Leah on the Line - Bonus 62: HALOWEEN SPECIAL 2! (Ghost Stories!)

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers Internet. Visit rogers.com for details. We got you. Rogers. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget.
Starting point is 00:00:21 We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you next time. and safe all semester long. Fido. At your side. It's getting closer to midnight. I tried to get closer to you. Hello. Happy Halloween. oh oh happy halloween oh guys i'm a bit scared i'm a bit scared for this episode oh my god who was here this time last year if you were you're a real one i love you if you
Starting point is 00:01:22 wasn't that's okay welcome you're here for this one that's all that matters we did the halloween special last year where we read out ghost stories exactly like we're gonna do today i was putting like like creepy scary noises in the background and had so many of you message me like please tell me that at this point on this moment this minute was a sound effect because there was definitely a ghost in the background like I can confirm it was not a real ghost it was a sound effect so keep your ears peeled guys because I'm gonna be adding some ghosts into this what are you guys planning to do this Halloween I I genuinely think this is the first Halloween although now I think about it i didn't go to a halloween party last year but i still like got dressed up and like went to like
Starting point is 00:02:11 the scare scare park things whatever they're called and had like horror movie nights in and stuff i still celebrated halloween last year i didn't feel like i wasn't offering but this year i'm like i haven't even thought about where i've been on holiday living life up in the sun I've come home and there's fucking pumpkins out I'm like oh shit it's Halloween mate so I don't know what to do um we are my family coming around tomorrow night and we're gonna like carve pumpkins I'm gonna get some baileys in make some baileys hot chalk so we're gonna have like a really chill Halloween this year but part of me feels like I want to do some fun makeup even just to make some TikToks just so like so that it doesn't pass me by because that's the fun part about Halloween isn't it like getting dressed up getting creative whatever so I don't know we'll see stay tuned on my tiktok but
Starting point is 00:02:53 yeah whatever you guys doing I hope you all have amazing time amazing an amazing time but if you're like me and you find this season like pressure season, don't worry about it. This is the season. This is the time of year where it's like, right, Halloween, I've got to have a party to go to. I've got to have some friends to hang out with. I've got to have a sexy outfit or a scary outfit, I guess. And then it comes to like Christmas and then you've got to be doing all your Christmas things, all your friends going to Christmas parties. It's party season. Then it's New Year's Eve and you've got to have, there's pressure to have the most amazing New Year's Eve it's always shit it's always shit so I find this time of year like pressure o'clock the pressure is on the social
Starting point is 00:03:33 pressure is on but if like me you just I've kind of accepted that I am a stay-at-home and love to stay-at-home girl and it took me a long time to accept that don't get me wrong like every now and then I do like to go out and have a good time and I love a drink do you know what I mean but I have accepted that my comfort is at home where I feel comfortable and safe that that's my happiness don't get me wrong I go through phases where sometimes i'm just fucking off the rails mate like it was probably last summer like early last summer i was just fucking living up like going out just thinking i'm just some crazy girl so i go through phases of it but it always comes back to me just you know what i'm my happiest when i'm just chilling. So if you are like me, I spent a lot of my life feeling really guilty about that. I'm feeling really like, I felt like a fucking loser. And now I think,
Starting point is 00:04:32 you know what? Why? Who decides that that's everyone's fun? Do you know what I mean? Like, it's no different to like, somebody else's idea of fun is playing FIFA, right? And then you get everyone else who doesn't and he thinks, fucking hell, all he does or all she does is sit on her fucking games all day. It's so fucking boring. Yeah, but they find it fun. And it's no different to like people going out and getting drunk and dancing. Like that's your idea of fun and you can actually have fun there. I'm trying to have fun. Why do I do that? Do you know what I mean? I'm trying to convince myself that this is my idea of fun. And it only sometimes is.
