Leah on the Line - Bonus 48: Meeting the parents... HORROR STORIES!

Episode Date: July 6, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your confessions/dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of lear on the line happy friday happy friday everybody i hope you all had an amazing week okay before we get into it let's debunk on love island because what the fuck mate casa remor it just gives every season but this season not just casa but this season is just given like it is so fucking good honestly if you haven't been watching this season because you think it's been shit for a few years which I would agree with watch it on catch up you will not regret it it's that good right not sponsored by itvx although would be nice maybe I am who knows what ads will be in this podcast it would be weird if it was an itvx one anyway it's so good so Ella and Ty I feel like we need to talk about Ella and Ty I'm dying to know what
Starting point is 00:01:06 you guys think like do you think he's gonna forgive her because personally I think he's already I don't think he's made up his mind but it's definitely not out of the question because I think he is definitely driven by ego um and I feel like if ella did it with deaded it that's not a word but whatever cut things off with uzi and was like i made a bad decision i regret it i'm doing i'm willing to do whatever it takes to get you back i'm in love with you even then ty would be like not not that easy darling not that fucking easy and sadly I think he's using my girl Katie don't get me wrong I do think he fancies the fuck out of her because who wouldn't she's absolutely gorge but I think he's using her to like Ella said do a little tit for tat but mainly
Starting point is 00:01:57 I think he has an issue with control like I feel like Ty needs to be in control of every situation like even Ella trying to kiss him like he definitely wanted to kiss her and he loved that he had confirmation like this girl's still fucking crazy about me. I still win over Uzi, do you know what I mean? But no, we'll do that on my terms, babe. When I want to kiss you, that's when we'll kiss. And it's just, I don't know where it's going to go.
Starting point is 00:02:20 But the fact that she said, do you think, you know, you can forgive me? And he said, just give me time, says it all to me. me like if I was KD I'd be out there bless her she just had a fucking howler with with Zach let's not do that oh yeah Molly's back how fucking crazy actually I feel like we already spoke about that but yeah absolutely crazy I'm just loving it I'm eating it up I'm eating it up like just so good every day 9 p.m I'm waiting there 5. I'm eating it up. I'm eating it up. Like just so good. Every day, 9pm. I'm waiting there. 5-2. Ready. Honestly, it's the best. Anyway, hope you guys are all really well. Hope you had an amazing week. If you don't watch Love Island, sorry about the really boring intro
Starting point is 00:02:54 for everybody that doesn't watch it. But what's new in my life? Honestly, not a lot. There's a new app with Instagram, Threads. And I'm kind of loving it it's given twitter but not shit do you know what i mean and i'm here for it i have made a lear on the line account on there so go and follow lear on the line on threads because i feel like i'll post the weekly debate there obviously i'll still do it on my instagram story as always nothing will change there but i can post it on threads and we can comment and discuss it together like we can fully debate it there rather than just like you know you send in your opinions and I just read them out and I read mine out we can fully debate and we can be like oh my god yeah baby you're right that's so
Starting point is 00:03:37 true do you know what I mean so if you don't have a threads account I highly recommend I feel like it's it's gonna be a vibe and it feels safer over there. Like it feels like good vibes. Do you know what I mean? For now, we'll see how that goes. You know what social media can be like. Honestly, if it starts bringing in the hate or the hashtag ad, I don't even know what I'll do. How can they monetize threads like brands? Are they going to do that? I'm sure they have something in mind to be fair but I feel like it was very clever from Instagram anyway I love you guys this episode is gonna be a story time episode so we are gonna read out all of your stories of when you have met the parents the
Starting point is 00:04:15 friends of your boyfriend or girlfriend and it's just gonna be a good old chat do you know what I mean a bestie chat on the phone on the line Leah on the line with you my besties having a good old chat join me in a bestie chat on the phone on the line leah on the line with you my besties having a good old laugh all right babes let's laugh about traumatic experiences it's the only way forward do you know what i mean let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leah on the line.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Meeting the parents. It is scary. It can be so, so scary. And do you know what? I found that as a teenager, I found this absolutely fucking terrifying. Like I cannot even explain
