Legal AF by MeidasTouch - BREAKING: Trump HIT with SURPRISE NEW CHARGES in Mar-a-Lago Case

Episode Date: July 28, 2023

In a superseding indictment, Special Counsel Jack Smith has added more charges in the stolen documents case against Donald Trump and has additionally added a new defendant, Mar-a-Lago maintenance Carlos De Oliveira. Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok report. Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Ben Myceles from the MidasTouch Network, major breaking news, special counsel. Jack Smith has just filed a super-seating indictment in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, adding additional crimes against Donald Trump and Trump's co-defendant, Waltean Nauta, as well as adding an additional co-defendant, someone by the name of Carlos De Oliveira, a maintenance worker at Mar-a-Largo, who participated in a conspiracy to attempt to destroy security footage. We've been talking here on the Midas Touch Network
Starting point is 00:00:44 and on Legal AF about the high probability security footage. We've been talking here on the Midest Touch Network and on legal AF about the high probability that a superseding indictment would be filed and we did mention Carlos Dioliveria, this maintenance worker as the likely target of a superseding indictment and that is indeed what took
Starting point is 00:01:04 Blake's folks. We were not expecting this to happen today though our attention was focused on what was going on in the Washington DC grand jury were special counsel jack Smith was presenting evidence about Donald Trump's crimes relating to election interference so we thought that grand jury was going home and so we said, okay, it's going to be a rest for the day on legal news, but no then special counsel Jack Smith and his team filed this super seating indictment. I want to read for you right now the key portions of this super seating indictment, which now adds counts 39, count 40, count 41, and count 42 additional charges against Donald Trump, co-defendant Walte Nauta, and now co-defendant Carlos D. Older Varia. But the new portions of the criminal complaint begin on page 27, which talks about the attempt to delete security camera footage.
Starting point is 00:02:00 You see Michael Popok, who's going to be joining us for commentary on this truly, truly critical breaking piece of news. So let's go through the new allegations starting on paragraph 74. This section is now called the Attempt to Delete Security Camera Footage. Paragraph 74 on June 3, 2022. When FBI agents were at the Mar-a-Lago Club to collect documents with classification markings from Trump Attorney 1 and Trump Attorney 3, the agents observed that there were surveillance cameras located near the storage room.
Starting point is 00:02:35 On June 22, 2022, the Department of Justice emailed an attorney for Trump's business organization a draft grand jury subpoena requiring the production of certain security camera footage from the Mar-a-Lago club, including footage from cameras quote, on the ground floor basement where the storage room was located, paragraph 76. On June 23, 2022 at 8.46 pm, Trump called the new code defendant Carlos Dioliveria and they spoke for approximately 24 minutes on Friday, June 24, 2022. The Department of Justice emailed the attorney for Trump's business organization, the final
Starting point is 00:03:15 grand jury subpoena, which required the production of, quote, any and all surveillance records, videos, images, photographs, and or CCTV from internal cameras at certain locations at the Mar-a-Lago Club, including on ground floor basement from January 10, 2022 to June 24, 2022. The same day, June 24, 2022 at 1.25 pm, Trump Attorney 1 spoke with Trump by phone regarding the Zipina for security cameras footage at 3.44 pm now to receive a text message from a co-worker. Trump employee three indicating that Trump wanted to see now to less than two hours later. Now to who is scheduled to travel with Trump to Illinois the next day
Starting point is 00:03:59 changed his travel schedule and began to make arrangements to go to Palm Beach, Florida instead. Now to provide an inconsistent explanation to colleagues for his sudden travel to Florida. At 7.14 pm on June 24, he texted one person that he would not be traveling with Trump the next day because he had a family emergency and used shushing emojis, shushing emojis at 9.48pm that night he texted a secret service agent that he had to check on a family member in Florida. And after he arrived in Florida on June 25, he texted the same secret service agent that he was in Florida working around the same time on June 24, that Nauta was making his travel
Starting point is 00:04:42 plans to go to Florida, Nauta and Dale LaVaria contacted Trump employee for who was the director of information technology at the Mar-a-Lago Club as files at 502PM. Nauta sent text messages to Trump employee for asking, quote, hey bro, you around this weekend at 505PM, Nauta texted Daleola Varia asking, hey brother, you working today? Diola Varia responded, yes, I just left. Now to then call Diola Varia and they spoke for approximately two minutes at 509 PM Trump employee for texted a response to now to quote, I am local entertaining some family that
Starting point is 00:05:19 came to visit. What's up? Now to respond to Trump employee for, okay, cool, no biggie. Just wanted to see if you were around in Joybro at 6.56 pm, Dale LaVaria texted Trump employee for a quote, Hey, buddy, how are you? Walter called me early, said it was trying to get in touch with you. I guess he's coming down tomorrow. I guess needs you for something. Trump employee for a responded quote, he reached out but he didn't say what he wanted. I told him I was local but entertaining some family members that came from New York City this weekend. He told me no worries.
