Legal AF by MeidasTouch - FED Up Dems EXPOSE Trump with ONE SIMPLE MOVE

Episode Date: August 2, 2024

The Senate Democrats are aiding VP Harris’ presidential campaign by introducing the “No Kings Act” to apply criminal law to all presidents and reverse the Supreme Court’s immunity decision. Mi...chael Popok reports on how Kamala Harris will use this to counter-punch Trump on the campaign trail and in debates and it will aid down-ballot democrats in their own election bids as well. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:49 sessions you can do from anywhere. Never skip therapy day with BetterHelp. Visit to learn more. That's BetterH-E-L-P dot com. Michael Popock, Legal AF, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Senate Democrats are leaving no stone unturned in their attempt to reverse the decision by the United States Supreme Court to grant absolute immunity or immunity with a presumptive immunity for anyone who occupies the Oval Office for criminal conduct. That's the result of the July 1st decision by the United States Supreme Court in Trump versus the US, which effectively gave anyone who occupies that office, including somebody named Donald Trump,
Starting point is 00:01:29 immunity, different levels of immunity we'll talk about on this odd take, but immunity for criminal conduct while he happened to also be president of the United States, except in some narrow categories of obvious, we hope, private conduct having nothing to do with the office. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader for the Democrats and supported by Kamala Harris as part of her platform, if you will, for becoming elected President of the United States, supports the No Kings Act. It's what it sounds like. We don't have kings in this country. We are a law and a society of law, not men. We are a society where no one is
Starting point is 00:02:06 above the law. We say that. Everybody gives lip service to it, including Chief Justice Roberts in his decision back in July in one line, but you got to walk the walk and talk the talk. That's what Chuck Schumer's doing. He's going to put it up for Senate debate to see who's against voting for a king. In other words, anyone that votes for something called the No Kings Act and votes, I vote no on the No Kings Act. I like kings. You like people above the law? What it's going to do is address certain observations that are now law in the 6-3 decision by the
Starting point is 00:02:41 United States Supreme Court in July in which established this for the first time ever immunity from criminal prosecution of a president, former or current occupant. And what it says is yes, no person is above the law. The criminal laws to be applied to the president are to be determined by Congress, not by courts. And they, in this no-kings act Act are applying all criminal law on the books to somebody who happens to also be the president of the United States at the time. That is one way the Democrats are addressing, it's basically a multi-pronged attack on that to try to reverse the impact and effects of the July 1st decision. First, you get something like the No Kings Act passed. But for that, you need to have the will of the people as expressed through
Starting point is 00:03:32 Congress, which is another incentive for people to vote blue on November the 5th so that Congress is fully in the hands of the Democrats. Then they can get this law on the books and pass with a super majority and we're off and running. That's one thing. Constitutional amendments are very, very interesting, but very, very hard to get passed, needing two-thirds of the states and two-thirds of Congress to approve. This is not going to happen, even though some of the things that are being proposed about constitutional amendments are good for us to discuss as a people.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But what can we do right now? Things like what Chuck Schumer is doing and Kamala Harris is supporting to get laws on the books that make it clear that the president is not above the law. We can't rely on lip service anymore. We can't rely on the United States Supreme Court to be the last firewall to protect our democracy. We have to have apparently the only adult in the room. It looks like it's going to be the last firewall to protect our democracy. We have to have apparently the only adult in the room, looks like it's going to be the president if Kamala Harris takes the oath and Senate Democrats. Everything else is sort of up for grabs. So what are the chances of the no Kings Act passing? Right now in this session of Congress, low. Low. The Senate might pass it, but you're going to have to have something like this also, I would believe, approved by the House. And that's not
Starting point is 00:04:52 going to happen. I think it's important that the Senate approve it. I think it's important that, even if it's on party line vote, which it's going to be, It's important that the Republicans be put to the vote and that it become a debate topic between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Where do you stand, sir? How dare you, sir? You've already been a convicted criminal. There's only one criminal on this stage, sir, and it's not me. And then have him, you know, this will help tie up and give Kamala Harris a very easy pivot point in making her closing argument to the American people whenever she's side by side Donald Trump or when she's not and she's out on the campaign trail making her argument for why she deserves to be the president of the United States first time
Starting point is 00:05:44 in our history, a woman elected president. Hard to believe that I have to say those words in 2024, but now is the time to finally break that final glass ceiling and make a woman President. This woman President, Kamala Harris. It's hot outside and your nighttime bedroom temperature has a huge impact on your sleep quality. If you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend you check out Miracle Maid's bedsheets. Using silver-infused fabrics inspired by NASA, Miracle Maid sheets are thermoregulating and designed to keep you at the perfect temperature all night long, no matter the weather. So you get better sleep every night. These sheets are infused with silver that prevent up to 99.7% of bacterial growth, leaving them to stay cleaner and fresh