Starting point is 00:05:03 to you. I remember my first boyfriend was only together like six months so I don't really count it to be honest I was actually 15 but when we met like I met his he lived with his grandparents so I would like meet his grandparents right and I I was with him six months I don't think I said more than 10 words to his grandparents and I spent a lot of time there and that's not because I'm a rude bitch although I felt like one do you know what it was I went in shy right and when you go in shy it's really hard to come out of your shell do you not find that like if you go in and you're like hi nice to meet you it feels really difficult to just be like one day be like hi hon you're right what's for tea do you know what i mean like that would be
Starting point is 00:05:45 rude but do you know what i mean so i just was mute like i just could not speak and they would talk to me they'd be like how was college and i'd be like yeah it was yeah what was wrong with me and i remember sitting there and i'd be screaming at myself in my head like speak you absolute freak so yeah that put me off for life because i just fucked it and like for the whole duration of our whatever you would call it relationship I don't call it a relationship I was a kid but for the whole duration of that it was it was just really difficult so yeah I totally understand anybody that has a traumatic experience even though mine's not actually massively traumatic, is definitely, it's just not fun. So listen, I'm not an expert, all right? But I think as I've gotten older, I'm 25 now, I'm 26 next month, August 22nd, put it in your diaries, love you. I'm 26 next month. I'll actually be
Starting point is 00:06:41 sick. Like, don't get me wrong, grateful for another year of life. Love everything. Love the universe. Love everything. What the fuck? Love the universe. I'm grateful. I love you. Thank you for my health. Oh God, I got to touch wood. One sec. Thank you for everything. I'm blessed and grateful. But where the fuck did the time go, please? Is the earth spinning a little bit quicker lately or is it just me? I don't know what's going on. But anyway, since I'm now now I consider myself an adult right well yes Leah you are an adult why am I like questioning that I go into things differently now like when I meet people's parents and family members and friends I just think I'm an adult you're an adult you know I might not even like you that's obviously not my mentality okay I'm kidding but I go into it thinking don't be all like fragile and and like oh I'm a small bean and like you're intimidating like obviously you
Starting point is 00:07:37 just want them to see the best in you that you want them to like you they you want them to approve of you and see that you're looking after their son or daughter well but yeah now i just think just be yourself you know i'm pretty confident that i'm a kind likable girl just be yourself i love meeting people i'm excited to be part of your family i'm hoping you're gonna let me in and i'm excited to have more family members more people to love you know more birthdays to attend more Christmases to celebrate well there won't be more Christmases but you know like usually you do like a second Christmas at your partner's house or whatever like sometimes that happens you know that's you go into that mentality now when you're an adult it's like oh
Starting point is 00:08:17 I'm so excited like have you got any girls any sisters any cousins like I'm buzzing about this I mean so yeah you go into a different mentality when you're older I think so anyway I put together a list of tips like I said I don't consider myself an expert but these are just the things that when I look back in hindsight I wish I'd thought about right so number one I think we ask about them beforehand right as we all know you guys know me inside and out not technically inside only a small number of people do oh i honestly i just need to stop today anyway um what am i talking about? Yeah, you guys know. My language, she's not for everyone. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:07 My filter is not the strongest. I swear probably every three words. And I can be quite vulgar. And that's just me, honey. Do you know what I mean? So when I come to meet someone's family, I like to say, like, do they mind swearing? Like, are they offended by swearing? Because I can definitely put a filter on that at least for six months
Starting point is 00:09:29 do you know what I mean and then it's boom this is who I am all right and you just you love me at this point maybe we can laugh about it you know so I always ask how do they feel about swearing you know like are they like quite taboo? Like, do they, is it like considered really rude? Because I definitely don't want to offend anyone. And, you know, what's their banter like? Do you know what I mean? So it's just good to have an idea of what you're going into.
