Leah on the Line - Confession Diaries 2: I cheated on my boyfriend with my girl bestie

Episode Date: June 16, 2022

Oh my gosh you guys did not disappoint with these confessions... I am just obsessed with you and your antics. Thank you so much to everyone that has sent in any confessions, these Friday episodes woul...dn't exist without you! I am so grateful to every single one of you for taking part in my podcast, you really are the best friends I could ever ask for!! As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome welcome back to a brand new episode of leah on the line it's confession diaries number two episode two how did you guys find it from instagram dms you guys fucking loved it and i'm absolutely buzzing about that the response was incredible so many of you said that you were just like belly laughing oh my god i have to tell you about this dm this girl sent me a dm and she was like i always listen to your podcast like on my tv and i had the my window open and then she like crossed paths with her neighbor and her neighbor was like um please can you shut your windows because I have a four-year-old and I'm just like at home and all I can hear is somebody talking about fingering and orgasms and she said
Starting point is 00:00:58 she died but I died I'm embarrassed and he doesn't even or she doesn't even know that it's me, this neighbor. And I'm embarrassed. I'm humiliated. It's like, I don't think people listen to this. And then you guys send me DMs. And I'm like, I forget people actually listen to me say this kind of thing. But we're all best friends. And you know, we talk about this kind of stuff at sleepover. So I'm talking about with you, you my best friends. So happy Friday. What are you up to this weekend, babes? What are you doing? I actually have a big weekend ahead. I'm in London currently. Well, I'm not recording this, but I will be when you listen. I'm in London. I think I have something planned on Friday. I think I got a little something planned on Thursday, but I'm not a hundred percent. Um, and then Friday, I think I have a meeting. Maybe it's 100 confirmed and then Saturday I this was all not
Starting point is 00:01:47 meant to happen by the way like me my mum's got some time off work and we were like let's go to London like let's spend some time with her twin sister and then this thing came up and then this thing came up and now I'm just like really fucking busy and the weather is insane while we're there which I'm so excited about but yeah I'm really looking forward to it I love being in London hanging out my auntie it's like my favorite place to be London is just you guys know I love being there so just going there for like three days I'm just so happy so yeah what are you guys doing you getting out are you getting out what's the plans the weather's unbelievable in most places of the country um let me know what
Starting point is 00:02:25 your plans are or if you're not from the uk i hope the weather's nice to you wherever you are um but without further ado i suppose we should just get straight into the confession should we i love this i love doing the confessions i'm so i was a bit worried that after last week you know the hype would die and it was just going to be a case of hey everyone send me your confessions I'm going to do a confession diaries and everyone was going to send them all and then I'd read them all out and then by week two I would have nothing but I have a lot of confessions I'm so excited to read them out let's dive straight in to number one. I had sex in a bush with my boyfriend during lockdown as he couldn't come over. I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah, well, you definitely did that. You had sex in a bush.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I feel like there's a lot of people that have had sex in a bush, no pandemic involved. Like, I feel like that is genuinely a thing that people can say they have done. So I feel like don't worry about that side. But I love that for you. I love it. You know, the things we do for love, the things we do for the pain. That's what I say. Okay, next one. I want to homie hop to one of my ex's friends. He rebounded. Okay, I want to homie hop to one of my ex's friends he rebounded with um okay i want to homey hop to one of my ex's friends he rebounded one of mine so why can't i i back that decision every day of the week if he if he fucked one of your friends you're gonna fuck one of his like i said this last week and i'll say it again i don't know who needs to hear this right now but fuck his friend okay next confession i've been secretly hooking up with a guy at work within
Starting point is 00:04:06 the workplace and nobody knows okay this was me I have done this and we were like hooking up at work sleeping together we worked at a bar together and it was like a massive secret I fancied him from the day I met him like I I was there my first my first shift and he was there just like eating like he came to just like sit in the pub and I was like who is that fucking sexy boy and then anyway it turns out that he actually worked there as well he just wasn't working at the moment I was like brilliant this is brilliant news and then um we ended up working together became like literally like best friends that got on so well and then finally it happened we ended up sleeping together we kept sleeping together told nobody especially not the boss