Starting point is 00:05:11 So yeah, it's like a weird thing. And I really deeped it the other day where I was like, we've just been told that that's what we're supposed to find fun, but it's not going to be natural on all of us. You know what I mean? I've gone really off track here. Let's get back into the Halloween spirit. Ooh, it's Halloween. You know what? I I've gone really off track here let's get back into the Halloween spirit oh it's Halloween you know what I really like the way Americans say Halloween it's Halloween I really like that whereas we're like Halloween Halloween do you mean it's Halloween happy Halloween how do you say happy Halloween in Spanish? Feliz Halloween. Feliz Halloween. I can't even say it in English. I can't even say it half English. But anyway, I'm really excited for this. I did have a little sneak peek at the stories because I don't like to read them all. Basically, I put a separate page
Starting point is 00:05:58 up on the website for Halloween stories and they've all been moved directly into a Halloween folder. Okay. And I had a little sneak peek just to check we've got some good ones. You know, for Halloween stories, and they've all been moved directly into a Halloween folder, okay, and I had a little sneak peek, just to check we've got some good ones, you know, I've got to make sure I've got an episode here, I've got to make sure, and I had goosebumps reading them, I was so scared, so I highly recommend, if you love being like spook, spooked out, is that a saying, yeah, like spook spooked out is that saying yeah spooked out whatever if you love being spooked let's listen to this on late night drive well there could be some jump scares so drive carefully and safe but on go on a late night drive with your boyfriend or girlfriend or your bestie listen to this or at night at home light some candles get it on do you know what i mean let's get spooky all right guys if you did send in a story thank you so much
Starting point is 00:06:54 i'm so excited to read it out i hope you guys all enjoy this episode let's get into the halloween spirit let's read out some spooky stories i actually kind of read all my spooky stories in the last episode i don't really think this through i wasn't sure how long leon the lion would survive i'm joking i just don't really think it through so i personally don't think i've got any ghost stories to share now unless yeah no i yeah i definitely don't but if you did miss the last halloween special go and check it out because it is just as spooky. Well, we don't know how spooky this is going to be yet. This could be scarier.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Let's get into it. Thank you so much for listening to Lear on the Line. Head to learontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Oh shit, if anyone's driving right now, I might actually scared you. Sorry about that. Okay, guys, it's Halloween. Let's just get straight into these stories. Okay, I made it clear.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Listen, I don't want you to make up horror stories. These need to be real life experiences. Okay, so all of these stories are based on real life events. Based on a true story. Okay, let's start with this one. Hello, Leah, i'd like to share a spooky story from my childhood they're always from the childhood aren't they like how many of us have had experiences with ghosts and spirits as we are adults because i i'm touching wood hard wood right now i i haven't as an adult. My most recent was as a teenager. But listen, there's a room in my house that is most definitely haunted, right? Because any story that has happened in this house was in the room. It's now my dressing room. It was once my bedroom when I was at uni, got put into the fucking small room. Thanks, mom. and it was once my brother's room and then
Starting point is 00:09:05 it was once the spare room and then it was before that it was my oldest sister's room so it's really been through it right and so many people have had stories in there like my sister was in there sleep one night and she was like wrestling someone for the duvet at the bottom of her bed and then her ex-partner's son was in there one night and just started crying saying that there was someone in the corner of the room my when it was my older sister's room she was asleep in bed and the bed like levitated and hit the ground she also said that my nan visited her and sat on the end of the bed in that room so there's some stories in there but I personally have never had any experience in there however I do have to go past that room when I go for a wee at night and every single time at 26
Starting point is 00:09:53 years of age I will run I've run past it every single night and listen I get up at least twice in the night for a wee and I will run every time because it's pitch black out in the hallway also do you know one thing I will continue to do? You know when you go upstairs, right? You turn all the lights off downstairs. And the lights are off upstairs because you haven't got up there yet. So all the lights are on downstairs. You're going up to bed.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You turn all the downstairs lights off. It's pitch black. I'm running upstairs from the stairs demon. Still now. 26 years old. I'm running away from that bitch. I'm, oh God, I don't mean to call you a bitch. Please don't haunt me.
