Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Dem Leaders STRIKE BACK at CORRUPT Supreme Court

Episode Date: May 24, 2024

Following the revelation that Justice Alito is a closet insurrectionist, the Senate Democratic leadership have demanded an immediate meeting with Chief Justice Roberts, and have called for Justice Al...ito to recuse himself from further deliberations on the two remaining Jan 6th/Trump cases this term, as a precursor to his censure and being sanctioned by Congress. Michael Popok explains the possible impeachment path that could remove Alito Thanks to Hims! Start your free online visit today at or your personalized ED treatment options. Visit for more! Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:03 upside down world of Sam Alito, where flags that represent pro-Donald Trump movements, stop the steal movements, fly freely at homes owned by a sitting Supreme Court justice. Apparently he believes without impunity, blaming your wife for the first flag in Virginia, 20 footfoot flag, flying next to a driveway isn't going to work. Finding out that you flew another flag at your vacation home in Long Beach Island, New Jersey, shout out to New Jersey, is also not going to work when that flag, the pine tree flag, is also one that's used by people both to oppose Donald or to support Donald Trump and to propose more Christianity in our country, which is founded
Starting point is 00:01:49 on the separation of church and state. And now people are doing something about it, namely our senators and congressmen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Dick Durbin have sent a letter to the Chief Justice calling for, I'm gonna read you from parts of it, calling for an immediate investigation of Justice Alito and to have him immediately removed and recused from two cases involving the Jan 6th insurrection and ultimately Donald Trump won the immunity decision, which we are still
Starting point is 00:02:25 looking at my watch and tapping on it. We're still waiting for before this term ends and the final decision, opinion of the court is issued before they go on summer holiday. He should be recused from that, shouldn't participate in the deliberation of it or the writing of any opinion or concurrence or dissent. And he should be removed from another decision that we're waiting on that I'm sure will come out on the same day, which is about whether the obstruction of an official proceeding, which is the highest charge, including two counts against Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:02:56 in the DC election interference case, whether that is appropriately applied to Jan six insurrectionists like Donald Trump or not. He should be removed from that. But Durbin and Whitehouse go further from their perches of being on the Senate Judiciary Committee. They want a enhanced ethics investigation and code of conduct for the justices.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And I think this is all a precursor to a couple of other things that are afoot in Congress. One of them is Steve Cohen, a representative from Tennessee, is issuing, has sponsored a resolution to censure Sam Alito, an official censure of him for having done these terrible things, which is violating the ethics code, participating overtly in political speech when he's supposed to be on the United States Supreme Court, the highest court of the land, the only branch and only has nine people in it. I mean sure the executive branch has one person in it, but it's not like we have a sitting Congress. But I don't think
Starting point is 00:03:54 that goes far enough and there's also a move now within Congress and from former government officials outside Congress calling for the impeachment and removal of Sam Alito under the enough is enough doctrine. Impeachment proceedings, they start in the House. It has to be a resolution, there have to be enough votes, there usually is a hearing, and usually the party that's in power in the House controls.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Unfortunately, the Democrats are not in power. And so while they'll make the attempt, I'm sure, because it's not just good political theater and show, it's important to our democracy that justices, when you ride by their house for a system that's supposed to be blind justice, literally lady justice is blind, holding scales of equal at equal proportions,
Starting point is 00:04:41 you're not supposed to see a big thumb of one of the main justices that make the law of the land sitting on that scale. If I'm driving over to the United States Supreme Court, where I just was a couple weeks ago, I'm driving over and I'm just happen to be driving by, you know, on the way down from Jersey where I live, all the way down I passed Long Beach Island, I go past the house and there's a upside-down flag, a past the house and there's an upside down flag, a protest flag that's in favor of Donald Trump flying from Sam Alito's house. And then I pass
Starting point is 00:05:11 his house in Virginia. There's another upside down flag, SOS, right? The flag of the opposition, the flag of the insurrectionist. And then I'm going there to make an argument about things related to Jan 6th. Aren't I in trouble? Look, I suggested one of the things the advocates could do, but there's no more advocates, right? All this information came out after basically all oral argument, let me try that again, all oral argument got it out, is over. The very last oral argument for this term was of course the immunity argument with Donald Trump. Now we're just waiting on the decisions. But if I was doing an oral argument, let's say even next year, the next term, and I had Sam Alito out there
Starting point is 00:05:51 and some issue that will still reverberate about Donald Trump and Jan 6th, I would say I have to ask a question of the panel, particularly of Associate Justice Alito. Given your flags that you have flown and your First Amendment expression of political speech in violation of the ethics code, how can you assure me and my client that your big fat thumb is not on the scales of justice and you will give us a fair shake and you will be fair and impartial?