Starting point is 00:04:50 and it was like our little secret and we'd like run off into the glass wash room and snog each other's face off and I just wanted to shag him then and there but I didn't I did not um and yeah I I love it for you I well to be fair I will admit as soon as it came out the secret was out I we were both kind of over it we were like oh well this isn't so fun and naughty anymore is it like everyone just knows that you're dicking me dicking me that's disgusting but do you know what I mean like as soon as it came out it was a bit boring so let me know if it comes out let me know if you continue because if so I think you might be in love next confession I left the club on Saturday to sleep with the boy I'm seeing in his car then returned to the club I think this is fantastic I think that's a fantastic healthy
Starting point is 00:05:37 balance of of the girls and sex dick I love it I think that's sick you were out clubbing loving life left he came picked you up you got some dick and then you went back to the club I hear absolutely nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever um next one oh my goodness somebody said I killed someone I'm just gonna I'm gonna pretend that that's a joke I mean I'm hoping it is a joke because Jesus Jesus fuck okay I okay around a year ago when me and the boy first got together we were both addicted to sex I invited him to my house when everyone was at work slash school and we did it everywhere my room kitchen living room bathroom hallway but now every time I get flashbacks when my family is but now every time i get flashbacks when my family is but now every time i get flashbacks eg when my family's eating on the dinner table
Starting point is 00:06:32 oh my god you're literally sat there you're literally thinking my bare ass was on that fucking table like i had my pussy in on that table i literally i hope the girl who listens with her window open has shut her window today because Jesus, these episodes are never going to be safe for anyone to listen in public, are they? I hope you all have headphones in right now. Or if you're playing it out loud and proud, I fucking love that for you. I hooked up, oh, look at you rubbing it in my face again. I hooked up with my teacher in a bar. I didn't realize until after we left the club together. Oh, well done you. Good for you. Must be nice. Okay. No, that's sexy. I love it. Um,
Starting point is 00:07:20 also it's a bit interesting that your, your teachers go and clubbing in the same places as students, but sure, whatever. Um, I'm trying to fuck up someone's life because they fucked me about. Okay, one thing I would say, I know this isn't a Tuesday Dilemmas advice episode, but give up, because this just will never bring you peace. It's just never, no, it's a bad idea. You are worth happiness and contentment, and this will not bring you that. I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I'm going to give it to you anyway. So my BFF of 20 years is finally engaged and I'm so happy for her over the moon but I secretly hope she picks a different friend to be her maid of honor. She's going to be a bridezilla. I love that. I feel like my friends will probably feel like that about me.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I don't think I'd be a bridezilla though. Do you think you guys will be a bridezilla? I genuinely can't see myself being a bridezilla. What is a bridezilla though. Do you think you guys will be a bridezilla? I genuinely can't see myself being a bridezilla. What is a bridezilla though? Like is it somebody that kicks off and I don't know, is like a control freak over the wedding? I'm not 100% sure on that one. Next one. I slept with my ex and he fucked me off the next day. Happens to the best of us, us hun this happens to all of us every single one of us and i don't care if you say no it hasn't yet has no i'm sure it hasn't i'm sure there's loads of people that hasn't happened to um okay this next one is my fucking
Starting point is 00:08:35 friend who sent this in and i feel sick okay she says when i'm super horny, I like to play with myself in front of a mirror. Okay, love it for you. I'm just like, babes, why have you told me this? Why have you told me this? And I hate to say, I just can't, I just can't help but picture it. And like, you're my friend, so gross. Okay. All right, now we're going to move on to some longer ones. I just wanted to kick it off with some short ones, but this is a fucking brilliant one. Okay. Hello. Just need to say I love you. Been religiously listening since the first episode and I'm mega proud of you. Thank you so much. This is my confession. I love you too, by the way. Okay. I've never actually admitted it. So much so that when you tell everyone it didn't happen, you trick your brain to believe it didn't.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Does that make sense? Yeah, I know that. I actually know what you mean by that. Anyways, in the first few months of my current relationship, I cheated. I know, awful. I would never do it again. So stupid. I was 18 and we were having a rocky start. We were in the middle of a big argument and I was telling all my friends that I was going to break up with him the next day. So I cheated that night. So silly and immature. But I did it and we've been together six years and I've just found a receipt for my engagement ring. Oh, fuck. Things are going amazing and I wouldn't change it for the world. He doesn't know exactly what happened, but I can tell he knows that I wasn't faithful in the first year together. How? How can you tell he knows that um but I'm just so happy everything worked out for the
