Legal AF by MeidasTouch - DC Federal Judge STRIKES BACK at Trump’s PLOTTER

Episode Date: August 15, 2024

Another MAGA Trump lawyer and election denier —Stephanie Lambert —is in serious trouble with a DC federal judge for leaking confidential information about Dominion Voting Systems to MAGA conspirac...y theorists in violation of court orders. Michael Popok explains how Lambert, recently arrested and indicted for trying to steal Dominion voting equipment in Michigan, got this far, and why MAGA leaders like Pillow Guy and guy, continue to embrace her and attack law enforcement. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:19 Get a Best Buy gift card of up to $200 on select phone activations with major carriers. Visit your nearest Best Buy store today. Terms and conditions apply. This is Michael Popak, Legal AF, another MAGA lawyer, election denier. Trump supporter is in trouble with the criminal court system and has put her bar license in jeopardy. Now I'm talking about Stephanie Lampert, a close colleague of Sidney Powell. She has now been barred, disqualified, and sanctioned by a federal judge in the District of Columbia in the defamation case brought by Dominion Voting Systems against guy Patrick Byrne. Lampert was,
Starting point is 00:00:58 until today, Lampert was Byrne's lawyer, but no longer, because the judge called her out and said, all you've been doing is taking confidential documents from this case and leaking them to other MAGA right-wing outlets, including podcasts, including the internet, including the dark web. In other words, she's just a funnel. She's just taking, she's not really representing
Starting point is 00:01:26 Patrick Byrd in the case. Stephanie Lampert took the access that she had only because she was representing a party, grabbed all the litigation documents belonging to Dominion Voting Systems and their defamation case. A case that at its core is about them being defamed with accusations that they manipulated the outcome
Starting point is 00:01:44 of the 2020 election in using their voting machines, which by the way, are only in a couple of precincts around the country. But leave that aside for a minute. So in a case about economic injury and damage for false claims, this Yahoo, Stephanie Lampert, who also got arrested related to trying to steal election equipment in Michigan where she normally sits, she now has been barred from representing Patrick Byrne because she took a cache of millions of pages of documents and gave them out to MAGA right wing conspiracy theory
Starting point is 00:02:20 podcast and principles instead of doing her job. And the judge, Judge Apadaya, a magistrate judge, federal court, District of Columbia, in a scorching 62 page decision, an order that I just got my hands on, said enough is enough. Sanctioned, barred, Mr. Byrne, find a new lawyer who's not gonna violate every day my orders, including before she even became a lawyer in the case, she was already violating orders in the case. Most of the 62 pages in Judge Apataya's decision
Starting point is 00:02:51 is just cataloging all of the violations that Lampert committed. Now, some of you might be thinking, haven't I heard Popak talk about Stephanie Lampert before? You have, because she had the unique experience of having to stay after school in federal court after a hearing in March so that the law enforcement could arrest her on a bench warrant
Starting point is 00:03:16 because she failed to appear in a Michigan criminal case in which she's a defendant because she helped with two other people steal voting equipment in Michigan in 2020 and is being prosecuted by a special prosecutor. Some people might be saying, especially from those who watch our show from outside of America, how can a lawyer who's already been indicted criminally for bad things related to the election continue to represent people? That's the MAGA world.
Starting point is 00:03:44 To the MAGA world, Stephanie Lampert is a hero. In fact, Patrick Byrne, chairperson, who was in the White House in December after the election, along with Sidney Powell, along with Rudy Giuliani, and Donald Trump in the White House, this is all reported in the Jan 6 report, they were there trying to figure out how to suspend the Constitution, declare
Starting point is 00:04:07 martial law, and seize voting machines with an executive order that Sidney Powell drafted. Now Sidney Powell and Stephanie Lampert are really close friends. In fact, they may one day share a jail cell together. Who knows? It depends on how crowded the jails are at that particular moment. So Stephanie, so that group of people, that's Patrick Byrne. Patrick Byrne is out there, by the way, threatening law enforcement because in Colorado just a couple of days ago, another hot take I did, you had Tina Peters, the Mesa County former county clerk, election denier and trumper, who went on the lamb and they were, remember they were, a pillow guy, Lindell was hiding her and hiding her from law
Starting point is 00:04:54 enforcement who wanted to pick her up on election interference charges. Well, they finally got her and the jury took four hours to convict her of about seven different felonies, and she's gonna go to jail for up to 22 years. But to guy, Lampert, the lawyer's client in this Dominion case, he now threatened law enforcement. He said, you know, basically he's going to attack them violently and kill them if they don't release Tina Peters. She's already been, I don't think MAGA understands how the justice system works.