Starting point is 00:10:25 But seriously, is it just me or does anybody else still run upstairs from the stairs demon? Because I can feel it on the back of my neck. I can literally feel it breathing on my neck. I always have this fear as well because I remember watching the paranormal activity films and they always get fucking pulled by their hair,
Starting point is 00:10:40 don't they? And that, it sits with me. Guys, what is the scariest horror film you've ever seen while you're listening to this because when this comes out is the night that i'm going to be watching a movie night so if you're listening to this on friday before the evening comes please send me a dm of your scariest horror film for a recommendation this is mine the devil inside it's so scary i watched it with jess when we teenagers. I'm traumatized to this day. I can quote that film to this day. It is so scary. It is so scary. She's like, I don't know if she's like
Starting point is 00:11:11 a journalist or something. But anyway, I think she's basically looking into what's happened to her mom because her mom is possessed and she goes to visit her. And her mom has like all these different voices and accents and it's so scary. And she's like, who are you? Or something like that. And then she's like, something, I'm your daughter. I'm your daughter. And she's like, my daughter? My daughter.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I don't have a daughter. Do I? Do I? I don't have a daughter. And then she goes, screams in her face or so scary it's so scary and then she's like cut all up her arms like crucifix crosses into her arms and then she's going it's so scary guys honestly if you want to be scared like if you want a horror film that will genuinely scare you you need to watch that film if you want a horror film that will genuinely scare you you need to watch that film all right let's get back to the story back when i was just a toddler
Starting point is 00:12:10 maybe three or four my family and i lived on an estate well i don't have any personal recollection of this time it's a tale my parents have told me about in my early years I had I had imaginary friends and I called oh it's so creepy guys it's so creepy why is it so creepy just for me to read it I feel like it's the way you wrote this like you really executed the thriller in this message you know what I mean okay I called them the children now it's not unusual for young children to have imaginary friends, but what makes this story scary is that our house was built on the site of an old children's ward. No, I just had a shiver through my fucking spine. My interaction with these unseen friends went beyond the norm. We had conversations, playtime, and i forbade my parents entering specific rooms
Starting point is 00:13:06 when the children were around it's safe to say we didn't stay in that house long and as soon as we moved i never mentioned the children again oh my god that is so scary to me like in your mind they're real they're there i'm playing with them and then you move house and you never see them again the house isn't too far from where we live now and every time we drive past it gives me the creeps the whole experience was freaky no i'm not being funny if my kid was saying to me you can't go in there the children are in there i'd say pack i'd say jamie pack your shit we're fucking moving you can't go in there the children are in there okay okay load up the car load up the car i'm out of here that is so scary i would love to talk to your parents about this i'd love to know all the details i want all every nitty-gritty detail about how you used to talk to them and talk about them do you know what i mean i love that
Starting point is 00:14:09 story it's so scary though oh my god that would freak me out like if my mum said to me that i did that and obviously you're so young you don't remember it but if my mum was saying that to me i that would that would scare me so much that's crazy thank you for sharing oh you're scared i'm scared okay okay quick one hey leah so quick but scary mum said that when i was around six or seven years old i used to stand in the exact same place in my hallway and chat for a good half an hour to thin air can you imagine your child doing that uh who are you talking to who are you talking to just chatting away for a good half an hour no she always knew the place was haunted but these conversations happen around the same time every day in the exact same place.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And I was just having a conversation with them all. Apparently, I used to say stuff like, oh, my God. Apparently, I used to say stuff like, I don't want to run away with you and please stop coming into my dreams. OK, my whole left side of my body has chills right now i don't remember even doing this but i thought it was funny to mention love you funny i don't find that funny no oh my god please stop coming into my dreams it's the coming into my dreams for me like you're scared six or seven she's scared she said please leave me alone chatting for half an hour what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:15:49 oh my god i love that that's a really creepy one thank you okay this one's good we have some stories here we've got a few all right hi honey Hi, honey. I have so many stories. Okay. When I was around the age of three or four, my parents owned a pub. Oh, I always used to dream of that. Like when, when I meet friends and they're like, my parents owns a pub, I was always like, oh, you just live the dream. I don't know why. I don't know why. I just thought it was so cool. Anyway. And we used to live in it. I used to go to bed every single night and speak. Okay, it's kind of creepy that the first three have all been about like you as children speaking to these friends, right? I used to go to bed every single night and speak to a girl called Lucy and tell
Starting point is 00:16:36 her about my day, eat some apples, and then she'd go home when her mom calls. One night my mum was sharing a bed with me so that her parents could sleep in her room. She came up about 1am after the bar closed and she saw me talking to Lucy. Oh my god. She screamed the loudest yell I've ever heard and we shortly sold the pub. No I'm scared. I'm actually a bit scared. I'm actually a bit scared because I can really picture it. I learned just over a year ago, 20 years later, that Lucy was a little girl. Oh, my God. Oh, that's really sad. It was a little girl who was killed in the early 1900s when they decided to close down an apple farm to build this pub i've got fucking goosebumps i can't deal you just sat there talking to lucy and apples with our oh my god