Starting point is 00:10:08 best we live together have a little dog and I'm looking forward to the rest of my life with him cheaters aren't always cheaters silly mistakes happen and they make you grow and improve for the future I love you bye I can't wait to hear what you think yeah do you know what I think I'd be the same as you like it's that you like what are you gonna do bring it up now six years later when you're about to get engaged you know like that is a confession I cheated on my boyfriend at the beginning of our relationship but you know what it was six years ago and you said that you feel like he kind of knows and if that's the case, you know, if you feel like he does kind of know about it and it's sort of staying at that, I feel like let that go, you know, like it's, he's okay with it. You know, it was six years ago and you'd never do it again. And you're about to engage and have
Starting point is 00:10:57 the most beautiful life. So yeah, you know, what a confession. Okay. Little short one. I had sex in McDonald's toilet when I was 18 bang my head off the toilet seat whoops never again do you know I've had sex in a bathroom once and I've banged my head on the toilet not on the seat or just on the toilet like just on the bottom part of it what's it called um just like the not the bowl like the bit underneath like the standy bit like does that make sense yeah I bang my head on that um but anyway this isn't my confession actually somebody said to me are you ever gonna do a fucking confession but realistically that's just gonna keep happening every week where you guys say you've done something and I'll be like yeah I've
Starting point is 00:11:43 done that do you know what I mean so you you're probably going to get to know way too much about me as if you don't already. Okay. Okay. Long one ish. I lost my virginity when I was 16 to a family friend at a party when I was drunk and I never told anyone, not even my best friend. For a year after I carried on seeing him and sleeping with him. After 18 months after first having sex with him, I found out i was three months pregnant it was a big shock as i was on the pill and we used condoms fuck me against all odds wow he was the only person i'd ever slept with so i knew it was his we both weren't in the place to keep it so i had an abortion i'm now nearly 20 and only me and him know about it and all my friends
Starting point is 00:12:20 think i lost my virginity to my new boyfriend who I've been dating for a year do you know what it is literally no one else's business when you lose your virginity so I don't think you have anything to be ashamed about which I mean like why do you have to why do you have to explain your your sex life to anybody else like you are absolutely fine that's mad though that you were on the pill and you used condoms and you fell pregnant that's absolutely crazy no one's safe guys literally no one is ever safe um okay this one's oh no okay let's do this one I went home with a guy after a night out but hadn't shaved in weeks so I went to the loo and used his razor by the sink as in the one he uses on his face to give myself a quick shave no regrets just hope I didn't leave any pubes lying around I respect it I look if I was in that position um and I was fully about to have sex and I was like oh my god I need to shave I'm definitely using his razor I don't care like 100% did you tell him though I
Starting point is 00:13:26 know you can't suppose you can't by the way he shaved my fanny with your razor last night shave my fanny with your razor I mean I don't know is it bad for me to admit that I probably would have done the same thing I don't know maybe that would just make you feel a little bit better about it not that I'm even suggesting not that you're even suggesting make you feel a little bit better about it. Not that I'm even suggesting, not that you're even suggesting that you feel bad. Okay. I got fingered on for the first time when I was 14 on the way home from school. What the fuck was wrong with me? Do you know what baffles me about this? How does that come about? Like you're just walking home with someone and then you're like, what? Would you like finger me? Like what, how does that happen? Like was,
Starting point is 00:14:04 was you just talking about sex and he was like should i just fucking finger you right now right here right now and you're like yeah finger me right here right now fingering is such a funny weird fucking thing to me especially like because it's such a thing you do when you're like a teenager like finger fingered me fingered me, he fingered me, I fingered him. I mean, I have, do you know what I mean? Um, yeah. Do you know what I mean though? Like, like how does that come about? You're just walking home and then you get fingered and you're 14, like 14 years old, I was sprinting home to play Sims and have a hotel. I literally used to run home so I didn't see anyone because I just didn't want to be distracted from the time that I had to race my siblings to the computer.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And I was always the first one home. Because they'd actually have friends that they wanted to hang out with. And I would just sprint. What the fuck? Okay, someone started fucking drilling in my house. Did you hear that? Oh, now my stomach's rumbling. Okay. Yeah, so I used to run home with Summer as well. Me and Summer used to run home to my house together, play on Habbo Hotel. My friend, right, one second, I need to fucking kill someone okay apologies for that hopefully that's the end of it um moving on i can't remember where
