Legal AF by MeidasTouch - DOJ Makes POWER MOVES that have Trump’s Crew TERRIFIED

Episode Date: September 5, 2023

Right wing MAGA extremists better think twice about threatening to assassinate members of the US elections community, because they will be hunted down, arrested, indicted, convicted and sentenced by t...he DOJ’s new Election Threats Task Force. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on 2 separate sentencings and 2 more guilty pleas obtained just this last week by a DOJ that hasn’t lost one of these cases yet. Head to or click the link in the description to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save.  Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:21 With the right tools, the goals you have tomorrow can happen today. Visa is ready to build a next generation of Fintech together. Learn more at This is Michael Popock, Legal AF at Golden Hour, apparently. And I'm here to report on the Department of Justice and its election threats task force that was put in place by Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco back in June of 2021. It is paying dividends. They are currently the Department of Justice's task force nine and o in cases that they've brought.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And what it brings to the fore for us to discuss here on this hot take is that election workers in the election community is under attack primarily by right-wing MAGA extremists who have lost any shred of civility. The social contract for them was ripped up long ago and has been trod over by Donald Trump and they have followed right over it. Any aspect of our democracy and the integrity of our election system and the weaponization of protests about our election system is not going to be tolerated by the Department of Justice as they go after both to protect election workers from threats of death and physical violence and they protect our democracy.
Starting point is 00:01:44 This is why elections matter because there was never such thing as the election threats task force protecting election workers until Joe Biden was elected, and Merrick Garland became his attorney general. I mean, sure, there's crimes on the books that protect election workers and any human being from being threatened, but it rises the level of a federal crime. And now you have a task force within the Department of Justice that is dedicated to rooting out this type of violent extremism and to protect the most vulnerable of people, people sitting in and around election offices, just doing their civic duty to make sure our democracy stays on even keel
Starting point is 00:02:27 one of the US attorneys in Arizona Referred to election workers in the election worker community as the first responders of democracy I think that's put just perfectly. Let's talk about in the last two weeks at least four cases at least four cases, at least four cases in Arizona and in Georgia of these indicted people trying to attack election workers, either being sentenced because they pled guilty or convicted or have pled guilty awaiting sentencing.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So let's just go through it all, and I'll give you a little bit of the details on it without giving the individual person too much publicity or celebrity. But the takeaway on this hot take, this golden hot take, is that you have a justice department that's working for you to that takes its constitutional duty seriously, that takes civil rights and attacks on federal officers seriously in a way that the prior president before Joe Biden did not. And this is the result. This is the America I would think you would want to live in, where there is such a thing
Starting point is 00:03:35 as an election threats task force and they do their job and bring people to justice. On the guilty plea side in the last week. We have Chad Stark has admitted his guilt in the northern district of Georgia. He is a Texas defendant, but reached into Georgia and made threats there. In fact, he posted on Craklist a reward for the killing and the assassination of an election official who he claimed was a communist or a Chinese agent. So long, Chad Stark, in the district of Arizona and Ohio man. And by the way, I'll just say the obvious, these are all men. It's all white men doing these things. And Ohio white man, these things. And Ohio white man, pled guilty to making threats to the Secretary of State of Arizona death threats, serious death threats, calling not only the person names, but ending it with we're going to lynch you, we're going to hang you, we're going to murder you.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That's Josh Russell and Ohio man. Now two more just this past week have been sentenced. This just shows you the amount of crazy right wing extremists, white supremacists and others that are going after the most vulnerable our first defenders of democracy election workers who are just sitting there some volunteering for no pay, just to count votes and make sure our elections have integrity. That's all they're doing. So now let's turn back to the District of Arizona, federal court and I.O. A man defended got two and a half years. His name is Mark Rossi, Rissie, sorry, because he left a voicemail for an election worker in which he threatened to lynch and hang this election worker and bring people a posse along to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then in Texas, we have Fred Goltz who got three and a half years in the northern district of Texas for making phone calls and threats into Maricopa County, Arizona, right? To say that he would lead a mass shooting of poll workers if the election didn't go his way. That's just four instances. The Justice Department's task force is 9 and 0 against these people. Those are pretty amazing Hall of Fame statistics for justice. They've already brought 14 total cases. They've gotten nine convictions and sentencing and the other
Starting point is 00:06:12 five are in the works. So note to those that are out there, you have a first amendment right to object if you don't like the results of an election or you don't like a candidate of choice. Take to the streets, you can get on the soapbox in the marketplace of ideas, social media, electronic, or physically going on a soapbox in front of your local crowded corner or park. If you need a permit, you might need a permit. Look into that. However, what you're not allowed to do is weaponize that and threaten family members of election workers, election workers, secretaries of state, anyone that's involved with the election
Starting point is 00:06:52 process, judges, prosecutors, and the like. You want to voice your opinion? That's fine. You want to foment, discontent, and lead a violent,throwed insurrection and murder people, you've crossed the line from free speech into not free criminal conduct. And that's what we're going to follow here on legal AF and on these hot takes just like this one. I am glad I'll say it out loud. I am glad at this golden hour to be in a country where our department of justice is led by people of integrity and worth and