Starting point is 00:05:28 She's already been convicted by a jury in Colorado. She's not going anywhere. She's going to jail is where she's going after she's sentenced in a couple of months. I think she's sentenced in October. Back to Stephanie Lampert. So Stephanie Lampert, who appeared in a hearing to get chastised in March in front of
Starting point is 00:05:47 Judge Upadaya, who warned her again before issuing this scathing 62-page decision, don't disclose any documents. Don't go on podcasts. Don't share things with constitutional sheriffs like Darlief. Don't share things with Pillow Guy, don't share with anybody, don't go public, don't make statements. Right after that hearing, she was asked to stay behind by Judge Upadaya, Ms. Lampert, you'll need to stay here for a moment. Everybody else left. So she cleared the courtroom, kept Lampert there, and in walk from the back of the courtroom,
Starting point is 00:06:22 Michigan law enforcement working with local law enforcement on a bench warrant execution to extradite Stephanie Lampert and send her back to Michigan to a peer related to the criminal charges against her for felonies, for election interference related to her attempt to seize voting machines. You got all that? So is anybody shocked that it took 30 pages to catalog all the things that Lampert did wrong in disclosing the information outside the four corners of the litigation to the outside world about Dominion voting systems? It's not a surprise to judge a Badaia. Look, let's be frank. Let's call it for what it is. Lampert is not really representing Peter Byrne
Starting point is 00:07:03 at all. All she's doing is she's a funnel. She's a mule. She collects data and information because she's a quote unquote lawyer in the case. She refuses to abide by the confidentiality or orders of the court. She flouts the orders of the court in contumacious behavior. So she's in contempt of court. She grabs this cache of documents and then she goes on right-wing MAGA media, right-wing MAGA podcasts. She shares it with other people like Mike Lindell. They use it for their campaigns. Donald Trump ends up getting it. They have other MAGA lawyers subpoena it to try to get their hands on it so they can use it for their purposes. All Dominion Voting Systems is trying to do
Starting point is 00:07:46 is like, you know, get another billion dollars for damages just like they did against Fox News. Remember, Dominion Voting Systems got a $787 million settlement with Fox News in Delaware. Just to keep all the ducks on the pond straight here, Dominion sued in Delaware, Fox and its executives and the family Murdoch related to Fox and got that $787 million settlement a year ago. But they also had these other cases, including in the District of Columbia against Rudy Giuliani,
Starting point is 00:08:20 against Powell, against the pillow pillow guy and this one against Peter Byrne and that's where Stephanie Lampert makes her entrance. Now at the time Stephanie Lampert got arrested in federal court related to her state court charges in Michigan. Peter Byrne didn't let that stop him. He made public statements embracing Lampert and saying, she's my lawyer. That's even better. She got arrested. Bo's clothes are uncomfortable.
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Starting point is 00:10:46 That's why they're always shocked when things happen like they lose elections. Because they live in an alternate universe where they don't think that's going to happen. And then they're shocked, shocked when more people vote for, let's say, I don't know, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz than their guy. They're just, I can't believe it because in the hermetically sealed echo chamber in which they reside, right? Talking to each other, running these conspiracy theories,
Starting point is 00:11:15 and it's always conspiracy theories. There couldn't possibly be, there aren't enough people on planet Earth to participate in the amount of conspiracy theories that MAGA believes exists. Think about it. There's just not enough people. I mean, everything is a conspiracy theory. How many? I mean, it would be millions of people participating in all of these conspiracies in order for them to operate. It just doesn't exist. But because they're in this wormhole of their own making, and then when reality bites them in the backside and says, let's just make a prediction here. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz buy six million more
Starting point is 00:12:05 or eight million more popular votes and certainly 30, 40, 50 more electoral votes come November. They're shocked. Stephanie Lampert sitting in whatever jail she's gonna end up sitting in without her bar license, Michigan and or DC is gonna be shocked. Lindell, Powell, Patrick Byrne, they're all going to be, you know, I can't believe it. It must have been fraud, which completely is disrespectful to the American people, to the electorate,
Starting point is 00:12:33 to our voting system, to the integrity of our voting system. It's just ridiculous. Let me read to you from a couple of things. I'll leave the hot take on this that I thought were interesting. Here's what the judge said about Lampert in her order. She said on page two, before even her first appearance in this case in March of 2024, it's only been a few months, Burns New Council Stephanie Lampert began openly violating orders, including by disseminating protected discovery material. Due to Lampert's actions, thousands of documents, the Dominion litigation documents, which all parties, including Byrne himself had agreed to keep confidential, have now been shared widely in the public domain. The remedy Dominion seeks on bottom of page two, Lampert's disqualification from serving as Byrne's
Starting point is 00:13:23 counsel, is extraordinary and rarely granted outside of cases involving conflict of interest. However, the record clearly shows that Lampert deliberately violated multiple court rules and orders and continues to do so despite having had ample warnings of the consequences in assuring the court that she would comply, including in March when she was picked up on the other charges in Michigan. Lampert's repeated misconduct raises the serious concern that she became comply, including in March, when she was picked up on the other charges in Michigan. Lampert's repeated misconduct raises the serious concern that she became involved in this litigation