Starting point is 00:17:36 that is so scary the fact that your mum screamed like the loudest yell do you remember this like it sounds like you genuinely really remember it. And you were three or four. To be fair, some people remember being so young. I don't remember being younger than 10. Like I just don't. I swear it wasn't me. Like I just don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Like when I look at photos of myself as a child, I was actually doing it earlier today because we've got a photo frame full of like loads of baby photos and I walked past it today. And I was really deep in it looking at them, which I don't normally do. And I was at thinking that ain't me I don't I didn't go there that day I don't remember that I never worn that jumper in my life do you know what I mean anyway that's a story
Starting point is 00:18:16 um I can picture her now I can draw her from memory I honestly would have thought she was a real person I really just want to go out for a drink with you and just talk about this for hours oh my god you can picture her you can draw her oh it's actually really sad so scary guys who's scared right now who's a little bit scared okay next one this is the same girl by the way we live in a house that was built when henry the eighth was around built oh henry the eighth okay there's no sign of ghosts however the bottom floor of our house got flooded during the somerset floods hey somerset and we had to move directly next door so that work could take place. I was currently studying at university so I came home for the weekend and
Starting point is 00:19:10 it was honestly the worst weekend ever. I arrived on Friday night and it felt like the whole of my body couldn't breathe. My chest was tight, my stomach dropped and something in the air fell off. I didn't think much of it, put it to anxiety put it down to anxiety when the night fell i shared a bed with my sister and we decided to put on your podcast how we came across you oh my god i love it i love that both turned over and tried to sleep she fell astray asleep straight away thanks i'm not you're that boring. We put on your podcast, Sound of Sleep. Glad to know she was thoroughly enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:19:53 If you're ever struggling to sleep, put on episode of Leer on the Line. Boring. No, that is a horror story. All right. However, no matter how much I slept, I felt like someone was always watching over my shoulder. I turned over, picked up my phone and went downstairs into the lounge, settled down on the sofa and sat with my dog. Finally, I started to drift off. I then hear my sister walk downstairs, go into the kitchen, rustle in the cutlery, open the fridge,
Starting point is 00:20:26 so I guess she was eating a bowl of cereal. Okay, little peckish in the middle of the night, yeah, happens to all of us. Nothing out of the ordinary, she is a late night muncher. Yeah, we love them. I then hear her drop a glass and it's smash. Oh babes, she's sleepwalking. So I walk in to make sure she's all right. Oh, oh my God. There's no sign of anyone. The cupboards are open. The fridge is open, but no one else downstairs. I go up to the toilet to see if she's hurt or bleeding. Yeah, you're thinking, oh, fucking hell, she's really hurt herself. She's run up to the toilet, run under the grab some grab some toilet roll wrap it there's no one there i turned around walked into our bedroom and there she was lying asleep snoring exactly where i left her okay fuck i woke my mom up and explained and she told me to sleep between her and her dad so i did. The next morning we wake up and check the CCTV.
Starting point is 00:21:26 There's only two cameras. One in the hallway overlooking the entrances to both bedrooms and the staircase. My sister stayed in her room the entire night. There was no one alive in our kitchen that whole night. Are you fucking for real? That is so scary. Guys, every story I read is making all the hair stand up on my arms. Do you want for real? That is so scary. Guys, every story I read, it's making all the hair stand up on my arms. Do you want to know? I actually have a similar story to this. Well, it's not mine.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's my sister's. They did never ever do this. They did Ouija boards. I think I probably spoke all about this in the last one, but they did Ouija boards. They went through like a phase of it. Never, ever, ever, ever do this. My mum's best friend always says it's literally like opening your front door and leaving it open. You never know who's going to do this. My mum's best friend always says, it's literally like opening your front door and leaving it open. You never know who's going to come in. Someone that's going to come in and rob your house, maybe even with a weapon and try and hurt people.
Starting point is 00:22:13 You never know. Or some sweet old lady that's going to go, excuse me, you've left the door open. You might want to shut it. Yeah, you don't know who you're letting in. Apparently, that is what doing a Ouija board means. But anyway, so she was doing them for a phase. I definitely told the deep stories. If you want to know, you're letting in apparently that is what doing a Ouija board means but anyway so she was doing them for a phase I definitely told the deep stories if you want to know go back
Starting point is 00:22:29 to that episode but if I didn't tell this one she basically her house kept flooding ever since then and I've heard so much about like they flood like when you mess with that world it a lot of houses flood right but anyway one night she was downstairs or yeah no she was in bed she was in bed and her boyfriend was downstairs she comes up to bed then she heard her boyfriend come up to the bathroom she's like oh cool he's coming up to bed brushing his teeth brushing his face whatever whatever um anyway he didn't come into bed so then she got up thinking what you doing went downstairs he's asleep someone was just walking around in the bathroom and that so kind of similar like it's that obvious the sounds are that clear that you just assume it's somebody like your partner
Starting point is 00:23:19 your sister in your case do you know what i mean that is honestly so terrifying i'm really scared for you that wasn't even that long ago either leo and the lion is not that old so i'm terrified for you love you be safe out there okay next one what's in it for me i help 15 girls believe in themselves i'm guider, and it's worth my time. Create a space where girls can just be. Volunteer as a guider at girlguides.ca slash volunteer. Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year.
