Leah on the Line - Confession Diaries 6: I locked a guy in my bedroom for 24 hours!

Episode Date: July 23, 2022

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another episode of the Confession Diaries - I hope you love this one. Thank you so much to everyone that sends in confessions and dilemmas every week, as well as all your... love and support.. It seriously means the world. As always send in your confessions/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone welcome back to a brand new episode of leo and the line happy friday how are you how was your week did you enjoy the episode on tuesday i personally loved it felt like the vibes were just immaculate. I mean, just really enjoyed filming that one. So yeah, how was your week? It's Friday. The weekend is approaching. It's Friday. I always wonder like how many people listen on the day? How many of you are like catching up from old episodes? How many of you will like save it until a convenient time? Like how many of you are the oh shit it's midnight like thursday night midnight you know this episode's coming out how many of you
Starting point is 00:00:51 i listen to this at midnight right now how many of you have saved it for like a monday evening walk with the dog because you're like actually i'm going i'm going for a walk on monday i'll save it for that how many of you save it for your workout i really want to get back to the gym I feel like I'm going to make that my mission over the next couple of weeks I'm going to sign up to the gym again get my body moving because my body's changed so much like since I've moved home and like I suppose my whole lifestyle has changed because when I was living in London we were getting takeaways daily baby and like now that I'm home I cook dinner for my mum every night my mum absolutely hates cooking right so I do all the cooking at home not all of it most of it majority of it well that's that's
Starting point is 00:01:30 kind of a lie recently she's done a lot of cooking but yeah so I cook now basically instead of getting takeaways at the time like a lazy bitch and I'm not working in a bar which means I'm not drinking as much alcohol because anybody that works in a bar you know your lifestyle goes downhill your sleeping patterns fucked your body's fucked because you're doing so many steps we just do drink alcohol don't we when we work behind a bar full of it and it's just not good for the bod it's not good for the body but it's fun sometimes isn't it i will say sometimes i do miss it um but anyway but anyway so what was the point in me saying any of that? I have no idea. Oh yeah. I want to go back to the gym and just like, just really fall in love with myself
Starting point is 00:02:11 and my body. And like, what I mean by that is like treat my body better because I love it. Do you know what I mean? Rather than because I don't love it. Like I'm not going to the gym because I don't like my body. I want to go to the gym because I love it. And I want to give it that, do you know what I mean? Give it that exercise that release the serotonin. Do you know what I mean? So it's Friday, which what does that mean, babes? It means it's the confession diaries. And you guys, as always, have been up to no good. And I'm really quite thrilled. Actually, I'm really quite thrilled. Remember to send these in. These are the ones that I struggle getting enough of because the thing is they're short do you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:02:48 with dilemmas i can do five an episode but with confessions i need like 20 30 an episode and that's hard okay for little old leah on the line that's hard sometimes so make sure you're sending these in if you have them i i'm gonna have to keep pushing for that i think because otherwise the confession diaries is just gonna die it's gonna be a thing of the past but we have enough we have enough and that's all that matters um but yeah I hope you're all well I hope you have something good planned this weekend I don't know what you're up to as always let me know send me a dm let's have a little chat um and yeah do you know what let's just straight in. So let's kick off with this one. I've been drunk kissing my best friend, but I have a boyfriend of three and a half years.