Starting point is 00:15:31 i left off to be honest but moving on to the next oh just dropped my phone moving on to the next confession this one okay i had a foursome when i was 17. A foursome? Blimey. You crazy girl. You crazy, crazy girl. At 17 as well. And sucked one of the guy's dicks after it had been in my mate's fanny. The way she used the word fanny makes me laugh. I had a foursome when I was 17.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Sucked off one of the guy's dicks after it had been in my mate's fanny it makes me laugh I had a foursome when I was 17 sucked off one of the guy's dicks um after a bit of my mate's fanny I mean yeah for sure I I don't know really I don't really honestly know how I feel about that one it's sexy um but it's also kind of dirty isn't it but also sexy as I say but kind of gross isn't it okay oh my god this one's really long let's move into this one hey girl firstly love you and this podcast been catching up and just been crying one minute and laughing the next you are made for this so my confession thank you so much by the way i had a birthday party at my house for my 20th like five years ago and we hired a hot tub me and my besties were all drinking in bikinis etc my best friend at the time we'll call her millie had both spoken before about how we had
Starting point is 00:16:58 previously had sex previously had sex with girls slash found girls attractive she was single at the time i was in an extremely rocky relationship with an abusive dickhead and we were in the process of breaking up. So Millie and I were both drunk, decided to go upstairs for a wee and we had a little kiss in the bathroom. We went back to drinking like nothing had happened. Later on, there were five of us staying in my room. Three of the girls were on a king size mattress on the floor and me and millie got in the bed long story short we thought the girls on the floor were asleep but they weren't we ended up having sex it was great by the way and then we fell asleep the next day when we woke up the two two of the three girls had gone home it turns out they had
Starting point is 00:17:38 heard us and were all extremely pissed off that we had had sex while they were in the room this caused a massive issue in our friendships and I haven't spoken to one of the girls since. It's been five years. Never stop feeling guilty because I should never have done it for multiple reasons but figuring out your sexuality is a tough one. Shout out to anyone going through it. Love you. Bye. Okay what the fuck is your friend's problem? Like loads of my friends have had sex in the same room with me. Loads of them. I'm not even joking. It's happened to me so many times. I've had sex with my friends in the room. It's a fucking normal thing. I'm sure so many people listening right now could
Starting point is 00:18:13 say that they've had sex with their friends in the room and vice versa. Why was your friend crying about it? That's weird. I'm not going to lie. Her reaction's a bit odd there. Maybe, maybe your friend was in love with you that's strange behavior to me like who actually gives a fuck about that it's very strange behavior um i love this i think it's sexy scandalous it's raunchy it's exciting it's fun i love every single thing about this confession apart from your weird friend slash not friend who was like throwing a fucking tantrum about the fact that you had sex when you like i don't get it i just didn't get it like why is
Starting point is 00:18:50 she so upset about you having sex with someone in the room you didn't like pin her to a chair and say watch me have sex like it wasn't like why i didn't get it i don't get it she's really strange for doing that to be honest anybody else agree with me I'm not sure um but it's sexy it's fun I love that for you it's very very fun um okay next confession hey girl I love you with my entire life oh my god I listen to your podcast whenever I'm doing literally any task and I want to actually marry you oh my goodness oh my god are you single anyway carrying on to the confession my mom and dad have been married for 21 years in summer 2020 i found out that my dad was cheating on my mom by a notification coming through while i was using his phone oh shoot i did a bit of digging bad idea in brackets
Starting point is 00:19:40 and found out that he'd been in a relationship with another woman for four years holy fucker are you joking i wasn't sure how my dad was going to react if i brought it up with him and i couldn't tell my mum as i didn't even want to believe it myself and thought leaving myself to accept it first was important however as time went on it only became more and more pressuring for me and became harder to tell my mum as i've been keeping it a secret for longer yeah in it um my mum found out feb 2022 so that means he was with her for six years and nobody has any idea i knew for the whole two years and didn't tell a soul. Sorry this is so long but I love you. Bye. Oh my Jesus fuck. You poor girl. That is, that's hideous. Like I'm not being funny.