Starting point is 00:09:55 You don't want to be like, oh, fucking hell, blah, blah, blah. And then inside they're like, oh my God, filth. Do you know what I mean? Because everyone has, everyone was brought up differently. Everyone's got their own ideas of like what's acceptable and what isn't what's offensive what's rude what's inappropriate do you know what i mean because come around my house it's like do you know what i mean and it's like yeah swear it up babe swear it up do you know what i mean so we're not offended by that but i absolutely understand that a lot of people it's like
Starting point is 00:10:24 okay there's no fucking need for that i mean i even swore then I even swore then Jesus so yeah I ask so I know where I stand what page I'm on you know what I'm getting into here next one is be yourself like I said be yourself and be confident or it's hard to come out of the shell so I always say this I remember I was on a TikTok live the other day and somebody commented saying, I've got a job interview. Do you have any advice? And I have the same advice. The way you walk into the room is the way you have to remain in that room. So if I walk in and I'm like, hi, sorry. Yeah. Hi. I'm just, yeah. It's really hard to just all of a sudden be like like what's everyone been up to on the
Starting point is 00:11:06 weekend then you have good weekend what you up to oh my god love it do you know what I mean because you've walked in and everyone will be like whoa where'd this come from so I always say walk into the room the most confident version of yourself and then if it goes down a little bit it's less noticeable than if you suddenly just go boom do you know what I mean I'm confident so I always feel like walk into the room and just be yourself be the best version of yourself it doesn't it doesn't ever have to be like a fake version it should never be a fake version but just hello nice to meet you oh so nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you yeah all good things all good things obviously like when I first met Jamie's dad I was just like I was actually a bit flirty I was like wow look very handsome today
Starting point is 00:11:53 love the shirt but because I'm playful and silly then I can you know I'm comfortable and relaxed the ice is broken you know he feels comfortable everyone feels comfortable Jamie's comfortable his dad's comfortable I'm comfortable everyone's comfortable how many times can you say comfortable do you know what I'm saying so like obviously I'm not saying hit on their dad definitely don't like I think I obviously asked enough questions to know that his dad took banter and was like he'd know that I'm just being silly he's not actually thinking all right Jesus you're my you're my son's girlfriend yeah do you know what I mean like like it was silly why am i like justifying it anyway basically my point is just be comfortable be yourself fake it till you make it because then it will eventually feel more natural that's that's
Starting point is 00:12:36 just for me anyway and also the one the next one is one i've just already basically said just remember that you're an adult too like I used to really struggle with feeling intimidated by everyone like new jobs I'd feel like a 15 year old child even at the age of like 22 23 like I'd meet somebody who's like 28 and I'm 23 and I feel like a four year old and they'll be like um I need you on shift on Friday and I already would have booked it off and they're telling me I've put you on the rota and I'll be like oh yeah no worries no worries like you're the boss whereas now I've like had this epiphany where I'm like oh I'm an actual adult just like them I'm like oh sorry I don't know I did actually book that off sorry if that's really annoying but yeah I did so I'm not
Starting point is 00:13:23 going to be able to um i can ask around see if anyone's around if you want some help covering that shift but yeah do you know what i mean whereas before i'd be like oh yeah okay sorry and i'd cancel my own plans and then i was like you're an adult so are they like why is why is everybody else above me in my mind and i realized that going into job interviews auditions like everything I was like why do I feel like an absolute mouse compared to a room full of lions and then I just faked it till I make faked it till I made it yep that's what I said I just faked it till I made it and I'd walk in the room like I'm an adult you're an're an adult, I'm confident, you're confident,
Starting point is 00:14:10 you know, you want me to be a nice person, I'm a nice person, I'm really happy to be here, I hope, I hope you're happy to have me here, I'm really honoured to be in your home, do you know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? So yeah, next one, the compliments go a long way, whether that be when you meet his mum, it's, oh oh my god what is that perfume that i love that perfume you don't want it to come across fake like oh my god i love your skirt where did you get it it was my mom's in the 80s you know we don't want that it's oh my god what is that perfume that's stunning love that or oh are those jeans from zara i'm 100 i've got them jeans how funny or oh my god your house is stunning because we've got to remember they've probably put a lot of effort into you coming around the house they've hoovered they've cleaned they filled up the fridge in case you want a snack