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Starting point is 00:07:36 Again, that's slash Legal AF to treat yourself. Thank you, Miracle Made, for sponsoring this episode. Now I love what Chuck Schumer's doing because it's a win-win-win. We'd love to get it passed, but even if it doesn't get passed, the Republicans are going to have to take a position on it. If they vote no, then that kind of vote is going to be used against them in their home territories by their opponent. Oh, you voted against the No Kings Act? You're in favor of kings.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You're in favor of people above the law. That's what your vote says as recorded in the congressional record. So from a down-ballot perspective, this is very, very effective politics. If you vote yes, you help pass it. If you vote no, your own electoral possibilities and potential is in jeopardy.
Starting point is 00:08:26 That's one. Two, it gives Kamala Harris a very good soapbox to get up on and a pivot point when she's counterpunching Donald Trump. As I said, either side by side in an eventual debate where she gets to be and have the moral high ground of being a prosecutor, being a vice president, being a senator, being an attorney general against Donald Trump. And make him take a position on the No Kings Act because what's he going to say? I'm not a king, but I get full immunity for everything that I did. I believe in the United States Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Anything he says is gonna be used against him in the court of public opinion, right? So I like this proposed amendment for all of these reasons. It's smart, it's right, it's morally and legally correct. And it goes to the heart of the matter that the United States Supreme Court gave us. This is the hand that we've been dealt as a Constitution Republic and as Democrats. We have to figure out now how to use that hand to our advantage in a
Starting point is 00:09:40 political campaign that's going to go by lightning fast. Lightning fast sounds like a lot. Oh, there's 90 plus days or whatever it is to the election, less than a hundred. That goes by so quick. Sometime this week, we're going to get a vice presidential pick by Kamala Harris. She's going to demonstrate to the world her judgment by who she picks. People are going to nod their head in an affirmative way when she shows leadership, when she shows judgment. There's only two major, besides having a body of work from a lifetime of public service like Kamala Harris that you can evaluate. Attorney General, prosecutor, state prosecutor before that,
Starting point is 00:10:25 Senator, Vice President, entire body of work in the public eye since she's been in her 30s, last 30 years. But the other major thing that you judge a presidential candidate on about their ability to be the president is A, who they pick for Vice President, and B, how they run their campaign. The Harris Campaign Incorporated where she is the CEO and the chairman of the board and the COO. So you look at that and how is she doing two weeks in? Fantastic. If she was in corporate
Starting point is 00:10:59 America, you'd sign her to a 10 or 20 year contract already and give her a bonus. That's how well she's doing. $200 million in the bank, not a one false step. Amazing counter punching abilities, amazing harnessing of social media and of modern election techniques and campaigning techniques to use against Donald Trump in real time, in nanoseconds that are required under this news cycle. So you judge her on that because she's the head of her own campaign. And the second thing you judge her on is who she picks for vice president. Now there's going to be some disappointed people. She's got four major candidates, a couple have already dropped out. It's going to be a white governor. There's a couple of other people she's considering, but I would be shocked if it's not a white governor. And she's got various
Starting point is 00:11:51 relationships with these white governors. Some of them are attorney generals or have been attorney generals like she was, or she's got a relationship with them. All of them have an amazing body of work. All of them are reliable number twos for her and will demonstrate her judgment. Pardon me. That's another way you judge a vice president. And then of course how she does against Donald Trump whenever she's side by side with him. A couple of times, maybe they'll cram a couple of debates in, but otherwise how she responds on the campaign trail. While she continues to do her job as vice president of the United States, as a co-leader, as a partner with Joe Biden for the remaining six months. They just got a 13-person prisoner exchange arranged
Starting point is 00:12:40 through their NATO relationships that freed three American journalists that had been facing a lifetime in gulags in Russia. Things that Donald Trump said, elect me, I'll get them out. We don't need you. We don't need you to end wars. We don't need you and your cockamamie weird diplomacy and attacking of our allies instead of our enemies. We're going to continue to follow everything about Kamala Harris, everything about the democratic response to the United States Supreme Court, including reforming the United States Supreme Court, adding new people to it, and having term limits, only on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. Our podcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time, we sit at the intersection of law and politics so you don't have to. We curate the top four or five stories like this one.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Wednesdays I do it with Karen Friedman at Nifilo. Saturdays with Ben Micellis. And then on hot takes like this about every hour on the Midas Touch Network. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Hear ye, hear ye. Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep Park reporting.

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