Starting point is 00:20:36 When you found your dad cheating on your mum that must have broken your heart as well and you just wanted to protect her and you also wanted to protect your dad and you didn't want to break the family up and then you were feeling guilty because you had this giant secret on your shoulders oh my goodness me you poor girl i mean i don't blame you for that one bit that is some heavy shit that's some heavy hard sad heartbreaking difficult information to keep in girl that's so so sad I'm absolutely gutted for you but at least it came out in the end and you didn't have to go through the whole you having to be the one that breaks your mum's heart you know hopefully it never comes out that you did know because it doesn't really need to do you know what I mean and I think I would understand
Starting point is 00:21:23 if that was my kid I would understand because I'd be like, well, I know that's your dad. We're your parents. You don't want us to break up. You don't want to feel like you're to blame because that's the thing. You'd also blame yourself, wouldn't you? Like you wouldn't want to break up your, your family's relationship because you'd feel like it was your fault for being the one to tell them. So I don't blame you. I feel so sad for you that you had to, um, be the one to tell them so I don't blame you I feel so sad for you that you had to um be the one to find out you poor girl oh well I'm glad I'm glad for your mum's sake that it came out and she's able to know the truth and I hope I wish her all the love and happiness in the world and you and your dad and his new fucking bitch okay next confession hey leah bloody love you and your podcast i love you so
Starting point is 00:22:06 much never told anyone about this except my closest friends so here we go when i was 19 i was newly single and going through my obligatory obligatory i never know how to say this word obligatory obligatory obligatory how do you say it hey siri hey siri how do you say obligatory okay i found this on the web for how do you say obligatory obligatory obligatory obligatory okay when i was 19 i was newly single and going through my obligatory slag phase. On one particular weekend, I had unprotected sex with four different boys. Oh girl, you are dumb. I'm so sorry you're dumb. But you know, you said you had to go through this slag phase. I actually don't believe in the word slag. So I won't back this.
Starting point is 00:23:06 You were going through a phase of enjoying your fucking life. Okay? Bit risky on the unprotected front. But we'll continue on. One was on Friday night who I was regularly sleeping with. Another one. Is it regularly or is it regularly? Because I always say regularly.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But it's actually spelt regularly. Let I always say regularly, but it's actually spelt regularly. Let's get Siri involved. Hey, Siri. Am I setting off all your Siri's by the way? Hey, Siri. Hey, Siri. Bitch. How do you say regularly? Sure. Translating to which language? Arabic no no listen to me stop talking hey siri how do you say regularly in english oh she's fucking useless okay just ignore Anyway, she was regularly sleeping with two. Oh my God, Leah, just shut up. Just shut up. Everyone just stop. Everyone just stop talking right now. Getting me so confused. I'm going to start this again. One was on Friday night who I
Starting point is 00:24:18 was regularly sleeping with. Two on Saturday night, both one night stands and afters at my friend's house. And one on Sunday who I was also regularly sleeping with. They didn't know about each other at all. Okay, so we've got two people that we're regularly sleeping with and then two boys that happened in one night. Okay, love it. If we were using protection, I hear no issues here, continuing on basically skip two months later when I when I realized I'd missed my period I was pregnant I worked out what weekend it was that I got pregnant and yep you guessed it it worked out to be the weekend I slept with the four different guys luckily I remembered all sexual encounters so I was able to work out whose it was because only one of them actually came inside me it was the guy I slept with on the Friday who I was sleeping with.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Oh, sorry, sorry. Who I was seeing and he was lovely about it. Oh, okay. And was there for me the whole way through the abortion. What a king, as he fucking should. Do you know what I mean? I wish this taught me not to have unprotected sex, but I didn't learn and continued for quite a few more months, face palm,