Starting point is 00:05:52 At 6.58 pm, Trump employee for Textin Nauta, bro, if you need me, I can get away for a few. Just let me know. Nauta responded, sounds good. Thank you. On Saturday, June 25, 2022, now to travel from Bedminster, New Jersey to Palm Beach, Florida. Prior to now to strip, Dayle LaVaria told a valet at the Mara Lago club, Trump employee 5, that now to was coming down. Dayle
Starting point is 00:06:17 LaVaria as Trump employee 5, not to tell anyone that nowauta was coming down because Nauta wanted the trip to remain secret. Diolevaria also said Trump employee 5 told Trump employee 5 that Nauta wanted Diolevaria to talk to Trump employee 4 to see how long camera footage was stored. Shortly after arriving in Palm Beach on the evening of June 25th, Nauta to the Mar-a-Lago Club and met with Diolivari at 5.46 pm. At the Mar-a-Lago Club, now to, in Diolivari, went to the security guard booth
Starting point is 00:06:53 where surveillance video is displayed on monitors, walked with a flashlight through the tunnel where the storage room was located, and observed and pointed out surveillance cameras. On Monday, June 27, 2022 at 9.48 AM, Deolevaria walked to the IT office where Trump employee four was working with another employee in the IT department.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Deolevaria requested that Trump employee four step away from the office so that Deolevaria and Trump employee four could talk. At 9.49 AM, Trump employee four and Deolevaria left the area of the IT office together Alavaria and Trump employee 4 could talk at 9.49 a.m. Trump employee 4 and D.O.L.A. area left the area of the IT office together and walked through a basement tunnel. D.O.L.A. area took Trump employee 4 to a small room known as an audio closet near the white and gold ballroom.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Once inside the audio closet, D.O.L.A. area and Trump employee 4 had the following exchange. D.O.L.A. area told Trump employee for that their conversations should remain between the two of them. They all have area as Trump employee for how many days the server retained footage. Trump employee for responded that he believed it was approximately 45 days. They all have area told Trump employee for that quote, the boss wanted the server deleted. Trump employee for a respondent that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe that he would
Starting point is 00:08:11 have the rights to do that. Trump employee for told Dale LaVaria that Dale LaVaria would have to reach out to another employee who was a supervisor of security for Trump's business organization. Dale LaVaria then insisted to Trump employee for that quote, the boss wanted the server deleted and asked quote, what are we going to do? At 10.14 a.m. Day Olive Area Text and Nauta who was still in Florida, hey buddy, are you
Starting point is 00:08:35 working today? Day Olive Area then called Nauta at 10.15 a.m. and they spoke for approximately one minute. Later that day at 1. PM, now to texted Dale LaVaria, who was at the Mar-a-Lago Club on my way to you, between 1.31 PM and 1.50 PM, Dale LaVaria walked through the bushes on the northern edge of the Mar-a-Lago Property Club to meet with Nauta on the adjacent property, then walked back to the IT office
Starting point is 00:09:02 that he had visited that morning, and then walked again through the bushes on the northern edge of the Mar-a-Lago Club property to meet with Nauta on the adjacent property. At 3.55 pm, Trump called Dale LaVaria and they spoke for approximately three and a half minutes. Michael Popak and I want to bring you on right now. We believe that Trump employee for is usel to Varus. Someone who we've been talking about who
Starting point is 00:09:26 Runs the it at Mar-a-Lago and the only thing that I'll add is that this Superseating indictment also now adds counts 39 40 41 and 42 Additional charges against Trump now to and now Dale LaVaria Count 39 is making fall statements and representations. Count 40 is altering, destroying, mutilating or concealing an object. Count 41, corruptly altering, destroying, mutilating or concealing a document. Count 42, fall statements and representations. And many of those go through the statements that were previously given by NAUTA and they all of area where they said they had nothing to do with any of this. And of course it looks like Yusul Tavaris and other Trump employees are cooperating
Starting point is 00:10:12 with special counsel Jackson Smith. Specific stuff, incredibly damaging. Michael Popak, I just thought it was so critical to read what these allegations are. So there is no ambiguity here at all. Yousselt-Tavaris has dropped a dime on Donald Trump. He testified to the grand jury at the end of May. He was the IT director. They asked him specifically about the A.O. Vera and the request to erase security camera footage.