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Starting point is 00:24:15 Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side. Hey, gorgeous gal. At your side. Hey gorgeous gal. Hey babe. This isn't quite a scary story but it is freaky. When I was around five or six years old I kept having the same reoccurring dream a few times a year until I was around 13. The dream was that I was in my old house, I'd walk upstairs and my older sister was sitting on the bed and she'd say he's in the wardrobe I'd open the wardrobe door and there was a young boy dressed in school uniform
Starting point is 00:24:53 dripping wet with bright blue eyes oh my god this is all a recurring dream oh my god I'm really freaked out I'm really freaked out. I'm really freaked out. I should add that the house in my dreams was a house we lived in until I was three. So I don't remember it very well. But you're having these vivid dreams. That's so freaky. I only know it was as my mum showed me pictures. And my sister used to play hide and seek with a ghost boy oh my god what is it with the kids and they play with the the spirits when i was older i told my mom about the dreams and we thought it was so weird to have the same dream multiple times a year for seven eight years a few months later we spoke about it again oh my god oh my god oh my god this is so scary these stories are so sad though oh this is so sad i
Starting point is 00:25:48 feel like crying reading that oh oh my god right a few months later we spoke about it again and my mum told me that my granddad's little brother died on a school trip when he was five he drowned in a lake in his school uniform and he had bright blue eyes oh my god this is so scary like this i swear this episode's scarier than the last one i'm really scared i'm really scared no i actually i'm scared it's fair to say i couldn't sleep for weeks after finding this out it scares me to this day love you bye yeah i'd be so scared of going to sleep because now that you know have you had the dream since i'd love to know that now that you know the story maybe in your dream you could like
Starting point is 00:26:38 talk to him you know deliver a message. That is so, so heartbreaking though. Oh my God. I'm scared. I'm actually scared. Like when I really think about it, I'm like, what if like the only way of people being able to communicate is like through dreams and then they're just, Oh God, I can't, I'm going to freak myself out too much. Okay. Next story. Okay. So this didn't happen to me, but a close family friend, my mom's old friend was known for being really good and open to the spirit world her and her sister were told they naturally had something about them that was able to see spirits and they could take it further professionally if they wanted to oh my god i would love to be told that however she chose not to she was never really
Starting point is 00:27:23 comfortable with the fact that she was able to do all of this yeah fair enough one year she was on holiday with her partner and an evening when they were asleep she woke up and saw a youngish boy stood in the corner of the hotel room guys it's another heartbreaking one i can't do this it's supposed to be scary, but it's so upsetting. I can't do it. I can't read it. He was stood looking like he was hiding and afraid to be seen. However, she told him it was okay and he could come out and speak to her. Oh my God, this isn't a dream. This is like she's woken up oh my god he stayed in the corner but then he started repeating it was an accident please tell them i wasn't drunk oh my god you guys this is supposed to be spooky i just feel so upset right now
Starting point is 00:28:18 over and over again with no context she was obviously very confused and didn't know what to do because he didn't say who he needed to tell etc later on that holiday she was told that the room she was in was where a young lad was staying a few years back with his friends he had been having a party in the room with his friends and fell off the balcony and sadly passed away this whole time in the news it was reported to the parents etc that he had been drunk and fell off oh i can't deal i can't deal with this i'm not the person to be fucking making podcast episodes like this so the boy had been trying to find someone to come so that he could tell his parents he wasn't drunk and it was an accident i i actually can't deal that i have no words for i think i just need to move on from that story
Starting point is 00:29:17 because i actually don't have the words i feel so sad guys all right next one god this is really taking a turn isn't it okay i've had a fair few encounters but this is definitely the creepiest around four years ago i was at work on a closing shift it was around half eight ish at night and i had a phone call from my mum she asked whether i'd come home back if I'd come back early and gone up to my room. I said no I'm still at work. She said something really weird had just happened. She told me that herself, her partner and my little brother were all sat in the living room watching telly. Then they all heard my voice call my brother's nickname that i have for him and only i call him it we have a little window thing in the wall that separates the living room and the kitchen i used to have one of those in my house and you could knock on the wall and hear where it used to be where it's just
Starting point is 00:30:16 plasterboard yeah anyway anyway what the fuck um she saw a shadow and believed i was home early they they then heard it again they are all in agreement that it was definitely my voice and no one else was home mystery still unsolved fuck that is fucking scary oh my god imagine that do you know what when i listen to music loud i'm sure i can hear my sister and my mum going lee in that is that like a universal thing where you listen to loud music and you can just hear someone calling your name i hear it all the time lee and then i'll turn my music on i'm like yeah to be fair i don't really listen to loud music anymore not at home anyway only in the car when we're jamming out to the Joe Bros. Oh my God, that is so scary though. Okay, next story. Okay,