Starting point is 00:13:50 for the sheer purpose of gaining access to and publicly sharing Dominion's protected discovery. That's the phony lawyer trick. That's the Trojan horse that I talked about earlier. Because Lampert's truly egregious misconduct has already and will undoubtedly continue to infect future proceedings. This is the rare case where disqualification is warranted." Then the judge went on for 30 pages to detail
Starting point is 00:14:12 just since March. This is just four and a half months. I had a cat on my fingers. All the bad things Lampert did in the case. And it just goes on and on. Let me read a couple of them, just so you get a flavor for it. She feeds the documents that she illegally obtained, improperly obtained and disclosed to something called the Election Integrity Force. And they post on March 11, 2024. This is right
Starting point is 00:14:41 when she comes into the case. She already grabs and dumps rips and dumps and they write and This the parties didn't know she had done it until it was posted on the internet in a tweet in a social media tweet Just in Stephanie Lampert turns up the heat in Michigan's legal scene with a fiery emergency motion for a stay read the explosive internal Dominion Communications here hyperlink. This is like a day after she gets into the case. But that's not all. When she gets into the case, she writes to Dominion's counsel. Remember, they already effectively won in Delaware. That's why Fox News settled for almost $800 million. So they got a leveraged hand, right? They got a firm hand here on their case
Starting point is 00:15:26 and the merits of their case. This is what she writes on her appearance. It's on page nine. Hi Dominion Council, such a friendly beginning. I had assumed that you as council were unaware of the criminal acts contained in discovery. These acts include but are not limited to perjury, fraud, typo, services, wire fraud, and international
Starting point is 00:15:46 interference in an election. Oh, international interference in an election. That's the millions of people involved with a conspiracy. Again, there are not enough people on planet earth to be involved in all these conspiracies. If you are aware of the criminal acts, I will need to address fraud on the court and potentially accessory after the fact with threats of violating a protective order that does not extend to criminal acts committed by your client." Did Stephanie Lampert go to law school? Somebody do some research. My client insisted the evidence of criminal acts be provided to law enforcement. I'm happy to dress
Starting point is 00:16:18 this with the court. Please let me know if you need anything else. Can you see the strange mind stew that we're dealing with here? And then the judge dropped the footnote and said, hey, just a reminder, Lampert currently faces two sets of felony criminal charges in Michigan for allegedly attempting to interfere with the voting equipment. But that's not all. I mean, again, 30, I won't bore you on the hot take, 30 pages. Then she goes on a podcast and here's what Dominion's counsel represented on page 15 at a May hearing to the court. On March 22nd, again, she's only been in the case for three weeks, Ms. Lampert sat for an interview on Joe Altman Live. And in the interview, Mr. Altman turns to her
Starting point is 00:17:07 at 42.25 time marker and says, "'We have evidence from Darlief,' that's the constitutional sheriff who's also election denier and MAGA, "'and way more that has not been released.' And when he starts to discuss the evidence, he hesitates and he turns to Ms. Lampert and he says, "'Stephanie, I didn't get it from you.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I got it from Twitter. So the evidence, the documents that are confidential in the case ended up on Twitter because of Lampert. And then this podcaster pulled them off. And Miss Lampert does nothing to stop him from them launching into discussion of the documents. In fact, Miss Lampert follows up by telling Mr. Altman that he should have Dar on the show himself
Starting point is 00:17:43 because he can go through the investigation. And when Mr. Altman asked Ms. Leaf if Sheriff Dahr Leaf is allowed to discuss this investigation and evidence, Lampert says Sheriff Dahr Leaf can do whatever he wants. It's his investigation. Right? And then you also have Patrick Byrne reposting on X information about Tina Peters, this Colorado court clerk who was indicted for allowing unauthorized access to Dominion voting machines in Colorado. Then there's the May hearing. Then there's the conduct after the May hearing. Then there's social media posts between, I mean, it's like a competition. It's like some strange banjo playoff, like deliverance between Stephanie Lampert and her client. That's what we've got. And so now the end result is Stephanie Lampert is about to get disbarred. She's going to
Starting point is 00:18:33 be convicted in Michigan of tampering with Dominion Voting System machines, and she's going to be in further trouble with the DC bar to have her DC bar license revoked and her bar license likely in Michigan revoked. We'll continue to follow it all on the Midas Dutch Network and on Legal AF right here. Every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern time, we do a show called Legal AF, where we curate the top five stories at the intersection of law and politics
Starting point is 00:18:59 and bring it to you right here and you can pick it up on all media outlets as well, all audio podcast platforms as well. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary, Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive into the important legal concepts you need to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, all for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash Legal AF.
Starting point is 00:19:36 That's slash Legal AF.

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