Starting point is 00:10:40 We didn't know the answers to those questions, but it's obvious now that while Jack Smith wanted in the interest of fast justice to get the original indictment with Walt Nauta and Donald Trump, which he had buttoned down out the door, assigned to a judge, and start that process of setting a trial to follow closely behind a superseding indictment that would gather up other people depending upon who was playing ball with the prosecutor who wasn't. We know
Starting point is 00:11:10 there is one maintenance worker who is who's not only not an unindicted co-conspirator, but as a cooperator with the government. That that maintenance worker gave lots of testimony. We believe about Walt Nauta, about D'Alavera, and ultimately about you, Sel Tveris. So, Jackson Smith always had that testimony. And of May, he gets you Sel Tveris, and they're asking very pointed questions, almost softballs, people have sort of reported that off-leaking,
Starting point is 00:11:41 asking him about the video deletion, because there is a missing gap in the video camera that's not explainable by normal practice. It's only explainable really by somebody hitting the delete button. And the question is, could Jack Smith at the time of the original indictment pin that tail on Donald Trump? And the answer at that moment was no, but the answer to that question now is yes, and it was worth it. Not just to bring Yusel Tavares into the mixes as defendant number three, but to bring the deletion of the video surveillance camera and lay that at the feet of Donald Trump to blow apart once and for all any argument, right, that he was acting with pure heart and pure mind without criminal intent
Starting point is 00:12:35 because those those aspects are inconsistent. That though, people that are walking the straight and narrow, those that don't think that they are hiding with criminal and willful intent from federal judges, federal prosecutors like Jay Bratt, who was coming for a meeting, his own lawyer, Evan Corcoran and search warrants in subpoenas don't do the things that Donald Trump is doing. And that is what Jackson Smith team will tell eventually a jury in Mar-a-Lago and and if even if the jury is comprised of a couple of People that got into the box thinking that they were pro Trump about what if and what if fisms
Starting point is 00:13:17 That's going to be blown apart by the sheer volume of evidence Just like this one because this one, you know, you weren't just listening to you describe it. I don't want to under you didn't under sell how in how mind blowing and what a bombshell this particular piece of evidence is and why Jack Smith went through the bother of going back to a grand jury because that's the superseding indictment process and put new evidence in front of them and then ask them to update the indictment because most of the indictment is and put new evidence in front of them and then ask them to update the indictment because most of the indictment is the same. That's why you and I are able to take to the air so quickly because three quarters of
Starting point is 00:13:52 it's the exact same as the last indictment except for this, which blows a hole in if there was any doubt that that Donald Trump was dead to rights on the issue of criminal intent. It's done now because no one does what he does unless he thinks he's committing a crime recovering up a crime. Right? I assure you, and it prefer people that are out there, not really a NAR audience, but in the other, in the other audience, that thinks that it's the same exact thing as Joe Biden having some boxes in his garage. It is not because Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:14:26 did not delete his security camera footage, cover it up, hide it from his lawyers, move the boxes in an elaborate shell game from property to property to evade detection in an elaborate cover up. That is Donald Trump. And that is the reason a jury, even a fair-minded jury, presuming him innocent, would find him guilty now with this new evidence should it prevail. Nobody who follows our show closely should be shocked. We reported on both Yoseel Taveras and Olivera, the Olivera, being in the crosshairs of the government. We thought one was cooperating and one was not and it was confirmed just a week ago when it came out that De Oliveira, well we assumed it was
Starting point is 00:15:13 De Oliveira, was the subject of a new target letter that there wasn't just one target letter that we, Donald Trump, there was another one to De Oliveira about Mar-a-Lago. And so we've been sort of waiting. We got a little distracted today with the drum beats of what was going to happen. Part of me on the Jan 6th committee, but that will come and do, of course. We're not here with a giant crystal ball. We don't get paid extra.
Starting point is 00:15:37 We don't get paid at all. We don't get paid extra for predicting the exact moment of the indictment. We're here to do the analysis behind it. And so for here, as a practicing trial lawyer who practices regularly in front of federal juries and like you, Ben, I cannot overstate what this kind of evidence does to the minds of the jury.