Starting point is 00:31:15 this person has two stories. Love it. We love the multiples. First story. When my sister was little, she used to have a children's armchair. Oh to be fair could be worse could be it could be a rocking horse let's be real okay she used to have a children's armchair in the parlor and most days my granddad would sit her on his knee and read to her oh that's so sweet he unfortunately passed away when she was nearly three years old a few days after his passing my dad went to sit down on the armchair and my sister shouted, you can't sit there, granddad sat there. Nah, do you know what I would do? I'd probably, I'd go, oh fair, like, I wouldn't doubt it for a second. I would find so much comfort in that though, I feel like. I don't know. I don't know if it would creep you out or if you'd find it comforting. I don't know. My dad told her out or if you'd find it comforting I don't know my dad told her
Starting point is 00:32:05 that there was nobody there but she was insistent that he was still in the chair this carried on for a few weeks when eventually she said he had gone and allowed others to sit down they do say that children and animals see things we don't yeah they do they do to be fair when I went to see a medium with Jamie they said that his granddad like hangs out with my dog because he just randomly come out with who's missy and then jamie was like oh that's my that's my girlfriend's dog and he's like yeah your granddad you know what i mean oh god that's crazy okay next one second story during this time a couple of weeks after my granddad passed my parents were in bed
Starting point is 00:32:45 one night and heard a tapping noise coming from the hallway it would go on then stop every so often they went outside the bedroom and heard it again what seemed to be coming from the staircase are you crazy why are you following the noise go in the other direction do you have you guys not seen horror films fuck okay they went outside the bedroom and heard it again what seemed to be coming from the staircase they stood at the top of the stairs and heard it coming from the downstairs direction they couldn't pinpoint what this noise was and out of fear my mum waited at the top of the stairs and sent my dad to the bottom the tapping noise began again starting from the bottom of the stairs and working
Starting point is 00:33:25 its way up to the top it's literally between them now it's running towards your mum i've got goosebumps no that is this that is the stairs demon i'm running away from oh my god okay my parents bolted back into the bedroom no when your parents are running away from something that's when you know it's scary do you know what i mean um slam the door and got back into bed they both agreed it was the sound of footsteps walking up and down the stairs it only happened the once never to be heard again to be fair maybe it was because they were visibly frightened that whatever it was was like oh okay you know they're not open to this communication you know next one hey girl happy halloween love you love you happy halloween babe i have two
Starting point is 00:34:15 stories the first one is when i was living in my childhood home this was my first ever experience with a ghost or spirit i shared a bunk bed and room with my oldest sister and I was in the top bunk. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I heard something. So I sat up from my bed and when I looked down there was a woman who calmly walked over to my chest of drawers, leaned on it whilst drinking something from a mug. I was still asleep so I went, mum? Assuming it was her because who else is in my room at 4am drinking something lol when I said that she looked at me and then disappeared oh my god I was still like surely that was my mum so I ran into my parents room to find my mum asleep I woke her up and was like were you just in my room and she
Starting point is 00:35:08 genuinely thought I was going insane I slept in my parents bed for like a week after that I was so freaked out and I never saw the woman again oh my god like did she did she not mean to go in there it's like when you said mum she disappeared she was like oh fuck how'd i get in here she's like ariana what are you doing here ariana what are you doing here no seriously what you did in my room oh my god that's so crazy like she's just drinking a cup of what i don't know tea Wow. Mum? Gone. Gone. Scary. Oh my god. Okay, second story. Oh, actually, that kind of reminded me of one. So I don't know if I already told this. Sorry if I repeat myself. I'm really bad at remembering what I've told. Do you know what? I tell the same stories over and over to several people. And I can't remember if I told you guys, if I told my mum, if I told Jamie, if I told Jess,
Starting point is 00:36:03 if it was a TikTok I made. I can never remember who I've told. But if I haven't told you guys if I told my mum if I told Jamie if I told Jess if it was a TikTok I made I can never remember who I've told but if I haven't told you guys why I used to have the sleep talk app and basically you set you set it to start when you're putting your head down on the pillow to fall asleep and it will start picking up noises about 20 minutes 30 minutes after you press set and any noise above like the it will pick up the room level and any noise that peaks above the flat room level it will record and you can listen to it back and there was one when I was in secondary school so I was some sort of age of a teenager and there was one at like 3am and all my wardrobe drawers were opening and closing that you know that noise of a drawer like listen to this
