Legal AF by MeidasTouch - FED UP Judge SHUTS DOWN Rudy Giuliani in Court to HIS FACE

Episode Date: December 12, 2023

After only 1 day of trial, an out of control Rudy Giuliani had DEFAMED election workers Ruby freeman and Shay Moss AGAIN on the courthouse steps, as his OWN LAWYER tells the judge HE CAN’T CONTROL H...IM. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains how the federal judge will likely sanction Giuliani and possibly his lawyer again, as the defamation case to set the tens of millions of damages he will pay, moves into just Day 2. Head to to get a 14 day FREE trial with your own personal trainer. Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AAP, Rudy Giuliani is in trouble again. First day of his trial, and he's already stepped in the bucket with the judge. Once again, the same judge that sanctioned him half a dozen times from misconduct in the pre trial. This judge is now very upset with him and wants answers about why Rudy Giuliani on the courthouse steps, told reporters that everything he said about Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss committing voting fraud was true when the judge has already ruled on the courthouse steps, told reporters that everything he said about Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss committing voting fraud was true when the judge has already ruled that it is not true.
Starting point is 00:00:30 And that's also inconsistent with Rudy Giuliani's own written stipulation under oath that he knows that he committed death to famedory statements against them and argued in his filings that he shouldn't even have a trial because he's already admitted and he's willing to settle. The new Rudy Giuliani in the clip I'm about to show you went out on the courthouse steps and defamed them once again. Whatever happened to them, which is it's unfortunate for the people overreaction, but everything I said about them is true. Do you regret what you did to? Of course I don't regret.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I told the truth. They were engaged in changing votes. There's no proof of that. Oh, you dare right there, it's stay tuned. We knew that Judge Barrel Howell was going to take him to task and she has in the courtroom with his new lawyer, Joe Sibley. She said to Joe Sibley that she was irate and very, very upset about his testimony, which
Starting point is 00:01:33 was as follows, as you can hear from the following clip. When I testify, the whole story will be definitively clear that what I said was true, that they committed voter fraud and that whatever happened to them, which is unfortunate about other people overreacting, everything I said about them is true. That is lie. That is a lie that's already been determined by the record. None of that is true. And Rudy Giuliani for those that are wondering, does he have the right to take an inconsistent position on the courthouse steps in front of the reporters that he's not taking or can't
Starting point is 00:02:01 take inside of a courtroom? And the answer to that is no. United States District, United States District Judge, barrel Howell warned Giuliani's lawyer today this morning at the start of the second day of the trial that the remarks his clients made to reporters about Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss when leaving the courthouse yesterday amounted to defamatory statements about them yet again, in a case about how big of a check he's going to write for defamation. They also, as I did in a prior hot tick, the lawyers in the opening statement for Rudy Giuliani risked a mistrial because they argued exactly what the judge said they could not
Starting point is 00:02:37 argue to tell the jury that Rudy Giuliani was bankrupt or had financial difficulties and therefore they should go easy on him in how big of a damage check that they're going to write for Ruby Freeman and Jay Moss. They crossed that line. Now, I think on the plaintiff's side, they liked the jury that was selected and they don't want him mistrial. And so I think they're going to let that pass with a record made. But now, Rudy Giuliani, you know, to add insult to injury or injury to further injury goes out on the courthouse steps
Starting point is 00:03:05 and says everything he said was true and not a lie and he's and all of that. And the judge called out Joe Sibley, the lawyer for Rudy Giuliani and said, in your opening, you called Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss in order in order to get some sympathy from the jury for them to go easier on your client in order to show mercy on your client. You said the plaintiffs were good people, right? That they were good people that bad things have happened to and the bad things should not have happened to. You just don't take responsibility for those bad things being caused by your client. But the judge said, how can you reconcile calling them good people in the courtroom and then having your client
Starting point is 00:03:45 go out on the courthouse steps and say the opposite and to which Joe simply very similar to a Joe Takapina, the lawyer for Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carroll case in the summer about his rape and defamation of E. Jean Carroll. He said almost identically, eerily similar statement back to the judge. He says, I can't control everything he does, your honor. That's almost exactly what Joe Takapina said to judge Kaplan in the federal case when Trump said he wanted to testify, but he couldn't testify and he went to Scotland instead of testifying.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And Joe Takapina says, I, you know, you know, my client, your honor, I can't control them. Same thing here. Joe's simply throwing Rudy Giuliani under the bus in response to the judge, because he wants to practice law and he wants to practice law in front of this judge again in the future.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And this is not his last client or his first client. And so at the appropriate moment, he did what any lawyer would do. He threw his client under the bus in that scenario, it's a preserve his own, uh, quickly, quickly eroding credibility with this judge, you know, so there you go with Joe Sibley. Copilot is a personalized fitness solution. Every individual is unique.