Starting point is 00:03:31 So this is a continuous affair we're having here. Do you guys think that's an affair? Drunk kissing for me? Yeah. And I don't care that it's your friend, because if that was my boyfriend getting drunk and kissing his friends like you're cheating on me do you know what I mean so for me honey you're a cheating little bitch and I'm kidding well I'm not really I mean I am I just don't mean to be that brutal I love you so much but you know it's your friends um is it a girl is a guy how does your boyfriend feel about this because as we've discussed for some reason it matters to a guy um to some of them anyway so yeah I'm intrigued as for more details to that one is it just kissing you're getting up to hey send me some more info on that one okay I looked through my best friend's phone
Starting point is 00:04:20 she went to my ex's house okay I can't even imagine going through my best friend's phone. Like I couldn't imagine being in a friendship where I felt like I couldn't trust them. Like that would be so shit. Like I've had friendships where I would be like, I wouldn't trust you in a room alone with my boyfriend. But then that's probably just, I don't trust people in general. But what I do, I do now. I just mean I've experienced that feeling before. But I couldn't ever imagine like snooping on my best friend's phone. I will mean I've experienced that feeling before but I couldn't ever imagine like snooping on my best friend's phone I will admit I've snooped on boyfriend's phones in the past have you guys done that and how do you feel about it because like we've spoken about it before
Starting point is 00:04:55 and like it's kind of pointless because in my in my like opinion if I go on there I'm either going to find nothing and then I'll just think you've deleted it anyway so I'll get no peace of mind like I just think you've destroyed the evidence or I'm going to find something and the relationship's going to go shit so it's like a lose-lose situation for me it's just such a bad um what's the word like habit to get into but you went through your best friend's phone and she went to your ex's house did you not like did you approach her on the situation I would love to know I would love to know more like this is this is killing me this is what kills me on the confession diaries it's like that's all we get so we get she went to my ex's house what what do you mean did you say uh me, I've just been for your phone and why the hell were you at my ex's house? Or did that not happen? Did you just go, little bitch, and put her phone down
Starting point is 00:05:50 because you can't admit that you went on her phone? This is the thing. Sometimes when you find something on someone's phone, I know this from bloody experience, you call them out on it. You're like, excuse me, I just went on your phone and I've just found this. And they're like, well, why are you going on my phone? You're a fucking psycho, right? Maybe if you just had some trust in me, I wouldn't be behaving like this. Yeah, that's what they do. They guess at you, they turn it around, hun. So it's a difficult one to approach when you find stuff. That's why I feel like going on someone's phone is a lose-lose situation because they will just turn it on you. And then, you know, if you're easily manipulated, like I have been recent not recently not recently
Starting point is 00:06:25 I'm single in in my experience I'll start going yeah you know you're right I really shouldn't have gone through that phone you are right that was awful of me I deserve this that's kind of fucked isn't it but anyway um yeah I need more info on that one please send it in I'm sure all of the all of the listeners want to know more. Okay. Oh, related. I go through my boyfriend's phone and found, and I found him texting my, oh, sorry, sorry. I'm going to start that again. Jesus Christ. I go through my boyfriend's phone and found him texting his ex. What do I do? Okay. You ask him, this is the difficult thing because he's going to turn around and go, why are you going on my phone? I tell you why, because I had, I have trust issues with you and clearly I was right to you because look at what I've just found. So don't you dare turn this
Starting point is 00:07:13 around on me. Let's face the problem at hand, shall we? You're messaging your fucking ex. And thank God I went through my, your phone because I wouldn't even know about it if I didn't. So we should, I'm, I'm grateful to myself for that gut feeling that I had because it was right. Why are you texting your ex? That's what I'd say. So yeah, let me know again. We need updates on this. Do that. Let us know how it goes. I cheated on my boyfriend of five years, but I can never tell him. I feel awful. Wow. Do you know what? What kind of person are you? Okay, guys. So if you cheated in a relationship, are you the kind of person that you're telling them like you, you are going to own up, come clean,
Starting point is 00:08:02 or are you, I'm taking this to the the grave i am taking this to the grave because i am one million percent and i don't even mean this in a way of like i'm amazing everybody should be like me i mean it like i'm not proud of of this side of me but i am so honest it's it's not even good like i will tell you something you just don't need to know because keeping it from you will eat me up like i have this awful guilty conscience right like i was seeing this guy once like literally just seeing him and i went out with another guy and and slept with somebody and i was like i need to tell him and my auntie was like you don't like he's not your boyfriend you're gonna hurt his feelings if you tell him like it's fine like