Starting point is 00:36:45 like that right that is what i could hear in the background not it wasn't in the background it was loud it picked it up and still to this day i don't know what it was scary right okay anyway second story um one of my best friend's house is known to be haunted. Okay, well, she should move. Her parents own this massive old house, which is a classic horror movie vibe, but it's the place we always hang out. It's just that house, you know? Yeah, I love that. I've known her for 15 years now, and every single person who has stayed there has a story about it some examples of what happened oh my god heard screaming in the middle of the night coming from upstairs no one was upstairs so just like blood her screaming in
Starting point is 00:37:40 the middle of the night okay fucking hell screaming is a really scary sound i think like don't scream do you know what i mean but what i've realized is i can't scream if i try to scream i can't scream if you make me jump i will scream i can hit that i can hit the note do you know what whoa ow i can hit it but if you said to me do a horror horror film scream i would sound like i just can't scream i can't hit that part of my register when i'm trying to only if you genuinely frighten me do you know what i mean okay next next bullet point me and my friend once chased our friend up the stairs during a game when we were younger then when we got upstairs she turned the corner and disappeared turns out she was downstairs the whole time not you chasing the ghosts it's usually the other way around
Starting point is 00:38:37 you're the stairs demon what the fuck no that's not funny it's not funny at all scary that's really scary i really hope that because i'm like laughing about things and making jokes like i'm not gonna be i'm not even gonna say it all right let's just read the next one saw a hand slam against the window when we were having a movie night do you know what right that's fucking scary because i will never forget when i was about 13 14 and i was at my auntie's house um and we were it was when she lived in somerset we were me and my friend were like washing up right and her back garden was linked to the neighbor's back garden who i was hanging out with we were really good friends and her fucking sister scared the absolute living shit
Starting point is 00:39:31 out of us and she just like jumped up on the window smashed on it went like that and it wasn't a ghost it was a real fucking ghost a sister but still to this day i'll never forget that feeling it was so scary. I never jumped so bad. I went to see the exorcist with my mum the other week. And for the first time in her life, she fully jumped out of her skin. And she was cracking me up because she was going, I never understood what that saying really meant. Now I get that saying. It sounds like a figure of speech.
Starting point is 00:40:02 She physically jumped out of her skin. It was so funny. She didn't really get scared of things because she knows everything's fake everything's a film everyone's an actor everything's edit everything's edited like she can watch a film and completely detach that from reality whereas i will get sucked right fucking in and i'm petrified but she jumped out of her skin and it was so funny but anyway and all it was was a snake that he lifted something up and it was a snake under it. But anyway, next one. Weird things like kettles and lights turning on by themselves. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:40:35 But that could be a surge in electricity, you know. I don't know if surge is the word. It's not really my thing. Electricity. Yep. Things disappearing then reappearing weeks later. Her dog barking at random doors. Her cat refusing to enter a certain room.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That is creepy. There is a really, really weird energy about her walkway to the gate. It's just a long path to get to a gate. Everyone who visits runs down there to get in and out um or ask someone's to walk with them no one has an explanation it's just got the darkest energy it's one of those houses that is just definitely haunted anyway happy halloween love you bye oh my god does she still live there fuck some people find comfort in it like my oldest sister her house is so fucking haunted right she it doesn't bother her she got woken up one morning by the
Starting point is 00:41:33 landline you guys remember when people have landlines not many people have them these days if just something launched it at her fucking heed something launched the landline phone out her head do you know what she said well you know if they didn't if they didn't do it i would have been late for work i think they were looking out for me like they couldn't just tap you on the fucking shoulder they had to launch a phone at your fucking heed but she finds comfort in it it doesn't bother her at all but that is the place where i have only ever really felt like i was in contact with a spirit because I did tell this story before but if you missed it I literally just stood up off the sofa one night when I was a kid and it pushed me in the hip and I physically budged against in again across the room that was
Starting point is 00:42:19 so scary like I went around there tonight and I was desperate for a wee. But if you think I'm going upstairs alone for a wee in that house, you got nothing coming, darling. I'm not doing it. I held in. I was so desperate. All right, next story. Hey, girl. Love the pod.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Thank you so much. I love you. I have a story for the Halloween episode. Basically, a few years ago, I went around my aunties to babysit my little cousin and he had a helium balloon in the corner of the front room okay here we go here we go it was late at night and my cousin was in bed and i was at i was in the front room watching tv however all of a sudden the balloon started bobbing up and down why Why is it doing that? There was no windows open, no draft, no heating on, nothing that could cause it and the balloon was fresh.