Starting point is 00:06:18 How, sir, how, sir, can you do that? I would do that. I mean, you can't just act like, you know, it didn't happen. Just ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You know? So that's one. Two, impeachment starts in the House, as I said. Has to be sponsored and then there have to be enough votes. Now, maybe Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader, can figure out how to pull in some votes because he saved the speakerhood, speakership for the Republican by throwing his weight towards him and kept Mike What's-His-Name in office. Maybe he can
Starting point is 00:06:53 get some more votes back on his end. There's a very small gap between Republicans and Democrats on that panel. But even if not, I think it's worth the price of admission to go through the impeachment process and singe the wings of Sam Alito a little bit, put his feet to the fire. I think it's important. Democrats need to do it even when they're in the minority position and see what happens and put it to a vote, get it out of committee and put it to a vote. There's enough votes in the Senate to convict, I assure you. Democrats are in control, White House and Durbin very well respected. If that bill comes up to them, that impeachment bill, there will be a trial in the Senate and there will be
Starting point is 00:07:35 a conviction of Sam Alito and the removal. But you've got to get to that. Censures are great. I think Steve Cohen's great. I think he should lead the charge to censure Sam Alito. It's another way to run the flag, no pun intended, up the flagpole and see if anybody salutes, see if there's enough votes. It's a way to start getting votes together for the bigger thing, the bigger fish fry, right, is the impeachment. But it can't be left unchecked. We can't let them get away with it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Think of it the other way. Think of it if Katanji Brown Jackson or Kagan flew a Black Lives Matter flag, or they flew an upside down flag for some reason, because they think the world's upside down or in protest, some sort of other protest flag. Suppose they did that. How about if they flew a F Joe Biden or how about that? How about if a United States Supreme Court justice flew a flag that said dark, let's go Brandon. Sorry, I actually forgot their meme. You'd have the removed, you're not allowed to do that.
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Starting point is 00:10:20 grow a vacation beard. Ha ha ha. I know they've confused that with that they have some sort of right as a sitting United States Supreme Court justice to criticize people who are against their positions, criticize their opinions, literally their written opinions and make light of things like ripping away a woman's right
Starting point is 00:10:43 to choose under the DAP's decision. I know they think that's funny, but this has gone too far. And the first instinct for Sam Alito was to blame his wife or she put the flag up. Well, how does he explain the second flag? The dog ran it up the flagpole. He didn't see it. It's not like a little, it's not like one of those little flags you wave during a Memorial Day parade. Yay. It's 20, I have one at my office. It's 20 feet or more. It's like 23 foot flag up a pole next to his driveway. He saw it. He endorsed it. And anybody driving by, the appearance of impropriety is manifest, just as it is with the right-side-up pine tree flag that he flew in New Jersey. I know we have the
Starting point is 00:11:31 pine barons in New Jersey, but that's not why he was flying the flag. Is that what he's gonna say? He's just a big lover of the pine barons and of this weird flag from the Revolutionary War period that it's been adopted now as let's reinstall more Christianity in public life and support Donald Trump, sure. It's scary. I mean, I'm used to having at least the appearance of propriety of an independent and fair judiciary.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And then I'm not already, you know, it's not like I, it's like a baseball player stepping into a batter's box and he's already got two strikes against him and the third, the third pitch comes in, strike, you're out. Like, what? Wait, what do you mean I'm out? I just, I just got here. Right? Well, Alino's got two strikes against him and I think that's enough.