Starting point is 00:08:42 it's not it's not a case of you cheated he's not your boyfriend it is a classic what he doesn't know can't hurt him right now you haven't done anything wrong don't tell the poor boy and i was like no i have to tell him and i was literally like hello um i've had sex with somebody else and obviously upset him because we see each other so yeah like i have this weird thing where i i cannot keep secrets I cannot do things sneakily like I even if I if I'm not doing anything wrong I need to feel like I'm being open and honest at all times even when I'm not doing anything technically wrong so I am definitely somebody that if I I would never cheat let's get one thing straight I would never ever ever ever ever ever cheat but if I did
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'm I'm the person that's owning up and saying, look, I deserve, you should walk out on me. I deserve it. No, I wouldn't. I'd literally beg them to stay. But anyway, that's unfair as well, isn't it really? But yeah, you said you can never tell him. I mean, I get it because you're like, I don't want to throw this relationship away. And especially if deep down, you know, you'll never do that again. Like that, like you will never, that's your boyfriend, like you will never do it again. You're like, why would I tell tell him i'm going to be an amazing girlfriend to him from now on why would i hurt him why would i destroy the trust in the relationship by telling him but then realistically you you destroyed it by cheating do you know what i mean i think i think it's always best to come
Starting point is 00:09:59 clean but then but then on the flip side i always say this that like if if my ex had cheated on me I'd rather not know but then that's my ex like we're not together anymore but if it was my boyfriend okay so let's put this let's imagine this everybody to people in relationships let's find out I don't know three years ago you've been with your boyfriend five years three years ago he cheated on you he did she sleep with somebody she just said i cheated let's just say okay your boyfriend three years ago cheated on you had sex with somebody else do you want to know now three years later do you want to know or do you just want to pretend do you just never ever want that to come into your mind
Starting point is 00:10:44 come into your reality like i actually do genuinely it's a want that to come into your mind come into your reality like i actually do genuinely it's a bit fucked to admit it but i do think it's a hard question i do i do think it's a hard question like it's a classic the relationship could be so different three years down the line he could have gone through whatever he needed to go through to change to grow to be a better boyfriend he would never cheat on you again. It's been three years. It's the biggest mistake of his life. He's never regretted anything more. But if he tells you now, or if you found out three years down the line, you're going to look at him different. And he's not that person anymore, but you're going to see him as that person now. But he's not. That's so difficult. I'm probably alone alone in that i feel like a lot of people would be
Starting point is 00:11:27 like no i want to fucking know tell me you fucking liar cheater but i personally i don't really want to know i can't lie anyway this is this is not a dilemma this is confession diaries okay next one this is actually she's given a confession for her friend which i like it my friend licked her boyfriend's bumhole and asked to call him daddy. Listen, I don't think the bumhole looks that weird. I just think people don't really admit it. The daddy thing is, you know, people are into that. People are into the bumhole licking. Was he into it?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Did he want to be called daddy? Because if so, they sound like they're having a fantastic sex life where they're both on the same page um and i'm happy for your friend um my mom cleaned my car for me whilst i was on holiday and found my dildo under the seat first of all why is your dildo in your car like are you masturbating and driving because that's not very safe um but also at least your mum found it like that could have been way worse i feel like at least it was your mum do you know what i mean mums understand um but yeah i'm i'm sure you were still embarrassed actually to be fair okay this is a long one apparently it says this is a long ass story but it's worth it i