Starting point is 00:14:56 you know i mean they've they've made an effort we need to really acknowledge that and be grateful be extra polite you know make an effort make it offer to help with the dishes they'll probably say no but if they do that's a good thing i think it also helps break the ice you feel a bit more comfortable once you like get involved i think sometimes when you feel like too much of a guest you can feel more nervous do you know what i mean so yeah if if they're cooked if they're cooking can i give can i give you a hand do you want to do some chopping do you know what i mean clean up after yourself if you if you're having a can I give, can I give you a hand, do you want to do some chopping, do you know what I mean, clean up after yourself, if you, if you're having a glass of wine, take your glass out when you finish, offer to top anyone else's drink up, but obviously we don't
Starting point is 00:15:32 want to overstep, don't want to get too comfortable, it's difficult, it is difficult, do you know what I mean, but yeah, I just feel like the, the biggest tip I can give people is just be yourself, you know what I mean, and be polite, and be grateful, be, be yourself, be polite, and be grateful, You know what I mean? And be polite and be grateful. Be yourself, be polite and be grateful. Yeah. And not much, not too much PDA. If anything, no PDA. The first time meeting, there is no need, I don't think. But then I do get it. Sometimes people just have no issue with it and a little hand on leg never hurt nobody. But it also can be a bit like, all right, bloody hell. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, those are my tips. Just sort of throw it in there as a little feature of the episode. But we are going to get
Starting point is 00:16:11 into your stories now. And I am over the moon. And I'm actually going to start off with a bit of a belter, actually. And this is the first one I read, guys. This is the first story I read. So you can imagine, I literally replied to her and I was like I think you win this episode okay are you ready the first time I met my ex-boyfriend's mum and dad we were going to theirs for dinner we walked in and his mum was sucking his dad off on the table where we were just about to eat dinner yep i literally said to her what did you like what happened next like i was on the edge of my seat well i sounded really bristolian then i was on the edge of my seat dolem i literally i was like and then what and then what and he's she
Starting point is 00:16:58 said that they both just turned around and left and went to get mcdonald's so that they didn't have to face the trauma yeah very scary but I love that story like how much worse can it get you've walked in she's sucking him off I mean love that for them keep keep it alive do you know what I mean just can't get enough of each other love that for them but that was a risky game from them oh I can't imagine how she broke like had that conversation with her son when he arrived home um about earlier don't mention it don't want to talk about it forget it I don't know what you're talking about do you know what I mean okay next one I met my boyfriend of now six years dad and he thought I was someone else so for context he's a semi-pro footballer and asked me to watch one of
Starting point is 00:17:45 his games. So I went along with his friends and his dad was there. At the end of the game I said hi and went home. Fast forward a week an official meeting of the family and the dad says you're much nicer than who I saw on Saturday. She had black hair and was goth like me and my partner had to explain i was the same person and have never had black hair or nor did i wear dark clothes the football game was at night but it was well lit we laughed about it to this day and he's still adamant it was not me at the football game okay either his dad has a terrible memory or there's another bitch because my crazy brain would be like who the fuck is she who the fuck is the bitch with dark hair i need to know i need to know because the fact is dad's like it wasn't you it literally it wasn't you i'll be like oh you you definitely cheating on me like but then at the same time dad's like did anybody's
Starting point is 00:18:47 dads know your friends names i was friends with the same people for years and i'd be like oh i'm just i'm going around megan's house tonight and he'll be like oh nice nice which one's megan every time every time so it's definitely possible that this is just a case of he was not paying much attention but fuck me that would frighten me to be honest and also even if even if it was you the fact that his dad is suggesting that it would have been normal for him to bring another girl to a football game and meet you a week later I'd be like what do you mean is this a normal occurrence do you bring girls to your football games every week do you know what I'm saying anyway not to freak you out love you babe okay next one I went on a night out with my boyfriend and his family for the first time