Starting point is 00:15:59 When this is presented, both in the opening statement by the government during the course of the trial and in closing argument, backed by forensic analysis showing the deletions, people testifying about these conversations live. Walt now to maybe flipping because he won't now to route right now is in deeper. There wasn't a ring of hell that I thought he wasn't already in. He's in a deeper set of hell than he was before, which puts pressure on him to save himself, save yourself, man, and flip on the boss because you're otherwise going to spend a long time in 11. We're thinking
Starting point is 00:16:40 about what you did. So I can't overestimate what the impact this will suck the air out of the room. It changes the weather in the room. That's all the jury is going to be thinking about is why the heck, even the Trumpers who could be on the panel, will think why the heck would he have that conversation about the leading footage if he did nothing wrong, if he disd-declassified things with his mind, if he didn't have to declassify because their presidential records, oh, really? Then why do you care about moving 67 boxes with Walt now to in and out of your bedroom and moving them before your lawyer?
Starting point is 00:17:16 This was the big mistake that Evan Corcoran made, or he did it in purpose by looking the other way. Evan Corcoran, his lawyer, gave Donald Trump a week to do mischief. He said, Mr. President, I'll be back next week to go through those boxes of documents. Do we have to do that? Do we, do we really, why don't we just tell him we don't have any? No, Mr. President, we'll be back in one week. Donald Trump hurt, I got a week to hide evidence from my own lawyer before he meets in June
Starting point is 00:17:43 with Jay Bratt from the counterintelligence department of the Department of Justice. And that's what he did. Moving 60s, they countered it on the video. 67 boxes out of the room through Walt Nowda. And now to cover his tracks because he's at a crap, I have a video camera outside that that room lets delete. I had to find a juror to hold out on that evidence well one final point that i want to add about what's new with the super seating indictment if you go on page sixteen and seventeen remember that exchange where donald
Starting point is 00:18:16 trump was showing these documents to uh... these individuals who were ghost writing a book for mark meadows in the original indictment, the original indictment didn't state what those documents were. In essence, Special Counsel Jack Smith kind of brilliantly said a trap that Donald Trump walked right into because you couldn't tell from the original indictment if Donald Trump was just bragging about documents that he didn't have, if it wasn't actually a war plan relating to Iran, which is what Donald Trump was saying
Starting point is 00:18:53 that these highly classified documents were that he was showing. So Donald Trump went out there and thought that Jack Smith didn't have the goods. So Donald Trump and all of the kind of mega-republic in supporting him, So that could have been anything. That's Donald Trump just bragging about it. Not so. The super-seating indictment makes it clear now, Special Counsel Jack Smith actually has those documents. And Jack Smith kind of created an impression that maybe he didn't have the documents. And Trump and Trump's lawyers fell right into the trap and it turns out that this is a document that actually Jackson Smith has, which is now charged as count 32 in the superseding indictment,
Starting point is 00:19:31 which is the top secret war plans regarding military activity in Iran. We got a jump pop-up, but I'll give you the very short final word right here. He's got a bigger problem because that our reigning in document because the lawyers represented to the Department of Justice that Donald Trump told them there was no document.
Starting point is 00:19:49 They didn't have that document. And again, this is the advantage that the Department of Justice has against an individual. They have, they have, it's asymmetrical information. The government knows more than you do. And if you try to hide it, they're just gonna pull it out. You mean this Iranian war plan document, national defense information, and they're going to keep doing this to Donald Trump. This may not be the last super seating indictment
Starting point is 00:20:13 as we await. And now this is also lastly, this is also a shot across the bow at the two lawyers that appeared today this morning for a cup of coffee with Jack Smith in Todd Blanche and John Loro down in Florida about you wanna keep Ethan with me in a presentation in the morning about how this was all about. He just, Donald Trump just wanted to have an audit and stop the election. He wasn't trying to steal anything.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Good luck. I just superseded the indictment of Mar-a-Lago. Go chew on that and we'll see you tomorrow with the indictment. And mya-Lago. Go chew on that and we'll see you tomorrow with the indictment. Ben Micellis, joined by Michael Popak. Legal AF, make sure you subscribe to Legal AF wherever podcasts are available. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. It is free. That was some major breaking news folks and we will be back of course with more breaking news. Shout out to the Midas mighty. Lock him up!
Starting point is 00:21:06 In Dytman Season is upon us. Celebrate with the new indictment season T-shirt and V-neck exclusively at

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