Starting point is 00:12:44 promise okay sit tight everybody when i was 14 i was in a friend group of around eight girls and one of the girls was talking to this guy in our year who had a bit of a reputation of talking to loads of girls etc all right he'd gone around to her house and his phone died so he signed into his facebook on her laptop to message his lift home and made a joke about his password being something like big boobs. Sixty nine. Sixty nine. Oh, what the fuck? OK, I wait. You were 14 at the time. Jesus. The boy left and he had forgotten to log out.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh, dear. My friend got nosy and decided to look through his messages. Oh, wows. She then told me and another girl about what she had found and was like, there is too much stuff to show you. So here's his email and password. Look through it yourself. That is such an invasion of privacy. Oh my God. That is mortifying. I would hate that if that happened to me. I logged in and found messages of him texting other girls, his chats with himself that contain nudes from other girls, group chats with other boys where they were specifically sent news and conversations with other boys that had so much gossip we all checked it reg wait this boy was 14 I know you were 14 okay I'm assuming he was probably a bit older surely um okay we would all
Starting point is 00:14:04 talk about the messages he would have with other people and it stayed a secret between the three of us i'm no longer close to the two girls but we've all managed to keep the secret for coming up to 10 years and the guy has never found out may i also add that we found out he was cheating on our friend and his girlfriends he had after her this is probably my worst confession as how much of a violation it is, but it was funny at the time. Yeah, that is a violation. That is a violation. So how long were you doing this? You checked it regularly for nearly two years. Wow. So it became like an obsession. That poor guy. That is mortifying. guy that is mortifying like that is actually really really bad I think I'm not joking I actually think it's actually quite bad and it's 10 years I mean at least you've all
Starting point is 00:14:52 managed to keep the secret I suppose like at least that's one thing you've all got that together but wow that is crazy like what a secret okay so moving on you guys remember the the confessions of a 30 something year old from last from last friday right i'm gonna read out another one of hers because we we all enjoyed the last one okay this one's called the golden rules i was shagging a boy in his car at the local nature park late one night after a date okay when a shit ton of naked ramblers started walking past they were fully kitted out with head torches backpacks all the gear and no clothes what the actual fuck how is that even a thing yeah what the hell the story starts with me talking to a
Starting point is 00:15:36 boy online i was maybe about 19 he was early 20s okay great we chatted for a few weeks via text and we arranged a proper date he would drive over to my hometown pick me up and take me out for dinner and drinks nice and simple so far right he wasn't drinking as he was driving responsible i'll give him that but made sure he brought me all the drinks and no dinner just busy bar after busy bar not even a bag of crisps in sight i was absolutely mullered okay ew what the hell why is your why is it just operation get her fucked okay anyway fast forward the night and we're parked up in his car and getting down to it i don't remember much but i do remember the naked fucking ramblers loads of them
Starting point is 00:16:17 walking straight past and shining their head torches into the car for a really good look at the action oh my god they're looking in at the car while you're having sex what the hell horrifically i also remember letting him oh my god the words she uses are pretty vulgar i can't lie basically she had anal sex with this boy and then gave him a blowjob and she says i broke all of the golden rules that night not my finest hour, but it did teach me a valuable lesson about not getting too drunk, especially on a first date with a random boy who you don't know. It's a golden rule for a reason. Two drinks maximum when you're out on a date, ladies, especially a first date.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Keep yourself safe. Oh, and I ghosted the fuck out of him too. Wow. Okay. So you got terribly drunk, had public sex in the car anal sex and then gave him a blow job public blow job i mean interesting for sure interesting choices we're making here hun but do you know what each to their own you're in your 30s now and you've got these incredible stories. I'm sure we're all gonna get to our 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, hundreds, let's hope. And have some crazy fucking stories just like yours. I love it. Keep them coming, girl. Right,
Starting point is 00:17:41 next one. I sucked off a boy at a party in the toilet. He has a girlfriend who is pregnant who I knew about before it happened. I mean, like I said last week, you are the girls that I am scared of when I'm in a relationship. You are the ones I have nightmares about. Okay. Next one. Wait. It's like house party blowjobs that common of a thing like let's go upstairs and i'll give you a blowy like is that very common can't say i'm not really a party kind of girl clearly especially not house party kind of girl, not since I was a teenager really. Right, so I went on a very cute lunch date with a boy I really fancied and had been seeing for a few months. It'd been a while since we'd last seen each other so we'd gone to his before lunch and had our fun. Headed out for