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Starting point is 00:07:19 The judge wearing the black robe is gonna do it for him because I think there's already been an attempt to mistry this case by opening the door to something a judge said they could not, which is to argue ruditually any finances to the jury. They're not allowed to do that and yet they did. And here I think they're just looking again for a mistrial to pressure the court system, to pressure the judge and to making a mistake to giving them some sort of reversible error.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Say, oh, the judge is against me., the judges ruled against me six time for sanctions, right? Because Rudy Giuliani refuses to play by any rules and refuses to participate in good faith in the legal system as required by the federal rules. He's in federal court. And therefore he's gotten sanctioned time and time again for failing to comply with his Discovery obligations that turn over documents to sit for deposition to make Required filings in the case and so hundreds of thousands of dollars have been awarded already against them by the judge for an attorney's fees paid so Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss, but she then did the ultimate
Starting point is 00:08:23 She gave him the the civil equivalent of the death penalty by finding as a matter of law and as a sanction for his bad conduct that he can't argue liability, that he is liable to them for punitive damages, consequential damages, and reputational harm, and the repair of all that, you know, for how terribly docks they were, and now the jury is going to is going to with proper instruction. Including based on rulings this judge made a month or two ago, the judge is going to be instructing the jury that they are to assume that Rudy Giuliani was hiding his money and refusing to produce documents about his finances in order for them to be misled
Starting point is 00:09:04 to lower the amount of the damage award. When the jury hears that, is there any doubt in anybody's mind? The jury already being told the judge ruled against Rudy Giuliani that they are to assume that the statements were to family that they are assumed that there was actual damage to Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss that they are to assume that Rudy Giuliani can pay the freight for any judgment that that should not be their concern. That'll be a curative instruction to fix the problem from the opening statement.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I'm sure they're negotiating over the language of giving the jury an instruction so they understand how much money he has or doesn't have, whether he's going to go bankrupt or not or what Joe Sibley called the death penalty civilly, should be not part of their calculus in writing that check somewhere between 15 and $50 million as requested by those lawyers. These are the instructions that are gonna be given to this jury to assume that Rudy Giuliani
Starting point is 00:09:57 is hiding information from you in order to lower the amount of your damage award. Now go in the back and deliberate and return a verdict. That's what's gonna happen at the end of your damage award. Now go in the back and deliberate and return a verdict. That's what's going to happen at the end of the week. And all of this ridiculous tambourine shaking on the courthouse steps following the lead of Donald Trump, who did the same thing in real time in the civil fraud case in New York and got gagged twice as a result of it and just pissed off the judge and the court system all the way up to the appellate courts, Rudy Giuliani following in those footsteps.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Let me leave the hot take on this. Judge barrel, howell doesn't play. No federal judge plays. I mean, you want to, you want to try to push around a New York state Supreme Court justice that's handling a trial in New York. That's one thing. You want to try to push around a federal judge, grab your toothbrush. You're going to end up in the federal detention center.
Starting point is 00:10:50 If you continue to violate the decorum and the sanctity of that proceeding, she's had enough with Rudy Giuliani, as we know from her prior sanctions against him. And she knows the Jan 6th and Rudy Giuliani involvement better than anyone, not better than most, better than anyone sitting on the DC bench. She had been, for most of the Jan 6th and the Department of Justice's work to bring these people to justice and bring over a thousand prosecutions. She was the chief judge of the DC circuit court. She was responsible for the administration of all of the trials among all of the DC circuit court judges. And
Starting point is 00:11:32 she presided over all of the grand jury, secret grand jury proceedings that led to the search warrant, the subpoena against Donald Trump and Mar-a-Lago, all of the stripping of all of the attorney client privilege of all of Donald Trump's lawyers all made their way through barrel owl. She knows Rudy Giuliani's role better than anybody, and she's had it with him. And if he thinks, you know, she's going to give in the benefit of the doubt, he's on a very tight leash in that courtroom, one that he continues to choke on of his own making. We'll continue to follow the trial that that should be something
Starting point is 00:12:07 we don't have to follow every day, but we do because of the acting out and misbehavior continuing by Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer tries to save his own hide by throwing his client under the bus. So you like this kind of hot take and this kind of update, then you're going to love what we do every week on legal AF, the leading podcast at the intersection of law politics and justice, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. only on the Midas Touch Network. Give me a thumbs up here, leave a review, a comment. It helps with her ratings and keeps me on the air. So until my next hot take, until my next legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:12:49 AtmidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now. you

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