we're not we're not all right love you guys let's wrap up the episode okay who's anxious that you're being cheated on right now because i am
Starting point is 00:33:51 how many of you guys have cheated not a lot remember we did that poll that was like how many of you have cheated how many of you have been cheated on at least a lot of us with loyal faithful babes and if not not, everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Everybody knows what I'm talking about. Everybody gets that way. Sometimes I'm in a jam. I gotta make a plan.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It might be crazy. But we learn that way. I just think I got the lyrics totally wrong. Anyway. What's that horrible sniff I just did? Sorry, guys. There's a piglet over here. I'm getting my haircut today i never get my haircut i'm petrified i'm petrified i said can i just get a couple layers i'm gonna come out with a fucking bob watch it honestly cba but
Starting point is 00:34:37 she needs it she needs a good old trim honey my hair is actually one length it's so boring like it's just not flattering around my face i'm thinking a little face frame layer you know just a little face framing I do want to lighten my hair at some point but I'm a little I got the fear I have the fear because the thing is right I've box dyed my hair for so many years I know any hairdressers listening I know all right I did it once and it's too late once you're in you're in it's too bleeding late do you know what I mean and I dyed my hair once like I got it all lightened but she didn't use any bleach like she said she was just using toners which i had no idea about and then like three four days later i had a big like blend of patches in my hair like i went from gorgeous highlights to like
Starting point is 00:35:21 the first wash i was like oh it just looks shit i've got like orange patches and it looked gorgeous and like there was like blonde streaks in it at first and i did not know i was like i think we should have used a bit of bleach i don't know i'm not really a hairdresser i don't really know what happened so then i just put box dye on it and here i am so anyway yeah hope you guys are all really good whatever you're getting up to this weekend enjoy the sunshine and have an amazing weekend and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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