Starting point is 00:18:37 lunch then afterwards headed back to his to hang out a bit before I had to drive back to London. Well something I had for lunch obviously didn't. Guys, it's another fucking poo one. It wouldn't be an episode of Confession Diaries about a poo story with that. Okay. Well, something obviously didn't agree with my stomach because I stepped into his house, walk upstairs to his bathroom and with no warning as I opened the door, I shit myself. I'm not kidding when I say there wasn't a sign at all. This was about, this was about, that it was about to happen. Not a cramp. I didn't even think it was brewing. He was downstairs in the kitchen and I immediately set to rapidly cleaning myself up,
Starting point is 00:19:18 putting my leggings and pants in the bath and cleaning them off, thinking what the hell am I going to do now? Yeah, they're soaking wet. What you gonna do where is he downstairs yeah downstairs in the kitchen okay so what we're gonna do I then remembered I had some jeans in my bag okay what a savior what if you didn't have those jeans honestly what if you didn't um I then remembered I had some jeans in my bag in his bedroom across the hall so before he could come upstairs I sprinted into his room grabbed them putting them on and put my pants and leggings in my bag when he came upstairs a few minutes later he tried to initiate round two and I made an excuse and said I had to go and when he asked why I changed outfits I told him I was meeting my girls as soon as I got to London long story short I got away with it. That is such a good excuse. That is such
Starting point is 00:20:05 a good excuse. Long story short, I got away with it and he is now my boyfriend of almost a year. I told him that this happened and we now both laugh at it. He had no idea. Oh my god. No. No, that is crazy to me. I honestly can't get over that. That is crazy. Like, that is crazy. The thought of if you didn't have your genes, what could have happened? Like, what would you have done? Realistically, what could you have done? I probably, oh my God, I don't know what I would have done i would have ran out the house i think um what would i have done i've got soaking wet leggings and no excuse in sight um maybe i'd make out that i i went to get in the shower and just like didn't even think i was like i didn't fucking think i just literally stood under the water with my leggings on I'm so stupid what else could you say
Starting point is 00:21:09 what else are you gonna do in that situation if you had no jeans not like selfishly I wish you didn't I don't mean that I don't mean that I'm so relieved for you that you had jeans I'm so relieved because that could have been an absolute nightmare but i love that he's your boyfriend now that's actually quite sweet i mean i don't know how i made that story sweet in my mind but whatever i love it thank you for sharing it okay next one my ex dumped me because he was getting a lot of girls attention with his new car okay first of all ew what the fuck he told me through our whole relationship of almost two years that I would never be able to get with the guy he worked with. What the fuck? What on earth are you talking about? You will never get with him. First of all, I'm your girlfriend. Why is that even a conversation?
Starting point is 00:21:59 I don't want to get with him. I'm your girlfriend. Second of all's fucking horrible I could if I wanted him I could have him anyway carrying on when he dumped me the other guy asked me out we dated for six months wow do you know what that is the reason your boyfriend said that shit because he knew you could get him and he knew you probably still wanted each I mean he knew that you wanted each other so that is why he said to you you just so you know, you'll never get him. Just so you know, you're nothing. Just so you know. What a fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I mean, whatever. Okay, next one. Hey Leah, firstly, I love you and your podcast so, so much. I've been a follower since before you even started it. Oh my God, I love that so much. Okay, anyway, to the confession. So when I was younger, I used to really fancy one of my older sister's friends. She's two years older than me and everyone kind of knew about it, but thought it was funny or cute and made jokes about it. Anyway, about five
Starting point is 00:22:55 years passed by and I obviously grow up and glow up. Yes, girl. And we start talking. The sexual tension was literally insane. I was at uni uni at the time so decided to invite him over for the weekend so that my so that way my sister and my family wouldn't know love it while he was there we woke up and i checked my phone to a message from my mum saying that they were coming to see me really randomly and this text was sent like an hour ago when i read it which meant they'd be arriving any second i had to chuck him into my housemate's room and hide him there all day until they left. I was mortified. Oh my god that poor boy was in that room all day. He literally had to hide and stay silent. He must have been so bored. How boring,