Starting point is 00:25:24 until I met my current boyfriend who I've been with for three years hope this didn't gross you out too much lol love you obs please keep me anonymous even though I know you will even though I know you will I feel like I need to wear it of course I'll keep you anonymous um I mean yeah well there you go that is one reason why we don't have unprotected sex. That's just one. Other reason being sexually transmitted diseases. Darling. Alright, alright. But I'm not here to lecture you. I'm here to congratulate you on your three year relationship. Okay. I mean, what a lovely boy that he backed you and was there for you through the abortion. I mean, I kind of hate celebrating men when they do the bare minimum for women. Like, well done you for, like, supporting somebody emotionally for a situation that you also got her into. Like, as you fucking should. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:16 You came in somebody at the end of the day. You should be willing to face the consequences and here we are. And he is so well done, as he should. Hopefully he learns to next time he has a one nightnight stand go um shall we use a condom or if you know if we're not talking about stis and stuff are you on the pill have you got any form of contraception going on here babe but whatever this isn't tuesday i need to forget nobody actually wants my advice on fridays it's friday we're about to go out and make bad decisions anyway, aren't we? So fuck it. I'm just really happy for you that you managed to turn this one around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Okay, next one, guys. Actually, I might be in this one the last one because Love Island is about to begin. But let me let me get into this. Hey hey leah my confession is that when i was 20 i was out clubbing with my boyfriend x now and i sucked him off on the middle of the dance floor i'm a new listener to the podcast and i'm loving it oh my god welcome to all my new listeners by the way love you so much and to the girl that's sucking off my boyfriend on the dance floor you dirty dirty bitch how does that happen does nobody see you i'm so confused i know for a fact if i was on a dance floor and i saw a girl on her knees i'm just i'm i'm aware of it like i'm not just like oh i didn't even notice so interesting how you on the dance floor with your boyfriend's cock in your
Starting point is 00:27:37 mouth um how did you get away with that i'd love to know more details on that one, but yeah, you dirty bitches, I love our Fridays where we tell all our secrets, it's been really, really fun today, sorry about the drilling, halfway fucking through, um, and I'm about to hop downstairs and watch Love Island, whoop, whoop, how exciting is it, to be honest, I could have a bit more excitement in that villa i'm not gonna lie i'm getting a bit sick of it i'm getting a bit sick of the same old shit at the end of the day no i do i live and breathe love island it's my life at the end of the day it really is i'm literally i have a love island water bottle I realize my tattoos say love island like I have a heart tattoo and a palm tree tattoo that's literally love island like am I a fucking super
Starting point is 00:28:31 fan or what I am a super fan I am it's such a good show I just love all the successful love stories like I just want I want a Tommy to my Molly do you know what I mean although I'm definitely more of a Maura than a Molly let's face it people always say that I remind them of Maura but like if I was Irish or if she was English how about that how about that although most of the time I'm doing my Aussie accent so I should really go in Love Island Australia and I think I could trick a few Aussies into thinking I'm Australian what do you guys think? That's a really, what I want to know is who found the photos. I don't know what the actual sound is, but that's not it. Anyway, guys, love you so, so, so much.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You are the best thing ever. And please send in any confessions you I put up an Instagram story asking for your confessions every week but if not send them over on my email um leahontheline at gmail.com or head over to the website the link is in my Instagram bio at leahontheline and you can just click the website fill out the form and it's always anonymous always I can always see your emails and stuff like that but it's literally completely anonymous I have to go out my way to find out who you are and I'm never ever doing that so um don't worry about it and yeah I love you guys more than anything in the world actually to be fair you could probably put a fake email on my website you could definitely put a fake email I don't think
Starting point is 00:30:00 it actually matters but you you do get a reply saying like, thanks for your submission. Love you so much. So yeah, but that's pretty much it. Anyway, thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you guys have the best weekend. Be safe. I will talk to you on Tuesday. And yeah, don't text your ex. Text me.
Starting point is 00:30:20 All right. I love you so much. I'll see you on Tuesday. I love you. Bye.

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