Starting point is 00:43:14 It started bobbing across the room from one corner to the other quite fast. No, no, no, no, no, no, there's something creepy about helium balloons, isn't't there i shat myself and hid under the blanket on the sofa no way i'm running out that room i'm running but then i'm scared that my hair is going to get pulled you know what i mean um and eventually fell asleep how'd you manage that how'd you go from hearts beating up my chest hearts beating up my chest i'm so scared i'm hiding under a blanket to How's that happen? Anyway, I eventually fell asleep for like 10 minutes. Ew.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Ew. I woke up and the balloon was right above my head and the balloon string was dangling on my face. That is so fucking scary to me like what are you doing what are you trying to communicate that i'm scared i literally cried and also the tv was still on from before i fell asleep and i kid you not paranormal activity was the next thing to play on the telly do you know what them films absolutely petrify me i find them so scary so many people don't find paranormal activity scary i have to watch them on mute i can't they they freak me out so much i never went around my aunties again i was so scared
Starting point is 00:44:37 and my auntie told me the next day she was in the hair salon oh my god guys this story doesn't end here my auntie told me the next day she was in the hair salon and some random lady came up to her and asked her if someone in my family had recently passed away she said yes and the lady said he's in your house he wears a red shirt and he's laughing at you she said it wasn't in a bad way but a jokey way as if to not be scared this person had a particular red shirt in which they always used to wear and was always pulling people's legs and cracking jokes i believe it was him that evening oh my god so even when he's crossed over into the spirit world he is still cracking these jokes kind of love that to be fair guys i'm scared i'm actually scared this was
Starting point is 00:45:29 scary this episode was scarier than the last one i'm scared thank you so much for sharing your stories guys honestly i'm about to go to bed after this if anybody else i would like to know how many of you have serial killer energy and are listening to this alone in bed before you go to sleep because if so um what the heck is it just me to be fair my voice isn't the scariest do you know what i mean but the stories if you've used your imagination like me like i have pictured all of these stories i have envisioned them i can see it i can see that little girl lucy eating her apples in the pub i can see her i can see the girl talking to the wall i can see all of this i can see the balloon string on your face like it is so fucking scary to me but honestly i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope it was fun because i i just find i was so excited
Starting point is 00:46:34 to do this episode i find it thrilling there's something about it when somebody tells me a ghost story or any story about like you know communication with the spirit world whether that be through a physical spirit whether that be through mediumship like whatever it is i am fucking fascinated i just love it you can tell me the story 10 times over and over my auntie has so many and when i was younger i used to get her to tell me them over and over and over can you tell me the story about that girl on the road can you tell me the story about the woman upstairs in the house like i used to always can you tell me something can tell me sorry most people would say can you tell me the story about the princess in her bed that couldn't sleep because there was a pee in
Starting point is 00:47:18 her mattress not me can you tell me the story about when you was at your friend's house and and all the electricity went out and then you saw a random woman upstairs that said don't worry all the lights will come back on soon and then you told your friend and then she said what the hell are you talking about my mum isn't even home oh weird kid hey anyway guys let's wrap up the episode okay everybody i hope you all really enjoyed this episode thank you so much for listening i love you and appreciate you more than you ever ever know i love the specials they are so fun i guess the next one will be the christmas special but to be honest i can't really remember what we did for the last christmas special i think we all talked about our favorite christmas traditions and then we did like a gift guide idea but please and i mean this i'm not just saying it please send me a dm now if you have time that would mean the world to me
Starting point is 00:48:16 any ideas for the christmas special that you guys would really enjoy listening to um and then we also have the new year special where i will reflect on my yearly tarot reading i may even do a new one oh fuck i've just realized something i was supposed to have a psychic reading with someone oh shit one sec okay i've just gone through the emails it was not arranged officially which date so i've got back to them and said let's arrange a date so I've got back to them and said let's arrange a date so I'm so excited but I'm also nervous but yeah I hope you guys got in the spooky spirit today with this Halloween special I love you I appreciate you all so much I hope you all have an amazing Halloween be safe be careful be warm in your sexy little outfits maybe bring a little fur coat we can throw over at the end of the night
Starting point is 00:49:05 chuck it in the cloak room but yeah be safe be careful have an amazing time look out for your friends and yeah i love you guys so much have an amazing weekend have an amazing halloween and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you. time.

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