Starting point is 00:19:43 we'd only been together a few months we were all absolutely obliterated his auntie fell down a step his mum went to grab her and fell down and then i went to grab his mum and fell down we were all on the floor i pissed myself laughing well you literally peed your pants or do you mean like pmsl or do you actually mean like i actually peed my pants do you know what I'm saying and the worst thing is it was filmed by his uncle and on CCTV of the rugby club so it gets played all the time welcome to the family that do you know what that is literally my ideal way to meet someone's family like to have a funny story and also you really bonded. Like she caught her sister, you caught her. Like that's a true bonding moment there.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And I fucking love that for you, to be honest. Like I think that's a beautiful moment. I think it's beautiful, to be honest. Okay, next one. I was on a date with a boy. This was the second date. We had gone to an arcade where it was terribly hot. Afterwards, we were going to play pool, but he wanted to an arcade where it was terribly hot. Afterwards, we were going to play
Starting point is 00:20:45 pool, but he wanted to stop by home to change his shirt. I was fine with it because it was on the roof. When we got to his house, all of his family members were home, literally all of them. Mum, dad, grandma, granddad, two brothers and their girlfriends and even a baby. I was very uncomfortable because this was only our second date and he had not prepared me for this at all other than that everyone was really nice but it was the last time i was on a date with him no honestly on what's the word unplanned unprepared un is unprepared a word unprepared yeah it is of course it is she was unprepared yeah unplanned unprepared meetings of the family that you are not ready for my idea of how my idea of
Starting point is 00:21:34 how i haven't thought about what i'm wearing have not mentally prepared myself for what i'm going to say i haven't asked the questions do you know what I mean that's terrible but at least it was your last date so it's not like you had to like I don't know I don't know what's worse to be honest the fact that you met with this family and it was for nothing or what love you all right next one I haven't even met my boyfriend's mum yet but she found my thong in his bedroom after I left I'm four I left with no knickers, even though I always have a spare pair. It was awkward when I officially met her. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Oh, you hadn't met. Okay, I thought they said I haven't. So you hadn't even met her. She met your underwear before she met you. That is not ideal. Yeah, that's cringe, especially for like your son. Like imagine finding a thong in your son's room oh i've been like what the fuck is that
Starting point is 00:22:28 next one okay me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years now however i met his friends when only being together a few months if that when i say we went to meet his friends i mean all of them were there pressure anyway long story short we went out for a meal i need to point out i don't do spicy food at all it's not for me can't stand it i ordered and chips came with my meal i started eating and they were the spiciest things i'd ever had before what the fuck are they putting on these chips I don't know what the hell they were or what was on them I started having a choking fit I couldn't breathe tears were streaming all down my face I was sweating and stressing I couldn't
Starting point is 00:23:17 talk and it didn't stop for a good 20 minutes no why is choking in a bad situation like the most embarrassing thing no why is actually embarrassing like this happened to me before like do you know when i find it embarrassing when i'm getting my nails done and i'm having a coffin fit and for some reason i'm humiliated but why i'll be there like really choking on it my eyes are watering i'm like do you know what i mean why can't i just go sorry one sec weird anyway bear in mind this is a quiet restaurant everyone could hear me dying I had to remove myself from the table out of pure embarrassment I wanted the ground to swallow me up I felt like the first impression wasn't great nice ending though as they are now some of my best friends anyway love you lots I love you too