Starting point is 00:12:20 How many, and what are we going to find next? Right? What are we going to find next? Right, what are we gonna find next? I'm just positing here. Clarence Thomas is really good friends with a Nazi memorabilia collector, who's also a major donor, and vacations with him. Harlan Crowe, you can look it up.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And he collects Nazi memorabilia. He's got like Hitler's teapot, and he's got all sorts of Nazi insignias and armbands. Suppose he gave one to Clarence Thomas. He has it in his house. I don't know. I've never been inside Clarence Thomas's house. I don't know. And then what? We'd be okay with that? Is that okay? I mean, you've got wives like Jenny Thomas who are trying to actively overthrow democracy and oppose the sitting president of the United States. You've got another wife that Alito blames for flying the flag upside down, but he married her. They live in the house together and he endorsed
Starting point is 00:13:17 it every day. And then of course, he didn't know we'd find pictures of the second flag. So I got to cover this stuff, the censures, the impeachment and talk about the process related to it. Cause I can assure you of one thing, the leadership in the Senate, particularly of the Democrats, White House, Durbin and others, is not gonna take this lying down and they want Roberts to come talk to them about it.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Let me read to you from the letter. I think that's important too. So this is a letter dated May the 23rd right on Memorial Day weekend. Dear Chief Justice Roberts, we write regarding recent New York Times reports that an upside down American flag was displayed at Sam Alito's yard in January 2021 and another flag associated with the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol was flown at another of his residences in the summer of 2023. We urge you to immediately take appropriate steps to ensure that Alito will recuse himself in any cases related to the 2020 presidential election and the January 6th attack on the Capitol, including the two that I just talked about. And they're asking for a meeting as soon as possible
Starting point is 00:14:25 in his capacity as Chief Justice and presiding officer over the judicial conference of the U.S. to talk about the ethics crisis. This is their words at the United States Supreme Court, saw on page one. The Durbin and Whitehouse go on to say, by displaying or permitting the display of a prominent symbol of the Stop the Steal campaign outside his homes. Justice Alito clearly created an appearance of impropriety in violation of the Code of Conduct for justices of the United States Supreme Court, one that was just adopted less than a year ago. He also created reasonable doubt as to his impartiality in certain proceedings, according
Starting point is 00:15:01 to photos and contemporary notes, and then they walk through the symbols that were flying there, so there's no doubt. They go on to say on page two that the code of conduct provides the Supreme Court justices should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities, specifying that, quote, a justice should respect and comply with the law and act in all times, all times in a matter that promotes public confidence and the integrity and the impartiality of the judiciary. Is that what those flags did? Does that promote public confidence or does that scare the crap out of you as you drive
Starting point is 00:15:35 by it? The Supreme Court also prohibits its employees from engaging in partisan political activity. What do you call flying two-jan six flags? That's not partisan political activity. What do you call flying two-jan six flags? That's not partisan political activity. The prohibition applies broadly to, as they say in the letter, to political activity relating to elections contested by political parties. The Code of Conduct further states that a Supreme Court justice should refrain from political activity. They go on to say, by displaying the upside down and appeal to heaven flags outside his homes, Justice Alito engaged actively in political activity, failed to avoid the appearance of
Starting point is 00:16:10 impropriety and failed to act in a manner that promotes public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary. And they want him to step down from the cases that I just described and they want the Chief Justice to meet immediately, talk about strength and ethics, and this will be a foundation, a bedrock to be used by members of the Senate and the House, primarily on the Democratic side, but all those that love freedom, all those that love democracy, to censure and or impeach Sam Alito, which I call for here on Legal AF. We'll follow it all on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF, exclusively right here. This is a network we're building with you with our bare hands.
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