Starting point is 00:23:40 how long must that day have felt for him? My sister would have been super weirded out and my mum didn't approve of him so it had to be a secret anyway we had some fucking great sex and a great weekend together but then i got the ick and sacked him off and to this day no one knows plot twist though my cousin is also friends with this guy and he told him what happened he almost outed me on christmas day in front of my whole family but so far it's never come out love you bye oh shit that's crazy you had a secret love affair then you got the ick do you know i really want to do another icks episode with voice notes i feel like it would be so funny but also um side note i put that on my story that i want to do another x episode and I had another dm being like I find your x episodes really offensive towards us boys and I just apply being like
Starting point is 00:24:30 please don't take it seriously like we love you to the boys listening we do love you you're all so sexy and handsome and funny all right unless you're going out with unless you're like the boyfriend of the girls listening then they're my friends so I don't mean that I'm not hitting on you sorry okay next next confession I once got so drunk on a night out I went to the toilet forgot to lock the door someone opened it so I leaned forward to shut it fell off the toilet but it was too late I was already mid wee I was too drunk to be able to do anything so I just had to let it happen and wee all over my trousers. On my hands and knees. On a grim club toilet. Worst part is I carried on in the club.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Literally wet. Kill me now. She pissed all over herself in a nightclub guys. I mean to be fair. I can really picture that. Like you're on the toilet. Somebody walks in. Your immediate reflex is to dive forward.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And just stop the door. I mean actually to be fair, I think my reflex would be to kick it, kick it shut, just hold my foot out so that by the time it reaches my foot they haven't actually seen the vagine, but then it depends how far away the door is, and to be fair, if it was in a nightclub and it was a girl's toilet, I'd probably just let them open it and then I'd be like I'm on the toilet because we're all girls in the nightclub toilets and I'll just be like hey I'm pissing but um yeah I mean you weed all over yourself did it smell like wee though because if it didn't smell like wee you could just get away with it being just like oh I spilt my drink down me um that was kind of funny I love that I actually really like that confession it's funny funny. Okay. Last one. I said yes to go to prom with my best guy friend and then I ditched him for another guy. I feel awful about it. He
Starting point is 00:26:11 was so let down by it and I later discovered he had feelings for me. Oh, the poor guy. You ditched him. That's so mean. That actually happened to me. A guy ditched me at prom. So I, there was this guy in my high school that I had I just said high school do you know why because my first boyfriend used to say high school um he was an American he was from Manchester I don't know why he used to say that um and then it just stuck to me but anyway so yeah um I was in when I was in school I had this crush on this one guy like the whole time I was there, like I was just obsessed with him, I had such a crush on him. And I just always felt like he didn't fancy me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And then he asked me to prom. And I was like, Oh my god. And he's like, let's go to prom. And I was like, Oh my god, I'm going to prom with blank. Like this is amazing. And then he went, another girl, he didn't even tell me about it. I heard. He was like, somebody came up to him and was like, you're not going with Thingy. He's going with her. And I was like, huh? And I asked him and I was like, I thought we was going to prom together. And he was like, oh, yeah, no, I'm going with blah, blah, blah. They did end up boyfriend and girlfriend, so it's fine.
Starting point is 00:27:17 But he didn't even have the balls to tell me. It was so mean. I actually was so upset. But to be fair, it worked out for the best because all of us girls went together in the end anyway so i would have had to break off our little prom date so fuck you all right i was i was gonna break up with you as well so whatever all right guys thank you so much for listening to this episode i'm gonna wrap it up now um as always thank you so much for all your love all your support thank you for sending in your confessions thank you for sending in your dilemmas thank you for sending me your confessions. Thank you for sending in your dilemmas.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Thank you for sending me DMs, just anything that you have to say. Anything you do for this podcast is appreciated. You're amazing. I love you so much. You're talented, beautiful, funny, kind, inspirational, amazing people. And I am so proud of the family we've built
Starting point is 00:28:01 at Lear on the Line. I feel like we're such a lovely little community. I feel like you're all just the best people. You're all kind. You're all just supportive and have good hearts. You know, no one's perfect. None of us are perfect, but you're just good, good people with good hearts. And that's what I love. All right. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk. I will speak to you on Sunday or on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right guys I love you so much all right have the best weekend ever and don't text your ex text me I love you

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