Starting point is 00:24:01 I mean that's a relieving outcome but yeah for some reason like why is having a coffin fit embarrassing especially when it's all spicy food like i'm sorry yeah i do extra hot nandos actually normally yeah i just got so throw like i normally get x i get the the bottle the black bottle off the shelf and get the x x x hot normally like why is it like i'm like embarrassed about it do i mean but i mean i love for you that it turned out as a good thing love you okay my partner and i had been dating for six months and i decided he should probably meet my dad we put it off as my dad can be a bit intimidating oh not the not the intimidating dad. My dad is not intimidating at all. We had a couple drinks out and a meal, which all went well.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And then we decided we would go back to my dad's house before we went home. Anyway, the drinks kept flowing and I left the room to go to the toilet. I came back to the kitchen to find my boyfriend passed out on the floor. Your dad just knocked him out. That's not what happened. that's not what happened that's not what happened it turns out oh my god i actually think he'd probably rather have been knocked out listen to this turns out he had cut his finger and fainted in front of my dad it's given joe sug on on uh bake off oh my god have you seen that clip of joe sug he cuts his finger and literally just collapses to be fair jamie had a nosebleed the other week and i've never experienced this feeling of queasiness to that level i don't care about blood normally but for some reason i was like making it about me I was like oh god so bad anyway
Starting point is 00:25:49 we ended up spending the night but we didn't have any clothes oh my god so we both slept in dad's pajamas which is too short for my six-foot boyfriend so all in all a bit of a dramatic first time for my boyfriend to meet my dad five plus years later and they still laugh at him for it no do you know what I actually think it's brilliant like when you have funny stories the first time you meet I do genuinely think it makes it easier like if it's just like you've got nothing to talk about you know like nothing to laugh about sometimes it's easier if you can be like oh my god i'm fucking embarrassed can't believe i just painted can i borrow some pajamas your dad sounds like a lovely man for you to be saying he's intimidating he sounds really lovely to me he's got pajamas i mean says it all love him next one went out with them
Starting point is 00:26:46 came back from the toilet with my skirt tucked in my knickers definitely broke the ice see this is what i mean uh excuse me love your bums out definitely broke the ice still with them four years later two houses two babies and getting married next year oh i love you that's a nightmare though i do think that's quite a bad one having your knickers hanging out hi nice to meet you this is my victoria's secret thong oh next one met my boyfriend's son's mum wait my boyfriend's son's mum okay so his ex-partner obviously aren't together i'm no i'm no homewrecker of course for the first time by accident when i was leaving his house after we'd been on a walk he let me out after he'd taken his muddy trousers
Starting point is 00:27:38 off so it was just in his pants oh and as he opened the door to let me out his son and the mum were just about to knock it looks so bad looking back but looking back it's hilarious yeah it definitely looks like he's just railed you real quick before his son gets dropped over and like that's really funny to be fair i love that one i love that for you guys okay next one next one. Oh my God. Yes. Mortifying. I was at my new boyfriend's parents' house and his parents were out. He went to get us a drink. So I hid behind the door to scare him. Oh guys, you just know this is going to go. So he's getting a drink. She's hiding behind the door to scare him. I jumped out on his mum rather than him no I'm so embarrassed about it embarrassed about it even now
Starting point is 00:28:28 what a fab first impression oh babe no can you imagine boo oh sorry give her a heart attack the poor woman oh I love that that's a bad one that is a bad one i would i would simply pass away i think the ground would open and i would dive in i would dive that is a horrible one i love you i'm so sorry you had to experience that next one let's just do a couple more okay okay I have the most awful slash funny one I was very young so don't judge never babe but when I first lost my virginity I thought you had to be a certain age to buy a pregnancy test I don't think that that's unusual to think that not unusual but like I don't think that that's mad to think that um so no judgment babe I was just being a paranoid teen. So I put one in my pocket from the shop and got caught. Anyway, me and my friend were in the room with the security and the woman who caught us.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Fast forward to six months, I get into a new relationship and go and meet the parents. His mother was the woman who caught me stealing the pregnancy test six months prior. Embarrassing. Laughing face. Devastated face. who caught me stealing the pregnancy test six months prior embarrassing laughing face devastated face no that's that i'm sorry small world what are the chances of that you're sat in the room with a random woman working for security because you've been you're being told off because you try to pocket a pregnancy test that's very innocent and sweet i'm very responsible for you to go out and take a pregnancy test i'm proud of you stealing or not do you know what i mean but what are the chances of that fucking woman being your next boyfriend's mom did you ever talk about it was she did she remember like was, hold on, hold on a damn minute.