Starting point is 00:07:26 value and adults like Merrick Garland appointed by Joe Biden. And he Merrick Garland turned around and hired Lisa Monaco to be his right hand and his number two. And she's leading the task force and the task force isn't just sitting around looking at their budget and twiddling their thumbs. They're going out and investigating and prosecuting people. If you have a family like I do, you know how much you love once depend on you. In a worst-case scenario, you wouldn't want them to worry about money.
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Starting point is 00:09:18 They've already rooted out and nabbed nine people and got them convicted with another five left over. That's 14 people. That's 14 people who could have been murderers and mass murderers of election officials. And frankly, election workers are supposed to be allowed to have a dignified environment to go about their day to protect our democracy. They're doing their part. And the fact that some our democracy. They're doing their part. And the fact that some whatever sitting in another state or in their own state, decide they're going to terrorize election officials to dox them like they did with Sean Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman in Georgia and post their financial information, political information and home and business addresses online for
Starting point is 00:10:07 people to attack them. Has repercussions? I am sure the Department of Justice working with Georgia's Bureau of Investigation are investigating who is doxing, which groups are doxing the regular grand jurors in Georgia who voted to indict Donald Trump, right? Those 23 people with their names because you can't keep that anonymous in Georgia out there in the public. Those are the things that a democracy founded on justice, infernist equality and constitutional rights must have as part of its arsenal, a strong robust department of justice. That's what we're watching, people from around the world and in this country, who regularly
Starting point is 00:10:57 watch legal AF on Midas Touch Network that I co-incorrect Wednesdays and Saturdays with a podcast, hopefully the podcast of choice for long politics. And watch hot takes like this one. Sometimes come away because they see it not in the aggregate, but they see it as these individual bursts of information and analysis. And then maybe they move on with their own lives. But I'm here to tell you that if you'd bring the plane up 30,000 feet and look back down, what you were watching is a proper democracy with a justice system. And that is, and it's functioning, right? It's the last firewall of democracy for me is the justice system. It is the first responder for democracy, even more so than even the election workers,
Starting point is 00:11:42 although they play a valuable role. Because Donald Trump thought he and the others, 18 co-defendants in Georgia, three or four down in Mar-a-Lago, and others that are unindicted, co-conspirators, and all of the thousands that storm the Capitol and try to burn the cradle of democracy and hang elected officials. They all thought they could get away with it. They were so brazen, they just did it in public. They didn't even try to cover their tracks. They didn't even try to clean up their fingerprints. The opposite, they posted their fingerprints and their faces and their voices and their texts and their speech and everything else on social media and recorded it and shared it among themselves and wrote it in emails, text and memos,
Starting point is 00:12:23 which is now all evidence that's being used against each of them in the criminal cases, because that's what the Department of Justice does. Right, this isn't the minority report. We don't have the ability, like the pre-cogs, to go in the pre-crime unit and stop these things before they happen. Department of Justice can't do that. Oh, sure, the FBI has people under monitoring, you know, they're monitoring people and they're doing investigations. And if they can avert a crime, sure. But the
Starting point is 00:12:49 Department of Justice usually comes in after, right? It has to clean up behind the elephants and bring people to justice. They leave it to the people to do whatever they're going to do. If the criminal laws are constitution and basic civility in the social contract, isn't going to stop somebody from trying to steal democracy from their neighbor and trample on it, then the Department of Justice has to come in and investigate, arrest, indict, prosecute, convict along with the help of everybody else in the justice system, including jurors who are also doing their civic duty and should also not be the subject of violent, extremist threats attacks and otherwise.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Because how are we going to get anybody to be an election worker, to be a juror, a grand juror, to go into the law, to be a judge or a prosecutor. If our society doesn't protect them through its justice department, FBI, state and local prosecutors and law enforcement, it's just, it's a non starter. We have to do this, right? Somebody can sit in their whatever basement or in their car and they might think it's funny and they whip it up with their friends and family But these are serious threats against federal officers and federal workers and there are repercussions that we're now seeing played out by the election threats Task Force led by Lisa Monaco under Merrick Arlen under Joe Biden and now we can say it Joe Biden's Justice Department
Starting point is 00:14:21 Going after bad people who do bad things Joe Biden's Justice Department going after bad people who do bad things involving our election at every level. And this is a Justice Department that can walk and chew gum at the same time. They can investigate and prosecute over 2,000 people that storm the Capitol because Donald Trump blew the whistle. At the same time, they can bring multiple investigations and indictments of Donald Trump, who now has his fourth indictment, right? And looking at nine, seven total trials in nine months, while attorney generals in various states do their jobs to bring Donald Trump to justice, and perhaps we'll get a fifth criminal indictment before the year is over, right?
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's what we're looking at. If 2020 and 2021 was the year of the coup, 2022 and 2023 is the year of investigations, transparency, and bringing people to justice. And that's what we're exploring here on hot takes just like this one. If you like what I'm doing, I'm Michael Popeak. You might have known that. And I co-anchor the leading podcast that covers the intersection of US law and politics on the Midas Touch Network. Also free subscribe to it. It's called Legal AF.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And yes, it's what you think. And you can watch us on Wednesdays and Saturdays on YouTube. Pick us up everywhere you get audios from, audio podcasts from, on all of the platforms. Spotify, Google, Apple, and the like. You can follow me, Michael Popak at MS Popak on social media and give me a thumbs up here. It's part of our rating system. It keeps this type of content coming to you on a regular basis. I enjoy doing it and I'm glad you're here watching it.
Starting point is 00:16:05 So until the next hot take, this is Michael Popuck, legal AF. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. Ath Midas Touch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Follow us now. you

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