Starting point is 00:30:26 You thieving bitch. You pregnant bitch. All right, let's do one more. Okay, the first time I met my boyfriend's family. So my boyfriend drove with his family in his car. I met them in a car park as we were going out for dinner. I was sat in my car waiting and saw him walk over to me. I got so excited to see him that I jumped out of my car and forgot to put the handbrake on my car. My car was just rolling away through the fucking car park.
Starting point is 00:31:03 That's fucking amazing. I would love to see that i'm so jealous of his family i've got to stand there and witness that like you're like oh my god babe like wrapped your arms around him cars just fucking rolling away that is amazing um luckily him and his brother managed to save it before it crashed lol oops good first impression yep i'm a clumsy bitch what a fantastic one to end on that is one of my favorites i love it when when people are just like really clumsy like who has seen that video of mark and zoe and they're both parked up next to each other and he's like right see your hand see your love and he looks behind him to reverse his car and just goes forward straight into a bush because he's not he's not got the car in reverse it's the way he's looking behind like checking behind him and he
Starting point is 00:31:52 just goes forward you guys need to watch that it's one of my favorite clips ever that was it to you but the fact your car was just rolling away is honestly my favorite and i love that i love that from you it's just so innocent and just nice I would love that I would love if I met someone for the first time and that happened to them I'd be like oh I love you already you fucking donut I love you already all right thank you so much to everyone that sent in those stories because I needed that laugh that was so entertaining I hope you guys loved it. It was so, so fun. Let me know if you have any other ideas where we can do,
Starting point is 00:32:29 I think this was actually one of your ideas. I can't remember, but if this was one of your ideas, shout out to you, babe. Love you. Where would we be without the listeners? I mean, it would just literally be me. There would be no podcast. Anyway, so if you have any other ideas of other story times
Starting point is 00:32:46 send them in let's let's get chatting and yeah love you babe let's wrap up the episode okay i loved this episode if you guys enjoyed it let me know i had such a good time chatting with you all today thank you for being in my company thank you for having me in yours honestly I love these episodes they just feel like a proper girly sleepover do you guys feel the same I feel like these are just the episodes where we can just hang out have a laugh have a chat and they're just the best so thank you so much for listening thank you for joining me today thank you for all of your love and support for all everything you do whether it's you just listen you just follow the instagram and you don't even listen if if that is you then i'm not even talking to you right now if you send in dilemmas
Starting point is 00:33:35 you send in confessions if you send in episode ideas if you just send love honestly you all mean the world to me i'll never be able to explain it i'll never ever understand how i got so lucky to have every single one of you as my best friends and we're just gonna be best friends for life so invite me to your weddings thank you all right guys hope you all have an amazing weekend and i will speak to you on threads when we do the weekly debate probably on monday i'll post it on there and obviously the instagram story to anyone that doesn't want to download threads no problems nothing will change there and yeah we will catch up on Tuesday I don't even know what day it is I'm like a day ahead at the moment I've been a day ahead for the last two weeks like it's Thursday but it feels like it's Friday right now and I'm just all over the place
Starting point is 00:34:16 no one cares anyway love you and I'll speak to you on Tuesday I've done it again I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right. I love you.

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